Download - Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to

Page 1: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to

We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing,

diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through

Worship, Discipleship and Service.

La Parroquia de Santa Catalina de Ale-jandría, es una comunidad en crecimien-to, acogedora y diversa, llamada a vivir y proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo por medio de la Oración, el Discipulado y

el Servicio.


Monday-Saturday: 8:15am Saturday: 5:30pm Sábado: 7:00pm Sunday: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30am 5:30pm Domingo: 12:15pm

CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 -

5:00pm (or by appointment / O hacer una cita.)

ADORACIÓN /ADORATION Wednesday / Miércoles 6:30pm

17400 Peak Avenue

Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-3959

Fax: (408) 779-0289

Email: [email protected]

Catechetical Ministry (408) 779-9604

Youth & Confirmation

Ministry (669) 270-0003

St. Catherine School (408) 779-9950

Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa Catalina


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Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes)

9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday (Sábado) / Sunday (Domingo)


Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Fr. Sergio Ovando, Pastor - [email protected]

Msgr. Francisco Rios, Parochial Vicar - [email protected] Fr. Francis Kalaw, Parochial Vicar -

[email protected] Deacon Rick Haeckel, Deacon - [email protected] Deacon Phil Flowers, Deacon - [email protected]

Deacon Juan Aquino, Deacon - [email protected] Carmelo Jimenez

Diego Estrada,

Fabienne Esparza, Principal - Diana-Lynn Inderhees, Maria Dominguez, Office Manager, [email protected]

Maria Miranda

Jessica Perez, Business Manager,

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem! For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from death will give life to your mortal bodies also (Romans 8:9, 11-13). Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:25-30). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


8:15am Mass Intentions

Monday, July 6 † Alisa Amodio Tuesday, July 7 † Jane Widner † Mary Navas Wednesday, July 8 Thursday, July 9 Friday, July 10 † Viola Sullivan Saturday, July 11 † † Daniel Green


6:00-7:00pm Community Supper

No Events

No Events

No Events

No Events

No Events

SHARE THE BURDEN “Come to me, all you who labor and are bur-dened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). These words of our Savior seem to be in stark contrast to the previous chapter from the same Gospel, when we were told that if we do not take up our crosses, we are not worthy of Christ. Connecting these two messages might help us on our faith journeys. Being a follower of Christ surely means that we must embrace the cross, in its mystery of both suffering and triumph. This is something that we need not do alone, for the burden is often too heavy for us to carry by our-selves. Who, then, do we turn to? We can turn to the Body of Christ—the community of disci-ples gathered for worship. When we find the bur-den too heavy, let us remember that we can share that burden with our Christian sisters and brothers, who can help bring us rest.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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Happy Fourth of July Weekend Jesus gives Thanks and praise to the Father for revealing himself to the little ones. The ones that open their hearts to God; the humble hearts that empty themselves to make room to God. Like Mary, she who is called the “full of grace” because she is filled by God with God’s grace. She emptied herself of everything and allowed God to fill her with his love. “He has looked with favor on his lowly servant.” When we have a heart full of ourselves or other things then there is no room for God. Come to me those who labor and are burdened. I will give you rest. “There is no rest for the wick-ed, money don’t grow on trees”, oh no… that is a song. I mean when we are mean to others, self-centered, bullies, etc. There is no rest. However, for those who have God in their hearts and trust in him they rest and have peace even in the middle of a storm, troubles, and ill-nesses; they find rest and peace in Jesus. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart. You will find rest for yourselves. Jesus comes to us and helps us to carry our burdens. When the cross gets heavier, always somebody helps us to make the burden light. It may be a family member, a friend, a book, a song, the Eucharist. My yoke is easy and my burden light. This Independence Day, in this time of pandem-ic, anger, violence, fear, hatred and injustice Je-sus tells us “Come to me all of you”. ”Learn from me.“ Only in Him, will we find justice, peace and rest, being “one nation under God”

