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Ancient Tamil NaduExercise

General Instructions:

(i) Questions 1-10 are very short answer questions. These are required to be

answered in one sentence each.

(ii) Questions 11-24  are short answer questions. Answers to them should

normally not eceed 40-45 words each.

(iii) Questions 25-28 are lon! answer questions. Answer to them should

normally not eceed 70 words each.

(iv) Answer should be brie" and to the #oint.

Question 1 $ho was the author o" %&annool'

Question 2 &ame a "amous #oet o" Tamil &adu o" ancient #eriod.

Question ! How Tamil we s#ea can be a##reciated

Question 4 $hat was *umari *andam

Question 5 $hat was the ca#ital o" +andyas

Question " $hat was ,emuria

Question 7 $hat is Senthamih

Question 8 &ame some o" the sea #orts o" Tamil &adu ancient #eriod.

Question # nto how many #arts/ was the land divided by the #oets durin! the San!am

Question 10 &ame the three ancient Tamil *in!doms.

Question 11 #lain the "eatures o" %*umari *andam'.

Question 12 How were the re!ions o" 1adras +residency divided a"ter the inde#endence

Question 1! $ho were the di""erent rulers o" ancient Tamil &adu 1ention the re!ions

ruled by them.

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Very short answer type (1 mark)

Short answer type (2 & 3 marks)

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Question 14 How did the #ets divide the land durin! San!am

Question 15 $hat were the duties o" the *in!/ 2hie"tains and +atrons o" ancient Tamil


Question 1" $hich #art o" ndia came under the 2hera *in!dom. &ame a "ew "amousrulers o" this in!dom.

Question 17 &ame two im#ortant in!s o" 2hola *in!dom and mention their achievements.

Question 18 $ho were re!arded as !ood sea traders durin! the San!am A!e $hat were

their tradin! contacts

Question 1# $here was the second San!am held $ho all #artici#ated in the second


Question 20 $rite the characteristic "eatures o" ancient Tamil

Question 21 &ame some "amous 2hera and +andyas in!s.

Question 22 $hy did we call 1adurai as *udal &ame the Tamil words that are used to

denote the mode o" sea trade.

Question 2! 1atch the "ollowin!3

Tola##iam 4ano Arrasan

&eithel 5orest area

*urinchi oo be"ore San!am



1ountainous re!ion

1ullai Hero StonesHeroic death 2oastal area

Question 24 $rite a short note on the re!ions located under the three ancient Tamil

in!doms. &ame their res#ective emblems.

Question 25 $rite a note on the history o" "ormation o" Tamil &adu.

Question 2" $hich lan!ua!e is used in Tamil &adu 7escribe a "ew "amous literary worso" Tamil &adu.

Question 27 $hich re!ions were covered in the 2hola *in!dom $hat was their ca#ital8

&ame the #ort and emblem o" the 2hola in!dom.

Question 28 Throw li!ht on the social li"e o" The +andya *in!dom.

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Long answer type (5 marks)

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Ans$er 1 avanandhi 1unnivar was the author o" %&annool'.

Ans$er 2 Subramania harathiyar was a "amous #oet o" Tamil &adu o" ancient #eriod.

Ans$er ! Tamil we s#ea can be a##reciated as Senthamih/ +aeynthamih and


Ans$er 4 The ndian 9cean on the south o" 2a#e 2omorin was the landmass be"ore

#re-historic #eriod and was called as *umari *andam.

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 Answer Key

Very short answer type (1 mark)

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Ans$er 5 Thenmadurai was the ca#ital o" +andyas.

Ans$er " ,emuria was a bi! landmass that connected A"rica and Australia.

Ans$er 7 Tamil lan!ua!e which is ado#tive to !rammatical norms is called Senthamih.

Ans$er 8 +uhar/ *orai/ 1usiri/ Thondi qand :anchi were some o" the sea #orts o" the

ancient #eriod o" Tamil &adu.

Ans$er # ,and was divided into "ive #hysical divisions by the #oets durin! the San!am.

Ans$er 10 The 2hera *in!dom/ the 2hola *in!dom and the +andyan *in!dom are three

ancient Tamil *in!doms.

Ans$er 11  %*umari *andam' was a land mass. t was ei!ht to ten times bi!!er than the

South ndia. A river named %5ahruli' ran on this land mass. The re!ion

com#rised o" wide ran!es o" mountains and dee# "orests. t was an e""icient

in!dom havin! civilied #o#ulation.

Ans$er 12 A"ter inde#endence/ the re!ions o" 1adras +residency were divided into the

state o" Tamil &adu alon! with a "ew districts and Talus o" Andhra +radesh/

*erala/ *arnataa and 9rissa.

Ans$er 1! The ancient Tamil &adu was ruled by the 2hera rulers such as

mayavaramban &eduncheralathan/ the 2hola rulers such as *arial 2holan

and the +andya rulers such as. 1udhatirumaran. The +andyas ruled over the

Southern #art o" South ndia/ the 2heras over the $est and the 2holas over


Ans$er 14 The #oets divided the land into "ive #hysical divisions durin! San!ams. They

were the mountainous re!ion which was called *urinchi/ the "orested re!ion

called 1ullai/ the coastal area called &eidel/ the sandy re!ions called +alai and

#lains called 1arudam.

