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Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

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Case Study: Barnardos

Purpose: Its purpose is to make people aware that there are vulnerable children that do have a chance of living a better life if people donate money. So these posters need to make people donate money. In this image they use a little girl to get to the audience as children in a bad position looks worse than adults in a bad position. The girl is looking straight at you to make you feel sorry for her and make you want to donate. The fact it says “change a child's life now” is making people feel like they can actually change someone's life and make it better for them so that is what they are doing.

Aims: Its aims is to help children and families be able to live a better life by donations from people. It is also to grab peoples attention by having the little vulnerable girl looking at you to make you feel drawn to the poster. Using this image it makes it obvious to what the poster is about because it does look very dark and gloomy.

Creative Media Production 2012

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The slogan used is made to really get to the audience because it is saying you have the chance to change a child's life; giving anyone the power to change someone's life for good.

The colours used are very dark. It does this because it shows that the child's life is dark and she is upset. If it was a positive poster the colours would be bright and colourful but they make a point by using the dark colours as it makes it depressing.

The image of the girl shows her looking sad and really no expression at all. The slogan implies that if you call and make a donation you could brighten up her life and make her smile. Her expression could purposely make people feel bad to get people to donate

The image of the child is at eye level and is looking straight out of the poster so it would be straight at you to sort of make you feel sorry for them. Being at eye level also show equality of you and the child. They don’t make her look vulnerable by having a high angle because they didn’t want you to be looking down on her. They do it because some people could have had a bad childhood so they can relate to

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. 95 pence in every £1 they spend goes towards their work so it is a large amount of the profit that goes towards helping children. It proves to the people that do donate that they are actually making a difference.

They help with fostering children and trying to stop children poverty. They actually change lives for children and impact their lives. The funds people give help change children’s and families lives.

It is the UKs leading children's charity so it is a national campaign so it all the UK will be effected by them and the public will see these adverts around a lot because it is a very big charity.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)