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  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual





  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual




     Welcome…………………………………………………………… 5

    Service Excellence, The Hassle Free Guarantee........ 5It Takes a Team......................................................... 6 Your First Seven a!s………………………………………… 6

    Policies and Procedures……………............................. "#

    Groun$ %ules................................................................... "# &tten$ance....................................................................... "# &rrivin' at Work............................................................. "#(ro)essional (resentation……………………………………….. "#%emem*er, I &m Your Guest…………………………………… ""

     &chievin' an$ +aintainin' a Gracious, Hosita*le Ima'e ""-ourtes! to eartin' Guests………………………………… "-auses )or (ersonnel &ction / %eriman$ to ismissal "0General Guest %elation %ules......................................... "1Gol$en %ules )or +akin' Thin's Work......................... "1Guest %elations an$ Groomin'...................................... "12ur 3ltimate Goal / The Guests4 Satis)action................. "5%eson$in' To Guest -omlaints.................................. "5The Guest -omlains……………………………………………… "5The +eetin' an7uet Facilit! at Your Hotel…...……… "8+eetin' an$ -on)erence %oom 9ocations...................... ":

    Food and Beverage Service……………………………….. ";

     Your (ersonal (ro'ress -hart........................................ ";%estaurant an$ an7uet Foo$ Service........................... ";

    Hostess (roce$ures……………………………………………. ";ress -o$e……………………………………………………. ";(roce$ures )or Hostess………………………………….. #First -ontact / The Telehone……………………….. #+essa'e Takin'…………………………………………… #Ho< to Take a %eservation…………………………….. "Greetin' an$ Seatin' Guests………………………… "Ho< to Sa! Fare

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    Servin'....................................................... 0


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    General %ules o) Ta*le Service…………… 0The -over…………………………………………… 1Seatin'……………………………………………… 1

    -learin' (roce$ures…………………………… 5-he7ue Settlement…………………..………………… 5

    -ash…………………………….……………………… 5-re$it -ar$……………………………..…………… 6%oom -har'e………………………………………… 6

    Ta*le +anners…................................................. 6-learin' an$ -leanin' Ta*les…………………… 6Ta*le Set/u………………………………………… 8

    inin' %oom &earance…………………………… 8Thankin' the Guest…………………………………… 8

    The Essentials o) Foo$ Service…...………………….. 8

    reak)ast Service……………………………………… 89unch Service…………………………………………… :inner Service………………………………………… 0"%oom Service…………………………………………… 00

    evera'e Service )or the 9oun'e &rea………..……… 01Service o) rinks……………………………………… 01Servin' Wine…………………………………………… 01

    Stora'e………………………………………………… 01General %ules o) Service………………………… 01 &ctual Service o) %e$ Wine…………………… 05 &ctual Service o) White Wine………………… 05

     &ctual Service o) %ose Wine…………………… 05 &ctual Service o) -hama'ne………………… 05rink (roce$ure……………………………………… 06

    arten$er…………………………………………………….. 06arten$er4s -heck 9ist……………………………… 06(ractices o) a Goo$ arten$er…………………… 08House (olic! )or &lcohol Service……………….. 0:

    Sellin'……………………………………………………………… 0:Salesmanshi………………………………………………… 0:Su''estive Sellin'…………………………………………. 0:%ea$in' Your Guests…………………………………….. 1#(hrases That Sell…………………………………………… 10Sellin' Tools………………………………………………… 159i7uor Salesmanshi…………………………………… 16

    The Ten -omman$ments o) Goo$ usiness in the Hotel 1:58 Wa!s To 9ose & Ti……………………………………….. 1:


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    The Kitchen………………………………………………… 1:

    The =itchen %outine……………………………………….……… 5#

    ish Washin' uties………………………………………………… 5"The &rt o) (urchasin'……………………………………………… 5"The &rt o) ish Washin'………………………………………….. 55

    The Office....................................................................... 6

    ookin' the Function……................................................ 62))ice %outine................................................................... 61


    ". %esonsi*le Service, House (olicies............................. 66. %esonsi*le Service, >ust Sa!in' ?@oA is not Enou'h.. 6:0. %esonsi*le Service, %eco'niBin' Intoxication............ 8#1. ish

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual




     Welcome to Your %estaurantC-on)erence Facilit! . You have *een chosen to Doin

    a team committe$ to service excellence. In to$a!4s market

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    It Ta$es a Team


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    &a' +)

    %evie< a! " (lan a$$itional trainin' time, i) necessar!J

    Kno*ledge for All Front,of,"ouse Food and Beverage mplo'ees)

    Telehone -ourtes!  Sa)et! an$ Securit!  &lcoholic evera'e Terms House ran$s an$ -all ran$s asic Foo$ (rearation Terms an$ Timin'

    Kno*ledge for Ban-uet Setup and Service)

    .  What Is a an7uet Setu an$ Service (ersonK

    .  Workin' as a Team

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The /o0 Brea$do*ns for Tas$s : , ;)

    Task 5 S

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    &a' 1)

    %evie< a! 0 (lan a$$itional trainin' time, i) necessar!J

    Kno*ledge for All Front,of,"ouse Food and Beverage mplo'ees! con9t

    The %estaurant %eservation S!stemTiin' (oliciesHeimlich +aneuver an$ First &i$SanitationHealth eartment %e'ulations(oint/o)/Sale E7uiment-ommunit! Services

