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Hypnotic Journey Trilogy

By Alaina Stanford

©2012 Alaina Stanford Second Edition 10/7/2013 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the author.

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Forbidden Quest

Book I


Alaina Stanford

©2012 Alaina Stanford Second Edition 10/7/2013 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the author.

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Thank you to my cover artist, Jack Martin.

Thank you to my editors, Shelly Tegen and Holly Kimmier.

A special thank you to my family for their support and encouragement during this venture.

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Contents Hypnotic Journey Trilogy ............................................................................................................................ 1

Forbidden Quest ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter One................................................................................................................................................ 6

Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Chapter Three ........................................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter Four ............................................................................................................................................. 55

Chapter Five .............................................................................................................................................. 64

Chapter Six ................................................................................................................................................ 79

Chapter Seven ........................................................................................................................................... 86

Chapter Eight .......................................................................................................................................... 104

Chapter Nine ........................................................................................................................................... 117

Chapter Ten ............................................................................................................................................ 134

Chapter Eleven ........................................................................................................................................ 150

Chapter Twelve ....................................................................................................................................... 161

When Magic Fails .................................................................................................................................... 164

Chapter One............................................................................................................................................ 165

Chapter Two ........................................................................................................................................... 179

Chapter Three ......................................................................................................................................... 189

Chapter Four ........................................................................................................................................... 199

Chapter Five ............................................................................................................................................ 210

Chapter Six .............................................................................................................................................. 220

Chapter Seven ......................................................................................................................................... 235

Chapter Eight .......................................................................................................................................... 243

Chapter Nine ........................................................................................................................................... 248

As Darkness Falls .................................................................................................................................... 257

Chapter One............................................................................................................................................ 258

Chapter Two ........................................................................................................................................... 264

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Chapter Three ......................................................................................................................................... 273

Chapter Four ........................................................................................................................................... 279

Chapter Five ............................................................................................................................................ 287

Chapter Six .............................................................................................................................................. 293

Chapter Seven ......................................................................................................................................... 300

Chapter Eight .......................................................................................................................................... 308

Chapter Nine ........................................................................................................................................... 316

A Sequence of Darkness.......................................................................................................................... 326

Chapter One ............................................................................................................................................ 327

Chapter Two ........................................................................................................................................... 336

Chapter Three ......................................................................................................................................... 350

Chapter Four ........................................................................................................................................... 366

Chapter Five ........................................................................................................................................... 379

Chapter Six ............................................................................................................................................. 392

Other books by Alaina Stanford .............................................................................................................. 408

Demon Worship Requires Sacrifice. Gabe's job is to stop it. .............................................................. 412

Archangels vs Demons it doesn't get any better than this. ............................................................... 412

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Chapter One

“You’re not going? After all the work I’ve done on this project and now you’re not

going!” Nicole asked. Her face turned red and her voice grew louder. She thrust her free

hand out to her assistant, and shook her head so viciously her short brown hair flew from

side to side as she motioned for her to leave. Nicole sat down at her desk clutching the

receiver with fury. “The deposit is non-refundable, we can’t cancel, and we can’t

reschedule. Dr. Strong said it had to be this weekend, Tom. There are no other slots


The raspy voice of her latest romance, Tom Norton, answered calmly, “Niki, I’ve got viral

meningitis. You don’t fool around with something like that.” Nicole suddenly imagined him

lying in his bed, still wearing his musk cologne that was part of his morning routine as

much as brushing his teeth. Her tone began to soften at the thought of his sweaty dark

brown hair making his deep brown eyes even more prominent.

Tom rolled over to grab the bottle of painkillers his doctor prescribed, “Dr. Maan said to

get in bed and forget about the rest of the world for the next week. I am surprised at your

response and hurt that you don’t seem to care. You sound more upset about losing the

deposit instead of missing out on a weekend with me.”

Resisting the guilt that threatened to wash over her, Nicole took a deep breath and

shifted her chair so she could reach her computer while they talked. “Tom, it’s not the

money and you know I like spending time with you. It will take months before I can manage

to weasel another free weekend out of my boss. Besides, we have to have four members on

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our adventure team. If you drop out then the whole thing is off. Sarah and Todd have gone

to a great deal of trouble fitting this trip into their schedule. We will not get another shot at

this. Dr. Strong said he was pulling out of Landon and moving to Miami in a few weeks. He

is the only hypnotist in the country offering these group fantasy sessions. It’s the next big

trend in discount vacations.”

“We can afford a trip to Miami. St Louis is in the middle of the country, you can get a low

cost direct flight to almost anywhere from here,” Tom said, sinking back into his pillows

waiting for the painkillers to take effect.

“Contrary to what you might believe, I don’t get a bonus when I win a case. The District

Attorney would prefer to take his best Assistant DA to bed rather than give me a bonus or

time off.” She thought of how similar the DA was to her father, a man who chased anything

in a skirt, even her college roommate.

“Ok, ok, I’ve heard all this before.” Tom winced, tired of Nicole’s stubbornness. “I asked

Jack to take my place. He was bumped off his flight to St. Thomas this morning and has

some spare cash.”

“Absolutely not!” Nicole dug her pink, perfectly manicured nails into the keyboard.

“Come on, it won’t be that bad. You’ll be under hypnosis all weekend.” Tom sighed as his

eyelids began to close.

“Anyone but him, Tom.” Nicole moaned in resignation and shoved hard against the desk.

Her chair slammed into the wall behind her with a sharp whack. “I know he’s your friend,”

she said tapping her fingernails against the arm of the chair with such force Tom could hear

the clicking on his end of the call. “But the man is a complete washout. He has no ambition,

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no ethics, and no morals. If you think he’s going to pay you the money you put down on this

trip, you are out of your virus infected mind.”

“Niki, he was just here. He took me to the doctor this morning because I couldn’t drive.

He paid for my share of the deposit and headed home to grab his bags,” Tom answered

running his palm over his face. “Give him a break, he’s a free spirit. He didn’t have rich

parents to pave the way or get a full ride to Yale as you did. He’s doing the best he can with

what he’s got.”

Looking out the tiny cracked window of her small, dreary office, she could smell the

nauseating grease of the neighboring fast food chain. Her foot began to twitch as she

envisioned a weekend with Jack’s annoying smile. “Maybe we should cancel. I’ll throw a few

things together and nursemaid you through the weekend.”

Tom chuckled at Nicole’s monotone attempt at compassion, and immediately regretted

it as pain shot through his temple. “I appreciate your offer, Niki, really I do. I know it would

kill you to sit here all weekend and watch over me. So let’s not pretend your heart is in that

gesture.” Tom smiled through the pain, keeping his eyes closed against the burning sunlight

that crept through the drawn blinds. “The bed’s starting to float and I haven’t had any sleep

in about 32 hours, so I better go. Jack will fill my spot nicely. He and Todd are practically

brothers; we were the Three Musketeers all through middle school. Take it easy on Jack,

brown eyes, he’s a good guy. It’s surprising how complicated he is, you’d find that out if you

gave him a chance.”

“I did that once, remember? He made a pass at me,” Nicole snapped.

“He was drunk and it was a joke. That’s just his way. He’s like a brother to me and it’s

important to Jack to approve of the women I date. If Jack didn’t like you, he would be over

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here every possible minute trying to run you off. I’ve told you before; you’re the first

girlfriend of mine in years that he hasn’t given a hard time.”

“Well if he’s being nice to me, then I’d hate to see him when he’s being mean.”

“Just relax for a change and try to have a good time.” Tom yawned loudly as the

painkillers began to work their magic.

“Right,” Nicole sighed, surrendering to a wrecked weekend. “Do you need me to drop

anything off before I head to the airport?”

“No . . . and I cancelled the flights, Jack’s borrowing a friend’s plane,” Tom added faintly.

“He’s a pilot.”

“What?” Nicole jumped from her chair. “Oh no, Tom! I am NOT riding in a plane that he is

flying! Are you insane?” Nicole’s answer was silence, followed by deep snoring.

The plane ride to the small Landon airport in Kansas proceeded exactly as Nicole

suspected. Todd Hopper and Sarah Sims had dated since college. Todd was all too familiar

with Jack’s last minute appearance or disappearance on Tom’s group vacations. As soon as

Todd and Sarah arrived Todd gave Jack a bear hug and said, “Hey! Where’d you get the

money for this trip? You still owe me $500 bucks from our diving trip last summer!”

Jack laughed and offered, “I’ve got five bucks left in my pocket and it’s all yours! But for

the life of me I can’t understand why a professional hockey star would even bother shaking

down a mere travel agent for cash considering you make more in one season than I will in

ten lifetimes.” They proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes concentrating on Todd’s

Hockey stats, instead of prepping the plane for departure.

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Nicole rolled her eyes as Sarah approached. Sarah hugged Nicole and said, “I’m sorry to

hear about Tom. I talked to my colleague Dr. Kean and he said Tom’s lucky it’s not bacterial

meningitis, but the headaches are just as bad. He made the right decision to stay home.”

Jack’s laughter filled the plane as they took their seats in the small twin-engine plane.

Jack said, “I apologize for not finding extra headsets for everyone.” Then he proceeded to

shout over the noise of the small plane's engine as he told one inane joke after the other the

entire flight. Prim and proper Sarah Sims blushed and giggled at the array of graphic

limericks. Her blonde curls and blue eyes flashed in the afternoon sunlight as she politely

corrected Jack’s raw anatomical terms. Eventually Jack began to comment that Sarah was in

actuality not a nurse practitioner but one of his more attractive schoolteachers in disguise.

Todd squirmed in his seat just enough to take hold of the back of Jack’s neck. A flash of

warning filled his eyes, “Enough of the sleazy jokes, Jack. Sarah is off limits.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw in an attempt not to scream at their idiocy.

Sarah snuggled close to Todd as he squeezed back in next to her in the narrow space.

His large frame and muscles overflowed the tiny seat area. Nicole rolled her eyes as she

noticed him wrapping his arm around Sarah in order to allow her closer to him.

She had the privilege of sitting next to Jack. His wavy brown hair and sky blue eyes

enchanted most women, but not her. Never again, not after the night Jack shoved his tongue

down her throat when Tom wasn’t looking. Sitting next to Jack was more than just mental

agony. The stench of a cheap cologne drifted over to her. She scowled at his failure to

shower and change his clothes when his Caribbean plans changed. Jack looked as if he had

spent all his time preparing for a luau with his brightly colored floral shirt, ragged cut off

jean shorts and dusty sandals. All he lacked was a poorly constructed straw hat. His broad

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shoulders jolted against Nicole constantly, with each peal of laughter he invoked in himself

and the others. That, and the turbulent bumps and jars of the small plane increased Nicole’s

desire to call an end to the entire weekend.

The Landon Airport was small and rural with a single landing strip snuggled in the middle of

a field of corn. Their landing was a bit bumpy but uneventful. Pulling their luggage out from

behind the back seat, they waited for their ride to arrive. Sarah walked to the edge of the

field and peered into the rows of corn. Todd came up beside her and said, “Baby, your hair

is exactly the same color as a one of these corn cobs.” Todd cleared his throat. He struggled

to find something romantic to say. The corn cob remark didn’t come across as he expected.

Sarah turned and gazed at him, her expression filled with amusement.

Todd tried again. He reached out and picked a small blue flower from the top of the corn

stalk and said, “Now I understand what they mean when they say ‘Your eyes are the color

of corn flowers’ because they are.” He handed her the flower and kissed her. Sarah

wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss with fervor.

After forty-five tedious minutes of watching the sun sink in the sky, swatting bugs and

watching for snakes, an old Toyota Minibus appeared on the dirt road at the far end of the

field. The driver climbed out of the vehicle. His tall boney frame suggested he was as old

and feeble as the bus.

“Howdy folks!” the man said, “I’m Fred Johnson, owner of this here farm. Nice to see

y’all! Dr. Strong asked me to git you downtown to his hotel. So off we go!”

Todd snatched up the ladies’ bags and tossed them into the rear of the bus. Jack grabbed

the rest and followed suit. He continued his comic routine during the drive to town, telling

the best jokes from every country he had ever visited.

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Once they’d arrived, Sarah looked up at the building and said, “This architecture is very

unusual. It’s the only large stone building in town and it’s covered in gargoyles, similar to a

European cathedral.”

Nicole ignored Sarah comments, pushed Jack out of the way and reached for the doors.

“Cool off, Nicole!” Jack’s laughter boomed through the open double glass doors and

echoed inside the lobby. He stepped aside and allowed Sarah to precede him, saying,

“You’ve got to admit this place looks more like an oversized mortuary, than a ‘Hypno Clinic’.

Especially since, it is the only building over three stories high in this tiny burg. I bet it’s the

only place in town that has an elevator.”

“Dr. Strong owns most of this ‘tiny burg’.” Nicole’s raised voice echoed in the large

ornate lobby, “He selected us from more than 2,000 other applicants to participate in this


Giant bold colored tapestries portraying ancient legends covered the towering walls.

Dark gray marble floors accented tall pillars that separated the exterior of the room from

the main area. In the center of the hall stood a plain wooden receptionist desk where an

attractive woman sat staring at them.

She smiled brightly at Jack as they approached. Their eyes adjusted to the dim light and

Jack’s grin turned into a full toothy smile as he got a good look at the enticing blonde

greeting them.

“If he wasn’t the only psychologist using hypnosis for fantasy journeys, I would never

have allowed you to join us, Jack.” Nicole continued, “As it is, we were lucky to be chosen.

So I’d appreciate it if you would act like an intelligent, respectable, human being until this

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weekend is over.” Nicole stepped in front of Jack to block his view of the distracting

receptionist. “You are capable of that, aren’t you, Jack?”

Jack met her gaze boldly, his eyes flashing with challenge. “You must really be into the

occult and all that, to want this so badly,” Jack said flashing a brilliant smile.

“I don’t believe in witches or ghosts, if that’s what you mean,” she said. “This will be the

new wave of recreation for the dedicated business community. It’s a week’s worth of

vacation in the span of a weekend, and I want to experience it.”

“You want to invest in it,” Jack corrected. Dismissing Nicole, he darted around her to

concentrate on the receptionist. “Hello, we’re the Waters group. We have a reservation.”

Nicole could have sworn Jack was addressing the woman’s ample cleavage that heaved out

of the V-neck of her flowing lilac dress.

As the receptionist leaned forward to greet Jack, Nicole stepped in front of him again and

said, “Dr. Strong is expecting us.”

“Yes, Miss Waters,” the woman’s voice dripped with sensuality as she turned her gaze

from Jack to Nicole. “The doctor left these dossiers for you.” She offered the files to Jack

while maintaining eye contact with Nicole. “Inside are your character inventories. Dr.

Strong assigned each of you an identity according to your personality profiles.”

“Thank you,” Nicole replied, snatching the dossiers from Jack’s weak grasp.

“You must be Tom, the barbarian,” the receptionist cooed turning back to Jack. She

leaned forward offering her hand while displaying her full assets.

“I’m not Tom, but I’d love to be your barbarian,” Jack answered grinning with


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A frown pushed the seductive look from her eyes, “Then you must be Todd, the warrior


“I’m Todd Hopper.” Todd appeared at Jack’s side with Sarah at his heels. “Did you say I

was going to be a warrior?”

The confused receptionist ignored the pleased smile on Todd’s face and studied the

group, carefully. “Are you Nicole Waters?”

“Yes, and this is Jack Tyler. Tom Norton has taken ill so Jack is taking his place,” Nicole


“Well this is unexpected,” the receptionist declared pushing a small button near the edge

of her desk. “I’ll inform Dr. Strong at once about Tom’s replacement.”

A small stocky man appeared from the shadows behind the small group. “Homun will

show you to your rooms.” The receptionist motioned him forward. “Please study the

dossiers, carefully. Especially you, Nicole, you are the sorceress. Familiarize yourself with

the incantations you will be using. Dr. Strong wants this experience to be as real as


“Thank you, I hope we haven’t caused any inconvenience,” Nicole said to the receptionist

then turned to follow the little man heading down a dark corridor to their left.

“I’m sure everything will be fine.” The receptionist turned her attention back to Jack. “I’ll

notify you personally if Dr. Strong would like to meet you before the session. Will you be in

your room?”

The receptionist’s pupils were so large Jack had the feeling she was stalking him like a

jungle cat. The hair on the back of Jack’s neck stood on end. Nodding his consent when no

words came to him, Jack swallowed hard as a strange foreboding washed over him. Turning

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back to the group, he followed them into the corridor and caught up as they reached the

elevator. Stepping inside, Jack felt somehow removed from the group, like he was watching

them from afar.

Exiting the elevator without a word, Homun directed the group toward their rooms,

pointing first at Sarah and Todd, then to their door and moving on. Realizing that she had

forgotten to arrange for Jack’s private accommodations, Nicole rushed forward to rectify

the situation before they reached the door to their room.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Ho ... whatever, but Mr. Tyler cannot stay in this room with me.

We are not together.” She blurted this out with slightly more desperation than intended.

Homun stopped and turned to look at her with piercing black eyes. The two stood there

unmoving, staring at each other. Jack peered over Nicole's shoulder at the gray-haired little

man, then glanced back at Sarah and Todd who were entering their room.

"Hopper, we've got a problem,” Jack called. He moved back down the hall toward them.

Nicole could not stop staring at the bellhop. As her eyes began to water from the effort,

she heard Jack explain, "Nicole is uncomfortable with the sleeping arrangements and the . . .

uh . . . bell hop isn't responding. I hate to split you two up, but it looks like the only way at

this point."

Todd glanced at Sarah and pulled her closer. She in returned gave a nod of consent. Her

subtle sigh was missed by Todd. Todd leaned in for another kiss as Sarah reached up and

brushed a lock of his golden blonde hair from his eyes. Her eyes sank to the floor when

Todd rushed past her to grab their bags. He shrugged his shoulders at Jack, "All right, but I

warn you, I snore."

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"Judging from the looks of this place, I'd say we won't have to worry about getting

enough sleep. It's not even 8 o'clock and they're sequestering us in our rooms,” Jack sighed.

Todd gathered Sarah’s bags and they followed Jack down the hall to where Nicole still

stood facing the bellhop. Jack patted him on the shoulder, “sorry to have ruffled your

feathers, old man. Nicole and Sarah can bunk together down the hall. Todd and I will take

this room.”

“Let’s put the girls in this one,” Todd objected. “It’s further from the elevators and should

be quieter.”

"Who's going to bother us Todd?” Nicole asked. "The entire building's owned by Dr.

Strong, we're probably the only ones here."

"Exactly.” Todd locked eyes with Nicole then pushed past her, opened the door, took a

brief look around and set Sarah's bags on the furthermost bed. Snatching his and Jack's

dossiers from Nicole's outstretched hand, Todd turned to Sarah, "Call if you need me.” He

kissed her quickly, and then headed back down the hall.

Annoyed at Todd's chauvinism, Nicole entered the large room. She sighed as her eyes

landed on the faded daisy wallpaper that was peeling off the far wall and tossed her bag on

the nearest bed. "Is he always so over protective?”

"Most of the time.” Sarah smiled contentedly, moving past Nicole to look out the window

at the pink and orange hues of the sun as it set behind the large field of corn behind the


Sarah turned to smile softly looking past Nicole toward the door. "Good night Jack."

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“Good night Sarah,” he grinned at her from the doorway. "Oh Nicole, if you’re bored and

would like to work off some of that aggression maybe we could head out on the town and

look for a mud wrestling bar . . ."

"Out!” Nicole spun as Jack disappeared down the hall, his laughter following him. Nicole

turned to Sarah and continued their conversation without hesitation, "How can you stand

it? Doesn't he realize you can take care of yourself?” Nicole asked, pacing the length of the


"Sure he does, but I kind of like how he’s always watching out for me.” Sarah turned to

smile softly looking past Nicole toward the door. "I'm going to be a fairy,” Sarah announced

with a giggle, studying her file.

"What a surprise,” Nicole mumbled, closing the door.

Jack caught a glimpse of Homun disappearing back inside the elevator as he grabbed his

bags and headed into his room. “Not exactly the typical bellhop,” Jack said to Hopper with a

grin. “Then again, if the good doctor wanted to add a bit of mystery to the weekend, that

silent little man is just the ticket.”

Todd glanced up as he pulled his clothes out of the suitcase and pointed to the far bed.

"That one's yours,” he said to Jack and tossed his suitcase on the nearest bed, surveying the

room. A large gold framed mirror hung on the wall. It was the only decorative ornament in

the entire room except for the faded bedspread and matching curtains covered with giant

purple tulips. Jack grinned, “Remember when I went on vacation with your family to the

Bahamas when we were kids? I swear this room has the same bedspread as our hotel back


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Todd chuckled, “I don’t remember the room décor, but I do remember the sun burn we

both got from spending all day trying to learn to body surf.”

Jack began to unpack the small duffel bag, pulling out the two T-shirts and one pair of

jeans that were his wardrobe for the weekend. Glancing up, Tom's dossier caught his eye,

"So you're going to be an elf?"

"An elf warrior,” Todd corrected.

“Oh yeah, Tom said this was a role playing weekend.” Jack opened his file and read the

description of the barbarian he was to become. The details were astounding. He read a list

of his weapons; an asterisk noted his character’s favorites. The description also included

the number of different creatures he had killed and the weapons he used for each beastly


"Do you know much about hypnosis Hopper?”

The young athlete was sitting at the head of his bed absorbed in his own dossier. "No,

but Sarah took psychology in college for her degree and she's convinced it's harmless,”

Todd answered. "Providing it's done correctly."

"How does this thing work anyway? Are we going to spend all weekend studying these

files, then be hypnotized for 10 minutes and think we've been on a wild ride through

fairyland?" Jack tossed the file on his bed as he sat down sinking into the old worn


"According to the itinerary, tomorrow morning after breakfast Dr. Strong will give us

some last minute instructions before he hypnotizes us. We'll stay under until Sunday

afternoon." Todd put down the papers and leaned forward before continuing. His face lit

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with enthusiasm and his speech quickened. "He's a professional; this is going to be


"What about eating? When and where do we sleep?"

"That's the beauty of it. We'll think we're eating wild boar while sitting next to a

mountain stream or in a tavern somewhere in this enchanted realm, when we'll really be

sitting at a card table eating chicken.” Todd grinned, "I think it's awesome!."

"And . . ."

"We'll find a campsite and go to sleep. They’ll have sleeping bags, cots, or something

ready for us. The days will last around six hours, and then we’ll think it’s night and Strong

will send us into a deep sleep, for a couple hours. Then its off we go on our adventure

searching for a hidden treasure, or liberating a village from a tyrant. It will seem like a

week has passed by the time we’re done. In reality we'll have only been here for a few


It all sounded intriguing, but Jack couldn’t shake the sense it was too good to be true. "Is

it okay to be hypnotized for so long?"

"Don't be such a baby, Jack. Where is that crazy sense of adventure that is always getting

us into so much trouble? Remember kayaking down the Zambezi?” Todd said with a grin.

"What if we don't like it? What if we want to stop?” Jack ignored Todd’s remark. He did

not like the idea of someone playing with his mind for an extended period.

"If it gets too hairy or you feel uncomfortable with your character, just give the word and

Strong will bring you out."

"What kind of credentials does this guy have?"

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"Come on Jack you’re starting to sound like Nicole. She questioned this every step of the

way. It all checks out. He’s legit. Hypnosis is just like veg’ing out on the couch totally

involved in some movie at 3 a.m. If you get bored, you get up and go to bed. There's no

mysterious control factor going on.” Todd picked up his dossier, and then paused to stare at

Jack and added, "Zambezi."

"I swear I didn't know about the crocodiles. It was my first year as a travel agent, give

me a break,” Jack sighed. The antics from their Spring Break jaunts was not something he

wanted to rehash. "Hey, don't you have a game Monday?” Jack asked.

"It's an exhibition. Besides, I should be back in plenty of time. They'll never even know I

was gone." Todd winked at Jack and went back to his file.

"You didn't tell your coach?” Jack grinned.

"It's one weekend out of my life. The only secret I’ll ever keep. Hey do you remember the

friendly devil worshiping natives that lined the Amazon? I thought they were going to eat

us for dinner." Todd’s wicked grin brought back vivid memories of their careless


"Just what would you have done, if you hadn't eaten any meat in a year or so? Besides,

that Priest talked them out of it, we were fine.” Jack laughed despite himself, tossed his bag

into the corner of the room, and fell back on the bed.

"You know Nicole's right. If this trip is as wild as Strong claims it to be, the good doctor

could have a real money maker on his hands.” Todd added with a grin, "And this time we

are in no danger of being eaten by man or beast."

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Jack had to admit it was hard to ignore the potential of this new adventure. Nicole was

talking investment and Hopper loved the idea before they even got started. Sarah

researched the process from a medical standpoint and had given it her stamp of approval.

Jack leaned back against his limp pillow and hoped his friends were not too

disappointed if the entire weekend turned sour in the morning. Yet in the two years he had

known Nicole, she had never even considered anything remotely speculative. Perhaps

there was something about the adventure Nicole failed to mention. He would just have to

wait and see. The 'Ice Lady' was no fool. She wouldn’t drag her friends, or herself for that

matter, away for a weekend if there was the slightest chance Dr. Strong was not legitimate.

A soft knock at the door drew the conversation to an end. Jack opened the door to find

the receptionist standing there smiling at him with her soft, sultry lips.

"Jack, Dr. Strong would like to meet with you before the session tomorrow. He wants to

make sure Tom's dossier is right for you. We don't want any last minute . . . complications,”

she cooed while reaching out her long red-tipped fingers to take his hand. "It won't take


Feeling drunk with the anticipation of being alone in the elevator with the blonde

seductress, Jack turned back and flashed a wicked grin at Todd before disappearing down

the hall.

"I’m Shala. I was also hoping we'd have a private moment together, before your

adventure begins.” Her soft voice dripped like honey. She slipped her hand into the crook of

Jack's arm.

"Shala, you read my mind," Jack replied guiding her into the elevator. His voice grew

husky, "After Dr. Strong and I talk, how about you show me the sights of Landon?"

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"The most exciting thing in Landon is in my suite,” Shala whispered. She leaned hard

against him, forcing his back to the wall. Her hands explored Jack’s chest, sliding down his

sides and around to his back sinking lower. Her fiery smile sent an unexpected chill

through him. Jack squirmed uncomfortably, glancing up at the panel above the elevator

doors. The second floor indicator lit and held. He watched the doors silently slide aside to

reveal a large banquet hall just as Shala's hands reached a sensitive spot.

Massive twin chandeliers twinkled dimly above them, giving off just enough light for the

pair to avoid the series of athletic equipment scattered throughout the pale green-carpeted


"What is this place?” Jack asked. “It smells like an old gym”. He squinted at a ten-foot

high pile of thick foam mats resembling a pyramid.

"This is where your adventure will take place." She stopped in front of a large wooden

door at the far end of the room. “Dr. Strong's office is through that door. I'll return for you

in one hour.”

Shala spun around and headed toward the elevator. Jack's eyes focused on her

curvaceous, swerving hips as she glided across the room.

Shaking off her tantalizing effect, he knocked softly on the large ornate door. Receiving

no reply, he pushed it open. A tall, white-haired man strode across the large room toward


Unlike the previous room, the light in the doctor's office was bright. The room smelled

musty from the clutter. Piles of books of every size and shape were stacked high along all

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four walls. Amidst the worn, dusty shelves were beakers filled with thick dark liquids, clay

flasks stopped with large corks and small cloth bags stuffed full of unknown treasures.

Intricately carved figures decorated the dark wood of the desk. All sorts of gargoyles and

bat-like creatures ran along the side and front panels. A pile of dark colored polished stones

were all that sat on the large desk.

Dr. Strong held out his hand and addressed Jack, "Jack Tyler, this is an unexpected turn

of events. Although I'm sure we'll have no trouble compensating.” The broad shouldered

doctor had an iron grip. He looked more than three times Jack's age, but walked with the

strength and agility of a much younger man.

"That’s good to hear, Doc. I’d hate to have to explain to the others our trip up here was a

waste of time.” Jack sat down in an old high-backed chair that sank so deeply with his

weight he could feel the wood base.

Walking around to sit behind the large oak desk situated in the center of all the clutter,

"No more than I, Mr. Tyler."

The doctor’s cold smile set Jack’s senses on alert. "So tell me Dr. Strong, exactly what

kind of a doctor are you? I mean what type of degree is necessary to be considered an

expert in hypnosis?” Jack leaned forward in the chair.

Dr. Strong smiled and said, “I have a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of

Chicago. However, my expertise in hypnosis comes from years of personal study. My father

was a Psychiatrist obsessed with the inner workings of the mind. His goal in life was to

enter into the depths of the human thought process through hypnosis. He believed it to be

the key to unlocking mental illness." Dr. Strong's dark gray eyes searched Jack with such

scrutiny Jack felt as if he was a bug under a microscope. "But enough of me. I will explain

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everything you need to know about the procedure tomorrow morning, before we begin.

What I would like to do now is discuss your personal background."

"I'm afraid I'm not very interesting.”

The doctor leaned forward clasping his hands together on the desk. "It is essential that I

have a concept of the type of person you are. How you grew up, your family life and the

extent of your education.”

“Well, I'm a corporate travel consultant with a large firm in St. Louis. I handle

international flights and tours for several of our larger corporate clients. My mother died of

cancer when I was five; my father passed a few years after her. I was a pretty disruptive


I grew up in Maine, in a series of foster homes. Most were great; they took decent care of

me, a few were not. Right before I turned eleven, I landed at the Tyler's home and they

decided to adopt me. They were old enough to be my grandparents, but I had a good home

and lots of love. I graduated from high school, went to a trade school and here I am.” Jack

squirmed in his seat and cracked his knuckles. He was uncomfortable, telling his life story

to a stranger and wanted to get the meeting over with quickly.

"I see. You may well be the only person I've ever met that's capable of describing their

entire life in less than sixty seconds,” Dr. Strong said. He leaned back in his chair and picked

up one of the polished stones from the desk and began to examine it. "Are you satisfied

with your life, Mr. Tyler?"

"Satisfied?” Jack stared back, hesitating, trying to figure out where the doctor was going

with his questions. "I enjoy what I'm doing. I get to travel all over the world for practically

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nothing. I have experienced more adventures than my hard working, high paid corporate

friends. Travel isn’t a high paying profession, but it's not a bad job."

"How old were you when you arrived at the Tyler's home?"

Jack shifted in his chair and began tapping his toe. "Twelve. Are you making a point?"

"What did twelve year old Jack want to be when he grew up?” Dr. Strong continued. If he

was affected by Jack's growing annoyance, he didn’t show it.

"Most of my friends wanted to be an outer space hero. I wanted to be a firefighter. That

was my new dad’s job. He was the only real hero I'd ever known,” Jack answered. "But I

daydreamed a lot about fighting my way through the galaxy."

"Dreams of adventure with a practical attitude," Dr. Strong said. He sat back in his chair

staring at Jack.

"Well now you've condensed my life into one simple sentence,” Jack stated. "I'm not sure

I like that."

"I meant no offense. You seem to have your priorities in order. The realization that life is

an upward climb does not appear to cause you any distress. It is enough for me to discern

that you will do fine with the barbarian identity." Dr. Strong rose from his chair and walked

around towards Jack. “Tell me, how did you meet your friends? “

“Todd Hopper lived next door. We were inseparable from the time I arrived at the

Tylers. His family didn’t hesitate to reach out to me despite my past. Todd has a large

family, mostly brothers and his parents understood my foster parents were older and not

very active. They let me hang out with them, included me in their family outings. They

allowed me to feel like part of their family. The Tylers loved me and cared for me, the

Hoppers taught me what a real family was like.” Jack paused for a moment then continued.

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“As for Sarah, she met Hopper in college several years ago. They were best of friends

forever then recently started dating. She is a very intelligent, sweet kid. She appears shy at

first but once you get to know her she is quite a charmer. Sarah is perfect for Hopper. As for

Nicole, she is my best friend Tom’s girl. Tom grew up on the other side of town, where the

kids all had their own brand new car at age 16 and went to Europe or Hawaii on spring

break. He’s a corporate attorney headed for politics. Nicole is as full of ambition as Tom. He

thinks they make the perfect political couple. I am not sure Nicole will do well in politics.

Although it’s very likely that one day Tom will run for President, so if she sticks with him

she could be first lady one day.”

”Thank you, I will leave you to your studies, Mr. Tyler. If you want to enjoy your

adventure it is essential you comprehend the material Shala has given you. Good night Mr.


Jack rose and shook the doctor's hand. He was pleased the interview was at an end. "I've

got to admit, you've peaked my interest. This place is full of character. That Olympic

stadium you've got in the next room shows a lot of promise."

"It's all part of the adventure. I am merely setting the mood. It will make the transition

much easier for all of you.” Dr. Strong's eyes grew dark as he glanced past Jack toward the

office door. The stocky little man stood silently waiting as Dr. Strong concluded the session.

"Homun will see you to your to room. I'm afraid Shala has a few tasks she must complete

before tomorrow."

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Chapter Two

Todd’s laughter echoed down the hall as Jack darted past Nicole. Jack glanced at Nicole

and said to the others, “I hope everyone is taking this adventure seriously. There is an evil

presence among us who will thwart our every attempt at jovialism if we do not tow the

line. Beware of the evil sorceress Nicole!”

Nicole shoved Jack hard and said, “At least I’m dressed for the occasion. You look like

you’re ready for gym practice in those faded, smelly jogging shorts.”

“So I’m supposed to be dressed like you in a ballerina outfit?” Jack rolled his eyes.

“Hey!” Todd interjected, “Sarah has on a leotard and tights and I think she’s smokin’!”

Sarah’s face beamed at the remark and she threw Nicole a triumphant grin. This time

Nicole rolled her eyes and said, “I wonder why Sarah isn’t returning the compliment on

your baggy sweat suit Grandpa Todd?”

Sarah’s smile vanished and her eyes narrowed. She ignored Jack’s peal of laughter and

said, “Not even a baggy sweat suit can hide all of Todd’s huge muscles.”

The conversation abruptly stopped as they walked through the open doors to the

ballroom. A rock climbing wall stood in the center of the room surrounded by a spherical

jungle gym, a mountain of thick gym matts and various weight lifting equipment.

Dr. Strong stood beside the tall pile of mats and motioned them near saying, “One of my

earlier clients referred to this room as an obstacle course. This is indeed what it will

become. While you are under hypnosis, the wall of netting might become a series of vines

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or perhaps the side of a rock cliff. The weight machine will serve as stimulus if you are

required to lift or push a heavy object.

That stair climber over there will act as a tree, fortress wall or perhaps a rock incline you

must scale. Each of these sections will enhance your experience by providing stimulus as

well as exercise for your muscles. You will not be lying around for the next two days

dreaming. You will work hard and come away from this adventure physically and

emotionally energized."

Dr. Strong walked in front of the small group as Shala, dressed in a tight red jumpsuit,

silently demonstrated the use of each piece of equipment without breaking into a sweat.

"There are six sections; each area has a specific purpose.” The doctor ushered them to a

small area enclosed by tall oriental screens. "This is where you will be hypnotized—”

"Dr. Strong, Sarah has a few questions about the inducement,” Todd said.

The doctor turned to find Sarah's large blue eyes peering at him from behind Todd's

immense form.

"Of course my dear, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. Trust is essential

between the hypnotist and his subjects. But if you could indulge me a while longer, I believe

you will find all your questions answered.” He smiled at Sarah as if she was a small child,

then turned toward Shala and nodded as he continued.

"The session will begin shortly. First, I would ask you all to choose a cot and lay down.

Shala, an accomplished flutist, will play a soft Celtic lullaby to relax you. The lights will dim

and a pastel light presentation will begin. While this is in progress you will hear my voice

softly and slowly drawing you into a deep hypnotic sleep.”

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"Dr. Strong, I'm sorry to interrupt again, but Sarah's been researching hypnosis, trying to

get a better understanding of what we are about to experience.” Todd nodded at Sarah

encouraging her questions.

Sarah sat on the edge of her small cot a few feet from Dr. Strong and said, "It is my

understanding that each subject falls under hypnosis at a different pace, ranging from

seconds to minutes.”

"So,” Jack interjected. “Nicole and I could fall asleep right away, but you or Hopper could

take half an hour to fall under the good doctor's spell?” Jack turned his gaze from Sarah to

Dr. Strong, pleased that someone in their group seemed to have a concept of what they

were doing.

"Normally that would be a correct assumption. Fortunately, I have developed a mild

sedative that will allow you all to relax and enjoy a quick entry into hypnosis,” Dr. Strong

answered as he gestured toward the entrance of the sleeping area were Homun stood

quietly holding a tray of what appeared to be chocolate milk shakes. "Homun has mixed the

sedative with a high protein vitamin supplement. It is quite delicious.” Dr. Strong motioned

for Homun to come forward. "As a fellow member of the medical community Miss Sims, I

assure you it is very mild and will wear off in less than 15 minutes." The silent little man

offered each of the adventurers a glass of the chocolate mixture. Nicole forced herself to

swallow the thick liquid. The sweetness of the drink was overwhelming. She made a mental

note to recommend an alternate formula when their adventure was over.

“Remember this is a fantasy, nothing you experience will be real. However, you will take

on the skills and knowledge of the character you are about to portray to further enjoy the

illusion. But know this,” Dr. Strong’s brow furrowed as he continued, “although it is a game,

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if you allow your character to be killed your adventure will be concluded.” Homun collected

the last of the glasses.

"So we only get one chance?” Jack balked, "Isn't that kind of harsh?"

"It adds to the adventure. After all, in reality you only have one life. There are no second

chances. This knowledge will encourage you to choose wisely, instead of recklessly. You

will resist the temptation to rush blindly into a situation you may not fully understand.

Caution is key here. You must study your environment carefully. Take this adventure

seriously and it will exceed your expectations."

"If we feel uncomfortable with the adventure, you will stop the proceedings?" Sarah

asked as she pulled the thin blanket Shala that had given her up to her chin.

"If there is a serious problem, I will bring the person affected out of the trance. However,

this is an adventure. You must prepare yourself for excitement and danger. There will be

battles, creatures lurking in the night, and clever enemies who will try to befriend you,

attempting to dissuade you from your chosen path. Just remember, you are prepared. Stick

together and you will not fail. Each of you carries a specific ability that will see the others

through to your goal. If one of you surrenders and leaves the game the others will most

likely fail."

"What is our goal?” Nicole asked, kicking off her shoes and lying down.

"There is a beautiful elf queen imprisoned in the Cave of Sorrows. An evil elfin wizard

cast a spell upon her and entombed her inside the crystalline walls of a cavern, deep in the

bowels of the mountains. This wizard has an army of elves who will be searching for you.

They are ruthless and cunning. It is entirely possible you will find them guarding the

entrance to the cavern.” Dr. Strong's voice shook with excitement as the hall grew dark.

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"There is an ancient castle deep within the Valley of Tears, in the heart of the mountains.

There you will find an amulet that will enable you to release the Queen. The talisman was

borne of the ancient power of the mountains. Only a being who possess the same type of

magic can wield it. Once Sarah brings the talisman to life, it will shatter the Queen’s

imprisonment. Nicole you must strengthen the Queen with a healing spell. Jack and Hopper

must protect you and Sarah from the wicked elves as you will be vulnerable while working

your magic. Find the village near the glen when you arrive. A small boy waits there, in the

stables. He will send you on your way. It is very important that you complete your quest.

You cannot return until you do, so do not fail."

"How will we know which way to go?” Hopper asked, wiggling his dangling feet over the

edge of the cot.

"You will lead them Todd, using your Elf senses. They will warn you of danger. The boy

will supply you with a map, coins and weapons.” Dr. Strong answered. "A word of caution,

don't be fooled by the lies of your enemies. Stay true to your quest and you will triumph.

Remember in the land of fantasy, things are never what they seem."

Shala began to play a series of soft rolling tones on an ancient looking flute. The

darkness filled with swirls of pastel shades. The adventurers could hear the doctor's voice

softly in the background telling them to close their eyes and relax. Steadily, continuously,

he lulled the tension of everyday life from their muscles. The music softened and grew

faint. Dr. Strong's word grew jumbled and unclear. They felt themselves rising above their

beds. The weightlessness was exhilarating. Jack extended his hands as if he was flying

through the cold darkness.

The air around them grew thick and humid.

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A sudden sensation of descent frightened Nicole. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t.

Without warning, a storm of freezing winds and icy rain assaulted them. Todd heard Sarah

scream and tried to reach for her, but the torrent froze his limbs to his side. He tried to cry

out to her but was stopped by wave after wave of incredible pain. He felt his body twisting

and stretching. Then there was only darkness.

The warmth of the sun on his face woke Hopper. He jumped up from the grassy knoll

where he lay and scanned the tall grass for Sarah. The trees encompassing the hillock stood

tall as a protective barrier around them. Silvery green leaves sparkled delicately as the

wind caressed them in the bright sunlight. Everywhere he looked, clumps of emerald green

brush speckled with tiny pink and purple flowers surrounded him. Spinning to take in the

opposite side of the glen, Hopper saw the still form of a woman lying in the grass several

meters behind him. Moving toward her, Hopper staggered in the tall grass and fell

awkwardly. As he stretched his hands out to catch his fall, massive, hairy hands with long

black claws appeared before him. Hopper glanced down, and found an equally enormous

pair of hairy legs ending in a huge pair of feet, hidden in dark fur covered boots.

“What . . . Happened?” Hopper gasped at the sound of his booming voice. It echoed

through the clearing, unnaturally deep in tone. Reaching for his face, Hopper found his head

had grown to five times its natural size. A huge protruding nose hovered above a large,

wide mouth filled with long jagged teeth.

"Hopper?” Jack's amused voice came from behind him. "I thought elves were short little

guys in green tights."

"Jack?” Hopper's deep voice bellowed as he swung around to face him.

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Nicole sat up in the grass a short distance behind Jack. The pair both wore leather body

armor, consisting of short, thick, leather-like vests covered in dark metal links. Jack’s armor

was dark brown, Nicole’s dark forest green. Jack wore a long pair of tight dark brown

trousers and Nicole, a nearly nonexistent dark green skirt. Physically, Jack appeared much

the same as before except his hair was considerably longer and his muscles more


Jack stared up as Hopper approached, shaking his head in disbelief. "Don't tell me,

you've had a fetish about monsters all your life and it's chosen now to surface? You must be

at least 8 feet tall."

"Where's Sarah?” Hopper growled.

"And you've got Satan's voice,” Jack teased. "Turn around. Dr. Strong goofed again. She

doesn’t look like a fairy to me. "

Turning back to the still form in the grass, Hopper gawked in amazement as Sarah rose

from the grass. Long curling, crimson locks had replaced her short golden hair. The startled

blue eyes that met his were indeed Sarah's, but the tall athletic form cloaked in a sparkling

sapphire robe was not.

"Sarah?” he asked.

“Todd? What happened to you?” She rushed toward him.

"The same thing that happened to you!” He stumbled back from her, feeling clumsy and

awkward for the first time in his life.

"Me?” Sarah stammered, not able pry her eyes away from the hulking monster before


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"Something must have gone wrong.” Nicole's soft sultry voice floated across the glen

toward them. "Sarah, you've got my robes on."

Turning to look at her, the others froze in amazement as they stared into a pair of

glowing emerald eyes. Nicole practically floated across the grass toward them. Her short

brown hair was now flowing in long shimmering tresses of such deep black, the sun

reflected a satiny blue hue. Her tall slender form had transformed into a petite hourglass

figure nearly completely hidden by the thick layers of hair reaching passed her knees.

"Hopper, you look terrible.” Nicole's grin was so sincere and carefree it caused Jack to

step backward a pace. He wondered what happened to the ‘Ice Lady’.

“I think he’s an ogre,” Sarah managed, turning her attention back to Todd.

“He’s a troll,” Nicole countered in her new soft voice. “Ogre’s don’t have claws that can

slice a man in half.”

“How do you know that?” Sarah asked.

“I have no idea.” Nicole shrugged her shoulders and smiled in delight. “I guess it comes

with the territory. Hopper’s a troll, you’re a wizard, and Jack’s definitely a barbarian.”

“And you’re an elf,” Jack said. “A scantily dressed one at that,” he added stepping forward

and gently tugging on a lock of Nicole’s hair. “I’m the only one that turned out right.”

The group stood and stared at each other for several seconds before Nicole started to

giggle and said, “I always suspected becoming a Hockey star was going to give you a big

head Hopper.”

“And what did you have to do to get that shirt stuffed so full?” Hopper countered,

motioning to Jack who leaned forward and deftly undid the top button of her skimpy vest.

Nicole’s hand flew to her chest as the lessened support nearly exploded the tiny vest. Yet

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instead of redoing the button, she simply smiled and shifted the vest into a more

comfortable and revealing position, one that nearly caused Jack to lose his footing.

“Caution, Barbarian,” Nicole taunted. “You don’t want to give in to those urges . . . just

yet. Unless you are interested in discovering just how much stamina, you truly possess. Or

is that what you sacrificed in order to become so robust?”

"My 'stamina' has never been in question.” Jack met her challenge with surprising gusto.

"I'd be happy to demonstrate if you'd care to . . ." Sarah interrupted Jack with a quick slap

on the back of the head.

"Let's not start anything we can't finish.” She shook her head at them as if they were a

pair of quarreling siblings.

"Who said sex wasn't allowed?” Jack bellowed. He lunged for Nicole who let out a squeal

of laughter as they hit the ground. Hopper and Sarah quickly joined them as the giant troll

tackled his girlfriend, wrapping his huge body around her and rolling in the grass. Soon the

adventurers were laughing and pointing out each other's most ridiculous feature. Then

each in turn stretched out on the tall grass, gasping for air.

Each, except Nicole; Nicole could not stop laughing. Slowly her laughter increased,

escalating into hysterical howls, then screams of laughter. She gasped for air, as tears

streamed down her face. Jack stared frozen by shock when her laughter turned into sobs of

anguish then screams of horror.

"What's going on?” Hopper's booming voice called out as they backed away from her

wild thrashing. Nicole's still glowing green eyes grew wild with fear.

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"I think she's having some kind of seizure,” Jack said. Cautiously he reached out to her.

"Nicole, it's all right. As soon as Strong realizes he put us into the wrong characters, he'll set

it straight."

Shoving him away, Nicole ran down the grassy slope to the center of the glen screaming

with rage. She could not stop; it was as if Nicole was watching herself from afar, unable to

react, unable to control what was happening. It was like all the rage and frustration she had

felt all her life was rushing to the surface and flowing out of her. She fell down on the grass,

kicking and screeching in horror, feeling as if every fiber of her intellect was fighting

desperately to survive.

"How do we stop this?” Hopper asked running after Jack and Sarah as they rushed to

Nicole's side.

"I don't know! I've never seen her like this,” Jack shouted over Nicole's screams, looking

to Sarah for advice.

"Dr. Strong!” Sarah screamed toward the sky. "Stop the session!"

There was no reply, no change in their surroundings, only the sound of Nicole's terror.

Jack knelt in the grass beside Nicole and grabbed her firmly by the shoulders. "Nicole, stop

it! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

Nicole shoved him from her, rose, and screamed in horror as the emerald glow from her

eyes spread outward and enveloped her completely. All at once, she stopped struggling. She

turned to stare at Jack for one brief moment before collapsing, unconscious on to the grass.

"I think she’s had a nervous breakdown,” Hopper said quietly as the three of them stood

staring down at their petite elf warrior.

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"Why didn't Dr. Strong bring her out of it?” Sarah asked kneeling to check Nicole's vitals.

"He said he would bring us back if anything went wrong. She's still breathing, but her heart

is racing."

"Maybe this is an expected reaction,” Jack offered. "Some people react badly to drugs.

Maybe the sedative didn't sit right and gave her some kind of a bad trip."

"Or maybe she just reacts badly to hypnotism and Dr. Strong had to let her ride out the

storm,” Hopper added.

"That's absurd, Dr. Strong's a professional. He said it was mild, and none of us are


"We're only trying to help,” Hopper said. He reached out to touch Sarah's hand, but

quickly pulled back remembering his sharp claws.

"I'm sorry, I guess we're all a little upset.” Sarah smiled up at them as she grasped

Hopper's clawed hand and squeezed it gently.

"Okay then, let's get her out of the sun," Jack said. He scooped up Nicole with surprising

ease and carried her into the shadows at the edge of the clearing. Lowering her gently onto

the flower-speckled grass, he then turned to Hopper, "See if you can find a village or cottage

nearby. She could use some water . . . or whiskey. I'm not sure which."

Hopper gave him thumbs up and trotted off into the woods. Nicole stirred and opened

her eyes just as he disappeared into the trees. The dark glow had vanished leaving her with

eyes the same deep emerald color of the grass and brush around them.

"Nicole?” Jack whispered leaning forward.

"What happened?” Nicole sat up and rubbed at the ache in her temples.

“You were hysterical,” Jack said, "Then you passed out. Are you all right?"

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"A little tired, but otherwise I'm fine.” Nicole felt as if the weight of the world had

somehow lifted itself from her shoulders. Her carefree smile returned as she found great

amusement in the two concerned faces looking at her. “Where’s Hoppy monster?" she


"Todd went to find you something to drink.” Sarah frowned at Nicole, "Are you sure

you're all right? You are acting strange. Do you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or confused?''

"I'm fine, Sarah. Wow! Look at you! You are gorgeous. Dr. Strong must really have taken

a shine to you. He turned you into a scarlet haired temptress.” Nicole winked at the

bewildered Sarah then rose onto her knees and reached out to squeeze Jack's muscular

upper arm. "The barbarian motif suits you, but the name Jack doesn't fit anymore."

"I'm keeping it,” he said, relieved she was all right. "Aren't you the least bit angry about

being turned into a pointy eared elf instead of a powerful sorceress?” Jack asked, gently

brushing her blue-black hair behind an ear.

"Are they really pointed?” Nicole asked. Touching her ears, she squealed with delight.

"This is incredible! They feel so real and I think my hearing has improved.” A glance down

at her vest induced another peal of laughter. She took hold of a breast in each hand, "I never

dreamed that I'd have such a large set of. . .” She paused, listening. “Hopper's coming back."

Turing, the trio looked up the small rise to find Hopper's hulking form trotting toward

them. "Nicole, you're awake . . . and smiling.” His deep voice caused Nicole to giggle. Taking

his offered hand, she jumped up and hugged him.

"Hey, where's your club?" she asked, suddenly turning serious.

"My what?"

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"Trolls carry clubs, their choice of weapons,” Nicole explained glancing around for a

suitable piece of wood.

"Cut it out, Nicole,” Sarah said. "This is all wrong. What is going on here? What is wrong

with you? Where is the old Nicole, the bitch we've all grown to tolerate?” Jack could not

help but grin at that remark as Sarah continued. "The old Nicole would have given Jack a

black eye for even thinking of diving on top of her and rolling around in the grass. Instead

you laughed yourself into a coma that we're just supposed to forget about because you

smile and say your fine!"

"There is nothing wrong with me Sarah” Nicole snapped.

"All right then, what about Todd? He was supposed to be an elf warrior and he's some

kind of monster.” Sarah glanced at Todd with a sympathetic frown for a brief moment

before continuing. "Nicole, you're the lawyer. Do something! Threaten to sue Dr. Strong if

he does not deliver what he promised. This is not the adventure we paid for. If he cannot

control it, I say we call the whole thing off.” Sarah’s hands went to her hips and her lower

lip trembled as the continued. “This is all your fault. We trusted you; you said you checked

him out. You said he was completely capable of delivering the type of adventure he


"Maybe he has," Nicole gasped suddenly enlightened by her new characters lighthearted

demeanor. "Maybe this is his way of telling us to lighten up. Maybe he went over our

profiles last night and decided to make a few changes. After all Jack's personality is

completely different from Tom's. Tom is a very serious concentrated individual. Jack is a

light-hearted free spirit. Maybe he just shuffled us around a bit to make it more interesting

and to teach us a few things about ourselves."

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"Oh so now you're telling me this has turned into some sort of self-growth session?”

“Look at you, Sarah. You are more confident, more in control and you have said more in

the last two minutes than I’ve heard you say in the last two years. The silent wallflower has


"And you've had a mental collapse,” Sarah retorted. She was not about to admit to the

changes Nicole described, even if they were true.

''The only thing wrong with your theory Nicole, is that Jack didn't change." Hopper

stepped in between the women trying to turn the conversation.

Jack moved forward, "Look, we've only got so much time here. Let's stop the analysis

and make the most of it.” He turned to Hopper, "Hopper, what did you find?"

"There's a small village through the woods about a mile from here. It's got a stable and

an Inn, not much more.” The other three had to work hard to focus while Hopper talked. He

had a vicious set of fangs which were too fascinating to ignore.

"How'd you find it so fast?” Jack asked. Glancing over at Nicole, he discovered her eyes

were tracing the outline of his leather vest and pants. He suddenly found himself sucking in

his gut and tossing back his shoulders as her eyes felt like they were peeling away his


"I started jogging. These long legs can cover a mile in record time and I didn’t even break

a sweat. Maybe being a troll isn't going to be so bad?” Hopper turned to Sarah, "How about

a kiss?” She screamed and tried to escape his grasp to no avail.

"Okay you two love birds let's get moving,” Jack said, heading to follow Nicole who was

already moving up the rise.

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Chapter Three

Several small-dilapidated cottages lined the narrow dirt road that ran through the

center of the tiny village. Each shack consisted of just enough wood and straw to keep a

light rain from penetrating the exterior. Across from the tiny homes stood a building, which

served as the local inn. The two-story wooden structure was in severe disrepair, although

several villagers in similar dress as Jack came and went as they watched.

"Maybe Hopper should stay out of sight,” Jack suggested. "He might draw unwanted


“What about Nicole?” Sarah was quick to respond. "I don't see any elves . . ."

"If we spend all our time arguing about what to do we'll never get anything

accomplished. I'm going inside,” Nicole pulled a string of leather from the fringe that hung

at the base of her vest, and tied back her long hair. Without a glance at the others, she

strode forward, leaving them all behind.

"Hopper, stay here with Sarah." Jack jumped over a fallen log and dashed after Nicole.

The remnant of a sign hung above the entrance of the building. The crudely scratched

declaration of Inn hinted at the building’s purpose.

"Well, I don't see any 'condemned' notices, so I guess it's safe to enter.” Jack wondered

what kept the Inn from crushing the small stable next door it appeared to be leaning on it

for support. As they neared, Jack realized the stables were actually in worse repair than the

Inn itself. Nicole headed straight for the small stables. Moving to the entrance, she stood

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silently, studying a filthy young boy dressed in rags and mud. The boy, not more than

twelve, ignored them and continued to scrape muck from the hoof of a white mare.

Jack called to the boy as he came up beside Nicole. "Are you in charge here?"

"Yep.” The boy answered without as much as a glance in their direction.

"We’re here to . . . We are supposed to . . ." Jack stumbled, looking for the right words.

"You've got something for us boy,” Nicole said. She extended her hand toward the child

and motioned her fingers for him to hand whatever it was over to her. "We're in a hurry, so

let's have it."

"Have what?” The boy dropped the horse's leg and straightened up to address Nicole.

"You've got our supplies and money boy. Hand them over and be quick about it," Nicole

answered. Her eyes began sparkling in the dim light of the stables. The boy stood

unmoving, his eyes wide, mouth agape at the sight of Nicole’s eyes.

"We don't want any trouble,” Jack added, stepping in front of Nicole. "We just want what

we've got coming.” Jack cringed at those words. He suddenly envisioned a gang of

cutthroats jumping out of the rafters to give it to them. He wasn’t sure what would set

things in motion in this pretend world.

"A tall, really old man, dropped off some stuff a while back.” The boy glanced at Jack, "If

you can tell me what the two looked like that were with him, you can have it."

"How about a tiny dark-eyed man and a delicious blonde nymph,” Jack said with a wink

at Nicole.

The boy's eyes narrowed centering back on Nicole. "Elves don't usually work for


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"That's none of your concern boy.” Nicole could barely control her glee that Jack was

successfully managing the uncooperative boy. "Now get those supplies."

"And a map,” Jack added. He stepped toward the boy to offer assistance and jerked back

when the overwhelming stench of the stables reached him.

"There's horses in the back corral, you should head out there and get what ya need. I’ll

get your supplies from the Inn Keeper. Where are the others? They dead already?"

"They're around,” Jack answered. Taking a deep breath through his mouth, he followed

Nicole to the far end of the stables calling after her, "How did you know this was the right


"It's all part of the game. It can’t be too difficult right at the start or we would get

discouraged. Besides, how are we going to defend ourselves if we don't have any weapons

or get anywhere without horses?"

"Like in a video game. The first thing you do is check your weapons.” Jack shoved open

the stable door and rushed outside to take a deep breath of fresh air. The back corral was a

good sized pasture containing half a dozen horses. The remains of a wooden fence

surrounded the small corral. It was just tall and sturdy enough to discourage the horses

from bolting.

"Hopper's going to need a large stallion and we should find something mild mannered

for Sarah,” Jack dictated. He opened the rickety gate, being careful not to spook the horses,

and headed into the corral. "Do you know how to ride?"

"Personally no, but my character should,” Nicole answered. “I'm sure it will come to me.”

While Jack stood trying to get used to Nicole’s newly acquired cheerful disposition, she

pushed past him and cooed to a speckled gray stallion. The horse answered with a whinny

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and trotted over to her. Nicole took hold of its mane, leapt onto its bare back and galloped

off across the field.

"The inherent trait stuff at work again,” Jack said to himself. The same horrible stench

from the stables crawled back up his nostrils causing him to hold his gag reflex at bay. Jack

turned around to find the boy staring past him at Nicole's retreating form.

"I got yer stuff.” His eyes were frozen on the beautiful exotic elf seated regally on the

horse. “You hafta find the falls. There's a cave under it that's got what ya need. After that, ya

head for the valley on the other side of the mountain."

"And then?” Jack backed away, searching for breathable air.

"Not for me ta say.” The boy never took his eyes from Nicole. He whispered, looking at

Jack out of the corner of his eyes, "She's a woodland, you know.” Without another word, the

boy tossed Jack a small assortment of pouches then darted quickly inside the stables.

Glancing briefly at Nicole who was galloping across the pasture, Jack turned and followed.

"Wait!” He reluctantly entered the stables after the boy, "Is this it?"


"Where are our weapons?"

"Inn Keeper's got 'em. Says ya got to pay."

"I see.” Jack frowned, and opened one of the larger pouches. He dumped the contents

into his hand and found a small pile of gold coins. Four of the bags contained over a dozen

coins each, all gold. The remaining pouch held a small animal pelt with a map scrawled on

the soft skin. Holding out half a dozen coins to the boy, he asked, "Will this be enough?"

"Half a bag's too much, but he's gonna want more.” The boy stopped working and

studied him. "Why ya askin' me? Ain't you bought weapons afore?"

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"I've . . . always made my own.” Jack stood tall with his head held high and tried to look

convincing. "Tell the elf I've gone to the Inn. And see if you can get her to saddle the


"Those Woodlands is wild.” The boy looked at him shaking his head.

"Just tell her I'm at the Inn,” Jack growled, heading for the front entrance.

The interior of the Inn reminded Jack of Dr. Strong's Clinic, dark, stuffy and something

just did not smell right. Walking through the main room Jack saw a scattering of tables

made from long wooden planks propped up on what appeared to be tree stumps with

smaller versions serving as benches. The tables still held the remains of the previous night.

Dirty mugs, dishes and a couple of patrons snoring among the clutter.

“Now this is my kind of place, earthy atmosphere and the smell of stale beer.” Jack

headed for the bar. He threw his shoulders back and puffed out his chest in what he

thought to be true barbarian style. He was ready for action. "Inn keep, you have my

weapons.” He announced in a low, snarling whisper.

"Ya ain't gettin' 'em 'till ya pay." The barkeep placed both hands on the rotting gray

wood of his makeshift bar and scowled at Jack. The man was incredibly filthy; his stench

surpassed the stable boy’s tenfold. His clothes contained stains on top of stains, giving it an

unnatural dark shade of brown. Jack stopped a few paces short of the bar not wanting to

bathe in the stench again. He took several gold coins from one of the bags and tossed them

on the counter. "That should cover it," he tried to mock the innkeepers scowl to stay in


"Not hardly.” The old man leaned forward.

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"I can see we are at an impasse,” Jack said. “Perhaps once I examine the goods, I could be

persuaded to greater generosity.”

"In the storage closet.” The man smiled, revealing a mouthful of black rotted teeth. He

motioned toward a door at the far end of the bar.

Jack fought back the urge to cringe. A small door was located deeper in the heart of the

tavern. The uncertainty of what might actually be behind the door gripped his stomach.

A large gray hawk flew circles high over Nicole’s head. She glanced at it for only a

moment, then turned to gallop to the southern end of the corral, pushing the speckled

stallion to his top speed. As they neared the highest stretch of fence, Nicole leaned forward

and whispered to the gentle, but strong steed. "Over the wall to freedom my friend and l

will take you on a great adventure."

The stallion shook it’s silky mane in response. Surging forward, it cleared the fence.

Straining with the effort, yet landing silently on the grass in the meadow beyond. Nicole's

shout of praise met the ears of a large, black stallion who immediately issued a loud and

challenging neigh in response. The speckled gray snorted in panic, blowing repeatedly as

he backed away from the challenging beast. Fear from the young stallion shot through

Nicole like a jolt of electricity as she fought to control him. Rearing in an attempt to free

itself of its master, the small stallion shot forward trying to race back toward the fence.

Unprepared for the sudden movement, Nicole fell onto the grass. Rolling with the impact,

she arose quickly and effortlessly as the pounding hooves approached behind her.

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Nicole spun to face the advancing stallion. She thrust out her arms and called to the

beast without thinking, "Hold! We mean no challenge!” Ignoring the voice of panic inside of

her, she moved forward trying to place herself between the stallion and its prey. The black

beast slowed slightly, then changed direction and headed for Nicole.

Stunned at the immense height and beauty of the animal, Nicole’s fear vanished. She

could only stare in awe. The stallion came to a sudden halt inches before her. It pawed and

stomped on the ground, leaving it’s hoof prints in the lush grass. Standing before it, Nicole

stared into its dark eyes. ''I know someone who is perfect for you,” Nicole whispered

reaching out to touch its nose. "You are so much more beautiful than he, more beautiful

than any horse I have ever seen.” The stallion allowed her touch and calmed to her soothing

voice. "You are magnificent,” she continued moving closer to stroke the stallion's throat.

"This is not the life for you, shut away from the rest of the world. You should be free to

wander like the wind.” Surprised at her own words, Nicole added, "That shall be your

name, Wind.”

"He ain't part of the deal and he ain't for sale," a small voice said behind her. Nicole

turned to find the stable boy opening a gate in the fence. She smiled as the speckled gray

pushed quickly past him back into the first corral. "I know,” she replied, meeting his gaze.

"How?” The boy's eyes narrowed as he closed the gate, defensively placing it between


"No one can own the Wind,” Nicole stated simply. “Look around.” The fence that

enclosed the large meadow was much taller than the first but just as old and in disrepair.

The tree line ran across the length of the corral opposite the stables. "He has allowed you to

feed and care for him while he waited for us."

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"That so?” the boy replied. He tapped his hand on the splintered gate and shook his head

slowly making it clear he was suspicious of Nicole’s words.

"Do you really think this patch of run down fence can hold him?” Nicole asked, casually

stroking the mane of the giant steed.

"It has so far,” the boy answered defiantly.

"Has it?” Nicole released the stallion. Without a word, the black beast turned and headed

for the boy. Clutching the fence in alarm, he gasped as the horse crossed the short distance

and leapt over his head with ease.

“That's not fair!” he shouted at Nicole, "You told 'em to do that."

"He's been doing it all along.” Nicole laughed, "That chubby mare over there is going to

give you a beautiful black foal."

"You're a trouble maker!” The boy spat, ducking quickly as the stallion jumped back over

the tall fence to stand beside Nicole. "That stallion ain't let a soul near 'em in the last three

months! You bewitched 'em! All you woodlands are reckless with your magic just like the

fairies and nymphs! "

“Woodlands?” Nicole asked, wondering if there actually were different types of elves.

"Oh, I know who ya are. You are one of them all right. Woodland Elf, sister to the forest

nymphs. Yer one with the animals, they flock to ya. Do yer every biddin’. Not like the true

elves with your magic spells and all. Well, don't try any of your magic on me! It ain't gonna

work; I ain't no one's slave!” he screamed and ran back to the stables stumbling the entire

way in his terrified haste to escape.

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Moving around the end of the bar, Jack opened the only thing in the tavern that appeared

intact, the tall wooden door of the storage closet. The small room held several racks filled

with an assortment of weapons and climbing equipment. The dim light from the main room

danced across the shining surface of an intricately carved, double-edged long sword. Just as

Jack reached for it, a shout came from behind.

He spun around to see three elf warriors running toward him. Each wore the same dark

green body armor as he and Nicole, only theirs were adorned with weapons. They raised

their swords high above their golden heads as they rushed toward him. Snatching the long

sword, Jack freed it from its sheath and met the blows of the attacking soldiers without

hesitation, his spirits soaring. Now it was his turn for his own inherent traits to surface.

Nicole had no weapon and would be in serious danger if he tried to escape to the stables,

so Jack stood his ground. After all, he was a barbarian, born to battle. Surprised at the speed

and strength of his movements, Jack took control of the attack. He dodged the blows of his

adversaries who were no smaller than the average hockey player on Hopper's team. Jack

lunged at the closest warrior, driving his sword deep into the young elf’s belly. A look of

shock and intense pain came over the warrior's innocent face. Blood poured from his

mouth as he sank to the floor. The realism of his reaction took Jack by surprise. He’d

expected to kill the enemy, but not to smell their sweat nor almost feel their anguish. He

staggered back shaken to his core. The distraction nearly cost him an arm as the two

remaining elves yelled in rage, striking fast and hard.

Unnerved, Jack lost his taste for blood and the battle turned into a defensive struggle.

Jack attempted to force the angry warriors back toward the entrance hoping to escape past

them. A high-pitched war cry pierced the air. Nicole came crashing through a small boarded

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up window near the back of the tavern. Her petite form rolled as she hit the floor. Jumping

to her feet, she rushed to Jack's defense armed only with the stable boy’s pocketknife. The

two remaining warriors separated. The one farthest from Jack met Nicole's incredible

onslaught. Distracted by the unbelievable entrance Nicole had just made, Jack stood

gawking as she joined the battle. This left him vulnerable and unaware of the warrior's

raised sword before him.

"Jack!” Nicole screamed while dodging the second warrior's savage assault.

Without thinking, Jack swung his sword forward and sliced open the elf’s midsection as

he ducked and rolled past the elf’s advance. Anger and sorrow filled the older elf’s face. He

fell to the floor clutching at the pulsing flow of blood.

"That is so disgusting!” Jack muttered. Turning, he found Nicole standing above the body

of the third warrior. Her chest heaved as her triumphant laughter filled the tavern. Before

Jack could berate her for joining a battle in progress armed only with a knife, Hopper

stormed through the tavern door waving a large tree limb over his head and shouting to his


"It's over Hopper,” Jack announced, soberly. Turning to the Inn Keeper, he growled, "You

set us up!"

"No!" he gasped, scrambling away as Hopper moved toward him. "I swear it! Take yer

weapons and escape while there's still time!” The frightened old man threw the gold coins

Jack had tossed on the counter back at them, ducked under the bar, and bolted for the door.

“Oh man! You killed these guys?” Hopper asked. He looked around the room and was

astonished at the sight of the bloody corpses lying around them.

"It was us or them,” Jack replied.

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"We kicked ass!” Nicole jumped over the slain warrior and searched through the closet

for her weapon.

"Hopper, it was so realistic,” Jack managed, tearing his eyes away from the still form of

the elf he had just slaughtered. "I thought we were going to be searching for talismans, not

slaughtering people.” Looking at his sword, Jack recalled the sensation of it tearing so easily

through the warrior’s body. The metallic smell of all of the blood caused hot bile to rise in

his throat. He felt more like an amateur serial killer than someone on vacation.

Nicole called to them from the closet, "Let's get our supplies and be on our way. You

heard him, there could be more coming.” She returned with a small silver short sword and

said, "This will do nicely, much better than that toy knife the boy gave me."

“You didn’t kill him did you?” Jack asked.

“Uh, no. He’s been helping us, remember? Besides, he’s of no threat. He’s terrified of me.”

Nicole stared at him as if he had lost his mind and added, “Snap out of it Jack.”

Hopper reached in, hoisted the climbing gear onto his back, grabbed a bundle of

bedrolls, and moved toward the door, "I'm heading back to check on Sarah, you get the


"Nice club,” Nicole called after him, laughing as she turned to snatch a large leather

satchel from the closet. "The room behind the bar is probably the kitchen. I’ll check for

food. You grab anything else that looks interesting."

"Niki," Jack called after her quietly as he moved back to the closet and grabbed a set of

long knives and a couple of empty water skins. "How’d you learn to fight like that?"

"Same way you did,” she answered nonchalantly. "Instinct."

"But you didn't know you could do that when you busted in."

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"I'm the elf warrior, remember? You can’t deny the fact, you needed help. What was I

going to do? Stand outside shivering like a frightened little mouse?” she called from the


"Didn't it bother you when you killed that elf?” Jack moved to the doorway of the small

pantry. He watched as Nicole stuffed skins of wine, fruit, chunks of bread, cheese, and dried

meat into the satchel.

"Why should it?” Nicole winked as she stuffed the last of the food in the satchel and

headed for the door. "It wasn't real, Jack."

Hopper hit the grass with a grunt of frustration, "I now understand why they make dog

food out of horse meat! "

"Nonsense Hopper, he's just testing you. Give it one more try. This time, hold on with

those long legs of yours; take control, don't let him push you around,” Nicole offered,

smiling brightly at him from atop of the speckled gray stallion.

"Maybe I should test my club on its stubborn skull.” Hopper muttered. He approached

the large black stallion with a deep growl.

"That's the spirit,” Jack called to him as he mounted a young tan mare and stuffed his

long sword into the narrow sheath attached to the saddle. "Give him one of your famous

upper cuts, Hopper. Let's see how he likes it."

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"He'll do no such thing!” Sarah called out. She was having her own struggles trying to

mount a small white mare. "You can do it Todd, grab hold of the reins before you mount


"Maybe Sarah could zap him with a spell or something,” Jack teased.

"Now that's an idea.” Hopper turned to smile at the tall beauty as he grabbed hold of

Wind’s black mane.

"With my luck I’d turn him into a buffalo," Sarah laughed.

"Now that’s the best idea yet,” Jack added, bracing himself as Hopper climbed on top of

the stallion again. "If he can't stay on this time, I say we have buffalo steaks for supper."

"You could make an instant enemy with a comment like that, .” Nicole said, her smile


"Pardon me, Wind, you old blow hard!” Jack rolled his eyes. "I believe my partner’s

forgotten about that black mink coat she insisted Tom buy her last year for Christmas.

Suddenly she's become quite the animal activist, and now apparently a vegetarian to boot."

“That's it Hopper, now use the reins to guide him,” Nicole said concentrating on Todd

and ignoring Jack.

Hopper's massive legs hung just far enough below Wind’s belly to allow him to latch his

feet together. With this accomplished there was no dislodging him. The stallion quickly

ceased its resistance and allowed the huge troll to steer him back toward the others.

"Does he have the same effect on you in that position, Sarah?” Nicole’s comment made

Sarah blush more deeply than her crimson locks.

"Which way wizard?” Jack quickly interceded before Hopper had a chance to respond.

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Nicole’s teasing had brought Sarah’s quiet demeanor back and her voice mirrored it.

"The map shows the mountains running along the southern border of the village," Sarah

answered. "There's a creek that dumps into the river near the base of the mountains.

That's where our first goal is.” Sarah urged her horse closer to Hopper and added, "Nicole,

fix the front of your vest before something pops out and shocks us all."

The elf's laughter filled the small patch of woods. Nicole ignored Sarah’s comment and

instead turned her horse toward the south and led the way.

"Who’s riding shotgun?” Hopper called after the others as they fell in line behind Nicole.

"Looks like you have that honor,” Nicole called back to him, her sultry voice echoing

through the trees.

"Good idea, Hopper,” Jack added. "That Inn Keeper turned to jelly at the sight of you. It's

probably best that you stay hidden."

"Okay I'll hang back a bit. But if things get hairy, I'm coming in.” Hopper glanced at

Sarah's disappearing form. "Keep an eye on her Jack. I don't want her to get hurt and miss

out on this adventure."

"Don't worry, Todd nothing's going to happen,” Sarah called back to them.

A pair of dark Sapphire eyes stared silently from the brush beside Sarah. The tall lithe

figure moved swiftly back into the shadows of the forest to disappear unnoticed by the


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Chapter Four

The small group of cheerful explorers traveled several miles through the forest before

coming to a narrow road. The beaten dirt path led them toward the lush green mountains.

Nicole began to sing a soft, haunting melody in a strangely compelling language no one

understood. Shortly afterward, the animals began to appear. The others noticed the small

creatures of the forest pausing a short distance from the narrow trail, watching them as

they passed. As the group pushed deeper into the wilderness, the animals grew bolder,

approaching the trail yet staying just out of reach. Nicole began to halt their procession as a

deer or small ground creature appeared to greet them. Cooing softly, she would bring it

near. Dismounting, Nicole knelt and reached out to the gathering of animals. Nearly all

responded, coming to her side to be caressed and fussed over.

'Nicole, I'm thrilled you're making new friends,” Jack groaned as she stopped for yet

another animal embrace, "But I think I can speak for the others when I say cut it out! You

are driving me crazy!''

"I am sorry if my conversations with these simple beasts annoy you, Barbarian, but

they're guiding us toward our destination,” Nicole answered softly then casually leapt back

onto her horse allowing the small red fox to run back into the brush.

"They've been talking to you?” Hopper's deep voice carried through the trees.

"Is there any possible way to get directions without dismounting?” Jack countered.

"That would be rude,” Nicole replied and sent her horse into a gallop down the path.

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Sarah suppressed a grin as they followed the impish elf deeper into the forest. The trees

grew to immense proportions and the thicket became denser, filling the forest with deep

shadows. Hopper moved forward, wanting to be closer to Sarah under the darkness of the

giant trees.

"It smells like rain, we should keep our eyes open for a safe place to wait out a

downpour,” Hopper announced, searching the dense canopy of overhead for any sign of the


"Let's keep going,” Jack countered. "The sky was clear the last time I caught a glimpse of

it. Besides you can't smell rain until after it falls, Hopper."

"I'm telling you, I smell rain.” Hopper glared at Jack's broad shouldered back.

"It's not rain,” Nicole called back to them. "We've reached the river."

Glancing ahead, Jack could see a break in the trees showing only a clear blue sky. “Are

you sure?"

"We're on a bluff.” Nicole moved her horse aside, allowing Jack a view of the large cliff

that overlooked a wide river winding through the forest. "I'm afraid the trail’s washed

away,” she added motioning to the side of the incline. A hint of what was once a sloping

trail dropped off into a mess of dirt and rock near the center of the descent.

"It's steep, but I think we can make it.” Jack urged his horse closer to the edge. "I'll go

first. When I'm down, follow me one at a time,” he called over his shoulder and headed

down the slope toward the sandy base near the edge of the river. The trail pitched severely

at the far edge of the bluff. Jack urged his horse over the edge and the mare began a

controlled slide down to the base. The loose dirt was soft and unstable. Reaching the base,

he called up to Nicole, "Stay away from the inside edge. The cliff is giving way."

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Without hesitation, Nicole urged her stallion forward and down the slope. Sarah and

Hopper followed without incident. Moving upstream along the rocky edge of the river the

small group rode in silence. Their eyes searched the distance in anticipation of what or who

might challenge them next. Nicole was the first to hear the roar of the massive waterfall

where several creeks fed into the river. The adventurers moved into the trees and

approached from the cover of the forest. They cleared the trees and stood in awe at the

beauty of the scene.

Three separate streams poured into a pool at the top of the falls. The water cascaded

over a wide glittering white rock bank. It was framed by layers of dense fern-like ivy filled

with large blossoms of sweet scented purple and burgundy flowers. The waterfall was not

part of the main channel of the river. It fed into it as part of the joining of yet another

smaller channel that emptied into the river at a sharp angle. The massive boulders

surrounding the edge and the base of the falls created a large deep pool of foaming water

that bubbled over into the mainstream. The falls were not of massive height but the wide

rocky cliff varied such that it caused a deafening roar as the swiftly moving water pounded

into the surface of the many tiers of staggered boulders.

"This is incredible!” Hopper bellowed, barely audible over the roar of the falls. "It looks

too good to be real.” He gleefully jumped off his horse to examine the structure more


Nicole slid off her stallion and headed toward the far edge of the boulders near the base

of the falls. "It's solid; I can't see any opening behind the falls,” she yelled to no one in


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Jack appeared next to her, stuffing his sword in his belt. "It must be on the other side.”

He turned and waved Hopper and Sarah near.

"How do we get across?” Hopper frowned, taking in the depth of the bubbling pool. “It

looks to be at least 30 feet deep here and the current is something we don’t want to play


"We could go upstream along this smaller river and see if there’s a shallow area to

cross,” Sarah offered.

"All right, you stay here and keep looking. I'll head upstream.” Jack ordered, heading for

his horse.

"Who decided you were in charge?” Nicole challenged, showing a part of her old

personality for the first time since they arrived. "I don't think we should separate. What if

we're attacked?"

"I thought you loved to fight,” Jack answered, without looking back.

“I do and I'm good at it.” Nicole tilted her head back showing a bit too much pride, "But

Strong said to stay together.”

"Well then . . . Are you coming?” Jack mounted and urged his horse toward the river


“Hopper?” Nicole looked at him expectantly.

"We'll be fine."

With that, Nicole whistled for the speckled stallion, leaped onto its back and galloped

after Jack.

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He searched the trees for signs of the Elf Warriors as they reached a sharp turn in the

river. Just ahead was a wide area where the river slowed. It looked like it would be

manageable for crossing.

Nicole caught up to Jack as he entered the river. She tapped him on the shoulder and

motioned toward a small patch of writhing water saying, "Water Moccasins, best to stay

clear of them.”

Jack's eyes narrowed. He realized her suggestion was a bit too late. The current moved

more rapidly than he expected. It was carrying the snakes directly at them. "Move!” he


Nicole drove her horse into the water ahead of him. Jack urged his mare into the deep

water near the center of the stream. The horses slowed, struggling to swim against the

strong current. Glancing over his shoulder, Jack drew his sword. They were not going to

make it.

Suddenly, Nicole reined her horse and pushed behind him. "Keep moving," she ordered,

placing herself between Jack and the snakes. She began to sing a slightly different version

of the same haunting melody as before.

"I don't think elves are snake charmers,” Jack said reaching back to grab the reins of her

horse. She ignored him and continued to sing. The snakes went limp in the water in the nick

of time. Just as the horses reached them, they floated silently past. Jack yanked on the

speckled stallion's reins and urged the horses up the embankment without a word.

Turning back to watch the serpents disappear downstream, Jack motioned for her to


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Sarah and Hopper came into view on the other side of the falls as they rounded the bend.

Jack galloped up to the edge of the falls and dismounted to inspect the rocks. Hanging on to

the flowering vines that cascaded over the edges of the falls, he peered behind the rushing

waters. "No cave here,” Jack announced, turning back to find Nicole gazing into the depth of

the frothy pool.

"Nothing on this side,” Hopper's deep troll voice shouted across the water.

Climbing down from the giant white rocks, Jack stared into the bubbling water. The

image of the snakes came back to him. Glancing at Nicole's sober reflection in the water, he

spoke as quietly as the falls roar would allow, "I guess I owe you an apology."

"Why?” Nicole glanced up to meet his gaze.

"That song of yours, it kept me in the game.” He smiled softly, studying the deep green

eyes that stared at him. "That's the third time you've come to my rescue."

"Let’s just stick to the activities of today. Anyway, I am sure you will have a chance to

repay the last two favors very soon. That is, if things pick up. I expected a little more

excitement than the simple treasure hunt this has turned out to be."

"Find the cave, I bet there's plenty of excitement waiting for us inside,” Jack said,

kneeling beside the pool.

"It's down there.” Nicole pointed to a shadow at the bottom of the water.

"Awesome.” Jack was invigorated at the prospect of some deep water exploring. He

glanced across at Hopper and Sarah. They were also examining the pond, and arguing. Jack

and Nicole navigated back across the river. The group unsaddled their horses and spread

their saddle blanket on the ground. Sarah emptied the contents of the two leather satchels

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onto the blankets. Dining on cold leg of lamb, rye bread, and hard cheese, they discussed

the churning waters of the pool.

"It's too deep and the water is too rough to make it down and back in one breath, much

less take the time to search for . . . whatever it is that's supposed to be down there," Sarah

explained passing the leather flask of sweet wine to Hopper. "It's dangerous enough

searching a cave with diving equipment, let alone one deep breath of air."

"Maybe it's not a cave; it could be a nook or crevice in the rock that just looks like a cave.

We have no idea what that dark area is down there. We could be on the wrong path,”

Hopper added, draining the last of the red wine.

"Maybe we've got the wrong waterfall,” Sarah suggested.

"We've got the right falls; there isn't another one on this side of the mountains," Nicole


"I suppose a little birdie told you that?” Jack teased, his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“That’s right, big boy. You want to make something of it?” Nicole bantered back.

"Okay, I'm a certified diver,” Jack said. “Why don't I swim down there and take a quick

look around. Then we can decide what our best option is.” Jack stuffed the last morsel of

lamb in his mouth and licked his fingers clean.

"I'm with Jack,” Nicole declared rising. "But there's something we haven't considered.

There could be . . . complications."

The others rose and stared at her, waiting for her to continue. ''I can safely vouch for the

lack of piranha, or were you thinking more along the line of a seven-headed monster?" Jack

said shaking his head as he moved toward the bubbling pool. "Let's get on with it."

"How can you be so sure Nicole isn't right?” Sarah followed him.

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"Well for one thing, if there was some sort of creature about, the horses wouldn't be so

relaxed,” Jack called back to her. "And if there was a sea serpent, Nicole would have

located it and sung it to sleep by now."

"No one hears a crocodile swimming toward them under the water.” The calmness of

Nicole's voice stopped Jack in his tracks.

"I'm not a wildebeest, I am an accomplished swimmer.” Jack turned to look at her and

added, "With a knife.” His expression turned to amusement. He sat on the glistening white

stone at the edge of the pond, and removed his dark leather vest. Nicole’s eyes ran down

the length of him admiring his taunt muscles and the prominent six-pack on his abdomen.

Dropping his sword on the side of the bank, Jack pulled off his dirt-encrusted boots and

dove into the water.

Gathering at the edge, the others watched as he disappeared into the dark waters below.

Jack swam easily to the bottom in the cool water. It felt good to be back under the water.

He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed those diving trips with Tom and Hopper. He felt a

great sense of freedom under the cool water, the weightlessness, the way the water moved

across his skin.

The entrance to the cave was evident from his vantage point at the center of the pool.

Unfortunately, the force of the pounding current kept Jack at bay. His lungs strained for air.

Jack pushed off the rock bottom and fought to the surface, releasing what little air left in his

lungs. Gasping, he broke the surface of the water. Working to catch his breath, his spirits

crashed at the realization of impossibility of their task.

"There is a cave down there,” he panted, climbing out of the water. "The current is

wicked. The cave sits directly below the falls. Unless I stay low, it will pull me in and roll

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me. I would be out of the game before I got close enough to see inside. The force of the

water is just too great."

“We have to divert the flow.” Sarah frowned, glancing up at the water tumbling over the


“That's impossible,” Jack sighed, "There's too much water."

"We need to slow it down, just enough to allow Jack access to the cave,” Sarah explained,

"Something temporary."

"Then what?” Hopper looked down into the water shaking his head. "If whatever it is

isn't right inside the entrance, whoever went in would drown searching for it."

"He's right, Sarah. It took everything I had just to get a look at the entrance," Jack

agreed. "Our friendly psychologist is making this too hard."

"No, we're just not looking at it from the right perspective,” Nicole corrected. "What

Sarah said earlier makes more sense. We need diving equipment."

"That's easy, point in the direction of the nearest dive shop and I will just skip right

down there.” Jack winked at her.

"I've got a better idea.” It was Nicole's face who now donned the amused expression.

"Sarah and Hopper you work on the falls. Jack, come with me."

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Chapter Five

"One more boulder and we're finished," Sarah hollered from the edge of the cliff.

“My back is killing me!” Hopper complained as he lifted yet another massive rock

onto his broad, hairy shoulders then started up the steep hill.

“I'll give you a massage before we go to bed,” Sarah smiled at her large, disfigured


"Bed, huh that'd be a neat trick,” Hopper grumbled under his breath. He dropped the

last boulder on top of the flowing water completing a partial barrier across one side of the


"Don't think of this as camping along a river bed. Think of that nice soft cot back in the

ballroom.” Sarah waited for him to reach her then dug into his massive shoulders with her

knuckles and began kneading the tension away from his muscular back.

"Just how comfortable do you expect those cots to be Sarah?” Hopper chuckled as he

began to relax under her soft touch.

A shout from below drew their attention as Jack and Nicole appeared at the edge of the

woods, carrying a food satchel. The pair headed for the base of the rocks to examine Sarah

and Hopper’s handiwork. They had succeeded in diverting nearly half of the rushing water

away from the entrance to the cave. What spilled over was much more violent, but the

brunt of the force tumbled to one side.

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"Perfect!” Nicole shouted up to them, shading her green eyes from the bright sunlight

reflecting off the moist white stones.

"It looks great, but will it hold?” Jack asked.

“It'll serve our purposes.” Hopper jumped down from a large boulder then turned and

gently lifted Sarah down beside him.

"What's that?” Sarah asked, reaching for the satchel.

"Fairyland's first air tank,” Jack answered.

"We lined it with pine tar. Hopefully it will hold as long as your dam.” Nicole handed it

to Sarah and said, "We were just about to test it.” Moving to the edge of the pond, Sarah

handed Jack the satchel. He blew it up like a large leather balloon and shoved it under the

surface. After a few seconds a small number of bubbles appeared.

"Okay so it's not perfect. But I think it should last long enough to give me the air I need

to check out the cave.” Jack pulled the satchel from the water and emptied the small trickle

of water from the bag. “A little more tar and it will be perfect.”

“I'm not so sure this is a good idea.” Sarah frowned with concern, "It could make you

overconfident. You'll go in too deep and get lost."

"We've thought of that,” Nicole said. She grabbed the satchel from Jack and proceeded

to smear the dark pine tar she had collected on a large oak leaf along the outer seams.

"We'll tie the rope from our climbing gear around his waist. He can secure it to a rock near

the entrance. Then follow it back if he gets confused or kicks up too much dirt. And if he

doesn't reappear in a sufficient amount of time, one of us can swim down and pull him out

using the small wine skin as a secondary air tank."

“I don't know,” Sarah stared at the satchel, “It just sounds reckless . . ."

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"Sarah, it's only a game, remember?” Hopper added, putting his immense arm around

her shoulders and pulling her close. "If we don't take some chances, we'll never win."

"Hopper's right, all we need is a good plan.” Jack smiled softly, touched by her concern,

“Remember, I won't really be in the water. It's all in our minds."

“Ok, so tell me then, how are you going to see in that cave?" Sarah countered.

"That's where you come in babe.” Jack slid in between her and Hopper, sliding his arm

around her waist.

"Uh oh.” Sarah glanced at Hopper for assistance.

"Remember the spells I had to memorize? Those are now yours to use.” Nicole moved

closer. "One was a spell of light."

Nicole repeated the strange words to Sarah until she memorized them. Hopper found a

small tree branch and placed it on the rocks at the edge of the pond. Sarah stared at the

limb and concentrated on the incantation. She stopped and glared at the others through

narrowed eyes saying, “No cracks about wicked witches or warts popping out on my nose.”

She felt like the queen of fools as she waved her arms for emphasis and shouted the magic


No one was more surprised than she was when the limb sputtered, sparked, and then

burst into flames. Nicole snatched it up and thrust the burning end into the churning

water. The flame continued to burn, unaffected.

"Jack, hypnosis is a powerful thing,” Sarah cautioned.

"Relax, if I am in there too long, Strong will pull me out of the trance, and you'll go on

without me.” Jack smiled and filled the satchel with air. "Wish me luck."

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The three remaining adventurers stood at the edge of the pool and watched as Jack

disappeared into the darkness of the cave. With the torch in his teeth, satchel in one hand

and the rope tied around his waist.

Jack found a rock to anchor the rope. He then swam toward what appeared to be the

back of the oval shaped cave. The area inside was small, no more than six feet wide and

twenty feet deep. Jack was certain he would have no trouble locating the object in such a

confined space.

The water poured viciously over the falls after crashing into the newly constructed dam

above. Sitting in silence, staring at the swirling waters, the seconds seemed like hours as

the others watched and waited for Jack to emerge from the cave.

"How much time does that satchel give him?” Hopper asked, bending so close to the

water his nose touched the surface.

"Well it took five deep breaths to fill it . . . " Nicole answered, "I'd say about 45 seconds

per breath considering his exertion. Maybe three and a half to four minutes?"

“You mean you didn't figure that out before he dove in the water?” Sarah glared at her.

