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    A uniform color space based on the Munsell system

    By A. Kimball Romney and John P. Boyd

    Institute of Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA



    We find that the similarity structure of the cube rooted reflectance spectra of

    Munsell color chips obtained from a multidimensional scaling based only on

    physical measurements is similar to the perceptual structure of normal human

    observers. The perceptual structure is inferred by projecting the reflectance spectra

    into the space of cone sensitivity curves derived from color matching functions. In

    perceptual space the reflectance spectra are represented as linear transformations

    of human cone sensitivity curves and the structure is similar to the Munsell color

    space defined by three orthogonal axes (value or lightness, hue, and chroma or

    saturation). A rigid rotation of the perceptual structure produces a match with the

    Munsell color system. Any reflectance spectra whatsoever may be located in this

    Euclidean representation of the uniform Munsell color system.

    OCIS codes: 330.0330, 330.1690, 330.1710.


    We report an unanticipated discovery that unifies two previous results and strengthens

    their validity. The first, by Romney [1] (Model 1), demonstrated that the similarity

    structure of the cube rooted reflectance spectra of Munsell atlas color chips was well

    represented in an Euclidean space resembling the Munsell color system. The second, by

    Romney and Chiao [2] (Model 2), represented the same Munsell spectra as projected into

    an orthonormalized cone sensitivity space that was designed to correspond to perceptual

    color space. In this paper we show that the two structures are identical when transformed

    by an appropriate rigid rotation matrix. We then show that it is possible to produce a set

    of realizable reflectance spectra that fit perfectly in the Munsell color system. Since all

    of these representations are isomorphic and represented in Euclidean space, we believe

    that the Munsell color system could be the basis for a uniform color space. We present a

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    brief summary of the Munsell color system as background information prior to our more

    technical and mathematical discussion.

    The Munsell color system was developed in the early years of the last century by

    Albert H. Munsell. In many current accounts Munsell is described as an artist who

    devised a color system. In fact he did extensive scientific experiments and published

    scientific papers [3, 4]. He published a book [5] describing a color system together with an

    atlas. The color system uses three independent dimensions to represent all possible

    colors (as measured by reflectance spectra) in a distorted oblate shaped space, as

    illustrated in Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. A view of the Munsell color solid and a sample page from the Atlas.

    We cannot improve on Munsell's [3] own description, which "depends upon the

    recognition of three dimensions: value, hue and chroma. These three dimensions are

    arranged as follows. A central vertical axis represents changes in value from white at the

    top to black at the bottom.The value of every point on this axis determines the level of

    every possible color of equal value. Radial planes leading from this axis correspond each

    to a particular hue [e. g., the 5 Yellow Atlas page shown in Fig. 1]. Opposite radial

    planes correspond invariably to complementary colors: any three planes separated by

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    120 form a complementary trio, etc. Thus the angular position of any hue is determined,

    and the hues are balanced. Chroma, or intensity of hue, is measured by the perpendicular

    distance from any point on the vertical axis, and the progression of chroma is an

    arithmetical one.Thus is constructed a solid. In this solid every horizontal plane

    corresponds to one and only one value. Every vertical plane extending radially from the

    central vertical axis contains but one hue. Finally, the surface of every vertical cylinder

    having the vertical axis as its principal axis contains colors of equal chroma."

    Recent accounts of Munsell's color atlas usually fail to report on the extensive

    empirical research that he carried out using instruments that he invented (U.S. Patents