    Kno*ledge for Ban-uet Setup and Service 7continued8)

     &nticiatin' GuestsL @ee$s(ar Stock S!stem &u$iovisual E7uiment+ailin' (olicies

    The /o0 Brea$do*ns for Tas$s < , (=)Task ; Set/u Suort Services )or FunctionsTask "# Set/u an$ reak o

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    &a' =)

    %evie< a! 5 (lan a$$itional trainin' time, i) necessar!J

    The /o0 Brea$do*n for Tas$s +> ? 5=)

    Task 8 Skirt or Flounce Function %oom Ta*lesTask : Set Ta*les )or i))erent an7uet Seci)icationsTask ; (rovi$e reak or -ontinental reak)ast ServiceTask 0# Set/u -anaMs an$ Hors $L2euvres )or %ecetionsTask 0" (rovi$e Service )or u))et an7uetsTask 0 Serve Guests Foo$ an$ evera'es at Sit/o , 1@)Task 08 Settle Grou -hecks )or FunctionsTask 0: Settle In$ivi$ual Guest -hecksTask 0; Inventor! an$ %e7uisition Function SuliesTask 1# (er)orm En$/o)/Shi)t -losin' uties

    %evie< all revious trainin' an$ lan a$$itional trainin' time, i) necessar! 

    Emlo!ee er)orms some tasks

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Policies and Procedures

    #round 2ules

    2ur urose, as a caterin' )acilit!, is to serve

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Smile. &*ove all, listen. Fe

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Re#e#ber& I A# Your 'ues(

     You o)ten accuse me o) carr!in' a chi on m! shoul$er. ut I susect that this is *ecause !ou $o not entirel! un$erstan$ me. Isn4t it normal to exect satis)action)or one4s mone! sentK

    I'nore m!

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Set asi$e secon$ar! tasks to serve 'uests. Give !our comlete attention to 'uests

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Ho< can !ou kee ever!thin' un$er control an$ smile un$er all circumstancesK &ositive mental attitu$e hels. 9ook )or 'oo$ asects in all situations. & ositive attitu$emakes 'uests )eel that !ou 'enuinel! $esire to lease them, that !ou take ri$e in !our 

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    %emem*er, the le'al $rinkin' a'e is ";.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


      1. Accidental Spills / I) !ou shoul$ sill somethin' on a 'uest, aolo'iBe imme$iatel! an$ 7uickl! rovi$e the 'uest

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    "6. &epartmental eetings / See Sta)) +anual

    3auses for Personnel Action ? 2eprimand To &ismissal O

    See Sta)) +anual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    #eneral #uest 2elation 2ules

    The most imortant Do*

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Personal "a0its See Sta)) +anual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Our Dltimate #oal ? The #uest9s Satisfaction

     We are in *usiness to satis)! our 'uests. We accomlish this *! com*inin' courteous,e))icient team

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    as or$ere$. I) the steak sits there, 'ive a total re)un$ on the$ a'ain, !ou mi'ht o))er a )ree $essert to hel.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    There is no right  or wrong ans

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    8. o not let an!thin' a))ect !our moo$ or aearance.

    :. Give the 'uest a reasona*le len'th o) time in

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     & -omlete escrition o) the an7uet Facilit! at Your Hotel


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    apping the Ban-uet and 3onference Facilit' at %our "otel


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Food and Beverage Service

     %our Personal Progress 3hart

    #uest 2elations

    ". +aintain esta*lishe$ coman! stan$ar$s o) ersonal aearance.. Have a ositive, )rien$l! an$ co/oerative attitu$e to

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    1. See that the reservation si'ns are lace$ on the ta*les.5. In7uire

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    "o* to Ta$e a 2eservation

    ". &sk the $a! an$ $ate re7uire$.. &sk the time the!

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  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / &s soon as one o) !our ta*les has *een seate$, 'et a ot o) co))ee, a itcher o) oran'e Duice, an$ aroach the ta*le

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / I) !ou are *us!, sa!

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    (ass )oo$ )rom the le)t, i) ossi*le.

    -lear ta*le )rom the ri'ht, i) ossi*le. @ever reach in )ront o) a 'uest or across one 'uest to serve another.


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    Hol$ lates

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    -ommon sense $ictates

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  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    on to o) each other

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    6. Wie the seats, a'ain makin' sure to remove an! )oo$ articles )rom the seatsur)aces.

    8. -heck the )loor un$erneath an$ aroun$ the ta*le an$ remove an! items that ma!have )allen )rom the ta*le nakins, )oo$ or utensil

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The hostChostess must 'reet the 'uest imme$iatel!

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    In some cases 'uests

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    :. &s soon as the or$er is rea$!, the server

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    "#. When ever!one is )inishe$, clear the $ishes )rom the ri'htJ )rom the ta*le. 3nlesssomeone seci)icall! asks to have hisCher $ishes cleare$ *e)ore ever!one is $one.J

    "". I) nothin' else is or$ere$, lace the check on the ta*le )ace $o

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    0. The hostChostess

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    1. The server

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    "0. &$$ the co))ees, teas an$ $esserts to the 'uest check.

    "1. &s the 'uests are enDo!in' their $esserts or i) nothin' else is or$ere$, lace the checkon the ta*le )ace $o

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    "6. Throu'hout the meal, servers must constantl!

