Download - Ruach's RC Newspaper 2011

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About Ruach ................................................................... 2

Exec Board ...................................................................... 3

Advisor ............................................................................. 6

Beaus ................................................................................ 7

Sunshine Girl .................................................................... 9

Summer Programs .......................................................... 10

Fall Conclave .................................................................. 13

Event Reviews ................................................................. 14

Panim el Panim ............................................................... 16

M&Ms in Training ............................................................. 17

From Seniors to MITs........................................................ 18

BBG Shabbat ................................................................... 18

From an Alumna ............................................................. 19

Best BBG Memory ........................................................... 20

Poem ................................................................................ 21

Ask M&M .......................................................................... 22

MLIR .................................................................................. 22

Pets of Ruach BBG ......................................................... 23

Jokes ................................................................................. 24

Blue M&M Cookie Recipe ............................................. 25

Fun and Games .............................................................. 26

Upcoming Events ........................................................... 29

From the Orechot ........................................................... 30

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Hey Ruach! My name is

Zoe Marrich-Simon and I

am the N'siah of Ruach

(A.K.A. president). As

N'siah this year I make

sure our chapter is

running smoothly. I also

help the exec board

plan programs and

make phone calls. I am always there when

my help is needed. We are part of Michigan

Region, so I help inform the chapter about

programs going on there. I would love to

see you at an event, chapter events,

dinners, or regional programs! If you have

any ideas that you want to be acted out

this year let me know! I hope to see you at

an event soon! :)

-Zoe Marrich-Simon, N’Siah

My name is Lauren

Yellen and I am S'ganit

of Ruach BBG #83. I am

a sophomore at North

Farmington High School.

I have the honor of

planning many of the

wonderful programs for

our chapter, and

overseeing all

coordinators. I'm super excited to see what

the Regional Convention coordinators have

for us! I'm also ecstatic to see what the

beautiful Bittker Coords come up with! I also

supervise all phone callers. I attended CLTC

1 this past summer; I have never been more

motivated, excited and inspired. My passion

for BBYO reaches the sky, with my creative

imagination. I enjoy planning functions so

much because I get to work hard to put one

of my passions forward to share.

-Lauren Yellen, S’Ganit

Hey Ruach! My name is

Eliana, and I am your Aym

Ha-Chaverot (MIT Mom) for

the 2011-12 Programming

Year! I am a senior at

WBHS, and I could not be

more excited to be on exec

board. As MIT Mom, I am

responsible for educating

MITs about BBYO, coordinating MIT Board

elections, Senior Appreciation, membership,

and promoting sisterhood. This is my dream

position within the chapter, and I can’t wait

to help plan an amazing year for all of you.

If you ever have any questions about my

positions, or want to help plan a function,

separates, or anything else, just let me know!

-Eliana Ungar, Aym Ha-Chaverot

My name is Lily Grier,

and I am Ruach’s

Sh’licha. The Sh’licha is

one of the chapter vice

presidents and is in

charge of three of the

six folds: Community

Service, Social Action,

and Jewish Heritage. As

Sh’licha, I am

responsible for contacting various

organizations in order to coordinate chapter

community service projects at least once a

month. I also plan chapter events relating to

Jewish Heritage. These include Shabbat

dinners, Jewish holiday parties, Havdallah

services, and anything relating to Israel or

Judaism. I am also in charge of the

chapter’s Stand-Up! initiative. This is the

cause for which the chapter advocates and

fundraises. I plan Social Action functions to

inform the chapter about issues going on in

the world. When informed, we can take

action and truly make a difference. I love

this position because I am truly passionate

about these folds, and I believe that BBYO

can be our way to change the world while

discovering our Jewish identities.

-Lily Grier, Sh’licha

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Hi, my name is Annie

Cohen and I am Ruach

BBG #83's 18th Gizbarit. I

am in charge of

fundraisers for my

chapter, the philanthropy

section of StandUp!, and

many more exciting jobs

and duties. I love being

the Gizbarit of my chapter. I feel like I am

doing much more than fundraising. I am

making a difference by raising money to

benefit charities that our chapter votes on

to donate money to. I love helping this

process and I love that I am able to do this

during my high school career.

-Annie Cohen, Gizbarit

My name is Michelle

Betman and I am

Ruach's Katvanit. As

Katvanit my main job is

to record and type the

minutes from chapter

and exec meetings. I

also take attendance

from Ruach's events.

