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    On Testing the Random-Walk H ypothesis:

    A M odel-Comparison Approach

    Ali F. Darrat*Department of Economics and Finance

    Louisiana Tech UniversityRuston, Louisiana 71272

    [email protected]


    Maosen Zhong*Department of Business Administration

    University of Texas - BrownsvilleBrownsville, TX [email protected]


    The main intention of this paper is to investigate, with new daily data, whether prices inthe two Chinese stock exchanges (Shanghai and Shenzhen) follow a random-walk process asrequired by market efficiency. We use two different approaches, the standard variance-ratio testof Lo and MacKinlay (1988) and a model-comparison test that compares the ex postforecastsfrom a NAVE model with those obtained from several alternative models (ARIMA, GARCH andArtificial Neural Network-ANN). To evaluate ex postforecasts, we utilize several proceduresincluding RMSE, MAE, Theils U, and encompassing tests. In contrast to the variance-ratio test,results from the model-comparison approach are quite decisive in rejecting the random-walkhypothesis in both Chinese stock markets. Moreover, our results provide strong support for theANN as a potentially useful device for predicting stock prices in emerging markets.

    *We wish to thank two anonymous referees for many helpful comments and suggestions. Theusual disclaimer applies.

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    1By the end of 1997, the number of listed companies in both markets grew from less than 20 to morethan 800, the number of traders exceeded 32 million, and the market capitalization surpassed 1,770 billionrenminbi (roughly $220 billion) or about one fourth of Chinas total GNP.

    2Of the 800 firms listed in 1997, more than three fourths were registered with the A shares market, andthe A shares represent more than 97% of total market capitalization.


    I. Introduction

    By any standard, the Chinese economy has achieved a remarkable and, thus far, sustainable

    growth since the 1980s. To further enhance economic efficiency, China became the first Communist

    country in the early 1990s to establish a stock market and build a Socialist Wall Street to promote

    market economy.

    China established two official stock exchanges: the Shanghai Exchange in December 1990,

    and the Shenzhen Exchange in July 1991. Both markets have enormously grown in terms of the

    number of companies listed, number of traders, and market capitalization.1 The Chinese markets

    trade two main classes of stocks. Class A shares (denominated in local currency) are only available

    to Chinese nationals, and Class B shares (traded in U.S. or Hong Kong dollars) are only available to

    foreign investors. The A shares market is much larger than the B shares market in terms of the

    number of listed firms and market capitalization.2 The two markets are effectively segmented markets

    and can be studied separately [Bailey (1994)].

    The main purpose of this paper is to investigate, using new daily data from the inception of

    the markets, whether stock prices of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges follow a random-walk

    process and can thus be considered efficient. We use two different approaches; namely, the common

    variance-ratio test of Lo and MacKinlay (1988) and a model-comparison test that contrasts ex post

    forecasts from a random-walk (NAVE) model with those obtained from several alternative models.

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    3The data are culled from various issues ofChinese Securities Press (in Chinese language), andgratefully supplied by Sima Tan and Bin Huang of the Guangzhou Securities Company.

    Unlike the variance-ratio test, results from the model-comparison test are quite decisive in rejecting

    the random-walk hypothesis in both Chinese stock markets. Moreover, the results provide strong

    support for the Artificial Neural Network as a potentially useful device for predicting stock prices in

    emerging markets.

    II. Data

    The paper only focuses on Class A shares in the Shanghai (SHG) and Shenzhen (SHZ)

    Exchanges. We do not consider Class B shares since, as we mentioned earlier, the B shares market

    is relatively very small compared to the A shares market in terms of market capitalization and level

    of activity. Established research has shown that low-volume, thinly-traded markets are inappropriate

    for testing efficiency since they lack liquidity and do not provide smooth transfer of information.

    Moreover, price indices in small markets tend to exhibit inflated variances thereby complicating

    statistical inferences [Darrat (1990)].

    We utilize new daily data of the A shares closing index prices of the Shanghai Exchange

    (SHG) from its inception on December 20, 1990 through October 19, 1998; and of the Shenzhen

    (SHZ) Exchange from its inception on April 4, 1991 through October 19, 1998.3 Following Lo and

    MacKinlay (1988), we construct the corresponding weekly data from the daily figures in order to

    avoid well-known problems inherent in daily sampling (e.g., biases due to bid-ask spreads, non-

    trading, etc.). The weekly price series are based on the closing value for Wednesday of each week.

    If the Wednesday observation is missing, then the Tuesdays closing price (or Thursdays if Tuesdays

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    4Only six weeks are missing for the Shanghai market and only ten weeks are missing for the Shenzhenmarket.

    5Distributional statistics of the weekly data on stock returns reveal that SHG exhibits a larger meanand standard deviation than those for SHZ (0.58% versus 0.37% for the means; and 8.05% versus 7.169% forthe standard deviation). Further indication of higher volatility in the SHG market also comes from thecoefficient of Kurtosis being almost double that of the SHZ market (15.81 versus 8.03). The skewnessparameters are significantly positive (1.83 and 0.99 respectively for SHG and SHZ), implying fat-taileddistributions.

    is also missing) is used instead. When Tuesdays, Thursdays and Wednesday's prices are all missing,

    the return for that week is omitted. The weekly return is calculated as the logarithmic difference

    between two consecutive weekly prices, yielding continuously compounded returns. Excluding the

    missing weeks in both markets,4 our sample yields 402 weekly observations for the Shanghai stock

    index, and 383 weekly observations for the Shenzhen stock index.5 We follow Campbell et al.

