







    Inside the Doomwatch office Adam, Eve, Paul and Miranda stood around the

    television set.

    The blockade imposed upon Gaza by Israel has reached

    a new low today as further vessels belonging to Turkey wereseized and its crew imprisoned. Turkey is warning that it is

    close to a trade embargo and possible military action if its

    citizens are not immediately released and a formal apologyissued. The reporter spoke gravely.

    Adam leaned back in his chair. Miranda glanced over to him.

    Are you really that laid back? she asked.

    Best laid plans Miranda

    Youre a nihilist arent you?

    Adam smiled.

    You know, this is quite exciting. We live in such a peacefully

    dull time. I recall the 70s when things were really kicking offall over the place. Even here.

    Miranda looked shocked.

    I take it back, youre not a nihilist youre an anarchist.

    One mans anarchist is another mans nihilist. Adam replied


    Suddenly the conversation was interrupted by gunshots being heard on the television.

    Were live here in Gaza and it seems new violence has

    erupted here between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

    We are expecting an announcement soon from the Israelis inwhich we believe they will either release or plan to release

    Turkey hostages or denounce them as being either secretly

    bringing in arms to Palestinians or Hamas.

    Paul and Eve were hypnotised by the events unfolding. Adam looked over at them.

    You see. Products of a safe world. This skirmish is just

    that. These were common at one time. And thats even before

    we get onto the cold war.

    Youre starting to sound like an old man. Is this your duringthe war speech? Miranda asked.

    Adam stood up.



    Look, the fact is that the Gaza strip is the biggest hot spot onthe planet. To societies diametrically opposed. Two regimes

    which have both committed acts which have genuine hatred

    for each other. And once again the glorious lack of wisdom of

    the British Empire is to blame for starting it all.

    Paul and Eve paid Adam no attention and continued to watch the TV.Theyre not listening you know. Miranda stated.

    Ill show you not listening. Paul cup of coffee NOW please!

    Paul jumped up like a lap dog and moved towards the kettle.Eve Im sure theres a ridiculous amount of filing and stuff

    to be doing? Adam asked with slight politeness.Certainly, although I am pretty much up to date with that.

    Eve smiled meekly as she spoke.

    Adam realised his voice was carrying less authority. He frowned at this. Then more

    gunshots rang out on the television. Paul got closer to the TV.

    Paul, wheres my coffee? Adam spoke with conviction.Paul apologised and returned to the kettle.

    You just cant get the staff these days! Adam bombasted theheavens.

    Timmons entered the office. He was unphased by events on the television.Quist I need a word with you.

    It was almost impossible to anticipate the tone of the conversation with Timmons as

    he was such a 2D bureaucrat. Adam nodded and led the way to his office. He then

    stopped and turned and Paul handed him his coffee. It was all done with such

    elegance that a thought crossed Timmons mind whether or not this had been


    Inside Adams office, Timmons immediately sat down.How are you Adam? Timmons asked. There was little

    concern in his voice.

    I thought this wasnt a social call. You dont do those do


    Adam, there is a situation developing

    Adam slammed his fists down on the table.

    You used us! You used Doomwatch for your own grubby

    departmental needs! So forget the, we need you good old chap

    bollocks because it just wont wash. Tell your masters we wantsomeone else to deal with. Preferably, more human.For a moment, Adam thought he detected regret on Timmons face.

    Very well. Now I have an assignment for you.

    I hope its not to do with oil.

    No. Racial tension actually. What I am about to tell you is

    not to leave this room. Do you understand?

    Adam looked thoughtfully at Timmons.

    What is it?

    Do you understand?. Timmons repeated.


    Timmons scratched his neck.



    It seems that certain sanctions are about to be put in placeby the UN.

    Regarding what?

    The Israeli situation. It cant go on. People are crying out


    That hasnt stopped you before. I believe Mugabe was paidfor decades to keep nice and happy with the white farmers.

    And even now when people are murdered and beaten and

    corruption spreads like Malaria, still those voices gounheard. Adam tried to look for some emotive response in

    Timmons face from his words. There was none.Look, lets drop the silly lefty speeches. Were dealing here

    with facts. Definitive proof has surfaced regarding Fatah and

    links with certain shady figures also involved with Libya.