Lastly, I promote

summer programs, which everyone should

go on!!!

-Michelle Betman, Katvanit

We are Becky Berenbon

and Meredith Mackey,

Ruach BBG’s Orechot for

the 2011-12

programming year. We

are responsible for the

newspaper, website, and

scrapbook. Our job is to

record the year’s

memories so that

everyone can look back

on them later. We are so

excited for the rest of

the programming year,

and the amazing

memories that are sure

to go with it!

-Becky Berenbon and

Meredith Mackey, Orechot

Hey! I’m Honor, Ruach’s

sunshine girl. I spread

sunshine to the chapter

by wishing people happy

birthday and thanking

families that host

functions for our chapter.

I make sure that every girl

in Ruach feels loved and


-Honor Shelef, Sunshine Girl

Hi, we are Lexie Sittsamer

and Zoe Lis. We are your

Bittker cords and we are

extremely excited! Bittker

is a weekend where two

chapters (were going as

three chapters) go up

near Tamarack to BBYO's

Bittker Center for a

weekend of fun

programs. This year we

are going on MLK

weekend with Gittleman

and N'sheekot. We are

working hard with the

coordinators from

Gittleman and N'sheekot

to make it a weekend to

remember! Hope you’re

able to attend!

-Lexie Sittsamer and Zoe Lis, Bittker


Hey Ruach BBG! My

name is Marissa and

I'm your Madracha for

this programming year!

As Madracha, or past

president, I'm here for

the exec board and

every member for

advice or for anything

in general. I'm currently

a freshman at the

University of Michigan but I'll always be a

Ruach BBG at heart. Please feel free to

contact me whenever - that's what I'm here


-Marissa Wais, Madricha

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We are Ruach’s Mazkirot. The Mazkirah is the chapter phone caller. We love being phone callers

because every week we get to call someone in the chapter and just talk to them. Also, when

you are a phone caller you get to design the buzz book! The Buzz Book contains different

information about all of the members of the chapter. This is so much fun because we get to

learn new things about the girls in our chapter. We love our job because we get to talk to the

other members of the chapter every week and get to know them better. -Ilissa Chasnick, Rebecca Ellenstein, Emily Gorman, Ethel Mogilevsky, and Stephanie Vettese, Mazkirot

Hey! It’s Alexa, Kayla, and Hayley. We are your regional convention coordinators. We are really

excited for RC and we hope everyone has an amazing time!

-Alexa Randolph, Kayla Rosen, and Hayley Siegel, RC Coordinators

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My name is Heather Hoberman. Currently I am the advisor

of Ruach BBG #83. This is my first full year advising. When I

was in high school I was in Ahavah. Being an advisor has

been extremely rewarding. I really enjoy working with the

next generation of Jewish leaders throughout the

community. Part of my role as advisor includes attending

programs and making sure programming is appropriate.

This will be my first full year of advising as I joined in the

middle of last year. Working with the teens one on one is really enjoyable. I also enjoy

going to Fall Conclave and ETC. Last year I staffed a YLC and that was a very

enjoyable and rewarding experience.

-Heather Hoberman, Advisor

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Beau Elections were fantastic. I had a great time

serenading, proposing, and spending time with the

beautiful ladies of Ruach BBG. I am very excited to

be able to attend the programs and to get to know

all of the wonderful women in the chapter. I hope to

be the best beau in Ruach’s 18-year history and

hope that these lovely ladies are as excited as I am

for the upcoming year. - Spenser Marrich-Simon

I went to Beau Elections on Sunday,

November 13th. It was a ton of fun,

and it was so funny to watch!

Ruach’s new beaus are Nate

Strauss, Spenser Marrich-Simon, and

Maxx Achtman. -Rachel Breuer

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Nate Strauss

Senior at North Farmington

Fisher AZA

MI Region Aleph Moreh

Maxx Achtman

Senior at Walled Lake Western

Shapiro AZA Aleph Gizbor

Spenser Marrich-Simon

Sophomore at Groves

Fisher AZA Brotherhood Chair

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By Honor Shelef

You probably think that being Sunshine Girl is easy. That it’s all about

spreading sunshine and that that’s all you need to do. Some people

might even think that there is no reason that exec board should even

have a Sunshine Girl.

