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  • 7/24/2019 Salafi Chronogram


    2014 oct ISIS. Background and impact IN THE ANNEX

    2014 octThe Islamic Caliphateis proclaimed with the creation of the Islamic State under the leadership of Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadi, stretching the control from North of Aleppoto south of Bagdad,including cities of Raqqain Syria and

    Mosulin Iraq with about 6 million pe ople living under its ruling. Control is based on alliances with local sun ni tribal groups (consult ANNEX II) who had b een victims of Bashar al Assad in Syria and from Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq,

    weaker adversaries regardless of political position or beliefs at the moment. the sustainability is reached by balance of government by fear and governmnet by consent.

    2014 junI.S's donationshave no significant weigthin the total amount of incomes. Its most importantincome proceed fron oil sales, "zakat" or taxeson businesses and individuals,tollson commercial road traffic,sale of captured

    equipment, operations in expropiated factories and criminal activitieslike kidnapping for ransom, looting or extortion.

    2014Coalition forces withdraw from Afghanistan. Talibans in Afghanistan empower AQ. International policy ignoring Talibans ofMullah Mohammad Omarand the Haqqani Networkbring a new sanctuary to AQ created by local

    forces and repetition of fails. International policy should help the Afghan Government in security and defense.

    2013 aug ISIS begins sustained attacks on Syrian rebelgroupssuch as Liwa al Tawhid and Ahrar al Sham, and then al Nusra in Raqqa and Aleppo. This completely changes the nature of the rebellion in Syria.

    2013 jul ISIS announces the initiation of a "soldier's harvest" campaign to intimidate/liquidate/assassinate Iraqi security forces and to establish the control over the territory.

    2013 aprJebbab al-Nusrais declared by the ISI as the official Syrian offshoot and therefore the group shall be known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Al-Nusra immediately rejects the statement and appeals to Al-Qaeda

    central for judgment.

    2012 jul

    And following years, the Islamic State expands on both sides of the Iraq/Syria border to continuate from terrorism to insurgency. Underground cells became military divisions and hit-and-run tactics became campaigns of

    conquest to hold territory. These organizational skills requerired special support from senior officials under Saddam Hussein and by Ba'athist leaders. Originaly seculars but later they claimed religious legitimation for their

    actions, according to their extremme Salafist Takfirinterpretation of Islam, acording to which, who ever that reject their thesis, is a infidel (kafir) or an apostate (murhab) . This is a fundamentalist perspective supported by

    military leaders of the former Saddam Hussein's regime, who do not administrate good civilian administration.How reacted AQ?With criticism to the extensive violence toward the considered like kafir and murthab. Therefore

    TAKFIRISM= Absolutist jihadism.

    2012 ISI announces the initiation of "breaking down the walls" campaign to refuel the group by freeing members from Iraqi prisons and by regaining lost ground.

    2011 novIRAQ. The I.S show itself tactically and strategically adapted after survive along years like a persistent violent criminal/terrorist gang able to mount multiple synchronized attacks in Iraq.Sectarian approachof the Prime Minister

    Nouri al-Maliki, made sunni minority to remain marginalized . Therefore Sunni support to the Islamic State was a pillar for its growth.

  • 7/24/2019 Salafi Chronogram


    2011 aug

    Ayman al-Zawahiri release an statement about OBL death. Strategic debate arises about the Western enemy VS the local wars in North Africa, Arabian Peninsula or Afghanistan. AQ plays the ROLEof multiplierto insurgent local

    groups by shaping propaganda campaigns, enforcing new religious groups, supply financial and logistic aid and recruiting of jihadists. In Afghanistan the original cooperator wasMullah Mohammad Omar. Taliban who managed

    internationally the Haqqani network. AQ upholds a complex adaptative system diverse and flexible formed by multiple cells and networks with different goals.ADAPTATIVE CONDITION: AQ embeds within groups like a

    consulting service provider not regularly involved with local groups in operations. Therefore, operations are launched by these local groups and networks independently.AQ AIMS: traditionally are three: 1.To overthrow key

    regimes in muslim countries (near enemy). 2.To establish a pan-islamic Caliphate. 3.To fight against the far enemy. NEW GOALS: To unite Muslims against the far and near enemies. To construct an Islamic belt worlwide from

    North Africa to South East Asiaby the Middle East, East Africa and Central Asia. AQ. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Is hyerarchical with the Afghan front embeded with groups and cells. It isorganized in SHURAS: Inner shura.

    Media Shura. Military shura (recruitment and operations) and two committees: religious to issue fatwas and financial to acquire founds, finance operations, manage money. UP-TO-DOWN strategy: the primary threat to western

    countries by organizing groups directly supported by AQ senior operatives from AQ-C. AIDING & ABETTING: Support the insurgency by financial aid, propaganda efforts and tactic experience obtained in Warfields like Iraq, Syria

    or Pakistan (multiplier effect). Military tactics gather explosive building of IED's learn by local insurgents Taliban from AQ although they were initially reluctant to obtain training in first instance, when AQ was perceive by

    Talibans like an intruder. In the first stages AQ encouraged Talibans to commit suicide attacks against Police and Military (reluctancy) but they were caused more civil cassualties than officials. This popular rejection to AQ wasused by coalition forces and the Afghan Government against AQ in Afghanistan.

    2011 may

    BACKGROUND. Osama Bin Ladenis dead in Abbottabad (Pakistan),Ayman Al-Zawahirisubstitute him one month later. After the U.S leave Iraq unprotected, AQ attacksshias massively and bring Iraqi sunnis to a revolt against

    AQ-I. AQ-I createsJebbab al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front), a secular front to fight against Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad (shia regime) . DISSAGREGATION and competition. Jebab Al-Nusra separate fromAQ-I when Al-Zawahiri

    is dissobey by the rebels. They share same goals of creating a strong islamic caliphate divided in Emirates (or provinces) but both divert in the means.Once split from AQ-I, they form the I.S.I.S. AQ-Islamic Maghreb based in

    Mali also tries to split from the matrix but they do not achieve it. Nowadays I.S. and AQ-I competefor resources and preminence taking advantage of the weaknesses of Iraqi GovernmentAl-Malikiand the Syrian situation.

    2010 jul

    Suicide attacks in Kampala (Uganda) by a cell of Al Shabab Al-Mujaheedin (ASAM) under direction of AQ-EA during the world soccer final match between Spain and Nederland in South-Africa. Same organization which had

    attempted against Israeli targets in 2002 in Mombassa (Kenya) and Dar-Es-Salam (Nairobi) in 1998. The proliferation of this orgzanization roots in 1991 whit the deep instability in Somalia (neighbour country) where the

    organization roots its basis. Implicated: Fazul Abdullah Mohammad, Saleh Ali Nabhan and Oman Issa (implicated in 2002 attacks in Mombassa) . Poor socio-economic conditions, had secured AQ operattives within local

    communities, population extremely poor and lacking of basic necessities such as running water but with deep Islamic beliefs, receive relief assistance and direct economic help from F.A.M, he marries a local woman and other

    jihadists integrate in the community. They are maintained links from the small cell and AQ-C bySaleh Ali Nabhan (strategist of ASAM) andTariq Abdullah. The allegiance between ASAM and AQ-C is demonstrated after 1998's

    bombings by AQ members in Somalia, and the establishment of a training camp in Mogadishu. MOTIVATION: The support by Uganda to peacekeeping operation in Somalia with 2700 peacekeepersreplacing the Ethipian

    possitions in january/2009. Al-Shabbab previously to the attempts had already condemned any form of entertainment including, cinema, DVD's and sports. Attacks had been prepared in Somalia and FAM is killed in 2011 in

    Mogadishu, 32 suspects from East African countries were charged.

    2010 may Abu Bakr Al-Bagdadiis the new leader of ISI (AQ-in Iraq) .

    2010 apr

    Abu Omar Al-Bagdhadiis dead by a US air strike with Abu Ayyub al Masri. Both had radicalized fight against Western targets bringing conflict within the ISI against the AQ's official original doctrine. Which involves the religious

    toleration, but they target Catholic Churches in Iraq in the precise moment that Adam Ghadahn prepares an Arabic statement addressed to Christian Arabs invoking the spirit of Islamic tolerance. So they break AQ's doctrinal

    and estrategical planning. Their death raise hope for a new unification of jihadists in Iraq. It would be possible later with the declaration of the ISIS (DAESH) in october/14 after merging AQ-I (ISI) and its Syrian branch Jebbab al-


    2009 dec(dec. 25)Christmas attacksFAILED by AQ-AP. AUTHOR: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Try to blow up a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit by detonation in the mid-air of explosives hidden in his underpants. He had been trained

    by AQ in Pakistan and AQ had provided him with explosives once in his base in Arab Peninsula. AQ-AP claims responsibility.

    2009 sep

    Two suicide bombers attack the AMISOM.ASAM attacks the UN mission in Somalia after the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia last january and the weakening of the security. Abu Mansur had declared the Islamic

    Emirate of Somalia two years before. CONCLUSION. Somalia nowadays is expected to remain like a safahaven of AQ-EA to recruit and train expatriates and threat the neigbouring countries. Which exert increasing pressure onASAM. Regional threatwith no international interests but demonstrated global consequences.

    2009 aug ISI bombs Iraqi Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance, killing hundreds.

