Download - Review - Neurosurgery · 2020. 5. 9. · Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a chronic disease characterized by spontaneous, progressive seizures. In many patients, MTLE is initiated

Page 1: Review - Neurosurgery · 2020. 5. 9. · Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a chronic disease characterized by spontaneous, progressive seizures. In many patients, MTLE is initiated


Understanding the Basic MechanismsUnderlying Seizures in Mesial TemporalLobe Epilepsy and Possible TherapeuticTargets: A Review

Casey M. O’Dell,1 Arabinda Das,1 Gerald Wallace IV,1 Swapan K. Ray,2

and Naren L. Banik1*1Division of Neurology, Department of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston,South Carolina2Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of South Carolina School of Med-icine, Columbia, South Carolina

Despite years of research, epilepsy remains a poorlyunderstood disorder. In the past several years, workhas been conducted on a variety of projects with thegoal of better understanding the pathogenesis and pro-gression of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), inparticular, and how to exploit those properties to gener-ate innovative therapies for treatment of refractory epi-lepsies. This review seeks to give an overview of com-mon morphological and biochemical changes associ-ated with epilepsy and proposed treatments to addressthose changes. Furthering the understanding of icto-genesis and epileptogenesis remains an important goalfor scientists seeking to find more effective treatmentsfor MTLE. VVC 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: temporal lobe epilepsy; calpain;epileptogenesis; cytokines

Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a chronicdisease characterized by spontaneous, progressive seizures.In many patients, MTLE is initiated by a traumatic event(status epilepticus [SE], trauma, febrile seizures), which isoften followed by a latency period of 5–10 years beforeonset of spontaneous seizures (de Lanerolle et al., 2003;Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002; Sharma et al., 2007; Baeet al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010). Several histological andbiochemical changes have become recognized as hall-marks of MTLE. Most commonly, MTLE is associatedwith hippocampal changes, including diminished size andhardening of the hippocampus, with neuron loss andlesions in CA1, 3, and 4 regions (de Lanerolle et al.,2003; Sharma et al., 2007; Bae et al., 2010). Additionally,MTLE is characterized by axonal sprouting of the granuleneurons of the dentate gyrus (Sloviter, 1996; Wieser,2004). MTLE is also linked to changes in glial morphol-

ogy and function. These changes, both individually andcollectively, have been implicated in the maintenanceand progression of MTLE over an individual’s lifetime.

Clinical presentation of MTLE seizures oftenincludes auras, particularly epigastric or abdominal auras,alteration of consciousness, amnesia, aphasia, automa-tisms, and motor symptoms (Wieser, 2004). Quality oflife issues are important and complex for patients withMTLE. Poorly controlled seizures may lead to loss ofautonomy, and the progressive nature of the disease maylead to cognitive decline (Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002).Unfortunately, current treatment modalities are oftenonly transiently effective and are usually aimed at symp-tomatic control rather than stopping or reversing theevents leading to spontaneous seizures (Sharma et al.,2007; Linard et al., 2010). To understand the mechanismof epilepsy, much work is currently being conducted toelucidate the mechanisms behind the genesis of MTLEand other epilepsies and to use new information todesign more effective treatment options for patients suf-fering from this difficult disease. Several animal modelshave been developed to study epileptogenesis (Table I).Here, we discuss currently understood mechanisms ofepileptogenesis and new research that is leading to aclearer understanding of MTLE. Additionally, we discuss

Contract grant sponsor: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Stroke; Contract grant number: NS-31622; Contract grant number: NS-

38146; Contract grant number: NS-41088.

*Correspondence to: Naren L. Banik, PhD, Division of Neurology,

Department of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina,

Charleston, SC 29425. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 11 August 2011; Revised 5 October 2011; Accepted 9

October 2011

Published online 8 February 2012 in Wiley Online Library

( DOI: 10.1002/jnr.22829

Journal of Neuroscience Research 90:913–924 (2012)

' 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Page 2: Review - Neurosurgery · 2020. 5. 9. · Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is a chronic disease characterized by spontaneous, progressive seizures. In many patients, MTLE is initiated

treatment options, both currently available and poten-tially useful.


Onset and Mechanisms of Damage

MTLE is often associated with previous injuries,including trauma, SE, febrile seizures, and infection(Kharatishvili and Pitkanen, 2010; Yang et al., 2010).Typically, a standard course of events occurs leading toepileptic status. After the initial insult, a latency periodof 5–10 years is characterized by freedom from symp-toms or complications (Wieser, 2004; Boison, 2008).The latency period ends when the patient begins to suf-fer from spontaneous seizures. At the onset of spontane-ous seizure activity, seizures are often controllable withmedication. This period is known as the silent period.As the disease progresses, however, patients commonlydevelop intractable symptoms that cannot be managedwith the current antiepileptic drugs (Wieser, 2004).

The latent period associated with epileptogenesis isthought to involve structural and biochemical changesthat lead to spontaneous seizure onset. These changes,presumably, are initiated by the primary insult and occurover an extended time course (Sharma et al., 2007). A

plethora of changes have been observed in epileptic tissue.Most notably, lesions created by astroglial scarring andastrogliosis as well as neuronal death and aberrant mossyfiber sprouting have been strongly correlated with epilep-tic tissue both in animal models (Crespel et al., 2002; Pit-kanen and Sutula, 2002; Kharatishvili et al., 2006; Sharmaet al., 2007; Pitkanen et al., 2009; Hayashi et al., 2011;Zheng et al., 2011) and in resected human tissue (Sloviter,1996; Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002; de Lanerolle et al.,2003; Bae et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010). The biochemi-cal pathways leading to neuron degeneration, gliosis, andmossy fiber sprouting remain unclear, but many studiesindicate that the initial seizure or insult directly causes pri-mary structural changes (Sloviter, 1996; Sharma et al.,2007). However, several authors have proposed that thesechanges continue to accumulate over the course of thedisease with each new insult (Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002;Wieser, 2004; Yang et al., 2010). In addition to thesemacrostructural changes, many biochemical and signalingchanges have been reported both for animal models andfor collected human tissue.