    640,792, 1900; 686,872, 1901, 717,596, 1903, and 824,374, 1906), including a

    photometer and spinning top (Maxwell disk). Maxwell [6] and Helmholtz [7] did

    extensive experiments with spinning disks and knew that complementary colored

    surfaces would fuse to produce the appearance of an achromatic gray when spun at high

    speeds. This was seen as analogous to the observation that complementary

    monochromatic lights when mixed produce the appearance of white. Rood [8] presented

    extensive experimental data resulting from his research with spinning disks in his 1879

    book. Munsell was greatly influenced by his study of Rood and followed his example by

    calibrating his color atlas with extensive experimentation. His complementary colors

    were all tested to produce an achromatic gray when combined with his spinning top. His

    equal chroma cylinders were produced by insuring that equal amounts (areas) of

    complementary colors produced achromatic grays. His equal spacing of hues was tested

    with triads of hues at 120 as well as complementary pairs. In addition he would take

    one of two complementary hues and balance it against a pair of hues separated by 72 to

    achieve an achromatic gray. In this way he could iterate to equally spaced hues as well as

    to calibrated value and chroma scales.

    Munsell was aware of many complicating factors affecting color vision, including

    context effects such as color contrast, color induction, changes in illumination, etc. For

    example, in his first scientific publication [4] he was seeking to obtain the appearance of

    equally spaced chroma levels and found that he could only do so by specifying the

    observational context. He prepared two observational templates for a Maxwell disc as

    illustrated in Fig. 2. Disk A is cut to produce a decreasing geometric progression of

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    angles: 180, 90, 45, and so on, while the corresponding radii decrease arithmetically.

    When a color (red in the Fig.) is placed on a white background and spun, a well

    graduated progression of concentric rings is produced, diminishing in chroma and

    increasing in value from the center to the circumference. A change that prevents any

    variation in value may be obtained by changing the background to a neutral gray of the

    same value as the color; in which case the spacing of the chroma rings becomes very

    uneven. Disk B is now cut at five equal angles and with (as for disk A) an arithmetical

    decrease of radii. Now when a color is placed on a gray background and spun an even

    perceptual spacing of the chroma rings is observed. The finding is incorporated into the

    Munsell color system and requires colors to be judged on a neutral background (an

    achromatic gray of the same value). This reminds us of a very important general

    scientific principle, frequently overlooked in color experiments, which is to always

    isolate the variable (chroma in this case) being measured from possible interaction or

    confounding effect with other variables (value in this instance).

    Fig. 2. Munsell's two Maxwell disk templates.

    When he produced his atlas, Munsell advised using as few pigments as possible

    and grinding them finely and consistently. Later, when the Optical Society of America

    [9] studied the Munsell color system, they produced samples exemplifying the Munsell

    renotation, all sample color chips being painted with only six colors plus black and white

    [10]. For reasons that are historically obscure the studies carried out by the Optical

    Society of America [11-15] did not use Munsell's psychophysical methods and substituted

    psychological judgments averaged over many subjects for their renotation system. We

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    find only one replication of Munsell's careful experiments. It was written in 1940 by

    Tyler (an undergraduate at MIT at the time) and Hardy [16] (who directed the preparation

    of the classic Handbook of Colorimetry [17]). They comment that their work "calls

    belated attention to the remarkable scientific insight of Professor A. H. Munsell. At a

    time when there was little to suggest such a procedure, he formulated rules for the

    construction of a psychophysical color system that could be used today without apology.

    We believe also that the publication of this paper may call attention to the fact that the

    psychophysical definitions of the terms hue, value, and chroma given in the Atlas of the

    original Munsell Color System differ from purely psychological definitions used since

    the death of Professor Munsell."

    In the Munsell color structure, circles of equal chroma, but several different

    values, form cylinders. Any valid model of perceptual color space should reflect this

    fact. Research on scaling the similarity structure of the reflectance spectra of the Munsell

    atlas chips has usually reported a conical rather than a cylindrical structure for the chroma

    circles of different value, examples include Romney and Indow [18], Lenz, et al. [19],

    Koenderink, et al. [20], and Burns et al. [21]. We view these earlier models as describing

    the physical stimuli correctly but as misleading when interpreted as perceptual space.