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    2009 jul

    JAKARTA (Indonesia). Marriot & Rithz hotels are attacked by Jemaah Al-Islamyah. The islamic community under the influence and support from AQ-SE, the regional arm of AQ-C.Noordin Mohammad Topis considered the

    intelectual aithor and he is killed in a raid by the security forces. Jemaah Al-Islamyah: This action is consequence of the perseverance of the leader-less social movement supplying social support to terrorist organizations. The

    head of Jemaah Islamiya had been arrested and convicted after the string of attacks in 2003, 2004 and 2005 against western targets in Muslim countries. Jemaah Islamiyah replicates AQ-C mix estrategy of attacking near and far

    enemies in te region by attempting against Western interests in the Asian region on behaf of the same goals which are building the Caliphate. Til then, Jemaah Islamyah had demonstrated ideological and operational training

    combining public indoctrination in collective preachings with technical skills in weaponry and explosives, this combination created technical formed jihadists highly motivated. 200 members were trained in Camp Saddah

    (Afghanistan) between 1985 and 1995 with the cooperation fromMajelis Mujahidin Indonesia(terrorist group) . Regarding the Jemaah al-Islamyah, CONCLUSION: There is need to prevent the regional action. Needs of regional

    security policy. Not understimate the perseverance. Transnational action thanks to intelligence. Cooperation with the UMA to promote integration. Improvement of inter-ethnic peace and religious harmony in the region.

    2009 jan Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikitargets Sunni leaders and awakening groups, increasing sectarian tensions and latent support for ISI and Sunni tribal areas. This lessens the pressure on ISIS allowing it to stave off disaster.

    2008 nov

    Coordinated attacks by LET (Lashkar e-Taiba) in Mumbai . Pakistani influence in jihadist groups mobilized to secure internal and external strategic objetives. Pakistan (the State) had sponsored groups acting against India in

    Kashmir. Pakistani's militant groups used since the war against the URSS (anti-soviet jihad) had became now a political instrument. Pakistan's background was formed by groups of Pakistani-Talibans, which made appearance in

    Waziristan (Pakistan) in 2004 after having fought in Afghanistan. These are no pakistanis but Sunni groups with no influence from Iran. These groups reorient their views toward Kashmir(region under Indian administration).

    Some of them belonged to Tehreek e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TTP), focussed on attacking NATO troops in Afghanistan. CONCLUSION. There is dissaggregation of groups as result of the ISAF in Afghanistan. It had been founded LET:

    Lashkar-e-Taiba, banned in 2002, differing sustantially from other groups acting from Pakistan, LET coordinated the attacks on Mumbai. The attack happens after hundred of attacks throughout India, 60 hours of fight after

    taking positions by 10 Pakistani operatives who had held Mumbai by sea, divided in 4 teams launch 4 attacks coordinated; the target is to tak hostages and receive mediatic attention for: Regional expansion, recruitment and

    funding with both operational and mediatic success. Targets are international civilians according to Antisemitic agenda and the India's Jewish community. Perpetrators are trained to first infiltrate all the means and then the

    operatives under a hyerarchical structure and leadership. Motivations and goals are soft targets belonging to the "Brahamanic, Talmudic and Crussader alliance" after the Indo-israeli counterterrorist relations to have deeply

    irritated Pakistan and the Indian lobby in the U.S grow economically in a background of political and economic competition in the Central Asia between both countries. Attacks demonstrated the Pakistani's instrumentalization

    of jihadism, it's anti-India agenda, the preminece of Lashkar e Taiba in South-East Asia and its operational autonomy in respect to AQ. Pakistan demonstrated a selective war on terrorism and preservation of militant groups to

    serve its foreign policy goals. It caused cinism on the sense of continued US military support to Pakistan, distrust to Pakistani officials, threat to development of free commercial relations under the conditioning of violence and a

    new doctrine on the d efese by India toward Pakistan. Pakistan as an islamic nation-state not oriented to th e commerce and non-competitive economically versus India, globalized, ope ned and focussed in global relations.

    2008 sep It is declared by Abu Mansur the Islamic Emirate of Somalia under the troops of Ethiopia with US support.

    2008 jun Suicide attackin Islamabad to the Danish Embassy in response to anti-muslim cartoonsin Danish Media.

    2008 may Relentless pressure on ISI and other groups by USMIL and GOI results in a descent of violence since 2005.

    2008 jan

    Suicide bombing plot in Barcelona. 14 arrested. Target the local subway system. All foreigners but one nationalized Spanish. 11 indicted and imprissioned with proves of gatherings, communications, computers and unknown

    origined cash. PLOTTERS: Sunni radicals from Pakistan. Fundamentalists Tablighi Jamaat members and doctrine followers. Links to South Wazaristan in the porous border with Afghanistan. PUNJABIS. 8 of 11 came from Punjab,

    originally mobilized by AQ in 2007, allies with Talibans from Pakistani side. Individual and collective actors tried to attempt by suicide bombers with explosive devices against soft targets to force the withdrawal of western

    troops within the ISAF and the NATO from Afghanistan.

    2008 Until 2011. The level of threat is changed in the Airport of Shippol (Amsterdam) due to it is a route of transitfor international terrorists.


    Theory of the LEADERLESS JIHAD by Marc Sageman. Homegrown terrorists are the authors of Sinai attacks and others following the OBL fatwa against the Jews, Crussaders and their alliates. AQ's role is to serve like an

    inspiration to the jihadist social movement between homegrown cells to act independently. Small terrorist networks pursue their own activities for their own local reasons and they are SELF-REGULATED, SELF-MOTIVATED andAUTONOMOUS. This independence makes them more effective in the consecution of terrorist goals with no up-to-down management. Financing and logistics in the leaderless jihad consists in the commission of petty crimes

    and some cash, like the 1500 $ receive from Gaza insurgents by the Sinai bombers, a stolen car and the explosives obtained from a left-over land-mines in the dessert of Sinai from previous wars. The inner motivation in the case

    of Sinai is deprivation and poverty as Sinai Bedouines.


    Sanaabombings in Yemenagainst the U.S Embassy by 8 militants with two suicid e bombing cars. One shooter team paved th e way to penetrate the check p oints, then a car exploded in the line to enter the Embassy with people

    wainting at the gate. The result was 20 locals and 7 attackers, no severe damages and no American killed.. Original background is unstable with a long history of terrorist attacks against Western and Police forces.

    PERPETRATORS: 1 espiritual leader, 1 militar leader and 5 common militants with a mix of tactical/ideological leaders, cell formed first by recruitiment in prison and later trained in local training camps replicating AQ-C up-to-

    down organization. There was no Up-to-down organization but yes middle level-down. External links were not demonstrated and AQ-SAP tries to become the local Yemeni branch of AQ-AP fully independent. Saudis had already

    fought the Kingdom and scape d from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen as reaction to th e pressure of ISAF forces and the political sh ift of Saudi Arabia fighting AQAP.

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    2007 sep

    OPERATION ALBERICH. Germany. Three jihadists in Sauerland region state. Northern-Rhine Westphalia. Most important plot in Germany since 9/11. Manufactured explosives based on Hydrogen Peroxide. Two Germans

    converted to Islam + one Turk grown in Germany. German authorities know the group in october 2006. Help supplied by NSA on email communications intercepted among Pakistan and Germany give rise to the operation

    Alberich. It consists on the change of the hydrogen peroxide and the subsequent arrest along the controlled delivery. After 9/11 Jihadism in Germany is dominated by foreign organizations like AQ-C, AQ-AP and Ansar al islam

    (Kurd jihadists). This network with previous makes the difference in the fact that this is INTERNATIONALIST = homegrown + national converts. The previous are INTERNATIONAL and independent form the host country. The

    organization is the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), funded in Uzbekistan after emerging in the 1990's in Kabul. Original alliance with the Taliban and other Asian jihadists is integrated. the Islamic Jihad Union(IJU) originally seeks the

    downfall of the Uzbek Government but activities are performed in Central Asian Countries. So a domestic terrorist network becomes regional for central Asia and then international, it is absorbed by AQ-C, to later operate in

    Germany and other countries. The IMU, also known as the Haqqani network, increasingly sent foreign jihadists to Afghanistan from other countries. So it is considered an INTERNATIONALIST group and they do not present

    themselves like jihadist but yes like tied to Talibans and supported by other groups in Central Asia and Europe, with their alledged goal to disseminate their message worldwide. No conclusions are evidenced on the participation

    of AQ-C in the Sauerland Plot. (consult ANNEX II)

    2007 sep

    THE DANISH GLASVEJ CASE. Police operation in Copen hagen area. The plot has both: Global and European context. Evolution of Islamist terrorism in Denmark by a second generation of immigrants, homegrown jihadists (local

    group) amateur individuals with no professional training, no affiliation with international groups from the M.E or N.A. No experience, training or organizational skills and interest in the Global Jihad. By Surveillances it was

    demonstrated intentions to prepare a twenty kg explosive within a vest and act by a suicide bomber. No findings after the arrests and searches further than manual on how to build explosives and speculation on the targets.

    PLOTTERS: Born in Denmark, grown in Pakistan by family relocation with no father (in Denmark). No religious education in Islamabad (Pakistan). Start attending mosques in Denmark in 2005 due to loneliness and deintegration.

    Unhappy with Danish culture, women dressed unpropperly and difficulties to be a good Muslim. Bipolar thought infidels (takfir) VS muslims and Talion Law or retributive law. Domestic and foreign jihadist links Within the

    mosque among like minded Islamist Militants in Copenhage. AQ leadership and foot jihadists non-demonstrated connections. ROLE OF THE INTERNET: To connect jihadists by weak links and soft war like propaganda,

    development of the plot and diffussion of tactical and technical knowledge.

    2007 may US military surge and Sunni awakening begin to greatly diminish ISI.

    2007 april

    Attack in Algeria. Two suicide bombers simultaneously attack Algerian Palace of the Government and a Police Station. Abu Muhammad Salah, AQIM leaderclaims responsibility. PROFILE OF THE BOMBER: It is a common

    criminal recruitted in prisson when serving prison sentences for drugs trafficking. Three came from Al-Jabal suburb in Bourouba (Algiers). The attacks are committed the day 11. Which corresponds with the eleventh century and

    the eighness of the Western Islamic Empire, or Glorious era of Al-Andalus. CONSECUENCES: AQ-IM faces a challenge due to its growing influence in ther region and changes the organization in modus operandi and targets.