Although it is convenient to discuss molecularmechanisms in terms of one or more initiating causesleading to the effect of chronic seizures, disparate yetconvincing opinions prevent a clear picture of epilepto-

TABLE I. Current Experimental Models for Epilepsy

Model Basic administration Mechanism of action Pros Cons

Kainic acid High or repeated doses of

KA administered i.p., i.v.,

or directly to brain

Induces SE Changes mimic human

MTLE: CA1 and 23

neuron loss Aberrant MF

sprouting, astrogliosis and

microgliosis (Zheng et al.,


High mortaltity rate with higher

doses; source of damage drug

toxcitiy or seizure activity? (Zheng

et al., 2011; Sharma et al., 2007)

Pilocarpine Administered with lithium

either i.p. or directly

Induces SE Changes mimic human


Lesions are more prominent in the

neocortex (Sharma et al., 2007)



Electrial pulse trains

administered to specific

brain areas to produce

self-sustaining seizures

Induces SE Can be either unilateral or

bilateral; changes mimic

human MTLE (Gorter

et al., 2003)

Special equipment and time

requirements for electrode

implantation (Gorter et al.,


Kindling Repeated small electrical or

chemical stimulation to

the brain

Repeated subconvulsant

stimulation leads to

envokable, but not

spontaneous, seizures

Seizure onset can be

controlled; specific sites

can be individually

stimulated (Sharma et al.,


No spontaneous seizures are

generated; lesion pattern is not

as predictable (Sharma et al.,


Tetanus toxin Sterotaxic administration

into brain

Blocks neurotransmitter


Causes spontaneous motor

seizures (Sharma et al.,


Weak or temporary seizures;

lesions differ from human

MTLE; limited information on

the model (Sharma et al., 2007)

Hyperthermia Rats 1–2 weeks old are

subjected to ambient

hyperthermia, heated air

stream, or microwaves to

induce hyperthermia

Hyperthermia leads to

febrile convulstions in

young rats

Attempts to mimic febrile

convulsions that are

often part of TLE patient

histories (Wieser et al.,


No spontaneous seizures are

generated; few neuropathologic

changes occur (Hayashi et al.,





Injury is induced by

exposing the dura and

using a fluid percussion

instrument to deliver a

traumatic force

Lesion formation leads

to cellular changes

Produces spontaneous

seizures; useful for

studying post-TBI

epilepsy (Kharatishvili

et al., 2006)

Seizures originate from frontal-

parietal cortex and progress to

mesial temporal cortex; damage

and seizure generation are

highly heterogenic (Pitkanen

et al., 2009)

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genesis from taking shape. Adenosine fluxes have beenstudied extensively in resected human tissue and in ani-mal models of epilepsy, with the prevailing hypothesissuggesting that insulted astrocytes initially increase aden-osine levels before an overcompensation event results inconstitutively upregulated adenosine kinase (ADK) activ-ity (Gouder et al., 2004; Boison, 2008; Aronica et al.,2011). Once a threshold for ADK activity/production isexceeded, it is thought that irregular synaptic excitabilitybecomes inevitable. Likewise, upregulation of inflamma-tory indicators in patients as well as in animal modelssuggests a role for anti-inflammatory therapies (Crespelet al., 2002; Yang et al., 2010; Ravizza et al., 2011).Proinflammatory cytokines might also have a role toplay, with the observed increases in l-calpain, interleu-kin (IL)-1b, IL-6, and transforming growth factor(TGF)-b1 in resected human anterior temporal lobespecimens (Feng et al., 2011). Further supporting theinflammatory hypothesis, downstream COX-2 inhibitionin epileptic rats using celecoxib (Jung et al., 2006), pare-coxib (Polascheck et al., 2010), and SC58236 (Holtmanet al., 2009) is found to reduce seizure onset, severity,and frequency while preserving neurons.

The difficulty faced by all of the inflammatoryhypotheses is that, although childhood inflammation ofthe brain can precede adult epilepsy, adult-onset epilep-tics also present with inflammatory indicators in the epi-leptic focus, but not necessarily in response to a previousinflammatory event (Ravizza et al., 2011). Further com-plicating the situation, Jaworsk-Adamu and others havesuggested that lipopolysaccharide-induced CNS inflam-mation in vivo does not mirror pilocarpine-inducedastroglial changes (Jaworska-Adamu et al., 2011). How-ever, other experimental models have reproduced cyto-kine-mediated findings (Paradiso et al., 2011), and agood review of the balance between cytokine regulationand growth factor expression in epilepsy was publishedby Jankowsky and Patterson (2001). Inflammatory factorsplay some role in excitatory and presynaptic inhibitoryreceptor activation, insofar as they modulate glutamateand kainate receptor activities (Matute, 2010; Frascaet al., 2011). Finally, ion channel restructuring as foundin human patients and animal models (Galanopoulou,2007) likely shares responsibility for MTLE expressionand, ultimately, synaptic restructuring (Epsztein et al.,2005). Perhaps the best hope for resolving these argu-ments is in the FEBSTAT study (Shinnar et al., 2008),which has already shown that childhood inflammationleading to SE is a strong indicator of future epilepsy sus-ceptibility; however, the patients currently being fol-lowed are not yet adults. As the FEBSTAT studypatients mature, hopefully so will our understanding ofepileptogenesis.