God bless America


Today we hear much needed consoling words. The tumult of the day fades as we listen to Jesus’ words. With so much conflict, some rightfully challenging (overcoming racism in all its forms), some confusing (how do I navigate safely in a COVID 19 world) and some just divisive (any attempt to require choosing sides rather than to open a dialog). It leaves one’s head spinning. Jesus gives us a lesson in “moving forward” in what appears to be only chaos. “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones.” In the spirit of dialog and not just choosing sides, we all occupy both of those positions, the challenge is to spend as much time as possible as “little ones.” The “wise and learned” are needed and important for worldly pursuits, we are our best when we seek information to learn without judging the unlearned. Being a little one speaks to how we present ourselves to God. Imagine standing in the divine presence, the one who knows us intimately doesn’t need any explanation from us. Our wisdom and learning are temporal things. As little ones we stand unencumbered by anything except our hearts. It’s worth contemplating, we are most essentially the person we present to others, in openness and acceptance of them … as we wish to be before God. Jesus goes on to offer solace lest we become downhearted, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” That indeed is love incarnate. Our struggles are not alleviated by having our tasks accomplished for us, no, we are to place ourselves in the blessed “rest” that brings us true peace. A peace that reconnects us to the Jesus whom we celebrate in the sacraments, the one who is with us always, the one whose rest provides solace and refreshment that nothing of the world can. We wish we could be in those moments always, but, the world intrudes. In those moments of felt need remember, we need Jesus’ invitation “Come to me...” The movement is of our very soul, not just our body. Like all skills it takes practice, and patience, and an openness to see positive movement even in our supposed failures. As we celebrate our nations Independence Day remember to give thanks for the nation we have, flawed but also one meant for all who “yearn to be free.” Just as we carry our burdens, seeking solace and comfort in our trials, may we be carriers of freedom for all, for everyone. May Jesus’ gift of peace grow in us as we, in turn, give it away.

GREEN TIP OF THE WEEK The summer winds and increased temperature make it harder to maintain our plants. Consider reducing outdoor watering to an amount that will sustain them, ready to enjoy fall rain and growth.

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¡BIENVENIDO! Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que están celebrando con nosotros, ya sean residentes de largo plazo o recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos gracias a Dios por uste-des. Si aún no estás registrado, por favor, llene este formulario y colóquelo en la ca-nasta de la colecta o mandarlo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia.

Nombre (s): __________________________ Dirección:____________________________ Ciudad:_____________________________ Código postal:_____________ Numero teléfono:______________________ Email:_______________________________

¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución?

_____Sí _____No ¿Desea recibir información de la parroquia?

_____Sí _____No



Feliz día de la Independencia

Nuestro Señor da gracias y alaba al Padre porque se ha revelado a los sencillos y humildes; aquellos que abren su corazón a Dios. Los humildes que se vacían de sí mismos para hacer lugar a Dios en el corazón. Como Maria cuando decimos llena de Gra-cia, queremos decir es llenada de gracias por Dios. Ella se vacío de sí misma para que Dio le llene con su gracia. Por eso ella canta “El Señor miro la hu-mildad de su sierva”. Cuando tenemos un corazón lleno de nosotros mismos y de otras cosas no hay lugar para Dios. (el vaso ya está lleno) “Vengan a mí los que están cansados y agobiados y yo los aliviare” Dice una canción citando un verso de la Biblia “No hay Descanso para el malo y el di-nero no crece en los arboles” …. Pero no es de eso que les quiero escribir. Sino que, si nosotros somos malos, egoístas, centrados en nosotros mismos, si hacemos bulling nunca tendremos Descanso. Pero para aquellos que tienen a Dios en el corazón y confían en El, ellos si tienen paz aun en medio de las tormentas, dificultades y enfermedades. Ellos encuentran paz, justiciar y Descanso en Cristo. “Carguen con mi yugo, porque mi yugo es suave y mi carga liviana”. Jesus nos ayuda a cargar nues-tras cruces, no estamos solos. Jesus nos ayuda a través de un familiar, un amigo, un libro, una can-ción, la Eucaristía. En este Día de la Independencia; en este tiempo de pandemia, corajes, violencia, miedo, odio e injusti-cias Nuestro Señor nos invita “Vengan a mí”, “aprendan de mi”. Solo en El encontraremos Descanso, justicia y paz, siendo uno y bajo un solo Dios.