    What about Hamas? Adam asked.

    Timmons smiled awkwardly.

    Of course, there are problems and extremists on both sides butits Fatah were focusing on. The UN is siding with Palestine.

    However, there will be a global backlash from the Jewishcommunity. Wed like you to find out just how much.

    Adam sniffed. This was both a giant task and a dangerous one.I see. Ok. Well do it. But I mean it Timmons, this is the last

    time I want to see you here.

    Timmons nodded courteously.

    Of course. Now if youll excuse me.

    Timmons slowly stood and walked towards the door. As he opened it he turned back

    to Adam.

    Oh and good luck Quist. With that he walked out and closed

    the door. Adam breathed out.Oh dear what have I got myself into now. Adam muttered.

    Ridge stood at the dead drop. A small tree at the edge of the park. It was here

    that he found a empty cigarette box. Ridge smiled and opened it. Inside was a short

    message. It read


    A wave of emotions flooded through Ridge. It had been many, many years since he

    had last seen or even heard of the operative known as JIMMY. In fact, it was backwhen Ridge was working for the ministry and he was out in the Gaza strip in 1968/69

    ahead of the treaty between Turkey and Israel. In the early days of Sinai. JIMMYhad saved Ridges life. One day he hoped to repay the debt. Perhaps now he would be

    able to.

    Ridge smiled and strolled off.

    Adam called the rest of his team into the office. He had explained to them the

    awkwardnature of their latest assignment. Quite frankly, Adam felt as many did, thatit was up to these people to sort out their problems and that Western society had no



    place there. However, if people were suffering and aid was not being allowed throughthen something did indeed need to be done.

    I wont lie, this could getsticky.

    Sticky? As in what boss? Sticky situation maybe? Paul asked.

    No Paul, sticky as in the way Napalm and Mustard gas stick

    to you as you die in slow agony, kind of sticky. Adam smiledas he replied. As if he was savouring the very unpleasant image.

    When Paul arrived home he decided to make something to eat. Sam was alreadybeginning to look pregnant Paul thought. She kissed his head and he hugged her.

    How was work? she asked.Ok. You know saving the world and all that. How was your


    Daytime TV excitement and all that. Sam said.

    Well have to go out soon. I need to show you off at work.

    Sam smiled.

    And I thought you just wanted me as your incubator?Paul laughed at this. They then kissed and embraced.

    Ridge arrived at the multiplex. In the foyer, bright neon lights shone and made the

    place look tacky and plastic. Trailers played noisily all around. Then Ridge noticed

    JIMMY. Ridge wasnt sure if he would still recognise him but was glad he did.They shook hands and embraced.

    Long time Ridge said.

    Too long. We need to talk.

    They headed outside and Ridge offered JIMMY a cigar.Things are getting worse. My people, the Israeli government

    are in danger. The disregarding of the treaty with Turkey is

    just the tip of the iceberg. They have been getting closer andcloser to Iran. They are in secret talks about getting nuclear


    Ridge couldnt believe what he was hearing.

    NATO would never let that happen. That sector is far too

    unstable. Any weapon or energy programme involving nuclear

    power would be stopped before it has even begun.

    Oh Ridge my friend, you really do not know what is going on.

    I want to stop things from escalating. I believe without doubt

    nuclear devices are being planned. The idea is that we can usethem as insurance.Insurance for what? Ridge asked.

    For the occupation of Palestine and the genocide of the

    Palestinian peoples.

    Ridge couldnt believe what he was hearing.

    Genocide? Are you sure?

    Ridge Im in no doubt. Look, I know my people are not bad

    peoples. Its just certain members are, shall we say

    extreme in their views.

    Extreme doesnt do it justice JIMMY.JIMMY raised his hands.



    Look my people are not evil. They are being led astray. Ineed help to diffuse the situation.

    You must have contacts with MI6 that can help?.

    Interpol has suspended all my external assets. They

    wrongfully think Im one of the insurgents. Please Ridge,

    you must help me. You must make contact with MI6 to explainmy situation. We can still try torecover this situation. But we

    must act now!

    Ridge nodded.Alright, alright. Ill see what I can do.

