Download - Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface€¦ · Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

Page 1: Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface€¦ · Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface

MARCH 5, 2017 1st Sunday of Lent

Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you,

if you will prostrate yourself and worship me,” ~Mt 4:8-9

Page 2: Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface€¦ · Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

St. Mary Parish Office 119 4th Street • P.O. Box 68

West Point, IA 52656

Phone (319) 837-6808 Email [email protected] Website Parish Council President Dennis Menke Trustee Anthony Schulte Trustee Roger Fullenkamp

Saint Boniface Parish Office 609 Washington Street • P.O. Box 247

Farmington, IA 52626

Phone (319) 878-3736 Parish Council President Gavin Burgess Trustee Todd Herdrich Trustee Richard Breckenridge

Pastoral Staff Pastor Rev. Dennis Hoffman(319) 837-8120 Office Phone (319) 837-6808 E-Mail [email protected] Rectory Address………………603 Bel Air Dr Fr. Dennis’ Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30 am to Noon Wednesday 9:30 am to 11:30 am

Parish Coordinator Rebecca Hannum (319) 837-6808 E-Mail [email protected] Rebecca’s Office Hours Monday-Friday………....8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Secretary Deb Fullenkamp (319) 837-6808 Deb’s Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to Noon Every other Friday 8:00 am to Noon

Director of Religious Education Dixie Booten (319) 837-8905 Cell (319) 371-5043 Email [email protected]

Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mike Linnenbrink (319) 316-2115 Email [email protected]

Eucharistic Adoration Friday (WP) 8:00 am-5:00 pm.

Confessions Saturday (WP) 4:00-4:30 pm and as announced.

Baptisms /Weddings Call St. Mary’s Parish Office

Forms on Parish Website (319) 837-6808 to make an appt.

Sick Calls: Contact the Parish Office if you or a family member are unable to attend Mass and receive the Sacraments due to illness or age. Please notify the Parish Office if you go into the hospital, we would like to visit you.

Parish Prayer Lines St. Mary…...Eleanor Menke @(319) 837-6895 St. Boniface……….(319) 835-5520/592-3238

Bulletin Deadline: Monday noon.

Catholic social teaching inspires and guides how we are to live and work in the world. In this principle, Option for the Poor, Jesus tells us to give special care to those who are most in need. He reminds us of our Christian duty to give a voice to those who are unheard and to help those who are most vulnerable.

When the Malaguni River in East India floods, Megha and Raj Singh, their two children and their extended family cannot get to the nearest market—nearly five miles away—to buy and sell food. If the waters do not recede quickly, their rice fields fail, and their animals become sick from diseases spread through dirty water. The family faces financial dan-ger. That’s why CRS is helping the Singh family prepare for flooding with new farming tools and techniques. Now Raj plants his fields worry-free using a special type of rice that can survive flooding. He can collect and save his seeds for future use. And he now has the resources he needs to vaccinate his cows, ensuring they, too, survive the floods. Megha grows vegetables in a kitchen garden, so her family has healthy meals even when she can’t visit the market. During past floods, the family had to survive solely on rice. But now, planting veggies in special sacks, she is able to raise the plants above flood lines, ensuring her family has reliable access to nutritious food. Just as important, Megha has learned new ways of growing food, so that the entire family gets the most nutrition out of every meal. Now, the whole Singh family is healthier, and with these new ways of farming, they can continue to thrive, even during floods. On Saturday, Feb. 25th, several youth from the five parishes went to Ronald McDonald House. While at RMDH, we prepared a meal for the 31 families staying there. The kids made sloppy joes, homemade cole slaw, and cookies. After the meal prep, we vacuumed and mopped the floors. After the work was done our youth had an opportunity to visit with a family from Washington State who’s five month old baby was born with club feet and spinal bifida. Then off to St. Wenceslaus for

Mass and the Coralville Mall for something to eat and Whitey's ice cream. Here is what a few students had to say; "The experience of the ladies story was a real eye opener and we really enjoyed listening to her. We also love to cook and do chores for them in their rough time and hope they enjoy our help and visits" by Daisy and Ace Meierotto. Bella Pope said "My favorite part about Sunday was hanging out with people that I don't normally ". Thanks to April Van Hamme for taking her time to help. Attending with April were Mya Schmitz, Emmy Arnold, Ace Meierotto, Jackson Van Hamme, Claire Brock, Anna Sobczak, Daisy Meierotto and Bella Pope. Our next visit will be on Saturday, April 8th. Come and join us on our next adventure to RMDH.

