Download - Saint James Parish · 2019-09-19 · time of vacation, and the ordinary yet extraordinary gifts You‟ve given. Open my eyes to see that vacation will end but the memories of it will

Page 1: Saint James Parish · 2019-09-19 · time of vacation, and the ordinary yet extraordinary gifts You‟ve given. Open my eyes to see that vacation will end but the memories of it will


Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 AM

Monday-Wednesday 8:00 AM


Rev. Edward J. Hanlon [email protected]


Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Varney…[email protected]

Religious Education:

Patrick O‟Donnell [email protected]

Director of Music:

Patricia M. Saviet

Parish Secretary:

Celeste D. Allain [email protected]

Parish office hours: 8:30am-2:00pm M-F

89 Main Street

South Grafton, MA 01560


Saturday 4:00 PM

Call rectory for appointment


Baptism is celebrated on the Third Sunday of the month at

12:00 PM. Call the rectory to make arrangements.


Couples planning for marriage should contact the rectory

one year prior to the wedding date.


Please contact the rectory if you know of anyone who is

hospitalized or confined to home because of age or illness.


Please introduce yourselves after Mass. We want to know

and serve you. We hope you become active members of


parish community.

We are a Stewardship Parish


508 839-5354 • FAX 508 839-5430 • Religious Education Office 508 839-6800 • Web:

Saint James Parish

Page 2: Saint James Parish · 2019-09-19 · time of vacation, and the ordinary yet extraordinary gifts You‟ve given. Open my eyes to see that vacation will end but the memories of it will


Saturday, July 21

4:30 PM Leo & Emilienne Allain by their family

Dominic Vinh Vu by Tina Ponce

Richard Hudson by his family

Sunday, July 22

7:30 AM Parishioners of Saint James

10:30 AM Deceased members of the Holy Name

High School Class of 1967

By the Class of „67 alumni

Monday, July 23

8:00 AM L. Edward Lamson by Kathleen Torrey

Tuesday, July 24

8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, July 25

8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory

Next Saturday, July 28

4:30 PM Peter Koliss by Pamela Bobbs

Anna Matthew by Jerry, James and family

Norman & Doris Wood by their children

Next Sunday, July 29

7:30 AM Parishioners of Saint James

10:30 AM In honor of Saint Joseph by a parishioner

July 14 & 15 $4,015.00

Higher Utilities $125.00

Missionary Collection $1,329.00



We find ourselves in the season of vacation and other

wonderful reasons for travel. Please remember that our

financial commitments as a parish don‟t “take a vacation”.

To you who provide your financial support through

electronic giving weekly or monthly, Thank You! To you

who use the envelope system, please remember to

contribute as you do regularly by anticipating or making up

your contributions. Thank you!




120 Gifts received.

Thank you!

HOSPITAL VISITS Each week, Worcester Medical Center (St. Vincent‟s),

U. Mass Memorial and U. Mass University Campus are

called to see if any parishioners are patients. When patients

are admitted through the emergency room, they will often

not be listed under their parish. Please call the rectory when

a family member, friend or neighbor is hospitalized.

We also want to know if any of our parishioners are

currently in nursing homes. With the new privacy laws, it is

sometimes impossible for us to get that information.


NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! SILENT AUCTION: The Silent Auction table is now

accepting donations--any new items or crafts that can be

bid on, monetary donations or gift certificates may be sent

or brought directly to the rectory.

BUY-A-BASKET needs all kinds of items to go with their

basket themes. If you see small inexpensive items for their

baskets, such as pet supplies, holiday items, sports items,

candles, or what have you, please pick them up!

CRAFT TABLE is looking for any type of craft you‟d like

to donate. Some ideas are holiday decorations and

ornaments, knitted and crocheted items, household

decorations, or anything else you “craft”. Please put your

name and suggested selling price on your donated items.

WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE We are now accepting

items for the White Elephant Table. No clothes or shoes, no

exercise equipment, computers or TV‟s, please. Small

furniture items are okay. Please bring your items to the

garage. Thank you!