    And with that JIMMY grabbed Ridges hands and they shook. Ridge hoped therewas still time to make a difference.

    That night Sam had fallen asleep as they lay there in the twilight, the television was

    quietly talking to itself. Paul placed his arms around Sams waist. He still found the

    idea of reproduction amazing. Someday his child would be walking around. A whole

    new generation, a new story. Wow. Then Paul noticed more sporadic outbreaks ofviolence. Not just the problems hotting up in Gaza but in the UK. Apparent random

    acts of violence. Paul wondered what kind of a world his child would be living in.

    Ridge arrived home. He went to unlock the door when he realised it was open.Suddenly, he prepared himself. Slowly he entered. The landing light came on. And a

    toilet was being flushed. Ridge grabbed a nearby ornament and slowly approached the

    stairs. Timmons was up there.

    You better have a bloody good reason for using a mans toilet

    uninvited! Ridge shouted.

    I have. I was hoping you would get here sooner. Timmons

    yawned as he spoke. Ridge couldnt believe the audacity of the man.

    Who did you meet today and why? Timmons asked.None of your business. Now kindly piss off.

    Timmons smiled.

    Ridge we havent always seen eye to eye have we?

    Thats an understatement. And I repeat kindly, piss off.

    Timmons threw up his hands.

    Look, that dead drop in the park is always watched. Its one of

    the most well known. Meeting subversives there is like

    secretly going for a homosexual shag on Hampstead Heath. So

    imagine the ministrys surprise when they saw it was a leadingmember of the Israeli secret service. Codenamed JIMMY.Ridge pointed to the door.

    The doors the big wooden thing over there.

    Yes, I see youre observant too.

    Timmons walked through into the kitchen putting the light on. Ridge followed.

    Ridge, you could be in a lot of trouble collaborating with a

    infamous terrorist.

    Look you silly bugger you dont know what youre talking

    about. There are political forces in play far beyond your

    weak administrative comprehension. Ridge spoke with




    Beyond my comprehension. The worlds changed a lotsince 1969. That was when you were in Gaza last was it

    not? Just prior to your appointment in Doomwatch.

    Ridge got in Timmons face.

    Now listen chum. Youre starting to annoy me. How long

    have you been watching me?Oh Ridge, were all being watched. Just tell me what hes

    doing here or else.

    Or else what?! Ridge demanded.We dont need threats do we? Please just tell me thats all.

    You know Timmons, I remember when the Berlin wall fell.The entire Soviet system had been eaten away and it took no

    effort to knock it over, it had become that hollow. Which

    reminds me of you and your superiors. How much will it

    take to knock over the empty, paranoid and zealous socialists?

    This remark seemed to have some effect.

    Look Ridge, they want to know. And believe me they willfind out. If you tell me now then

    Ive already told you twice. Now Ill tell you once more.Piss off.

    Timmons annoyed, skulked away.I tried Ridge.

    Timmons closed the door behind himself.

    Yeah your very trying mate.

    The next day inside Doomwatch, things were the same. Once again the TV was on

    and Paul and Eve were watching it. Adam arrived late but was reassured to see he

    wasnt as late as Miranda.

    You do know its a scientific fact that TV gives yousquare eyes. Adam said.

    No, Hegel disproved it Paul replied.

    Oh. Ok then it makes you go blind.

    No, thats masturbation. Eve said, then immediately

    blushed. Shocked, Adam and Paul stared at her. Blushing she made an excuse to file

    some paperwork.

    Now that was unexpected. Paul said.

    Yes. As is me not holding a nice piping hot coffee.

    Paul took the hint. Adam got closer to the TV.I see the situation is still as bleak.

    Ridge checked his watch. He was sitting in a small coffee outfit a mere street away

    from the embassy of Israel. A small dumpy stereotypical civil servant called

    Edgeworth walked slowly forward.

    Well, well, you havent changed much. Ridge

    announced. Edgeworth didnt seem impressed.

    Do you know the trouble you are in Ridge. Silly

    question, do you ever?.

    Now come on Edgeworth Ive been in quite a few

    scrapes.Indeed. Wheres JIMMY?



    Ridge glanced around.Hes not here. And no I dont know where he is.