    There is split within AQ-IM, some do not support killed civilians, massive cassualties and indiscriminate actions. There is a loss of moral power by the supporters to the organization. MODUS OP.: 19 suicide attacks are executed

    in Algeria by AQ-IM jihadists, the most addressed to official targets. There is a string of kidnapes and beheadings in exchange of Ramson and release AQ prisoners in jail. REGIONAL PROFILE of AQ-IM is demonstrated within the

    Maghreb and Sahel from Mauritania westwards in contact with other organizations in Somalia. THE INTERNET plays a key role to establish an information and media committee in 2004 and to create their own website supplying

    documents and manuals to manufacture e xplosives and poisons. The decentralized organization in tactical and operational terms combines with a closer confirmed relation of de pendence of AQ central in doctrinal and

    estrategic terms. Regional profile of AQ-IM targets security apparatus of apostates states and western targets, moreover the network recruits in the whole region (specially Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Mali) and providesdecentralized network.

    2007 april

    Second wave of attacks in Moroccoto demonstrate that law-enforcement oriented responses after the events of may/2003 were right. The game had completely changed and civil society was aware of the terrorist threat. No

    place for terrorist to operate thanks to preventive security meassures and civil cooperation from the Farah Neighbourhood. Jihadists respond to direct AQ methods of recruiting different to traditional ones, hold internal

    discipline, class dynamics within the organization and AQ affiliates depend on young, impressionable and marginalized local men to operate. AIMS & MOTIVATIONS: Both Moroccan state and society are considered Takfir

    (pagan) and they should by fought by violent means to enforce obedience to God more than to achieve political or military victory.CONSEQUENCESare added to the war against terrorism, limitations to wahabism and salafism

    are impossed by Moroccan Government, that ban fatwas for child marriage for girls of 9 years old, as it had been enjoined by Wahabi leaders. Quranic houses and websites are shut down and Interior Government is accussed of

    erradicating Salafism and enhancing Suffism by American Pressure. External links are investigated like AQ affiliates acting in Morocco, Algerian groups acting in Morocco and Moroccan jihadist acting in Algeria, it is discovered

    the mixed structure of AQ in Morocco, both an horizontal shaped in grape-cluster with redistributed leadership and a leading up-to-down current contacted with the global AQ structure. Population backs the security forces

    after receiving Governmental aid. From 2003 to 2007 AQ affiliates loss the initiative and salafists attack suffis in Morocco, meanwhile their orders and beliefes are persistent. In the Political scope, Morocco and Algeria are

    competitive actors due to hostilities for the Sahara dessert, hostilities related to the Frente Polisario and different levels of threat within each country and it complicates the political cooperation in security issues. Religious

    reforms demonstrate to be effective and ballance islamic tradition with modern conditions.

    2007 mar

    Khalid Sheick Mohammed(Kuwait 1965) is put under trialby militar court for the intellectual authoryof the 9/11. No clear proves, limited sources and information, no conclusion. J ust testimonies. KSM is known as a global

    entrepreneur of terrorism under AQ leadership, who planned the 9/11 ops during the spring of 2000. He admit the planning of 9/11 and other interrogatories to group members prove it. Other two waves of terror had not

    worked thanks to investigators and KSM's cooperators were sentenced to 20 and 10 of imprisonment for logistical support to AQ activities. All 6 sofisticated operations planned before 9/11 were failed. Other small ones

    supporting American homgrown jihadists non-trained(shooting and small explosions in public places) , under support by KSM.

    2007Algerian G.S.P.C is almost eradicated and changes its name by AQ-IM, it has international interests and its regional organization is oriented to the whole Sahel, changing tactics. The Algerian Threat becomes regional an

    expansionist. AQ-Islamic Maghrebis created officially for the Islamic Maghreb and the North of Africa with combatants trained in Afghanistan and the former G.I.A members.

    2006 oct Islamic State in Iraq(ISI) is formed. Abu Omar Baghdadi is the new leader.

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    2006 sepFirst terrorist attack in Ethiopia by suicide bombing against the President Abdullah Ysuf outside the Parliament. Ethiopian troops invade Somalia backed by the U.S Gov. In response to this attacks and due to the host that

    Somalia provides AQ operatives. REACTION: Somalian Government start supporting the US war on terrorism.

    2006 sep

    Ayman Al-Zawahiri announces the G.S.P.C is welcome in to the ranks of AQ due to their persistent support for years. G.S.P.C is a salafits split from the G.I.A (Algeria), originally a domestic insurgent political group turned into

    salafist and regional following the influence of AQ. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Afghan mujahedeens play a key role in developing ideological direction in this group in the 80's when 3000 to 4000 Algerians in Afghanistan have

    fought and received trainning in AQ camps in Pakistan. 1000 of them are back in Algeria maintaining the Afghan customs, dresses and beliefs. These are called "The Afghanis". 1000 go in Bosnia. Others join the insurgency with

    the GIA and fight against Algeria in the Algerian Civil War. G.S.P.C exclusively targets Goverment officials and Security Personnel to limit civilian cassualties following AQ's doctrine.

    2006 aug

    THE 2006 AIRLINE PLOT. SEVEN FLIGHTS TARGETED from London to the U.S and 12 men charged with conspiracy to blow up transatlantic airplanes outraged by the US and UK foreign policy. Act of terrorism by homegrown

    terrorists directed from abroad with four condemned to life sentences: Abdullarh Ahmed Ali, Assar Sarwar, Tanvir Hussain and Umar Islam. TARGETS: Power plants, nuclear power stations, gas and oil refineries, country's

    natioonal electricity grid, UK''s major Internet provider and other strategic ones. AQ MANEGEMENT from Pakistan hoping to cause massive economic damage on the US and its allies by the airline plot. ORIGINS start in

    january/06 in response to the Israeli's initiation of a month-long campaign in Lebanon. The plans of AQ are acelerated to strike the US after the declaration by OBL in january/06 against Western powers. AUTHORS: Second

    generation British Pakistanis who start courses at Portsmouth University in 2000 and sessions of Tablighi Jamaat, becoming religious. Both start operating madrassas in London in 2002 after travelling in Pakistan. They maintain a

    permanent communication with Pakistan by text messages, email and phone taking security meassures like coded language, change of numbers and SIM cards. The plot fails due to its aceleration from Pakistan. Suicide tapes are

    a main prove. Revenge reasons against the US, UK and Israel are explained in five video-tapes. Tapes are four kinds according to different audiences: directed to Estern Countries, directed to AQ sympathizers, directed at

    Muslims, general to civil population in general, not considered innocent because they pay taxes to finance western policies. MODUS. Is by suicide bombers using hydrogen peroxide in transatlantic flights between august and

    october 2006. Members were being tracked by US intelligence services and trying to travel into tribal areas of Pakistan. British officials were prudent and waiting, but U.S pressure to operate under George W. Bush Government,

    accelerated the operation.

    2006 jul LeT detonated 7 explosions accross Mumbai railway system with 187 killed. Just to demonstrate their penetration capability from Pakistan in India.

    2006 jun

    Abu Mussab Al-Zarkawiis killed in a US military strike. SUNNI REACTION in Iraq is mostly to abandon insurgency and withdraw from fight against coalition forces and governmental forces in response to subsides, political power,

    stable jobs and future expectations supplied by the Iraqi Government with the support by the US Government. Not to listen the AQ-C message from Pakistan incoherent with the Jihadist movement. Iraqi insurgent groups prefer

    to construct a national sense with both sense of unit and pu rpose, to become guardians instead of warriors, to protect fellows and neighb ourhoods from criminals, terrorists and insurgency. CONCLUSION. AQ tries to sustitute

    the center of gravity form Pakistan to Iraq while international coalition forces acted in Afghanistan. To build s safe haven in Iraq for salafists with international background instead of local culture. To construct a logistic and

    training base in Iraq for the jihadists movement by mean of sectarian warfare with a sustained campaign of violence. AAZW do not support initially the actions in Iraq but decides to take profit of weaknesses and oportunities.

    2006 junToronto 18 is arrested. Group of self radicalized and dissafected homegrown "wannabe jihadists"(15 to 42 old, five minors) arrested after plotting terrorist attacks inspired by AQ. Accussed of planning to detonate truck bombs,

    to open fire in a crowded area, and to storm the Canadian Broadcasting Centre, the Canadian Parliament building, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) headquarters, and the parliamentary Peace Tower to take

    hostages and to behead the Prime Minister and other leaders.

    2006 april

    Second round of attacks in Sinai Peninsulaagainst the multinational taskforce of peace observers based in Sinai peninsula to control the p eace between Israel and Egypt. REIVINDICATION: By three different groups on Sharm el

    Sheik attacks. Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihadaccording to Egyptian authorities (a split of Hammas following the Oslo accords in 1993) . Other were Holly warriors of Egypt and the Abdullah al Azzam Brigades of AQ in the Levant and Egypt.

    AQ's involvement in Sinai attacks remained undemonstrated. Official opinion was the existance of an authonomous cell acting with scarce resources after training in Sinai, vehicles stolen in Sinai, technology used available in

    Sinani landmines, no foreign involvement bu t little financial support from Gaza extremists and the group to operate alone. IN THE REGION: The facts were condemne d by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Hammas, both

    are enemies of AQ. OBL & A.A.Z do not take responsibility of the attemps. According to the Sageman's theory of the leaderless jihad, the group was a bunch of self-radicalized, self-trained and self-financed discontent guys who

    found their moral motivation in the AQ's global jihad, who represented a domestic threat to security. Sinai is crowded of Salafi non-organic groups influenced by AQ. These groups later under the influence of DAESH, would shift

    their objetives from Israeli to Egyptian institutional and official ones, both in Sinai and across Egypt.