They would be wrong.

Being Sunshine Girl takes a lot more responsibility than you would think.

People forget that without Sunshine Girl, people wouldn’t get a happy

birthday from their chapter.

That would be very sad wouldn’t it?

Well with Sunshine Girl, every girl gets a warm “Happy Birthday!” from their

chapter and has the opportunity to appreciate the special attention that

they receive. Sunshine Girl also goes out of her way to thank those who

hosted BBG functions and recognizes them for their hospitality and the

impact that they have made to the chapter in a positive way. Sunshine

Girl doesn’t just spread sunshine, but she also makes sure that every girl in

the chapter feels included. If a BBG chapter didn’t have Sunshine Girl,

many girls would feel that they weren’t being appreciated or

acknowledged. Sunshine Girl focuses on making sure the other members

in the chapter feel happy and appreciated.

So you are probably now thinking: “Oh, what would happen if we didn’t

have Sunshine Girl?!”

And I would reply:

There would be no sunshine.

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CLTC- What a Great Experience!

By Ethel Mogilevsky

This past summer I went on a BBYO summer program called CLTC, Chapter

Leadership Training Conference, in Wisconsin. I learned a lot- not just about being a

leader, but about myself, too. At CLTC we formed mock chapters, had elections and

did a lot of chapter activities, like planning programs. My chapter planned a program

about community service that had to do with orphans in Israel. We also had to do a

fundraiser for our Stand Up! Cause which for my chapter was Rett’s Syndrome. Along the

way I met a ton of great people from all over the country that I will never forget! Overall,

CLTC was a great experience and I will never forget it! I recommend everyone to go.


By Marissa Goldston

In March I made one of the best decisions in my life. I signed up for CLTC 2 for the

summer. All these girls in my chapter were telling us about all the summer programs we

should go on and how they are so much fun! With all this talk about BBYO summer

programs and a lot of thinking, I finally decided to attend CLTC. Even though I was

going to be a senior in the fall and I will be entering my last year of BBYO, I thought this

would still be a good experience for me. I would learn leadership skills that will help me

not just in BBYO but also when I take on other responsibilities in the future. At all these

summer programs, you will be able to meet so many people from different states. You

will also make strong friendships that will last a lifetime. CLTC was an amazing experience

for me and I am so happy that I chose to sign up for this summer program!

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This past summer, I went on CLTC 5 2011, and it was absolutely incredible. I highly recommend it

to anyone in BBYO who aspires to be on executive board, or just wants to learn more about

BBYO while having a ton of fun and making lasting friendships. Every day is different, and there

are lots of fun surprises. Here’s an example of what you might experience during one weekday

at CLTC.

7:30 – Roll out of bed. Hop in the shower. Wash face. Brush hair. Get ready

for an exciting day!

8:30 – Meet at flagpole. Sing a patriotic song.

8:45 – Breakfast. Scramble to get the yummiest cereal. Partake in excited

chatter about the day’s events.

9:30 – Optional services. I highly recommend going to these. Participants get to lead these

sometimes, if they ask.

10:00 – Classroom leadership session. You break up into different classrooms with your mock

chapters. This is where you learn everything about how to run a chapter and executive board

and gain lots of leadership skills that will help you become more efficient in anything you do.

11:00 – Jewish Experience. Here, you do anything from text studies, to “ask the Rabbi” sessions, to

making connections between the Torah and pop songs. It’s really interesting, and you learn a


12:00 – Song session! These jam sessions are so much fun. Now’s the time where you learn all of

those fun, catchy songs that will be stuck in your head FOREVER. Hoshia, hoshia, hoshia….

1:00 – Lunch time!

2:00 – Israeli Folk Dancing. Learn a bunch of super-fun dances.

Even if you don’t catch on right away, it’s still a ton of fun, and

your friends are right there tripping over their feet along with you.

3:00 – Chapter planning time. Each mock chapter is responsible

for planning one program that all of CLTC will participate in, and

is also assigned one aspect of Shabbat, be it a service, a

program, or designing and setting up the atmosphere. Now, you

and your chapter get to figure out what you will be doing, brainstorm ideas, and start the

planning! Your advisor will help guide you along the way, but everything is ultimately up to the

participants, which is really cool.