    (1997) and express stock prices in natural logs in order to stabilize the variance of the series over time

    and incorporate their exponential growth behavior.

    III. Variance-Ratio Test Results

    To test the efficiency of the two Chinese stock markets, we first apply the standard variance-

    ratio test of Lo and MacKinlay (1988). If a given time series follows a random-walk process, the

    variance of its w-differences of overlapping stock prices is w times the variance of its first difference.

    Following Lo and MacKinlay (1988) as well as Campbell et al. (1997), we use overlapping (as

    opposed to non-overlapping) w-period returns in estimating the variances in order to obtain a more

    efficient estimator and hence a more powerful test, Campbell et al. (1997, p. 52). An estimated

    variance ratio less than one implies negative serial correlation, while a variance ratio greater than one

    implies positive serial correlation. We also employ two other related statistics: the asymptotic normal

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    6Following Lo and MacKinlay (1988) and Campbell et al. (1997), the variance ratio (VR) is computedas the ratio between the overlapping variance of its w-differences to the product of w times the variance of thefirst-difference, that is VR=[var (Pt+w - P t)]/[w @ var (Pt+1 - P t)]. The random-walk hypothesis requires thatVR=1 which can be tested asymptotically using the normal Z-distribution.

    Z test statistic (assuming homoscedasticity), and the heteroscedasticity-consistent Zc test statistic.

    Lo and MacKinlay (1988) demonstrate that both test statistics asymptotically follow standard normal

    distributions and they are thus amenable to conventional statistical inferences. Extensive Monte Carlo

    results reported in Lo and MacKinlay (1989) suggest that, under the heteroscedastic random-walk

    null, the Zc test performs better than either the Box-Pierce test of serial correlation or the Dickey-

    Fuller test of unit roots.

    Table 1 displays the values we obtained for the variance ratio, as well as for the Z and Z c


    Put Table 1 About Here


    statistics using alternative weekly intervals (w=2, 4, 8, 16, and 32).6 Across these intervals, the

    variance ratio tests for both SHG and SHZ markets indicate the presence of positive serial correlation

    in the weekly returns. For example, the variance ratio for the SHG (SHZ) market corresponding to

    w=2 is 1.10 (1.18). This implies a 10% (18%) first-order autocorrelation in the weekly returns and

    hence approximately 1% (3.2%) of next weeks return variance can be predicted by the current

    weeks return. The evidence from the Z and Zc test generally concurs with the variance-ratio results.

    It should, however, be noted that the test results appear unambiguous only for short intervals,

    but somewhat clouded for long horizons. Indeed, as lags lengthen beyond eight weeks, Z and Zc

    statistics begin to lose significance. In view of that, and given recent debate over the power of such

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    7Some researchers, e.g., Akgiray (1989), have also questioned the typical Gaussian assumptionunderlying return distributions. Observe also that autocorrelation in the SHG market becomes less pronouncedand eventually negative (though insignificant) as interval increases. This may suggest that stock prices in thatmarket exhibit both short-term momentum and long-term reversal behavior. Hence, investors in the SHGmarket appear to under-react to changes in price fundamentals for shorter periods, but over-react for longerhorizons. Prices in the SHZ market, on the other hand, exhibit a momentum behavior throughout.

    autocorrelation-based tests [see Poterba and Summers (1988) and Cuthbertson (1996)],7 further

    evidence seems warranted to substantiate our claim. To do that, we examine ex postweekly forecasts

    from a random-walk model and compare them to forecasts obtained from alternative models. Results

    from the forecasting tests can shed further light on the efficiency of Chinese stock markets and also

    aid in judging the relative forecasting ability of several modeling devices.

    IV. Further Tests

    If Chinese stock prices follow a random-walk process, then a random-walk (NAVE) model

    should not be out-predicted by other models. A NAVE model maintains that the best forecast for

    next weeks stock price is simply this weeks price. Attempting to produce adequate forecasts of key

    financial variables, finance literature has witnessed an extensive use of two models; namely, the Auto-

    Regressive-Integrated-Moving-Average (ARIMA) and the Generalized-Auto-Regressive-Conditional-

    Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models. Both ARIMA and GARCH models have achieved varying

    degrees of success as forecasting devices [see, for example, Domowiwtz and Hakkio (1985),

    Bollerslev (1986), Akgiray (1989), Alexander (1995), and Su and Fleisher (1998)]. Given their

    prominence in the literature, we employ the NAVE, ARIMA, and GARCH models to generate ex

    postweekly forecasts of Chinese stock prices. In addition, we also utilize another, potentially

    powerful, forecasting technique known as an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model.

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    8White (1992), Smith (1993), and Chauvin and Rumelhart (1995) contain lucid discussions of theANN approach.

