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RRA CP Review workshop(7-8 May, 2013, New Delhi)

Vikas Sahyog Kendra (VSK)CP block: Chhattarpur, Palamau,


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Background, Context and Design

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Project Overview• CP Partner- Vikas Sahyog Kendra (VSK)• Location- Chhattarpur block, Palamau District, Jharkhand State• No. of Panchayats- 5• No. of Villages- 30• Inception of the project- July, 2012• HR Deployment:

– For each of the 5 GPs- One Panchayat coordinator and two village cadres.

– One full time program manager and two part time project coordinators

– One full time documentation support.• Budget- 20 lakh INR till June 2013

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Key issues and key gaps- Node wise

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SEEDKey Issues Identified Key Gaps in the System

Falling acreage of local varieties and hence their availability

Rise in the cost and very high percentage of hybrid seeds usage for main crops like paddy, maize and vegetables

Farmers not under control of the various seed sources

Vegetable seeds market totally being dominated by hybrid seeds

Non- availability of traditional seeds in the market or through government institutions

Seed village programme doesn’t have space for production of local seeds which have exceptional qualities.

Seeds not available for millet crops at all in the market or govt sources at ease

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SoilKey Issues Identified Key Gaps in

the System Utilization of dung for production of manure or

vermin-composting is almost absent in the area. Animal dung is also used as fuel in most of the

households; As visible across the country, the response to

Urea and DAP by crops has fallen. Crop residues aren’t used for composting; only

hard stems of Redgram are burnt. Oil cakes are generally fed to the cattle.

Silt application is absent as a practice

Biomass based manuring needs to be incentivised through NREGA and DoA for every household to make a shift from chemical use.

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Water (Protective Irrigation)Key Issues Identified Key Gaps in the

System Cropping of only rice and wheat in the

low and mid lands (Chaur and Jaah) Unutilized water sources that can result

in food security. Absence of market incentives for millet

cultivation. Outreach of government incentives for

sprinklers and drip irrigation not visible. Rain water harvesting measures on

individual lands not very popular.

No implementation model available for collective use of groundwater for productivity enhancement, we are hesitant to introduce groundwater usage

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Key Issues Identified Key Gaps in the System Very low market value compared to rice. Low availability of seeds, considering

the low use and drought in the past 3 years.

Millets are virtually out of food habits, the knowledge about nutritional value not realized.

Market or state hasn’t laid any incentives for millet procurement.

Locally, it is believed that Madua or similar millets are not consumed by ‘good’ people. It is believed to be a ‘low caste food’ and that it can’t be served to guests.

Millets have traditionally grown without any external input, while INSIMP promotes use of chemical fertilizers.

State led communication of the nutritional benefits of millet consumption

Procurement of millets for public schemes

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SRIKey Issues Identified Key Gaps in the

System Hand-holding support during the key

processes of SRI is essential- seed treatment, bed preparation, transplantation and weeding.

Despite local examples, farmers a little reluctant to shift to SRI

Availability of weeders essential at the weeding stage

Community resource persons is crucial for larger reach of SRI

Incentives for SRI not laid out at village level from DoA

Non Availability of a large number of CRPs for promoting the technique

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FisheriesKey Issues Identified Key Gaps in the System Scientific fishery is still a new concept for people to

understand- govt’s efforts for provision of training are much needed

Control over large water bodies is under threat of contractors- policy assists in getting legal control

Labour support for preparation of new ponds/ cleaning and maintenance of existing ponds needs to be available from public schemes to every interested fish farmer

Fingerling production needs to be localised-quality of seed is a big concern, dependence is still on Bankura, WB

Government supported local hatcheries are still picking up, their production is not able to meet local demand

Infrastructure like boats, tubes, fishing nets not available with farmers, dependence hence is on the Mallahs who charge 1/3rd of the produce for harvesting

Harvesting skills also need to be developed

Direct linkage of the fishery department with Gram Panchayats essential for assessing capacity building needs

System for provision of required inputs, infrastructure needs to be established for all interested farmers for all water bodies

Fingerling production needs to be localised for reducing mortality and increasing the productivity in fishery

Absence of resource persons who can hand hold the key process at crucial stages of fish growth

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Key Issues Identified Key Gaps in the System High mortality rates in chicken

(due to infectious diseases and predator attack) and goats (mostly due to infectious diseases)

Vaccines available for large ruminants only

The AH department does not have sufficient human resources for providing vaccination services for all the animals in the village

Extension of Vaccination services at village level is not happening

Disease surveillance system is not clear

CRPs for vaccination need to be linked to the department

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Project Strategies and Approach for the First Year

• In the beginning we were in learning phase so we were promoting different agronomical practices so that there is an outreach to build upon for intervention at scale.