Please call the rectory if you or anyone you know and

care about is homebound because of age or illness and

unable to attend Mass. We have wonderful parishioners

who will be happy to visit with them and bring them


Page 3: Saint James Parish · 2019-09-19 · time of vacation, and the ordinary yet extraordinary gifts You‟ve given. Open my eyes to see that vacation will end but the memories of it will



There is a prayer box for prayer intentions located near

the main entrance of our church on the left-hand back pew

shelf for anyone who would like to ask for a special prayer.

Please fill out one of the index cards with your request and

drop it in the box or email your prayer request to

[email protected]. You may also express

your interest to be included in the prayer ministry at this

web address also. Matthew 21:22 “And whatever you ask

in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”


4:30 pm Lectors-Liz Jacques, Kathy Torrey

Eucharistic Ministers-Grace Quist,

Norm Jacques, Bob Reed

Altar Server-

7:30 am Lectors-Cindy Hargrave, Cheryl Trilligan

Eucharistic Minister-Jo-Ann Bafaro

Altar Server-

10:30 am Lectors-Mike Braun, Paul Blanchard

Eucharistic Ministers-Deacon Tom,

Phyllis Agin, Karen Vincent

Altar Servers-David Guerad, III, Wayne Guerad,

Claire Bresnahan


The Office of Healing and Prevention of the Diocese of

Worcester has established 3 mandatory requirements for all

parish staff and volunteers, age 14 and up, who have the

possibility of contact with children. These are in place to

protect the children entrusted to our care, which is of

paramount importance. They are: a CORI, signing a Code

of Conduct acknowledgement form, and attending a one-

time Safe Environment training session.

Safe Environment training is available online! Just call

either Celeste in the office or Patrick O‟Donnell, ARE, and

let them know that you would like to take the course. They

will contact the chancery, who will email you a password to

link to the training.

MUSTARD SEED Our parish will be serving the monthly

meal at the Mustard Seed this Monday,

July 23rd. Parishioners who would like

to help serve the meal are asked to meet

at the rectory at 5 PM. Those who were

contacted for baked goods are asked to

drop them off at the rectory by Monday

before 5:00. Thanks!


“…come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest

awhile.” (MARK 6:31) Do you spend time, every day,

alone and in silence listening to how God is calling you? If

not, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to

develop a more personal relationship with Him. Unless we

talk and more importantly, listen to God every day, how

else will we know how He is calling us? Consider making a

retreat this year, spend some “alone” time with God.


"Now what?" It's a difficult thing to hear, isn't it? The

train comes late, a child unexpectedly cries, and the latest

public policy debate flares up in the news. Life throws us

curveballs, and we have no choice but to adapt. Jesus and

the Apostles find themselves in that exact situation in

today's Gospel.

The Apostles have returned from their two-by-two

missionary journey. As Jesus hears all of their stories, he

knows they need time to recover and refresh. "Come away

by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Their

wilderness retreat is short-lived, however, as eager crowds

discover their location. Jesus is well aware of the needs of

his disciples. Still, as he looks out at the crowd, "His heart

was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep

without a shepherd." The rest break is over. "He began to

teach them many things."

For those of us who have experienced a taste of much-

needed relaxation only to have it taken away abruptly,

perhaps we surmise what the Apostles might have been

feeling in that moment. But Jesus isn't being inconsiderate

of the Apostles needs. He offers them -- and us -- a lived

lesson. St. John Paul II wrote, "The whole of Christ's life

was a continual teaching: his silences, his miracles, his

gestures, his prayer, his love for people, his special

affection for the little and the poor, his acceptance of the

total sacrifice on the Cross for the redemption of the

world" (On Catechesis in Our Time, 9). In Jesus' choice to

teach, we see all of these things: sacrificial love, concern

for the marginalized, and priority of people's needs over

personal preference. These aren't abstract ideals. They're

lived realities as we strive to live and love like Jesus. When

a new obstacle confronts you in your life, how do you



On this everyday normal day that‟s somehow still outside

of our regular routine, help me to embrace my family, this

time of vacation, and the ordinary yet extraordinary gifts

You‟ve given. Open my eyes to see that vacation will end

but the memories of it will remain, and give me the strength

to make them sweet. Pour some of that strength into my

very being and bring me through to the end of vacation

with a thankful heart and unceasing praise. Amen.