    ANN is a non-parametric (non-linear) modeling technique in which the data series themselves

    identify the relationships among the variables. Derived from cognitive sciences, the ANN model

    processes information similar to the way human brains do. As a non-parametric model, ANN has

    the following important advantages over the more traditional parametric models. First, since ANN

    does not rely on restrictive parametric assumptions such as normality, stationarity, or sample-path

    continuity, it is robust to specification errors plaguing parametric models. Secondly, ANN is adaptive

    and, as such, responds to structural changes in the data-generating processes in ways that parametric

    models cannot. Finally, ANN is sufficiently flexible and can easily encompass a wide range of

    securities and fundamental asset price dynamics. Indeed, ANN has considerable flexibility to uncover

    hidden non-linear relationships among several classes of individual forecasts and realizations

    [Donaldson and Kamstra (1996)]. Such advantages have recently led to a growing interest in ANN

    models, and these models have proven successful in several situations like pricing initial public

    offerings [Jain and Nag (1993)], pricing derivatives [Hutchinson et al.(1994)], forecasting futures

    trading volume [Kaastra and Boyd (1995)], forecasting international equity prices [Coggeret al.

    (1997)], forecasting returns of large U.S. stocks and corporate bonds [Desai and Bharati (1998)], and

    also forecasting exchange rates [Hu et al. (1999)]. The Appendix provides further technical detail

    on the ANN methodology.8

    Stock and Watson (1998) and Diebold and Kilian (1999) argue that a necessary prelude to

    obtaining reliable forecasts from parametric models like ARIMA and GARCH is a unit-root

    pretesting. We should, nevertheless, caution that the presence of a unit root (non-stationarity) in

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    9In this light, the use of unit root tests to examine the random-walk hypothesis appears doubtful. SeeLiu et al. (1997) and Long et al. (1999).

    stock prices is only a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for a random-walk process. As

    Campbell et al. (1997) demonstrate, unit root tests only explore the permanent/temporary nature of

    shocks to the series and, as such, have no bearing on the random-walk hypothesis (or predictability).9

    We apply the augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) and the weighted symmetric test (WS)

    to the log-levels and first-differences of the two price series. While the ADF test is perhaps the most

    popular unit root test, the WS test is found more powerful by Pantula et al. (1994) for detecting unit

    roots. Table 2 reports the results from the unit root tests (with and without a deterministic time


    Put Table 2 About Here


    trend). The results there consistently indicate that the price series in both markets are non-stationary

    in log-levels, but achieve stationarity in first-differences. [That is, each is integrated of order one.]

    These unit root results are used to specify the ARIMA model. We identify the autoregressive

    (AR) and the moving average (MA) terms using a number of criteria: the Akaike Information

    Criterion, the Schwert Baysian Information Criterion, and the absence of serial correlation in the

    errors. These criteria suggest an ARIMA (1,1,1) model. Such relatively short ARIMA terms may

    be adequate since simple t-tests reveal that price predictability primarily come from the first-order

    correlation component (results of these tests are available upon request). Additionally, Box and

    Jenkins (1976) argue that under-parameterized (parsimonious) ARIMA models produce better

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    10This specification for the mean equation of the GARCH model is also compatible with that of theARIMA model. At any rate, possible misspecification of the mean equation (e.g., omitting dividends orearnings) is not overly damaging in forecasting exercises since the conditional variance estimates are robustto incorrect specifications of the conditional mean [Nelson (1991)].

    11Evidence reported in Akgiray (1989) for the U.S., and in Su and Fleisher (1998) for China alsosupport the use of a GARCH (1,1) formulation to represent stock prices. Note further that our forecastingresults from GARCH and ARIMA are strictly comparable since both models use similar (order one) auto-

    regressive and moving-average processes.

    12We use different numbers of hidden nodes and autoregressive lags of the prices series, and the resultsare qualitatively similar to those reported in the text.

    13To ensure stationary data, we use the logarithmic first-difference of prices in the ARIMA andGARCH models and then convert the obtained forecasts back to log-levels of prices which are then used in thecomparison exercises. In the case of ANN, however, we start with prices in their log-levels since the model,being non-parametric, does not require stationary data.

    forecasts than over-parameterized variants. For the GARCH model, we specify the mean equation

    as an AR(2) process of price changes to satisfy the stationarity requirement and also to produce

    white-noise residuals.10 The variance equation follows a GARCH (1,1) process with one

    autoregressive term for the conditional variance, and another moving-average term for the squared


    In generating the ex postforecast values from the ANN procedure, we design a three-layer

    backpropagation neural network. We use autoregressive weekly lags of stock prices as the input

    variables to forecast stock prices. To be compatible with the lag structures of ARIMA and GARCH

    models, the ANN input variables are specified as an AR(2) process. That is, we use two lags of the

    price series as inputs in the ANN.12

    These four alternative procedures (NAVE, ARIMA, GARCH and ANN) are used to

    generate ex postdynamic one-week-ahead forecasts of the Chinese stock prices (both SHG and

    SHZ)13. Starting with the base sample of December 20, 1990 - July 15, 1998 for SHG; and of April

    4, 1991 - July 15, 1998 for SHZ, we employ each of the models to forecast stock prices successively,

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    14 As Green (2000, p. 310) explains, these evaluation statistics are defined as follows:


    P Pt


    t t= =



    2( $ ) ,

    where = forecast price values$PtPt = actual price valuesT = number of forecast horizons;

    MAE = and1T

    P Pt t |$


    Theils U =







    TP P




    t t






    ( $ )

    ( )

    15We owe this and many other important insights to an anonymous referee.

    one-week-ahead, for the 12 remaining weeks in both price series. The forecast values thus obtained

    are considered dynamic (conservative) since the base sample is enlarged successively by the forecast

    values generated from the preceding round rather than by actual price values.