Although the molecular mechanisms of epilepsyand epileptogenesis have been and continue to beaggressively studied, and although refinement of previoustherapies has greatly enhanced the physician’s and thepatient’s ability to avoid unwanted side effects from ther-apy, there is still no cure for epilepsy. What is it about

an early-childhood CNS infection or a 5-year-old trau-matic injury that predisposes some to epilepsy but notothers (Wieser, 2004)? When should preventive medicaltreatment begin? It remains unclear what deleteriousevent precedes the next to result in full-blown MTLE.Furthermore, understanding what happens during the la-tency period is complicated by variable time courses(some patients have brief latency periods) and inconsis-tent development of symptoms. Important advancesmust be made in early identification of epilepsy risk andinterventional therapies in order to optimize treatmentand make curing epilepsy an attainable goal. The rest ofthis review is devoted to analyzing in greater detail boththe macrostructural and the molecular targets of currentresearch as well as exploring common themes for futuretherapeutic interventions.

Neuronal Degeneration

Neuronal degeneration was one of the first recog-nized hallmarks of MTLE. In the earliest characterizationsof the disease, hippocampal changes including decreasedsize and hardening were recorded. In 1880, Sommerexamined a diseased hippocampus under the microscopeand noted that neurons were lost preferentially in CA1,CA3, and the hilus (CA4) of the hippocampus, whereasCA2 and the dentate nucleus seemed to be spared (deLanerolle et al., 2003). Even today, these findings areconsistent with observations from resected human tissue(de Lanerolle et al., 2003; Bae et al., 2010) and animalmodels (Sharma et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2011). Extra-hippocampal neuron loss has also been observed inMTLE in the entorhinal cortex, pyriform cortex, andamygdala (Ben-Ari and Dudek, 2010).

The role and mechanism of neuronal degenerationin MTLE remain unclear. Some research has shown thatdamage occurs during a precipitating event, which thenleads to epileptogenesis (Gorter et al., 2003), but otherstudies indicate that neuron loss is progressive as a resultof repetitive seizures (Ben-Ari and Dudek, 2010). Stillothers have shown that, particularly in childhood-onsetepilepsy, cell death is not necessary for seizure onset(Baram et al., 2011), Additionally, the role of cell loss inMTLE onset and severity has been questioned afterobservations on rat models led to the conclusion thatthere is no correlation between hippocampal cell damageand seizure severity or frequency (Gorter et al., 2001).However, the same study did indicate that bilateral cellloss leads to progressive epilepsy, whereas unilateral lossusually results in nonprogressive epilepsy following SE.These varied findings indicate that neuronal loss mightnot play as clear a role in epileptogenesis as previouslybelieved. These differences could be due to the highlyambiguous nature of epilepsy onset and the variety ofprecipitating events that can lead to MTLE.


Gliosis has long been recognized as a standard find-ing in human and animal epileptic tissue (Pitkanen and

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Sutula, 2002; Sharma et al., 2007), which can show upto a tenfold increase in activated microglia (Yang et al.,2010). However, the role of gliosis in epileptogenesisremains unclear. The epileptogenic glial scar hypothesispurports that reactive astrocytes release trophic factorsthat lead to axonal sprouting, synapse formation, andhyperexcitability (Crespel et al., 2002). Multiple studieshave measured increases in glial fibrillary acidic protein,a molecule associated with astrocyte hypertrophy andproliferation, in epileptogenic tissue (Pitkanen andSutula, 2002). This hypothesis has been supported byseveral recent studies that have identified upregulatedcytokines and growth factors in both animals andhumans following SE.

Several important factors relate directly to gliosis inepilepsy. An increase in nuclear factor-jB (NFjB) hasalso been recorded, but its role in protection from orprogression to epilepsy remains unclear and controversial(Crespel et al., 2002; Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002; Yanget al., 2010). In one study, activation of both microgliaand astrocytes during acute SE led to an increase in IL-1b (Yang et al., 2010). Additionally, Yang and col-leagues noted the substantial and chronic changes inastrocytes leading to prolonged IL-1b increase, upregula-tion of ADK, and upregulation of cytokines includingmacrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) andgranulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and adhesion molecules including VCAM andICAM. These factors have all been implicated in sclero-sis of the hippocampus in MTLE (Gouder et al., 2004;Lee et al., 2004; Eid et al., 2005; Aronica et al., 2011;Strohschein et al., 2011).

Excessive hyperpolarization as seen in MTLE sug-gests either dysregulation of neurotransmitter recycling atthe synaptic cleft or, more likely, overwhelming of suchsystems. Both scenarios would result in astroglial modifi-cation either directly or indirectly. Gliosis has also beenlinked to excessive glutamate release, which may directlycontribute to hyperexcitability (Tian et al., 2005; Taka-hashi et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010), but why shouldastrocytes begin to release excess glutamate, and whywould glutamate activation of inhibitory interneuronsnot result in a decrease in excitatory transmission?

The beginnings of an answer may lie in the com-plex mechanisms of gliosis. Astroglial ADK upregulationas seen in MTLE tissue (Gouder et al., 2004; Aronicaet al., 2011) could indicate an increase in vesicle recy-cling activities in response to transmitter buildup in thecleft. Another possibility is that ADK upregulationpotentiates the sclerosis of the hippocampus as it facili-tates VCAM and ICAM presentation and, thus, glialmotility (Yang et al., 2010). Yet another possibility isthat ADK is facilitating changes in gap junctionsbetween astrocytes as well as aquaporin (AQP) channelexpression in response to astroglial buffering activities.Osmolarity changes and glial swelling in epilepsy arerelated directly to AQP expression (Lee et al., 2004; Eidet al., 2005). Both studies linked AQP4 upregulationdirectly to Kir4.1 (an inwardly rectifying K1 channel),

which suggests that astrocytes can increase K1 influx byactively reducing internal [K1]. Additionally, intracellu-lar water uptake is thought to be involved with motility,which would account for the relocation of AQP4 fromvessel-associated astrocyte end feet to other regions ofthe cell membrane (Eid et al., 2005). This correlateswith previously mentioned findings on VCAM andICAM.