“And just who’s watch would we have used to calculate that?” Nicole calmly met her


The trio stared into the water in silence, leaving their concerns unspoken. Finally,

Hopper asked, “How long has it been?” Hopper glanced up at Sarah as he pulled off his vest.

"At least three minutes,” Sarah said.

Hopper pulled off his boots and dove into the water.

“It's just a game,” Nicole whispered.

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"Yeah and if they both end up out of it, it's over.’’ Sarah turned to face her. "I came here

to spend time with Todd, not you!"

"What is all this hostility, Sarah? I'm just trying to be nice and offer some comfort.”

"Why would you do that? You never cared about my feelings before and it is too damn

hard to believe you have started now. It is all just part of the game. You're trying to be the

friendly elf, lover of nature and all that crap.” Sarah moved forward closing the space

between the two of them. "You've never said a civil word to me the entire time I've known

you Nicole. So don't think I'm going to fall for your manipulative dribble now."

"Calm down, Sarah. You are just upset because Hopper is taking a chance. He’ll be back

in a few seconds. You are worried for nothing. You have not lost your Paladin. He's not in

any danger.”

"Todd is NOT my Paladin. He is simply a little over protective. Unlike you, he treats

people with respect. Now if you don't mind, I think Hopper and Jack are more important

than your return to humanity.” Sarah actually growled at Nicole before turning back

toward the water.

Nicole was stunned by Sarah’s word. She wondered why it had never occurred to her

before why she and Sarah had never become close. Nicole stopped and stared at Sarah

recalling the first double date they had with Todd and Sarah. They were so warm and fuzzy

calling each other sweetie and sharing their food Nicole could hardly eat. She recalled

Sarah reaching out to her asking, “What is it like to be the right hand of the District

Attorney?” Nicole gave her a snide remark, “Right hand is such a cliché’. I am the power

that drives the District Attorney’s office. I have personally driven our conviction rate to

over 97%.” Sarah’s face lost it’s sweet smile and her eyes turned to look out the window of

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the restaurant. Nicole realized it was her harsh superior attitude that left her without a

close friend to share her triumphs and losses with. She was not really close to anyone. It

occurred to her, how empty her life truly was.

No one knew the real Nicole, deep down inside. Not even Tom. Especially not Tom, the

man she was supposed to marry. He was just another corporate decision. Part of her

overall plan. Nicole planned her life just as her parents, planned around her career. Just as

her parents, she left no room for those warm and fuzzy moments. Nicole’s breath caught in

her throat as she recalled the first time a boy tried to kiss her. The human contact had felt

so foreign so unnatural because her parents hadn’t held or hugged her as far back as she

could remember.

In fact, her relationship with Tom was basically sex and business dinners. Nicole’s eyes

fell to the ground as she realized she did not particularly even like Tom. It was his career,

his future that attracted her. He was all job, all business, and no play. They hadn’t even

discussed children.

Nicole frowned at the sweet girl before her as regret flowed through her. Sarah was

smart, kind, and genuine. Nicole had dismissed her as unimportant and boring because she

had no part to play in Nicole’s upward climb.

It was time to make a change. She would no longer push people away with her

superiority. She would end her loveless relationship with Tom and search for someone

who lived life to the fullest. Nicole’s eyes gazed back into the water as Jack’s smiling face

echoed through her mind.

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Hopper reached the entrance to the cave. His large troll eyes adjusted to the darkness

inside without him even trying. Following the rope, he located Jack's still, lifeless form,

floating less than a yard inside the entrance. Below Jack, lying on the stone floor of the cave

was what was left of the burning torch and a small jewel encrusted chest about the size of a

deck of cards. Grabbing Jack's arm, Hopper stuffed the chest into his mouth and swam out

of the cave. Staying near the bottom of the pool, Hopper cleared the turbulent waters and

raced for the surface. He shoved Jack out of the water above him and hit the surface at a

faster swim desperate to get to the shore.

"He’s not breathing!” Hopper's deep voice boomed over the roar of the falls. Gasping for

air, Hopper allowed Sarah and Nicole to drag Jack over the rocks and onto the grass. Sarah

forced Jack into a sitting position and used the Heimlich maneuver to purge his lungs of

water. Then she laid him on his back and forced air into his lungs.

Nicole placed an ear to his chest. "No heart beat!” she gasped.

Sarah pushed her away and started pumping his chest. Hopper appeared at her side and

began puffing air into Jack's lungs.

"It's only a game.” Nicole managed to hug herself as she watched them struggle to bring

Jack back to life.

"It can't be safe to allow someone to think they've died. I don't care if it is just hypnosis,

this is insane,” Sarah said as she continued to force Jack's heart to beat. After what felt like

a lifetime, Jack coughed and his head jerked forward. Hopper roared with delight as his

friend rolled to his side gasping for air. Sarah hugged the large troll, relieved they did not

have to wait until the adventure was over to find out if Jack had really suffered from the


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"What happened?” Jack squeaked, looking up at his three nearly hysterical friends.

"You were dead.” Hopper smiled weakly. "I pulled you out of the cave just in time."

"Dead?” Jack coughed, rolled over onto his back and sat up.

"Absolutely," Hopper added, “Sarah revived you."

“I guess I wasn't cut out for underwater spelunking,” Jack said with a forced smile.

"Maybe not, but you're a great treasure hunter.” Hopper's huge hairy face glowed with

excitement as he presented Jack the small chest and added, "The honor is all yours."

"I saw you dive into the water and pull me out,” Jack whispered softly to his friends,

oblivious to the chest. “Nicole grabbed my arms and Sarah kissed me . . .”

"Are you all right?” Nicole moved forward. She stared at him with such intensity; Jack

could no longer meet her gaze. He fell silently back on to the grass.

"My chest hurts and I've got a massive headache.” He sighed, clutching his head in both


"Let's get him out of the sun,” Sarah ordered, pulling Jack to his feet. "Can you walk?"

"I didn't get hit by a bus.” Jack frowned, but leaned against Hopper's hulking form

nonetheless. "How long was I out?"

"How long before you ran out of air?” The tall troll asked, leading Jack to a large

evergreen tree.

"The bag sprung a leak, after my second breath. I was pretty far in . . .," Jack stammered,

trying to remember. "There was a side tunnel near the back. I had just entered it after

searching the main area and finding nothing."

"Two minutes tops.” Hopper answered firmly, stopping inside the tree line. "I found you

just inside the main entrance."

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"Two minutes, I guess that's okay."

"Of course it's okay," Nicole said. "Do you really think you stopped breathing?"

"It sure seemed like it to me,” Hopper offered, lowering Jack onto the soft grass.

"It's just part of the game. We wanted some excitement. So Strong gave it to us. He'll be

as good as new in a few minutes, and then we can head out.” Nicole grinned, tapping on the

jeweled chest. "It's not locked."

Taking the chest from Nicole, Jack set it on the ground before him. Using the small knife,

still stuffed into his belt, he pried the rusted latch open. Inside was a bundle wrapped in a

thick layer of wax. Turning the chest over, he let the bundle fall onto the grass. The others

knelt beside him gazing at the lump of hardened wax. Using his long black claws Hopper

gently poked at it.

"It's solid,” Hopper said.

"Think your seven headed monster is hiding inside?” Jack rolled his eyes and slammed

his fist into the package. The wax cracked and splintered apart revealing a leather wrap

secured tightly with burlap straps.

Excited, he cut the straps with his small knife and pulled back the leather to reveal its

contents. “I thought it'd be some kind of potion or a magic wand." Jack frowned.

"So did I,” Sarah said reaching for the worn, brown leather book. Two thin ornate silver

snakes served as binders. The eyes were tiny sparkling rubies and the winding bodies

adorned with tiny blue and yellow gems that sparkled like crushed glass in diamond

shaped clusters.

"Is that it?” Hopper stared over Jack's shoulder. "There's got to be something else."

"Conjuration," Sarah said, looking up at him.

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"Well . . . Yeah, that's a given, Sarah.” Jack smiled weakly.

“No, that's what it says.” She shook her head at him.

"What says?” Hopper stared at her. "You mean the book is talking to you?"

"No, silly.” Sarah giggled and shoved at Hopper's massive shoulder, which did not budge

an inch. "The title, on the cover."

"You can read it?” Jack asked running his fingers over the strange runes that ran across

the top of the book.

"Duh," Sarah stared at him, uncomprehending. "It's English, Jack."

"No, it's not,” Hopper chimed in.

"It's not?” Sarah stared at the writing. "It is to me."

"Then I guess it belongs to you.” Nicole smiled as she grabbed the book and tossed it to


While Jack slept, exhausted from his ordeal the others dove into the book. Sarah read

the titles of the spells and incantations aloud as she flipped through the pages. Hopper

insisted on earmarking certain spells for easy future access. Tiring of the search, Nicole left

them to their work. She decided her time was better spent examining the map they had

gotten at the Inn. She grabbed the satchel and headed over to sit next to Jack's sleeping

form as Hopper and Sarah began to work on a levitation spell.

“Okay, raise your arms out in front of you and command it to rise,” Hopper instructed as

Sarah concentrated on the spell.

The words were unnatural and hard to form, much more difficult than the magic spell

Nicole had taught her. She was not entirely sure she was even pronouncing them correctly.

The book contained no instructions, simply the incantations. Nothing happened as she

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stood over the small loaf of bread, her hands stretched out above it. Sarah frowned and

wiggled her fingers at the bread on the grass before her, as if that would aid her spell.

"Well, you cast a spell over me long ago and you didn't even have a book then." Hopper

grinned, his booming voice deepening further as he gazed into her deep blue eyes.

Sarah glanced up and met his gaze. "That was cupid. He got us both with the same

arrow that day.” She smiled, forcing away the blush that threatened and turned back to the

bread. Lowering her hands to inches above the loaf, she repeated the phrase until

everything around her faded from view. Her fingers, then hands began to itch, and then

tingle. The sensation moved up her arms. Then, ever so slowly the loaf began to rise off the

ground, stopping to hover nearly a foot above the grass.

"I did it!” She squealed jumping into Hopper's arms and kissing his massive mouth.

"I knew you could!” He spun her around before depositing her back in place. "Now, try

something else,” he said, pulling back slightly and running his huge hand across his

gruesome maw.

"There's a hiccup incantation. Let's try it on Jack.” Sarah smiled mischievously, heading

for her first victim. The strange words flowed from her, dancing on her tongue. The

sensation was tantalizing, invigorating. She felt the power of the magic rise inside her.

Then, suddenly, Jack bolted upright and hiccupped.

Giggling with glee, Sarah and Hopper fell onto the grass unable to contain their delight.

Jack glanced around as the hiccups quickly worsened then suddenly subsided. Studying the

two wriggling forms on the grass before him and judging from Nicole's large grin, he grew


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“What's going on?” Jack’s eyes narrowed at the ugly troll as Hopper righted himself and

tried to look innocent.

"She just cast a spell on you Jack,” Nicole explained as his two friends acted like

mischievous imps, gleefully staggering toward them.

"What kind of spell?” Jack demanded turning toward Sarah.

"Oh relax, Jack. Just a little case of the hiccups,” Sarah announced, proudly.

"Well then we can quit worrying about those warriors now. Sarah has everything under

control. She'll make them hiccup so hard they'll fall right off their horses,” Jack chuckled,

leaning back against the tree.

"I'm just getting started, Jack,” Sarah quipped with a defiant smile. "Go back to sleep,


"Not likely.” Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her down beside him. "Show me your

stuff oh magical one."

"I should try another small spell before I attempt anything remotely threatening.” Sarah

smiled slyly and turned toward Hopper.

A look of great concern came over Hopper’s face as she began to chant. Hopper

furrowed his brow and his heart sped up. Was it his turn to be the next victim? Trying to

hide his distress, he managed a smile and said, "Did I tell you how beautiful you looked just

before you lay down on the cot this morning?"

Sarah ceased her chanting and stared expectantly at Hopper. "Well?"

"Well, what?” Hopper stared back at her. "What kind of spell was it?"

"You tell me,” Sarah answered, rising to face him.

"Nothing's happening.” Hopper glanced over at Jack, "Is it?"

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“You look the same to me,” Jack said, "No feminine features yet, Sarah."

"What?” Hopper staggered backward terrified.

It was Jack's turn to fall back laughing.

Hopper grimaced, “Very funny.” Then suddenly he stiffened and started to squirm.

"Sarah!” he bellowed, "Not that, anything but that! Stop it!"

Sarah giggled saying, "He hates to be tickled."

Hopper jerked and wiggled, screaming with laughter as he worked his way toward them.

"Sarah! It feels like ants are crawling all over me,” he gasped; fell to the ground and started

rolling and kicking with laughter. His deep voice boomed, "Enough!"

The others laughed in spite of their empathy for the troll. "I thought nothing could bring

him to his knees,” Jack guffawed. “Leave it to a seemingly defenseless female to lay you out

cold, eh Hopper?"

"This will teach him to appreciate you, Sarah,” Nicole added.

"Well at least he'll never underestimate me.” The tall sorceress smiled back at her.

Hopper rolled onto his knees and crawled to Jack, gasping for breath. "Help . . . me.”

Jack knelt beside him. "Sarah, I think he's had enough.” A shiver ran through him as he

recalled Nicole's recent fit of hysteria.

"Well your hiccups stopped right away.” Sarah's smile vanished. "It should stop any


"I . . . Can't . . . Stand it!” Hopper collapsed onto the grass. "It hurts . . .”

“Todd?” Sarah rushed to his side.

"Is there some kind of counter spell?” Nicole asked.

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"Can't . . . Breathe . . .," Hopper gasped, his lips were turning blue. Tears were streaming

down his hairy cheeks.

"Do something!” Jack grabbed Sarah by the shoulders.

Sarah jumped up and rushed over to the rocks where she had left the book and scanned

the pages surrounding the tickle spell desperate to find anything to help. "I can't find

anything. It HAS to wear off?” She rushed back to them. "Todd? Hold on, just a few

seconds more. Concentrate on your breathing, try to take just one slow breath."

Hopper was oblivious to anything but the torturous laughter the flowed uncontrollably

from his mouth.

Sarah screamed as Hopper began to convulse. "Jack, do something! I’m killing him!"

Jack sprung up and rushed to her side. "I can't read it! You'll just have to take it one

page at a time."

Nicole moved slowly toward Hopper as Jack and Sarah raced through the book. Taking

Hopper by the arm, Nicole gently pulled him to his knees. "Laughter's unusual for a troll,”

she whispered. Her eyes grew glassy and dark. "Trolls and elves have never been close

friends you know, but I'll help you, Hopper. I won't desert you.” Her eyes began to

brighten and glow the same soft green light as when she arrived. Nicole led Hopper toward

the pool as she began to sing a whispering lullaby.

Sarah's scream jolted Nicole back to awareness. The young Sorceress' eyes filled with

horror as Nicole pushed the nearly unconscious Hopper into the dark frothy water.

“He'll drown!” Sarah cried rushing toward them. "He's too weak!”

Hopper's head popped out of the water as Sarah reached the edge of the pond. "I'm all

right.” He gasped, sucking in a deep breath of air. Jack was in the water beside him in an

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instant helping the huge troll to the edge of the pond. Sarah's waiting arms pulled his

massive hulk out of the water and held him tight. Taking his large head in her hands, Sarah

kissed his huge lips deeply.

"Nicole, what just happened?” She turned to the silent elf.

"Water is a pure element. It dilutes acid, stops chemical reactions, and washes away the

dust of the earth. It's a cleansing agent. What would work better to cure a dark spell?”

Nicole answered quietly, surprised at her own words. "You could have killed him Sarah."

"I didn't realize.” Sarah's eyes filled with tears. "Todd, you know I'd never . . ."

"It's okay, baby.” Hopper pulled her to him. "I know you'd never hurt me."

"Thank you, Nicole.” Sarah reached out and took Nicole's hand. They stood staring at

each other as the glow faded from Nicole's eyes.

“Forget it,” Nicole answered, turning away.

"I'm sorry about what I said,” Sarah called after Nicole.

Nicole spun and flashed a smile to hide her concern over her own mental stability. "We

better get moving, we don't want to get caught with our backs to the water."

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Chapter Six

The Dark Warrior gazed at the small group from across the rolling waters. His sapphire

eyes showed great astonishment at the sight of the beautiful sorceress showing such

devotion to a troll. Perhaps they were not Puissant's destroyers after all. His eyes fell from

the young woman to the rocky ground beneath them as thoughts of duty pressed him to

action. He could not let a pretty face and a seemingly compassionate heart dissuade him

from what must be.

Jack and Nicole packed the food and supplies as Sarah helped Hopper onto his horse.

Fetching the thick tree limb that served as his weapon, Sarah tied it to Hopper's saddle

before mounting her white mare.

"The map shows a large series of narrow canyons running the entire length of the

mountain range,” Sarah announced, studying the soft leather parchment. "There's a

canyon passage near the crest of the double peak."

"We’ll have to find some high ground. You can't see the sky through these trees, much

less a mountain,” Jack said as he headed for the waterfall.

Climbing the rocks, Jack stood near the edge of the cascading water and gazed over the

trees. "There's a double peak just west of here,” he yelled.

"Wonderful! Now anyone in the immediate vicinity knows exactly where we are

headed,” Sarah chided.

"Let them come,” Nicole declared as she swung up on her horse. "I’m ready for a little


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"How much longer until nightfall?’’ Sarah asked.

Nicole shrugged, "What do you think Barbarian?"

"Beats me,” Jack answered climbing down. "Let's go. I'll take the point."

They headed into the forest. Working their way through the dense foliage, they

searched for any sign of a path leading into the mountains. Nicole sang to the animals and

they reappeared to greet her, scampering away when the others came near. The small red

fox from that morning appeared out of a dense thicket. It darted toward Nicole then veered

off to one side, disappearing into the trees. Eyes narrowing, Nicole called the party to a halt.

"We've got company,” she announced.

A rush of pounding hoofs reached them. The group turned their heads simultaneously.

A band of nearly twenty elves on horseback appeared from the far end of the thicket just

ahead of them. Without hesitation, their leader took action, determined to capture the

sorceress whose beauty haunted him.

He was a golden haired elf of large stature dressed in black chain link armor. Drawing

forward, he raised his sword high above his head. The Dark Warrior’s eyes met Sarah's and

he hesitated. She froze. Much to her surprise she was met by a pair of radiant blue eyes that

caused her stomach to leap and her heart to race.

"Back!” Jack shouted turning his horse around. The others followed suit, retreating the

way they had come. A shrill war cry pierced the air as the warriors charged. Veering from

the path and crashing through the underbrush, Hopper cleared a trail with his club for the

others to follow. Galloping blindly through the thicket, Hopper searched for an easier route

in an attempt to gain distance from their attackers and still head toward their goal. The

warriors raced toward them, unhindered by the dense line of trees and brush.

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Without warning a large doe leapt out of the thicket directly in the path of the charging

elves. The lead horses, startled by the sudden movement, reared and snorted in fright. The

instant of confusion slowed the warriors approach, allowing the adventurers to lengthen

their lead. Pushing the frightened horses aside, the Dark Warrior forced his horse past,

continuing the chase. Arrows began to assault the brush around the adventurers as the

elves attempted to halt the escape. The small red fox dashed out of the underbrush to race

under the legs of the pursuers' horses, sending several more warriors reeling into the


A hawk flew from the treetops into the leaders face. He swatted it away and pushed on,

gaining ground with each stride. The air around the warriors seemed to take form as birds

of prey dove out of the sky attacking them. The elves fought to control their horses, urging

them forward, trying to keep pace with their commander.

Hopper came to an abrupt halt as his friends cleared the dense trees. "We're trapped!” .

He motioned toward the rock bluff that stretched out before them. They had fled into a

small canyon, concealed by the trees. The sheer wall of the bluff gave no hint of escape. As

Jack cleared the trees, Hopper turned his horse around and charged back toward the dark


“Todd! No, there’s too many!” Sarah screamed as he disappeared.

Without hesitation, Nicole drew her short sword and followed. Hearing the battle cries

of the warriors, Jack hesitated for only an instant, his mind flashing back to the waterfall

and the darkness of the cave. It felt so life-like, the water forcing it’s way into his lungs. It

was all too real. Pushing the reality of the adventure out of his mind Jack surged toward the

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trees while Sarah struggled to free the spell book from her saddlebag. The rushing

adrenaline made it difficult for her fingers cooperate.

Jack drew his sword as he reached the small clearing where they had left the warriors.

He prepared to fight again to save his friends’ lives. Hopper was already swinging madly at

three large elves attempting to slip past him. Nicole jumped from her horse onto the back

of a warrior. With a mighty thrust, she drove her short sword through his chest. Without

missing a beat, she sprang from the horse and sprinted toward a small cluster of warriors

heading toward her.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack saw the Dark Warrior charge him. Meeting the assault,

he managed to deflect the first blow with his sword. The force vibrated through his body

and nearly threw him from his saddle. As the Dark Warrior pulled his horse around to face

him, Jack surged forward yanking hard on his reins. His horse reared ready to attack the

Dark Warrior’s horse. The large elf dove from his saddle before the tan mare’s hooves

struck. Not waiting for the warrior to recover, Jack spun and charged into the last group of

elves who had managed to surround Hopper.

Swinging his sword in a broad arc, Jack issued an impressive war cry as he severed the

head of the nearest elf. A young female warrior turned and met Jack's attack carrying only

a large staff. Rendering it useless with one blow, Jack raised his sword to strike and

hesitated as his eyes focused on the body of the headless elf sprawled out on the ground

behind her. Jack screamed in rage at the young elf. She was a fool to bring only a staff to a

battle and he was tired of killing. Jack turned to face another, he would not kill an unarmed

female. Jack undercut the warriors attack with the tip of his blade and sent his sword flying.

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Without hesitating, Jack punched him square in the face with his hilt, then turned and left

the warrior unconscious on the ground.

The sky began to transform. Fingers of black mist stormed across the horizon, leaving

the clearing as dark as a moonless night. The large trees surrounding them dipped and

swayed in the fierce wind, sending a sturdy evergreen crashing into the center of the

clearing. The battle halted in an instant.

A loud roar reverberated from the tangled brush before them. All eyes turned to face its

source. The earth shook from a piercing scream as the creature emerged forward with

massive clawed feet, trampling the giant trees The White Oaks and ancient Redwoods were

nothing but a patch of tall grass to this enormous creature. Rising to its full height, it stood

nearly 40 feet. Its long snout swayed from side to side between two large menacing horns.

It screamed a challenge through needle-like teeth that stretched the full length of a human

arm. Covered with long dark brown fur, it was difficult to discern where the creature

ended in the darkness.

The warriors backed away from the adventurers, as their leader fearlessly rushed to

meet this new foe. Hopper snatched Nicole from the midst of the elves and tossed her on

her horse.

"Where did that come from?” he asked breathlessly.

“I don't know.”

Sarah appeared at the edge of the clearing in time to see the warriors charge the

creature. Galloping to them, she motioned toward the far end of the glen. Moving past the

battle, the small group raced into the trees.

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"Wait!” Jack yelled, slowing their escape. "That thing . . . we can't just leave them to its


"They were trying to kill us, Jack!” Nicole challenged, sheathing her sword.

"If aliens attacked Eastern Europe, don’t you think China and Russia would unite against


"What?” All three stared at him.

"Forget it, Jack. If we came to their rescue, they would turn on us when that thing was

dead, if we could kill it. Let's get as far away from that creature as possible before it

decides we are its next snack.” Nicole turned her horse back toward the trail.

"No," Jack reached out and took hold of her arm. "I’m not going to let them die. Just

because I’m dressed like a barbarian doesn’t mean I have to act like one."

"It's all right, Jack" Sarah smiled, moving toward him, "It won't hurt them."

"How can you say that? It's huge!” Jack spun his horse back in the direction of the battle.

"It's mine,” Sarah added calmly.

“Yours?” Jack turned back to her.

"Conjuration, she's my baby.” Sarah beamed, triumphantly. "It's a mixture of a

Mammoth, gorilla and a saber tooth tiger.” Her delighted laughter lightened Jack’s mood.

"She thinks we're her young and is keeping them busy until we get away."

"That was fantastic!” Hopper's deep voice penetrated the darkness. "But can you bring

back the sunlight? It'd be easier to travel if we could see where we're going."

"Of course," Sarah answered. "And don’t worry Jack, it won't hurt them. I made sure of

that. But it will keep them occupied for a few hours."

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Looking toward the canopy of trees Sarah, spoke a few short phrases allowing the magic

to surge up within her. A soft breeze began to blow, flowing through her long amber hair

as a soft yellow glow enveloped her. A trickle of light drifted downward through the thick

canopy. Hopper's breath quickened at the sight of Sarah, consumed by her magic. Never

before had the woman he loved looked so elegant, so beautiful. He felt stirrings build up

inside him he had so carefully kept under control for the last two years. Glancing down at

his clawed hands and hairy body, his eyes darkened and the stirrings vanished.

"We don't have much light left,” Jack observed. “Let's put some distance between us and

our friends."

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Chapter Seven

Crickets filled the cool night air with a beckoning song Nicole could not resist. Hopper

and Sarah fell asleep nestled together under a large fir tree as the elf silently disappeared

into the forest. Jack gathered more wood for the fire and added a few extra logs to keep it

burning as they slept. Nicole wandered effortlessly through the darkness. The sound of a

small gurgling brook drew her to its sandy banks. Sitting on the edge of a fallen tree, she

pulled her boots off and thrust her tired feet into the stream. The cold water numbed her

aching arches, sending a shivering pulse of relief through her small form.

A small cloud slipped across the moon causing a shift in the shadows, Nicole became

part of the forest, silent and watching. Her dark green eyes focused on the same small red

fox that had warned her of the warriors’ attack earlier that same evening. Smiling, she

reached out and waited for it to join her. She stroked is soft fur then rose as they walked

together deeper into the forest.

Tired of sitting quietly, waiting for some large creature to descend on them from the

darkness, Jack rose from his perch at the edge of the small camp. His thoughts went to

Nicole, where had she gone, and what did she think she was doing? Hadn’t they had enough

excitement for one day? Grabbing his sword, Jack headed in the direction he had seen her

disappear. One glance at Hopper and Sarah’s sleeping forms and he vanished into the

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shadows. He was determined to find the sexy imp and return her to camp, over his

shoulder if necessary. She had been gone for nearly an hour. “Dr. Strong said to stay

together,” Jack mumbled under his breath as his foot struck a small rock. It was impossible

to predict what could be lurking in the darkness surrounding the camp. Nicole was foolish

to assume their adventure would only take place during the daylight hours. Anyone of

them could be easily taken in the darkness and spirited away to lead the others on a chase

far from their goal. Jack smiled wickedly as a vision came to him of Nicole’s shapely legs

sticking out of the jaws of some hideous creature.

His smile vanished. If there were a monster, it would more than likely spit out Nicole’s

dead body and challenge him to a fight to the death. Another kill, another notch on his

bloody sword. If he had to kill, then so be it. Still, he would prefer to slay a dragon than

another elf. Their deaths seemed too real.

“I won’t kill another elf,” Jack announced to the darkness. It was only a game, an

illusion. The whole idea of this hypnotic adventure was to insure the experience felt as real

as possible. However, the way those elves died was too real, too harsh. It took the fun out

of the game. He was not one to revel in the blood and guts of horror movies. He enjoyed

the suspense or action, and a shapely female always helped the lack of a plot.

Jack forced himself to slow his pace. His eyes searched the darkness spotting a white-

faced owl as it took flight deep into the woods. He succumbed to an overwhelming urge to

follow the bird and moved silently through the trees tracking its flight. Hearing the sound

of rushing water Jack hesitated, listening for any sign of activity. Jack took measured, slow

steps toward the water. The small brook was nothing like the pounding falls that had

nearly ended his journey earlier. How had the good doctor managed to give him such a

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complete sensation of diving? The feelings of cool water on his skin, the sound of the falls

from beneath the surface were just too real. He had even felt the pressure change as he

swam to the base of the pond. There must be a pool somewhere in the complex. Strong

must have led them to it and allowed Jack to dive into the water.

The panic and pain when his lungs drew in the water came back to Jack as he breathed

in the moist air surrounding the brook. Dr. Strong was no fool. He would not risk a lawsuit

by the family of a drowned client. Jack doubted that Dr. Strong could have described the

feeling of drowning to someone unless he had experienced it himself. It was highly unlikely

that two out of the seven people involved in this adventure would have experienced the

terror of drowning and lived to tell about it. Although it was not something that would

come up in ordinary conversation, Jack knew, he knew how it felt.

He had nearly died with his father when they were on vacation one summer. The long

stretch of white sandy beach seemed so peaceful and safe. His father let him wander too

deep into the waves. He was yanked off his feet by the strong undertow and was swept

away from the shore. Away from the people, he loved. His father had found him, deep

beneath the salty water and pushed him to the surface, away from the pull of the ocean. A

lifeguard arrived in time to drag Jack to shore. However, his father never made it back to

the surface. Jack had lost him forever.

Jack's father was his hero, the one who convinced him to make the most of his life before

it slipped from his grasp. Perhaps Strong somehow managed to tap into that memory and

used it. Was he at this very moment exploring their memories for parallels in which to

heighten their adventure?

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When the game was over, Jack was going to find out what really happened. If Dr. Strong

were taking liberties with his psyche, the prestigious psychologist would be the first to find

out if hypnotically induced battle skills carried over to the real world. Shaking off the

barbarian persona that sought to overwhelm him with its angry brutality, Jack adjusted the

sword in his belt and continued toward the brook. He spotted movement near a fallen log.

His hand went to the hilt of his sword only to relax when he realized it was Nicole.

Sitting quietly, stroking the soft fur on the back of a small fox the dark elf turned slowly

and smiled up at Jack. Entranced by her sparkling smile and deep green eyes, Jack sat

down in the tall grass at her feet. Allowing his eyes to wander, Jack traced the outline of

her small leather vest admiring her large breasts and velvet skin. His eyes rose to meet

hers, fighting the urge to reach out to feel the softness of her skin. He followed her gaze

toward the treetops. A small break in the canopy allowed them a breathtaking view of the

star-filled sky. A sense of calm came over Jack as he relaxed on the bank beside her.

Following her lead, he removed his boots and sank his feet into the icy water.

"How did you find me?” Nicole asked. Studying his face, she allowed their shoulders to

rub against each other.

“I followed an owl.” Jack smiled softly, feeling the exhaustion wash over him. Nicole

smiled, her dark eyes twinkling in the pale light. "Who's your friend?” Jack continued,

reaching toward the fox.

Springing from her lap, the small animal scurried off and disappeared into the brush.

Nicole's eyes followed it filled with silent laughter. "I guess he isn’t in a social mood,” she

whispered, turning toward him and reaching out to caress his wavy brown hair.

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“But you have been, all day.” Jack reached out to take her hand in his. Jack felt the

warmth of her palm brush against his ear as Nicole ran her fingers through his hair.

Her eyes met his. Realizing for the first time how deep blue they were. She could easily

become lost in those round sapphire pools.

“Have I?” she asked, studying his face.

“I’ve never seen you so . . . relaxed, so carefree.”

“Carefree, that’s the perfect word for how I feel,” Nicole answered, her hand exploring

the contours of his back as she moved down onto the grass beside him. “All the tension and

stress I’ve carried with me for so long has vanished. I don’t feel that surging force inside

me. I have always felt driven, impatient for what the next step is supposed to be. As if I

should be accomplishing something, striving to better myself, to make a difference every

moment. I actually can’t remember a time when I wasn’t compelled to be the best at

everything. Now, just because I am here, in this ‘world’, I am free. Free of my anger, free of

my inhibitions, free from the life I’ve worked so hard to build.” Nicole stared up at the stars,

shaking her head in wonder. “For the life of me Jack I can’t even remember why I was so

driven.” Nicole leaned closer and nuzzled his neck, “Why is that Jack? What is it about Dr.

Strong and this imaginary world that has finally allowed me to forget all the crap I insisted

on building my life around?”

“Are you so sure Dr. Strong did that?” Jack’s eyes narrowed.

“You think I liberated myself? That I’m taking liberties with my psyche under the mask

of this elfin personality?” Nicole smiled at him. “Very deductive, Jack.”

"Not at all Nicole. You think this is some fantastic game where anything goes,” Jack

snapped, fighting his attraction to her. Tom was his friend, he could not betray him. “You

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haven’t escaped from anything. You're so hyped on turning this into a million dollar

investment, you’ve forgotten that we return to reality in a few hours.”

“Relax, Jack.” The corners of her lips turned up in response to his feisty retort softly as

she leaned back against the log.

"Reality, Nicole. You remember it. It's where you'll have to explain to Tom what you

were doing ten seconds ago."

"Tom was a mistake, Jack. A big one for both of us.” Nicole turned and stared at him. "I

wanted him because he was stable, well-educated and had connections in places I couldn't

reach. He wants me because I'm old money and he needs the prestige.” She gazed into his

eyes, her face softening. "But why am I explaining this to you? You knew that before I did."

"I never said anything . . .”

"You didn't have to, Jack. Deep down inside, we both knew.”

The crickets filled the silence between them as they stared into the shadows. Wind

rushed over the treetops, bringing with it a dampness that settled over the forest like a cool


"I have liberated myself, Jack,” she finished.

“Maybe… you’ve always been in control Nicole of every aspect of your life. I find it hard

to believe you’re not holding your own now. Dr. Strong may be guiding this journey, but he

can’t control every emotion we feel, not for seventy-two hours straight. He has to take a

break sometime. Our sleeping periods would be the perfect time for him to rest. So, the way

I figure it, we are on our own for the next hour or so. What we are feeling now are your own

emotions, free from his influence.” His eyes met hers. He knew deep in his heart Tom and

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Nicole were not in love. There was no spark between them. Yet he found himself shifting

further from her, Tom was still his friend.

“I've felt different from the moment we arrived here. Maybe it is the elf character or the

expectations of the adventure. I don’t know and I don’t care. I just hope I can carry this

back with me.” Nicole closed the distance between them, leaning closer to him. “For the

first time in my life, I can relax. I have night vision which allows me to see the animals that

roam through the night. My hearing is acute, I can sit and listen, to the crickets, the water,

the wind as if I were one of them. It doesn’t matter where I am, what I am doing, I hear

them all. But, the most important thing right now is, that I am sitting still, perfectly still. No

impatient, wiggling, twitching or tapping. I wish I could stay here, forever."

Jack's laughter filled the small clearing silencing the night sounds around them. "You

and I have never been in sync. Here you are talking about harmony and contentment and

all I feel is skepticism.” Jack shook his head sadly. "Dr. Strong's made this seem too real for

me. I am having a hard time dealing with all the bloodshed . . . and your turnabout. I think

we are running around the countryside like a band of psychotic killers, slashing and

laughing.” Jack's smile faded as he leaned forward to snatch a small rock from the bubbling

water. "I think we've lost sight of the real adventure."

"We've reversed roles.” Nicole giggled. She took hold of his shoulder and pushed him

down onto the grass as she lay down beside him and glanced up at the stars. "I was the

cautious, dedicated leader and you were the carefree adventurer. Now I am rushing into

unknown encounters, throwing caution aside and you are the one hollering for us to stay

on target. "

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. If you and Hopper keep running off . . .”

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“Okay, no more charging into the face of danger unless it's absolutely necessary,” Nicole


Chuckling at her daughterly tone, Jack conceded and changed the subject. "Do you

realize this is the first conversation we've had without arguing?"

"You mean without insulting each other,” Nicole corrected, grinning back at him in the


“I've never insulted you,” Jack whispered, rolling onto his side and looking into her dark

green eyes.

Nicole met his stare. "You're right, I guess. I have a habit of considering whatever you

say to be an insult because your comments are always so close to the mark. I am here to


"There's nothing wrong with that.”

"I know.” Nicole ran her fingers down his bare sculptured arm. "Do you think we can be

friends when we get back to reality?”

"What are you going to tell Tom?"

"The truth, not like the last time. When you kissed me that night, I convinced myself it

was because you were drunk.”

“Then I think we might have a chance.” Jack grinned.

"I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with."

"Well, that’s certainly true.” Jack winked, place his hand on her hip.

"It's just I feel people should stop whining about their lives and make them into what

they want them to be."

"Instead of treating your life like a big vacation," Jack cut in.

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"You completely frustrate me, Jack. You have no goals, no direction you just float around

the world and enjoy yourself. Your life is completely unstructured. Even so, you’ve always

had everything you wanted. You are also careless at times because you have a close group

of friends who care deeply about you and are always willing to bail you out of any situation

you get yourself into. It infuriates me and at this moment I have no idea why." Nicole sighed

and sat up.

Jack sat up next to her, staring at her in silence. She had no idea how beautiful she was,

how much he wanted her. How much he’d always wanted her that night at the Christmas

party. He drank too much trying to forget how sexy she looked in that burgundy dress. It

hugged her body like she’d been poured into it. She’d let her hair hang loosely around her

bare shoulders. It was more than Jack could handle. He had to kiss her, just once, no matter

what the price.

The pair of adventurers sat quietly on the bank of the narrow brook, listening to the

distant cry of the night. A raccoon appeared across the water carrying a small object in its

paws. Carefully, it danced across the rocks on the brook toward them. Stopping a few feet

away, it surveyed them, then walked up to Nicole, placed the object in her lap and

scampered off. Jack reached over, picked up the delicate oval and examined it.

"An egg," he frowned, glancing up at Nicole.

"Breakfast," She declared, her eyes sparkling in the darkness.

“Well you’ll need a few dozen more to make a decent omelet. It's not big enough to feed a


"She was making a gesture of friendship," the dark-eyed elf explained.

"Have you received many of these gifts?” Jack chuckled, handing her the tiny blue egg.

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"The birds bring me flowers."

"That's useful.”

Nicole smiled and glanced around, “Look, there through the trees.”

"What?” Jack sat upright, reaching for his sword.

“It’s the doe that helped us escape."

Seeing the faint image of a deer in the shadows, Jack relaxed back against the log. The

crickets continued their serenade. Nicole pointed out the night creatures as they rushed to

fulfill their needs. A sudden flutter caught their attention as the white-faced owl lit on the

hollow log behind them.

“That's my buddy,” Jack pointed out.

The small owl cocked its head to one side and dropped a dead field mouse into Jack's lap

then flew into the darkness.

Jack lifted the small sacrifice up by the tail and waited patiently for Nicole to stop


"A token of my esteem, My Lady.” He handed her the mouse. Accepting the gift, Nicole

tossed it high into the air. The owl swept out from the trees, snatched it up, and


Staring after the tiny predator as it vanished in the darkness, Nicole's thoughts went to

her other self. She turned back to Jack and smiled, softly. She knew why she was angry

with him. That night at the Christmas party his eyes sparkled with mischief. He allowed his

arm to brush against her breasts as he slipped past her to chase a doe eyed blonde. Nicole

found it difficult to concentrate on business each time Jack’s boisterous laugh rang through

the room. Yet, while Tom was busy making connections it was Jack that saved her from the

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District Attorneys advances. He somehow sensed her discomfort when the DA’s arm

slipped around her waist. Jack appeared out of nowhere to whisk her onto the dance floor.

She couldn’t even remember, what light-hearted excuse he used to steal her from her

bosses grasp. The truth was, she wanted him to kiss her. His infectious smile and quick wit

were exactly what she needed, but foolishly had not wanted. She cooed softly, reaching out

to caress his bare shoulder. "Did you ever wonder what it would be like to kiss a woodland


"What?” His eyebrows furrowed and his head tilted with curiosity. He was the one who

made the first move that night. He was the one who took the risk and threw all caution

aside. Jack could still feel her warm, moist lips on his. Her hint of surprise, without pulling

away. He would never forget how she made his heart race. He didn’t think he could stop at

just a kiss this time. Not if she returned his passion.

"Woodland elves are sisters to the forest nymphs. Wouldn’t you like to experience the

kiss of a magical nymph?"

“I'm not sure what you're asking . . .”

Nicole leaned against him in the darkness. The wind blew softly, flowing through her

long black hair. "The thought has crossed your mind, hasn't it, Jack?" she whispered,

slipping her arms around his muscled waist. “Tell me, Jack.”

“Nicole . . ." Jack growled, stiffening from her breath on his ear.

“I’ve thought about it, Jack. I never would have admitted it as Nicole Waters. However,

here in this world Nicole Waters does not exist. Only a woodland elf, one who wants to

know what it's like to feel the warmth of your body close to hers.” Nicole nestled against

him, brushing her lips across his throat.

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"Remember reality Nicole?” Jack cautioned.

"Didn't you ever wonder what it would be like to make love to me, Jack?"

Jack grabbed Nicole’s arms by the wrists and pushed her back from him. "Reality," he


"I haven't forgotten it, Jack.” She met his angry gaze, “It’s over with Tom. I’m done


Jack's arms surrounded her as he pulled her against him.

An uncontrollable shiver ran through Nicole's small form. They fell back onto the grass

clinging to one another. Jack's lips traced the outline of her throat moving down to the

softness of her breasts as he unbuttoned her vest. Nicole arched her back and pulled him


"Stay with me tonight, Jack,” she whispered, breathlessly.

Jack gazed into her eyes as he brushed a strand of ebony hair from her cheek and

whispered, "I'm not going anywhere.”

Hopper gently separated himself from the slumbering sorceress he had held throughout

the night. Smiling down at her, he rose and grimaced as his long spine snapped and

crackled. Glancing around for Nicole and Jack, he found a pile of large red and purple

berries on their food satchel near the cold embers of their fire. Snatching a handful, he

kissed Sarah gently on the forehead, his deep voice whispered in her ear. "There's mischief

afoot, Sorceress. I do believe a band of crazed fairies set upon us whilst we slept."

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Her eyes popped open, startled by his words and the deep tone of his voice. "Fairies?”

She gasped, sitting up, confused.

"Fruit fairies to be exact.”

"What are you talking about?"

"Nicole and Jack gathered some berries for us.” His large crooked smile met her eyes.

He opened her hand and filled it with the smooth round berries, popping several in his

mouth. “They're sweet and juicy."

Following his lead, she tried the colorful fruit, surprised at her appetite. "Where are our

two protectors?” she asked, reaching out to help herself to more.

“Beats me. They’ll turn up. Let's find some place to wash up."

"Good idea and the horses could use some water,” Sarah said as she took another

handful of the berries and headed for their mounts.

Hopper led the horse into the trees following Sarah. They found Jack lying next to a

hollow log, half dressed and sound asleep. Todd cleared his throat loudly and nudged Jack

in the side with his foot.

"I was wrong about the fairies, Sarah. It looks like our benefactors were more of the

nymph variety," Hopper chuckled.

Startled by their presence, Jack sat up quickly and glanced around for Nicole. Finding no

sign of her, he stared up at his smiling companions. "I was . . . uh . . . The fire was too hot.”

"Oh yeah, that's a common phenomenon in the forest at night," Hopper said, smirking at


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Taking the horses downstream Hopper released them and waded into the rushing water

to splash his face. Sarah sat at the edge of the brook, next to Jack and scooped up a handful

to do the same.

"Whoa!” She gasped, releasing the icy water. Shaking the residue from her hands, she

dabbed lightly at her face with what little moisture remained. A shrill whistle came from

behind them. Nicole's speckled stallion turned and trotted up the slope followed closely by

the other horses.

"Jane of the jungle, no doubt,” Jack muttered, pulling on his boots.

The trio arrived at the campsite to find Nicole stuffing their food satchel with a variety of

roots and nuts. She motioned for them to hurry, then threw one blanket after another onto

the horse's backs. Tossing Hopper his club as he neared, Nicole nodded toward the east.

"The warriors are moving in this direction. We're about an hour ahead of them and need to

get going.”

Hopper saddled the horses as the others gathered up their belongings and scattered the

remains of the fire. Sarah pulled her book of incantations out of her saddlebag and tied it

onto her saddle horn. Within minutes the small group was heading deeper into the

mountains. They moved up toward the crest of the nearest rise hoping to find a trail that

would take them across the ridge and into the valley beyond.

By midday, they were heading down into the valley below with no sign of pursuit. The

bright sun that warmed them despite the cool mountain air disappeared suddenly into

thick gray clouds. A dense layer of fog crept across the forest floor and down into the glen

below. The dim light and thick fog increased the difficulty of locating the fortress. There

were no roads or even a small dirt path to assist them, only an unnatural silence. Not a

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sound came from the forest around them. No animal calls or bird song, not even the flutter

of wings, or the buzz of insects.

Descending into the dark glen, the wind disappeared and the ominous silence that

followed caused the adventurers to slow their pace. The soft moist ground and the dark

spreading mist swallowed the sound of their horses’ footsteps. The beautiful silver trees

turned gnarled and twisted, their gleam a tarnished gray. The underbrush became thick

and unyielding. The adventurers had to retrace their steps several times in the growing

bleakness. Their moods darkened with the sky. No one spoke. Hopper urged his horse

closer to Sarah's as they reached the base of the forest valley.

"Look there." Sarah, pointed to a tiny shack that had fallen into decay. “Could that be it?"

Moving toward it, they dismounted a few yards away and stood staring at the decrepit

ruin. It was little more than a storage shed with only one door, no windows, and a roof of

rotten wooden slats.

Jack shook his head, “This can't be it. Dr. Strong described it as a stronghold."

"And it stinks!” Hopper added, wrinkling his nose at the overwhelming stench that

flowed from the shack and snaked up their nostrils.

"This is it,” Nicole said, moving forward. "I can feel the magic."

"All I feel is nausea,” Hopper grumbled, backing away. "It smells like something died in


“Something probably did,” Sarah added, quietly. "But I feel something too. A glimmer of

warmth, like I felt when I cast those spells.”

"We'll never know unless we take a look inside.” Nicole said. She reached for the broken

door that hung precariously from a rusty hinge.

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Jack stepped in front of her, “I should go first."

“All right, Barbarian.” Nicole was impressed with his gallantry and stepped aside.

Staring into her eyes, Jack was startled to find they were glowing. "Are you alright?” he

asked, reaching for her.

"Fine,” she answered, brushing his hand aside.

The instant she touched him, the previous night came rushing into his mind. The scent of

her, the softness of her skin. The sensations of making love by the edge of the brook sent

him staggering backward as he fought to maintain control. Her touch had lasted but an

instant and Nicole gave no indication, no acknowledgment of the encounter.

Nicole stared at him, waiting. Forcing himself to concentrate on the task, Jack pushed

the thoughts from his head, yanked open the half hinged door and stepped inside.

Darkness and the vile stench of death greeted him. Jack turned with a devilish smile of

anticipated adventure, and motioned for the others to follow. Nicole pulled her short

sword free and entered. Sarah opened her book of magic, grabbed Hopper by the front of

his fur vest, and pulled him in behind her.

"There's nothing in here," Hopper snarled in the darkness.

"How can you tell?” Jack asked. He was unable to see any of them, or anything else, once

they cleared the outline of the door.

"I'm a troll? I can see in the dark,” Hopper snarled again. He snatched a torch from the

debris of what appeared to be a rotted table and chairs scattered throughout the small

shack. "Sarah, I’m holding a torch in front of me, can you light it?"

Turning toward the sound of his voice, she began to chant the spell Nicole had taught her

back at the lake. The torch flared and glowed with a bright purple light, as did two others

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on the far wall. The two small tar soaked torches stood on either side of a small doorway

that was not quite tall enough for Nicole to pass through without ducking.

Pulling on the door, Nicole shook her head and glanced around the room. "It's locked

and there’s no keyhole."

Each in turn looked to Sarah to provide the answer. She shrugged coming toward them.

“Why don't you try knocking?”

Nicole ignored her and dug through the debris around them, pieces of furniture went

flying, when Hopper joined in. “There must be a lock mechanism in here somewhere; we

just have to find it."

They searched the shack to no avail. The tiny area consisted of four walls of thinly sliced

wood and a dirt floor that gave no indication of a secret door or the source of the incredible


"This is crazy!” Jack grumbled, heading for the door. “We're in the wrong place. There's

nothing here!"

"No!” Nicole insisted. "This is the place.” She turned to Hopper, "You are the key,

Hopper. Use it."

Staring down at her, Hopper shook his head confused. Then in one swift movement, he

smiled and charged at the door, throwing his full weight against it. Hopper sailed through

the door, surprised by the frailty of the rotting wood. He rolled down a flight of winding

steps to land on the stone floor at the bottom.

“Todd?” Sarah started forward, "Are you alright?"

"This is it!” He called up brushing the dirt and grime from his hairy limbs “It has to be,

there’s a long hallway down here. It looks like it goes on forever."

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Chapter Eight

The dark leader of the warriors stood beside the Queen’s aged wizard staring into the

glowing orb as it died when the adventurers disappeared into the bowels of evil. The elder

gently wrapped the sight giving treasure in a dark velvet cloth and placed it in a small silver

chest on a high shelf.

"My counter spell was effective, but it hasn't hindered their progress,” the wizard said,

"If anything, it has aided them," the younger replied, sitting down at the long stone table.

He slammed his fist onto the table in frustration.

The darkness of the chamber swallowed the echo of his fist. A small candle in the center

of the table gave little light to the elves as they discussed their newest threat. The

barbarian did not change, but is the most affected." The elder frowned, stroking his long,

thin white beard.

“And the elf is Woodland,” the younger cautioned. "That was not expected and is a great

concern. They could succeed. "

"No, the troll will turn. His true nature will soon surface.”

The younger pushed back from the table picking up his sword as he rose. "They will not

reach the cave.”

"There is much you do not understand,” the elder called out to the tall Dark Warrior as

he disappeared into the shadows.

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The hallway seemed to stretch on forever. The further the adventurers traveled into the

tunnels the more uncertain they became. Before them was only darkness. The only sound

they could distinguish was that of their own controlled breathing. The stench grew in

strength, nearly choking them with its potency. The walls of the tunnel were large stone

block, which never changed. Occasionally it gave way to another long corridor to the left or

right with no promise of discoveries or escape.

Jack grabbed Nicole’s arm holding her from another long tunnel. “We're lost.”

"No, we're headed in the right direction, I can feel the magic, it’s all around us. I can tell

it’s a talisman . . . and something else, something that isn’t right.” she insisted.

"Nothing is in here, except the stench we're swimming in,” Jack snarled, glancing past


Nicole jerking her arm away and turned to continue. "We can't just stand here in the


"We've been walking for miles,” Sarah said, "I'm taking a break." She sat cross-legged

on the dark stone floor and leaned back against the wall. Hopper joined her, producing a

small pouch of their breakfast berries. Jack sat across from them, extended his hand, and

looked up at Nicole. "Sit down. A few minutes delay won't take the edge off the adventure,

I promise.”

The small group sat quietly in the purple halo of Sarah's torch eating berries and trying

not to think about the source of the stench. Finished with her snack, Sarah opened her

book and searched for something that might help.

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"There's nothing in here about finding talismans. What exactly did the boy in the stables

say about the treasure at the falls?” she asked, glancing up at Jack and Nicole.

"He said we needed it,” Jack answered, shaking his head.

"He didn't say why?”

"Sorry he . . . uh . . . wasn't too articulate."

"And he smelled really bad,” Nicole added. "Pretty much the same as this place."

Staring down at the floor, Sarah concentrated on what the deception of the tunnel could

be. Finding a large crack running across the floor, she ran her fingers along it absent-

mindedly. She jerked her hand back as a large brown spider slipped through the crack and

skittered across the floor. Glancing around, she realized their mistake.

“Todd, which way did we turn at the first side tunnel?" she asked.

Hopper paused a moment straining to remember. "Left, I think.”

"Go back down the hall and take a look to the right,” she ordered, scrambling up from

the floor.

Hopper rose and jogged back down the hall to the first open hallway and peered around

the corner. “It's the steps up to the shack," he called back to them.

Following him, Jack and Nicole stared at the same stone steps they had used to enter the

tunnel. "How can that be? We haven’t made enough turns to have reversed our steps.”

Jack scowled, “Right?"

"We were never more than a few meters from the entrance the entire time,” Sarah

announced, from behind them. "We're caught in some kind of illusion."

"So what do we do?” Hopper asked, pushing past Nicole and Jack as they moved to join


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"You see this large crack in the floor? It runs across the hall. Maybe it's what we've been

looking for all along,” Sarah explained. "I saw a big spider climb out of it. I bet there's

another passage below us."

Kneeling down to examine it, Jack held his hand over the crack and nodded. "I can feel a


“How do we get in?” Nicole questioned, starting to examine the walls around them.

Hopper raised his club over his head. "Stand back.” He hammered on the floor for

several minutes with the large tree limb before surrendering, exhausted.

"Not a mark on it,” Jack said, tracing the border with his fingertips. "The edges go under

the walls, there's no way to pry it up."

"Then it's got to slide to one side or the other," Nicole added, still examining the walls.

"I can't find any loose stones that might trigger it."

"There has to be some way,” Sarah said then started, gagging as the stench suddenly

grew overwhelming.

"Behind you!” Hopper shouted, pushing Nicole to the floor in his attempt to reach Sarah.

Wheeling around, Sarah could see only darkness beyond their dim torch light. A large

black claw reached out, and snatched the Book of Incantations' from her hands. Hopper

dove over Sarah's shoulder, shoving her to one side as he threw himself into the large hairy

creature. They disappeared into the darkness, grunting and squealing. Jack snatched the

torch from Nicole and rushed forward, drawing his sword. Stopping abruptly near the far

end of the corridor, Jack found Hopper lying unconscious on the stone floor, his chest

covered in blood.

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"Todd!” Sarah screamed. Rushing to his side, she pulled the torch from Jack's hands and

knelt over Hopper to check his wounds. There was a large slash across his chest and a deep

wound to the side of his neck. Handing the torch back to Jack, Sarah tore at her robes and

applied pressure to the flow of blood coming from Hopper's throat.

"He's still alive." Sarah grabbed Nicole’s hand and placed it on Hopper’s neck. "Keep

pressure on it until I get the bandage secured."

"What was it?" Nicole looked up at Jack, as he explored the darkness around them.

"I don't know, but it was big, almost as big as Hopper. I'm going after it."

"No, we need you to help us get Todd up the stairs," Sarah ordered as she slipped one of

her makeshift bandages under Hopper's back and across his chest. "I think he may have

some broken ribs."

Jack tossed his sword to Nicole and handed Sarah the torch. He grabbed Hopper by the

shoulders and started to drag him toward the stone steps. "Keep your eyes open. It may

come back."

Sarah handed the torch to Nicole, picked up Hopper's large feet and followed Jack. As

they reached the steps the stench grew worse, Nicole spun around and brought Jack's

sword to bear just as the creature reached her. She thrust out and upward and severed the

clawed hand from the creature. An ear-piercing screech sent the torch flying as the

creature fell to the ground, squirming, an enormous mass of greasy brown hair. Behind

him, appeared another creature of equal size and strength. It hesitated for only a moment

before charging Nicole.

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Using all his might, Jack laid Hopper on to the floor at the top of the stairs and dove back

down the stairs to help Nicole. Jack pushed Sarah up toward Hopper as he passed her. "Get

Hopper out of here!” he yelled while yanking Nicole's short sword from her belt to attack

the nearest of what seemed to be an unending stream of smelly monsters converging on

the tiny stairwell.

The creatures dove sporadically at the pair of warriors, lashing at them with their

tremendous claws then disappearing into the darkness. Jack and Nicole were unable to

force them backward. Their best effort barely kept the creatures from overtaking them.

Backing up toward the stairway, the monsters tore at their legs as they fought to escape.

Sarah appeared at the top of the stone steps chanting. Suddenly a bright purple light flared

between them and their attackers, giving them a clear view of the creatures. Nicole gasped

and stumbled up the stairs . The creatures screeched in agony as the flames reached them.

Jack crawled up the last few steps and Nicole pulled him free.

The two warriors scrambled for the doorway of the shack as Sarah slammed the small

door closed and shoved as much debris as she could find in front of it. She found Nicole and

Jack lying next to Hopper's still form. They rested under a particularly thick stand of gnarly

trees some distance from the shack. Sarah began to tear at the arms of her robes, making

bandages for the deep gashes Jack and Nicole’s arms and legs. As she finished tending their

wounds as best she could, Hopper moaned and tried to raise his head.

Sarah rushed to his side. "Todd? Can you hear me?" Tears welled in her eyes. "It's


Hopper opened his eyes and stared up at her. "It was . . . Sick," he said softly, reaching

for his neck.

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"The tunnel trolls; there was something wrong with them,” Nicole clarified. She leaned

back against the small tree they had taken shelter under; her eyes were no longer glowing.

"They were trolls?” Sarah stammered. "The smell, it came from them."

A sense of worry came across Jack as he thought of the implications. "This doesn't sound

good. If they're sick, they could have infected us.”

Nicole looked at Sarah. “How can we tell?”

Staring back at them, the young sorceress shook her head, dumbfounded. She turned

back to help Hopper sit up and checked his wounds. “How do you know they are sick?"

“The smell for one. That's not the way I smell,” Hopper answered. He arched his back to

test his injuries. “He felt hot and greasy.”

"They were covered in large sores. It was hard to tell what they had once been,” Nicole


"Then how can you be sure they were trolls?” Sarah reasoned jumping up and moving

toward the horses.

"They were trolls alright.” Jack followed her, slowly, wincing from the pain of the slash

wounds on his arms. “They were almost the same height as Hopper and wore the same

type of fur clothing, right down to those furry boots of his. Add the big head thing to the

picture and what else could they be."

"Okay, then the sickness could be almost anything, ranging from Chicken Pox to an

allergic reaction to fleas or the plague. Any of which may or may not be contagious. But I

would expect that we, being of another species, and having been through the normal

childhood and diseases and inoculations should have nothing to worry about,” Sarah said

as she grabbed her horse’s reins and led him into the shade of the trees. "Besides it'd be a

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bad business decision to kill off one of your adventurers off with a plague. Aren't we

supposed to die in battle?"

"Hopper's the same species as they are,” Jack said. "And I'm not so sure Dr. Strong

knows what he's doing." Jack took his horse's reins from Sarah as she gathered the

remaining horses. "What are you doing?"

“We have to get out of here before those creatures decide to come after us. We are

outnumbered and injured. It’s crazy to stay."

"I don't think they'll come out of the tunnels," Hopper offered, appearing beside them.

"They've been down there too long.”

Sarah reached up to touch the bandage at his throat. She couldn’t imagine life without

him. "Todd, how can you know that?”

"I could make out some of their language, they were scared. They attacked us because

we came into their home."

“All the more reason to leave them alone,” Sarah implored.

"They have your book.” Nicole's voice came across the quiet clearing, through the

deepening fog.

"And the talisman?” Jack asked.

“If we go down there, they'll attack us again.” Sarah looked to Hopper for assistance.

Jack knew it was the only real option. He just needed to make Sarah understand. "I think

that fireball of yours scattered them. Now would be the perfect time to try."

“Todd," she pleaded with him.

“He’s right,” Hopper shook his head swaying slightly.

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“You're in no condition to go back into that hell hole.” Sarah pulled him back toward the

trees, down on the grass beside her, and checked the wound on his neck..

"I'm just a little dizzy, give me a couple minutes and I'll be fine,” Hopper said.

"The bleeding has stopped but you need stitches. How do your ribs feel?”

"He's fine, Sarah,” Nicole insisted and headed toward the shack. "We've got to get

moving. The talisman is in there somewhere and hopefully your book is with it. They

might have even made a nice little meal out of it by now. We know the trick to the maze.

That is where we can find the talisman. All we have to do is find the release for the slab.”

She stopped and turned around.

"We looked everywhere, there isn't one!” Sarah snapped.

"There's one place we haven't checked and Hopper’s the only one that can reach it,"

Nicole answered. “When we stood in the hallway I could feel the magic, it floated up from

the floor like a wave of tingling heat. It’s there, I know it.”

Sarah looked down, closed her eyes and shook her head. She looked into Hopper’s

determined face and followed her three limping companions back down into the darkness.

They filled the tunnel with torches from one end to the other. Jack and Nicole stood guard

at either end as Hopper examined the ceiling. In a manner of minutes, he located a small

rock protruding further than the others and pushed it slowly. Hopper jumped back,

knocking the others off their feet just inches clear of the gaping hole left as the stone slab

broke apart and fell without a sound into the darkness.

Shoving a torch into the large hole, they discovered a small room surrounding a

seemingly endless crater in the center of the chamber. Nicole grabbed the edge of the pit

and swung herself into the room. She reached up and took the torch from Jack. Hopper

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insisted on guarding them from above. Jack and Sarah followed Nicole. A soft breeze came

out of the dark crater brushing against the sky like the last breath of a dying man. They

searched the remains of the small chamber, careful to stay clear of the abyss. Near the edge

of the chamber was a series of small shelves, filled with what had once been books and

charts. Sarah froze when she spied The Rook of Conjugation, safely nestled in among the

decaying texts. Could it be? A guide for her magic, so easily found?

She slowly pulled the book from the shelf and gently examined the rest of the books on

the shelf. Each book disintegrated at her touch, giving no indication of whom or what had

hidden them there. Nicole silently motioned for them to join her on the other side of the

chamber. From under the remains of a small wooden bed, she produced a small wooden

chest, similar to the one they found under the waterfall.

"This is it,” Nicole said. She felt triumphant and her eyes began to take on the soft green

glow once more. This time Sarah could feel the magic radiate out from the small wooden

box. Nicole tucked it inside her belt reached up for Hopper's hand and disappeared back

up into the tunnel.

"Hurry, they're coming,” Hopper called down and reached back into the pit. "They're

not afraid of the torches."

Sarah climbed up beside Nicole, her heart pounding out of fear of coming face to face

with the disease ridden trolls. They raced for the steps while Hopper pulled Jack clear of

the stone chamber. Snarls sounded from behind them as they reached the door and rushed

into the shack.

"Burn it!” Hopper yelled to Sarah as they ran for the door.

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The same chant she had used earlier in the pit came back to her. Within seconds, the

shack burst into flames as with screams of rage rose from within. Adrenaline pumping

from their close call, they mounted their horses and galloped toward the crest of the glen.

Night would soon fall. They were determined to be as far away from the sorrowful

creatures of the tunnel as possible.

"The entrance to the cave is back in the valley with the trolls.” Sarah stretched out on

the cool grass grateful for the warmth of the morning sunlight. "It's impossible to tell how

extensive the tunnels run. They could be connected to the Cave of Sorrows. The entire

mountain range is riddled with caverns. We could run into them again at any time."

Hopper scratched at the itchy bumps on his hairy arms. Glancing over to the map Sarah

had just examined he moaned, "Then I better get a bigger club . . . and a flea collar. I think

I've been infested.”

"Go take a bath in the stream.” Sarah feigned a look of disgust and leaned slightly away

from him.

“We're on top of a mountain. Do you have any idea how cold that water is going to be?”

he whined, scratching the back of his neck.

"If you want to sleep next to me tonight, you'll get rid of them.”

Skulking toward the brook that ran alongside of their camp, Hopper dove into the icy

water and scratched at his fur trying to drown every flea on his body.

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Having overheard the conversation, Jack stifled a smile and sat down in the grass next to

Nicole. He watched her reexamined the small jewel covered.

"Give it up,” Jack advised, "We blew it. The box is empty there’s no talisman.”

"No," Nicole glared at Jack..

“Someone beat us to it,” Jack reasoned, sliding his arm around her.

Irritated by his willingness to call it quits, she shoved him away. "That's impossible.

Why don't you give me a hand instead of trying to distract me? I do not have time to play.

Your primal desires are going to have to wait." Nicole glared at him then turned back to the


"What's with you? Last night you couldn't keep your hands off me. Today, all I get is cold

stares and arguments."

"I'm sorry Jack.” Nicole turned back to him. She released the deep breath she didn’t

realize she been holding. "I don't want to go in there again. Hopper cannot take any more

abuse and we are running out of time. This has to be what we are looking for. It's just

another illusion like the tunnel."

"What about last night?” Jack asked softly. "Was that just an illusion?"

Nicole’s expression softened, “It was great, Jack. However, can you honestly say we

really made love? After all, this is a fantasy.”

He frowned and pulled her close, nuzzling her neck. "Last night was the most incredible

experience I've ever had and I'd like to repeat it as many times as possible.”'

"That’s what I mean, Jack. It was too incredible to believe.” She kissed him on the cheek.

Jack felt heat surge through his body as the memory of the previous evening flooded his

mind. "Everyone has an image of the perfect lover,” Nicole continued. “Last night I met

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mine and you met yours. But was my perfect lover really you or someone my mind

fabricated, with the help of Dr. Strong?"

“It was me.” Jack tightened his arms around her. The silk caress of her hair against his

arms made him shiver. "Dr. Strong is not in control of our every move. You said so


“Jack, I'm not trying to destroy what happened last night. I'm just trying to understand

it.” Nicole caressed his cheek with the back of her fingertips.

"Don't try to understand it, Nicole. Just believe it," Jack whispered, kissing her deeply.

"It was me. Maybe you are just a bit embarrassed by the thought of us making love on the

floor of that obstacle course with Dr. Strong looking on. "

“I admit, the idea of his voyeurism has occurred to me and strangely enough, it doesn't

bother me at all.” She whispered, snuggling close to him.

“Then maybe what you need is to stop over analyzing and listen to reason.”

"All right, if it will make you feel better, I'll stop thinking about it all together. All of

these so called analytics are giving me a headache.” She started to kiss him, but stopped

before they made contact. Shaking her head, she turned back to the box. ‘‘That is it! I am

over analyzing! Everything about the troll's tunnel was deceiving. It was not what we

expected. We worked too hard to find something that was right in front of our eyes."

Drawing the small knife from Jack's belt, Nicole tested each jewel imbedded in the top of

the chest with its point. Only one came away at her urging, the large oblong jewel in the

center. Hidden below the sparkling black crystal was a long brass chain attached to the top

of the gem by a tiny pewter gargoyle. "The talisman,” she declared with triumph.

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Chapter Nine

The adventurers headed back into the swirling mist of the trolls’ valley with the glow of

the evening sun disappearing behind them. Hopper, free of his infestation, led the silent

riders toward the long, deep gorge the map displayed. The entrance to the cavern was

located at the base of a large ravine. That was where they would find the Cave of Sorrows.

A thick mist greeted them as they neared the remains of the charred shack.

The silence of the forest sent chills through Jack. It reminded him of the sensation Shala

had given him that night in the clinic. What was it about her touch that sent such icy heat

through him? Why was he secretly grateful for the elderly doctor's intrusion on their plans?

Was it was possible that Dr. Strong had known about Shala's promise to 'entertain' him?

Either way, Jack felt Dr. Strong had rescued him from some unknown disaster.

Shala and Homun did not fit into Dr. Strong's world. Perhaps they had been patients of

his once. Homun certainly seemed strange enough to be under psychological counseling,

and there was something about the way Shala oozed with raw sexuality. Shaking off the

eerie sensation that the curvy blonde-haired woman was hovering over him waiting to

pounce on Jack’s sleeping form, Jack searched the mist for signs of the elfin warriors.

Several times Hopper motioned for them to stop, tilting his head; he would listen to the

silence that threatened to smother them. Each time Sarah’s eyes would dart anxiously

through the forest. Jack worried she would pass out from fright at any moment.

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Jack caught sight of something large moving in the shadows of the mist, parallel to their

trail. It disappeared before Jack could speak. He kept his silence, no sense in upsetting

Sarah any further. Yet the shadow continued to follow them, sneaking in between the

gnarled trees. Jack caught brief glimpses of its existence, teasing him, taunting him to

pursue. Something inside warned him not to rush into battle in the darkness of the mist.

He would wait for it to show itself. If it showed itself. Jack hoped it was just his imagination.

“Todd, I think we're traveling in circles,” Sarah said as she moved her horse closer to the

blonde troll. "That bunch of trees looks familiar and I think that's the same thicket we

passed over an hour ago.”

“Honestly, I can't see anything in this fog,” he admitted. “Why don't we find a place to

sleep and start fresh in the morning? The mist should clear by then."

Nicole nodded, in agreement. "That cluster of trees is in a hollow. It's as good place as


They headed for the trees, dismounted and made camp. The fog had finally grown too

thick for enemies to spy a fire. Sarah cast her fire spell on a pile of wood Hopper gathered

so they could warm themselves. Jack made a bow using a long thin branch and hair from

his horse’s tail, then went in search of wild game. Nicole silently followed him into the

night. He ventured a mere three meters into the darkness when a large jackrabbit dashed

out of the underbrush

Jack sent an arrow through its heart. Nicole rushed to the kill and deftly pulled the

arrow from it’s body. “Thank you,” she whispered and they returned to camp.

Nicole tossed the rabbit to Hopper. He skinned it deftly and placed it on a makeshift spit,

consisting of two large forked sticks leaning over the fire. They ate in silence; fatigue and

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muscle ache consumed them. When the last of the rabbit disappeared and the remainder of

the berries and nuts eaten, Sarah and Hopper nestled together against a large fir tree, a

short distance from the flames.

"Have you checked that dense patch of brush behind you, Hopper?” Jack asked, gazing

past them from his perch on a small log.

"Checked it for what?” Hopper yawned and stretched his long back then pulled Sarah

back into his arms.

“Trolls, snakes, badgers, wild boars . . .”

"Is our little adventure finally getting to you, Barbarian?” Nicole teased from across the


"No, I just thought that might be a good hiding place for a bear or something,” Jack

stammered trying not to sound paranoid.

"Is there something you're not telling us?” Sarah asked softly as she leaned forward

staring at him.

Gazing into the fire, Jack silently assessed their situation. "I'm not sure, but I think

something has been following us. I caught sight of it in the shadows a while back."

"What is it?” Nicole asked, rising to throw another log on the fire.

"I'm not sure, it stays back out of sight. I've only been able to catch glimpses of it. It’s big

and there could be more than one, I’m not sure. It doesn’t always walk upright. I can't tell

you anymore, all I've seen are shadows.”

"When was the last time you saw it and why didn’t you say something before" Hopper

shifted, leaning closer into the conversation. Sarah slid off his lap and onto the grass beside


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"I thought it was my imagination, that I was just being overly cautious. I haven’t seen

anything for over an hour.” Jack rose and met Nicole's eyes. "Just before we broke for


"That explains why the hair on the back of my neck was standing on end,” Hopper said.

Nicole stood up ready to take control of the situation. "I'll take the first watch. Get some

sleep; I'll wake you if anything comes near.”

Sarah moved closer to the fire and opened her book. She knew she needed to be ready

for any challenge that presented itself. Turning the delicate pages one by one, she glanced

over the incantations to re-familiarize herself with the scope of her powers.

“How about you and me checking out that patch of brush?" Hopper said to Jack.

Jack and Hopper headed into the thicket, taking two thin logs from the fire for torches.

The dampness inside the underbrush took Hopper by surprise. Moisture clung to his fur. He

thrust his makeshift torch ahead of him and continued to move inside. A thin line of bushes

were easily pushed aside to reveal the narrow entrance to a cave in the side of the knoll.

The triumph of their discovery fueled the two friends with renewed energy. Retracing their

steps they headed back to inform the women they had found the entrance to the cave.

"I guess Dr. Strong's taken pity on us,” Hopper said.

“Or you had a better idea of where you were going than you realized,” Jack countered as

they cleared the brush and glanced around.

Sarah sat before the fire studying her book, Nicole was nowhere in sight. Looking up,

she smiled and beckoned them near. “I've found the incantation to set the Elf Queen free.

There's an emancipation spell that sounds right."

"Great! We found the entrance,” Hopper announced, “It is right behind the brush.”

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“Where's Nicole?” Jack interrupted, searching the darkness surrounding them.

Sarah frowned thinking back on her conversation with Nicole. "She insisted on taking a

look around. I told her it was a bad idea and reminded her we were supposed to stay

together, but she wouldn't listen."

“Which way did she go?” Jack asked.

"Calm down, she can take care of herself. She promised she'd stay within hearing


"I'm going after her. You keep your eyes open. If anything happens head for the cave.”

Jack pulled his sword free of its sheath and headed in the direction Nicole disappeared.

"Should I go with him?” Hopper asked, staring after him.

“No, Jack can handle it. Sit down and relax." Sarah tugged at his enormous hand.

"Tell me about the spell,” Hopper asked as he settled down beside her.

The mist caressed Jack, embracing him with its musty scent as layers of dampness

penetrated his clothing. The coolness sank into his muscles sending them into spasms of

protest against the further strain of his search. The twisted trees thickened as he entered

an area of tiny knolls and hollows. Climbing the embankment, Jack followed an unknown

path, not thinking, only searching. The trees grew sparse, revealing a small glen carpeted

with tall grass. The moon broke through the thin layer of clouds to reveal a white fog laying

low along the length of the glen. The silence of the forest gave way to the songs of its

creatures. Jack realized his search had ended.

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In the center of the flowing grass Nicole stood, swaying to the music of the forest. Jack

stood at the edge of the glen, frozen at the sight of the dark nymph dancing in the pale light.

Her movements, subtle at first, changed to a graceful array of swirling limbs as she moved

slowly across the glen. She danced as if making love to the darkness, offering her delicate

talent to the gods of the night. Her long ebony hair swirled around her as their eyes met.

Jack's breath left him as her glowing emerald eyes searched his.

Silently, ceasing her dance of enchantment, she reached out a delicate arm toward him.

Without hesitation, he crossed the glen and took her in his arms. Her kiss burned like fire,

he pulled back, uncertain. What was the magic she held over him? Since the first time Tom

brought her to their apartment. Jack was mesmerized. As Tom and Nicole grew closer, Jack

found himself avoiding the apartment. Finally, he got his own place hoping the distance

would lessen his attraction to his best friend’s girl. It didn’t work, nothing could relieve the

fever he held for her. She gazed up at Jack, her eyes compelling him back toward her. They

fell into the mist as their lips met, oblivious to all that surrounded them.

Hopper gazed into the fire as he gathered Sarah in his arms and pulled her to him. "This

would have been the perfect adventure . . .” he began, quietly.

“If you hadn't been turned into a troll?” Sarah finished his sentence for him.

"You've got to admit, I'm not one of the best looking guys you've met today.” Hopper

said, twirling her curly red hair around a long black claw.

"I don't care what you look like, Todd. You're still the same old hockey jock to me.”

Sarah snuggled into his large hairy chest.

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"I'd planned something special for this journey. Something I've been planning for a long

time,” Hopper whispered. He cupped her chin in his hand and turned her face toward him.

"I hope you understand why I can't see it through like this."

"What could be so important that how you look would affect it so drastically?” she asked.

"I've never been able to express how much I care about you, Sarah. The words ' I love

you' just don't describe the depth of emotion I feel. I thought this weekend I could finally

show you how deeply I care about you."

"There's no doubt in my mind how much you love me, Todd. I see it in your eyes every

time you look at me.” Sarah sat up and turned to face him. "Actually I was going to tell you

this weekend, I’m ready to take our relationship to another level.”

Hopper pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. ''The truth is . . . I was going to


Sarah leaned forward and whispered, "What's stopping you?"

“It doesn't bother you that our memories of this moment could be overshadowed by the

fact that I look like a bobble head Big Foot?" Hopper stared at her, unsure.

"We'll have the most original, romantic, tale of ‘love conquers all' to tell our grandkids.”

Sarah kissed his forehead.

Hopper pulled the beautiful blue-eyed sorceress to her feet, and knelt before her.

"Sarah Sims, the most beautiful woman in the world, you are my life, the only woman

that I will ever, could ever love. Would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, even if you stay a troll forever,” Sarah answered reaching down to caress his


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Letting out a hoop that echoed through the valley, Hopper leapt forward and took her

into his arms, completely unaware of the approaching shadow.

The darkness deepened, creating a heavy weight on Nicole. She could feel the presence

of another lurking nearby. Dressing quickly, she left Jack asleep in the grass and moved

toward the stand of trees at the edge of the glen.

A tall, ancient looking elf emerged from the shadows as she neared. His long velvet

robes, similar to Sarah's, flowed like silk on the wind across the low laying mist. He was a

sorcerer, yet his eyes were soft and guileless. Long white hair stretched out to encompass

his shoulders and arms. His high cheekbones and pointed ears told her all she needed to

know. He was with their pursuer.

He waited patiently for her to approach. Her elfin senses found no danger. This could

not be the evil wizard they wanted to avoid. Yet suspicion lingered inside.

She stopped mere inches before him. "What do you want of me?”

"Freedom,” he answered, simply. A light breeze came from behind. His long white hair

flowed at its touch.

"You are unencumbered, I see no need to assist you,” she stated, taking in his midnight

blue eyes.

"I seek your assistance none the less.” His voice was calm. Wisdom seemed to radiate

from him.

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''In what way?” She hesitated, still unsure if he was to be trusted. Out of caution, she

took a step backward.

"Deliverance,” he whispered, closing the gap between them.

Nicole held her ground, her face filled with disgust. "You wish me to rescue you?”

"To rescue us all.”

"From whom?"

''From the evil that threatens to consume this land and all who dwell within.” The

wizard's eyes narrowed as he spoke. "The one that sent you here has deceived you, as he

has many others before you."

“Dr. Strong?” She smiled coldly, this character was a fancy talking trickster.

"Puissant, as he is called here. He is evil."

"You are a deceiver," Nicole countered.

"He was banished from this land."

"Just as the Elf Queen was I suppose."

"Queen Briees is unharmed and living in the comfort of her palace.”

"You lie!” Nicole reached out and took hold of the front of his robes. "I am here to end

your reign of terror. I will free the Queen and break your hold over her warriors. "

"I am brother to the Queen. I am her protector, tutor of the prince, sorcerer, only for

their protection." His calm nature was unnerving. However, Nicole was throughally

enjoying the repartee. He was becoming the best part of this adventure.

"Fabricator of tales, propagator of deceit.” Nicole refused to release him.

"You will find only death in the Cave of Sorrows. It would be a true pity. Your people

cannot afford to suffer such a great loss. There are merely a handful of Woodland elves left

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to walk these mountains. You may well be the last female among them. That is why you

have appeared. Not to free the creature, but to continue the woodland heritage. I see that

now. My magic has worked its own will. I have made you what you are. You would have

been lost as a sorceress.”

“What?” Nicole stammered.

"A woodland elf has been hiding inside you all of your life. The unexplained anger you

have felt since birth was the elfin magic, trying to surface.” He raised his hand and a spark

lit the air. The vision of their arrival filled the ball of light before her. Nicole saw herself

screaming with rage and shoving the others from her.

"My spell shifted your transformation, freed your magic. Freed your true spirit. Only

here were you able to battle your fears, ambitions and the disappointment of your real life.

Only here can you be truly happy. Free the creature in the Cave of Sorrows and you will

return to a life you were never to lead."

"There is no creature in the cave. We are here to free the elf queen you have imprisoned

there.” Nicole shoved him backward as she released her grip. “Your lies do not affect me old

man.” She pulled her short sword from her belt and held it to his throat.

"Move on or die.”

"It would be wise to listen to me,” he answered.

"I take it by your resistance that you choose death,” she spat. Her determination to

overcome his lies rose with fury through her body.

"I will leave you, but heed a warning. Your peril begins here and will end in death if you

continue toward your goal. The only way to freedom is through me."

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“We will continue and we will succeed.” Nicole moved toward him, watching as he

moved back into the shadows.

Hopper's head snapped back as he was jerked from Sarah's arms. A giant black serpent

buried its teeth into the back of his neck and he screamed in pain. Sarah stood frozen in

horror. The serpent-like monster threw Hopper across the hollow and he rolled down the

embankment like a child’s rag doll. Hopper landed on his feet and turned to meet the

charge of the giant serpent, ignoring the pain and blood that flowed down his shoulders.

Its long jawed snout, snapping viciously as it neared. Firelight reflected off its long

razor-like teeth. It rose on its short back legs and raced across the clearing, its thick tail

flicked like a whip in its wake. The serpent locked onto Hopper’s legs, diving under him,

sending them both rolling back down the embankment and into the dying embers of the

fire. Tumbling with the serpent, Hopper managed to encircle its thick throat with his

hands. The long black snout swung from side to side, biting at his face and arms as he

attempted to strangle the serpent. Crawling-on top Hopper sat on its chest and continued

to squeeze, digging his claws into its scaled flesh. Shifting its long body with a jerk, the

Serpent thrust the sting of its tail into Hopper's eyes, sending him reeling as his vision

darkened with blood.

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Sarah's screams filled the air as the serpent jumped onto Hopper's back and used its

massive jaws to shred the flesh of his already blood soaked. The shrill howl it emitted stung

Sarah's ears jolting her into action.

A spell! She must use a spell to save him! Sarah snatched up her book and tore it open.

She screamed the first incantation she came across. The serpent jerked, dropping Hopper

as it turned to stare at the sorceress screeching words of magic. Falling to the ground it

began to writhe, shrieking in pain. As she watched, the black serpent squirmed in agony.

Large open sores covered its body, its claws and tail began to decay from the potency of her

spell. In its anguish, it rose and charged her.

Not fully recovered from his battle with the tunnel troll, Hopper's strength was failing.

Still he knew if the serpent reached Sarah, she would be dead in an instant. Forcing his

body to move, he grabbed the serpent’s back legs. Lunging back at him the creature

crushed Hopper’s arm in its jaws and threw him against the large fir tree.

Dropping the book, Sarah ran forward terrified for Hopper. The serpent turned, its snout

dripping with blood, and charged. Without words, Sarah threw her fire spell at the serpent

and screamed in rage. Her cry merged with another as Nicole dove into the serpent, her

small sword flashing. Jack tackled Sarah knocking her out of the serpent’s path and

dragging her further from the battle.

"Get Hopper to the cave!” he yelled, shoving her toward the motionless figure lying in

the grass. Sarah raced to his side and lifted Hopper to his feet, pulling and dragging him

toward the thicket. Behind her, the brutal sounds of battle escalated as her friends sought

to destroy the serpent. Plunging into the brush, she vowed to place Hopper out of harms

reach and return to help them. Finding the entrance to the cave, she cast the spell of light

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Hopper helped her memorize. The small cave filled with a soft white light. She gasped at

the sight of Hopper. His blonde fur was covered in crimson blood. The gash in his neck

pulsed blood with each heartbeat. His nearly severed left arm hung loose at the elbow as

blood flowed freely from it.

Forgetting the others, she ripped the hood off her robe and bound his arm tightly to stop

the flow of blood. She pushed the soft fabric into his neck wound and held it there against

the flow of blood.

"Dr. Strong!” s screamed, "I've had enough, end this now!” Her only answer was the echo

of her scream. "You cannot allow Todd to continue!" Still only echoes replied. "I will sue

you for every penny you own!” She screamed, horrified that something had gone wrong.

Was Todd really injured? Were they so involved with his wounds that he could not be

brought back? Was the blood she was seeing real? What was happening? Fighting back

the tears, Sarah battled Hopper's injuries and prayed that she had not become so involved

in the fantasy that she had lost her mind.

"It's belly!” Jack yelled across the dying embers of the fire. "Go for the soft skin of its

stomach!" Without hesitation, Nicole slid under the serpent and slashed at the gray skin of

its stomach while she rolled free.

“Quit the acrobatics and kill it!” Jack yelled as he ran forward.

Nicole jumped back and allowed Jack to move toward the snarling creature. "It's a

creature of magic; you shouldn't have sent Sarah away. Once she calmed down she could

have killed it,” she yelled, over the serpent howls of rage.

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"A sword in the gut is as good as any spell,” Jack said diving on the serpent and pulling

back its snout. His sword landed at Nicole’s feet. She grabbed it and shoved the long sword

deep into its belly.

The black creature gasped, jerked, then fell silent at Nicole's feet. She yanked the sword

free and handed it back to Jack. A shout of fury came from the darkness. They glanced up to

see the elf warriors charge into the hollow, weapons drawn. Sheathing his sword, Jack

grabbed Nicole's arm and ran for the thicket. They dove inside and raced for the narrow

entrance of the cave. As they entered, they found Sarah leaning over a blood soaked

Hopper. Jack stared, so stricken he could not move.

Nicole took control, “The game is over.” She gasped, fearing Jack was right about their

host. "Dr. Strong has lost control and the elves are coming. We have to assume whatever

happens to us at this point is real to our minds and just as damaging to our bodies. Get

Hopper deeper into the cave."

Jack glanced toward the entrance and turned back to Sarah. “You've got to block the


"I don't have my book.” She stammered, shaking her head.

"You've read every spell in that book at least a dozen times. You can remember. You're a

sorceress!” Jack reached down and he took her gently by the shoulders. "Hopper's life may

depend on it!”

"You're serious? You think Strong has lost control?” Sarah rose and stared at Nicole.

“Does it look like Hopper's having a good time?” Nicole answered, softly.

"Nicole, wrap his shoulder, very tightly.” She ordered and she turned toward the

entrance. "Keep pressure on his neck, Jack."

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Taking a deep breath to calm down, Sarah moved closer to the entrance. The sounds of

the warriors searching the brush grew louder as Sarah recalled the fire spell she had used

in the tunnels. She chanted the strange words and felt the magic surge up inside her. A

purple flame flared and burned growing larger to keep the elves at bay. She searched the

magic, still strong within her for another spell. Rising to her consciousness, it came to her.

A spell of disaster.

“Move Todd further into the cave!” She yelled back to them over the roar of the fire. She

began the chant and slowly backed away from the entrance.

The magic tingled and grew within her, stronger that it had ever been before. Sarah felt

the power surge through her, captivating her senses. The walls of the cave began to

crumble. The entrance filled with dust and sand, followed by a deafening shower of rock.

Moving quickly away from the avalanche of boulders, Sarah cast a light spell in front of

them. They struggled to carry Hopper’s large unconscious form as they began the search

for a place to rest. Venturing further into the cave, they walked until the narrow

passageway gave way to a large chamber that allowed them to place Hopper on a patch of

sand bordering a small stream.

"He's dying!” Sarah sobbed, “How can this be happening?"

"He's going to be fine,” Nicole soothed, "The battle has gotten out of hand, and that’s all.

We should be in the last hour or so of our adventure. Dr. Strong gave us a hypnotic

suggestion that the fantasy will end once we free the Elf Queen."

“Nicole," Jack said, “Strong sent us into a fantasy he cannot control. The stress of

managing four minds must be too much for him. You said so yourself, we are his test


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"That's not likely. If he felt any of us were in danger . . .”

Sarah interrupted Nicole, "Then why is it that I've asked him, begged him several times

to end the fantasy and he has not? I'm beginning to think I've lost my mind and this . . .

nightmare is real.”

"You're as sane as I am,” Jack countered. "Maybe Nicole’s right. Maybe Strong can't end

the fantasy until we finish the quest.”

"Then let's get it done and get the hell out of here!” Sarah spat between clenched teeth.

“You'll have to go on without me,” Hopper said regaining consciousness. With a grunt he

tried to rise.

"I won't leave you behind.” Sarah sobbed as she kneeled to embrace him. She brushed

the scraggly hair back from his face and began to examine his wounds.

"Stuff me under a ledge and find the elf queen. I'll only slow you down,” Hopper

insisted, falling back onto the sand. "I don't even have the strength to sit up; you'd have to

carry me."

"Nicole, head down that passage to the right and check for another cave.” Jack ordered,

nodding at Hopper.

“I won't leave him!” Sarah rose to face Jack.

Jack’s voice softened as he stepped closer to Sarah. "There's a ledge on the other side of

the stream, he can hide in the shadows if anyone appears. I don’t think they have a wizard.

They won’t see him by torch light.” Jack reached for her hand. "We'll travel twice as fast

without him. We don’t want those wounds opening up again and I’m sure you really don’t

want to force him to endure the pain of being dragged through the caverns."

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Sarah stared at Jack in silence then she turned to Hopper and said, "You promise to stay


"Yes, ma'am.” He smiled, weakly and reached up to squeeze her hand. It was as cold as

ice. Sarah conceded, terrified of the alternative.

“We’ll free the Queen as fast as we can, then the adventure will be over,” Sarah said as

much for Hopper’s benefit as her own. She was the one with the magic to free the Queen.

As desperately as she wanted to stay with Hopper, she had to continue on.

Nicole returned and smiled softly at her injured friend. "There's a large cavern with

several passages a few meters into the tunnel."

They carried Hopper across the shallow stream and placed him on a small stretch of

sand under the rock ledge just above the water line. Sarah kissed him deeply and ripped

the bottom half of her robe off at the knees, placing it over him. “Promise me you won’t rip

anymore of your robes until you get back. They’re looking a bit skimpy at the moment,”

Hopper said.

Sarah smiled as she covered his chest and arms. "I love you,” she whispered, turning to

follow the others to the next cavern. The light vanished as Sarah disappeared into the

tunnel leaving Hopper in total darkness. Sarah glanced back and said a quick prayer that

the adventure was under control and that Todd would be fine. If he believed, he was dying

under hypnosis what would happen?

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Chapter Ten

Sarah and Nicole searched each passageway as Jack examined the walls of the cave;

there was no sign of a crystalline formation. After what seemed like hours, Nicole forced

herself through a narrow fissure in the wall of another tunnel . A cold breeze wafted

through the crack, urging her forward. The narrow tunnel ended and the girls found

themselves in a chamber of crystalline rock. Sarah threw her light spell to illuminate the

chamber and the room came alive from the sparkling reflection of the crystal. In the center

of the crystal stood the frozen image of the Elf Queen.

"This is it!” she called through the crack. She's here and she gorgeous!” Nicole gazed in

awe at the golden haired elf. The queen was dressed in a gold gown encased in what looked

like rose quartz. Nicole moved to touch the surface of the pink crystal only to jerk her hand

back in shock and pain. The beautiful, frigid rock burned her fingers.

