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  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153

    RESEARCH Open Access

    Weighted piecewise pseudo almostautomorphic functions with applications toabstract impulsive ∇-dynamic equations ontime scalesChao Wang1* and Ravi P Agarwal2,3

    *Correspondence:[email protected] of Mathematics,Yunnan University, Kunming,Yunnan 650091, People’s Republicof ChinaFull list of author information isavailable at the end of the article

    AbstractIn the present paper, by introducing the concept of equipotentially almostautomorphic sequence, the concept of weighted piecewise pseudo almostautomorphic functions on time scales is proposed. Some first results about their basicproperties are obtained and some composition theorems are established. Then weapply these to investigate the existence of weighted piecewise pseudo almostautomorphic mild solutions to abstract impulsive ∇-dynamic equations on timescales. In addition, the exponential stability of weighted piecewise pseudo almostautomorphic mild solutions is also considered. Finally, the obtained results areapplied to the study of a class of ∇-partial differential equations on time scales.MSC: 34N05; 35B15; 43A60; 12H20; 35R12

    Keywords: time scales; weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions;abstract impulsive ∇-dynamic equations; weighted piecewise pseudo almostautomorphic mild solutions

    1 IntroductionAlmost automorphic functions, which are more general than almost periodic functions,were introduced by Bochner in relation to some aspects of differential geometry (see [–]). For more details as regards this topic we refer to the recent books [–], where theauthors gave important overviews about the theory of almost automorphic functions andtheir applications to differential equations. Almost automorphic and pseudo almost au-tomorphic solutions in the context of differential equations had been studied by severalauthors [–]. N’Guérékata [] and Xiao [, ] with their collaborators establishedthe existence and uniqueness theorems of pseudo almost automorphic solutions to somesemilinear abstract differential equations. Recently, Blot et al. [] introduced the con-cept of weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions, which generalizes the conceptof weighted pseudo almost periodicity [–], and the author proved some interestingproperties of the space of weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions like the com-pleteness and the composition theorem, which have many applications in the context ofdifferential equations. For other contributions to the study of weighted pseudo almost au-tomorphy, we refer the reader to [–] and references therein.

    ©2014Wang and Agarwal; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproductionin any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.[email protected]://

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 2 of 29

    On the other hand, the theory of time scales, which has recently received a lot of atten-tion, was introduced by Hilger in his PhD thesis in [] in order to unify continuousanddiscrete analysis. This theory represents a powerful tool for applications to economics,population models, and quantum physics among others. In fact, the progressive field ofdynamic equations on time scales contains links to and extends the classical theory of dif-ferential and difference equations. For instance, by choosing the time scale to be the setof real numbers, the general result yields a result for differential equations. In a similarway, by choosing the time scale to be the set of integers, the same general result yields aresult for difference equations. However, since there are many other time scales than justthe set of real numbers or the set of integers, one has a much more general result. Forthese reasons, based on the concept of almost periodic time scales proposed in [, ],the concept of weighted pseudo almost automorphic functions on almost periodic timescales was formally introduced by Wang and Li () in []. Moreover, some first re-sults were proven which concern the weighted pseudo almost automorphic mild solutionto abstract �-dynamic equations on time scales. In addition, by using the results obtainedin [, ], Lizama and Mesquita [] presented some new results about basic propertiesof almost automorphic functions on time scales and proved the existence and uniquenessof an almost automorphic solution to a class of �-dynamic equations.For another thing, many phenomena in nature are characterized by the fact that their

    states are subject to sudden changes at certain moments and therefore can be describedby impulsive system (see [, ]). Many evolution processes, optimal control modelsin economics, stimulated neural networks, population models, artificial intelligence, androbotics are characterized by the fact that at certainmoments of time they undergo abruptchanges of state. The existence of almost periodic solutions of abstract impulsive differ-ential equations has been considered by many authors; see [–].However, to the best of our knowledge, the concept of weighted piecewise pseudo al-

    most automorphic functions on time scales has not been introduced in any literature untilnow, so there was no work on discussing weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphicproblems of impulsive dynamic equations on time scales before. Therefore, in this paper,by introducing the concept of equipotentially almost automorphic sequence, the conceptof weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions on time scales is proposed.The first results about their basic properties are obtained and some composition theoremsare established. Then we apply these composition theorems to investigate the existenceof weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to abstract impulsive∇-dynamic equations as follows:

    ⎧⎨⎩x∇ (t) = A(t)x� + f (t,x(t)), t ∈ T, t �= ti, i ∈ Z,�x(ti) = x(t+i ) – x(t–i ) = Ii(x(ti)), t = ti,


    where A ∈ PCld(T,X) is a linear operator in the Banach space X and f ∈ PCld(T × X,X),x� = x(�(t)). f , Ii, ti satisfy suitable conditions that will be established later and T is analmost periodic time scale. In addition, the notations x(t+i ) and x(t–i ) represent the right-hand and the left-hand side limits of x(·) at ti, respectively. In addition, some useful lemmasare obtained and the exponential stability of weighted piecewise pseudo almost automor-phic mild solutions is also considered. Finally, we apply these obtained results to study aclass of ∇-partial differential equations on time scales.

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    2 PreliminariesIn the following, we will introduce some basic knowledge of time scales which is veryuseful to the proof of our relative results.A time scale T is a closed subset of R. It follows that the jump operators σ ,� : T → T

    defined by σ (t) = inf{s ∈ T : s > t} and �(t) = sup{s ∈ T : s < t} (supplemented by infφ :=supT and supφ := infT) are well defined. The point t ∈ T is left-dense, left-scattered, right-dense, right-scattered if �(t) = t, �(t) < t, σ (t) = t, σ (t) > t, respectively. If T has a right-scattered minimum m, define Tk := T\m; otherwise, set Tk = T. By the notations [a,b]T,[a,b)T and so on, we will denote time scale intervals

    [a,b]T = {t ∈ T : a ≤ t ≤ b},

    where a,b ∈ T with a < �(b).The graininess function is defined by ν : T → [,∞): ν(t) := t – �(t), for all t ∈ T.

    Definition . ([]) The function f : T → R is called ld-continuous provided that it iscontinuous at each left-dense point and has a right-sided limit at each point, write f ∈Cld(T) = Cld(T,R). Let t ∈ Tk , the Delta derivative of f at t such that

    ∣∣f (�(t)) – f (s) – f ∇ (t)[�(t) – s]∣∣ ≤ ε∣∣�(t) – s∣∣

    for all s ∈ U , at fixed t. Let F be a function, it is called the antiderivative of f : T → Rprovided F∇ (t) = f (t) for each t ∈ Tk . If F∇ (t) = f (t), then we define the delta integral by

    ∫ taf (s)∇s = F(t) – F(a).

    Definition . ([]) A function p : T →R is called ν-regressive provided – ν(t)p(t) �= for all t ∈ Tk . The set of all regressive and ld-continuous functions p : T → R will be de-noted byRν =Rν(T) =Rν(T,R).Wedefine the setR+ν =R+ν (T,R) = {p ∈Rν : –ν(t)p(t) >,∀t ∈ T}.

    Definition . ([]) If r is a regressive function, then the generalized exponential func-tion êr is defined by

    êr(t, s) = exp{∫ t

    sξ̂ν(τ )

    (r(τ )


    for all s, t ∈ T, where the ν-cylinder transformation is as in

    ξ̂h(z) := –hLog( – zh).

    Lemma . ([]) Assume that p,q : T→R are two ν-regressive functions, then(i) ê(t, s)≡ and êp(t, t)≡ ;(ii) êp(�(t), s) = ( – ν(t)p(t))êp(t, s);(iii) êp(t, s) = êp(s,t) = eνp(s, t);(iv) êp(t, s)êp(s, r) = êp(t, r);(v) (êνp(t, s))∇ = (νp)(t)êνp(t, s).

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 4 of 29

    Lemma . ([]) For each t ∈ T in T\Tk the single-point set {t} is ∇-measurable andits ∇-measure is given by μ∇ ({t}) = t – �(t).

    Lemma . ([]) If a,b ∈ T and a≤ b, then



    )= b – a, μ∇


    )= �(b) – a.

    If a,b ∈ T\Tk and a ≤ b, then



    )= �(b) – �(a), μ∇


    )= b – �(a).

    Formore details of time scales and∇-measurability, one is referred to [, ]. Formoreon time scales, see [–].

    Definition . ([–]) A time scale T is called an almost periodic time scale if

    := {τ ∈R : t ± τ ∈ T,∀t ∈ T} �= {}.

    Remark . Definition . introduced in [] is the same as the concept of almost peri-odic time scales proposed in [, ], and T is also called an invariant time scale undertranslations in [].

