Download - Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Page 1: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Residential Estate

Callaghan Rd, Narangba

Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report

Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

24th August, 2016

Page 2: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba i Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

© 2016 - TTM Consulting Pty Ltd

ABN 65 010 868 621

Level 1/129 Logan Road, Woolloongabba

PO Box 1310 Coorparoo BC QLD 4151

T: (07) 3327 9500 F: (07) 3327 9501 E: [email protected]

Rev No.

Author Reviewed/Approved Description Date

Name Signature

A S Yorke J Fox Internal draft 06/06/2016

O S Yorke J Fox Issued to Client 24/08/2016

Page 3: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba ii Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

1.1. Background 1

1.2. Scope 1

2. Site Description 2

2.1. Site Location 2

2.2. Current Conditions at the Site 2

2.3. Acoustic Environment 2

2.4. Proposed Development 3

3. Measurements 4

3.1. Equipment 4

3.2. Unattended Road Traffic Noise Monitoring 4

3.3. Results of Measurements 5

4. Noise Criteria 7

4.1. Road Traffic Noise 7

5. Analysis – Road Traffic Noise 9

5.1. Assessment Criteria 9

5.2. Traffic Volumes 9

5.3. Noise Model 9

5.4. Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels 10

6. Recommendations 12

6.1. Acoustic Barrier 12

6.2. Dwelling Treatments 13

7. Conclusion 15

Table Index

Table 1: Measured Road Traffic Noise Levels – Logger A (Burpengary Road) 5

Table 2: Measured Road Traffic Noise Levels – Logger B (Callaghan Road) 6

Table 3: Road Traffic Noise Emission Criteria for New Sensitive Land Uses 7

Table 4: Noise Category Levels – QDC MP4.4 (Schedule 3) 8

Table 5: Traffic Volumes used in the Noise Model 9

Table 6: Noise Modelling Parameters 9

Table 7: Comparison of Measured and Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels 10

Table 8: Noise Affected Lots 14

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba iii Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Figure Index

Figure 1: Site Locality 2

Figure 2: Road Traffic Noise Monitoring Locations (source: Nearmap) 5

Figure 3: Road Traffic Noise Levels at Ground Floor 10

Figure 4: Road Traffic Noise Levels at First Floor 11

Figure 5: Recommended Acoustic Barriers 13


Appendix A Development Plans 16

Appendix B Unattended Noise Monitoring Graphs 18

Appendix C SoundPLAN Noise Modelling Results 21

Appendix D Extract from QDC MP4.4 46

Page 5: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 1 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

TTM was engaged by to undertake a road traffic noise assessment for the

residential estate located at Callaghan Rd, Narangba. This report covers Stages 1 -10 of the


The assessment is based on the following:

a. Noise criteria contained in:

i. State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP) Module 1.1;

ii. Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Policy for Development on Land Affected by

Environmental Emissions from Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Version 2.

iii. Queensland Development Code MP4.4 Buildings in a Transport Noise Corridor.

b. Development plan shown in Appendix A.

c. Noise measurements, analysis and calculations conducted by TTM.

1.2. Scope

The assessment includes the following:

i. Description of the development site and proposal;

ii. Measurement of existing road traffic noise levels and statement of criteria for

road noise intrusion;

iii. Prediction of road traffic noise on the development;

iv. Analysis of measured and predicted noise levels;

v. Details of recommendations to be incorporated to achieve predicted compliance.

Page 6: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 2 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

2. Site Description

2.1. Site Location

The site is described by the following:

- Burpengary and Callaghan Roads, Narangba, Qld

The site locality is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Site Locality

2.2. Current Conditions at the Site

The site is bound by Burpengary Road to the west and Callaghan Road to the north with

privately owned property to the south and east. A rail line is located on the opposite side of

Burpengary Road approximately 30 metres from the nearest boundary of Stage 10 and 9.

2.3. Acoustic Environment

The site is primarily affected by rail noise from the nearby rail line, which comprises both

passenger and freight trains. Secondary noise sources are road traffic noise from Burpengary

and Callaghan Roads.


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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 3 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

2.4. Proposed Development

The proposal is for the development of a residential subdivision comprising of approximately

470 lots. Access to the site is from Callaghan Road. The development plans are shown in

Appendix A.

Page 8: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 4 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

3. Measurements

3.1. Equipment

The following equipment was used to measure existing road traffic noise levels:

- B&K Environmental Noise Monitor (SN# 3006264).

- Norsonic SLM Logger Nor140 (SN# 1406505).

- Bruel & Kjaer Sound Calibrator type 4231 (SN# 3009814).

All equipment was calibrated by a NATA accredited laboratory and calibrated before and after

the measurement session. No significant drift from the reference signal was recorded.

3.2. Unattended Road Traffic Noise Monitoring

Unattended noise monitoring of Burpengary Road and Callaghan Road was conducted

between Thursday 28/07/2016 and Thursday 04/08/2016 to establish the existing road traffic

noise levels.

Logger A was placed approximately 20m from the nearest lane of Burpengary Road, as shown

in Figure 2. The microphone was in a free-field position, 1.5m above ground level and had line

of sight to the road.

Logger B was placed approximately 10m from the nearest lane of Callaghan Road, as shown in

Figure 2. The microphone was in a free-field position, 1.4m above ground level and had line of

sight to the road.

Page 9: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 5 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Figure 2: Road Traffic Noise Monitoring Locations (source: Nearmap)

The environmental noise monitors were set to measure noise statistics in 'A'-weighting, 'Fast'

response, over 15 minute intervals. Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in

accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods for the Measurement of

Road Traffic Noise.

During the monitoring period, rainfall was experienced on the 3rd of August, 2016. Data

collected on this day was omitted from the analysis. The remaining weather conditions during

the monitoring period were generally fine with light wind speeds and temperatures ranging

from 9-22OC (source: Bureau of Meteorology).

3.3. Results of Measurements

3.3.1. Road Traffic Noise Levels

Table 1 presents the measured road traffic noise levels at the unattended noise monitoring

location on Burpengary Road.

Table 1: Measured Road Traffic Noise Levels – Logger A (Burpengary Road)

Location Road Traffic Noise Descriptor Time Period Measured Level dB(A)

Burpengary Road

LA10,18hr 6am to midnight 65

Noisiest LAeq,1 hour Daytime 6am to 7am 66

Noisiest LAeq,1 hour Night time 5am to 6am 63

Logger A:

Burpengary Road noise monitoring location

Logger B:

Callaghan Road noise monitoring location


Page 10: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 6 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

LAeq, 24 hour Midnight to midnight 61

LA90,8 hour 10pm to 6am 34

LA90,18 hour 6am to midnight 45

Table 2 presents the measured road traffic noise levels at the unattended noise monitoring

location on Callaghan Road.

