Download - Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Page 1: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church January 2012

Page 2: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,


Jim Santos (President) Chris Atsaves (Vice President) Steve Koulogeorge (Treasurer) Nick Mechales (Assistant Treasurer) Demete Papson (Assistant Treasurer) Therese Speropoulos (Assistant Treasurer) Keith Anderson (Secretary) Christy Gouletas (Secretary)

Choir Director: Artie Coclanis Organist: Helen Mariano Book & Icon Store: Pat Nassos Philoptochos President: Mary Ann Rasmussen Church School Coordinators: Randa Anderson Stacy Sennott

The Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church

was chartered in 1960, the Church edifice was completed in 1964. Designed by James S. Economou, who was the recipient of the 1968

DISTINGUISHED BUILDING AWARD by the Chicago Chapter of the The American Institute of Architects and at the Association of Commerce and Industry.

Joan Bailar Athan Demakos Fritz Freidinger James Gottreich George Kirie

Bo LaMotte Mary Ann Langas Bud Photopulos Lee Poteracki

Greek School: Stella Theoharopoulos (847) 803-4792 Agape Preschool: Julia Mantice (224) 381-3247 Youth Ministry: Louis Pappas Custodian: Arturo Lemus Coffee Fellowship: Lucia Economos (847) 827-5593 Dynamis Group: Athena Ames (847) 256-5306

Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church 1401 Wagner Road

Glenview, Il 60025 Phone: (847) 729-2235 Fax: (847) 729-6562

[email protected]

Fr. Angelo Artemas-Pastor Fr. Michael Stearns~Associate Pastor

Fr. Vladimir Christy-Sunday Assistant Louis Pappas-Pastoral Assistant

Office Manager: Jeannine McIntyre Office Assistant: Toula Garbis Bookkeeper: Diane Bravos

Sunday &Weekly Services Matins 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Office Hours: Mon.-Fri 9am-4pm

Page 3: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Parish Council News January, 2012

Thanks to all who attended the Fall Parish Assembly meeting following Di-vine Liturgy on Sunday, November 20th. Several reports were presented re-garding various areas of parish administration. Father Michael discussed the early results of the 2012 stewardship campaign and I'm pleased to report that the stewardship messages that were delivered in October seem to have been well received. From the pledge cards received in the first couple weeks of November, there has been an upward trend in both the amount of people pledging and their pledged amounts. Thank you very much to those who have turned in pledge cards, and I encourage those who have not to prayerfully consider your financial commitment to the church and submit your pledge cards soon. Steve Koulogeorge, our treasurer presented the 2012 budget and it was passed unanimously. A copy of it is available in the church office if you are interested in reviewing it. On February 12, we will once again be organizing an event at Pinstripes in Northbrook in conjunction with Godparents' Sunday. Christy Gouletas will be chairing this event and you will be hearing more about it soon. Please save the date, and if possible attend with your Godparents and/or Godchil-dren. On a personal note, this will be the last article you will see from me in the monthly newsletter as, after three years, I will be stepping down as parish council president. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the commu-nity of SS. Peter & Paul in this capacity. I want to thank Father Angelo and the parish councils for all of their support over the past three years. It was certainly an exciting time to be involved as we concluded a very successful capital campaign, made many renovations to our church and community center, and celebrated our 50th anniversary. My family and I feel blessed to be part of this worshipping community and intend to continue our involve-ment for many years to come. My hope and prayer is that all of us keep God at the center of our lives and we remember that all we have is from Him and He is deserving of our eternal thanks. Jim Santos Parish Council President

Page 4: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

“For the trumpet will sound, and the

dead will be raised imperishable.”

(1 Corinthians. 15:52)

Our Condolences to the families of Chris Sideris, Alex Kretekos, Angela Mitchell, Georgia Nash and George Tselikis. May their memory be eternal.