    After these preparations, in the next section, we will introduce the concept of weightedpiecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions on time scales in a Banach space andsome of their basic properties are investigated.

    3 Weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions on time scalesIn the following, we will give the definition of ld-piecewise continuous functions on timescales.

    Definition . We say ϕ : T → X is ld-piecewise continuous with respect to a sequence{τi} ⊂ T which satisfy τi < τi+, i ∈ Z, if ϕ(t) is continuous on (τi, τi+]T and ld-continuouson T\{τi}. Furthermore, (τi, τi+]T are called intervals of continuity of the function ϕ(t).

    For convenience, PCld(T,X) denotes the set of all ld-piecewise continuous functionswith respect to a sequence {τi}, i ∈ Z. Similar to Definition ., we can also introduce theconcept of functions which belong to PCrd(T,X).Throughout the paper, we denote by X a Banach space; letB be the set consisting of all

    sequences {ti}i∈Z such that θ = infi∈Z(ti+ – ti) > . For {ti}i∈Z ∈ B, let BPCld(T,X) be thespace formed by all bounded ld-piecewise continuous functions φ : T → X such that φ(·)is continuous at t for any t /∈ {ti}i∈Z and φ(ti) = φ(t–i ) for all i ∈ Z; let be a subset ofX andlet BPCld(T × ,X) be the space formed by all bounded piecewise continuous functionsφ : T× → X such that, for any x ∈ , φ(·,x) ∈ BPCld(T×X,X). For any t ∈ T, φ(t, ·) iscontinuous at x ∈ .Let UPC(T,X) be the space of all functions ϕ ∈ PCld(T,X) such that φ satisfies the con-

    dition: for any ε > , there exists a positive number δ = δ(ε) such that if the points t′, t′′

    belong to the same interval of continuity of ϕ and |t′ – t′′| < δ implies ‖ϕ(t′) – ϕ(t′′)‖ < ε.

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    Now, we introduce the set

    B ={{tk} : tk ∈ T, tk < tk+,k ∈ Z, limt→±∞ =±∞


    which denotes all unbounded increasing sequences of real numbers. Let T ,P ∈B and lets(T ∪P) :B→B be a map such that the set s(T ∪P) forms a strictly increasing sequence.For D⊂R and ε > , we introduce the notations θε(D) = {t + ε : t ∈D}, Fε(D) =⋂ε{θε(D)}.Denote by φ̃ = (ϕ(t),T) the element from the space PCld(T,X) × B. For every sequenceof real numbers {sn}, n = , , . . . with θsn φ̃ := (ϕ(t + sn),T – sn), we shall consider the sets{ϕ(t + sn),T – sn} ⊂ PCld ×B, where

    T – sn = {tk – sn : k ∈ Z,n = , , . . .}.

    Definition . Let {ti} ∈B, i ∈ Z. We say {tji} is a derivative sequence of {ti} and

    tji = ti+j – ti, i, j ∈ Z.

    Definition . Let tji = ti+j – ti, i, j ∈ Z. We say {tji}, i, j ∈ Z, is equipotentially almost au-tomorphic on an almost periodic time scale T if, for any sequence {sn} ⊂ Z, there exists asubsequence {s′n} such that

    limn→∞ t

    s′nk = γk

    is well defined for each k ∈ Z and


    –s′nk = tk

    for each k ∈ Z.

    Definition . A function φ ∈ PCld(T,X) is said to be ld-piecewise almost automorphicif the following conditions are fulfilled:

    (i) T = {tk} is an equipotentially almost automorphic sequence.(ii) Let ϕ ∈ PCld(T,X) be a bounded function with respect to a sequence T = {tk}. We

    say that ϕ is piecewise almost automorphic if from every sequence {sn}∞n= ⊂ , wecan extract a subsequence {τn}∞n= such that

    φ̃∗ =(ϕ∗(t),T∗

    )= lim

    n→∞(ϕ(t + τn),T – τn

    )= lim

    n→∞ θτn φ̃

    is well defined for each t ∈ T and

    φ̃ =(ϕ(t),T

    )= lim

    n→∞(ϕ∗(t – τn),T∗ + τn

    )= lim

    n→∞ θ–τn φ̃∗

    for each t ∈ T. Denote by AA(T,X) the set of all such functions.(iii) A bounded function f ∈ PCld(T×X,X) with respect to a sequence T = {tk} is said

    to be piecewise almost automorphic if f (t,x) is piecewise automorphic in t ∈ Tuniformly in x ∈ B, where B is any bounded subset of X. Denote by AA(T×X,X)the set of all such functions.