Table 2: Measured Road Traffic Noise Levels – Logger B (Callaghan Road)

Location Road Traffic Noise Descriptor Time Period Measured Level dB(A)

Callaghan Road

LA10,18hr 6am to midnight 55

Noisiest LAeq,1 hour Daytime 6am to 7am 59

Noisiest LAeq,1 hour night time 5am to 6am 55

LAeq, 24 hour Midnight to midnight 54

LA90,8 hour 10pm to 6am 34

LA90,18 hour 6am to midnight 41

Graphical presentation of the measured road traffic noise levels is shown in Appendix B.

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 7 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

4. Noise Criteria

4.1. Road Traffic Noise

4.1.1. Department of Transport and Main Roads

The noise criteria for transport activities are contained in Module 1.1 of the State Development

Assessment Provisions (SDAP) and TMR’s Policy for Development on Land Affected by

Environmental Emissions from Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Version 2. The criteria are

reproduced in Table 3.

Table 3: Road Traffic Noise Emission Criteria for New Sensitive Land Uses

Development Type Location Environmental Noise Criteria

Accommodation activities


(All facades)

≤60 dB(A) L10 (18h) façade corrected (where the measured L90 (8h) free field between 10pm and 6am ≤40dB(A))

≤63 dB(A) L10 (18h) façade corrected (where the measured L90 (8h) free field between 10pm and 6am >40dB(A))


(Private Open Space)

≤57 dB(A) L10 (18h) free field (where the measured L90 (18h) free field between 6am and 12 midnight ≤45dB(A))

≤60 dB(A) L10 (18h) free field (where the measured L90 (18h) free field between 6am and midnight >45dB(A))


(Habitable rooms all times)

≤35dB(A) Leq (1hr) (maximum hour over 24 hours)

4.1.2. Queensland Development Code MP4.4

Acoustic treatment requirements for proposed lots have been identified using the Queensland

Development Code Part MP 4.4 - 'Buildings in a Transport Noise Corridor' August 2015 (QDC)

which specifies Noise Categories to ensure that habitable rooms of residential buildings are

adequately protected from transport noise.

The Noise Categories list the minimum acoustic RW ratings for each building component to

comply with the indoor sound levels as outlined in Australian Standard AS2107. Details

regarding the noise categories and acceptable forms of construction can be found within

Schedule 1 and 2 of the QDC document. The triggers for each noise category are summarised

in Table 4.

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 8 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Table 4: Noise Category Levels – QDC MP4.4 (Schedule 3)

Noise Category Level of Transport Noise* LA10,18Hour for State-Controlled Roads and Designated Local Government Roads

Category 4 ≥ 73 dB(A)

Category 3 68 – 72 dB(A)

Category 2 63 – 67 dB(A)

Category 1 58 – 62 dB(A)

Category 0 ≤ 57 dB(A)

* Measured at 1 metre from the façade of the proposed or existing building.

Page 13: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 9 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

5. Analysis – Road Traffic Noise

5.1. Assessment Criteria

Based on the measured background noise levels detailed in Table 2 and the criteria outlined in

Section 4.1, the following external road traffic noise limits apply to the development:

Facades: An external noise level of 60 dB(A) LA10 (18 hour) façade corrected;

Private Open Space: An external noise level of 57 dB(A) LA10 (18 hour) free-field.

5.2. Traffic Volumes

The traffic volumes used in the noise model are presented in Table 5. Existing and forecast

traffic volumes for Burpengary Road and Callaghan Road were obtained the RMA Engineers

Traffic Engineering Report (Revision 1, dated 25/05/2016).

Table 5: Traffic Volumes used in the Noise Model

Road Traffic Volumes (AADT) Heavy

Vehicles (%)

Growth Rate (%) 2016 2026

Burpengary Road 4560 6101 4.0 3.0

Callaghan Road 670 900 4.0 3.0

The 18 hour traffic volumes used in the noise model are taken to be 95% of the AADT.

5.3. Noise Model

5.3.1. Noise Modelling Parameters

Road traffic noise predictions were conducted using ‘SoundPLAN v7.4’, a CoRTN based

modelling program. The basis of the ‘SoundPLAN’ model is as follows:

Table 6: Noise Modelling Parameters

Description Value

Angle Increment 1O

Road surface type Impervious ( +0 dB(A))

Burpengary Road speed limit 80 km/h

Callaghan Road speed limit 70 km/h

Noise source height above grade 0.5m

Ground floor receiver height 1.8m above ground level

First floor receiver height 4.6m above ground level

Façade correction +2.5 dB(A)

Page 14: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 10 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

5.3.2. Noise Model Verification

To verify the road traffic noise model, the LA10, 18hour noise levels were modelled and compared

to the measured levels as presented in Table 7. As the noise monitors were in free-field

locations, the predicted noise level is also shown as free-field.

Table 7: Comparison of Measured and Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels

Location Measured LA10, 18 hour Predicted LA10, 18 hour Required Correction

Burpengary Road 65 65 0

Callaghan Road 55 55 0

As the modelled levels are within the allowable tolerance of 2 dB(A) of the measured level, no

correction is required to the model.

5.4. Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels

Modelling was conducted to determine road traffic noise levels at the development in the 10

year planning horizon. Predicted road traffic noise contour maps illustrated as QDC noise

categories at the ground floor and first floor are presented in the following figures, inclusive of

acoustic barriers as recommended in Section 6.

Figure 3: Road Traffic Noise Levels at Ground Floor

Page 15: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 11 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Figure 4: Road Traffic Noise Levels at First Floor

Road traffic noise levels are predicted to comply with the private open space criteria for all

lots. Some lots (lots 302 – 318) exceed the external façade criteria at the first floor level.

QDC noise affected lots are specified in Section 6 to provide predicted compliance with

internal sound level criteria.

Receiver point noise level results are provided in Appendix C.

Page 16: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 12 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

6. Recommendations

Compliance is predicted to be achieved provided the recommendations detailed below are

incorporated into the development.

6.1. Acoustic Barrier

Acoustic barriers are recommended to improve the amenity for private open space areas and

reduce the building treatment requirements where possible. The location and extent of the

acoustic barriers are shown in Figure 5.

Barrier recommendations are as follows:

a. The acoustic barriers should be the minimum height relative to the finished site

boundary levels. The recommended minimum heights are specified in Figure 5.

b. The barrier shall be constructed of a material with a surface mass not less than


c. Suitable materials may include earth mound, lapped timber palings, steel sheets, fibre

cement sheeting, plywood, glass, masonry, or a combination of materials.

d. No gaps or holes should be evident in the barrier construction.

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 13 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Figure 5: Recommended Acoustic Barriers

6.2. Dwelling Treatments

The QDC MP4.4 requires that habitable rooms in residential buildings located in a transport

noise corridor are adequately protected from transport noise to safeguard occupant’s health

and amenity.