    The cylindrical structure only emerges when a cube root transformation is applied to the

    original empirical measures of reflectance spectra. We follow the Romney and Chiao

    procedure of cube rooting the reflectance spectra, since this is a critical element of their

    model and has the effect of transforming the physical space of a cone to the perceptual

    space of a cylinder. The use of the cube root transformation goes back to Plateau [22] and

    Stevens [23]. It is also used in the CIE L*a*b* colorimetric system [24].


    The previous analyses (Model 1[1] and Model 2[2]) were based on 1296 reflectance

    spectra from the 1976 Munsell color atlas[25]. The color chips were measured as percent

    reflectance (scaled 0 to 1) at each nm from 400 nm to 700 nm. These data and their

    sources are described by Kohonen et al.[26] and in this paper are represented by matrix

    . The cube root symbol is used to emphasize that all spectra have

    been cube rooted element-wise (the only nonlinear operation in our analysis).

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    Model 1 showed that the Munsell reflectance spectra were well represented in a

    three dimensional Euclidean space. Singular value decomposition (SVD) was used to

    obtain estimates of the orthonormal coordinates (in matrix B) as follows:


    where, as usual for the SVD, the columns of B and F are orthonormal and L is the

    diagonal matrix of singular values in decreasing order. The three dimensional

    representation of the reflectance spectra (the matrix ) accounts for .9992% of the

    variance (of matrix ), indicating a very close fit to a Euclidean structure. The

    structure was shown to be close to that of the Munsell color system. The second and

    third dimensions of the Euclidean structure as represented in matrix are illustrated

    in Fig. 3A along with the corresponding dimensions of matrix F (the basis functions of

    the reflectance spectra).

    Model 2 showed that the Munsell reflectance spectra when transformed by a

    projection matrix derived from cone sensitivity curves (then analyzed with SVD) resulted

    in a three dimensional Euclidean structure closely resembling CIE L*a*b* [24]

    coordinates. The second and third dimensions of the Euclidean structure represented in

    matrix (computation details appear below) are illustrated in Fig. 3B along with

    the corresponding dimensions of matrix W (the basis functions of the cone sensitivity

    curves) which represent the monochromatic spectral locus. It is obvious that the

    similarity structures of the location of the color chips are remarkably similar. It was

    curiosity about this similarity that led us to the discovery that they are in fact

    mathematically identical after rigid rotation. Before demonstrating this identity we

    present a brief summary (full details are in the original article) of the Model 2.

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    Fig. 3. The second and third dimension scaling results showing locations of the reflectance spectra of Munsell color chips using two different methods. Munsell chips of hue 5 red shown in red. A. Location of chips using Model 1 in which reflectance spectra are scaled with SVD together with the basis functions of the reflectance spectra. B. Location of chips using Model 2 in which reflectance spectra are scaled after projection into cone sensitivity space together with the basis functions (spectral locus) of the cone sensitivity curves.

    Model 2 is designed to extract the maximum amount of color information possible

    (using mathematical procedures) from a set of spectra to estimate the similarity structure

    of the color space and the associated monochromatic spectral locus (basis functions). We

    call this perceptual color space because the empirical spectra are converted into linear

    combinations of the cone sensitivity curves. Any set of empirical spectra has an invariant

    similarity structure embedded in the cone sensitivity space.

    . The model may be summarized in four equations in standard matrix notation [27].





    Matrix R in Eq. 2 contains the data of the cone receptor curves as defined by

    Stockman and Sharpe [28] and derived from the color matching functions of Stiles and

    Burch [29]. The model calculates an orthonormal projection matrix ( ) from the

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    cone sensitivity curves using the SVD in Eq. 2 followed by the matrix multiplication of

    Eq. 3. Though derived differently, this projection matrix (matrix P in Eq. 3) is

    mathematically identical to Cohen's matrix R [30,31] (not to be confused for matrix R in

    Eq. 2) except for the fact that Cohen does not use the cube root transformation.