A commotion from behind her caught her attention. The tunnel walls collapsed section

by section into piles of rubble. Once the dust began to settle, Jack and Sarah climbed over

the debris and into the chamber.

“You're getting good at that.” Nicole grinned at Sarah as the sorceress examined the

queen’s enclosure.

Jack caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye and spun to face it. He surged

forward, jumping passed them to yank the ancient elf wizard out from behind a large rock.

"Who are you?” Jack demanded, shoving him toward the women.

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"My name is Ahmity; I am here to warn you,” he answered, gazing past Jack toward


"He's the wizard that imprisoned the Queen! Kill him and let's finish this,” Nicole spat,

tired of his interference.

Jack stared at Nicole in surprise. "There's been enough death in this adventure.”

"Give us your warning and leave,” Sarah ordered pulling the talisman from her robes.

Unsettled by the sight of the jewel the wizard spoke quickly. “That is a device of

darkness. Use it and we will all perish.”

"Leave us, old man. Before Nicole takes it on herself to end your life,” Jack warned as he

released him.

"It is merely an image of the Elf Queen before you,” the wizard explained, “What lurks

inside the crystal is a creature more powerful than the greatest of our wizards. Filled with

such evil it will render everything in this land void of life.” The wizard moved toward

Sarah, who ignored him. "Surely as a student of magic you realize that a creature of such

power, once released, would seek the darkest of revenge on those who imprisoned it?"

"Your fears or lies, whatever they may be are useless. I am here to complete our quest

and save the life of someone dear to me. The repercussions are not my concern. If you fear

the Queen's vengeance, then I suggest you flee while you still can.” Sarah glanced at him

and raised the talisman over her head. She began the deliverance chant feeling the magic

rise within her then die quickly. “lt's not working!"

"It is not meant to be, child. Puissant has sent you here to free the creature and begin

the cycle of his return. He holds only hatred for the Queen," the wizard said.

“Who the Hell is Puissant?” Jack asked.

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"Save your whimpering, old man,” Sarah snapped as she turned to Nicole. "I was

supposed to do this as a fairy. Dr. Strong said only ancient magic could activate the

talisman. You're a special kind of elf . . .”

"Tell me what to say.” Nicole took the stone from Sarah.

"No!” The wizard gasped moving forward only to have Jack yank him back from Nicole

and shove him toward the tunnel. "It will destroy our world and return Puissant from

yours to rule over the few creatures who survive its wrath."

"Do it!” Jack ordered, pushing the wizard closer to the exit.

A dark blur knocked Jack from his feet as the Dark Warrior rushed to stop Nicole.

“Watch out!” Sarah shouted, giving Nicole the split second she needed to avoid his deadly

blow. Diving to the side, she tucked her head and rolled free of the charging warrior. The

attack stopped instantly as Sarah placed herself between them. The Dark Warrior stood

before her, his chest heaving.

His eyes locked on to Sarah’s. His voice though calm and even was deep and deadly. “I

will not allow the creature to be freed. I wish you no harm, but your friend will die if

another attempt is made."

Jack rose slowly, gauging the large warrior's skill. He remembered the force of the blow

the dark elf had made in the hollow before Sarah's creature appeared. He was skilled,

fearless, and incredibly strong. Jack was not sure he could defeat him. Maybe he did not

have to. He glanced to where the old man had stood just in time to watch his image fade

into nothingness.

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Turning toward the Dark Warrior, Jack stepped forward and offered a challenge. "That’s

where you are dead wrong,” He threatened, moving closer. "I’m here to see that nothing

stands in her way."

Tearing his eyes from the beautiful sorceress the Dark Warrior turned to face Jack he

said, "You should have listened to the wizard, it would have saved your life."

The sounds of battle reached Hopper’s troll ears in the small cave. The seriousness of

his injuries seemed to have activated his senses. His sense of hearing and smell became

very acute, like a wolf hunting in the darkness for prey. Struggling to rise, Hopper climbed

off of the small ledge and rose to his feet. Feeling a portion of his strength returning, he

steadied himself. Every inch of his oversized body throbbed in pain as he waded through

the water, toward the sounds of striking metal. His long legs carried him through the maze

of tunnels and caverns the others had searched so diligently. He could smell the scent of

Sarah and followed it. The sounds of combat grew as he neared, each strike of metal

throbbed in his temples, sending ripples of pain through his head. His head began to pound,

his vision blurred. He forced himself to press on. Sarah was in danger.

Climbing over the remains of the narrow tunnel, Hopper made it to the cavern where the

battle was taking place. He fell to his knees and slammed into the rock wall as his strength

left him. Helpless, he watched Jack fight to keep the Dark Warrior away from Nicole and

Sarah while they worked to free the Queen. Sarah whispered the spell of emancipation to

Nicole a few words at a time. It was difficult for Nicole to concentrate as her heart longed to

battle beside Jack.

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Jack had met his equal. The Dark Warrior anticipated his every move with an agility and

power that was overwhelming. Sweat fell from Jack’s brow and his muscles twitched with

fatigue. Already exhausted from his experience in the glen and with the serpent, he felt the

battle turn against him.

Forming the strange words, that flew off her tongue like a lover’s kiss, Nicole felt the

magic flow through her into the jewel. The light in the cave started to dim, the pink

crystalline enclosure began to hum. It seemed as if the gem was absorbing the magic from

the crystal itself. The jewel began to glow rising from Nicole’s hands and floating in the air

above her as she repeated the words Sarah spoke. The jewel’s aura grew, encompassing

the small chamber in its dark purple light.

Something inside Nicole screamed over and over again for her to stop. The urgency of it

terrified her, but she could no longer control the words that flowed from her. In an

explosion of darkness, the gem shattered the pale crystal and released the Elf Queen.

Thrown across the floor by the explosion, Nicole and Sarah untangled themselves and

rose in the darkness. The frantic feeling within Nicole still screamed of danger. Sarah

called upon the incantation of light and the chamber filled with an eerie soft green glow.

The Dark Warrior, his battle forgotten, turned to face his new foe, one he knew he could not


The golden-haired Queen floated into the center of the chamber. Her long curling locks

flowed about her delicate pink gown as she landed gracefully on the stone. Her large

almond shaped eyes sparkled coldly at the Dark Warrior. Sarah fought off the shiver that

ran down her spine as the lifeless eyes turned to her. Frowning, Nicole moved forward

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filled with the sudden need to protect Sarah. Jack stepped into her path, unsettled by the

icy gaze of the Queen before them.

The Dark Warrior turned to Sarah with death in his eyes. "You've killed us all,” he

scowled in a voice so low Sarah could barely hear him, then turned to attack the Queen.

As the warrior's sword rose, the Queen's image turned into a deep, nearly black, shade of

purple and melted away to reveal a faceless black tar-like creature with clawed arms and

stout cat-like legs. It rose in stature high above them. Without hesitation, Jack joined in the

assault, fighting beside the warrior he tried to kill only seconds before. With one blow, the

creature sent both of them reeling across the chamber, over Hopper's head and into the

darkness of the outer chamber.

It turned its faceless head to stare at Nicole and Sarah, each frozen by the discovery that

the wizard had spoken the truth. Everything had gone horribly wrong. This world had

become very real. Without a sound, the Tar Creature headed across the chamber toward

Sarah. Her heart pounded while her mind raced to make sense of the situation. Suddenly,

things became very clear to Sarah. She recalled Dr. Strong's words that the sorceress’

magic would strengthen it. Sarah knew this enemy must take her magic from her in order

to survive. Backing away from the creature, Sarah whispered to Nicole, "It wants me, save

yourself! Get Todd to safety."

Sarah tried to call upon her magic. She felt none of the now familiar surging of power

through her body as the magic became more powerful. Then it dawned on her, Dr. Strong

had not meant a spell, he meant for the creature to absorb her magic. She doubted she

would survive such an occurrence. Time was running out and her thoughts raced to think

of a spell that would stop the creature. None came.

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Nicole’s instincts told her to stop as she walked toward Hopper. She ignored it, drew her

short sword and raced to get in front of Sarah to keep her out of reach. Hopper gathered all

of his remaining strength and sprang from the shadows onto the creature, tearing viciously

at it with his one good set of claws.

“Get Sarah out!” he screamed as the Tar Creature's dark form changed and became fluid.

The tarry substance enveloped Hopper in a layer of darkness as it transformed. Sarah

lunged forward, screaming in agony as Hopper disappeared into the bowels of the creature.

Flames flew from her hands, into the monster, bouncing off its smooth surface. It turned to

face her; the Queen's icy blue eyes appeared within its faceless features. Jack and the Dark

Warrior reappeared, charging over the rocks. The creature spat Hopper out, slamming the

troll into the barbarian, sending them reeling into the chamber wall. A shout from beyond

and the small group that had pursued them through the forest charged over the rocks to aid

their commander in his attack. Nicole and Sarah rushed to where Jack held Hopper's limp,

bloody form.

Hopper's face was ghostly pale. Gazing into Sarah's eyes, he shook his head weakly.

"The fantasy is over . . . We have to make this right,’’ he whispered, "We are the bad guys in

this world.”

"Hopper, you've got to rest,” Sarah stammered. Her heart ached as she watched the life

slip away from her beloved. He was the kindest, most courageous person she had ever

known. He was her life. How could this have happened? It was supposed to be a vacation,

an adventure. It was supposed to be safe.

"At least . . . I was able to show you . . .” Hopper's words were weak and forced.

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"I know, my love . . . You would give your life for me." Sarah sobbed, pulling him to her

as he slipped into unconsciousness.

"He's not going to die,” Nicole whispered, denying all that had occurred.

Anger rose from the depths of Jack’s soul. His best friend was dying in the name of a

vacation adventure. Jack grabbed Nicole by the shoulders and forced her to look at him.

"This is not a game Nicole. There is no more pretending! We are in deep shit here. That

wizard was telling the truth. Strong lied to us. He sent us to some alternate universe,

another dimension or whatever you want to call it, to free that creature. We are his

revenge! We are not going home. This is real!”

"No, it's not true! I am not a warrior! I could never kill anyone. Hopper is not going to

die! You'll see we'll be brought back any minute!" Nicole pushed him away.

Venom dripped from Jack’s voice, "Face it, Nicole. We killed innocent elves who were

just trying to stop us from destroying their world, and we enjoyed it! Denial won’t change

that and it won't save Todd. We’ve got to open our eyes and star acting like the heroes we

wanted to be."

The gravity of Jack’s words hit Nicole hard. Her head began to pulse and her knees

buckled. Jack caught her, pulling her to him and held her as sobs wracked her body.

Sarah held Hopper weeping for a few moments before easing Hooper down. She rose to

her feet, wiped the tears from her eyes and announced, “We've got to find the book.”

"The wizard said the Tar Creature was more powerful than any sorcerer in existence,”

Jack reminded her. He couldn’t imagine a scenario where they could take on the creature

and not all end up like Hopper.

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"Well I’m no sorcerer, am I?” She stared back into the chamber, watching as the elves

fought desperately to kill the creature, taking strength from their courage. “Todd was right,

we have to fix this. And maybe, just maybe there’s a healing spell I overlooked.”

"Sarah," Hopper called.

She rushed to his side, kneeling next to him. "Todd, we’re going for the book. I will find a

spell to heal you, I promise,” Sarah whispered to him pulling him closer.

Jack and Nicole carried Hopper toward the hollow where they entered. As they reached

the tunnels, a familiar stench stung their noses, growing steadily stronger as they moved

deeper into the tunnels. When it became overwhelming, Jack lay Hopper down on the

tunnel floor and waited as Nicole moved to his side. The trolls appeared at the edge of the

dim light from the orb that hovered over Sarah. This time they were quiet and

unthreatening. They moved slowly forward sniffing and grunting as they came.

"Don't hurt them,” Hopper gasped through the pain, "They are here for me."

"Don’t worry, they aren't going to get to you, Hopper,” Jack sneered. His barbarian

instincts had him ready to battle again. He moved forward ready to draw his sword.

"No, Jack,” Hopper managed weakly, "They want to help.”

"No, Todd!” Sarah said, "They tried to kill you!"

"They were protecting their home.” Hopper could no longer feel his legs. "I’m dying. I

will be dead before dawn, unless you let them take me."

Sarah was in a near panic at his suggestion. "No, Todd. They’re animals, you said so

yourself and they’re unclean."

"They're sick, not unclean and they’re smarter than you think. Otherwise, I would be an

animal too. There's more to them than what you see here." Hopper reached up and

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caressed Sarah cheek. "Sarah, it's my only chance. Let them take me. Your book has no

healing spells, no spells of strength or vitality. They were all spells of destruction and pain.

There's no help for me there and I’m only holding you back from making this right."

Jack placed his hand on Sarah's shoulder. "Sarah, this whole journey has been based on

instincts. We have to go with them. If Todd says he needs the trolls, then we have let them

take him."

Jack eased Sarah back away from Hopper slowly keeping one hand on the hilt of his

sword. He needed to make certain the trolls would not harm any of them. Sarah broke away

from Jack’s grip and threw herself into Hopper's arms.

"I'm going with you!” she cried.

"You won't survive in the darkness and cold,” Todd managed. "Don't worry, as soon as

I'm better, you know I'll find you."

Jack pried Sarah from Hopper’s arms. The trolls moved forward, ever so gently picked

Hopper up and carried him into the darkness. Sarah's sobs filled the tunnel. One troll

remained behind staring at Sarah. It moved slowly forward watching her collapse into

Jack's arms, then turned back and disappeared into the darkness.

Jack's eyes filled with tears. He pulled Sarah closer and stared at Nicole trying to find

words that would comfort them all. "He'll make it through this, Sarah. I know it." She

hugged him fiercely then allowed them to steer her toward the hollow.

"I don’t know how Strong did all this but we are going to find a way to kill that thing and

stop him from returning." Jack’s eyes narrowed as he gazed into the darkness.

“This is all my fault," Nicole spoke for the first time since they left the Cavern of

Sorrows. The burden of the adventure weighted on her, she was the one who found Dr

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Strong. She was the one who said it was safe. She was the one who pushed everyone to

come. She had never felt so much regret in her life.

"We all wanted to come, Nicole. You couldn't have known.” Sarah composed herself and

called upon her magic to send boulders flying into the thicket outside, clearing a path for

them. Once outside they searched for the Book of Conjuration. The fire had died to a soft

glow, giving no aid to their quest. The body of the serpent nearly completely decayed by

Sarah’s spell lay across the center of the clearing. Jack searched the tall grass beyond the

light of the fire. Nicole focused her efforts on looking in the small bushes that encircled the

entrance to the cave.

Sarah went to the tree she and Hopper had leaned against when they had been waiting

for Jack and Nicole to return from hunting. Touching the tree, she replayed the tender

moment they shared here. Tears welled as her thoughts turned to Hopper's insecurities

about proposing. Pushing the pain deep inside, she vowed to find him as soon as they

destroyed the monster. She brushed away the tears and concentrated on her task.

Crawling on her hands and knees, she searched the area surrounding the tree to no avail.

The book was nowhere to be found. A movement came from the brush and Nicole

appeared at a run.

"Someone's coming!” She grabbed Sarah and pulled her back behind the tree.

Jack appeared at their side as the Dark Warrior and a handful of elf warriors emerged

from the bushes. His elfin vision had no trouble detecting them in the darkness. The large

elf motioned for his men to remain behind as he headed across the small hollow. His short-

cropped blonde hair was speckled with blood; his black chain-maille fell in shards about his

chest, revealing large muscles torn and bloody from combat. He ripped what remained of

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his helmet from his head and tossed it aside, not taking his eyes off the sorceress before


"The creature has retreated deeper into the caverns. It seeks shelter to gain strength.

Apparently, our direct attack so soon after its release has left it weak." His eyes narrowed

as Jack placed himself between the elf and Sarah. Ignoring the barbarian, the elf continued

to address Sarah. "We do not possess the power to destroy it. It took twelve of our most

powerful wizards to imprison it many years ago. Many of whom have died mysterious

deaths since then. Now merely a handful remain. That’s not nearly enough to defeat the

creature.” His eyes took in Sarah’s pale, drawn features. Could she actually be mourning

the loss of that giant troll?

''We were deceived . . .” Sarah tried to explain.

"Regardless of your reasons, you have sentenced us all to death. He tore his eyes from

hers, ignoring the depth of emotion he found there. My warriors have asked for the

privilege of killing those who have sentenced us to certain death. Being a man of honor, I

will give you a moment to prepare yourselves."

"I want to kill the creature,” Sarah declared, heedless of their current status with the

Dark Warrior.

"As do I,” he answered. He was surprised by her words. He had expected a plea for

mercy or a threat of vengeance. "But that is beyond us now. When you have been

dispatched, we will return to the caverns and search for the creature. Perhaps we can

wound it, delay its strike against our land."

Sarah stood her ground. "I can kill it. I hold the magic of Puissant."

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"He was a powerful wizard.” His eyes searched hers. He worked to gauge what lay

behind her innocent face. Was she to be trusted? "If you hold his power than you are truly

evil, for his magic came from the darkness that can only be gained in the death of another


"I know nothing of how he came into his power. His intention was to give it to Nicole

and sacrifice her to the creature, but it came to me instead. He told us the Elf Queen was

imprisoned in the Cave of Sorrows and it was our duty to rescue her. We are victims, the

same as you. Except we have to live with the guilt from the loss of life and the sorrow

caused by Puissant's treachery."

A snap of the Dark Warrior’s fingers brought one of his warriors forward. The young elf

faced her. She could feel the hatred which filled his eyes boring into her. The elf

commander held out his hand and the warrior placed Sarah's Book of Conjuration in it.

"Is this the weapon you intend to use against the creature?” he asked, holding it out to


“Yes.” she answered confidently, her eyes locking on to the book.

Tossing it into the embers of the fire, he sneered. "It is nothing more than a wizard’s

book of instruction. An apprentice could wield more powerful spells than these!"

"I don't care!” Sarah screamed, banging her fists against his muscular chest. "I can kill

it! That is why we are here! Not to free the creature, we're here to destroy it!”

Taking hold of her wrists, he held her back from him and stared at her in silence. Her

words gave purpose to the cautions that had been plaguing him since the moment he first

saw her wield her magic. Perhaps she was right; perhaps Puissant had unknowingly given

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birth to his final aggression. As long as the creature had remained imprisoned, there was

always a chance it would escape.

Could Puissant’s quest for revenge and dominance end with this innocent sorceress?

Was she powerful enough to destroy the creature? Could Puissant have become desperate

enough to hand over his powers to an inexperienced young woman? Was the realm the

wizards had sent him into so savage that he would risk all to return? Alternatively, was his

quest for revenge overshadowing his innermost thoughts. Yes, Puissant would risk

everything to wreak havoc on the elfin people. Without doubt, the elf commander was

certain of this. If the same power that created the creature was instilled in this girl,

perhaps it was possible for her to destroy it and in the process seal Puissant's fate forever.

He would pay greatly to see the ancient bastard stranded in a foreign land without as much

as a card trick to protect himself.

Jack moved forward to take a hold of Sarah’s shoulders and guide her back from the elf.

''We won't stand idly by and allow you to murder us,” Jack cautioned. “We set the creature

free, that's true, but if the creature fled as you say, perhaps it's not as invincible as you

believe. It was not able to strengthen itself as planned. It was supposed to absorb magic,

Sarah’s magic. Perhaps now is the time to strike before it finds another victim and gains


Pulling his eyes away from Sarah the Dark Warrior faced Jack. "I was surprised at the

weakened condition of the creature.”

Jack jumped at the opening the Dark Warrior’s admission offered. He glanced back at

Nicole, then addressed the warrior. “Puissant said we’d need the ancient magic of the

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fairies to escape. It’s possible that Woodland magic is not as pure or strong and has failed it

in some way."

The dark knight frowned at Nicole. "Not much is known of Woodlands. Your people are

a mixed breed. Your heritage is a union of elf and wood nymph, sister to the fairies."

Moving to Nicole, he returned his sword to his belt. "Tell me of your talents,” he

demanded, stopping before her.

Nicole’s eyes narrowed. She was not frightened of this warrior. His skills were great,

but she was not afraid to die. Her thoughts went to Hopper's cold dark tomb. He had told

them to continue, to end it. Her eyes went to Jack and softened, his worried smile of

encouragement sent ripples through her. When this was over, she would tell him that she

loved him.

Turning back to the warrior, she said, "I can speak with the animals. I discovered when

we entered the caves, I have night vision. I can hear a river that is more than a mile to the

south as it splashes against the small rocks in its path. I know much of the earth's magic of

counter spells, I can feel the magic in others, gauge their strength in it and the type of

power they wield."

"Can you cast enchantments,"

"I have knowledge of enchantments,” Nicole admitted, "I have never felt the urge to

attempt wizardry."

Moving to the fire, the Dark Warrior kicked the smoldering book from the embers and

picked it up with a gloved hand. Bringing it to Nicole, he opened it, tore out a page, and

tossed the book into the grass.

"Read this aloud,” He ordered, handing Nicole the page.

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“I can't read the words,” Nicole said flatly, handing it back to him.

He turned to Sarah, “Is this true?”

"Yes, I am the only one who can read them,” Sarah answered, then moved to retrieve

what was left of her book, wanting desperately to search it for a spell to help Hopper.

The Dark Warrior turned back to Nicole, grabbed her arm, and pulled her to the fire.

"Will it to burn higher! With all of your strength!"

Eager to test the strength of her magic Nicole did as he commanded. Nothing happened.

Releasing her, he moved toward his men, shouting orders.

“You must have been right,” Nicole whispered to Jack, "They're heading back in.”

"We're going with you,” Jack declared, following them into the brush.

The elf commander turned back to him, his eyes dark. "I am Cabal, Prince of the

Highland Elves, heir to the throne of Fortress City. I will not sacrifice any of my warriors

for your protection. "

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Chapter Eleven

The darkness of the cave consumed Jack and Sarah. Sarah slipped her hand into his,

afraid the elves might turn on them at any moment. The elves insisted they carry no torch

light or use spells to warn the creature of their approach. Nicole walked at the head of the

party, reaching out with her Woodland senses for the creature's magic. Deeper and deeper

into the cool dampness they searched. Tension hung in the air with the passing hours and

no sign of the Tar Creature.

Sarah's thoughts screamed out to find Hopper. She had to force herself to concentrate

on the creature and searched her mind for a spell that might aid them, finding none. It was

just as Prince Cabal had said, the book was simply a learning device for the unskilled.

There must be a way to kill the creature.

When it injured Hopper, she had thrown fire at the creature. Where had it come from?

How had she conjured it? She had not felt the magic flow through her as before. It had

been a rush of power brought on by her anger. However, it did not hurt the creature, it did

not even mar the surface of its skin. Nicole motioned for them to stop.

Jack squinted in the darkness and bumped into the irritated warrior in front of him.

Shrugging Jack apologized silently. No reaction came from the warrior, as he stood frozen

before Jack. The Tar Creature lay in a large cavern a few meters ahead. Prince Cabal

moved without sound through the group to where Sarah stood. Sensing his presence, every

muscle in her body tensed.

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Cabal whispered in Sarah’s ear, "We're going to charge the creature head on. You must

attack it quickly, before it recognizes you. It needs your magic to grow powerful. Once it

discovers your presence, it won’t stop until it reaches you.” His voice softened, "It mustn't

reach you. I am the only one, other than your companions who will defend you. Know this;

if it takes hold of you, my warriors have orders to kill you before it consumes your power.

A illumination spell might hinder its defenses. Give me a moment to warn my people, and

then cast it over us and into the cavern. It is immense, much larger than the cavern that

held the creature prisoner. The spell must be strong.” Cabal placed his hand on her

shoulder and added, "Do not fail; it would wound me deeply to take your life. Especially

when our world so desperately needs people of magic."

She nodded, feeling him turn and move off toward Nicole. Jack followed. If Nicole was

going to charge the creature, he was going to be at her side. Sarah took a deep breath and

thought of Todd. She was certain it was too late to save him. She had lost him forever.

Bringing her anger to bear, she allowed it to rise. The fury allowed her to concentrate on

the death of her only love's murderer. The elves turned their eyes to the floor as Sarah cast

her light spell into the cavern. Their eyes adjusted quickly and they rushed forward. Sarah

screamed at the excruciating pain of claws digging into her shoulders.

Her scream brought Jack and Prince Cabal to a halt. They spun to find a large band of

brown, hairy trolls racing toward them. Jack met the onslaught swinging his sword wildly,

severing limbs and clawed hands as he fought to reach Sarah. Cabal dove under the attack,

scrambling through the mass of long hairy legs. He pulled the trolls down as Jack hacked at

them from above.

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Bats swarmed out of the darkness as Nicole appeared at Jack's side. The trolls retreated

as they attempted to drag Sarah off into the black void of the tunnels. Screeching, the

diseased creatures swatted at the bats. This gave Sarah the opportunity to defend herself.

She called upon her magic to set the nearest troll on fire. Her need for revenge controlled

her choice of spells. The large troll ran off into the darkness, screaming in excruciating pain

only to fall a short distance away as the flames consumed it.

Prince Cabal reached her as she turned to face a second troll. "No!” he shouted,

thrusting his sword into the stomach of one of her attackers, "Save your strength!"

She flattened herself against the wall as he dove into the remaining three trolls. She

watched in awe as he fought. Never before had she seen anyone battle with such power,

such ferocity. He sliced through the trolls as if they were paper dolls. Still, she was

unwilling to stand by idly like a helpless female in a cheap romance novel. She cast an

illusion of large brown cave spiders crawling on the trolls. Jack and Nicole jerked as

spiders appeared from the ceiling by the thousands, attacking everything in sight.

"They’re not real,” Nicole yelled to Jack feeling the tingle of Sarah magic flow through


Cabal ignored the spiders striking out at the last of the trolls until they turned to flee.

Cabal grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her over the troll bodies that littered the cavern


"Hurry, before the creature grows stronger!” Cabal ordered, rushing past the two


The battle was fierce and bloody. The creature transformed into a giant spider that

echoed those Sarah created against the trolls. It’s legs were tipped with long wicked claws.

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Half a dozen warriors lay dead at the creature’s feet, sliced into pieces by its razor sharp

talons. Cabal shoved Sarah to one side and joined the battle. He shouted to her as he ran

forward, "Do your worst before more die!"

The creature transformed into a giant blackish purple bear with enlarged claws and an

elongated snout. Its sleek dark surface gave the bear-creature an unearthly appearance.

Jack rushed forward to attack the creature's head as its jaws sank into the legs of the

warrior that he bumped into in the tunnel. Nicole rushed to his aid. Only three warriors

and the Prince remained to battle the creature alongside Jack and Nicole. Sarah called a

spell of fire and threw a giant ball of flames at the creature. It staggered backward, but was

otherwise unaffected.

Repeatedly she threw the flames at the creature to no avail. She called a spell of ice and

hurled it into the monster. It screamed in pain as frozen crystals formed on its skin, but it

did not hesitate in it’s fight to destroy the warrior's swarming around it. Slowly it began to

push the warriors back and approach her. Rising to stand upright, it changed into a four-

armed creature with claws of steel. Realizing they could not keep the creature from

reaching Sarah, Nicole pulled the emerald talisman from her vest and thrust it in the air

above her. Recalling the incantation that Sarah had given her, she called its burst of light

forward and directed it toward the creature. The instant the light touched its sleek coat, it

turned and started for Nicole at such a quick pace she had to snatch the gem from the air

and sprint back toward the tunnel, barely able to stay ahead of her pursuer.

"Water!” Sarah screamed, suddenly realizing why the ice had injured the creature.

"Nicole, go to the river!"

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Nicole ran down the tunnel, stumbling over the remains of the trolls. Using her

woodland sense, she sought for any trace of moisture. The sounds of the warriors and her

friends came from behind as they raced to help her. Although she could not hear the

creature’s pursuit, she knew it was not far behind. She ran blindly toward any hint of water

that came. Nicole desperately reached out to the creatures of the cave. She beckoned them

to her, then dashed into a tunnel on her right. Insects and bats answered her call swarming

at the face of the creature, trying to slow its pace. A fork in the tunnel came leading her into

a small cavern that narrowed into a low tunnel. She found herself on her knees scurrying

forward. Keep moving! She heard Sarah's voice whisper from somewhere inside her head

and a barrier of ice appeared behind her sealing the tunnel. Smiling to herself, Nicole

complemented the sorceress on her telepathic discovery.

Sarah stumbled, trying to keep pace with the others. She concentrated on slowing the

creatures’ pursuit of Nicole. If she could not slow the creature, it would reach Nicole in a

matter of seconds.

Nicole crawled into a small chamber and scrambled to her feet. She raced across to the

far side and stopped, stunned. There was no tunnel, no river, only a dead end. Could her

senses have led her astray? No, she could smell the water, nearly taste it. It was so close.

She moved to the far wall as the creature emerged from the narrow tunnel. It took the

shape of a large hooded dark snake. Nicole turned to face it. She drew her short sword and

stuffed the talisman inside her vest.

"It's a dead end!” she shouted over the creature. Not waiting for a reply, she attacked the

creature as it neared. It leapt into the air, its shape taking on that of an oversized wolf as it

reached her. Using her sword to keep it at bay, Nicole shot over the creature; she pushed

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off the cave wall and rolled in the air. She landed behind it as the others entered the


"Sarah! There's water on the other side of the far wall!” Nicole yelled as the creature

charged, scattering them all. Cabal pulled Sarah across the chamber as Jack and the three

warriors fought to keep the creature from reaching Nicole.

"It wants the power of the talisman,” Sarah warned.

"Destroy the wall,” Cabal ordered.

"If there's a river on the other side, we could all drown,” she gasped to Cabal.

"A small price to pay for saving our world.” His words were gallant as he met her gaze.

With a nod, he motioned toward the wall.

Sarah concentrated on the wall as her thoughts went to Hopper, perhaps they would die

together in this dark place after all.

"When it starts to break,” Cabal added, “dive for the rocks.” He motioned toward a set of

large boulders to their right. She began to chant. The magic flowed into her. The creature

ceased its mission to reach Nicole. It turned toward the sorceress seeing a soft green aura

form around her. Cabal placed himself between her and the creature sensing its attack.

The creature sprang. Suddenly the cavern wall imploded in a shower of rocks and water.

The force of the explosion drove the wall into a cool black void, sucking the creature inside.

Cabal and Sarah were sent reeling into the void behind it. The roar of a waterfall met their

ears. They crashed into a wall of the icy water at the bottom of the falls. The creature

screamed in agony, flailing against the turbulent waters of the falls that forced it downward

and rolled it repeatedly.

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Cabal shoved Sarah away from the force of the current, forcing himself deeper into the

turmoil. Sarah's lungs burned from holding her breath. Her head reached the surface and

she gasped for air. The pull of the current fought against her as struggled to reach the

shore. Dragging herself out of the water, she saw a pale yellow moon crested over the tall

trees. She realized they were in the small stone encased pond where Jack nearly drowned.

Sarah glanced back toward the water for any sign of survivors. When Cabal failed to

surface, she dove back in to search for him. The creature broke free of the current and

slowly floated to the surface. Sarah issued a light spell and found Cabal floating deep

beneath the water. She swam to reach him, ignoring the dying creature.

She took hold of Cabal’s shoulder and swam for the surface. Jack appeared in the water

before her. He grabbed the Prince and pushed Sarah gently toward the stone edge of the

pond. Nicole surfaced in the water behind them, as did the three remaining warriors. Each

struggled against the fierce current and swam to shore. Smiling, Nicole glanced at the still

form of the dark wolf. It had managed to pull the bulk of its body from the icy water, lying

on top of the pale rocks that lined the shore.

Prince Cabal coughed as he purged his lungs of water. Rising, he took the torn piece of

Sarah's robe she offered and held it to the wound on his brow. Moving slowly to where

Nicole stood, he stared at the silent creature. Jack came up beside them with Sarah under

his arm.

"Is it dead?” he asked, kneeling beside it.

"No," Nicole answered, "Be careful.” She moved to pull him back and the creature

lunged. Transforming back into the liquid creature that engulfed Hopper, it covered Nicole

smothering her in darkness. She could hear Jack’s screams as he fought to tear the creature

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away from her. Her head began to swim. She felt icy fingers move inside of her vest. Dark

colors merged and separated before her eyes as it absorbed her strength. Suddenly the

colors flashed with a brilliant emerald light and the creature spat her out as if she were the

pit of a succulent fruit. She flew over her rescuer’s heads and landed in the center of the

frothy waters of the pond. Diving after her, Jack was oblivious to the creature’s


Sarah staggered backward as the creature took its final form. Prince Cabal attacked not

waiting to see what it would become. His three warriors rushed to his side, striking at the

creature with renewed strength. It continued to grow, changing from the blackish purple

tar like liquid into a cat-like creature. Balls of fire slammed into the creature, knocking it

back against the rocks at the edge of the pond.

“Push it toward the water!” Sarah yelled over the warriors battle cries.

The icy water had weakened it. Perhaps if they kept it in the pond long enough it would

become weak enough to destroy. Throwing her spell of ice at it, the creature screamed and

charged toward her. Prince Cabal and the warriors were ready. They drove it back to the

water with their swords. Jack pulled Nicole from the pond and joined in the battle, after

ordering her to stay out of it.

The stars twinkled above them as the moon moved across the horizon. The battle

continued until the first signs of light glowed in the east. They had pushed the creature into

the water repeatedly, only to have it shoot from the pond onto the rock bank despite their

efforts. Sarah cast an enchantment on their swords chilling them to an icy temperature to

injure the creature. Its sleek dark surface was oozing with a thick black substance from the

many wounds the warriors had managed to inflict. Yet it still strove to absorb Sarah's

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magic. Pushing for the shadows, the black tar cat screeched in frustration as Prince Cabal

dove between it and Sarah once more.

Nicole staggered back from the battle, still not fully recovered from the creature’s attack.

The sun touched her face, warming her, reviving her. She sighed and turned slowly, facing

the golden orb. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at the creature, determined to rejoin

the battle. As her thoughts turned to destroying the creature, her chest began to burn.

Clutching at her breast, she gasped as the pain grew stronger. Tearing at the front of her

vest, she pulled the glowing talisman out, dropping it as its heat seared her fingers.

It fell into the shadows and rolled off into the grass beside the rocks. She had mistakenly

thought the creature had taken the talisman. That explosion of light must have injured the

creature, instead of giving it power. Springing from the boulder, she knelt down beside the

gem. The glow had vanished. Lifting the talisman, she was surprised to find it had turned

cold. Climbing up onto the pile of boulders Hopper had created to block part of the falls.

Nicole raised the crystal into the sun above her. A burst of light exploded from the crystal

throwing Nicole off the boulder and into the dirt behind her. Scrambling to her feet and

back onto the boulder, she raised the crystal over her head and willed the beam to strike

the creature. A bolt of emerald magic pounded into the creature, knocking it off its feet but

otherwise not affecting it.

Nicole screamed for Sarah as she jumped from the boulders and raced to where the

sorceress stood throwing another ice spell at the creature. "Sarah, takes this to the

boulders, stand in the light, and use it!” Nicole ordered.

Sarah grabbed the jewel and sprinted across the grass to the boulders as the creature

seized one of the warriors in its jaws. Jack sprang forward and shoved his sword through

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the giant cat's throat. One swipe of its paws and he was swatted away like an annoying fly.

Cabal leaped on the back of the creature and plunged his icy sword repeatedly into the

monster’s back. The creature crushed the warrior in its jaws and tossed his lifeless form

aside. Rolling on its back, it quickly overwhelmed Cabal. Its long claws sunk into Cabal’s

arm and pulled him to toward its massive teeth. Bracing his feet against the cat-creature's

chest, he continued to stab at it.

Jack sprang toward the creature's head. Placing his sword at its throat, he tried to sever

its head. Once again, he was easily thrown clear. Nicole dove at the monster, calling on the

forest creatures. Birds swarmed from the trees attacking the creature. It ignored them.

Sarah screamed from her perch above the falls and they fell back. Raising the crystal high,

she prayed for Cabal's safety and chanted the spell of dissolution. Picturing in her mind a

force field of safety surrounding Cabal, she sent a white bolt of energy into the creature. It

screamed, springing away from the light. Sarah followed the creature and attacked it with

the light, not daring to look at what was left of Cabal.

The two remaining warriors followed Jack and Nicole as they attacked the creatures

driving it toward the pond. Another burst of light struck it and it fell into the freezing

water. Sarah concentrated on the creature using all her power to send a continuous stream

of the white-hot energy into the pond where the creature struggled. Again and again, she

pounded the creature with the power of the crystal until it sank beneath the surface of the


Sarah fell to her knees, exhausted. She could hear cheers of her fellow warriors. Her

thoughts turned to Todd. When the cheering came to a dramatic halt she looked below to

find the others gathered around the still form of Prince Cabal. Sarah quickly climbed down

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the rocks to examine him. She felt numb as she neared the edge of the pond where the

prince lies. Nicole knelt beside him, her head to his chest as Jack pulled the charred

clothing from his legs. His face was pale. He wore an expression of severe pain beneath the

streams of blood that covered his face.

"Is he dead?” Sarah asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

"No," Nicole answered. “But he could use the skills of a good nurse practitioner.”

"His men will have to care for him,” Sarah said, “I'm going back for Todd."

Jack grabbed her arms. He stared into her eyes and said softly, “He’s out of our reach,

Sarah. If he survives, he will find us. You have to trust him . . . And wait.”

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Chapter Twelve

The Elfin court, seated before them, stared in silence as the three remaining adventurers

approached. The grand hall in Fortress City housed the council of the three elf nations.

Golden banners hung from the ceilings and towering walls. White flowers, symbolizing

fallen warriors cascaded from two large urns on each side of the forum before them. Prince

Cabal squeezed Sarah's elbow as they neared, giving her an encouraging nod. Dressed in

the rags of their original costumes, the three adventurers faced the high council with the

prince at their side.

Queen Briees, an elegant and imposing woman, stood before them in amber robes. Her

golden hair cascaded down to the floor. Her face did not hold a welcoming smile. Her eyes

were not full of gratitude. When she spoke, her voice was calm and void of emotion. "We

have discussed your situation and the events that led to the release and consequent

destruction of the great creature." She paused as her gaze lingered on her son, Cabal. “The

High Council has ruled. We believe when you return to your homeland and you revert to

your natural state, Puissant's powers will return to him. Prince Cabal's argument of your

victimization at the hands of the ancient wizard has been quite convincing. You did prove

yourselves as allies by destroying the creature and saving my son’s life. This combined with

my son's assurance that you suffered as great a loss as any family in our city, has given me

reason to offer leniency. Although not all in the council share my belief, I offer you

amnesty. However, it comes at a price. Sorceress Sarah Sims, you must stay here in

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Fortress City and complete your training under Amity's guidance. An untrained sorceress

is a deadly threat our city cannot risk. The barbarian Jack Tyler and Woodland Elf Nicole

Waters shall serve in the Battle Academy training our young men and women with the

skills necessary to replace those precious warriors lost in this struggle.” Her deep blue

eyes showed no warmth as she scrutinized Nicole and Jack. "It will be difficult. You face

many prejudices and threats of vengeance by the families of those you killed. Your

exceptional battle skills and the testimony of the surviving warriors have been your saving


"We regret the pain we have caused and are honored to serve you,” Jack answered as he

took Nicole's hand in his. “We won’t disappoint you.”

The Queen did not respond to Jack’s words, but simply continued, "You will also allow

Amity to cast an enchantment upon you. It will insure that you never return to Puissant's

world.” The Queen finished as her eyes met Jack’s.

"I have no desire to return,” he said. “I can’t speak for the others.” He turned to look at


Nicole gazed into his eyes, and then turned to the Queen and declared, "I wish only to be

with him."

Sarah felt all eyes fall upon her. She turned to gaze at the council of elderly elves and

saw some filled with fear, others anger. She was a new threat to the security of Fortress

City as well as the other elfin providences. If she turned against them or allowed Puissant

to return, it could mean their destruction.

"I accept your terms as long as the enchantment will not interfere with my magic. I also

humbly request that Amity aid me in seeking out and healing the trolls that roam the

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caverns under the Cave of Sorrow. They have been cursed with an illness I suspect

Puissant cast long ago. I would have them freed in hopes of recovering our fallen comrade,

Todd Hopper.” Her voice broke as she spoke his name. A tear rolled down her pale cheek.

Weeks had passed with no sign of him; Sarah feared the worst.

The Queen gazed passed Sarah and turned to find the old wizard from the cave standing

there. He nodded his consent.

"Let it be done,” the Queen declared.

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When Magic Fails Hypnotic Journey: Book 2

Alaina Stanford

©20l2 Alaina Stanford

No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written

permission of the author.

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Chapter One

Group Hypnosis, how many Times do I have to say it? Group Hypnosis, got it?” Tom

cringed at the detective’s stare. “My friends went to Landon, Kansas over three weeks ago

for a weekend session.”

The blank expression of the officer was extremely frustrating. The dimly lit offices of the

second precinct in the St Louis Police department did little to rid the dread eating Tom’s

insides. The detective’s giant hands tapped against the top of the desk as he stared at Tom.

Tom pushed his dark, brown hair back from his face as he took a deep breath. “Look, I

don’t care what your opinion of hypnosis is. What I do care about is getting an investigation

underway.” Calming himself, Tom rubbed his temples as his headache returned. “These

four people are intelligent, dedicated professionals. All of whom failed to report to work the

Monday after their departure. No one has seen or heard from them for over three weeks.”

“Why is it that you’re just now getting around to reporting this?” The detective adjusted

his computer monitor and started typing on the keyboard.

“As I said before, I’ve spent the last week in the hospital. I had Spinal Meningitis and had

to cancel my plans to go with them on this vacation. I went to the hospital a couple of days

after they left for tests that resulted in a spinal fluid leak. I've spent the last three weeks flat

on my back under heavy sedation." He glanced down at his clenched fists and tried to relax.

He took a deep breath and glanced around the small office, breathing slow and deep. The

smoke-stained walls were cracked and peeling. There was a musty scent, which Tom

suspected came from the lack of a janitorial staff.

Crumpled paper and various burger wrappers from local fast food restaurants littered

the floor. He noticed a young woman speaking to another detective at the desk across the

room. She was pale, the dark rings under her eyes told of her exhaustion. Her stringy, dark

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hair hung in a loose tangle of knots from her tiny ponytail. He knew just how she felt.

Someone she cared about was lost, and these people couldn't find a stray dog at the pound.

Tom's hand went instinctively to his hair. Did he look as crazy as she did? Probably, he

hadn't slept without medication in so long he wasn't sure he knew how.

He'd spent the last three weeks in his personal vision of hell. He didn't know if he were

going to live or die for those first excruciating days. He'd actually reached the point where

he wasn’t sure he wanted to live any longer with the pain. Then he'd returned home, with

no sign of Nicole to help him face the pounding pressure in his head that threatened to

increase each time he sat up. Only to find she was missing. Where were they? Nicole was

too methodical, too obsessed with her work, to go off without a word to anyone.

Someone who wanted to be the next District Attorney, perhaps the first female President

wouldn't just disappear without a word. Jack, on the other hand, did this kind of thing all

the time. Becoming a Travel Agent was the ultimate experience for that lovable rogue. He

was born to vanish at a moment's notice. But not Todd, he had commitments. His coach was

screaming about his best player probably laying in the gutter somewhere with his guts

exposed. Todd never missed a practice, much less three games in a row.

"Alright, give me their names again." The detective muttered, sliding his bulk forward in

the tiny wooden chair.

"Todd Hopper. He should already be on your list."

“The hockey player?" The detective glanced up.

“Yes and his girlfriend, Sarah Sims. She's a Nurse Practitioner at Montgomery General."

Tom continued. "Jack Tyler, he’s the third one. He's with The Traverse Agency. Finally,

Nicole Waters, my fiancée. You might have heard of her. She's the D.A.'s top attorney."

“Waters and Hopper were together when they disappeared?" He sighed and reached for

a pile of files on the corner of his desk. "Let's see what the latest on Hopper is, and check to

see if you’re two other friends have been put into the system yet.” The detective rose slowly

and moved across the room to sit in front of another computer. “We're Miss Waters and Mr.

Tyler ever romantically involved?" He called over to Tom without glancing up.

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Hardly," Tom stifled a nervous chuckle, envisioning the two as lovers. "She met Jack

through me. Jack's a friend of mine. Normally, they don't . . . Associate. He was kind enough

to fill the empty spot on that trip for me when I got sick." Tom didn’t want to reveal the

animosity between the two people he cared about the most.

The detective turned back to stare at Tom, “So they were never involved?”

"No, Nicole is my fiancé, she hardly knows Jack." Tom’s brown eyes met the dark stare of

the detective.

Concentrating on the computer, the detective tapped a few keys and then motioned for

Tom. "Three of your friends have been reported missing. Mr. Tyler has not. You’re the only

one who's given the slightest indication of where they might have gone, and revealed the

fact that they disappeared together."

"It was a business vacation. Nicole wanted to keep it quiet, and Hopper didn't want his

fans following him to Landon. Jack has no family; His parents died a few years ago." Tom

explained. "So are you going to send someone to Landon to talk to this Dr. Strong?"

"Have you talked with Jack Tyler’s people?" The detective asked, without taking his eyes

from the screen.

“The travel agency?"

"Yeah...” The detective stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"I already told you, they haven't heard a thing." Tom looked over as a young woman

slowly followed the officer into a small, window-filled office. He could see the dark gray

clouds that covered the sky, through the windows of the small glass encased room. The

gloom seemed to deepen as the female detective offered the frail woman a seat. Tom

couldn't take his eyes off the young woman as the detective sat down across from her, and

began to speak. The young woman's face paled, and she began to sob. They'd found her

missing person.

"Jack Tyler, is that his full name?" The detective asked, snapping Tom back to the

business at hand.

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"I don't know his middle name," Tom’s stomach churned, as he caught the stricken

expression on the woman's face. "So no one has gone to Landon to talk with Dr. Strong?"

"We didn't know he existed.”

“I called his office. There was no answer.” Tom said, trying to quell his panic. "I wanted

to go up there myself, but I just can't take any more time off from the bank. I've used up all

my vacation and sick days with the meningitis. "

"No one expects you to find them." The detective said. "Do you think you were the last

person to see your friends?"

"I don't know, I guess so. Nicole left my apartment an hour before they were scheduled

to depart. I’m sure there were plenty of people at the airport who saw them. Listen, I have

to get back to work. I'm supposed to be on a business call right now. I'm putting my job on

the line to find out what you people are doing about Todd Hopper and my friends! He

rubbed his forehead, breathing deeply.

"Mr. Norton, we can only go so far in an investigation without any leads. Now that you've

given us something to go on, we can contact the authorities in Landon and have them

interview Dr . . .”

"Strong, Alias Strong." Tom finished for him. "How long will that take?"

“Well this case is three weeks old . . .” The detective hesitated. "But since a public figure

like Todd Hopper is involved, they'll get right on it. After all, a small town like Landon's

probably never had a missing person before."

"So you’re saying some small town sheriff is going to handle a missing person case that

involves four prominent St. Louis citizens." Tom sneered.

"That's not the point." The detective rose and motioned to a small-enclosed office, next

to the one where the young woman still sat crying. "I'd like to discuss your friends' plans in

more detail. He added waving at the female detective, as she left the girl to recover on her


"I'm glad to do it, but it will have to wait until after I am done at the bank . . .” Tom rose

to leave.

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The detective moved swiftly around his desk, and took hold of Tom's arm to guide him

toward the vacant office. "We'll need a statement about this Dr. Strong, and proof of your

whereabouts during the last three weeks.”

Tom shook his head as it began to spin. “Am I a suspect?”

“You're an intelligent man, Mr. Norton. Surely you can understand why we need to verify

the information you've just given us."

The courtyard below the Sorcerer's white, stone tower filled with the sounds of

pounding metal. Sarah brushed back her long, red hair and gazed out the small oblong

window. Her deep blue eyes focused on the elf Prince Cabal as Jack; the tall, dark haired

barbarian swung his blade high, arching down swiftly as the blonde-haired prince met his

blow with unhesitating power. They tested each other’s skill in combat each morning,

before tending to their duties instructing the young elf warriors. Never before had a human

held his own against the large elf prince. Then again, Jack was no normal barbarian, and he

was not from this world.

Nicole, an ebony-haired woodland elf, sat on the stonewall watching the pair with great

amusement. She had also found herself a unique member of this new world of elves and

magic. As beautiful and mysterious as she was, Nicole found herself to be one of the last

woodland elves in existence, half elf, half wood nymph. Sarah could see Nicole's seductive

smile. She stood, enjoying the struggle between the elf Prince and her handsome husband.

Suddenly, Cabal sent Jack reeling into the dirt at the edge of the large, grassy yard. Sarah's

lips moved ever so slightly toward mirth, as her gaze landed on Cabal's upturned eyes. His

gaze met hers for only an instant, before turning back to face Jack.

The increased force of the assault took Jack by surprise. Jack's broad, bare back glistened

with sweat as he fought. His dark, tan breeches held sweat and grass stains, down to the

brim of his short black boots. Cabal was swiftly getting the better of him. Stumbling

backward, Jack tucked his legs under and somersaulted swiftly across the grass, out of

reach. ”I'd prefer to finish this intact."

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"My apologies,” Cabal said, grinning viciously. "I keep forgetting you're only human." His

smile softened to full amusement, as Jack raised his sword in challenge.

"Human or not," Jack said, as he slowly approached him. "I carry the advantage of

unworldly knowledge."

“Is that what you're doing?" Cabal laughed, "Something unworldly?"

"I have a vast library of knowledge inside my head from my homeland."

"What knowledge could your world offer that would be useful here?"

"How about a toilet?" Jack winked at Nicole.

“Perhaps you should build one, and leave us all in awe.” Cabal declared.

“People could call them ‘Jacks’ for short.” Nicole added to the conversation.

“Knowledge, power, wisdom, it's never appreciated until it's missing." Jack said casually,

moving in for a swift lunge.

"Don't listen to him, Cabal." Nicole said, “He was no one special in the 'Real World'. He

arranged journeys to secluded tropical islands for rich merchants.”

"I see," Cabal smiled, still staring at Jack. "You were a liaison between the client, and

their ship captain; an errand boy, very impressive. Very powerful."

Sarah watched as Jack surged forward, attacking the laughing prince. She knew it would

take much more than a few casual remarks to anger Jack. Prince Cabal and her two

companions had become inseparable since they joined forces to destroy the beast from the

Cave of Sorrows. The three of them saved Cabal's life that day. Sarah often wondered if that

was why he remained close, despite their lack of popularity. In fact, they were the three

most despised people in the entire kingdom.

Prince Cabal had made a point of leaving Sarah to her thoughts these last few months.

Never approaching her, yet always close at hand. When they'd arrived at the wizard's

stronghold, the prince was attentive to the extreme. Yet all Sarah wanted was to attend to

her studies, and forget the past. Nearly a year had gone by since she'd heeded the elf

queen's wishes, of apprenticeship to the queen's sorcerer, Ahmity. Finally, less than a

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fortnight ago, she had completed her training. In all that time no one, not even Ahmity

himself; had managed to discover what had happened to Todd. Her heart still ached for

him. His transformation into a troll didn’t matter to her. She loved him. Terror sprang anew

for him, each time she thought of his end at the hands of the trolls. How could they have

saved him, his injuries were too severe.

Pushing him from her thoughts, she watched the lighthearted battle below. The skills her

friends prided themselves in were more than they appeared. Time, and time again, they

stood by her side, risking their lives to protect her. Now she had mastered her magic. In any

situation, she was capable of keeping a foe at bay. At least that was what Ahmity had told

her. If this were so, why was she so compelled to learn the uses of the small sword that

Nicole wielded? Why was Ahmity resisting her constant badgering to take a weapon of her


“Wizards don't consider the sword a useful device.” His soft voice often explained.

Even so, she couldn't help but feel the situation that now faced them warranted extreme

measures. She knew something terrible was happening, but Ahmity would not discuss it.

Sarah watched Ahmity carefully, each time a messenger came to the castle. The first had

sent the elderly wizard into seclusion, hiding deep within the bowels of the stronghold for

days on end. With the third messenger, he called her into his chambers. His dark, narrow

eyes searched hers for some unknown reaction, as he informed her they were the only two

wizards left to guard the realm. As the others before them, the elf wizards vanished

suddenly, during a monstrous lighting storm. Several days later, their lifeless disfigured

bodies appeared at the gates of Fortress City.

This and nothing else was told to Sarah. Ahmity turned aside her questions, claiming

nothing more was known. Her mind went to Puissant, but he could not enter this world. He

had given Sarah all of his magic, to help her complete the quest; a quest that had turned out

to be a lie. No, it was not possible for Puissant to be behind the murders of the elf wizards;

it had to be someone much more powerful.

During her studies as Ahmity's apprentice, Sarah had learned much of this land of

enchantment. The dwarf wizards had disappeared in nearly the same way. Afterward, their

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cities, each in turn, vanished in a pillar of black dust. Ten years had passed with no hint of

the dwarves. The elves had become so enthralled in their battle with the evil wizard

Puissant; they had forsaken the dwarves in order to save themselves. Puissant had

somehow found a powerful source of magic, and used it to gain power over the elves. All

the elf wizards joined forces against Puissant. They managed to drive him from this world.

The alternate realm was his punishment.

Yet the evil wizard’s undoing, left Sarah and her friends stranded in this land of magic.

Tricked into participating in what they thought was a harmless adventure. They found

themselves in a land, so foreign, Todd died before they realized the fantasyland had

become their true reality. Sarah had chosen to stay, chosen to withhold Puissant’s powers

from him. Powers he willingly sacrificed, to return and seek vengeance on the elves. Nicole

was supposed to inherit his powers. Ahmity foresaw their coming and altered their

identities, as they were transported into this realm. The result caused Puissant's failure.

Sarah was partially responsible for that failure. Sarah, the only human wizard known to

befriend the elves.

Puissant's downfall was of little comfort to her; although it eased her thirst to revenge

Todd. Sarah turned away from the window to find Ahmity's bright blue almond-shaped

eyes studying her.

"Your thoughts are far away this day."The ancient elf surmised from where he sat,

smiling gently, through his long white beard.

"Not as far as you would believe." She frowned back at him.

"Ah, I see. You are about to lecture me on the uses of the sword again." He chuckled,

turning back to his large wooden desk. His long, thin fingers pushed aside a particularly

high pile of books. Glancing up at her through the channel he had made, he added with a

sigh. "Very well, I shall elucidate, again. You are a sorceress, powerful beyond my

expectation. You have learned all that I can teach. With the exception of the wisdom that

only comes with experience. Therefore, I advise you, heed my counsel. In all my years as a

student of sorcery, and one always remains a student, I have never found the need for

physical defense. It is an unnecessary and cruel barbarism.”

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"If the others had learned the art of swordsmanship, perhaps they would have lived to

warn us of the danger that threatens our very existence.” Sarah said, as she pulled a black

ribbon from the pocket of her long, green robe and tied it around her long, curly red hair.

Her dress, hidden safely underneath, gathered under her bust line and flowed freely to her

ankles. She moved forward and leaned over the piles of books on his desk staring at him.

"If an experienced wizard doesn't have time to throw a simple spell of defense, how can

they be expected to draw a sword. “I blame your human heritage for your tendency toward

physical protection." Ahmity said with a sigh. “Sarah, physical weapons are a deception to a

sorcerer. It can cause over confidence, laziness . . .”

“But what if there are too many attackers, in close quarters. It would be difficult to keep

them all at bay. Or they became flustered and couldn't think of a powerful enough

incantation." Sarah said, too wrapped up in her argument to listen to Ahmity. “And being

human in this realm is difficult enough, without adding your stubbornness to the list of my


“I apologize."He smiled softly, "Being human also has its rewards. You have a different

perception of magic than any of my previous students. That is why I have taught you to use

your thoughts to fire the spells. Words are time consuming and bothersome. You have

taken the spells into your heart; they have become a part of you. You have learned the art of

calm reasoning. With its help, you simply picture what it is that you wish to occur, and call

upon your gift to accomplish it. It is highly unlikely that you will misfire, and need the aid of

a warrior. All that I have taught you is held deep inside, in a moment of crisis they are

simply a thought away."

"Then why have you kept me here?" She demanded, "My apprenticeship is finished. Yet

you deny me the simple luxury of an afternoon of leisure by the river. Simply because it is

outside the walls of this . . . Prison!"

“Prison is it?" He questioned calmly, the color of his eyes deepened to sapphire.

“What else would you call it?"

“I wish only to keep you safe." Ahmity rose, and came around the desk to place his hands

on her shoulders.

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“I’m not a child! You may have seen hundreds of years of life. However, humans are a

fragile breed but we’re considered adults at the age of 18. I have surpassed that by several

years.” She turned away. "I can't stay here forever." Sarah glanced toward the long, narrow

window and added. "Isn't it time I tested my strength."

Ahmity's thin form seemed to shrink slightly with her words. "If I could only be certain

of what power lay in wait . . .” He began.

"Maybe that is our mistake." She offered, quietly. "Waiting for it to come."

"Perhaps,” He answered thoughtfully, as he slowly moved back behind his desk. He sat

for several minutes in silence before locking eyes with her. "I suppose a few lessons in

swordsmanship wouldn't do you any harm."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

“Only basic defense, mind you." He said.

"Of course!" She said, as she rushed to embrace him, and then pulled quickly away, her

eyes full of suspicion. "Anything to keep me here a while longer."

"I have dealt with the most powerful Kings, Queens, and wizards of this realm, and the

human land across the sea. Of them all, you are the only one that I cannot lie to or deceive,

even the slightest.” He chuckled and waved her toward the door.

"That's because none of them has been locked up in this dungeon with you for nearly a

year.” She grinned, as she headed toward the door.

"Get on with your new adventure, child!" He glanced down at his work, and added,

"Cabal is best for the job."

Stopping as she reached the door, her blood suddenly running as cold as the pale, yellow

stone walls that surrounded her. She turned back to Ahmity, and forced her voice to remain

casual. "I'd prefer Nicole.

"Would you?" He asked; his expression softened, "If that is what you wish."

Bounding down the tower's stone steps, she rushed across the large, dimly lit dining hall,

and sailed out into the courtyard, just as Jack and Cabal finished their session. Sarah was

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smiling brightly, as she ran straight to Nicole, who waited expectantly on top of the stone

fence. The sun flashed on Nicole's long, black hair, displaying its dark blue hues.

Nicole’s transformation into the petite, voluptuous form had given Sarah twinges of

jealousy for several months after they arrived, until she realized that her athletic figure

was just as pleasing to the eye.

Nicole's eyes glimmered with amusement as Sarah stopped before her, "You finally

managed to convince that old goat to allow you a hobby?" She said, as Sarah stopped before


Nicole's laughter brought Jack to her side as he said, "Did I hear right? You're going to

take up the sword?"

Jack grinned and pulled Sarah against his sweaty bare chest for a quick hug.

"Yes!" She smiled, and squirmed to escape his grasp. "He has conceded to my wisdom."

A deep chuckle came from behind her. Sarah stiffened, realizing Prince Cabal had followed

Jack to the edge of the courtyard.

"If Ahmity has granted you a favor, I'd be wary of its repercussions." Cabal said with a


Sarah forced herself to turn and face him. She glared as Cabal with more anger than

intended, "I don't care what his motives are; I want to learn."

Cabals handsome, chiseled features and disheveled hair made her pulse race. Sarah

couldn’t help but notice the glistening sweat that clung to his muscular arms and chest. She

took a deep breath, and concentrated on the one physical trait that separated humans from

elves, his long pointed ears. Cabal’s smile faded at her abrupt remark, and he glanced

quickly at Jack. Nodding at her in silence, he opened his hands out before him in

submission, and turned to head across the courtyard.

"You could at least try to be nice to him." Nicole chastised her gently. "His response

might surprise you.”

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"I came out here to learn how to use a weapon. Not for a lecture on my manners." Sarah

spun around, confused by her own reaction to Cabal.

Nicole grinned, “Well then, tell me Jack, my loving husband, what is an appropriate

weapon for a sharp-tongued sorceress?”

Jack forced the smile from his lips, as he placed his hands on Sarah's shoulders and

turned her toward him. "Well, I'd say a short sword, although she is not the petite wisp of a

thing that you are."

“Wisp?” Nicole jumped down from the stonewall, drawing her sword. "Would you care

to test my wisp’s talents?"

“There’s plenty of time for that later, my darling,” Jack said with a wink at Sarah, as he

released her and spun to take his wife in his arms.

Shaking her head at the pair as their lips met, Sarah glanced across at Prince Cabal. He

emerged from the small blacksmith shop, at the far end of the courtyard, and headed

toward her. Sarah watched him; her heart began to race as he neared. Cabal quietly

presented her with a long, delicate sword, and a tiny, jewel encrusted dirk.

"I hope you will find these to your liking." He held them out to Sarah, his eyes focusing

on hers. The thin blade of the sword left it surprisingly light, and easy to wield. The shining

silver metal glistened in the sunlight. The delicate carving of a wild rose climbed along the

length of the blade.

"It's beautiful." Sarah gasped. She immediately felt guilty for her earlier remark.

“It’s elven steel.” Cabal explained, "It was my mother’s. In her day, she was quite a


Sarah gawked at him. “The Queen?”

"She believed, as most others, that the crown would go to Ahmity. By law, being Ahmity's

younger sibling, left her with the duty of the King's protector. It was only natural that she

became a warrior." He pulled the dirk from its sheath. "For years, even after she became

Queen, she kept this in her boot."

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"These are much too precious . . . I can't . . ."

"I insist." He grabbed her hand and thrust the dirk into her palm, his smile vanishing.

His face softened as his eyes met hers, and he added quietly, "It would be a great honor, for

me and the Queen, if you would carry it."

Stunned, she gazed into his eyes, as an invisible hand reached out and squeezed the pit

of her stomach sharply. She took a deep breath and smiled weakly. "How can I refuse?”

Cabal nodded, then turned, mounted and swung the horse around to face them. “I've

been invited to the Elf Council. The trolls Ahmity healed have started to emerge from the


Sarah’s heart felt like it stopped at his words. She could not move or speak. She could

only stand there and listen. Trolls.

"What does that mean?" Nicole asked.

"I'm not sure," he answered, "The Giant Trolls have been a nuisance in the past, but

nothing dangerous. However, the local farmers are concerned their stock will start to

disappear, as it has in the past when Trolls are present. My guess is the council will want to

round them up, and force them back into the valley."

"That's not fair!" Nicole said. "They haven't done anything wrong.”

"Fair or not, we don't want to wait until someone gets killed, before we take control of

the situation." Jack countered.

"That's the most biased statement I've ever heard you make.” Nicole stared at him,


"Hopper was my friend, too." Jack offered softly, "But he was nothing like these trolls.

The fact that they were the same species was all they shared, and don't think they were

innocent where Hopper's death was concerned."

"They were under Puissant's influence when they attacked us!" Nicole said, turning back

to Cabal. "We invaded their home, they were defending themselves. It's a miracle they

survived as long as they did, afflicted as they were. Have you thought about their suffering?

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Just because we've had trouble with them in the past, doesn't mean they're instinct will be

to attack. It's entirely possible they want to join us.”

“That's highly unlikely.” Jack frowned, taking her hand.

Cabal said, "You're a Woodland Elf, why don't you represent your people at the council?

They could use a voice. The Highland and the Mesa elves, each has at least three

representatives. The woodlands usually only send one.

"What do you say to that, councilman?" Jack said. "It's definitely up your alley."

“Perhaps it's time this council of yours had an educated woman of the world, among its

members." Nicole smiled mischievously, and headed to saddle her horse.

"What about my lesson?" Sarah forced herself to speak. She would not ask all the

questions welling up inside her. She would focus on reality, and keep herself at the

moment. Rushing off to the mountains would not bring Hopper back.

"Get her started, Jack.'" Nicole hollered over her shoulder. "But first, find her

something decent to wear."

Sarah glanced down at her flowing robes and frowned. "Everything I own is like this.”

She mumbled.

"Get her something of mine.”Nicole laughed, and galloped toward the large, lowering

drawbridge behind Prince Cabal.

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Chapter Two

"We must stop bickering amongst ourselves!" Queen Briess announced in a loud voice.

"Nicole Tyler has offered us an alternative to aggression. I am shocked and ashamed that

the elves our people hold in highest esteem, refuse to listen to a passive solution." Her

floor-length gown’s golden shimmer matched that of her shoulder length hair.

The long, white stone table where the council, of no less than 25 members, sat was

surrounded by a tall, green trellis open to the blue sky above them. Pink, flowering vines,

draped across the opening, provided just enough shade to keep away the warmth of the sun

from the immense gazebo, nestled at the base of the Queen’s royal gardens. Servants

rushed about, providing food and drink, as the council’s session stretch into the later hours

of the day.

Each council member wore a simple sapphire robe, the only distinguishing mark on each

robe, was the emblem that indicated which Elven tribe the represented. The queen sat at

the head of the table; Cabal and Nicole sat to her right. The Queen rose to address the

council, Nicole and Cabal rose to stand beside her as she spoke. “After the disappearance of

Tarsimonious and the dwarves, we can little afford to casually annihilate another species.

Lest there are none left but ourselves.” She paused to gaze at the council."Unless that is our


"Nay! You’re Highness! We merely seek to protect our people from the threat of attack."

A white-haired elf rose; his voice cracked with distress. "That was the dwarves mistake.

They thought they were impregnable and lowered their guard instead of taking action. That

is why their city was destroyed."

"Then Bilul my dear friend, I suggest we take our Woodland neighbor's offer, and

attempt to contact the tunnel trolls. They are the only species of troll that remain in the

Enamor Mountains. If we could unite, perhaps they could give us insight into the

disappearance of the dwarves, and the loss of nearly all our wizards."

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"Perhaps they are the cause.'' A deep voice boomed from the far end of the table. A tall,

stocky elf with dark, green eyes and coal black hair rose and met Nicole’s stare for a brief

moment. He held himself with pride, and the confidence that reeked of worldly

experiences. He was the only representative of the woodland elves to maintain a constant

presence at the elf council.

"Gravid, as a member of a small, yet elite species of elves, I would expect you of all the

councilmen, to understand the realities of arbitration.” Queen Briess answered.

"My people will not vanish in a cloud of dust." He said; his face turned red beneath his

blue-black hair. "We have sworn to do all in our power to protect the last elf wizard from

this unseen foe. Even as we speak, my people surround Ahmity's stronghold, to prepare for

the storm that will as surely sweep down on him, as the trolls will cross the mountains."

"The answer to our wizard shortage is as simple as passively approaching the trolls."

Nicole offered, lightly. "We need only train more."

"Blasphemer!” Gravid shouted, leaning forward to slam his fist on the table.

"Hold your temper!” Prince Cabal commanded. “Harsh words will not be spoken at this

table! Nicole Tyler’s words are wise; they do hold some truth. Instead of blaming each

other, or drowning our sorrows in our wine, we should take it upon ourselves to seek out

those who have the potential to grow in magic. The gift is rare I know, but we need to stop

hiding from it, afraid of what they might become."

"What about the human who possesses Puissant's evil?" A blonde female said from her

seat near Gravid. "Perhaps her magic could be dispersed to others. A smaller concentration

of the powers of Puissant in others could render the evil impotent."

"She may possess Puissant’s magic, but she is no more of a threat than you or me,

Kalana." Cabal answered, curtly. "She has dedicated herself to learning the laws of sorcery

and intends to follow them explicitly."

"Your vision of this human is tainted." Kalana said, rising to face the others. "I submit

that Prince Cabal has fallen under the spell of this sorceress, and should no longer be

considered impartial in the matter of her fidelity to the Elven people."

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Queen Briess stepped in, not willing to allow the same discussion to overtake the

council, as it had in the past. “We are not here to discuss Sorceress Sims dedication to this

realm. I believe Sorceress Sims to be no threat and will not discuss it further. We must

come to terms on how to approach the wandering troll population.”

"I say we greet them with open arms, if it would please the Queen." Gravid offered. "With

our swords ready, and the numbers to push back them, if necessary."

"I have no argument with this proposal." Nicole declared, staring at the dark elf. His

large, dark eyes met hers one last time. They held no accord, no sign of kinship. Was it her

imagination, or did he look at her with disgust? Perhaps she is too accepting of her new

identity. She knew nothing of the elves she rushed to represent on the council. She had

never even seen another woodland elf until today. What was she thinking when she raced

beside Cabal to attend the council? She had no right to represent the woodland people; she

was not one of them.

Conscious of the movement outside the castle walls, Jack wondered whether his wife

was involved in the encircling of the stronghold, by the dark shining eyes of the woodland

elves. Believing them no threat, he continued to coach Sarah on the way she held her

sword, while managing to admire the way his wives tiny, green leather vest and skirt, and

fit on Sarah’s athletic form. "It's not a tennis racket!" He bellowed, "What you need to

concentrate on is how to deflect a blow without taking its full force. You aren't going to

overpower a hulking brute, so you've got to learn to sidestep and attack."

"My arms hurt!" She moaned, dropping the point of her blade into the dirt.

Studying her with a sigh of exasperation, Jack said. “We're going about this all wrong.

Starting tomorrow, you'll do fifty push-ups, and fifty pull-ups, before breakfast, lunch, and


"What?" She screeched, gawking at him.

"We'll double the amount each day, until you've reached two hundred."

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"Oh no, we won't!" Sarah said, "I've got enough to do around here, without adding

aerobics to the list!"

"Your arm muscles are too weak. If you had to fight for your life Sarah, you wouldn't be

able to deflect the blows, long enough to cast a spell."

"Bullshit!" She rushed forward, slashing at him with her sword.

"Why Sarah Sims!”Jack gasped in feigned shock, blocking her attack with a twist of his

blade. "I can't believe my ears!"

"Shut up!” She said and lunged at him again. "After three years of lifting pregnant

women from one gurney to another, you have the nerve to tell me my arms are feeble?"

"No!" Jack bellowed, laughing. "I didn't say feeble . . .”

"I know what you meant!" She swung her sword over her head and brought it down hard

against him. "First, you put me in this tiny little nothing of a skirt and vest, and then you

parade me around the courtyard doing some ridiculous warm up ritual. After all that, you

have the nerve to condemn the female gender for being weak and defenseless!"

"Didn’t I tell you how great you look?” Jack guffawed, dodging another blow. “I think I've

lost control here!" He puffed, lunging at her with his blade, sending her reeling in an effort

to escape him. Throwing his broad sword at her staggering feet with a grand gesture, he

surrendered. "I'm a cad, a heel, a knave, a miscreant, and scoundrel. Quick, rid me of my

wretched life, before thousands more are offended!"

Breaking into an exhausted smile, Sarah plopped down in the dirt laughing."I'm sorry. As

much as it pains me, I'm not an executioner."

"Then I'm free to go?” Jack said; as he reached down to offer her his hand.

Accepting it, and rising to walk with him to the dining hall, Sarah said, "Things are never

dull when you're around, Jack. How about some of Ahmity's dark ale?

“Just don't get me drunk." Jack frowned suspiciously, his eyes sparkling.

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They rested in the cool darkness of the small dining hall, as the sun disappeared behind

the mountains, sending scarlet ribbons across the sky. They sat at one end of a long, oak

table sharing the delights and woes of their new life, as Nicole and Cabal arrived.

"To bed my love!” Nicole said, snatching one of the lit candles from the center of the long

dining table. The dark hall filled with shadows, casting a flickering light toward the large,

stone steps that led to Ahmity's chambers. The tapestries that lined the walls seemed to

come to life, as the dim light danced across the battle scenes, and magical gardens filled

with unicorns.

"Is your ardor so great that your manners have failed?" Jack chided, rising with a smile.

"We are off to greet the trolls at first light." Nicole said softly. "If it's to your liking."

"My wife rushes to face danger, and she asks if I care?" He gently pulled her to him.

"Where thou goest . . . I won't be far behind."

Chuckling in the dim light, Nicole bade good night to Cabal and Sarah, and pulled her

husband toward their chambers at the far end of the castle. Cabal's dark eyes found Sarah

in the shadows, and he smiled. "Jack has the wit of an elf; I'm surprised his metamorphosis

didn't betray it." He spoke softly, keeping his place at the entrance of the hall.

"Ahmity's magic hid it well." Sarah said, as her thoughts went to Todd's deformed

features. He'd been so handsome, tall, and broad shouldered. His transformation into a

hideous giant troll, instead of an elf warrior, had hit him harder than he'd let on.

"Well, I'm off with the lovers in the morning, so I'll say goodnight." Cabal added quietly.

He turned to leave, and then spun back. "Oh, by the way," "The woodland elves have

declared themselves wizard protectors. They've taken to the woods surrounding the castle.

Don't be alarmed if you catch a glimpse of a dark head, or a pair of green eyes in the trees

outside." The candlelight sparkled in his eyes, betraying the attraction hidden there.

Sarah caught her breath, as a new kind of fear gripped her. "Thank you for the warning."

She managed, then rose and blew out the light. As darkness filled the hall Sarah added,

“Cabal, I’m sorry I spoke so harshly this morning.”

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“There’s no need to apologize.” His voice answered in the darkness. “Would you like an

escort to your door?” He offered quietly.

“No thank you.” Sarah’s heart softened. “It’s not far. Good night Cabal.”

Screams filled the air, as a large black shape loomed over them. "No Sarah!" Prince Cabal

shouted in alarm.

Sarah turned to face the shadow, as it spun and charged. Sarah raised her arms to throw

a spell of destruction, and gasped as a face emerged from the darkness. "Todd!" She

screamed, bolting upright in her bed. He had appeared before her in a dream. His face

contorted in hatred and rage. His troll face, not the handsome blonde haired, blue-eyed

hockey player she had grown to love. Gasping for breath, she glanced around the room for

assurance. Yes, it was her chambers, a small canopy bed, large fireplace, her burgundy

draperies pulled back to allow the night wind to cool her. The room was silent, except for

the soft, rustling of the breeze through the long, heavy curtains.

An urgent knock sounded from the tall wooden chamber door. "Sarah?" Nicole's voice

called, "Is everything alright?”

Puzzled by Nicole's presence in this part of the castle so late at night, Sarah rose and

opened the door. "I had a nightmare. How did you know?" She moved back to her bed and

pulled a thin, white robe over her pale yellow nightgown.

"I had a bad dream myself.” Nicole said, as she moved toward the balcony. "I think its

best if you keep these doors closed at night." She glanced outside to find a female elf

perched in a large tree a few yards from the window. Their eyes met, and they nodded

silently in greeting. Closing the large glass doors, Nicole turned to Sarah, "My dream was of

shadows moving in the darkness. They were intent on reaching you. I couldn't stop them."

"I saw the shadows." Sarah answered, quietly studying Nicole as she lit a small candle at

Sarah's bedside. "It turned into Hopper, and he tried to kill me."

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"It wasn't him." Nicole answered quietly, as she came to Sarah’s side.

“I know."

"He's gone.” Nicole said softly. "It's time to come to terms with that, and move on."

“Why are you here, Nicole?" Sarah asked. She realized a simple dream was not enough to

tear Nicole away from her husband's arms this late at night.

"You should travel with us tomorrow, to greet the trolls.” Nicole answered, looking

directly into Sarah’s eyes.

Sarah sat down on the small bed, and gazed at the white stonewalls that protected her

from the outside world, and considered what Nicole had said. Perhaps she could find some

answers about Todd, and it would be the perfect chance to prove her worth. She'd insisted

that Ahmity heal the trolls. Their diseased bodies reeked from the open decaying sores that

covered them. They hadn't seemed evil, just desperate and frightened. It was possible they

wanted to pay Puissant back for their suffering. They could be a powerful ally, and she just

might be the one person who could prove it.

"I'll speak with Ahmity in the morning.” She answered with determination, as she

glanced up at the best friend she had once despised.

"No need to wait. He’s still awake.” Nicole said, “Best to tell him now, straight out."

“It’s awfully late . . ." Sarah frowned, suddenly unsure.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Nicole offered. "You need this, you need to get out.

Ahmity can't hide you from the world forever. It's time the Elven Council met Sorceress

Sims. Many important people have stuck their necks out for you. Cabal's been stifling

rumors that your magic is evil. You've can't ignore the suspicions that Puissant's magic will

turn you against the elves in the end."

"You don't believe that?" Sarah asked, shocked at the suspicions she never knew existed.

“I know you, Sarah. Your heart is as pure as Puissant’s was evil. That is why Cabal is so

crazy about you." Nicole smiled, pulled Sarah to her feet, and headed for the door.

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"Now, scoot over to Ahmity's tower, and tell that ancient conjurer you're heading out in

the morning, and don't let him get the best of you."

Heading the opposite way down the corridor from Nicole, Sarah moved down the long

flight of stairs leading to the dining hall and walked silently across to the tall narrow steps

leading to Ahmity's tower. The fire she and Jack had built glowed faintly in the fireplace at

the far end of the great hall. Her thoughts roamed to Prince Cabal, and the woodland elves

that surrounded them. He had warned her of the dark elves outside. Wizard protectors.

Were they here to protect Ahmity and herself from the storm that threatened to swallow

them, or to insure that she did no harm to her elf mentor? She could never hurt Ahmity or

the elves. She had made the decision to remain; knowing if she returned to the real world

Puissant would take his powers back from her, and try to destroy the elves. After all, there

was nothing back there for her, nothing at all. Reaching the top of the winding stone steps,

Sarah knocked on Ahmity's large wooden door and entered the dimly lit chamber. Ahmity

sat in his favorite high backed chair facing the flickering fire that cast his shadow across the


"You should be asleep.” Ahmity said quietly, not turning from his gaze into the embers.

"I need to speak with you." Sarah explained calmly, as she moved to stand before him.

"If you're to travel at dawn, you should be resting." Ahmity answered, stroking his beard

as he watched the fire.

Sarah smiled, kneeling before him and taking his hand. “You know my heart better than


“Better.” He whispered, his eyes finding Sarah’s in the dim light.

"The valley is barely half a day from here. I'll be back by sunset." She tried to reassure

him, confused by what she saw in his eyes.

"You are like my own child." He sighed and smiled at her, squeezing her hand.

"Remember what I have taught you. Use it well. Never forget what magic is truly meant for,

the protection and betterment of all."

"Are you alright?" Sarah asked, leaning forward.

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"Just tired." He answered, "Now go and prepare for your journey. I have much work to

accomplish, and will sleep in on the morrow. Give the others my best."

The tall, stone building stood out among all the single story storefronts. How someone

managed to squeeze a three story building in among the tiny downtown section of Landon,

was sheer wonder to Tom. His smoky gray, silk suit also stood out among the blue jean

culture that seemed to encompass this farming community.

The small café across the street appeared to serve only white-haired, overall clad, men

in plaid flannel shirts. Tom imagined they were intent on some conversation dedicated to

the woes of farming. They frowned at him as he climbed out of the cab, and then turned

back to their morning business. Tom paid the Yellow Cab driver and headed into the

archaic hotel Dr. Strong used as his clinic. The glass doors swung open easily. He walked

into the dark hall and found the empty reception desk a few yards before him. As Tom

moved across the dark lobby his eyes adjusted to the dim light, and he spied a small man

waiting in the shadows.

"Hello!" Tom called as cheerfully as possible, masking his fury over spending the last

nine months on trial for his friends' murders. Authorities suspected he managed to murder

the foursome that afternoon, before his symptom became acute. In the end, his doctors

swore he had been too incapacitated to physically to murder Nicole, and there were no

funds missing from his accounts to suggest he had hired anyone to perform the act for him.

To add to the allegations, they declared Todd and Sarah innocent victims, who had been in

the wrong place at the wrong time, witnesses to a murder that never took place. Despite a

simple hearsay affair, which the prosecution had concocted between Nicole and Jack to

create motive, the jury had found him innocent. He had laughed when the allegations had

first flashed through the media.

All this time, he had been worried nearly out of his mind about his four friends. What

had really happened to them? The court declared him innocent, yet the police had decided

he was guilty and the file placed into oblivion. It was up to him to find out what had really

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happened. He knew the answer was here. Dr. Strong had sworn they never arrived. Tom

knew he'd lied. The good doctor had sent him a message, less than twenty-four hours after

his release, offering his services as a Psychologist. He wanted to help Tom find his friends.

“Alright, Dr. Strong, give me all you've got.” Tom declared silently.

The tiny man stepped forward into the light. Forcing a smile, Tom moved closer despite

an overwhelming sense that something wasn't right.

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Chapter Three

A gentle wind brushed past Sarah, sending her long hair billowing out behind. She

glanced up to find a dark-haired elf on horseback, leading a garrison of elf warriors toward

them. Cabal rode beside her, growling his displeasure at the appearance of Gravid.

"Just what we need,” Cabal said, as he urged his horse forward.

Nicole walked her horse, and Jack trotted past her, in their effort to reach the

approaching garrison at Cabal’s side.

"I thought he was going to hold back." Nicole said.

''Let Cabal handle this.” Jack cautioned, astride his tan mare. Against Nicole's wishes, he

had donned his battle armor, insisting she do the same. Sarah smiled, reminded of the first

day they had arrived in the forest, a few miles outside of Fortress City.

Gravid held his men on the rise in the road before them, waiting as they approached. The

well-worn path reminded Sarah of the country roads of France Jack had spoken of lined

with tall trees; the narrow, dirt road rolled over the hilly, green countryside and

disappeared into the forest.

Cabal advanced to greet the Queen's commander. Gravid never deviated from a decision.

Gravid was determined to ride beside them. Nothing would stop him, short of a royal

command. The last thing Cabal wanted to do was strain the already weak relationship

between the elf council, and Gravid’s people.

Cabal smiled as they greeted him, despite his irritation. “I see you are at full strength.”

"I thought it best not to linger too far behind." Gravid's deep voice boomed past him, to

reach Nicole's already heightened hearing.

"I would expect nothing less.” Nicole said.

"Our future King is traveling in the company of strangers with questionable morals, to

meet with creatures of dubious intentions." Gravid responded.

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“You overestimate the valley trolls." Nicole smiled, evilly. "They are simple creatures.”

"Yes, simple enough to help themselves to a meal, at several of our farmers’ expense.

They are either too lazy, or too ignorant to hunt for their own food.” Gravid said.

"Have you spoken with these farmers directly?" Cabal asked.

"No, Highness, I received the communiqué only this morning." Gravid turned his

attention toward the Prince.

"Then it would be best if you took your men on ahead, and investigated this

disturbance.” Cabal offered.

"As you wish your highness." Gravid motioned for the warriors to head forward. "I ask

that you await my report before confronting the trolls."

Cabal nodded, "We will lunch at Denor Falls and wait for you there, unless you are


Gravid nodded, placing his right fist over his heart in the customary salute to his Prince.

He galloped past the small group toward his warriors, and they disappeared over the hill.

"Nicole, if you ever want to get to know your people, I suggest you establish a more

congenial relationship with Gravid." Cabal said, as he urged his horse forward.

“I won't stand idly by and watch genocide." Nicole snapped, following him.

Jack grinned, turning to Sarah as she came up alongside on her white mare. "I think

we've set the tone for the day.” He said, “Care to stay back out of hearing distance with me

for a while?"

"I'd like nothing more." Sarah smiled, looking past him to find Nicole and Cabal debating

the true meaning of oppression.

"Cabal's a good man," Jack said, his smile softening. "He'll be a good king, and he’ll do

everything in his power to insure the trolls are treated justly, if that's what they deserve.”

The wind grew in strength, as the bright blue sky turned gray, with the approaching rain.

Each of the four envoys studied the horizon for any signs of the dark, menacing cloud.

There was none. Relaxing in the cool breeze, Nicole slowed her horse to await her husband,

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as they entered the forest where they had first arrived nearly a year ago. The silvery green

leaves of the tall gray trees danced in the breeze as they passed over the flower sprinkled

meadow, and headed toward the river.

Sarah's heart ached as the memories flowed through her. Pushing them aside, she

shoved Hopper from her mind. It was time to move on, to live her life. This was her first

taste of freedom in twelve months; she would not let grief overshadow it. Concentrating on

the forest, she listened as Nicole began to sing, softly at first. Then her haunting song grew

bold, echoing through the trees. The words were strange, yet compelling. As they rode

through the woods, the animals came to greet them. Nicole simply smiled, and sang sweetly

as they neared.

Once annoyed by her songs of enchantment, Jack reached out and snatched a large pink

blossom from a tree, and handed it to his wife. "Sing like that to the trolls, and we'll never

have to worry about their loyalties."

"Ah, but what if the troll king fell in love with me, and carried me off to live with him in

the tunnels under the mountain?" Nicole teased.

"What a battle that would be!" Jack patted his sword for emphasis.

"Helen of Troy, revisited?"

"Only if you loved him," Jack replied, undaunted.

"How could I ever love another?" Nicole cooed, urging her horse forward.

"Meaning that I'm so wonderful, no other man would do?" Jack called after her,

impressed with himself.

"Something like that." Nicole grinned, as she galloped ahead and left him behind.

Reaching the apex of the bluff above the river, they paused to rest the horses, before

descending the embankment. A movement in the trees drew Jack's attention away from

the familiar sight of the gentle river. He drew his sword as Cabal quietly came to his side;

Jack motioned for Sarah to move behind them. Nicole urged her horse slowly forward, as a

giant creature covered in hair, appeared from the trees.

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It stood on two massive legs, reaching nearly eight feet tall, with long black claws, and a

brown leather loincloth. Its long, thick, scraggly, dark brown hair covered its body, resting

at the top of its short gray fur boots. Its mouth nearly encompassed the large face, and

there was a hint of a small nose beneath the fuzzy beard it wore.

Jack jumped from his horse and started forward, his sword in his hand. The beast held

out his giant hands showing they were empty of weapons and spoke in an inhuman deep

tone. "Peacefulness," the troll declared, holding its ground as Jack advanced.

"Jack!" Nicole cried, as she sprang from her horse to intercept him.

Startled by his own reaction to the giant troll; Jack stopped a few feet from the creature.

He fought the urge to disembowel the beasts he held responsible for his friend's death.

They hadn't seen a tunnel troll since the night Hopper disappeared into the darkness with

them, left to their mercy. The trolls’ empty offer of assistance they all fell for. Hopper

practically begged them to leave him with the trolls, thinking it was his only chance to


They never saw him again. It had surely proven to be certain death; they had been fools.

"Jack, he's reaching out to us, not attacking." Nicole reasoned, placing herself between

them. "He has no weapons."

Gazing into the eyes of his wife, Jack found understanding there. She felt it too, but was

wise enough to see past it. Stepping backward a few paces, he nodded for her to carry on,

keeping his sword ready. Nicole turned to face the troll.

"Peacefulness," She answered, reaching out to show she also held no weapon.

The troll studied them for several minutes in silence, then gazed past the two to where

Cabal stood beside his horse, and on to Sarah sitting on her small white mare. It turned

back to Nicole and repeated, "Peacefulness." He raised his hand into the air, and giant trolls

suddenly surrounded the small clearing.

Nicole could hear Jack growl behind her. The sound of sliding steel cut the air, as Cabal

drew his sword.

"Peacefulness," Nicole offered again, quietly waiting for the troll's response.

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"Death has poisoned the river.” The troll's voice boomed, as he raised his hands as if to

encompass the plant life surrounding them.

Nicole glanced at Jack and hesitated, then moved to the edge of the bluff. "Death . . . Jack,

take a look. The trees and plants at the edge of the river are brown and wilting."

The others gathered at her side; Sarah still sat astride her mount. The giant trees and tall

grass that lined the river's edge below were brownish yellow and limp. The once silver

tinted leaves fell from the delicate trees and withered on the ground below. Flowing

silently past, the once clear water of the shallow river, was now gray and clouded.

The troll leader followed them to the cliff. He stood as tall as Sarah did in the saddle.

"Death has poisoned the river, the land follows." His deep voice resonated although the

tone was unnatural to them; they could hear his concern. "Magic is the source, it must be

the cure."

Sarah tore her eyes away from the water, feeling the trolls gaze upon her. She turned to

find his large brown eyes staring at her. "Magic?" She asked, "Has someone placed a

scourge upon the river?"

"You must finish what you began." He motioned upstream.

Glancing at the others, Sarah turned back to the troll, confused. ''We only just arrived . . .”

"You left the evil in the grasp of the stones." He pointed upriver again. "It rises."

"The falls . . .” Cabal clarified, softly. "We left Puissant's beast in the pond at the base of

the falls. It feeds into the river."

Sarah’s heart pounded in her ears. "The monster is dead."

Nicole turned back to face them. "That's what he's trying to tell us." She declared,

moving past them to head for her speckled gray stallion. Mounting, she urged it toward the

edge of the bluff. "It's decomposing into the water, and polluting the river." She urged her

horse over the narrow ledge and down toward the river. “We've got to get it out of there."

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Glancing toward the trees, Jack watched as the trolls disappeared into the forest. "She

must be on the right track." He said, nodding toward the vanishing giants. "Let's take a


Following his wife down the rise, Jack urged his horse into a gallop, as he reached the

sandy base that stretched along the river. Cabal and Sarah followed; the troll leader jogged

easily behind them. The forest had grown silent. The birdsong had ceased; even the wind

had died to an occasional soft breeze. As they rounded a wide bend in the river, they found

the blooming vines that had once cascaded over the white rocks surrounding the falls,

brown and lifeless.

"Death from the water," the troll declared, pointing to the rock-enclosed pond where the

falls ended.