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    / I) !ou cannot take the *evera'e or$er

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ":. &'ain, check *ack )or 'uest satis)action sa!in', ?+a! I *rin' !ou somethin' elseKA I)'uests are )inishe$, lace the check on the ta*le )ace $o

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    .Throu'hout the meal, servers must constantl!

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / Thank 'uest./ In)orm 'uest a*out removal o) tra!./ Wish 'uest a leasant $a! evenin'J./ Have 'uest si'n check 


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Beverage Service for 4ounge Area

    Service of &rin$s

    rink service has to *e see$! an$ e))icient. The server shoul$ check on reeat

    roun$s at the aroriate time.  &ll $rink service is )rom the ri'ht.

    en$ !our knees, not !our *ack,

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    5 Actual Service of 2ed Wine

    Service Steps

    -arr! re$

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    occasions such as

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Service Steps

    (resent like

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    &)ter mana'er has 'iven !ou li7uor, all *ottles shoul$ have accu ours or )ree oursouts on them kee ori'inal casJ

    -lean *ar to

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     %our "otel "ouse Polic' for Alcohol Service

    3nless a erson is nota*l! over the a'e o) ";, roer hoto I.. is re7uire$. (hoto I.. is re7uire$ )or ta*le

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    XN Ho< $o !ou kno< what  to su''estK &N ! un$erstan$in' !our menu comletel!.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Brea$fast O Su''est )resh )ruit to 'o

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ri'ht a

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    SN Ho< a*out a 'lass o) 2ntario

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    SN Great, !our sala$ an$ san$

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    urin' the or$er, the )irst

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  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



    +ost )amilies usuall! are lookin' )or economical *u!s. =i$s like ham*ur'ers, )rie$chicken an$ 'rille$ cheese. (a! attention to small chil$ren O kee them *us!

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    GN @o, thank !ou

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    GN &re the sous an! 'oo$K

    SN I $on4t reall! like them.

    GN What $o !ou su''estK


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    SN & san$

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    /able /ents are use$ )re7uentl! to romote secial )oo$ an$Cor *evera'e items orsecial occasions i.e. holi$a!sJ.

     "ood and +everage 1isplays such as hors $4oeuvres carts, $essert carts, martini carts,

    etc. are ver! e))ective sales tools, ermittin' the 'uest to make hisCher selection visuall!an$ maximiBin' sales an$ ro)its )or the oeration an$ )or !ou.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Selling Words

    The )ollouic! Gol$en >uic!  (lum Hot %are, me$ium-hille$ utter )lavoure$ Youn'

    Some $escrition o) source or st!leN

    ?Rir'iniaA or ?Geor'iaA eaches ?-ali)orniaA 'rae)ruit

    ?I$ahoA otatoes ?Rir'iniaA ham?@e< York -utA steak ?oston or @e< En'lan$A sea)oo$?@e< 2rleansA -reole ?Texas or WesternA clu*

    To $escri*e rearation metho$sN

    ake$ oile$ raise$ Ste

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    0. Thir$,

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ?+a! I *rin' !ou another name o) $rinkJKA I) more than one 'uest is $rinkin', 'o )orthe ?roun$A

    ?+a! I *rin' another roun$KA

    =ee these techni7ues in min$ an$ use them

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The Ten 3ommandments of #ood Business in the "otel

    T+e 'ues is H"!!y ,+en you "re H"!!y. T+in- Abou I

      ". The #uest is the most imortant erson in the hotel.

      . The #uest is not $een$ent on us. We are $een$ent uon the 'uest.  0. The #uest is not an interrution o) our

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    6. Waiters stan$in'

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    8. Thum* in sou.:. Holes or stains in the linen.;. @ot 'ivin' the 'uest a ne< nakin

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The Kitchen

    The Kitchen 2outine

    &ail' Tas$s

    / Si'n out ke!s at the )ront $esk / Turn on nee$e$ e7uiment/ Go throu'h the $a!s )unctions/ Start rein' )or to$a!Ls )unctions an$ next $a! / ele'ate

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    emt! 'uest not ha!J

    / Finish the $essert

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Points to 2emem0er

    / &l

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



    9ist all Suliers

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Z &l

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    mixture then add the rest. 5our into proper dishes. 6ook in a water bath until firm but slightly !iggly in the centre.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The Art of Purchasing

    Food ar$ets

    ". +eats (oultr! (ork Sea)oo$ Z (roteins

    . air! 

    0. (ro$uce / Fresh Fruits &n$ Re'eta*les

    1. Grocer! Items / FroBen Foo$s, -anne$ Goo$s

    5. ake$ Goo$s / 9ocal aker! Sul!in' Fresh (ro$ucts ail!.

