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This document has been formulated by Kamaljit Singh Jassal, a formal Commander of Indian Navy.

He is presently working as Country Manager, FLIR Systems.

Ideas and Opinions expressed are personal and not attributed to any Organization.

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1. INTRODUCTION. Armed Forces around the world are meant to operate in Harms way. While doing so, many challenges are faced by the

Aviation forces, which operate in hazardous climate that not only causes the wear tear on the machinery but also external objects,

particles/ residues cause enormous damage to high speed machinery or sometime the whole aircraft. Such objects which are generally

referred as FOD (Foreign Object Damage) may have come flying from the environment or may have parted of from the previous landed/

taken off aircraft. The whole flying operations arena is charged with

discipline and drills and sometimes human errors also creep in, inadvertently due to oversight or overconfidence. Many technical

challenges are also faced which complicates the environment. A simple ‘have’ RF transmission or ‘have not’ zip lip (no transmission policy) in

an forward area brings added dimensions in an open tarmac which is prone to all vagaries of weather, challenging the human body to its


2. OPERATIONS. Typically, in any Army/ Air Force/ Navy, flying operations is organized under various sections viz

a. Flying Crew. Combined team of Pilots, Navigators, Observers,

Gunner, Signaller etc.

b. Aircraft Ground Handlers. Combined team of Marshallers or

aircraft control persons, Engineers, Safety equipment men, Vehicle handlers etc.

c. Runway Handlers. ATC personnel, Fire/ CFT persons,

medical staff, aircraft watch crew etc.

3. Segregation of responsibilities is well defined and well trained and well-oiled crew work seamlessly in a battlefield front to deliver the

tangibles or achieve the objectives. It goes without saying that a well-oiled crew also delivers- highest - noiselessly. Responsibilities of

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various crews as mentioned in above para could be gauged as first one with in the aircraft, second one around the aircraft and third crew

distant but yet in close support call.

Safety Hazards & Security Risk

4. Determination of Aviation forces is such that nothing deters the zealous flyers with aircrafts operating in close to zero error syndromes.

However, as they say that everything has its testing limit, errors do happen and fatalities do take place in this highly professional force.

While the aircraft have gone under much of the technology up-gradation but somehow most of the tarmac operations are still done in

sans technology way. It is here that this article broaches what can be

done in available technology, which when stitched together could provide complete safe solutions and make flying a happy affair.

5. Perimeter Security.

a. Most of the secured military runway bases are fenced and have

vegetation around the tarmac. Small living surprises from these vegetation provide more challenges then amusements. Hare

being chased by hound is not seen in the comics but could be horrible delight for an about to touch ground incoming jet.

Occasionally, many other trespassers could cross-in which is not worth mentioning.

b. In FOBs (Forward Operating Bases) both the perimeter security as also to prevail communication over such a large area is a

challenge. Sometimes, in an open space FOB (without terrestrial

landmarks) it is difficult to distinguish the runway from other natural land, be it a deserted ground or green meadow.

6. FOD. Out of various incidents reported around the airport which

affect air safety, Foreign Object Damage causes maximum damage to the aircraft. Little pieces on the runway can cause horrible damage.

Bird hits in the flying area are also occurrences which are not unheard of. It is must that both are spotted well before and taken care off.

7. Flying Area. Local Flying Area (LFA) is the area which is in close

proximity to the runway. It is must that all activities in this area while being performed by professionals are being monitored by 3rd person.

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a. Lookout. In a flying arena, look out or oversight is maintained by ATC for any unnatural activity which may arise of

malfunctioning of onboard equipment or misunderstood instructions or any other justifiable reason in the eyes of flyer or

GSE/ ASE handlers. Considering that so many RF transmissions are taking place in the form of RT or Radar transmission, in

order to reduce EMI in the area and to have a better visual appreciation of the flying area, an optical tracking of various

aircrafts is done by day/night color camera as also IR sensors. One such device can do all these activities.

b. Under Carriage. One of the incident that causes the damage to

the aircraft is the under carriage not coming out in landing

position. While coming for landing, under carriage gets lowered for the 3 wheels to come out in landing position. Sometimes, in a

single pilot cockpit 3 greens call is given in routine drill with pilot’s mind pre-occupied in fast approaching touch down. A 3rd

party monitoring can obviate this error. Sometimes a person is kept on approach side who confirms same to ATCO on a walkie


c. FOB. In many of the Forward Operating Base, for obvious reasons it is not possible to either construct an ATC building in

short time or have Radar transmissions emanating from such an area. It is possible to meet the objectives and coordinating safe

flying operations by having a mobile tower which could act as ATC tower with ability to track all ac, keep tab on activities and

home in wandering ac with a sectorial beacon transmissions.

Solutions without Transmissions – yet Track & Tab ability

8. Perimeter Security. This can be achieved by installing cameras with

capability to detect & identify a person in day, night and reduced visibility. It is important that camera has IR sensors which can detect

human at sufficient ranges. Number of cameras to be deployed on the perimeter would be based on coverage factor of 1.2 ie with an overlap

factor 0.2 for the detection range. Many companies have their offering for same and FLIR product Ranger series (especially Ranger® MS-

LRTI) makes a good combination of integrating all this passive

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sensors. Cameras placement must be fixed at the terminal cardinals viz four vertices of quadrilateral or five vertices pentagon.

