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  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    DELA TORRE, KAREN B.2011170232 | AR186 / AR1

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    With the collaboration of D.T. Architects and Dela Torre Enterprises, this project

    aims to construct a two-storey residential building, which includes three bedrooms,

    three bathrooms and a carport, in a 9 s!uare meters lot in a prestigious suburban

    de"elopment, #appy #omes $ubdi"ision in %arangay &asig, Daet, 'amarines (orte.


    b. a. (ame of &roject) “Scarlet” )  'onstruction of Two-$torey *esidential %ldg.

    c. +ocation of &roject) $un A"enue, #appy #omes &asig  Daet, 'amarines (orte, &hilippines

    d. &roject 'lassification) *esidential %uilding

    e. &roject wner) s. #annah $. mania

    f. (ame of 'ontractor) Dela Torre Enterprises

    g. Estimated $tart) une /0, 10/

    h. &roject Duration) 0 'alendar Days

    i. Estimated (o. of Wor2ers) 30 wor2ersincluding staff, s2illed and uns2illed

    1.0 Project, Health & Security a!a"e#e!t Sy$te#

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    This $afety anual is for the management, staff and wor2ers of Dela Torre

    Enterprises, this will ser"e as a guideline for accident pre"ention in the

    construction site.

    4t is the primary objecti"e of this company that all employees must comply and

    follow this $afety anual in order for this program to be effecti"e and successful.

    1.1 Project Sa%ety & Health Pro"ra#

    E"ery construction project shall ha"e a suitable 'onstruction $afety and #ealth

    &rogram, which must be in accordance with these rules, and other orders and

    issuances issued by the D+E. The 'onstruction &roject anager, or in his

    absence, the &roject anager as authori5ed by the owner, shall be responsible

    for compliance with this $ection.

    The 'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram shall state the following)

    a6 composition of the 'onstruction $afety and #ealth 'ommittee, if one

    has been formed, otherwise, an underta2ing to organi5e such committee

    and appoint its members before the start of construction wor2 at the

    project site7

    b6 specific safety policies which the 8eneral 'onstructor underta2es to

    obser"e and maintain in its construction site, including the fre!uency of

    and persons responsible for conducting toolbo and gang meetings7

    c6 penalties and sanctions for "iolations of the 'onstruction $afety and

    #ealth &rogram7

    d6 fre!uency, content and persons responsible for orienting, instructing

    and training all wor2ers at the site with regard to the 'onstruction $afety

    and #ealth &rogram under which they operate7 and

    e6 the manner of disposing waste arising from the construction.

    1. Sa%ety Pla!

    Sa%ety a!' Health I!%or#atio!

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    /. Wor2ers should be ade!uately and suitably)

    a6 informed of potential safety and health ha5ards to which they may be

    eposed at their wor2place7 and

    b6 instructed and trained on the measures a"ailable for the pre"ention,

    control and protection against those ha5ards.

    1. (o person shall be deployed in a construction site unless he has undergone a

    safety and health awareness seminar conducted by the ccupational $afety and

    #ealth 'enter :$#'6, %W' and other concerned offices of D+E or by safety

    professionals or safety organi5ations or other institutions D+E has accredited or 

    recogni5ed. The D+E in collaboration with constructors shall promote programs

    for the implementation of these awareness seminars for construction wor2ers.

    ;. E"ery wor2er shall recei"e instruction and training regarding the general safety

    and health measures common to construction sites which shall include)

    a6 basic rights and duties of wor2ers at the construction site

    b6 means of access and egress both during normal wor2 and in

    emergency situations

    c6 measures for good house2eeping

    d6 location and proper use of welfare amenities and first-aid facilities

    e6 proper care and use of items or personal protecti"e e!uipment and

    protecti"e clothing pro"ided the wor2ers

    f6 general measures for personal hygiene and health protection

    g6 fire precautions to be ta2en

    h6 action to be ta2en in case of any emergency

    i6 re!uirements of rele"ant health and safety rules and regulations.

    3. The instruction, training and information materials, shall be gi"en in a language

    or dialect understood by the wor2er. Written, oral, "isual and participati"e

    approaches shall be used to ensure that the wor2er has assimilated the material.

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    a6 dri"ers and operators of lifting appliances, transport, earth-mo"ing and

    materials-handling e!uipment and machinery or any e!uipment of speciali5ed

    or dangerous nature7

    b6 wor2ers engaged in the erection or dismantling of scaffolds7

    c6 wor2ers engaged in eca"ations at least one meter deep or deep enoughto cause danger, shafts, earthwor2s, underground wor2s or tunnels7

    d6 wor2ers handling eplosi"es or engaged in blasting operations7

    e6 wor2ers engaged in pile-dri"ing7

    f6 wor2ers wor2ing in compressed air, cofferdams and caissons7

    g6 wor2ers engaged in the erection of prefabricated parts of steel structural

    frames and tall chimneys, and in concrete wor2, form wor2 and other such


    h6 wor2ers handling ha5ardous substances and materials7

    i6 wor2ers as signalers7 and

     j6 other wor2ers as maybe categori5ed by TE$DA.

    1..1 Or"a!i(atio!

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    1.. )e!ci!"

    =#oarding, scaffolding or fencing= refers to structures used to screen off a building site or 

    other site that may pose a safety ris2 to the public. 4t may include)

    • a fence used to separate the public from a construction site, e"acuation, or"acant land to pre"ent unauthorised entry

    • o"erhead protection for the public adjacent to a demolition or construction site

    • o"erhead protection for the public adjacent to a demolition or construction site

    with sheds on top

    • 1 metre high open wire or mesh fied to metal rails and posts

    • / metre high plastic barrier mesh fied to star droppers or similar 

    • concrete barriers generally 2nown as >new jersey 2erbing?

    • modular plastic barriers which pro"ide a fleible interloc2ing system which, when

    filled with sand or water offer a le"el of impact resistance

    • bunting @ flags supported on star droppers or similar or mobile barriers• plastic cones.


    To maintain public access and circulation, structures must be)

    • located entirely within the alignments of the authorisation holders premises

    and not encroach across the frontage of adjacent properties



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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    • allow a minimum of at least /.B metres of footpath to be 2ept clear for

    pedestrians at all times.

    De$i"! a!' co!$tructio!

    $tructures on the footpath will not pose a ha5ard or obstruction to users of the

    footpath. n all sides eposed to the public, hoardings will be free of projections

    of any 2ind including sha2es and sli"ers of timber, nails, sharp edges and corners

    of metal sheets.

    +ights will be fied at each corner of the hoarding and on any hoarding at

    inter"als not eceeding metres at a height of /.< metres abo"e ground le"el.

    +ights will be 2ept clean and illuminated from sunset to sunrise during the whole

    of the period for which the footpath is occupied

    (o placards, signs or ad"ertisements of any description shall be posted on or

    attached to any hoardings, scaffolding or fencing or ehibited within such space

    without 'ouncil appro"al.

    The road or footpath adjacent to the hoarded area will be 2ept clear of plant,

    e!uipment, materials, debris and rubbish at all times and will be swept at least

    twice daily and the sweepings remo"ed.

    Sca%%ol'i!"$ a!' *a''er$+

    i. The major ha5ards associated with the use of scaffoldingand ladders are falling men, material or tools.

    ii. $caffolds are generally classified by the loading of wor2platforms as light, medium or hea"y duty with design platformloadings of 1< :/116,

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    i". As applicable, continuous scaffolding is to be tied andsecured to structure being scaffolded at 1< ft. inter"als hori5ontallyand 1< ft. "ertically.