In order to achieve the performance requirements of the QDC MP4.4, the external building

envelope of habitable rooms must comply with the minimum RW for each building component

specified in Schedule 1 to achieve a minimum transport noise reduction level for the relevant

noise category by either one of the following:

a. Using materials specified in Schedule 2 of the QDC MP4.4;



Min 2.2m high acoustic barrier

Min 2.4m high acoustic barrier

Page 18: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 14 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

b. Using materials with manufacturer’s specifications that, in combination, achieve the

minimum RW value for the relevant building component and applicable noise


For application of Point (b), possible alternative constructions can be determined by the

glazier (for glazing) and construction manuals such as ‘The Red Book’ by CSR (for walls and


Noise affected lots, with a QDC Noise Category 1 or higher, are presented in Table 8. All other

lots are noise category 0.

Table 8: Noise Affected Lots

QDC Noise Category

Lots requiring further acoustic design

Ground Floor First Floor

4 N/A N/A

3 N/A N/A

2 N/A 302 - 318

1 302 - 318 8, 288, 319, 347

QDC MP4.4 Schedule 1 & 2 which describe noise categories and associated building

components are provided in Appendix D of this report.

Dwellings on noise affected lots may be constructed in accordance with the QDC Noise

Category conservative construction requirements for the nominated lot, or alternatively, we

recommend an individual acoustic assessment be conducted by a suitably qualified acoustic

consultant, once building plans are available, to optimise acoustic treatments for quality and

cost savings.

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 15 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

7. Conclusion

A road traffic noise assessment was conducted for the proposed residential estate located at

Callaghan Rd, Narangba. Based on the implementation of the recommendations detailed in

Section 6, the development is predicted to comply with the noise criteria outlined in Section


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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 16 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Appendix A Development Plans

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 17 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 18 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Appendix B Unattended Noise Monitoring


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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 19 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 20 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 21 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Appendix C SoundPLAN Noise Modelling


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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 22 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 23 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Callaghan Rd, Narangba

Assessed Receiver Levels

16BRA0130 Road Traffic Noise 2026 With Acoustic Barriers



Receiver Floor L10(18h) L10(18h) Recreation External Façade QDC

Free field Façade

Corrected Criteria Criteria Noise

dB(A) dB(A) < 57 dB(A) < 60 dB(A) Category

(free field) (façade


Lot 001 G 51.6 54.1 ok ok 0

F2 53.4 55.9 ok 0

Lot 002 G 51.6 54.1 ok ok 0

F2 53.4 55.9 ok 0

Lot 003 G 51.4 53.9 ok ok 0

F2 53.2 55.7 ok 0

Lot 004 G 51.3 53.8 ok ok 0

F2 53.1 55.6 ok 0

Lot 005 G 51.2 53.7 ok ok 0

F2 53 55.5 ok 0

Lot 006 G 51.1 53.6 ok ok 0

F2 52.9 55.4 ok 0

Lot 007 G 51 53.5 ok ok 0

F2 52.9 55.4 ok 0

Lot 008 G 53.1 55.6 ok ok 0

F2 55.3 57.8 ok 1

Lot 009 G 51 53.5 ok ok 0

F2 53.1 55.6 ok 0

Lot 010 G 49.6 52.1 ok ok 0

F2 51.5 54 ok 0

Lot 011 G 48.4 50.9 ok ok 0

F2 50.3 52.8 ok 0

Lot 012 G 47.4 49.9 ok ok 0

F2 49.1 51.6 ok 0

Lot 013 G 48.2 50.7 ok ok 0

F2 49.8 52.3 ok 0

Lot 014 G 48.4 50.9 ok ok 0

F2 49.9 52.4 ok 0

Lot 015 G 48.6 51.1 ok ok 0

F2 50.1 52.6 ok 0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 24 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 016 G 48.7 51.2 ok ok 0

F2 50.2 52.7 ok 0

Lot 017 G 48.8 51.3 ok ok 0

F2 50.3 52.8 ok 0

Lot 018 G 48.8 51.3 ok ok 0

F2 50.3 52.8 ok 0

Lot 019 G 48.9 51.4 ok ok 0

F2 50.4 52.9 ok 0

Lot 020 G 48.3 50.8 ok ok 0

F2 49.6 52.1 ok 0

Lot 021 G 49.1 51.6 ok ok 0

F2 50.5 53 ok 0

Lot 022 G 50 52.5 ok ok 0

F2 51.6 54.1 ok 0

Lot 023 G 51.4 53.9 ok ok 0

F2 53.1 55.6 ok 0

Lot 024 G 50.2 52.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.5 55 ok 0

Lot 025 G 50.2 52.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.5 55 ok 0

Lot 026 G 50.1 52.6 ok ok 0

F2 52.4 54.9 ok 0

Lot 027 G 50.1 52.6 ok ok 0

F2 52.4 54.9 ok 0

Lot 028 G 50.2 52.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.4 54.9 ok 0

Lot 029 G 50.2 52.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.3 54.8 ok 0

Lot 030 G 50.2 52.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.2 54.7 ok 0

Lot 031 G 50 52.5 ok ok 0

F2 52 54.5 ok 0

Lot 032 G 50 52.5 ok ok 0

F2 52 54.5 ok 0

Lot 033 G 49.9 52.4 ok ok 0

F2 51.9 54.4 ok 0

Lot 034 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 48.4 50.9 ok 0

Lot 035 G 46.3 48.8 ok ok 0

F2 48.5 51 ok 0

Lot 036 G 46.5 49 ok ok 0

F2 48.7 51.2 ok 0

Lot 037 G 46.6 49.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.8 51.3 ok 0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 25 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 038 G 46.6 49.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.9 51.4 ok 0

Lot 039 G 46.7 49.2 ok ok 0

F2 49.1 51.6 ok 0

Lot 040 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 49.2 51.7 ok 0

Lot 041 G 47 49.5 ok ok 0

F2 49.3 51.8 ok 0

Lot 042 G 47.2 49.7 ok ok 0

F2 49.4 51.9 ok 0

Lot 043 G 47.3 49.8 ok ok 0

F2 49.5 52 ok 0

Lot 044 G 46.7 49.2 ok ok 0

F2 48.7 51.2 ok 0

Lot 045 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 49.7 52.2 ok 0

Lot 046 G 48.3 50.8 ok ok 0

F2 50.6 53.1 ok 0

Lot 047 G 49.8 52.3 ok ok 0

F2 52.2 54.7 ok 0

Lot 048 G 44 46.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.9 48.4 ok 0

Lot 049 G 43.8 46.3 ok ok 0

F2 45.8 48.3 ok 0

Lot 050 G 43.5 46 ok ok 0

F2 45.5 48 ok 0

Lot 051 G 43.2 45.7 ok ok 0

F2 45.3 47.8 ok 0

Lot 052 G 43 45.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 053 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44.9 47.4 ok 0

Lot 054 G 42.7 45.2 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 055 G 42.6 45.1 ok ok 0