4:30 – Chofesh. That means free time! You can hang out with your new friends, have guitar

jamming sessions, take a nap, read your mail, write letters, make phone calls, or do whatever

you feel like.

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6:15 – Flagpole. The flag is lowered, and everyone is given a chance to reflect on the day.

6:30 – Dinner.

7:30 – How-to workshops. This is where you can learn how to further develop different skills that

will help you in BBYO such as speech writing, leading prayers, or balancing checkbooks. These

are super helpful, and you can choose which ones will be most helpful to you.

9:30 – Chapter program. One of the mock chapters will run its 45 minute program, followed by a

15 minute group evaluation. It will focus on one of the AZA or BBG folds. These are a ton of fun,

and they really help you see what works and doesn’t work in programming, which you can bring

to your chapter at home.

10:30 – Friendship Circle. Everyone gathers in a circle, and the coordinators talk about the day,

and make any special announcements. We eat a yummy snack, and then head back to our


11:00 – Lights out. Time to get a good night’s sleep so you are well-rested for what tomorrow will

bring. Or stay up talking and laughing with your roommates…

-Lily Grier

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Fall Conclave 2011 was an amazing experience. When I first heard about it, I

automatically said I was going to attend. I have already attended one other regional

conclave, Elections Training Conclave (ETC). ETC was also at Camp Tamarack and it

was one of the best weekends of my life. I had a feeling that Fall Conclave was going

to be another amazing BBYO weekend. This year’s theme was FC OnDemand. The

weekend consisted of Shabbat dinner and services, Saturday Torah Live, Havdallah, a

bonfire and so much more! I especially loved meeting the talented songwriter, Eric

Hunker! I have made a couple new friends and met a bunch of nice people. When I

got home from this fun-filled weekend, I felt like I was going to cry because I had such

an amazing time! I knew I had to go back to real life with my family, going to school

and loads of homework. I also felt happy at the same time because I bonded with AZAs

and BBGs, made new friendships and made another memory in BBYO that I will have for

my whole life. This was my first and last Fall Conclave.

-Marissa Goldston


The first weekend of November was a very fun one, because it was fall conclave,

an annual regional event that takes place at Camp Tamarack. There was a ton of

really cool programming. We got to learn about the possible regional Stand Up! Causes

and then got to vote on them. There was also a very special guest Eric Hunker, who

sings and also worked at some BBYO summer programs! He was really cool and he

sang really well. Then there was a really cool program called Saturday Night Live which

was basically a bunch of monologues. It was really entertaining. There was also a

pretty fun dance and it ended with a bonfire. The weekend was busy with a lot of

programming but it was tons of fun!

-Ethel Mogilevsky

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Sukkah Function!

By Steffany Ellenstein

To celebrate Sukkot, Ruach BBG hosted a Sukkah

function last month, which incorporated all 6 folds of BBG. To

start it off, we held a short Havdallah service, for it was on a

Saturday night. Afterwards, there were several activities

planned, including BBYO trivia and creating pompoms for

homemade hats to be donated. Also, since we couldn’t

have our function in an actual Sukkah, we split into small

groups and built our own miniature versions out of graham

crackers, frosting, candy, and other foods. The ones we built

were then judged based on their stability and creativity, and a winner was chosen. All

in all, it was a really great and fun way to celebrate Sukkot with my Ruach sisters.


Face to Faith

By Ariel Cole

Face to Faith involved learning about other kids’ religions and seeing how they

exercise them. We got to see how they pray and the foods that they eat in their culture.

We went to a church, temple, and a mosque. It’s a lot of fun meeting new kids and

learning about what they believe in.

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Movie Night with N’Sheekot

By Becky Berenbon

This movie night combined a classic fun event with tzedakah. To raise money for

charity, there were four movie options, each with its own cup for donations. The cup

with the biggest donation won. The BBGs at the function pooled their spare change

and after intense coin-counting, it was decided- My Big Fat Greek Wedding had won.

Before the movie, we had a fun mixer to get to know each other, where each girl took

a strip of toilet paper, counted the number of squares, and shared the same number of

facts about herself. Armed with popcorn, spooey, and way too many toilet paper

squares, we had a great night watching the movie. Of course, the BBGs came in their

favorite pajamas. It was the perfect way to combine a fun, relaxing function with

community service.