    ". All materials used for scaffolding shall be periodically

    inspected to confirm condition satisfactory for continued use.

    "i. $uitable footings shall be pro"ided to pre"ent une"ensettlement and loading of "ertical support for scaffolding

    "ii. 4f adjusting screws are used, they shall be installed only atbaseplates. They shall ne"er be used on scaffolds with casters.

    "iii. When erecting or using rolling scaffolds, casters shall beloc2ed in position. &ersonnel are not permitted on rolling scaffoldwhile it is being mo"ed. Any tool or material on scaffold to be

    mo"ed shall be secured.

    i. $traight or etension ladders shall be used at an angle of about C< degrees with the hori5ontal :3 to / rise6 with the topetending at least ; ft. :900 mm6 abo"e the point of top supportand securely tied at that point.

    . &ersonnel shall ha"e both hands unencumbered whenclimbing ladders. All climbing and descending shall be done facingthe ladder.

    i. etal ladders shall not be used in the "icinity of electricale!uipment or circuits.

    ii. When using stepladder considerations should be gi"en totying off or holding to stabili5e.

    iii. $caffolds must be plumb and le"el at all times.

    1.. Security

    To ensure that a 'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram is duly followed and enforced at

    the construction site, each construction project site is re!uired to ha"e the minimum re!uired

    $afety &ersonnel, as described herein)

     A. The 8eneral 'onstructor must pro"ide for a full time officer, who shall be assigned

    as the general construction safety and health officer to o"ersee full time the o"erall

    management of the 'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram.

    The general construction safety and health officer shall fre!uently monitor and

    inspect any health and safety aspect of the construction wor2 being underta2en. #e

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    shall also assist go"ernment inspection at any time whene"er wor2 is being

    performed or during the conduct of accident in"estigation.

    %. The 8eneral 'onstructor must pro"ide for additional 'onstruction $afety and #ealth

    fficer@s in accordance with the re!uirements for $afety an@fficer of *ule /0;;

    :Training and &ersonnel 'omplement6, depending on the total number of personnel

    assigned to the construction project site, to o"ersee the effecti"e compliance with the

    'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram at the site, under the direct super"ision of

    the general construction safety and health officer.

    '. The 8eneral 'onstructor must pro"ide for one :/6 'onstruction $afety and #ealth

    fficer for e"ery ten :/06 units of hea"y e!uipment assigned to the project site, to

    o"ersee the effecti"e compliance with the 'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram at

    the construction project site, in terms of hea"y e!uipment utili5ation and


    D. Each construction subcontractor must pro"ide for a representati"e, who shall ha"ethe same !ualifications as a $afety an@fficer, to o"ersee the management of the

    'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram for the subcontractors wor2force with the

    re!uirements of *ule /0;; of the $#$.

     All safety personnel who will be employed by an employer on full-time basis should be

    accredited by the %W' of the D+E.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    1..- a$ic Per$o!!el Protecti/e Eui#e!t 2PPE3

    E"ery employer shall, at his own epense, furnish his wor2ers with protecti"ee!uipment for eyes, face, hands and feet, lifeline, safety belt @ harness, protecti"e

    shields and barriers whene"er necessary by reason of the ha5ardous wor2 process or en"ironment, chemical or radiological or other mechanical irritants or ha5ards capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption,inhalation or physical agent.

    &ro"ision of &ersonal &rotecti"e E!uipment :&&E6 shall be in accordance with*ule /0B0 of the $#$. The e!ui"alent cost for the pro"ision of &&E :life span,depreciation, replacement, etc.6 shall be an integral part of the project cost.

    /. The employer shall pro"ide ade!uate and appro"ed type of protecti"ee!uipment. Wor2ers within the construction project site shall be re!uired to wear the necessary &&E at all times.

    1. 'onstruction wor2ers who are wor2ing from unguarded surfaces si :6 metersor more abo"e water or ground, temporary or permanent floor platform, scaffoldor where they are eposed to the possibility of falls ha5ardous to life or limb,must be pro"ided with safety harnesses and life lines.

    ;. $pecialty construction wor2ers must be pro"ided with special protecti"ee!uipment, such as speciali5ed goggles or respirators for welders and painters or paint applicators.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    3. All other persons who are either authori5ed or allowed to be at a constructionsite shall wear appropriate &&E.

     All employees are re!uired to wear appropriate personal protecti"e e!uipment inall operations where there is eposure to ha5ardous conditions or where there is needfor using such e!uipment to reduce the ha5ard to the employees. nce issued, it is the

    responsibility of the employee to see that the issued &&Es are maintained in safecondition and inspected daily.


    • $afety #elmet

    • $afety $hoes

    • &ants :trouser6 maong. (o worn out pants

    • +ong $lee"e T-$hirt


    4n pro"iding safe wor2ing conditions, the use of personal protecti"e e!uipment isthe last line of defense against possible injury. 4t must be recogni5ed that the use of personal protecti"e e!uipment fre!uently reduces or restricts some of our normal sensesthat contribute to our safety awareness. or eample)

    • Wearing safety glasses with side shields, goggles, or tinted goggles restricts

    normal "ision.

    • Earmuffs or plugs reduce hearing capability.

    • se of respiratory e!uipment fre!uently restricts "ision.

    • Wearing glo"es reduces the sense of feel.

    • The discomfort of wearing many protecti"e items is distracting to users.


    %ecause of the danger of falling or flying material, or impact with fied or mo"ingobjects, the wearing of non-conducting safety hats throughout the construction site arenormally mandatory.


    Eposure to airborne physical, chemical or radiation agents that could injure theeyes or face re!uires protection. *efer to *ule /0B1 of the $#$. At each constructionsite consideration should be gi"en to mandatory eye protection for certain areas or theentire site if conditions warrant and eye injuries will be reduced. 'ontact lenses do notconstitute eye protection, and actually pose a ha5ard to the user in some situations.'onse!uently, their use on site is strongly discouraged.


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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    &hysical or chemical contaminants in the air that are harmful if ingested bybreathing and@or possible oygen deficiency re!uire the use of respiratory e!uipment.This e!uipment that fits o"er the nose, nose and mouth, or entire face can be broadlyclassified by its intended function.

    The suppliers of canisters and filters identify them for the types of en"ironmentthey are effecti"e in, and limit their use. These instructions must be obser"ed for proper protection.

     Anybody ecepted to use fresh air mas2s in the course of their wor2 shall begi"en training and practice in the proper methods of wearing and operating thise!uipment.


    #igh noise le"els pose the long-range health ha5ard of loss of hearing toeposed wor2ers. &ermissible noise eposures are gi"en in Table Bb of the $#$.

    %ecause of the changing acti"ities and conditions, periodic monitoring for the noisele"els throughout the construction site are re!uired. When noise le"els abo"epermissible le"el are obser"ed, the preferred course of action is to control or isolate thenoise source thus reducing it to a permissible le"el for eposed wor2ers. 4f it isimpractical to do this, hearing protection shall be pro"ided for eposed employees.Earmuffs or plugs of material designed for sound muffling shall be used.


    or most wor2s in a construction site, wor2 clothing that co"ers the body, legsand arms is ade!uate. Wor2ers that are eposed to heat, spar2s or molten metal shouldbe aware that some clothing materials are more flammable than others, i.e. some

    synthetic fibers ignite and burn more readily than natural cloth fibers. $uits or apronssuitable for the eposure to etreme heat, toic chemicals, or acids shall be pro"ided if wor2 conditions re!uire.