Altogether these findings paint a picture in whichchronic astroglial activation increases inflammatory cyto-kine production, potentiates excessive synaptic activity(directly or indirectly), and induces a ‘‘traveling effect’’as activated astrocytes migrate to the epileptic focus,resulting in sclerosis. Whether these effects are respon-sive to MTLE or inducers of MTLE has yet to beanswered.

Mossy Fiber Sprouting

Evidence of mossy fiber, or granule cell axon,sprouting is well documented in analyses of human andanimal tissues (Gorter et al., 2001; Jankowsky and Pat-terson, 2001; Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002; Sharma et al.,2007; Bae et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2010). Sprouting ischaracterized by dentate granule cell axons forming syn-apses with cells in the granule cell layer and inner mo-lecular layer rather than in the CA3 region of Ammon’shorn (Sharma et al., 2007).

The environmental changes deriving from seizuresthat drive sprouting are currently unknown. Proposedmechanisms revolve around gliosis and the release ofgrowth factors, cytokines, and adhesion molecules fromactivated astrocytes and microglia (Yang et al., 2010). Itseems clear that sprouting is progressive and is broughton by recurrent seizures (Pitkanen and Sutula, 2002);however, the specific factors involved remain elusive.Paradiso et al. (2011) recently found that increased fibro-blast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and brain-derived nurotr-phic factor (BDNF) decreased mossy fiber sprouting inrat epilepsy models.

How this sprouting affects epileptogenesis is greatlydebated. Proponents of the recurrent excitation hypothe-sis purport that dentate granule cells become hyperexcit-able as a result of recurrent sprouting (Sharma et al.,2007). This hypothesis is supported by the fact thatmossy fibers are glutamatergic axons and by evidence ofexcitatory circuit formation within the inner molecularlayer (Sharma et al., 2007). The likelihood of mossyfibers playing a proepileptic role is further strengthenedby the finding that treatment with cytosine-b-D-arabi-nofuranose (an antimitotic agent) decreases seizure activ-ity (Bae et al., 2010). Conversely, some investigatorsbelieve that mossy fiber sprouting serves to reform in-hibitory circuits that are lost during the initial damage toneurons (Gorter et al., 2001). Proponents of this hypoth-esis are backed by findings that mossy fibers synapse pri-marily on inhibitory interneurons in control animals(Gorter et al., 2001). Additionally, it has been noted thatmossy fiber sprouting occurs secondary to neuron loss

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(Jankowsky and Patterson, 2001). Observations of rein-nervation of dormant basket cells by mossy fibers and ofcollateral sprouts from interneurons forming inhibitoryfeedback to granule cells also supports the antiepilepto-genic hypothesis (Ben-Ari and Dudek, 2010). Recently,Sharma and colleagues (2007) noted that aberrant sprout-ing precedes seizure onset in rats exposed to kianic acid.This observation does not clarify the question of the roleof mossy fibers, unfortunately, because whether thesprouting itself leads to seizure production or the inabil-ity to sprout further leads to seizure production isunclear. Clarifying the role that mossy fibers play in epi-leptogenesis is an important step in better understandingepilepsy and epileptogenesis and may lead to new treat-ment options.

The types of synapses formed during sproutinghave also been examined, and similarities and differencesbetween newly formed synapses have been noted,including an increase in kianic acid receptors in newsynapses, whereas old synapses tend to have predomi-nately AMPA receptors (Epsztein et al., 2005; Ben-Ariand Dudek, 2010). How this affects activation and regu-lation of neuronal circuits remains unclear and is anexciting area for further research. The changes leading toformation of mossy fibers remain to be determined, butit seems clear that mossy fibers play some role in epilep-togenesis. Some purport that this role is minimal or non-existent, but the reliability and reproducibility of thisphenomenon indicate that there is more to be learnedabout sprouting and its roles in seizure activation or pre-vention.


Over the past decade, much attention has beenshifted toward understanding the molecular factors thatplay a role in the macroscopic changes observed in epi-lepsy, such as those listed above. Some of the mostpromising changes associated with epileptic activityinclude the role of inflammatory cytokines in acute andchronic seizures, adenosine homeostasis within the brain,and ion channel regulation (Fig. 1).

Role of Inflammation and Cytokines inEpileptogenesis

IL-1b. Extensive studies have been conducted toidentify potential cytokine targets for attenuation of epi-lepsy. One prominent proinflammatory cytokine of in-terest is IL-1b. IL-1b has been associated with kindlingprogression in rodents (Ravizza et al., 2011). The reviewby Ravizza and others goes on to discuss how severalstudies have found that IL-1b is upregulated in hippo-campal tissue as soon as 30 min following pilocarpine-induced SE. IL-1b upregulation is then maintained forweeks following SE. The prolonged expression of IL-1bis attributed to astrocyte activation (Vezzani et al., 2008).The mechanisms of action of IL-1b are numerous;IL-1b has been shown to increase blood–brain barrierpermeability (this promotes angiogenesis and may affectneurotransmitter and ion concentrations), inhibit g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated Cl– flux, enhanceN-mthyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated Ca21

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of factors leading to epileptogenesis.

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flux, and promote angiogenesis (Vezzani and Granata,2005; Vezzani et al., 2008; Ravizza et al., 2011). Addi-tionally, IL-1b at low doses has been shown to increaseneuron growth factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor, andinsulin-like growth factor expression as well as to acti-vate antioxidant pathways and increase manganese super-oxide dismutase and calbindin (Vezzani and Granata,2005). These paradoxical actions of IL-1b have led tofurther dose-dependent studies to clarify the role of IL-1b in epilepsy. Several investigators have concluded that,at the levels observed in post-SE rats, IL-1b’s actionsserve mainly to increase oxidative stress, inflammation,and ion flux, leading to hyperexcitability and cell death(Vezzani et al., 2008). The same study suggested thatthese effects were accompanied by a remarkable increasein IL-1b activity possibly resulting from a decrease inIL-1ra (an endogenous IL-1 antagonist) release as well asa delayed release of IL-1ra (Vezzani et al., 2008).

