Download - Revolution Begins

  • Revolution BeginsCh. 9 Texas History

  • Colonel UgartecheaMexican commander at San Antonio in 1835.

  • GONZALES Ugartechea ordered the citizens to surrender their small brass cannon.

  • Come and Take It!Gonzales citizens buried cannon in a peach orchardTexan forces dug up the cannon and decorated it with a white flag that declared, Come and Take It.

  • Lexington of TexasBattle of Gonzales, Oct. 2, 1835Mexican soldiers retreated to San Antonio

  • Mexican Army in TexasGeneral Cos brings more Mexican soldiers to San AntonioCos planned to arrest all Texan leaders

  • Outbreak of WarColonel Cos: actions of Gonzales was outbreak of war.

  • Settlers RespondAfter Cos arrived in San Antonio, the Texan settlers formed Committees of Correspondence

  • GOLIAD1 week later, Texans took Mexican garrison at Goliad Only large remaining Mexican force was at San Antonio, commanded by Cos.On to San Antonio!

  • Gonzales and GoliadAfter winning the two battles, Texans thought Mexican army could be defeated

  • Army of the PeopleStephen F. Austin took control of Texan volunteer forcesTroops marched toward San Antonio

  • Siege of San AntonioTexans set up a blockade

    They did not attack: had no heavy artillery

    Hoped Cos would surrender

  • Siege becomes BattleBattle became known as Siege of BexarLed by Ben Milam

  • Ben MilamBen Milam wanted victory to encourage independence

    Killed in battle

  • Victory at Bexar Mexicans driven to abandoned mission, the AlamoCos surrenders and was allowed to return to Mexico

  • Victory at Bexar Texans thought the war was now over and returned to their homes

  • The Grass FightMexican cavalry and mule train coming to San AntonioSilver train?

  • 1835 ConsultationMet at San Felipe in Nov. 1835 because it had a printing press

  • War VS Peace PartyWar party: Texas to declare independence from MexicoPeace party: still wanted to follow the Mexican Constitution of 1824

  • Peace Party WinsDeclaration of the People of Texas in General Convention AssembledLoyal citizens of Mexico

  • Peace Party PlansTexas would fight:to defend themselves to oppose Santa Anna and his military dictatorship

  • Peace Party PlansObjected to a Texas Declaration of Independence

  • Texas ArmyPlanned by ConsultationCommanded by Sam HoustonVolunteer army was still at San Antonio

  • Help from U.S.Thomas McKinney sent to obtain troops, supplies and money to finance the expected war

  • Provisional GovernmentTemporary government

    Municipalities: locally governed areas; each had one representative

  • Conflict Among LeadersGovernor Smith vetoed, or rejected, proposed conventionGeneral Council overrode veto; March 1836 convention planned

  • Conflict Among LeadersGovernor Smith opposed plan to capture Matamoros General Council disagreed

  • Convention of 1836Met again at Washington-on-the-Brazos

    Richard Ellis, chairman of convention

  • Convention of 1836Wrote Declaration of IndependenceWrote ConstitutionSet up government; interim officials

  • Texas Declares IndependenceDeclaration of Independence, similar to the U.S. Declaration of Independence

  • March 2, 1836Texas Independence Day

  • ConstitutionConvention wrote constitution for new governmentSimilar to U.S. Constitution

  • ConstitutionGeorge C. Childress wrote the constitution

  • ConstitutionMade slavery legal Free African Americans needed permission of the Congress to live in Texas

  • Ad Interim GovernmentTemporary

    David Burnet chosen ad interim president

  • Ad Interim GovernmentSam Houston chosen commander of both volunteer and regular army

  • Santa Anna ThreatensNew republic president and cabinet fled conventionSet up government at Harrisburg

  • Where is Houston?

  • Review questionWho was the Mexican commander at San Antonio in 1835?

  • Review answerDomingo de Ugartechea commanded San Antonio in 1835.