• Main focus was given on the activities about which the organisation already has experience like SRI, kitchen garden etc.

• Building relationship with different government departments.

• Sensitizing target groups, staffs , government staffs about agenda and objectives of RRA.

• Preparing ground for developing a convergence programme with the government.

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Progress and Achievements

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Baseline Survey

• 2100 families have been covered out of 3000. • Data analysis is in progress• Individual household level data on land

holding acreage under each crop pattern, fertilizer use, seed rates, yields for each crop and cropping pattern, govt benefits access, etc.

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Summary of achievements for Kharif 2012:

• 5 Panchayat level Seed Banks functional: IR 36, IR 64, Sahbhagi, Naveen and Sarju 52 varieties of paddy and A 404 variety of Madua stored; 10 quintals of seed stored at every seed bank

• Paddy seed production (IR 36, IR 64 and Sahbhagi) taken up on 20 acres • System of Rice Intensification: 160 acres of SRI paddy cover in the pilot area • Composting: Over 200 families using biomass based compost • Millets: Linkage with ATMA under the INSIMP programme, 60 acres land

covered under Madua • Fishery: 25 water bodies covered this year under fishery, 70000 fingerlings

produced locally; a Block Level Fishery Federation is being formed • Livestock: 2000 livestock immunized in 2012. 5 trained cadres in area for

immunization • Vegetable Cultivation: 3 vegetable nurseries established serving 100

families • Horticulture: 1200 fruit plants planted by 300 families

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Building Community InstitutionsPlanned Achieved

1. Formation of Women Farmers’ Group in every village

2. Formation of a block level cooperative for Fishery

3. Establishing Community Institutions for handling Agri-Input services, processing and value addition

4. Establishing a pool of Community Resource Persons

1. VSK has nurtured 82 Women’s Self Help Groups in the 30 villages of the CP area. Regular meetings are being held in the area for making the groups understand the benefits of collectivising for rainfed agriculture.

2. A block level fishery cooperative is being formed in Chhattarpur that has a paid membership base (Rs. 100/acre/year for each waterbody), a seven member executive committee and a joint bank account. A fishery resource centre will be established in the block (initially supported by VSK) that will serve for provision of infrastructural, skill and training support to the members. The District Fishery Officer has told that unless the cooperative is registered, the support from the department will be available only for individual farmers. We are considering the registration part.

3. Currently, a seed bank is formed at all the 5 panchayats managed by Women’s SHG, with hand holding support from VSK. It is envisaged that the SHGs and their federations will manage the Custom Hiring Centres, processing units (especially for pulses) and value addition.

4. A pool of community resource persons has been established at the village level (1-2 farmers per village) for extending training at crucial crop stages in Kharif and activities like Composting.

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Soil productivity enhancementPlanned Achieved

1. Biomass based manuring with at least 500 households before May 2013.

2. Inclusion of plans for composting in the NREGA annual plan.

3. Exploring options for green manuring on Jaah (Low, waterlogged) lands.

4. Vermin-compost demonstration in every village

1. Currently, over 750 farmers have undertaken BBM and our revised target is of covering 1000 households within April 2013. We have increased the number of target households as not all of them are covering their entire land under BBM.

2. When the NREGA annual labour budget preparation process takes place from 2nd October till December, we advocated with the dist administration to include plans for composting (1 pit for each household) and the plans were finally included. The current need is to advocate through the GP for opening up composting schemes as the new financial year has started from April.

3. The operational framework is being discussed with the Soils node for green manuring.

4. A programme under RKVY for vermin-compost promotion (that provides 50% subsidy on building vermin-compost pits) has been leveraged for the CP area for demonstrating vermin-compost pits. Applications for releasing the incentive money have been submitted to ATMA and the release of funds is awaited. Construction of pits will be complete before June. 146 farmers have applied for vermin-compost pits

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Establishing Community Managed Seed systemsPlanned Achieved 1. Establishi

ng a seed institution at panchayat level in 5 panchayats

2. Seed production for main food crops.

1. Panchayat level seed banks, managed by Women’s Self Help Groups are functional in all the panchayats. The total seed stored this year in the banks is 50 quintals (10 quintals of 5 High Yield Varieties paddy seed in every seed bank). Storage arrangements for around 5 quintals have been done through project money for the seed banks. (Plastic drums have been used)

2. IR-64, IR 36, and Sahbhagi paddy varieties were produced on 25 acres. The seeds were purchased by the seed banks and stored for Kharif 2013. We could not got for certification process, however. The seed banks are also purchasing Millet (Ragi) seeds (A-404 variety and a local variety)

In Rabi 2012, Gram (KPG 59) and Wheat (9107) varieties were procured from Zonal Research Station, Birsa Agricultural University and seed production was taken up. The yield data is yet to come as the harvest is going on. These seeds will also be purchased by the seed banks.