    But it is him Ive come to speak to you about. See,

    hes got a problem.

    Breaking ties with Turkey and forming alliances with

    renegades would be one.Come on those policies had nothing to do with

    JIMMY.Ridge, what do you know?! You have blundered intosomething you know nothing about!

    Look Edgeworth he saved my life, I trust him.He was a damn spy, you dont know him. Whatever

    intel you now possess hand it over. For God sake Ridge

    you dont know whats at stake here.

    Ridge could tell by the importance in Edgeworths voice that this was no simple


    Higher stakes than genocide? Ridge asked.The very highest stakes Ridge.

    Ridge looked into Edgeworths eyes.Look, hes worried about the growing tension.

    Hes worried for his people, and them getting theirhands on certain weaponry to keep the NATO at bay

    whilst they invade the Palestinian sector.

    And he wants to come in from the cold? Edgeworth


    He just wants to help his people. Ridge felt the

    argument and perhaps JIMMYS life slipping away from him.Then Ridge, tell me everything you know.

    Adam had made plans for Paul to contact a census group to find out the opinion they

    haD on the Gaza strip and both Israel and Palestine. Whilst Miranda was to contact

    the local Jewish community. To get a taste of peoples opinion.

    Adam had made plans for himself to visit the Israeli embassy and speak to an

    ambassador there. He doubted he would get much from them but you never knew. He

    believed that most people despise war and its just regimes and more extreme members

    which see the benefits in such a course of action. But if there was even a chance toavoid bloodshed then it must be considered.

    Ridge knew it was pointless to try and make contact with JIMMY. Ridge knew theywere watching him although rather unsettlingly he didnt know where they were. He

    hoped his plea to Edgeworth might do some good. But if JIMMY was right, the onlychance would surely be to assassinate leading members of the Israeli government.

    Then a thought crossed Ridge. Perhaps JIMMY was using him to get the Britishgovernment and thus the rest of the UN spooked enough that they do indeed kill

    leading members. Maybe JIMMY was planning some form of coup?

    As Adam drove to the embassy he found it hard to expel the imagery of the violenceplaying out in Gaza. The point he had made yesterday about the world settling down



    and he realised it wasnt. Its merely not being reported. In an age where mediadominates our every thought if we do not see something we dont think its

    happening. And this thought ,Adam found deeply upsetting. The world seemed to be

    moving further and further towards a darker, Orwellian nightmare by the day. Why in

    the civilised world do we clamp down on smokers and over eaters when atrocities are

    still be committed? With every step forward to the enlightenment of the future inother respects we seem to be getting closer to the dark ages. Has the damage inflicted

    on the UK by the previous 13-year regime destroyed any chances of a future? All

    these thoughts crossed Adams mind.These were quickly dispelled by the arrival of the Ambassador Ishmael

    Yuraq. Adam followed him to his office. The artwork and the design was marvellous.Eventually they arrived at the office and Adam sat down.

    Drink? Ishmael asked.

    Adam saw the greatest fine whisky collection he had ever seen. How could he resist?

    Adam smiled and said yes. Ishmael poured a fine malt and placed it in front of Adam.

    So Mr Quist, you are here because of developments nodoubt?

    Yes. As you know things arent going well. Well thats anunderstatement.

    Ishmael poured himself a drink.That is not our problem though Mr Quist. In the theatre of war

    it is politicians who are the writers. I gather there is a lot of

    left wing sympathy for the Palestinians?

    Adam savoured his drink.

    Yes. And its growing too.

    You know that Hamas kills as well as us dont you. Or is

    the media merely concerned with the exploits of my own

    people? Ishmael tried to mask the resentment in his voice.There have been acts committed on both sides certainly.

    But your government is seen to be suppressing them and these

    new outbreaks of violence do little to change this image.

    Adam tried to read Ishmaels reaction.

    My government merely acts for the good of its peoples Mr

    Quist. Much like Doomwatch. I gather you are no stranger to

    controversy and made more than a few enemies. Dezak oil, the

    L.C.F to name but two organisations that any sane government

    body would think twice before troubling. Why are we anydifferent?.Adam took a refreshing and long drink before replying.

    We dont kill.

    Ishmael laughed.