    We compare the ex postone-week-ahead forecasts of stock prices using three different

    evaluation statistics to ensure that our inferences regarding the relative efficiency of the forecasting

    models are not driven by the particular criterion used in these comparisons. The statistics are the

    root-mean-squared-error (RMSE), the mean-absolute-error (MAE), and Theils Inequality

    Coefficient (U).14 Besides these three individualex post

    forecast statistics, we follow Curryet al.

    (1995) and also calculate sum statistics (of the entire forecast horizon) in order to evaluate the overall

    forecasting performance of the alternative models.

    Although useful, these forecasting evaluation criteria cannot determine whether a given

    forecasting model is in fact significantly better than others.15 Judging the statistical significance of

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    rival forecasting models may require the use of encompassing tests [for details, see Donaldson and

    Kamstra (1996, 1997)].

    The rationale behind these tests is that a model claiming to congruently represent the data-

    generating process must be able to account for the salient features of rival models. In more specific

    terms, a given model (k) can be considered superior to another model (j) if model k's forecasts

    significantly explain model j's forecasting errors, and further that model k incorporates relevant

    information neglected by model j. The encompassing test is implemented by testing the significance

    of the$


    coefficients (using t-ratios) in the following two regression equations:

    , (1)(Pjt$ ) = +P P and

    t jk kt t


    $ ) $ = +P Pt kj jt t

    where and are the forecasting errors from model j and k, respectively; and( )$P Pjt t ( )$P P

    kt t $P



    are the forecasts of the two models; and g and 0 are random errors. The null hypothesis is that

    neither model encompasses (outperforms) the other. If$ is significantly different from zero but ( is

    not, then we reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis that model k encompasses

    model j. Conversely, if( is significant but $ is not, this is evidence that model j encompasses model

    k. If both $ and ( are not significant, or that both $ and ( are significant, then we fail to reject the

    null hypothesis and conclude instead that neither model encompasses the other. If one of the models

    encompasses the NAVE model for predicting stock prices, it can be concluded that Chinese stock

    prices do not follow the random walk process.

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    16The only exception is for Shenzhen prices and then only at the early weeks of the forecasting horizon(up to 3 weeks). However, as the forecasting horizon lengthens beyond three weeks, the ANN begins todominate all other forecasting procedures for predicting Shenzen stock prices. Observe also that the relativeperformance of the four forecasting procedures significantly diverge over weeks 4-6 of the holdout sample.We search for possible clues (events) that may explain this divergent behavior of the models but find none.Nevertheless, the relative superiority of the ANN over other models remains robust to using different holdoutsamples. These alternative results are available upon request.

    V. Assessing the Forecasting Ability of Different Models

    We employ the four alternative forecasting models to generate ex postone-week-ahead

    forecasts of stock prices in both SHG and SHZ markets. The holdout period contains 12 weeks in

    both markets. We use RMSE, MAE and Theil's U statistics to evaluate and compare these out-of-

    sample forecasts. Table 3 reports the results for the Shanghai stock prices, and Table 4 does the

    same for the Shenzhen market. These results provide credence to our preliminary inefficiency


    Put Tables 3 and 4 About Here


    finding derived earlier from the variance-ratio tests. As we can see from the tables, the NAVE model

    fares poorly relative to other models. Moreover, these results unambiguously support the ANN

    model as the dominant forecasting device in both Chinese stock markets. Looking at the sum values

    of the various statistics at the bottom of the two tables, the ANN consistently generates the best

    overall out-of-sample forecasts in both the SHG and the SHZ markets and according to all three

    evaluation criteria used (smallest sums of RMSE, MAE, and Theils U). Even on a weekly basis, the

    ANN generally outperforms the NAVE, ARIMA, and GARCH models with much smaller

    forecasting errors throughout the forecasting horizons.16

    The two central findings then are that the random-walk model does not receive support from

    the forecasting results, and that the ANN dominates other models in forecasting Chinese stock prices

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    17Studies that use ARIMA models to test market efficiency abound. Examples include Gau (1984),Mok (1993), and Hayri and Yilmaz (1997).

    in both Shanghai and Shenzhen markets. The evidence is underscored by the considerable percent

    improvement in the sum of RMSE from the ANN over the NAVE model, amounting to 57%

    improvement for the Shanghai market and 43% for the Shenzhen market. Such significant gains in

    forecasting Chinese stock prices attest to the departure of the Chinese markets from the random walk

    hypothesis and also further support the superiority of the ANN as a powerful forecasting device.

    Results from the encompassing tests reported in Table 5 paint a similar picture. As is clear

    from the table (panel A for the SHG market and panel B for the SHZ market), forecasts from the


    Put Table 5 About Here


    ANN method significantly explain forecasting errors from each of the three alternative methods,

    (NAVE, ARIMA, and GARCH) in both markets. At the same time, the forecasting errors of the

    ANN model are not accounted for by any of the rival models. Hence, the ANN model significantly

    encompasses (outpredicts) other models and, as such, can be considered a dominant forecasting

    device. These results corroborate our earlier findings and provide another piece of evidence against

    the random-walk hypothesis in the context of the Chinese stock markets.