    2006 mar

    Antiterrorist operation in Milan. 7 suspects arrested (Moroccan and Tunnisian) . Belonging to the SGPC (Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat) under coordination by AQ-C. There was an attack failed in the Metro in response

    to troops sent in Iraq by Italy. ACTORS: 1.Recruiterand tactical coordinator in Italy.2.Primary tactical coordinatorin Italy.3.Tactical coordinatorin France+ financer+ logistic.4.Intermediarywith the SGPC + operative

    coordinator + 5. Abu Hamza. Senior AQ leader, Algerian coordinating SGPC + AQ-C . OPERATION: Planning; Agreement (AQ + SGPC) to finance and supervise the tactic coordination and operations; Aprobation of financing and

    supervision; Recruitment by SGCP to radicalized individuals; Tactical planning by SGPC to provide logistic support + make explosives. The action in Italy consists of 5 suicide bombers to explode within the Milan underground as

    part of a wider campaign to attack strategic targets in Europe in order to interfere in European Governments policies in the Muslim countries. 2nd target was a Catholic Church in Bologna (Basilica de St. Petronio) where

    Mohammed appears naked in a fresco going to hell like it is described in the hell of Dante. The purpose to this regard is defending the Islam and the Prophet from the offenders and join the war of religions. SYSTEM: TWO

    MEANS of organize. By delegation + cooperation. Three levels: Global by AQ-C + Regional by SGPC and domestic level by a network of 5 homegrown radicalized individuals. The Global level is strategic and doctrinal planning, the

    regional is tactic and coordination, the domestic is operational. The terrorist attack was planned for the course of eve of the General Elections.

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    2006 marAbu Ubaydah al-Masri is the link between AQ-C and asenior AQ mastermindof the august/06 airline plot, he is experimented in combat operations in the law-less border among Afghanistan and Pakistan. Holds experience in

    training others and insurgency operations. He becomes the chief of external operations overseas in the late 2005 in sustitution of Abu Faraj Al-Libi and Abu-hamza-Rabia. Ayman Al-Zawahiri calls on Muslims to inflict losses on

    the crussader's west economic infra-structures. Specially airlines from Canada, the U.S and the U.K. Plans for the fith anniversary of the 9/11 and promote the use of liquid explosives by suicide ope ratives.

    2006 feb Bombing of the Shi'a al Askari Mosque in Samarra (Northern Bagdad), full sectarian conflict in the air.

    2006 Al Shababmerges with the rejection of AQ d espite of their pledge for loyalty to O.B.L as the only precondition to join the net. Two years after it is accepted likeAQ in East Africa with terrorist activities in Kenya and Somalia.

    2005 nov Ayman Al-Zawahiripraise the attacks on London in july 2005. PROPAGANDA unexploded. Allegedly for their lack of interest in soft targets and the delegated action up to down with no full intervention of the leadership.

    2005 jul

    Ayman Al-Zawahirideclares that US invasion of Iraq had paved the way to the Jihad in the Islamic World. Europe had been a ground for innovative and polymorphous jihadist organizations. Antagonism between domestic and

    global jihad is valid all over the Muslim world until the nineties. Local groups acquire global ideology on the Internet and by direct indoctrination, local groups join the global jihad within the Muslim countries. Local Groups

    become global by tha channeling of human and financial resources. After the Iraq war, local European networks are globalized in modus operandi, international connections, political agenda and potential strategies. Therefore

    the US invasion in Iraq represents the opening of a new phase in the Global Jihadism.

    2005 jul

    LONDON BOMBINGS. July 7th. Authors are entirely homegrown under influence of AQ active terrorists. Main sacurity challenge comes entirely from unafiliated, self-recruited and self-radicalized individuals. ROLE of AQ is to

    actively planning, supporting and indoctrinating homegrowns. The attack consist in two simultaneous blasts with the result of 200.000 evacuated and 500 trains within the entire London, shut down with a subsequent general

    network-wide security inspection conducted. Four suicid e bombers killthemselves to provoke the maximum rates of injuries and damages. These attacks against soft targets in Europe would not be come the rule in Europe as it is

    sanctioned by AQ. SURPRISE. The first attack in the UK in ten years to be a suicide attack. The bombers belonged to three mosques within active communities for young Muslims, communitarian facilities such as gym where four

    of them worked out and a book store. MOTIVATION: like in the case of Australia, bombers were neighbours liked personally following the message of the worlwide violence against Muslims in general and women and children

    in particular. They receive permanent influence from marthyrdom videos produced byMohammed Siddique Khanand Tanweerwithin the active estrategy of propaganda issued by AQ (Al Sahab for Media Production is the AQmedia department) . Videos are made in Pakistan in november 2004 and february 2005 and they promote:1. Sense of revengeagainst unfair attacks to muslim peoples. 2. Teological senseof the Muslim cause to be spread.3.

    Marthyrdom to remove injusticeagainst Muslims by mean of the War on Terror. One year before MSK and Tanweer, in operation Crevice, were not found priority targets but petty fraudsters.MSK had attracted Police

    attencionat least in three different times, first in july 2001 assist to Mujahedeen training camp in Pakistan, second in august/2003 assist to training camp in malakand (Pakistan), third in nov/04 and feb/05 definitive to the

    London attacks and august/06 in the airliner-bombing plots.

    2005 jun

    Third wave of jihadism in FRANCE. Before and after the 9/11. In 2000 with the planned attacks in Strasbourg and 2003 with the US invasion of Iraq . THE JIHADIST TRIANGLE of three networks between France-Northern Africa

    and the Middle East. Ansar Al-Fatah is the most dangerous one due to international connections, French strategic targets and not just assistance to Jihadists in Iraq against the coallition invasion. There is a process of

    radicalization within the French society following the radicalization from London (Londonistan) and its popular salafist cleric Abu Hamza. Iraqi networks are build from individual and collective rage thanks to the Internet to play

    a significant role in collection and d issemination of jihadist materials and fatwas. The following year (2006) at least 20 volunteers attend Iraq following the 70 volunteers gone between 2003 and 2005. The Global connections

    and military training represent a potentially serious threat in Europe.

    2005 apr AQI becomes aforeign fighter magnetand targets Shia's much to the concern of AQ Central.

    2005 apr

    SIDNEY TERRORIST PLOT. The evolution of the OPERATION PENDENNIS due to four suspects from Melbourne's cell were in connection with the Sidney cell. Sidney cell is more capable and determined to cause the largest attack

    as possible. 9 arrested seasoned by veterans of the Islamist cause. Some years of surveillance. Strong historical and personal links to the AQ-SE in Indonesia.Dominant authority. Bilal Khazal, Lebaness-born inmigrant linked

    with Islamic tawhid movement. In 2003 had been convicted in Lebanon for financing the Mc.Donals terrorist attacks in Beirut. He was recruiter of jihadists and mujahedee ns to training camps. In sept 2009 he is sentenced by

    Sidney Court to 9 years over the publication of a document in the Internet with instructions to attempt in the U.S, the U,K and Australia. The "musollah" is the place to pray under his leadership, it was in Shaldom street prayer

    room and it was shared by several other jihadists. The cell is classified like EXTREME SUB-GROUP within the leadership form Melbourne of Sheick Omra Asja. Also known as a "Sunna Wal Jemaah" (community within the

    community). Three of them were troubled young men with family history of violence, drugs abuse and delinquency. Turned to religious commitment in their 20's and conducted by the agressive branch of the Islam atHaldom

    Street Mushallah in Melbourne. 1000 kms away from Sidney, from where they attended to find spiritual guidance byAbdul Nacer Benbrika. They were accussed of stockpiling a large amount of weapons and ammunition and

    place orders to acquire precursor chemicals to build bombs in june(24 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and bateries) . Expected date to commit attack was in nov/2005. CONCLUSION: The challenge is onlin e, terrorist threat in

    Australia evolves since 9/11 from up-to-down organized cells to self-organized, self-motivated, self-recruited and self-indoctrinated homwgrown terrorists with no previous exhibition of extremist tendences in public.

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    2005 janThird wave of jihadism in FRANCE. Before and after the 9/11. In 2000 with the planned attacks in Strasbourg and 2003 with the US invasion of Iraq. The nineteeth arrondisement. Iraqi networks within a same district in Paris

    compossed by militants together that listened the call of Jihad and went to Iraq to combat the U.S troops. They are dearticuled before flight. They joined in the Dawa Salafi Mosque within the nineteenth arrondissement, a

    French neighbourhood of Paris.

    2004 nov

    Teo Van Goghis killed in the Nederlands. There are no full conclusions to define the network and the international or homegrow jihadists. The definition of terrorist network is launched by the Dutch General Intelligence and

    Security Service as:"fluid,, dynamic, vaguely bounded structure, consisting on a number of individuals. They are interrelated at individual and aggregated level in cells and they are at least temporarily linked by a common

    interest towards an objetive that can be related to jihadism". Not clear if it is a single act of a religious fanatic or a part of the global jihad. Nature + character of terrorists capture Dutch public opinion in debate for months and

    estimulates both political and public survillance to the terrorist threat within the Dutch society. DEBATE:lone wolfs VS many radicalized in cells, leadered or leaderless. WAR ON TERRORISMis declared by the Dutch Minister of

    economic affairs. Until the date THREE transnational jihadist networs had been uncovered in the Nederlands: The EIK Case; the Jihad Case & the Hojstad Group.

    2004 octIS-Iraqis officially created under the leadership of Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi under the umbrella of AQ-AP. Allegiance is declared to AQ leaders OBL & AAZW, but they need to spark sectarian struggle to organize the insurgency by

    sunnis and concentrate the efforts against targets by impulsing Sunni reaction, originally neutral. Sunnis embrace the insurgence movement and the use of AQ principles like the enhacement of marthyrdom. Finally a safe haven

    is created like the base for international jihadists. OBL public admission of Al-Zarqawi's group in december (two months later) .