The clear water of the falls dumped into the dark pond that in turn spilt a black reeking

liquid over the rock bank into the river as it past. Sarah swung her leg over, leapt from her

horse, and moved to the side of the pond. The water was black and murky, bubbling into a

gray froth, as the clear waters of the falls plunged into its dark recess. The stench of death

was incredible. Cabal appeared at her side, as the others approached. The vision of their

battle with the black mutating creature returned. They had lost all save two of Cabal's elf

garrisons, before Nicole realized the talisman that freed the beast, was also its destroyer.

"There's no doubt the beast's carcass” Cabal announced, his shoulder brushing lightly

against Sarah's as he gazed into the pool.

"That was over a year ago." Sarah answered, forcing herself to remain where she stood.

"It should have decomposed long ago."

"Apparently not," his dark blue eyes narrowed, centering on hers. "If we don't get it out

of there, the poison will spread to the settlements, and beyond."

Nicole came up beside them and asked quietly, "Can you get it out, Sarah?"

"That's the easy part.” Sarah answered, “What are we going to do with it?" Sarah

frowned, glancing around.

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"Burn it?" Jack suggested, gazing into the black water. "It's magic should have vanished

when it died. The oily consistency of it’s skin should go up like a torch. We just have to

build a large enough fire."

Sarah turned to the troll standing silently behind them and introduced herself. "I am a

sorceress . . ."

“The Scarlet Deliverer,” the troll interrupted.

"You know me?" She asked, stunned by his remark.

"Sarah Sims. The wizard saved us in your name." He offered. If she hadn't known what a

troll smile looked like, she would have panicked when those long, crooked, razor-like teeth

flashed at her.

"You honor me, unjustly."

"No, you give us honor." He insisted, "You will clean the water?"

"Yes, but we need a large pile of logs for a great fire," She added, as she pointed across

the river to a small open area lined by tall dead trees. "There."

Without hesitation, the troll turned and motioned toward the trees. The mass of giant

hairy brown trolls reappeared several moments later across the river, carrying axes. The

trolls began to cut down the dying trees that lined the river, as Sarah turned to the task at

hand. "I think it's best if you cross the river, and watch from either side of the fire." She

explained to Jack and Nicole. "It's far enough away; my aim might be off a bit. I want the

carcass in the center of the logs."

Jack and Nicole mounted without a word, and rode upstream to find a shallow area to

cross. Sarah and Cabal studied the black pool of frothy water. The sound of breaking wood

came from behind, followed by a shout of alarm. Spinning around, Cabal pulled his sword

free, as Gravid and his garrison of warriors raced from the trees. Coming to a quick halt, the

dark elf stared across the river at the giant trolls.

"I thought you were under attack!" He huffed, "We heard sounds of destruction.”

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"The trolls are building a bonfire.” Cabal smiled, moving toward him, "Puissant's beast is

decomposing into the river and poisoning the water. Sorceress Sims is going to remove the

carcass from the pond so it can be cremated. The trolls made us aware of the situation, and

are graciously lending us a hand."

"The beast?" Gravid growled, dismounting and moving to the water's edge, ignoring

Sarah. Recalling Cabal's description to the council, of the battle. He turned and barked

orders, sending half of his men to assist the trolls; but not without cautioning them that an

agreement of peace had not been reached.

The trolls built the large fire in mere minutes. The ailing trees fell easily with a few short

blows, of their huge axes. By the time Gravid's garrison had backtracked and crossed the

river, the trolls had laid out nearly a dozen trees. Cabal climbed the white stone

embankment to peer into the water for signs of the beast, as Sarah began to work her

magic, envisioning the black form creature lying at the base of the frothy water.

As the warriors and trolls worked together to pile the logs, Sarah searched the dark

water with her mind, searching for the dead beast. Feeling a coldness touch her mind as

her probe reached the bottom of the dark water, she knew she had found the creature. She

glanced up at Cabal, and signaled that she was ready to begin. Sarah slid under the beast in

her thoughts and pushed it upward, until it rose from the frigid water. Elves and trolls

scrambled from the large pile of logs, staring at the water as the sleek, purplish-black skin

of the dead beast broke the surface. The sickening stench increased tenfold as soon as it

appeared, nearly overwhelming Sarah.

High above the beast, perched upon the boulders that partially blocked the falls, Cabal

staggered back as the reeking odor hit him. Sarah’s ear-piercing scream filled the air,

causing Cabal to lose his balance and tumble over the slick rock, plunging toward the black

water. Sarah struggled against her horror and the awakening of the beast, as the sleek black

blob quivered in the warm air then slowly began to spread itself out over the water.

Letting the beast's carcass drop, Sarah reached out with her magic and pulled Cabal from

the water, placed him on the yellow grass beside the pond.

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Cabal yanked his sword free, as he reached the ground. Running toward the edge of the

pond, Gravid shouted for his warriors as the trolls scattered, bellowing in fear. From across

the river, Nicole rushed forward, chastising herself for not bringing the black, crystal

talisman she possessed. The creature was not dead! It had merely lain helpless at the

bottom on the pool, waiting. Its brief moment in the sunlight was enough to give it strength.

It was coming back to life, and they had no weapon to stop it. Feeling the reassuring

pressure of Jack's hand on her arm, she watched as the beast shot from the water and

soared over their heads to land on the pile of logs behind them.

Not waiting for the others, the two lovers attacked. There was a chance in its new

awakening that it was still weak. It remained a large blob of black tar. It showed no sign of

the metamorphic powers it possessed nearly a year ago. Raising his sword high, Jack swung

viciously at the slithering beast as it attempted to dislodge the pile of logs. Severing a large

piece of the formless creature, Jack became quickly entangled as it surrounded his feet, and

climbed up his legs. Screaming, Nicole dragged him back from the beast, toward the water,

tearing at the black ooze with her fingers, as it spread attempting to engulf him in a thin

black film.

A pair of strong arms jerked her away from Jack. Fighting desperately to release herself,

Nicole ignored Cabal’s shout of warning. The air around them turned icy cold; a storm of

blue, white thunderbolts struck the beast behind them. One such bolt struck Jack, throwing

him back with its force. The severed portion of the black beast screeched, as its body began

to freeze from the icy attack. Staggering to his feet, Jack pounded at the frozen film that

coated his trunk and legs.

Reeking from his fall into the pond and swim across the polluted river, Cabal released

Nicole, and they rushed to Jack's side. Snow began to fall all about them, as they used the

hilt of their swords to free Jack of the beast. Behind them, the formless creature quivered,

pulling itself inward to form a tight ball, in an attempt to protect itself from the icy bolts of

lightning. Across the river, Sarah steadied herself, concentrating on freezing the beast as

she had done before. The shell of ice wouldn't hold it for long, but she had to try. They

needed time, time to think.

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Gravid mounted his horse and crossed the river, as his men closed in on the beast. As the

elves surrounded the creature, Cabal and Nicole removed the last of the beast from Jacks

shivering body. Pulling him to her, Nicole rubbed his arms and back, trying to warm him.

Knowing Sarah couldn't hold the beast for long; Cabal tore his shirt off and placed it over


"Sorry, it's wet." He apologized to his blue-lipped friend, and then turned to Nicole.

"Where is the talisman?"

"In our chamber," she explained, glanced across the river. Sarah stood silently, her arms

outstretched toward the beast. The snow that fell around them covered the yellowed grass

completely. A thin film of ice began to form at the edge of the river. ''We'll never reach it in

time." Jack gasped, between chattering teeth. "We won't have to.” Cabal declared, and then

headed toward the river.

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Chapter Four

The swim back across the putrid water disgusted Cabal. The stench of the beast was so

strong he could taste it. The water was so cold; he couldn’t feel his arms or legs. When Jack

and Nicole were facing the beast, he'd dived in without thinking, knowing they needed him.

Scrambling up the narrow bank, he hurried toward Sarah. Cabal staggered from the

dizzying effects of the water. Sarah was too deep in concentration to notice his approach.

As he reached her, she called the spell to an end, exhausted. As she lowered her hands, she

saw Cabal standing in front of her.

"Sarah?" He asked, reaching out. Her eyes were glassy; she swayed and collapsed into his

arms. Her pale complexion pushed all thoughts of the nausea and dizziness from his

thoughts. "Are you alright?” He asked, scooping her up and setting her down on the grass

under a nearby tree.

"I'm fine," She said, looking past him to insure the creature deeply encased in ice.

"We need a fire for Jack," He asked hesitantly, "He's nearly frozen."

"Of course," She answered, automatically glancing across at her two friends. Without any

indication of her intention, a small flame appeared a few feet in front of the young couple.

Nicole pulled Jack forward and waved her thanks to the sorceress. "I'm sorry . . . “Sarah

stammered, "But it was the only way to get the beast off of him."

"Believe me, he didn't mind a bit." Cabal smiled, "Gather your strength. You’ve got to

send for the talisman."

"At the castle?" Sarah turned to him, as she shook her head to clear her thoughts. "In

Nicole's chamber," Cabal advised, "Can you bring it here?"

"I need Nicole." Sarah stated, calmly. The ice spell had tired her more than she expected.

One of Ahmity’s favorite lectures raced through her thoughts. Pace yourself, or risk

exhaustion; she must be more careful in the future.

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Turning back to the river, Cabal yelled for Nicole to join them. Jack’s color was returning

with the warmth of the fire. Jack smiled, urging her on. She kissed him quickly, and she

dashed for the river. She sprang high in the air as she reached the river's edge, and

somersaulted through the air with amazing ease and speed. She landed on her feet at the

far edge of the river, having cleared nearly l5 feet of rancid water as if it was a small stream.

Cabal smiled and shook his head, as Sarah instructed Nicole, "Form a picture in your

mind of the talisman and where it lay." Sarah said, as Nicole closed her eyes and

concentrated. Sarah sent her thoughts flying over the landscape, towards the castle,

skimming the treetops as she passed. She hadn't used her wandering thoughts since

Ahmity had first taught her the technique, shortly after she arrived at the stronghold. If she

hadn't been in such a hurry, she thought to herself she’d be enjoying the experience. She

flew over the forest, past flowery meadow, beyond the crossroads, toward the valley that

held Ahmity's fortress.

Ahmity's tower came into view, as she reached the summit of the valley. Soaring down

into the hollow in her thoughts, Sarah reached her hand out to Nicole. Grabbing hold, Nicole

took a deep breath and focused harder, envisioned the bedchamber she shared with her

husband. It was smaller than Sarah's, and the colors were much more vivid with rich blues

and purple hues. The apartment branched out into several other small chambers. They had

turned their chambers into a home. Sarah reached the castle entrance and glided over the

gate. The image of a dark-haired, green-eyed, elf flashed before her in defiance. Startled,

she staggered backward as her mind came to a halt, before the large elf.

"It's one of the woodland guards!" Nicole explained, as Sarah's thoughts intermingled

with her own. "He can see you!"

Holding her ground, Sarah waited for the elf to challenge her. Instead, he studied her as

if she were standing before him. A moment later, he stepped back and allowed her to pass.

Moving swiftly on, Sarah ignored the questions bubbling from Nicole.

"The talisman!” She commanded, squeezing her friend's hand hard.

Nicole's head snapped back; she closed her eyes and forced the strange occurrence from

her mind, concentrating on the dark jewel. Her hand began to tingle, growing warm with

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Sarah's magic. The sensation traveled up her arm and the side of her neck, to encompass

her head. Nicole felt the presence of Sarah's thoughts, mingling with her own once more.

"The talisman, Nicole." Sarah whispered, from somewhere inside her mind. "Picture it,

where it lay. Concentrate on the gem,”

Nicole envisioned her chambers, picturing her small, dark, wooden dressing table.

The dark green jewel lay on a ledge under the base of the table, behind the front leg,

hidden in a small leather pouch. Sarah followed Nicole’s thoughts, shifting the vision to a

smaller scale, as if she was a mouse perched on the floor beneath the dresser. Spying the

pouch, Sarah pulled the jewel slowly from its cover and embraced it with her mind.

Before Sarah could return with the jewel, the beasts piercing scream broke her

concentration. Sarah staggered backward into Cabal's arms, jolting her thoughts back.

"The beast is free." Cabal advised darkly, spinning her to face him. "There's no time to

retrieve the talisman."

The beast shook the remains of its icy prison from its tar-like form, as it transformed

into a giant bear and attacked the soldiers with razor-like claws. The trolls suddenly

reappeared from the trees, screeching in rage as they rushed toward the battle waving

their axes above them. Without thinking, Sarah created a small firestorm. She commanded

it to encompass the beast and the logs beneath, it before it could jump free. Not the trolls,

she would not let it kill the trolls!

Again, and again, she poured her strength into the flames, urging them higher, and

higher. This beast killed Hopper! Her mind screamed, and she felt the fire heighten. Her

fury and grief poured into the flames, scorching and melting the carcass of the dark beast.

Die! Die! Her mind screamed, and then suddenly the grief was gone. The anger, the pain, it

left her. She felt her heart pounded; her lungs fill with air. Her thoughts cleared. She

released the flames, as the last of the beast turned to ashes, and released Hopper's ghost

from her heart. She would never forget him, but she would no longer live her life in the

shadow of his loss.

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Turning to the black waters of the pond, she threw a cleansing spell into its midst,

despite the pounding in her temples. She imagined the pond clear and cool, as it was before

the battle with the beast. She allowed the spell to wash over the white stones and saturate

the ground around it. She sent it into the plants and trees destroyed by the evil. When she

ended the spell the grass was already turning green, the vines began to grow slowly over

the rocks. The trees, once yellow and dying from the poison, began to sprout new life, as

well as those cut down by the trolls to make a fire. Sarah smiled through her tears. This was

Hoppers testament to life. This would be his river, his valley, and she would be its guardian.

Cabal was speaking to her, saying something Sarah could not understand, and then there

was only darkness. Cabal was instantly at Sarah's side, as she collapsed from the extensive

use of her magic. He tried to caution her, to hold off on the reconstruction until she was

stronger, but she'd ignored him, and now she was unconscious in his arms. Cabal glanced

across the river, as the trolls and elves recovered from the monsters attack, and began to

form a defensive stance.

"Nicole," He shouted, "I need you there!" Moving swiftly toward the tree line, Cabal

gently placed Sarah on the grass under the trees, as Nicole leapt back across the river, and

rushed to stop a new battle from beginning. The large troll that first appeared before them

ordered the trolls back from the warriors, who had placed themselves between them and

the tree line. Jack was up and moving toward the warriors, as Gravid shouted for the trolls

to lay down their arms.

"Peacefulness," the large leader repeated, refusing to lay down weapons that posed no

threat to the elves.

Nicole and Jack stepped between the adversaries. "They helped us this day, Gravid." Jack

said defiantly. "You do not want to start a war today!”

"All the more reason to prove their intentions; they need to lay down their weapons."

Gravid met Jack's glare with open hostility.

"You forced their backs to the water." Nicole added, "What's to keep you from killing

them after they comply?"

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"Well now, that's where the trust begins." Gravid answered Nicole but did not take his

eyes off Jack.

"Perhaps you should take your own advice, Commander." Cabal's calm, yet deadly voice

reached them. Once again, he had crossed the river.

"Highness, you do not know the trolls as I do.” Gravid shifted uncomfortably, as Cabal

came to stand beside Jack and Nicole, placing himself between his warriors and the trolls.

"Lay down your weapons, Commander." Cabal growled "I will not say it again." Without

another word, Cabal turned and dropped his sword at the feet of the troll leader, and

extended his empty hands in friendship. "Peacefulness," Cabal said.

The troll leader responded in kind, dropping his ax to the ground. As the sounds of steel

hitting the ground came from behind him, Cabal watched as the trolls axes landed in the

grass beside them. All had disarmed save Gravid, who remained where he stood; his face a

deep crimson color.

"My sorceress is in need of rest and nourishment." Cabal advised the troll leader. “We

must return home."

"The Scarlet Deliverer is too weak to travel." The troll said. "Her magic is spent. You will

bring her with us."

Cabal hesitated. Jack and Nicole moved quickly to his side. "I'm not so sure that's a good

idea." Jack cautioned. "They are friendly here, but this is our element."

"Our leader wishes words." The troll advised. “Our leader wishes peace so we can return

to the surface without threat."

"I can't turn that down." Cabal said to Jack. “But Sarah . . .”

"She will die if you return her home this day." The troll stepped forward. "By my life, she

will be safe with us.”

"Do it." Nicole stepped in front of Cabal and placed her back to the troll. Her eyes pulsed

with the green glow of magic, something neither of them had seen her do before.

"Nicole . . .” Jack reached for her.

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"I'm fine, there’s something wrong in the air. Something . . . we need to avoid, quickly.

He’s telling the truth; Sarah will be safe with them." She spun and sprinted to the edge of

the river, and ran across the surface of the water faster than Jack had ever seen her run

before. She nearly flew across the river, in her haste to reach Sarah.

Cabal nodded his assent to the large troll and turned toward Jack. "Jack, get the others

ready. I'll carry Sarah with me. I'm sending Gravid and the warriors back to Fortress City, to

advise the Queen."

The argument that followed ended with the warriors return, and Gravid accompanying

the small group traveling with the trolls. No one was happy with the outcome. However,

Gravid would not leave his prince unprotected among the enemy. The trolls disappeared

back into the trees, leaving only their leader to accompany them to a small cave entrance, at

the base of the mountains less than an hour ride from the falls.

Although Cabal was wary of the trolls and their offer of assistance to Sarah, he cherished

the chance to cradle Sarah in his arms as they moved into the mountains. As she began to

stir to wakefulness, he realized the futility of it all. Jack and the large troll had taken the

point, leaving Gravid and Nicole to guard the rear.

"How did your man know of Sarah's telepathic approach to Ahmity's fortress?" Nicole

asked Gravid.

"It is our heritage." Gravid said. "Something you will never know."

"I'd like to learn more about you’re . . . our people." Nicole continued, undaunted by his

expected anger.

"We do not share our skills with outsiders." He glared at her.

"But I am not . . ."

"You are a human in disguise. Speak no more of this to me. Your time is best spent

getting that witch of yours, to return you back to human form."

Gravid's words held with more hatred than Nicole expected. Short of drawing his sword

to slit her throat, Gravid had made his point. Nicole urged her horse forward and left him to

his prejudices. Jack found the troll keeping pace by his side, regardless of the fact that he

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kept urging his horse to a faster gait. His anger had softened toward these beasts. These

were clearly not the creatures that stole Hopper away into the darkness. Somehow, Hopper


"You know of our battle with the beast, after it was freed from the Cavern of Sorrows?"

Jack began cautiously.

"The time of deception," The troll answered.

"Well, yeah. I guess that's a good name for it." Jack glanced to his side. The troll's head

was even with his shoulders." We lost a friend in that battle."

"Many were lost." The troll agreed.

"He was a troll." Jack urged, almost afraid to pursue it. He had to know Hopper's fate. Not

just for himself, but for Sarah and Nicole. They all need a conclusion to this.

"The Golden One,” The troll said without hesitation, without as much as a pause to

consider the question.

Jack's heart pounded in his chest. "His name was Hopper. Todd Hopper."

The troll stopped and stared at Jack. "I am Etonee." The troll extended his hand.

Jack forced himself to shake it. "I'm Jack. Now about Hopper . . ."

"We are here." The troll announced, turning his back to Jack and addressing the others.

"Leave the horses here. My people will see they are sheltered and cared for, until you are

ready to depart."

"You're not going to eat them are you?" Gravid growled from behind Nicole. "I won't take

kindly to that."

Cabal couldn't help but smile at the commander’s hatred and mistrust of the trolls.

"I give you my word; they will flourish under our care." Etonee answered, unaffected by

Gravid’s ire.

Sarah's eyes opened, as the rocking movement of the horse ceased. She looked up into a

pair of deep blue eyes and smiled, through her pounding headache. "Todd?" She whispered.

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The eyes turned dark, as Cabals voice answered her softly. "Rest, Sarah. We are taking

you where you can regain your strength.”

He handed her to Etonee and dismounted, before accepting her back into his arms.

Etonee led them into a narrow entrance in the side of the small hill. Jack followed next,

holding a torch, and helping Cabal to maintain his footing, as he carried Sarah in the

darkness. Nicole ignored Gravid and moved to follow, certain the robust woodland was at

her heels. The stench they expected was not present. The cave was cool, moist and quiet.

They walked in silence, not knowing what to expect until they reached the main cavern, the

size of which, exceeded that of a domed football stadium. There, in front of them, was an

underground village, complete with small huts, a narrow thoroughfare, and what appeared

to be a main gathering area in the center, that permeated from a larger than normal hut

which obviously belonged to their leader.

It was easy for Nicole to see in the dim light of the few scattered fires, used for cooking.

Brown trolls of all shapes and sizes rushed to and fro, obviously excited about their visitors.

There was no stench or odor of any kind, save that of cooking meat, and possibly spices,

perhaps even fresh herbs. Nicole marveled at the sight of this tiny civilization, hidden so

completely from the elves all these centuries. She glanced at Gravid, whose eyes took in

everything, yet did not soften in the least.

Etonee lead them down the sloping trail toward the center of the village. He urged Cabal

to follow him inside the main building. The others waited outside, as Cabal entered the

large hut and lay Sarah down on a clean, dry, pile of straw mats. A sudden movement from

the far corner of the hut caught his eye. He rose quickly, and placed himself between the

figure and Sarah. Nicole had been whispering the details of their surroundings to Jack;

whose human eyes could only see shadows beyond their immediate vicinity. He was as

astonished as she. Yet his heart went frozen as Cabal's pale face appeared through the hut

door. Nicole gasped as a tall figure moved through the doorway behind Cabal, and followed

him into the open air.

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"Hopper?” Nicole stared dumbfounded at the giant blonde troll for only a split second,

before she rushed to embrace him. Jack charged past her screaming in rage, throwing

himself into Hopper and knocking him back into the hut.

Screams of alarm flew through the cavern, as Nicole and Etonee rushed to free Hopper

from his attacker.

"You bastard!" Jack raged, as Hopper deftly tossed him into the wall of the hut, careful to

avoid the spot where Sarah lay unconscious. "Twelve months!" Jack screamed and charged

again, slamming into Hoppers midsection. This time, Hopper was prepared and met the

onslaught full force. Rolling with the impact, he took Jack along with him deeper into the

hut. "Not a word! Not one word from you in all that time." Jack growled rolling off Hopper;

fists clenched.

"I was sick for a very long time, Jack." Hopper reasoned calmly, not the least bit angered

by his friends rage.

"Do you have any idea what we went through?" Jack fought for control. "We didn’t know

what happened to you. We weren't allowed to leave Amity’s fortress so couldn’t search the

tunnels for you. The only thing we could do was pray."

Hopper could only stare at him.

"I thought you were dead, but Sarah refused to believe it. I thought we'd handed you

over to your murderers! Sarah refused to move on with her life.” Jack collapsed onto the

floor, and sat leaning against the wooden wall, his eyes filling with tears. “Do you have any

idea how much that hurt? Did you even think about what you were putting Sarah through?

Nicole and I couldn’t help her. We couldn’t ease her pain. Do you have any idea how hard it

was for us to stand helplessly by and watch her suffer like that?"

"Yes, Jack." Hopper moved slowly toward him. "I can. It hurt me more than it hurt you."

"You lying sack of . . ." Jack dove at Hopper once more.

This time Etonee intervened, snatching Jack in midair and tossing him against the

support post in the center of the structure.

Nicole moved to place herself between Etonee and Jack, as Hopper spoke.

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"How could I come to you?" Hopper's composure broke, as he advanced on Jack. "The

trolls kept watch over you all, making sure you were safe. They kept me advised of

everything that was going on in your lives, because I was too weak to move, to even care for

myself. By the time I managed to climb out of bed three months had passed. You and Nicole

had just wed, and Sarah was locked away in that sorcerers tower, already knee deep in a

new life. What was I supposed to do?"

"Come to us, like you promised. Send word you were alive. Anything!" Jack pulled

himself up to meet Hopper's glare.

"And then what?" Hopper asked quietly. "You were already on the verge of execution.

The mere idea that one of us had died, seemed to be the only thing keeping you three alive.

You wanted me to spring up out of the bushes? An oversized tunnel troll alive and well,

appearing in the midst of that would have been a disaster."

"We would have managed.” Jack said as he stared at Nicole, his anger fading.

"And what of Sarah?" Hopper’s voice deepened, as he motioned toward her sleeping

form. "What kind of life would she have here with me?''

"She loves you." Jack said. His thoughts went to all the nights she cried herself to sleep

over Hopper's loss.

"And I love her more than my own life." Hopper placed his huge, clawed hand on Jack's

shoulder. "She can't survive down here with me, and there is no place for me up there.

Don't you see Jack; at least you had each other. I lost all three of you. So I do know how

much it hurt."

"No!" Jack jumped up to face him. "No you couldn't! You didn't have to look into

Sarah's eyes day after day, month after month, and see the pain. You didn't have to try to

find the words to comfort her, when all you felt was guilt at abandoning a friend to a

horrifying death. Let me tell you Hopper, there were no words!" Jack shoved Hopper away

from him, and disappeared through the hut door.

Hopper stared after him, unable to speak. Then his gaze met Nicole's. Tears streamed

down her cheeks, as she moved to embrace him. She didn't need words to tell him of her

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joy, her pain. She wrapped her arms around his muscled hulk, and held him. Cabal's eyes

left them, to linger on Sarah's sleeping form. He turned and left the pair to their reunion, to

go in search of Jack.

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Chapter Five

Sarah slept the entire night without stirring. Jack and Cabal returned to the smoldering

fire, set in the center of the gathering place a few hours after their discovery of Hopper.

Jack was sullen and reserved, not speaking, not eating. Cabal immediately took control of

the conversation, and began negotiations with Hopper about his people’s ventures to the

surface. Many hours passed as Nicole, listened and watched. Yet it was not the negotiations

that kept her attention. It was Jack.

She'd never seen him like this, so closed off, so unapproachable. He wouldn't even look

at her when she spoke to him. It was late into the night when Cabal and Hopper came to an

agreement. Cabal rose and approached Nicole, after speaking quietly with Gravid.

"We head out in the morning." Cabal advised, glancing at Jack as he came to sit beside

Nicole. "Hopper thinks Sarah will sleep through the night. He wants us to leave at first


"What about Sarah?" Nicole asked, glancing across the way to watch Hopper disappear

into the large hut.

“She's coming with us." Cabal met her gaze sullenly.

"When is he going to see her?” Nicole didn't understand.

"He's not." Cabal took hold of Nicole's shoulders. "It's the right thing to do."

Jack was on his feet in an instant. Cabal was ready for him. "You know he's right, Jack."

Cabal grabbed hold of his arm. "If Sarah finds out, she won't leave. Her life will be over.

She’ll give up everything she had worked so hard for this past year, to follow Hopper to her

death. Humans can't survive down here. The air is these tunnels are damp, the darkness is


"She has a right to know." Jack growled.

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''Hopper can't give her children." Cabal stepped in front of Jack, barring his way to the

hut. "Hopper can't love her that way. It would kill her. You want her to spend her entire life

barren, in the dark, never knowing what a real life is like?"

"She should have the choice." Jack met his gaze. This time he was calm. "Cabal, I know

how you feel about her. But this isn't the way."

"You know nothing!" Cabal spat, pushing Jack back.

"Okay," Nicole stepped between them. "Another surge of adrenaline is not going to solve

anything. What we need to do, is respect Hoppers wishes, for now. When we get Sarah

away from here and make sure she is okay, then we break the news to her."

Cabal let out a deep sigh. "She has the right to know." He admitted, knowing he could not

keep this from her. But perhaps once away from here. Once she realizes how much

suffering Hopper allowed to occur, and was still willing to allow. Once she thought this

through, perhaps she would make the right decision, the only decision that made sense.

"First light." Jack added softly, taking his wife by the hand and leading her to the small

hut Etonee had declared as their own.

Cabal watched them go in silence.

Sarah slept through the night, as Hopper predicted. Cabal woke her; Hopper was

nowhere to be found. Sarah was still weak and groggy. She gave no resistance to Etonee, as

he carried her back to the surface. The others followed along in silence. Etonee lifted Sarah

gently into Cabal’s arms. The small group said their farewells, and headed back toward the

crossroads. The air was sweet with the smell of fresh rain. Flowers and trees sparkled with

moisture, turning the countryside into a glittering landscape, until the morning sun rose

brightly overhead.

Gravid was the first to speak. “We have no real proof the trolls have truly changed their

way of life. This could be a deception, or perhaps a rogue group, not associated with the

rest of the tribe under the mountains."

"The leader was very specific." Cabal said. "He stated that there are a few small tribes,

deep within the mountains, who wander close to the bowels of the earth that are more

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animal than troll. The rest of the tribes, and need I mention they number in the thousands,

are as his. They are united under his influence and in case you didn't realize, that makes

him one of the most powerful rulers in the region. We want to ally with them. To make

them our enemy would be disastrous. Especially given these strange attacks on the Queen's


"Well I don't have to like it." Gravid grumbled, and then surprisingly grinned at Cabal.

"You are much like your father, boy."

"He was a pain in your ass as well?" Cabal smiled back at him.

"Even more so." Gravid chuckled.

It felt good to smile after the night he'd had with Hopper and the others. Cabal's eyes

went to Sarah. She swayed easily in his arms, with the rhythm of his horse. Her hair

cascaded down her back and curled around the saddle blanket. She had forsaken her robes

for this journey. She'd dressed in a combination of one of Nicole's tiny green leather outfits,

and a short tan cape, that she flipped over her shoulders when she rode. She actually

looked rather regal, riding so poised and proper at the head of their procession. Just then,

Gravid reached out and grabbed Cabal's arm before collapsing from his horse.

At the same time Nicole doubled over in her saddle, letting out a scream of pain. Cabal

and Jack were at their side immediately.

Gravid gasped and reached for Cabal. “My soldiers! They are dying!"

"The garrison you sent back to Fortress City?" Cabal pulled Gravid into a sitting position.

"No, it's Ahmity's protectors. My people!" With that, Cabal managed to get Gravid to his

feet, and on his horse.

Sarah was suddenly wide awake, and jumping from Cabal’s horse to mount her own. She

was already at a full gallop, before Cabal made it back to his horse. Cabal urged his horse

forward, as Sarah disappeared over the rise. Jack took hold of Nicole's horse’s reins and

rushed to follow. Gravid was left to come as soon as he recovered.

Cabal searched the sky, and for the first time, noticed the black rolling across the

horizon. Hail and winds assaulted them as they rushed toward the fortress. By the time

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they reached Ahmity's fortress, it was clear the storm had struck. The stone tower where

Sarah had studied with Ahmity was completely destroyed. The fortress roof was on fire, as

were the towers and debris, where lightning had struck with savage accuracy. Sarah dove

into the rubble, screaming Ahmity's name. Sarah shrank back, as she encountered the

remains of Gravid's woodland elf guard.

Jack and Nicole rushed to her side, as her screams filled the air. The elfin guards’

remains were scattered throughout the rubble.

"They look like they all swallowed a grenade." Jack grimaced. "You can't even tell how


Gravid arrived shortly afterward, and stared into the rubble where his most precious

warriors lay. "They knew." He declared, as Cabal appeared at his side. "The trolls knew this

was going to happen! They kept us underground just long enough to ensure we wouldn't be

here when the storm struck."

"We can't know that for sure." Cabal calmly tried to reason with him,

"I can." Gravid said. "That troll was protecting his witch."

"Not another word, Gravid." Cabals hand went to his sword.

"You might feel less protective if it had been your warriors here this day." Gravid

cautioned, and then headed for the storage shed to find a shovel.

They worked through the day, digging a mass grave for the dozen warriors that had

given their lives trying to save Ahmity. The massive destruction, and merciless slaughter of

the elves had unnerved them all. What could have withstood the assault of a dozen

woodland warriors without any indication of conflict? It had to be magic. A magic more

powerful than any they had ever witnessed before.

Gravid took to his horse without a word, as soon as the elves were buried. Nicole's gaze

did not leave him until he vanished from view. How many woodland’s were left now? Here

a dozen had died, and Gravid was so overwrought he could not even bear to speak. Were

these the last of his people? Were there any left up in the mountains, to carry on their race?

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She knew he would never speak to her of these things. But they were her people, one way

or the other, she was one of them.

Sarah began to sob uncontrollably, over the graves of the fallen warriors. Cabal was at

her side in an instant, pulling her away from the wet earth and toward the cover of the

trees, as the rain began anew.

"It's all my fault." She sobbed, "It stayed away while there were two of us here. I

shouldn't have left."

"You couldn't have stopped this, Sarah." Cabal soothed. "If you had been here,

You would have been taken as Ahmity was."

"We have to find him.” Sarah grabbed the front of Cabal's tunic. “Now! Before it's too


"Sarah, it's a storm. A magical storm. It would be like chasing the wind."

"No, the wind is not magic." Sarah's eyes cleared of tears. "Nicole can follow the trail of

this magic. Can't you Nicole?"

"Well if the trail was fresh, and the magic strong enough, I might . . .” Nicole moved

toward them.

“Can you ask the animals? Can they help you follow the clouds?" Sarah turned to face


"Yes, that's possible. At least they can tell us what direction it came from, and where it

headed afterward." Nicole's eyes brightened.

"Do it." Cabal said.

"No," Jack stepped in, “We have to go to Fortress City, and tell them about Ahmity and

the trolls, before Gravid poisons their minds. Ahmity was the last of the Queen's sorcerers,

and her brother. She has to come first."

"I'll return to the city, you three continue on." Cabal glanced at Sarah, knowing full well

by the time he reached the Queen, the entire council would know about Hopper's control

over the trolls.

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"No, Jacks right." Sarah disagreed. "The city is only a half a day’s ride from here. We must

insure the trolls are not threatened. We all need to testify to their sincerity. Ahmity

wouldn't want an entire race to be in peril, while we searched for him."

Cabal glanced at Jack and Nicole, who nodded their agreement. "Then she must be told.”

"I'll ready the horses." He turned and left them, unable to meet Sarah's questioning eyes.

Jack shook his head at Nicole, and followed Cabal. "Men are such cowards." Nicole smiled

weakly at Sarah.

"What’s going on?" Sarah asked.

''This is going to be hard for you to hear, Sarah.” Nicole took her hand and pulled her

down, to sit beside her in the thick wet grass. "Etonee, the leader of the troll group that

helped us, took us into the troll cavern because you were very weak, and he was afraid you

would not survive the night if we tried to take you home. I think this was only one reason

why he took us into the caverns." Nicole stared at Sarah; half wishing she'd just figure this

out on her own. "We saw how the trolls lived. Clean, organized, and in family groups, and

that wasn't the only surprise we got down there."

"You found out what happened to Todd." Sarah said simply.

"He's alive."

Sarah stared at Nicole as if she were a ghost. "Alive?" She stammered. "How can that be?"

Cabal and Jack stood silently by, as Sarah mounted her horse without a word, and

headed off toward Fortress City. They mounted and followed. The journey seemed to last

forever. They rode in complete silence. Then the entrance to Fortress City appeared in the

distance. Its tall white towers reached up into the clouds, while the high stone walls

shimmered from the magic talismans, which afforded protection from all known enemies.

Cabal led the adventurers through the massive gates and into the maze of cobblestone

streets toward the castle stronghold.

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He stopped and stared at his comrades. It was apparent by their angry glares that

Gravid had wasted no time spreading the word about the assault on Ahmity's castle. Cabal

turned down the main thoroughfare, and led them to the gardens where the council met. It

was not yet time for the council to convene this month, but Cabal had a feeling they were in

session. A garrison of warriors waited patiently outside the pavilion, where the council was

in heated discussion. Cabal motioned for Jack and Sarah to wait near the entrance, as he

and Nicole entered the pavilion and addressed the members.

The pavilion fell silent, as Nicole and Cabal entered. All eyes turned to Nicole; they were

not friendly curious gazes. They were openly hostile stares. A commotion came from

behind them. Cabal and Nicole turned to find Sarah and Jack being escorted by nearly a

dozen warriors toward the pavilion. When they turned back to face the council, they

discovered an equal number of Warriors had placed themselves in front of the council.

"What is the meaning of this?" Cabal demanded, stepping in front of Nicole as the

warriors advanced.

"Cabal," His mother appeared in the midst of the soldiers. “They must be taken into

custody until this is all sorted out. If only for their own protection."

"We don't have time for this mother." Cabal began, but was silenced by a raise of her


"It's okay." Nicole's voice came from behind him. "Plead our case, Cabal. We will be free

once the council understands the situation."

The adventurers could hear Cabal's calm, yet angry, words as they were escorted to the

Fortress Prison, and placed in separate cells. Each cell consisted of one small barred

window in the wooden door, a pile of hay and two buckets. One filled with water, the other

served as a chamber pot. Night fell with no sign of Cabal. Nicole could hear Sarah pleading

with their captives to free them for Ahmity's sake. Jack's cell was unusually silent. Nicole

found herself pacing the length of the cell, nearly out of her mind from the confined area.

As darkness totally consumed Nicole’s small cell, the door opened. Cabal appeared

before her, and silently motioned for her to follow. Jack and Sarah stood outside waiting.

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The guards were gone, only the four of them remained. Cabal indicated an alternate exit

from when they arrived, and they headed toward freedom.

"Are you and the Queen going behind the councils back?" Jack whispered incredulously

to Cabal, as they reached the outer wall of the prison, and discovered a long rope dangling

down from it heights to the courtyard below.

"Not a word." Cabal answered. He took hold of the rope, and started to climb.

One by one, they followed and then jerked the rope free, and tossed it over the outer

wall of the palace, and scaled down its length. They disappeared into the shadows of the

city and made their way toward the stables. Their horses were ready and waiting; no

guards or stableman were in sight.

Cabal produced three coarse, brown-hooded robes, and tossed them to his friends.

"Cover your heads and don't say a word, no matter what happens.” He ordered. As they

approached the gate, Cabal smiled, and nodded to the guards. "I'm escorting these monks

back to Armendos. Their Sabbath is on the morrow, and they wish to return tonight."

The guards accepted his explanation without question, and they were free of the city in

seconds. Once out of sight of the guards, they slammed their heels into their steeds and

raced off.

When they reached the entrance to Ahmity's fortress, Cabal dismounted and called them

near saying, "I believe the cloud is Puissant's creation. It is his latest attempt to return.

Unfortunately the council believes that it is also connected to you, mostly Sarah. Puissant

has a history of stealing magic directly from its source, and absorbing it to strengthen his

powers. The council fear Sarah is his vessel, that somehow the magic from each murdered

sorcerer has been channeled into her."

"You don't . . ." Sarah stammered.

"No, you are not a part of this, at least not intentionally." Cabal said.

"But it's possible that you are receiving the magic without realizing it."

"Surely there would be some indication." Sarah said, tired of being blamed for every

magical problem in the province.

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"The council believes that your power has grown considerable since you arrived, and

that is all the indication they need." Cabal cautioned.

Sarah glared at him, and then moved off toward the ruins of Ahmity’s tower, to search

for any books or talismans that might have survived the attack. She didn’t care to hear

anymore about the elven council’s suspicions.

“The Queen didn’t give you permission to remove us from the city, did she?” Jack

stepped forward. “You broke us out.”

Cabal met his gaze. “I had no choice. They were going to execute Sarah at dawn.”

Jack shook his head. “You just ruined your life.”

“The price was worth it.” Cabals eye glanced at Sarah, who had quickly abandoned her

search after discovering everything that remained was scorched, and charred beyond

recognition. She stood with her back to them, studying the horizon.

“The stars are gone.” Sarah stated calmly, nodding toward the distant sky behind the

fortress ruins, completely unaware of their conversation. The others turned and followed

her gaze. The starry sky abruptly ceased into blackness over the distant hills. “It's time,

Nicole,” Sarah added, turning toward the elf.

“I’ll know more when we get deep into the forest.” Nicole said. “What you have to figure

out is, what do we do when we find it?”

They rode through the night. Nicole stopped constantly, to speak with the creatures

of the forest. By the beasts’ description of the rolling blackness, they continued on through

the last of the foothills, and across the grassy plains. By dawn the group was exhausted,

Cabal ordered they stop for a few hours to rest, before continuing on. As the sun rose over

the horizon, Jack and Nicole bedded down in the tall grass, and fell instantly asleep, leaving

Cabal at watch, and Sarah struggling with her thoughts.

Cabal came up beside Sarah, and stood watching the sunset by her side. “If Puissant is at

the center of this, we could be searching for our death.”

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“The cloud is nowhere in sight.” Sarah said, ignoring his remark.

“This is always what occurs. It appears and disappears at will.”

“How long has Puissant been trying to return?”

“He was banished 5 years ago.” Cabal answered, watching the sky turn from blue to


“When did he start sending the humans from my realm to free the beast?” Sarah asked.

“They came every full moon for nearly two years, before you managed to succeed.”

Cabal studied her, and then added regretfully, “And yes, we killed them all.”

“You couldn’t have known.” Sarah offered.

“It wouldn’t have mattered.” Cabal turned, and moved to the horses.

“If this is Puissant, and we permanently stop his attempts . . .” Sarah turned to follow


“Then it is possible for you to return home.” Cabal finished softly.

“Would we change back to our normal forms?”

“You will have to ask Ahmity that question. It was his spell that altered your forms.”

Cabal pulled a sack of grain from his saddle bag, and offered a handful to his horse. “Do you

want to change back? To go back to what you were before?”

“Hopper . . .”

"Hopper is dead to you." Cabal snapped, "Let him go." With that, he disappeared into the


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Chapter Six

As the dew formed on the glen where they had slept, Jack and Nicole saddled the horses,

and prepared to move out. Sarah slept silently on a thick patch of moss, under one of the

few trees to be found in the rolling hills of the plains. Cabal was nowhere in sight, the young

lovers figured he was scouting ahead, and were not concerned. But as the moments passed,

and the sun moved higher in the sky, they grew concerned. Jack woke Sarah, and they went

in search of Cabal, his horse in tow.

"What did you say to get him so mad?" Jack asked Sarah, as he frowned at his wife, as she

attempted to stand on her saddle and view the surrounding area.

"All I did was ask him about Puissant, and the other teams that traveled here from our

realm." Sarah began.

"How many teams came?” Jack tore his gaze from his wife's balancing act.

''It sounds like a couple dozen came before us." Sarah said.

"That's nearly fifty" Jack gasped, "Did any . . .”

"Cabal said they were all killed."

"Puissant is a serial killer", Jack shook his head. "We nearly became notches on his belt,

just like the others."

"I wonder who they were." Sarah stared at Nicole, as she leapt in the air from the saddle,

and landed, then fought in a desperate attempt to keep from losing her balance.

"Ordinary people just like us, who didn't deserve to die." Jack said.

Nicole sprang back on her horse, and turned to them. "You're not going to like this." She


Sarah moaned. "I hate it when you say that."

"Cabal's about a league ahead of us, and he's not alone." Nicole's eyes met, and held her

husband’s. "Gravid's with him, and he brought friends."

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The three sat on their horses in silence. Jack was the first to speak, "Well we could kill

them. We've done it before." He offered half-heartedly. Sarah and Nicole smiled at his

attempt at humor, and then they headed to meet them.

Tom stood staring at the good doctor. "You can't be serious." He stammered. “I have no

idea where they are. If I did, don't you think I would have said something by now?"

Dr. Strong sat behind his large office desk calmly, methodically moving Tom in the

direction he wanted, needed him to go. "Thomas, it is entirely possible that Nicole or Jack

said something, or did something, in those last moments with you, that you have

overlooked. Something subtle that didn't mean anything at the time, but could be the key to

their disappearance. Perhaps if you tried to concentrate, and rerun the conversations over

in your mind. You might recall something important."

"Dr. Strong, I had spinal meningitis that week. I can't even recall how I got home that

day, much less whether Nicole managed to sneak some hidden message into our

conversation." Tom rose from his seat, and headed for the door.

"Thomas," Dr. Strong called after him in such a stern voice, it caused Tom to turn around

as he reached the door. "You just spent the last year battling for your life. You owe it to

yourself and your missing friends to try to remember."

"I wish I could, Dr. Strong." Tom admitted quietly. "It's just not there."

"Perhaps if you would allow me . . ."

"Cabal! You dog!" Jack came charging out of the tall grass on his mare, and into the

clearing where Gravid and his soldiers held the blonde elf captive. "I knew if I gave you the

chance, you'd sneak off and betray us!"

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Gravid and his soldiers quickly placed themselves between the barbarian, and their

Prince. Nicole appeared behind Jack, Sarah in her wake. They all wore angry expressions,

and sneered viciously at Cabal.

“Gravid knows the truth." Cabal pushed through the line of soldiers."

"Yeah, I just bet he does." Jack continued undaunted, turning his glare on Gravid.

"Well, let me tell you, you black eyed pile of troll dung. I’d do it again if it meant saving

Sarah from your 'noose of justice'. Cabal's just one of the many pawns I've used in my life,

and he won't be the last."

"What are you saying?” Cabal stared at him.

"I don't care if you told them your little secret, the blackmail worked long enough to get

us out of the castle, and allowed us to enjoy a bit of freedom." Jack searched for some way

to continue his bluff.

"Jack . . ."

"So they know about that night with the donkey. Your life's not over." Jack couldn’t help

the smile that forced its way across his face. "I bet every single elf here has . . .”

"Jack!" Cabal bellowed, his face was crimson red. "Gravid aided your escape, you idiot!”

"Oh," Jack could only stare at Cabal, as Sarah and Nicole nearly fell from their horses in


"Noose of Justice!" Nicole wailed behind him.

"All right, so I got a little carried away." Jack gave his wife a sheepish grin.

“We will speak about the donkey remark at a later time." Cabal appeared at Jack's side.

Gravid moved toward them, announcing "The storm cloud was sighted over the

northern mountains this very morning. I have reason to believe it remains in that vicinity."

"It's clear across the province. That's too far.” Sarah said, moving up beside Jack.

'If we were to travel on foot, perhaps." Cabal grinned up at her.

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"What do you have in mind?'' Sarah stared blankly at him. She was not going to be

friendly after how he treated her last night.

"Nicole will call some of her feathered friends and with your help, we shall fly.” Cabal

continued with less enthusiasm, noting her sour tone.

"I've got a better idea." Sarah turned her horse, and headed back toward the forest.

“Coming?" She called over her shoulder. Jack and Nicole followed Sarah without hesitation.

Cabal, Gravid and his handful of soldiers, rushed for their horses, and raced through the tall

grass after them. Less than an hour of hard riding placed them deep inside the silvery

forest, where they first arrived. Sarah called the procession to a halt, just as the terrain

began to give way to rolling hills. She dismounted, and climbed down into a small hollow,

and began to chant.

"If I’m not mistaken," Nicole began, "That is the incantation for destruction."

"Sarah!" Cabal started forward, but was forced back by a huge explosion, that ripped

away at the side of the hollow.

Rushing around to the far side of the hollow, they stared down at Sarah, as she peered

into a hole just large enough for someone to slip through. She glanced up at them and

smiled brightly, then moved to pluck a large, greenish-silver leaf from a nearby tree.

She turned to survey the crowd. "Well you can't all come. There's not enough time, and

I'm not wasting my magic. We're going in pairs, except for Gravid. No offense intended, but

your bulk is best supported alone."

Jack and Nicole were already at the base of the hollow. "Jack and I will travel together.

That leaves you and Cabal." Nicole advised, accepting the leaf from Sarah without question.

"Cabal is not going." Sarah turned and plucked two more leaves, and climbed through

the hole, followed by the lovers.

Gravid ordered the soldiers to head back to Fortress City, and inform the Queen of their

intentions. Cabal was in the hollow, and climbing into the hole before Gravid finished. Sarah

spoke a short phrase, and the small cave exploded in light. But this light was different, there

was no flame burning. The light was a soft green glow. It radiated from the leaves

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themselves, as they started to grow. As the glowing leaves continued to grow, Sarah led

them to the back of the cave. The scent of damp earth, combined with the quiet dripping of

water, told them what she had in mind.

Once again she chanted the destruction spell, this time only once and very softly. A

section of the floor, at the back of the cave, shivered and caved in upon itself. The sound of

rushing water greeted them. Sarah climbed through the hole, and found herself perched

precariously on the edge of a large underground river.

She glanced up through the hole at the others. "We'll have to take this slowly. The river

is swollen from the rain yesterday and last night. It's coming from the far edge of the plains,

and heading for the ocean. The leaves will protect us, and hold their glow until we reach the


Cabal jumped down into the hole, and stood beside her. "I am not going to argue with

you, Sarah" He said, as he yanked the leaf that had grown larger than she was tall, from her

hands. "We go together or not at all." Not waiting for a reply, he positioned the leaf on the

rock at the side of the rushing water, and waited for her to sit down. The huge leaf had

grown so thick, that it served as a sufficiently buoyant small raft. She complied without a

word, and he sat down behind her. With a quick push, they slid off the moist rock and into

the water, to disappear into the darkness.

"Keep your head down!" Jack called after them, jumping into the hole and reached up for

Nicole. He said, "Another adventure on the edge of death, darling."

Nicole grinned wickedly, kissing him deeply when she reached his side, and they

followed suit.

"By the gods, these people are out of their minds." Gravid cursed, and raced after them

with the remaining leaf clutched tightly to his side.

Tom's journey into the fantasy realm was uneventful, quiet even. No rushing wind, no

icy storm, no unexpected transformation. Just a nice smooth transference. He stood in the

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same wooded glen where the others had arrived. The forest fell silent with his arrival. He

sniffed the air for a familiar scent, and then headed toward the mountains. He flew with the

silent swiftness of a dark wind. No birds greeted him with their songs. No animals skittered

along next to his path. Guided by his thirst, he was drawn to a small rock enclosed pond

that was fed by a partially blocked waterfall.

Cabal held on to Sarah for dear life. What could he have been thinking? First he'd risked

his crown. Now he was throwing his life away, and for what? For a human that didn’t even

care for him, and an old wizard that was probably dead anyway. The fact that Sarah was

human was enough reason for the council to deny him the throne. Not to mention the fact

that Sarah was an unforgiven enemy of his own people. Even if she did come to care for

him, even if she was the most loyal person in the world to the Elven nation, they had no

future. But none of that mattered. Sarah loved the troll; her heart was hardened to all

others. Cabal had firsthand knowledge of that.

Sarah screamed as their dark journey took a sudden plunge, their path dove sharply for

what seemed like hours, before they leveled off once more. The greenish glow from the leaf,

cast shadows all around them. Cabal did not miss the stalactites that swished by, within

inches of their heads. The silence that surrounded them was ominous. Only the slow hum of

the rushing water, assured Cabal he had not lost that sense.

Slowly, the river passage began to narrow. The water began to churn about them,

surging into the walls around them, searching for a way to escape. Cabal was amazed they

hadn’t slammed into a low ceiling, or tossed over a hundred foot fall by the strong current.

That would be a fitting ending indeed, to his blind pursuit of a human that saw nothing

more in him than a playmate for her friends.

Instinctively, he tightened his grip around Sarah. How could he allow himself to become

enchanted . . . No, to fall in love with an out worlder? He was a fool on a fool's chase, to

catch a magic storm cloud. But Cabal was not one to waver, once he had chosen a path. He

would see this through to the end. He would stay by her side during this escapade. He

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would die for her if called upon to do so. This would be his last testament of love for Sarah.

When it was over, if he survived, he would no longer walk in Sarah's shadow, hoping for a

crumb of affection. When it was done, he would walk away. Jack and Nicole would

understand. Sarah would not care. He would return to Fortress City, and sleep with every

pretty wench that came his way, until Sarah was forgotten.

"How did you know about this?" Cabal yelled over the rushing water, anxious to stop his

flowing thoughts.

"I'm not sure." Sarah leaned back into him, as the ceiling started to lower. "I think we

may be headed . . ." Her sentence was left unfinished, as they were forced onto their backs

and pulled under the surface of the water, as the ceiling vanished.

Hopper often found himself roaming the dark tunnels crafted by the once industrious

dwarves. The smooth, straight channels reminded him of the craftsmanship of home. To

think of these small, stout beings pounding away, inch by inch, and creating such a

masterpiece with their bare hands, struck him as miraculous. What dedication it must have

taken. He could envision one tunnel on its own, as a lifetime project, perhaps even handed

down with great pride to their sons, and daughters, for completion.

Indications of this heritage were apparent in certain cross sections of the labyrinth of

tunnels. These sections opened up to reveal large chambers, similar to that of Troll Cavern.

Each had a flow of fresh air moving through it, indicating perhaps the dwarves that built

that tunnel were housed in these large sections during construction.

Occasionally, one would be discovered that was ornately covered in ancient scribes. The

trolls feared these areas, convinced that the ruins held a terrible curse upon trespassers.

They were in constant fear that the plague that Ahmity vanquished, would return. Hopper

did not share either fear. His were far greater. Healing in the bowels of this darkness, had

nurtured his troll senses. He could see far into the darkness, smell any abnormal creature

as soon as it entered this series of caverns and tunnels. His emotions had increased tenfold

as well.

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Empathy hatred, even love, held such power inside of him; he feared he might one day

lose control. He feared most for Sarah. That was why he kept to the darkness. The act of

troll love would kill a human female as swiftly as one could step on a bug. He had learned in

this darkness that trolls were creatures of instinct. Despite their capacity for higher

thought, it was their instincts that kept them alive, and as such what they relied upon the

most. It was what controlled them. It was what Hopper felt, slowly but surely, taking over

his intellect.

His life without Sarah was for the most part bearable, perhaps even happy. The trolls

held no deceit, no ulterior motives for their actions, no envy, no grudges, and no rivalry.

They lived as one tribe, supporting each other in their own ways. They were fearless in

their determination, even when stricken with the massive plague Puissant sent to destroy

them. They maintained their hold on the entrance to the underworld. The bowels of this

fairy world held unspeakable terrors. Demons of such power, Puissant would quake in their


Hopper wondered if the elves had any knowledge of this lair of beasts, lurking beneath

them. He wondered if they realized that the only thing keeping their cozy little world from

turning into a living hell, were the trolls. Yet beyond their intense dedication to keep the

two worlds separated, the trolls had created a wondrous world in the dwarfen cavern

system. In their serenity of darkness, the trolls created bonds with the creatures that

prowled the darkness. They molded and trained them to fit their needs. Some were simple,

docile creatures, others were warped creations of the creatures of the night. All had taken

shape among their tender care.These simple beasts became their pets, their companions,

and at times the protectors of the troll children.

Hopper stopped, suddenly very aware of the scent of humans. It was Sarah, he was

certain, Jack and Nicole as well. There were others. A deep, unnatural growl sounded in

Hopper’s throat. Cabal was with her. He'd seen how gently Cabal carried Sarah into the hut.

How softly he laid her down on the straw mats. Hopper started forward, instinct taking

over. Hopper let it.

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The leaf wrapped about them, blanketing them in its soft glow. A pocket of air formed

quickly inside their tiny vessel, as Cabal and Sarah found themselves pressed against each

other. Cabal's arms went around Sarah, as she turned to face him.

"Your magic has grown strong." Cabals voice was deep and throaty.

"Thanks to Ahmity." Sarah answered, avoiding eye contact.

"Well find him." Cabal offered, breathing in the scent of her.

“Cabal," Sarah forced herself to look at him. "About what I said earlier, I'm sorry."

"Which time?" Cabal smiled softly. "There have been many lately."

Sarah smiled, "You've begun to retaliate."

"I was angry. I didn't mean . . ."

"You were right." Sarah interrupted. "Hopper is gone. He has chosen another way of life,

and made it clear by his absence, what is important to him." Cabal saw neither sadness nor

anger in her eyes. She buried her head into his chest, and added, "I'm glad you're here."

Hopper found himself at a dead run, heading toward the underground river, another

massive creation of the dwarves. As he neared the cross section that backed to the water

flow, another scent assaulted him. Hopper staggered from the intensity of the stench. It was

familiar, yet so offensive, Hopper found himself backing away, as his stomach began to

churn. There it was another intense emotion, complete terror.

Hopper's limbs froze, as the creature appeared in the cross section before him. It was

not a huge beast; it did not tower over him. It did not carry any weapons. It was not

endowed with great claws, or sharp fangs of any kind. Dark, leathery wings extended out

behind it. The creature held a nearly humanlike stance. Yet its presence inspired horror,

deep intense horror.

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Jack and Nicole climbed the huge boulders, trying to escape the anger of the incoming

tide as they searched for the others. The ocean behind them was vast and beautiful, crystal

clear, turquoise water and just beyond the boulders, a white sand beach.

"If they were dead, we would have found their bodies by now," Nicole shouted over the

roar of the surf. "Besides, it had to be Sarah's magic that kept us from drowning, those few

minutes under water. If she and Cabal drowned, then her protective bubble would have


"Then where are they?" Jack looked up, and found the answer to his question waiting at

the top of the towering cliff above them. Sarah and Cabal stood, waving at them. Gravid's

large bulk appeared below them, as they reached the summit.

"My village is less than a league inland!" He shouted up to them. His voice had lost some

of its vigor. By the time he reached them, the afternoon sun had liberated him of most of

the moisture; Sarah's leaf had failed to protect him from.

"There's no sign of the cloud." Sarah studied the horizon, and then turned to Gravid.

"Are you sure it's in this area?"

"I am certain of it." Gravid explained. "My wife is a seer; she discovered the cloud hovers

out to sea, not far from the shoreline. We must go to her now. She will know where it has


Sarah chanted a short spell of vitality, and they set off at a slow run toward the

Woodland Village. They entered a forest of trees so immense; they appeared to hold up the

sky itself. As they entered the depths of the forest, the air grew cool and moist. A soft

breeze caressed them, urging them on. Gravid breathed deeply, and increased his pace.

Nicole suppressed the urge to sing her forest melody, despite the incredible temptation to

do so.

Sarah began to slow her pace, as her head started to pound. Cabal, still at her side took

hold of her arm, and pulled her to a stop. "You are as pale as a winter dove. You need to


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"She needs food." Gravid said. "Humans have no concept of magic. She has used too

much in too short a time." With that, he moved to a nearby flowering tree and spoke to its

large pink blossoms, in an unusually soft voice. "The human needs sustenance." Gravid led

them to a nearby stand of similar, yet smaller trees. He spun around to face Sarah and

added, "If you will allow yourself to trust this forest and all that dwell within, it will care for

you as long as you pose no threat, and do no damage to those very things that give us all

life." Sarah stared at him; she did not know what to think. He moved her, so her back was to

the small trees. "Allow yourself to fall backward with trust in your heart, and you shall be


She glanced at Jack, who shrugged his shoulders, and nodded his encouragement. Nicole

stood unmoving, staring at the trees with great intensity. Sarah surrendered to Gravid's

wish and leaned backward, until she felt herself start to fall. Quickly the trees rushed out

and swept Sarah up in their embrace, cradling her in their branches, like a newborn child.

Instantly a set of white squirrels appeared from behind the trees, each carrying a large leaf

full of nuts which they quickly deposited in Sarah's lap, and disappeared. A small gray,

white-tailed rabbit appeared from the thicket behind her, carrying a young carrot in its

teeth, which it placed on the ground beside her, before vanishing back into the brush.

A completely black, owl-like creature flew silently into the midst of the group, from the

trees above, and dropped a large blue fruit into Cabals hands.

“It's an Ardor berry, very rare." Cabal said, as he presented it to her. "Eat it slowly."

"Is it potent?" She asked, taking the fruit from him.

"If you are so inclined." Gravid could not keep the deep chuckle from forming in the pit

of his throat.

Cabal stared at Gravid, and moved past him to scout ahead. "No need, Highness." Gravid

called after him. "My village is just over the next rise." He turned back to the others. "I

would ask you to remain passive and silent. My people are not used to visitors. Much less

humans. Compound this with the tragedy at Ahmity's stronghold, and it could lead to a

volatile situation." Gravid met each ones gaze, one after the other. "I give you my word, I

will not let harm come upon you. If you do as I ask."

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Once Sarah had consumed the fruit and nuts, her headache began to lessen. She couldn't

be sure, but she thought the trees might have had some sort of an effect on her as well. She

came away from their embrace smelling of fresh green leaves, and large pink blossoms.

Sarah glanced back toward the trees, as they reached the top of the rise. They had vanished.

In their stead, stood four small brown-skinned children with silvery-green hair and thin

lithe limbs. They stood gazing back at her for only a second, before dashing off into the


"Wood nymphs,” Cabal whisper in her ear. She turned to gaze into his eyes, the now

familiar twinge of panic rising in her stomach full force as he held her gaze. For the first

time, Sarah reached up and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Cabal's cheek.

His smile vanished, and he took a step backward. "Ardor berry." He said, then turned

and headed after the others.

To describe the Woodland Village as such was a complete mistake. It was in fact a huge

garden full of a maze of tall hedges, small flowering trees, large leafed bushes, and was

completely protected from the elements by the high canopy of trees above them. The air

was warm and fragrant. The heat of the day was missing. The air held moist warmth only a

lush garden could give. The woodlands lived as one large family, each taking a section of

the garden as their sleeping quarters. Nicole saw no beds or furniture of any sort. Simply a

lush, thick layer of grass or moss, and a sprinkling of the same nymph-like trees that had

cradled Sarah.

The elves were all very similar in appearance to Nicole and Gravid. The men were all

large and stout; the women small and lithe. All shared the same blue black hair, pale skin

and forest green eyes. It was easy to see all of their eyes. Every single elf in the village

stopped to stare at their small group, as they moved toward the center of the massive,

beautiful garden.

Gravid nodded in greeting to some, called out boisterously to others, embracing a chosen

few as they passed. He ignored their questioning stares, and apparently held enough

esteem among the woodlands that no one questioned his passing with this odd group of

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strangers. The center of the garden held a small pond, where several children splashed


A small group of women gathered at the far side of the pool, rose at the sight of them.

One slightly taller female rushed to embrace Gravid. She wore the customary green leather-

like vest, but her skirt was of a soft, silk-like material that reached the floor, and flowed

with her every step, such that she appeared to glide toward them. Tears streamed down

her face, as Gravid pulled her into his arms. The large commander's eyes moistened, his

face softened for the first time since Nicole had met him.

Nicole thought it made him look more human. Instantly, she wanted to slap herself. He

was not human. Neither was she. Gravid kissed his wife deeply, and then turned toward

them. "This is Tirana, my beautiful wife." He said softly.

"Please sit," She said, motioning to the mossy area where she and the others had been


The other women and the splashing children had disappeared, leaving them alone with

Tirana. Her dark green eyes searched each face. She moved to embrace Cabal, even though

they had never met before. "You bless us with your presence, your Highness." She said

taking him by the hand, and leading him to the mossy patch. "Please allow me to extend a

future invitation to return and stay with us again, when times are quiet and hearts are

joyful once more."

"I offer my greatest sympathies for the loss of your brave sons and daughters." Cabal

replied, "It is my greatest hope to remove this threat, and see that the tragedy is never


Tirana smiled at Cabal, and then turned as Gravid approached with a large wooden bowl

filled with water from the pond. Tirana placed the bowl on the moss before them, and sat

facing the small group as Gravid stood behind her. Tirana pulled a small white stone from a

concealed pocket in her skirt and crushed it easily in her hands, allowing the dust and

debris to fall into the water. The mixture bubbled and began to churn instantly, turning a

deep green color then calming to a smooth surface, mere seconds later. The glass-like

appearance of the water shimmered and a rolling back cloud appeared. Tirana stretched

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her hand over the bowl, and the image shrank back to reveal an immense black storm

hovering at the very edge of the Woodland forest, not far from where they had arrived from

the tunnel.

"It will not enter the forest." Tirana explained. "Perhaps it fears the magic here. Perhaps

it needs to grow stronger before it approaches."

"It won't get the chance." Jack said.

'There are many facets to this battle." Tirana added. "Do not dispel what is easily

apparent as unimportant."

"Enough!" Cabal was on his feet, heading out of the garden. "We are running out of time."

The others followed in his wake, to find a large collection of armed warriors waiting for

them. Gravid forced himself to the front of their small group. "What is this about?" He asked

calmly, but firmly.

"If the battle is to be done, our people shall fight by our prince's side." Tirana moved past

Gravid, and motioned for the others to follow.

They moved swiftly through the forest, mostly compelled by a need for revenge. As they

reached the outer edges of the forest, the sound of the pounding waves could be heard in

the distance. The roar of the waves mingled with that of monstrous thunder from the

rolling blackness that hovered just past the treeline. The cloud stretched the length of the

small beach near where they had arrived. It reached high into the sky, and its depths

churned and growled. The thunder snarled like a hungry beast.

Sarah was the first to reveal her outside the tree line, as she shot a blast of fire into the

darkness. Steam rose from where she struck, and the stench of old death flowed down to

greet them. Gravid appeared at her side, as the others spread out along the tree line,

waiting for a chance to attack. A large rumble began within the cloud, and the ground

beneath them shivered with its power.

A hailstorm of lightning shot out from the cloud, toward Sarah and Gravid. Cabal shot

forward, diving into Sarah just as the lightening hit. Gravid was struck full in the chest, and

thrown back into the trees. Cabal and Sarah rolled as one, fighting to avoid blast after blast

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of the white-hot bolts. Nicole and Jack raced out from the trees toward them, as they

realized the pair was dangerously close to the rocky cliff. Woodland warriors dove from the

safety of the trees, to pelt the massive cloud with spears and arrows, as it expanded and

sank toward the earth. The cloud moved with such swiftness, that all were covered in a

blanket of complete darkness before they could react.

The cloud lifted as quickly as it descended, leaving all strangely untouched, save Sarah

and Cabal. They had vanished.

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Chapter Seven

Fear was for cowards, yet somehow this time running was the answer. Hopper knew he

could not defeat the beast. He was certain it was some sort of wraith that had managed to

breach the troll barrier. He feared for his fellow trolls, how many had fallen in that

monstrous battle? But he knew instinctively that he had no time to ponder. He had to reach

Sarah and the others, and warn them. This beast was coming for them, for him. Hopper was

certain it was following their scent. He also knew if he was to meet his end at this creature's

hand, he would make sure his friends had a fighting chance before that happened.

Hopper sprinted through the tunnels, away from the creature. His deep voice, calling in

the darkness, calling the creature he had taken as his own. It was his only chance. The

wraith was close behind. Hopper knew his strength would give out, far before the creature

even began to tire. He would have to lead it away from his people, away from the Troll

Cavern, and somehow try to find a way to return it to the underworld before it was too late.

A sudden brush of wind hit Hopper full force, as his salvation arrived and descended upon

him. As he reached a ruin covered crossroads, Hopper stretched his arms out openly to the

beast, as it took hold of his midsection and soared for the surface.

"To the sea." Was all he could manage, as he buried his head in the soft fur of its chest.

He couldn't imagine why Sarah and the others traveled the Dwarven watercourse, but the

ocean was the only other outlet besides the tunnels.

The beast gave no indication of disappointment or anger at losing his prey. It simply

turned, and moved back into the tunnels, searching for relief from its monstrous thirst,

which grew with each passing second.

Jack rushed to the cliff's edge and cringed as he gazed over the side, expecting to see

Sarah and Cabal's broken bodies at its base. To his relief, they were not to be found. Nicole

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rushed to Gravid's side, as Tirana stood over him. A young male elf appeared next to them.

The tall, thin youth wore a long black braid down his back. He knelt, and placed his hands

on the black, charred area on Gravid's chest. In moments, the large warrior gasped and

pushed the small elf away.

"I hate it when you do that, Crasis!" Gravid bellowed, and sat up directly into his wives

waiting arms.

"Everyone does." Crasis winked at Nicole, then jumped up and headed to where Jack

stood, watching the storm move out to sea. "It took them!" Jack yelled to Nicole, feeling

helpless to save his friends.

"Now what?" Nicole looked to Gravid for an answer.

Sarah awoke inside a darkness that chilled her to the core. She shivered in the icy mist

that swirled about her. Cabal! Her thoughts soared back to the last few seconds before they

were engulfed. She searched the darkness, afraid to speak, yet terrified that Cabal could be

mere inches from her, injured or dying. The silence about her was broken, only by the quiet

rumble of thunder. It sounded distant, yet she knew it was not. Moving slowly, arms

extended into the blackness about her, Sarah searched for Cabal. Despite her caution,

nearly immediately she stumbled over something, and fell to her hands and knees. It was a

body! She couldn't see it! It was right at her fingertips, and she could not see!

Sarah chanted a spell of light, but nothing happened. She chanted another, more

powerful spell of brilliance, no light appeared. Sarah searched the body for signs of life, it

was breathing, but it was not Cabal. It was Ahmity!

"Ahmity!" Sarah whispered into his ear. "It's Sarah, speak to me!"

Ahmity stirred in her arms, and moaned softly. "Child?" His voice was raspy and broken.

"If you are here, then we are both dead."

"No, I've come to rescue you." Sarah chided, softly. "Can you walk?"

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"My legs are broken, as are my hands and arms, in several places." Ahmity fought to

remain conscious, despite the horrible pain from Sarah's searching touch. "Leave me."

Sarah began a chant of healing.

"Do not waste your strength." Ahmity whispered. "This cloud is a void, an anomaly. A

place between worlds. This is the barrier that myself and eleven other wizards created,

when we banished Puissant. It allows no magic. It was our greatest achievement. It was

meant to keep Puissant from returning. Nothing can leave this place, as long as Puissant is


"But how?" Sarah gasped, realizing this was the freezing storm they passed through, as

they entered this realm.

"Always so full of questions, never one to be satisfied with the simple facts before you."

A familiar voice cooed from behind them. The darkness faded, as the mist cleared just

enough for Sarah to meet Dr. Strong's welcoming gaze. "It's so good to see you, Sarah.”

"You bastard!" Sarah sprang to her feet, pulling her small sword from her belt.

"Your magic is already mine, sweet Sarah. I absorbed it, once you entered this cloud."

Puissant flashed her an evil smile. "My mission is complete. I have all that I need to return

home." Puissant backed away, disappearing into the mist.

“Come back here, you coward!” Sarah raced after him.

"You my dear, should forget about me, and concentrate on Shala." Puissant’s voice

echoed all around her. Sarah was knocked off her feet, as Shala dove into her from behind.

Shala's knife found its way deep into Sarah's right shoulder, while her steel-like grip

clamped on to Sarah's sword arm. Sarah screamed in pain and rage, striking back by

burying her elbow into the softness of Shala's stomach. Shala seemed unaffected by the

blow, and grabbed Sarah by her hair, yanking her backward, and across the floor. Sarah

slammed into a wall.

Forcing herself to move, Sarah jumped up and rushed back toward Shala. “You bitch!”

She growled, “You wanted to have Jack for dinner, didn’t you? But he escaped your grasp.

Now I’m going to feed you to the sharks!” Sarah’s rage at their tragic adventure, rushed to

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the surface as she approached Shala, with more anger than she could have ever imagined

she could possess.

Sarah raised her short sword and lashed out wildly at Shala, with an aggressiveness the

nymph and not expected. Shala backed away, using all her strength to keep Sarah’s short

sword at bay. Sarah increased her advance, taking advantage of Shala’s surprise.

“I don’t have time for this!” Sarah said wickedly. “Just die already!” She added, with a

lunge of her sword that sunk into Shala’s side.

Shala leaned into Sarah as the sword sank deeper, and dropping her sword, put both

hands around Sarah’s neck. Sarah panicked. She released the sword, to fight at Shala’s iron

grip on her throat. But Shala was too strong. Sarah struggled to breathe, but could not.

Sarah let her arms fall to her side as her vision started to dim, sinking to the floor. As a

smile of triumph spread across Shala’s face, Sarah pulled the small knife Cabal had given

her out of her boot, and stabbed the blonde nymph in the hollow of her neck. Without a

sound, Shala fell backward into the mist.

Sarah gasped for air, as she scrambled for Ahmity. Reaching the elder sorcerer, she put

her arms around his and as gently as possible, drug him back into the thick mist. "He

wishes us dead like the others. Only in our death, can he truly absorb the magic." Ahmity's

face grew pale from the waves of pain Sarah's movements caused.

Before Sarah could answer, Homun appeared in the mist at Ahmity's feet. No!" Sarah

screamed, as the dwarf raised a large ax, and prepared to strike. Diving over Ahmity, Sarah

threw her weight into the small man, sending them both reeling into the mist. Sarah’s

sword was still in Shala’s side, she had only the small dirk to use as a weapon against

Homun. Unwilling to surrender, Sarah pounded Homun with her fists and the hilt of the

dirk, as they rolled in the darkness. The little man’s strength was surprising, as he rolled

with the fall and tossed Sarah off him, like a rag doll.

Landing on her back, Sarah rolled quickly to knees, her dirk ready for Homun’s assault.

Feeling nothing more than the swift breeze the ax made as it narrowly missed her head, she

dove further into the dark mist. Rising to her feet, she slowed her breathing, trying to hide

her location and listened for any sound of Homun. A very soft hint of a grunt came from

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behind her, as she spun to deflect the blow of Homun’s ax with her dirk. Surprised at the

lack of strength behind the assault, Sarah came to her feet in front of the dwarf, to find a

rush of blood pouring down the side of his face.

Cabal appeared in the mist behind Homun, as the dwarf fell to the floor.

Sarah rushed into his arms, and kissed him deeply. "'Are you all right?" Cabal asked,

trying to mask his surprise.

"It's not bad." She glanced at her shoulder, mistaking his meaning.

“I found your sword.” Cabal said, handing her the delicate short sword. She accepted it

with a smile, and then pulled him quickly to where Ahmity lay.

Sarah knelt next to the elder wizard, and said, "We've got to get him out, can you carry

him?" Sarah turned back to find Cabal gone, and a wisp of blonde hair disappearing from

where he stood. Sarah realized that Shala was not yet dead. She glanced down at the spot

where Homun had fallen, to find him gone. "Cabal!" She screamed into the mist.

"Grassland Nymph," Ahmity gasped, "Not easy to . . . Kill."

The clash of swords filled the blackness around them. "Sarah, you get Ahmity to safety!"

Cabals voice yelled from the mist.

"No," Sarah cried in panic, and glanced down at Ahmity. "We've got to kill Puissant. It’s

the only way." The elderly wizard nodded at her, and she disappeared into the mist.

"Something approaches!" The sentry called out, as a small black dot appeared on the

horizon. Jack and Nicole rushed forward, as the woodland archers prepared for attack.

"Hold!" Nicole yelled above Gravid's barking orders. "It's Hopper!"

A large brown bat, the size of a small airplane, made its way toward them. Hopper

waved frantically, and yelled something they could not quite make out. As he neared, it was

apparent he wanted the small group to move back from the cliff face. They dashed back

toward the trees, just as the bat reached the edge of the cliff.

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"I've got really bad news!" Hopper began; ignoring the archers’ arrow’s pointed at him.

"It can wait." Jack said, moving out of the trees. "We need to borrow your bat."

“Just like ghost in the graveyard back home.” Sarah whispered to calm herself, “Only no

flash lights”.

Concentrating on the sounds around her, Sarah moved away from the noise of Cabal and

Shala's battle, figuring Puissant would do the same. Sarah also knew the chamber could not

be very big. Magic was fifty percent illusion, when it came to things such as this. If it was a

large labyrinth, then there would be no need for the mist. She simply needed to be

methodical, and search using quadrants. Find the wall, then a corner, and move

strategically from there.

Puissant couldn't hide forever, and he wasn't going anywhere until Sarah and Ahmity

were dead. It didn't take long for Sarah to locate the wall of the chamber. She followed it,

looking for a comer to get her bearings; instead she found a small stone archway. Moving

slowly inside, Sarah pulled her sword from its sheath.

"Time to meet your maker, Puissant." Sarah's lips dripped venom. As she moved into the

second chamber, all traces of mist vanished. The chamber was dimly lit by torches, placed

in the three corners of the triangular room. In the center of the room, like the king of this

magical cloud, Puissant sat proudly in a high-backed chair, staring at Sarah.

“You cannot kill me, Sarah." Puissant spoke in soothing tones. “I am the epitome of your

hopes, your fears, all you cherish in the real world. I am your link to reality. Kill me, and you

will be lost in this hypnotic dream forever."

Sarah smiled, and moved toward him.

"You will not kill me, Sarah. You are a healer. You have never taken a life." Puissant sat

unmoving, his gaze never leaving her.

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"That hardly matters. At this moment, Cabal is putting an end to your murderous

nymph. Homun’s skull has been crushed, if he’s still alive, he’s of no use to you now. You

have no defenses left." Sarah stood before him calmly.

"Think about it, Sarah." Puissant continued, "How could this possibly be real?”

"This place is more real to me than my own realm." Sarah moved closer.

"You? A sorceress with powers beyond belief, and a young, handsome elf prince at your

beck and call. It's every woman's dream. It's your hypnotic fantasy."

“No my fantasy died in the tunnels.” Sarah stated flatly, moving toward him.

"You are a fool." Puissant's eyes narrowed.

"You are defenseless."

“You are wrong.” Puissant smiled at her.

A horrible stench reached Sarah’s nostrils, a stench worse than the putrid river, worse

than the diseased trolls. It attacked her senses as if she’d been struck in the face with a

dead animal. Sarah staggered back, as the creature appeared behind Puissant. It was tall

and muscular, but with huge wings, and it was moving toward her. Its eyes were black and

oozing a greenish slime, its mouth was agape, showing decaying teeth and a black tongue.

Yet the face, despite its intense hideousness, was a familiar one.

“Tom?” Sarah gasped, so stricken by his appearance; she stumbled and fell backwards

onto the floor. “My God Puissant, what have you done?”

Sarah couldn’t move, horror gripped her so tightly she couldn’t breathe. Cabal’s voice

cried out for her from the dark chamber, but she could not answer him. The creature

approached silently, slowly, as if time was of no concern. Sarah gazed past him to

Puissant’s smiling face, and fought with all her will to rise to her feet.

Holding her sword out before her, she found her breath. “I will kill you Tom.” She spoke

softly, “Don’t let Dr. Strong do this to you! You are stronger than that. Fight him, fight his

will, fight his power, and don’t give in!”

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But the beast could not hear her; he could only feel his enormous thirst. Thirst for her


“You can’t kill the undead Sarah.” Puissant laughed, as the beast reached her.

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Chapter Eight

Sarah screamed, and drove her sword into Tom’s stomach. It did nothing to slow his

advance. He reached out for her, and she staggered backward, pulling her sword free. A

battle cry came from behind her, and Cabal rushed past her to place himself between them,

lashing out at the beast with his sword. The creature gazed at Cabal, and seemed confused

for only a moment, before crying out an ear-piercing scream, that forced Cabal back.

“Wraith,” Cabal whispered, as the creature lunged at him. “Don’t let it touch you!” Cabal

yelled, “You’ll be infected.”

A small shadow appeared in the doorway. Sarah raised her weapon, releasing a sigh of

relief as Nicole stepped into the dim light. Nicole's smile faded quickly, as her gaze moved

beyond Sarah.

“Tom . . . “Nicole stammered, “No . . . not Tom.”

Jack appeared behind her, stricken at the sight before him. “Nicole . . .”

“Stop!” Cabal yelled at them, dodging the creature’s grasp. He jabbed at it with his sword,

to keep it at bay. “We can’t defeat it. We have to run!”

“No.” Nicole said, softly. “I won’t leave him like this.” She drew her sword, and moved

toward the beast.

Jack staggered forward in shock. He placed a hand on Sarah’s shoulder, and said, “We’ll

distract . . . Tom. You need to put an end to Puissant.”

Sarah forced herself to concentrate on getting past the wraith and reaching Puissant, as

the others kept themselves between her and the creature. Cabal jabbed and lunged at the

wraith, keeping its attention focused on him as much as possible. Which was difficult, the

creature was not interested in him.

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“Nicole,” Jack called softly to her. “We need to get him out of this room, away from


“We have to draw its attention away from Sarah.” Nicole said, as she pulled her small

knife from her belt. Before Jack could react, Nicole drew the blade across her left forearm

drawing blood.

The wraith spun to face her immediately, attracted to the scent of her blood. “Just as I

thought.” Nicole smiled, “It’s hunting all of us. It was more focused on Sarah, because her

scent was strong due to her injury.”

The wraith lunged past Cabal toward Nicole, who spun and dashed into the main room

behind them. Jack moved to the side, allowing the wraith to follow her. Cabal spun to face

Sarah, as she took advantage of the wraith’s absence, and moved toward Puissant. A scream

from the outer room, drew Cabal to the door. One quick glance back at Sarah, and he was


Puissant rose from his chair slowly as Sarah approached, saying, “Your prince is close to

death. He and the others cannot defeat your dear friend. Nothing will stop his thirst. He will

not stop until he has drained the blood from all of you.”

“I’m sure they will find a way.” Sarah said, softly moving closer. The mist from the outer

room poured into the small chamber, instantly masking Puissant’s whereabouts. “There’s

nowhere to go, Puissant” Sarah said, “You cannot leave this place.”

Nicole screamed, as the wraith appeared before her in the dark mist. She leapt to one

side as it lunged for her, just barely escaping its grasp.

“Nicole!” Jack yelled, desperate to find her fearing the worst. Jack ran his sword blade

across his upper arm, screaming to the wraith. “Smell that, you dead bastard! Come and get

me!” Jack knew he was drawing his best friend into a battle that one of them would not

survive. But Tom had been replaced by this monster, just as Todd had been transformed

into a troll. This world was unforgiving about the past, and Jack could not afford to lose his

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wife to a memory of a friendship that was now gone. “Nicole’s blood is too green for your

taste! Mine is pure red-blooded human, and it’s waiting for you!”

Cabal appeared at Jack’s side, jumping back as Jack instinctively spun and swung his

blade. Nicole collided with the pair, as she continued to evade the wraith, which seemed to

be suddenly moving more swiftly after his prey.

“We’ve got to get him out of this cloud, or we’ll never survive.” Nicole gasped, trying to

catch her breath as the stench of the wraith reached them.

“Move!” Cabal yelled, pulling them both further into the dark mist. “Ahmity, we’ve got to

find Ahmity. Maybe he can punch a hole in this cloud.”

Sarah moved further into the small room, listening for any sign of movement on

Puissants part. One more step, and she reached the small throne. Using her foot as a guide,

Sarah made her way around the throne. Suddenly her foot hit something soft. Sarah leapt

back, her sword ready, but no assault occurred. Reaching out with her foot once more, she

found Ahmity’s lifeless form, lying on the floor behind the throne.

Laughter rang through the chamber. “Did you find my little gift, Sarah?”

Dropping her sword, Sarah pushed Ahmity onto his back, and placed her head on his

chest to listen for a heartbeat, there was none. Ahmity’s body was still warm; Sarah could

find no wounds on his torso. She breathed life into his mouth and began CPR, praying that

she was not too late. All thoughts of Puissant flew from her mind, as she silently worked to

revive Ahmity.

Breathe! Breathe! She prayed, pushing on Ahmity’s chest, again and again. She stopped

to check his pulse, and Ahmity suddenly took a breath on his own. His pulse was weak, but

steady. Tears of relief filled her eyes, as she pulled Ahmity away from the throne, and left

him near the back wall, to search for Puissant.

Moving back to the throne, she called to the darkness, feigning shock and horror. “No!

Ahmity! No!” She pretended to sob, then went silent. Finally she spoke again, saying to the

darkness, “You won’t find me as easy to kill.”

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Puissant rushed out of the dark mist and grabbed Sarah from behind, but she was ready

for him. She lunged backward as he pulled her to him, increasing the force of impact to

Puissant’s face, as her skull broke his nose. Puissant grunted from the blow, but did not

release his hold on her throat. “Your fairy tale has come to an end. Perhaps in the next life

you will find a happy ending.” He whispered softly into her ear.

Sarah spun to face him, shoving her sword into his chest. “I’ll stick with this ending, if

you don’t mind.” She whispered back, twisting the sword as she pushed it deeper into his


Cabal, Jack, and Nicole moved silently, searching the darkness for Ahmity. Cabal growled

with frustration. “I left him right here by the entrance to the chamber. He’s gone.”

“Do you think he could have wandered off?” Nicole asked, “Trying to distance himself

from Puissant?”

“No, his legs were broken, he wasn’t going anywhere.” Cabal said.

Suddenly Sarah’s voice reached them from within. She was screaming. Cabal rushed into

the dark chamber toward her voice. The others followed at his heals. They reached the

throne, as Puissant fell to the ground at Sarah’s feet.

Sarah stood, looking down at Puissant. Despite her anger and the necessity of her action,

every fiber in her being screamed for her to press her hands against the flow of blood

coming from Puissant's chest. Steeling herself against it, she turned toward the others,

realizing the mist had grown thin.

Cabal pulled Sarah into his arms, as a pulsating glow came from behind her. Sarah

turned to watch, as a deep purple light sprang from Puissant and slammed into her,

throwing her across the floor to land at Nicole's feet, where she and Jack had moved to help

Ahmity. Sarah's screams filled the chamber. Cabal rushed to her side, as Nicole took hold of

Sarah's shoulder, and was thrown backward against the wall.

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Sarah's screams continued, as Jack approached slowly, glancing toward Cabal, as he

cradled the unconscious Nicole in his arms.

"It's the magic!" Cabal yelled to Jack. "It's too much for her!” Cabal scooped Sarah up

from the floor. “Is Ahmity conscious? He’s got to absorb the excess, before it kills her!"

Cabal took a step toward Ahmity, and was met with the same explosive blast of light, as

more magic surged from Puissant into Sarah. Jack placed Nicole gently down on the floor

and raced for Ahmity. Lifting his broken body from the floor, Jack raced toward Sarah as

quickly as he dared, without causing the elder wizard too much pain. He placed Ahmity on

the floor next to Sarah, and then stepped back. Ahmity, despite his injuries, reached out and

took hold of Sarah.

The magic spread to engulf them both in a dark purple hue. Sarah fell silent, as she

collapsed into unconsciousness. All around them, the light swirled. Jack watched helplessly

as the most important people in his life lay unconscious around him. Cabal staggered back

to Sarah’s side and cradled her in his arms, as the light faded around them.

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Chapter Nine

Jack and Cabal stared at each, other too overwhelmed to speak. They didn’t have time to

wait for one or more of them to wake. The cloud was turning cold, and the lights were

growing dim. The mist was completely gone, but it was getting very cold. Jack and Cabal

gathered everyone all together against the back wall of the chamber, so they might share

each other’s warmth. The dark cloud began to pitch and sway about him. Cabal knew they

were running out of time. With Puissant's death, the magic had drained from him, and the

cloud no longer had a purpose. It was sinking toward the water, or perhaps preparing to


A harsh breeze suddenly brushed against him, and was gone. Cabal's hand went to his

sword, as a large figure stepped out of the mist and into the doorway. The stench of the

wraith returned. They were out of time. Cabal kissed Sarah softly, and urged her to wake.

His hand was pressed against the flow of blood coming from her shoulder. He lifted her

tunic to find that it had finally stopped. Her eyes opened slowly, and she looked up at him.

Cabal said quickly, “Sarah, we need to punch a hole in this cloud, fast.”

At the sight of the wraith, Jack shook Nicole hard, forcing her to wake. She opened her

eyes and jumped to her feet, unsure of what was happening.

“I have no magic here, no one does.” She said to Cabal, as she stretched her arms to test

her strength, and allowed Cabal to pull her to her feet.

“Then we are all dead.” Cabal said, readying his sword for his last battle.

“Always so dramatic, Cabal.” Came a voice from behind the wraith, as Hopper appeared

in the doorway with a large ax in his hand. He suddenly rushed forward, and cleaved the

wraith’s skull in half with the ax. The wraith fell to the floor, as Hopper rushed past to meet

them. “This will only buy us enough time to reach the bat.” Hopper said, urgently pushing

them toward the door.

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Sarah stood, unable to move at the sight of Hopper. Cabal grabbed her by the arm,

and pulled her with him. “No!” Sarah struggled against his grasp. “Ahmity!” Cabal tightened

his hold. “I’ll carry him.” He released her, and rushed to carry Ahmity out of the chamber.

The wraith began to squirm on the floor, as they rushed past him. The light was dim,

but still bright enough to allow Nicole one last glance at the man she might have married.

She forced the repulsion from her mind, as he began to rise. Black goo flowed from his

gaping skull, as he struggled to his feet.

“Run!” Hopper's deep voice yelled, as they entered the main chamber and rushed for

the giant bat that sat at the far end of the room. Hopper threw Jack and Nicole up onto the

bats back, as Sarah and Cabal reached them. They lifted Ahmity up into Jack’s arms, as

gently as speed would allow.

Hopper boosted Cabal up, and then glanced at Sarah. “I’m sorry.” He said, softly gazing

into her eyes, and then before she could speak, he lifted her up onto the bat and climbed up

beside her.

The bat pushed off the ground, just before the wraith reached them. The creature

screamed in rage, as his thirst was left unquenched. The bat flew straight up into the

darkness of the cloud, and in seconds they were assaulted by an icy rain, and then suddenly

broke free into the clear blue sky.

They stood on the edge of the rocky cliff, elves, humans and a troll, watching the ocean

swallow the dying storm. "Daki can take you back to Fortress City." Hopper offered his bat

as transport. Gravid and the others were eager to return, to report the destruction of

Puissant, and clear Jack, Nicole, and Sarah of any charges.

"Will you come with us?" Nicole reached for his large, clawed hand.

"No, wraiths are the undead, and are very hard to vanquish. I’m not sure the destruction

of the cloud was enough to finish it. It is a creature of great evil, and has to be taken behind

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the barrier to the underworld" He explained, making note of how close Sarah and Cabal

stood to each other.