Ans$er 15 The main duty o" in!/ chie"tains and #atrons o" ancient Tamil &adu was to

#rotect their sub;ects. They #rovided "avorable conditions "or the #oets/

traders/ idayars/ oothar/ viraliyar/ #annar/ uhavars and maravars to lead a

com"ortable li"e.

Ans$er 1" The 2hera *in!dom included *erala and &orth-$est o" Tamil &adu. :anchi

was their ca#ital. Thondi and 1usiri were their #orts and their emblem was

ow and Arrow.

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Short answer type (2 & 3 marks)

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mayavaramban &eduncheralathan and Sillambu +u!ah 2heran Sen!uttuvan

were the "amous 2hera in!s.

Ans$er 17 *arial 2holan and <a;ara;a 2hola were the two im#ortant in!s o" the 2hola

*in!dom. *arial 2holan conquered elam and built *allanai on the bans o" the river 2auvery. <a;ara;a 2hola conquered &orth/ =ava and *adaram.

Ans$er 18 +eo#le livin! in the South o" Tamil were !ood sea traders. They had trade

lins with !y#t/ 2hina/ 4avanam/ <ome and other astern countries. &avai/

*a##al/ *alam/ Thoni/ 9dam/ +ada!!u/ The##am and *atamaram were the

Tamil words used to denote the mode o" sea trade.

Ans$er 1# The second San!am was held in *a#ada#uram by the #oets. t was "ormed

because the "irst San!am was washed away in the tsunami.

>?   +andiyas and >@00   #oets #artici#ated in it. ,ater/ this was also sub-mer!ed in tsunami.

Ans$er 20 Ancient Tamil was a classical lan!ua!e as it was develo#ed without the hel# o" 

other lan!ua!es. t was characteried by the number o" chan!es in !rammar

which is called Senthamih.

Ans$er 21 mayavaramban &eduncheralathan and Sillambu +u!ah 2heran Sen!uttuvan

were some "amous 2hera in!s.

1udhatirumaran and Thalaiyalan!anathu 2heruvendra &eduncheiyan were

some "amous +andyas in!s.

Ans$er 22 As the +andya in!s #atronied the #oets and held research on Tamil/ we call

1adurai as *udal.

&avai/ *a##al/ *alam/ Thoni/ 9dam/ +ada!!u/ The##am and *atamaram were

the Tamil words used to denote the mode o" sea trade.

Ans$er 2!

Tola##iam oo be"ore san!am

&eithel 2oastal area

*urinchi 1ountainous re!ion



4ano Arrasan

1ullai 5orest area

Heroic death Hero Stones

Ans$er 24 The re!ions located under the three ancient Tamil in!doms were3

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• The 2hera in!dom included *erala and the &orth-$est o" Tamil &adu.

Their emblem was bow and arrow.

• The 2hola in!dom included Trichy/ Than;avur/ &a!a#attinam/

+uduottai and some #arts o" the South Arcot. Their emblem was ti!er.

• The +andya in!dom included the #laces "rom *anyaumari to

1adurai. Their emblem was "ish.

Ans$er 25 7urin! the San!am A!e/ Tamil &adu was ruled by the 2holas in the east/ the

#andyas in the 2entral area and the 2heras in the west. n the ABth  century/

the southern Hindu dynasties combined with the threats o" 1uslim invasions

and the em#ire o" :i;ayana!ar was established. y the middle o" ACth

century/ there were con"licts between the 5rench/ ritish/ 7anes and 7utch

due to their interest in their areas.

The ritish were victorious and most o" the South ndia was inte!rated into

the re!ion called 1adras +residency under the ritish <ule. n?>6 / the

1adras +residency was divided and Tamil &adu was established.

Ans$er 2" Tamil is the lan!ua!e o" Tamil &adu which was a classical lan!ua!e as it was

develo#ed without the hel# o" other lan!ua!es. t was characteried by thenumber o" chan!es in !rammar which is called Senthamih.

The "amous literatures o" Tamil &adu were ttutho!ai and +athu#attu. *a#ilar/

Avvayyar/ &aeerar/ +aranar and hundreds o" #oets wrote #oem in these

literature. These hel# us to understand the cultures/ civiliations/ customs and

#olitical li"e o" Tamilians. Tola##ium was also a "amous literature which was

ori!inated be"ore the third San!am.

Ans$er 27 The 2hola in!dom included Trichy/ Than;avur/ &a!a#attinam/ +uduottai and

some #arts o" the South Arcot. *arial 2holan and *illivalavan were the

"amous 2hola in!s. *arialan conquered elam and built *allanai on thebans o" the river 2auvery.

Their ca#ital was Draiyur.

*aviri#oom#attinam was their #ort and ti!er was their emblem.

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Long answer type (5 marks)

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<a;ara;a 2hola and <a;endra 2hola were the "amous 2hola in!s o" the

medieval #eriod who conquered &orth/ =ava and *adaram.

Ans$er 28 n +andya in!dom/ there was discrimination accordin! to their occu#ations

and untouchability was not #racticed. However later/ caste discrimination and

untouchability came into e""ect. $omen had the ri!ht to choose their#artners. The rituals o" risin! o" holy "ire and chantin! o" mantras were not in


$omen were not treated accordin! to :edas. Tem#les were not built and

#eo#le used to worshi# the stones erected in memory o" the dead soldiers

which were nown as hero stones. They celebrated harvest "estival/ +on!al

"estival and the "estival o" s#rin! season.

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