    The 5 )iveJ )oo$ markets liste$ a*ove are main )oo$ markets. There are others such assecialit! items examle, chocolate, )oo$ $ecorations. @o< !ou have to $etermine

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / i) !ou or$er too much to much sace an$ mone! are *ein' tie$ u/ too little stock !ou run the risk o) runnin' out

    6. Forecast/ recor$s hel re$ict *us! times


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    8. Xuotes/ o*tain

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Du$'ement is never comletel! mastere$ rather it is a 'oal to

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The Dniform

    che) DacketN

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    There are t

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ". You have to )in$ the avera'e hourl! im "#.## : :#.##(aul :.## 6 1:.##Trac! 8.## 6 1.##Elvis 6.:5 6 1"."#Sall! 6.:5 1 8.1#+ike 6.:5 1 8.1#ave 6.:5 1 8.1# ;0.0

    TotalN Q 5.1#. ivi$e this *! 8 8.1: er hour is !our avera'e rate er hour. To )i'ureout ho< man! hours !ou have to sen$, $ivi$e 8.1: *! ;0.0#. Your ans

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    relevance to the menu or to

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Here comes the math art. I) !our steak $inner cost !ou Q1.:: to reare ve'eta*le,otato, "# oB steak, sauce, sala$ to startJ )or !ou to achieve a 0# )oo$ cost !ou sell the$inner )or Q"6.6 Q"6.5#J. Ho< $i$

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / turn

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ". E-2/=9E&@N This is the $eter'ent soaJ that hels loosen the )oo$ stu)) an$ cleansthe $ishes.

    . 39T%& S&@N This is a sanitiBer

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    sink / rinsin' sink to have hot clean

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    / all ots, )r!in' ans must *e scru**e$

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    The Office

    Boo$ing the Function

    The Sales an$ -aterin' +ana'er is resonsi*le )or *ookin' small )unctions. This

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    are rea$! to *e t!e$.

     It is expected that all confirmation will be sent :; hours after the booking is taken.


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Function Boo$ 

    It is imerative that the )unction *ook *e ket neat, u to $ate, an$ accurate. It isever!one4s resonsi*ilit! to recor$ all in)ormation in the aroriate time slot. ! $oin'this

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Trac$ing and Follo*,up

    2nce the con)irmation has *een sent, it is the Sales an$ -aterin' -o/or$inator4sresonsi*ilit! to kee track o) the tentatives on )ile. & *ookin' is not consi$ere$ $e)initean$ is not to *e )ile$ until the client returns the con)irmation

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Appendix I)

    2esponsi0le Service"ouse Policies

    Licensee Information Sheets From The

    Liquor Licence Board Of Ontario. Ignoring

    This Information Is Not An Option.

    'he goal o our esta.lish/ent is to /a#e a %roit

     .0 %rovi(ing res%onsi.le courteous an(

     %roessional service an( selling /ore than ust

     .everage alcohol

    !e ill serve custo/ers in a res%onsi.le

    rien(l0 an( %roessional /anner Sta is on

    han( to assist custo/ers in their (ecision to

    (rin# in /o(eration an( here a%%ro%riateavoi( (rin#ing activities that %ut custo/ers at

    har/ or ris# Manage/ent is co//itte( to

    a(here to all liquor las

    1. onitor the !"ent

    'he /anager on (ut0 is assigne( to /onitor 

    the event

    Chec# or age an( rau(ulent

    en0 entr0 to intoxicate( %eo%le

    Count the nu/.er o %eo%le on %re/ise to

     %revent overcro(ing an( excee(ing thelegal ca%acit0

    $rovi(e %ro%er guest to sta ratio

    llo ree access to %olice an( liquor


    #. Alternati"e Be"erages

    esignate( (rivers receive ree %o% or


      "ight78on9lcoholic .eers are to .e /a(e

    availa.le at all ti/es

    Serve alcohol ree (rin#s in containers

    (ierent ro/ those o alcoholic .everages

    Minors are not %er/itte( to consu/e non9

    alcoholic .eer

    $. Identification %olic&

    'he onl0 acce%ta.le or/s o are:

    rivers "icence; $ass%ort; ge o Maorit0

    Car(; Cana(ian Citis age /ust .e shon

    $hoto is require( or ta.le service as

    ell as .ar service

    an has .een noticea.l0 orge( ta#e

    the to a /anager

    '. Into(ication Of A )uest

    Shoul( a guest ever reach the %oint o

    intoxication all alcohol service to that guest/ust .e sto%%e(

    ll sta reserve the ull right to ?cut9o@

    alcohol service to a client

      !hen a client has .een ?cut9o@ inor/ the

    a%%ro%riate sta an( /anage/ent an( ill

    out an inci(ent re%ort in the log .oo#

    Aer the client co/%li/entar0 non9

    alcoholic .everages as a su.stitute

    the client .eco/es irritate( ith actions

    avoi( all conlicts an( inor/ the

    a%%ro%riate /anager or su%ervisor to ta#e

    over the situation Ance a client has .een (enie( service the0

    /a0 re/ain in the .anquet roo/ as long as

    the0 o.serve the rules o the )otel

    *. +emo"ing a Client from the %ropert&

    Ance a client has .een ?cut9o@ an(

    re/ains in the .anquet roo/ i the0 are

    seen ith another alcoholic .everage it is

    to .e coniscate( an( the guest is to .e

    given a eection arning

    the0 ail to hee( this arning an( violate

    this again the0 are to .e as#e( to leave the

     %re/ises 'his shoul( .e the (ut0 o a

    Manager or Su%ervisor onl0 ith the

    assistance o the convenor

    Your )otel reserves the right to eect an0

     %erson s ro/ the Banquet Roo/ or

     %ro%ert0 o the )otel in a %roessional


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



    a %atron .eco/es intoxicate( hile in our 

    care it is our res%onsi.ilit0 to get the/ a

    taxi See *


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    ,. Area-s Of Consumption

    lcohol is not %er/itte( to .e .rought into

    the .anquet roo/ ro/ another source

    Exa/%le guestroo/s

    !e reserve the right to coniscate an0

    alcohol not %urchase( through a contracte(

     .ar o Your )otel an( to (en0 entr0 to

    re%eat oen(ers

    lcohol is onl0 %er/itte( in the list o areas


    n0 o%en alcohol /ust .e carrie( .0 a sta

    /e/.er to the guest>s (estination

    . Alternati"e Transportation

    Shoul( a client ever reach the %oint o

    intoxication it is our ?(ut0 o care@ to seethat client sael0 ho/e 'his can .e ensure(