    Two more implications present themselves. First, the ARIMA model tends to provide inferior

    forecasts than those from a NAVE model in both Chinese markets. Thus, the sole use of ARIMA

    model in testing market predictability would have, at least in our case, led to the incorrect inference

    that the Chinese markets follow a random walk.17 Second, the relative success of the ANN model

    in forecasting Chinese stock prices suggest that these prices may be better captured by non-linear

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    processes. Such an inference supports Hutchinson et al(1994) and Donaldson and Kamstra (1997)

    in their contention that non-linearities in financial data may be better approximated by the ANN

    structure and logistic transformation.

    Moreover, the ANN process, being perceptual, can better account for cognitive errors

    generated by semi-rational investors. As Daniel et al. (1998) argue, modeling decision-making of

    semi-rational investors imposes numerous restrictions on trade distributions which are difficult to

    identify by traditional parametric time series models. The significant superior performance of the

    distribution-free ANN compared to the random-walk model and other conventional time-series

    models suggest that hidden relationships generated by potentially irrational investors are well

    accommodated for by the ANN algorithm.

    VI. Some Possible Explanations for theNon-Random Walk Behaviorin Chinese Markets

    Our empirical results from variance-ratio and model-comparison tests consistently suggest that

    Chinese stock prices do not follow a random-walk process. Of course, finding evidence against the

    random-walk hypothesis is not unique with our study, and many other researchers reach similar

    conclusions [see, for example, Lo and MacKinlay (1988) for the U.S. equity market; Urrutia (1995)

    for several Latin American markets; Basci et al. (1996) and Antoniou et al. (1997) for Turkey; and

    Santis and Imrohorglu (1997) for many Latin American and Asian countries]. We also note that

    rejecting the random-walk hypothesis does not necessarily negate market efficiency. As Summers

    (1986) argues, contradicting the random-walk hypothesis in a given market may only mean that the

    obtained results are inconsistent with the particular martingale process of a random walk. In addition,

    some explanations for the rejection of the random-walk hypothesis in the Chinese context are not

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    18Note that this non-synchronous trading should be distinguished from the missing data problem wealluded to earlier. The former causes low trading volume, while the latter only means that there is no data forparticular days, although trading may be active.

    difficult to find. For example, Fama and French (1988) and Porterba and Summers (1988) suggest

    that stock prices may be described as the sum of both a random-walk component anda stationary

    (mean-reverting) component. Consequently, stock returns would tend to overreact to fundamental

    shocks and, as such, would exhibit negative autocorrelation (less-than-unity variance ratio).

    However, our results reported in Table 1 suggest exactly the opposite for both Chinese stock markets

    since stock returns display positive autocorrelation (larger-than-unity variance ratio). Therefore,

    Chinese stock prices do not seem to conform to the hypothesized mean-reverting behavior.

    Non-synchronous stock trading could also provide another justification. Any new information

    that arrives after the last transaction of the day will only be reflected in the next days or perhaps next

    weeks closing price data. This infrequent trading could create some predictability in market

    returns since new information is not instantly embedded in traded stocks, thus allowing for exploitable

    lags.18 However, with weekly returns data, the extent of infrequent trading necessary to produce a

    weekly autocorrelation of 18% (for SHZ) seems empirically unreasonable. According to Lo and

    MacKinlay's (1988) test of non-trading probability, such a high degree of weekly autocorrelation

    requires at least 50% of all Chinese stocks to be inactive. Therefore, while non-synchronous trading

    may be responsible for some of the observed autocorrelation, it appears insufficient to justify it all.

    Another explanation for our inefficiency finding may lie in market imperfections that are

    common in emerging markets due to their ineffective legal structures and lack of transparency that

    prevent the smooth transfer of information. Interestingly, using Urrutia's (1995) posture, the

    presence of persistent autocorrelation in the Chinese stock markets may be the outcome of a growing

    economy rather than market inefficiency per se. Uncertainty in Chinese business and political

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    19Other relevant behavioral-finance stories include the psychological model of representativenessheuristic and conservatism of Barberis et al. (1998), the prospect theory of Barberis et al. (1999), and thetheory of information traps and misaligned beliefs proposed by Noth et al. (2000)].

    environment could also contribute to the inefficiency results [Su and Fleischer (1998)]. As Campbell

    et al. (1997) argue, a certain degree of market predictability may be necessary to reward investors

    for bearing certain dynamic risks associated with business and political instability.

    Finally, recent research in behavioral finance also suggests other possible reasons for the

    apparent predictability of stock prices. For example, the behavioral model proposed by Daniel et al.

    (1998) reconciles short-term momentum with long-term reversal behavioral of stock prices. Daniel

    et al. argue that investors tend to be quite confident of the precision of private information and thus

    overreact to private information signals. Hence, price movements in reaction to the arrival of private

    information are on average partially reversed in the long-run. Furthermore, investors' confidence rises

    when public information is in agreement with private information, though does not seem to fall

    commensurately when contradiction occurs. This biased self-attribution behavior could explain the

    presence of positive short-lag autocorrelation (momentum) in stock prices [see Odean (1999) and

    Gervais and Odean (2000) and for further discussion of these overconfidence effects]. In emerging

    markets, such as the Chinese market where securities are less liquid and information is asymmetric,

    the effects of overconfidence and biased self-attribution can be especially pronounced.19 In this light,

    our finding of inefficiency in the Chinese stock market does not appear too surprising.