F2 44.5 47 ok 0

Lot 056 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 44.2 46.7 ok 0

Lot 057 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 44 46.5 ok 0

Lot 058 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 44.4 46.9 ok 0

Lot 059 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 43.7 46.2 ok 0

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Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 26 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 060 G 41.8 44.3 ok ok 0

F2 43.3 45.8 ok 0

Lot 061 G 41.6 44.1 ok ok 0

F2 42.8 45.3 ok 0

Lot 062 G 41.7 44.2 ok ok 0

F2 42.4 44.9 ok 0

Lot 063 G 41.3 43.8 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 064 G 40.8 43.3 ok ok 0

F2 41.9 44.4 ok 0

Lot 065 G 41.9 44.4 ok ok 0

F2 42.6 45.1 ok 0

Lot 066 G 41.9 44.4 ok ok 0

F2 42.8 45.3 ok 0

Lot 067 G 42 44.5 ok ok 0

F2 43.1 45.6 ok 0

Lot 068 G 42.3 44.8 ok ok 0

F2 43.4 45.9 ok 0

Lot 069 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 43.6 46.1 ok 0

Lot 070 G 42.3 44.8 ok ok 0

F2 43.8 46.3 ok 0

Lot 071 G 42.4 44.9 ok ok 0

F2 44.1 46.6 ok 0

Lot 072 G 42.6 45.1 ok ok 0

F2 44.4 46.9 ok 0

Lot 073 G 42.9 45.4 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 074 G 43.1 45.6 ok ok 0

F2 44.9 47.4 ok 0

Lot 075 G 43.2 45.7 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 076 G 43.5 46 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 077 G 43.8 46.3 ok ok 0

F2 45.4 47.9 ok 0

Lot 078 G 44.1 46.6 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 079 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 080 G 44.6 47.1 ok ok 0

F2 46.3 48.8 ok 0

Lot 081 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.8 49.3 ok 0

Page 31: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 27 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 082 G 42.2 44.7 ok ok 0

F2 42.7 45.2 ok 0

Lot 083 G 42 44.5 ok ok 0

F2 42.5 45 ok 0

Lot 084 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 085 G 41.3 43.8 ok ok 0

F2 41.7 44.2 ok 0

Lot 086 G 41 43.5 ok ok 0

F2 41.4 43.9 ok 0

Lot 087 G 40.8 43.3 ok ok 0

F2 41.5 44 ok 0

Lot 088 G 40.6 43.1 ok ok 0

F2 41.2 43.7 ok 0

Lot 089 G 40.4 42.9 ok ok 0

F2 41.3 43.8 ok 0

Lot 090 G 40.1 42.6 ok ok 0

F2 41 43.5 ok 0

Lot 091 G 39.8 42.3 ok ok 0

F2 40.8 43.3 ok 0

Lot 092 G 39.5 42 ok ok 0

F2 40.3 42.8 ok 0

Lot 093 G 38.8 41.3 ok ok 0

F2 39.7 42.2 ok 0

Lot 094 G 39.1 41.6 ok ok 0

F2 40 42.5 ok 0

Lot 095 G 39.4 41.9 ok ok 0

F2 40.4 42.9 ok 0

Lot 096 G 39.8 42.3 ok ok 0

F2 40.7 43.2 ok 0

Lot 097 G 40 42.5 ok ok 0

F2 40.8 43.3 ok 0

Lot 098 G 40.2 42.7 ok ok 0

F2 40.9 43.4 ok 0

Lot 099 G 40.3 42.8 ok ok 0

F2 41 43.5 ok 0

Lot 100 G 40.7 43.2 ok ok 0

F2 41.3 43.8 ok 0

Lot 101 G 41.4 43.9 ok ok 0

F2 41.8 44.3 ok 0

Lot 102 G 41.7 44.2 ok ok 0

F2 42 44.5 ok 0

Lot 103 G 41.7 44.2 ok ok 0

F2 42.1 44.6 ok 0

Page 32: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 28 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 104 G 41.9 44.4 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 105 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 42.5 45 ok 0

Lot 106 G 42.3 44.8 ok ok 0

F2 42.8 45.3 ok 0

Lot 107 G 42.2 44.7 ok ok 0

F2 43.1 45.6 ok 0

Lot 108 G 42.2 44.7 ok ok 0

F2 43.4 45.9 ok 0

Lot 109 G 42.3 44.8 ok ok 0

F2 43.6 46.1 ok 0

Lot 110 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 44 46.5 ok 0

Lot 111 G 38.6 41.1 ok ok 0

F2 39.8 42.3 ok 0

Lot 112 G 38.5 41 ok ok 0

F2 39.6 42.1 ok 0

Lot 113 G 38.4 40.9 ok ok 0

F2 39.5 42 ok 0

Lot 114 G 38.3 40.8 ok ok 0

F2 39.4 41.9 ok 0

Lot 115 G 38.1 40.6 ok ok 0

F2 39.1 41.6 ok 0

Lot 116 G 37.9 40.4 ok ok 0

F2 38.9 41.4 ok 0

Lot 117 G 37.9 40.4 ok ok 0

F2 38.8 41.3 ok 0

Lot 118 G 37.9 40.4 ok ok 0

F2 38.8 41.3 ok 0

Lot 119 G 37.8 40.3 ok ok 0

F2 38.8 41.3 ok 0

Lot 120 G 37.8 40.3 ok ok 0

F2 38.7 41.2 ok 0

Lot 121 G 37.7 40.2 ok ok 0

F2 38.7 41.2 ok 0

Lot 122 G 38.1 40.6 ok ok 0

F2 39.1 41.6 ok 0

Lot 123 G 38.2 40.7 ok ok 0

F2 39.3 41.8 ok 0

Lot 124 G 37.9 40.4 ok ok 0

F2 38.7 41.2 ok 0

Lot 125 G 37.6 40.1 ok ok 0

F2 38.6 41.1 ok 0

Page 33: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 29 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 126 G 37.6 40.1 ok ok 0

F2 38.5 41 ok 0

Lot 127 G 37.7 40.2 ok ok 0

F2 38.5 41 ok 0

Lot 128 G 38 40.5 ok ok 0

F2 38.9 41.4 ok 0

Lot 129 G 38.1 40.6 ok ok 0

F2 39 41.5 ok 0

Lot 130 G 38.2 40.7 ok ok 0

F2 39.2 41.7 ok 0

Lot 131 G 38.2 40.7 ok ok 0

F2 39.3 41.8 ok 0

Lot 132 G 38.3 40.8 ok ok 0

F2 39.3 41.8 ok 0

Lot 133 G 38.3 40.8 ok ok 0

F2 39.3 41.8 ok 0

Lot 134 G 38.3 40.8 ok ok 0

F2 39.4 41.9 ok 0

Lot 135 G 38.4 40.9 ok ok 0

F2 39.5 42 ok 0

Lot 136 G 38.3 40.8 ok ok 0

F2 39.6 42.1 ok 0

Lot 137 G 38.5 41 ok ok 0

F2 39.8 42.3 ok 0

Lot 138 G 38.7 41.2 ok ok 0

F2 40.1 42.6 ok 0

Lot 139 G 39 41.5 ok ok 0

F2 40.3 42.8 ok 0

Lot 140 G 39.3 41.8 ok ok 0

F2 40.7 43.2 ok 0

Lot 141 G 39.9 42.4 ok ok 0

F2 41.2 43.7 ok 0

Lot 142 G 41.2 43.7 ok ok 0

F2 41.8 44.3 ok 0

Lot 143 G 40.7 43.2 ok ok 0

F2 41.9 44.4 ok 0

Lot 144 G 40.3 42.8 ok ok 0

F2 41.6 44.1 ok 0

Lot 145 G 39.9 42.4 ok ok 0

F2 41.5 44 ok 0

Lot 146 G 39.7 42.2 ok ok 0

F2 41 43.5 ok 0

Lot 147 G 39.4 41.9 ok ok 0

F2 40.5 43 ok 0

Page 34: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 30 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 148 G 39.1 41.6 ok ok 0