40 Day Churching of Mother and Infant Noah James, son of Katherine (Knell) and Jason Sarelas William Christopher Thomas, son of Kathryn (Gallanis) and Christopher Matern

Parish News

Page 5: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Cemetery Spaces Available: SS. Peter and Paul along with some of our Sister Parishes and Memorial Park Cemetery in Skokie have developed a new Greek Orthodox section called “Garden of the Resurrection.” To be part of this program, please contact the church office.

Page 6: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

A Different Type of Resolution for 2012

By Father Michael Stearns

Lose weight and get fit…get out of debt and save…get organized and learn something new…spend more time with family…travel and enjoy life – we’ve all been there before. Are you in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions? Or perhaps you have given up on the practice, af-ter several failed attempts, claiming that they just don’t work for you. Whatever your past history, 2012 brings us an opportunity to make a change. The real question is, will we take advantage of it? You see, there is nothing wrong with making resolutions out of a genuine desire to improve ourselves, and life around us. The problem is usually the type of commitments we make, and just how committed we actually are (not very) toward implementing them. The human being’s desire for growth is not only natural, but it is one of the greatest gifts given to us by God Himself. God became Man (Jesus Christ), so that we might become like God (Theosis). Our destiny as Christians is to continually grow in the Image and Likeness of God, and everything about the Orthodox Church is designed to assist us in that goal. Commitment and re-solve have everything to do with our Life in Christ, but without focus they will fade faster than a politician’s campaign promise! In our desire to make a real and lasting change in 2012, we there-fore need to not only have the right goals in mind, but also a support system to ensure their imple-mentation. Let us then briefly look at the “what,” and the “how.” First of all, this year instead of making a bunch of small resolutions, make just one big one. Resolve in 2012 to “Live Your Faith!” Let that be your mantra for the year. Let it encompass eve-rything you do, every aspect of your life. In order to fulfill this resolution, you will need you break it down into achievable goals. See the difference? You are resolved to live your Faith, and you will accomplish that in various meaningful ways. Look at your life in terms of Stewardship. Spend time in daily prayer, Worship, and Scripture reading. Use your talent in ministry, find your passion in service, explore fasting, and teach your children or grandchildren. Give of your abun-dant treasure in thanksgiving to God, and for the work of the Gospel, in ways that are both sacrifi-cial and meaningful. The opportunities are endless. Find a way to connect Christ and the Church to every aspect of your life. Live Your Faith! Secondly, you need some help. You are not in this by yourself. Belonging to a Parish means that we have a Christian Family there to help us and support us in our desire for Christ-like growth. The success of our resolution, and the accomplishment of our goals, rest on our willing-ness to be accountable. Accountable not only to God and ourselves, but to one another. The im-portance of a Spiritual Father relationship cannot be understated! The Priest is there to help us and assist us in our desired spiritual growth. It may also be beneficial to have a fellow layperson, or small group, commit to supporting each other in their efforts. Whatever the mechanism, account-ability is key, so take advantage of the opportunities. If you want to do something that will really make a difference in your life this coming year, resolve for 2012 to Live Your Faith! Take advantage of what the Church has to offer, it’s all there for you! Connect God to your life, set spiritual goals, be accountable, and rely on your support system. Above all, have a blessed and spiritually rewarding New Year!

Page 7: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,
Page 8: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Coffee Connection A Church School Program for Adults

ALL sessions are open to ALL parishioners.

Meet in the youth room under the gym following Holy Communion until 11:40 a.m.

The Next Two Sessions Are:

January 15th

“Family Worship in a Relativistic Society”

February 12th “Fasting and Worship: What’s the Connection?

Page 9: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

The Hope group made its annual visit to the fire station. The highlight of the morning was when the kids took their turns sitting in the “big red fire truck.”

