Download - Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Page 1: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow,

Julian Bell

Page 2: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

In the book “The Maze Runner” by, James Dashner, the setting takes place in the Glade. The Glade is a place that has tall stones covered in moss. The Glade is a maze-like place in the middle of nowhere. Outside of the maze there are grievers that will sting you. Many people were mysteriously sent to the Glade and has adapted to life there.


Page 3: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Rising action is the part of the plot that leads up to the climax. Thomas wakes up in the box and doesn’t know what is happening. Newt explains to Thomas that the large openings into the Maze on

each wall close at night and the walls to the Maze shift during that time.

Teresa was sent to the Glade bringing a message that she would be the last one ever to arrive in the Glade. Teresa says that the end is coming soon, then she falls into a coma.

Despite the horrors of the Maze, Thomas feels a strange feeling to be a Runner.

While inspecting a "dead" Griever, Alby gets stung by a Griever in the Maze, and he and Minho cannot make it back to the Glade in time.

Minho and Thomas survive the night and figure out that the Grievers come from a hole at the edge of the cliff.

After Teresa comes with the note, Thomas gets attacked by Ben causing Ben to be banished from the Glade.


Page 4: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Minho and Thomas survive the night and figure out that the Grievers come from a hole at the edge of the cliff.

Thomas offers to be the one killed because one person everyday is killed in the Glade.

The Maze or puzzle is solved and the Gladers decide to fight their way out of the maze.


Page 5: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

The Gladers fight through the Grievers hole and go down the tunnel after they enter the code to shut down all the Grievers.

The characters are rescued by the rescuers in the Griever hole.


Page 6: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

The conflict in The Maze Runner is man vs. society. This is the conflict because Thomas was arguing with everyone in the Glade because he was telling them how to get out of the maze.

Another conflict is man vs. self because Thomas loses his memory in the maze and has to get it back.

Page 7: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Thomas is the main character and is a protagonist. Thomas is named after Thomas

Edison. He is a sixteen-year old boy. He woke up in a maze surrounded by strangers. He is

the newest member of the Glade, and is known as “Greenie.”Also Thomas remembers

names of family members and relatives he also knows that he is very intelligent.


Page 8: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Teresa Agnes is the only female Glader. She is Thomas's best friend. She is beautiful, smart, and strong. She was in a coma for most of the book. Teresa shares a telepathic relationship with Thomas. She is named after Mother Teresa, a catholic saint. Teresa is a protagonist and is a static character.


Page 9: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Alby is one of the main characters in The Maze Runner is the leader

of the Gladers. Alby is a protagonist and is a static

character. He is named after Albert Einstein. He is described as being about 17 years old. He has

black hair, clean shaven, and dark skin.


Page 10: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

He was Anatura born leader. He is the Keeper of the Runners. He is a very fast runner and fights the illusions within the maze. Minho is also one of the runners. He is strong, Asian, intelligent, and a great leader. Minho has a good sense of humor. Minho is a protagonist and is a static character.


Page 11: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

Newt is a Glader and Alby's second-in-command. Newt is named after Sir Isaac Newton. Newt is a protagonist and is a static character. He takes Thomas on a tour of the Glade. Newt is a 16 or 17 year old boy with blond hair. It is said that he has an odd accent. He is taller than Alby, despite the one year age difference.



Page 12: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

A theme is the moral or a lesson of the story. The theme for The Maze Runner is that you should never give up even if the odds are against you. We think this is the theme because even when they thought that the maze was impossible, they still got out. The only reason why they got out was because Thomas never gave up and helped the other Gladers become free.


Page 13: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.

The resolution of The Maze Runner is when the Gladers make their way out of the maze and into the safety of the rescuers who came and took them to their families.

Page 14: Ryan Yarberry, Ernest Allen, Tim Jackson, Willie Townsel-Whitlow, Julian Bell.