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SRIPlanned Achieved

Achieving 300 acres SRI cover in the CP area with 700 farmers

160 acres was covered under SRI by 400 farmers. A complete one month delay caused in the fall in response to SRI despite the availability of seed in time through seed banks.The highest yield recorded in the area was 40 quintals/acre with IR 64 variety.

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Promotion of MilletsPlanned Achieved

1. Reviving millet cultivation with the Ragi crop

2. Linking millets with public schemes (ICDS/MDM/PDS)

3. Social campaign for publicity

1. We formed a linkage with the INSIMP programme that eased the greatest bottleneck- the shortage/unavailability of seed in the market. We achieved 60 acres of Ragi cover under the procured variety (A 404)

2. A proposal to provide millet based meals in ICDS has been prepared with the help of Dr. Kiran from Millets node and was shared with the District Social Welfare Officer. He has suggested some additions after which we can take it to the District collector, who in turn is expected to forward it in the State. We are trying to take benefit of another Action Research pilot we are handling in the district in association with the Supreme Court Commissioners’ Office for the Right to Food. One of the core areas of work is addressing child malnutrition which can be utilised for inclusion of millets in ICDS as a policy experiment.

3. We have made it a strategy to serve millet meals in our public events to give millets acceptability in the area. In a kisaan mela held in Charai panchayat of Chhattarpur in February, 350 farmers (men and women) were served Pua (Sweet cake made of Ragi flour). The campaign on SRI that we undertake every year before monsoons also has had a component on millets and that was done in 2012. We will continue that this year as well.

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Establishing a framework for protective irrigationPlaned Achieved

1. Selection of a pilot area for protective irrigation

2. Studying the groundwater and surface water situation

3. Chalking out a plan for protective irrigation

1. The pilot area for the Protective Irrigation pilot has been selected as the Salaiya village in Charai Panchayat. The village has 4 habitations, 30 wells and a check dam.

2. A well inventory of the area was taken up and some soil samples were also taken by ACWADAM for soil moisture testing.

3. The plan is yet to get chalked out.4. Solar powered irrigation system is being

set up.

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Fishery in numerous water bodiesPlanned Achieved

1. Understanding the scope of fishery as a livelihood source

2. Organizing fish farmers for boosting fishery

3. Forming a linkage with the Fishery Department and undertaking fishery on numerous water bodies

1. A detailed baseline survey has been completed for the CP area. In Kharif 2012, 52 water bodies were identified for fishery. We left out individual tanks that were under big farmers. The baseline survey this year has identified 70 water bodies including water bodies from an additional panchayat (Sadma, adjacent to Chhattarpur town) which has shown interest in joining the block level cooperative that is being formed. Seed source, market prices, infrastructural and skill based capacities have been assessed through the survey.

2. A block level fishery cooperative is being formed in Chhattarpur that has a paid membership base (Rs. 100/acre/year for each waterbody), a seven member executive committee and a joint bank account. The District Fishery Officer has suggested that we register this cooperative with the Cooperative Department for collective support. Unless the cooperative is registered, the support from the department will be available only for individual farmers. We are considering the registration part.

3. 17 people were trained on fish production and 4 people were trained on fingerling production in 2012. 15 more people have been trained in 2013 on fish production and 11 more on fingerling production. A 5 day special training programme was organised by the Fishery Department for fish farmers being promoted by VSK between 20th april to 24th april 2013. Our target is to get at least one person per waterbody trained on fishery through the department. We will most probably achieve this target.

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Planned Achieved1. Provision of

vaccination services to all the villages in the CP area through Community Resource Persons

2. Exploring an alternative arrangement for vaccinating all animals including small ruminants, poultry and piggery

1. 2000 large ruminants were vaccinated with the help of 4 Community Resource Persons in the CP area. We could not cover all the villages in 2012. 4 More CRPs were trained in 2013. Vaccines are being supplied by the AH dept and farmers pay a user charge of Rs.5 per animal.

2. We are yet to understand the procurement methodology of the Animal Husbandry department for vaccination. This will be taken up as an immediate task.

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Boosting Vegetable Cultivation and Promoting Dry land Horticulture

Planned Acheived1. Establishing

vegetable nurseries in every panchayat to supply saplings

1. 3 vegetable nurseries were taken up by SHG’s in 3 different villages and 100 families purchased saplings from the nurseries. Seeds for Tomato (swarna lalima) and Brinjal (swarna shyamla) were procured from ICAR Eastern Region Centre in Ranchi.

1. Planting 5 fruit plants for every household

1. We tried to procure saplings through the NHM programme and Department of Horticulture, Jharkhand’s programme in Ranchi. 1200 fruit saplings were procured from the Social Forestry department and distributed amongst 300 farmers.