Page 10: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

Philoptochos News by Milly Pappas

Holiday Faire – Golden Anniversary Wind-Up It was an “affaire to remember”. The words we heard were – elegant, spectacular, great, beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius, Fay Paras, Ida Haris, Georgia Barris, and Milly Pappas. All of us would like to thank everyone who helped in so many ways to make the event a success. Our many thanks to the following chair people: Décor – Atrium/Tree - Beth LaMotte Candy Cane Room - Stephanie Eul Décor-Dining Room -Evelyn Demetrius Auction -Matina Ingallinera Publicity -Elaine Buscaglia Bakery -Niki Tsitsis Finance -Eleni Soukoulis Coffee Bar -Christy Gouletas Manpower -Tina Riemer/ Dining Room -Ann Rusin/ Georgia Ryerson Wanda Mastros Chefs/Menu - Pat Haris/Ida Haris Champagne Bar - Alexa Karkazis Invitations/Posters - Fay Paras Cookbooks -Mary Paniotte Vendors/Purchasing -Milly Pappas Desserts - Georgene Shanley/ Santa -Louis Pappas Julia Mantice A special thanks to all of the ladies who A special thanks to our wonderful youth baked their delicious pastry and breads. who helped decorate the Christmas tree. A highlight of the Holiday Faire was the gift of $50,000 to the Philoptochos Philanthropy Fund given by the Koulogeorge family in honor of their mother, Mary Koulogeorge, who served as chairlady of the first Christmas Bazaar 50 years ago and continues to be a dedicated member of SS Peter and Paul Philoptochos. The event’s finale was the outstanding performance of Dimitris Marinos singing beautiful Greek songs, playing the bouzouki, and also the piano. A real treat.

Shown above is honorary chairlady, Mary Koulogeorge,

her husband, Jim, and son Paul selling cookbooks at a 1974 bazaar.

Page 11: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,
Page 12: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

On November 11th the atrium was decorated for Christmas. The highlight was stacking up the 3 sections of our new 18 foot Christmas tree with just a really big ladder and some manpower!

Page 13: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

January 2011


1 9:30 am Divine Liturgy~ Feast of St. Basil No church school

2 Office Closed

3 4

5 4:30 pm Greek School

7:00 pm The Eve of Theophany Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters

6 9:00 am The Holy Theophany of our Lord Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Waters


9:30 am Greek School

8 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Metropolis City-Wide Vasilopita

9 9:30 am HOPE Group 4:30 pm Greek School 7:30 pm High School Youth Group

10 6:30 Philoptochos Board Mtg. 7:30 pm Jr. High Youth Group

11 10:00 am Adult Bible Study


4:30 pm Greek School

7:00 pm Parish Council Executive Mtg.


14 9:30 am Greek School

15 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Coffee Connection

16 Office Closed

9:30 am HOPE Group 4:30 pm Greek School 7:30 pm High School Youth Group


18 10:00 am Adult Bible Study

19 4:30 pm Greek School


21 9:30 am Greek School

22 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

23 9:30 am HOPE Group 4:30 pm Greek School 7:30 pm High School Youth Group


7:00 pm Church School Staff Mtg. 7:30 pm Jr. High Youth Group

25 10:00 am Adult Bible Study

26 4:30 pm Greek School

7:00 pm Parish Council Mtg.

27 7:30 pm Agape Preschool Fundraiser

28 9:30 am Greek School

29 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Food Pantry Bag Distribution

30 9:30 am HOPE Group 4:30 pm Greek School 7:30 pm High School Youth Group


Page 14: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

For information about ad sponsorship, please call Ted Sibilsky at 262-613-1642 or 1-800-447-0030 x107. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0006 bw LP











Page 15: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

For information about ad sponsorship, please call Ted Sibilsky at 262-613-1642 or 1-800-447-0030 x107. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0006 4c LP











Page 16: Saints Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church€¦ · 12/01/2011  · beautiful, delicious. The Steering Committee: Mary Ann Rasmussen, Mary Koulogeorge, Georgia Ryerson, Evelyn Demetrius,

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1401 Wagner Road Glenview, Illinois 60025

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