    Multiplying the empirical spectra by the projection matrix using Eq. 4 converts each

    spectrum into a linear transformation of the cone sensitivity curves. The projected

    reflectance spectra in matrix S represent what the receptors "see" in the literal sense that

    they are weighted combinations of the receptors. Since the 1269 spectral curves are

    represented as actual combinations of the cone receptors it is assumed that the similarity

    among those curves may be interpreted as the color appearance similarity structure for

    the specified observer. Note the identity . The SVD

    of Eq. 5 provides a mathematical procedure for obtaining a three-dimensional Euclidean

    representation of the similarity structure (matrix M) plotted in Fig. 3B. Fig. 3B shows

    the structure of the reflectance spectra after being projected into the space of the cone

    sensitivity curves. The spectra are now represented in the model as linear combinations

    of the cone sensitivity curves (matrix U or W).

    The projection matrix plays such a critical role in the model that it will be useful

    to explain its function in more detail. Fig. 4 will serve as a helpful visual aid in clarifying

    the importance and implications of projecting reflectance spectra into cone sensitivity

    space. The first six panels (Fig. 4AF) show the Stiles and Burch CMFs [29], the

    Stockman and Sharpe [28] cone sensitivities, and an approximation of Wald's [32]

    measurements of the cone sensitivities. The three data sets are plotted in two formats,

    first in natural form and second in orthogonal form as calculated with SVD. That is, if

    we let the data in Fig. 4A, 4C, or 4E represent matrix R in Eq. 2, then the curves in Fig.

    4B, 4D, and 4F are matrix U in Eq. 2. All six of these panels contain equivalent

    information and are linear transformations of each other. Thus any of the three would

    produce identical projection matrices.

    The projection matrix is a canonical formulation that perfectly expresses the

    unique communality among the infinity of linear transformations sharing identical

    information with different shapes when viewed from different perspectives. It has a

    variety of interesting properties. It is symmetric and idempotent under multiplication,

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    i.e., . Its rows (or columns since it is symmetric) contain transformed perceptual

    representations of physical stimuli of monochromatic spectra (of equal units of energy)

    and constitute the spectral locus produced by the model. In Fig. 4G we have plotted 31

    of these perceptual spectra (every 10th row) of the projection matrix P. It is a remarkable

    fact that any (reasonably spaced) selection whatsoever of three of the curves plotted in

    Fig. 4G contains all the information necessary to reproduce the projection matrix; and

    when multiplied by their transpose (as in Eq. 3) they form the same projection matrix P.

    This is analogous, in color matching experiments, to being able to match any

    monochromatic test light with any reasonably spaced selection (no two lights should be

    so close as to make the problem computational ill-conditioned) of three fixed primary


    Fig. 4H shows the column sums of the projection matrix. This two hump shaped

    figure is shown in MacAdam [33, 34] as the sum of the CIE 1931 color matching functions.

    In his 1920 article Schrdinger [35] derived this curve but rejected it by saying it was a

    "hideous camel's back with two pronounced maxima" [35, p. 164]. Fig. 4J shows the

    canonical form of the basis functions of the projection matrix. Note that the shape of the

    column sums plot is identical to that of the first canonical basis function and differs only

    by a scale factor. In our model this first basis function is the achromatic axis

    corresponding to value in the Munsell system. We have synthesized the double hump

    shape spectra in an OL490 Agile Light Source [] instrument

    and it appears completely achromatic. Having an achromatic-appearing first basis

    function seems to us superior to one with a saturated yellow-green appearance with a

    single hump ( ) as used in the CIE [24] chromaticity calculations. Any flat physical

    spectra (a constant at all wavelengths), when processed by model 2, has the two hump


    Fig. 4I shows the diagonal values of the projection matrix. These values are

    proportional to the strength of the color (as opposed to the achromatic) signal at each

    wavelength. MacAdam [33, 34] derived the same shaped curve as the moment per watt of

    spectrum colors. For pairs of complementary monochromatic lights the curves estimate

    the relative amounts of each required for an achromatic balance. In Figs. 3B and 5A it

    corresponds to the distance of the spectral locus boundary from the origin.