Page 3: Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface€¦ · Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point

Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

March 8th 1:00 pm Holy Trinity, West Point

March 8th 7:00 pm Religious Ed, West Point

March 13th 6:30 pm All Saints, Keokuk

March 26th 11:30 pm St. Boniface, Farmington

March 27th 7:00 pm St. Alphonsus, Mt Pleasant

April 2nd 1:00 pm Holy Family, Ft Madison

April 2nd 3:00 pm St. Mary’s West Point

April 2nd 4:30 pm St. James, St Paul

Holy Thursday April 13th After 8:00 pm services St. Mary’s, West Point

Good Friday April 14th After 3:00 pm services St. Mary’s, West Point

Stations of the Cross St. Mary’s on Fridays after 5:30 Mass and

beginning on March 10th at 2:20 PM

(led by HTC Elementary)

St. Boniface on Tuesdays beginning March 7th after 6:00 PM Mass

Lenten Reconciliation Schedule

Someone recently told me that pretzels have their origin in medieval Lenten practices. Is that true?

Yes, according to tradition, that’s correct. In earlier times, Lenten abstinence laws were much stricter than they are now. Throughout the forty days — not just on Fridays (but not on Sundays) — Catholics abstained from eating not just meat, but also eggs and dairy products. Only one meal was taken a day, usually toward evening, though eventually the meal was moved up to 3:00 p.m. or even noon. After the meal became established at the earlier time of day, a collation (small snack) came to be allowed in the evening. People needed some kind of light food that fit the abstinence rules, and pretzels filled the bill.

Traditions vary about the exact origins of the snack. One popular story says that a young monk in the early seventh century in Italy was preparing a special Lenten bread of water, flour and salt. (No eggs, milk or lard could be used as ingredients). To remind the other monks that Lent was a time of prayer, he rolled the dough in strips and twisted each strip in the distinctive pretzel shape we know today. This design reflected what was then a popular prayer posture of crossing the arms upon the chest. The dough was baked to become a soft bread like the large soft pretzels we sometimes enjoy today. In time, the smaller, hard-baked variety was developed as well (not to mention pretzel sticks). What’s the origin of the name? One tradition says it comes from the Latin word bracellae, meaning “little arms” (at prayer). From this word, the Germans derived the word bretzel, which came into English as pretzel. Another story insists that the term comes from the Latin pretiola, which means “little reward,” because the legendary originator of the treat gave the breads to children as rewards for reciting their prayers. Whatever their precise origin may be, let’s all enjoy some pretzels this Lenten season — and let them remind us to pray! There will be a Euchre Tournament on Saturday, March 18th at 7:00 pm at the West Point American Legion. The tournament is sponsored by the West Point Knights of Columbus Council and is open to the whole community. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. Contact Mike Linnenbrink if you have any questions at 316-2115. Each week The Catholic Messenger reflects the life of the Church throughout the world with an emphasis on diocesan parishes, and Catholic schools news. Learn how other Catholics are living out their faith and the joys and struggles that come with it. The subscription cost is just $29 for 50 issues. St. Boniface has reached 56% of their parish total cost of $1417.50. St. Mary’s has reached 53% of their parish cost of $6588.00. Unfortunately our parishes will have to pay the difference. If you are currently receiving The Catholic Messenger and have not paid your subscription please do so as soon as possible.

Annual Diocesan Annual Appeal, Living Mercy: Congratulations to St. Boniface for going over their goal. The excess will be returned to the parish. Due to the lack of donations, St. Mary’s parishioners have only reached 65% of their goal with a balance of $9,134. If not collected from parishioners the money will come out of the general fund. If you have not already made a contribution please help us by doing your part. Contribution envelopes are in the breezeway between the church and O-Center.