“That wraith was Tom Norton.” Jack said softly, pulling his wife near.

Hopper stared at Jack in silence; his eyes grew moist from the knowledge of Tom’s fate.

Taking a deep breath, Hopper continued. “Tom is the last victim Puissant will ever have. I

wish it did not have to come to this, but . . . we must consider Tom dead. The wraith has

taken over the body that was once Tom’s. He is gone. We cannot save him.”

"I think you’re wrong, that cloud was designed to destroy anything evil. And that wraith

was the most evil creature I’ve ever seen. It didn’t escape. It’s gone” Jack said, "We should

take some time and catch up."

"Not this day." Hopper offered Jack his hand. Jack accepted it, and then hugged the large

troll in a grip of steel.

Sarah did not move toward Hopper. He knew she was angry. She had reason to be. He

turned toward her and said, "I can’t explain my motives in a way that would make you


"I do understand . . . Hopper.” Sarah met his gaze. “This place has changed us all."

Moving to his side, she pulled the hair of his chin downward, and kissed the tip of his nose.

“I'll always love you." A tear rolled down her cheek, as she quickly turned away. Hopper

stared after her, as she returned to Cabal’s side, keeping her back to him.

Gravid moved forward, and said to Hopper, "There is a cave less than a league down the

beach to the south.”Perhaps that will lead you home."

Hopper nodded, as forced his eyes away from Sarah to help them all onto the back of his

large bat. "He knows the way.” Hopper tried to smile and added, “Just don't let someone

shoot him." Then he turned and trotted off, as they lifted into the air.

No one spoke, on the journey back to Fortress City. When they arrived, Cabal called a

council meeting. With Gravid's testimony, he was able to convince the council the

adventurers were not a threat to the elfin kingdom. The adventurers sat quietly under

house arrest, within the confines of Cabal's royal suites. Nicole was exhausted, and spent

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The entire time asleep on the large green divan, in front of the fireplace in the main

living area, leaving Sarah and Jack alone with their thoughts.

"Don't worry, Sarah." Jack sat down on the opposite divan next to Sarah, and gazed at his

sleeping wife. "Cabal would never let anything happen to you."

"To any of us." Sarah corrected.

"It's different with you" Jack placed his arm around her shoulder. "You were the one

with their head on the block. Nicole and I were merely a side effect. They would have set us

free when it was all over."

"When what was over?" Sarah stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Sarah, where have you been?" Jack hugged her. "They were going to execute you. The

order had been given. Cabal wasn't simply sneaking us out under cover of darkness with

his mommy's permission. He broke us out of prison. He risked everything to save you."

Sarah closed her eyes, completely astounded by this revelation. Why hadn’t she

realized? Was she so wrapped up in Hopper's reappearance, and Ahmity's disappearance,

that she had completely missed the fact that she was about to die? She knew Cabal had

broken them out. She just never considered what he was risking in the process. Sarah's

eyes flew open, as she jumped to her feet.

"Holy crap! I've turned into Nicole Waters!" She stammered. "I can't let Cabal give up the

crown or his freedom, because of my mistakes." With that, she dashed out the door and

headed toward the garden pavilion, where the Elven council was in session.

The elven council had been persuaded by Ahmity's testimony, and Gravid’s insistence.

The adventurers were found innocent of any wrongdoing where Puissant's cloud was

concerned. Although the council would not go as far as labeling the adventurers heroes,

they did agree to insure that the masses understood who had finally stopped Puissant.

Cabal stood at the edge of the gazebo, staring at the snow covered mountains in the

distance, wondering if his people would ever accept Jack, Nicole, and Sarah. He suspected

that it would be a long time before that happened, if ever. Gravid had taken Ahmity to his

new chambers in the royal suites, to rest and heal. Absorbing the excess magic from Sarah,

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had given Ahmity the strength to mend his broken bones. In his own strange way, Puissant

had actually saved the old sorcerer's life.

A gentle touch on Cabal's shoulder pulled him away from his thoughts. He turned to find

Kalana, who had accused him of being under Sarah's spell at the last council meeting,

standing very close. Her tall, thin form stood regally beside him, as her pale green eyes

searched his. "It was your blade that ended Shala's torment." Her large, almond-shaped

eyes filled with tears.

"I am so sorry, Kalana." Cabal reached for her. She and Shala had grown up side by side,

until Puissant had seduced the young nymph to his purposes. Cabal pulled her into his

arms, and held her slender form against him. "If there had been any other way. . ."

"There was not." Kalana sobbed, clinging to him. "She had become the beast, Puissant

needed her to be."

Cabal cupped her face in his hands. "It wasn't her fault."

"I know." Kalana's tear-stained face filled with hatred. "It was Puissant's."

"Let the hatred go, Kalana." Cabal kissed her forehead softly. "It will serve no purpose."

"Mother tells me you are leaving us." Kalana said.

"I have much to do" Cabal explained softly. "You stay true to your heart, and keep this

place in shape while I'm away." He smiled, as the sparkle came back into her eyes. "By the

time I return, I expect that you and Martus will have walked the marriage garden.”

"If you stay away too long, you will miss it." She smiled back at him, and kissed him

quickly on the cheek, letting her hands linger on his shoulders.

Sarah did not have to watch the pair for long, before she realized it was not a

conversation that should be interrupted. Cabal was clearly entranced by the young,

beautiful elf, who cried tears of happiness because her lover had returned. It was just as

well. What could she have been thinking? Puissant was right. A romance with a tall,

handsome prince was a fantasy. Anything Cabal had shown her, she had twisted to her own

needs, used to replace her loneliness, her sorrow. Well, it was not going to happen again.

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Arriving back at Cabal's suite, Sarah found Jack and Nicole talking excitedly with Gravid.

"We've been cleared of all charges!" Nicole rushed up to Sarah, and hugged her.

"The council even removed our teaching decree. Jack and I are free to go whenever,

wherever we wish."

Sarah smiled softly at Nicole, and kissed her cheek. "That's wonderful, Nicole. I'm so

happy for you."

"Not just us, you too!" Nicole cooed, as Jack came over and placed an arm around each of


"So where shall we go?" Jack grinned. “So many places to go, so much to see!”

"On separate paths." Sarah met his gaze.

Jack and Nicole glanced at each other, and then back to Sarah. "Hopper explained that

you can't survive . . ." Jack began.

"I'd like to return to the Woodland Village, and learn more about the enchantment of

their forest." Sarah began, glancing past them to where Gravid stood, quietly watching.

"That is, if it would not be offensive to anyone."

Gravid nodded, "You and Ahmity are the last of the wizards. The Woodlands hold to the

ways of old magic, and as such, hold the majority of the magic of all the tribes. Perhaps my

home is the best place for you to start your new life. My people saw your dedication. They

witnessed your bravery. They felt your kindness. They will welcome you. But I am to return

this day, within the hour, on Hopper's bat. You should make haste, if you are to travel with


"I have no bags, no potions, or books. Only what you see." Sarah said.

"So, you're leaving. Just like that?" Nicole stared at her.

"You two never had a chance for a honeymoon." Sarah smiled, and hugged her tightly,

forcing away the tears. "Go, frolic in the wilderness. Enjoy yourselves, all alone. Without

me, or anyone else to bother you. Then, when you can't stand to be alone anymore, come

and find me. Just do me a favor until then, and don't tell anyone where I've gone. Anyone."

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Sarah released Nicole quickly, and kissed Jack deeply, then left the lovers alone in Cabal's

quarters, followed quickly out the door by Gravid.

"What just happened?" Jack went to the door and gazed after them, as they disappeared

around the far corner.

"The best thing Sarah could do for herself." Nicole came up behind him, and slipped her

arms around his muscular chest. "She's been through a lot. She needs some time to regroup.

She's right you know. We never did get a honeymoon."

"This place isn't a resort." Jack cautioned. "We have no idea what's out there. We have no

money. How can we possibly choose someplace to run off to, when we have no idea what's

lurking in the shadows!"

"Exactly." Nicole's hands slid back around Jack's torso, and gripped his behind. "Come on

barbarian, go have some fun."

Jack spun, and pulled her into his arms. "Somewhere quiet, with no one else for miles.

Someplace where we can run naked through the forest, and not raise any eyebrows."

"Now that's the man I love." Nicole said, and kissed him.

"It's just that Sarah isn't used to being by herself" Jack pulled back, suddenly. "I just don't

like it. It doesn't feel right."

"What?" Cabal asked, as he appeared at the end of the hallway where Sarah and Gravid

had gone.

"Sarah left" Nicole said, as casually as she could muster.

"She's headed out on her own to . . . Study." Jack added, rather unconvincingly.

"She didn't say goodbye" Cabal answered quietly. He sighed, and tried to smile at them.

"That's just as well, I suppose." He said quietly, and then moved to collect his sword. "I'm

heading out as well. Gravid and his people taught me I know nothing about the surrounding

provinces. I can't expect to rule over people justly, if I don't know their basic way of life."

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"So you’re what? Going to travel around like a wandering minstrel, and do what?" Jack

was close to losing his patience. Why was everyone leaving, now that things had finally

calmed down?

"I will get to know my people, and when I feel that I know each and every tribe under my

influence, I will return to Fortress City." Cabal met his glare, confused at his anger.

"Why can't you just throw a royal ball or something, and have all the people come to

you? That's what all the other Kings and President's do." Jack growled.

"Have I offended you in some way, Jack?" Cabal moved toward his friend.

“No," Jack said with a sigh, “I just feel like my family is falling apart. You guys are all I

have. First Hopper, then Sarah, and now you, all going your separate ways. What was

wrong with the way things were?"

"If you're upset because our little group is shrinking." Nicole wrapped her arms around

her husband. "I've got a solution that will add to our tiny party, in about seven months.”

Cabal's reaction nearly unfooted the pair. He grabbed them as one, and spun in a circle.

"Papa Jack!" He shouted, then placed them back on their feet, and kissed Nicole on the

cheek, as Jack stared at the pair of them.

"Really, Nicole?" Jack asked softly.

"Yes, my darling." She smiled, "Let's hope it's a boy. I'm just not the ruffles and curls


"Well, then we better get this honeymoon under way, while there's still time." Jack

Grinned, and pulled his wife into his arms. Turning to Cabal, he added, "Be off, boy! You

need to see the world, and return to witness my wife’s fat belly, before she pops."

Cabal smiled at his two unusual friends. "First, I will toast to your new family at the

Queen's Tavern, and then I will decide where I should begin my quest."

"How about the Woodland Village?" Jack offered with a wink to his wife, as they headed

out the door. "You have an open invitation. I think it would be a wise place to start. Besides,

you and Gravid seem to have grown close lately."

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"Speaking of close." Cabal reached around for a choke hold on Jack's neck. "I believe we

have a conversation about a donkey to discuss."

The End

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As Darkness Falls

Book III


Alaina Stanford ©2012 Alaina Stanford

No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written

permission of the author.

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Chapter One A dark shadow rose from the depths of the watercourse. Forced to crawl out of the

oceans rolling waves, it struggled against the pull of the undertow. Rising, it moved further up the white sandy beach, away from the cold water. The creature collapsed onto the cool sand, as the crescent moon above shone on his sleek gray skin, revealing two immense leather-like wings protruding from his back. Exhaustion clouded his mind.

The darkness of night was soothing, refreshing. Somehow he knew it would bring him strength and sustenance. The creature watched as a great rolling storm cloud sunk into the salty water before him, and he tried to remember why he had come.

Summer passed quickly for Sarah. Thoughts of Cabal hardly ever entered her mind. The

fall air brought cool breezes, and orange and red hues to the usually silvery-green trees. She tied her long, curly red hair back with a black ribbon. Sarah smiled in fascination. The delicate little tree nymph’s hair was also changing from shining silver to auburn with the change of the weather. The small child-like creatures danced and swayed in the cool breeze of the meadow, just outside the Woodland Village. Sarah was enjoying her stay under the hospitality of Gravid. The stout, boisterous leader of the Woodland Elves and his delicately beautiful wife Tirana, gifted with second sight, the ability to see brief glimpses into the future, were excellent hosts.

Sarah finished her apprenticeship with the Queen’s brother and only remaining elf wizard Ahmity. Then rushed to spend the remainder of the summer learning all she could about the mysterious magic of the Woodland Elves, and the forest that surrounded them.

The magic of their forest was naturally occurring. No spells or incantations created the creatures that roamed this land. They were ancient beings that cherished their isolated serenity, and as such did not welcome strangers. It was difficult for Sarah to gain their trust, but with Tirana’s help she was slowly allowed into their world. Now everywhere Sarah went; she could see the small magical creatures that thrived so well due to the blind ignorance of those not a welcome part of their lives. The trees, flowers, tall grasses, streams and lakes, were teeming with nymphs and fairies, all contributing to the growth and nourishment of the plants and animals around them. They were as much a natural part of the forest as the trees.

Now with Ahmity’s arrival, plans could be set in motion to search for elves with the potential to learn the craft of wielding magic. Gravid was building a school to house a hundred candidates. Throughout the winter, the candidates would be schooled and evaluated through a series of tasks. These tasks were designed to measure not only their level of magic, but also their dedication to its proper use. Next Spring, twelve would be chosen to become apprentices, and be taught by Ahmity and Sarah in the art of wizardry.

Sarah and Ahmity stood on the edge of the cliff gazing out at the turquoise water of the sea. The elves worked behind them to construct a small school that would house the

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candidates. Sarah turned to look at Ahmity; she smiled at the ancient elf wizard. His blue almond-shaped eyes reminded her of Cabal. Ahmity’s long, thin, silver beard was secured to his flowing crimson robe by a small wooden toggle. Ahmity had become like a father to Sarah. She had almost lost him in the struggle with Puissant. His long, crimson robe echoed hers, each carrying Queen Briees small emblem, the crest of Fortress City, on their chest. Sarah said, “It’s hard to believe that just a few months ago this site was a battlefield. Now Puissant is gone, and this school will help to insure no other sorcerer grows to such extreme power again.”

Ahmity turned to smile back at her, then gazed back at the construction. The frame was nearly complete on the second floor. “This school offers us the chance to begin again with the Sorcerers Circle. You were right to open the school up to all candidates, regardless of race or nationality. It is my hope that all the elven villages send candidates as well as the nymphs and fairy creatures. Perhaps even a barbarian or two will apply.” He turned back to her and winked.

“I hope that my presence has broken the archaic belief that humans from across the sea are treacherous and wild.” Sarah tried to hide her amusement, as she frowned at him.

Leaving the school site, the two headed back to the trees and a short walk back to the Woodland Village. Sarah never tired of gazing at the immense trees that seemed to grow up into the sky. They were ancient, thousands of years old, as big around as a house, and as tall as a mountain. Gravid appeared on the path ahead of them. He was dressed in the customary outfit of the woodlands, white shirt, dark green leather vest and pants, with his sword in his belt. His short, blue-black hair was disheveled a bit, and he smoothed it back as he reached them. Judging from the stern expression on his face and a slight green glow in his eyes, there was a problem, a magical problem.

“I need you both back at the village; there’s been an incident with one of the children.” Gravid explained, taking Sarah by the hand, and turning back the way he had come.

“Are they hurt? Did you find Crasis, to come and heal them?” Sarah asked, and she allowed him to lead her quickly back to the village.

“The child is fine; it’s what he found that’s the problem.” Gravid said, not slowing his pace. Sarah glanced behind her to make sure Ahmity was able to keep pace. She should have known better than to look, he was on her heels, walking as fast as someone half his age. As the village came into view between the giant trees, Gravid veered off the trail and headed deeper into the woods. “I have never seen the likes of this before.” Gravid explained, “And I hope to never again. But I fear this may be only the beginning.”

His words chilled Sarah to her core. The tall elf was not one to exaggerate or panic. It was obviously serious to have Gravid so concerned. They reached a small clearing where many of the elven children gathered to play games or music. In the center of the clearing, surrounded by several of the woodland guard, was some sort of creature caught in a chain mail net. The guard’s swords were drawn. They stood close by the netting to insure the creature would not escape.

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Moving closer, Ahmity took hold of Sarah’s arm, pulling her away from Gravid. “Hold one moment my child.” He said, staring at the netted beast. “This is not a creature to rush upon.”

The animal looked as if it had once been a squirrel. Yet now, its gray fur was matted, and bare skin showed in places. Tiny leather-like wings protruded from its back. As they walked slowly closer, a small creature bared its long, sharp, yet black and rotting teeth, revealing a black tongue.

“This creature has been infected by a nether beast.” Ahmity explained. “We should contact Hopper and his troll village. He’ll know if there’s been a breach in the barrier to the netherworld.”

“Can we cure it?” Gravid asked, keeping his distance behind them.

“No, there is no cure for the poison that is flowing through its veins.” Sarah offered quietly. “A creature infected by a nether beast, doesn’t have long to live. It would be merciful if we dispatched it.” She turned to look at Ahmity for his approval. He nodded; Sarah turned back and stretched out her hand in front of her, summoning a ball of fire. The heat from the flames felt like an oven against her face, yet her palm remained cool. The woodland guard fell back, as she moved forward to throw the flame at the tiny creature. The creature didn’t have time to scream. The flame was too powerful; it was engulfed, and in an instant it turned to ash.

“There is more.” Gravid moved to stand beside them. “There are rumors of small creatures being found in the woods dead, the blood drained from them, but no meat eaten”

A small cabin, nestled into the side of a hill, was not what Jack would have pictured as his ideal honeymoon. Back at home, the tall brown-haired travel agent would have whisked his wife Nicole off to an exotic destination on a private beach, where they could swim naked in the salty waves. But this world was not like home, there were skyscrapers and cell phones back home. Here, there were only elves, trolls, and mysterious magical creatures. Yet he would take this world over his last one, any day.

The small, placid lake outside their cabin was teeming with large fish and beautiful waterfowl. Jack stood on the porch and watched, as his pregnant woodland elf bride swam deep into the center of the lake. Nicole’s long blue-black hair flowed down her back, as her naked form sped through the water. “That’s my girl.” Jack grinned, and headed for the lake, leaving a trail of his clothes behind him.

Jack’s muscular form dove off the small wooden dock, and swam out to join her. There was nothing he liked more than making love to his wife in the clear blue water of the lake. Nicole spun to face him as he reached her. Her dark green eyes and pointed ears made his heart pound with desire, as he reached for her.

A familiar voice boomed from shore “Hello!”

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They turned to find the blonde-haired elf Prince Cabal astride his horse, at the water’s edge near the dock. “I hope I’m not interrupting.” Cabal shouted with a smile.

Nicole gave a squeal of delight and swam for shore, with Jack close behind. Cabal dismounted as they reached the shore, and allowed the still naked and dripping wet Nicole to embrace him. “Well you two haven’t changed a bit.” Cabal laughed, as she released him. He pulled his dark blue cape off his shoulders and draped it around Nicole.

As Jack reached them, Cabal said, “Don’t think you’re giving me a hug like that.” He stretched his arms out as a warning.

Jack laughed and offered him his hand, pulling Cabal to him for a boisterous hug, despite his resistance. “Nicole, take him up to the cabin, I’ll rub down his horse as you two decide what’s for dinner.” Jack grinned. “It’s been too long Cabal.” Jack caught the breeches Cabal tossed to him, took the reins of Cabal’s horse, and headed for the small stable across the clearing from the cabin.

By the time Jack fed, watered, and rubbed down Cabals large brown stallion, Nicole had started dinner and poured Cabal and Jack a glass of sweet wine. Their small log cabin was sparsely furnished with rustic wooden furniture, consisting of a small kitchen with a hand pump faucet and sink, a table and chairs, a small pillow-laden sofa, end table, and a large bed and dresser at the far end of the room. A large, pot-belly stove sat only a few feet from the fireplace, near the kitchen table. The Woodland Elf decorating touches were earth tones in green and brown that covered the room via dried flowers and quilts.

Jack sat down at the small table across from Cabal, gazed at his friend and said, “You look no wiser than you did when you left Fortress City, so determined to become an ambassador to each of the elf tribes.”

“Perhaps wisdom was not what I sought.” Cabal countered with a grin. “It was knowledge.”

“Isn’t wisdom and knowledge the same thing?” Jack asked, taking a sip of his wine.

Nicole came to sit beside them, now fully dressed in a short white tunic. “You can possess all the knowledge in the world, but still not be wise.” She added to the conversation.

“So, did you gain the knowledge you were looking for?” Jack studied Cabal’s smile for a hint of satisfaction.

“I did.” Cabal said with a sigh, as he leaned back in his chair. “It is so good to see the two of you. While this journey has filled me with the knowledge of my people, and brought me closer to them; my life has been as dull as an old man’s sword.”

Jack glanced at Nicole with a hopeful expression. Nicole asked, “So I take it you are finally on your way to the Woodland Village?”

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“Yes, I’m headed there now. I thought I’d stop by here first, and see if the two of you had gotten bored of frolicking in the mountains, making love all day long yet, and were ready to re-enter the society.”

“Well we have visited the village a few times to get supplies, and see old friends.” Jack answered, with a wink at his wife. “But we are definitely not bored of frolicking, nor do I ever believe we will be. But in the interest of being good hosts, what do you say we go on a hunt tomorrow, and you can help us stock up on some elk meat? Nicole managed to catch a nursing mountain goat last week, and sang it to domestication. That was quite a sight to see. Perhaps she can sing us a 12 point buck and a bear, as well. We could use a good rug for the baby to lie on.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” Cabal smiled.

They rose before sunrise and headed deep into the woods. Nicole’s seven months of pregnancy didn’t slow her pace. She was as agile, and determined to get a buck, as her two male companions. They followed a canyon that led further up the mountain, as the air turned cooler, and made camp in a stand of trees that overlooked a creek-lined meadow. The forest was quiet in the early morning. As the sun rose, they watched expectantly for the elk to begin their return to their day retreat. Yet there were no signs of movement.

After several hours with no sign of their prey, they headed further up the mountain to a spot where Jack had taken a large elk a few weeks earlier. The forest remained quiet. Nicole searched the underbrush for any sign of life as they rode.

“I don’t like this.” Nicole said, “There’s something wrong. The animals are gone. I don’t sense anything, not even a squirrel or a raccoon.”

“There’s no smell of smoke, and the sky is clear. I doubt it’s a fire.” Jack added. “What could have spooked them?”

Cabal pulled his horse up beside them. “Could it be a pack of wolves, or a cougar?” He offered.

“No,” Nicole said, “There are no animals nearby. As a matter of fact, I haven’t sensed any since we cleared this side of the canyon.”

“Maybe they sensed our approach, and headed out” Jack said, “Let’s not make something out of nothing. Why don’t we head back, and I’ll make my famous elk spedini.”

“That sounds perfectly nasty” Cabal laughed, turning his horse around to head back.

“Hold!” Nicole snapped, jumping from her horse.

Jack and Cabal immediately did the same. There in the grass beneath a large bush was the corpse of a raccoon. Its arm had been nearly ripped from its body, but its flesh was intact. Jack reached for the creature, but Nicole pulled him back and said, “There’s something over there.” She pointed deeper into the trees, toward a stand of evergreens.

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Tom and Cabal pulled their swords, moving protectively in front of Nicole as they neared the trees. A large, dark form lay in the shadows beneath the evergreens. As they reached the trees, they realized it was the body of a coyote. Nicole stepped under the tree and examined the body. “We’ve got a problem.” She cautioned. “It appears to have been completely drained of its blood.”

Cabal’s heart went cold. “Leave it, and let’s get back to the cabin.”

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Chapter Two

Six months had passed since Sarah and Hopper had seen each other. When Hopper, the now former Hockey star, had been transformed into a giant troll upon their arrival, he began to pull away from Sarah. Finally realizing that a troll and human could not co-exist together and survive, Hopper had allowed Sarah to think he had died after a battle in the Cave of Sorrows. Once she learned the truth and accepted their separation, the two had parted as friends. Now she was on her way once again to the troll cavern to see him. How strange it was now that a trip to see Hopper brought back memories of Cabal. Throughout her training with Ahmity, Cabal had stayed ever near. He had been so sensitive to her pain, so attentive, so protective of her during their last journey. He’d even stayed by her side as she faced Hopper for the first time since she’d lost him.

As the memory of his golden hair, deep blue eyes, and broad shoulders flooded through her; she also had the vision of him holding the young elf girl in his arms. It was just after the elven council declared Sarah and her human magic no longer a threat. It should have been Sarah he cradled in his arms. Yet she had found him there with the beautiful blonde, in an embrace. She left the palace that very night for the Woodland Village and never spoke to him again.

Sarah forced Cabal from her thoughts, as Gravid motioned for their small group to stop. The mountainside around them was still lush and green, due to the large amount of evergreen trees in the area. Ahmity rode beside her, followed by a small team of Woodland Guards. Gravid announced, “The entrance to the tunnel is just up ahead. I think it best if the guard stays here, and we approach on our own; it will be less threatening.”

Sarah and Ahmity dismounted and followed Gravid to the small cave entrance, located at the base of the hill behind a large patch of brush. Sarah said, “I think I should go first, then Ahmity. They are familiar with our scent and will identify us as friends.”

Entering the narrow tunnel, Sarah threw a spell of illumination to light their way. The long, winding tunnel was bathed in a soft, green light that moved with them, as they traveled deeper into the mountain. It was strange that no trolls appeared to greet them; they were very protective when it came to visitors. The smell of smoke reached them quickly as they entered a larger tunnel, which led to the troll cavern which housed the underground village. The smell of smoke grew stronger, as they rounded the last bend before the cavern entrance.

Gravid pushed past Sarah and Ahmity as they entered the cavern. The village had been destroyed. Most of the mud and straw huts were in ashes, and several others were engulfed in flame. Troll bodies littered the ground, male, female and children. Sarah struck out with a wave of ice and water spells, putting out what flames she could as she ran into the cavern. Gravid turned to block her, stating, “Hold, until we know if the aggressors are gone. Stay here until I return. If you see anything or anyone that could be considered a threat, retreat

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back into the tunnels and don’t stop until you’ve reached the guards.” Then Gravid turned and disappeared into the smoke-filled village.

Sarah could hardly contain her anger. The trolls were peaceful creatures that would only strike out if they were being threatened. Why would anyone enter into the cavern to wreak such inhumane havoc on these poor creatures? She and Ahmity moved among the bodies checking for signs of life; there was none. It appeared the youngling’s necks had been broken as if they were geese brought to slaughter. The males and females were unmercifully slaughtered by sword or axe.

It had seemed like an eternity before Gravid returned. He appeared through the smoke, quickly followed by a tall blonde troll, Hopper. Hopper stood 8 feet tall, one of the taller trolls of his species. His blonde fur-like hair and blue eyes were unusual for a troll, but then he had not been born as one. Hopper’s large, muscular arms ended in razor-like claws. His grossly oversized head sported a tiny nose, and a huge mouth filled with shark-like teeth. He started forward, stumbling when he saw Sarah’s pale face.

“Hopper!” She rushed to embrace him. “What happened?”

Hoppers eyes filled with tears as he held her. She seemed like a small child in his huge arms, but it felt good to hold her. “Renegade Trolls,” He managed to explain, “They appeared without warning, and destroyed the barrier to the netherworld. While my troll guards and I were trying to lock it down, they attacked the village and killed everyone.” Hopper's voice broke, as he released her. “You should go; there is nothing you can do here. What few survivors were found or escaped, were taken to a neighboring village. The attackers are unknown trolls, who disappeared as quickly as they appeared, and there may be nether creatures roaming the tunnels. We’re just not sure at this point. But, needless to say, you’re not safe here.”

“There must be something we can do to help?” Sarah couldn’t believe what had happened.

Ahmity appeared behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Hopper is right, we can do nothing. There is no one here to save.”

Gravid stepped forward and pulled Hopper aside to speak to him in private, as Ahmity pulled Sarah slowly back toward the tunnel. Hopper finished his conversation with Gravid and gazed at Sarah one last time, then disappeared into the smoky darkness.

Gravid took Sarah by the elbow and increased their pace to the surface. The pale green light still followed them. He explained, “Hopper says they have rebuilt the barrier, but there is no way to know how many creatures have escaped into the tunnel system, from the netherworld. This is grave news. Our elves, at their best, would be greatly challenged to search these tunnels for unknown beasts of uncertain strength. With a troll war at hand, it’s a task that we shall not undertake. Hopper has suggested that we barricade all tunnel exits, until the troll uprising is over, and his people can purge the tunnel system of the creatures themselves.”

“That seems barbaric!” Sarah stammered, “To leave the trolls alone in their most desperate hour.”

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Ahmity was keeping close pace behind them. He offered, “Sarah, elves are no match for Trolls in their home environment. We would uselessly sacrifice our own warriors, to no avail. A barricade across the tunnel entrances would block the creatures escape avoiding havoc on the surface. The trolls are equipped to deal with these creatures, we are not. Hopper has made a wise and valiant decision. We must honor it.”

Gravid began issuing orders, as soon as they came to the surface. He ordered two guards off at once to sound the alert. One guard was sent to the village and the second to race to Fortress City to inform the queen of the troll war, and the breached barrier. Ahmity gazed intently at the tunnel entrance and cast a spell of destruction. The resulting landslide buried the entrance in large boulders, rock, and earth. Ahmity announced to Gravid; he would travel with the remaining guard to the other known tunnel entrances and do the same. Gravid agreed, then took Sarah and rushed back to the village.

“It’s probably nothing, just our imagination. The coyote could have been dragged to the spot by a wolf or puma, having bled out somewhere else, and our presence scared it off” Cabal said, agreeing with Jack. “If it was something more, there would be a lot more dead animals scattered all over the mountain, and other strange happenings going on, which there is not.”

“I still don’t like it” Nicole added, placing a kettle of water on the stove to boil some potatoes.

“Baby, don’t kill me for saying this...” Jack began, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her to rub her large round stomach. “But you’re pregnant; your senses might be a bit off, because your hormones are raging. Isn’t it possible that you are overreacting?”

“I guess it’s possible” Nicole agreed, not fully believing it.

“Ok, that’s settled.” Cabal announced. “Why don’t you two take a break from the wilderness and join me at the woodland village?”

Jack’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea.” He spun Nicole slowly around to face him. “What do you say? Isn’t it time for a visit? You are in your last month. We need supplies, and I’d sure feel better if we had some help delivering the baby?”

“I suppose the Woodland Village would be the best place to bring our little one into the world. I do miss Gravid, Talania and the kids.” Nicole smiled at Jack. “But I’ve got to bring in the last of the apples, and we’ll have to secure the ranch, and put the cow out to pasture. I suppose it would be alright to leave the stable door open for shelter for her; there’s plenty of hay...” Nicole looked expectantly at Jack, trying to hint she didn’t want to be there for Cabal and Sarah’s reunion.

“Ok, I can see this is not going to be a quick trip.” Jack frowned at her. “Cabal, you should push on ahead, and we will follow in a week or so. I’d like to stick around for one last look on the other side of the canyon before we leave the ranch.”

“Alright, then I’m off at first light. Let me know if anything turns up, I’m sure Gravid would love the chance to wander around in the wilderness looking for a ghost.” Cabal smiled.

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“Why don’t we send Pony with Cabal?” Nicole said, moving to sit across the table from him. “I’d feel better if you had company, it’s at least a two day ride to the village, and I’ve got a bad feeling about what’s going on out there.”

“Pony?” Cabal said, staring blankly at her.

A huge smile crossed Jack’s face as he walked through the open front door and out onto the porch. “Pony!” He yelled, “Here boy! Mama’s looking for you?”

He moved back to sit at the table, still smiling brightly. Jack glanced from Cabal to Nicole, and they both started to giggle. It wasn’t long before a low growl came from the porch. It was deep and throaty. Cabal froze in his seat, as the hairs rose on the back of his neck.

“I don’t think I’m going to like this,” He said, as Jack and Nicole broke into laughter.

“Pony, my little kitty cat” Nicole cooed, as she rose from the table and headed to the door. “Come on sweetie, come and meet Cabal.”

A large beast walked slowly through the door, its head low and teeth bared, as its nose sought the source of the new scent. Cabal remained in his chair, not wanting to appear threatening as the large cat moved toward him. It had long black hair, nearly as black as Nicole’s blue-black tresses. Walking on all fours, its head stood as tall as Nicole. It was at least 7 feet in length. A short, yet full mane crowned his head. Its black hair was long and brushed the floor as it walked, ending in a long, wiry black tail. It’s long, muscular legs were supported by huge clawed feet; Cabal was pretty sure could easily punch holes in the wooden floor.

“Be nice” Jack ordered, as it issued a huge hiss at Cabal, revealing four huge canines that Cabal was certain it used to strangle its prey.

“I’m going to die.” Cabal said calmly to Jack. “Your pet cat is going to eat me.”

Nicole laughed and hugged the huge beast around the neck. “Pony won’t hurt you; he’s just trying to establish dominance.”

“Moor Cats have never been domesticated, they are Nether beasts.” Cabal cautioned. “They are unpredictable and moody. This one is particularly large and menacing. I’m surprised that you would take this on, Nicole.”

“Pony, lay down.” Jack commanded, and the large cat slowly sank to the floor next to Cabal’s chair. “Believe it or not he’s just barely more than a kitten. We found him when we first arrived, all scrawny and filthy. Nicole took to him right away. I had no idea how big he was going to get, or how fast he was going to grow. But I think Nicole’s right; he’s the perfect companion for your trip. He’ll escort you to the village, and then return home in time to travel back with us.”

Nicole explained, “We don’t try to confine him, or have any expectations of him. He comes and goes as he pleases, but always appears when we call him. We know he’s never far away.” Nicole explained.

“And you don’t think the empty forest has anything to do with Pony?” Cabal frowned, trying to relax as the beast appeared to fall asleep.

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“Moor Cats don’t usually come down this far out of the mountains, but they are not afraid of anything. If a Moor Cat had killed that raccoon, it would have sat there and ate it right in front of us.” Nicole said.

“So the dominance issue...” Cabal grinned, “He won, right?”

The journey to the Woodland Village was uneventful for Cabal. He had very little contact with Pony, yet he was certain the beast travelled with him just out of sight. Once or twice he would stop his horse, and sit in silence until the beast would crawl out from the brush to stare at him in what Cabal was sure was pure annoyance; only to disappear again when Cabal spurred his horse into movement. Once the village was in site Cabal dismounted, pulled a large bag of dried meat from his saddle bag, and walked into the forest.

“Okay, Pony.” Cabal called, “I’ve got a treat for you, let us call it a peace offering.” Cabal smiled as he pulled several pieces of the dried meat from the bag and held it out. “Come to me Pony, I will not hurt you.”

Pony walked casually out from behind a small patch of trees a short distance from Cabal and sauntered slowly toward him. Cabal stood perfectly still, waiting as the beast reached him. Pony sniffed at the meat in Cabals hand, then gently bit into the largest piece and swallowed it in one bite. Cabal dumped the rest of the meat on the ground at Pony’s feet and smiled at the large cat. “Friends?” Cabal asked, slowly reaching out his hand. Pony growled as Cabal’s fingers dug into the fur between his ears, then began to purr as Cabal gave him a few scratches.

Leaving Pony to finish his snack, Cabal returned to his horse and walked it into the village. Cabal wasn’t sure, but it seemed as if the village was surprisingly busy. Elves were rushing out of the canopied living area the woodlands had created within the blanket of the tall trees, using large hedges and dense brush. The canopied area was their summer home. Behind the canopied area stood many small wood cabins that held shops, stands and the winter home of the elves. This area was swarming with elves, as they rushed from shop to shop gathering supplies.

To add to the confusion and chaos, there were absolutely no woodland guards anywhere to be seen. Cabal left his horse at the stables near the entrance to the shop area and headed for Gravid’s quarters. The interior of the canopied area was unusually calm and quiet. Gravid was nowhere to be found. Instead, Cabal found his wife Talania gathering some women and children together for what looked like a long journey. When Talania saw Cabal, she rushed to greet him.

“You’re Highness! I am amazed at how quickly you responded to the emergency!” She hugged him, and pulled him toward the group she was gathering. Her usual flowing green gown had been replaced with the same type of leather vest and skirt that Nicole usually wore. These were clothes worn for battle, not tending children. Her long blue-black hair tied in a long braid down her back.

“Emergency?” Cabal said, “Is that why the village is in such chaos? What has happened?”

“The Troll war! You are here because the netherworld barrier was breached?”

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Cabal was stunned, “Breached? When did this happen, and what do you mean a troll war? Are they at war with the creatures beyond the breach?”

“No, you’re Majesty.” Talania explained, “A group of rogue Trolls destroyed the breach as a distraction so they could attack Hoppers village while the males were repairing the breach. They killed nearly everyone, including the children.”

Cabal could only stare at Talania, unable to form words for the horror that Hopper and his people were experiencing. Talania continued, “Gravid has declared a state of emergency. Hopper cautioned him that they are unsure how many beasts were able to escape into the tunnel system, and therefore could be roaming the woods even now in search of prey. The children are not safe. None of us is safe until the beasts are found and destroyed.”

Cabal took a deep breath, glanced around at the frightened faces of the women and children and said, “Let’s get you all to a safe haven.” Cabal spent the remainder of the day moving the women and children into the roundhouse at the rear of the village, which was used for gatherings and celebrations. The large main room had been equipped with bedding and had a small area with tables and chairs. Cabal began to notice the small group of woodland guards, scattered around the perimeter of the village standing guard against any intruders.

Once all the elderly, women, and children were secured within the roundhouse, Cabal spoke to the Captain of the Woodland Guard. He was told Gravid had gathered the rest of the Guard at the schoolhouse, and was using it as a base to dispatch parties to search the forest and the surrounding valley, for any sign of nether beasts or the rogue trolls. Cabal’s thoughts went back to Nicole’s uneasy feeling, and the bloodless corpse they had found on the mountain, as he rushed through the tall trees toward the schoolhouse.

As he passed the small stand of trees where Sarah had been nourished, by the forest nymphs earlier in the spring, his thoughts went to her. A day did not pass without thinking of her. He recalled her sweet smile, long curling red hair, deep blue eyes and determined expression every time she met with any kind of resistance. Why had she left so abruptly? He had wanted to ask Jack and Nicole if they had heard from her, but he could not. He wanted his visit with them to be full of joy and free of stress. He figured if they had heard from her, they would have told him.

As the trees began to thin, and a cool salty breeze from the ocean reached him, Cabal noticed the figure of a woman heading toward him. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him, as Cabal realized it was Sarah’s red hair and flowing robes. His pace slowed as she neared. He could hardly breathe. She was more beautiful than he remembered. She seemed caught up in her thoughts and didn’t see him, until she was almost upon him. As their eyes met, she gasped and stopped to stare at him as if he were an illusion.

“Sarah,” Cabal said softly. “It’s so good to see you.” His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears; he could barely hear his own voice. Cabal spent the last year imagining what he would say or do when they finally met again.

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“Cabal,” Sarah stammered. “How... did you hear about Hopper’s village?” She couldn’t think, seeing him completely emptied her mind, flooding her senses with too many emotions. Suddenly the reality of Hopper’s loss in the cavern overwhelmed her, and she rushed into Cabal’s waiting arms. “They are dead, all of them. Hopper looked so worn, so drained. The poor little ones, they were all slaughtered like animals...” Sarah sobbed.

Cabal held her, only beginning to understand how much Sarah had witnessed. “I’m so sorry Sarah.” He said, kissing the top of her head.

Cabal’s simple kiss of affection brought Sarah abruptly back to her senses. She pushed away from him so quickly Cabal stepped back, confused.

“I’m sorry,” She said, refusing to meet his questioning gaze. “I’m tired and it’s been a long few days...”

“Sarah,” Cabal answered, “Is there something wrong; you left Fortress City so suddenly, without saying goodbye.”

“I had no choice, I wanted to leave with Gravid, and he had made plans to depart immediately.” Sarah said, stepping aside to move past him.

Cabal moved into her path. “I see, well if you don’t mind I’d like to escort you back to the village. With everything that’s happened, I don’t think you should be traveling alone.” He regretted the words as soon as he said them.

Sarah locked eyes with him, flashing in anger. “I am no longer an apprentice. I am completely capable of defending myself and others against any creature that threatens.”

Cabal stepped back, trying not to smile, “I’m sorry, I know what you are capable of, remember? You saved my life on several occasions. But we don’t know what’s out there, and I can assure you that there are certain creatures from the netherworld, that even Ahmity would find difficult, if not impossible to handle.”

Sarah glared at him, not willing to accept his apology. All she could think about was that petite blonde elf that held Cabal so tightly in the gazebo. “Whatever,” Was all she could come up with. She pushed past him, and nearly ran to the village, knowing full well he was at her heels the entire way.

When they reached the edge of the village where the Woodland Guard patrolled, Cabal let Sarah continue on alone. He shook his head in amazement, as she continued at her fast pace, never looking back. What had he done, or not done, to make her this upset? He sighed, and spun to head back to the school house. This was just another example of why he needed to stop pursuing her. She was too volatile, too moody, too confusing, and too beautiful.

When he arrived at the school house, Gravid was dispatching another team of guards. Gravid smiled as Cabal approached. “Well now, has the wandering Prince finally decided to bless my home with another visit?” Gravid’s booming voice said, as he grasped Cabal’s hand and pulled him into a huge, bear-like hug.

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Cabal chuckled at the large dark elf, who was a good friend of his late father. Gravid served as the King’s protector throughout Cabal’s childhood. Every memory he had of his father, Gravid was always at his side. “Gravid, my friend, what is all this I hear about a breach in the barrier to the netherworld, and Hopper’s village? Is it true the trolls are at war?”

“I would call it an uprising; although Hopper was not sure where these rogue trolls came from. They did destroy enough of the barrier to cause concern, and Hopper has confirmed that some creatures have escaped into the tunnels” Gravid said, as he motioned toward a small wooden table and chairs set up in the schoolhouse yard. “However, Hopper’s trolls repaired the breach before any other nether beasts were able to open it further, and we have had only one incident so far. There are no signs that more creatures have emerged. Ahmity is sealing all known exits from the tunnels to prevent any further incidents. Still, I think it's best we stay alert, and keep everyone together. The worst of the beasts won’t emerge until nightfall.”

“What incident?” Cabal said, as he sat down across the small table from him.

“Nothing much, just a small, winged beast that threatened the children in the East Meadow. The guards were quick to respond, and were able to capture it with a net. Sarah dispatched it quickly with a fireball. No one was injured.”

“I’m glad the children were untouched.” Cabal answered. “Have you searched at night? The nether beasts will seek shelter during the daylight; they are not used to the suns harsh rays.”

“Honestly, I’ve kept the guard close to the village, while we move the women and children into the round house.” Gravid admitted, “Now that everyone will be under the protection of the enchantments of the round house, I plan for an aggressive search this very night.”

“I would be honored if you would allow me to join you.” Cabal said, rising.

“You honor us, You’re Highness.” Gravid rose with a smile. “Let us sup early this night and head out at dusk to seek monsters!”

Sarah finished checking the enchantments of protection that surrounded the round house. They were ancient runes and incantations, which were strong and pure. She could do no better. She went inside to look for Talania, to let her know that everyone should be safe through the night, as long as they stayed in the round house. The shelter was full of children and women, who were busily feeding and preparing them for bed. Talania sat in the middle of the gathering area, surrounded by the children of the village. She read from a large, leather bound book that was worn and faded. Talania finished the story as Sarah approached, then motioned for one of the other woman to replace her, as she rose and headed to meet Sarah.

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“You look exhausted,” Talania said, taking Sarah’s hand and leading her to the small dining area at the far side of the building. She sat Sarah at a table and went to gather some fruit and roasted venison from the large buffet table that sat against the far wall behind the tables. Bringing her back a full plate of food and a wooden goblet of sweet wine, Talania sat across from Sarah and said, “You must eat and get some sleep, you’re working too hard.”

“How can I sleep when lives have been lost, and more are in danger?” Sarah said with a sigh, accepting the plate and choosing a large grape to nibble on.

“Let my husband and Cabal handle this. They will call for you if there is a need. Ahmity should return at any time. We are safe in this place. Eat and rest.”

Gravid and Cabal entered the roundhouse as she finished speaking. Gravid’s laughter filled the room, as the children rushed to greet them. They crossed the floor, as the children clung to them laughing and cheering at the appearance of Prince Cabal. Cabal hoisted a small little boy onto his shoulders and carried him to the buffet, tossing morsels up to the child as he filled his plate.

Sarah couldn’t help but watch Cabal. He seemed so happy, so at ease with the child. She couldn’t help but think what a wonderful father he would make. Forcing the image from her mind, Sarah realized that Cabal had turned to face her. He smiled softly at her vacant stare. One eyebrow raised inquisitively. Realizing he was aware she had been watching him, she spun around in her chair like a silly school girl trying to hide the blush rising on her face.

Talania chuckled softly and leaned toward Sarah. “You fight what should not be resisted.” Talania said, “In his arms the world will melt away, all sorrow would be replaced with joy, and you will know more happiness than you ever could imagine.”

Sarah stared at Talania stunned. “Are you seeing that?”

Talania smiled and touched Sarah’s trembling hand. “I see it with my own eyes; I don’t need my sight to tell me. Release your anger, forgive him. He loves you.”

Sarah jumped up from the table and dashed from the room. Talania gazed after her with sorrowful eyes and sighed.

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Chapter Three

Jack sat on the front porch sharpening his sword, as Nicole sat on the dock soaking her swollen feet in the cool lake water. Jack wanted to join her, his feet were killing him after bringing all the apples from their small orchard, picking the ripe tomatoes, carrots, peas, and digging up more potatoes from their garden, along with chasing their stubborn cow out of the corral and into the pasture.

The hot summer air had turned cool fast, as it usually did this high in the mountains. The leaves had begun to fall, as the tree colors began to change from green to crimson and vivid orange, and then finally to brown. Jack was pleased that Nicole agreed to travel to the village before winter. They had a decent amount of supplies. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to risk a long winter with newborn babies. He watched his beautiful wife, as she sat staring out at the water. Everything they had gone through to reach this point had been worth it. He regretted the mistakes they had made when they first arrived, thinking it was all just a game. But he wouldn’t change a thing; if it meant that he and Nicole would not have ended up here together, expecting their first child.

When Nicole pulled her quiver and arrows out from under their bed, Jack realized she was not going to get over the feeling something was wrong. Frankly, Nicole was usually right about these types of things. Jack had learned that the hard way. He decided it was time to pull out his sword. It could use a good sharpening anyway, and they were going to travel at least two nights through the mountains to reach the Woodland Village.

Jack glanced up from his sword to find a strange animal walking toward the dock. His heart froze in his chest as he realized it was not a living creature. “Niki!” Jack shouted, as she turned around to face the now winged and hairless raccoon, walking down the dock toward her. Jack flew off the porch with his sword in his hand, and sprinted across the clearing as the creature moved slowly toward Nicole.

Nicole rose cautiously considering her options; she had no weapon, not even her small knife. She could jump into the water, but she wasn’t sure the creature would not follow her. The creature gave her no time to decide. Jack ran onto the dock and swung, as it sprang for Nicole. She stumbled back, and then fell into the water as the beast’s long claws narrowly missed her. Jack caught the creature in mid air, slicing it in half. It dropped silently onto the dock, writhing and twisting as it sought to raise. Jack hacked at the creature with his sword, slicing it into several pieces. Yet each tiny piece shivered and rolled around on the dock. Jack left it and turned to Nicole, who was struggling in the water. He dropped his sword and jumped into the water next to her.

“Baby, are you alright?” He asked, as he took her in his arms. She allowed him to pull her to shore. He lifted her out of the water and carried her to the cabin. Laying her on their bed, he asked, “What can I do?”

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Nicole tried to smile at him, as waves of pain washed across her stomach. “I’ll be alright it was just a belly flop, but the baby’s not taking it well. You’re going to have to burn that creature; it’s the only way truly to kill it.”

“Okay, just stay in bed. I’ll be right back.” Jack ordered, not wanting to leave her but knowing he could not leave the creature on the dock. Jack grabbed the end of a burning log from the fireplace and headed out the door.

Nicole groaned, as another wave of pain rushed through her. She rolled onto her side and tried to steady her nerves, taking big deep breaths. It was too soon for the baby, but the creature did not touch her, so they were both fine. She just needed to calm down, and concentrate on slowing her pulse and relaxing. After several minutes, Jack reappeared through the door and rushed to her side.

“A little straw in a bucket and some monster guts, make a pretty good fire.” Jack said with a smile, reaching to touch her stomach. “Is this little one coming tonight?” Jack asked, leaning in to kiss Nicole’s neck.

“No, I’m sure things will calm down in a bit. My water hasn’t broken, so that’s a good sign.” Nicole wasn’t sure if it was or not, but she knew it would calm Jack.

“Okay, so I think it’s safe to say we aren’t going anywhere tonight. So let’s get you out of these wet clothes and under the covers. Then we have to find a way to get the word to Cabal and Sarah. That was the raccoon from the other side of the canyon; it came back to life. We need Sarah here to help us figure out what’s out there.”

“Sorry, but I left my cell phone back in the real world” Nicole smiled, as she rose with Jacks assistance and stripped off her wet clothing. Another wave of pain rushed across her stomach as she sat back on the bed. Jack brought a small cotton cloth to soak up as much excess water from her long hair as possible. Seeing the expression of pain on her face, he said nothing and went to work on her hair.

“I’m going to call for Pony.” Jack said, glancing toward the door. “Cabal should have reached the village yesterday morning. If Pony hurried, he could be within hearing distance.” Jack helped Nicole to lie down, and covered her with a dry blanket and headed for the door. “If he’s back we can send him to the village.”

“Cabal won’t know what that means.” Nicole called after him.

“But Sarah will.” Jack said softly, turning to smile back at her before he disappeared through the door.

Jack went to the edge of the wraparound porch and took a deep breath to call Pony and froze. His eyes caught movement in the brush next to the stable. It was only then that he realized he’d left his sword on the dock. Concerned there might be another creature lurking around the stables; Jack started down the steps, and then hesitated. No, he couldn’t leave Nicole even if it meant losing the horses. She was vulnerable now, and he couldn’t risk it. “Pony!” Jack yelled, “Come here, Pony! Here boy!” Jack yelled, backing toward the door and adding softly, “We need you now buddy. Come to mama.”

He closed the cabin door behind him, trying to act as casually as possible. He glanced at the bed. Nicole had fallen asleep. Now was the time to prepare. Moving quietly to the bed,

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he pulled out Nicole’s sword and laid it on the kitchen table, next to her bow and quiver. They would have to do until Pony arrived, and he could retrieve his sword from the dock.

Jack moved to each window, pulling the shutters closed and securing them ever so quietly. It was a good thing the nights were growing cooler; otherwise the tiny cabin would turn into an oven quickly. Jack moved to the fireplace and made a small fire, one just large enough to persuade an invader not to attempt entry through that point. It would be dark soon. Jack tossed some dried venison into a pot of boiling water, contemplating a dash for the dock. The cabin was secure, and he could probably make it there and back in about thirty seconds. What could happen in thirty seconds?

His mind went back to that day in the pond below the waterfall. It only took thirty seconds for him to drown. He sighed and glanced at Nicole. She was the love of his life. He would do anything to protect her, keep her safe. For the first time in her life, she actually needed his protection. She was counting on it. He would not let her down. A careless jaunt to retrieve his sword would make him feel better, but he had Nicole’s sword and that was going to have to be good enough for now.

The scent of rain reached him, as he added a few chopped carrots and a couple of diced tomatoes to the broth. He opened a few drawers in the kitchen and discovered some mushrooms, a couple of potatoes and an onion. As he finished dicing those and adding them to the soup, he heard Pony roar. It sounded like it was coming from the stable. Nicole sat up abruptly in the bed, and they locked eyes.

“Go!” She yelled, as he tossed her the bow and quiver. “I’ll be fine. Help Pony!”

Jack ran out the door and across the grass, toward the stables. Pony’s snarls could be heard coming from inside the stable. Jack reached the large double doors and swung one open slowly; gauging where Pony’s target was hiding. The horses were strangely calm, having moved to the back of their stalls. Pony was in the center of the stables with his back to Jack. “Pony?” Jack called softly, even though he knew the cat was fully aware of his presence.

The hair on Pony’s back was standing on end. Jack had never seen that happen before. Whatever it was, Pony did not like it at all. The nearing sunset cast dark shadows throughout the stable. Jack couldn’t make out anything in the darkness on the other end. Whatever it was, Pony knew exactly where it was, and it wasn’t going to escape. Jack’s only fear was that the beast would infect Pony before, or even after, the large moor cat killed it. “Pony, come here.” Jack called softly, “Leave it to me boy. You don’t know what you’ve got there buddy.”

With his words Pony pounced into the darkness, Jack swore loudly and rushed to join him. The smell hit him first. It was the sickly, sweet smell of death. He could just make out Pony in the shadows. He had whatever it was by the throat. It looked like a fox or coyote. Jack couldn’t see it clearly. They were moving too fast. Pony and the creature were snarling, and rolling as they fought. Dirt and straw flew, as the two beasts struggled viciously. Just as Jack made out two leathery wings on the back of the creature, Pony snapped its neck and tossed it across the stable past Jack.

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Jack spun to find Nicole standing in the doorway staring down at the creature. She looked up at Jack with tears in her eyes, and said, “It’s the red fox that followed me from Fortress City.”

Pony trotted past Jack, to sniff at the creature. It was deformed like the raccoon. Most of its fur was gone, replaced by patches of scaly skin. Jack stabbed it with his sword and slowly lifted it from the ground. “Well then, it goes in the fire with its friend.” Jack said, moving past Nicole he added, “Go back to the cabin baby, you don’t want to see this. Take Pony with you.”

Nicole didn’t argue. Pony kept to her heels as if he’d read Jack’s mind. “And don’t touch him, he might be infected.”

Nicole motioned for the lake, and Pony darted into the water. “Not good enough.” Jack called from behind her. “Just keep your distance until I can check him over.”

Nicole smiled in the darkness, knowing Jack was bossy because he was really scared. Pony emerged from the lake, shook vigorously, and followed her into the cabin. Nicole laid a blanket on the floor next to the bed for Pony, then climbed back into bed as her stomach tightened and became hard. “You’ve had a long day.” She smiled at him. “I take it by your calm attitude that there aren’t any more of those creatures nearby.” Pony purred, and curled up on the blanket to wait for Jack.

It wasn’t long before Jack appeared, with both his and Nicole’s swords. “How are you?” Jack came directly to Nicole’s side, staying clear of Pony. “Are you having any more contractions?”

“Not really, at least not as often and certainly not as strong.” Nicole admitted, adding “Pony‘s okay, Jack.”

“You don’t know that Niki, we don’t know what’s going on out there. The animals are doing the zombie thing with wings.”

Nicole laughed, pulling Jack down on the bed next to her. “Those animals are infected; something out there is doing a poor job of hunting and killing its prey.”

“Something?” Jack said, “Oh great, we’ve got something prowling around our mountain, that’s turning animals into winged zombies? I don’t know how many zombie movies you’ve seen, but they all start out with some sort of infection.”

“There are creatures from the netherworld that carry disease, but it’s not like the common cold or the flu. It’s what you’ve seen. If the creature fails to kill their prey but manages to injure them, the animal will die a slow, painful death, and then be reborn as the winged wraith type of creature.”

“Pony...” Jack gazed at the large cat.

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“He’s fine. Moor cats are not affected by these types of diseases. I think that’s why we haven’t seen too many of them. Pony’s been hunting and killing them.” Nicole sighed and rolled on her side. “You and I, on the other hand, need to be very careful.”

“How do we stop this?” Jack settled down into the covers, and snuggled up next to her, taking her into his arms. “I’m not in favor of raising little Jack on a mountain full of infectious, scabby-winged zombie beasts.”

“You have such a way with words.” Nicole smiled and kissed him. “We need Ahmity.”

“Okay, let’s keep Pony inside for tonight. I’ll treat him to a big breakfast in the morning, and send him off to fetch our resident, ancient elf wizard.” Jack mumbled, as he closed his eyes.

Hopper searched the stone walls and floor, as he and his three strongest trolls headed to the tribal council, deep inside the tunnel system. The stagnant air and silent darkness revealed scattered feces, spray marks of urine, and scents of nether creatures throughout the system. It was going to take a lot of time and effort to hunt down, and capture or kill the beasts. If Ahmity had done his job, the access to the surface should have been cut off quickly, so the creatures were not a threat to the outside world as yet. But it was only a matter of time before one of them found a way to the surface, and when it did, all hell would break loose. Hopper could only hope that Ahmity closed off the access tunnels in time.

At this moment, hope was all Hopper had. Hope that the creatures were staying hidden, and not causing problems. Hope that the renegades would soon be found and punished. Hope that the survivors of his village would not only be able to rebuild their village but that they were willing to do so.

Hoisting the huge L-shaped club over his shoulder, Hopper had become accustomed to these dark tunnels. The tunnel system had been created by the now vanished dwarves. Hidden in the darkness were beautiful caverns of waterfalls, and ancient rivers that fed, or were fed, from the lakes and rivers of the surface. One such massive cavern held the tribal council. During the last year, Hopper had quickly become one of the leaders the trolls looked to for advice and counsel. They respected his other worldly knowledge and had welcomed him as one of their own.

Hopper was working hard to control the intense rage he felt at the loss of so many of his people. The last thing he wanted was to turn the council into a group of vigilantes. The trolls had formed a peaceful society that knew nothing of crime. They lived in harmony with each other, and the beasts of the darkness around them. The idea of a group of trolls having turned against the council was unheard of. Renegades turning into murderers were unthinkable.

The silence of the tunnels was ominous, considering they should have been able to hear the council in discussion from quite a distance, and yet no sound greeted them as they

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entered the cavern. Torches were stacked on each of the seven entrances to the cavern. There were not needed, perhaps it was a caution to those they were about to discuss. Six large, brown trolls sat cross legged in a circle, on the soft, white sand that surrounded a small pool of milky green water. Behind the trolls, three smaller trolls stood standing guard in silence. The cavern that surrounded them was beautiful. Tall stalagmites grew up from the base of the cave, stretching up to meet the few scattering of stalactites that remained on the ceiling. A large waterfall at the far end of the cave fed a quick flowing river that disappeared into the darkness of a large tunnel.

Hopper approached, meeting the eyes of each council member as he took his seat in front of the pool. His people stood behind him. No one spoke. All eyes fell on Hopper. As the leader of the stricken tribe, it was his honor to begin the meeting. Hopper took a slow breath and began, “Greetings to my family of peacefulness.” Hopper paused, surprised at the emotions that welled within him. Grief, anger, loss, and also pride that the council had responded so quickly. “Gratefulness is deeply felt for so many of our people who came to aid my tribe. Happiness overwhelms me at the number of females that were saved by our many healers working together. Hopefulness fills me with the thought that we can rebuild our village, as soon as the renegades are caught.”

The oldest of the troll council members, Minous, leaned forward. His long brown hair-like fur was sprinkled with gray. The troll’s large eyes were void of lashes, and sported bags that drooped down around his long hair-filled nose. His voice was deeper than any troll Hopper had ever met. He spoke with reverence and respect, as he addressed Hopper saying, “Sadness has filled our hearts at the loss of so many of our people. Gratefulness has been large toward your tribe, for keeping the barrier secure. Trepidation is great for the dark creatures that now roam our homeland. Vengeance is uppermost in our hearts. Peacefulness must be maintained by the six villages. Safety must now take precedence for the seventh, and a hunt must now begin to return, or vanquish the nether creatures, before it is too late.”

Hopper couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The council wanted his tribe to handle the netherworld creatures, while the rest of the tribes sought the renegades. They were removing him from the chase, and possibly even the punishment of these traitors. Hopper rose slowly. The council rose with him. Minous’ large form was the only troll on the council that even came close to the hulk and size of Hopper. Hopper spoke directly to him as he said, “Trustfulness is something that my tribe is worthy to withhold.”

“Peacefulness is the troll way. Justice will be done.” Minous answered softly. “Fatherhood must come first.” Minous raised one of his immense clawed hands ever so slightly, and a female troll appeared from the shadows. She carried a large basket in her hands, coming forward she handed the basket to Minous. Minous in turn offered it to Hopper.

Uncertain what was happening, Hopper reached out and took the basket. It was heavier than he expected. It appeared to be full of blankets, but upon closer inspection the blankets were moving ever so slightly. Hoppers heart began to pound, as he pushed the blanket aside to reveal a tiny blonde troll infant.

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Chapter Four

The night search found no further sign of danger. The forest creatures were abundant and did not seem alarmed. The forest nymphs frolicked through the trees, uninhibited. Everything appeared to be as it should. As the sun rose over the far mountains, Gravid and Cabal’s team returned to the roundhouse just in time for Ahmity’s arrival.

The elderly wizard was sitting across from Sarah, who was still wearing her red robes as if she were in training. They sat at a small table in the dining area, finishing a breakfast of fresh fruit and cheese, as Gravid and Cabal greeted them. Sarah concentrated on Gravid, not wanting to meet Cabals gaze. She could feel his eyes on her, as Ahmity rose to embrace them.

“Join us for breakfast.” Ahmity insisted, as he pulled out a chair for emphasis.

Sarah forced herself to look up at Cabal, and smile. Talania’s words echoed in her brain, as Cabal’s handsome face broke into a huge smile to greet her. “Good morning, Sarah,” was all he offered, as he sat down at the small table next to her.

Ahmity waved at a few youths sitting in the middle of the gathering area talking. The two young elves’ jumped up, and rushed to the buffet table to fill plates with meat, cheese, fruit and bread for Gravid and Cabal. Placing the plates on the table before them, the youths rushed off to grab a goblet of sweet wine for each of them. Cabal thanked the two young boys when they returned with the wine, and turned to Sarah and said, “I stopped to see Jack and Nicole on my way here. The mountains seem to agree with them.”

Sarah smiled at the news of her dear friends. “Oh! How is Nicole doing, she must be getting very large? I have been meaning to go visit for quite some time now, and something always comes up.”

“Nicole is doing well; the pregnancy hasn’t slowed her down a bit.” Cabal said, “I had the great pleasure of meeting their Pony. As a matter of fact, the little rascal escorted me to the village.”

Sarah laughed boldly, saying, “Only Nicole and Jack would befriend a moor cat. You know Jack is really very attached to him. More than he’d ever let on.”

“I have to admit the cat grows on you.” Cabal laughed. “I might even grow fond of the beast someday, if he doesn’t eat me first.”

“Well with a moor cat, one never truly knows where one stands.” Sarah smiled.

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“Jack and Nicole were to be only a few of days behind me. So they should arrive tomorrow or the next day. Perhaps they will bring Pony with them.” Cabal said, smiling back at her.

Ahmity was pleased to see Sarah and his nephew getting along again. He said, “Did you know that moor cats were once nether creatures? The trolls took a liking to them and groomed them to become pets, to aid in their patrol of the barrier. The beasts were too clever, however, to be kept confined, and most escaped to roam the mountains. I’ve always thought it a blessing. They instinctively are attracted to nether beasts, and have a way of dispatching them without so much as a scratch to themselves. Perhaps we should consider befriending a moor cat ourselves.”

Gravid frowned and said, “Never liked cats, too much fur.”

Cabal grinned at his old friend, and added, “What Gravid is trying to say are those cats make him sneeze.”

Sarah’s laughter was the most beautiful sound Cabal had heard in a very long time. He didn’t realize how much he’d missed her on his diplomatic journey across the kingdom. Cabal smiled softly, and resisted the urge to reach out and touch her hand as he asked, “Tell me about this school you and Ahmity are building.”

Sarah looked into his eyes, and everything else was forgotten as she told him of their plans. “Gravid has financed the construction. If it weren’t for him, we would have been lost. We were about to begin interviewing candidates, when the troll war started. It’s my hope that very soon we will complete the selection of 100 candidates. We are not limiting the admission to only elves. Anyone regardless of birth, species, or status, is welcome to apply. Once the candidates are chosen, they will board at the school house and throughout the fall and winter they will be interviewed, tested, and evaluated, as to their abilities and personalities. We are going to be very careful in our choice. Come spring, 12 candidates will be chosen by a committee to be designated as an apprentice. The school will dismiss so the children can spend the summer with their families, and next fall the apprenticeship will begin.”

“How are they taught?” Cabal asked.

“They will live at the school for two years, studying with myself and Ahmity. They will be taught the history of elven magic, and the ethics of magic. Ahmity and I are currently at odds, over adding physical combat training to the curriculum.” Sarah winked at Cabal, who glanced at Ahmity as he attempted to avoid the blush rising in his cheeks.

Ahmity gazed at Sarah and sighed, saying, “Sarah’s adventure in the storm cloud taught us all a grave lesson. I shall never again be so set against anything that may be considered contrary to magic.”

Cabal said, “Then perhaps, if you allow me, I could lend a hand in creating your training program. I’m sure the Queen intends to contribute to the school. What better way to start, than acquiring the equipment you shall need.”

Gravid laughed and clapped Cabal on the back. “I knew you would come through, my boy!”

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“On one condition.” Cabal rose and turned a stern expression on Sarah. “That Sarah finishes her training with me, as an example of the perfect merger of magic and combat.”

Sarah’s stomach lurched, when she met his gaze. “I...” She couldn’t speak.

“Done,” Ahmity agreed for her.

The rest of the day was spent in planning, as the village began to return to normal. Although Gravid insisted that everyone retire to their winter quarters early, and leave the canopy for day use only, Cabal managed to convince Sarah to get her sword and meet him in the grassy area outside the canopy for a lesson. He was exhausted after his midnight search of the forest, but the day had gone so well with Sarah, he found it impossible to allow it to end for the sake of a nap.

Sarah arrived at the field after him. He watched as she emerged from a small stand of trees in the green leather vest, and short skirt, Nicole had given her back at Ahmity’s Fortress. The vest clung tightly to Sarah’s athletic form, showing off her round breasts and narrow waist. Cabal swallowed hard, forcing his eyes to meet hers, instead of running up and down the length of her.

Sarah smiled, as she crossed the grass to stand before Cabal. She nodded, and raised the small silver elfin blade Cabal had given her so long ago. It pleased him that she still had the blade. Cabal forced the smile from his face, raised his sword and said, “First lesson, hold your sword as if you had a little bird in your hand. Your grip should be firm enough to prevent its escape, but not so firm as to crush it.”

Sarah was confused, but did as he asked loosening her grip. They sparred for over two hours. With Cabal’s constant instruction, Sarah found herself growing bolder and more daring. With the looser grip, she was able to maneuver the blade more quickly, and began to become the aggressor. Cabal was tiring quickly, much to his disappointment, but finally when Sarah managed to nick his forearm, he had to call their lesson to an end.

“Oh Cabal,” Sarah stammered, reaching out to touch his arm. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

Cabal smiled and leaned toward her saying, “I shall survive your blow. But now I must rest. I have gone too long without sleep and shall be good to no one until I’ve rested.”

Sarah insisted on bandaging his arm before allowing him to rest. As Cabal gazed out of the window of the small cottage afforded as his own for the duration of his stay. He watched a woodland guard settle into the branches of a nearby tree to keep watch over the village. Cabal considered the consequences of the troll rebellion. A troll war could devastate the entire elven nation.

The long walk back to what was left of Hoppers village seemed to take an eternity. Hopper carried his son in his arms, forcing himself to take one step after the other. The infant was a complete shock. Hopper had given into his urges several times in the past year, with a young troll female named Nata. She was kind and soft spoken. He had enjoyed her

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company, but he was never in love with her. He wasn’t sure he could love a troll female. He hadn’t even known she was pregnant. When he heard she had been injured in the attack, he was relieved to know she had survived. But it never occurred to him to check on her progress, or stop by the neighboring village to see her. Apparently her injuries were severe enough that the trauma of childbirth had been too much for her.

Hopper cringed, realizing that it was his fault that she was dead. If he had controlled his urges, she would not have gotten pregnant and would still be alive. Hopper stumbled in the darkness, as the reality that he could not bring himself to love a troll hit him hard. He had become the monster that he appeared to be, cold, callous and unfeeling. He gazed down at his tiny son and felt nothing but regret. He was indeed a monster.

His three guards were searching the darkness for any signs of the nether beasts they had been assigned to hunt. Not one of them had said a word to him since the council meeting. He couldn’t blame them. Some leader he turned out to be. Hopper lifted up the basket to hold it close to his chest. Could he love this child? Was he capable? He’d dreamed about what his and Sarah’s children would look like, and it was nothing like the hairy little creature he held in his arms.

As the smoldering remains of his village appeared before him, Hopper vowed that he would become the leader his people deserved. He would hunt down the nether beasts, and return them to the bowels of the earth. He would learn to love the small child in his arms, and strive to be the best father he knew how. He would tell this tiny creature about its mother, and make sure that this child never felt unloved. But the first thing he needed to do was get this tiny child to safety until he was certain the renegades would not return.

Hopper ordered his guards to find their families, and rest for the night. Then he headed for the surface. There was one person he knew was capable of caring for this tiny child until he could return for him. Hopper called out into the darkness for his old friend Daki, the giant brown bat that was his constant companion during his explorations of the tunnels. Hopper rushed to the large crossroads where several tunnels met and found Daki there waiting for him. Climbing onto his back, Hopper held tightly to his son as Daki rose straight up a large airshaft above them, and headed for the surface.

The edges of the shaft were smooth and glassy, as if the dwarves had spent hours polishing the hard rock. The tunnel narrowed slightly as they reached its crest, and they burst through the layers of vegetation that concealed it from above. Hopper remembered the last time he and Daki flew over the mountains, toward the vast ocean and the Woodland Village. He was rushing to his friend’s side as they faced grave danger. They were overjoyed to see him that day. How would they feel this time, when they see what he had done?

The morning brought a glorious dawn and a cool breeze, which lightened Nicole’s spirits.

The contractions had stopped, and she was feeling very energetic. Rising with the sun, she awoke still in Jack’s arms, and gently slid out of bed to leave Jack asleep. She did the dishes from the night before, and lit the stove to make some sweet cornbread for Jack’s breakfast. She grabbed an apple and let Pony out the front door, following him onto the porch. The sun sparkled brightly on the lake, as the cool breeze sent ripples across its surface. The

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trees were starting to turn shades of orange and red. The distant mountain peaks were showing their first layer of snow.

Nicole headed carefully down the steps toward the stables, to feed the horses and release them into a small corral next to the stables. All that was left of the previous night's experience was a charred wooden bucket full of ash sitting in the middle of their small fire pit, on the south side of the house. Nicole opened the stable doors and waited as Pony sauntered inside to check for any further invaders. Discovering none, Nicole grabbed a bag of oats from the shelf just inside the front door and filled two buckets with the grain. Then she opened the stable doors to allow the horses to follow her into the corral. Dumping the oats into a small trough, Nicole latched the corral gate behind her, and headed toward the lake to fill the buckets with water.

It was such a beautiful day; the cool water of the lake was calling to her. Nicole tried to resist wading in, as she scooped up the water. Pony trotted off into the woods on the far side of the dock. Nicole assumed he was off to look for his breakfast, but was surprised when Pony reappeared as quickly as he left. The massive black cat stood motionless at the edge of the trees, his head down, tail unmoving, and his ears flat. Nicole froze at the water’s edge. Pony’s growl was low and menacing. “Jack!” Nicole called, trying not to scream as she followed Pony’s gaze toward the dock and beyond.

Jack appeared in the cabin doorway in an instant, sword in hand. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong, he could see for himself. What he saw drained all the blood from his face. “What the hell...” He gasped, jumping off the porch and sprinting across the open grass toward Nicole. All the time watching as a gray, human-like figure with large wings flew low over the water toward the dock. “Get in the house!” Jack ordered Nicole, as he moved to join Pony in a slow advance toward the dock. The creature did not slow, at the sign of the barbarian with a broadsword and a moor cat coming toward him. If anything he appeared to move more quickly.

Jack prayed that this was not happening; that the figure coming toward him was not whom he thought. Let it be anything else, a gargoyle, a demon, even Satan himself. Pony sprang onto the dock and ran to the end, as the creature neared. Pony wasn’t about to let it land. Its wings pounded the air as it hovered over the water, just beyond Pony’s reach glaring at Jack. Steeling himself against the reality of what he saw, Jack walked slowly up behind Pony and said, “Hi Tom.”

The creature hovered in silence. Only the sound of its beating wings answered Jack’s greeting. Tom’s leather-like skin was a darker shade of gray than Jack remembered. His black eyes still oozed a greenish slime. His mouth hung open, showing long fangs and a black tongue. His hands and feet held long, black, razor-like claws. Remnants of Tom clung to the creature. His face, despite the ghoulish alterations, was Tom’s. He kept his full head of wavy brown hair; it was the only human thing about him. Jack hesitated, overwhelmed with the guilt that washed over him. He had left poor Tom for dead in the prison cloud with the wizard Puissant as it sunk into the ocean. Tom was Jack’s best friend in the real world. Somehow Puissant tricked and used him, just as he used the others. He had tricked them all

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into coming here. Only Tom had no one to intervene and save him from Puissant’s evil as they had. Puissant had succeeded in using him as a weapon of revenge.

Jack couldn’t believe Tom had survived that first encounter. He knew the last thing his best friend would want, was to roam this land as a wraith. “Let’s not do this.” Jack spoke softly, but with menace in his voice. He loved Tom like a brother, but would not let him hurt Nicole and his unborn child. Jack stared uncertainly at the wraith. Tom didn’t move. He simply hovered there, staring back at him. Jack didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to hurt Tom. More importantly, he didn’t want to kill Tom. “What do you want?” Jack yelled at him in desperation, almost afraid he might answer.

Pony snarled and lowered himself, preparing to pounce. “No, Pony” Jack ordered, he couldn’t reach Tom, he was too far away. Jack took another step forward, raising his sword. “I can use this... Or we can work together to try and help you.”

Jack knew his words fell on deaf ears. There was no recognition in Tom’s eyes, only hatred. His black tongue flicked in and out as his eyes narrowed. Jack knew this was it. Tom was gone. A wraith had taken his place, and it was time for one of them to die. The wraith moved closer. Pony lunged at him, flying through the air a much greater distance than Jack or Tom expected. Pony’s jaws sunk into the wraiths legs, as it swerved to move past him and reach Jack. Jack arched his sword high, as Pony’s weight caused the wraith to sink lower toward the dock. His sword missed its mark as the wraith’s long black claws deflected the blow. Pony clawed at the wraiths midsection, holding on desperately to its leg.

Suddenly the air filled with arrows, striking the wraith in the chest and neck. Jack struck out as the wraith screamed in pain, driving his sword into its belly narrowly missing Pony’s foreleg. The wraith dropped into the water, causing Pony to release him. Jack ran to the edge of the dock as the wraith rose above him, and flew off across the lake screeching in rage.

One glance behind him and Jack found Nicole standing at the bottom of the porch steps with her bow in hand. He turned back around to find Pony swimming for shore. He stood silently watching, as the wraith disappeared beyond the far ridge, then Jack spun and followed Pony back to Nicole. Jack couldn’t meet her eyes. Tom meant just as much to Nicole as he did to Jack. They had been engaged to be married.

“I don’t want to talk about it” Was all Jack said, as he took her gently by the arm and guided her up the steps and into the cabin.

Sarah and Ahmity arrived at the schoolhouse just after dawn. A crowd had already gathered. Sarah steered the prospective candidates and their families, away from the construction area and into the cool grass under the trees near the trail, back to the Woodland Village. There was indeed a mixture of elves, nymphs, humans, and even a young troll and her family. Ahmity had moved the small table that Gravid used just a few days earlier, under the trees to use as a registration table. By midday, the first group was registered and interviewed, then sent into the village for lunch and shopping. Sarah and Ahmity reviewed the candidates, as a second smaller group of families began to gather.

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Cabal and Talania appeared with lunch for Sarah and Ahmity, and insisted on taking over the registration while the two sat under the trees and ate.

Cabal scanned the horizon for any sign of Jack and Nicole; they should have arrived by now. He began to wish he hadn’t allowed them to send Pony as his escort, when he might have been needed at home. A young elf, Cabal recalled from the battle on the cliffs, stepped up to the table. He was tall and lanky, with a long black braid and a huge smile.

“I’m Crasis,” He offered his hand to Cabal. “I’m a healer, and I’d like to apply to the school.”

Cabal grinned at him and shook his hand. “Welcome Crasis, I’m sure Gravid and Sarah will be pleased to see your name on the list.”

“I am also excited.” Talania added. “You would do well at this school.”

The young elf couldn’t have been more than fifteen. He signed his name on the parchment below the one hundred-fifty plus names with a smile, and then headed off to help the workers building the school.

The day passed quickly, as Cabal and Talania helped Ahmity and Sarah register the potential candidates for the school. Cabal kept an eye out for Jack and Nicole, growing more concerned as the wind grew colder, and the sun sank low in the sky. After dinner, Cabal sought out Sarah, finding her still sitting at a small table reviewing the long list of candidates.

Cabal removed his cloak and draped it over her shoulders, then sat down beside her. “You should put away that list, and go have some dinner.” He said softly. “You look tired.”

“I’m just trying to get a head start on these candidates, before the next wave appears tomorrow. There’s so many! I had no idea we would have such a large turnout.” Sarah said, as she glanced up to meet his gaze. Her heart jumped as his dark blue eyes met hers. She held his gaze, determined not to run away from him again.

“Well you will have Talania and me to help tomorrow, and perhaps the worst is over.” Cabal reached out and brushed a long, curling, strand of her dark, red hair from her cheek. “Were my eyes deceiving me, or did I see a few gnomes, and perhaps even a small group of fairies, fly in at the last moment tonight?”

“That was so spectacular!” Sarah reached for his hand. “Who would have thought a creature already in control of so much magic, would seek to become a wizard?” She laughed and squeezed his hand excitedly. “Have you ever heard of such a thing? A Fairy Wizard? Is that even possible?”

Cabal laughed with her, turning his hand over to grasp hers. “Well if it is, you’re the one to accomplish it.”

Sarah smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “I’m so glad you’re here, Cabal.” She said softly. Cabal reached out and brushed his fingers across her cheek.

“No more than I.” He answered, leaning closer.

“Pony!” Sarah said with a start, as a large cat appeared in the growing darkness behind Cabal.

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Cabal spun, expecting to see Nicole and Jack as well, to find only the moor cat walking slowly to stand beside him. “Where are Jack and Nicole?” Cabal turned to look at Sarah, who was already up out of her chair. She moved around the table to Pony.

“This is not good.” Sarah said, rubbing the side of Pony’s neck. “If Pony came alone, then there’s trouble.”

Cabal and Sarah rushed to the round house, with Pony at their heels. When they entered the door, the elves gathered in the center of the room scattered at the sight of the moor cat. Gravid stood leaning against the far wall, talking to some of the woodland guards. He stood abruptly at the sight of Pony, and rushed across the room to meet them.

“We can’t have him in here.” Gravid said as he pulled the couple back toward the door, hoping Pony would follow. “What has happened? Where are Jack and Nicole?”

“They didn’t come with Pony.” Sarah explained that was all she needed to say. Gravid shouted back into the round house, calling the few guards that remained inside. Gravid took Cabal and Sarah further out into the cool night air, as the guards appeared. None of them advanced toward their captain. All eyes went to Pony. “Oh, he’s not a threat you cowards! Get over here!”

“Gravid,” Cabal cautioned, “Let’s not make a fuss over this. It’s entirely possible that it’s a simple matter of Nicole not being able to travel. We don’t want to upset everyone until we know there is a crisis.”

“He’s right, Gravid.” Sarah added. “I did promise that I would come to deliver the baby, and Nicole is nearing her last month. Perhaps I’ve waited too long, and Pony has come to fetch me.”

“Couldn’t they have sent a note, put a collar on the beast and secured a note to it.” Gravid growled.

“It’s settled then, we head out at first light for the mountains. If we ride hard and long, we could make it in a day and a half.” Cabal said to Sarah.

“We?” Sarah stammered. “I’ll be fine with Pony.”

“No, there’s something I need to tell you both. I cannot wait another minute.” Cabal answered, glancing around for a private place to talk.

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Chapter Five Hopper arrived at the cliffs outside the Woodland Village shortly after Cabal and Sarah

departed for the mountains. Daki landed softly in front of the school house just after dawn. As usual, the appearance of a troll riding a giant bat caused quite a commotion among the elves, working to finish the log exterior of the school. The families that stood just inside the tree line moved deeper into the trees, as Hopper dismounted and shooed Daki away. Hopper ignored the stares and gasps of the crowd, as he headed toward the village to find Gravid and Talania.

It wasn’t long before Gravid appeared on the trail before him, flanked by half a dozen of his woodland guards. Gravid smiled and offered Hopper his hand in welcome. “Hopper, it’s good to see you.”

Hopper gingerly took Gravid’s hand, being careful not to hurt him with his massive claws. He said, “Gravid, It’s good to see everyone out and about. I take it there have been no problems due to the breach?”

“There hasn’t been anything to concern you with.” Gravid answered, glancing at the basket Hopper cradled in his arms. It began to grunt and squeal, Gravid asked, “What have we here?”

“I need to speak to you and Talania in private.” Hopper said.

Gravid nodded, and ordered the guard to the school house to assist in organizing the registration line. Then he turned to Hopper and motioned toward the village saying, “Ahmity and Talania are in summer living quarters. We can talk there.”

Ahmity and Talania smiled at Hopper’s approach. Talania hugged him, and tugged at the basket pulling it from his hands. “Something sounds hungry.” She cooed into the basket , and turned to carry it to the side of the small pond in the center of the canopy. Handing the basket to Gravid, she reached inside and pulled out the infant. “Oh, Hopper’s he’s so beautiful.” She said.

The troll infant was the size of a two year old child. Yet it was clear he was very young. The infant’s hair-like fur was blonde, with several large, blotchy, brown patches scattered over its small form. It wore only a cloth diaper, secured with an animal skin loin cloth. It began to wail as its tiny form took a chill in the cool autumn air.

“Oh dear,” Talania said, “Now I’ve gone and made him cold.” She rose and smiled at Hopper. “You will of course let me take him home to change and feed him, now won’t you Hopper?”

Hopper could only smile at Talania’s kindness, and nod his head. She disappeared quickly from the canopy as Ahmity came to Hoppers side, patted him on the back and said, “This is a wonderful thing, Hopper. You are a father. You are no longer alone.”

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“I didn’t want this...” Hopper began, “I was careless, thoughtless, and now his mother is gone.”

Gravid stepped forward and said, “Hopper I am truly sorry. Did she die in the attack?”

“Shortly afterward, her injuries were such that she did not survive childbirth.” Hopper answered, gazing down at the moss covered floor. “I need help, Gravid. I can’t care for him right now, with the war and the nether beasts...” He looked up at Gravid and couldn’t finish. He felt as if this was the final step toward his complete failure as a human being.

“It would be our honor to care for him, Hopper.” Gravid said without hesitation. “Talania misses having a baby around, now that our youngest has begun school. This will please her to no end.” He smiled at Hopper. “We will take very good care of him until you return.”

Ahmity said, “You’re doing the right thing, Hopper. You have very few females in your village, and the few survivors are either injured, or overwhelmed taking care of the other younglings.”

It didn’t matter what they said. Hopper was devastated. When was his life going to change? Was this place always going to cause him such deep pain? First, he became a hideous monster, and then he lost Sarah. Now he was handing over his only son to elves, who he was not sure knew how to care for him.

Sarah readily agreed to allow Cabal to accompany her and Pony, once he described the bloodless carcass they had found in the mountains. It was now clear why there was no further sign of any nether beasts near the woodland village. Perhaps the creature had pursued its prey further and further into the mountains. It made sense; the mountains were teeming with wildlife. Any blood thirsty creature would have free reign of all sorts of prey there.

They left at dawn, traveling light and moving fast. Pony disappeared into the trees as soon as they entered the forest. Sarah threw a vitality spell on the horses every few hours, removing the need to rest. But by nightfall they were all exhausted. Pony reappeared as Cabal built a fire. Sarah pulled some dry meat and cheese from her saddlebag, and they ate quietly next to the fire. Pony lay down on the ground next to Sarah, as Cabal pulled their blankets from his saddle bag. Sarah rubbed Pony’s head as she gazed up at the sky. A mist crept across the darkness, like the incoming tide of pure foam leaving a thin layer of clouds in its wake.

“It’s hard to believe something evil is roaming these mountains.” Sarah began. The sky is beautiful, and everything seems calm. The horses even relax in Pony’s presence.”

Cabal draped a blanket over her shoulders and sat down beside her. “We were up pretty high in the mountains when we found the carcass. It’s possible the creature has claimed that area as its hunting ground, and will remain on the other side of the canyon.”

“What if there is more than one?” Sarah looked up at him.

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“It’s possible, but unlikely. If a group of nether beasts escaped from the tunnels, there would be signs everywhere. Not just dead or sick animals, the forest nymphs would be gone, and they remain.” Cabal’s eyes met hers. “Have you ever delivered a baby before?”

Sarah smiled, “Yes, I worked at a hospital in St Louis. I went to college to be a nurse, and continued to study until I completed the equivalent education of a doctor.”

Cabal frowned at her. “So you are a doctor, or a highly educated nurse?”

Sarah laughed and said, “That’s what Jack said to me the first time we met. I am a nurse practitioner, which means I am more than a nurse but slightly less than a doctor. And although I have never delivered a baby on my own, I have assisted with hundreds of births.”

“Then Nicole will be in excellent hands.” Cabal smiled and reached for her hand. “I have never met anyone like you Sarah. You are so kind and sweet, but also so brave and courageous. Most of the females I have known have been either meek or wild. You have a moderate amount of both within you.”

Sarah’s thought flashed back to the night she saw Cabal holding the young blonde elf. She fought the angry jealousy that threatened, and tried to push the memory away. “Perhaps the females you thought meek, were simply not interested in a quick romance.” She said as she pulled her hand away.

“Quick romance?” Cabal stared at her. “Is that what you think I want?”

“What else should I think?” Sarah asked, suddenly feeling like a ridiculous school girl. “You spend the better part of the year trying to get close to me, and when I finally recovered from Hopper’s supposed death, and began to respond in kind; I find you in the arms of another woman.”

Cabal could only stare at Sarah, completely confused. “Is that why you left Fortress City so abruptly? You thought I was with someone else?”

“I saw you, Cabal. I went to find you after the council meeting, and you were in the gazebo with a young blonde elf. You were holding her. She kissed you.”

“So you think I am one of those pathetic men who cannot be satisfied with only one woman? Because I am a Prince, I must have several females at my beck and call?” Cabal said, looking at her as if he’d never seen her before.

“All I know is what I saw.” Sarah said gruffly.

“And it never occurred to you to ask me about it?” Cabal frowned at her, and then rose moving to stand on the other side of the fire. He gazed at Sarah for a moment through the smoke and flames, then set a large log in the fire and said softly, “She was my sister. We were saying goodbye.”

Sarah felt what little energy she had left flow out of her. “Cabal...” She tried to speak.

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“The night is getting cold; you should snuggle up next to Pony. He and the fire should be enough to keep you warm.” With that Cabal snatched up his blanket. He lay on the ground and added, “We’ve got a long ride ahead of us tomorrow, and I plan to rise before the sun. We should get some sleep.”

Sarah slept little that night. How could she have doubted Cabal? He had always been honest with her, even when she didn’t want to hear the truth. Her own insecurities and fear of being hurt had caused her to drive a wedge between them. She was a fool.

Morning took an eternity to arrive. Sarah rose with the first sign of dawn. The night sky took on a deep blue glow, which slowly transformed into a golden hue. She packed the saddlebags and saddled the horses. Cabal woke up and without a word, moved to stuff his blanket in his saddle bag. He pulled two pears from a pouch in the other bag and offered one to Sarah. She took it and nodded her thanks.

They mounted and headed off, as Pony once again disappeared into the forest ahead. The ride was torture for Sarah, as Cabal remained quiet and sullen. It was midday and the second time Sarah cast a vitality spell at the horses, before Cabal began to speak.

Dismounting, they walked beside the horses to stretch their legs. Cabal said, “The cabin is on the top of that far ridge, but we will have to go around to the west side of the mountain to reach it.” He offered, pointing to the ridge as they rode closer.

The mountains grew tall before them. Sarah could just make out the silhouette of evergreen trees high up on the ridge. The mountains were breathtaking. The large patches of red and gold hues speckled the mountainside. Sarah smiled, as it reminded her of a bowl of potpourri that sat on her kitchen table back home.

“How much longer do we have until we reach the cabin?” Sarah asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

“We should be there before nightfall.” Cabal answered, still gazing at the mountain.

“Cabal, I’m sorry,” Sarah blurted out. “I have no excuse for the way I behaved. I was awful. Can you forgive me?”

Cabal turned to gaze at her, allowing her to come up beside him for the first time that day. He spoke in barely a whisper, “I am the one who should be sorry. You are right; you were recovering from the loss and betrayal by Hopper. He let you believe he was dead for his own selfish purposes. He hurt you deeply.” Cabal sighed, releasing his anger. He added, “I should have been more understanding. I am the one who behaved badly last night.”

“No, you have always been honest with me.” Sarah said.

“Perhaps I’ve tried too hard.”Cabal glanced down, “I expected too much.”

“No, I’ve been cold and unresponsive. You’ve been wonderful. Much more wonderful than I deserved.” Sarah said, as she reached out to him.