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    Finally, we note that Model 2 uses the projection matrix to project any spectra

    into a linear combination of orthonormalized color matching functions (or cone

    sensitivity curves) that specify a location in terms of three coordinate positions on three

    orthogonal axes in Euclidean space.

    We now turn to the task of demonstrating that the structures shown in Fig. 3A and

    Fig. 3B are identical after an appropriate rigid rotation.

    Fig. 4. Various views of the information in the projection matrix. A. Color matching functions. B. Color matching function in orthonormal form. C. Cone sensitivity curves normed to maximum equal to one.. D. Cone sensitivity curves in orthonormal form. E. Wald's cone sensitivity curves. F. Approximation of Wald's cone sensitivity curves in orthonormal form. G. Plot of every 10th row (or column) of projection matrix. H. Column sums of projection matrix. I. Diagonal values of projection matrix. J. The canonical form of the basis functions of the projection matrix (solid line is the achromatic axis).


    The task is to show that matrix B in Eq. 1 is identical to matrix M in Eq. 5 after

    appropriate rotation of, say, B. The solution is to find a rotation matrix such that

    BX is nearest (with respect to the Frobenius norm, defined for any matrix A as

    ) to M and check for identity, meaning that the Frobenius norm of the

    difference is zero. Eq. 6 shows how to calculate matrix X and the numerical results.

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    After rotation by the matrix X, the Frobenius norm , which demonstrates

    that matrix B is identical to matrix M after rotation by X. This follows the mathematical

    procedure outlined by Ben-Isreal and Greville [36] (Ex. 33, p. 217). The results of the

    calculations are shown in Fig. 5A where the coordinates in the second and third

    dimensions contained in matrix BX are plotted with those contained in matrix M. In

    addition we have plotted the corresponding natural basis functions (open horseshoe

    shape) in matrix F (Eq. 1) and the orthonormal basis functions (representing

    monochromatic spectral locus) of the receptors (closed triangular shape) in matrix W

    (Eq. 5).

    Fig. 5A reveals that even though the similarity structures of the reflectance

    spectra are identical, the basis functions are very different. For human observers these

    basis functions constitute the monochromatic spectral locus and ultimately derive from

    color matching functions based on experiments with monochromatic spectral lights that

    may vary widely from individual to individual. There is a duality between reflectance

    spectra of surfaces (the rows of matrix A) and monochromatic spectral lights (the

    columns of matrix A) artificially produced with prisms or various optical instruments.

    The perceptual similarity among the Munsell chips (based on reflectance spectra) is

    represented by the vertical and horizontal symbols (crosses) in Fig. 5A and is invariant

    for all trichromatic observers regardless of the shape of the spectral locus. In contrast the

    perceptual similarity among the monochromatic spectral lights is represented by the open

    circles and is valid only for the Stockman and Sharpe observer. We emphasize the fact

    that humans with a different color matching function will have a different projection

    matrix and a different shaped spectral locus.

    A further implication of the duality between reflectance spectra and

    monochromatic spectral lights involves the difference in the rules for combining them to

    produce new perceptual colors. Reflectance spectra obey the rules of convex

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    combination while monochromatic lights obey the rule of vector addition. The physical

    structure of reflectance spectra (cube rooted) is identical to the perceptual structure in

    Fig. 5A and the rule of convex combination of reflectance spectra constrains the

    similarity structure of the rows (Munsell chips) to be invariant for all trichromatic

    observers (including the null case of Model 1) and is the rule of mixtures on the Maxwell

    spinning color disks. The rule of vector addition applies to the values obtained for the

    monochromatic spectral locus which are different for observers with different color

    matching functions (which specify how much of each of three primary lights are needed

    to produce a monochromatic test light of one watt).

