Download - SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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Page 2: SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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EASY TO BUILD, AMAZING TO GIVEI want to show you how to build a demo that doesn’t take forever to execute, in regards to your presentation time with a client, AND that feels absolutely amazing to give. Where you don’t feel like you’re selling, and if anything, moves your clients to ask how to move forward in the sales process.

Demos should not be an hour and a half. Ideally they would be no more than 30 minutes. However, they’re done in a way that gets the clients clear of what’s going to happen, ensures that you surface any challenges, expectations, objections, and that you overcome them in the conversation.


My name is Dan Martell and I help B2B SaaS Entrepreneurs who are not generating enough qualified leads, have trouble selling their software, and feel frustrated with their team to easily scale their businesses.

This Rocket Demo Builder will help you to easily identify your customers major pain points, present your solution in a way that demonstrates instant value, and have them buy your product on the spot without taking hours of follow up so you can close more deals.

Page 3: SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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In sales there’s a principle called the 10-10-80 principle. This simply means that 10% are going to buy, 10% never will, and 80% are open to buying.

In other words, 10% of the people are going to buy no matter what. They come qualified. They know who you are. They want what you’ve got.

10% were never going to buy. These are people that were kicking the tires. They could be competitors. They could be people that are just not in market.

Maybe they feel like they should be learning more about your space, so they do the demo. Whatever the reason, they were never going to buy.

The real opportunity is in that 80% of the people that are in the evaluation mode, in the comparison mode. If you do the steps I’m going to show you in your demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client.




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DEMO NOT TOUR1 The ultimate rule that you must not break is simple. Your demo is not a tour. This means your product demo (sales demo) where you’re on the phone with the prospect to help them see if it’s a fit, must not be product tour where you sit there and aimlessly show them around.

Your job as a salesperson is not to do a product tour. That is for customer support. That is for product management. That’s for customer success. Your responsibility as somebody that’s communicating value with the client is to show them the specific features that are going to deliver the results.

You should not be showing people how to click around your app. Showing them the dashboard, the specific features of your app, clicking from screen to screen etc.

It is a demo not a tour. They’re two different things. A demo communicates value and shows them how your app delivers the results they’re looking for. A tour just shows them all the different aspects of your software and doesn’t necessary deliver any real value to someone deciding if your app solves their problems.

Page 6: SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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CONNECT TO PAIN2 Before you even get to the product demo, you have to understand what are the results that the potential customer wants to accomplish? What are some of the frustrations that they’re having?

If you don’t understand this, it’s hard to show how your software can help improve a process and make it faster, better, or cheaper.

The only way to uncover this vital information is to Stretch The Gap. Whhhhaaa? Let me explain. As an example, a big need might be a better way to communicate with their team. You need to reconnect them to the pain. Talk to them about their future results. What do they want to accomplish with the product. Then stretch that gap and show them what this pain is really costing them.

It’s through the stretching the gap that a sale can be made. This stretch provides the friction and tension required for a sale to be made.

Without connecting emotionally with your potential customer’s pain, it’s going to be really hard for you to get the sale. Simply because you aren’t connecting your solution and your features to the pain they just expressed.

Make sure that you always think, “Am I stretching the gap of the pain that they’re feeling currently?” If you haven’t really pulled on that, it’s going to be really tough to get the sale.

Page 7: SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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LEAD BY QUESTIONS3 Barbara Walters is arguably one of the best interviewers in the modern age. She’s interviewed the who’s who of politics, finance, entertainment, technology and real influencers in the world. She just has a way of becoming super curious in a way that’s really exciting for her interviewees. I’m sure at some point, they just get to a place where they feel so comfortable in talking with her that they don’t even realize that they’re being interviewed on camera. They answer questions that otherwise they would have avoided. It just feels really natural and exciting. It’s because, Barbara actually cares.

You need to genuinely care and be curious about how your customers are currently working. You need to be excited about the potential of what they could achieve with your product. To do this, you need to lead by questions.

Leading by questions allows you to take control of the conversation in a way that feels natural and exciting for the person on the other end of the line.

You should have your questions figured out in advance of your sales demo so you can guide them through it in a very natural, non-robotic way.

Having your questions figured out in your sales process and your demo process so that you can guide them through it, it’s not robotic, and it doesn’t feel rushed.

As a sales person, it should be a 30/70 split where you’re leading them by asking them questions. This allows your sales demo to feel natural and exciting a from the prospect’s point of view.

Page 8: SA A S AC ADEMY ROCKET DEMO BUILDER - Dan Martell · ROCKET DEMO BUILDER Hi, My name is Dan Martell and I help ... demo, you’ll be able to get them as a client. 0 8 - 0 1 10-THE

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MONEY SHOT4When you’re doing the demo, typically, you’re going to pick three pain points the client has and talk about those in your product. You’re going to show the feature. Then map it back to the benefit that solves the pain. That’s the way a demo goes.

When you show a feature and it delivers a benefit, you want to say, as example when you said this was a frustration of yours, this solves that problem. This pegs it back to their pain point.

Think of this like a mic drop. If you do it right and you’re smart about which feature is the most important, you should have a mic drop moment on the first feature.

In other words, the first feature you show should be such a powerful solution to their problem, that you’d be able to drop the mic and the demo would be over. They should be so amazed that they don’t need to see any more.

That’s when you hit them with the fact that there’s more! You keep unfolding the features that will solve their problem, but you always have to peg it back to their problem. You’ve got to remind them.

“You said this, here’s how our feature solves that problem.”

Whatever you’re doing to really wow the client, you must peg it back to the problem they have in their business.

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THE VIRTUAL CLOSE5The virtual close is ensuring that you ask a question that gets the client excited. Then, find out what other things would need to be true for this deal to happen.

One of my favorite questions to ask is, “Are there other people involved in you making this decision?”

It’s clean, and simple. This is where a lot of people get stuck. The prospect is excited but they don’t have the ability to make the final decision. There are other people that need to be involved in saying yes. By asking this in

a very natural way, it allows you to address that concern immediately... before your close.

The virtual close is your opportunity to surface those things before you get to the close. You can even ask these types of questions throughout the sales cycle to uncover hidden obstacles.

Using the Virtual Close helps you understand what other steps are involved with moving forward, so you can successfully move past them.

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Take some time to map out your Rocket Demo with some major commitments and actions that will really serve your clients. At the end of the day, nothing moves forward until something is sold. And that is your responsibility to make that happen.

If you’re a SaaS CEO with over $10,000 MRR and you’re ready to get hands on help from my team and I, book a growth strategy session now. We’ll hop on a call and figure out the best way to help you build your Rocket Demo.

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PREP | Research Business. Diagnose their problems.

FEATURE #1 | Address questions? See yourself using it? Impact on your business?

REVIEW | Summarize key points. Answer Questions. CLOSE | Ready to move forward? Decision Makers. Virtual close. FOLLOW UP | Book a meeting from a meeting.

FEATURE #2 | Address questions? See yourself using it? Impact on your business?

FEATURE #3 | Address questions? See yourself using it? Impact on your business?

ORCHESTRATE | Appreciate. Check. End Goal. (ACE) AGENDA | Review key features. Provide overview of product.

ROCKET DEMO BUILDER™Creating a Rocket Demo requires you to prescribe a solution to a customers pains by diagnosing their key problems, only demoing the features that address those needs, and asking questions to check-in for value.

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