F2 40.3 42.8 ok 0

Lot 149 G 38.9 41.4 ok ok 0

F2 40 42.5 ok 0

Lot 150 G 38.8 41.3 ok ok 0

F2 39.9 42.4 ok 0

Lot 151 G 38.7 41.2 ok ok 0

F2 39.8 42.3 ok 0

Lot 152 G 38.5 41 ok ok 0

F2 39.6 42.1 ok 0

Lot 153 G 38.4 40.9 ok ok 0

F2 39.6 42.1 ok 0

Lot 154 G 38.5 41 ok ok 0

F2 39.5 42 ok 0

Lot 155 G 38.5 41 ok ok 0

F2 39.5 42 ok 0

Lot 156 G 38.4 40.9 ok ok 0

F2 39.4 41.9 ok 0

Lot 157 G 42.4 44.9 ok ok 0

F2 43.3 45.8 ok 0

Lot 158 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 43 45.5 ok 0

Lot 159 G 42.4 44.9 ok ok 0

F2 42.7 45.2 ok 0

Lot 160 G 41.9 44.4 ok ok 0

F2 42.7 45.2 ok 0

Lot 161 G 41.5 44 ok ok 0

F2 42.5 45 ok 0

Lot 162 G 41.1 43.6 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 163 G 41 43.5 ok ok 0

F2 42.1 44.6 ok 0

Lot 164 G 40.5 43 ok ok 0

F2 41.7 44.2 ok 0

Lot 165 G 40.3 42.8 ok ok 0

F2 41.5 44 ok 0

Lot 166 G 40.1 42.6 ok ok 0

F2 41.3 43.8 ok 0

Lot 167 G 39.9 42.4 ok ok 0

F2 41 43.5 ok 0

Lot 168 G 39.7 42.2 ok ok 0

F2 40.9 43.4 ok 0

Lot 169 G 39.6 42.1 ok ok 0

F2 40.7 43.2 ok 0

Page 35: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 31 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 170 G 39.1 41.6 ok ok 0

F2 40.1 42.6 ok 0

Lot 171 G 39.3 41.8 ok ok 0

F2 40.3 42.8 ok 0

Lot 172 G 39.4 41.9 ok ok 0

F2 40.4 42.9 ok 0

Lot 173 G 39.6 42.1 ok ok 0

F2 40.6 43.1 ok 0

Lot 174 G 39.6 42.1 ok ok 0

F2 40.7 43.2 ok 0

Lot 175 G 39.8 42.3 ok ok 0

F2 40.8 43.3 ok 0

Lot 176 G 40 42.5 ok ok 0

F2 41 43.5 ok 0

Lot 177 G 40.1 42.6 ok ok 0

F2 41.1 43.6 ok 0

Lot 178 G 40.3 42.8 ok ok 0

F2 41.3 43.8 ok 0

Lot 179 G 40.4 42.9 ok ok 0

F2 41.5 44 ok 0

Lot 180 G 40.6 43.1 ok ok 0

F2 41.7 44.2 ok 0

Lot 181 G 40.7 43.2 ok ok 0

F2 42 44.5 ok 0

Lot 182 G 41 43.5 ok ok 0

F2 42.2 44.7 ok 0

Lot 183 G 41.4 43.9 ok ok 0

F2 42.5 45 ok 0

Lot 184 G 41.6 44.1 ok ok 0

F2 42.6 45.1 ok 0

Lot 185 G 42 44.5 ok ok 0

F2 42.9 45.4 ok 0

Lot 186 G 42.4 44.9 ok ok 0

F2 43.1 45.6 ok 0

Lot 187 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 43.2 45.7 ok 0

Lot 188 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 43.4 45.9 ok 0

Lot 189 G 42.9 45.4 ok ok 0

F2 43.8 46.3 ok 0

Lot 190 G 42.9 45.4 ok ok 0

F2 43.9 46.4 ok 0

Lot 191 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 43.3 45.8 ok 0

Page 36: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 32 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 192 G 41.8 44.3 ok ok 0

F2 43.1 45.6 ok 0

Lot 193 G 41.6 44.1 ok ok 0

F2 42.8 45.3 ok 0

Lot 194 G 41.3 43.8 ok ok 0

F2 42.6 45.1 ok 0

Lot 195 G 41.1 43.6 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 196 G 40.9 43.4 ok ok 0

F2 42.1 44.6 ok 0

Lot 197 G 40.7 43.2 ok ok 0

F2 42 44.5 ok 0

Lot 198 G 40.6 43.1 ok ok 0

F2 41.8 44.3 ok 0

Lot 199 G 40.2 42.7 ok ok 0

F2 41.4 43.9 ok 0

Lot 200 G 40.3 42.8 ok ok 0

F2 41.5 44 ok 0

Lot 201 G 40.4 42.9 ok ok 0

F2 41.6 44.1 ok 0

Lot 202 G 40.5 43 ok ok 0

F2 41.8 44.3 ok 0

Lot 203 G 40.6 43.1 ok ok 0

F2 41.9 44.4 ok 0

Lot 204 G 40.6 43.1 ok ok 0

F2 42 44.5 ok 0

Lot 205 G 40.7 43.2 ok ok 0

F2 42.2 44.7 ok 0

Lot 206 G 40.8 43.3 ok ok 0

F2 42.2 44.7 ok 0

Lot 207 G 41 43.5 ok ok 0

F2 42.3 44.8 ok 0

Lot 208 G 41.1 43.6 ok ok 0

F2 42.5 45 ok 0

Lot 209 G 41.3 43.8 ok ok 0

F2 42.7 45.2 ok 0

Lot 210 G 41.6 44.1 ok ok 0

F2 43 45.5 ok 0

Lot 210 G 41.4 43.9 ok ok 0

F2 42.9 45.4 ok 0

Lot 212 G 41.8 44.3 ok ok 0

F2 43.1 45.6 ok 0

Lot 213 G 42 44.5 ok ok 0

F2 43.5 46 ok 0

Page 37: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 33 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 214 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44.4 46.9 ok 0