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    Similarly, we can also introduce the concept of piecewise almost automorphic functionswhich belong to PCrd(T,X).Let U be the set of all functions ρ : T → (,∞) which are positive and locally ∇-

    integrable over T. For a given r ∈ [,∞)∩ and ∀t ∈ T, set

    m(r,ρ, t) :=∫ t+rt–r

    ρ(s)∇s ()

    for each ρ ∈ U .

    Remark . In (), if T =R, t = , one can easily get

    m(r,ρ, t) :=∫ r–r

    ρ(s) ds

    if T = Z, t = , one has the following:

    m(r,ρ) =r∑




    U∞ :={ρ ∈U : lim

    r→∞m(r,ρ, t) = ∞},

    UB :={ρ ∈U∞ : ρ is bounded and inf

    s∈Tρ(s) >


    It is clear that UB ⊂U∞ ⊂U . Now for ρ ∈ U∞ define

    PAA(T,ρ) : ={φ ∈ BPCld(T,X) : limr→∞

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥ρ(s)∇s = ,

    ∀t ∈ T, r ∈


    Similarly, we define

    PAA(T×X,ρ) : ={� ∈ BPCld(T× ,X) :


    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥�(s,x)∥∥ρ(s)∇s =

    uniformly with respect to x ∈ K ,∀t ∈ T, r ∈


    We are now ready to introduce the sets WPAA(T,ρ) and WPAA(T×X,ρ) of weightedpseudo almost periodic functions:

    WPAA(T,ρ) ={f = g + φ ∈ PCld(T,X) : g ∈ AA(T,X) and φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ)


    WPAA(T×X,ρ) = {f = g + φ ∈ PCld(T×X,X) : g ∈ AA(T×X,X)and φ ∈ PAA(T×X,ρ)


  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 7 of 29

    Lemma . Let φ ∈ BPCld(T,X). Then φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ) where ρ ∈ UB if and only if, forevery ε > ,


    m(r,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mr,ε,t (φ)

    )= ,

    where r ∈ and Mr,ε,t (φ) := {t ∈ [t – r, t + r]T : ‖φ(t)‖ ≥ ε}.

    Proof (a) Necessity. For contradiction, suppose that there exists ε > such that


    m(r,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mr,ε,t (φ)

    ) �= .

    Then there exists δ > such that, for every n ∈N,

    m(rn,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mrn ,ε,t (φ)

    ) ≥ δ for some rn > n,where rn ∈ .

    So we get

    m(rn,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥ρ(s)∇s = m(rn,ρ, t)

    ∫Mrn ,ε,t (φ)



    m(rn,ρ, t)

    ×∫[t–r,t+r]T\Mrn ,ε,t (φ)


    ≥ m(rn,ρ, t)

    ∫Mrn ,ε,t (φ)


    ≥ εm(rn,ρ, t)

    ∫Mrn ,ε,t (φ)

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥ρ(s)∇s≥ εδγ ,

    where γ = infs∈T ρ(s). This contradicts the assumption.(b) Sufficiency. Assume that limr→∞ m(r,ρ,t)μ∇ (Mr,ε,t (φ)) = . Then for every ε > ,

    there exists r > such that, for every r > r,

    m(r,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mr,ε,t (φ)




    whereM := supt∈T ‖φ(t)‖

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 8 of 29

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫[t–r,t+r]T\Mr,ε,t (φ)


    ≤ ε.

    Therefore, limr→∞ m(r,ρ,t)∫ t+rt–r

    ‖φ(s)‖ρ(s)∇s = , that is, φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ). This completesthe proof. �

    Lemma . PAA(T,ρ) is a translation invariant set of BPCld(T,X) with respect to ifρ ∈UB, i.e., for any s ∈ , one has φ(t + s) := θsφ ∈ PAA(T,ρ) if ρ ∈UB.