Youth Ministry Jewelry and Rosary Fundraiser will be in the O-Center on March 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th and April 1st & 2nd before and after Mass. This is a great opportunity to buy your First Communion, Confirmation or other gift for that someone special.

Page 4: Saint Mary of the Assumption & Saint Boniface€¦ · Confessions: Saturdays 4:00—4:30 pm St. Mary’s, West Point Communal Penance: March 8th 10:00 am Holy Trinity, Ft. Madison

St. Mary Liturgical Roles

Saturday, (March 11) at 5:30 pm Lead Rosary Rita Harmeyer Ushers Austin Abolt, Derek Vandenberg Anthony Schulte, Dalton Robu Greeters Dick & Diane Jennings Servers Garrett Hannum, Teagan & Tyler Snaadt Lector Susan Fedler Giftbearers Ray & Carleen Krogmeier E. Ministers Karen Box, Dixie Booten, Mike Schierbrock Bulletins Dave & Deb Lowenberg Alice McCannon, Maureen McGuire Scrip Ed & Eileen Medland

Sunday, (March 12) at 8:00 am Lead Rosary Leah Link Ushers Marvin Menke, Don Pollpeter Paul Walker, Ron Fedler Greeters Paul & Bess Walker Servers Adam & Maria Rauenbuehler Sarah Schierbrock Lector Linda Peitz Giftbearers Pat & Peggy Steffensmeier E. Ministers Ralph & Doris Kassmeyer, Barb Groene Bulletins Stan & Rita Pomberg, Marvin & Rita Menke Scrip Mike & Sue Anderson Counters Bill & Cheryl Wellman, Bruce Wellman

St. Boniface Liturgical Roles

Sunday, (March 12) at 10:30 am Greeters Tom & Kathy Bartholomew Lector Tom Kruse Servers Ellie & Bo Herdrich Gifts Neeley Family E. Ministers Tom & Kathy Bartholomew Todd Herdrich Counters Gavin Burgess & Kathy Bartholomew

Readings for the Week

March 5, 2017 Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7/Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17/ Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12, 17-19/Mt 4:1-11 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/ Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-7, 16-19/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19/ Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8/ Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-8/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8/ Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a/Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22/

Tuesday, March 7 Robert Jorace

Wednesday, March 8 Special Intention

Thursday, March 9 Parishioners

Friday, March 10 Jim Merschman

Saturday, March 11 Leonard Rickelman

Sunday, March 12 Ernest Moeller Parishioners

St. Mary Mass Schedule

Weekend Saturday (WP) 5:30 pm Sunday (WP) 8:00 am, (FA) 10:30 am Weekday Monday NO MASS Tuesday (FA) 9:00 am Wednesday (WP) 8:45 am 1st & 3rd Thursday (WPCC) 10:00 am Other Thursdays (WP) 7:30 am 1st Friday (DNCC) 10:00 am, (WP) 5:30 pm Other Fridays (WP) 7:30 am

Mass Intentions

The Parishioners of St. Mary’s & St. Boniface pray the rosary for world peace before every Mass.

Stewardship of Treasure February 26 St. Mary Adults……………………………………………...$2079.00 Offertory……………………………………………$101.00 Second Collection..………………………………….$183.00 Holy Trinity Catholic Schools……..……………….$2900.00 Last week’s ordinary income………….………………$4369.00 Amount needed per week…………….……………$6500.00 # of weekly envelopes…………………..……………….103 St. Boniface Adults……………………………………………...$1529.00 Offertory……………………………………………..$48.00 # of adult envelopes……………………………………...31

Thank you for your support!

Holy Trinity Catholic Schools Website ..................

High School (Grades 7-12) 2600 Avenue A • Fort Madison, IA 52627 CAO: Michael Sheerin • (319) 372-2486 School Board President:: Brad Box School Board Vice President: Amy Merschman West Point Representative: Terri Delaney

Elementary (Grades K-6) 413 Avenue C • West Point, IA 52656 (319) 837-6131

Early Childhood Center 2040 Locust Street • St. Paul, IA 52657 / 2213 Avenue J • Fort Madison, IA 52627 Phone (319) 372-6428