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Current progress• Formation of Fisheries cooperative • Setting up of solar water pumping system and exploring

protective irrigation options.• Setting up of weather station• Setting up of portable hatchery for fingerling production,

preparation of nursery ponds• Indenting seed requirement, arranging seed, capacity

building of Seed bank functionaries, applying for Seed village programme

• Trainings on preparation of Jeevamrit & Neemastra for CRPs• Capacity building of Staff, Cadres and Community Resource

Persons• Exposure visits

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Key Risks and Assumptions

• Palamau is a drought prone area which is the greatest risk

• It was assumed last year that there will be normal rains, a risk based planning process wasn’t done.

• This year, the assumption will include the strong possibility of a drought and the planning will be done accordingly.

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Analysis, Reflection

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What is new in the last one year ?• Thrust on leveraging government budgets instead of relying

on program budgets.• Convergence with different government departments.• The resolve to establish women’s identity as farmers-

Strengthening of women’s farmer’s groups in every village.• Looking at fisheries as major support for livelihood- Fishery in

every water body, localizing fingerling production and collectivising fish farmers.

• Key focus on soil health enhancement and seed conservation.• Communicating the importance of millet crops, creating

incentive for production.• Exploring alternative energy sources for irrigation.

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Layer, Scale, Convergence

• Layering of interventions has been done at scale. However, an MIS to track such layering is yet to be developed- we are expecting help from the network.

• Approximately 600 farmers have been reached out through the program for multiple initiatives.

• A relationship has been built with DoF, ATMA, DoH, DoA. However, Convergence among these departments is yet to be established.

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Programmatic FW

• Our Panchayat coordinators are key persons for implementing the programme on ground. They have understood the concept of RRA well and are making attempts to build relationship with block level functionaries of various departments.

• We have appointed Panchayat coordinators as nodal persons for one node as well.

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Institutional FW

Node Nodal Activities

Existing institutions Institutions requiredRemarks

primary secondary CRP primary secondary CRP


Biomass based

manuringHH - 1 per hamlet - - - -

Green Manuring - - - HH - - -

Application of Biofertlizers

and biopesticides

- - - HH SHG 1 per hamlet

Production will require storing cattle urine and

dung, commercial sale


compost SHG - - - - - -

Tank Silt Application - - - HH - -

Need to coordinate with

Fishery node which has tank silt removal as

an activity

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Institutional FW

Node Nodal Activities

Existing institutions Institutions requiredRemarks

primary secondary CRP primary secondary CRP

seedsSeed Banks SHG - - -

Association at block level for

running processing



The SHG can manage the seed bank at Panchayat level but large scale certification of seed s will need

processing of seeds. This unit will need to be managed by an

association of the seed banksSeed

Production HH - - - - -Seed producers are individual

farmers who are associated with the seed bank.

Agronomic Innovations,


Millets HH - - - 1 per hamlet -

Crops HH SHG - - - 1 per hamlet Aggregation of surplus produce to take place at SHG level

SRI HH - - - - 1 per hamlet SRI needs a strong CRP support in vital stages

vegetable production HH SHG - - - - Vegetable nurseries being handled by


water Protective irrigation

LI User group in villages

that have lift

irrigation facility

- - - Women's federation -

Federation will take up advovacy for getting schemes for protective irrigation for each household

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Institutional FW

Node Nodal Activities

Existing institutions Institutions requiredRemarks

primary secondary CRP primary secondar



Vaccination for the entire

livestock- - 10 CRPs for

5 GPs - - 1 per village -

poultry - - - Mother Unit association - -

fishery SHG/Fish committee association - - - - -

financial services - - - -

Village Organisation of SHGs


Village organisation to provide financial

services for an

independence from Money lenders

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Resources mobilisedResource mobilisation from

Funds leveraged for CP Other resources/ Expertise/ Skills Leveraged for CP

Government (Programmes/department)

1. Land development Schemes for 35 acres sanctioned through NREGA for the CP area in the first phase. The per-acre cost was Rs. 100000.

2. Schemes for building 150 vermin-compost pits have been sanctioned by ATMA. 50% subsidy on the total cost of Rs. 6000 is being provided to each farmer.

3. 190 kg of Millet Seed at subsidised rate was available to farmers in CP area through INSIMP. Cost of the seed was Rs. 14/kg.

4. Foundation and breeder seeds from KVK/ZRS for seed production

We organised a field day and a kisaan mela and a Genetic plant breeder from ZRS has reviewed our CP work.

Other donor agencies

We have leveraged Human Resource Support and some incentive support from Ford Foundation as well for the CP area.

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Way Forward

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Status of proposal

• Working on the MKSP proposal (submitted already) has provided us a framework for the convergence plan, waiting for the Collector to get transferred to introduce the proposal!

• Strengthening community organisations