    Fig. 5. The empirical location of Munsell reflectance spectra and the uniform perceptual space of Munsell color. Munsell chips of hue 5 red shown in red. A. Model 1 points (after rotation by matrix X) indicated by vertical line and Model 2 points indicated by horizontal line (a cross shows the location of a single spectrum in both models). Natural basis functions are shown as open circles and the monochromatic spectral locus as squares. B. The uniform perceptual space of Munsell color and the monochromatic spectral locus (after rotation by matrix ).

    We now turn to deriving realizable reflectance spectra that may be represented in

    a Euclidean space that is isomorphic with the Munsell color system. We begin by

    generating Munsell Cartesian coordinates for the sample of 1269 reflectance spectra in

    matrix A from the Munsell color variables of value (lightness), hue (as an angle in the

    color circle), and chroma (saturation) as follows: Each of the 40 pages of the Atlas was

    assigned an appropriate angle on the 360 color circle beginning with 5 Red at 0 and

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    incrementing each page 9 up to 2.5 Red at 351 (by convention hue degrees ascend

    counter-clockwise). A final adjustment is required to bring the Munsell color system into

    an adequate uniform model. From psychophysical evidence Indow [37,38] has shown that

    one value step in the Munsell system is roughly equivalent to two chroma steps. To

    adjust for Indow's finding we multiply Munsell value by two to obtain a uniform color

    space in which the perceptual distance in any direction is the Euclidean distance. The

    three dimensional coordinates for the uniform Munsell color space (designated as matrix

    ) are computed as follows:

    = value 2 (theoretical coordinates range from 0 to 20)

    = (theoretical coordinates range from -20 to +20)

    = (theoretical coordinates range from -20 to +20)

    In order to show that human perceptual space is identical to Munsell conceptual

    space we need to produce a set of realizable reflectance spectra that fit perfectly in the

    Munsell conceptual space. The method that we use to obtain such idealized data is to

    transform the reflectance spectra into the space of the Munsell conceptual system by

    multiplying the orthornormalized conceptual coordinates by the singular values and basis

    functions of the original reflectance spectra (using values obtained with Eq. 1). We begin

    by computing an orthonormal representation of the Munsell conceptual space using SVD

    to get:

    . (7)

    We than compute 1269 idealized reflectance spectra as follows (using matrices L and F

    from Eq. 1.):


    All the idealized realizable reflectance spectra in matrix (distinguished from

    A by asterisk) have positive values showing that they could, in principle, be replicated in

    practice. The spectra in matrix are similar to the spectra in matrix A, for example, the

    sum of squares of divided by the sum of squares of A is 0.9992. It can be

    demonstrated (using the procedures outlined above) that if we substitute matrix in

    place of matrix A in Eq. 4 that the idealized spectra, when analyzed by Model 2 produce

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    an identity between matrix E in Eq. 8 and the new matrix (distinguished from M by

    asterisk). Furthermore a simple linear transformation will transform matrix into the

    Munsell coordinate system derived above as matrix C of Eq. 7, and illustrated in Fig. 5B.

    The linear transformation of matrix into matrix C is shown in Eq. 9.


    Thus the idealized reflectance spectra are transformed back into the Munsell coordinate

    system in terms of the original scales of matrix C. This is possible since matrix C is

    orthogonal. This procedure could be generalized to convert any collection of cube rooted

    reflectance spectra into the Munsell coordinate system.

    Note that we would have arrived at the same similarity structure for the Munsell

    color chips regardless of the choice of color matching functions or cone sensitivity curves

    used for matrix R of Eq. 2. In fact the geometric constrains are so strong that any

    orthonormal matrix whatsoever may be substituted for matrix U (in Eq. 2 and 3) or

    matrix W (in Eq. 5) and the similarity structure of the reflectance spectra would be the

    same within a rigid rotation of the structure. What would vary under these different

    choices is the shape of the basis functions with empirical consequences for predicting the

    fit between color perception and wavelength. Even though the similarity structure (of the

    reflectance spectra) is invariant for different observers, the shape of the monochromatic

    spectral locus (which determines the perceptual nature of monochromatic lights) may

    vary radically among different observers. This means that the fact that the Stockman and

    Sharpe cone sensitivity curves used in Model 2 lead to a good fit is a necessary but not

    sufficient requirement to prove its validity. Additional empirical requirements are

    required such as predicting complementary pairs (and in what proportion) of

    monochromatic lights that combine to form an achromatic white.


