Download - Sadia Arif- Senior project proposal_presentation

  • 1.Senior Project Proposal PresentationSadia Arif Mrs. Milka Mosley2nd Period Hon. British LiteratureAugust 12, 2010

2. What I am Proposing for myThe concert will consist ofProduct I intend to hold rehearsalsjoyous spring-themed order to make the concertThe songs will be either playedas enjoyable as possible, inby an instrument, an ensembleorderof instruments, or sung by a to attract as many people as Ismall choir. can.I have a plan to hold aspring musical concert toraise money, and awarenessfor citizens with Williams Syndrome. 3. Experience and LearningStretch I have musical experience fromplaying piano for 6 years. I havebeen a part of choir groups atEtowah High School and previous schools.I am a percussionist for Etowah High Schoolmarching and concert band. Also,I have been taking music theoryclasses. I have never organized an event of anykind. With all the responsibility on me,I will have an enormous amountof pressure to complete my projectand Ive never had to experience anything like that before. 4. Time Frame and Workplaces I will work on my product mostly at home, or at the library. I will work in places where I can concentrate and get the most work done. I will try to work on my project a little bit every day so I can always be on top of my schedule. The finished product may take me a few months to complete. 5. Costs and FundsI will plan on a couple ways tohandle the costs, dependingon how much the actual costsmay be.As of now, I do not knowhowmuch my Product may cost.Throughout completing myProduct, I will have a betterestimate on the costs. 6. Project Facilitator I have not yet chosen a Project Facilitator, butI do have some adults in mind. I plan on having one bythis week. The main adult I have in mind is a choral musicteacher. Hehas a vast amount ofexperience in the subject of music, and would be veryhelpful to me. 7. Steps to Begin One of the first steps I need to take would be tovalidate my facilitator. Next, I would need to meet with the person, anddiscuss ideas. After discussing, I would do research on mysubject, and consult with my Facilitator to finalizeeverything, and make sure everything works out. 8. What I Hope to Achieve upon the completion of my Product With the finalization of my product I hope toachieve more knowledge in the subject of music. Hopefully, this knowledge will help me have abetter chance of succeeding in college, consideringthe fact that music is what I desire to study. I also hope to gain organization, and leadershipskills upon the completion of my Product. 9. Demonstration I will demonstrate my productwith a board of pictures, andinformation of my product. The information will be ofwhere and when my producttook place. It will also be of howmy product came to be. I will include a chart of funds,and donations. I will also have a video of myfinished product to show.