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“If it were in my power, I would take the stars from the sky and fashion a necklace for you, Sarah. Only the stars can match the brilliant sparkle in your eyes. Only the depth of night sky can compare to your beauty.” Cabal answered, softly taking her hand in his and pulling her to him. “I love you, Sarah. I have loved you for such a very long time.” He whispered, as he took her in his arms and kissed her.

Sarah’s heart pounded as their lips met. Cabal’s kiss burned like fire. All thought of danger and loss left her. She melted against him, reveling in his scent and the strength of his embrace. She threw her arms around his neck and surrendered to his kiss.

Talania stared at Gravid, completely lost in why he was trying to say. He stood in the doorway of their winter home, babbling about a lost child. She glanced past him, looking for Hopper and finding only Ahmity she said, “Gravid, did you promise Hopper we would take in his child?”

“Talania, love of my life, I told Hopper that we would care for his infant son for a short time, while he vanquishes the nether beasts from the tunnels.” Gravid said with a smile. “The poor creature’s mother died in the attack. Hopper has no one to care for him while he rebuilds the village. The troll council decided Hopper’s village was responsible for finding the nether beasts. The other villages are going to search for the renegades.”

“Oh Gravid,” Talania said with a sigh, pulling the infant close. “Poor little baby, no wonder he is hungry. What is his name?” She looked expectantly at Gravid and Ahmity.

The two looked silently at each other, and then stared blankly at her. “I am going to assume that you simply forgot to ask and that Hopper has given him a name. But until we know for sure we will call him Mikado, which means son of a prince.”

Hopper climbed on Daki’s back, ignoring the crowd’s excited whispers. Daki darted into the air and headed back toward the air shaft and the search for the nether beasts. Hopper’s heart was dark, his thoughts unclear. He shook his head roughly, as Daki began the descent toward the tunnel entrance. Hopper closed his eyes as they reached the shaft, and let the darkness take him. His thoughts went to the families of his village. All the faces of the trolls that were lost in the attack flew through his mind. Hopper growled, and steeled himself against the ache of failure that threatened to consume him. Daki landed softly in the middle of the crossroads, and Hopper jumped off. He patted Daki on the head, and moved down the tunnel that headed toward the nether land barrier, as Daki flew off into the blackness of the tunnels.

The best indicators of what might have escaped should be at the barrier, as well as any hint to the identity of the renegades. Hopper’s senses were on full alert as he moved closer to the barrier. There was no hint of anyone, or anything nearby which was a great disappointment, even though he didn’t have his club with him, he was definitely in the mood for a fight.

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When Hopper arrived in the cavern that held the barrier, he entered slowly, aware that there were beasts of the netherworld capable of concealing themselves from even a troll’s keen sense. The cavern was lined with stalactites hanging from the ceiling, some so large they met their sister stalagmites growing from the floor to form a cage-like barrier in the center of the cave. The barrier ran across to the far wall. The giant tree trunks from the forest bordering the woodland village were torn in two by some unknown force when the barrier was breached. Hopper and his trolls had pieced the trees together and reinforced the destruction with boulders and a mixture of gravel, sand, and mud that formed into a substance as hard as cement. Hopper intended to replace this ancient barrier with one reinforced with steel, once the crisis was over.

Gazing at the pattern of the destruction, Hopper realized that it would have taken more than a group of trolls to cause such devastation. There were no signs of any type of explosion, or scraping on the cavern floor of a machine, or large creature that could have caused the damage. Hopper stared at the barrier in amazement, realizing only at that moment that the attack had come from the other side. The renegades hadn’t broken the barrier as a distraction; they had breached the barrier to gain access to this side!

These trolls were not renegade traitors of the troll council. They were invaders.

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Chapter Six It was difficult to get back on the horses and continue their journey. Sarah wanted only

to stay in Cabal’s arms and never leave. But they both knew that there was plenty of time for them to be together. Nicole, however, may be out of time. There was a reason why Jack had sent Pony to the village, instead of bringing his wife himself. Sarah knew Nicole was not one to change plans on a whim. Add to this the mysterious winged creature that had to be the result of a nether beast attack, meant serious trouble. Yet neither Sarah nor Cabal wanted to discuss that possibility.

They urged the horses into a canter as they reached the top of the ridge above Jack and Nicole’s cabin. They could see the cabin in the valley below. Pony ran off, disappearing into the trees before them as the as the sun sank behind the mountains.

Jack and Nicole stood on the porch with Pony by their side, as Cabal and Sarah arrived. Jack jumped off the porch and embraced Cabal with a sober smile. Jack helped Sarah off her horse and hugged her tightly. “Why don’t you go inside with Nicole, while Cabal and I tend to the horses?” Jack said softly.

Sarah didn’t need to ask. She could tell something was terribly wrong. But Nicole was standing calmly on the porch, still pregnant, so she didn’t ask questions. She simply hurried to the porch to embrace Nicole. As the women disappeared inside with Pony at their heels, Jack and Cabal led the horses to the stables.

“Tom was here.” Jack said, filling two buckets with oats, and then heading outside to get water for the horses.

Cabal stood silently staring at his back, as he disappeared from the stables. No wonder the stables had been shut up tight, the windows were boarded, and Jack had a chain and lock on the stable door. Cabal led the two horses in the last stall of the small stable. Jack reappeared with two buckets of water and placed them inside the stall.

Cabal couldn’t speak. His mind was racing with all the horrid possibilities that Tom’s presence presented, as he brushed down his stallion. Jack headed back into the stall and started to brush down Sarah’s mare.

“He appeared over the lake about five days ago, when Nicole was feeding the horses. I think the combination of Pony, my sword, and Nicole’s bow was enough to scare him off. He was hurt pretty bad, by the time he flew off over the lake.” Jack brushed the mare roughly, finishing quickly.

Cabal asked, “How is Nicole handling this?”

“The day before he showed up, a deformed fox appeared out of nowhere. Nicole had to dive into the water to avoid it. I couldn’t get to her fast enough. I killed the creature, hacked it to pieces, but by the time I got to Nicole, she was having contractions. I don’t mind telling you, I was scared.” Jack stopped and met Cabals gaze. “She’s my life, Cabal. When Tom

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appeared... I was going to kill him.” Jacks voice broke. “We grew up together. Tom, Hopper and I, were inseparable. He was like a brother to me, and I was going to take his head off.”

Cabal came to him and placed his arm around Jack’s shoulders. “Jack, you did what you had to do. You were defending your wife and child. I’ve told you before. There’s nothing left of Tom inside that wraith. Puissant did to him, what he wanted to do to you and the others. If it hadn’t been for Ahmity...”

Jack stared at him in amazement. “You mean all the other people he had sent before us came as wraiths?”

“In some form or the other, yes.” Cabal answered. “I think that’s why it was so important for him to kill all the wizards. That would have left us defenseless against them. Plus, he wanted to absorb their magic. Regardless Jack, those people were no longer human by the time they reached here. They were creatures of darkness. We saved them from a wretched existence of sucking the life out of the living. Puissant didn’t care what became of them. He just wanted revenge, and he didn’t care whom he hurt to get it. This time, his revenge was against your group. It just shows how evil the man truly was, to send your best friend to you like this.”

“He chose his revenge well.” Jack said with a sneer. “Let’s lock this place up and get inside. I don’t want to give Tom the wraith, any opportunities until we are ready.”

When they walked in the door of the cabin, Sarah had Nicole sitting on a pillow at the kitchen table, with her feet propped up on another chair. Sarah took one look at Jack and said, “Where’s the rocking chair?”

Jack looked at her blankly; he wasn’t mentally ready to talk about other things. He’d expended so much effort into the last few days just making sure the Wraith didn’t kill Nicole or the horses, he’d completely forgotten about preparing for the baby. He looked from Sarah to Nicole, then to Cabal, who smiled, and punched him in the arm as he said, “Rocking chair?”

Jack smiled and went to the storage closet that held their supplies, and pulled out several carved pieces of wood. “Here it is.” He turned with a smile, and added as he tossed the wood to Cabal. “Cabal’s going to finish it for us as a baby gift.”

Cabal flashed him an evil smile, and then tossed the wood back in the closet, without a word. Jack went to Nicole and kissed her deeply on the lips. He gently rubbed her stomach and said, “Did she examine you? What’s the verdict?”

“I’m dilated to three centimeters, but that doesn’t mean the baby’s coming tonight,” Nicole said, softly placing her hand on his. “I’m fine.”

“She’s not going anywhere, if that’s your next question” Sarah added, turning back to the stove and lifting the lid off a huge pot of noodles, to dump in a substantial amount of venison and some chopped onions. “She wouldn’t make it off the mountain.”

Cabal came beside Sarah, and placed his arm around her waist and said. “I’d say we can all agree we are here for the winter.” He kissed Sarah on the cheek, and turned to face Jack as he sat down at the table. Jack and Nicole were looking at him with huge smiles, at the sight of the kiss. He flashed them a frown of caution, and they stayed silent.

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Cabal and Sarah filled everyone’s plates, and they ate in blissful silence for the first few minutes. Finally, Nicole could wait no longer. She said, “I told Sarah about Tom. I’m sure you’ve brought Cabal up to speed, so we need to talk about what we are going to do. He’s not going to stay away forever.”

“I think we hurt it pretty bad, and it’s going to take at least a week or so to recover.” Jack said as he put down his fork. His appetite had disappeared.

Cabal glanced at Sarah and said, “Wizards can dispatch a wraith if it can be contained long enough.”

“Dispatch?” Nicole said staring at Cabal, “Let’s not sugar coat it, you mean murder, slaughter, kill, remove from existence.”

Jack pulled her to him, taking her in his arms. “Niki, I don’t think we have a choice.”

“Why don’t we Jack? Why aren’t we trying to figure out how to save him? Why can’t we use Ahmity’s incantation, and change Tom into something else like Amity did with us?”

“Nicole,” Sarah interrupted. “Ahmity and I went over that, again and again when we first came to his fortress. It won’t work. It was an isolated opportunity for him to use a counterspell in the presence of Puissant’s magic. He was able to alter the transformation as it occurred, to stop us from becoming what Puissant had planned. Tom’s transformation is complete. The spell won’t work.”

“I just can’t believe there isn’t something we can do. Some spell somewhere that will change him into anything other than a wraith!” Nicole said her face was flushed with anger, as her eyes filled with tears. “Sarah we have to be able to change him into anything, even a wolf, or a moor cat like Pony. Please... what if Hopper had become mean and vicious? Could you have killed him too?” Nicole broke down and sobbed. Jack lifted her off her chair and carried her to bed.

“Baby, you need to calm down.” He said softly, laying her on the bed. “We’ll figure this out. I promise if there is any way to save him we will find it.”

“We have to Jack. We have to talk to him, explain to him what happened...” Nicole sobbed. “I betrayed him. We betrayed him with our love.”

“I know baby, I know.” Jack said softly, as he pulled her into his arms and allowed her to cry, adding, and “I’ll find a way.”

Cabal and Sarah followed them to the bed. After a few minutes, Nicole took a deep breath and pushed back from him, relaxing into the pillows. “Jack, I’m pregnant, not dying, so quit babying me.” She growled at him.

Jack laughed and said, “Now that’s the Nicole I know… Strong and stubborn.” He sat down on the bed next to her and kissed her deeply.

“Nicole,” Sarah came to stand at the end of the bed. “The difference between Hopper and Tom is that trolls aren’t naturally evil. Wraiths are the living dead; they’re fueled by evil. They have no goodness inside them.”

Jack added, “Honestly baby, I’m not sure there’s any part of Tom’s left inside that creature to save.”

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“Now that’s an interesting idea.” Sarah came around to the other side of the bed, sat on the edge next to Nicole and looked back at Cabal asking, “What if there was a small part of Tom still left in the creature?”

“It’s highly unlikely; it’s very evident that Tom is not in control.” Cabal answered, moving to stand next to her.

“But he didn’t become a wraith in the usual way, so let’s say that there is a part of Tom still inside, unable to respond, unable to control the creature. He's being held captive inside a body he can’t control.” Sarah continued.

“Sarah that’s worse than thinking Tom is gone.” Jack protested. “It would be pure torture for him. The man couldn’t even stand to go to a slasher movie, he was too squeamish. I don't want to think of Tom stuck inside that blood sucking fiend, unable to ask for help or stop him from trying to kill us. He’d rather be dead.”

Cabal searched Sarah’s face and asked, “Sarah what are you thinking? Where are you taking this?”

“If and I say if, what I’m saying is true, and Tom’s still in there; it’s possible that we could save him by purging the evil from the wraith. Then the wraith would be gone, and Tom would remain.”

“Is that possible?” Nicole reached out and took Sarah’s hand. “Can you do that?”

“I’m not sure.” Sarah admitted. “I can drain the evil out of talismans, but they aren’t alive. Although the situations are different, the concept is still solid.”

“Okay so what’s the downside?” Jack asked.

Sarah glanced up at Cabal. He turned to Jack and explained. “We’d have to capture the wraith. He’d have to be confined. The process of draining evil from a talisman is difficult and takes a lot of magic. Sarah would have to do it all at once. It’s very dangerous for her.”

“It’s more than that. We’re pretty much going to have to kill it.” Sarah said.

Hopper had heard stories of a Troll village that existed within the netherworld. They were rumored to be as wild and as evil as the creatures that surrounded them. If the renegades have come from the netherworld, there has to be a reason why, after nearly a hundred years, they had returned. What were they looking for and why? Had they been so long that they had forgotten the ways of their people? No troll village had ever refused to help another. All they had to do was ask, and all seven villages would have pulled together to assist them in whatever they needed.

Hopper ran swiftly through the dark, damp tunnels, back toward his village. His mind raced with possibilities. If they were seeking aid, why did they attack his village? No, they were not here for help. They were declaring war, seeking revenge, or looking for

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something. More likely it was the last; they wanted something they thought was in the trolls’ possession.

When Hopper arrived back at his village, the female trolls had returned to begin reconstruction. The males had emptied out Hoppers large hut, and they were using that as temporary quarters for the survivors. Several trolls from the other villages had arrived to offer protection, and assistance. Hopper pulled his six strongest male trolls aside, and ordered them to begin the search for nether beasts.

Hopper left the other trolls to assist with the reconstruction and protection of the village, and returned to the tunnels with his small force to search. Hopper sent half of his men to begin their search at the barrier and move outward from there. He and the remaining trolls began sweeping the outer tunnels back toward the barrier, hoping to trap any beasts between the two search parties.

Days passed with little sign of any intruders. Hopper was beginning to wonder if the trolls hadn’t somehow stopped any creatures from escaping. Then he caught the unfamiliar scent of a dark creature as they reached the dwarfen crossroads. It was weak at first, but grew stronger as they neared the entrance to the underground river. Why hadn’t he thought to search near the river before, all creatures at some point needed water? As Hopper and the three remaining trolls with him reached the small cave that allowed access to the river, the scent grew even stronger.

The usually cool breeze that flowed from the cave was hot and stagnant. The rocks at the entrance to the cave were glowing and giving off intense heat. Hopper and his trolls hesitated and listened for any hint of the creature inside. Hopper was the first to hear the soft sultry tones of a human-like female calling from the cave. Hopper’s trolls followed him in, the hot, red glow of the rocks, sent fiery shadows through the cave. At the edge of the quickly flowing river, a small female form sat. She rose as they approached. The creature was completely naked and looked remarkably like a woodland elf with her long blue-black hair, with the exception of her red, leathery skin, and white glowing eyes.

She was a fire nymph, sultry and dangerous. Hopper slowed his pace toward her, as the trolls moved to form a circle around her. “This place is not for you.” Hopper's deep voice echoed in the cave. The nymph smiled innocently at him. He knew there was nothing innocent about this creature. He stepped closer and said, “If you wish to survive you will call back the fire within you, and we will escort you to the barrier so you can return to your home.”

The water at the edge of the river began to steam as the nymph stretched out her hands, as if to embrace her adversaries. Hopper dove at her, as the other trolls rushed forward. Fire exploded from her eyes as they reached her, completely engulfing the troll to Hoppers right. They fell back, diving behind the glowing stalagmites at the edge of the cave.

Hopper motioned for the others to make their way along the river toward her, as he attempted another communication. Hopper rose, and moved slowly toward her once more, keeping his distance as he spoke. “We can offer you protection and sustenance if you are in need.” He began, “Surely one as beautiful as you would be open to gifts of appreciation and worship.”

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The nymph gazed at him expectantly. “One can only wonder how a golden robe full of sapphires and rubies would look draped over your delicate shoulders. Of course, it would need to be a thin delicate fabric so as not to cover your beauty.” Hopper moved to the right of her, pulling her attention away from the Trolls, as they slowly moved up the river’s edge toward her. “Perhaps you are a goddess, come to rescue us from our boredom and loneliness? You are more beautiful than any other I have ever seen.”

Hopper’s trolls were almost upon her when she spun to face them with a shower of fire and brimstone, as another of Hoppers trolls disintegrated into a pile of ash. Hopper lunged forward striking out with his L-shaped club, smashing it into her temple throwing her into the water. The remaining troll dove in the water after her, taking advantage of the cold water to cool her fiery skin as well as his own burned flesh. But there was no need. She quickly turned as cold as the icy water. Hoppers blow had finished her.

The trolls pulled her lifeless form from the water, as Hopper turned toward the cave entrance. How many more creatures were there, and how many trolls would he lose trying to catch them. There has to be a better way.

Up on the surface, Gravid and Talania struggled to bathe Mikado next to the large fireplace in their home. His hairy little body was matted, and stunk of urine. The newborn squeaked and squirmed against their efforts. He was pretty feisty for having been in the world for such a short time. Mikado’s head was much larger than an elf child’s yet it seemed small for a troll. His squeaks and squeals were much like that of an elven infant, as Talania laid him in the narrow pan she’d used to bathe all 7 of their children. Using a mild soap made from a cactus-like plant, she grew in her garden. Talania gently rubbed the bubbly mixture into Mikado’s soft fur. Her heart went out to the tiny creature, having no mother to love and soothe him.

She cooed and sang to him, as she gently washed away the stink of his long journey. Soon Mikado relaxed, and began to giggle and coo back to Talania. Gravid finished warming the bucket of fresh, clean, water to rinse him with, and brought it over. Talania gently lifted Mikado from the soapy water, and Gravid slowly poured the warm rinse water over him. Then wrapping him in a large cotton blanket, Talania handed him to Gravid and lifted the wash basin to dump out back in the small creek that flowed behind their winter home.

The fall wind was stirring, sending a cool breeze across the forest, as Talania walked to the creek. She dumped the dark soapy water onto the grassy incline that led to the creek, to keep the soap from entering the stream. As the basin emptied of water, Talania noticed a large clump of hair at the bottom. “Oh dear,” She said with a frown. “Perhaps the soap was too strong.”

She walked back to the house with the clump of hair that filled her hand, and moved to examine Mikado. Gravid had fluffed and dried the furry little infant as best he could, and was laying him down on the kitchen table to diaper him before an accident caused him to need another bath. Talania came up beside him and picked up the cotton blanket Gravid had used to dry Mikado with. She opened it up before her, and gasped when she found it covered in the infant’s hair-like fur.

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Gravid’s eyes opened wide. “Did we do that?” He asked, gazing down at Mikado and rubbing his furry tummy.

“I’m not sure, perhaps shedding is normal.” Talania said, tickling Mikado under the chin, as he began to squirm and fuss. “Let’s just try to avoid another bath for a while. Perhaps trolls don’t bathe. Perhaps they are like cats; they groom in other ways.”

“I have great respect for Hopper, my love. But if you think I’m going to lick that baby clean, you are out of your lovely mind.” Gravid stared at Talania.

She laughed and kissed him, saying, “We will find another way, my darling husband.”

“Too bad Pony’s not here.” Gravid chuckled softly, as he wrapped a fresh leather loin cloth around Mikado’s diaper.

Talania picked up Mikado and cradled him in her arms. “The children are all coming for dinner. They want to meet Mikado, and it’s been a while since we had a family meal. It’s getting a bit cold outside, so we had better prepare for an inside meal.” She placed Mikado in a large crib near the fireplace, and turned to face Gravid. “Manda and Deb are in the attic looking for chairs, and the extra leaves for the kitchen table. I sent Caleb out to the garden to gather the last of the carrots and tomatoes. If you could pull the side of venison out of the basement, I will stoke the fire in the stove to roast the meat and potatoes. Shorey is bringing a large salad and dessert. Nyar’s wife is bringing all sorts of bread and sweet rolls.”

“And little Nana?” Gravid smiled at her. “What task has been assigned to her?”

Talania turned and motioned toward the large sofa at the far end of the room where his youngest daughter lay sleeping. Her long, blue-black hair was all that could be seen from under the pile of blankets and pillows that surrounded the tiny five year old. “She’s assigned herself the task of Mikado’s caretaker for the evening.” Talania smiled softly at her daughter. She was looking forward to the gathering of her children and grandchildren. Talania just didn’t feel complete until they were all gathered around her.

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Chapter Seven

“Nicole, I’m not kidding.” Sarah stood in the doorway, blocking Nicole’s exit. “You have dilated to 3 centimeters and the baby is breach. You have to stay in bed.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and gazed outside at Jack and Cabal as the saddled their horses and prepared to depart. “Sarah, I’m fine.” Nicole began.

“Not another word.” Sarah interrupted her. “They are just going on a scouting mission. They are going to try to gauge whether or not Tom has recovered, and where he might be hiding. They’ll be fine.”

“I want pony to go with them.” Nicole said as she allowed Sarah to lead her back to bed.

“If you promise me you’ll stay in bed, I’ll go talk to them about it. Then when I come back, I’ve got a surprise for you.” Sarah smiled and tucked some pillows behind Nicole’s head.

“It’s so boring, and hot and stuffy in here; can we at least open the shutters?” Nicole moaned, pushing the covers off her.

“Okay,” Sarah opened the shutters on the other side of the bed, and the far end of the cottage, to allow a breeze through the cabin. “I’ll leave the door open as well.” She called over her shoulder, as she headed through the front door.

Jack and Cabal were securing the stables as she approached. Cabal smiled at Sarah, and reached out to pull her to him. Jack grinned as the couple embraced with a long kiss. They had snuggled all night on the large sofa in the small living area of the cabin. Jack made a mental note to find a way to give them some privacy tonight.

He turned to walk to the horses giving them a moment. Cabal found it hard to release her, but he knew they had to go. It would take several hours to reach the ridge at the far end of the lake, and they wanted to make sure they were back before dark.

“How is Nicole?” Cabal asked, “She is not going to be easy to handle today.”

Sarah smiled and said, “I’ve got this. She’s going to be fine. I’ve got an activity planned.”

Cabal laughed and turned toward Jack. “Sarah says she has Nicole under control.”

“Will wonders never cease?” Jack said laughing. “I give it two hours before Nicole finds a way to get the two of you outside and into the garden or fishing off the dock.”

Sarah smiled. “We shall see.” She walked Cabal to his stallion and kissed him goodbye. “Nicole wants you to take Pony.”

“Not today,” Jack answered. “Pony gets a bit out of control when Tom is near. We don’t want to start the battle before we are ready.” Jack mounted his tan mare and winked at Sarah. “Besides, I’ll rest easier knowing he’s here with you two. Good luck!”

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Cabal reached down and touched Sarah’s cheek. “We'll be fine. Just stay close to the cabin and to Pony. He’ll alert you if something’s not right. If anything happens send a pillar of that green light of yours up in the sky, and we’ll come running.”

Sarah smiled at him and nodded her consent, then headed back to the cabin as Pony appeared from behind the stables and trotted up beside her. “Well Pony boy, our hardest task ever is at hand.” Sarah patted him on the head as they walked up the steps toward the door.

Nicole was now sitting on the sofa next to the window, looking out over the front grass. Sarah didn’t say a word since Nicole was sitting with her feet up. As Pony sauntered silently over to greet his mistress, Sarah moved to the closet to pull out her saddle bag. Choosing a chair from the kitchen table, she tossed the saddle bag over her shoulder and carried the chair to sit it next to Nicole.

Nicole stared at her and said, “Pony was supposed to go with them.”

Sarah smiled at Nicole and sat down in the chair, pulling her saddle bag off her shoulder and onto her lap and said, “Apparently Pony has a mind of his own when Tom is around. Jack was concerned Pony would start the fight before we were ready. However, he did agree that Pony would go with them when it was time.” Sarah opened her saddle bag and pulled out a large delicately embroidered bag. “In the meantime, I have your surprise.” She smiled at Nicole and handed her the bag.

Nicole stared at Sarah with raised eyebrows and accepted the bag. It was a large green cotton bag that had a bouquet of flowers stitched in yarn on the front, with a rounded wooden handle. Nicole opened the bag and pulled out several balls of pastel colored yarn and a large pair of knitting needles. “I’m having a baby,” Nicole protested, “Not being admitted into a nursing home.”

Sarah laughed and snatched the needles from Nicole’s hand. “I thought you and I would knit a blanket for the baby.”

“I don’t knit.” Nicole answered flatly.

Sarah smiled and said, “Neither do I.” Suddenly the needles and yarn flew from their hands to float in the air before them. “Have you chosen a theme yet?” Sarah asked, as Nicole began to smile.

It was difficult to keep Pony from pawing at the air as the needles flew to work, moving back and forth across the room in the wake of a pair of scissors, as yarn fragments seemed to rain about them. Sarah motioned for the closet door, and the wooden pieces of the crib flew across room to assemble themselves before Nicole.

Sarah began to dance around the room, waving her arms about to toss the falling yarn fragments at Nicole, as the baby blanket began to form in front of them. Pony jumped up and abruptly left the cabin, as Nicole started to laugh at Sarah’s antics. “Bippity Boppity boo!” Sarah said jumping into the air as a large teddy bear began to form in the center of the yellow and green bordered blanket. This sent Nicole into spasms of laughter.

By the time Sarah’s magic show was complete Nicole’s baby had its crib, a blanket and a complete layette set. It included a long-sleeve yellow nightgown, night cap and a pair of

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booties; all with coordinating white lace trim. Sarah and Nicole held up each item gazing in wonder at its tiny size. Sarah reached over and hugged Nicole saying, “Happy baby shower.”

Tears came to Nicole’s eyes as she looked at the only woman she’d ever felt close enough to call a sister. She hugged Sarah back and gazed into her eyes and said softly, “I think I peed myself.”

Sarah wanted to laugh at Nicole’s statement but instead she stared at her, all joviality was gone. “Your water broke?” She said as Nicole’s face showed alarm, and she buckled over in pain.

Jack and Cabal rode steadily, moving out of the valley and up onto the mountain. They reached the canyon quickly with no sign of Tom, and continued on toward the ridge that overlooked the lake. As they reached the base of the ridge, a horrible stench hung in the air. They drew their swords and dismounted, as the horses became restless. Securing the horses to a nearby tree, they moved deeper into the trees at the base of the ridge. Cabal found the carcass first. It was a large wolf; its throat had been ripped out. Its bloodless body was left otherwise unmarred.

Jack and Cabal looked at each other, and then silently moved further up the rise to the top of the ridge. Cabal glanced at the sky and said, “Half the days gone. We’ve got about 3 hours to find Tom’s lair then we’ve got to head back.”

Jack nodded, and they climbed back down to the base of the ridge. The carcass was surrounded by wolf tracks. “It looks like they may have attacked him.” Jack said, judging by the amount of tracks. “One probably got too close and he took it.”

“Wolves are pretty smart; they wouldn’t have attacked him if they didn’t think they could take him down. I think he may have come across them by accident but was too weak to fly away. “Cabal answered motioning for the trees to their right. “The tracks head that way. Let’s go take a look.”

They untied the horses and walked them into the dense layer of trees, not wanting to leave them alone with a wolf pack in the area. They followed the wolf tracks mixed with Tom’s footprints. Jack frowned at the tracks, “They chased him after he killed and drained the blood out of one of their pack? That doesn’t make sense. What did they do? Just stand there and watch him feast?”

Cabal dropped the reins of his horse and looked at Jack and said, “I think you’ve got it backward.” Cabal pointed ahead of them as the trees appeared to have thinned. Lying in the sparse grass was another dead wolf.

They tied the horses to a nearby tree and moved closer. As they reached the corpse, they could see another lying not too far from the first, then another and another. The trees had been broken and splintered. Cabal’s blood ran cold as he realized these wolves had been slaughtered, and their blood spilled, not drained. “Jack,” He whispered, “We’ve got a real problem.” Jack shook his head; he saw it too. “Take off their heads and then we’ve got to

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burn them...” Cabal began then froze as the wolf began to twitch. “Move!” He shouted sprinting for the next wolf as the one before Jack struggled to rise.

Jack took its head with one swift blow, and then ran for the next wolf that had gotten to its feet. It turned to see his approach too late as Jack’s second blow removed its head. Jack turned to find Cabal heading for the fourth wolf having dispatched the last one as another rose and started for him. Jack shouted to Cabal and ran forward. Instantly they found themselves surrounded by half a dozen black-eyed wolf wraiths.

“Stand back to back!” Cabal growled, “Don’t let them draw blood, or we’re dead.”

As the wolves began to close in, Jack scowled, pulled his knife from his belt and said, “No damn dog is going to keep me from seeing my first born son.” The wolves attacked as one. Cabal and Jack kept their backs to each other determined to survive. Suddenly a loud roar came from the trees behind the horses. They screamed in horror as a black blur soared past them and ripped through the wolves, killing two instantly. Pony spun and arched his back to dive onto the wolf closest to Jack, ripping its head from its shoulders. Cabal drove his sword into the chest of another as it tried to jump out of Pony’s path. Pony dove onto the side of another, as Jack and Cabal joined forces against the remaining wolf. Pony dashed between them before they could attack and sunk his jaws into the wolf’s throat, crushing its windpipe and ripping it from its body.

Jack and Cabal stood staring at Pony as he dropped the wolf’s throat at their feet. Jack grinned, patted Pony on the head and said, “From now on I’m taking you everywhere I go!”

Cabal reached out and rubbed Pony’s head. “You can have my dinner tonight, you’ve earned it.”

Cabal glanced at Jack and then the splintered trees and said, “We can build a fire here.”

The Troll Council stood around the milky pool listening to Hopper intently. Hopper’s voice was urgent and insistent as he explained, foregoing the customary speech patterns of the council, “The barrier was breached from within the netherworld. The netherworld creatures we have discovered appear to be strategically placed to cause the most disturbances and require the utmost effort and sacrifice to defeat. I believe these renegades are part of more than a simple uprising. I believe these invaders from the netherworld have a purpose. My village has lost three of our best warriors in an effort to vanquish or capture the creatures they have released into the tunnels. We are not strong enough to continue on this path.”

The council stood silently waiting for Hopper to continue. They asked no questions, offered no opinions. They simply stood there waiting. Hopper looked from one to the other around the circle. He sighed and said, “None of this is a surprise to any of you. What is it you are not telling me?” Hopper stared at Malaga. “None of this comes as a surprise to you, why?” Hopper stepped forward, toward the others. “Am I part of this council? Am I not to be privy to all information concerning our people?” Hopper became increasingly agitated at their silence.

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Minous stepped forward and said, “Deception is not our goal. Invaders indeed are the renegades as you have described. Consternation has begun on their purpose. Decisiveness is critical. Preparation for war is necessary. Invasion is possible.”

Hopper watched as Minous seemed to age in front of his eyes. The realization that these trolls came from the netherworld was almost too much for the elderly troll. “Action should be taken.” Hopper offered calmly. “Concentration on reinforcing the barrier is urgent. Preparation should be on weapons and evacuation of the young and elderly and to safer quarters is critical.”

Minous nodded his head. “Investigation and interrogation are our most valuable assets.”

“Organization of a search for the invaders should be planned. Randomization of a search will not be effective.” Hopper said, moving back to take his place at the council circle. The others did the same.

Progress was slow convincing the troll council to allow Hopper to send teams out to the edge of their tunnel network. Hopper wanted to create a net that would force the renegades back toward the barrier where they would either surrender or die. He explained that if the renegades resisted surrender they need only insure that one or two of the invaders survived long enough for interrogation. Regardless, they must be found, and their purpose determined before any further invaders attempted to breach the barrier again.

Hopper suspected that Minous, if not others, had a good idea what the invaders were after, but he would not say. Once Hopper had these so called renegades under control, he was going to have a long talk with Minous. With the winter coming, the younglings and the elderly would not be able to survive on the surface. The trolls were acclimated to the 60 degree year round temperatures of the tunnels and caves. Extreme temperatures for an extended period of time were dangerous if not fatal to a troll. Hopper convinced the council to turn control and the capture of the renegades over to him and the evacuation of the young and elderly to Minous.

Hopper quickly designated a third of the Troll warriors to assist with and protect the evacuation. A large cavern on the outer edge of the tunnel system was chosen as a safe location for the 7 villages to use until the search and determination were made as to the extent of the threat caused by the invaders. The cavern offered one main entrance with a small concealed exit that led to the surface to escape.

Hopper dispersed the remaining trolls into eight groups and sent them to the far reaches of the tunnels. Hopper took the last group with him to the barrier. There was more to his plan than he shared with the council.

By the time Cabal and Jack arrived back at the cabin, Sarah had Nicole snuggled deep into the pillow on the bed. She stopped protesting her inability to go outside for fresh air as her contractions continued. Sarah cut up the remaining venison from the previous evening and made a stew with some of the vegetables from their last harvest. She dashed outside to the garden to dig up a few potatoes and pull up the last few carrots. Nicole had a drawer

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full of wild mushrooms that Sarah added to the stew, and let the batch simmer. Jack was sitting with Nicole, so Sarah went to help Cabal rub down the horses.

A light snow was falling on the thick grass as Cabal and Sarah stood at the stable door and watched the sun set behind the mountains. Cabal ran his hand down Sarah’s back and around her waist and said, “We had a hard time today. The wraith was nowhere in sight, but his handiwork was very apparent.” He began, not wanting to give her the full details. She had enough on her mind.

“What happened, “Sarah asked turning toward him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Pony helped us with a few wolves.” Cabal said in a matter of fact tone. “He’s quite an impressive fighter.”

“I guess I scared him off when I was giving Nicole her baby shower.” Sarah smiled. “We had quite a little shindig going on.”

Cabal laughed, “I can only imagine what the two of you came up with.”

“Just a little creative knitting.” Sarah giggled. “Come on inside and I’ll show you.”

The large snowflakes began to fall faster blanketing the yard and trees in a thick layer of snow. The lake began to ice over as a thin layer began to form. Sarah and Cabal quickly rubbed down and fed the horses, then secured the stable doors and ran for the cabin. Nicole was asleep when they arrived; Jack was finishing a bowl of the stew still sitting in the rocking chair next to his sleeping wife. He looked a mess. His hair was mussed. He had dark circles under his eyes.

Jack smiled at them as he sopped up the last bit of stew with some bread and said, “Niki was pretty tired. She said to tell you the contractions are pretty mild and far apart so you should get some sleep.”

“Labor takes a long time, Jack,” Sarah said coming over to give him a hug. “It could be tomorrow evening before anything even starts to happen. You should get some sleep too.”

Jack nodded and said, “Ok, I’ll wake you if they get worse. I'm sorry I can’t offer you something better than the sofa.”

Cabal took the bowl from Jack and said, “Sarah and I are fine. We are not rushing anything so don’t feel bad.”

Jack didn’t bother to undress; he climbed into bed and snuggled up to Nicole as they headed to the table for dinner. Pony scratched at the door, and Sarah let him in. The large cat went directly to Jack and Nicole’s bedside, curled up on the floor and went to sleep.

Sarah and Cabal filled their bowls with stew and went to sit on the sofa. Cabal snatched a stick from the kindling box and lit the lantern on the small end table near the sofa. They ate in the dim light talking quietly, trying to give Jack a chance to fall asleep without distraction.

Sarah said, “There’s something you should know about trying to save Tom.” She began, “I didn’t want to mention this in front of Jack but Ahmity taught me this spell, and it has to be cast at the moment of death.”

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Cabal finished his bowl and set it down on the floor at the end of the sofa. “Sarah, you don’t have to explain it to me. Puissant sent many creatures after the talisman he thought would bring him back. We killed every single wraith, demon, and gargoyle. I know how to kill a wraith. You cut off their wings; they are the source of their power.”

“I’ll have to use as little magic as possible, right up to the moment of the spell, because the magic requires a lot of energy. It will take everything I have to cast it.” Sarah cautioned. “So I won’t be able to help you capture him.”

“With Pony’s help, I’m certain Jack and I can bring him down. We just have to figure out how to get him back here to the cabin before he dies. The last thing I want to do is place Nicole and the baby in danger.”

“If things get too hairy I can cast a barrier spell over the cabin that Tom won’t be able to breach easily. But again, I won’t use my magic unless it’s desperate.”

Cabal took the empty bowl from her hands and placed it on the floor next to his. Pulling her close, he said, “Promise me one thing, if any of us are injured by the wraith you won’t allow any of us to come back as a wraith. You will use the fireball at the first sign of the infection.”

“Oh Cabal,” Sarah buried her head in his chest. “Don’t say that. Don’t even think it.”

“Sarah, I’ve seen it happen and it’s a torturous death. You would be doing the victim a favor by ending it quickly.” Cabal cupped her chin in his hand and raised her head to face him. “Promise me.”

Tears filled her eyes as she said, “I promise I won’t let any of you suffer.”

The night was uneventful as Sarah and Cabal slept in each other’s arms on the small sofa. Nicole awoke first and opened the shutters to let in the light. A blissful scene greeted her through the frosty window. The snow kept falling through the night, blanketing the mountains with its white crystalline layers. Three feet of snow blanketed the area between the cottage and the stables. Sarah and Cabal sat up as the sunlight lit up the tiny cottage with a warm glow. Jack stretched and yawned as he climbed out of the bed. Pony padded over to the front door and gazed at Nicole for assistance.

“Pony hates the winter time. He would be much happier if we could install some sort of giant doggie door!” Nicole laughed opening the door. Her laughter stopped abruptly as Pony leapt over a set of footprints in the snow across their front porch.

Jack was at her side in an instant followed quickly by Cabal, each sporting their swords. Nicole backed away slowly allowing them access to the porch. Jack took one look and went to the closet to grab his boots. Cabal followed him and said, “Wraiths are strong. If he’d wanted to get in, a locked door would not have stopped him.”

“This is my home, Cabal. He’s toying with us.” Jack snapped at him. “That business with the wolves wasn’t an accident. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it’s time we put an end to it before it gets too far out of control.” Jack shoved on his boots, grabbed a heavy coat out of the closet and headed out the door.

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Cabal dug in the closet and found a heavy jacket and threw it on as Sarah tossed him his boots and heavy wool blanket. One quick worried glance at Sarah and he raced after him. Jack was attacking the snow in front of the stable door with fury. Shoving the snow aside with his feet until he could get the door open wide enough the slip through. Cabal glanced quickly around for any sign of Tom and found none. He reached the stables as Jack emerged with a shovel and started removing the rest of the snow from the doorway.

“Saddle the horses,” He barked at Cabal. Cabal knew there was no changing Jack’s mind and frankly he agreed with them. They needed to finish this.

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Chapter Eight

Trolls were known for their stamina and strength. Talania had no idea it started so soon after birth. Tiny little Mikado wanted to be fed every two hours and slept for only a few minutes at a time. The combination of the two had Talania up all night. When Gravid rose at sunrise, she handed the toddler size newborn to him and went to bed. Gravid stared after her as she disappeared into the bed chambers.

Little Nana climbed down from the children’s loft bed chamber and walked over to Gravid holding her hands out to him. “Good morning, child.” Gravid said with a smile as Mikado began to fuss. “I’m afraid I don’t have a free hand to hold you.”

Nana shook her head and said, “Gimme Mikado. I want to feed him. Gravid led Nana to the living area and had her sit on the long sofa. He laid Mikado on her lap. The large infant was nearly as big as Nana, but she snuggled him and sang a soft lullaby while Gravid warmed the bottle of Goats milk in a pot of boiling water on a large stove in the kitchen. Once Nana had Mikado fed, Gravid got her dressed and wrapped Mikado in a warm blanket. “Let’s go visit your sister.” He declared and they headed out into the cool fall air.

Gravid’s daughter Shorey was tall for a female woodland elf. She stood almost a head taller than her mother. Her long blue-black hair fell softly around her delicate face and pointed ears. One look at her father, Nana, and the bundle they carried, and Shorey smiled as she let them in the door. “Mother needs a rest?” She said as she took Mikado and followed them into the rustic living area decorated in various shades of green and brown. She sat down on the sofa, and Nana helped her uncover Mikado from his blanket.

“Where is Rorett?” Gravid asked, glancing around for Shorey’s husband of 5 years.

“He went hunting,” Shorey said, then added with a gasp as she opened Mikado’s blanket. “Papa, you brought him out in this cold weather in only a diaper?”

Gravid looked at her with surprise and said, “That’s a warm blanket and the youngling is covered in fur. He’s hardly naked.”

“Oh yes he is!” Nana squealed in laughter opening the blanket to reveal Mikado’s blanket was full of fur; his tiny body was nearly hairless. His pink skin was covered in sparse blotches of blonde and brown air.

“Nana!” Gravid said sternly, “What did you do?”

“Papa!” Shorey berated him, “Mother said he was shedding, but this is excessive especially for so late in the year. Something is wrong. We have to get him back to the trolls.”

“No, it’s not safe due to the war.” Gravid rose and began to pace. “Mikado is the only family Hopper has; we must find out what is wrong and heal him.” Gravid turned back to face his daughters as they sat on the sofa staring up at him. “We need Ahmity.”

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When Shorey returned to her small cabin on the edge of the woodland village; her three-year old son was chasing Nana around the small living room. Gravid was still pacing the floor as Mikado lay on a blanket on the sofa, giggling at the two children as they pounced and jumped about. Nana had dressed Mikado in a little blue jumpsuit that Shorey’s son Gries had outgrown a few months ago. Ahmity stood in the doorway behind Shorey and smiled at the family chaos. Shorey took his heavy robe and placed it over a kitchen chair, then chased the two children up the ladder at the far end of the living area and into Gries’ bed chamber.

Ahmity picked up Mikado and examined him. “Curious,” He said, glancing at Gravid. “Is he eating?”

“Yes,” Gravid came to stand beside Ahmity and gazed down at Mikado. “He has a hearty appetite.”

“Gravid, I don’t know what to say.” Ahmity handed Mikado to him. “He appears to be healthy and happy. Perhaps this is something troll infants do?”

“You don’t know?” Gravid stared at him in astonishment.

“Gravid, I know very little about trolls. They are an isolated breed. They keep to themselves and share very little with those on the surface.” Ahmity said, sitting down on the sofa. “Your visit with Hopper in his village has given you more knowledge of the trolls than I shall ever possess.”

“Perhaps we should try to get word to Hopper regardless.” Gravid began to pace again. “Could you call his bat? We could attach a message to him, and he could deliver it.”

“I believe that is possible.” Ahmity accepted the tea that Shorey brought to him. Then she took Mikado from Gravid and headed into the kitchen.

Shorey called to them from the kitchen table where she sat feeding Mikado saying, “Papa, why don’t you go with Ahmity to fetch the bat and I’ll keep Mikado tonight to give mother some rest. Tell Hopper to come see me if he wants to fetch him.”

Jack closed the stables and locked them after Cabal brought the horses out into the cold air. They mounted and began a search around the immediate area for any sign of the wraith. Pony trotted along behind them. Sarah secured the door and closed the shutters as Nicole settled onto the sofa and propped her feet up as a contraction tightened her stomach. She grimaced and said, “I wish Hopper were here. They could use his help.”

Cabal rode beside Jack as they finished a quick canvas around the small ranch. They headed up the rise to make their way through the canyon to the other side of the mountain; before they reached the top of the rise a trail of blood appeared just inside the tree line to their left. Pony dashed into the woods and reappeared dragging a dead coyote. Jack looked to Cabal and asked, “How long does it take before it comes back to life?”

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“This one will not.” Cabal said, “It has been drained of blood. Only the ones that are injured and die from the wraith’s infection come back.”

“I don’t understand.” Jack growled, turning his horse back to head toward the top of the rise.

“When you said that the wraith left the wolves on purpose, you were right. If he kills his prey, they will not turn. If he leaves them alive after his attack, they will die a slow agonizing death and return as a wraith. That’s why you cannot let him or any of those creatures injure you. Even the slightest scratch will infect you. If the venom gets into your blood, you are doomed.”

“How do you stop it?” Jack asked as they reached the top of the rise and headed toward the canyon.

“You can’t, there is no cure… and there is more.” Cabal said quietly. “Wraiths retain just enough of their memory to recall the scent of their loved ones. Only this memory is twisted into a thirst for blood.”

Jack turned to look at Cabal. “You’re saying that the reason why Tom is after Nicole and me is because he was so close to us in his real life?”

“Yes,” Cabal met his gaze.

“And if I were to be turned I’d go right for Nicole and the baby?”

“Yes, then Sarah and I, and then you would be forced to seek out Hopper and anyone else you’ve gotten close to here.”

Jack got a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Don’t let that happen.” He pulled his mare to a stop. They sat looking at each other in silence for a moment.

“Then we understand each other.” Cabal agreed, and they continued on and into the canyon in silence.

The blanket of snow was unbroken; the mountains were covered with a thick layer of snow in all directions. Yet the beauty of their surroundings went unnoticed as the two continued on through the canyon. The air was cold but still, no breeze moved through the canyon. The snow was stiff; it crunched as the horses walked on its slightly firm surface. Jack and Cabal rounded the last bend of the narrow canyon to find an elk carcass lying across the exit of the canyon. The elk was as the coyote, drained of blood. Cabal dismounted and examined the corpse. “It is still warm. This happened recently. The wraith is not far.”

As if in response Pony snarled and dashed past them in a flash, headed toward the ridge just beyond that overlooked the lake. Cabal mounted his horse quickly, and they raced after as Pony disappeared over the rise. Pony’s snarls could be heard as they reached the base of the ridge. Jumping off their horses Jack and Cabal drew their swords and headed up the rise.

Cabal whispered, “We need to cut off his wings. It will weaken him. It’s the only way to deal the final blow.”

Jack hesitated for only a moment. He didn’t like the idea of killing Tom, but they had to bring him near death before Sarah could pull all the evil out of him. Jack nodded his head in

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agreement and added, “We’ve got to get him to chase us back toward the cabin. We’re too far away to reach Sarah in time.”

Cabal reached the top of the ridge and stopped abruptly. Jack could no longer hear Pony’s snarls. He reached the top and stared in disbelief as Tom’s winged form flew off over the lake toward the cabin. The lake was over half a mile wide and had a thin layer of ice forming on top.

“Sarah!” Cabal screamed, but the distance was too great. His voice was lost over the lake.

Jack was frozen in his tracks. He knew it would take hours to travel back through the canyon and down the mountain to reach them. But there was no way to cross the lake. “Pony, Go!” He ordered, praying the cat knew a faster way. Pony ran down the ridge toward the water then veered off to the right and disappeared through the trees. Jack and Cabal raced after him.

The afternoon sun was falling behind the mountains as Nicole climbed into bed to surrender to the contractions. They were now two minutes apart and felt as if the next one began as soon the last ended. Sarah had sterilized a pair of scissors, her small dirk and some string in a pot of boiling water and had changed the bedding. She convinced Nicole to take a sponge bath with a touch of vinegar in the water to aid in killing germs.

“Where are they?” Nicole gasped as a contraction began to lessen. “They should be back by now!”

“I’m sure they’re on their way.” Sarah soothed. “It’s still early and Pony is with them. They’ll be alright. Right now we need to concentrate on you and the baby. You’re almost ready to start pushing, and you know Jack would be a mess right now anyway. Let’s get this done, and save him the embarrassment of passing out.”

Nicole tried to laugh but was interrupted by another contraction. This time she wanted to push. As they prepared to bring new life into the world a sudden pounding noise coming from outside. Suddenly a crash and the sound of splintering wood could be heard. Nicole and Sarah looked at each other in alarm. Then the horses started to scream.

Sarah gasped, “Nicole, where is the talisman you found in the troll tunnels?”

Nicole was breathing hard; she answered in gasps, “Bedside... table...”

Sarah rushed to the small table next to the bed and opened the small drawer in the front. Inside was a familiar leather pouch. Sarah snatched it from the drawer and rushed back to Nicole. She pulled the oblong green crystal out of the pouch as the horses screams escalated causing her heart to pound in her ears. Sarah lifted the talisman in the air and sent a barrier of protection around the house. In her mind, she pictured the glowing green barrier enveloping the entire cottage including under the floorboards, as well.

“Under the bed,” Nicole growled fighting the urge to push, “Under the bed!”

Sarah stared at her not understanding. Then realized what Nicole was saying and fell to the floor to peer under the bed. She pulled out Nicole’s bow, quiver and sword and placed them on the end of the bed.

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“Get your sword!” Nicole growled again, gasping for air as another contraction hit. “The horses!” Nicole’s face was screwed up in a combination of pain and the agony of listening to the dying screams of her black stallion. Nicole’s eyes began to glow as her protective magic began to surface at the presence of an enemy.

Sarah’s blood turned to ice as the horses screams continued to fill the air. She rushed to the small storage closet and pulled the small, thin, silver sword Cabal had given her out of its sheath and ran back to the bed. “He won’t break my barrier easily!” She said, “But I can’t help the horses... the stables are too far away!” Sarah’s eyes filled with tears as the horses’ screams lessened slightly.

One of them was gone.

Nicole moaned as another contraction reached its peak. “Push!” She ordered as horror filled her. “Push!” Sarah tried not to scream as Nicole began to push the small life inside her into Sarah’s hands.

Pony sped into the clearing in front of the cabin, and dove into the stables, roaring loudly. Sarah heard his cry and burst into tears. “Pony! Nicole its Pony!”

Nicole was beyond comprehension as she pushed her baby’s head into the cool cabin air with a loud scream of pain and relief. Sarah took a deep breath ignored the tears streaming down her face to grasp hold of the infant's head and say, “One more big push!”

The commotion from outside was unbearable as Tom’s screams combined with the horses and Pony’s roars filled the air. Jack and Cabal could hear the horse’s screams as they struggled through the snow in the growing darkness. They could not, dare not, speak as they pressed forward through the dense trees with all their might. As they cleared the trees and sprinted into the clearing in front of the cottage, they could see the soft glow of the barrier around it. Cabal hesitated, grabbing Jack to stop him from rushing between the cabin and the stables. The barrier was solid around the cottage, so the girls were fine. The commotion from the stables, however, had stopped.

Jack couldn’t help himself; he screamed at the cabin, “Nicole, we are here!” As he finished, the air filled with the cries of a tiny baby. Jack’s eyes lit up, and he smiled through his gasps for air after their long run. “I’m a daddy!” He turned to smile at Cabal. Cabal’s expression did not match Jack’s.

Cabal dove into Jack knocking him off his feet as a whoosh of wings and claws narrowly missed Jack’s head. Cabal yelled at Jack, “You are going to die before you see your baby if you don’t open your eyes and deal with the wraith!”

Jack rolled away from Cabal, and they both jumped to their feet as Pony raced out of the stables and flew through the air to meet Tom as he dove toward Jack again. The impact sent Pony and Tom reeling through the air to land in a blur of claws and teeth in the middle of the clearing. Cabal didn’t hesitate; he ran toward them with his sword flashing as Pony’s snarls mixed with Tom’s. Jack moved forward slowly. He couldn’t tell where Tom ended, and Pony began. The fight was too swift as they rolled across the snow.

“The wings!” Cabal yelled striking out and slashing off the tip of one wing.

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Tom screamed as he managed to get under Pony with his clawed feet and toss him into the air, slamming him against the front of the stables. Jack and Cabal attacked as one before Tom could get to his feet. Jack took half of the wraith’s right wing off as he rushed forward, careful to avoid his deadly claws. Cabal kicked the wraith in the face in an attempt to keep him down as Jack sliced away nearly all of his left wing.

The wraith flew into a rage and rolled violently away from his two attackers. Pony staggered to his feet then quickly recovered to dive into the wraith as he rose to his feet. The impact threw the wraith into Cabal, and the three of them rolled across the snow away from Jack. Pony’s fury matched that of the wraith, allowing Cabal to break free and scramble to his feet before the wraith had time to latch onto him.

Jack sprinted for the stables and quickly reappeared with a coil of rope. He tossed one end to Cabal as he reached the struggle before him. They both looped the ends of the rope and tossed it toward the wraith and Pony as they struggled. Jack managed to catch one of the wraiths legs in a large loop and struggled to tighten it quickly as Cabal tossed his toward the wraiths head. Pony sunk his teeth into its shoulder as Cabals rope missed its mark. He quickly retrieved it and tossed it again as Pony forced the wraith to the ground.

Suddenly a scream of pain came from the cabin. Jack’s head jerked up in alarm as his eyes met Cabal’s. They could do nothing but hang on to the wraith. “What does that mean?” Jack asked Cabal, not expecting an answer. Cabal kept his line taught and began to back toward the trees.

Jack couldn’t concentrate. Nicole was screaming in pain, but the baby had been born. His breath was coming in gasps; he desperately wanted to run to her. Instead, he forced himself to focus on the wraith as Cabal pulled it closer to the trees, Jack ordered Pony, “Drag him toward the trees!” Pony obeyed, digging his teeth deeper into the wraith as it clawed at him and screamed in rage. Pony dragged the wraith's writhing body toward Cabal. As soon as Cabal reached the tree line, he secured his rope to the nearest tree and rushed toward the wraith.

“No!” Jack shouted, as Cabal raised his sword to strike. “It should be me!” Cabal nodded at Jack and struck only to remove the last of Tom’s right wing, then his left. Moving past the screaming wraith, Cabal took the rope from Jack and pulled it hard to keep it as immobile as possible as Jack approached him.

Jack stared down at the monster that had once been his friend. “I’m sorry Tom,” Jack said as Pony released him and moved back. The wraith’s eyes met Jacks, there was nothing there but hatred. It lurched toward Jack, and he struck out with his sword. The blade penetrated the wraiths chest just above his heart. Jack needed him to die slowly, so Sarah had a chance to save him. It collapsed back into the snow, and Jack spun to sprint toward the cabin. “Pony, stay!” Jack yelled over his shoulder as he ran.”

“Sarah!” Cabal yelled toward the house, “Release the field!”

The green glow vanished as Jack reached the steps. Sarah opened the door just as he reached it. “Everything is okay, Jack.” Sarah said, hurriedly rushing past him. Jack ran into the cabin as Sarah ran down the steps toward the wraith.

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Jack’s heart was beating so loud in his ears he couldn’t hear what Sarah said. All he knew was that he had to get to Nicole. When he sprang through the door and rushed to her bedside, his eyes filled with tears, and he collapsed to his knees next to the bed. Nicole lay in the bed holding a baby in each arm. “Twins, my love.” Nicole said with an exhausted smile. “A boy, and a girl. Melissa and Jordan”

Jack pulled himself to his feet and sat on the bed next to her staring at his beautiful wife. “Baby, I was so worried about you.” He whispered, and then kissed her. “I love you so much.”

Magic flew from Sarah’s fingertips in a rush of green sparkling light as she raced to purge Tom of the evil that plagued him. Screams of rage and agony poured out of Tom as the wraith inside him fought to remain. Pony stood over the wraith on guard as Sarah neared. Wave after wave of magic slammed into Tom as he writhed on the ground. Sarah moved closer and fell to her knees in front of Tom. She increased the strength of her attack despite the pounding in her temples. Pony backed away as Tom began to thrash violently. Cabal dropped the rope and came to stand beside her, his blade at the ready.

She was covered in sweat, despite the cold morning air. Her face was ghostly pale. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hands were shaking. “Sarah,” Cabal said reaching out to touch her, “This is too much for you. You must stop, let him go. You’ve used too much magic tonight. Tom would not want you to die trying to save him.”

Sarah ignored him and continued to pound Tom with the purging spell, again and again. Cabal paced back and forth behind her; terrified she would sacrifice herself to save Tom.

Finally, as she began to sway back and forth from the effort to maintain a stream of magic, Cabal knelt beside her and commanded her, “Stop! You have tried long enough! It’s over!”

“No,” Sarah argued keeping her concentration on Tom. “It’s working, look!”

Cabal turned back to Tom to see a dark, purple mist rising from him, up into the sky to disappear above them. Pony backed away even further at the sight of the dark magic rising into the air. Wave after wave of the mist rose into the sky, as Sarah continued her assault on Tom. She allowed her anger and horror at the death that surrounded the birth of Nicole’s babies to fuel her. Again and again, she threw the magic into Tom, fighting to destroy the evil Puissant had forced upon him.

Finally the mist disappeared, and Sarah collapsed into Cabals arms. Cabal was exhausted; he didn’t have the strength to carry Sarah back to the cabin. Nor did he want to leave Tom unobserved in the snow. He sank down into the moist snow and held Sarah. Pony came up beside them and lay down on the snow next to Cabal. He reached out and patted Pony’s head. His hand came back covered in blood. “Pony,” Cabal stared at him in the darkness, he was so black that it was impossible to determine how much blood the cat had lost. “Go to Jack.” Cabal ordered, as Sarah opened her eyes and moaned softly.

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“My head is pounding.” She said, reaching up to pull Cabal to her. She kissed him deeply as tears streamed down her face. “I thought I’d lost you...”

“It would take more than a wraith to keep me from returning to you.” Cabal smiled softly and brushed the tears off her cheek with his fingers.

“Cabal?” Jack called, heading back toward them from the cabin. “Did it work?”

“Yes,” Sarah said weakly leaning against Cabal for support. “We won’t know how well until he wakes up.” Cabal rose and pulled Sarah to her feet as she asked, “What do we do with him now?”

Cabal said, “Let’s use the chains that Jack secured the stable doors with to tie him down, and we’ll just have to keep a close eye on him until he wakes up.” He turned and stumbled as he headed toward the stables.

“Cabal?” Sarah started after him, “Are you alright?”

“I’m just tired; it’s been a long day. We ran from the other side of the lake to get here. We’ll have to go search for the horses in the morning.” Cabal said softly, continuing to move toward the stables.

Sarah glanced back to see Jack heading toward them. When Jack reached her, his embrace lifted her off the ground. “Thank you for taking care of Nicole.” He said with tears in his eyes, “She’s my life.”

Sarah watched as Jack and Cabal secured Tom to the large tree at the edge of the stables. Jack ordered Pony to stay with Tom, then turned and rushed back toward the cabin calling over his shoulder, “Come on Cabal, I’ve got someone I want you to meet!” Sarah laughed and rushed after Jack. Her headache would just have to wait. Neither Jack nor Sarah noticed Cabal’s limp. But Pony did.

Pony’s eyes never left Cabal as he moved slowly up the steps and into the cabin.

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Chapter Nine Everyone was exhausted; Cabal fell asleep immediately on the sofa. Jack and Nicole fell

asleep in each other’s arms after the twins finished eating. Sarah couldn’t sleep. Her headache was horrible, and she was starving. She boiled some water and threw some dried meat, diced carrots and onions in and let it simmer while she ate some cheese and bread. Cabal tossed and turned on the sofa, moaning constantly. Sarah attributed it to a stressful day. Missy stirred and fussed, but fell back asleep when Sarah patted her on the bottom. Jordan slept soundly.

Sarah walked to the window to check on Tom and Pony, each lay sleeping under a large tree. Sarah looked down at Cabal he was so handsome, she had fallen so deeply in love with him. Yet she couldn’t find the words to tell him. She reached down to caress his cheek and was surprised at how hot it was. She went to the table and brought back the oil lamp and was shocked to see his face was ghostly pale, and his lips held a bluish hue. Despite her headache, she threw a healing spell at him but nothing happened. She pulled the heavy cover off of him and replaced it with a thin sheet. As she stretched it out over him, she noticed a few drops of blood on the floor by his feet.

Sarah kneeled on the floor and slowly rolled up Cabals pant leg to find an infected green oozing laceration on his calf. When she removed his sock, she found his foot had turned an odd shade of gray. Sarah’s heart pounded in her ears as the realization struck her that Cabal had been infected by Tom. She dropped the sock in horror, rose quickly and went outside onto the porch. Sarah didn’t realize her bare feet were on a thin layer of snow as sobs wracked her body. She couldn’t believe this had happened. Did Cabal know or was he in shock? Did he even realize he was dying? Would he wake up again or die that very night in his sleep? No, he couldn’t die that way. The wraith’s poison was turning him, transforming him even now. She couldn’t let him die of the infection!

How could she kill him? She loved him more than anyone she’d ever loved in her life, and now he was going to be taken from her; before their love even had a chance to grow. Before she had a chance to tell him how she felt. She’d made a promise she wouldn’t let any of them die this way. But she didn’t think she could do it. How could she do it?

Sarah was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the door open, didn’t see Cabal come up behind her. He reached out to touch her shoulder as he called her name, “Sarah,” She spun to face him. “So you know.” He said as he took her into his arms. “I’m sorry,” He whispered.

She pulled back to face him and stared in horror as the first rays of the sun lit up the porch and landed on Cabals face. His skin had a gray tint to it, and there were gray streaks sweeping up from his chest to his neck. His eyes had turned a deep, nearly black shade of blue. She was losing him fast. “Cabal, there has to be something we can do!” Sarah sobbed, clinging to him.

“There isn’t.” Cabal whispered, “I’m afraid I don’t have as much time as I thought.”

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“I can’t lose you, not now Cabal. We just found each other.” Sarah sobbed.

“I’m afraid we have no choice.” Cabal touched her cheek, “I thought we had so much time...” He began, “I had so many plans for us, so many things I wanted us to experience together. But that is gone now, and I need you to be brave. We must end this before it gets much worse.”

Sarah pushed back from him with a gasp and said, “No! Cabal, I can’t”

“My darling, you have no choice. Remember, you are saving me from something so much worse than death.”

“How can I do this?” She said, tears streaming down her face. “I know I must, but it’s so hard.”

“A fireball, perhaps.” Cabal offered, “Over by the fire pit. There is still snow on the ground so it won’t spread.”

Sarah stared at the fire pit in horror, unable to speak. Cabal gazed at her, sighed and smiled softly. “It’s alright, my love,” Cabal whispered, “I should never have asked this of you.” He kissed her on the forehead and added, “I will always love you.” Then turned, headed down the steps and across the snow toward Pony.

“No!” Sarah screamed, “No Cabal! Don’t!”

Pony was ready for him; he could smell the stench of evil growing within Cabal. The familiar scent of death was incredibly strong on Cabal. Pony’s instincts took, as he crouched and waited until Cabal was close. Jack appeared in the doorway with his sword in his hand. He glanced from Sarah to Cabal and back again.

“He’s been infected!” Sarah cried, “Pony’s going to kill him!”

Jack sprinted from the steps, and yelled for Cabal to stop. Pony sprang as Cabal reached him, and he pinned him to the ground. “No! Pony!” Jack yelled rushing toward them. Pony hesitated glancing up at Jack. Cabal pulled Sarah’s tiny dirk from his belt and stabbed Pony in the shoulder. Pony roared at the pain and sunk his teeth into Cabals arm. Jack was at their side screaming at Pony and pushing at him with all of his strength trying to push him off of Cabal. Pony would not move. He snarled at Jack in warning. Cabal drove the small dagger in the Pony’s shoulder a second time. Jack saw it coming and dived under Pony, onto Cabal, covering Cabal's head and chest with his body. Pony roared in anger but did not attack. Instead, he growled in Jack’s ear and leapt off of them, then turned and walked away into the woods.

“Cabal!” Jack said as he lifted off of him. “What were you thinking?”

“I was saving you all from the pain of ending my life.” Cabal said with a grimace as the pain from Pony’s wound shot up his arm and across his chest. “Pony lives by instinct. Don’t blame him. He was doing what needed to be done. You should have let him finish me.”

Sarah reached them, as Nicole appeared in the doorway. “Please Jack!” She begged him, “Send Pony for Ahmity!”

“He would never reach him in time.” Cabal reached for her. She took his hand and held it desperately. “Go inside, I don’t want you to see this.”

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“No!” Sarah sobbed, “I don’t want to lose you, Cabal. I love you!” She threw herself on him and held him tightly.

Cabal smiled at Sarah then closed his eyes against the pain that was sweeping through him. “I know my love. I know. Believe me if there was any way to fight this I would never give up, but we both know nothing can be done.”

Sarah threw a healing spell at him, then one of purging, again and again she tried. Finally, Cabal pushed her back from him. “You must stop; you are still weak from Tom’s purge. You’re headache will return.”

“I don’t care!” Sarah sobbed, “I won’t stop! I can’t stop trying!”

“Sarah, I am slipping away. I can’t hold on much longer. You must leave us.” He said and squeezed her hand, then turned to Jack, “Jack, my friend. There is not much time.”

Jack looked past Sarah to Nicole, who was now standing quietly behind her staring at them and said, “Take Sarah inside; Cabal’s been infected by Tom and we’re out of time.”

Nicole stood there looking from one to the other staring at them all. She knelt beside Cabal and examined his wounds. She glanced after Pony then gazed at the still sleeping form of Tom then said calmly, “We need Pony.” She rose to her feet and yelled toward the trees, Pony!”

“Nicole, this is no time to...” Jack said as Cabal moaned in pain.

Pony reappeared at the edge of the trees. “Move away from Cabal,” Nicole ordered them both as Pony approached.

“No, Nicole. We can do this.” Jack reasoned with her. “I will make it as painless as possible. I promise. He will die quickly.”

“Look at his arm,” Nicole said softly pointing to where Pony had bitten Cabal.

His arm did not ooze like the wound in his leg. The flesh around it was pink and irritated, but there was no sign of the gray skin or the green ooze. The gray skin on his shoulder was slowly disappearing, but the transition was slowing.

“Pony needs to bite him again; there must be something in his saliva that’s combating the infection. It must be part of his immunity to the wraith’s bite.” Sarah said examining the wound as Nicole pulled Jack away to allow Pony access to Cabal.

“Nicole, I’m not sure about this...” Jack hesitated, moving back from Cabal. “Cabal said there was no cure.”

Nicole looked at Jack. Their eyes met, and she said, “Trust me, Jack.”

Sarah moved back and gave Pony access to Cabal. She prayed that Nicole was right.

“I’m sorry Cabal,” Nicole said as she tapped on his leg and Pony sunk his teeth into it.

Cabal yelled in pain but didn’t struggle; allowing Pony to bite him over and over again as Nicole and Pony systematically worked from his legs to his chest and arms. Each agonizing bite brought the green ooze bubbling to the surface, but it quickly disappeared. Cabal bled deeply from each wound but by the time Pony was done, it was clean red blood. Nicole

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ripped off the bottom of her white nightgown, and Sarah tore it into strips. She bound the wounds, and then they carried Cabal back to the cabin. Pony stared after them, and then settled back down in the snow next to Tom.

Cabal slept through the entire day with Sarah at his side. Nicole and Jack looked on as they cared for the babies. Missy had Nicole’s black hair and petite form. Jordan was larger and had Jacks eyes and features, but Nicole’s hair. Both babies appeared to be good-natured and cried very little.

Jack brought Sarah breakfast and lunch, insisting that she eat. Nicole made a pallet beside the sofa and tried to get Sarah to sleep. Sarah insisted on checking Cabals pulse and respiration every half hour, so she slept very little. As the day went on the color came back to Cabal’s face, but he developed a slight fever. Sarah believed it was normal, given that cat bites carry a high level of bacteria and Pony was no exception.

Jack helped Sarah clean and change Cabal’s bandages that evening, as they finished Pony appeared at the door. Jack had been keeping an eye on Tom and Pony, both of whom slept through the day, as well. This time when he headed out to the porch Tom’s eyes were open, and he was sitting up. Jack grabbed his sword and headed out the door.

Sarah rose to follow Jack telling Nicole, “Please stay in the house and if anything happens I’ll throw the barrier up, so you are all safe. Call me if Cabal wakes up” Sarah rushed out after Jack.

By the time Sarah reached the door Jack was standing over Tom, his sword ready. Sarah hurried to Jack’s side. He stood over his friend staring down at him. His heart sank at the realization that Tom was still a wraith; his physical appearance hadn’t changed. Yet his eyes were no longer black. Tom’s brown eyes stared back at him. Encouraged, Jack leaned toward him and asked, “Can you understand me?”

Tom gazed up at him, and then looked at Sarah. “Am I dreaming?” Tom asked.

Jack smiled, and Sarah hugged him. “Oh brother, I wish you were!” Jack answered.

“Jack, what is this? Why am I dressed like a gargoyle? Is that you, Sarah?” Tom’s voice was low and had a raspy tone. Jack was happy to see that his tongue was no longer black and pointed, but he still sported long, vicious looking fangs as he added, “Where are Nicole and Hopper?”

“I can explain everything.” Jack said, as he reached down and released Tom from his chains.

Nicole watched from the window, relieved to see Jack smile. She gazed down at Cabal and said, “Now it’s your turn.” Then she turned to check on the babies.

Hopper and his trolls worked to reinforce the barrier, as the others tightened the net around the tunnel system. It wouldn’t take long before the invaders had no recourse but to attempt a return through the barrier, and Hopper would be waiting for them. A commotion came from down in the tunnels. Hopper took half of his trolls and raced in the direction of

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the noise. Hopper realized that the commotion was coming from the dwarfen crossroads. They ran around the last turn and Hopper’s heart sank at the sight before him.

Lying in the center of the crossroads, directly beneath the main air-shaft to the surface lay the body of Daki, Hoppers giant bat. The Trolls’ standing around it were very upset; they spoke rapidly, shouting and pointing at Daki and the air-shaft. As Hopper neared, they all fell back in respect of Hopper’s loss. The leader of the group, Larash, stepped forward after giving Hopper a moment to examine Daki.

“Torture resulted in his death. Broken are his wings. Punctures cover his body. Forced to fly was he. Descent to death occurred from the surface. Escape has been accomplished.”

Hopper listened to Larash as he stared at Daki. How had the invaders found him? He wouldn’t have come into the tunnels without being called for, and Hopper had not called him. There was no reason Daki would have entered the tunnels. Unless... unless he was looking for Hopper. Hopper knelt down beside Daki as the anger inside him began to boil. They had tortured him and made him carry them to the surface. Then they broke his wings and tossed him down the shaft to his death.

Hopper ran his hand across Daki’s head. As he pulled his hand away, his claw caught on something. Hopper discovered a thin chain had been hung around Daki’s neck. Hopper jerked on the chain and freed it then rose to examine it. It was made of elven silver. At the end of the chain hung a small pendant; on the pendant was an engraved image of the woodland village’s canopy. It was the symbol of their people. Hopper’s face jerked sharply up to gaze up the shaft. A growl issued deep in his throat as he realized who had sent Daki into the tunnels.

Gravid slept soundly through the night with Talania in his arms. Neither had realized how exhausted they had become caring for the young troll. Shorey happily kept Mikado and Nana that night so they could rest, and they were very grateful. Talania was up and baking sweet rolls to take to Shorey and her small family as a thank you. She was packing a basket of treats. Gravid got dressed and searched for the heavy blanket they used to keep the children warm. The brisk fall air left frost on the grass, and the hairless body of Mikado would be susceptible to chill.

Gravid opened the front door as Talania tied a dark green cloak around her shoulders. They stepped out onto the porch and noticed a thick layer of smoke hung in the air. A young male elf went running by toward the far end of the village. It was then that they heard the shouts of others coming from the same direction. It was then that they saw the smoke and flames rising from Shorey’s cabin.

Talania dropped the basket and raced after Gravid, who was already at a full run heading toward his daughters burning home. The cabin was fully engulfed in flames by the time they arrived. Gravid found Shorey standing a short distance from the cottage with Gries in her arms sobbing. Gravid searched the smoky air for any sign of Nana and Mikado as he rushed to Shorey’s side.

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“Papa!” Shorey broke into hysterics as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “They took them! They killed Rorett! And they took the children!” Shorey clung to him desperately trying to explain. Gries began to cry as Talania arrived beside them. Talania took the young boy from his mother’s arms and held him close rocking him as Gravid tried to calm Shorey down.

“Papa!” Shorey sobbed, “You don’t understand! They took Nana! She wouldn’t let them have Mikado, so they took them both! Rorett tried to stop them, but there were too many, and they were so strong! They killed him! They broke his neck with one blow! He’s gone! Papa, my beloved Rorett, is gone!”

Gravid felt fear unlike any he’d felt before as he began to make sense of her words. He took Shorey gently by the shoulders and forced her to look at him. “Shorey, sweetheart. Who took them? Who were they?”

Shorey stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks as she gazed at her mother and son then back to her father and said, “Trolls.”

Hoppers anger and fear consumed him as he sprinted into the forest. Gravid had taken a garrison of the Queen’s and Woodland Guard and was currently working to reopen the entrance to the Troll Tunnels, in an effort to retrieve his daughter and punish the Trolls responsible for the murder of his son-in-law and kidnapping of Nana and Mikado. Gravid would not listen to reason. Hopper’s words went unheard as he cautioned Gravid that a garrison of elves entering troll territory would be considered an act of war by the troll council.

The situation with the troll invaders was potentially grave enough without adding a second threat to the troll nation. Gravid had no idea what he was walking into, and Hopper had no way to stop it. His only hope was Cabal, if he could reach him in time. Gravid would listen to him, and if he didn’t Cabal could command him as his Prince to cease.

Hopper ran through the giant trees and headed up into the mountains. He didn’t need a horse; it would only slow him down. Horses had to rest and sleep, he didn’t, he couldn’t. If Daki were alive, he would have reached them by now. He had to reach Cabal. Only Cabal could stop Gravid before a new war began. Hopper searched his memory for a link in the tunnel system that might connect to the area where Jack and Nicole’s cabin lay. There had to be a tunnel, the mountains are riddled with them. He just had to look for the signs. The dwarves had marked the entrances so other dwarves could seek them out in emergencies. Hopper ran throughout the day never stopping, fueled by his anger and frustration. Fueled by his regret and fear for his son and little Nana, Hopper pushed forward allowing it to fester and grow.

The sun was just beginning to rise over the mountains as Hopper entered the valley where Jack and Nicole’s cabin stood. He forced himself to slow to a fast walk. He needed to calm his nerves, find peace. His desperation had him on the verge of allowing his troll

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instincts to take over his intellect, now was not the time. Taking a deep breath, Hopper stretched out his huge arms and shook them to relax himself, as he reached the snow covered lawn in front of the cabin. Hopper headed slowly for the porch. The cabin was still dark. He hated to wake them, but it could not wait. As he reached the steps, the stable door began to open behind him.

Hearing the creak of the door, Hopper turned expecting to see an old friend. Instead, a large black moor cat stepped out of the darkness of the stables to stare at him. Hopper froze. Moor cats were not to be trifled with. If one were here and so at ease, then something was terribly wrong. Hopper reached behind him and slowly removed his ax from the sheath on his back. “Jack? Nicole?” Hopper called; concerned they had become victims of the huge beast. “What have you done with my friends?” Hopper growled at the cat moving toward it. He’d lost far too many people that were dear to him lately. If this beast had taken two more, then it was going to die.

“Hopper?” Jack’s voice called from behind him. “Hopper! Stand down! Pony’s a pet!” Jack hurried down the steps toward Hopper, pleased to see him after such a long time. Jack walked in front of Hopper, to break his concentration on Pony. “Hopper?” Jack smiled at him and reached out to pull Hoppers ax down to his side saying, “It’s all right, and boy do I have news for you!”

Hopper forced his eyes from Pony and looked at Jack. He gazed blankly at Jacks smiling face trying to control the rage that was so nearly overwhelming. Jack reached out and took Hopper by the arm and said, “Hopper, are you okay?”

Hopper shook his head violently and finally answered, “No, Jack. I’ve got a very big problem. I need your help. Is Cabal here?”

“He’s inside,” Jack frowned at him, “You know you can count on me for anything, Hopper.” Jack pulled at his arm and steered him toward the steps.

Nicole dashed through the doorway and jumped into Hoppers arms. Hopper couldn’t help but smile at the petite elf. “Hey!” Hopper gasped gazing down at her. “No stomach!”

“Twins!” Nicole said with a huge smile, “Come in and meet them.”

They climbed the stairs as Sarah appeared in the doorway holding one of the babies wrapped in a blanket. Hopper knew she had travelled here with Cabal but nothing prepared him for the sight of her standing before him holding a baby. His heart ached at the thought of never sharing a child with her, never to love her again, never to hold her. Forcing the thoughts from his mind, Hopper tried to smile back at her and act as if nothing was wrong.

“It’s so good to see you Hopper.” Sarah said, moving back inside and handing Nicole the baby.

Hopper glanced around the tiny cabin to find Cabal lying on the sofa looking worn and pale. He forced himself to stay with Nicole and Jack and see the babies. Sarah moved back over to Cabal and helped him sit up, then pulled the blankets off the sofa and removed a pallet from the floor. Hopper glanced back at Cabal as Nicole went to change Missy. Jack carried Jordan over and sat on the couch next to the Prince.

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Sarah pulled a couple of kitchen chairs into the living area and offered Hopper one. He sat down gingerly hoping the small chair would hold his massive bulk, it did. Hopper looked from Jack to Cabal and his smile vanished.

He began in as soft a voice as his deep tones would allow, “There has been an incident. Actually, there has been a series of incidents. Some, I’m sure you are aware. The troll renegades have been determined to be invaders from the nether region. I am not going into detail because I don’t have the time.” He looked at Jack with sadness in his eyes, “I’m sorry I can’t stay and celebrate, but to make a very long story short...” Hopper took a deep breath, suddenly very much aware that Sarah was staring intently at him. “I have a son, a newborn. I left him in Gravid and Talania‘s care due to the war and the death of his mother. The renegades discovered this, and they attacked the Woodland Village.” Hopper turned to look at Nicole. “They limited the attack to Gravid’s daughters’ home where my son was staying. Shorey’s husband was killed; they took my son and Gravid’s daughter Nana, and disappeared.”

Nicole stood staring at Hopper, unable to speak. Sarah rose, took Missy from her arms and pulled Nicole to the chair where she had been sitting. Jack rose and walked to the kitchen table and back. He began to pace. Cabal sat up straight in his seat, and Sarah took Jacks place beside him.

“Nana’s only five years old.” Cabal said grimly.

Hopper continued, “It gets worse. Gravid gathered a garrison of warriors. When I left him, he was preparing to clear the tunnel entrance near the waterfalls. He plans to invade the troll tunnels, find the renegades and rescue Nana and Mikado, even if he has to follow them into the netherworld. Which I’m certain is where they’ve gone.” Hopper kept his voice low despite the urgency he felt. “If Gravid steps into the tunnels uninvited with a garrison of warriors the troll council will consider it an act of war. Cabal, I need you to stop this, if it’s not too late already. Ahmity buried the entrance in a landslide of rock and he’s refused to clear it. So it will take time before they can enter." Hopper stared at Cabal, wondering what was wrong with him. Was he ill? Had he been injured?

Cabal nodded his head and rose to his feet with Sarah’s assistance. “Sarah you must attempt to heal me with a spell. I have to go with Hopper.” He spoke calmly to Sarah taking hold of her hand.

“The last one didn’t work. I’m not sure another will make any difference. It may take a series of healing sessions before you recover.” Sarah said.

Hopper stood up with them and looked from one to the other then turned to Jack. “What is going on here?” As he finished his words, Tom appeared in the doorway behind Jack. Hopper could only stare at him in shock.

“Hopper!” Tom said with a smile, showing his fangs in the process. “Jack told me you were a troll. I didn’t believe him!” Tom moved toward him, and Hopper staggered backward, stumbling over a chair.

“Hopper, it’s okay.” Jack rushed to him and said, “We found a way to cure him. Well not exactly cure him but get the evil out of him. He’s still a wraith, but Tom is now in control.

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He’s not here to hurt anyone. Although his claws and fangs are still deadly, so don’t touch him.” Jack blurted out as much as he could, while helping Hopper back on his feet.

Hopper couldn’t take his eyes off of his old friend. Tom’s skin was still dark gray and leather-like, but his wings were missing. Tom’s eyes were human again, but he still sported long black claws on his hands and feet. He was wearing what could only be one of Jack’s old pair of leather breeches and a shirt.

“I thought you were dead...” Hopper stammered.

“Now you know how it feels...” Jack began but was cut off by a slap to the side of his head from Sarah.

Cabal pushed past Hopper and Jack and addressed Tom, “Hopper has a problem, and I believe you may be part of the solution.”

While Hopper and the others gathered around the kitchen table to discuss their plan, Sarah threw several healing spells at Cabal. His strength began to return as his complexion took on a healthy tone. Sarah and Nicole began to pack supplies for the journey as a decision was made.

Jack slammed his fists on the table as he rose to his feet. “No! This is a bad idea. Cabal is weak, and you need me!” Jack glanced at Nicole, who was seated next to him. She rose to her feet and said to Hopper, “I’ll be fine. There’s nothing to fear up here and I’ll have Pony.”

“No,” Cabal interrupted, “We will need Pony where we are going. There will be no light and creatures more dangerous than you can ever imagine. Pony is more equipped to handle this journey than any of us, with the exception of Tom. We need them both if we are to survive. That’s why Jack must stay here with you.” Cabal turned to Jack, reaching out to take hold of his shoulder. “You and I have become good friends and companions. What kind of a friend would I be, would any of us be, if we pulled you away from your family to leave them unprotected in the wilderness with winter coming?”

Jack looked to Nicole; his face was red with anger. “How can I not go? But how can I leave you?” Nicole pulled him into her arms. She knew the people in this room were Jack’s only family, and he was desperate to keep them all safe.

Sarah had been standing back from the group, concentrating on healing Cabal. “I am going with you.” She said firmly. “You need me; you’ll need my magic against these creatures. Cabal will need continued healing. Plus Mikado and Nana could need healing as well.”

Hopper gazed at Sarah, his eyes filled with tears at her bravery. Sarah had been so meek and mild before they had arrived. Her transformation into a sorceress had given her confidence and strength she’d never possessed before. Cabal, on the other hand, was horrified. He shook his head as fear filled him saying, “We might not return. This journey will be tenfold worse than your experience in the storm prison with Puissant. These creatures cannot be reasoned with; they will not stop. They will not be kind, and they will not show compassion.”

“Your odds of returning are greater if I am with you.” Sarah met his gaze. She would not change her mind.

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“It’s settled then. Jack stays, and Sarah and Pony go.” Tom declared as he rose from the table.

Jack and Nicole watched from the porch as Hopper led his team into the mountains. He’d noticed the dwarf markings, declaring an entrance into the tunnel system were not too far from the base of the mountain. Jack held onto Nicole as her eyes filled with tears. Her heart ached for Hopper, how difficult it must be to be given a son and then lose him so quickly. She couldn’t imagine the emotions that were pulsing through Hoppers large form.

As they disappeared over the mountains, it occurred to Jack how peculiar they would be to any passerby. A troll, elf prince, sorceress, wraith, and a moor cat headed toward the netherworld on a rescue mission. His mind flashed back to the night before their hypnotic journey began and Hoppers description of their impending journey;

"Tomorrow morning, we'll eat a huge breakfast, and then Dr. Strong will give us some last minute instructions and hypnotize us. We'll stay under until Sunday afternoon." Todd put down the papers and eagerly faced Jack. "He's a professional; this is going to be awesome."

"What about eating? And when, how do we sleep?" Jack asked.

"That's the beauty of it. We'll think we're eating wild boar while sitting next to a mountain stream or in a tavern somewhere in this enchanted realm, when we'll really be sitting at a card table eating chicken." Todd grinned, "I think it's a hoot."

"And ..." Jack stared blankly.

"We'll find a campsite and go to sleep. They'll have sleeping bags or cots or something ready for us. The days will last around six hours, and then we will think its night and Strong will send us into a deep sleep for a couple hours. Then off we go again. It'll seem like a week has passed by the time it's over; when in reality, we'll have only been here for a few days.”

The End

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A Sequence of Darkness

Hypnotic Journey

Book IV

Alaina Stanford

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Chapter One

Hopper spun, shielding his massive head from the harsh blasts of snow with his large clawed hand,

and yelled back at the others, “Here!” He motioned toward the sheer area of the cliff’s incline to their left.

The snow was falling faster, the flakes were getting larger, and the wind was so strong, his friends could

hardly hear Hoppers unnaturally deep voice booming from just a few feet in front of them. The large

blonde troll headed toward the vertical incline as they followed, eager to find shelter. Hopper’s long legs

spanned the distance in only a few quick strides. Cabal pulled his thick cloak tight around him. His

pointed elven ears were red and stung fiercely from the cold. He was closest to Hopper. He turned to look

back and a blast of frigid air swept across his face. Undaunted, he reached back, took hold of Sarah’s

jacket and pulled her petite form forward.

Tom struggled in the waist deep snow to keep up with them. His leathery gray skin held no protection

from the cold. He felt foolish bringing only a thin, hooded jacket on what was to have been a short trek.

He should have known better. Being avid snow boarder, he was all too familiar with the mountains in

winter. Why he thought this realm would be different was beyond him now. Shifting his shoulders, he

made an unsuccessful attempt to lift the fabric off the stumps that protruded from his shoulders where his

wings once were. A large black blur bounded past Tom as Pony, in his usual big cat approach, seemed

unhindered by the blustery weather.

Hopper disappeared inside a narrow gap in the rock face, followed quickly by Cabal and Sarah. Tom

stumbled in behind them a few moments later. Hopper shook the icicles off his hairy form and shot a

disgusted look at Cabal and Sarah, as they brushed the snow off each other’s thick jackets and smiled in

relief. Sarah’s deep blue eyes sparkled at the tall blonde elf before her. She was pleased at Cabal’s quick

recovery from the wraith attack. Sarah pulled her long, curly red hair back into a ponytail and spun to

help Tom steady himself.

Tom snorted his discomfort and said, “Hopper, you said this was a quick jaunt in the snow to the Troll

Tunnel entrance and it took nearly 4 hours.” He turned to face Hopper as Pony decided to shake off the

ice and snow from his massive body.

“Pony!” Tom snapped, “As if I wasn’t wet enough!” He spun and glared at the sinewy moor lion

whose head stood no less than a few centimeters shorter than he did. Pony’s long hair and large paws

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made the giant cat look like an over sized lion. He was a creature of the netherworld and as cunning and

dangerous as any beast that roamed that realm.

Hopper tried to hide a smile as he watched the pair standing nose to nose staring at each other.

Normally the presence of a wraith would have sent Pony into a snarling rage of fangs and claws.

However, Tom was no ordinary wraith; he was a victim of magic just as Hopper and Sarah were. Once

human, they were now citizens of a realm where monsters and magic are real. Sarah was the lucky one;

she was now a powerful sorceress, even more beautiful now than she had been in the real world. Her long

hair and big blue eyes made Hoppers chest hurt. Once a successful hockey player, he was now

transformed into a giant hairy troll. His massive head, long claws and 8-foot stature, with matching

genitals kept him from being with Sarah. Hopper was no better off in this world than Tom. Tom’s

poisonous claws and long fangs kept him from pursuing any human contact.

Sarah found a way to purge the evil from Tom’s wraith form and now he was simply a human trapped

in a wraiths body. Pony was the only creature immune to the wraith’s poison; as a result, the two had

become inseparable. Sarah found solace with Prince Cabal, the leader of the elf warriors. Cabal was a

once deadly foe that pursued them vigorously when they first arrived in this world. Cabal fell in love with

Sarah the moment he spied her lithe form in the forest. He saved Sarah’s life and stood by her side, time

after time, proving his love. Finally as they rushed into the mountains to deal with Tom’s evil presence,

Sarah had lowered her defenses and allowed herself to love again, realizing Hopper’s love was lost to her


Hopper’s eyes moved from Tom and Pony, to Sarah and Cabal. He couldn’t help but grimace. Sarah

looked incredible in her short leather skirt, peasant blouse and high boots. The elven sword tied to her belt

was the ultimate touch. She was a beautiful vision of a life now lost to him. He knew it was his fault. It

was his decision to abandon Sarah. It was he who decided she was better off without him. Now he had to

face the consequences of that decision. Hopper watched as the muscular elf reached out and tenderly

brushed a lock of Sarah’s hair from her face. Hoppers jaw locked and he forced his eyes away to the back

of the small cave. He had to let it go. His son’s life was at stake, that was all the mattered now. The tiny

baby troll whose mother did not survive birth was missing, kidnapped by renegade trolls.

Sarah noticed Hopper turning toward the back of the cave and she moved to his side casting a spell of

light before them. The entrance lit up, bathed in a soft green light showing a narrow tunnel heading deep

into the mountain. Hopper turned to her and said, “We can’t have the light. There’s no telling where the

renegade trolls are at this point. There are nether beasts roaming the tunnels now due to the breach in the

nether barrier. We have to travel quickly and in the darkness, I’m sorry.”

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Cabal appeared at Sarah’s side and said, “Sarah, you could cast a sight spell on yourself. The rest of us

can see in the darkness. You need some sort of bat-like sight if we are to move swiftly and safely.”

Tom and Pony moved toward the tunnel as Sarah cast a spell of sensory sight on herself. She closed

her eyes as her head swam with images she couldn’t comprehend. Cabal took hold of her hand and placed

it on his shoulder. “Hold on to me until you get used to the new vision. Keep your eyes closed, you won’t

need them.”

Hopper added, “Gravid and the Queen’s Guard are trying to reopen the tunnel entrance near the falls.

His daughter was taken with Mikado. Gravid is angry and afraid, he is not thinking clearly. If we hurry,

we may be able to reach them before they break through. If not, the troll council will consider the

invasion of the tunnels by a garrison of elves a declaration of war. We are running out of time.”