    2004 octATTACK in Taba Hilton Hotel in Sinai peninsula(Egypt & Israel borders with Sinai). One bombing with 34 killed and ten floors down with 600 kgs of TNT within a truck. Second and Third bombings with no casualties. TARGETS:

    Multinational force and peace observing mission after the 1978 Camp David's accords and the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in 1979. Authors areBedouin tribespeacefully related with both Egypt and Israel. Paralell to the oficial

    creation of IS-Iraq by Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi. Official assesment attaches the attack to the OBL call on global Jihad in 1996, when AQ construct targets which are the alliance of Jews, Christians and their agents.

    2004 sep

    OPERATION PENDENNIS. Plot in Melbourne (Australia). Homegrown jihadists with minimum connec tions to AQ-C are arrested. Abdullah Merhi is a volunteer suicid e bomber. Australian citizens with long residen cy form a 12

    men group to conspire on launching a attack. Abdul Nacer Benbrikais an Alegerian born salafist cleric. He leads the group with training overseas and direct influence from AQ. The group is considered an islamic "Jemaah" (or

    society). All men come from the cities poorest suburbs in the north, deintegrated families and share Lebanesse roots. They follow ANB like a fatherfigure and reinforce their Lebanesse cultural heritage although they are

    disconnected from their home country. MOTIVATIONS build by analogic and collective reasoning:"You are a Muslim, they you belong to the Muslim collective, you should be integrated in the Jemaah acepted to fedcback the

    sense of brotherhood." COMITEE: two from Lebanon + one homegrown. FOLLOWERS: Relatives (brothers and cousins) + Friends and one convert to Islam. Jihadist propaganda and websites: It is crucial to the formation of the

    group. Contributes to cognitive transformation into radicalization process. FUNCTIONS:1.To instill sense of outrage; 2.To create perception of Islamn incrisis as the central motivation; 3.To create sense of revenge by

    victimization and exclusion perceived;4.Perception of common identity and bond to create legitimation and sense of entity. Permanent exposition to jihadist material : To desentize and empower the individual within the

    community. FINAL: The judge determines non-capability of the group(of wanna-bees) to carry out a terrorist attack but the birth of Jihadism in Australia.

    2004 septAustralian Embassy in Jakarta (Indonesia) is attacked. One tone car bomb explodes before the Embassy with a suicide bomber killing 9, the most Indonesian police officer in charge of the security service of the Embassy, other

    civilians but not western targets killed, just material damages. Western targets at homeis strategy revealed by AQ-SE's mixed estrategy of targeting the far enemy within the near enemy territory.

    2004 aug

    OPERATION RHYME. Under the TERRORIST ACT detention with no charges. After 14 days of detention, collection of inteligence and elaborating the case with the charges before the court. ACUSATION of conspiracy to murder

    and other offences. Some of the group were released. Dhiren Barot ans his network is arrested in operation after 7 weeks of investigation. Operation scheduled to occur during the end of 2004, which demonstrated the strategy

    of far enemy of AQ-C against the US and UK by mean of dirty-bombs aiming to achieve massive casualties. Dhiren Barot was an hindu converted to Islam with connections to AQ-C and AQ-SA (Al-Jemaah al-Islamiyah) since

    1990's. Barot plans with meticulosity a string of atacks in the UK to set in practice the experience made in the aftermath of the 9/11. He seeked approval and support from AQ-C. SEVEN suspects are acquitted of the ricin

    conspiracy. FIVE are found guilty of stockpilling amonium nitrate and conspiration to attemp. ONE LEADER under Barot: Omar Khyam, UK citizen with Pakistani origins strlongly linked to AQ and involved with other British

    Pakistanis. CHANGE OF TREND IN NATIONALITY of the terrorists. Kamal Bourgas is another Argelian cooperator accussed of killing a Police Officer. EVIDENCES to the trial were brought from the computer documents within two

    categories of files A and B. Potential targets in the US and Potential targets in the UK, which demonstrated survillances and intentions to attempt. Indicators that attacks were to take place in different places by different means


    2004 july

    Dhiren Barotdissappear fron survillance of security services. He would be demonstrated thanks to his computer files his social role as planner and long standing connections to AQ-C with a previous decade working on behalf of

    violent jihadism in connection with individuals closely linked to the 9/11. There were ambitions to execute his own plans and not just planning. Next step would be to cause a massive killing by vehicle-borne IED's. He had

    received training in IED's in Pakistan and received influence by AQ-SE and UK homegrown terrorists.

    2004 mayAl-Zarqawibegins videotaped beheadings in Baghdad. MASSIVE KILLINGS and terror strategy. Rejected by AQ-C but the massive propaganda effects are not rejected by AQ with the consequents rise in incomes and voluntary

    recruits from western countries.


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    2004 april O.B.L claims responsibility for the Madrid attacks by mention them and giving them moral support in a preach. PROPAGANDA to these acts is unexploded by AQ because AQ is not prone to massive killings on soft targets.

    2004 april

    OPERATION CREVICEsince april 2003. London Codename used by MI5 and London Metropolitan Police. British Muslim Pakistanis under investigation. >34.000 hours of survillance + >45,000 hours of monitoring and

    transcription. AQ manifested in: 1.Formation of the cell; 2. Provision of resources; 3.Training; 4.Guidance and directory of key moments. Also known as the FERTILIZER PLOTfor the intention to use 600 kgs of amonium nitrate

    which was stockpiled, core members are not suicide attackers. Are arrested before they had booked flights to Pakistan suppossedly to a training camp.CELL FORMATIONis a free association of jihadists initially with religious

    links but not jihadists (no training), they belong to a jihadist subculture allowed by authorities where it is easy to connect other jihadists. AQ middle management (tactic level) was un controlled. They were not under control of

    AQ in the day-by-day. TRAINING is disruptive.They had already received training in Malakand camp in Pakistan with deep social and Psychological impact and had became violent after braindrain, training and shaping a unit.

    RECEIVED technical skills, motivation, sense of group, sense of belonging to a major cause (AQ), focus and purpose or sense of mission. AQ implications have to do with recruitment of young men with initiative and

    determination. Transformation of a leaderless group into a terrorist cell. Supply resources for instruction and guidance. Failed in provinding guidance during executive phase.AQ PRESCRIBEDa string of simultaneous attacks in

    London. This cell from the global scope identified like the facilitation network of AQ in the UK to Canada and the U.S.

    2004 mar

    29th. Momin Khawaja(24 years) is arrested in Ottawa after try to sell to UK jihadists software to commit remote attacks with amonium nitrate and urea in relation with FERTILIZER PLOTTERS. It is a case of Canadian-Pakistani of

    second generation, born and homegrown in Canada self motivated by sunni radical doctrines(individually radicalized and committed) . In the moment of his arrest after being back from the UK, he held at home arms, explosives

    and jihadist literature. He represents in Canada the new generation of extremists long time residents, became the first charged u nder anti-terrorist act passed by the Canadian Parliament in the aftermath of the 9/11. In this law,

    Canadian Parliament punish by the first time in history the financing of terrorism. THE CASE. He is fluent in english and long time resident, committed to jihad under influence of extremist preachers with a collectivist victimist

    discourse. Brings the capability of self-radicalize, become jihadist by his own and assemble a cell by the Internet with no training and no camp facilities. The ideology is based on the collective victimism of collective is "fair",

    individual is "unfair" and the polarization of "we" VS "they". This sort of terrorism is formed by horizontal and amorphous cells, formed in virtual communities, developed by personal gathering, with no direct AQ command and

    no terrorist training. ONLINE JIHADIST MANUAL. Leadership is substituted by propaganda and travel to training camps represents an impulse. This is the case of Crevice Plotters from the UK. In the manual, Al-Battar lists Canada

    like the fifth most important Christian country to be attacked.

    2004 mar11-M. 911 days after 9/11 in Madrid. Doubts of intellectual authory in Spain. No doubt of authory overseas and overwhelming consensus. Criminal action and proceedings are extensive. AQ senior leads the actions by approval,

    facilitation and supervision from head quarters in Pakisstan. Global terrorist threat is demonstrated against open societies and Western European Countries. The action is particular entrepreneurship and not institutionally

    planned by AQ. Authors from the Madrid network are former common criminals turned into religious radicals, connected to AQ-IM, AQ-Central and North Waziristan.

    2004S.G.P.C following the AQ's strategy declares the International Jihad evolving from Algerian domestic terrorism towards North Africa and Sahel regional organization and influence. It stops being just a domestic threat to the

    Algerian Government.

    2003 decAmer Azizi travels into Spain to supervise, facilitate and approve the 11-M operations according to intelligence obtained by three different Western Intelligence services between 2008 and 2010. He holds the links to most key

    members of the group.

    2003 nov

    ISTAMBULBOMBINGS.Suicide bombersattack Jewish & British targets in Istambul with result of 61 killed + 700 wounded (the most Turkish muslims). Two waves of suicide bombings in 5 days against synagogues, British

    consulate and HSBC bank. Operatives are trained in Afghanistan before 9/11. AQ aims to destabilize conservative Muslim government of the Justice and Development Party AKP. RESPONSIBILITY. Two competing claims: ONE by

    Abu Hafs Al-Masri Brigades via the Internet. SECOND Turkish Great East Islamic Raider's Front by telephonic way and clear operational connections to AQ is more reliable. TERRORISTS: Ethnic structure was mix by Kurds and

    Turks with similar backgrounds of good education and successfully climbed by the social ladder. Diverse crossing social clases and ethnic divisions with contacts that spanned from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. MASTERMIND:Abu

    Mussab Al-Zarqawi is implicated in financing, planning and organizing. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: byLuayy Sakka, grown in a culture of nationalist Islamist struggle in Syria (Aleppo) , related to AQ in the 90's and likned to

    Abu Zubaydah in Palestine. With important logistics official based in Pakistan and close relations to OBL. Linked to AAWZ in 1999 in Herat (Afghanistan). HIS ROLE is recruiter according to Abu-Mussab Al Suri (AQ global

    strategist), capable to provide a cell with start-up money, jihadist professional with ties to AQ, and ability to commit suicide attacks wo wape away his traces. His terrorists network is fostered in Germany since 2001.(Turkish

    Cell/AQ/Zarqawi network) . LOCAL DIMENSION: Plotters and jihadist organizations in Turkey. Two important islamist organizations: Turkish Hizbullah, not affiliated with Lebanesse Hizbullah and IBDA-C or Great East IslamicRaiders. Their common aims are to establish an Islamic State in Turkey and both are connected to Turkish struggle and Iranian Revolution. DUAL LEADERSHIP The role of two major organizations was channeled byLuayy Sakka,

    who had previously joined AQ in Afghanistan and later the Zarqawi network in Herat training camp, becoming his leuteniant and refusing pledge allegiance to AQ until later in 2004. Since then, Turkish jihadism remains like a

    domestic problem related to insurgent kurdish phenomenom with no salafists background.