Dios bendiga a América

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Os 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Sal 145 (144):2-9; Mt 9:18-26 Martes: Os 8:4-7, 11-13; Sal 115 (114):3-10; Mt 9:32-38 Miércoles: Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Sal 105 (104):2-7; Mt 10:1-7 Jueves: Os 11:1-4, 8e-9; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15 Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 8-9, 12-1 14, 17; Mt 10:16-23 Sábado: Is 6:1-8; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mt 10:24- 33 Domingo: Is 55:10-11; Sal 65 (64):10-14; Rom

8:18 23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]


Primera lectura — Nuestro Salvador es un pacifica-dor que reina hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:9-10). Salmo — Siempre bendeciré tu nombre, mi rey y mi Dios (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Si por el Espíritu matan las obras de la carne, vivirán en el Espíritu de Dios (Romanos 8: 9, 11-13). Evangelio — Vengan a mí los que se sientan car-gados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré (Mateo 11:25-30).

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Adulto: ¿Cuándo te refrescó Jesús cuando te sentiste abrumado por los problemas? Niño: ¿Qué carga necesitas que Jesús te ayude a llevar?

MINISTRO DE STEPHEN LE BRINDA APOYO ¿Le beneficiaría el apoyo de alguien capaz de escuchar y entenderlo? Si se enfrenta en un momento difícil, el ministro de Stephen ofrece apoyo emocional y espiritual. Es confidencial, sin prejuicios, gratuito, uno a uno, de hombre a hombre o de mujer a mujer, sesiones semana-les o bimensuales según su necesidad, realiza-das en inglés o español. Para obtener más in-formación, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a Santa al 408-722-8880.

OFICINA PARROQUIAL CERRADA La oficina Parroquial estará cerrada hasta Nue-vo aviso. Si tiene una alguna pregunta durante este tiempo en cual la oficina esta cerrado favor de enviarnos un correo electrónico a—

María Domínguez, Gerente de Oficina [email protected]

[email protected]

Jessica Pérez, Gerente de Negocio [email protected]


¡Finalmente, los niños están de vacaciones! Da-mos gracias a Dios por otro año escolar y felici-tamos a todos los niños y familias que han tra-bajado arduamente, especialmente en estos últimos meses. Le damos la bienvenida al verano y a la misma vez nos gustaría que estuviera lleno de ideas y actividades para hacer en familia. Por este moti-vo, los invitamos a que reciban Familia y Fe Kit de Verano. Este kit nos ayudará a seguir cre-ciendo en la fe de una manera divertida, en uni-dad familiar, y sobre todo es gratis. Si necesita más información favor de comunicarse por co-rreo electrónico a [email protected] o por teléfono al 408 779 3959 ext. 262

COMPARTE LA CARGA “Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados por la carga, y yo los alivia-ré” (Mateo 11:28). Esta palabras de nuestro Salvador son un gran contraste con el previo capítulo del mismo Evangelio, cuando nos dice que si no cargamos nuestra propia cruz, no so-mos dignos de Cristo. Relacionar estos dos mensajes puede ayudarnos en nuestro camino de fe. Ser seguidor de Cristo ciertamente signi-fica que debemos abrazar la cruz, en su miste-rio que es sufrimiento y triunfo a la vez. Es algo que no necesitamos hacer solos, ya que la car-ga suele ser demasiado pesada para llevarla sin ayuda. ¿A quién volcarnos entonces? Pode-mos volcarnos al Cuerpo de Cristo, a la comu-nidad de discípulos reunidos para el culto. Cuando sintamos que la carga es demasiado pesada, recordemos que podemos compartirla con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo que pueden traernos descanso.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