9. FOD. In order to achieve detection of smallest particle, it is must

that these sensors are not only fitted on both sides of the tarmac or runway but also their coverage factor for identification range is

increased to 0.3. These cameras should have the capabilities to detect in day & night. Since these particles would be at normal tarmac

temperature and hence IR cameras may not be required in this case. Many lead companies provide these cameras. Point to be noted while

installing these is that they should be integrate-able to total optical solutions of the runway. The FOD detect system is installed on the

airport’s primary runway. The system is operated by the airfield

lighting maintenance team and requires less than one hour of maintenance per two weeks, with maintenance carried out during

standard night time maintenance windows.

10. ATC Track & Tab watch. ATC is the command/ control

center for not only the flying operations but also coordinating/ operating the support activities for emergencies, CFT, medical aid etc.

It is here that entire installed digital output of various EO-IR systems output are displayed. In order to track all aircrafts in flying areas in all

vagaries of weather. Hence this should have color day night camera with MWIR, LWIR and Laser Range Finder facility. All such cameras

should be able to track individual targets assigned and when the picture is to be shifted from one camera type to other it should change

without changing the dimension a aspects. An optical zoom of around

100X would be an ideal to zoom in and read the fast flying distant aircraft or to see under carriage/ wheels for damage if any. A Gimbal

could be installed on the top of tower at ATC so that full track & tab capability could be achieved. Best part of such a Gimbal is that it

would have the ability to track by Day/Night Camera, IR (SWIR/MWIR) and able to illuminate an area by Laser beam.

11. FOB Sky Watch Tower. Flying operations in forward operating

bases have more challenges than secured bases. It is not always possible to construct a high tower of ATC for controlling and

monitoring air operations. Open area poses as many challenges from local vegetation living beings, as cordoning off fencing may not be

erected or effective. Challenges in such an area can be met by ‘No-Transmission’ watch towers which have full ability to monitor through

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‘Sky Watch’. Vantage point is everything when it comes to surveillance. SkyWatch™ mobile observation towers, which provide a

high level platform for an array of surveillance options. Every portable tower includes the basics for the comfort and safety of the officer

inside through adjustable heat and air conditioning, tinted sliding glass windows and comfortable seating. No matter what the application is,

only one person is required to set up and deploy a unit. The Sky Watch portable surveillance tower can easily be relocated and is rugged

enough to handle even the most primitive off-road conditions. Each of our hydraulic security tower models are adaptable for cameras, radios,

public address systems and other equipment integration. Now, one officer can cover an area previously requiring three or more personnel.

It does sound great that such a post can obviate the costly DSC watch

towers in FOBs. It would be ideal if perimeter security watch towers in today’s time are modernized to equip and shelter in such towers.

These Sky Watch Tower can also help to home in an inbound aircraft


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FEATURES All European system, single LRU HD system Multiple Fields of View (FOV) 3-5μm thermal imager High Definition color camera with 20x zoom Spotter options Laser options 4-axis active stabilization EASA Certified installations Simplified common interface standard Optimized usability It’s all FLIR inside BENEFITS

All European content, single LRU for ease of installation and integration, digital HD output for all video channels, and IMU for precise geo-location.

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Large format 640 x 512 infrared camera with extended performance optics allows for positive scene analysis at safe stand-off ranges in all weather conditions

1920 x 1080 HD camera maximizes detection range during daytime surveillance missions; the low light function extends operation into dawn or dusk

Identify targets at longer detection ranges during daytime surveillance missions; low light camera option provides extended operation into dawn and dusk

Covertly mark targets and determine their distance and location Outstanding stability ensures stable imagery by compensating for aircraft

movement and vibration, critical for long range imaging

The system can be delivered with EASA Form 1 certification Provides standardized wiring to all HD turrets in this familiy; and to external

systems, making this family of systems completely interchangeable and interoperable

Backlit and NVG compatible remote controller for 24/7 operation in the modern cockpit; integrated multi-mode auto-tracker to track moving or stationary targets

FLIR controls the entire supply chain for the critical technology inside its Ultra class gimbals, ensuring fast service and long-term support

UltraForce® 350-HD OVERVIEW Gimbal size 350 mm (D) x 485 mm (H) Gimbal weight 28 kg Environmental RTCA DO-160E THERMAL IMAGING PERFORMANCE Sensor type 3rd gen 640 x 512 3-5 μm focal plane array Image Enhancements Non Uniformity Correction Bad Pixel Replacement AGC (Automatic Gain Control) Histogram Equalisation Digital Details Enhancement (Tunable) FOVs

Wide 17.3° x 13.6° Medium 5° x 4° Narrow 1.2° x 0.9° Ezoom 2x


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Sensor High Definition CCD Resolution 1920 x 1080 Fields of view Continuous optical zoom 20x Ezoom Up to 4x continuous SPOTTER SCOPE OPTION COLOUR LLTV Sensor type Colour CCD EMCCD Field of view 11.9° to 0.54° continuous zoom 15.8° to 0.72° continuous zoom Sensitivity 1.5 Lux <100 μLux GIMBAL SPECIFICATIONS LOS Pan range 360 degrees continuous LOS Tilt range +20 / -120 degrees AZ/EL slew rate Up to 60°/s Stow Magnetically held in stow position ELECTRONICS CONTROL UNIT Hand Controller Unit 0.8 kg, 230 mm Height INTERFACES ARINC 429, RS232/422 and other interfaces to support navigation systems, moving maps, radars, searchlights, and GPS OUTPUTS Video 1080p/720p HD-SDI (all video channels), RS-170, NTSC, PAL, CCIR POWER Power requirements 22-30 VDC < 150 W OPTIONS Auto-tracker, Laser Range Finder, Laser Pointer COMPACT ELECTRO-OPTICAL AIRBORNE GIMBAL

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Writer invites queries and critics to improvise and

tailor to emerging security needs and challenges of forward area flying.