    2003 july 11-M. Madrid terrorists cell is shaped in Tetouan (Morocco).Individual socialization in jihadism (leader-less) followed by an up to down strategy.

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    2003 may Iraniansjoin the war on terror by arresting AQ leaders in Iran.

    2003 mayZarqawi-led groupbegins operations in Iraq. Zarqawi's group explodes UN headquarters in Baghdad. SECTARIAN TERRORISM in Iraq takes place as a reaction to sectarian policy by Shiite Government. AQ-I is the channel to set

    the agenda and conduct the islamist insurgent movements and scenario.

    2003 may

    RESPONSE TOU.S. invasion of Iraq . AQ receives help, human and economic resources massively. Abu Mussab Al-Zarkawi(Jordan) gives first stepts to create AQ-Iraq(AQ delegation in Mesopotamia ) between the two rivers. He

    is especially violent and not predilected bu Ossama Bin Laden nor Al-Zarqawi. They suggest him to change the means and stop beheading or attacking innocent targets. Up to 2007, they are fuelled triangular dynamics ofradicalizationand mobilization. In the Middle East by Al-Zarqawi to grow its net of volunteers and merging with the AQ-I to create the AQ-AP. In North Africa Algerian GSPC becomes regional in training and recruiting jihadists

    for the Iraqi jihad and set the principles of the future AQ in the Islamic Maghreb. In Europe Jihadist activism by new militants and networks becomes a threat to security. Londonistan is a focus of radicalization under the radical

    salafist cleric Abu Hamza and the send of at least 70 jihadists from the UK to Iraq, followed by other 20 from France. Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi leads a breach with traditional AQ jihadits movement by d ecentralization and

    fragmentation of the means and targets with no consultation and initial rejection from AQ-C. New strategy implies attacks on the shiites with the help of internationalist jihadists. Until 2006 AQ-I acts like a state with full

    capabilites of hyerarchy, organization, bureaucracy, financind and different forms of violence to conquest power, like guerrilla tactis and mass cassualties suicide bombings in Iraq's major cities. Until the leadership of Abu

    Mussab Al-Zarkawi, insurgents are mostly tribal groups deorganized and less powerful.

    2003 may

    Casablanca.45 people were killed as a result of these attacks (12 suicide-bombers) . Suicide bombers came from the shanty towns of Sidi Moumen, a poor suburb of Casablanca attempting against the Casa de Espaa and other

    placements. Salafiya Jihadiya, an offshoot of the Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, thought to have al-Qaeda links and considered to be AQ in the Islamic Maghreb. Since then Moroccan kingship changes its policy towards

    the war on terrorism. Monitorization and neutralization of terrorist network. Large scale operations were prevented. But small scale operations never eliminated.Under Ayman Al-Zawahiri's coordination. Following the same

    terms than the Madird bombers, formed on july in Morocco, the terrorists are a nascent organization formed by self-motivated individuals from a poor neighbourhood (Farah Neighbourhood) with minimal training, ideologically

    and paramilitary trained, under AQIM's supervision. They used facilites provided by relatives to build explosives and precursors. Main sources were one terrorist who regretted from his intentions and another who failed. The

    Casablanca operation needed less than 5000 $. CONSEQUENCES: Morocco join the war against terrorism until then passive with no official initiatives taken, due to the threat of lost of foreign investment. Religious reforms are

    done and everyone cannot become imam in Morocco since then with no especific training of Bachellor degree. Women can also access to religious leadership after being properly selected. It is launched a national iniative for

    Human Development in poorest 360 urban and 250 rural districts.


    CONSEQUENCES to jihadist terrorism in Riyadh(Saudi Arabia) . It shatters the complacency and bring internal discussion on the financing to the culture of terrorism. Saudi Arabia shifts its policy of refugee, tolerate and fundsalafists. These are banned from the country by condemnation of violent sermons and support to the jihad.Under Ayman Al-Zawahiri's coordination. Three years before, in october/2000 had begun a long series of small attacks

    against Western Expatriates in Saudi Arabia. Finally three bombings in Riyadh take place simultaneously by suicide car-bombings a three different Western expatriate residential compounds in Eastern Riyadh, these are known

    as Western party places. Perpetrators belong to AQ-AP, but masterminds and tactical operators are un-identified.External linksto AQ are long standing by recruiting and training since the 90's in Afghanistan, most of the

    terrorists had been previously in Afghanistan until 2002 when it is launched the ISAF operation. Others were relatives and acquaintances of Afghan veterans. Mobilization of AQ in Saudi Arabia had been ordered by OBL two

    years before in dec. 2001. OUTCOME. Widespread condemnation of attacks including Saudi Islamist Community (Wahabbies). AQAP is declared a terrorist organization in Saudi Arabia too, representing this the mother of all

    wake-up calls and withdrawing the passiveness by the Saudi Kingdom.

    2002 nov

    Attacks in Mombassa (Kenya). Attacks are simultaneous, coordinated against local infraestructures and launched by AQ operatives. TARGETS. Israeli's interests (an hotel and a Passenger's jet). REACTION: Ariel Sharom (prime

    Minister) and Benjamin netanyahu (foreign affairs minister) launch an intelligence operation to adapt to the new threat by all capabilities and all existing agencies. They redefine HUMINT, SIGNIN and OSINT added to a new

    realocation of financing and personnel. RESPONSIBILITY: AQ claims six days after inn statement broadcast by Qatar-Based Al-Jazeera TV channel. AQ STRATEGY: to attack soft unprotected targets and ECONOMIC JIHAD(cause

    economically strategic damages.) BY a combinated target of: means/targets/weak country (Kenya), weak countries have not full capability to ensure its own laws, convenient for locla support fot radical infraestructures.

    MASTERMIND: Fazul Abdullah Mohammad, alias Abdul Karim. This guy starts organizing in august while he was being prosecuted in Somalia while giving training + weapons to operatives, sneaks into Kenya to preparation acts,

    sneaks out bafore the attack. The plans take place two years before in Mogadishu (Somalia), consisting in recognizing potential targets, short lost of objetives, training in Mogadishu and receiving local cooperation using a boat

    and a hired house. INTENTIONS: To cause massive casualties. MODUS: Innovative multidimensional synchronized targets (plane + hotel) and means(land-air rockets with man-portable air defenses + suicide bomber car with 200

    kgs TNT) RESULT: Hotel destroyed + 15 killed. Infiltration and scape sea-borne dhows. Reagroupement in Lamu Island Harbour and return in Somalia by boat. GROUP: AQ-EA. Operatives from Al-Shabaab al-Mujahedin in

    Somalia. COMMUNICATIONS: The Internet, Satellite phones and GSM communications. TRANSNATIONALITY: Forensic analysis demonstrate contact between Somalia, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia. ORGANIZATION in three levels:

    Doctrinal and strategic top-to down (decission making) by Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Khalid Sheick Mohammed (operations manager) to attack Jewish targets before 9/11. Tactic by mean of a core of senior professionals +

    experienced operatives for tactic planning and training. Operational in the local level, a local network of supporters bound by personal and family ties provide suicide bombers, recruiting aided by others from the wider muslim

    community and logistic support in Kenya. MOTIVATION & COORDINATION. In Mombassa mosque and residential houses. Phases: Involvement, preparation, coordination, infiltration, attack, scape. IMPLICATIONS: Terrorist safe

    havens in Somalia and Kenya to prepare & support operations are exploded by terrorists to indostrinate, recruit, training, regroup. Maritime Lawlessness: No maritim security within the horn of Africa. AQ soft target strategy is

    constated. Innovations on mix strategy of means & targets.

    2002 octInternational reactionto AQ-SE after trials to terrorists. U.S deparment of State include the Jemaah al-Islamiyah in the Foreign Terrorist List. The UNSC adds the J.I in the list of AQ related actors. Al-Jemaah al-Islamyah is not a

    social muslim movement anymore.

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    2002 octBali bombingsIndonesian government pursues the perpetrators, condemned and convicted teh spiritual leaderAbu Bakaar Baasyirfor the intelectual support. International crisis gather again to treat how Jemaah islamiyah

    terrorist network operates. Countries in the region react creating special units to fight the international terrorism. Terrorist cells are targeted by security forces, there are arrests and convinctions. But perseverance and support

    to Jemaah al-Islamiyah like a leaderless social movement revive the organization over a over again.