    4t is ad"isable for all wor2ers on a construction site to wear safety shoesbecause of the many ha5ards eposing feet to injury. 4n addition, used of boots may bere!uired when wor2 is in water or feet are eposed to chemical or acids.


     Farious types of glo"es shall be a"ailable and used to protect the hands from

    cuts, abrasions and punctures, spar2s, heat, cold, and molten metal7 contact withelectricity, and eposure to toic chemicals and acids.

      S6)ET7 E*TS

    $afety belts shall be used by all wor2ers on ele"ated wor2 where scaffolding,ladders, catch platforms or temporary floors are not pro"ided. $afety belts or safety

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    harnesses shall be attached to a fied support, and lanyard shall restrict fall to ft. :/.Bm6.



    1..-.1 Sa%ety Shoe$

    Cla$$i%icatio!$ o% Sa%ety Shoe$ 6ccor'i!" to 6ST ) -190: a!' 6ST ) -190:

    $afety shoes are classified in accordance with their ability to meet the minimum

    re!uirements for the impact resistance and compression resistance at the toe area of the


    The purpose of the impact resistance test is to determine the effecti"eness to reduce

    injury at the toe area of the foot when subjected to a falling load. n the other hand, the

    compression resistance test is conducted to determine the effecti"eness to reduce injury

    at the toe area of the foot when subjected to compressi"e force.

    #ea"y Duty $afety $hoes :'lass C

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    resistance capabilities. Additional characteristics will include the slow flammability rate

    and low water absorption of the shell material.

    Tye$ o% Hea';ear

    Type / - protection from impact and penetration at the crown :top6

    Type 1 - protection from impact and penetration at the crown :top6, and laterally :sides6

    Cla$$e$ o% Hea';ear 

    'lass >%? or >E?G in addition to impact and penetration resistance protection, pro"ides

    electrical protection from high "oltage conductors. &roof tested to 10,000 "olts

    'lass >A? or >8? - in addition to impact and penetration resistance protection, pro"ides

    electrical protection from low "oltage conductors. &roof tested to 1,100 "olts

    'lass >'? G pro"ides impact and penetration resistance protection but does not pro"ide

    electrical protection and should not be used around electrical ha5ards.

    1..-. Sa%ety Sectacle$, Sa%ety 5o""le$ a!' )ace Shiel'

    1..-.- )all Protectio! Eui#e!t

    Note: Effective January, 201&, fa'' protection equipment specimens were tested according

    to the requirements of ANS( )&%*+1 $ 1**2 rep'acing S 1&*-:1*-*+

    1..: PPE Store

    1..< )ir$t 6i' Treat#e!t 6rea

    /. The construction project owner or his duly authori5ed representati"e shall pro"ide

    competent emergency health personnel within the wor2site duly complemented by

    ade!uate medical supplies, e!uipment and facilities, based on the total number of

    wor2ers in the site as indicated below)

    a6 The ser"ices of a certified first-aider when the total number of wor2ers is fifty


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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    d6 The ser"ices of a full-time registered nurse, a full-time physician, a dentist and

    an infirmary or emergency hospital with one :/6 bed capacity when the number of 

    employees eceed three hundred :;006. 4n addition, there should be one :/6 bed

    capacity for e"ery one hundred :/006 employees in ecess of three hundred


    1. Where an employer pro"ides only a treatment room, he shall pro"ide for his wor2ersin case of emergency, access to the nearest medical@dental clinic located within fi"e :

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    • 4nherent with good house2eeping is the elimination of many ha5ards that could result in

    falls, trips, cuts, fires and many other potential accidents. 8ood house2eeping is a "isiblead"ertisement and promotion of safe wor2ing conditions.

    • 'ontainers for trash and debris shall be deployed throughout the site. $chedule of pic2-

    up and disposal of trash shall be set to pre"ent o"erfilling containers and largeaccumulations at any location.

    • 4f wor2 restricts traffic on roads, barricades to di"ert traffic shall be used. $imilarly, clear 

    wal2ways for access to site shall be maintained. #oses and electric cords shall be laid tominimi5e road and wal2way crossings. Where necessary, these shall be run o"erhead,or pro"ided with protecti"e co"ering if run at ground le"el.

    • 'lean up is a part of e"ery job to be done. Ecess and scrap materials shall be stored

    when not in use. Wor2ing platforms on long-standing scaffolds shall be periodicallycleaned of debris.

    1..? Tool@oA eeti!"

    Toolbo meetings pro"ide a forum to discuss items of safety rele"ant to the projectand permit an opportunity for open communication between employees and super"isorson the project.

    $afety tal2s will be scheduled on a wee2ly basis. $uch tal2s will be carried out by thesuper"isors :leadmen, capata5es, foremen6 assisted by the safety officer. The tal2s willbe of short duration on a rele"ant safety topic and records of attendance will bemaintained. Each tal2 will li2ely last for at least /< minutes e"ery onday morning or asdetermined by the project.

    1..B Co!$tructio! Pla!tachi!ery

    4nherent with the use of producti"e mobile e!uipment are the many potentialha5ards that can result from)

    •  A large mass in motion.

    • &ossible malfunction of the e!uipment.

    • *esponse of operator to constantly changing conditions.

    &rior to wor2 assignment on any piece of e!uipment, all operators shall be gi"en thenecessary instructions, practice time, and tested by a competent obser"er for capability to operate the e!uipment safely.

      &rior to starting wor2 each day, operator shall chec2 proper functioning andcondition of horn, lights, tires, bra2es :ser"ice and emergency6, windshields, mirrors,and ma2e a "isual and operational chec2 of engine and functional de"ices of the

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    e!uipment. Any defects shall be rectified or logged for correction as judgednecessary by the operator or his super"isor.

     All e!uipment shall be periodically inspected and ser"iced by a competentmechanic. *ecords of this maintenance shall be 2ept for each piece of e!uipment.

    The load capacity and any operational restriction for each piece of e!uipment shallbe posted at the operators station. As applicable, the capacity and re!uirements for any e!uipment to transport personnel shall be posted also.

    $afe means of access to operators station shall be pro"ided on each piece of e!uipment.

    &ermanently mounted fire etinguishers shall be pro"ided on all industrial mobilee!uipment.

    The engine shall be shut down and par2ing bra2e set each time)

    • The e!uipment is being refueled.

    •  Any maintenance wor2 is being performed.

    • The operator lea"es his station for any reason.

     Any load etending beyond the confines of the e!uipment shall be mar2ed or tagged for easy "isibility.

    +oading of container-type e!uipment shall be limited to a capacity that will a"oidspillage along the route of tra"el.

    When operators "isibility is restricted in direction of tra"el, or when wor2ing in acongested or confined space, a signalman on the ground with clear "isibility shalldirect the mo"ement of the e!uipment.

    or best control, mobile e!uipment shall always be operated in gear, i.e., ne"er >coast? down hill.

    When e!uipment is shut down with any reason and at the end of the wor2day allappurtenances such as blades, buc2ets, for2 hoo2s shall be grounded or placed intheir lowest position.