  • Review QuestionWhat town hid their small cannon?Where?

  • Review AnswerCitizens of Gonzales hid their cannon in a peach orchard.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the flag decorating the cannon say?Who won?

  • Review AnswerCome and Take ItTexans won, convincing many that Mexican troops could be defeated.

  • Review QuestionWhat is the Battle of Gonzales called?To what abandoned mission did the Mexican troops retreat?

  • Review AnswerBattle of Gonzales was called the Lexington of Texas.Mexican troops retreated to the Alamo.

  • Review QuestionWho brought more Mexican troops to San Antonio?What did he say the actions of Gonzales was?

  • Review AnswerGeneral Cos brought more Mexican troops to San Antonio?He said that actions at Gonzales were outbreak of war.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the Texans think after winning the two battles?

  • Review AnswerThey thought that the Mexican troops could be defeated.

  • Review QuestionWho took control of Texan volunteer forces?What was this force called?

  • Review AnswerStephen F. Austin took control of Texan volunteer forces, called the Army of the People.

  • Review QuestionWhy did the Texans take siege of Cos troops at San Antonio, rather than fight?

  • Review AnswerThe Texans had no heavy artillery, so they did not fight.

  • Review QuestionWho led the battle at San Antonio?What was the battle called?

  • Review AnswerBen Milam led one column at the battle, known as the Siege of Bexar.

  • Review QuestionWhat was the battle between Mexican mule handlers and Texas troops called?

  • Review QuestionThe Grass Fight

  • Review QuestionWhere did the 1835 Consultation meet?Which party won?

  • Review Answer1835 Consultation met at San Felipe.

    The Peace Party won.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the Declaration of the People of Texas in General Convention Assembled proclaim?

  • Review AnswerIt stated that Texans were loyal citizens of Mexico.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the Peace party reject?

  • Review AnswerPeace Party did not want a declaration of independence from Mexico

  • Review QuestionWho commanded the Texas Army and was later put in charge of both the regular and volunteer army?

  • Review Answer

    Sam Houston commanded the Texas Army.

  • Review QuestionWho was sent by the Permanent Council to the U.S. to raise $100,000 to finance the expected war?

  • Review QuestionThomas McKinney was sent to the U.S. to raise $100,000.

  • Review QuestionWhat is a provisional government?

    What are locally governed areas? How many representatives did each have?

  • Review AnswerA provisional government is temporary.

    Municipalities are locally governed areas. Each had one representative.

  • Review QuestionWhat battle did Governor Smith oppose? Did the General Council agree?

  • Review AnswerGovernor Smith opposed expedition to capture Matamoras The General Council disagreed.

  • Review QuestionWhere did the 1836 Convention meet?Who was the chairman of convention?What happened?

  • Review AnswerConvention met at Washington-on-the-BrazosRichard Ellis was chairman of convention.Texas proclaimed independence.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the Texans write at the Convention of 1836?What document was it similar to?

  • Review QuestionAt the Convention, Texans wrote a Constitution similar to the United States Constitution.

  • Review QuestionWhat did the Texas Constitution say about slavery? Who gave free African Americans permission to live in Texas?

  • Review AnswerTexas Constitution legalized slavery. Congress could give free African Americans permission to live in Texas.

  • Review QuestionWhen is Texas Independence Day celebrated?

  • Review AnswerTexas Independence Day is celebrated on March 2.

  • Review QuestionWho was chosen ad interim president at the Convention of 1836?

  • Review AnswerDavid G. Burnet was chosen ad interim president at the Convention of 1836.

  • Review QuestionAs Santa Anna approached Washington-on-the Brazos, where did the convention leaders flee?

  • Review Answer Fleeing Santa Anna, Burnett and the Council set up government in Harrisburg.

  • Whats next? Ch. 10War for Texas IndependenceThe AlamoThe Battle of San JacintoRepublic of Texas