    Proof For any s ∈ , φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), ε > , r > , we have

    Mr,ε,t (Tsφ) ={t ∈ [t – r, t + r]T :

    ∥∥Ts(t)∥∥ ≥ ε}=

    {t ∈ [t – r, t + r]T :

    ∥∥φ(t + s)∥∥ ≥ ε}=

    {t ∈ [t – r + s, t + r + s]T :

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ ≥ ε}⊆ {t ∈ [t – r – |s|, t + r + |s|]T :

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ ≥ ε}.Hence

    m(r,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mr,ε,t (Tsφ)

    ) ≤ m(r,ρ, t)



    =m(r + |s|,ρ, t)m(r,ρ, t)

    m(r + |s|,ρ, t)μ∇



    Since φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), by Lemma ., we have

    m(r + |s|,ρ, t)


    ) → , r → ∞.

    Furthermore, limr→∞ m(r+|s|,ρ,t)m(r,ρ,t) = , thus

    m(r,ρ, t)



    )) → , r → ∞.

    Again, using Lemma ., one can get θsφ ∈ PAA(T,ρ) for any s ∈ . This completes theproof. �

    By Definition ., one can easily get the following lemma.

    Lemma . Let φ ∈ AA(T,X), then the range of φ, φ(T), is a relatively compact subsetof X.

    Lemma . If f = g +φ with g ∈ AA(T,X), and φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ),where ρ ∈UB, then g(T) ⊂f (T).

    Proof () For any t ∈ T\{ti}, g(t) ∈ g(T), one has g(t) = f (t)–φ(t). Since g ∈ AA(T,X), thereexists a sequence {αn} ⊂ such that g(t + αn) → g(t), n→ ∞.

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    Furthermore, by Lemma ., φ(t + αn) ∈ PAA(T,X), so there exists β ∈ such thatφ(t + αn + β) → , n → ∞. Hence, let s = t + β , and one has

    f (s + αn – β) – φ(t + αn + β) → g(t) for each t ∈ T as n → ∞,

    i.e. f (s + αn – β) → g(t) for each t ∈ T as n→ ∞.() If {ti} ∈B, noting that Definition ., the above sequence {αn} ⊂ and the number

    β ∈ is suitable for the increasing sequence {ti}, so the proof process is the same as ().This completes the proof. �

    Lemma . The decomposition of a weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic func-tion according to AA⊕ PAA is unique for any ρ ∈ UB.

    Proof Assume that f = g +φ and f = g +φ. Then (g – g) + (φ –φ) = . Since g – g ∈AA(T,X), and φ – φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), in view of Lemma ., we deduce that g – g = .Consequently, φ – φ = , i.e. φ = φ. This completes the proof. �

    Theorem . For ρ ∈UB, (WPAA(T,ρ),‖ · ‖∞) is a Banach space.

    Proof Assume that {fn}n∈N is a Cauchy sequence in WPAA(T,ρ). We can write uniquelyfn = gn +φn. Using Lemma ., we see that ‖gp – gq‖∞ ≤ ‖fp – fq‖∞, from which we deducethat {gn}n∈N is a Cauchy sequence in AA(T,X). Hence, φn = fn – gn is a Cauchy sequencein PAA(T,ρ). We deduce that gn → g ∈ AA(T,X), φn → φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), and finally fn →g + φ ∈ WPAA(T,ρ). This completes the proof. �

    Definition . Let ρ,ρ ∈ U∞. One says that ρ is equivalent to ρ, written ρ ∼ ρ ifρ/ρ ∈UB.

    Theorem . Let ρ,ρ ∈U∞. If ρ ∼ ρ, then WPAA(T,ρ) =WPAA(T,ρ).

    Proof Assume that ρ ∼ ρ. There exist a,b > such that aρ ≤ ρ ≤ bρ. So

    am(r,ρ, t) ≤m(r,ρ, t) ≤ bm(r,ρ, t),

    where r ∈ andab

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥ρ(s)∇s ≤ m(r,ρ, t)∫ t+rt–r


    ≤ ba

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r


    This completes the proof. �

    Lemma . If g ∈ AA(T×X,X) and α ∈ AA(T,X), then G(t) := g(·,α(·)) ∈ AA(T,X).