This line of thought led to a series of investigationsinto the effects of inhibiting IL-1b activity. Seizure onsetand severity induced by pilocarpine injections can be signif-icantly reduced by the IL-1b receptor antagonist IL-1ra orby pretreatment of rats with dexamethasone (Marchi et al.,2009, 2011). Even more interesting is the fact that Marchiand others were able to compare data from pediatric epilep-tic patients who took steroids or anti-inflammatory agentsregularly with the similar effect of reduced seizure load.Perhaps more interesting were the findings from Sayyahand others (2005) that indicated an antiepileptogenic effectof low-dose (�0.01 ng/ml) IL-1b directly injected into thehippocampus of kindled rats. However, the later findingsby the Vezzani group and others indicate that the protec-tive effects are expected at such low doses and may beirrelevant in the context of more severe chemotherapeuticmodels of epilepsy.

TNFa. TNFa has also been identified as a possi-ble player in epileptogenesis. It is also overexpressed fol-lowing SE, but its levels typically decline in the hoursfollowing SE and are not maintained over a long period(Ravizza et al., 2011). The mechanism of action ofTNFa depends on which receptor is stimulated. Stimu-lation of the p55 receptor is associated with increasedsynaptic expression of AMPA receptors that lack GluR2,GABAA endocytosis, increased vascular permeability, andangiogenesis (Vezzani et al., 2008; Ravizza et al., 2011).Activation of TNFa receptor p75 has, conversely, beenshown to provide a protective effect in regions of expo-sure and to lead to delayed epileptogenesis. TNFa, alongwith IL-6, has been overexpressed in transgenic mice,indicating that a chronic inflammatory state in the brainpredisposes animals to seizures and neuronal cell loss(Vezzani et al., 2008).

COX-2. The role of COX-2 has also been thor-oughly studied in relation to seizure activity. After seiz-ures, COX-2 has been observed in increased quantitiesin neurons and glia. Prostaglandins D2, E2, and F2ahave all shown increased expression associated with dif-ferent stages of epileptogenesis (Vezzani and Granata,2005). These findings have led to testing of a COX-2

inhibitor post-SE in rats. Experimental findings havevaried, ranging from cellular protection leading todecreased seizure frequency and duration with celecoxibtreatment (Ravizza et al., 2011) to cellular protectionwithout changes in seizure onset or frequency with pare-coxib treatment (Polascheck et al., 2010). At least onestudy has even suggested that COX-2 inhibition bySC58236 in a kindling model of epilepsy is potentiallylethal (Holtman et al., 2009). However, more recentwork refutes this claim by showing that nonspecificCOX inhibitors and the COX2 inhibitor SC58236showed no significant difference in neuronal protectionor seizure onset or frequency but exhibited some anti-convulsant activity (Ravizza et al., 2011).

NFjB. Significant research has also been con-ducted in relation to NFjB, a factor known to beinvolved in the inflammatory process. Although its roleremains unclear, upregulation of NFjB is clearly definedin epileptic models related to neuronal loss and reactivegliosis. Interestingly, NFjB production seems to comesolely from astrocytes and neurons (Crespel et al., 2002).NFjB is found in increased quantities in surviving neu-rons, whereas neurons lacking NFjB undergo apoptosis,indicating that presence of NFjB provides protection forneurons (Vezzani and Granata, 2005). However, increasedproduction of NFjB in glial cells has also been linked toreactive gliosis, increased production of cell adhesion mol-ecules, intermediate filaments, and neurotrophins, whichmay lead to glial scar formation and neuronal sprouting(Crespel et al., 2002). In addition to its conflicting role inepilepsy, NFjB upregulation has been linked to otherneurodegenerative diseases (Arganaraz et al., 2008).

Jankowsky and Patterson (2001) have written amore comprehensive review outlining current knowl-edge on inflammation factors and cytokines and theirrole in epilepsy. Inflammatory factors seem to play animportant role in epileptogenesis; however, which fac-tors contribute to which cellular changes remainsunclear. Future studies are needed to delineate moreclearly the role of individual factors in the generationand perseveration of epilepsy.

Adenosine Kinase Hypothesis of Epileptogenesis

Recently, attention has turned to upregulation ofADK as a possible contributor to hyperexcitability asso-ciated with seizures in the CNS. Studies of rat modeltissue and resected human tissue have shown an upregu-lation of ADK in astrocytes of epileptic animals andpatients (Gouder et al., 2004; Aronica et al., 2011).ADK upregulation is thought to be associated withastrogliosis secondary to proinflammatory moleculerelease as found in rodent models of epilepsy and extrap-olated to patient findings (Aronica et al., 2011). Upregu-lation of ADK leads to downregulation of extracellularadenosine, an endogenous signaling buffer, and disinhi-bits neuronal firing (Boison, 2008). Interestingly, it hasbeen observed that the upregulation of ADK occursbefore gross morphological changes in the hippocampus

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occur, indicating that it may offer therapeutic potential(Gouder et al., 2004). ADK inhibitor 5-iodotubercidin iscurrently being studied for possible therapeutic potentialin patients whose epilepsy cannot be controlled by cur-rently available medications (Gouder et al., 2004; Boi-son, 2008). The future of therapy targeting ADK ispromising. Clinical studies to determine efficacy inhumans still have to be pursued in addition to studies toidentify other compounds that may be useful in antago-nizing ADK.