    Ahhh, theres the morality. We dont kill. Let me remind

    you that prevention is better than the cure. The Gaza

    strip is a highly volatile place, perhaps the most volatile

    on the planet. You cannot apply your holier than thou

    western ethics there. And after your governments recent

    illegal foray into Iraq in which they did kill, I believe that

    the British should not throw stones because of there ownglass empire.



    Ishmael drunk some more. The two men looked into each others eyes. Both could see

    perhaps themselves in the other one. But both too old and too much a product of their

    societies to change.

    Do you think Ishmael that your people go too far at times?

    Adam asked. Ishmael considered this question.No. Like I said it is a different morality. They control Gaza,

    no easy task. I believe in them and I trust in them. Do you

    have faith in your politick? One death is a tragedy Mr Quistone million a statistic. Unless you have lived there you can

    not possibly know.Adam realised that this line of debate was going nowhere. He finished his drink and

    then exchanged pleasantries with Ishmael and then left the embassy.

    The alcohol was still pleasurably burning his taste buds. He climbed into his jeep. He

    hesitated but decided instead of heading back to the office he would find a nearby


    Edgeworth returned to his superiors at MI6 where the location of JIMMYbecametop priority. So far ,he had gone underground with much success. Ridge was beingmonitored as he would provide the key if there was any, as to his location. However

    ,what Intel existed on JIMMY showed him to be no fool but a highly accomplishedspy for the Israeli government. Roughly believed to be the same age as Ridge, who

    joined Mossad and assisted in the capture of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann.

    He also spent time in Gaza and no doubt would have become hardened to the needs of

    his government. It was here that he met Dr Ridge when Ridge was initially in Turkey

    but briefly attracted as a young idealist to the political situation at Gaza. Ridge was

    supposed to be learning at the university in Istanbul but was also asked to do a bit of

    poking around for the British Government. It seems that one factor of Ridges

    psychology was that he was very loyal. A factor which JIMMY may well haveexploited. Ridge may have appeared to be a perfect candidate for a double agent.

    Adam sat alone at the bar. He had drink after drink. He could feel his soul being

    reassured with each drop even if his body and mind were losing control. Adam could

    no longer feel the tigers clawing at his back. It didnt really matter to Adam whether

    he was an alcoholic or not. Life was just too overrated.

    Adam then noticed a familiar figure approach and sit down next to him. It was


    So hows things? Timmons asked.Adam smiled.I thought I said I never wanted to see you again.

    Wrong. You said at Doomwatch. This is a public

    house Adam. Timmons replied coolly.

    Adam just shrugged.

    Fair enough. Adam replied.

    Look, I want to help you. Why are you doing this?

    Timmons asked seemingly concerned.

    Timmons I trust you as far as you trust me. I dont

    care what little agenda youve got going on. Just

    leave me alone. Adam stood to walk away. He nearlyfell but managed to stop himself as he left the building. Timmons followed.



    Outside Adam was unconscious on the pavement. Timmons looked down at him andsighed.

    Ridge was concerned for JIMMY. He knew he was wily and wasnt surprised he hadeluded his pursuers. Ridge looked over the phone. No doubt a tap had been put on it.

    Then the doorbell went. Ridge strolled towards it.Ridge was both shocked and delighted to see JIMMY standing there.

    Ridge, hello. Did you speak with them?

    Yes, yes they dont trust your motives. Theysuspect youre here for other means. I think

    that regarding Gaza the opinion is already outthat the Israelis are in the wrong and cant be

    trusted Im afraid.

    JIMMY looked hurt.No. No there must still be time. I will not

    see my people punished for the extremistviews of a few in office. Thank you Ridge

    for trying my friend.

    They shook hands and JIMMY very quickly made his exit. Slipping into the earlyevening.

    Ridge arrived the following day at his office. His superiors were there talking quietly.

    Timmons reported on last night and Adams paralytic state and taking him home. It

    was then that Timmons noticed a photograph of himself walking down the street

    yesterday. Timmons had no idea it was taken.

    Sir, that photo there? Timmons asked.

    Now, now Timmons were all underobservation you know.

    Timmons felt awkward. The full scale of the lies and mistrust were becoming

    painfully obvious to him.

    THE END.