Six-Fold Sleepover

By Meredith Mackey

To kick off the year, we had a six-fold sleepover. This combined all six folds of

BBG- community service, creativity, recreation, social action, sisterhood, and Jewish

heritage. First, we had a productive chapter meeting. We kicked off the night artistically

by making our very own separates folders to preserve BBG memories. Our vice

president Lauren Yellen taught us all about the situation in Libya and we wrote letters to

Libyan citizens. This was followed by a very meaningful separates program about

making the most of the year. The next day, after a quick craft project where we made

stress balls, we went to the Walk for Friendship. We had so much fun while supporting

Friendship Circle. The six-fold sleepover was a great experience!

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Most of you know that MIT stands for Member-In-Training, but here in Ruach, it stands for

M&M-In-Training. I am a MIT, and here is my story.

The first function I ever went to was the 80’s function. My friend, Rebecca, had told me

about this awesome BBYO chapter her sister was in called Ruach. I told my mom about what

Rebecca told me, and my mom though it was a great idea to get to know some older girls and

to meet new people. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but soon enough I was at the store buying

stuff for the 80’s function so I wouldn’t look weird dressed in regular clothes.

The night of the 80’s function, Rebecca and I car-pooled to my friend Marissa’s house.

When we got there we were some of the only people there. It was really awkward at first until

other people started showing. I recognized people I knew, and saw people I didn’t know. Soon

enough the party started. We were eating food, talking, and getting to know each other. We

even did an 80’s workout video. I was so glad I went that night, and I am so glad Rebecca

talked me into going.

These are the kinds of things sisters do. The girls in Ruach BBG #83 have changed my life

in a way others couldn’t. I am so glad I have met them. They will always be there for me when I

need a shoulder to cry on, when I want to talk, or any other reasons. Because that’s what sisters


-Ilissa Chasnick

Hi! My name’s Meredith Mackey, and I’m a new member to Ruach, making me a MIT, or

Member (M&M) In Training! Being a MIT has been so much fun and I love being in Ruach. One of

the best parts of it for me is meeting lots of new people. It’s nice to have Jewish friends who are

both in my grade and older who I have lots in common with and see a lot! Ruach is already a

really big part of my life and I can’t wait for the amazing upcoming years with my sisters!

-Meredith Mackey

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Dear MITs,

For me, BBYO allowed me to break out of my shell and try new things. Always push yourself to do

things you might be afraid of. Whether it’s talking to that cute AZA or planning a creative

function, it’s amazing what you can do if you just try. Even if you’re super busy, make time for

your sister BBGs. It will be worth it in the end!

With undying love for the blue M&M, spooey, and Ruach’s Class of 2012,

I remain

Becky Berenbon

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm To the MITs of Ruach BBG #83:

My name is Alexa Randolph and I am sadly a senior. I wanted to tell you to make sure you soak

up all of Ruach and BBYO up from conclaves, summer programs and conventions. It goes by too

fast and you should enjoy every minute of it. Don't forget about those cute AZAs- they don't bite,

I promise! If you girls ever need anything, I am always here.

With undying love for Ruach, and all of you,

I remain,

Alexa Rae Randolph

BBG Shabbat is an amazing program which is held every year where the whole Order celebrates

Shabbat using a universal theme. This year the theme was: "L'Dor V'Dor, Anachnu Mishpacha:

From Generation to Generation, We are Family." It was celebrated on November 11th-12th!

Since we had Fall Conclave the weekend before, we celebrated AZA/BBG as a region at FC. It

was celebrated with a family-themed Friday night service led with Eric Hunker. The weekend

after, Aliyah and Ruach went to Friendship Circle for their family Shabbat dinner, where we

played with the kids while their parents enjoyed dinner and schmoozing with one another.

Looking back, Ruach BBG and Michigan Region celebrated BBG Shabbat in such a

fun way.

Submitted with so much undying love for my BBG theme idea being chosen as the

BBG Shabbat international theme, BBG Shabbat, the International Order, and being

a proud BBG,

I remain,

Lexie Drew Sittsamer

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Chocolates and Oranges

By Jamie Sacksner

In the words of the author Mark Twain, “To be busy is man’s only happiness.” One thing I

have always made room for is Regional Convention (RC) so that I can go with my chapter and

live, breathe, and eat Ruach for a week. It’s therefore not surprising that my most memorable

BBG memory happened during RC. It was my second-ever RC and I was pumped, but things

got even better when I learned that our talent act was going to come from one of my absolute

favorite old movies, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Best of all, I got to be an Oompa

Loompa (their songs are my absolute favorite in the entire movie).