SANTA MARÍA GORETTI (1890-1902) 6 de julio

María Goretti nació en Italia, cerca de Roma, en una familia campesina muy pobre y debido a ello se vieron obligados a vivir en un rancho y compartir la casa con la familia Serenelli. Dos años después sufrió la muerte de su padre, situa-ción que obligó a la madre a asumir las labores del campo para mantener a la familia y, a María, la forzó a renunciar a la escuela para hacerse car-go del hogar y del cuidado de sus hermanitos; aun así, se daba tiempo para asistir al catecismo. A los 12 años María era una mujer bella y bien formada, fue precisamente esto lo que atrajo a Alejandro Serenelli, de 18 años, a proponerle que tuvieran relaciones sexuales, pero María se negó una y otra vez porque eso iba contra la voluntad de Dios. Cierto día llegó Alejandro a casa y al sa-ber que María estaba sola quiso forzarla, pero María se opuso y, lleno de rabia, la apuñaló 14 veces. María murió al día siguiente, perdonándo-lo. Fue canonizada en 1950, estando presente su madre y sus hermanos.

—Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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TRES LLAMADAS DE JESÚS El evangelio de Mateo ha recogido tres llamadas de Jesús que hemos de escuchar con atención sus se-guidores, pues pueden transformar el clima de des-aliento, cansancio y aburrimiento que a veces se res-pira en algunos sectores de nuestras comunidades. “Venid a mí todos los que estáis cansados y agobia-dos. Yo os aliviaré”. Es la primera llamada. Está dirigi-da a todos los que viven su religión como una carga pesada. No son pocos los cristianos que viven ago-biados por su conciencia. No son grandes pecadores. Sencillamente, han sido educados para tener siempre presente su pecado y no conocen la alegría del per-dón continuo de Dios. Si se encuentran con Jesús, se sentirán aliviados. Hay también cristianos cansados de vivir su religión como una tradición gastada. Si se encuentran con Jesús, aprenderán a vivir a gusto con Dios. Descubri-rán una alegría interior que hoy no conocen. Seguirán a Jesús, no por obligación sino por atracción. “Cargad con mi yugo porque es llevadero y mi carga ligera”. Es la segunda llamada. Jesús no agobia a nadie. Al contrario, libera lo mejor que hay en noso-tros pues nos propone vivir haciendo la vida más hu-mana, digna y sana. No es fácil encontrar un modo más apasionante de vivir. Jesús libera de miedos y presiones, no los introduce; hace crecer nuestra libertad, no nuestras servidum-bres; despierta en nosotros la confianza, nunca la tristeza; nos atrae hacia el amor, no hacia las leyes y preceptos. Nos invita a vivir haciendo el bien. “Aprended de mí que soy manso y humilde de cora-zón y encontraréis descanso”. Es la tercera llamada. Hemos de aprender de Jesús a vivir como él. Jesús no complica nuestra vida. La ha-ce más clara y más sencilla, más humilde y más sa-na. Ofrece descanso. No propone nunca a sus segui-dores algo que él no haya vivido. Nos invita a seguirlo por el mismo camino que él ha recorrido. Por eso puede entender nuestras dificultades y nuestros es-fuerzos, puede perdonar nuestras torpezas y errores, animándonos siempre a levantarnos. Hemos de centrar nuestros esfuerzos en promover un contacto más vital con Jesús en tantos hombres y mujeres necesitados de aliento, descanso y paz. Me entristece ver que es precisamente su modo de en-tender y de vivir la religión lo que conduce a no po-cos, casi inevitablemente, a no conocer la experiencia de confiar en Jesús. Pienso en tantas personas que, dentro y fuera de la Iglesia, viven “perdidos”, sin sa-ber a qué puerta llamar. Sé que Jesús podría ser para ellos la gran noticia.

José Antonio Pagola

CONFESIONES DURANTE LA CUARENTENA El Sacramento de la Reconciliación continua en nuestra parroquia el dia y horario de siempre, Sába-dos de 4 a 5 de la tarde. Los sacerdotes estan escu-chando confesiones en el área de en frente del tem-plo, les pedimos mantener la distancia de 2 metros del distanciamiento social.

ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES Padre celestial, Tú Divino Hijo nos enseñó a orar al Señor de la mies que envíe trabajadores a su viña.

Te rogamos encarecidamente que bendigas nuestra parroquia, nuestra escuela, y nuestra Diócesis

con muchos más sacerdotes, religiosos, y religiosas que te conozcan íntimamente, te amen fervientemente, y te sirvan con alegría por medio de la inspiración del

Espíritu Santo. Oramos, para que continuamente llames a nuestros jóvenes a un encuentro vivo con tú Hijo Jesucristo,

por medio de la Palabra y la Eucaristía, para que sean dignos ministros de tú Santa Iglesia Católica.

Fortalécelos con el apoyo de sus padres, maestros, y amigos en el mundo y todos los ángeles y santos en el

cielo. Que la siempre bendita Virgen María, Madre de la Igle-

sia, interceda por nosotros para que podamos escu-char la Palabra y actuar de acuerdo a ella. Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor.

Amén.San José, Patrono de nuestra Diócesis, ruega por nosotros!

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Equipping Families to Pass On the Faith

If you have any questions regarding Youth and Young Adult Ministry, or if you’d like to join the Youth Ministry Leadership Team please feel free to email me at [email protected] Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos, o si desea unirse al Equipo de Lideraz-go del Ministerio de Jóvenes, no dude en enviarme un correo electrónico a [email protected]





Dear St. Catherine Confirmation Candidates, Because we are asked to not meet at this time, there is an Adjusted Online Curriculum. Every Mon-day a list of activities and assignments is posted online. It is your choice in which to participate. Each assignment has seven days to be completed; it is due the Sunday after the assignment is posted. If there are any difficulties completing any or all the options, please contact me to find a solution that works with your schedule. To find the Adjusted Online Curriculum for Confirmation please go to Queridos candidatos a la confirmación de Santa Ca-talina, Debido a que se nos recomendó no reunirnos en este momento, se llevará a cabo un plan de estu-dios en línea ajustado en el que todos los lunes se publicará en línea una lista de actividades y tareas. Será su decisión decidir en qué participar. Cada ta-rea tendrá 7 días para completarse y se debe entre-gar el domingo posterior a la publicación de la tarea. Si hay dificultades para poder completar alguna o ninguna de las opciones, comuníquese conmigo para encontrar una solución que funcione con su horario. Para encontrar el plan de estudios en línea ajustado para la confirmación, visite

Baseball games. Beach days. Trips to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. These may be what we would be doing if it were not for the pandemic re-strictions. What else is a family to do that involves being outside and not staring at a screen? Try the following family activities - we’ve taken some favor-ites and adapted them for staycations AND celebrat-ing God with us! 1) Backyard Camping • Commit to staying outside. Run in the house to

grab stuff or use the bathroom, but otherwise stay out by the home camp site.

• Use your tents and sleep outside. With the sum-mer weather, it will be a surprisingly fun break from being inside!

• Prepare meals outside and on a fire if possible. Think of hot dogs on a stick and Smores. Cook on the griddle - just bring it outside and plug it in. Use the grill. Everything tastes better when it is cooked outside.

• When the sun goes down, turn on your flash-lights and share how the family can shine the light of Jesus, especially during this time.

2) Home Spa Day • This can be for everyone in the family! • Wear robes, towels on your heads and flip flops. • Manis, pedis and face masks. Use cucumber

slices on your eyes. • Have “spa food” available: small sandwiches,

little slices of vegetables, water with slices of fruit in it.

• Relax, close your eyes and play some instru-mental music.

• Share what the family can do more often (or less of) to truly feel God’s peace.