    4n areas of hea"y traffic or congestion, it may be desirable to install traffic signs tocontrol the mo"ement of "ehicles as well as barricades to restrict foot traffic. :(ote)

     A fatality could occur if a wor2er wal2s out from behind a truc2 and be run o"er.6

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    'ondition and capability of roads or routes of tra"el for mobile e!uipment shall beascertained prior to starting wor2. Weather will affect these conditions, and theyshall be rechec2ed as appropriate.

    1..10 Sa%ety tea# %or /ariou$ tea#


    • Ensure the creation of a &roject $afety &lan that complies with the re!uirements of 

    the company safety policy.

    • Ensure that wor2 is eecuted according to the $afety &lan.

    • Ensure that the implementation of the &roject $afety &lan is monitored and that the

    plan is re"iewed as and when necessary.• &romote an interest, enthusiasm and commitment to #ealth, $afety, and

    En"ironment issues throughout the &roject.

    • Ensure the pro"ision of competent safety personnel.

    • *espond to the recommendations of the project safety personnel.

    • $et a good eample.


    %e aware of the re!uirements of the &roject $afety &lan, $afe 'onstructionethodologies, and safety procedures rele"ant to the indi"iduals specific area of responsibility.

    • &lan and maintain a tidy and orderly wor2 place such that wor2 can be carried out

    with minimal ris2 to health and safety.

    • Ensure that wor2 is carried out as planned and regularly inspect all wor2 areas to

    ensure the safety of all acti"ities, e!uipment, and materials in his area of responsibility.

    • Ensure that others, including the general public, are protected.

    • 4ncorporate safety instructions into routine orders and ensure that wor2ers are not

    re!uired or permitted to ta2e unnecessary ris2.

    • *espond to the recommendations of the &roject $afety Ad"iser.

    • Encourage those who perform safely and reprimand those who do not.

      $et a good eample.


    • $er"es as $ecretary to the health and safety committee

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    • &repare minutes of meetings

    • *eport status of recommendations made

    • (otify members of the meetings7 and

    • $ubmit the employer a report of the acti"ities of the committee, including

    recommendations made

    •  Acts in an ad"isory capacity on all matters pertaining to health and safety for theguidance of the employer and the wor2ers

    • 'onducts in"estigation of accidents as member of the #ealth and $afety

    'ommittee and submits his separate report and analysis of accidents to theemployer 

    • 'oordinates all health and safety training programs for the employees and


    • 'onducts health and safety inspection as member of the committee

    • aintains or helps in the maintenance of an efficient accident record system and

    coordinates actions ta2en by super"isors to eliminate accident causes

    • &ro"ides assistance to go"ernment agencies in the conduct of safety and healthinspection, accident in"estigation or any other related programs

    • or purposes of effecti"eness in a wor2place where full-time safety man is re!uired,

    he shall report directly to the employer 

    -. ORFERS

     Attend orientation, toolbo tal2s, and safety meetings as re!uired.

    se the right tools for e"ery job and 2eep them in good condition.

    se the safety e!uipment and protecti"e clothing supplied.

     A"oid ta2ing shortcuts that may lead to unnecessary ris2. *eport any defects at the site, in e!uipment or any other safety ha5ard.

    'omply with all rules.

    &articipate in safety program and cooperates acti"ely with the #ealth and $afety

    'ommittee  Assists go"ernment agencies in the conduct of health and safety inspection or other 


    1..11 or> Per#it

     A permit-to-wor2 ensures a formal chec2 is underta2en to ma2e sure all the elements of

    a safe system of wor2 are in place before people are allowed to enter or wor2 in the

    confined space. 4t is also a means of communication between site management,

    super"isors, and those carrying out the ha5ardous wor2. Essential features of a permit-

    to-wor2 are)

    H clear identification of who may authorise particular jobs :and any limits to their

    authority6 and who is responsible for specifying the necessary precautions :eg

    isolation, air testing, emergency arrangements etc67

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    H ma2ing sure that contractors engaged to carry out wor2 are included7

    H training and instruction in the issue of permits7

    H monitoring and auditing to ma2e sure that the system wor2s as intended.

    1..1 Trai!i!"

    The basic construction safety and health training shall be a forty :306-hour

    training course as prescribed by the %W'. The training course shall include the

    pro"isions of *ule /3/0 of the $#$. The %W', from time to time, may modify

    the basic construction safety and health training course, as the need arises.

     All safety personnel in"ol"ed in a construction project shall be re!uired to

    complete such basic training course. E"ery constructor shall pro"ide continuing

    construction safety and health training to all technical personnel under his

    employ. 'ontinuing training shall be a minimum of / hours per year for e"ery

    full-time safety personnel.

    1..1 Trai!i!" roo#area

    The place of the training depends on what the type of training e"ent is

    needed. or eample, a for2lifting training must be taught outside of wor2 to

    pre"ent accidents or damages on site, while an acti"ity of ha5ard management

    must be at wor2 to properly demonstrate what situations might happen on a

    certain wor2 area.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    any wor2places contain areas that are considered Iconfined spacesI because

    while they are not necessarily designed for people, they are large enough for wor2ers to

    enter and perform certain jobs. A confined space also has limited or restricted means for

    entry or eit and is not designed for continuous occupancy. 'onfined spaces include, but

    are not limited to, tan2s, "essels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, "aults, pits, manholes,

    tunnels, e!uipment housings, ductwor2, pipelines, etc.

    $#A uses the term Ipermit-re!uired confined spaceI :permit space6 to describe

    a confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics) contains or has

    the potential to contain a ha5ardous atmosphere7 contains material that has the potential

    to engulf an entrant7 has walls that con"erge inward or floors that slope downward and

    taper into a smaller area which could trap or asphyiate an entrant7 or contains any other 

    recogni5ed safety or health ha5ard, such as unguarded machinery, eposed li"e wires,

    or heat stress.

    1..1- Pe!alty Sy$te#

    1..1-.1 Re;ar'

    $ince the manpower of this project is less than fifty :

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    *e!uired to all construction wor2er@staff regardless of position

    (o entry at all construction site.

    'onstruction site, refers to the site inclusi"e of field offices and other temporary


    Fisitors and 8uest must secure Written &ermit from the project $afety fficers :to

    be shown at the gate upon entry at the construction site.6

    . Eye a!' )ace Protectio!

    $pectacles G *e!uired for steelmen and those engage in chipping wor2s.

    ace $hieldG *e!uired for jac2 hammering J grinding operations.

    8oggles G *e!uired for welding wor2s.

    Dus2 as2 G *e!uired for cement handling and house2eeping operations.