Ion Channel and Receptor Regulation inEpileptogenesis and Seizure Propagation

Glutamate receptors. Of the three main typesof glutamate receptors (AMPAR, NMDAR, and KAR),NMDAR has long been the focus of epilepsy research.Strong evidence suggests that NMDAR is involved inepileptogenesis (de Moura et al., 2010). Long-used folkremedies with Searsia plants from South Africa haverecently been found to contain compounds that act asNMDAR antagonists (Marchetti et al., 2011), indicatinga role of NMDAR in hyperexcitability and seizure propa-gation. Upregulation of NMDA receptors has beenobserved in epileptic tissue, and NMDR subunit NR1has been hypothesized to contribute to neuronal hyperex-citability, synchronization, and seizure generation (deMoura et al., 2010). Additionally, a dual role of BDNF-TrkB-NO signaling has been observed in the brain. Thisaxis seems to provide neuroprotective effects to the cere-brocortex via downregulation of NMDAR but in thehippocampus shows neurodegenerative effects (Sandovalet al., 2011).

Recently, several studies have begun to examinethe role of kainic acid (KA) receptors in epileptogenesis,particularly in association with mossy fiber sprouting.The most widely studied KA receptor subunits areGluK1 (GluR5) and GluK2 (GluR6). GluK1 has beenimplicated in presynaptic regulation of glutamate release.Its regulation seems to be multifaceted and dependenton agonist concentration, synapse type, glutamate source,and activation of modulator GPRCs. Repetitive releaseof glutamate may activate GluK1 and propagate furtherrelease, but ambient glutamate does not seem to regulateGluK1 action (Chamberlain et al., 2011). GluK1 hasbeen observed to be upregulated in MTLE patient tissuesamples, indicating its involvement in generation andperseveration of spontaneous seizures (Li et al., 2010).Although the role of GluK2 is even less well understood,it has been identified as a potential player in postsynapticresponse to glutamate release and may also be involvedin GABA release modulation (Chamberlain et al., 2011).GluK2 seems to be involved in seizure propagation andcell death specifically as an upregulator of Bcl-2 degrada-tion (Zhang et al., 2011). KA receptor involvement inMTLE seems to be related to mossy fiber sprouting.Aberrant sprouts have been shown to have increased KAreceptor expression compared with normal mossy fibers,suggesting that upregulation of KA receptors helps to

propagate epileptic activity (Epsztein et al., 2005; Ben-Ari and Dudek, 2010). Clearly, epilepsy is a complexdisorder characterized by a variety of changes on the cel-lular and molecular levels. Further understanding of glu-tamate receptor roles is necessary for a comprehensivemodel of epileptogenesis.

GABA receptors. Changes in GABAA receptorshave long been implicated in epileptogenesis, with an-cient herbal remedies relying on GABA receptor agoniststo treat epilepsy (Marchetti et al., 2011); however, thespecific changes associated with epileptogenesis remainunclear. Some purport that GABA signaling is simplydecreased as part of the epileptogenic mechanism, whichallows glutamate signaling to continue out of control,but recent studies have indicated that epileptic deregula-tion is actually a more complicated process involvingqualitative and quantitative changes in GABA receptorsubunits (Fritschy et al., 1999), GABA modulation byother neurotransmitters and second messengers (Oliveiraet al., 2010; Chamberlain et al., 2011), and phenotypicchanges in GABA receptor types that create depolarizingrather than hyperpolarizing reactions to GABA (Galano-poulou, 2007).

Recent work has elucidated the dual function ofGABA receptors. Immature GABA receptors encouragecell depolarization and seem to play an important role inyoung brain development. Adult GABA receptors, con-versely, tend to hyperpolarize cells. A change in domi-nant receptor type from the hyperpolarization subtype(KCC2) to the depolarization subtype (NKCC1) hasbeen observed after trauma, hyperthermia, changes in to-nicity, nerve transections, and oxygen or glucose depri-vation. These changes have been suggested as contribu-tory to the epileptic phenotype; however, they are notindependently responsible for seizure generation as evi-denced by the inability to stop seizures by completelyblocking GABA receptors (Galanopoulou, 2007).Although the implications of this receptor shift afterinsult remain unclear, further studies into the balancebetween these changes and other receptor changes maybe crucial to understanding the complex reorganizationassociated with epileptogenesis.

Ion channels. A variety of ion channels havebeen identified as potential regulators or dysregulators ofion homeostasis and signal propagation in neurons. Po-tassium, chloride, and calcium channels all seem to playa role in epileptogenesis and dysregulation of homeosta-sis. Several types of Cl– channels have been indicated inepileptogenesis. Cl– carbonic anhydrase VII channelshave been implicated in differential GABA receptor ac-tivity during development. Cl– import is associated withcell depolarization and NKCC1 GABA receptor sub-type. Export of chloride is associated with hyperpolariza-tion and KCC2 GABA subtype (Galanopoulou, 2007).Additionally, CLC-3 voltage-gated Cl– channels havebeen associated with proper inhibitory signaling. CLC-3knockout mice have been linked to hippocampal degen-eration similar to that found in MTLE. Additionally,CLC has been identified with VGAT presynaptically in

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the CA1 region. This relationship is thought to contrib-ute to appropriate vesicle acidification for inhibitoryrelease (Riazanski et al., 2011).

The role of K1 channels in epilepsy is also variedin relation to MTLE. Oliveria and colleagues (2010)found that Ca21-sensitive K1 channels regulate neuronalexcitability by regulating firing frequency of actionpotentials. The role of these channels is protective, anddefects in the channels lead to epileptogenic outcomes(Oliveira et al., 2010). Potassium channels of the Kv7family, particularly Kv7.2 and Kv7.3, seem to be majorplayers in regulation of neuronal firing. Acting as the ba-sis of the M-current; they create a slowly activating anddeactivating K1 current that serves to regulate mem-brane excitability. The therapeutic value of these recep-tors is being exploited with upcoming pharmaceuticaloptions, the most promising of which is retigabine(Miceli et al., 2011). Kir4.1 potassium channels may alsoplay a role in epileptogenesis via impaired K1 bufferingsecondary to astrogliosis (Yang et al., 2010).