    VII. Conclusions

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    Results from variance ratio tests applied on new daily stock price data of Chinas two official

    stock exchanges (Shanghai and Shenzhen) appear at odds with the random-walk hypothesis.

    Irrespective of a constant or a changing variance, Chinese stock prices display a pronounced tendency

    for positive autocorrelation, raising the potential for predictability.

    Besides the standard variance-ratio test, we argue that another interesting approach for testing

    the random-walk hypothesis is to compare the ex postforecasts from the NAVE model with those

    generated from rival models. The random-walk hypothesis would be negated if the NAVE model

    fails to outpredict alternative models. We follow this model-comparison approach and generate ex

    post(one-week-ahead) forecasts of Chinese stock prices from four different forecasting models;

    namely, NAVE, ARIMA, GARCH, and also ANN (artificial neural network). We compare the ex

    postforecasting ability of these models on the basis of alternative evaluation criteria (RMSE, MAE,

    and Theil's U). In addition, we perform encompassing tests that are particularly useful for assessing

    statistical superiority among rival forecasting models. The results unambiguously reject the random-

    walk hypothesis in both Chinese stock markets. We also find consistent evidence supportive of the

    ANN approach over other models as a useful device for forecasting Chinese stock prices.

    Our inference against the random-walk hypothesis should not be totally surprising especially

    in the case of an emerging market, and many studies have also reported similar results. We have

    examined several plausible reasons as to why Chinese stock prices may be predictable and highlight

    the semi-rational behavior of Chinese investors as a likely candidate. We should finally caution that

    improved forecast performance with the ANN algorithm does not necessarily imply profitable trading

    rules unless such rules can also provide risk-adjusted excess returns after controlling for transaction


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    AppendixArtificial Neural Network

    An artificial neural network consists of one input layer, one output layer, and a number of

    hidden layers in between. Typically, one hidden layer is sufficient to produce acceptable results

    [Hornik, et al. (1992)]. As Figure 1 shows, each of the layers comprises a number of processing


    Put Figure 1 About Here


    units known as neurons (or nodes). Each neuron in the input layer stores information provided by

    the user (e.g., past stock prices). The hidden layer also contains neurons, but information stored in

    these neurons continuously change as the network trains. The output layer consists of a single neuron

    since, in our case, we are forecasting only one variable Chinese stock prices.

    The neurons in all three layers are interconnected such that the input layer is only connected

    forward to the hidden layer, and the output layer is only connected backward to the hidden layer. All

    connections are assigned certain weights to characterize the strength of the connection. In addition

    to the processing units, there is a bias dummy neuron connected to hidden and output layers that

    allows for a more rapid convergence of the training process.

    In our application of ANN, we use a particularly popular algorithm called the

    backpropagation to forecast Chinese stock prices. The backpropagation algorithm proceeds as

    follows. First, inputs (past stock prices) are passed forward to the hidden layer and multiplied by

    their respective weights to compute a weighted sum. Next, the weighted sum is modified by a

    transfer function (usually a logistic -- or sigmoid -- function) and then sent to the output layer. Third,

    the output layer neuron re-calculates the weighted sum and applies the transfer function to produce

    the output value of this forward pass. Finally, an error signal, which is computed as the difference

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    between the output value of the forward pass and the target value, is backpropagated to the hidden

    layer and then to the input layer. Every weight that connects the hidden and output layers is adjusted

    proportionally to each neurons contribution to the forecast error with the objective to minimize the

    mean squared-error.

    The above training process continues interactively until an acceptable (minimum) mean

    squared-error target chosen by the user is achieved. When setting the target for the mean squared-

    error, the user should compare the forecast accuracy with the necessary time for convergence. Below

    is a brief account of the backpropagation algorithm of ANN training process.

    Taking a one-hidden layer network as an example, the backpropagation algorithm of ANN

    works as follows. Available information (in our case, past stock prices) is stored in the input layer

    as a signal im, where m = 1, 2, ..., k, where k is the number of neurons in the input layer (i.e., k is the

    number of lags in stock prices). The first neuron in the hidden layer forms a sum of the connection

    weights times the input signals over the connections with all neurons including the bias neuron in the

    input layer, that is

    (n = 1, 2, ... j) (A1)SUM w i whn i h m



    bias hm n n= +

    = ( )


    where, SUMhn is the weighted sum formed in the nth neuron in the hidden layer;

    wim-hn is the weight assigned to the connection between the mth neuron in the input layer

    and the nth neuron in the hidden layer,

    im is the signal from the mth neuron in the input layer, and

    wbias-hn represents the contributory effect of the bias neuron to the nth neuron in the

    hidden layer.