    *espirator G *e!uired in confines areas :cleaning of tan2s etc.6 painting,

    handling chemical especially toic matter.

    irst offense G Written reprimand

    $econd offense G (E :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    ourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ifth offense G Dismissal

    '. Sa%ety elt & *i%e *i!e$ G *e!uired for employees doing abo"e ft. that hasa great danger fro falling :e. perimeter of building being constructed, columnand rebar installations, formwor2s, plastering wor2s outside the buildingpainting crane installations and repair and other that may be re!uired by theproject safety engineer)

    irst offense G Written reprimand$econd offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    ourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

      ifth offense - Dismissal

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    D. Ear u%%  G *e!uired for employees engaged in usual noise eposures suchas generator tending, heliports, tinsmith wor2s :air conduct assembly6

    irst offense G Written reprimand

      $econd offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspensionourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ifth offense G Dismissal

    E. Rai! oot$ 2Ru@@er oot$3 G re!uired for employee engaged in masonrywor2s especially those belonging to pouring and concreting crew thoseassigned in dewatering wor2s and those operation that wearing of safetyshoes in unli2ely deterrent.

    irst offense G Written reprimand

    $econd offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    ourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ifth offense G Dismissal

    . Rai! Coat G *e!uired during rainy season :a must for all employees wor2ingat acti"e le"el@floor6 $ite super"isors may opted to send the wor2ers home

    :discretion of site operations6

    irst offense G Written reprimand

    $econd offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    ourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ifth offense G Dismissal

    8. Ha!' 5lo/e$ G *e!uired for those employees engaged in material handling,steelwor2s, welding operations, tinsmith and chipping wor2s.

    irst offense G Written reprimand

    $econd offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    Third offense G Three :;6 days suspension

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    ourth offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ifth offense G Dismissal


    . S#o>i!" at Re$tricte' 6rea

    irst offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    $econd offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    Third offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    ourth offense G Dismissal

    . U!authori(e' u$e'ti!>eri!" layi!" o% %ire %i"hti!" eui#e!t$

    irst offense G Three :;6 days suspension

      $econd offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

      Third offense G Dismissal

    -. Dri/i!" u!'er the i!%lue!ce o% *iuor that re$ulte' i!to a 8ehicular 6cci'e!t

    irst offense G Dismissal and to pay incurred damages.

    :. )ailure to reort hi$her er$o!al acci'e!t 2;or> co!!ecte' ;ithi! - hr$. atthe roject cli!ic a!'or a'/i$e hi$her i##e'iate $uerior.

    irst offense G ne :/6 day suspension

    $econd offense G i"e :

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


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    =. Deli@erate re#o/alta#eri!" o% $a%ety $i"!$ a!' %o$ter i!clu'i!" tra%%ic $i"!$o! $ite 2u!authori(e'3

    irst offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension$econd offense G dismissal

    ?. U!hy"ie!ic Practice 2Uri!ati!", re#o/al o% /o;el el$e;here o! $ite other tha!the re$cri@e' area3

    irst offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    $econd offense G $e"en :C6 days suspension

    Third offense G Dismissal

    B. Ta#eri!" o% Electrical iri!" co!!ectio! a!' %u$e @oAe$ 2@rea>er3

    irst offense G Three :;6 days suspension

    $econd offense G i"e :

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    1. OJECTI8E

    The project safety committee shall be formed to comply with re!uirements fromthe Department of +abor and Employment as detailed in the ccupational $afetyand #ealth $tandards, and to assist in the accomplishment of safety objecti"es.


    1./ A project safety committee as re!uired by the company safety program will beorgani5ed and a regular monthly meeting will be held at the project site.

    1.1 The minutes of the meeting will be recorded by the project safety officer anddistributed to all members. A copy of the minutes of the meeting shall besubmitted to the %ureau of Wor2ing 'onditions of the Department of +abor andEmployment.

    1.; The &roject $afety 'ommittee shall establish coordination andcommunication of safety issues in the project.

    1.3 The &roject $afety 'ommittee shall pro"ide a forum for the echange of safety information and "iews among all parties in"ol"ed in the project.

    1.< 'omposition of Dela Torre Enterprises &roject $afety 'ommittee

    'hairman - &4' or his authori5ed representati"eembers - $uperintendent


    &roject Administrati"e fficer - oreman, 'apata5- &roject (urse or irst-aider - $ubcontractor &4' or representati"e

      $ecretary - &roject $afety fficer 

    1..1? Sa%ety a!a"e#e!t @y ;al>i!" arou!' 2S63

    O@$er/atio!$+  E"ery wal2around should start with an obser"ation of wor2. This

    is essential and is what differentiates wal2arounds from more typical compliance-

    based inspections. The wor2 obser"ed can be anything from computer use in an

    office space to ha5ardous process operations. This is the managers choice

    based on percei"ed ris2 or importance. bser"ations should generally last from

    /0 to ;0 minutes and minimi5e wor2 disruption as much as possible. ften

    wor2ers will stop what they are doing when managers appear on the scene. 4f 

    this happens, wor2ers should be re!uested to return to wor2 so the obser"ation

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    can continue. Wor2ers should be epecting their managers "ia prior 

    communications. There is always some s2ewing of wor2 performance when

    managers are present, but eperience shows that this distortion diminishes

    dramatically o"er time as wor2ers come to epect management obser"ations as

    a matter of course and "iew them positi"ely.

    De#o$+  ccasionally managers arri"e at a wor2place only to find that the wor2

    has been completed or delayed. Although not as useful as actual wor2

    obser"ations, a >demo? is often a good obser"ation alternati"e in these cases.

    Demos are where managers as2 the employees to show them the wor2 steps

    without actually performing them. This is somewhat easier if the wor2 is go"erned

    by a procedure. anagers can then as2 !uestions li2e >#ow do you do thisL? and

    >'an you show meML? to obtain a better understanding of the wor2.

    Wor2 discussions should ser"e first to put employees at ease and then to

    mutually identify potential opportunities for impro"ing the safety of the wor2.

    The following are a few sample !uestions managers might as2 during the


    /. What part of your job do you consider the most ha5ardousL

    1. What is the worst thing that could happen if something went wrong as a result

    of this wor2L

    ;. #a"e you :or someone you 2now6 e"er eperienced an injury, or near miss,

    performing this wor2L

    3. What, if anything, about this job needs additional safety attentionL

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    B. What training :including safety training6 ha"e you recei"ed to perform your


    9. What changes would you implement to ma2e this job safer if you had the

    authority to do soL

    1..0 Security Co!ti!"e!cy Pla!

    &redictable ris2s that could be mitigated with forward planning might include)

    (on-deli"ery of materials. An alternati"e design might be prepared, or bul2 or

    specific items could be pre-ordered before contractors are appointed

    +ac2 of a"ailable wor2 force. This could be tac2led by the pro"ision of a site

    labour camp or by o"erseas recruitment.

    +ac2 of plant and e!uipment a"ailability :or plant failure or access to spare parts6.

    &lant such as piling rigs and spares could be ordered during the design stagesprior to contractor  in"ol"ement.

    4llness. This could be mitigated by insurance co"er for 2ey personnel.

    The ris2 of obtaining planning permission or other statutory appro"als. This might

    be mitigated by early consultation with statutory authorities prior to design, or

    by employing e-statutory authority employees, or consultants familiar withthe statutory authority.

    4nformation and communications technology failure. This might be mitigated by

    duplicating facilities, establishing bac2-up procedures and pro"idinguninterrupted power supplies.

    ailure of power or water supply. This might be mitigated by the duplication of

    supply, uninterrupted power supplies or the pro"ision of standby generators.

    1..1B Sa%ety Recor'$

    The irst Aid personnel with the assistance of the project safety officer mustmaintain a "ariety of records for protection of the employees, the company andclient.

    1. irst Aid +ogThis is a chronological listing of all "isits to the clinic or first aid station.E"ery injury illness reported, no matter how slight must be recorded. A

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    copy of the logboo2 and necessary forms shall be pro"ided to the clinic or first aid station.