Lot 215 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44.3 46.8 ok 0

Lot 216 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44.1 46.6 ok 0

Lot 217 G 42.7 45.2 ok ok 0

F2 44 46.5 ok 0

Lot 218 G 42.7 45.2 ok ok 0

F2 43.9 46.4 ok 0

Lot 219 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 43.8 46.3 ok 0

Lot 220 G 42.7 45.2 ok ok 0

F2 43.7 46.2 ok 0

Lot 221 G 42.1 44.6 ok ok 0

F2 43.5 46 ok 0

Lot 222 G 42.3 44.8 ok ok 0

F2 43.7 46.2 ok 0

Lot 223 G 42.5 45 ok ok 0

F2 43.8 46.3 ok 0

Lot 224 G 42.6 45.1 ok ok 0

F2 43.9 46.4 ok 0

Lot 225 G 42.7 45.2 ok ok 0

F2 44 46.5 ok 0

Lot 226 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44 46.5 ok 0

Lot 227 G 42.9 45.4 ok ok 0

F2 44.2 46.7 ok 0

Lot 228 G 43 45.5 ok ok 0

F2 44.3 46.8 ok 0

Lot 229 G 43.1 45.6 ok ok 0

F2 44.6 47.1 ok 0

Lot 230 G 43.3 45.8 ok ok 0

F2 44.9 47.4 ok 0

Lot 231 G 43.6 46.1 ok ok 0

F2 45.2 47.7 ok 0

Lot 232 G 44.1 46.6 ok ok 0

F2 45.6 48.1 ok 0

Lot 233 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 234 G 44.8 47.3 ok ok 0

F2 46.3 48.8 ok 0

Lot 235 G 44.7 47.2 ok ok 0

F2 46.1 48.6 ok 0

Page 38: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 34 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 236 G 44.5 47 ok ok 0

F2 45.8 48.3 ok 0

Lot 237 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 45.5 48 ok 0

Lot 238 G 44.2 46.7 ok ok 0

F2 45.3 47.8 ok 0

Lot 239 G 44.1 46.6 ok ok 0

F2 45.3 47.8 ok 0

Lot 240 G 43.9 46.4 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 241 G 43.8 46.3 ok ok 0

F2 45 47.5 ok 0

Lot 242 G 43.6 46.1 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 243 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 244 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.4 49.9 ok 0

Lot 245 G 46.4 48.9 ok ok 0

F2 47.6 50.1 ok 0

Lot 246 G 46.5 49 ok ok 0

F2 47.7 50.2 ok 0

Lot 247 G 46.6 49.1 ok ok 0

F2 47.9 50.4 ok 0

Lot 248 G 46.7 49.2 ok ok 0

F2 48.1 50.6 ok 0

Lot 249 G 46.9 49.4 ok ok 0

F2 48.3 50.8 ok 0

Lot 250 G 47.3 49.8 ok ok 0

F2 48.6 51.1 ok 0

Lot 251 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.7 51.2 ok 0

Lot 252 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.7 51.2 ok 0

Lot 253 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.7 51.2 ok 0

Lot 254 G 48 50.5 ok ok 0

F2 48.9 51.4 ok 0

Lot 255 G 48.1 50.6 ok ok 0

F2 49 51.5 ok 0

Lot 256 G 48 50.5 ok ok 0

F2 49.1 51.6 ok 0

Lot 257 G 47.9 50.4 ok ok 0

F2 49.2 51.7 ok 0

Page 39: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 35 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 258 G 49.2 51.7 ok ok 0

F2 50.7 53.2 ok 0

Lot 260 G 49.1 51.6 ok ok 0

F2 50.5 53 ok 0

Lot 261 G 49.1 51.6 ok ok 0

F2 50.4 52.9 ok 0

Lot 262 G 49.1 51.6 ok ok 0

F2 50.3 52.8 ok 0

Lot 263 G 49.2 51.7 ok ok 0

F2 50.2 52.7 ok 0

Lot 264 G 49.1 51.6 ok ok 0

F2 50.1 52.6 ok 0

Lot 265 G 48.8 51.3 ok ok 0

F2 50 52.5 ok 0

Lot 266 G 48.6 51.1 ok ok 0

F2 49.9 52.4 ok 0

Lot 267 G 48.4 50.9 ok ok 0

F2 49.9 52.4 ok 0

Lot 268 G 48.2 50.7 ok ok 0

F2 49.6 52.1 ok 0

Lot 269 G 48.1 50.6 ok ok 0

F2 49.4 51.9 ok 0

Lot 270 G 48 50.5 ok ok 0

F2 49.3 51.8 ok 0

Lot 271 G 47.8 50.3 ok ok 0

F2 49.1 51.6 ok 0

Lot 272 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.9 51.4 ok 0

Lot 273 G 50.5 53 ok ok 0

F2 52.1 54.6 ok 0

Lot 274 G 50.6 53.1 ok ok 0

F2 52.2 54.7 ok 0

Lot 275 G 50.6 53.1 ok ok 0

F2 52.3 54.8 ok 0

Lot 276 G 50.8 53.3 ok ok 0

F2 52.5 55 ok 0

Lot 277 G 50.8 53.3 ok ok 0

F2 52.4 54.9 ok 0

Lot 278 G 50.9 53.4 ok ok 0

F2 52.5 55 ok 0

Lot 279 G 51.3 53.8 ok ok 0

F2 52.7 55.2 ok 0

Lot 280 G 51.2 53.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.7 55.2 ok 0

Page 40: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 36 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 281 G 51.2 53.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.8 55.3 ok 0

Lot 282 G 51.2 53.7 ok ok 0

F2 52.8 55.3 ok 0

Lot 283 G 51.4 53.9 ok ok 0

F2 53 55.5 ok 0

Lot 284 G 51.4 53.9 ok ok 0

F2 53 55.5 ok 0

Lot 285 G 51.5 54 ok ok 0

F2 53 55.5 ok 0

Lot 286 G 51.5 54 ok ok 0

F2 53.1 55.6 ok 0

Lot 287 G 51.6 54.1 ok ok 0

F2 53.2 55.7 ok 0

Lot 288 G 53.2 55.7 ok ok 0

F2 55.1 57.6 ok 1

Lot 289 G 53 55.5 ok ok 0

F2 54.9 57.4 ok 0

Lot 290 G 52.9 55.4 ok ok 0

F2 54.8 57.3 ok 0

Lot 291 G 52.8 55.3 ok ok 0

F2 54.8 57.3 ok 0

Lot 292 G 52.8 55.3 ok ok 0

F2 54.8 57.3 ok 0

Lot 293 G 52.9 55.4 ok ok 0

F2 54.9 57.4 ok 0

Lot 294 G 52.8 55.3 ok ok 0

F2 54.7 57.2 ok 0

Lot 295 G 52.8 55.3 ok ok 0

F2 54.7 57.2 ok 0

Lot 296 G 52.7 55.2 ok ok 0

F2 54.6 57.1 ok 0

Lot 297 G 52.8 55.3 ok ok 0

F2 54.6 57.1 ok 0

Lot 298 G 52.9 55.4 ok ok 0

F2 54.7 57.2 ok 0

Lot 299 G 52.7 55.2 ok ok 0

F2 54.6 57.1 ok 0

Lot 300 G 52.6 55.1 ok ok 0

F2 54.6 57.1 ok 0

Lot 301 G 52.5 55 ok ok 0

F2 54.4 56.9 ok 0

Lot 302 G 55.6 58.1 ok ok 1

F2 62.8 65.3 Exceed 2

Page 41: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 37 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 303 G 55.7 58.2 ok ok 1