    2002 aug

    The Blowback thesisby the CIA consisted in the unintended consequence of a covert operation of training Arab-Afgans during the cold war against the Soviet Union in the 70's, to become a threat. Pakistani's support and

    training of jihadist militants would later export jihad an d terrorism arround the world. The real training from the U.S Gov. was to the ISID(Pakistani Interservices Intelligence Directorate) through the CIA, who would later train

    the Afghan mujahedin(Talibans) . Foreign jihadists would receive support from the Afghan mujahedin, whose big part would later form part of AQ. Further removing any direct support from the U.S Both Bin Laden and Al-

    Zawahiri in 2001 denied receiving U.S aid, supp ort or training. AQ, EIJ and their allies recruited exclusively foreign volunteers and kept training camps after the en d of the Soviet-Afghan war. Afghan mujahedins avoided

    "whabbies" expatriates and called them wahabies in pejorative terms to foreign mujahedins who came to make the jihad and not to fight for the Afhan independence from the Soviet Union, so their integrism made them

    completely different, turning the Afghans against the foreigners. AQ foreign combatants in Afganistan were isolated and maintained only contact with Pakistani officials, other foreign arab supporters or dealing with Afghan

    resistance leaders, always traveling in different circles and never crossing US radars. Saudis by their side provided humanitarian relief in Peshawar and Quetta but very few involved in real fighting. This reject to the AQ

    expatriates facilitated a quick success of the U.S troops in Afghanistan. Some of episodes to remember in the Soviet-Afghan war, which brought rejection towards the jihadists by the side of the mujahedins was the execution of

    60 surrendered soviet prisoners and their cut into pieces by the jihadists, what to the end made Afghan leaders to offer apologies and asurances to Soviets. With the withdraw of Soviets, the fatwa against the invader by Sheick

    Abdullah Azzam, would have no sense any more. Foreigners expropiated the victory of Afghans over the Soviet Union, created a mith and highjacked the future of Afghanistan by the sake of faith.

    2002 aug

    LEGAL REFORMS from a domestic perspective in the Nederlands. THE JIHAD CASE. 20 suspects arrested for criminal offences likee human trafficking and conspiracy to attemp. Trial in Rotterdam. Ducht Laws not prepared for

    this threat. New counterterrorist meassures are taken by the Parliament. THE OFSTAD GROUPare homegrown and locally organized terrorism. Non-demostrated that organization came from AQ-C. Are individuals prone to take

    radical positions inspired by contacts with international terrorists (Chechenyan) supported with international salafi texts. These are disolved between 2004 and 2006, and the Court of Amsterdam lowered the terms for

    identifying terrorist networks. Sermons given by radical preachers are another factor to take into account between young and the usea of Internet within the Nederlands.

    2002 febAQ -C involves AQ-IM in the 11M Madrid attacks under coordination byAmer Azizi. Since then, the operations will cease being a product of a single cell. CONCLUSION: Global terrorism is POLYMORPHOUS, both horizontal

    (cluster) in operative/tactical terms and vertical in organizative, estrategic and doctrinal aspects. Cell is not autonomous any more and individuals from different organizations converge under a hierarchy with hyerarchical

    distribution of dutties and top to down strategy. This organization settle the basis for the London 2005 attacks in july 7th.

    2002 Laskhar e-Taiba is banned.

    2001 dec OBL order AQ to mobilize in Saudi Arabia in reaction to Anaconda Operation launched by the ISAF and led by the U.S. Gov.

    2001 sepThe Bush Administration launch theAnaconda Operation (ended in 2014) on the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. AQ funds are freeze worldwide and Afghanistan is invaded to chase AQ in its refuge. Osama Bin Laden escapes

    from Afghanistan. Documents are captured, videotapes and safehouses with a better understanding of the organization. Mujahedins are prosecuted worldwide. Sanctuary for training is dismantled. Quick victory when Afghans

    with utilitarian interests turns against the foreigners with ideological motivations.

    2001 augSUMMER. Hard targets are signed by AQ in the strait of Gibraltar on U.S British vesels and other soft targets like turistic ones in developing countries. PASSIVITY. Some governments like Indonesia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia

    hesitate to prosecute the jihadists and give place to the creation of local terrorist groups. Jamaat Islamiyya, the Islamic Liberation front (Philippines) and AQ in the Islamic Maghreb growth.International Crisis in Indonesia,

    proponents say Indonesia hold radicals although is not considered a supporter.

    2001 julyTHE EIK CASE. Within the Muslim sect Takfir Wal-Hijra.A jihadist cell based in Rotterdam is dearticulated in the Nederlands. It combined criminal activities with logistic support, main charges were acquitted and ended with

    deportations of Courtallier (French) and Rabia (Algerian).

    2001 jun

    EIJis incorpored to AQ and turns into Al Qaeda al-Jihad.Ayman al-Zawahirideclares new jihad to be a struggle between Islam and Hostile Global Forces to achieve the Dawa. He declares his loyalty to the leadership of Bin

    Laden like a duty, not as a personal cult, because sovereignty belongs to God and leadership is holy. He declares the role of Mujahedin to fight till the end, to infiltrate among the enemies, to strike against cooperators (traition)

    and strike against those who serve occupiers. Al-Zawahiri declares a double enemy (domestic and external). The need to inflict maximum casualties, the need to concentrate on the method by mean of marthyrdom, the targets

    and type of method seeking the maximum impact on the structure of enemies and expand the action, not to focussing just in domestic enemies.

    2001Attacks in NY(9/11) and attack in ParisUS embassy. dec. Singaporebombing plot by AQ-SE (Jemaah Islamiyah). And the Paris Shoe bombing plotcoordinated by Amar Makhlulif. APOGEEof the Global Salafi Jihad. FUTURE

    TRENDSdemonstrated later by AQ are: 1.Capability to adaptation. 2.Central Planning.3.Integrated leadeship. 4.Flexibility.

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    Laskhar e-Taiba(LET) expands gradually until 2008with training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan, becoming a regional organization within Central Asia. Headquarters in Punjab (30 kms away from Lahore) and offices in major

    cities throughout Pakistan to recruit jihadists from overseas and collect funds. LET recruits and trains jihadists from Australia, the U.S, Canada and the U.K. It is formed by a quasi-militar structure with Chief-commander; District-

    commander; Batallion-commander and operational + support estructures. TARGETS are: Indian Hindus, Jews, Americans and other infidels and apostate muslims. India should be liberated from them and the Caliphate

    established. LET operatives have appeared in other jihadist scenarios like Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Kosovo, Philippines, Kashmir or Iraq. MODUS. OP: To attack military bases, to take positions, to die defending positions

    (not to suicide operations) and achieve maximum exp ectation to enlarge recruits, donations and to demoralize th e enemy. Recruits are better edu cated than average Pakkistani, well trained and highly motivated with the

    founders background of engineering professors committed to technical education in the 1990's when is starts funcioning.

    2000 decChrismas eve bombing against churches in Indonesia. 38 simultaneous explosions in mostly against Catholic Churches by AQ-SE. Aledgedly by Jemaah Islamyah and the Moro Front, Philippine group dearticulated in a Police

    Operation in august.

    2000 oct Two naval attacks against the U.S naval force in Aden, the USS Cole is disabled and sailors are killed. Summit of the core arab principals in Kuala Lumpurin january and october (Indonesia).

    2000 jan Summit of the core arab principals in Kuala Lumpurin january and october (Indonesia). Two naval plots against the U.S naval force in Aden, the USS Cole is disabled and sailors are killed.

    2000Jamal Ahmidan(leader of 11-M, Madrid attacks) is known like "the chinesse" and becomes radical after 4 years of imprissonment in Valdemoro for drugs trafficking and other offences(since 1996) . Afterwards he goes in

    Morocco until 2003 where he receives doctrinal basis for his radicalization and creates a cell with his brothers Hicham and Hamid Ahmidanand Abu Dadahfrom the Nederlands plus others.

    1999EIG peaceful initiative. The group completely dissapear from the panorama in summer.EIG announce an unilateral ceasefirefrom prisonand the asking for forgiveness in Egypt. Al-Zawahiri resumes his leadership in the EIJ after


    1999 dec

    Ahmed RessamTHE MILLENIUM BOMBER. International terrorism hits Canada after one decade of operations known.Ahmed Ressamtries to bomb L.A Airport departing from Vancouver (British Columbia) with a car loaded

    with explosives and detonators. Not apparent leadership and not apparent up-to-down organization behind by AQ-C. The suspect holds long history of political violence domestically with leftists and Quebec separatists. His

    actions were until then: fund rising, propaganda, recruitment, procurement and collection of intelligence. Later intelligence(2001) on the intentions of OBL have to do with retaliation from 1998 U.S missile strike on AQ base in

    Afganistan. It is demonstrated that Sunni terrorists start acting in Canada, Canadians perceive 9/11 like a fail in the adaptation to the terrorist threat by the U.S Government before a new and changing scenario. New operations

    are launched within the US and Canada under the premise "they were already here".

    1999 LEADERED JIHADISM. Amar Makhluliffield coordinator of the millenial plots in Amman(Jordan) and L.A airport.

    1998 aug Members of the EIJare arrestedin Albany and extradited to Egypt.

    1998 junString of attacks. Al Qaeda attacks US embassies in Nairobi(Kenia) and Dar al-Salam(Tanzania) . AQ decentralizes to East Africa. Shift from offensive in Muslim soil to foreign soil after abandon Egypt like a target and decrease

    the activity in the Algerian civil war. Inauguration of worlwide wave of bombings and plots. Their dutties worldwide are about assesment local initiatives, training potential terrorists and funding operations to span their field of


    1998G.S.P.C splits from GIA attending different goals and means encouraged by AQ to enroll the Global Jihadist Movement. They shift from a domestic insurgent group to a regional salifist one, they receive support and training in

    Afghanistan and Pakistan since the end of the Afghan war.