    ;. 4ndi"idual edical *ecordThis is a confidential record of the employees illness and injuries reported

    to the clinic or first aid station. The irst Aider is responsible for 2eepingthe medical record of e"ery employee in the site. At the end of the month,he@she shall submit to the &roject 4ncharge and project safety officer asummary report of all cases treated in the clinic.

    1..0 Security Co!ti!"e!cy Pla!

    The 'ontingency &lan of the &roject will include the arrangements for speedily and

    timeously transporting injured@ill person@s to a medical facility or of getting emergency

    medical aid to person@s that may re!uire it. &redictable ris2s that could be mitigatedwith forward planning might include)

    (on-deli"ery of materials. An alternati"e design might be prepared, or bul2 or

    specific items could be pre-ordered before contractors are appointed

    +ac2 of a"ailable wor2 force. This could be tac2led by the pro"ision of a site

    labour camp or by o"erseas recruitment.

    +ac2 of plant and e!uipment a"ailability :or plant failure or access to spare parts6.

    &lant such as piling rigs and spares could be ordered during the design stages prior 

    to contractor  in"ol"ement.

    4llness. This could be mitigated by insurance co"er for 2ey personnel.

    The ris2 of obtaining planning permission or other statutory appro"als. This might

    be mitigated by early consultation with statutory authorities prior to design, or byemploying e-statutory authority employees, or consultants familiar withthe statutory authority.

    4nformation and communications technology failure. This might be mitigated by

    duplicating facilities, establishing bac2-up procedures and pro"iding uninterruptedpower supplies.

    1..1 Security Reort$

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    .0 6ttri@ute$ Co!tri@uti!" to the Succe$$ o% the $y$te#

    .1 Clear Sa%ety O@jecti/e$We plan to achie"e wor2er safety and health through the following)

    /. Designate a !ualified safety person to coordinate the program.

    1. &lan for safety before each job and each new tas2, using a written ob $afety Analysis.

    ;. a2e regular job site safety inspections and conduct health monitoring.

    3. ollow safety procedures and rules.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    The total cost of implementing a 'onstruction $afety and #ealth &rogram shall be a

    mandatory integral part of the projects construction cost as a separate pay item, duly

    !uantified and reflected in the &rojects Tender Documents and li2ewise reflected in the

    &rojects 'onstruction 'ontract Documents.

    . E!%orce#e!t.- Sa%ety Or"a!i(atio!

    .: Co##it#e!t @y a!a"e#e!t

    .< Co!$tructio! I!ci'e!t Pre/e!tio! Pla! 2CIPP3


    ur super"isors play an important part in creating and maintaining safe and healthful

    wor2 practices, policies, and procedures. 4t is the super"isors responsibility to identify

    potential ha5ards, identify methods to control or eliminate the ha5ards, ensure

    employees engage in safe and healthful wor2 practices, and ensure employees recei"e

    safety and health training to do their wor2. $afety and health performance will be part of

    our super"isors e"aluations.


    ur management will ta2e an acti"e role on the safety and health committee. At least

    annually the safety and health committee will de"elop written safety and health goals

    and trac2 monthly progress. These goals will be communicated to all employees. ur

    committee will be comprised of management and hourly employees. embers will be

    :Elected@Appointed@Folunteer6 and will ser"e on the committee for :+ength of Time6.


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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    ur management will ta2e prompt consistent action when responding to safety andhealth issues. They will demonstrate our management commitment to addressing safetyand health concerns and encourage employee participation. anagement will respondto employees reports of ha5ards or potential ha5ards and :Describe your companyssystem for employees to report ha5ards6.

    4mmediate super"isors will re"iew, in"estigate, and ta2e any necessary and appropriateaction on all employee reports of ha5ards or potential ha5ards. The employee reportingthe ha5ard or potential ha5ard will be notified of the outcome. *eporting of ha5ards orpotential ha5ards will be without fear of reprimand.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    E&+NEE 4(F+FEE(T


    The purpose of our safety and health committee is to participate in the implementationof the safety and health system

    ur committee will be comprised of management and employee representati"es. ur

    committee will meet :onthly@Ouarterly6.

    The committee will)

    •• #a"e defined goals and objecti"es.

    ••  Address safety and health issues.

    •• *ecord and post minutes of the meetings.

    •• 4n"ol"e employees in problem sol"ing.

    •• Document action ta2en and post on the bulletin boards for all employees toread and-or comment.

    •• #a"e a formal agenda.


    'ommittee members are) :+ist members6


    ur employees will participate in regular safety and health inspections

    :Daily@Wee2ly@onthly@Ouarterly6 to help identify potentially ha5ardous conditions and

    unsafe actions and initiate corrections. indings will be presented to :(ame@Title@$afety

    and #ealth 'ommittee6 for re"iew. 'orrecti"e action will be implemented under the

    direction of :(ame@Title6 in a timely manner.


    ur employees are encouraged to ma2e safety and health suggestions to help impro"e

    a process, pre"ent an accident, or to ma2e any impro"ement in the safety and health

    system. The suggestion system will be implemented by :(ame@Title6 who will be

    responsible for determining priority and the proper means of implementation. $afetysuggestions will be shared with the safety and health committee for input. $uggestion

    forms can be placed in suggestion boes at :+ocation6 or gi"en directly to :(ame@Title6.


    ur employees will be gi"en an opportunity to pro"ide input regarding recommendations

    on safety and health products, procedures, and training as it pertains to daily wor2

    operations. or eample, employees may be gi"en some responsibility to test out

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    products or conduct research to substantiate recommendations. Employee input may be

    pro"ided through the suggestion system, report of ha5ard, or through actions the safety

    and health committee initiates. Employees may participate in a "ariety of ways such as7

    a trainer, inspector, or problem sol"er.

    W*P$4TE A(A+N$4$

    We will conduct a wor2site analysis, through systematic actions that pro"ide informationas needed to recogni5e and understand the ha5ards and potential ha5ards of ourwor2place. +isted below are types of wor2site analysis actions that can assist withma2ing an in"entory of potential ha5ards in our wor2place)

    /. ob safety analysis.

    1. 'omprehensi"e ha5ard sur"eys :insurance inspections, 4$#A n-site, etc.6.

    ;. #a5ard analysis of changes in the wor2place :new e!uipment, new processes6.

    3. *egular site safety and health inspections :employee and management6.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    ob $afety Analysis :$A6 is a method of planning for safety and health. There are

    three parts to the $A.

    /. The first component of a $A is brea2ing down a job or tas2 into the specificsteps it ta2es to complete the job. Although this can be done in small detail,typically only the major steps are listed. This often results in fi"e to ten steps.The steps are listed in chronological order, listing the first thing that must bedone, then what comes net, and so on.

    1. The second component of a $A is to list all the ha5ards that are in"ol"ed in eachstep. There may be many ha5ards that get listed net to some steps and may notbe any associated with some steps.

    ;. The third step is to write down how each ha5ard will be eliminated or controlled.

    4n other words, describe what needs to be done in order to perform that tas2safely.