     .0 getting a %erson ro/ their grou%

    to ensure the/ sae trans%ortation

    ho/e or .0 calling the %atron a taxi an(

    assisting the/ into the taxi

    the client is reluctant to ta#e a taxi Your

    )otel ill %a0 or the ri(e ho/e one a0

    t this %oint the server /ust acco/%an0 the

    guest to the car%ort & see the/ sael0 into

    the taxi

    the guest ill not acce%t an0 /eans o

    trans%ortation other than (rivingthe/selves management  /ust call the

     %olice giving the licence %late an( /a#e o

    car as ell as the (irection the0 ere


    /. )eneral %oints

    t all ti/es e /ust tr0 to avoi( a

    or %h0sical conlict ith a guest

    this situation arises contact the

    a%%ro%riate su%ervisor7/anager an(7or

    securit0 n inci(ent re%ort /ust .e ille( out or an0

    ha%%enings liste( a.ove

    s long as 0our .est u(ge/ent has .een

    use( an( all rules o the %ro% %ro%ert0 have

     .een olloe( /anage/ent ill ala0s

     .ac# the (ecisions o sta


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Cocaine is usuall0 sol( as a hite cr0stalline

     %o(er in gra/s or ractions o a gra/ Aten it

    is snorte( through the nose using %lastic stras

    or rolle( u% .ills


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    So/e users inect cocaine or convert it into a

    s/o#ea.le or/ calle( crac# Crac# is a light

     .ron or .eige %ellet hich is or/e( hen

     %o(ere( cocaine is /elte( in a glass tu.e ith

    ater !atch or cru(e crac# %i%es /a(e ro/sot (rin# cans

    $ara%hernalia associate( ith the use o cocaine

    inclu(e s/all s%oons ra

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Appendix III)

    2esponsi0le Service2ecogniMing Intoxication

    Licensee Information Sheets From The

    Liquor Licence Board Of Ontario. Ignoring

    This Information Is Not An Option.

    +ecogni5ing Into(ication

    lthough in(ivi(ual reactions to alcohol /a0

    var0 %eo%le ollo certain general %atterns as

    the0 a%%roach intoxication

    'hese are the 1- /ain signs that in(icate 0our

    guest is .eco/ing (run# 'hese signs /a0

    a%%ear in an0 sequence or clustere( (e%en(ingon the in(ivi(ual s %eo%le .eco/e intoxicate(the0 ill sho /ore signs rin#ers shoing

    our signs can al/ost certainl0 .e consi(ere(


    Inappropriate speech "olume.

    run#s requentl0 s%ea# in volu/es

    ina%%ro%riate to the situation 'he0 shout hen

    it isn>t necessar0 his%er hen there>s no nee(

    or secrec0 'he voice /a0 go ro/ lo to high

    or vice versa hen there is no reason tosuggest that a change in volu/e is necessar0

    otor control 6fine7 deteriorates. 

    s %eo%le .eco/e (run# their s#ills requiringine /otor control han(9e0e co9or(ination

    (eteriorate ntoxicate( %atrons /a0 u/.le ith

    cigarettes or have (iicult0 %ic#ing u% change

    s their co9or(ination (eclines %eo%le also/isu(ge (istances 'he0 /a0 set a (rin# (on

    har( on a ta.le thin#ing that the ta.le is loer

    than it is or /iss ashtra0s hen s/o#ing

    %ace of speech. 

    ntoxicate( %eo%le /a0 change the rate o their

    s%ea#ing alternating racing s%eech ith slo

    s%eech or tal#ing consistentl0 slo or ast

    Alertness decreases. 

    ntoxicate( %eo%le ta#e longer to res%on( to

    questions or react to events 'he0 /a0 not .e

    a.le to un(erstan( or %a0 attention to hat

    0ou>re sa0ing 'he0 easil0 .eco/e /u((le(

    an( 0ou have to re%eat si/%le questions or

    requests .eore the0 res%on(

    Inappropriate s4eating. 

    ntoxicate( %eo%le /a0 seat /ore than /ight

     .e consi(ere( nor/al given the surroun(ing

    te/%erature con(itions or situation

    +ed e&es. 