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    Manifesto of the Global Salafi Jihad against the far enemy. Bin Laden position adopted finally is to follow Faraj's doctrine from Kandahar (Afghanistan) . Issue a fatwaof the World Islamic Front declaring the Jihad against the

    crussaders (Americans and their allies) . Talibans give freedom of movement to AQ in Afghanistan to develop all their activities with full freedom and consolidate their power. They can also conduct operations within the

    country. Bin Laden consolidate his grip on the jihad activities worldwide with global extensions. The EIJ has reduced its income from AQ due to the six months of imprisonment of Al-Zawahiri in Russia and the consequent

    absence from AQ. His reaction is to enlarge the support to AQ worlwide. By that time they have capability to conduct propaganda operations in London. The EIG(change the target near for the far enemy) and the EIJ members

    with Bin Laden sign the fatwa, Al-Zawahiri is critized by some followers and receives opposition and the EIG withdraws from the far enemy target, rejecting thus the funding by Osama Bin Laden. The manifesto implies the

    transition from the jihad into the global salafi jihad.

    1997 jul

    Al-Zawahiri goes to Caucasian republics (Chechenia) after being banned from Sudan, where he is arrested in Russia but not identified. He spend 6 months in prisson inDagestan.He was active in Chechneya near the end of

    1996. He then went to Russia. Al-Zawahiri was being trained by the FSB. Contact established with the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria(CRI) is the self-proclaimed state and ultimate auth ority over all Chechen rebels. CRI State

    Defence Council, CRI Armed Forces (CRI AF), and Shariah Court of CRI are governmental bodies. CRI armed Forces are further divided by regions. However, this official structure has no complete control over all Chechen rebel

    groups or terrorist groups, although those groups recognize or respect the authority of CRI. These subgroups operate independently under the command of its leader, and free of the structure of CRI.

    1997 EIG massacres more than 60 people in Luxorby part of Al-Istambuli and Taha.

    1996 augFatwa against Americansis released from Afghanistan. The true global salafi jihad starts with this fatwa. Meanwhile the Afghan civil war takes place between AQ (foreigners) and Talibans(locals) since the end of the Afghan-

    Soviet war.

    1996Civil war in Bosniabrings jihaddists into the heart of Europe to fight against Serbs (Slodovan Milosevich) . Excombatants are reorganized. Website used for islamist organization: Some of them are 1000

    Algerians related to the GIA, therefore jihadists in the heart of Europe hold relation with jihadists in the north of Africa.

    1996 AQ afiliates with Jamaa Islamiyyain the South Eastern Asia.

    1996 It is build the network of AQ in Montreal(Canada) with Fateh Kamelin the leadership. New funraising in Toronto by Ahmed Said Khadr.

    1996 France.AQ discus its strategy.

    1996The UN intervenes against a government for alledged support to the terrorism. EIGatempts against Hosni Mubarack(Egyptian president) in Addis Abeba(Sudan) with the involvement of the Sudanese government and the

    subsequent sanctions from the United Nations, Muslim Brotherhood protest against the UN in Egypt due to the sanctions.Al-Zawahiriis banned from Sudan and goes to Caucasian republics, where he is arrested but not

    identified. He spend 6 months in prisson.

    1995 Until 1996. second wave of jihadist attacks in France due to its implications in the Algerian Civil war.

    1995 nov Algeria.AQ discuss its strategy. Meanwhile the G.I.A bombs French targetsin Djibuti and Senegal after receiving support from AQ by training, financing and weaponry. GIA turnsAQ in the Islamic Maghreb.

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    1995 Bombing at RiyadhNational Guard Training Centre in Saudi Arabia.

    1994Ahmed Said Khadrraise funds in Toronto. The EIG rejects the far enemy and focus in the near enemy with the Faraj's arguments. The EIJ is still reluctant to attack the United States for the great power of defense to the

    movement. Salafi jihad and global salafi jihad are clearly split.

    1993 New York. AQ discuss its strategy. The Mufti of EIG is arrested in NYC.

    1993Mogadishu in Somalia is a safehaven. Black Hawk down story. Using techniques from the Afghan war, jihadists shot down a U.S helicopter and the U.S abandons the U.N mission in Somalia. In feb the first attack against the

    World Trade Center with no clear participation of AQ in the plot but with suspects of it. MEANWHILE Al-Zawahiri raise funds in California. By that moment Osama Bin Laden is in Somalia for being unsecure in Sudan, where it is

    easy to recruit, and train internationalist jihadists, to operate, prepare and launch attacks.

    1992 janAlgeria.Group Islamic Arm(G.I.A) with Afghan leaders Qari Said, Tayyeb al-Afghani and Djafar al-Afgani, is supported by Al Qaeda under the observation of Egyptians. The followers of the mufty Sheik Omar within theE.I.G

    prepare a strike in New York against the U.S at home, it would later turn into the attack of the WTC.

    1991 Ayman al-Zawahirigain the control over the EIJand set aside Abud Al-Zumur. Rivalry from 1984 is renewed between the EIJ and the EIG with more internal divisions.

    1990 Sheik Anwar Shaban. Manages the main logistic base of AQ in Europe in Milan during the decade of 90's.


    Development along the DECADE. Suddanesseexile of Al Qaeda discussing on the strategy with Egyptian influence of the EIJ. The new objetive of the global salafi established by Al-Zawahiri is the jihad to force Western powers to

    withdraw from muslim lands in the Middle East and East Africa. Meanwhile Ali-Amin al-Rashidi, chair of AQ militar comitee + Ali Abdel Suud Mohammed Mustapha , trainer of O.B.L bodyguards + Wahid el-Hage, O.B.L personal

    secretary. Form the central cluster of Al-Qaeda in the Sud anese exile. This period is marked by financ ial concerns because the payment of staff and families costs 6 M dollars to more than 1000 staff members. O.B.L invests in the

    Sudanese industry where his followers work. STRUCTURE.AQ headquartersare established definitively in Sudan where it is coordinated the global estrategy against the far enemy with training camps in Afghanistan, Sudan,

    Bosnia, Yemen and Philippines. Offices are instaled in London HQ, Spain in Madrid and Grenade, Germany in Hamburg, Milan head logistic base, Islamic Maghreb in Algeria. AQ-AP (Arabian Peninsula) is a weak autonomous cell

    in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with no terrorist activity but financing, they expand towards the South in Yemen, East in Qatar and the Emirates and Center in the desert.

    1990Sayyid Iman Al-Shariffgoes to Yemen after being d efeated by Ayman Al-Zawahiri in the internal battle for power within the E.I.J.Sayyid Iman Al-Shariffsupported the end of the jihad against Western countries and bet for the

    local jihad, meanwhile Al-Zawahiri following Faraj's doctrine wanted to attempt against the far enemy. E.I.G is more a social group than a terrorist group, socially embeded and with capability to carry out operations.Al-Zumur

    jumps from the E.I.G to the E.I.J.

    1990Saddam Husseinruling Iraq invades Kuwait. This is a turning point of the Jihad in Iraq, protagonized by Sunnis against the Secular rulers like him. The Gulf war takes place. Arabian Peninsula turns a new scenario for the global

    salafi jihad. The new objetive of the G.S.J is to force the Western powers to withdraw from the Middle East and East Africa.

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    1989Mujahedinremain in Afghanistan and pass trough a process of radicalization consisting on gradual selection, manipulation of resources from above and recognition of the single common target of the jihad. Others commit to

    the global jihad in the Sudanese exile in 1991, shifting the target from the near enemy to the far enemy before turning back in Afghanistan in 1996 just about 150 of them. Some leave the mission rejecting the United States as a

    new enemy following the same criteria than EIG. (picture: Mullah Omar)

    1989 Sheick Abdullah Azzamis killed in Peshawar after the su ccess in the Afghan war against the soviets, he is followed by his deputyOssama Bin Laden to leadthe Afgan-Arabs community.

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    The URSS withdraws from Afghanistanand jihadist wants to stay but return their countries with military training and formation. Consensus to establish a base of Al-Qaeda in Afganistan is reached to train mujahedins

    worldwide. Al Qaeda reorients its target toward que conquest of lands and recover of territories, establishing a Muslim world Caliphate and liberate former muslim lands from Takfirs and foreign powers. Winners reputation of

    mujahedins is spread. Expatriates have no more reasons to stay in Afghanistan, where they belonging to Al Qaeda join in conflict with the Talibans (locals). Consensus to establish a base of Al-Qaeda in Afganistan is reached to

    train mujahedins worldwide.


    Al Qaeda starts being a global consequence . It is on the vanguard of the Global Salafi Jihad since its creation including its terrorists cells to cooperate in a large scale string of operations. Member founders are Ayman Al-

    Zawahiri, Ali Amin Ali al RashidiandSubhi Muhammad Abu Sittah, Egyptian disciples refugee from political prosecution in the Afghan Jihad. It has cluster estructure and it is created by Saudi Arabia (by funding) and Pakistan

    (by training) as reaction against the URSS invasion. Pakistan supp ort local Talibans to control the Afghan Government and the participation of the U.S resumes to the training of Pakistan military and intelligence services, who

    later would train Talibans. AQ seems is the organization shaped by foreigners who go in Afghanistan to fight the jihad and finally end competing with the Talibans. AQ defends the DUAL ESTRATEGY from Egyptian Faraj

    supported byAyman Al-Zawahiri.

    1987PROPAGANDA. The E.I.J. publish a monthly magazine "THE CONQUEST" from Peshawar in Pakistan, Saidis become the E.I.G. Both E.I.J and E.I.G want to be back in Egypt but support Afghanistan like their jihaddist battlefield.

    Sheik Abdallah Azzamlead and Osama Bin Laden organize and fundraise the Afghan Jihad for international Muslim volunteers. Ayman al-Zawahiri provides medical attention to Osama Bin Ladenand recruit jihadist for the

    organization, they remain gradually together.

    1986 Ayman Al-Zawahiri is back in Peshawar (Pakistan). Departing point from where to reach Afghanistan and he is followed by others. A selection is done.

    1985 Ayman Al-Zawahirileft Jeddah.


    RIVALRY. The limited cooperative agreement between the two groups E.I.J and E.I.G along with their majlis, was officially dissolved in 1984. Behind bars, the relative unity that had characterized the Egyptian militant Islamist movement

    throughout the months p