F2 63 65.5 Exceed 2

Lot 304 G 57.1 59.6 ok ok 1

F2 63.3 65.8 Exceed 2

Lot 305 G 56.2 58.7 ok ok 1

F2 63.3 65.8 Exceed 2

Lot 306 G 56.3 58.8 ok ok 1

F2 63.4 65.9 Exceed 2

Lot 307 G 56.6 59.1 ok ok 1

F2 63.6 66.1 Exceed 2

Lot 308 G 56.7 59.2 ok ok 1

F2 63.7 66.2 Exceed 2

Lot 309 G 56.7 59.2 ok ok 1

F2 63.7 66.2 Exceed 2

Lot 310 G 57 59.5 ok ok 1

F2 63.6 66.1 Exceed 2

Lot 311 G 56.8 59.3 ok ok 1

F2 63.5 66 Exceed 2

Lot 312 G 57 59.5 ok ok 1

F2 63.6 66.1 Exceed 2

Lot 313 G 56.5 59 ok ok 1

F2 63.4 65.9 Exceed 2

Lot 314 G 56 58.5 ok ok 1

F2 63.3 65.8 Exceed 2

Lot 315 G 55.8 58.3 ok ok 1

F2 62.9 65.4 Exceed 2

Lot 316 G 56.4 58.9 ok ok 1

F2 63.6 66.1 Exceed 2

Lot 317 G 57.8 60.3 Marginal Complicance ok 1

F2 63.9 66.4 Exceed 2

Lot 318 G 55.1 57.6 ok ok 1

F2 62.9 65.4 Exceed 2

Lot 319 G 52.2 54.7 ok ok 0

F2 55.3 57.8 ok 1

Lot 320 G 52.3 54.8 ok ok 0

F2 54.6 57.1 ok 0

Lot 321 G 52.3 54.8 ok ok 0

F2 53.9 56.4 ok 0

Lot 322 G 51.8 54.3 ok ok 0

F2 53.3 55.8 ok 0

Lot 323 G 51.3 53.8 ok ok 0

F2 52.8 55.3 ok 0

Lot 324 G 50.9 53.4 ok ok 0

F2 52.3 54.8 ok 0

Page 42: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 38 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 325 G 50.4 52.9 ok ok 0

F2 51.9 54.4 ok 0

Lot 326 G 49.8 52.3 ok ok 0

F2 51.3 53.8 ok 0

Lot 327 G 49.3 51.8 ok ok 0

F2 50.7 53.2 ok 0

Lot 328 G 48.8 51.3 ok ok 0

F2 50.3 52.8 ok 0

Lot 329 G 48.4 50.9 ok ok 0

F2 49.8 52.3 ok 0

Lot 330 G 47.5 50 ok ok 0

F2 48.8 51.3 ok 0

Lot 331 G 47.6 50.1 ok ok 0

F2 48.8 51.3 ok 0

Lot 332 G 47.4 49.9 ok ok 0

F2 48.6 51.1 ok 0

Lot 333 G 47.3 49.8 ok ok 0

F2 48.5 51 ok 0

Lot 334 G 47.2 49.7 ok ok 0

F2 48.4 50.9 ok 0

Lot 335 G 47.2 49.7 ok ok 0

F2 48.4 50.9 ok 0

Lot 336 G 47.2 49.7 ok ok 0

F2 48.3 50.8 ok 0

Lot 337 G 48.1 50.6 ok ok 0

F2 49.5 52 ok 0

Lot 338 G 48.5 51 ok ok 0

F2 49.9 52.4 ok 0

Lot 339 G 49 51.5 ok ok 0

F2 50.4 52.9 ok 0

Lot 340 G 49.7 52.2 ok ok 0

F2 51.1 53.6 ok 0

Lot 341 G 50.4 52.9 ok ok 0

F2 51.8 54.3 ok 0

Lot 342 G 50.9 53.4 ok ok 0

F2 52.3 54.8 ok 0

Lot 343 G 51.3 53.8 ok ok 0

F2 52.7 55.2 ok 0

Lot 344 G 51.8 54.3 ok ok 0

F2 53.3 55.8 ok 0

Lot 345 G 52.1 54.6 ok ok 0

F2 53.8 56.3 ok 0

Lot 346 G 52.5 55 ok ok 0

F2 54.4 56.9 ok 0

Page 43: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 39 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 347 G 51.9 54.4 ok ok 0

F2 55 57.5 ok 1

Lot 348 G 45.9 48.4 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 349 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.6 49.1 ok 0

Lot 350 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.7 49.2 ok 0

Lot 351 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.8 49.3 ok 0

Lot 352 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.9 49.4 ok 0

Lot 353 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.9 49.4 ok 0

Lot 354 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 47 49.5 ok 0

Lot 355 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.2 49.7 ok 0

Lot 356 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 47.1 49.6 ok 0

Lot 357 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 47 49.5 ok 0

Lot 358 G 45.8 48.3 ok ok 0

F2 46.9 49.4 ok 0

Lot 359 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.9 49.4 ok 0

Lot 360 G 46.3 48.8 ok ok 0

F2 47.2 49.7 ok 0

Lot 361 G 44.8 47.3 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 362 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 363 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 46.1 48.6 ok 0

Lot 364 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 46.1 48.6 ok 0

Lot 365 G 45.2 47.7 ok ok 0

F2 46.1 48.6 ok 0

Lot 366 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 367 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.8 48.3 ok 0

Lot 368 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Page 44: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 40 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 369 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 370 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 371 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.6 48.1 ok 0

Lot 372 G 46.9 49.4 ok ok 0

F2 47.9 50.4 ok 0

Lot 373 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.8 50.3 ok 0

Lot 374 G 46.9 49.4 ok ok 0

F2 47.7 50.2 ok 0

Lot 375 G 46.9 49.4 ok ok 0

F2 47.6 50.1 ok 0

Lot 376 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.5 50 ok 0

Lot 377 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.5 50 ok 0

Lot 378 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.5 50 ok 0

Lot 379 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.5 50 ok 0

Lot 380 G 46.9 49.4 ok ok 0

F2 47.7 50.2 ok 0

Lot 381 G 47 49.5 ok ok 0

F2 47.8 50.3 ok 0

Lot 382 G 47.1 49.6 ok ok 0

F2 48 50.5 ok 0

Lot 383 G 47.4 49.9 ok ok 0

F2 48.4 50.9 ok 0

Lot 384 G 44.7 47.2 ok ok 0

F2 45.6 48.1 ok 0

Lot 385 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 386 G 45.2 47.7 ok ok 0