    $ample $A orm

    ob Title) &age) QQ of $A (o. Date) QQ(ew


    E!uipment) $uper"isor) Analysis by)

    Department) Appro"ed by)

    *e!uired &ersonal &rotecti"e E!uipment :&&E6)

    ob $teps &otential #a5ards*ecommended $afe ob


    Trainee:s6 (ame) Training Date)

    Trainer:s6 (ame) Trainer:s6 $ignature)

    our-$tep 4nstruction 'ompletedL &repare the

    Wor2erMMMM Trainer:s6 4nitials

    &resent the perationMMM Trainer:s6 4nitials

    Try ut &erformanceMMM.. Trainer:s6 4nitials

    ollow pMMMMMMMM..Trainer:s6 4nitials

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan



    ur employees play a 2ey role in identifying, controlling, and reporting ha5ards that mayoccur or already eist in the wor2place. Employee reports of potential ha5ards can be

    an effecti"e tool to trigger a closer loo2 at a piece of e!uipment, operation, or how wor2

    is being performed. *eports of potential ha5ards can also pro"ide suggestions to

    eliminate a ha5ard.


    We will conduct an in"estigation for all accidents@incidents and near misses. ur

    primary goal of conducting an in"estigation is to determine the >root cause? to pre"ent

    the ris2 of a future occurrence. 4n"estigation reports can help determine injury and

    illness trends o"er time, so that patterns with common causes can be identified and

    pre"ented. 4n"estigations are not intended to place blame.

     Accidents and >near-miss? incidents will be in"estigated by :(ame@Title6. The reports will

    be re"iewed by :(ame@$afety 'ommittee6 within :Days@#ours6 of an accident@incident.

    #ARA*D &*EFE(T4( A(D '(T*+

    ur management will de"elop systems to pre"ent and control ha5ards. These include)

    the establishment of controls through engineering, wor2 practice, personal protecti"ee!uipment, and@or administrati"e actions7 systems to trac2 ha5ard correction7 pre"enti"emaintenance systems7 emergency preparation7 and medical program.

    ur written system will be implemented to assure guards, house2eeping, and personalprotecti"e e!uipment are pro"ided and being used.

     A written plan of action for the correction of ha5ards found in the wor2place will beimplemented by :(ame@Title6. Actions will be communicated to all employees.

     A maintenance schedule for all "ehicles and e!uipment will be established by:(ame@Title6. aintenance logs will be 2ept to document wor2 performed and repairsscheduled or ordered.

    *e!uired written programs such as) loc2out@tagout, respiratory protection, right to 2now,

    confined space, asbestos, ben5ene, lead, and for2 lift permits will be de"eloped.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    Through a team effort all employees at :'ompany (ame6 will ma2e >safety chec2s? a

    part of routine wor2 practices


    :'ompany (ame6 will conduct daily job site inspections. #a5ards will be documented,

    re"iewed, and corrections will be made in a timely manner. ore detailed, written

    inspections will be conducted by :(ame@Title6 on a :Wee2ly@onthly6 basis. The $afety

    'oordinator or other designated safety person will tour each job site and obser"e

    potential safety@health ha5ards, and de"elop a plan for safeguarding this company=s

    wor2ers which may include the following)

    /. *emo"ing the ha5ard.

    1. 8uarding against the ha5ard as re!uired by 4$#A.

    ;. &ro"iding personal protecti"e e!uipment and enforcing its use.

    3. Training wor2ers in safe wor2 practices.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    again with the potential for serious injury. oremen should ma2e a note of nearmisses and the correcti"e actions ta2en and report them to the $afety'oordinator, so that the same corrections may be made on all the companys jobsites.


    /. #ard hats will be worn on job sites at all times.

    1. Eye protection will be worn when there are potentials of ha5ards from flying

    objects or particles, chemicals, arcing, glare, or dust.

    ;. +eather wor2 boots shall be worn to protect from falling objects, chemicals, or

    stepping on sharp objects. $afety toe footwear may be necessary in some

    instances. Athletic or can"as-type shoes shall not be worn.

    3. &rotecti"e glo"es or clothing shall be worn when re!uired to protect against a


    3. #arnesses and lanyards shall be utili5ed for fall protection as re!uired.


    ur management is responsible for implementing major decisions, policies and safety

    and health procedures. $pecific safety and health procedures that are re!uired by

    4$#A will be put in writing such as) loc2out, right to 2now, fall protection, confined

    space, respiratory program, etc. A copy of our written safety program will be a"ailable

    on e"ery jobsite, either in the jobsite trailer, the gang bo, or with the foremen. The

    re!uired 4$#A posters will be posted :+ocation6.

    :'ompany (ame6 will inform and enforce the following safety rules)

     All of our safety rules must be obeyed. ailure to do so will result in strict disciplinary


    /. Wear appropriate clothing and use sun bloc2 to pre"ent sunburn.1. Watch where you are wal2ing. Do not run. Peep your mind on your wor2 at all times.;. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol or being under the influence during wor2ing hours

    shall be cause for termination. 4nform your super"isor if ta2ing strong prescription drugsthat warn against dri"ing or using machinery.

    3. Do not distract the attention of fellow wor2ers or engage in horseplay. Do not engage inany act which would endanger another employee.

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    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    . Do not use a compressor to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or hands.C. *eport any fear of wal2ing at heights to your super"isor.B. Pnow where fire etinguishers are located and how to use them.9. +ift correctly - with legs, not the bac2. 4f the load is too hea"y 8ET #E+&. Do stretching

    eercises prior to wor2 acti"ities. Approimately twenty percent of all construction

    related injuries result from lifting materials./0. Peep bac2 at least /0 from all power lines, further if high "oltage.//. (obody but the operator shall be allowed to ride on e!uipment unless the e!uipment is

    designed to carry a passenger./1. Do not use power tools and e!uipment until you ha"e been properly instructed in the

    safe wor2 methods and become authori5ed to use them./;. Do not remo"e, displace, damage, or destroy any safety de"ice or safeguard on

    e!uipment or machinery./3. %arricade danger areas. 8uard rails or perimeter cables may be re!uired. Do not enter 

    an area which has been barricaded./

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    1;. (e"er throw anything Io"erboard.I $omeone passing below may be seriously injured.13. pen fires are prohibited.1

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    Safety Health and Security Management Plan

    /. ethod of communication will be determined at each site) telephone, radio, etc.

    1. &ost the following emergency telephone numbers)

    •• &olice,

    •• ire,•• edical *esponse Team.

    ;. &ost the job site address near the communication station.

    3. &ost names of first aid responders on site. irst responders should obtain all

    re!uired irst Aid@'&* and %loodborne Eposure training.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN


    (o employee shall enter confined spaces without authori5ation. A confined space is

    defined as the following)

    /. A space that is (T DE$48(ED * '(T4($ employee ''&A('N,


    1. 4s large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter into and

    perform assigned wor2, and

    ;. #as +44TED or *E$T*4'TED means for E(T*N or ES4T.

    'onfined spaces that may ha"e a #ARA*D$ AT$E*E re!uire special

    precautions. #a5ardous atmospheres are those that may epose employees to the ris2of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue caused by)

    •• lammable gas,

    ••  Airborne combustible dust,

    ••  Atmospheric oygen concentration below /9.< or abo"e 1;.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    our responsibility to inform other contractors of the ha5ards in"ol"ed. We willma2e e"ery effort to 2eep other contractors safe from the chemicals we use.Typically, the general contractor onsite will need to coordinate all chemical use of all contractors to maintain a safe wor2place.


    /. all protection is re!uired whene"er wor2ing at si feet or abo"e.1. all protection will be pro"ided by one or more of the following)

    •• 8uardrails,

    •• #ole co"ers,

    •• $afety nets,

    •• &ersonal fall arrest system :harness and lanyard6.