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    The sum is then transformed to a value (OUThn) between 0 and 1, using the following logistic

    (sigmoid) function:

    (n = 1, 2, ... j) (A2)OUT SUMh hn n

    = + 1 1/( exp( ))

    The output values from the hidden layer (OUThn) again become the input values for the output layer,

    and the following weighted sum is calculated:

    (A3)SUM w OUT wO h O hn


    bias On n= +

    = ( )


    The output value of the entire epoch (OUTo) is calculated as:

    (A4)OUT SUMO O= + 1 1/( exp( ))

    Next, the mean-squared error between the actual series and the output series obtained from

    this epoch is computed. If it exceeds the specified minimum error objective, the ANN adjusts the

    connection weights for this training epoch accordingly. The ANN then begins another epoch until the

    mean-squared error reaches the specified minimum error objective.

    After each epoch, the connection weights are adjusted as follows. Starting with the weights

    that connect the output and hidden layers, the weight adjustments are propagated backward using the


    (A5)O O O OOUT OUT TARGET OUT= ( )( )1

    where *O is the delta value (error signal) of the neuron in the output layer, and TARGET is the target

    output value based on the pre-specified mean-squared error. Based on (A5), the change of the weight

    connecting the nth hidden neuron to the output layer is also calculated:

    (n = 1, 2, ... j) (A6) w q OUT w qh O O h h On n n = + ( ) [ ( )] 1

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    where, )whn-O(q) is the change in weight for the connection between the nth hidden neuron and

    the output layer neuron in the qth epoch,

    0 is the user-specified learning rate that controls changes in the weights,

    *O is the delta value for the neuron in the output layer, and

    " is the user-specified momentum rate to the adaptive training process, that helps prevent

    temporary changes in direction from adversely affecting the learning process (i.e.,

    mitigating wild fluctuations in different directions).

    The new weight assigned to this connection is computed as:

    (n = 1, 2, ... j) (A7)w q w q w qh O h O h On n n = +( ) ( ) ( )1

    To adjust the weights in the hidden layer, another formula is used to calculate the delta value

    (*hn) since no targets are established for this layer. The formula is:

    (n = 1, 2, ... j) (A8) h h h O h O



    n n n nOUT OUT w=

    =( )( )1


    The weight connecting the input layer to the hidden layer is adjusted using an

    equation similar to (A6). That is:

    (n = 1, 2, ... j, m=1, 2, ...k) (A9) w q i w qi h h m i hm n n m n = + ( ) [ ( )] 1

    This procedure continues until a specified minimum mean-squared error is reached.

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    Table 1. Var iance Ratio Test Resul ts for China s Weekly Stock Returns

    A. Shanghai Stock Market (SHGE)

    w=2 w=4 w=8 w=16 w=32

    Variance Ratios 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.25 0.87

    Z statistics 1.92* 2.11** 2.05** 1.13 -0.41

    Zc statistics 1.11 1.79* 2.18** 1.34 -0.47

    B. Shenzhen Stock Market (SHZ)

    w=2 w=4 w=8 w=16 w=32

    Variance Ratios 1.18 1.29 1.49 1.52 1.41

    Z statistics 3.36** 2.94** 3.18** 2.28** 1.24

    Zc statistics 2.70** 3.28** 3.78** 2.82** 1.77

    Notes: w is the number of weekly intervals aggregated to compute the variance ratios; Z statisticsare the asymptotic normal test statistics under homoscedasticity; Zc statistics are theasymptotic normal test statistics under heteroscedasticity.An * indicates rejection of the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation at the 10% significancelevel, while ** indicates rejection at the 5% level.

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    Table 2. Unit Root Test Resul ts for Chi na s Weekly

    Stock Pr ices (P) and Stock Returns ())P)

    A. Shanghai Stock Market (SHG)

    Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Weighted Symmetric TestWith Trend Without Trend With Trend Without Trend

    Pt -2.58 -2.46 -2.00 -0.65

    )Pt -6.83** -6.77** -6.93** -6.86**

    B. Shenzhen Stock Market (SHZ)

    Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test Weighted Symmetric Test

    With Trend Without Trend With Trend Without Trend

    Pt -1.79 -1.50 -2.06 -1.34

    )Pt -9.83** - 9.84** -9.89** -9.89**

    Notes: See notes to Table 1. Pt=log of the stock price index; )Pt = first differences of Pt . Thenumbers of lags in the testing equations are selected by Akaike Information Criterion(provided the residuals are also white-noise).

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    Table 3. Out-of -Sample, One-Week-Ahead, Forecasting Performance of A lternative M odels

    (The variabl e being for ecast is the logs of stock pri ces)

    The Shanghai Stock Market (SHG)


    Week-Ahead RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U

    1 0.0286 0.0286 0.0040 0.0302 0.0302 0.0042 0.0536 0.0536 0.0075 0.0045 0.0045 0.0006

    2 0.0238 0.0232 0.0033 0.0268 0.0266 0.0037 0.0396 0.0349 0.0055 0.0194 0.0158 0.0027

    3 0.0229 0.0225 0.0032 0.0284 0.0282 0.0040 0.0370 0.0337 0.0052 0.0284 0.0241 0.0040

    4 0.0608 0.0456 0.0085 0.0698 0.0538 0.0098 0.0689 0.0557 0.0096 0.0312 0.0277 0.0044

    5 0.0936 0.0706 0.0131 0.1061 0.0814 0.0149 0.0722 0.0614 0.0101 0.0160 0.0385 0.0065