“Let’s go,” Sarah said, “I’m ready.”

Hopper moved toward the tunnel and said, “Pony take the lead, I’ll go next. Tom you stay out of sight

at the rear. I don’t want the elves to notice your presence until Cabal orders Gravid to stand down.”

With that, they rushed into the tunnel. Sarah’s hand firmly gripped Cabal’s jacket. He reached around

behind him and grabbed onto hers. They ran in silence through the darkness. Sarah cast a spell of vitality

on herself and Cabal to help them maintain the pace that the others were able to establish. It wasn’t long

before Sarah’s vision began to make sense to her. She realized she was seeing the cave not as it was but as

if she were looking at the negative of a picture. She began to recognize Cabal and Hopper’s form, in front

of him, along with the tunnel walls and open spaces when they rushed past.

After several hours of running through the darkness, Hopper slowed his pace when they reached a

large cavern. A narrow swiftly moving stream rushed along the far edge. Hopper said, “Let’s take a short

break and get some water. Tom, I think it’s best if you put your hood up until we reach Gravid. Without

your wings and using the hooded jacket to mask your skin, you could pass as an elf or human. Just make

sure you keep your claws in your pockets. We just might get away with it long enough to explain your


Cabal refilled his and Sarah’s leather pouches with water as Hopper immersed his head in the stream

and took a long drink. Tom licked his lips watching as Pony took a quick drink. Water wasn’t appealing

to Tom anymore. It wasn’t what he was thirsty for, not even close, but he wasn’t going to give into that

thirst. He was going to fight it with every fiber of what was left of his human being. Tom moved to the

edge of the stream, scooped up some water and forced it down. He pulled up his hood, and yanked his

sleeves down in an attempt to cover the long, black, razor sharp claws that protruded from his hands as

extensions to his fingers.

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Sarah looked at Hopper; he felt her gaze as if a ray of sunlight had broken through the cavern ceiling,

and turned to face her. She reached out and touched his hand softly saying, “We will reach Gravid in time

and then we are going to find your son. None of us will stop until you have him in your arms again.”

Hopper tried to smile, overly conscious of his long shark-like teeth, he said, “You’ve always been

there for me, no matter what. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your dedication to our friendship. I

know we will find Mikado and little Nana too.” With that, Hopper spun quickly, headed back toward the

tunnel, and snapped, “Let’s move!”

Sarah glanced at Cabal. She wasn’t certain using her new sight, but he appeared pale. He still had not

fully recovered from the battle to capture Tom. He’d been poisoned by Tom’s claws during the fight and

had barely survived. Sarah threw a healing spell and another vitality spell at Cabal. He glanced up at her

as he felt the warmth and energy penetrate him. His grateful smile made her pulse quicken. For the first

time she began to think about what it would be like to make love to this handsome elf. She felt more love

for him than she had ever felt for anyone, even Hopper. The two men were not so different. Both were

strong, capable, honest men determined to do the right thing. However, Cabal made her stomach jump

and heart pound with a simple glance or a light touch of his fingers. Hopper never had that effect on her.

Cabal rose and took Sarah by the hand, pulling her behind him, toward the tunnel. Tom and Pony

followed as they began to increase their pace to a slow run. It wasn’t long before the cave that held the

remnants of Hopper’s village appeared before them. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air from the

renegade attack that killed more than half of Hopper’s tribe. Hopper frowned as they entered and found it

deserted. He increased his pace as they dashed across what was left of his village, past the remnants of

burned out huts and back into the tunnel.

The sounds of shouting and clashing steel could be heard in the distance. Cabal released Sarah and

bolted past Hopper, shouting Gravid’s name. Hopper kept close behind Cabal, fearing the trolls would

mistake the elf Prince for an invader and kill him before he could stop them. As they neared the end of the

tunnel where a small cave opened to the tunnel exit they saw Gravid and a dozen elf warriors standing

firm against an equal number of the giant brown trolls armed with axes.

“Hold!” Cabal shouted, “Gravid! I order you to stand down!”

The trolls spun to face their new opponent but held back when they saw Hopper approaching behind

Cabal. The trolls stepped aside and allowed Cabal to move past them toward Gravid who stood in shock

at Cabal’s appearance.

“Gravid, stand down.” Cabal ordered, stopping before him. He took a deep breath; he couldn’t

imagine the anger and panic that ran through Gravid as he desperately tried to reach his daughter. Cabal

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lowered his voice and spoke calmly, “I cannot allow you to start a war. The trolls do not understand what

has happened. You must take the guard and leave the tunnels immediately.”

“Your Highness,” Gravid said between clenched teeth, “My daughter has been taken by their

renegades. A young elf child cannot survive long in these tunnels. You must allow me to pursue her.”

“Gravid, my friend. I understand your impatience, but this must be handled delicately and with

diplomacy. Invading the troll’s territory blindly is only going to cause more loss; it will not gain Nana’s

freedom.” Cabal stepped closer to Gravid and placed a hand on his shoulder adding, “You must allow me

to handle this. I will find Nana and bring her home to you as quickly and as safely as possible. You know


Gravid sighed and nodded his agreement; he had the utmost respect for Cabal. They served the Queen

side by side for many years. Gravid fought by Cabal’s side in the great wraith war. Cabal was a man of

his word. Yet it was his youngest daughter, little Nana that was missing, she was only six years old.

Gravid spoke slowly with careful words, “Highness, I believe you will do your best to find my child. I

have no doubt of your conviction. Nevertheless, we have no first hand knowledge of these so-called

renegade trolls other than what we’ve seen of Hoppers village. I am concerned the trolls do not have

control of this situation. I believe the renegades are hiding among them, traitors being protected by their

own kind. I do not have faith that the trolls can be trusted to resolve this issue alone.”

Hopper stepped forward slowly, saying, “Gravid, I give you my word I will not stop until Mikado and

Nana are safe in their own beds.”

Gravid stared silently at Hopper unable to speak. Cabal answered for him. “Gravid, if you would take

the guard back outside and allow me to speak to the trolls, with Hoppers assistance I promise you I will

do my best to gain access for you and your men.”

Gravid turned and ordered the warriors back outside the cave entrance. Cabal faced Hopper with an

expectant look then glanced past him to check on Sarah. Hopper spun to face the trolls and said, “Accord

from Minous is needed at once.” Without hesitation one of the trolls dashed off into the darkness moving

past Sarah and Tom without hesitation.

It wasn’t long before Minous; an elderly troll with streaks of gray peppered throughout his dark brown

hair-like fur appeared. Minous was the head of the troll council of villages. The troll leaders were chosen

by the population and held their position for life. Minous had governed over the trolls for nearly two

hundred years. He walked slowly toward them hesitating only when he passed Sarah.

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He lifted his hand in greeting and said, “Scarlet deliverer. Blessed are we to have you with us. Grateful

are we all to be rid of the plague.”

Sarah smiled and said, “Thank you so much, but Ahmity was the one who purged you of the plague. I

was merely the voice that sparked the idea.”

Minous nodded and turned to stare briefly at Tom who was still hidden securely behind his hood. The

elder troll moved past Tom to where Hopper and Cabal stood waiting and said, “Rumors of abduction

have reached us. Abomination this is to steal an elf child as well as Hopper's infant son.”

Cabal stepped forward and said, “I apologize for my warrior’s aggression. They fear for the child. The

Captain of the Queen’s Guard is her father.”

Minous nodded and looked at Hopper. “Emancipation will not be easy but it is yours to fulfill.

Autonomy is your gift, use it well.” With that, Minous turned and disappeared back down the tunnel.

Hopper turned to a confused Cabal and explained, “He’s given me complete control of the rescue. I

will allow Gravid and a handful of his men to accompany us as long as he understands they must do

exactly as I say. Where we are going is unlike anything you have ever experienced before. The more

travelers, the greater the risk of discovery.”

“Agreed, I will speak with Gravid and allow six of the guards to accompany us. The first time they do

not heed me, I will send them back to the surface.” Cabal answered.

The woodland village sat less than a mile from the edge of the cliffs that overlooked the aqua waters of

the Alura Sea. The massive trees that sheltered the village from the fierce winter storms broke free to

reveal a large central community area hidden under the canopy of the large trees. With the winter upon

them, the dense snowfall blanketed the roofs of tiny rustic cottages scattered around the village. Talania,

Gravid’s wife stood outside the gathering area and stared toward the trail that led to the schoolhouse.

She turned to the young man standing beside her. Her son Kaleb was an even mixture between her

delicate features and his father’s rough exterior. Kaleb’s eyes were soft and kind. His bearing was tall and

proud. The boy had tenderness in his eyes that his father rarely showed. His thick, wavy blue-black hair

and cleft chin were the image of Gravid.

She smiled at him and said in slightly more than a whisper, “You should go. School won’t wait.”

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Kaleb was barely 14 years old. He stood almost as tall as his mother did. He gazed up at her and said,

“I can’t leave you and the girls. Not now, not until Nana returns.”

Talania’s dark eyes met his and said in a more confident voice, “I’ll be fine. Your sisters will be with

me. The Woodland Guard has secured the village. We are safe.” She pulled him to her and hugged him

fiercly. He was as brave as his father but still an innocent. She added, “This is the first day of the new

magic academy. You need to be out among the other children celebrating life. I will not have you shut

away sitting and waiting for word of Nana.”

Her twin daughters Deb and Mandy were at home with their eldest sister Shorey who was deep in

mourning over the loss of her husband. Shorey wouldn’t leave the cabin and wouldn’t allow her small

son out of her sight. Talania’s heart ached for her children. Not only had they lost a beloved brother-in-

law to the unmerciful wrath of the renegade trolls; they now have no choice but to suffer the unknown

fate of their littlest sister Nana.

She fought back the tears that threatened as the urge to rush after her husband surged within her.

Gravid headed into the bowels of the earth in search of their child. Fear gripped her when she thought of

the dangers that he might face, the same dangers that the trolls were callously throwing at Nana and baby

Mikado. She forced the thoughts from her mind as she realized she was still hugging Kaleb.

Releasing him she said, “Go now or you will be late. You don’t want to give a bad first impression.”

Kaleb tried to smile at her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then turned and headed up the path

toward the school.

Talania turned back toward the row of cabins and stores behind the canopied area. The time had come

to forsake her tears. Her children needed strength and courage and that was what she was determined to

show them. She only wished her ‘sight’ would give her some word of the children. Some word of

Gravid’s progress, any word of how this horrible situation will end, but there had been none. It was as if

her gift had vanished. Perhaps her extremely heightened emotions kept the visions away. Worse yet,

perhaps she was not meant to know the outcome.

Kaleb glanced back as he reached the bend in the trail to see his mother head back to the cabins. It was

hard to leave her. He knew she was in agony over Nana. He was confident that his eldest brother Nayr

would watch over them while he was at school. Nayr was a Woodland Guard. There was no better

swordsman than Nayr, with the possible exception of Prince Cabal. Kaleb enjoyed watching Jack or

Cabal spar with his brother. Soon even they would not be able to defeat him. Turning to head toward the

schoolhouse for his first day of class Caleb smile with anticipation. He was looking forward to honing his

skills and becoming a wizard like Ahmity.

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Only one hundred students were chosen to attend the school through the winter months. Come spring

only twenty would be chosen to continue and graduate a few years later. Kaleb was determined to be one.

As the giant trees began to thin, Kaleb could just make out the tall school in the distance. It sat

overlooking the vast sea from high atop the sheer white cliffs. Kaleb's good friend and mentor Crasis

appeared before him at the edge of the crowd of children gathered in front of the school. Crasis greeted

Kaleb with a broad smile and a slap on the back as Ahmity appeared from within the school.

Ahmity was dressed in the royal blue robes of the Queen’s Wizard. The tall, thin wizard surveyed the

crowd. He smiled and stroked his long white beard. The children gathered before him were as different in

age as they were of creed. A small group of white-haired Snow Sprites that stood no larger than a toddler

with their delicate doll-like features, flowing white robe and sparkling frost colored skin. Rainbow Brush

Fairies add a flourish of dazzling color to the group with their wild multicolored hair, large rainbow

colored opaque wings and bright blue tunics. They quickly transformed from their 6 inch height to that of

elf size and gathered with their belongings next to a larger group of willowy pale green forest nymphs. A

group of elf children stood behind them. There were noticeably more blue-black haired woodland elves

than blonde valley elves. Perhaps in the future that would change once word got out that the school was

endorsed and even sponsored in part by Queen Brees. A single chestnut haired grassland elf and three

silver haired moon elves stood separated from the others. Two lone human children stood far to the right

even further away; a young boy and girl, twins from across the sea.

As his deep blue eyes reached Crasis and Kaleb, Ahmity motioned them to come forward. His voice

amplified as he addressed the crowd, “Welcome children of magic! Welcome to your future!” Ahmity

smiled and opened his arms as if to embrace them all. “Today will be a day of introduction and room

assignments, nothing more. You will all be given assignments according to your magical tendencies and

what will be experienced here.”

Ahmity handed Kaleb and Crasis each a stack of parchment and said, “Crasis and Kaleb are in charge

of handing out the assignments. Once you have received your designation please deposit your belongings

next to your dormitory bed, take the colored ribbon off the end of that bed, and return to the front of the

schoolhouse for further instruction. Please wait for your name to be called before you approach these

young men for your assignments.” Ahmity nodded at Kaleb and Crasis and turned to stand by the school


The school was a two-story structure with straight walls made of stone with two large chimneys, one

on each end of the school. Ahmity stood in front of the tall wooden doors and watched the interaction

between the various children. He discovered as expected that there was no interaction between the

different species. The children kept to their own group and nervously shot curious glazes at the others. It

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occurred to Ahmity many of these children had never been outside their home village. Most of his

prospective students were innocent in the ways of the world. His heart softened as her recognized the fear

in their brave young faces. They would have to learn to be strong if they were to take a position on the

Wizard’s Council.

He smiled undaunted, the school was small and the dormitories were very simple. One side of the

upstairs was a large room lined with beds for the boys; the other side was for the girls. It wouldn’t take

long for the children to get to know each other despite their age, race and magical differences.

Kaleb and Crasis quickly handed out the assignments and the children disappeared into the school to

reappear a few minutes later with their ribbons in hand. Ahmity walked out onto the large grassy lawn in

front of the building and had Crasis and Kaleb divide the children into their ribbon-coded groups. Finally,

the children stood in ten separate groups. Ahmity had each group form a circle and sit down in the grass.

The children began to get to know each other by playing a storytelling game. Ahmity pulled Crasis

aside and sent him into the village to find the Captain of the Woodland Guard. When Crasis reappeared

with Captain Ricard, Ahmity explained, “Captain, I need your assistance of a transport team to fetch Jack

and Nicole Tyler from their home in the Ringlet Mountains. I am in dire need of their assistance.”

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Chapter Two

The barrier to the netherworld was rather unimpressive to Tom. It a simple a mass of logs and what

appeared to be homemade cement all piled across a slightly larger troll tunnel entrance. He frowned in

disappointment, what had he been expecting after all, this was a simple world with a few very striking

complexities, this wasn’t one of them. Sarah stepped forward as the others fell back. Gravid and his men

retreated into the tunnels accompanied by Hopper and the group of trolls that had escorted them to the

barrier. Cabal remained behind, standing next to Sarah as she began her incantation. Sarah raised her

arms, closed her eyes and let the magic flow through her. She felt the warm tingle move from her chest

through her arms to her fingers and fly across the cavern toward the barrier.

Cabal took hold of Sarah’s arm and slowly pulled her back as she spoke. He wanted to put just a little

more distance between them and the barrier before her devastation spell took effect. The cave began to

shake and Cabal pulled Sarah down behind a large boulder shielding her with his body as the barrier

exploded in a shower of rock and splintering wood. When the dust cleared everyone gathered in front of

the gaping hole Sarah had created.

Hopper spoke quickly, “Now that we have announced ourselves to the netherworld, there are a few

things you all should know.”

Gravid pushed past Hopper saying, “I’ve heard all I care to, we’ve wasted enough time on words.” He

growled motioning his guards to follow he headed through to the other side.

“No! Wait!” Hopper called to them as they disappeared inside the breach. Hopper and the others

quickly followed but they were too late. “Demon!”

As soon as Gravid and his men stepped through the barrier, a shower of rock and ash met them as a

Rock Demon responded to their presence. There was no hint of its location, nothing to announce its

presence except the rain of red-hot rock and ash that fell from the ceiling of the small cave. Rock Demons

were shy and only attacked when provoked. It must have standing near the barrier and was reacting

defensively to the explosion. There was no hint of it’s location to anyone except Tom, he could actually

feel the demon’s presence. It emanated evil as if it were bathed in it. Tom knew exactly where the

creature hid, behind a large outcropping of rock next to the tunnel entrance on the far right. Tom tapped

Hopper on the arm and they dove through the shower of rock and headed straight for the demon. Hopper

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pulled his axe from its sheath on his back, as Tom dove over the outcropping and slammed into the

demon as it vomited lava toward the elf warriors.

Sarah threw a spell of protection over Gravid and his men but it was too late. Cabal leapt over the

glowing rock that fell around them and shoved the two closest warriors away from the falling rock. He

then spun and rolled, pulling Gravid after him, as flames exploded around them. The four remaining elves

didn’t even have time to scream. The intense heat of the lava-like debris that fell around them engulfed

all four elves and they instantly burst into ash. Sarah reached out to find the nearest source of water and

called it to her. A stream of water surged through the barrier beside her and she threw it against the fiery

rock. Steam filled the room.

Pony bounded through the intense wall of steam that rose from the hot rocks and moved swiftly

toward Hopper and Tom as they struggled with the demon. As Tom appeared by its side the Rock Demon

screamed in fear. Tom hesitated, shocked at the sight of the massive blob of steaming flesh that

resembled a giant white serrated worm. Its red eyes bulged from the top of its pointed head as it rose in

horror trying to escape from the wraith that pursued it. Tom instinctively reached out and removed its

eyes with one swipe of his claws. Somehow, he knew the Rock Demon has no sense other than sight. He

was completely helpless without it’s eyes. Screeching in rage it blindly collided with Hopper as he

rounded the edge of the outcropping sending them both reeling into the tunnel beyond the cave.

Tom dove after them as Hopper gave a loud yelp of pain. In a few seconds they returned each dripping

with sweat, Tom’s hands and claws were covered in blood. As the steam began to thin Cabal helped Sarah

climb over the steaming rocks. Gravid sat slumped over on the floor staring at the ashy remains of his

warriors. Hopper and Tom came slowly over to stand next to him as Pony appeared from the tunnel.

Hopper spoke softly placing his hand on Gravid’s shoulder saying, “The renegades are ruthless. It is

not beyond their scope to place obstacles in our way such as that Rock Demon. I've learned from firsthand

experience, they think nothing of sacrificing the life of a lesser creature in an attempt to stop us from

pursuing them. We have to be very careful, wary of traps and ambush. The creatures of this realm are

extremely dangerous and volatile. They have survived for thousands of years in this silent darkness and

are very good at concealing themselves. The good news is that they are few and scattered. If we stay away

from the wet areas with slow moving water or the drip pools under stalactites, we have a good chance of

avoiding contact with most of the creatures. As for the rest, the worst of the bunch will look for the

loners, stragglers. So just stay together, don’t go off on your own and most importantly LISTEN to me. If

you do, we can all make it through this alive.”

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Gravid glanced up at Hopper, then his gaze went to Tom. The two remaining elf guards followed

Gravid’s stare to Tom as well. Tom’s hood had fallen away to reveal his leathery gray skin. His eyes were

brown instead of the usual black eyes of a wraith. His eyes and wavy brown hair were the only remaining

human traits that indicated he wasn’t a full wraith. Gravid rose slowly pulling his sword from its sheath,

his warriors did the same. Their eyes narrowed with suspicion at the sight of Tom’s bloody claws that he

raised as a sign of surrender.

Hopper stepped in front of Tom as Cabal moved beside him. Cabal met Gravid’s eyes and said, “He is

not a wraith. He is one of Puissant’s victims just as Hopper and Sarah. Sarah purged the evil from him but

his wraith form remained. He is a friend, a very valuable one in this realm. One we need to trust if we are

to find Mikado and Nana.” Cabal finished his speech meeting the eyes of the two warriors. He asked,

“What are your names?”

“Romas,” The first talk lanky elf replied.

“Falcone,” The other much younger broad shouldered elf answered.

“You know me and the Sorceress Sarah. I am certain you have heard of Hopper. The cat's name is

Pony and this is Tom.” Cabal stepped aside to allow them full view of Tom.

Tom stood very still hoping not to provoke further action from the obviously disturbed warriors.

Gravid growled but put his sword away, the warriors followed suit. Tom pulled his hood up thinking that

might help. The warrior’s eyes never left Tom as they gathered up the last of the supply satchels. Hopper

ordered the group to move out and headed into the dwarven made tunnel system. Gravid glanced back at

the ashes of his lost warriors, then spun and disappeared into the tunnel after Hopper. The others


Tom walked at Hoppers side as Pony dashed on ahead searching the darkness for predators. Tom

resisted the temptation to lick the blood off his claws and wiped them off on his jacket instead. The smell

of the demons blood was enticing. It made his pulse quicken, his senses more alert, his thirst stronger. Yet

Tom was more determined than ever to fight this urge. He would not give in. He was stronger than that.

He was stronger than any temptation, no matter how urgent the need.

They passed through the moist middle zone of the cavern system walking through shallow pools and

narrow streams of frigid water and headed into the dark zone. There was no light to be found, no air flow

to be felt, no sound to be heard, only darkness. Sarah found herself moving closer to Cabal as they moved

deeper into the depths of the earth. Each small sound seemed amplified. A skittering rock, an exhaled

sigh, every sound sent her heart racing. Every sound she felt was a warning. Every sound brought her

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closer and closer to Cabal. Soon she felt his strong arm grasp her around the waist and pull her close as

they continued to walk behind the two warriors.

Hopper stopped suddenly in front of them. Tom shoved back his hood and listened. Something was

approaching. There was a tunnel a few meters ahead of them running across their path. A dragging sound

came from the tunnel to their right. It was soft and subtle at first but grew steadily louder as it grew near.

Hopper and Tom slid up against the side of the tunnel wall, the others did the same. Sarah glanced at

Cabal who gave her a quick wink of assurance and she took a deep breath searching her thoughts for a

defensive spell. The sound of swords slowly sliding from their sheaths seemed to echo throughout the

narrow tunnel as the beast's massive horned head appeared in the crossroad before them.

Sarah’s heart froze in her chest. A dragon! She recalled Ahmity speak of how they ventured deep into

the mountains to recover from their wounds or bare their young. No one moved, no one even dared

breathe as the beast moved steadily across the tunnel before them. Its head was the size of a small cottage.

Its long scaled neck spanned twice the length of Hoppers height, its body four times that. It appeared well

fed, its large stomach drug the floor of the tunnel as its massive legs pushed it past them. The smell of

sulfur told them it was a fire breather the tunnel was barely large enough to accommodate the giant beast.

Its lair must be close by.

It passed without incident. The group maintained their position until the dragging sound faded, leaving

only the hint of sulfur in the air to mark its passing. Hopper was clearly shaken by the appearance of a

dragon in the tunnels; he turned to gaze back at Sarah who was unaware of his attention. His breath

caught in his throat as he considered what would have happened if the dragon had discovered them. What

was he thinking bringing her here? How could he have made such a horrible mistake? Tom nudged

Hopper with his elbow and said, “Let’s not wait around for the light to change.”

Cabal glanced toward Tom and noticed Hopper’s intense gaze. Hopper met Cabals stare then forced

his eyes away. Cabal frowned but said nothing. Was there a challenge in Hoppers eyes? He wasn’t

certain. Sarah noticed the expression on Cabals face and reached out to touch his cheek. Hopper was just

worried; he had a lot on his mind. Cabal smiled and gave Sarah an encouraging nod realizing that

although Sarah was indeed sweet and innocent she was a skilled sorceress; she wasn’t as helpless as she

looked. The sooner Hopper realized that the better.

They continued past the larger tunnel. Slowly the tunnel began to narrow; the floor became uneven

and rocky. They had reached the end of the dwarf’s efforts. From now on, they would have to find their

way picking and choosing whatever openings could be found. Tom sent Pony on ahead to find the best

route. Now and then, they found animal droppings, the only indications of life.

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Jack sat on the front steps of their small cabin watching the snowfall. It was piled up just deep enough

to force him to shovel snow in order to open the stable door. The horses returned a few days earlier from

the other side of the pass where he and Cabal had abandoned them in order to follow Pony through the

thicket when Tom was attacking the cabin. Jack was hopeful they would find their way back and was

thankful when they did. He needed to find an elk to rebuild their food supply and wasn’t looking forward

to hunting in the snow on foot. The horses were secure in the stables, fed, rubbed down and watered. Now

he had a moment to relax while Nicole and the twins slept.

Jack climbed the porch steps and sat on the rocking chair Cabal had made for Nicole. He leaned back

and took in the view of the frozen lake behind the stables. The sun slowly raised high in the morning sky

moving Jack into the shadows on the porch. Jack gazed across the lake as his thought wandered to Tom.

It was only a few weeks ago that Tom’s wraith form appeared in the morning air over the lake to taunt

them. Jack’s first impulse was to convince Tom to allow them to help him. Tom was truly all wraith at

that point and could have easily kill Jack but he didn’t.

Jack believed somehow deep inside his wraith form, Tom’s unhindered emotions were actually

guiding the wraith toward them. Jack and Nicole betrayed Tom’s trust when they allowed their defenses

to fall when the adventure began. Nicole’s new elf form released all her inhibitions and allowed her to

become the daring, amorous woman she could never be in the human world. Jack’s attraction to the stoic,

driven Nicole of the real world multiplied tenfold with her transformation. He found couldn’t stop

himself. Little did he know the quick, steamy romance would turn into the love of his life? Now he

couldn’t imagine his life without Nicole. When Tom was free of the wraith form Jack immediately

confessed their indiscretion and asked for his forgiveness. Tom gave it willingly. Jack figured it was

because Nicole was basically a tool to Tom’s political aspirations. As such it was easy for Tom to let her

go, it was purely business.

The wind was growing stronger. Jack rose and headed for the warmth of his fireplace. Nicole was

inside asleep on the bed. Melissa and Jordan were lying on the bed beside their mother starting to wiggle

and squirm as they began to wake up. Nicole’s eyes opened and she sat up to check on the babies then

smiled at Jack and said, “Good Morning.”

Jack smiled back; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have his own little family. All his life he

had longed for a family of his own. The years he’d spent in foster homes had left him very lonely. His

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elderly foster parents, the Tyler’s, adopted him when he was twelve. They loved him and they were good

to him but they weren’t his parents. Now he had a beautiful wife with fiery green eyes and the long blue-

black hair of the Woodland Elves. She’d blessed him with two fantastic babies that looked just like their

mother right down to their pointed ears. He grinned at the thought that neither child had his wavy brown

hair but at least Jordan had his deep blue eyes.

Yet his heart was still heavy as his thoughts went to his friends. He grew up with Hopper and Tom.

They had been inseparable. He considered them his brothers. Now they were facing incredible danger and

he could not help them. Sarah, little meek Sarah the only one that had remained human like him. It was as

if this adventure was made for her. She was so much stronger and more confident since they arrived, but

deep down inside she was still an innocent young woman. Jack could no longer protect her from the

monsters of this world. He consoled himself that Cabal would die before letting anything happen to her,

as would Hopper. Tom would do the same for all of them.

In addition, of course there was Pony. Ah Pony, the moor lion, black as night and stubborn as a mule

and just as big. How he missed that cat. Nicole climbed out of the bed and carried Jordan over to Jack

sensing his thoughts were far away. Jack took Jordan and Nicole went back for Missy. They were sitting

together on the small sofa in the living room counting fingers and tickling toes when they heard the clatter

of hooves as the Woodland Guard arrive out front.

Jack glanced out the window and shrugged his shoulders at Nicole, then headed for the door.

The precipice was deep, so deep in fact, they could not see or even hear the bottom when a rock was

tossed into its depths. The tunnel dropped off abruptly at its edge and continued on the other side but it

was too far for Sarah and Gravid to jump. The others were agile enough to make it. Hopper paced back

and forth at the edge, anxious to keep moving. He turned and looked at Sarah, then Cabal, and started to

speak, but hesitated.

“What is it?” Sarah asked stepping toward him.

“I’ve got an idea. I’m pretty sure it could work, but I’m not sure you’ll like it.” Hopper said.

“We can’t stay here and no one really wants to head back to the dragons tunnel to find another route.”

Cabal said coming up beside Sarah.

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“Okay, I’m positive I can make the jump with Sarah in my arms.” Hopper began, “It’s about 25 feet

but that’s no problem for me. Gravid is a lot heavier than Sarah so I’m not sure I could do the same with


“If I had my wings, none of this would be a problem.” Tom sighed.

Gravid snorted at Tom’s remark and said, “There would be a world of other problems if you had your

wings, boy.” He pulled the small satchel off his back. Searching inside he pulled out a coil of rope and

said. “If you can anchor this on the other side I can try the jump. I’m old, not dead. If I miss, you can pull

me up.”

“Agreed.” Hopper said and motioned at Pony who jumped easily across the distance. Tom followed

with one easy jump and turned around expectantly.

Cabal stared at Sarah, unable to speak. He didn’t like the idea of Hopper jumping the distance with

her. It was too risky. Yet his relationship with Sarah was built on trust of her instincts. Therefore, he stood

silently while she made the decision. Sarah looked from Hopper to Cabal, and back, she could see the

concern on Cabal’s face but they had no choice. If Hopper said he could do it, she trusted him.

“Do you want to go ahead of us?” Sarah asked Cabal, trying to smile at him.

“No, I’ll stay until you two get across. However, I’d think it would be best if you secured Gravid’s

rope around both your waists and allowed us to be your lifeline.” Cabal said, turning to Gravid who

nodded in agreement.

Gravid added, “There’s plenty of line. We’ll just need to anchor it.”

Cabal tossed one end to Hopper, Sarah climbed on his back. Hopper wrapped the line around them

both, then secured it with a knot. Gravid and the two warriors wrapped a section of the other end around a

large rock a few feet from the edge and then braced themselves on the end of the line.

Cabal moved quickly to Sarah and kissed her, “For luck,” He said. Before Sarah could answer, Hopper

dashed toward the edge of the cliff and jumped.

Cabal held his breath until Hoppers feet landed on the far side. Hopper was right; he made a clean,

easy jump despite the extra weight. Gravid and Cabal released their breath as one and Cabal gave him a

quick smile before he jumped across. Hopper was securing the rope around a stalactite on the other side

as Gravid wound the rope around his waist. Gravid was a large stout elf of middle age. His blue-black

hair was speckled with gray, having lived over 450 years, and fathered six children.

Romas and Falcone ran and jumped to the other side as Gravid strode to the side of the cliff. He

glanced at Hopper to insure he was prepared and backed up several steps then took off at a fast run.

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Gravid sailed several feet before he began to drop much faster than he’d hoped. Hopper fought

desperately to take in the slack as Gravid began to fall. Tom rushed to his side to assist. Then Gravid’s

rope went taut with a jerk; Hopper grunted but held his own. Sarah and Cabal ran to the edge where

Romas and Falcone stood and watched as Gravid hit the side of the rock wall hard. Gravid tried to deflect

the impact with his feet but his momentum was too hard. Sarah could hear bone crack when he hit. Gravid

didn’t make a sound. He glanced up at them and waved as Hopper and Tom began to pull. Cabal lay on

his stomach reaching out as Gravid neared the top, Falcone grabbed Cabals feet as he took hold of

Gravid’s hands. Sarah could see his face; it was red and wracked with pain.

Romas grabbed Gravid’s belt and pulled him over the edge. Sarah gasped when she saw his blood

covered legs. Romas pulled out his knife and ripped open Gravid’s breeches to reveal both shinbones

protruding through the skin. Blood poured from his wounds. Sarah threw a spell of healing at his legs and

Gravid growled in agony as the bones pulled back inside and set themselves. Sarah was amazed at his

control; he felt horrific pain yet refused to cry out.

In the blackness, Sarah could barely see the color drain from his already pale face. He had lost a lot of

blood. She had no spell to replace it. Cabal offered Gravid some water but he couldn’t drink.

Hopper came to his side and said, “Gravid will need time to recover. Tom and I will scout up ahead

and see if we can find any hint of the renegades’ location. Pony should stay here with you. He’ll know if

anything comes near.”

Hopper didn’t even have time to turn before a low groan came from the precipice, and a large puff of

steam rose slowly toward the ceiling. Without hesitation Hopper reached down, scooped up Gravid and

said urgently, “Let’s go!”

Cabal grabbed Sarah’s hand and they all rushed off into the darkness after Hopper and Tom. The air

behind them grew quickly warm; the steam seemed to be following them. Hopper called back to them

saying, “Hurry, we don’t want it to catch up to us.” A fresh puff of steam curled around them and they

broke into a hard run. Romas and Falcone brought up the rear running with their swords ready. The tunnel

floor was uneven and full of rocks. Sarah stumbled but Cabal kept a tight hold on her and pulled her

quickly along beside him.

“We need a barrier!” Cabal said, as they were forced to slide sideways between the narrow walls of the

tunnel. Hopper hoisted Gravid over his head in his effort to squeeze through the opening. Gravid moaned,

and then he went limp and was silent. Sarah pushed a soft glowing green barrier of magic up behind them.

It spread across the opening, sealing off the tunnel behind them. She did not want to collapse the tunnel in

case they were headed toward a dead end. It wouldn’t last long if the creature had magic but otherwise it

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would hold for at least an hour against a powerful assault. A low growl came from behind the barrier as a

powerful blast of steam surged at them. Romas screamed as the force of the boiling blast shoved him into

Falcone. The steam grew thicker around them. Falcone grabbed Romas and pulled him along beside him.

The opening began to widen slowly as it twisted and turned further and further away from the creature.

Finally, it opened into a small chamber filled with long narrow needle thin stalactites. Tom began to swat

at the thin rock formation opening a path for them to move deeper into the cavern. The floor of the cavern

was knee deep with murky white water. Cabal heard Hopper mutter under his breath, “It just keeps

getting better and better.” Then he announced in a louder voice, “Keep moving, this is not a place where

we want to be.”

“Romas?” Falcone’s voice came from behind them as they cleared the narrow tunnel. Falcone pulled

Romas from the tunnel into the chamber and watched as his still form slid into the milky liquid. Sarah

rushed to the young warrior’s side but it was too late. Falcone lifted him from the water to reveal the back

of his head and torso was charred and bloody. He was dead.

Cabal took Romas from Falcone and laid him softly back down into the water. He looked up into

Falcone’s stricken face and softly urged, “He’s gone, and there is nothing we can do for him now. We

have to leave him behind. I’m sorry.” Falcone nodded and numbly followed Sarah and Cabal as they

headed to catch up with Tom and Hopper.

There was no way to move quietly through the water so they didn’t try. They moved from the smaller

area of the cavern into a much larger cave. The surface was an uneven maze of large stalactites and

stalagmites. The water grew deeper until it was waist high. They struggled to keep moving forward.

Hopper cradled the still unconscious Gravid in his arms as Pony began bounding through the water

heading toward an opening on the far side of the cave. When they reached the center of the cave Hopper

and Tom stopped abruptly, Cabal began to slow his pace as he approached them.

“What is that sound?” Cabal asked glancing around for its source.

Sarah didn’t hear anything. Hopper’s grip on Gravid suddenly relaxed and he nearly dropped him. He

turned back to look at Sarah as he adjusted his grip on Gravid saying, “Sarah, do you hear that? It sounds

like that song you like so much ... by that crooner who’s always singing in Las Vegas.”

“Hopper, I don’t hear anything.” Sarah stared at him. “There is no sound. We’ve got to keep moving.”

She glanced down at the water wondering if there was some sort of contamination that might be causing


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Tom stood unmoving, not speaking, frozen as he too listened to the unheard sound. Only the sound he

heard was not music, it was the sound of Nicole’s voice calling to him, begging him for forgiveness. The

vision of Nicole in a dark purple corset and fishnet stockings appeared before him. Her dark hair lingered

on her full breasts. She whispered, “I love you,” and reached out to him.

Cabal turned and smiled at Sarah, “It’s Nana singing ...”

A chill ran up Sarah’s spine. She and the others turned to look behind her as a naked woman with long

silver hair rose out of the water and smiled at them. Her long hair flowed about her as if possessed by an

imaginary wind. It danced about her reaching down to flitter across the water. Sarah could make out her

blue-scaled skin just below the surface of the water. A thin slithering, tail surfaced behind her. The

female’s smile widened to reveal long, pointed yellow teeth. An instant later she dove at Falcone. The

creature sunk her teeth into Falcone’s neck and ripped out his throat.

Sarah screamed a spell of destruction at her with such fury she staggered backward as it’s force blasted

from her fingertips. She grabbed Cabal’s arm to steady herself and yelled, “Siren! Run!”

Her scream startled Cabal into action; he dove into Hopper and pushed him toward the exit as the cave

exploded around them. Sarah held tightly to Cabal while he shoved Hopper toward the opening. Pony

burst through the exit, dove into Tom bitting him on the arm and waking him from his stupor. Tom bolted

after them as two more sirens burst from the water beside the first screeching in rage. Sarah thrust her

arms out in front of her and threw the destruction spell at the cavern floor. The water exploded then

rushed through the collapsing cavern as the floor beneath the sirens. Reaching the cave opening they dove

into the darkness. Pony dashed past them to take the lead.

Ahmity’s carriage was luxurious. The bright red exterior was lined in gold trim. The spacious interior

was lined with thick crimson curtains and piles of silky golden cushions. It was as warm as if Nicole were

sitting next to a cozy fire. Although the terrain was rocky and steep at times, Nicole and the babies felt as

if they were floating down the mountainside. Nicole glanced out the large picture windows on occasion to

assure herself they were still moving. Jack rode beside the carriage, reveling in the freedom of a long ride

in the mountains comforted by the knowledg his wife and newborns were safely at his side.

On the second day, Jack moved into the carriage and allowed Nicole to ride between feedings. The

fresh air and sunshine sent her spirits soaring. She’d forgotten how much she’d loved her jaunts outside.

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Nicole been riding since the twins were born. It had been only a week since she’d given birth, but her

spirit cried out for the freedom of a fast ride in the snow. Although a fast ride on a horse with breasts as

large as Nicole’s and full of milk didn’t last long. Nicole quickly slowed the horse to a canter, and then

spun around to slowly walk back to the caravan smiling at her own foolishness.

Finally, they arrived at the school. Ahmity and the children quickly lined up to greet them. Jack rode

in fast and jumped off his horse to embrace the elderly elf. He spied Kaleb and Crasis, and heartily shook

their hands. Jack surveyed the class that anxiously stood before him as Nicole’s carriage arrived. Jack was

pleased to see a couple of human children among the crowd. He walked up to the timid twins and

introduced himself.

“Jack Tyler, one of the few humans you will see in this place.” He said with a smile, offering his hand

to the red haired boy. The boy's eyes widened and he stood frozen staring up at the scantily clad

barbarian. Jack’s leather vest and pants were not the normal forest green the elves wore; they were dark

brown and full of scuff marks. His white linen shirt although clean and bright was worn and bore small

tears and hints of battle. Jack’s knee high boots and the large broadsword hanging from his belt were

beyond reproach. They appeared as clean and shiny as the day he arrived in this world. As was the large

hunting knife secured to his leg with a thin line of rawhide. Jacks appearance gave the impression that he

was a wild miscreant who belonged on the high seas, but his eyes were kind and his smile sincere.

The boy's sister stepped forward and offered her hand to Jack saying, “I am Delindi and this is my

brother, Doran. We are pleased to meet you.” She had the same straight, dark red hair and large blue eyes

as her brother, but her face was lit with a confidence the boy lacked.

Jack took her hand and shook it boldly, pleased with her attitude. “I assume you’ve come from across

the sea? What providence do you hail from?”

“Our family has a dairy farm on the plains of Olanda.” She answered with a smile. “We came across

on a cargo ship. Our parents arranged for us to work in the kitchen to pay our way.”

“Very practical of them. Is this the first time you’ve been away from home?” Jack looked at the boy as

he spoke. Doran still stared back at Jack in awe. “I’ll take that as a yes. If you ever need anything at, all

even if it’s just a human ear to talk to, come find me. I know what it’s like to be away from your parents

in a strange place.” Jack placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder and smiled at them both, then spun to go

help Nicole out of the carriage.

Leaving the babies in the warmth of the enchanted coach, Nicole rushed to embrace Ahmity. Her eyes

swept the large crowd of children as they embraced. Her stomach was tied in knots. Children were not her

strong suit. It was one thing to train the young elf warriors at the queen’s academy how to hone their

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skills with a sword and bow. This was something entirely different. These children looked as if they had

never seen a sword much less held one. After all it was a magic academy, not a training facility for the

Queen’s Guard.

Nicole’s eyes hesitated on the sprites and fairies. There were creatures her elven memory recognized

even though she had never seen them before. That was a perk of her transformation, the full knowledge of

the elven realm as if she’d lived here all her life. Nicole’s eyes went to the rainbow of colors of the fairies

hair, skin, and thin wispy clothing. They possessed great magic and were instructed on its use from the

moment of their birth. Attending the academy was a courtesy to Ahmity and Queen Brees. As well as a

device to secure a seat on the Wizards Council, the most powerful force in the land.

Jack moved to her side, placed his arm around her shoulders and said, “Take it slow and easy. No one

is asking you teach a Physics class. Although you’d probably be great at that.”

Nicole frowned at him; he always knew when she was uncertain. It was extremely annoying. “I’m

fine.” She said forcing a smile on her face.

“Okay, let’s meet our students.” Jack declared boldly, looking to Ahmity he asked, “Do you mind if I

introduce them to a little exercise?” Ahmity smiled and nodded, he’d missed Jack. There was no telling

what the young barbarian had in mind, but Ahmity knew he would jump into it whole heartedly.

Jack moved in front of the group and swept his arms open wide saying, “Hello, my name is Jack Tyler

and this is my wife Nicole. We are your Physical Defense Instructors. As you can see, I am a human; my

wife is a Woodland Elf. We have extensive experience in the art of swordsmanship and archery. Any



“We are going to have an activity, so gather in close. You’ll want to be sure to hear my very

complicated instructions.” Jack waited a moment as the large group of children slowly moved forward.

“This activity is called Freeze Tag. You must pretend that I am an ice ogre. Everyone I touch is frozen.

The only way to unfreeze an ogre victim is for one of his comrades to touch or tag them, then they are

free again. Nicole will be a magical talisman. Touching her is the only thing that can protect you from my

freezing touch. But you are only safe as long as you are touching her and she doesn’t like to be touched.”

That produced an icy glare from Nicole as Jack continued, “Any questions?”


“Go!” Jack yelled and dove for the nearest child, as the children screamed and scattered.

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Nicole soon found herself surrounded by a dozen children with little hands clinging to her. Jack darted

about freezing children here and there, as the others ran behind him releasing them. Nicole was amazed at

how Jack didn’t even hesitate to dive right in and play with the children. He wasn’t the least bit

intimidated by the creatures of magic that dashed gleefully around him. Nicole was sure he didn’t give it a

second thought. They weren’t elves, sprites and fairies to him, they were children.

Jack stopped for a fraction of an instant to glance at his wife. His huge smile melted her heart. She

flashed him a brilliant smile then darted away from the children as they screamed with feigned horror and

rushed after her.

After a time they all collapsed in the cold grass laughing and gasping for air. Nicole collapsed under

the weight of the children that surrounded her and they piled onto her laughing with glee. When the

babies’ cries came from inside the carriage, the children grew silent. Nicole and Jack walked to the

carriage and opened the door. A handful of children came up beside them to peer inside.

“Twins,” Nicole said softly, “A boy named Jordan and a girl named Melissa.” Jack shooed the

students off as Nicole climbed into the carriage to feed her babies.

Ahmity came up beside him and said, “Talania has offered her home to your family until permanent

quarters can be built. “Perhaps Nicole and the babies would like to go there now while you and I discuss

further plans.”

Nicole nodded her agreement. Jack said, “I’ll be along shortly to help you get settled.”

The Woodland Guard escorted the carriage through the trees as Jack turned back to Ahmity. The

elderly wizard smiled and said, “You are a lucky man Jack, Nicole is glowing and the babies are healthy

and beautiful.”

Jack smiled softly said, “I certainly am. Now tell me what this all is about. Why are we really here?

Physical Defense isn’t part of your curriculum until next fall, after the final twenty are chosen.”

“That is true,” Ahmity admitted as he turned and led Jack slowly toward the trees putting for more

distance between them and the children. “There has been some movement in the forest at night. I am

concerned we have unwanted guests. With the school located so far from the village I fear we are

vulnerable. The Woodland Guard is doing their best to protect the village, but having to add an additional

patrol to cover the school has placed a strain on their numbers. I thought if you and Nicole were nearby

then perhaps we could all relax a bit.”

“What kind of unwanted guests?” Jacks eyes narrowed, “Has the barrier been breached again? Is there

news of Hopper and Gravid?”

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“My sources tell me that Hopper and a small number of Gravid’s men gained entrance to the

netherworld via the old barrier and it was sealed behind them.” Ahmity explained, “The trolls believe

many creatures escaped the barrier with the first breach, but most of those were recovered or destroyed.

The presence I am feeling is growing in number and variety, I believe there is a new breach in the


“It’s possible; the renegades had to find an alternative access to the netherworld with the trolls

guarding the barrier.” Jack glanced toward the trees. “Have you seen any of the creatures? Can you tell

what they are?”

“No, but I fear the consolidation of the children’s magic, however weak at this time, has attracted the

creatures.” Ahmity said softly glancing back at the children.

“Our first course of action is to find the breach. I’ll see if we can form a search party. If there is

something out there, we’ll find it. Nether beasts don’t like daylight. They are probably returning to the

access area during the day. If we can narrow down their location and figure out what we’re dealing with

we’ll be better prepared for a night confrontation. I’ll consult with the woodland guard. Who was

assigned to stand in for Gravid?” Jack said.

Ahmity smiled, Jack was never one to delay. In typical fashion, Jack quickly took on any task that

threatened his friends and made it his own.

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Chapter Three

Sarah was numb from the loss of Romas and Falcone, it happened so quickly. Tears streamed down

her face as they ran through the darkness. She held tightly onto Cabal’s hand. She allowed him to lead her

blindly away from the horror they left behind. They ran for what seemed like hours, Sarah threw spells of

vitality at all of them over and over to keep them going. Her head was pounding from the excertion. How

long had they been down in the tunnels? It seemed like forever. Finally Hopper and Tom slowed their

pace to a walk and then stopped to rest as they tried to determine their position.

Cabal turned and looked at Sarah. He instantly pulled her to him and held her saying, “I’m certain we

are far away from any danger. The tunnels have widened, and it appears we are entering another dwarven

tunnel system. The worst of the creatures avoid any hint of dwarves, no matter how long ago they may

have dwelled here.”

Gravid regained consciousness and Hopper placed him on the hard tunnel floor. Gravid glanced

around looking for his two young warriors. Hopper met Gravid’s questioning gaze, shook his head sadly

and said, “Dragon larva took Romas, and a siren killed Falcone. I’m sorry, it happened so quickly we had

no time to react. They did not suffer.”

Gravid’s eyes went dark as he turned away from Hopper. “We must keep moving,” He growled, “I

think I can walk now.” Gravid shoved Hoppers arm away as he struggled to his feet. He groaned as a

wave of pain shot through him. His legs held him, but each step was agony.

Tom and Pony disappeared into the tunnel and returned a few minutes later. Tom urged them to move

back deeper into the tunnel in a hushed voice, “There’s an outcropping ahead where the tunnel widens. A

sentry is up high on a ledge above the crossroad. Its similar to the one we passed before we entered the

netherworld. There’s some sort of shaft leading up in the center of the crossroad. I think it’s an air vent.

We are getting close.” Tom squirmed for a moment as an incredibly strong itch struck him suddenly on

his back. He added, “I think I can reach the sentry, but once we take him we’ll have to act fast before they

discover he’s missing.”

Hopper nodded in assent and Tom disappeared. Gravid pulled his sword from his sheath and they all

followed slowly. Pony led the way.

Tom moved quickly through the darkness. He finally a purpose, a chance to contribute to the team. His

pulse quickened. He narrowed the distance between himself and his prey. When the outcropping appeared

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the itch on Tom’s back returned full force. He squirmed and ignored it, concentrating on his prey. With

surprising agility, he scaled the steep side of the outcropping climbing up the sheer cave wall as if it were

a small tree. He came at the sentry from above.

Tom dropped silently behind the sentry and removed his head with a clean slice of his razor sharp

claws. Blood squirted from the dead sentry’s body and landed on Tom’s cheek. Without hesitation Tom

yanked the body from the floor and gorged on the sentry’s warm metallic blood. Nothing had ever tasted

so good. By the time the others reached the outcropping Tom has disposed of the body and used his

victim’s fur to clean the blood from his face.

Tom gazed down at his approaching friends. What had he just done? How could he give into the thirst

so easily? He’d lost control. It was instinct. It took control. The instinct to quench his thirst. He moved to

the far end of the outcropping to jump down as a stabbing hot pain shot across his back. He gasped and

reached back to the source of his pain. His blood ran cold as he found the stubs of each of his wings had

formed a bud. Panic burned through Tom’s stomach. His wings were growing back! Sarah said his wings

were the source of his evil and they were growing back! That explained so much, Tom clenched his teeth

more determined than ever to never drink blood again.

Tom leapt down to the edge of the crossroad as the others approached. He ran his tongue across his

teeth nervously. What if they could smell the blood on him? He stepped back unconsciously as they

reached him and said, “Its all clear.”

“Where’s the sentry?” Cabal asked glancing behind him.

“He’s dead.” Tom stammered. “I couldn’t ...”

“It’s alright, Tom.” Hopper said softly. He knew it was Tom’s first kill. “It had to be done; don’t think

about it. We need to keep moving.”

“I want to scout ahead and make sure there aren’t anymore. We must be getting close.” Tom offered.

He kept his back to them, not wanting anyone to see the small bumps protruding from under his hooded


“Are you all right, Tom?” Sarah moved closer gazing at him intently.

“It just wasn’t what I expected.” Tom answered quietly. Pony appeared from the shadows and nudged

Tom’s shoulder with his nose. “I’ll take the left tunnel with Pony. Hopper why don’t you take the center.

Sarah and Cabal can check the right tunnel.”

Hopper hesitated glancing quickly at Sarah. He wasn’t sure he should let Sarah out of his sight. His

eyes moved to Cabals stern gaze. Their eyes locked in a silent struggle. Cabal knew Hopper was

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struggling. His emotions were a roller coaster. Yet the last thing Sarah needed to see was his regretful

longing for her. Cabal wasn’t worried that he’d lose her. Sarah made the choice to move on long ago. It

had taken her a long time to come to that decision, she would not falter now. Cabal was trying to be

patient with Hopper, but he would not allow Hopper to step in as Sarah’s protector. Hopper lost that right

nearly two years ago, when he walked out of Sarah’s life.

Hopper glanced down then turned to face Tom. “Agreed,” Hopper said softly, “But let’s takes it slow.

If we don’t find any sign of life within two hundred yards we head back and check in. Watch for more


They separated; Cabal and Sarah moved swiftly into the right tunnel. When the others were out of

sight Cabal pulled Sarah to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with more passion than

he ever had before. She melted into him, needing to forget about the death and darkness that surrounded

them. Sarah’s passion pounded in her chest and ran down between her legs, nearly overwhelming her as

she clung desperately to Cabal. His tongue explored her mouth as his hand moved to her breasts. He

cupped her firm buttocks with his other hand and pulled her hard against him.

Sarah eagerly ran her hands down his muscular back and dug her nails gently into his flesh. She

arched her back as his lips moved to her throat.

“I’ve waited for a chance to do that for days.” Cabal whispered, his voice deep and throaty. “When

this is finished we must find time to be alone.”

Sarah kissed him then said breathlessly “I’m sorry things have been so crazy.”

“It can’t be helped.” Cabal reluctantly released her and took her hand to lead her off into the darkness.

“Hopper needs our help. He’s a good man; I won’t quit until we find Mikado and little Nana and bring

them home.” Cabal stopped suddenly, something wasn’t right. They weren’t alone.

The sounds of the village at night were surprising. Jack lay in bed with his arms wrapped around

Nicole. She slept soundly as he listened. It was silent, so silent it didn’t feel normal. No owls hooting, no

crickets chirping, no wolves howling, no dogs barking, no noise at all. Jack was certain the wind wasn’t

even blowing. How could Nicole sleep through all that? It was unnerving. Something was definitely

wrong. Jack slowly slid from the bed leaving Nicole to slumber. He grabbed his sword and headed

outside to take a look around.

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Jack silently crept out the front door, his sword ready. As soon as he passed across the threshold the

normal sounds of the night appeared. Jack shook his head and smiled. They must have placed a talisman

of silence around the house to help Shorey and the babies sleep. Shorey was pretty jumpy these days. Jack

didn’t blame her. She’d been through a lot. Jack glanced up at the sky. The moon was almost full, the sky

held a scattering of clouds and the air was cool and crisp. A perfect night for a walk.

Jack buttoned his wool jacket, slid his sword back in its sheath on his belt and headed off toward the

school. No sense is wasting such a great night, he’d just pop on over and check on Ahmity and the kids. It

never occurred to Jack there was a curfew in place. Once he’d dismissed the thought of danger it was

completely gone from his mind. He broke into a slow run as he reached the path through the giant trees.

The cool air felt good on his face. He thought of how sexy Nicole would look running beside him in her

usually scanty outfit and rosy cheeks from the cold.

When he reached the fork in the path that veered right toward the school or left deeper into the forest,

Jack noticed a light to the left further up the forest path. It was faint and had an orangish glow. It wasn’t a

good time of year to leave an unsupervised fire burning, especially this close to the village. The ground

was covered by a blanket of dry leaves and a fire could spread quickly. Jack veered left toward the fire.

It didn’t take long before Jack realized it wasn’t a simple campfire. As he neared he heard shouting

and broke into a full run. He cleared the trees just off the path and found half a dozen Woodland Guard

surrounding a creature that appeared to be made of fire. It had a human-like shape. It was tall, slender and

sent out arches of flames that reached across the clearing. The Woodland Guard pressed in to shoot

arrows into the beast and dash quickly away as the flames reached toward them. Jack slid to a stop as they

pressed their advantage once more. A slew of arrows pummelled the beast. The arrows hit their mark and

disappeared into the creatures chest. The creature howled a deep, sorrowful moan but didn’t appear to be


They pressed the creature back toward rock wall of the cliff face behind it. Jack took in the scene. The

cool night air left a layer of moisture on the grass. He glanced up at the top of the cliff, it was bare and

rocky. If he remembered correctly, those rocks sheltered a small pond. He scanned the warriors and

found the leader shouting orders to the others. It was Nayr. Jack ran to Nayr’s side and motioned toward

the cliff.

Jack shouted over the creatures screams and the roar of the flames, “Keep pushing it toward the cliff!

I’ve got an idea.” Jack didn’t wait for a response instead he sprinted across the grass toward the far edge

of the cliff face and began to climb up the sheer face.

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Nayr realized Jacks plan and ran after him moving to the alternate side of the cliff face and began to

climb. They met at the top and scanned the area. The small tree-lined pond was fed by a narrow waterfall.

Jack glanced around and found a large tree limb laying under a nearby tree. He snatched it up, waded into

the shallow pond and began to pry the rocks on the cliffs edge loose. Nayr joined him and did the same. It

was hard slow work shoving the branch down into the soil between the rocks. Slowly the wall began to

crumble. Nayr flashed Jack a huge smile then grabbed his arm and pulled Jack with him as he sprang free

of the pond as the wall collapsed over the edge.

The elves below cheered in triumph as the creature was buried beneath the rock and mud. The water

boiled as it smothered the flames and then fell still, pooling around the pile of stones. Jack and Nayr

gazed down at the newly created pond as the rush of water drained from the pool and turned the cliff edge

into a second waterfall.

Nayr slapped Jack on the back and said, “Well done, perhaps a human’s touch is just the extra push we

need to finish purging the forest of these monsters.”

Jack met his gaze and answered, “I’d be honored to join you.”

Nayr and Jack followed the path from the pond to the school. A quick check of the grounds assured

them nothing was amiss. They walked slowly back toward the village. Nayr sighed and gazed up at the

hint of the star filled sky that appeared through the trees.

He said, “I wonder how my father is handling the darkness of the netherworld. He’s a star gazer. He

can spin the most incredible tales about the creatures the stars portray.” Nayr laughed, “He sent me to bed

shaking in my boots more times than I can say.”

Jack smiled and said, “What impresses me most about your father is his wife. It takes a strong man

with a good heart to win the love of an incredible woman like your mother. Gravid is all that and more.

Your parents are good friends to Nicole and I.”

Jack and Nayr separated at the fork in the path. Jack returned to the village and quietly slipped into

bed next to Nicole.

“Did you have fun?” Nicole whispered as she rolled over and snuggled up next to him.

Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around her saying, “Just a normal walk around the village. I ran into

Nayr and he invited me to join their nightly hunt.”

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Tom and Pony ran swiftly down the tunnel. There was no breeze; the air was stagnant, stuffy. It wasn’t

long before they ran into a dead end where the tunnel collapsed. Turning, they sped back toward the

crossroads. Suddenly Tom stumbled and fell as his back became wracked with spasms of red hot agony.

He rolled on the floor fighting the urge to scream as the pain rushed through him. A memory of Jack

flashed through his mind. Jack was smiling and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get Nicole to her little adventure

as scheduled. I‘ll keep her so busy she won’t have time to miss you. Just get some rest.”

Tom broke into a cold sweat as another wave of pain shot across his back. Pony stopped to stare at

him. Tom struggled to his feet and a wave of nausea overwhelmed him. He fell onto the tunnel floor

unconscious. Pony sniffed the air then settled down next to him.

Hopper and Gravid didn’t have to go far before they smelled the scent of water. They slowed and

hugged the tunnel walls, moving forward cautiously. Arguing voices floated toward them in the darkness.

It was time for the crossroads sentry to check in and the current guards were trying to decide who should

replace him. Judging from the conversation the crossroads were a dangerous intersection, given the

closeness of the dragon’s lair. The trolls spoke of a pack of Hell Hounds roaming the tunnels. Hell

Hounds were giant dogs that stood as tall as a man with jaws that would crush a human head with one


Neither guard wanted the post. Hopper moved close enough to see the two trolls as they stood nose to

nose bickering. The trolls appeared to be alone, Hopper and Gravid headed back to the crossroads to wait.

It wasn’t long before one of the trolls headed into the tunnel. Gravid moved deeper into the side tunnel as

Hopper sank back in a large crack in the tunnel wall and waited for the troll to pass. Pulling his axe from

the scabbard on his back, Hopper stepped forward as the troll entered the crossroads and drove his ax into

the troll’s spine. Glancing down the tunnels Hopper saw no sign of the others. Gravid quickly snatched up

the troll’s leg and Hopper grabbed its arms. They moved down the left tunnel to look for a place to hide

the body.

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Cabal slid his body in front of Sarah placing himself between her and their foe. The creature

approached them on all four leg, but rose to stand on its short hind legs as Cabal pulled his sword. It was

covered in thick fur, had a long thin body and short front legs ending in thick claws. It smelled like a sour

wet dog. The creature made no sound when it bared its large fangs. If Sarah hadn’t been so terrified at the

sight on it, she could have sworn it was yawning. Its attack was equally silent as it lunged, springing

across the short distance between them.

Cabal met its attack full force, stepping into the creature launch and kicked it in the chest. The beast

faltered, then lashed out striking the blade of Cabals sword with its claws. The elfin steal flashed and

glowed from the contact, warning that the beast possessed dark magic. Sarah lashed out with a narrow

beam of blue ice hitting the beast in the face as Cabal drove his sword forward and up severing the beast’s

claw. Still not a sound came from the creature, the only sounds that could be heard were Cabal and

Sarah’s grunts and heavy breathing, as they dodged and struck out at the untiring creature.

The ice had no effect so Sarah threw a ball of green flames that encompassed the creature, narrowly

missing Cabal who dodged the deadly ball and moved back to Sarah’s side. The fire grew in intensity and

size as the creature struggled against it. Then the flames turned purple and began to shrink. The ball of

fire broke apart and vanished. The creature rose to its full height before them, unharmed. It reached out

with its wounded paw as if to taunt them, as the severed claw grew back before their eyes. It was at that

moment they saw the venom dripping from the tips of its claws.

“Run!” Cabal yelled, grabbing Sarah’s arm as he turned and dashed back down the tunnel.

Sarah threw a barrier up behind them and the creature charged right through it as if it wasn’t there.

‘We are going to die!’ A voice inside her cried out, as she raced beside Cabal trying to outdistance the


“Pony!” Cabal shouted as loud as he could, “We need you!” They were out of time, the creature was at

their heels. Cabal turned to Sarah and said, “Keep going, find Pony and the others. We need Tom and

Pony to fight this monster. I can’t kill it and it’s too powerful for your magic!”

In desperation Sarah threw a spell of destruction at the creature and the walls of the tunnel began to

collapse around them. Cabal shouted to her over the roar of destruction, “No matter what happens, don’t

come back without Tom and Pony.” With that, Cabal vanished into the rising dust and debris and was


Sarah knew he was trying to slow the creature to keep it from reaching her. She was terrified for him,

but it was too late to stop him. Sarah prayed as she ran that Cabal would stay alive long enough for her to

bring him help.

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Hopper could see Pony’s shining eyes as he and Gravid approached, still dragging the dead troll guard.

Pony seemed in no hurry and didn’t rise to greet him. When Hopper saw Tom’s still form lying on the

tunnel floor, he dropped the guard and rushed to his side. Gravid stopped next to Pony and scratched the

big cat between the ears.

“Tom?” Hopper whispered, examining him for wounds. Finding none, he rolled Tom over on his

stomach. He gasped at the sight of Tom’s wings which had ripped through his jacket in their effort to

grow. They were nearly arm’s length. “Holy shit,” Hopper growled. He shook Tom trying to wake him.

“Open your eyes and tell me how long your wings have been growing!”

Tom didn’t move, but Pony did. Suddenly he bolted upright and dashed back down the tunnel. The

hair on the back of Hoppers neck stood up. Something was wrong. He snatched Tom off the floor, threw

him over his shoulder and rushed off after Pony. Gravid followed drawing his sword.

Sarah wanted to scream Hopper’s name but she was afraid of discovery. She concentrated on what

Cabal said and sprinted out of the tunnel. She did go far before having to dive against the wall to avoid

colliding into Pony as he dashed past her. Sarah stopped confused, she wanted desperately to go back to

Cabal, but his chances of survival were doubled with Tom’s presence. It was then that she saw Hopper

running toward her.

“It’s Cabal! We were attacked by a beast with powerful magic. I couldn’t stop it! It regenerates!” She

blurted out to Hopper as he dropped Tom at her feet and ran past her quickly, followed by Gravid.

Sarah threw a healing spell at the unconscious wraith. She didn’t care what was wrong with him. She

only wanting to cure him so he could help Cabal. Tom rolled over and sprang to his feet as soon as her

spell touched him.

“It’s Cabal!” Sarah shouted, pulling him toward the right tunnel. “Help him!”

Tom stared at her for only an instant, then sprinted off after Hopper. Sarah wiped the tears from her

eyes and stumbled after him. “Please God, please let Cabal be alive,” she whispered. Finding strength in

her prayer, she forced herself to move after them despite her blinding tears.

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The Woodland Guard’s glared at Jack more fiercely with each order he shouted. They followed his

instruction and were fearless in battle when a creature was located and dispatched. Nevertheless, they

appeared to despise him. Jack ignored it as best he could; deciding it was the human factor. Woodland

elves were independent and spirited, they didn’t welcome strangers easily. Yet Nicole was one of them,

Jack mistakenly assumed he would be welcomed as one of their own.

Gravid’s eldest son Nayr rode beside Jack each night. The young elf was tall, muscular, and fearless

just like his father. He was skilled with the sword and bow beyond his years. Jack considered it a

privilege to fight by his side. They rode into the village after a long night seeking a swamp demon. They

found the slimy creature in a stagnant pool just inside the trees near the base of the mountains. Jack

headed for Talania’s cabin to cuddle with Nicole before she left for the school house.

Nicole was already awake and nursing Missy when Jack arrived. He kissed them both and went to

cuddle a fussing Jordan, who was waiting his turn to be fed. Talania went into the kitchen to stoke her

stove and fry Jack some eggs as he sat down at the kitchen table next to Nicole.

“What is that smell?” Nicole said wrinkling her nose.

“Oh sorry, we dispatched a swamp demon. He spat some sort of sewer gas-like substance at us that

was really disgusting ... and flammable.” Jack explained, “I’ll go take a bath as soon as you head to


Nicole scooted her chair further from Jack. “Ahmity is concerned that one of the tunnel barriers has

been breached.” She placed Missy on her shoulder to burp.

“Well that would explain where the monsters are coming from. But Nayr swears he and his men have

checked them all and they’re still intact.” Jack said as he lifted Jordan up in the air and blew raspberries

on his tummy. “What do you think Jordan? Should daddy go check out the big bad tunnel barriers?”

Talania placed a plate of eggs and fried potatoes before Jack. She smiled at Jordan and said, “Jordan

you tell your daddy to trust Nayr to find another way for those monsters to have gotten out.”

“Talania!” Jack gasped, “You’re a genius!” Jack bolted from his chair, handed Jordan to her and said.

“I know exactly how they are getting out!” With that he was out the door and headed to the school house

to find Ahmity.

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By the time Tom reached his friends, Pony was in a furious battle with the beast. Hopper was dragging

an unconscious Cabal back from the fight. He handed him to Gravid, who deftly lifted the large elf in his

arms and carried him further away beyond the debris. The two nether beasts rolled across the tunnel floor

in a blur of claws and fur. Tom heard Pony scream and dove into the mix, claws flashing. He managed to

get on top of the creature and sank his claws deep into its throat. Pony lunged at its chest, as it rose to full

height attempting to dislodge Tom. The force of Pony’s impact sent all three of them flying into the

tunnel wall. Tom held firm to the beast, despite the jarring impact. As he pulled his claws free of the

beast's throat, blood sprayed into the air, he’d sliced an artery.

Tom neither thought, nor cared, at that moment. He sank his teeth into the beast’s throat and drained it

of blood, in what seemed to be a matter of seconds. In reality, it took several minutes while his friends

watched in horror as the beast struggled to no avail to be free from the wraith. When the beast ceased to

struggle, Pony released his grip on the creature’s chest and sauntered slowly back to sniff at Cabal’s


Cabal was bleeding from a gash on his forehead. His cloak and hair were covered in dust and debris.

Bruises began appearing on his left shoulder and upper arm. “Stay away from me, Pony.” Cabal rose

slowly and cautioned quietly, “It did not draw blood. I was hit by falling debris. It’s nothing to worry


Sarah stood, holding desperately onto Cabal, unable to tear her eyes from Tom while he feasted. Cabal

spun to face her, stepping into her line of vision. Hopper moved forward slowly, uncertain of his next

move. Tom released the beast and stood up abruptly, suddenly aware of his actions and the stares of his


“Tom,” Hopper said softly, gauging his friend’s reaction to their presence.

“I ...” Tom began, “I’m sorry, I just lost my head. Pony was hurt. I thought the creature was going to

kill him. Then there was so much blood I ...” Tom suddenly arched his back as the fiery pain returned

once again. In one brief spasm of intense red hot pain, Tom’s wings sprang forth and opened to their full

height behind him.

No one moved or even dared breathe as Tom gasped and fell to his knees. Suddenly, horrifying visions

of blood-soaked creatures flooded into his thoughts as his wraith memories began to return. Tom saw

himself, felt himself ripping creatures apart and gorging on their blood. The fresh, warm blood tasted

sweet and metallic. The thick, silky liquid warmed his soul as it ran down his throat. Tom gasped,

sickened by the sensation. Then Jack and Nicole appeared before him, naked in each other’s arms. Tom

growled as anger swept through him, stronger than anything he had ever felt before.

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Tom reached out blindly and found Pony at his side, nudging him back to his feet. The presence of

Pony soothed him and the memories vanished. Tom gasped for air as the familiar sound of sliding steel

reached his ears. Cabal and Gravid had pulled their swords.

“There’s no need for alarm.” Tom managed to pull himself up to stand before them. “I’m all right. I

am not turning back into a wraith. It’s just wings, nothing more. They aren’t controlling me.”

Hopper still held his ax, no one moved.

“If I was turning back into a wraith, do you think Pony would be standing next to me like this? Look at

him, he’s calm.” Tom met Hoppers gaze. “Hopper, I’m fine. It’s just a little blood.”

Cabal moved to stand next to Hopper. He sheathed his sword and said, “Tom is right. Pony would

have killed him by now if he was a threat. We will have to deal with this later. We have caused quite a

commotion. We can’t stay here.”

Sarah moved to Pony and examined his wounds, then threw a healing spell at him and Gravid as well.

She turned to Tom and couldn’t see any injuries. “Are you hurt? Do you need my help?” She asked, as

she stared into his eyes to see for herself they were still Tom’s brown eyes, and not the black eyes of a


“I said I’m fine.” Tom said, “Now if Pony and Cabal are able, I think we should get moving.”

Hopper sheathed his ax and glanced back down the tunnel saying, “I took out the replacement sentry.

His partner isn’t too far away down the tunnel. I was planning on sneaking back and taking care of him

when this fight started.”

“So we have a plan.” Sarah said, turning and heading back toward the crossroad. The others followed

in silence.

When they reached the crossroads, Hopper and Tom headed into the center tunnel to dispatch the other

sentry as Gravid waited with Sarah and Cabal. Pony curled up on the floor at Cabals feet and fell asleep.

“I think Pony’s tired. How long do you think we’ve been down here?” Sarah asked, suppressing a

yawn while leaning against Cabal.

“It’s hard to say. With your vitality spells, we’ve been in constant movement a few days at least,

possibly a week.” Cabal answered, quietly staring down the tunnel.

“Tom will be fine.” Sarah said with a sigh. “We purged the evil from him, but he’s still a wraith. We

have to accept that. It’s entirely possible that he will have to drink blood to stay alive.”

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“That’s not what I’m concerned about.” Cabal said. He turned back to her and reached for her hand.

“You are so beautiful, Sarah. Sometimes I forget that you are human. I know you are a sorceress, but you

are not immortal and your reflexes, while very good for a human, are no match for the beasts down here.

If the tunnel hadn’t collapsed when it did, that creature would have killed me very quickly. It would have

caught up to you before you reached the crossroads.”

“But it didn’t . . .” Sarah nuzzled his neck.

“We were lucky,” Cabal began, “I was incredibly careless. I should have seen it coming.”

“We’re all tired . . .”

“No Sarah, you don’t understand. I allowed my feelings for you to distract me.” Cabal pulled her to

him and kissed her gently. “Please understand for your sake as well as Nana and Mikado’s, I have to

concentrate on what is coming next. I don’t want you to mistake my actions . . .”

“I’m not a young school girl, Cabal.” Sarah smiled, “I understand, we need to keep our distance until

we reach the surface. You’re right, this could get dicey and there will be time for ‘us’ later.”

Cabal smiled and nudged Pony with his foot, saying, “Time to get moving my little kitty. There are

two tiny children waiting to play with you.” Cabal turned to Sarah, softly touched her cheek and added, “I

love you, Sarah.”

“I love you too.” Sarah punched him in the arm playfully, and trotted down the tunnel in front of him.

His quiet laughter followed her.

Hopper and Tom could find no crevice or crack in which to hide the second sentry, so they left him

where he lay. Hopper glanced down the tunnel; there was no sign of the others yet. He turned to Tom and

stared at him in silence.

“I’m fine.” Tom said after a few seconds.

“No, you’re not.” Hopper countered, “How many times have you fed?”

“I don’t want to talk about this now.” Tom snapped, glancing further down the tunnel.

“We have to talk about this. I need to know right now, Tom. How many times?” Hopper stepped

toward him, his eyes dark with warning.

“Twice,” Tom said quietly. “The sentry and the creature.”

“When did you know?” Hopper asked softly.

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“After we fought the rock demon, its blood was all over my hands. I was already having urges but . . .”

Tom sighed, “I thought I could handle it.”

“Is there anything else I should know?” Hopper said, meeting Tom’s eyes.

“I’m having . . . Visions, or flashes of memories . . . Wraith memories.” Tom held Hoppers gaze. “I

am still in control, I didn’t have to eat when I did. I could have stopped.”

“Could you?” Hopper asked quietly.

Sarah and Cabal appeared behind him, with Pony and Gravid at their heels. They stopped, sensing the

conflict between them, and maintained their distance. Pony trotted past them to bump up against Tom in


“Are we ready?” Cabal asked.

Hopper turned to face them and said, “Yes, Tom and Pony are going to scout further down the tunnel

and see what is up ahead. We’ll wait here.”

Tom nodded, and disappeared down the tunnel with Pony.

Ahmity stood outside the school house, directing the students in a scavenger hunt for healing herbs

when Jack arrived. The children rushed about through the trees, giggling and snatching plants out from

under the bushes. Jack smiled at Kaleb and Crasis as they walked slowly among the chaos, pointing here

and there assisting the younger children. He recalled his school days playing football and chasing

cheerleaders with Tom and Hopper. His mind wandered to his friends and their search in the darkness,

and he sighed.

Ahmity greeted Jack with a smile and said, “I hear you have made great progress on your nightly


“It’s certainly been an adventure.” Jack said, clasping his hand in greeting. “Nayr and his warriors

are a very impressive bunch. I wouldn’t want to be on the other end of their search. They are fearless and

inventive. They always seem to know how to dispatch a monster. It’s been an honor to ride with them.”

Jack finished, casting his eyes away from Ahmity for a brief moment.

Ahmity stared at Jack silently, frowning. He offered, “It is not easy to walk a path that is not

expected. Many are opposed to intermingling of elves and humans. Perhaps you have felt the sting of

disapproval during your hunts.”

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“Is that what it is?” Jack sighed, “I thought they doubted my skills as a warrior.”

“Give them time, Jack. Once they come to know you, some may soften toward you. Others never

will.” Ahmity motioned for them to follow the children who were wandering deeper into the woods. “I

suppose every civilization has its cultural elite. Unfortunately, the Woodland Elves consider themselves

in that category. They possess more magic than the other tribes, stronger magic. Over the centuries, the

Woodland Elves strived to separate themselves from the other tribes to insure the purity of their gifts. In

some way that makes sense. Their magic has kept to the old ways, unmarred by outside influence. But it

has left them feeling superior to the other tribes and races.”

“What is so special about their magic that they need to keep it hidden?” Jack asked.

“No other tribe has the gift of sight like Talania, or can talk to the forest creatures like Nicole.

Most of the other tribes have limited magic, as in movement of items or the use of incantations.

Woodland Elf magic is specific to each individual. As such, it is more powerful and can be wielded,

similar to Sarah, by thought or touch, very little effort is required.”

“So are you saying that my children would be considered . . . Inferior, because their magical

inheritance is not pure?” Jack stopped and stared at Ahmity, trying to quell the anger that was threatening

to rise within.

“Perhaps by some. But take heed Jack, I do not believe that your human blood will cause the

children’s magic to be weak, if they are gifted. Not all Woodland Elves possess magic. However, there

are other factors that should be considered when an elf weds a human.” Ahmity turned to face Jack.

Somehow Jack knew he didn’t need to be enlightened further. He met Ahmity’s gaze and said,

“Elves live much longer lives than humans.”

“Nicole could live to be nearly a thousand years old.” Ahmity said softly.

“And the twins?” Jack’s voice didn’t waver.

“They should live nearly that long.” Ahmity stepped closer to Jack and placed his hand on Jack’s

shoulder. “The time you have with them is what is important, not the time without.”

“I won’t live to see a hundred.” Jack’s eyes fell to the ground. All his strength vanished. History

was repeating itself. He was going to abandon his children in death as his parents had done to him.

“It is not that simple, Jack.” Ahmity held firmly to Jack’s shoulder. “You live in an enchanted

world. You are married to a powerful elf. Your home is in a village full of magic. Remember, this world

is not the same as the one you left behind.”

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Jack took hold, and removed Ahmity’s hand from his shoulder and met his gaze. “So what are

you saying? That there’s always a chance I could find some magic amulet and use it to live a thousand

years?” Jack snorted and turned to head back to the school house, adding “We’re done here.”

“Jack,” Ahmity called following him, “Was there something you came to speak to me about?”

Moving quickly out of the trees and into the open area beside the school, Jack saw Nicole with a

baby in each arm walking up the path from the village toward him. His heart ached to think of her raising

his children alone. Why hadn’t he realized all this before? Why hadn’t she? Or had she? Either way, he

was not in the mood to discuss it. Jack spun to face Ahmity.

“When you sealed all the exits from the troll tunnels did you blockade the river exit into the sea?”

Jack waited for Ahmity’s reply, knowing his wife was within earshot.

“Well no, it didn’t make sense to seal it. The river runs under the troll tunnels and has no outlet

within the system.” Ahmity explained. “It would have been nearly impossible to stop the flow of water,

much less find a way to gate off the area given its height and location on the side of a sheer cliff.”

“I think it’s worth looking into. It’s the perfect escape route if you are prepared to repel down the

cliff to reach it.” Jack spun to greet Nicole as she reached them. “Hi baby,” He said kissing her quickly,

“Do you think you could handle the kids alone today? I need Ahmity’s help checking out a possible

tunnel entrance.”

“Sure,” Nicole smiled and waved at the children behind them. “Take your time; I was planning a

field trip to the tidal pools today, anyway.”

Tom and Pony sank back behind an outcropping of boulders and gazed down into the massive cavern

before them. The Troll village was an intricate design of large roundhouses scattered among the cavern.

The walls of the cavern had been carved out to form living quarters for the main troll population. A series

of ladders and pulleys formed a lattice of support, and access to layer upon layer of small caves just deep

enough to support a handful of trolls. Trolls, of all ages and size, skittered up and down the wooden

ladders, some as high as five stories. Other ladders appeared to be mounted to the cave wall at strategic

points to allow access to the multiple levels that spanned the entire wall from floor to ceiling.

There was a minimal amount of smoke coming from several of the roundhouses. Each appeared to

serve a function in the community. A commissary, a warehouse, and the large building in the center was

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obviously the main gathering area. There was a smaller, more elaborate, building attached to the gathering

place. Two guards were posted at the entrance. Tom figured the children were held there.

It appeared the village was settling down for the night, as more and more trolls climbed the ladders to

their small caves and disappeared inside. Tom and Pony moved slowly into the city limits, staying in the

shadows between the buildings, while making their way to the gathering place. Voices could be heard

coming from the commissary, as the smoke from the cooking fires ballooned as they were extinguished.

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Chapter Four

Jack examined the cliff. There were several ruts dug into the edge. Jack glanced up at Ahmity and

said, “I recognize these marks, this is where they went over the edge.”

Ahmity leaned over the cliff and glanced down to watch the large rush of water streaming from the

cave into the ocean. He said, “It seems unlikely they could have gone far inside the cave entrance with

such a strong flow of water.”

Jack nodded and said, “Let’s take a look.” He headed back toward the school, moving around to the

small storage shed at the rear of the building, and returned with a long rope. Jack secured the rope to a

large boulder and said, “I’ll climb down and see if I can get a look inside the cave.” He draped the rope

around his hips and leaned into it, as he lowered himself over the edge of the cliff. Jack moved cautiously

down the rocky incline until he was level with the opening.

Ahmity opened his palm and created a ball of light in his hand, sending it down past Jack and into the

cave. He called out to Jack, “It will move as you command.”

Jack frowned, feeling a bit ridiculous talking to a ball of light and said, “Go three feet inside the cave

and hover.” The ball floated quickly to the cave entrance and past the rushing water to hover inside.

“Move further in another 5 feet.”

There was a large shadow to the right. “Move right 10 feet.” Jack commanded, and the ball floated

into a side tunnel and disappeared. Jack said, “Return to Ahmity.”

The ball slowly accompanied Jack back up the cliff. When he reached the top, Ahmity helped him up

over the edge and waited for his report. Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “I could see a

tunnel on the side of the cave about 10 feet inside the entrance. It’s large enough for the trolls to have

passed through.”

Ahmity shook his head and said, “If the trolls traveled back to the Netherworld from here, then it’s

possible the beasts have escaped the same way.”

Jack sighed and glanced back at the school, then said, “Well there’s no way to know for sure unless

we take a short trip down a black hole.”

Ahmity followed Jack’s gaze and said, “You should not worry yourself. Your place is with Nicole and

the babies; I will be fine on my own. I should not have to go far to determine if a nether beast has

travelled down that tunnel.”

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“No,” Jack countered, turning to face him. “Nicole will understand. Hopper and the others are down

there somewhere, searching for his son. I can’t just stand idly by and do nothing. The village is in danger.

If this tunnel provides an exit for the nether beasts, then it’s our duty to secure it. Nicole understands,

better than any of us, how important it is to protect the ones you love. She prosecuted criminals back in

the other world.”

Ahmity met his gaze and said, “Then I suggest we make a journey of it. If we can determine which

path they took once they entered the troll tunnels, perhaps we could find a quick path to Mikado and


“Then we could use some help.” Jack added, as Nicole and the students appeared from the trees next

to the school.

Jack walked casually up to Nicole as the students headed into the school for lunch. He smiled at the

beautiful dark elf. She flashed a Mona Lisa smile that went through him like a white hot arrow. Unable to

resist, Jack snatched her off her feet and swept her into his arms, kissing her passionately.

When he released her, he asked softly, “How is it that you keep growing more beautiful each day?”

Nicole reached up and touched his cheek, waiting for him to continue. Jack took a deep breath and said,

“We found a tunnel inside the cave entrance. I’m pretty sure it’s how the trolls escaped. If they left the

tunnel open, it would be easy access to the surface for any nether beast. We have to go in and close it.”

Nicole’s eyes never left his. She forced a smile and said, “I’ve been missing the twins like crazy, that’s

why I brought them with me today. If Ahmity has no objections, I’ll move into his suite here at the

dormitory and keep Jordan and Missy with me while I teach. I’m sure Talania could use a break. How

long do you think you’ll be gone?”

Jack pulled her into his arms and whispered, “No longer than necessary. I promise.”

Nicole kissed him and flashed a concerned glance at Ahmity. He stepped forward and offered, “We

must travel slow and with great caution. I will bring him home in one piece.”

Jack smiled at her and added, “I’d like to take Kaleb and Crasis with us. They could use the

experience, and they both have skills that could really help us in a pinch. Crasis is a healer and Kaleb has

a wicked way with fire.”

Nicole stared at him for a moment then said, “You are not going after Hopper right?”

Jack’s smile vanished as he answered, “That is not our intention.”

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Nicole knew that wasn’t a straight answer, but at least he was being honest. She trusted Jack and

Ahmity to keep the boys safe. “Let’s talk to the boys. I want to make sure they understand what they are

heading into.”

The stench of the troll city was overwhelming to Tom. The smell of troll sweat and dung, mixed with

the aromas of roasting meat, and the moisture of the cavern made him want to wretch. They slowly made

their way closer to the largest hut in the center of the city. They darted across several narrow streets,

keeping to the shadows. As they left the bank of the cavern and entered the flat base of the city, Tom lost

sight of their target. Pony stared at Tom, as he scaled the side of a larger hut and climbed up onto the roof.

Instantly, Tom was aware of another presence on the roof, but before he could react a large brown troll

tackled him, sending them both reeling off the roof and into the narrow space between the buildings.

Tom sank his claws into the large troll as they fell. They hit the cavern floor with a sickening thud as

the trolls neck broke on impact. Tom sank his teeth into the troll’s neck without hesitation, draining the

troll of his lifeblood. Pony strolled up beside him, and stood silently watching as he finished. Tom

glanced up at Pony then arched his back, as a surge of pain shot through him. Tom didn’t have to reach

back to feel what had happened, he knew. His wings were fully formed.

Tom wiped the blood from his face and rose slowly. He turned to find Pony still staring at him and

said, “If you think I’m stupid enough to believe you haven’t been eating your way through this adventure,

then you’re as foolish as I am.” He reached out and rubbed Pony’s ears and added, “I just hope I can

control it long enough to get Hopper and the others back to the surface.”

Pony rubbed against him, then turned to trot past the back of the hut and into the darkness, Tom

followed. A few streets over, they found the large community building in the center of the town. Tom

and Pony both climbed the side of the hut, and crawled slowly across the thick straw roof to the peak of

the hut where a gaping hole allowed the smoke from the fire to vent. Tom peered cautiously into the hut.

Inside was a large, bare, center area where a handful of trolls sat on the floor. They stared at the far end of

the hut, where a large male troll sat in a large wooden chair, Tom could only assume was a throne. The

troll was surrounded by females that scurried to and fro bringing him food and drink. Tom could see

Mikado and Nana at the other end of the hut, not far from the doorway. They were inside a small, wooden

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cage lined with blankets, two large trolls stood on either side. Tom watched as a young female walked to

the cage and opened the door, to pull Mikado gently out. Mikado’s delicate pink skin was completely

bare. The only hair on his little troll body was a small spot of fur on the top of his head. The female

wrapped Mikado in a blanket, then carried him to the center of the hut where the others sat. She gently

began to feed Mikado small spoonful’s of some sort of milky soup. Nana sat silently inside the cage. She

was filthy. She still wore her white nightgown, which was now gray with dirt and grime. Her long, dark

hair was tangled and ratty. Tom’s heart went out to her, as she sat staring longingly as Mikado was fed.

Tom wanted to rip the heart out of the kind female who was so tender with Mikado, but left Nana to


The trolls next to the female stared at Mikado and began to talk. “Ugly is he, ugliest infant I have ever

seen? Disgusting, no fur to be found. Sickness he must have. Unclean!” The largest one grumbled,

pointing his finger at Mikado.

The female snapped at him saying, “Son of the golden one. Prophesy has come. Deliver us to the

surface he will. Appearance is nothing.”

A smaller troll added, “Disguise is this. Humans he will deceive. One of them, they will believe.”

The large one slapped him on the back of the head and said, “Stupid are you! Human he is not! Blood

and vengeance will be his rule! Slaughter of the humans, his crown. Rule the surface his destiny!

Possession is everything! Glory will be ours.”

Jack frowned at Ahmity, as he used his magic to lower them all down into the cave entrance and said,

“You could have mentioned this earlier.”

Ahmity smiled and said, “I find it best not to interfere with the plans of others, unless absolutely

necessary. I believe you were much more empowered climbing down into the tunnel on your own.”

Jack laughed, as they floated inside the cave past the roaring rush of water to land safely in the side

tunnel. The water that flowed from their tunnel was slow and shallow. Jack examined the walls of the

tunnel. There was no high water mark, or any debris stuck to the walls of the tunnel. Crasis and Kaleb

pulled the torches out of their belts and held them out for Ahmity to light.

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Jack turned back to face them, taking the torch Kaleb offered and said, “I don’t think this tunnel has

much water flow, so we should be fine. However, we need to stay together and keep our eyes open, not

only for any hostiles, but for high and low spots in the tunnel in case the water starts rising.”

Crasis’ eyes darted past Jack into the darkness beyond as he asked, “Do you think the tunnel will get


Jack smiled and answered, “If we are right and the trolls used this passage, it’s not going to get tight.

If it does, then we’ll know we’re on the wrong path.”

Jack took the lead moving slowly into the darkness. The tunnel had a mild, yet consistently downward

slope. The first hours were quiet and uneventful. When they reached a large chamber, there was no doubt

they were on the right path. A large stone barrier that appeared to have been created by a cave in at the far

end of the cavern was partially destroyed. A narrow hole had been dug out at the top of the barrier. The

hole was just large enough for a troll to climb through.

Jack climbed to the top and peered into the hole. He turned back to gaze at Ahmity and the boys,

considering his options. Ahmity opened his palm, and the same ball of light appeared as before. He sent it

up past Jack and into the hole.

Jack whispered softly, “Move forward 20 feet.” He watched as the light illuminated another tunnel

that appeared to veer sharply downward. Jack called the ball back, and climbed down to the others and

said, “There’s a tunnel beyond that heads downward. I want to take a quick look. I won’t be long.”

Ahmity stepped forward and said, “I will go with you. Crasis and Kaleb can wait here for our return.”

Kaleb shook his head roughly and said, “If you are going in there to look for Nana, I am NOT staying


Crasis came up to stand beside Kaleb, nodding his head in agreement and said, “Me too!”

Jack frowned at Ahmity saying, “This is a door to the netherworld, there’s no telling what kind of

creature has been coming and going through here. It’s not safe to leave them.”

“Then we shall all go.” Ahmity announced, and began climbing up the rocks.

Once clear of the barrier Ahmity moved forward, keeping the ball of light before them as they made

their way slowly through the narrowing tunnel. Jack kept close behind Ahmity, with Crasis and Kaleb at

his heels. The tunnel was ominously silent. The only sound that could be heard was their soft footfalls on

the moist rock floor beneath them. The air was stale and moist.

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Ahmity stopped when they reached a fork in the tunnel, and glanced back at Jack. He frowned and

said, “There’s something moving up ahead . . .”