    The discovery that human perceptual space is identical to Munsell conceptual space may

    appear surprising. Still, one reason we might expect the two structures to be identical is

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    that, even though the Munsell conceptual system and the color matching functions are

    based on totally different data and methods of analysis, they are two independent

    attempts to model the same phenomena, namely the structure of human color space. It

    would be surprising and disturbing if they did not arrive at similar solutions.

    The measurement and modeling of color involves two distinct levels of

    phenomena. At the physical level there are beams of light consisting of electromagnetic

    waves (spanning the visible range from 400 nm to 700 nm) that instruments measure as

    light spectra (for black body radiation or monochromatic spectral lights) or as reflectance

    spectra (for object color). At the psychological level color can be represented in a

    perceptual color structure consisting of three independent dimensions, value (lightness),

    hue, and chroma (saturation). Two major types of experiments provide data to model the

    relation between these two levels. Color matching experiments provide a bridge between

    monochromatic spectral lights as physical stimuli and the perceptual color structure of

    mixtures of three primary lights. Experiments with mixing color samples on a Maxwell

    spinning top to produce achromatic pairs or triads of complementary colors provide a

    bridge between reflectance spectra as physical stimuli and perceptual color structure.

    Our goal has been to build a bridge that goes from the domain of physical stimuli

    to that of perception. The bridge consists of a model written in mathematical terms that

    specifies how to transform the physical structure into the perceptual structure. It is

    understood that physical stimuli are measured by instruments and perceptions are

    measured in psychophysical experiments such as color matching and spinning Maxwell

    disks. The model must be consistent with known facts of conventional color science.

    We began with the notion of representing all components of the model of color

    perception in three dimensional Euclidean space with three orthogonal axes.

    The major components are: First, the physical stimuli (matrix A) consist of the

    reflectance spectra as measured with instruments. Second, an observer with known

    receptor characteristics as measured, for example, in color matching experiments. Third,

    the Munsell color system describes the structure of colors as perceived by human

    observers. We observe that each component is well represented in Euclidean space. A

    natural next question is to determine if the axes in the various components could be

    matched with one another. In the final model we are willing to ignore the small

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    discrepancy between the empirical Munsell color chip locations and the theoretical

    Munsell color coordinates.

    The model is consistent with the findings of trichromacy. Trichromacy is based

    on the fact that whatever arrangement of color matching experiment is set up to produce a

    complete visual match between stimuli of unequal spectral energy distributions, the

    observer never needs to operate more than three independent controls. So far as is known

    the observation is true for all stimulus intensities and for all conditions of the eye,

    including dark adaptation and adaptation to excessively bright lights [39]. The color

    matching functions (and the cone sensitivity curves derived from them) summarize our

    knowledge of how much of each of three primary monochromatic lights is required to

    match one unit of energy of a monochromatic test light. The classic rules of trichromacy

    were first formalized by Grasssmann[24, 40] and more recently put in axiomatic form by

    Krantz [41, 42]. As mentioned above, the psychophysical relationship between wavelength

    and perceptual colors vary among observers (the shapes of the spectral locus differ) and

    therefore Grassmann's laws and Krantz's axioms are different for different observers [43].