F2 45.9 48.4 ok 0

Lot 387 G 45.5 48 ok ok 0

F2 46.1 48.6 ok 0

Lot 388 G 45.9 48.4 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 389 G 45.6 48.1 ok ok 0

F2 46.2 48.7 ok 0

Lot 390 G 45.6 48.1 ok ok 0

F2 46.2 48.7 ok 0

Page 45: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 41 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 391 G 45.6 48.1 ok ok 0

F2 46.3 48.8 ok 0

Lot 392 G 45.7 48.2 ok ok 0

F2 46.4 48.9 ok 0

Lot 393 G 45.8 48.3 ok ok 0

F2 46.6 49.1 ok 0

Lot 394 G 45.9 48.4 ok ok 0

F2 46.7 49.2 ok 0

Lot 395 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 46.8 49.3 ok 0

Lot 396 G 46.8 49.3 ok ok 0

F2 47.6 50.1 ok 0

Lot 397 G 46.7 49.2 ok ok 0

F2 47.5 50 ok 0

Lot 398 G 46.6 49.1 ok ok 0

F2 47.4 49.9 ok 0

Lot 399 G 46.5 49 ok ok 0

F2 47.4 49.9 ok 0

Lot 400 G 46.4 48.9 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 401 G 46.4 48.9 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 402 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.2 49.7 ok 0

Lot 403 G 45.8 48.3 ok ok 0

F2 46.6 49.1 ok 0

Lot 404 G 45.6 48.1 ok ok 0

F2 46.4 48.9 ok 0

Lot 405 G 45.4 47.9 ok ok 0

F2 46.2 48.7 ok 0

Lot 406 G 45.3 47.8 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 407 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.8 48.3 ok 0

Lot 408 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.8 48.3 ok 0

Lot 409 G 44.8 47.3 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 410 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 44.9 47.4 ok 0

Lot 411 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 412 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Page 46: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 42 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 413 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 414 G 44.1 46.6 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 415 G 44.1 46.6 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 416 G 43.9 46.4 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 417 G 43.7 46.2 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 418 G 43.6 46.1 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 419 G 43.6 46.1 ok ok 0

F2 44.9 47.4 ok 0

Lot 420 G 43.5 46 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 421 G 43.5 46 ok ok 0

F2 44.7 47.2 ok 0

Lot 422 G 42.6 45.1 ok ok 0

F2 43.9 46.4 ok 0

Lot 423 G 42.8 45.3 ok ok 0

F2 44.1 46.6 ok 0

Lot 424 G 42.9 45.4 ok ok 0

F2 44.3 46.8 ok 0

Lot 425 G 43.1 45.6 ok ok 0

F2 44.4 46.9 ok 0

Lot 426 G 43.2 45.7 ok ok 0

F2 44.6 47.1 ok 0

Lot 427 G 43.4 45.9 ok ok 0

F2 44.8 47.3 ok 0

Lot 428 G 43.7 46.2 ok ok 0

F2 45 47.5 ok 0

Lot 429 G 43.8 46.3 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 430 G 43.9 46.4 ok ok 0

F2 45.2 47.7 ok 0

Lot 431 G 43.9 46.4 ok ok 0

F2 45.2 47.7 ok 0

Lot 432 G 44 46.5 ok ok 0

F2 45.3 47.8 ok 0

Lot 433 G 43.8 46.3 ok ok 0

F2 45 47.5 ok 0

Lot 434 G 44 46.5 ok ok 0

F2 45 47.5 ok 0

Page 47: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 43 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 435 G 44.2 46.7 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 436 G 44.3 46.8 ok ok 0

F2 45.3 47.8 ok 0

Lot 437 G 44.4 46.9 ok ok 0

F2 45.4 47.9 ok 0

Lot 438 G 44.4 46.9 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 439 G 44.4 46.9 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 440 G 44.6 47.1 ok ok 0

F2 45.1 47.6 ok 0

Lot 441 G 44.6 47.1 ok ok 0

F2 45.2 47.7 ok 0

Lot 442 G 45.4 47.9 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 443 G 45.4 47.9 ok ok 0

F2 46.6 49.1 ok 0

Lot 444 G 45.4 47.9 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 445 G 45.2 47.7 ok ok 0

F2 46.4 48.9 ok 0

Lot 446 G 45.2 47.7 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 447 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 46.4 48.9 ok 0

Lot 448 G 45 47.5 ok ok 0

F2 46.2 48.7 ok 0

Lot 449 G 44.4 46.9 ok ok 0

F2 45.7 48.2 ok 0

Lot 450 G 44.7 47.2 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Lot 451 G 44.9 47.4 ok ok 0

F2 46.2 48.7 ok 0

Lot 452 G 45.1 47.6 ok ok 0

F2 46.4 48.9 ok 0

Lot 453 G 45.4 47.9 ok ok 0

F2 46.7 49.2 ok 0

Lot 454 G 45.7 48.2 ok ok 0

F2 47 49.5 ok 0

Lot 455 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 456 G 45.8 48.3 ok ok 0

F2 47 49.5 ok 0

Page 48: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 44 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Lot 457 G 45.9 48.4 ok ok 0

F2 47.1 49.6 ok 0

Lot 458 G 46 48.5 ok ok 0

F2 47.2 49.7 ok 0

Lot 459 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 460 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.3 49.8 ok 0

Lot 461 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.4 49.9 ok 0

Lot 462 G 46.2 48.7 ok ok 0

F2 47.4 49.9 ok 0

Lot 463 G 46.6 49.1 ok ok 0

F2 47.8 50.3 ok 0

Lot 464 G 46.1 48.6 ok ok 0

F2 47.2 49.7 ok 0

Lot 465 G 45.8 48.3 ok ok 0

F2 46.8 49.3 ok 0

Lot 466 G 45.5 48 ok ok 0

F2 46.5 49 ok 0

Lot 467 G 45.2 47.7 ok ok 0

F2 46 48.5 ok 0

Page 49: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 45 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Page 50: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 46 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Appendix D Extract from QDC MP4.4

Page 51: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 47 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Page 52: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 48 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Page 53: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 49 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0

Page 54: Road Traffic Noise Assessment Report - Amity · 2019. 6. 11. · Road traffic noise measurements were conducted in accordance with Australian Standard AS2702:1984 Acoustics - Methods

Site: Callaghan Rd, Narangba 50 Reference: 16BRA0130 R02_0