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Ritalin – we are rockstars

The way in which the main product and the ancillary product

fit together.

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Cd covers

• Our album covers for our media product are closely linked with our main video as all of the pictures used in the cd cover were taken from our main video. We used aspects the performance element, not so much the narrative element. We did this because of the visually interesting shots that we did produced stills that are bright in colour and attract audience attention. This choice of neon colours and the use of sharp lines on our cd cover meant that we showed the genre of our music as being the techno, rock type.

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Richard dyer

• Dyer has written extensively about the role of stars in film, TV and music.

• Stars have some key features in common: 1. a star is an image, not a real person, that is constructed out of a range of materials. (e.g.. Advertising, magazines and film) 2. stars are commodities produced and consumed on the strength of their meanings.

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Star image

Our digipack and poster link very well with our video as they all help it create the image of our band. We linked the band image in our digipack and poster as our video is very band oriented and we wanted the image of the group to be of the band as a whole, not one individual member. We tried to create a star image of the band as a young, techno band. Star image is made up of a range of meanings which are attractive to the target audience. This young band is attractive to our target audience as the audience is 16-25 year old males and females.

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Common values of stardom

• Youthfulness• Rebellion• Sexual magnetism• Anti-authoritarian attitude• Originality• Creativity/talent• Aggression/anger• Disregard for social values relating to drungs, sex and

material goods• Conspicious consumption of sex, drugs and material

goods• Success agains the odds.

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Sexual magnetism

We have a sexual felling that will interest both male and female audiences. We have a dance element to our video which interests males sexually and we have an attractive band with a confident lead singer which could attract female attention, we have used these images in the digipack, poster and in the video and shows our use of sexual magnetism.

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Our video has a creativity that Keith Negus would call a synthetic ideology of creativity as the image of the band seems to be synthetic and made by the record company, this band has not been nurtured or discovered but seems to be put together by a record company to make money. It is aimed a relatively younger audience which makes it easier for record companies to target the audience as they do not have sophisticated needs in music.

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Use of technology

• In our music video we made great use of technology, we utilised the slowmotion aspect of our hd cameras. We used smoke, lasers and uv paint and light as well as dry ice machines. All of this was used in the production on the shoot day. We used after effects to create the narrative element of our music video. We linked all of this use of technology to our poster and digipacks as they both contain photos from our shoot and have aspects of the uv, and the minority report screen that the narrative element was based upon.