    The mathematical model we have presented is simple in concept and shared by all

    trichromatic observers. Both of these features arise from geometric constraints of three

    dimensional Euclidean space. If perceptual color space can be described in three

    dimensional Euclidean space, then by definition it has three orthogonal axes. If one of

    these axes is described as achromatic and as going from black to white, while the other

    two axes are described as a chromaticity planes contained color circles of varying

    chroma, and if color circles of equal chroma and different value form cylinders, then

    there is only one geometric similarity structure possible. The structure has infinitely

    many orientations but all are related by a simple rigid rotation matrix. In this sense there

    is a single color system (describing spectra in the 400 nm to 700 nm range) common to

    all trichromatic observers (biological or robotic).

    The idea of orthogonal color space has a history that goes back over 100 years.

    Kuehni [44] recently discovered and described in detail a 1901 paper by Ludwig Pilgrim

    that represents color in an intended orthogonal space derived from cone sensitivity

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    curves. Pilgrim's analysis was based on the color matching functions of Knig and

    Dieterici of 1892. The curves for the three axes used by Pilgrim were computed from

    formulas obtained from the work of Helmholtz and were meant to represent three

    orthogonal axes with an achromatic dimension and two chromatic axes forming a

    chromaticity plane. These curves are shown in Fig. 8 (p. 9) of Kuehni's article and are

    virtually indistinguishable from the curves shown if our Fig. 4J including the double

    hump camel shape of the achromatic dimension. The degree to which Pilgim's axes are

    orthogonal is remarkable for work done before the existence of computers.

    The next attempts to obtain orthogonal axes were made in the pre-computer age

    and had to be based on some simple assumption. The simplest assumption was to assume

    that the middle color matching function would be the achromatic axis. This choice was

    codified into de facto law in the 1931 CIE chromaticity diagram [24] and later detailed in

    Handbook of colorimetry [17] where the function was made to correspond exactly to

    the "visibility" function (now called ). MacAdam thought that normal and orthogonal

    functions would be useful and simplify many color calculations [34, 45, 46]. In the

    MacAdam work the color-mixture functions were made proportional to the luminosity

    function (as in the CIE system). Since the luminosity function is not achromatic this

    means these attempts all failed to obtain a uniform perceptual color system. The CIE

    chromaticity diagram is not orthogonal to the value or achromatic axis, it is orthogonal to

    some kind of yellow-green. Since this confounds luminosity and chromaticity it makes a

    uniform color system impossible [24].

    When computers were perfected it became possible to actually compute

    orthogonal axes mathematically from color matching functions, cone sensitivity curves,

    or reflectance spectra. Cohen47 was the first to compute the basis function of a large set

    of reflectance spectra representing the Munsell atlas color chips showing the low

    dimensionality of color space. Later he developed his Matrix R theory [30, 31, 48, 49] and

    demonstrated how reflectance spectra (non-cube rooted) of Munsell color chips fit into

    color matching function space using a projection matrix. Our work owes a great deal to

    Cohen's pioneering work. We added the critical step of the cube root transformation (of

    the reflectance spectra) to Cohen's model.

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    A potential weakness of the model is that the mathematical procedures are

    unrealistically effective and fail to allow for error. Clearly actual biological systems are

    not error free and a way to allow for the effects of various sorts of error needs to be

    incorporated in the model. For example, if cone receptivity curves are abnormally

    closely spaced and any errors are present, the matrix operations become ill-conditioned

    and the errors are magnified.

    The model has some novel advantages. The most important may be that it

    provides the basis for a uniform perceptual color system that allows for color difference

    calculations to be made on a simple Euclidean distance basis. In this space the MacAdam

    [34] error ellipses are all circles of equal size. The fact that the perceptual distance is

    related in a known way to the physical stimuli (reflectance spectra) is a signal advantage.

    Another advantage is that the triangular heart shape of the spectral locus provides a direct

    linkage to industrial application used in color reproduction [50] since it accounts for the

    location of the prime colors [51-53]. Finally, the model might unify the task of color

    specification using color matching functions [24] with the task of building an ideal color

    atlas [54] into a single coherent endeavor.


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