    'a#e note i a custo/er>s e0es are .loo(shot to

    an0 (egree

    otor control 6gross7 deteriorates. 

    lcohol also i/%airs s#ills requiring gross /otor 

    co9or(ination run#en custo/ers /a0 have

    (iicult0 stan(ing u%right or al#ing a straight

    line 'he0 eave /isste% or stu/.le %erha%s .u/%ing into other %eo%le or urniture 'o

    co/%ensate the0 /a0 %ut their han(s out at the

    si(es or su%%ort or .alance

    !nunciation poor8 slurring 4ords. 

    lcohol relaxes /uscles inclu(ing those in the

    /outh /a#ing it har( to s%ea# clearl0 an(

    (istinctl0 n intoxicate( %erson /a0 .reathe

    noticea.l0 sloer or shalloer than others'here /a0 .e ea#ness in .reath ith little air

    inhale( or exhale(


    lcohol is a (e%ressant s %eo%le .eco/e

    intoxicate( the0 sho signs o .eing slee%0'heir e0es /a0 .e heav0 or close( or the0 /a0

    have a %laci( or ixe( ga

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    1 sign

    ⊗ Beco/e alert or the (evelo%/ent o other

    signs a single sign is not necessaril0 lin#e(

    to intoxication

    ⊗ Ma#e lo9ris# o%tions availa.le to slo

    alcohol inta#e or exa/%le oer oo( or

    lo9alcohol (rin#s


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    # signs 

    ⊗ Monitor the %atron careull0

    ⊗ Move to lo9alcohol or non9alcohol (rin#s

    ⊗ %ossi.le serve oo( to (ecrease the rate o


    $ signs

    ⊗  Serve onl0 lo9alcohol or non9alcoholic

    (rin#s99another regular roun( can lea( to


    ⊗ the %atron is (riving serve no /ore


    ' signs or more

    ⊗ Serve no /ore alcohol to this %atron un(eran0 circu/stances

    ⊗ =se ?/anage/ent o intoxication@

    techniques to re(uce the li#elihoo( o inur0an( (a/age or exa/%le ensure that the

     %atron has sae trans%ortation ho/e; i

    necessar0 call the %olice

    %re"enting Into(ication

    A.viousl0 i 0ou ocus 0our eorts on

     %reventing intoxication 0ou on>t have to .e as

    concerne( a.out recogni

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


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     Appendix I6)

    &ish*ashing Procedures

    'he unction o the (ish asher is to steriliour ?or3 S&stem

    a Set u% a se%arate rac# or tea glasses

     uice glasses ater go.lets an( coee

    /ugs B0 se%arating each t0%e o

    glassare clean glasses can .e ta#en

    (irectl0 ro/ the rac# $lace starter

     %lates o various si

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    2 Scra%e oo( scra%s into a trash can

    3 $re9rinse the utensils in a %ot sin#

    4 ill one %ot sin# ith hot soa%0 ater .0

    turning on the ater an( %ressing the soa%

    (is%enser .utton5 $lace utensils in hot soa%0 ater to soa#

     Do not  %lace shar% o.ects in %ot sin#s tosoa#


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    6 ill a secon( sin# ith clean ar/ ater

    * require( a(( a saniti

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Appendix 6)

    -uipment 3leanliness andaintenance

    Cleaning +efrigeration @nits

    ll rerigeration units /ust .e cleane( regularl0

    or eicient o%eration or oo( saet0 an( to

    eli/inate o(ours

    $ut oo( in another rerigeration unit ith a

    co/%ara.le te/%erature hile 0ou clean an(

    hile 0ou ait or the cleane( unit to return to

    nor/al o%erating te/%eratures

    Be %atient hen (erosting "et the rost

    co/%letel0 /elt 'r0ing to re/ove ice ithshar% o.ects /a0 %uncture a rerigerant line

    S%eciic instructions or cleaning each unit are

    liste( .elo:


    1 =nits to .e (eroste( shoul( .e turne( o at

    the electric %anel control .ox

    2 Move all oo( to another rerigeration7


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    1 A%en (oor Re/ove all rost accu/ulations

    ro/ interior surace

    2 Clean an( (r0 interior suraces thoroughl0

    3 Re/ove /il# (is%ensing valve Clean

    thoroughl0 Re%lace


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    4 Close (oor Clean exterior o /achine ith

    sot (a/% cloth (r0 an( %olish ith sot (r0


    Ice Cream Free5er

    1 'urn the unit o at the electrical %anelcontrol .ox .eore (erosting

    2 Re/ove li(s or ice crea/ ree

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    or other /aterials ro/ all suraces

    3 'horoughl0 clean .ase attache( to the ta.le

    4 Reasse/.le can o%ener


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Bread +ac3 

    1 =se or .rea( onl0 o not allo clothing

     %urses etc to .e %lace( on the .rea( rac#

    2 Clean one shel at a ti/e .eginning at the

    to% shel

    3 Re/ove all .rea( ro/ shel 'horoughl0clean an( (r0 shel Return .rea( to shel

    4 o next shel (on Continue one shel at a

    ti/e until all are (one


    1 ll sin#s in the %re% area /ust .e #e%t clean

    at all ti/es Each has its on use o not

    use or an0 other %ur%ose

    a 'hree or 4 co/%art/ent sin# 9 or

    ashing (ishes in an e/ergenc0

    cleaning %ots an( %ans ashing

     %ro(uce . Mo% sin# 9 or (is%osing o /o% ater

    cleaning an( rinsing loor /o%s an(

    other heav0 (ut0 cleaning not connecte(

    ith oo( an(7or oo( utensils

    c )an( sin# 9 or e/%lo0ees to ash

    han(s is%ensers /ust .e su%%lie( at

    all ti/es ith soa% an( toels

    Cleaning itchen !quipment

    'he cleaning o coo#>s equi%/ent is assigne( to

    coo#s )oever shoul( 0ou .e nee(e( to assist

    the olloing %roce(ures ill serve as a gui(e:


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual



    'his %roce(ure is o li/its to e/%lo0ees un(er

    the age o 1+

    1 'urn (ee% r0er o llo grease to cool

    2 i% as /uch grease as %ossi.le ro/ the

    r0er #ettle $our through ilter cone


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    3 Re/ove grease %an ro/ r0er an( ilter

    re/ain(er o grease through ilter cone

    Drease /ust .e coole( .eore .eing

    iltere( o not atte/%t to /ove grease %an

    ro/ r0er alone4 'horoughl0 clean grease #ettle Do not  use

    /etal cleaning %a(s  Never use anychemical cleaning compouns in the

     grease !ettle" Never uner any

    circumstances# clean the grease !ettle $ith

    soap or etergent" Soa% causes grease


    5 Return clean #ettle to r0er Reill ith

    iltere( grease

    6 'urn r0er ther/ostat to 2--° until that

    te/%erature is reache( 8ext turn

    ther/ostat to 2*5° until that te/%erature

    has .een reache( inall0 turn the

    ther/ostat to 35-° until grease has .een

     .rought to the %ro%er te/%erature Do not

    attempt to cook anything in grease until it

    has been brought to !"#°   $.

     8B 'o thoroughl0 clean #ettle ater e/%t0ing

    #ettle o grease rinse out ill ith ater

    Return to r0er .ring r0er te/%erature u% to

    35-° slol0 (( a%%roxi/atel0 one9hal .ox

     .a#ing so(a s/all househol( si

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    4 'a#e the ixture a%art i necessar0

    5 Clean inner an( outer suraces ith glass

    cleaning solution an( a sot cloth Re/ove

    stu..orn (e%osits ith a little (etergent

    solution on a cloth then rea%%l0 glasscleaning solution


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    6 r0 ith a clean (r0 cloth

    * !i%e the light .ul. ith a (r0 cloth onl0

    + Reasse/.le the ixtures

    , $ut aa0 the la((er an( cleaning su%%lies

    Lights o"er !quipment Line

    1 Dras% e(ge o light ixture careull0 an(

    gentl0 %ull ixture (on an( aa0 ro/ the

    ceiling surace )an(le ixture ith car

    Dlass ill all out o the hol(er i nothan(le( careull0

    2 Clean glass an( hol(er ith glass cleaner

    an( sot cloth Clean .oth inner an( outer

    suraces3 r0 ith clean (r0 cloth Ma#e certain that

    all strea#s an( s/ears are re/ove(

    4 Return ixture to %ro%er %lace han(ling ith

    care &ake certain that fixture is firmly reset in opening.

    5 Clean each light ixture in the sa/e /anner

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    =n(ersi(e o ta.le

    g ll outer oo( e(gings o .ooth seats

    an( .ac#s

    h ollo sa/e %roce(ure in cleaning ree9

    stan(ing ta.les an( chairs Ensure thatchair rungs an( legs are clean

    +emo"ing Trash

    ll trash cans in the entire restaurant area /ust

     .e e/%tie( at the en( o 0our shit an( asnee(e( 8ever leave trash in the restaurant


    $lastic liners shoul( .e utili

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    (isconnecte( .0 han(

    ter the ull tan# is hoo#e( u% .lee( the lines

     .0 (is%ensing the .everage until its consistenc0

    is nor/al Colour ill oten in(icate a %ro%er

    /ix 'aste the .everage i 0ou are in (ou.t


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    CO# Tan3s = 'mployees under the age of 1

     should not change ()* tanks.

    CA2 car.on (ioxi(e %rovi(es ?i

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    4 Re/ove the har( %lastic hol(er an( sac#

    5 Store the hol(er an( (iscar( the sac#

    6 Clean the insi(e o the (is%enser

    * Clean the (is%enser han(le

    + Det a ull container o /il# ro/ the al#9inrerigerator

    , $lace the container in the (is%enser ith thehose acing the ront at the .otto/


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    1- 'hrea( the hose through the han(le an(

    re%lace the han(le

    11 Close the han(le an( cut the hose at the angle

    an( length s%eciie( .0 local health las

    The Cappuccino achine

    'he Ca%%uccino /achine has un(ergone

    nu/erous re%airs %artl0 as a result o a lac# o

    regular /aintenance olloing these gui(elines

    shoul( ensure %ro%er unction an( the qualit0 %ro(uct it as (esigne( or

    orning Staff 

    9ail& Flushing of Filters

    1 Re/ove ilter ro/ one o the coee hol(ers

    an( re%lace it ith the .lan# ilter the one

    ithout the holes

    2 Scre it in as usual as i 0ou ere /a#ing a

    coee )it the /anual on an( o unction

    on the touch9%a( 1- ti/es in a ro 'his ill

    lush an0 oils an( coee resi(ues let in an(

    aroun( the ilter

    3 =nscre the hol(er Rinse it out an( re%eat

    this %roce(ure ith the other (is%enser

    9a& and Night Staff 

    Bleeding the Steamers

    1 Beore using the stea/er to heat /il# turn it

    on or a secon( to .lo out the ater in the


    2 ter stea/ing the /il# turn it on again to

     .lo out an0 /il# let in the stea/er tu.e  this is not (one ater each use resi(ual /il#