    Proof Let T = {ti}, φ̃ = (g(t,x),T) ∈ AA(T×X,X)×B, from every sequence {sn}∞n= ⊂ ,we can extract a subsequence {τn}∞n= such that

    φ̃∗ :=(g∗(t,x),T∗

    )= lim

    n→∞ θτn φ̃ = limn→∞(g(t + τn,x),T – τn


  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 10 of 29

    uniformly exists on PCld(T × X,X) × B. Since α ∈ AA(T,X), one can extract {τ ′n} ⊂ {τn}such that

    limn→∞ θτ

    ′n φ̃ = limn→∞

    (g(t + τ ′n,α

    (t + τ ′n

    )),T – τ ′n


    = limn→∞

    (g(t + τ ′n,α

    ∗(t)),T – τ ′n






    Hence, G ∈ AA(T,X). This completes the proof. �

    Theorem . Let f = g + φ ∈ WPAA(T×X,ρ), where g ∈ AA(T×X,X), φ ∈ PAA(T×X,ρ), ρ ∈UB, and the following conditions hold:

    (i) {f (t,x) : t ∈ T,x ∈ K} is bounded for every bounded subset K ⊆ .(ii) f (t, ·), g(t, ·) are uniformly continuous in each bounded subset of uniformly in t ∈ T.

    Then f (·,h(·)) ∈WPAA(T,ρ) if h ∈ WPAA(T,ρ) and h(T) ⊂ .

    Proof We have f = g +φ, where g ∈ AA(T×X,X) and φ ∈ PAA(T×X,ρ) and h = φ +φ,where φ ∈ AA(T,X) and φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ). Hence, the function f (·,h(·)) can be decom-posed as

    f(·,h(·)) = g(·,φ(·)) + f (·,h(·)) – g(·,φ(·))

    = g(·,φ(·)) + f (·,h(·)) – f (·,φ(·)) + φ(·,φ(·)).

    By Lemma ., g(·,φ(·)) ∈ AA(T,X). Now, consider the function

    �(·) := f (·,h(·)) – f (·,φ(·)).Clearly, � ∈ BPCld(T,X). For � to be in PAA(T,ρ), it is sufficient to show that


    m(r,ρ, t)

    μ∇(Mr,ε,t (�)

    )= .

    Let K be a bounded subset of such that φ(T) ⊆ K , φ(T)⊆ K . By (ii), f (t, ·) is uniformlycontinuous in φ(T) uniformly in t ∈ T, and we see that, for given ε > , there exists δ > such that y, y ∈ K and ‖y – y‖ < δ implies that

    ∥∥f (t, y) – f (t, y)∥∥ < ε, t ∈ T.Thus, for each t ∈ T, ‖φ(t)‖ < δ implies for all t ∈ T,

    ∥∥f (t,h(t)) – f (t,φ(t))∥∥ < ε,where φ(t) = h(t)–φ(t). For r > and any fixed t ∈ T, letMr,δ,t (φ) = {t ∈ [t –r, t +r]T :‖φ‖ ≥ δ}, we can obtain

    m(r,ρ, t)





    m(r,ρ, t)μ∇



    )– f



  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 11 of 29

    ≤ m(r,ρ, t)


    (h(t) – φ(t)



    m(r,ρ, t)μ∇




    Now since φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), Lemma . yields


    m(r,ρ, t)



    ))= ,

    and this implies that � ∈ PAA(T,ρ).Finally, we need to show φ(·,φ(·)) ∈ PAA(T,ρ). Note that f = g + φ and g(t, ·) is uni-

    formly continuous in φ(T) uniformly in t ∈ T. By the assumption (ii), f (t, ·) is uniformlycontinuous in φ(T) uniformly in t ∈ T, so is φ. Since φ(T) is relatively compact in X, forε > , there exists δ > such that φ(T) ⊂ ⋃mk= Bk , where Bk = {x ∈ X : ‖x – xk‖ < δ} forsome xk ∈ φ(T) and

    ∥∥φ(t,φ(t)) – φ(t,xk)∥∥ < ε , φ(t) ∈ Bk , t ∈ T. ()It is easy to see that the set Uk := {t ∈ T : φ(t) ∈ Bk} is open and φ(T) =⋃mk=Uk . Define

    V =U, Vk =Uk∖ k–⋃


    Ui, ≤ k ≤m.

    Then it is clear that Vi ∩Vj �= ∅ if i �= j, ≤ i, j ≤m. So we get{t ∈ [t – r, t + r]T :

    ∥∥φ(t,φ(t))∥∥ ≥ ε}


    {t ∈ Vk :

    ∥∥φ(t,φ(t)) – φ(t,xk)∥∥ + ∥∥φ(t,xk)∥∥ ≥ ε}


    ({t ∈ Vk :

    ∥∥φ(t,φ(t)) – φ(t,xk)∥∥ ≥ ε}

    ∪{t ∈ Vk :

    ∥∥φ(t,xk)∥∥ ≥ ε})


    In view of (), it follows that{t ∈ Vk :

    ∥∥φ(t,φ(t)) – φ(t,xk)∥∥ ≥ ε}= ∅, k = , , . . . ,m.

