Download - Resultant of Force

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    It is a force or a couple that will have

    the same effect to the body, both in

    translation and rotation, if all the

    forces are removed and replaced by

    the resultant.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    = = 1 + 2 + 3 +

    = = 1 + 2 + 3 +

    -The x-component of the resultant is equal to the

    summation of forces in the x-direction.

    -The y-component of the resultant is equal to the

    summation of forces in the y-direction.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    -The line of action of each forces in coplanar

    concurrent force system are on the same plane.

    All of these forces meet at a common point,

    thus concurrent.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force






    tan =

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Three ropes are tied to a small metal ring. At the end of each rope

    three students are pulling, each trying to move the ring in their direction.

    If we look down from above, the forces and directions they are applying

    are shown in Fig. 011. Find the net force on the ring due to the three

    applied forces.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force




    = 51.40 = 51.40

    = =30sin37+50sin4580sin60 = 15.87

    = 15.87

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    = + = 51.40 +15.87 = 53.79

    tan= = 15.8751.40


    The net force on the ring is 53.79 lb

    downward to the left at x = 17.16.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Find the resultant vector of

    vectors A and B shown in Fig. P-012.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    = 17 + 44 2 17 44 cos 70

    = 41.39 /

    sin70 =17


    s i n =17sin70


    41.39 =22.70



  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Three vectors A, B, and C are shown in the figure below. Find one

    vector (magnitude and direction) that will have the same effect as

    the three vectors shown in Fig. P-013 below.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force



    = 54.88 = 54.88 =100sin37+100sin150+80sin233

    = 46.29

    = + = 54.88 +46.29


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    tan= 46.2954.88

    =40.15 =18040.15=139.85

    = 71.79 139.85

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Non-Concurrent Force System

    The line of action of each forces in non-

    concurrent force system lies on more than one

    side of the plane.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force



    Rx = Fx Ry = y

    R =


    tan =

    MR = MORd= MR

    Ryix= MR

    Rxiy= MR

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force



    Fx = component of forces in the x-direction

    Fy = component of forces in the y-direction

    Rx = component of thew resultant in x-direction

    Ry = component of thew resultant in y-direction

    R = magnitude of the resultantx = angle made by a force from the x-axis

    MO = moment of forces about any point O

    d = moment arm

    MR = moment at a point due to resultant force

    ix = x-intercept of the resultant R

    iy = y-intercept of the resultant R

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Determine the resultant of the force

    system and its x and y intercepts.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    = = 30030 224 +361

    = 149.895 = =30030+224 361

    = 59.613 = + = 149.895 +59.613 = 161.314t a n = t a n = ..=21.69

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    The effect of a certain non-concurrent force system is

    defined by the following data: Fx = +90 kN,Fy = -60

    kN, and MO

    = 360 kNm counterclockwise. Determine

    the point at which the resultant intersects the x-axis.

    MO = 360 kN-m

    60a = 360

    a= 6m

    The x-intercept is

    at 6 m to the left

    of the origin.

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    In a certain non-concurrent force system it is found

    that Fx = -80 lb, Fy = +160 lb, and MO = 480 lbft in a

    counterclockwise sense. Determine the point at which

    the resultant intersects the y-axis.

    MO = 480 lb-ft

    80b = 480

    b= 6 ft.

    The y-intercept of the

    resultant is 6 ft above

    the origin

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Resultant of Parallel Force

    The line of forcedoes not meet at

    a common point.

    Parallel forcescan be in the

    same or in



  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force



    R= = 1 + 2 + 3 + Rd= = 11 + 22 +33 + Rectangular LoadR= woL

    Triangular Load



    Trapezoidal Load

    R= wo1L + 2 1

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force



    Fx = component of forces in the x-directionFy = component of forces in the y-direction

    R = magnitude of the resultantW= weight of an object

    L = length of an object

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    Determine the resultant of the four parallel forces

    acting on the rocker arm.

    R= R= 50 40 20 + 60

    R = 50 lb downward

    MO = Fd

    MO = -50((6) + 40 (2)

    20(3) + 60(8)


    = 200 lb-ft clockwise

    Rd = MO

    50d = 200

    d= 4 ft to the right of O

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    A parallel force system acts on the lever shown.

    Determine the magnitude and position of the resultant.

    R=R= 30 + 60 - 20 + 40

    R = 110 lb downward

    MA = MA = 2(30)+5(60)-7(20)+11(40)

    MA = 660 lb-ft counterclockwise

    Rd= MA

    110 d = 660

    d = 6 ft to the right

  • 7/28/2019 Resultant of Force


    The beam AB shown supports a load which varies an

    intensity of 220 N/m to 890 N/m. Calculate the magnitude

    and position of the resultant load.

    F1 = 6(220)=1320 N

    F2 = 6 670 = 2010N

    R=F1 +F2=1320+2010

    R = 3330 NRd = 3F1 + 4F2


    d= 3.6 m