We spent many hours learning the dance and lyrics and when it came time to don our

costumes things got a little fruity. After applying my orange face make-up and green hair-spray

I found myself to be reminiscent of an orange or perhaps a somewhat unripe tomato. Our act

was a hit and though we didn’t win talent that year, I had a blast. We were all laughing at our

orange faces- it was hilarious. Doing the Oompa Loompa dance at the same time made it all

the more fun. I can quite honestly say that is a memory I will NEVER forget, or live down (there

are pictures posted on Facebook). That one moment alone was enough to make my second

RC a very happy (and busy) experience.

My First RC

By Lenie Siegel

My favorite BBG memory is definitely from RC last year. One moment can’t capture how

much fun I had during this experience. As a freshman, it was my first RC. I was nervous when we

first got to the JCC because there were so many people! Though I was a bit hesitant in the

beginning, RC wound up being an amazing time! It really gave me the opportunity to get to

know the girls in Ruach that I didn’t really know that well before.

RC Sleepovers

By Meagan Soffin

My favorite BBG memory is going to RC for the first time. It was really fun walking into the

JCC and seeing all the people. It was also fun staying up late and learning song, cheer, and


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It always has seemed to me That I could count on BBG

For friends, good times, laughs and more, Even meetings are never a bore When you are with your sisters,

When I’m busy I really miss her, Ruach BBG #83, I mean,

We all make the very best team Whether we are orange-skinned at RC, Sitting in a basement eating spooey,

Or just hanging out, For me the best part is when we all shout

Out loud, proclaiming our spirit It’d probably pop your ear drums should you hear it.

Racing through life at break-neck speed, It’s great to have people to talk to whenever you need

Help with any little thing, it’s true, It makes me even happier to be a Jew And be part of this great organization,

I may grow older and even busier by my estimation, Buy my love for Ruach will always be strong

Indeed wherever I am I find that I long To be with my sisters as our chapter

I wish time wasn’t a factor So I could spend

More time making memories that never end

-Jamie Sacksner

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Dear M&M,

I love my sister BBGs, but sometimes I wish they would learn their manners! I always serve a big

bowl of M&Ms at functions- I know how much everyone appreciates something to nibble on

during an event. The problem is, so many girls stand around the bowl and dig for the blue M&Ms!

By the end of the night, I’m left with a bowl of brown, yellow, green, red, and orange M&Ms. Are

they being too picky, or am I in the wrong here?

-Frustrated in Farmington Hills

Dear Frustrated in Farmington Hills,

You might not have realized it, but you’re being a terrible host. Make sure to always have a bowl

of blue M&Ms ready for your guests. They are the most delicious M&Ms- why even buy the

others? Before hosting any meeting or function, visit your local blue M&M store. Your guests will

thank you!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Dear M&M,

I met the most wonderful AZA at CLTC this summer! He’s cute, smart, and funny. We spent the

entire time together- we were inseparable after we first met at the airport! So, what could be

wrong? He lives in New York! How can I stay in touch with him when he’s so far away?

-Woeful in West Bloomfield

Dear Woeful in West Bloomfield,

While it is not easy to have a boyfriend who lives 500 miles away, there is still hope! Texts, phone

calls, Facebook, and Skype can all help you keep in touch. Old-fashioned hand-written letters

are sweet and fun. Maybe your CLTC will even have a reunion- you could meet back up with

him and all of your other friends from CLTC!

My staff shirt at my summer camp was blue and white. MLIR

One of the groups at my camp was the M & Ms. MLIR

I love M & Ms. MLIR

Probably about a third of my shirts are blue. MLIR

I plan my weekends around events. MLIR

I met the blue M&M at M&M world in New York. MLIR

I have M&M earrings. MLIR

83 is my favorite number. MLIR

Spooey is my favorite food. MLIR

I just love Ruach. MLIR

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My name is Michelle and I have a dog named RJ. He is two years old

and his birthday is May 24th, 2009. He is a King Charles Cavalier. His

main hobbies are sleeping and relaxing. He loves people and thinks

we all are here just for him. We consider him a bucket of love, because

that is all he does- love. I truly love him and he makes my day much

better just seeing him wag his tail and smile when I arrive home every

day. He has truly changed my life for the better.