Page 8: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to


Dear Parishioners, As you know, the Parish, Youth Ministry and Family Faith Formation offices have been closed since Tuesday, March 17th and remain closed until further notice. If you have questions, we are here to serve you remotely. Please email us—

Maria Dominguez, Office Manager

[email protected]

[email protected]

Jessica Perez, Business Manager [email protected]

ONLINE DONATIONS Many of you have asked me about financial sup-port and how you can get your offertory envelopes to us. Although you could mail them to our office, we ask that you consider giving online. We need your financial support now more than ever. The online donation system we use is safe, secure and convenient. You can use credit cards, debit cards or direct transfer from your bank account. Please visit our website ( to donate now. We Thank you for your continued support of your parish especially in these difficult times.


St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul has a Help Line (408-778-2928) answered every day by parish volun-teers. Local people in need contact us for help with rent, utilities, food, gas, etc. This ministry is for everyone in the community, including YOU! Feel free to call if you need anything. In this COVID season, call volume is high, mostly for help with rent, as so many have experienced economic hardship, but financial assistance is available, thanks to generous donations from parishioners and the community. If you’d like to help with a donation or as a Help Line volun-teer, it would be appreciated. Thank you to all those who have been so thoughtful at this time of hardship.

Safe Car Park Hosts up to 8 homeless households, living in their cars, at a site here in town that offers showers, laun-dry, food, and most importantly, a dedicated case manager to help families clear up debt, improve job skills, and secure affordable housing. They can stay with us as long as they are working diligently on their case management plan. This health crisis has been a real setback for the families in the pro-gram. Donations are welcome for ongoing needs. You can find a periodic updates for items requested by the families in the bulletin. Current needs: milk and yogurt (can be put in the refrigerator on the patio), laundry pods, disposable gloves, and non-dairy coffee creamer.

We also have a feral cat that needs spay/neuter and vaccinations, if anyone can help with that. Contact Carol 408-857-4516

Drop off items on the patio at the SCP located on the MH Bible Church property, 15055 Monterey Rd. Thank you SO much!

Monday Night Community Supper Serves 60-75 hot to-go meals during this time of “shelter in place” instead of our usual sit-down dinner. If you’d like to help, our dinner guests really appreciate when we have the occasional donation of toothpaste/toothbrushes, shampoo, lotion, razors/shaving cream, hand sanitizer, etc. Individual containers of water, sports drinks, or juice are also welcome. You could drop off items at the back door of the Parish Center Kitchen on Mondays, 5-7pm. Contact Joe 408-781-3847 for more info. Thank you to all who have made donations. We are grateful.


Reach Out Is our community's food pantry. Located behind the Parish Center and staffed by volunteers, Reach Out provides once-a-month bags of gro-ceries, bread, dessert, fresh fruits and vegeta-bles, and more. We've moved to a "drive thru" format to be able to continue to serve our neigh-bors. Donations of non perishables (cold cere-al, peanut butter, canned soups, rice, beans, etc.) may be dropped off at the Reach Out building M-F 12:30-2:30pm. Thank you for your generosity.

A big Thank You to all who continue to support the parish and our Neighbors in Need during these difficult times. Many

blessings to all.

Page 9: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to

Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________ City:____________________ Zip: ___________ Phone:_________________________________ Email: _________________________________

Would you like to receive envelopes? Yes / No


God is great all the time, all the time, God is great!

DID YOU KNOW? Did you know the parish sends out a weekly email Blast on Fridays? Would you like to sign up to be on that weekly email list? If so, please your request to [email protected] and don’t miss what is happening in your parish!

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult: When has Jesus refreshed you when you felt burdened by problems?

Child: What burden do you need Jesus to help you carry?

STEPHEN MINISTRY IS HERE TO HELP! During this time of Shelter in Place Stephen Ministers continue to provide one to one care by telephone. If you need emotional/spiritual support or just someone to listen, we are here for you during this difficult time. You are not alone! Please reach out to one of us. Claranne: 408-782-1413, Kenny: 408-722-7600 For Spanish speakers, Santa: 408-772-8880