Blocking Na1 channels has been shown to protectneurons and prevent seizure initiation in rat hippocam-pal neurons. Blockage of Na1 channels has also beenshown to protect cells by decreasing reactive oxygenspecies liberation and decreasing calcium influx associ-ated with cell damage and death (Das et al., 2010). Cal-cium channels also appear to play a role in regulationvia their association with GABA channels. GABA-mediated depolarization may activate Ca21 channels(Galanopoulou, 2007). Clarification of the roles of ionchannels in epilepsy and pursuit of novel therapies thataddress channel changes may be useful in seizure attenu-ation for patients whose epilepsy is resistant to currentmedications.

Ca21 regulation and calpain. Through a pleth-ora of previous research it has been made clear that cal-cium dysregulation and increases in intracellular calciumlevels are associated with cell death (Stucki et al., 2004;Araujo et al., 2010). How this process is initiated andpropagated, however, remains unclear. Recent researchhas indicated that the calcium-dependent cysteine pro-teases, or calpains, may play a central role in developingand sustaining increased calcium concentrations and neu-ron hyperexcitability that eventually leads to cell death(Stucki et al., 2004; Araujo et al., 2010; Feng et al.,2011). In KA rat models, an increase in calpain levels inbrain tissue has been observed after 6–24 hr of KA-induced seizures (Stucki et al., 2004). Further studieshave indicated that calcium influx that is related to theplasma membrane Ca21 ATPase working in reverse ismost instrumental in activating calpain. However, it isunclear why this link exists (Araujo et al., 2010). It alsoremains unclear whether Ca21 dysregulation occurs first,followed by calpain activation in a linear fashion, orwhether calpain activation by increased calcium levelsleads to increased Ca21 dysregulation. Further investiga-tion into the cause-and-effect relationships of calciumand calpain changes in neuronal excitability and death iswarranted in order to improve understanding of epilep-

togenesis and to propose new treatment options. None-theless, calpain inhibition has been found to be neuro-protective and beneficial in several neurodegenerativedisorders (Jantas et al., 2011; Kaur et al., 2011) and CNSinjuries, including TBI and spinal cord injury (McDo-well et al., 2011; Mustafa et al., 2011; Ray et al., 2011).


Past Treatment

The earliest therapies for epilepsy were generalized,and their mechanisms were unclear despite their wide-spread use. Bromide, given as potassium bromide, wasthe first effective treatment for generalized epilepsy (Sie-veking, 1857); however, it can produce unpleasant andeven dangerous cutaneous side effects and is not ubiqui-tously effective (Diener et al., 1998). Phenobarbital, abarbiturate, was the next antiseizure medication discov-ered and still helps patients deal with epilepsy by facili-tating GABA-mediated Cl– channel opening (Yellankiet al., 2011). Unfortunately, phenobarbital often leavespatients feeling sedated, but it and potassium bromideare still useful for SE and MTLE management. Phenyt-oin was introduced in 1939 as a nonsedating alternativeto phenobarbital and likely acts to suppress the intrinsicNa1 currents and thus aberrant neuronal firing in thebrain (Mantegazza et al., 2010). Many other drugs,including primidone, trimethadione, and ethosuximidewere also derived from modifications made to the struc-ture of phenobarbital (this includes phenytoin), and theyall work via Na1 channel suppression (for a more thor-ough review see Krall et al., 1978).

Present Therapies

Current therapies abound for MTLE. If the pasttherapies can be considered first-generation antiepilepticdrugs (AEDs), then the generalized therapies developedfrom the 1960s until 1990 can be considered second-generation AEDs, and the third-generation AEDs wouldbe represented by those molecularly targeted or modifieddrugs derived since 1990 (Loscher and Schmidt, 2011).Most of the AEDs developed from 1960 until 1990were derivatives of the benzodiazepines. Carbamazepine,valproate, and other benzodiazepines were the firstAEDs to differ significantly in function from the barbitu-rates (Shorvon, 2009). Carbamazepine was better toler-ated than phenobarbital, although it also works throughNa1 channel modification. Valproate and the rest of thebenzodiazepines, rather than modifying ion channels, in-hibit neuronal excitation by mediating GABA release;however, the sedating effect is retained (Olkkola andAhonen, 2008).

Although characterization of drugs as second orthird generation differs among reviewers (see Loscherand Schmidt, 2011, vs. Johannessen Landmark and Patsa-los, 2010), it is clear that 14 new drugs have entered themarket since 1990. Rather than list each of these drugs

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and their myriad brand names, it is more useful to notethat the therapeutic functionalities of these drugs revolvearound manipulation of Ca21 channels, Na1 channels,and GABA. Many excellent reviews, including those ofLoscher and Schmidt, Landmark and Patsalos, andRogawski and Loscher, clarify specific functionalities ofthese drugs (Table II sumarizes these findings). Thesemedications, although they do not open any new doorson the subject of curing MTLE, reduce the risk of con-traindications found in earlier drugs. This enhances theopportunity for patients and physicians to mediate sideeffects by developing specialized treatment paradigms.Unfortunately, the increased effectiveness of these newAEDs compared with the early successes of valproateand carbamazepine is minimal (if any), and, for MTLEpatients, nearly one-third will find that no AED willadequately manage their seizures (Loscher and Schmidt,2011). Loscher and Schmidt also discuss the cost-benefitof vagus nerve stimulators and surgical resection of scle-rotic tissue; however, the mechanistic significance ofbypassing or overcoming aberrant signals by vagus nervestimulation or wholesale removal of brain tissue are

somewhat outside the scope of this review. Nevertheless,these therapies are effective.

Future Therapies

To reiterate, even with the vast increase in thenumber of AEDs available for treatment of MTLE, theeffectiveness of any AED for any patient remains argu-ably unchanged (Loscher and Schmidt, 2011). Contrain-dications are better managed today than at any time inthe past, but effective seizure-eliminating therapy isnot. It is therefore vital that we continue to elaboratethe known mechanisms of epilepsy from gliosis andneurodegeneration to inflammation and ion channeldisruption.