-Michelle Betman and RJ

My doggy, Captain, entered my family when I was just in 1st grade.

His breed is Lowchen, an uncommon European breed. He is one of

the best things that happened to my family. Whether I am in a great

mood or upset, my doggy is always there for me. I love him with all

my heart.

-Julia Simon and Cappy

This is our dog, Sammy! He is a black and white cockapoo, and we

got him a little over five years ago. He likes spending his day playing

fetch or tug-of-war with anyone around, and taking naps on the

couch. Sammy is also super friendly, and gets so excited when

meeting new people. He’s such a sweet dog, and our family loves

him a lot!

-Steffany Ellenstein and Sammy

Butkis is a bullmastiff. He's named after the dog from the Rocky

movies. He eats as if he has never seen food before in his life,

and snores super loud! He loves to get his chest scratched and

likes people more then he likes other dogs.

Adrian is a bullmastiff, too, and she also was named after a

character in the Rocky movies. She and Butkis chase each

other all the time. She loves to cuddle and she gets really

excited when you take her for a walk.

Coral was not named after anyone in the Rocky movies. She

is an Almanistic Corn Snake, and eats rats. I had a choice

between getting a pet snake or a pet rabbit, and I thought a

snake would be so much cooler.

-Rachael Bradley, Butkis, Adrian, and Coral

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2 cups all purpose flour

1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup unsalted butter, room


2/3 cup granulated white sugar

2/3 cup firmly packed light brown


1 large egg

1 large egg yolk

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 cup of blue M&Ms


1) Preheat oven to 350°F.

2) In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt.

3) Beat the butter and sugars until light and fluffy (about 2 - 3 minutes). Scrape

down the sides of the bowl. Add the egg, beating until well combined. Beat in

the vanilla extract.

4) Gradually add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture and beat just until


5) Form dough into balls, using 1/4 cup for each cookie. Place six balls of dough

each on two greased baking sheets. Gently flatten each ball of dough into a 2

1/2 inch round. Completely cover the tops of the cookies with the M&M's and

gently press them into the dough. Bake the cookies for about 15 - 17 minutes.

The cookies are done when they are light golden brown in color and just set.

Makes about 12 large cookies. Share with your Ruach sisters at your next

meeting or function!

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1. What does “Ruach” mean?

a) Hope

b) Sun

c) Spirit

d) Happiness

2. When was Ruach founded?

a) 2000

b) 1994

c) 1997

d) 2002

3. Why did Ruach pick the blue M&M as its mascot?

a) It was voted to be the favorite candy and color of the girls in the chapter.

b) Ruach BBG in another region has the green M&M as its mascot, and we

wanted to match.

c) The first N’siah loved M&Ms and had blue eyes.

d) Mars Inc. picked blue for the new M&M color shortly after Ruach was


4. Who is the biggest class in Ruach right now?

a) Freshmen

b) Sophomores

c) Juniors

d) Seniors

5. Who was our first N’siah?

a) Erica Jablin

b) Marissa Wais

c) Amanda Warner

d) Jessica Katz


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Thanksgiving Sleepover

Saturday, November 26th

This sleepover is a tradition and it going to be a lot of fun!

Exec Board Meeting

Saturday, December 3rd

RC Practice

Saturday, December 3rd

MIT Function

Sunday, December 4th

Come hang out with your MIT class!

Calendar Meeting

Friday, December 9th

Meet at Starbucks to plan the calendar for the second

half of the programming year!

RC Practice

Saturday, December 10th

Winter Wonderland Function

Sunday, December 11th

Chapter Shabbat Dinner

Friday, December 16th

Sunday, December 25th


Regional Convention

Monday, December 26th-29th

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From the Desk of the Orechot

Hi everyone!

We wanted to thank the girls of Ruach BBG for contributing their articles, ideas, and positive energy to this

year’s newspaper. We wouldn’t have been able to make it what it is without you girls! We had so much

fun putting it together, and we hope you have just as much fun reading it.

With so much undying love for Ruach BBG #83, RC 2011, the blue M&M, newspaper, and each and

every girl proud enough to call herself a BBG,

We remain Rebecca Fay Berenbon and Meredith Robyn Mackey