SAINT MARIA GORETTI (1890-1902) July 6

Does anything match a mother’s pride in her children? First Communions, confirmations, graduations, weddings: how these delight a mother’s heart! Imagine, then, Assunta Goretti, the only mother ever to attend her child’s canon-ization! In poverty-stricken rural Italy, widowed Assunta tended fields for the Serenelli family, whose eighteen-year-old son, Alessandro, prop-ositioned her barely twelve-year-old Maria; then, when she resisted, crying, “It is a sin! God for-bids it!” he stabbed her fourteen times. As she lay dying, Maria assured the attending priest, “Yes, I forgive Alessandro! I want him to be in Paradise with me someday.” Imprisoned, unre-pentant, Alessandro changed after dreaming that a radiant Maria had offered him fourteen lilies. “I’ve kept my promise,” she smiled. “You’ll be here with me someday.” Upon release, he rushed to beg Assunta’s forgiveness. “Jesus has forgiven you,” she replied, “my Maria, too. How can I refuse?” Next morning, mother and murderer walked arm in arm to church and knelt side by side for Communion.

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Sunday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Maria Goretti Thursday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions Saturday: St. Benedict

GOING HOME Life is a voyage that’s homeward bound.

—Herman Melville

THE RIGHT DIRECTION If we walk one step toward God, God will run ten steps toward us.


FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Come to me, all you who labor and are bur-dened, and I will give you rest.”

— Matthew 11:28

Page 10: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to


Preserving our past, Providing for our future

The Capital Campaign is

important and impacts our Fu-ture

If you haven't already done so

PLEDGE TODAY!! Pledge any amount, for any

amount of time, or make a one time payment to-

day, make a difference tomorrow!!

For more information visit If you need assistance with stock transfer or Employee Match pro-

grams Please contact the business

office via email [email protected]

Current Capital Campaign progress:

Capital Campaign Pledges 745


Pledged: $6,475,053.49

Thank you for your generosity!

Weekly Offertory Donation

Electronic Giving Vanco $4,679.00 We Share $777.50 Sunday Offertory $6,936.00 Sunday Masses $1,944.00 Total Offertory $14,336.50



"Blessed is the one who

considers the poor! In the day of trouble, the Lord de-livers him; the Lord protects him and keeps him alive; he

is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up

to the will of his ene-mies. The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness,

you restore him to full health"

PSALM 41:1–3

Page 11: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to


St. Catherine School News

Sixth graders chose puzzles to complete. Some chose flat puzzles; others picked 3D puzzles. Putting a puzzle together requires the brain to

make a range of connections. Puzzles can also be a fabulous family activity. As you can see,

our sixth graders did a wonderful job!

APPLICATIONS FOR 2020-2021 Applications for the 2020-2021 school year are available on the school website under the Ad-missions tab. Please note that we currently have space only in grades Kindergarten, 1st and 5th, and wait lists for other classes. For more information, contact Fabienne Esparza at [email protected] The California Schools in the Diocese of San Jo-se, mindful of their mission to the love of Christ for all, admit students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the schools. The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of San Jose do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS School is out for the summer, but the school office is open for essential business. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, July 6-16, from 8:30am-1:00pm during our summer pro-gram. The office will be closed July 20-31 for maintenance and cleaning. Regular hours should resume on August 3, as-suming current restrictions are eased. You can also contact us via phone message or email during July. Check out our website for more information. Have a great summer!


Faith development begins as children observe how their parents and family members act and listen to what they say. Every parent knows that modeling good behavior encourages children to do the same. This is true with prayer as well.

Children, as do all humans, crave a connection with God. But they need guidance to build good habits in developing a relationship with our Cre-ator. Within families children typically first learn about prayer (talking with God) through Grace Before Meals. This communal type of prayer fo-cuses on thankfulness and the recognition of blessings.

Parents can also nurture prayerful habits by talking with their children about God and taking a few moments of reflection or meditation on simple topics with their children. For example, a parent might talk with their child about the beau-ty of the world while sitting under a tree. Then the parent could suggest that they each take a moment to pray in thanksgiving for the blessing of the world’s natural beauty. Start with a short period of time (less than a minute), and extend that time as the child matures. Praying with your children will bless both you and your chil-dren with our loving God’s grace.

Page 12: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa … · 2 days ago · We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing, diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to

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