    Thus we get

    m(r,ρ, t)



    ))) ≤m∑k=

    m(r,ρ, t)




    Since φ ∈ PAA(T×X,ρ) and limr→∞ m(r,ρ,t)μ∇ (Mr,ε,t (φ(t,xk))) = , it follows that


    m(r,ρ, t)



    )))= ,

    by Lemma ., φ(·,φ(·)) ∈ PAA(T,ρ). This completes the proof. �

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 12 of 29

    Theorem . has the following consequence.

    Corollary . Let f = g + φ ∈ WPAP(T,ρ), where ρ ∈ UB. Assume that f and g are Lips-chitzian in x ∈ X uniformly in t ∈ T. Then f (·,h(·)) ∈ WPAA(T,ρ) if h ∈WPAA(T,ρ).

    Next, wewill show the following two lemmas, which are useful in the proof of our results.

    Lemma . If ϕ ∈ PCld(T,X) is an almost automorphic function with respect to the se-quence T and {tk} ⊂ T is equipotentially almost automorphic satisfying infi∈Z tqi = θ > ,q ∈ Z, then {ϕ(tk)} is an almost automorphic sequence in X.

    Proof Let tji = ti+j – ti, i, j ∈ Z. Obviously, from the definition of , it is easy to know thattji ∈ . Since ϕ ∈ PCld(T,X) is an almost automorphic function and {tk} ⊂ T is equipo-tentially almost automorphic, from Definition . and Definition ., for any sequence{sn} ⊂ Z, we find that there exists a subsequence {s′n} such that


    (ϕ(tk+s′n ),T – t


    )= lim

    n→∞(ϕ(tk + t


    ),T – ts





    =(ϕ(tk + γk),T – γk




    (ϕ∗(tk–s′n ),T

    ∗ + t–s′n

    k)= lim

    n→∞(ϕ(tk–s′n + γk–s′n ),T – γk–s′n + t





    Hence, {ϕ(tk)} is an almost automorphic sequence in X. This completes the proof. �

    Lemma . A necessary and sufficient condition for a bounded sequence {an} to be inPAA(Z,ρ) is that there exists a uniformly continuous function f ∈ PAA(T,ρ) such thatf (tn) = an, tn ∈ T, n ∈ Z, ρ ∈UB.

    Proof Necessity. We define a function

    f (t) = an + (t – t – nr)(an+ – an), t + nr ≤ t < t + (n + )r, t ∈ T,n ∈ Z, t ∈ T,

    where r ∈ . It is obviously uniformly continuous on T. f ∈ PAA(T,ρ) since

    m(kr,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+krt–kr

    ∥∥f (s)∥∥ρ(s)∇s


    m(kr,ρ, t)


    ∫ t+(j+)rt+jr

    ∥∥aj + (s – t – jr)(aj+ – aj)∥∥ρ(s)∇s

    ≤ m(kr,ρ, t)ρ


    (‖aj‖ρ(tj)r + ‖aj+ – aj‖

    ∫ t+(j+)rt+jr

    (s – t – jr)ρ(s)∇s)

    ≤ ρm(kr,ρ, t)


    r‖aj‖ρ(tj) + (‖ak‖ + ‖a–k‖)r

    m(kr,ρ, t)ρ̄

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 13 of 29

    ≤ ρ

    ∑tj∈[t–kr,t+kr]T ν(tj)ρ(tj)


    r∥∥f (tj)∥∥ρ(tj) + ‖ak‖ + ‖a–k‖m(kr,ρ, t) r




    j=–k ν(tj)ρ(tj)


    r∥∥f (tj)∥∥ρ(tj) + ‖ak‖ + ‖a–k‖m(kr,ρ, t) r

    ρ̄ → as k → ∞,

    where ρ = inft∈T ρ(t), ρ̄ = supt∈T ρ(t).Sufficiency. Let < ε < , there exists δ > such that, for t ∈ (tn – δ, tn)T, n ∈ Z, we have