    Electrical safety in"ol"es two primary issues)

    •• &owerlines,

    •• Temporary and permanent electrical wiring and e!uipment.

    To a"oid electrical incidents, se"eral basic safety rules must be followed)

    /. $tay at least /0 feet bac2 from powerlines, in A++ directions. $tay further bac2 if"oltages are greater than

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    &re-job planning is "ital to accident-free eca"ations and trenching7 safety cannot be

    impro"ised as wor2 progresses.

    The following concerns must be addressed by a !ualified person.

    /. E"aluate soil conditions and select and construct appropriate protecti"e systemsin accordance with 4$#A &art 9, Eca"ation, Trenching and $horing.

    1. 4f the trench is

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    the ehaust and must not be used without ade!uate "entilation. &ro"ide

    appropriate respiratory protection when necessary.

    /0.&ro"ide safe access into and out of the eca"ation. 4f the eca"ation is 3 or

    greater, ensure a ladder is within 1

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    $AETN A(D #EA+T# T*A4(4(8

    :'ompany (ame6 will pro"ide training to assure the re!uirements of 4$#A standards

    are met and continuously e"aluate employee training needs to 2eep wor2ers safe and

    healthy on the job.

    /. (ew Employee rientation) (ew employees will recei"e training on the company

    safety and health management system, safe wor2 practices and epectations,

    and specific safety and health training for the tas2s that they will perform.

    1. After inspecting a job site, :(ame@Title6 will identify and e"aluate all potential

    ha5ards for potential of serious injuries and probability of an accident. Actions

    will be ta2en to minimi5e the ha5ards and protect the wor2ers.

    ;. The $afety 'oordinator or other designated site person will appraise the s2ill and

    2nowledge le"el of eposed wor2ers, and pro"ide any needed training.

    3. Where safety and health training is needed, appropriate training will be pro"ided.

    •• #a5ards will be identified.


    (ecessary precautions will be eplained.•• Training length and le"el of detail will be determined by the se"erity of the

    ha5ards and the re!uirements of 4$#A.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN


    $afety and health wor2 obser"ations will be performed periodically by super"isors ordesignated obser"ers.

    $afety and health wor2 obser"ations ensure) /6 an employee has the 2nowledge to

    perform the wor2 as trained, and 16 is actually performing their wor2 tas2 safely. $pecificobser"ations or audits are especially critical for loc2out@tagout, confined space, or where

    the ris2 of eposure is high. *esults will be documented and follow-up training will be

    pro"ided as needed. This process helps assure safety and health training is effecti"e.

    .= Sa%ety Pre Pla!!i!"

    &re Tas2 &lanning is an important element of a ris2 management and also a systematic

    eamination of a job intended to identify potential ha5ards. Thisin"ol"es)

    • 'arefully analysing each basic tas2 of a job

    • 4dentifying potential health J safety ha5ards at each step

    • Determining the best safety practice to pre"ent or mitigate such ha5ards

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    .? Sa%ety Sel%96$$e$$#e!t

    PO*IC7 )ully #et

    2Score 3

    Partially #et

    2Score 13

    Not #et at all

    2Score 03

    Co##e!t$ a!' actio!$

    /. The company understands its

    responsibilities for #J$ towards employees,

    customers, "isitors and members of the public

    and has a clear, written policy for health and

    safety at wor2, signed, dated and

    communicated to all employees.

    1. The Directors regard health and safety of

    employees as an important business


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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    ;. The Directors are committed to continuous

    impro"ement in health and safety :reducing

    the number of injuries, cases of wor2-related

    ill health, and absences from wor2 and

    accidental loss6.

    3. A named Director or $enior anager has

    been gi"en o"erall responsibility for

    implementing our health and safety policy.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    1. We discuss health and safety regularly and

    health and safety is on the agenda of

    management meetings and briefings.

    ;. ur directors, managers and super"isors

    are open and approachable on health and

    safety issues and encourage their staff to

    discuss health and safety matters.

    3. ur Directors, anagers and Team+eaders communicate their commitment to

    health and safety through their beha"iour and

    by always setting a good eample.

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    OR56NISIN5 COPETENCE )ully #et

    2Score 3

    Partially #et

    2Score 13

    Not #et at all

    2Score 03

    Co##e!t$ a!' actio!$

    /. We ha"e a system for ensuring that all our

    employees, including managers, super"isors

    and temporary staff, are ade!uately instructed

    and trained.

    1. We ha"e assessed the eperience,

    2nowledge and s2ills needed to carry out all

    tas2s safely.

    ;. We ha"e a system for ensuring that people

    doing particularly ha5ardous wor2 or eposed

    to ha5ardous situations ha"e the necessary

    training, eperience and other !ualities to

    carry out the wor2 safely.

    3. We ha"e arrangements for gaining access

    to specialist ad"ice and help when we need it.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    implementation of the plan or acti"ity.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    /9. We ha"e arrangements with competent

    persons to perform statutory inspections of

    plant and e!uipment i.e. in accordance with

    the ++E* and &$$* *egulations.

    10. We ha"e designed and constructed our

    site to ta2e into account traffic and pedestrian

    mo"ements and we ha"e controls in place to

    ensure each user has a safe route aroundsite.

    1/. We ha"e arrangements for performing

    routine site inspections which includes traffic

    management and beha"ioural safety.

    11. We ha"e procedures for maintaining good

    house2eeping standards to minimise the ris2

    of slips and trips.

    1;. We ha"e controls in place to reduce the

    ris2 of falls from height :eg into @ from s2ips6

    by a"oiding at height mo"ements and ha"ing

    a system of wor2 that does not re!uire access

    at height.

    13. We ha"e a system for identifying anual

    #andling ha5ards, assessing ris2s and

    deciding how they can be eliminated or

    controlled, and all rele"ant employees ha"e

    been trained accordingly.


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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    in"estigating accidents, incidents, near misses

    and ha5ardous situations.

    3. Where the arrangements in 1 and ; abo"e

    show that controls ha"e not wor2ed properly,

    our health and safety rules or procedures

    ha"e not been followed correctly or our safety

    standards ha"e not been met we ha"e

    systems to identify the reasons whyperformance was substandard and where

    necessary we use disciplinary procedures.

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    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    purchases, new de"elopments or following an

    accident or incident on site.

    . We analyse the information from customer

    safety breaches and use it to identify future

    impro"ement targets and to identify particular

    causes of accidents, near misses to target for

    future ris2 reduction effort.

    C. We analyse the information from plant ande!uipment brea2down @ maintenance records

    to identify patterns of deterioration :cause


    B. We periodically re"iew the site layout to

    ta2e account of changes in wor2 acti"ities,

    traffic type, "olume and circulation.



    TOT6* SCORE :aimum /6

    F'r a()*ce '+ a,(*t*+- a+( re)*e.*+- /ee C0a1ter 2 '3 HSG24 a+( 1a-e 56 '3 INDG784 


    SECTION HE6DIN5 Po$$i@le






    Co##e!t$ a!' actio!$

    &olicy /3

    rganising control B

    rganising communication /3

    rganising co-operation B

    rganising competence /3

    &lanning and implementing

  • 8/16/2019 Safety Health and Security Management Plan


    SA"E. /EA/ SE34(. !ANA5E!EN 6AN

    4n the e"ent that any pro"ision of this 8uidelines is declared in"alid by competent

    authority, the rest of the pro"isions thereof not affected shall remain in full force and