    6 0.1030 0.0822 0.0145 0.1187 0.0959 0.0167 0.0659 0.0514 0.0093 0.0452 0.0389 0.0064

    7 0.1131 0.0935 0.0159 0.1323 0.1100 0.0186 0.0638 0.0511 0.0090 0.0463 0.0408 0.0065

    8 0.1133 0.0961 0.0160 0.1352 0.1155 0.0190 0.0600 0.0468 0.0084 0.0433 0.0360 0.0061

    9 0.1089 0.0926 0.0153 0.1327 0.1149 0.0187 0.0570 0.0440 0.0080 0.0454 0.0386 0.0064

    10 0.1066 0.0916 0.0150 0.1329 0.1169 0.0187 0.0561 0.0443 0.0079 0.0456 0.0395 0.0064

    11 0.1039 0.0898 0.0146 0.1326 0.1181 0.0187 0.0537 0.0417 0.0076 0.0476 0.0417 0.0067

    12 0.1032 0.0903 0.0145 0.1351 0.1216 0.0190 0.0534 0.0424 0.0075 0.0474 0.0420 0.0067

    G(12) 0.9818 0.8267 0.1380 1.1808 1.0131 0.1659 0.6812 0.5610 0.0956 0.4203 0.3881 0.0634Notes: NAVE is the random-walk model, ARIMA is the autoregressive integrated moving average model; GARCH is the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model, an

    the ANN is the artificial neural network. The out-of-sample, one-week-ahead, forecasts are generated dynamically whereby the sample-base period of December 20, 1990-July 15, 199is successively expanded by the forecast values from the previous round until the forecast of the 12th week is generated.

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    Table 4. Out-of -Sample, One-Week-Ahead, Forecasting Perf ormance of Al ternative

    Models(the vari able being forecast is the logs of stock pr ices)

    The Shenzhen Stock Market (SHZ)


    Week-Ahead RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U RMSE MAE Theils U

    1 0.0116 0.0116 0.0014 0.0074 0.0074 0.0009 0.0668 0.0668 0.0081 0.0213 0.0213 0.002

    2 0.0085 0.0073 0.0010 0.0054 0.0045 0.0007 0.0882 0.0861 0.0107 0.0400 0.0368 0.004

    3 0.0102 0.0091 0.0012 0.0112 0.0090 0.0014 0.0845 0.0829 0.0103 0.0442 0.0417 0.005

    4 0.0508 0.0319 0.0062 0.0555 0.0340 0.0068 0.0732 0.0636 0.0089 0.0403 0.0377 0.004

    5 0.0814 0.0557 0.0099 0.0886 0.0601 0.0108 0.0682 0.0594 0.0083 0.0473 0.0438 0.005

    6 0.0897 0.0669 0.0109 0.0990 0.0734 0.0121 0.0800 0.0700 0.0098 0.0454 0.0423 0.005

    7 0.1027 0.0802 0.0126 0.1144 0.0888 0.0140 0.0741 0.0602 0.0091 0.0491 0.0458 0.006

    8 0.1064 0.0864 0.0131 0.1202 0.0970 0.0148 0.0720 0.0596 0.0088 0.0474 0.0442 0.005

    9 0.1053 0.0874 0.0129 0.1207 0.1001 0.0148 0.0779 0.0657 0.0096 0.0447 0.0397 0.005

    10 0.1068 0.0906 0.0131 0.1243 0.1054 0.0153 0.0773 0.0663 0.0095 0.0428 0.0375 0.005

    11 0.1092 0.0943 0.0134 0.1289 0.1111 0.0158 0.0783 0.0683 0.0096 0.0416 0.0367 0.005

    12 0.1145 0.0999 0.0141 0.1365 0.1187 0.0168 0.0758 0.0659 0.0093 0.0431 0.0383 0.005

    G(12) 0.8972 0.7214 0.1101 1.0121 0.8095 0.1242 0.9163 0.8148 0.1120 0.5072 0.4658 0.062Notes: See notes to Table 3. The out-of-sample, one-week-ahead, forecasts are generated dynamically whereby the sample-base period of April 4, 1991 - July 15, 1998 is successively expand

    by the forecast values from the precious round-until the forecast of the 12th week is generated.

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    Figure 1. Three-Layer Artificial Neural Network

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    Table 5. Encompassing Tests of Out-of-Sample Forecasting Performance of Alternative


    Panel A: The Shanghai Stock Market (SHG)

    Dependent Variable:Forecasting Errors from Independent Variable: Forecasts from


    NAVE -- 6.00** 5.90** 5.93**

    ARIMA 6.84** -- 6.72** 6.76**

    GARCH 3.00** 3.00** -- 3.01**

    ANN 0.41 0.40 0.40 --

    Panel B: The Shenzhen Stock Market (SHZ)Dependent Variable:

    Forecasting Errors fromIndependent Variable: Forecasts from


    NAVE -- 5.83** 5.71** 5.76**

    ARIMA 5.78** -- 5.67** 5.73**

    GARCH 5.74** 5.74** -- 5.74**

    ANN 0.64 0.65 0.62 --Notes: Variables being forecast are the logs of stock prices. The test statistics are heteroscedastic-

    consistent t-ratios. An ** indicates statistical significance at the 5% level. See notes toTables 3 & 4 for further forecasting details.