Intracellular and extracellular osmolarity regulationcan greatly influence inflammation, ion concentrations,and even action potential firing. AQP channels havebeen linked to Kir4.1 in astrocytes both in human tissueand in rodent models of epilepsy (Lee et al., 2004;Eid et al., 2005) as well as gap junction couplingbetween astrocytes (Strohschein et al., 2011). Blocking

TABLE II. Overview of Review Relevant Drugs and Therapeutic Targets


target Drug/effector Mechanism


stage References

Adenosine kinase 5-Iodotubercidin Enzyme inhibitor Clinical trials Gouder et al., 2004; Boison,


Inflammatory markers

IL-1b IL-1ra, dexamethasone Receptor-mediated


Animal models Marchi et al., 2009, 2011

TNFaa A-438079, A-740003 TNFa receptor antagonists Animal models Vezzani et al., 2008; Kim

et al., 2011

COX-2 Celecoxib, parecoxib,


Enzyme suppression,

proteoglycan inhibition

Clinical, animal


Holtman et al., 2009;

Polascheck et al., 2010;

Ravizza et al., 2011

NFjB A-438079, A-740003 TNFa receptor antagonists Animal models Kim et al., 2011

Glutamate receptors

AMPAR GYKI 52466 Receptor antagonist Animal models Epsztein et al., 2005

NMDAR Searsia extract NMDA antagonist Animal models Marchetti et al., 2011

KAR Glutamate, kainic acid Modulates presynaptic

glutamate release

Animal models Ben-Ari and Dudek, 2010

GABA Phenobarbital, primidone,

valproate (secondarily)

Potentiates GABA release Clinical Loscher and Schmidt, 2011

Ion channels

K1 Retigabine, flupirtine Controls hyperpolarization Clinical trials Miceli et al., 2011

Na1 Lamotrigine, phenytoin,


trimethadione, valproate

Potentiates GABA effects Clinical Loscher and Schmidt, 2011

Ca21 Ethosuximide T-type Ca21 channel


Clinical Loscher and Schmidt, 2011

Cl– Phenobarbital (secondary) Potentiates GABA effects Clinical Loscher and Schmidt, 2011

AQP AQP knockout mouse Osmolarity regulation and


Animal models Lee et al., 2004; Eid et al.,

2005; Strohschein et al.,


mTOR Rapamycine Mitosis and motility


Preclinical Chong et al., 2010; Carson

et al., 2011; Buckmaster and

Wen, 2011; Wong, 2011

*TNFa receptor p75 agonists also show protection.

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or inactivating AQPs significantly reduces osmotic dys-function associated with seizures and reduces seizure se-verity and onset in animal models. ADK is also upregu-lated in astrocytes from epileptic hippocampi (Gouderet al., 2004; Aronica et al., 2011). It is no stretch tothink that the energy requirements for AQP4 and Kir4.1reorganization in astrocytes are modulated in part byADK activity. If ADK is indeed found to modulateAQP4 and Kir4.1 activity in astrocytes, then one mighthypothesize that manipulating ADK, AQP4, and/orKir4.1 in epilepsy models might allow reversible modu-lation of neuronal activity by directly modifying astro-cyte buffering of ions and neurotransmitters.

One drug that has already received FDA approvalfor cancer therapy might also be beneficial for epilepticpatients. Rapamycin has recently received much attentionas a potential broad-spectrum mechanistic effector of sei-zure suppression and irregular structural modification inthe epileptic hippocampus (Chong et al., 2010). This drugtargets the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pro-tein, which is involved with growth factor production,neuronal plasticity and remodeling, glial activation, andcellular motility. As such, it would seem rapamycin hasthe potential to be a catch-all therapy for MTLE, not tomention epilepsy as a whole. It reduces glial swelling(Carson et al., 2011), suppresses axon sprouting in MTLEmouse models (Buckmaster and Wen, 2011), and gener-ally suppresses seizure onset and severity in both KA andpilocarpine models of epilepsy (Wong, 2011). Unfortu-nately, rapamycin was originally FDA approved as a can-cer chemotherapeutic because of its ability to inhibit mito-sis and motility of cells, which calls into the question itssafety as a long-term treatment for epilepsy. Still, the pos-sibilities offered by such a multifaceted agent (rapamycin)and its target (mTOR) are intriguing.


Over the past few decades, many studies havesought to identify and treat key changes associated withepilepsy and spontaneous seizures. Many changes havebeen identified, both morphologically and biochemically,but a comprehensive understanding of the progression ofepilepsy remains elusive. This review serves to give anoverview of current studies examining changes associatedwith epilepsy. These studies are important for revealingpossible mechanisms of treatment and together help tosolidify the larger, and much more complicated, pictureof epilepsy as a whole. The plethora of changes associ-ated with epilepsy onset are further complicated by vary-ing onsets of change. Much of the mystery of epilepsy isnow a ‘‘chicken and egg’’ phenomenon. Novel experi-ments that help in the understanding of changes in theframework of time are necessary for a more comprehen-sive understanding of epilepsy and for more targetedtherapy aimed at the affector molecules at the appropri-ate time in epileptogenesis.

Basic understanding of morphological changes suchas mossy fiber sprouting, gliosis, and neuron death may

lead to identification of specific molecules released eitheras a result of cellular changes or as a prequel to thechanges. Further understanding of the interplay amongion channels, cellular signaling, neurotransmitter excre-tion and reuptake, and inflammatory factors in pre-epi-leptic and epileptic tissue is necessary for appropriatetreatment of the disease. Future research offers manyopportunities for novel molecule identification, delinea-tion of events associated with epileptogenesis, and newtherapeutic modalities.


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