    let in the tu.e ill eventuall0 en( u% in the

    ater reservoir turn sour an( aect the

    lavour o ever0 cu% 0ou /a#e

    9a& Staff 

    ?ee3l& Cleaning 4ith Special 9etergent

    1 Re%lace ilter in han(le ith .lan# (( one

    s%oonul o Euro Milan Coee etergent

    an( scre into (is%enser $ress single cu% on

    the touch %a( an( ait until it c0cles Re%eat

    this several ti/es until soa% has (issolve(

    ull0 Re/ove an( rinse hol(er Re%eat or

    other (is%enser lush .oth (is%ensers

    several ti/es ith no hol(er in %lace to

    re/ove an0 soa% resi(ue 'his %roce(ureshoul( .e (one once a ee#

    9a& Staff 

    ?ee3l& 9raining and +efilling of Boiler

    1 'urn .otto/ right #no. to ?-@2 'urn on hot ater (is%enser on let si(e an(

    let the ater run until the reservoir is e/%t0

    'urn #no. to ?1@ to reill tan# Chec# ater

    level gauge to conir/ it is ull3 'urn #no. to ?2@ to heat ater reservoir to

    or#ing te/%erature a.out 2- /inutes

    'his %roce(ure shoul( .e (one once a ee#

    "eave han(les in %lace in (is%ensers hen not in

    use 'his hel%s to #ee% ashers in (is%ensers

    ro/ (r0ing out


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Appendix 6I)

    Safet' #uidelines

    Note: It is e(tremel& important that &ou read


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


     Appendix 6II)

    3atering #lossar' 

    Booster Seat.  s/all chair9li#e seat hich sits

    on a chair or in a .ooth to .ring s/all chil(ren

    u% to ta.le level

    Bus Tu;.  rectangular har( %lastic container

    generall0 use( or hol(ing use( (ishes

    silverare glassare etc

    Char=Broiler. Equi%/ent use( to coo# oo(s .0

    (irect la/e heat

    CO# Tan3s. Metal tan#s containing car.on

    (ioxi(e connecte( to the sot (rin# (is%ensing

    s0ste/ hich gives sot (rin#s theircar.onation i

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    Line. ie coo#>s line 'he equi%/ent an( oo(s

    necessar0 or the %ro%er coo#ing an( %lating o


    icro4a"e O"en.  coo#ing heating /etho(

    using /icroaves to coo# an( or heat

    i(ing. Blen(ing together the ingre(ients o a

    given oo( ite/

    on3e& 9ish. s/all roun( .ol Ma0 also .e

    calle( ruit (ish na%%ie etc

    Order. 'he oo(s an( .everages requeste( .0 a

    guest an( ritten on the guest chec#

    O"erflo4 Tra&. tra0 usuall0 re/ova.le

    locate( at the loer ront o a (is%ensing

    /achine hich catches (ri%%ings

    %lastic @tensils. $lastic #nives or#s s%oons

    etc %ac#age( ith carr09out or(er

    %lastic Film8 Or Film. thin clear %lastic

    usuall0 oun( in rolls use( to cover an( ra%oo(s or storage

    %ot Sin3. Sin# s locate( in the rear %re% area

    hich are use( or ashing %ots an( large

    utensils =suall0 a series o three or our sin#s

    +esidues. Materials hich are let hen the

     .ul# o /aterial is gone S%latters (ri%s

    cru/.s etc are resi(ues

    Salad Station. 'he area here all %re%are(

    sala( ingre(ients are #e%t

    Scale. Equi%/ent use( to (eter/ine the eight

    o a %ro(uct

    Scrap Sin3. sin# locate( on the use( (ish ta.leo the (ish ashing /achine into hich all scra%s

    let on utensils are scra%e( %rior to the (ish .eing

     %lace( in the (ish ashing /achine (ish rac#

    Ser"ice Area. 'he assigne( area in hich the

    oo( server is (esignate( to serve guests an(

    atten( to si(e (uties

    Ser"er-s Station. 'he ca.inet shel etc hich

    contains those ite/s nee(e( .0 the server or

    co/%letion o guest service: ie con(i/ents .us

    tu. .ooster chair etc

    Side=Order.  oo( or(ere( as an

    acco/%ani/ent to an entree such as onionrings rench ries etc

    Side ?or3. Cleaning stoc#ing %re% or# etc

    (uties hich a oo( server an( coo# /ust

     %eror/ hen not serving guests

    S3immer.  long han(le( %erorate( s%atula9

    li#e o.ect use( or re/oving oreign /aterials

    ro/ a liqui( such as (e.ris ro/ the r0er

    Slicer. Equi%/ent use( to cut oo( into thin


    Soup Station. 'he area here the sou% %ots are


    SoufflD Cups. S/all %a%er cu%s usuall0 lute(

    hich hol( con(i/ents an( sauces

    Spatula. long han(le( utensil ith a lat

     .roa( .ase use( or turning oo(s

    S&rup Tan3s. C0lin(rical /etal tan#s

    containing the s0ru% concentrate hich is e(

    into the sot (rin# (is%enser

    Ta;le 9ispensers. Containers or hol(ing sugar

     %ac#ets salt an( %e%%er etc

    Tha4ing. 'o allo a %ro(uct to change ro/ a


  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    @tensils. ter/ use( to (esignate such ite/s as

    (ishes silverare %ots etc

    Eendor. 'he ir/ ro/ hich su%%lies are


    ?al3=In Free5er+efrigerator. "arge ree

  • 8/18/2019 Restaurant Manual


    2ur Hotel2ur &$$ress, 2ur -it!, 2ur (rovince, 2ur (ostal -o$e

     Ac$no*ledgement of 2eceipt of Food C Beverage anual

    I ackno