In that instant Ahmity was gone. The ball of light vanished as Jack sprang forward, diving toward the

dark blur that snatched Ahmity back into the darkness. Crasis and Kaleb stood frozen in the dim light of

Crasis’ torch, as they listened to the growls and snarls, as Jack fought the unknown beast. Kaleb forced

himself to move forward and pick up Jack’s fallen torch. Crasis slowly followed as the tunnel fell silent.

“Jack?” Kaleb called softly, lifting the torch out before him.

Jack’s voice came in an urgent whisper, “Backup slowly, and don’t come any closer!”

Kaleb and Crasis stepped back away from Jack’s voice, forgetting to breathe. A high-pitched screech

rang out through the tunnel, and Kaleb stumbled backward nearly falling over Crasis, as he sought to put

distance between them and the beast. Suddenly, the ball of light reappeared to reveal a large lizard-like

creature dead on the floor at Jack’s feet. The beast was bright blue and covered in hair-like thorns. Its

long, sleek body was wrapped around Ahmity’s thin form.

Crasis rushed forward as Jack knelt and pried the beast away from Ahmity. Its long, thin claws were

sunk deep into Ahmity’s back. As they pulled the claws free, Ahmity moaned and blood began to trickle

from the deep gashes. Crasis whispered a few words Jack could not understand, and placed his hands on

Ahmity’s back. The flow of blood ceased and the wounds closed.

Ahmity sighed and sat up, facing them in the darkness. He smiled and said, “I am getting too old for

this type of adventure.”

Crasis smiled and agreed, “Perhaps you should let Jack go first.”

The students filed into the main classroom as Nicole laid several artifacts out on the center table. She

glanced up as the kids surrounded the table and stared down at the items. Nicole cleared her throat. She

had no idea what she was going to say. Ahmity’s curriculum listed these artifacts, and Nicole was

determined to keep the class on track.

She smiled, and glanced around at the curious faces waiting patiently for her to speak and said,

“Artifacts have been a part of magic's history from the very beginning.” She hesitated, gauging their

interest then continued, “Many creatures of magic have found it helpful to have a talisman, or amulet

bearing magical symbols as protection against evil forces. The word Talisman comes from the Greek

word telesma or talein which means "to initiate into the mysteries". A talisman can be any object used for

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the purpose of bringing good luck or protection to its owner. Amulets can be gems, coins, stones,

pendants, statues, rings, plants, animals, drawings or perhaps a special word that is said in a specific way

or on a certain occasion. Just as there are words of protection carved over the doors and windows of this

school so that no creature of dark magic can enter here.”

One young female elf with large brown eyes asked, “Is Pony your talisman?”

Nicole smiled and relaxed saying, “Pony is a creature of the Netherworld. I suppose it’s possible for a

Moor Lion to become a talisman, but Pony is a free creature I consider to be my friend. I suppose you

could call him my talisman, given the many times he has protected my family, but he is not. I do,

however, possess a talisman that I and the human sorceress Sara Sims have used on occasion. It is an

oblong dark green crystal. It is a great weapon of defense when used by a creature of true magic.”

“The one you used to destroy the black changeling?” A tall boy asked.

“Yes,” Nicole nodded, “I have it with me.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the crystal.

“Why don’t we take it outside and I’ll show you how it works.”

The students scurried outside, anxious to see a demonstration of Nicole’s powerful crystal. Two of the

Forest Nymphs took the small carriage that held the twins and rolled it outside behind the crowd of

children. Nicole grabbed her crossbow from beneath her desk and sheathed her sword as she followed.

With Jack and Ahmity gone, she would not leave the school without them. As they stepped outside,

Nicole noticed the sky growing cloudy and the wind was picking up. A cool breeze rushed through her

long blue-black hair. She sighed and welcomed the relief from the hot summer sun. Nicole gathered the

students together at the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast sea, and placed a pine cone on a rock some

30 yards from the group. Returning to the students, Nicole raised the talisman over her head and

concentrated. After a few seconds the gem began to glow, then a bright green beam of light flashed from

the gem and the pine cone burst into flames.

The students rushed to place larger cones, then small rocks and other objects on the rock for Nicole to

blast into pieces. With each destructive use of the talisman the students cheered louder. The last piece

placed on the rock was a large wooden crate from the storage shed. Nicole raised the gem high over her

head and sent a blast of green light into the crate. The crate burst into flames, then exploded in a shower

of flaming wood splinters. The children cheered just as a roll of lightening flashed across the sky.

Thunder echoed across the clearing and large drops of rain began to slowly fall. Nicole turned back to

face the students, ordering them back inside the school. As soon as the words were spoken she noticed a

large shadow move out from the tree line beside the school and head in their direction. Nicole pulled her

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sword from her belt and stepped in front of the children, as the shadow moved across the grass. It must

have been her use of the talisman that drew the attention of this creature.

“Stay behind me and get the twins.” Nicole said, her voice was low and deadly. The children gathered

together as the Forest Nymph pulled Jordan and Missy from the carriage. They sank back toward the edge

of the cliff as Nicole advanced on the unknown creature. Nicole held out the talisman and said, “Identify

yourself or I will destroy you.”

The shadow hesitated. It hovered over the grass less than 3 yards from Nicole. The darkness began to

take form as it grew large and took the shape of a man’s shadow. Nicole held her ground. She would not

let the beast have the talisman; neither would it reach the children.

“Return to the Netherworld or be destroyed. There is nothing for you here except death.” Nicole raised

the talisman above her head and it began to glow. The shadow darted forward and Nicole called the magic

to attack. It slammed into the shadowy man, throwing him back several yards to land, rolling in the grass.

Nicole advanced slamming it with the beam of light, again and again, as it rose to its full height,

unharmed. Nicole reached the creature and lashed out with her sword, but it moved through the beast as if

it truly was a shadow. “Run! Get to the school!” She screamed at the children as she called upon the

forest creatures to come to their aid.

A falcon appeared over the trees and dove for the beast, as a large bull elk crashed through the trees

and bore down on them. Nicole spun and ran for the students yelling, “Go!”

The shadow followed at her heels, oblivious to the futile animal attacks that flowed through it as if it

wasn’t there. Nicole turned to blast the creature with the talisman’s magic, trying to keep it at bay long

enough for the children to reach the school.

Suddenly, a loud war cry came from the trees as half a dozen Woodland Guard came charging from

the shadows with swords drawn. Nicole yelled at the children to keep moving as she continued to pound

the beast with magic. The leader of the guard was Kaleb’s brother Nayr. As he led the warriors forward,

he pulled a small pouch from his belt. The shadow turned and rushed toward the edge of the cliff as the

guard grew near.

“Stop it!” Nicole screamed, “There’s an entrance over the cliff!”

Nayr dove forward past Nicole, and threw the small pouch at the creature. This time, instead of

passing through the beast, it exploded into a shower of white powder when it struck the creature. The

shadow screeched in agony as the powder clung to its dark form and began to burn. Nicole raised the

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talisman again and threw another blast of green light into the beast, which caused the powder to explode

and engulf the beast in a flash of green fire, consuming it instantly.

The large drops of rain began to fall harder as Nicole and the warriors escorted the students into the

school. Lightening flashed across the sky and the clouds grew dense, blocking out the bright sun's

warmth. Nayr shook the rain from his blue-black hair, and glanced around at the frightened children. He

turned to Nicole and said, “Despite the fact that the school is protected by charms, I think it best we move

the children to the roundhouse for the night. Shadow Wraiths always travel in groups of 3 or 4, this isn’t


Tom tried out his wings. Rotating his shoulders seemed to cause a basic movement, but it wasn’t

enough to lift his weight. Pony growled softly and nudged him. Tom frowned at the large cat, but had to

admit the roof of the town hall was not the place for flight practice. Tom glanced down at Nana’s tiny

form and nodded. He was going to get her out of there as soon as he could.

They crept slowly back across the thick straw roof and slid down between the huts, then made their

way cautiously back out of the city. Pony kept nudging Tom toward what he believed was the southern

end of the city, so he ignored the cat and continued to move slightly further to the west. When they

reached the edge of the city, they found a small tunnel just tall enough to walk through, where Tom

expected the stone outcropping to be. Pony nipped at Tom’s wings and growled at him.

Tom rolled his eyes and said, “I’m sorry, you were right. I was headed in the wrong direction.” Pony

snorted with satisfaction. Tom smiled and said, “Okay bane of my existence, which way do we go?”

Pony turned and began to follow the cave wall, then froze as a shout of alarm came from the village.

“Uh oh.” Tom whispered, and spun to sprint to the small tunnel.

“Wraith!” Came a shout from behind them, as they disappeared into the tunnel.

Pony slipped past Tom, who followed in his wake without question. The sounds of pursuit grew louder

behind them. Tom didn’t bother trying to keep his bearings as Pony dove into one side tunnel then

another. Tom was breathing fast through his mouth trying to keep up with Pony. His mouth was getting

dry, so dry. His lips were growing parched. Thirsty, he was so thirsty . . .

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Ahmity reached out, constantly searching for monsters as they moved slowly, in single file, along the

side of the tunnel. Jack took the lead, but was quick to pause, or duck into a side tunnel when Ahmity

indicated danger. Several hours passed without further incident, when they reached a small cavern and

decided to rest. Ahmity sat cross-legged at the edge of the small stream that ran along the side of the cave,

and gazed at Jack.

“Perhaps it is time to return to the surface.” He said softly.

Jack’s head snapped up and he stared back at Ahmity in surprise saying, “We’ve come so far and have

had only one incident, which was hours ago. We should be getting close to the troll’s camp, what else

could explain the lack of nether beasts?”

“Perhaps,” Ahmity began, “But you seem to have forgotten we are not a band of warriors. We are but

one warrior, an old wizard, and a couple boys.”

Jack sighed and said, “Ahmity, you are a powerful wizard and I am a capable fighter, as long as we

keep hidden, there is nothing to worry about. I’m not going to confront a band of trolls and try to fight it

out. However, if we can figure out where the trolls are hiding, then we can find Hopper and bring


“I think it’s too late for that.” Kaleb’s voice grimly answered from behind them.

Jack turned to stare into Kaleb’s frightened eyes. A large troll held him by one arm, suspended in the

air. Crasis was pinned to the cave wall by another, a short distance behind him. Suddenly the small cave

was filled with trolls. Jack’s hand went to his sword, but Ahmity reached out and touched his shoulder as

the first troll rose Kaleb over his head, preparing to slam him into the cave wall. Jack reluctantly raised

his arms in surrender.

The sound of pursuit grew faint behind them, as Pony and Tom raced deeper into the maze of tunnels.

The tunnel began to widen as air grew hot and moist. When they emerged into a giant cavern and found a

large steaming lake, they paused to rest on the sandy shore that flowed into the lake. Drops of moisture

fell from the roof of the cavern, as Pony gingerly crept to the side of the lake to drink. The water was

warm, but refreshing. Tom came to Pony’s side and scooped up a handful. It did not quench his thirst.

Would it ever be sated?

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Tom gazed across the massive lake and said, “I suppose this lake is full of man-eating lobsters, or

poisonous goldfish, so swimming across it is a bad idea.” He stood up and took off his jacket, to spread

his wings. The large, leathery wings opened slowly behind him. The sensation of relief and power was

almost arousing. Tom grinned wickedly, as he began to force them to open to their full height spreading

high over his head, spanning several feet out on either side him. He stared down at his reflection in the

water and his smile vanished. “Pony,” he said quietly, not recognizing the wicked looking creature that

stared back at him, “Let’s get back to the others.”

Tom lifted off the ground and hovered for a moment, then he flew out over the surface of the water.

He turned and swept down, snatching Pony up in his arms and heading off across the lake. The air grew

warmer as they reached the center of the lake. Tom glanced down at the surface, as it began to roll as if

boiling. Pony was heavy and began to squirm in his arms, anxious to reach the other side. Suddenly the

water below them burst into the air, as a fiery blast broke the surface.

“Dragon!” Tom gasped. He put his head down, and concentrated all his strength on his wings and

reaching the far shore.

An explosion of searing steam filled the cavern, as the massive red dragon breached the surface. The

moisture seemed to cling to Tom’s wings, as he struggled to put more distance between them and the

dragon. The dragon rose up behind them, and screamed in rage at the intruders. Its head held two small

horns on either side of its ears. Its square snout was covered in large red scales, its white belly in smaller

glistening scales. Tom glanced back as it bellowed fire onto the ceiling, sending ripples of flames

skittering across the cavern.

Pony screamed, and fought to be free. Tom desperately struggled to hold him. Tom began to sink

toward the surface of the water as they struggled. Finally, when Pony sank his teeth into Tom’s arm, he

lost his grip and Pony fell into the steaming water.

“Pony!” Tom yelled, as he dove toward the water after him.

The dragon’s massive maw snapped at Tom as he dove, catching the tip of his wing and sending him

into a spin. Tom spread his wings out wide, desperately trying to slow his descent. He tumbled, and rolled

head first into the water, as the dragon snapped at the air around him. Tom slammed into a hard surface a

few feet under the water, and was shoved back upward as it rose under him. He was quickly thrown

further across the water toward the far shore, as a second, completely black dragon, breached the surface

of the water, and dove toward the first.

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Tom opened his wings and circled back to search the water for Pony, as the dragons began to screech

and snap at each other. Tom’s heart raced at the thought of Pony struggling in the turbulent waters

between the battling dragons.

“Pony!” Tom screamed, and he dodged the red dragon’s massive spiked tail, as it arched high to slam

into the side of the black dragon.

The black dragon was much smaller than the red but it fought fiercely, leaping out of the water to land

on the back of the red dragon, sinking powerful teeth into its neck. The red dragon bellowed a line of fire

across the surface of the water, as the black tore a large chunk of flesh from his neck. The increasing heat

and steam from the dragon's fire, made the air difficult to breathe. Tom flew low over the water, searching

for Pony struggling to stay afloat. The black dragon climbed further up the red dragon's neck, and tore

another chunk of flesh from the skin under its chin, sending a stream of dark red blood spurting across the

water. The red staggered and fell, sinking into the water as the black dove off its back and disappeared

beneath the surface.

Tom was exhausted by the effort it took to fly. His back and chest muscles ached and burned from the

strain. The heat and thick steam coming off the water left him lightheaded. His feet dipped into the

surface of the water, causing him to lose his balance and crash into the hot, nearly boiling lake. He didn’t

have the strength to struggle against the tall waves. His head sank beneath the water, as he instinctively

drew his wings close about him and lost consciousness.

When he awoke on the far shore of the lake, Pony was lying on the warm wet surface next to him

sleeping. Tom bolted upright and stared across the now still, dark water. Then he turned and knelt next to

pony, placing his hand on Pony’s side to make sure he was breathing. When he pulled back his hand it

was covered in blood. Tom ripped the sleeve off his jacket and pressed it against the flow of blood

coming from Pony’s side.

“Pony,” He whispered, “Wake up boy; we have to get out of here.” Pony’s eyes opened and he stared

up at Tom. He made no move to rise. Tom leaned over and stroked Pony’s head and said, “I was barely

able to carry you over the water. You are just too big, and I’m exhausted. I can’t carry you. You’ve got to

get up.”

Tom lifted the ripped sleeve off of Pony’s side. The bleeding had stopped. Tom smiled, encouraged.

He added, “You’ve got to get up, I don’t know where those dragons went, but I’m sure they didn’t go


Pony didn’t move, he just stared silently at Tom. Tom glanced back at the water as bubbles began to

rise to the surface. He glanced around the narrow space where they sat. There was a tunnel entrance just a

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few yards from them. He had to get Pony out of sight and into that tunnel. Tom cradled Pony in his arms

and struggled to rise. When he couldn’t stand holding Pony’s weight, he opened his wings and slowly

flew the few short yards to the tunnel entrance. The tunnel was too narrow for Tom to fly inside. He

landed on his feet, and staggered under Pony’s weight into the tunnel. Once deep enough inside that he

felt they had some shelter from the dragons, he gently laid pony down on the cool rock floor.

Tom glanced helplessly around for anything that could help him move Pony, but there was nothing.

He sighed and said, “Pony, I am not going to leave you. If you can't walk I’m going to have to carry you,

but it’s going to be slow going.” Tom began to tear the other sleeve off his jacket to make a bandage,

when Pony began to shiver.

“Pony?” Tom reached out toward him, as Pony’s eyes opened and he began to growl.

Pony hissed and snarled at Tom, causing him to pull back. Suddenly Pony began to shimmer, and his

large form appeared to turn liquid and shrink, as Tom stared in amazement. It took only a few seconds for

the large cat to change into the form of a human female. She lay at Tom’s feet completely naked. Her

long, thick, black hair flowed over her pale skin. Tom’s breath left him as she turned to face him. She was

incredibly beautiful with large black eyes, high cheek bones, a tiny pointed nose and full plump lips.

Tom’s eyes ran the length of her hesitating at her full, firm breasts and tiny waist.

“Pony?” Tom stammered, draping his jacket over her naked form. “What’s going on?”

She tried to sit up, but gasped and doubled over in pain clutching her side. Tom knelt next to her as he

removed his shirt and exchanged it for his jacket. He gingerly helped her put it on, then continued to tear

the jacket sleeves into bandages.

Tom spoke softly as he tied the makeshift bandage around her waist, “Pony, you know I’m new to this

world so I’m always the last person to understand everything that’s going on. I’m also in no position to

demand an explanation from anyone, given the secrets I’ve been keeping lately. So I’m going to assume

that your reason for keeping the fact that you are, what I can only assume is a changeling, from everyone

is pure.”

Pony glanced up at him, then glanced back out toward the lake and said, “The dragon is coming.” Her

voice was soft and deep.

Tom didn’t hesitate. He scooped Pony up in his arms and sprinted deeper into the tunnel, hoping he

was headed in the right direction.

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Chapter Five

Talania arrived at the roundhouse as Nayr and two of the Woodland Guards were leaving. Nayr kissed

Talania on the cheek and said, “Mother, keep them inside for the rest of the day. We have alerted the

village elders about the Shadow Wraith Nicole encountered. Everyone is to stay indoors until we

determine if any more are in the area.”

Talania smiled weakly at her eldest child. She would not share her fears with Nayr, he was already

distracted by the kidnapping of Nana and the fact his father ventured into the Netherworld without him.

Talania’s gaze followed Nayr as he walked toward the group of Woodland Guards that were gathering

outside the roundhouse. She took a deep breath, grateful that no vision of tragedy swept across her sight,

then turned and went inside.

Nicole was busy organizing the students, as they stacked their bed rolls at one end of the open room

and deposited their school books and supplies on the other. Nicole separated them into four groups, and

set them to work digging through the many books for descriptions of wraiths, and how to defend

themselves against one.

Nicole announced, “I want to see a 10 min. skit from each group on how to deal with a Shadow

Wraith. You have one hour to prepare.”

Talania picked the twins up from the carriage, and headed toward Nicole. Jordan and Missy began to

fuss as soon as they saw their mother. Nicole’s frown turned into a huge smile, as she crossed the room to

embrace all three of them and take Jordan from Talania’s arms. Nicole ushered Talania over to the dining

area, and sat down at one of the small tables.

Nicole’s smile wavered slightly, as she gazed at her children. Talania could tell her recent encounter

had taken a toll on Nicole’s emotions. Nicole glanced up to meet Talania’s gaze and asked, “How do you

continue to fulfill your obligations to the outside world, when all you want to do is cuddle your little

ones?” Nicole’s eyes filled with tears as she continued, “I admire your strength, Talania. I’m not sure I

could function normally in your situation. How do you manage to maintain your sanity when everything

around you is in such chaos?”

Talania smiled and said, “I pray to the Holy One, to protect my Nana and her rescuers with my first

waking breath each morning. I am comforted in the fact that Gravid is not alone in his quest, and that he

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is such a strong determined man. I know he will not return without her. Lastly, I cry myself to sleep each

night after my children are safely tucked in bed, to release the pain so that I will be able to carry on again

on the morrow.”

Nicole hugged Talania, as they both sought to control their emotions. When Nicole released her she

said, “Nayr has asked me to help them search for the wraiths. The crystal talisman appears to have a lethal

effect, combined with the powder that Ahmity left in Nayr’s care.”

Talania nodded and offered, “I can stay here with the students. I’m sure you would prefer the twins

stay here as well. I’ll send for Shorey to help until you return.”

Nicole rose, and handed Jordan back to Talania. Nicole’s sense of mortality nearly overwhelmed her.

What would have happened to the twins, if the wraith had killed her and Jack didn’t return? Nicole stood

staring at her babies, unable to move.

Talania rose and reached out to take her hand saying, “You are family, Nicole. We are Woodland

Elves; we take care of our own. I will guard them with my life, for as long as they need me.” Nicole

swallowed hard and squeezed Talania’s hand, unable to speak. She kissed Jordan and Missy goodbye, and

left without another word.

Nayr and a dozen Woodland Guards waited outside with their horses. Nayr offered Nicole the reins to

Jack’s tan mare, she mounted, and they headed off into the forest. The storm had lost its strength, leaving

the forest cool with an eerie light mist that floated through the giant trees.

It wasn’t long before Nicole’s elven sense was tingling. She glanced next to her at Nayr, to discover

his eyes were glowing bright green. Nicole scanned the shadows beneath the trees and brush for anything

unusual, as the Woodland Guard spread out to search the immediate area. Suddenly, Nayr called the

group to a halt and they waited.

It seemed like hours before a slight movement appeared, in the shadow of a patch of small leafy trees.

The Woodland Guard charged the trees. They sprang from their horses in one swift movement, and

surrounded the trees with swords drawn. When the shadow sprang high into the air, so did the elven

guards. Nayr barked orders, as the guard dove as one, toward the shadow wraith. As Nayr threw a small

pouch of dust at the darting shadow, another sprang from the shelter of the trees, and engulfed the closest


He screamed, then went silent as the wraith appeared to absorb the elf in mere seconds, until he

vanished inside the shadowy beast. It was his screams that spurred Nicole into action. She sprang from

her horse and ran toward the melee, raising the talisman above her. She threw a blast of green light into

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the first beast, as the pouch of dust slammed into the shadow. Turning quickly, Nayr sprinted across the

grass toward the other wraith, as Nicole send a surge of light into the beast knocking it back into the


The other guards followed quickly, surrounding the patch of trees. Nicole moved to stand beside Nayr,

anxious to finish the beast. Nayr glanced at her and whispered, “Hansen had the last three pouches of dust

in his pocket, when the wraith consumed him. I was certain when you hit it with the talisman’s light, it

would be destroyed.”

Nicole stared at him, confused. She peered into the shadows, watching for movement and asked,

“What do we do now?”

Nayr smiled and answered, “We wait.”

Nicole’s thoughts raced, as she stood in silence staring into the shadows. What if they couldn’t kill the

beast? What if it attacked again and killed another guard? If only Ahmity were here. Ahmity could use his

magic to destroy the wraith. The same magic he’d used on her. The same magic he’d used on Tom. Tom .

. . Nicole’s breath froze in her chest. What if this creature was a victim of Puissant’s magic just as they

were. What if the creature hiding in the shadows, was just a frightened human unable to stop the evil that

surged up inside?

It was then that the creature leapt from the shadows toward Nayr, who swung his sword in a high arc

slashing at the creature as it came. Nicole screamed in rage at the idea of the wraiths humanity, and forced

the crystal’s magic to blast into the beast. Her close proximity to the creature worked to her advantage, as

the burst of green magic tore into the creature, ripping through its dark surface to ignite the fragment of

Hansen’s remains still floating within. The force of the explosion threw Nayr and Nicole across the small

clearing. Nayr rolled with the blast, but Nicole was too distraught to react. The blast of blinding light was

the last thing she saw, then there was only darkness.

Gravid slept soundly, as Hopper paced the distance between the tunnel and the crossroads. Sarah and

Cabal sat quietly talking, as they waited for Tom and Pony’s return. The more the pair talked, the closer

they snuggled and the further Hopper ventured past the crossroads. Finally Hopper noticed some

movement in the distance, and rushed forward, tired of waiting in the darkness. He was ready to confront

either Tom for taking so long, or a band of trolls for daring to attack when he was in such a foul mood.

As he neared, he realized it was Tom and increased his pace. Tom’s back was to him when he arrived. He

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was leaning over Pony, who lay very still on the tunnel floor. Hopper scooped Pony up in one swift

movement, and rushed back down the tunnel to where Sarah and Cabal stood waiting.

Hopper laid Pony at Sarah’s feet as Tom explained, “We were attacked and had to make a run for it.

Pony’s pretty beat up. I was able to stop the bleeding but she . . . he, stopped moving about an hour ago.”

Sarah removed the bandages, and held her hands palm down over the wound, whispering words Tom

could not comprehend. As she spoke, Pony’s eyes opened and gazed up at Tom. He stared down at her

and winked. Her secret was safe with him. When Sarah finished, Cabal and Hopper helped Pony struggle

to his feet.

Sarah smiled and said, “He’ll be fine. He should try to take it easy. He won’t gain his strength back

until I can heal him one more time, but we should wait a few hours.”

All eyes anxiously turned to Tom for a report on the children. Tom cleared his throat and said, “We

found them. They are in a large roundhouse, in the center of the village. The village is massive, it’s the

size of a small town, and the trolls are everywhere. They have sentries on the roofs, and patrolling the

streets. They were just turning in for the night when Pony and I arrived, but that was hours ago, so they

will be waking up soon. Our best bet is to wait until they retire for the night, and try to sneak in and grab

the kids.”

Gravid took a deep breath and asked, “Are they all right? Are they mistreating them?”

Tom smiled and answered, “They are alive and well. They are together, although they are treating

Mikado like a Prince, and Nana looks pretty hungry.”

Gravid clenched his fists, and stared at Hopper saying, “No more delay. We go in now and get the

children. We kill anyone who gets in the way.”

“No,” Hopper said with determination. “I should go alone. There’s a chance, since I’m a troll, that I

could negotiate their release. We need to find out what they want.”

“They want Mikado.” Tom offered quickly. Hopper turned to face him, waiting for him to continue. “I

overheard several trolls discussing how important Mikado was. They believe he is the key to conquering

the surface. He’s supposed to liberate them and control the world.”

“He’s a baby.” Hopper growled, “Are you telling me they are going to raise him as one of their own,

and 20 years from now conquer the world? That’s insane!”

“No, it’s not.” Gravid added quietly, “There is an ancient legend that foretells how the trolls will

someday rise from the darkness. A great war will take place for control of the surface.”

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Cabal stepped forward and said, “He’s right, but it’s a very old tale that children tell around campfires.

No one takes it seriously. There is more to this, than a simple legend. These trolls separated themselves

from the main group, and moved deep into the Netherworld over a hundred years ago. Hopper, you must

have some idea why this tribe left the others.”

“I wish I did. No one speaks of it.” Hopper shrugged his large shoulders. “But there’s one way to find


“No!” Gravid growled, “If the village is as large as the wraith says, then our only hope is stealth.”

Hopper met Gravid’s glare and said, “I am going in first, and that’s final. If I get into trouble, then it’s

up to you to get me and the children out safely. If I succeed, there’s a chance that I can at least get them to

release Nana without a fight. Then we can return for Mikado, once she is safe.”

Gravid sighed, and stared down at the floor. He nodded his agreement adding, “Take the wraith with

you. We will be close by if there’s trouble, he can signal us and we will come.”

“My name is Tom.” Tom announced, with slightly more venom than intended.

“You are evil incarnate, I just hope you discover the truth, before you kill someone you care about.”

Gravid growled back at him. “Just keep close to Hopper and stay out of sight.”

Nicole awoke on a mat in the roundhouse. She sat up and glanced around, then quickly fell back onto

the mat as a wave of nausea swept over her. She glanced to her side, and found the twins sleeping soundly

on a mat next to her. Talania appeared next to her with a cup of liquid, as Nicole’s eyes focused on the

students that lay sleeping scattered about the roundhouse.

“Drink this tonic.” Talania whispered, helping Nicole to sit up slowly. “It’s a healing potion. It will

clear your head and heal your concussion.

Nicole did as she was told. The tonic was strong and bitter, but her headache began to fade in a few

moments, and her sore muscles began to relax. She sighed and asked, “Was Nayr injured as well?”

“He has only minor bumps and bruises.” Talania smiled, “You took the worst of it. You should try to

rest. The babies are fine. I just fed them, they should sleep for a few hours, and you should too.”

Nicole lay back on the mat and allowed the warmth of the tonic to flow through her, relaxing her. She

quickly fell back asleep. Talania pulled the blanket up over her, and lay down on the mat beside her.

Talania’s sleep was restless. She dreamt of Nana calling out to her, begging to be brought home. She

was filthy, dressed in rags and her beautiful long hair was tangled, in large dirty knots. Suddenly her

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dreams were filled with darkness. No light could be seen. Sounds of struggle, and screams of pain flowed

all around her. She could feel death was near, it was coming. Death entered the darkness, with a relentless

purpose that held no escape. It reached out to her with its cold, lifeless hand . . .

Talania screamed, and bolted upright. The entire roundhouse woke with her screams. Nicole was at

her side instantly, reaching out to calm her. Talania’s breath came in gasps as Nicole held her.

Nicole whispered softly, trying to calm Talania, “You are safe, everything is fine. Everything is all


“No,” Talania sobbed, “Something is terribly wrong. We have to find Gravid; something terrible is

going to happen. Someone is going to die.”

Talania’s words chilled Nicole to the bone. Talania was a seer, and she’d had a vision. Seers were

never wrong.

“Who is it?” Nicole forced the words. “Who is going to die?”

“I don’t know.” Talania sobbed, “There is a terrible battle in the darkness. They fight hard for their

lives, but cannot be saved. We must go to them, Nicole. What if it is my baby! I cannot lose my baby! We

have to save them!”

Nayr appeared in the doorway, as Talania spoke and stood staring at his mother. He walked slowly

across the roundhouse to them. Talania took a deep breath, and embraced Nayr. He released her and

glanced at Nicole.

His eyes were moist with tears. He said, “We can leave today.”

Hopper strode boldly into the village, as the trolls began to emerge from their small caves. He spotted

the large roundhouse in the center, and headed directly toward it. The trolls he encountered stopped to

stare at the blonde intruder, but none approached or barred his path. Soon a crowd followed him through

the narrow streets. Shouts of alarm could be heard, as he approached the town center.

When he reached the roundhouse, several trolls stood in front of the entrance blocking his path.

Hopper remained calm, and approached them slowly. He stopped before them and looked each troll in the

eyes, one by one then said, “You have my son.”

The trolls moved aside and allowed Hopper to enter. The roundhouse held one central room. It stank

of sweat mixed with the odor of freshly cooked meat. Hopper’s eyes darted briefly to the small cage that

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held Mikado and Nana. Nana’s eyes filled with hope. She grabbed hold of the cage bars as Hopper

passed, but said nothing. Hopper forced himself to concentrate on the troll that sat on a large chair at the

far end of the room. The troll sat unmoving, as Hopper approached.

Hopper stopped before him and opened his arms wide, as if to embrace the troll leader. Hopper flashed

a knowing smile and said calmly, “Killing him, you are. Death will find him in your care.”

The troll leader stared at Hopper in disbelief. A smile crossed his face as he answered, “Unusual in

thought and appearance is the Blonde One.”

Hopper’s smile never wavered. He added casually, “Hairless was not his condition on the surface.

Neglectful were his kidnappers. Death will come swiftly and without warning, if he remains.”

The leader’s eyes narrowed. He motioned to Mikado’s caretaker, and she quickly went to the cage.

She opened the door and snarled at Nana, who crawled quickly to the back. The troll brought Mikado to

the leader, and held him out for inspection.

Hopper clenched his fists, fighting to control his emotions. Mikado was so near he could touch him,

but he did not dare make the slightest move. Mikado’s eyes opened slightly and he whimpered weakly, as

the caretaker deposited him onto the leader's lap. The leader glanced up at Hopper, whose smile had

vanished at the sight of his fragile infant. It was then that Hopper realized his words rang true. Mikado did

not look healthy. His pink skin was pale, and slightly gray. His large eyes, had dark rings underneath. It

took everything Hopper had to keep from breaking the leader's neck, and snatching his son away in the


Instead, Hopper took a deep breath and said, “Truth is evident. Death is coming. Mikado cannot

become a conqueror if he is dead.”

The leader stared at Hopper in silence for what seemed like an eternity. He held Mikado out to the

caretaker, and rose to stand before Hopper. The leader glanced around the roundhouse, at the small

gathering of his most trusted trolls, then looked back at Hopper.

The leader’s face broke into a huge grin as he said, “Weak and frail is Mikado. Deliverer is perhaps

not his path. Loins of the Blonde One could still sprout the Deliverer. Bargain could be made.”

Gravid paced rapidly; clearly his wounds were nearly healed. Sarah rose from her seat next to Cabal

and reached out to grab Gravid’s arm, as he neared. She said, “Time for one last healing.”

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Gravid stopped and allowed her to chant over him. He glanced over at Cabal, who rose to stand behind

Sarah. One look at Gravid’s grim expression, and Cabal knew he would wait no longer. Cabal nodded at

Gravid and said, “It’s time to see how Hopper’s doing.”

Pony rose from the shadows, and walked stiffly toward them. Sarah went to him and ran her hand

down the length of his side. It appeared well healed. She glanced back at Cabal and asked, “Do you think

Pony is up to this?”

Cabal walked over, roughly scratched Pony’s head, and said, “He has to be.”

At Cabal’s words, Pony stretched and trotted off toward the troll village, with the others close behind.

It didn’t take long to reach the outcropping that overlooked the village. The large roundhouse in the center

of the small city was teaming with activity. A large crowd had gathered in front, but there was no sign of

hostility. Pony sniffed the air and growled. They looked up to see a large shadow move across the ceiling

toward them. It was Tom.

They stood in awe watching, as he silently glided through the air and landed softly on the stone next to

them. Cabal and Gravid’s hands instinctively went to their swords. Tom rolled his eyes and looked at


She stammered, “You can fly? When did that happen?”

Tom reached out to Pony, who obligingly trotted to his side and said, “Pony and I had a close call with

the trolls. We ended up running blindly through the tunnels, and wound up on the wrong side of a large

underground lake. It was either swim or fly. I chose to fly. It was the right decision.”

Cabal stepped forward, releasing his sword and asked, “How is Hopper doing?”

Tom shook his head and said, “Mikado is not looking well. I think it shook Hopper up a bit.” He

glanced at Gravid and added, “Nana is scared, but unharmed.”

Gravid moved quickly forward and asked, “Can we get to them? How many trolls are guarding them?”

“Too many.” Tom’s answer was simple, but direct, “We can’t fight our way in or out. Hopper is trying

to negotiate with them, but it’s not going well.” Tom looked at Sara an added, “We need a diversion.”

Hopper’s smile returned, and he burst into boisterous laughter as the troll leader stepped closer.

Hopper’s hand shot out and clamped tightly on the leaders throat. Hopper lifted him off the ground and

pulled him near. He glared at the troll in open defiance and said, “You have attacked my village, killed

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my people, dared to steal my son, and now you have the stupidity to suggest I breed with your filthy

females. If you value your life, you will release my son and the girl to me now.”

The troll’s eyes narrowed as he met Hopper’s stare, undaunted by his threat and said, “Invisible is

your army. Imaginary is your threat.”

Hopper threw the troll to the ground at his feet and whispered with venom, “If you force me to show

my hand, your village will not survive it.”

Suddenly a commotion came from behind Hopper. The echo of shouts and snarls outside the entrance,

distracted the guards as they hesitated in their rush forward to defend their leader. Hopper turned,

expecting an assault. Instead his heart leapt into his throat, as Jack and Ahmity were shoved through the

doorway, followed by Crasis and Kaleb.

The troll leader jumped to his feet and screamed at the trolls as they entered, “Defilers! Forbidden to

be here! All must die!”

Hopper spun and tackled the leader, snapping his neck in one fluid motion. Hopper was finished

negotiating. Jack sprang to his feet and launched himself into the nearest troll, snatching the surprised

guard’s knife from his hand and slitting his throat. Ahmity threw a bolt of lightning into the group of

trolls behind them as they entered the roundhouse, sending them reeling back into the gathering crowd

outside. Kaleb dodged the guards in front of them, as they rushed toward Jack, and sprinted across the

room to the cage that held Nana and Mikado. Hopper appeared at his side, and ripped open the door.

Nana leapt into her brother's arms, as Hopper snatched up Mikado and spun to find Crasis reaching out

to take the infant. Hopper placed Mikado in Crasis’ arms and shoved the youth behind him, as more

guards flooded into the roundhouse. Ahmity reached out toward the fire pit in the center of the room, and

it exploded in a shower of ash and flames, engulfing the entering trolls in a blanket of fire. Jack grabbed

Ahmity’s arm and pulled him toward Hopper, who was fighting desperately to keep the guards at bay.

Jack released Ahmity and dove into the fray, his knife flashing in the smoke filled room.

Suddenly the ground beneath them began to shake, and a thunderous roar filled the cavern.

“Earthquake!” Jack yelled, as he sank his knife into the chest of a distracted guard.

The ceiling of the roundhouse exploded, as a large dark winged figure burst through and dove toward

Hopper. “It’s all right!” Hopper shouted to Crasis and Kaleb, as Tom swooped down and snatched the

boys and their charges up, and headed back out into the darkness.

Cabal and Gravid followed Tom through the roof, landing on the floor next to Hopper, swords drawn.

The ground continued to shake. Screams rang out through the village, as a huge crack rippled through its

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center and began to widen, swallowing huts and trolls as it spread across the cavern. Plumes of sulfuric

smoke rose from the crevice, as waves of red hot lava exploded from below.

Ahmity motioned toward the rear wall of the roundhouse, and it burst into flames creating an opening

in the fire's wake. As Jack and Ahmity rushed toward the opening, Hopper spun and headed toward the

surge of trolls clamoring over the charred remains scattered inside the entrance.

“Hopper! No!” Jack yelled, as he spun back toward him, “We’ve got a breakaway, don’t blow it!”

Hopper hesitated and glanced back at Jack, who refused to leave the roundhouse without him. The

need to rip the trolls’ limb from limb was overwhelming, but Hopper knew he couldn’t die here. Like it or

not, his adventure was to continue. His son needed him. Hopper picked up the body of the troll leader,

and hurled it into the rushing crowd. He turned and dashed for their escape route, just as the floor began

to crumble and break apart beneath his feet.

Jack ran forward screaming, “Jump!”

Hopper sprang into the air as the crevice widened beneath him. Jack reached out, able grab hold of

Hoppers hand as he neared the other side and pull him forward. The trolls screamed in horror and rage as

they disappeared into the gaping hole, while Hopper and Jack escaped into the darkness.

Tom landed gently on the rock ledge where Sarah and Pony waited. Crasis and Kaleb staggered out of

his arms and rushed toward Sarah. She hugged them and kissed Nana, who refused to be pried from

Kaleb’s arms. Tom disappeared flying back over the village, as Sarah pulled the children toward the

tunnel entrance.

Nana began to cry. She spoke for the first time, whimpering softly, “I want my daddy!”

Kaleb held her close and gave Sarah a pleading look asking, “We can’t leave them.”

Sarah smiled and whispered, “We aren’t going to, but we won’t do them any good if we get caught

before they can reach us. We have to run, and keep running. They will catch up.”

Crasis touched her arm and said, “Mikado is sick. I need to heal him.”

Sarah glanced down at the still form in Crasis’ arms. Mikado was only a few weeks old, and yet was

the size of a 2 year old child. His face was pale and worn, he wasn’t moving. Sarah’s healing spells were

best suited for adults. Crasis’ healing touch accelerated healing from within, and was much safer for

Mikado. Sarah looked at Crasis and asked, “Is his life in danger?”

Crasis shook his head and answered, “Not at the moment.”

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Sarah sighed with relief and said, “If you can heal him as you run, then do so. If not, it will have to

wait until we are safe.” Sarah turned to Pony, and said, “Back to the crossroads, then we need the quickest

route to the surface.” Pony dashed into the tunnel ahead of them. Sarah threw a vitality spell at the boys

and Nana, and they began to run.

Hopper was fearless. He ripped a large support beam off the side of a hut, and charged off ahead of the

others to clear a path through the chaos. The trolls were in a panic. The earthquake had stopped, but the

heat and sulfuric gas hung over the city. The stench was overwhelming. Most of the trolls had escaped

into the tunnel system, fearing for their lives. Yet trolls were an unforgiving race. Hopper knew it

wouldn’t take long before they reorganized, and set out after them seeking revenge.

Gravid caught up to Hopper and took hold of his elbow to slow him down. Gravid said, “Sarah and

Pony are taking the children to the surface. We are to meet them at the crossroads.”

Hopper nodded, and surveyed the village. He said, “Unfortunately the rift has divided the village, and

we are on the wrong side.”

Jack and Cabal caught up with them and Cabal explained, “The only true destruction was restricted to

the roundhouse. Everything else is Sarah’s illusion spell. It should keep the trolls busy, long enough for

us to cross right through the center of the village.”

Sarah pulled off her jacket and wrapped it around Mikado. Kaleb glanced at Nana, and pulled off his

shirt to do the same. Sarah waved her hand in the air, her other hand outstretched below it. As she

motioned, a cup of soup appeared. She smiled and handed it to Nana, who eagerly gulped it down.

Kaleb’s eyes narrowed as he watched her, his face taut with anger as he thought about how his sister had

been treated.

Sarah touched his shoulder and said, “We must keep our heads clear, and our emotions calm.”

Kaleb glanced at her and said, “I’m glad you destroyed their village. They deserved a much worse fate

for what they did to my family.”

Sarah hugged him quickly and glanced around, as they settled down in the dead end tunnel near the

crossroads to wait for the others. She added, “We should be grateful we found them, and concentrate on

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our escape. We’ll need all our wits about us to reach the surface intact. There will be plenty of time to

express what you are feeling, once we are safe.”

Crasis sat down next to Sarah and leaned over Mikado, concentrating on healing him. He sighed and

said, “He’s weak, but I don’t know why? He’s not malnourished, but he has a fever. His hair is gone and

he’s developed a rash. Trolls don’t have allergies, so the rash is very unusual.”

Sarah glanced down the tunnel, anxious for signs of Kaleb and the others. She turned to Crasis and

offered, “Hopper is not really a troll. He came from another world where he was a human. Is it possible

that is causing some sort of issue? Perhaps he has a basic infection that is not normal to a troll, causing an

autoimmune reaction.” Sarah caught herself; Crasis was a healer not a doctor. She corrected

herself, “Perhaps his human side is conflicting with his troll side. Is there a difference in the way you heal

a troll, compared to healing a human or an elf?”

Crasis nodded, “Yes, but the magic should know the difference. However, since he is a troll here,

perhaps the magic cannot sense his human side. How would you heal a human baby of this infection?”

Sarah sighed and tried to consider their options. Glancing back down the tunnel again, Sarah frowned

in frustration. They were running out of time. If the others didn’t come soon, she would have to take Pony

and the children and head for the surface on their own. Pony seemed to sense her thoughts. He glanced

down the tunnel, then bounded off into the darkness. Sarah turned to Crasis, as her thoughts turned back

to Mikado.

She asked, “Crasis, did you bring any supplies with you? Any food?”

“Yes,” He answered digging into his pockets, “But it’s so damp down, here I think the bread has gone


Sarah flashed him a brilliant smile and said, “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.” Sarah took the

mold from the bread and placed it in the palm of her hand, adding just a touch of water to moisten it. She

scooped up the mixture on the tip of her finger and placed it on Mikado’s tongue. “That’s the best we can

do for now.” She said as Pony returned.

Pony growled and nudged Sarah with his head. Sarah knew it was time to leave. She helped Crasis to

his feet, and waited while Nana climbed on her brother’s back, then they followed Pony into the tunnel to

their right, and prayed that it led to the surface. They began to run slowly down the tunnel behind Pony,

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and had not gone far when they heard shouts coming from behind them. Pony hesitated, turning back to

the noise. He growled softly, then crouched down and hissed. Sarah shoved the boys against the side of

the tunnel wall, as Pony raced back toward the commotion.

“It’s my dad!” Kaleb gasped with excitement, and moved to follow Pony, adding, “I can feel his

presence. They are all back there!”

“No!” Sarah whispered harshly, grabbing Kaleb’s arm. “We’ve got to keep moving. If they are behind

us they will catch up. It sounds like they have their hands full at the moment.”

She pulled him behind her, as they began to run down the tunnel away from the commotion. Suddenly

Tom zoomed past their head, barely missing them in the narrow tunnel. He landed in front of them just as

they reached a fork in the tunnel, depositing Gravid on the cave floor.

“Keep to the left!” He said quickly, holding his arms out to bar the way into the right tunnel. As soon

as they passed, he disappeared back down the tunnel. “Take Gravid with you, he’s hurt.”

Sarah accepted Mikado from Crasis, as he and Kaleb pulled Gravid to his feet and helped him into the

left tunnel as fast as they could. Before Sarah could ask what was happening, Tom lifted off the ground

and flew back into the tunnel toward the commotion. Sarah reached out and took Nana from Kaleb’s


“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Nana cried, struggling to escape from Sarah and run to her father.

Sarah threw a healing spell at Gravid and he moaned loudly, then pushed the boys’ away saying, “I’m

fine. Give me my girl!” He turned back to face them as Sarah released Nana, and she jumped into her

father’s arms.

Gravid’s eyes filled with tears as he held his youngest child. He nodded his gratitude at Sarah. Sarah’s

breath caught in her throat. Gravid’s face was white as a ghost, his eyes were sunken, his skin moist. He

smiled weakly at her then turned, slapped Kaleb on the back, and began to run. Sarah followed them

quickly, as a coldness settled over her. She threw a spell of vitality and healing at Gravid. He was hurt

badly. Her spells did little to help him, nor could she do much more. There was dark magic flowing

through Gravid’s veins. Magic she could not stop. Gravid was dying.

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Chapter Six

The trolls had come in mass, scrambling over each other in their attempt to reach the adventurers. Just

as Hopper suspected, they had rallied themselves for their revenge. Only this time they brought

reinforcements. Hounds, nearly a dozen Hell Hounds were bound together, with chains just long enough

to allow them enough movement to traverse the tunnels. They were large, monstrous dog-like creatures

with massive paws, and fangs reaching 8-10 inches in length. They were ravenous beasts that were fed

only when they performed, and only on the victims there were trained to destroy.

Pony dashed past Hopper, slashing and clawing his way deep into the fray. Ahmity’s strength was

nearly exhausted. He barely managed to conjure balls of fire that were just large enough to engulf one

hound at a time, and an occasional bolt of lightning to disintegrate the nearest troll. Given the

circumstances, Hopper and the others had quickly resigned themselves to keeping the hounds at bay, long

enough to give Sarah and the others a fighting chance to reach the surface.

Jack fought fiercely. He held a sword in each hand severing troll arms and legs as he pushed forward,

in a desperate attempt to reach the hounds before they were loosed into the tunnels. Cabal dove on top of

the mass of trolls, and deftly sprinted across, using heads and shoulders as a footfall to drive closer to the

hounds. Cabal pulled a knife from his boot, as a large troll appeared at the head of the hound pack and

grabbed the main lock that held the chains into place digging into his pocket for the key. Cabal’s knife

flew swiftly through the darkness. The large troll glanced up, just as the knife drove deep into his eye

socket, killing him instantly.

The key to the lock fell from the trolls hand and disappeared into the pack of hounds. The smell of

fresh blood infuriated the hounds. They flew into a frenzy, biting and ripping into each other in their blind

fury. One hound after another, fell victim to the blood lust rippling through the pack; as a third hound fell

beneath them, the chains became loose enough for one, then another, to escape. Cabal landed in front of

the first, and drove his sword into its chest. It screamed in rage and staggered backward, to fall victim to

the second hound as it broke free.

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Cabal was suddenly pulled off his feet as Tom lifted him free of the fray, as the pack had broken free

and descended upon the trolls before them. Tom threw Cabal into Hopper, who rolled with the impact.

Tom dove into the panicked mass of trolls and pulled Pony free, as the hounds tore through the trolls

killing everything in sight.

Hopper yelled for them to move into the tunnel. Tom pulled back and tossed Pony after them,

following close behind. Ahmity threw a weak barrier across the tunnel behind them, using the last of his

strength. Hopper scooped him up, threw him over his shoulder and they began a desperate race for the


Pony dashed past them and disappeared into the darkness ahead. Cabal prayed the large cat would find

Sarah and the others quickly, and that they were safe.

Gravid stumbled often, but refused help. Sarah threw every spell of healing and strength at him she

knew, but nothing seemed to help. A powerful spell of destruction was surging through him, and she

couldn’t stop it. Gravid needed Ahmity and he needed him soon. They entered a large cavern, with a

shallow stream flowing through the center. The sounds of battle behind them ceased. Sarah thought it was

a chance for Gravid to rest.

“Let’s stop for just a moment to catch our breath and have a drink of water.” Sarah insisted, as she

approached Gravid and pulled Nana from his arms. “Nana, can you and Kaleb get your father a drink of


Kaleb stared at his father in concern, then answered, “I have a small canteen that needs filling.” He

took his sisters hand and led her to the stream.

Sarah leaned forward and whispered to Gravid, “What happened to you?”

Gravid was breathing heavily, and finding it hard to speak. He huffed, “I’ll be fine.”

Sarah reached out and took hold of his arm saying, “There’s dark magic surging within you and I can’t

stop it.”

“Dragon’s breath,” Gravid snapped softly, “They were all along the side of the cliff. I didn’t see them

until after I was hit. Let it go and help me get the children to the surface.”

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Sarah nodded, and rose to check on Crasis and Mikado. Dragon’s breath was a deadly urchin that lived

on the walls of a dragon's lair. They were born of a wizards curse against those who would see dragons

extinct. The tiny little spiked creatures were no larger than the palm of your hand. Sarah chastised herself

for not thinking of it earlier. The larvae came from the ravine. Dragon larvae thrive on Dragon’s Breath.

The ravine they crossed must have been infested with it. They held potent venom that permeated the body

organs, weakening them. There was no cure. Gravid would continue to grow weaker, until the venom

reached his heart muscle and it simply stopped beating.

Crasis cradled Mikado in his arms, as he stood at the far end of the cave. Sarah touched his shoulder,

and his head jerked up. He glanced quickly around the cave, anxiously.

Sarah said, “I can hold Mikado while you get a quick drink of water, then we can head out.”

Crasis shook his head and said, “I don’t need a drink. I just want to get to the surface. I’ve got a bad

feeling, something terrible is going to happen.”

Before Sarah could answer, Pony appeared at the far end of the cave, and without hesitation rushed to

her side. Sarah hugged the big cat, and rushed toward the tunnel to look for the others. Pony growled and

followed Sarah. He quickly shot past her, and dove in Sarah’s path. Sarah stopped and stared at him for

only a moment, before she turned and announced, “We’ve got to get moving.”

Gravid rose slowly, and motioned for Kaleb and Nana saying, “Kaleb, carry your sister. I’ll be right

behind you.”

Nana climbed on her brothers back, as Jack and Cabal burst into the cave.

Jack sprinted toward them yelling, “Move! Move! Move!”

Sarah’s heart pounded at the sight of Cabal. He was covered in blood, but ran with the force and

strength that said he was uninjured. Hopper, still carrying Ahmity, appeared behind them, followed by

Tom whose wings were closed and folded tightly against his back. Jack grabbed Crasis and Kaleb,

pushing them forcefully into the tunnel as Cabal took hold of Sarah’s hand and followed quickly after

them. Pony held back waiting for Tom, who hesitated as he entered the small cave. Hopper glanced back

as he reached the exit and slid to a stop.

Hopper gasped, “What are you doing, those hounds are right behind us!”

Tom looked at Hopper and said, “Keep going, I’ll hold them off. This is the perfect place to make a


Hopper set Ahmity on his feet and moved toward him saying, “No, there’s too many, and they're too

big. They will rip you to pieces.”

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Tom rushed toward Hopper with determination and said, “There’s no time to discuss this. You know

I’m right. If those hounds aren’t stopped, they will kill everyone. I’m the only one who has the slightest

chance to stop them. Now get going, and take Pony with you.”

It was too late. The dozen hell hounds poured into the small cave. Tom spun; his wings flew open as

his claws furiously flashed across the lead hounds head and chest, in a blur of blood and gore. Pony

roared, and leapt over Tom, landing on the back of the second hound, as Hopper pulled out his club and

charged toward them.

The hounds were twice the size of Pony, but the cat’s fighting skills were much more complex. Pony

dug its claws deep, latching onto the spine of the second hound, then leapt from its back severing its spine

as he flew into the next hound. Tom desperately fought beside him, ripping and tearing into the pack as it

surged forward. Hopper swung with all his strength, crushing bone and snapping limbs as he worked his

way toward Tom and Pony. Ahmity watched as the hounds pushed forward, surrounding the three heroes

as they struggled to survive. Ahmity gathered his strength and reached out to them, throwing a bolt of

lightning that encircled the pack, it tore through the hounds, burning flesh and charring bone.

Hopper worked his way around the pack crushing the skulls of the wounded hounds, as Tom and Pony

concentrated on the last two. As pony leapt to pounce on one of the hounds, it spun and jumped to meet

him. The hound caught Pony’s foreleg in its massive jaws. Tom heard the crunch of breaking bone, and

attacked the other hound with a vengeance he didn’t know he possessed. Pony needed his help and Tom

wasn’t going to let him down. Pony’s scream rang through the cave as the hound’s jaws clamped onto his

shoulder and held fast. Tom sank his claws into the other hound’s chest and ripped out its heart, then spun

to help Pony. Hopper reached Pony’s side, and swung at the hound with his club. The beast released Pony

and clamped onto the club as it moved past him, snapping it in two. Hopper’s eyes opened wide in

surprise as the hound turned to face him, snarling and baring its massive teeth.

Tom dove into the hound, his claws flashing, knocking it into Hopper who pounded its head with his

fists. Tom stabbed the hound in the throat with his claws, and pulled sideways. The hound fell silent at

Hopper’s feet. Ahmity moved slowly to Pony’s side, as Tom and Hopper knelt beside him. Hopper ran

his hand across Pony’s blood-soaked shoulder, and down his leg.

Hopper glanced up at Ahmity and said, “His shoulder is dislocated and the leg is broken, can you heal


Suddenly a distant howl came from the tunnel behind them. Ahmity reached out and threw a spell of

destruction at the cave entrance. He turned to Hopper and said, “I have very little magic left, and Pony is

a large beast. Sarah will be able to heal him once we reach the surface.”

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Hopper looked at Tom and shook his head saying, “He’s too big . . .”

Tom nodded, leaned close to Pony and whispered, “We can’t carry you like this. It’s time to show


Hopper frowned at Tom in confusion, then rose quickly as Pony’s form began to shiver and change.

The same slender figure of a young woman replaced the large cat’s form. Ahmity’s eyes opened wide in

amazement, as a smile spread across his face. He took off his long crimson robe and draped it over Pony’s

naked form. He whispered a small healing spell, and touched her shoulder.

Tom flashed a sheepish grin at Hopper and said, “She’s a changeling.”

Hopper glared at Tom, and clenched his fists in rage. He spoke slowly and with difficulty, “No more

secrets, Tom. We will discuss this on the surface. Pick her up and get moving.”

Hopper snatched Ahmity up, and tossed him over his shoulder without another word and ran into the

tunnel. Not once did Hopper turn around to see if Tom was behind him. Not once did Hopper slow his

pace to inquire if Pony’s wounds still bled. Hopper’s mind raced as to the possible reasons why a

changeling would have kept such close contact with Nicole and Jack, none of them were good.

Hopper pushed the thoughts from his mind, and concentrated on following Sarah and Mikado’s scent.

They were not far ahead. Yet another scent mingled with the flowery fragrance of Sarah, and the musty

infant scent of Mikado. As soon as Hopper recognized it, he stopped and spun to face Tom.

“Hounds,” Hopper whispered to Tom, “They are in front of us. I don’t know how many, but they are

going to reach Sarah and the others before we do.”

Tom didn’t wait for instructions. He placed Pony gently in Hoppers arms and flew off into the

darkness, as fast as his wings could carry him.

Cabal and Sarah led the group. Jack followed blindly, running full force behind Crasis as they sprinted

toward the surface. Gravid stumbled along behind Jack, keeping up as best he could. He never let his

children leave his sight. Jack placed his hand on Crasis’ shoulder, and he pulled Gravid along behind him.

Cabals keen elfish ears were the first to hear the hounds. His heart sank at the thought of Hopper and

Tom being overrun by the beasts. Cabal knew they were nearing the surface, but the hounds were getting

close. They weren’t going to make it. There was no time to explain, no time to prepare. Cabal stopped

and pulled Sarah into his arms.

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He kissed her hard and said, “Keep running, you’re almost there. I’ll catch up. But first I need you to

give Jack sight.”

Sarah had no reason to doubt him. She nodded and threw the sensory sight spell at Jack. She took

Mikado from Crasis, and urged the others on as Jack and Cabal turned and headed back down the tunnel.

Jack staggered at first, but adjusted to the strange vision quickly. He glanced at Cabal and said,

“Where are we making a stand?”

Cabal smiled at Jack, as he pulled his sword free and said, “You and I were never meant to grow old.

We are too stubborn to turn gray and wither away to dust like a couple of old women.”

Jack drew a sword with each hand, and sighed. He said, “Nicole is going to be so pissed at me.”

Cabal laughed and said, “We passed a narrow area not too far from here. That’s where we’ll make our


Gravid heard the hounds as well. He knew they were moving through the tunnels. His vision was

fading and blurry, but his hearing was as keen as ever. Each step Gravid took was agony, but he would

not relent. He refused to die until his children were safely on the surface. Now Cabal, his Prince, his

future King, was sacrificing his life to save them, and he could do nothing to stop it. It was his job to

protect Cabal, his job to keep him safe. He had failed.

Gravid stumbled and fell. He grabbed at Sarah’s hand for support and tried to rise, but his strength had

left him. Sarah pushed the full force of her magic into Gravid, praying for a miracle as she turned to help

him. Crasis spun and reached out to help, taking hold of Gravid’s arm. The young healer gasped as soon

as he touched Gravid’s clammy skin.

“Kaleb!” He called to his friend, “Your father is gravely ill!”

Kaleb spun and rushed back to them, placing Nana on the floor next to her father. Gravid struggled to

rise reaching for Kaleb, he said, “I’ll be fine, son. Just help me to my feet.”

Kaleb glanced at Sarah, and pulled his father to his feet. “Lean on me, father. I will keep you on your


Tears filled Sarah’s eyes, and she turned quickly away. Crasis took hold of Gravid’s arm and tried to

heal him. “No!” Gravid growled, and pushed Crasis away. “This is not the time. We have to keep


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Sarah took a deep breath to calm herself and an idea came to her. She turned to Gravid and offered, “I

can cast a spell of weightlessness on you. It is meant for an inanimate object such as a tree stump, or stack

of bricks, but it should work well enough for us to carry you without much effort.”

“Do it,” Gravid sighed, and tried to smile at Nana. “I’ll be just like one of your rag dolls you drag

around by their foot.”

Nana smiled, and hugged her father’s leg fiercely. Kaleb and Crasis stood and watched Sarah in grim

silence, as she quickly cast the spell. At the lighter weight Gravid found some relief from the pain, his

smile brightened.

Gravid turned to Kaleb and pulled his hunting knife from belt. Handing it to him he said, “This was

my father’s, it is now yours. Keep it safe until we reach the surface.”

Kaleb didn’t hesitate. He accepted the knife, and shoved it in his belt; He swept Nana up and placed

her on Crasis’ back, then hefted his father across his shoulders. Gravid now weighed slightly more than

Nana. Kaleb turned, and sprinted off down the tunnel. Crasis handed Mikado to Sarah, turned and

followed. Sarah steeled herself against what was to come, and moved to follow. A distant howl echoed

from the darkness behind her. Sarah felt the cold rush of terror run through her, as she finally realized

why Cabal and Jack had stayed behind.

Cabal could hear the pounding footfalls approaching. He glanced at Jack and they braced for battle,

determined the hounds would not pass. Suddenly the image of Hopper appeared before them. He carried

Ahmity and a young woman in his arms.

Jack rushed forward to take the girl as Cabal asked, “Where are the hounds?”

Hopper stared at him in confusion and said, “Tom gave chase when we heard them running through

the tunnels. They must have found another path. He didn’t come this way?”

Jack frowned at the young woman in his arms, draped in Ahmity’s robe and said, “Who is this and

where did she come from, she’s human?”

Hopper scowled at him, and turned back to Cabal. “Where are Sarah and the kids?”

Cabal turned and headed back down the tunnel, calling over his shoulder. “This way.”

Hopper followed Cabal, as Jack turned and called after them, “Hey! You can’t walk away without an

explanation.” Jack hurried after them as he added, “Naked women don’t just sprout out from the rocks

down here. Who is she?”

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“Pony.” Hopper called over his shoulder.

Jack stared down in amazement at the beautiful young woman and said, “Nicole is going to have a lot

of questions for you.”

Sarah rushed to catch up with the others. Kaleb and Crasis were moving fast, they’d heard the hound

as well. Sarah knew they were running blindly through the tunnels, but the slope was increasingly

upward. Soon the smell of moisture reached them, and the sound of rushing water could be heard up

ahead. They slowed their pace to a fast walk, as the rocky floor grew moist. It wasn’t long before they

were wading knee deep in rushing water. The water was bitter cold, it stung, then numbed their feet, and

it was rising quickly.

Gravid glanced back at Sarah and said, “This is fresh water. It could be run off from a rain storm. We

need to find higher ground before it rises further.”

Sarah created a small fireball and sent it out before them. They watched as the ball floated deeper in

the tunnel and reached a fork not too far ahead. The light flared and grew brighter as it neared the right


“That way!” Gravid flashed Sarah an exhausted smile.

They struggled forward against the current, reaching the tunnel as the water surged and rose quickly

around them. The flame flew on before them as they quickly followed. Sarah threw another vitality spell

at the children, as they struggled to climb over a small outcropping of rock. The water level slowly began

to drop as the tunnel grew wider, and finally opened into a large cavern filled with stalactites. The eerie

glow from the fire ball cast tall shadows across the cave, as they moved swiftly toward the far wall.

The cavern sparkled in the firelight. The gray and tan color of the rocks, contained ripples of a smooth

green and aqua stone. The stalactites grew narrow and dense, as they reached the far side of the cave.

When they realized there was no exit, Sarah turned to head back out into the tunnel.

She said, “Stay here and keep quiet, I’ll search for another tunnel.”

Kaleb lowered his father onto the cave floor, and sat down next to him. Nana crawled into her father’s

lap, and Crasis sat down next to them to give Mikado another once over.

Kaleb smiled at the sight of Nana safe in her father’s arms. Gravid gazed at his son and asked, “How is

the school coming? Have you learned much?”

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Kaleb glanced at Crasis and said, “Ahmity’s given Crasis and me some additional duties. We are in

charge of the children during exercises. Ahmity said my gift of Fire starter is quite rare, and he’s

determined to teach me how to control it.”

Gravid frowned at Kaleb, then smiled and said, “Since when have you need instruction to control your

own magic?”

Kaleb shrugged and said, “It’s grown in strength and my aim is not true.”

Gravid laughed and reached out to touch his son’s shoulder. He said, “Show me.”

Kaleb smiled brightly and stood up. He turned to face the back of the cave, and raised his hand out in

front of him. He took a deep breath and concentrated. A tiny flame appeared in the palm of his hand. He

raised his hand as if to throw a ball, and tossed a line of fire across the room. Kaleb moved his hand and

sent the flame dancing across the cave wall, when all of a sudden the flame took on a life of its own and

began to dash wildly about.

“Father!” Kaleb cried, struggling to control the fire.

Gravid rose slowly, placing Nana behind him and said, “Stay calm Kaleb, and concentrate on calling

the fire back to your hand. It will obey you, you are in control. Pull back slowly from the wall a little at a

time, will it to return. You can do it, son.”

Kaleb held his breath and forced his will upon the fire. Slowly the fire calmed then shrank back from

the wall and disappeared into the palm of his hand. Kaleb turned, rushed to his father and embraced him,

laughing. Gravid hugged his son tightly, nearly crushing him in his arms. Nana moved over and hugged

their legs.

“Well done, son.” Gravid smiled, “Well done.”

Sarah moved quickly back down the tunnel, looking for any nook or crack they might have missed that

could lead to the surface. As she examined the walls, a slight movement on the top of the tunnel caught

her eye. Sarah froze where she was, and gazed at the slight protrusion in the center of the ceiling. “It’s

nothing; it’s nothing just a bat or a spider.” She tried to convince herself.

The lump began to wiggle and grow. Sarah backed away slowly, preparing to run as the dark form

dropped to the tunnel floor in a heap of gooey flesh, and began to sprout legs. Two legs, then four, then

six and long tentacles with grapple-like, three pronged claws. Sarah turned to run, then realized that she

would simply be leading the creature back to the others. She turned back and faced the creature.

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The main body of the creature lay under the mass of writhing tentacles. Sarah pulled the elven sword

from her belt and it glowed in warning. The creature lunged at her, emitting a high-pitched screech that

filled the tunnel and burned Sarah’s ears. An oozing fog crept from under the beast, as Sarah dodged its

attack and struck out, severing two of the hooked tentacles. The creature screamed in pain and outrage.

The sound was deafening. Sarah wanted to kill it just to stop the noise. She swung her sword low,

severing another tentacle, when the fog grew thicker and she began to choke. Sarah staggered backward,

gagging and coughing. Panic rushed through her. What was she thinking, taking on a monster all alone?

Hopper had warned them not to wander through the tunnels alone! He said the nether beasts preyed on

loners! She was such a fool! She had practically begged to be attacked!

She needed Cabal and Hopper. They would save her. Suddenly the creature lashed out at Sarah,

drawing a line of blood across her chest. Instinctively, she threw a blast of ice at the creature and it

backed away, screeching. Sarah’s head snapped up and then moved after it. She threw a blast of icy magic

at its core. No, she would not let this creature kill her. She was not a weak little princess who needed


“I am a sorceress!” She screamed at the beast, and blasted it again.

It stumbled to the floor, squealing louder than ever. This time its screams were answered, by a not too

distant howl. Sarah gasped, and threw the force of her power at the creature. The icy blast froze the

creature in a layer of ice and it collapsed into itself, as if it were a hollow shell. The howl came again, and

it was closer. Sarah spun, and sprinted back to the cave.

When she reached the entrance, she slowed her pace and walked into the cave. There was no sense in

panicking everyone. Gravid had Kaleb shooting bursts of fire across the cave wall. Sarah stood in the

entrance and smiled, forcing back the tears. She had no idea what to do, where to run. They were at a

dead end. She turned and threw a barrier across the entrance, but her magic was growing weak and the

barrier barely held. She moved to warn them of the hounds, when a cool breeze touched her cheek.

She spun to look at the cave wall that Kaleb had used as a target, and found a small hole had

developed behind the stalactites. “Stand back!” She ordered. Sarah raised her hand and forced what little

magic she had left into a minor spell of destruction at the wall of spiked rocks, and they disintegrated

breaking apart the small hole and creating an opening large enough for them to escape through.

A slight sound of movement came from behind them, as the dust began to clear. They turned to find

four hell hounds standing just inside entrance. The barrier had failed. Gravid moved in front of the

children, and drew his sword.

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“Move slowly toward the opening. Don’t make any sudden movements.” Gravid ordered, calmly

stepping toward the hounds.

Sarah handed Mikado to Crasis and moved to stand beside Gravid, as the boys backed slowly toward

the opening. Suddenly the hounds charged. Sarah threw a blast of ice at the creatures, but her magic was

weak and it did little to slow them. Gravid surged forward and took advantage of his light weight to leap

across the distance. He landed on top of the first beast, and drove his sword deep into its back. Sarah

threw a weak spell of destruction at the cavern ceiling, sending stalactites hurling toward the cavern floor

as the three remaining hounds dove toward Gravid.

The second hound was crushed by the falling rock, and fell only a few feet short of Gravid. Gravid

pulled his sword free from the first hound and screamed at Sarah, “Get the children to the surface!” He

spun back just in time to meet the full force of the third hound, as it slammed into him sending them both


“No!” Kaleb’s voice cried from behind Sarah.

She spun to find the youth sprinting back from the opening toward them. Sarah had never felt so

helpless in her life. Her magic was gone. They were lost beneath the surface, and she knew Gravid would

not last long against the hound. “No! Kaleb!” She shouted, raising her arms out to stop him.

Gravid screamed in pain as the hound sunk its teeth into his shoulder. Kaleb darted past Sarah, and

threw a blast of fire at the fourth beast as it moved slowly toward them. The hound burst into flames and

collapsed onto the floor without a sound. Before Kaleb could help his father, Tom flew through the

entrance and surged toward the hound. The sound of crushing bone filled the air, as Tom reached the

hound. He sank his claws into the beast’s side and pulled it from Gravid, slamming it into the cave wall.

The hound rebounded and charged Tom, who attacked it with a fury he had never known before.

Toms dug into the beast, his claws flashing. They rolled across the floor in a blur of fur and wings, as

Sarah and Kaleb rushed to Gravid’s still form. Tom sank his claws into the hound’s chest and clamped

onto his throat with his fangs. He drained blood from the beast, not caring who was looking on. When he

was finished Tom rose, covered in blood and turned to gaze at Sarah and Kaleb, as they knelt beside


Cabal and Hopper ran through the entrance closely followed by Jack, weapons at the ready. It took

only a moment to understand what had occurred. Hopper carried Ahmity over to Gravid. Cabal moved

quickly to Sarah’s side. Jack stood in the entrance still holding the young woman, unable to move at the

sight of Gravid’s bloody body.

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Kaleb gently pulled his father into his arms, as Sarah applied pressure against the blood that flowed

freely from his shoulder. Crasis appeared at Kaleb’s side, and reached out to touch Gravid’s wound.

“No,” Gravid said softly and pushed his hand away. “Not this time, healer. I’m too far gone.”

Crasis shook his head and said, “But I can save you.”

Gravid smiled weakly and said, “Not this time, son. This is how it should be. I am a warrior. Let me

die with a sword in my hand.”

Crasis looked at Sarah for guidance. Sarah’s eyes filled with tears, as she answered, “He fell on

Dragon’s Breath.”

Crasis turned to meet Kaleb’s questioning gaze, as his eyes filled with tears. Nana pushed past Crasis,

and dove onto her father's chest. Hopper reached out and placed his hand gently on Kaleb’s shoulder.

Cabal pulled Sarah into his arms, and held her tight. Jack placed the young woman gently on the stone

floor, and moved slowly forward to stand by Hoppers side. Tom sank back into the darkness of the cave.

Kaleb reached out to touch his sister’s dark head, as their father closed his eyes forever.

Slowly Tom moved back out of the shadows. He picked Pony up, and moved back toward the tunnels

without a word. Jack moved to follow him, but stopped when Hopper touched his arm. Jack nodded at

Hopper, and went to sit on the cave floor next to Kaleb, who was still holding his father.

Hopper reached Tom as he disappeared into the tunnel and asked, “Where are you going?”

Tom turned to face him and said, “It’s over, I killed the other hounds and there’s no sign of the trolls.”

Hopper shook his head and said, “We haven’t reached the surface yet. . .”

“I can smell the fresh air,” Tom interrupted, “its not far.”

Hopper reached out to touch him, and Tom stepped back. Hopper said, “We need you. We need to stay

together. You don’t know this world; you’re not ready for it.”

Tom smiled and glanced past Hopper, at the small group of mourners. He said, “I know it well enough

to realize I am not one of you. I have needs that you cannot fill. I can feel the thirst in me growing. The

more I feed, the more I need. It’s not safe for you.”

Hopper took a step closer and said, “Sarah purged the evil from you. Physically you may be a wraith,

but you are still human inside.”

“Perhaps,” Tom admitted, “But humans are a flawed race. We are jealous and greedy. When I look at

Jack and Nicole . . . I feel . . . things, dangerous things, and given my condition, that will lead to no


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Hopper glanced back at Jack, who was watching them closely. He turned back to Tom and said,

“Where will you go? How will you live?”

Tom sighed, and glanced down at Pony in his arms. He said, “Pony knows a place.”

Hopper reached out and took hold of Tom, saying, “Will I see you again?”

Tom smiled and said, “Say goodbye for me.”

The small waterfall hid a narrow crevice that fed into the troll tunnel system. The entrance was so

overgrown with vines and brush that Nicole and Nayr spent over an hour hacking and cutting their way

into the tunnel. The narrow crevice led into a hollow that held a shallow pool. The lush green canyon’s

high walls curved inward, creating a canopy that allowed a narrow beam of light to filter downward.

Nayr took the lead, as they waded into small pond toward the cave entrance. Nicole was close behind

him, followed by Talania. As they reached the center of the pond, Sarah and Cabal walked slowly out of

the cave and into the dim light. Nayr strode quickly forward. Nicole and Talania stood frozen by the pale

expression of grief on Sarah’s face.

When Kaleb and Nana appeared, Talania cried out and ran to embrace them. Nana rushed into her

mother’s arms, but before she could speak Hopper appeared, carrying Gravid’s body. Nicole stood and

watched the scene in surreal horror. Not Gravid, he was the strongest, bravest elf she had ever known.

Tears streamed down Nicole’s face as Jack appeared from the darkness. He was covered in mud and

blood. He looked exhausted. He was the most beautiful sight Nicole had ever seen in her life.

Jack staggered toward her, unable to speak. Nicole rushed into his arms, and kissed him long and hard

as relief that Jack was spared mixed with her grief for Gravid. They held each other and cried.

Jack scooped up the twins from their cribs, and climbed back into bed with Nicole. Jack gently laid the

twins next to Nicole who still slept soundly, exhausted from the last few days’ funeral events. Missy

cooed and grabbed at her sleeping mothers nose, while Jordan nuzzled her breasts looking for breakfast.

Jack leaned over and kissed Nicole’s neck.

He whispered into her ear, “I want to build us a cottage near the school, overlooking the sea.”

Nicole opened her eyes and gazed at him asking, “What about our cabin in the mountains?”

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Jack smiled and kissed the hollow of her neck then said, “I’ve always wanted a summer home.

Besides, these elves need a good dose of humanity, and I’ve formed an unnatural attachment to the


Nicole chuckled and kissed him again then sat up, gathered the twins in her arms and clarified,

“Meaning you want to coach the new students in self-defense.”

Jack grinned at her as she positioned one baby on each breast. “Meaning our life should be here with

your people.”

Cabal entered the hallowed canyon first. Sarah hesitated and took a deep breath to steady herself. She

knew losing Gravid had taken a toll on Cabal. Gravid was his mentor. Cabal turned to smile back at

Sarah. She carried a large wreath of wild flowers. The variety of colors brought out the blue in her eyes,

and accented the deep crimson color of her hair. Hopper followed closely behind her. He pulled a small

cart filled with iron bars. Ahmity brought up the rear of the procession. His tall, thin form moved a bit

slower since their venture into the Netherworld. Yet his magic had returned in full force.

They would not seal this exit from the underworld, in honor of Gravid’s loss. Placing an iron grid over

the narrow entrance would ensure most beasts would not gain access to the surface. The small group

waded into the shallow pool and stood staring at the cave entrance. Silently, Sarah waved her hand at the

pile of bars, and they flew swiftly across the water and embedded themselves into the rock that lined the

entrance, forming an iron grid across the opening. Ahmity lifted his hand slightly, and the rock

surrounding the opening became fluid and flowed around the bars, sealing the bond and reinforcing the

structure as the stone became solid again. Birdsong filled the small canyon, as they stood and gazed at the

new barrier. The few rays of sunlight that filtered down, touched the sparkling pool. Reflective ripples

danced across the vine-covered stone walls.

Cabal reached out and took hold of Sarah’s hand, as he gazed toward the sky. He said, “Gravid was

the best man I ever knew. His courage and fortitude outshined all others. He was a devoted friend to my

father, and to me. His loyalty was unwavering, and his love for his family was as fierce as his prowess in

battle.” Cabal’s voice broke as he continued, “There is no memory I have that does not include him. I

pray that I can become the leader he expected me to be. If I can balance my life and love as perfect as he

has done, only then will I consider myself accomplished.”

Hopper glanced at Cabal, feeling close to him for the first time and said, “You and Gravid were my

fiercest enemies when our adventure began. His stubborn, protective view of the universe gave keen

insight to the Woodland Elves, and how they survived these last few hundred years. When I discovered I

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had a son and my people were at risk, my first thought was of Gravid. I suddenly found myself trusting

Gravid with my son’s life.” Tears filled Hoppers eyes, as Sarah turned to gaze up at him. He looked down

at the beautiful sorceress he will never love again, and said, “This is my fault.”

Cabal stepped behind Sarah, and came to Hopper. He said, “If Mikado had been taken from his

mother’s arms deep within the troll realm, instead of the Woodland Village, Gravid would still have come

to fight by your side, to rescue your son. When his son-in-law was killed, and his daughter taken, it added

to the emotion of Gravid’s condition. Yet he still would have come to the same end. The course of his life

was set in motion, the moment his life sparked inside his mother. Coming to your aid was his destiny, you

should be honored to be such an important part of his life.”

Hopper turned, and stared into the darkness of the cave before him. It felt as if he was standing on the

edge of an abyss, looking at his fate. He glanced down and gazed into the water at his feet. It was cool

and crystal clear, reflecting the greenery around them, it almost seemed to glow. It was then that he

realized he was done with the underworld. It was not his home. He was not a true troll. He was a human

stuck in a troll’s body, with a son that reflected that humanity by shedding his troll hair. His son’s life and

recovery had come at a great cost, a cost that Hopper could never repay. Talania and her children would

feel that loss for the rest of their lives, and so shall he. Hopper would not return to the underworld.

He gazed up at Sarah and Cabal, and asked, “Do you think the Woodland Elves would accept another

stranger calling their village home?”

Cabal smiled and said, “If they don’t, they will have to answer to me.”

Sarah smiled at Hopper, and reached up to touch his cheek. She whispered, “Welcome home.” Then

turned and stretched her hand out toward the new barrier.

Ahmity reached out as well, and a green glow lit up the bars and spread across the barrier to seal the

opening. Ahmity smiled and said, “Nothing will breach this barrier, no matter how large or small. Our

magic will keep it sealed.”

Hopper nodded and added, “One last entrance needs to be sealed, the vertical air vent where Daki

died. The trolls must learn to control their own from now on. As long as all exits are sealed, their inner

struggles will remain their own.”

They waded from the pool, and watched somberly as Sarah placed the large wreath on the crystal

water. Ahmity nodded and turned to Hopper. He said, “Shall we finish this, then?” Hopper nodded, and

turned to follow him.

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Cabal touched Sarah’s arm to stop her from following, and called after them, “If you don’t mind, we’ll

leave you to it.”

Hopper waved his large hand above his head, signaling his goodbye as they disappeared through the

crevice and out into the forest. Cabal glanced down at Sarah’s questioning gaze and pulled her into his

arms, kissing her gently. Sarah’s response surprised her. She leaned against him, pulling him closer as an

urgency filled her she’d never felt before.

Cabal pulled back, surprised by her passion and smiled. He said, “Perhaps you and I are of one mind

this morning?”

Sarah smiled and answered, “Since that moment in the mountains when I allowed myself to love you,

we have not had one moment alone.”

Cabal breathed deeply and allowed his hands to move down to the small of her back, “It has been pure

torture.” Cabal pulled back from her suddenly, with a bold laugh adding, “But then again from the

moment I met you, you have tortured me with your beauty and stubborn refusals. I am a fool to think that

our love would mingle so easily, even after you surrendered to me.”

Sarah frowned at him, and locked her leg around his ankle then pushed him down hard onto the soft

moist grass falling on top of him and said, “Then perhaps I should take control.”

Her kiss burned like fire, consuming Cabal. All thoughts of sorrow and loss fell away, as quickly as

their clothing floated onto the grass beside them. Cabal knew his life was taking a precarious turn, loving

a human in an elven world, but he did not care. No other woman had ever fueled such a fire within him,

and he doubted any other ever would.

The end

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Other books by Alaina Stanford Hypnotic Journey Series

Book One – Forbidden Quest

Wouldn't it be cool to suddenly have the battle skills of a seasoned warrior? Wouldn't that be

even better if the battle felt real but there was no physical risk to you? Wouldn't it be perfect if

the hypnotist in charge of your session was not insanely evil and using you as a weapon in a plot

for revenge? Four friends, two in love, two in hate enter into a Group Hypnosis study attempting

to introduce fantasy adventures to small groups. They are promised a video game type of

adventure rescuing an Elf Queen from her crystal prison as elf warriors, a sorceress and a fairy.

As soon as they fall under the good doctor’s spell, they begin to realize the adventure is more

real than they could have ever imagined. They find themselves in a hostile world they cannot

seem to escape from.

Certain she has discovered the next hot trend in adventure vacations Nicole Waters a

prominent St Louis Assistant District Attorney is forced to take her boyfriend Tom’s best friend

Jack Tyler, a local travel agent on a business vacation. Her haste to be a prime investor takes

Nicole, Jack and two others; Sarah Sims, a shy nurse practitioner and Todd Hopper, a

professional hockey player into a test program for group hypnosis.

Dr. Strong introduces the soon to be adventurers to an equipment-filled gym inside an archaic

old hotel. Undaunted by their meager surroundings, the friends listen anxiously as Dr. Strong

explains, “The wall of netting might become a series of vines or perhaps the side of a rock cliff.

The weight machine will serve as stimulus if you are required to lift or push a heavy object. The

stair climber will act as a tree, fortress wall or perhaps a rock incline you must scale.” He then

offers the adventurers a mild sedative to aid in their simultaneous entry into hypnosis. But

instead of experiencing an action packed fantasy quest to rescue the Elf Queen from her crystal

prison inside the Cave of Sorrows; they find themselves trapped in a deadly world of elves and

monsters that are more real than they could ever imagine. Where a cry for help is left unheard...

Book Two – When Magic Fails

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After the tragedy of losing one of their own, shortly after arriving in this new world, the

remaining adventurers begin to create a new life in a new world filled with elves and trolls.

Suddenly the last surviving Elf Wizard vanishes in a violent storm leaving an entire battalion of

Elf Warriors dead. Having finally completed her apprenticeship Sorceress Sarah Sims and her

companions: Jack, a skilled swordsman and Nicole, one of the last remaining Woodland Elves

now face a mysterious magical foe of great power.

Risking everything to save Sarah from the elf council’s decision to execute her for treason,

the elf Prince Cabal secretly sneaks the adventurers off in search of the menacing storm cloud

responsible for the wizard disappearance. Sarah quickly discovers carelessness from their past

has poisoned the land and caused the Trolls to emerge from their lair. The Trolls bring news

unexpected news that shakes the small group to its core as they head into a battle that turns friend

against friend.

Book Three – As Darkness Falls

Renegade Trolls have breached the Nether World Barrier releasing monsters from the bowels

of the earth. As a troll war is about to begin Hopper finds he has a newborn son whose mother

has been murdered by the renegades. He rushes the infant to the surface and places it in the

hands of the woodland elves until order is restored among the trolls.

As the elves searched the forest for any sign of nether beasts, the Sorcerer’s Ahmity and Sarah

Sims begin preparations to open a school of magic to recreate the Wizard’s Circle after nearly all

of the wizards in the land had been destroyed.

Jack, the barbarian has taken his pregnant wife Nicole, a woodland elf, deep into the

mountains for a long awaited honeymoon before the baby is born. Little by little, they become

aware of a dark presence on their mountain. Death is stalking them, slowly and with purpose.

Their strongest ally is a wild nether beast that has come to call them friend. But can a nether

beast be relied upon when evil calls its name?

Book Four - A Sequence of Darkness

A Sequence of Darkness

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Hopper, Cabal, Sarah and Tom take Pony and rush to stop the Elves from invading the Troll

Tunnels and starting a war. The team heads into the bowels of the earth to rescue Hopper’s

newborn son and Gravid’s small elf daughter, kidnapped by Renegade Trolls.

Tom battles his wraith memories and Hopper fights to control his jealously of Sarah and

Cabal's growing relationship. Will the team survive the dark horrors of the netherworld long

enough to find the missing children? Will their heightened emotions tear the team apart and

endanger all their lives? Traveling the netherworld always comes at a cost. Who will pay the


Treborel Series

Tempest Rise- Book I

Lysette could not ignore the intense attraction she felt for Katar, the mountain Prince of

Treborel. The very moment their eyes met the sharp grip of excitement and anticipation ran

through Lysette’s entire being. Katar felt the same sting of emotion despite the knee Lysette

shoved into his groin in an attempt to be free of his iron grasp. Attracted by her beauty and

stubborn intellect Katar knew there was no chance for a future with Lysette. She was a surgeon

from the modern world. His people relied strictly on the ancient art of the Empathic Healers.

They had no need for modern medicine. Yet he could not resist pursuing Lysette. His only hope

was to find some common ground the two could share.

As their romance blooms, an assassination attempt on Bantor's pregnant Queen Elsebeth

sparks a chain of events that lead to continental war. The war escalates as Lysette

befriends several of Treborel’s Empaths determined to learn more about their mysterious healing

techniques. She accompanies the Empaths to a medical unit near the front lines where Bantor’s

Elite Guard captures them. Lysette’s worse fears are realized when the psychotic Commander

Connor, bent on vengeance against Katar, tortures and kills the transport crew before her eyes.

While in captivity, Lysette races against time to save Queen Elsebeth’s newborn twins. Forced

to witness the torture and death one by one of those around her, Lysette realize each were killed

once their usefulness ran out.

Katar races against time to rescue Lysette. She is told he has married another and begins to

lose hope. She allows herself to grow close to the last remaining prisoner a handsome Empath

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named Andru. When Lysette and Andru discover one of the twins is to be killed, they plan their

escape into the savage wilderness surrounding their camp.

Will Katar reach her before her usefulness as a doctor is no longer needed, and her torturous

death begins? If he is able to save her, will he find she has given her heart to another before she

discovers the truth?

Book Two – Vengeance’s Fire

Kendra had not seen Cap in more than 6 months. He was a Helijet Pilot in her Majesties Air

Forces stationed in the capital city of Borel. Kendra was an Empathic Healer living deep in the

mountainous wilderness.

As Kendra prepares to travel to the Northern Mountains to the Empathic Wilderness Survival

Center with a group of students Cap suddenly appears prepared to make the 2-week trek through

the mountains with them. Could his motive reach beyond merely recovering the abandoned

helijet discovered near the Survival Center?

They travel into the mountains and realize the forest creatures appear to be leaving the

mountains, heading toward the lower lands. Kendra's blood runs cold as the realizes that 'Frenzy'

a time when the giant creatures that roam the mountains turn crazed with hunger and devour

every warm blooded beast in their path.

Cap and Kendra's romance begins to blossom once more, they soon come to realize the

mountains hold a horrifying secret, which could lead to the end of the Empathic way of life as ell

as their own. A threat that legends have foretold.

The Rule Series

Book One- Three Year Rule

When renown psychologist and bestselling author Elizabeth Stewart first noticed Joshua

Miller, standing at the back of the audience she thought the tall, muscular man dressed like a

lumberjack was in the wrong room. Little did she know, Joshua would defy everything she ever

wrote about relationships. Little did she know, he was also the key to her survival.

Book Two- Seven Year Rule

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Beth and Josh befriend a young couple. Whitney and Mason's life was perfect. They scoffed

at the idea of the seventh year of marriage being the make it or break it year for most couples.

That theory didn't apply to them. They were the perfect couple. Their brand new house

overlooked the lake. Their brand new cars were state of the art. Their careers were taking off at

an accelerated rate. Their sex life was incredible. Their lives were exactly the way they intended.


When Whitney's widower brother-in-law dies, leaving them three small children, their perfect

lives are torn apart. Raising children was never part of their plan. Raising children requires

sacrifice. Sacrifice they never intended to make. Sacrifice that could bring an end to their perfect

way of life. Sacrifice that could bring an end to their perfect marriage. Sacrifice, that if not done

correctly could bring an end to a child's life.

Archangel Series

The Light of His Sword, Book 1

Demon Worship Requires Sacrifice. Gabe's job is to stop it.

Archangels vs Demons it doesn't get any better than this.

Alyssa takes her little girl and escapes the clutches of the compound leader Walton. She races

off into the night determined to keep her daughter from becoming his next victim.

As Walton pursues her, Alyssa meets a handsome truck driver named Gabe who is the most

beautiful man she's even seen. His courage and kindness sends ripples of emotion throughout

Alyssa's petite form. Emotions she's never felt before. But will his courage be enough to protect

her from the evil that pursues her?

The Power of His Touch, Book 2- coming soon!

Rafi discovers a demon plot to release a pandemic in a large metropolitan city. Disguised as

an agent of the World Health Organization as the pandemic spreads, Rafi searches for the source.

He meets a beautiful young biochemist name Sophia at the center of the pandemic. Can Rafi

control his growing attraction to the Sophia?

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Gabe and Alyssa’s newborn child, Vada is the first birth of a mortal and archangel since the

Great War cast out Lucifers minions from Heaven. Their daughters birth renews the demons

determination to capture Alyssa and her baby. Rafi warns Gabe that half breed offspring of

Archangels is forbidden as a result of the chaos they ensured after the Great War.

Concerned that more than demons will be seek out his daughter, Gabe takes his family into

hiding. Will little Vada be a gift or a curse to the world? Does her arrival signal the beginning of

the End of Days? Will Gabe be strong enough to protect Vada from friend and foe?

Alaina Stanford