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)≥ ( – ε)∥∥f (tn)∥∥ρ(tn), n ∈ Z.Without loss of generality, let tn ≥ , t–n < , n ∈ Z, there exist rn, r–n ∈ ∩R+ such thatt + rn = tn, t – r–n = t–n. Let r′n =max{rn, r–n} ∈ . Therefore,

    ∫ t+r′nt–r′n

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥∫ t+rnt–r–n

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t =∫ tnt–n

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t



    ∫ t+tjt+tj–

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t



    ∫ t+tjt+tj–δ

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t



    δ( – ε)∥∥f (tj)∥∥ρ(tj)

    ≥ δ( – ε)n∑


    ∥∥f (tj)∥∥ρ(tj),

    so one can obtain

    m(r′n,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+r′nt–r′n

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥ δ( – ε) m(r′n,ρ, t)


    ∥∥f (tj)∥∥ρ(tj), ()

    it is easy to see that r′n is increasing with respect to n ∈ Z+, one can find some n > n suchthat

    m(r′n,ρ, t


    ∫ t+r′nt–r′n


    tj∈[t–r′n ,t+r′n ]Tν(tj)ρ(tj) =


    ν(tj)ρ(tj), ()

    from () and (), we have

    m(r′n,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+r′nt–r′n

    ∥∥f (t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥ δ( – ε) ∑nj=–n+ ν(tj)ρ(tj)


    ∥∥φ(tj)∥∥ρ(tj), ()

    noting that n → ∞ implies n → ∞, since f ∈ PAA(T,ρ), it follows from the inequality() that f (tn) = an ∈ PAA(Z,ρ). This completes the proof. �

    By Lemma ., we can straightforwardly get the following theorem.

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 14 of 29

    Theorem . A necessary and sufficient condition for a bounded sequence {an} to be inWPAA(Z,ρ) is that there exists a uniformly continuous function f ∈WPAA(T,ρ) such thatf (tn) = an, tn ∈ T, n ∈ Z, ρ ∈UB.

    Theorem . Assume that ρ ∈ UB and the sequence of vector-valued functions {Ii}i∈Z isweighted pseudo almost automorphic, i.e., for any x ∈ , {Ii(x), i ∈ Z} is weighted pseudoalmost automorphic sequence. Suppose {Ii(x) : i ∈ Z,x ∈ K} is bounded for every boundedsubset K ⊆ , Ii(x) is uniformly continuous in x ∈ uniformly in i ∈ Z. If h ∈WPAA(T,ρ)∩UPC(T,X) such that h(T) ⊂ , then Ii(h(ti)) is a weighted pseudo almost automorphicsequence.

    Proof Fix h ∈ WPAA(T,ρ) ∩ UPC(T,X), first we show h(ti) is weighted pseudo almostautomorphic. Since h = φ + φ, where φ ∈ AA(T,X), φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ). It follows fromLemma . that the sequence φ(ti) is almost automorphic. To show that h(ti) is weightedpseudo almost automorphic, we need to show that φ(ti) ∈ PAA(Z,ρ). By the assumption,h,φ ∈UPC(T,X), so isφ. Let < ε < , there exists δ > such that, for t ∈ (ti–δ, ti)T, i ∈ Z,we have

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ρ(t)≥ ( – ε)∥∥φ(ti)∥∥ρ(ti), i ∈ Z.Without loss of generality, let ti ≥ , t–i < , i ∈ Z; there exists ri, r–i ∈ ∩ R+ such thatt + ri = ti, t – r–i = t–i. Let r′i =max{ri, r–i} ∈ . Therefore,

    ∫ t+r′it–r′i

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥∫ t+rit–r–i

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t =∫ tit–i




    ∫ t+tjt+tj–




    ∫ t+tjt+tj–δ




    δ( – ε)∥∥φ(tj)∥∥ρ(tj)

    ≥ δ( – ε)i∑



    so one can obtain

    m(r′i,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+r′it–r′i

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥ δ( – ε) m(r′i,ρ, t)i∑


    ∥∥φ(tj)∥∥ρ(tj), ()

    it is easy to see that r′i is increasing with respect to i ∈ Z+, and one can find some i > isuch that

    m(r′i,ρ, t


    ∫ t+r′it–r′i


    tj∈[t–r′i ,t+r′i]T

    ν(tj)ρ(tj) =i∑


    ν(tj)ρ(tj), ()

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 15 of 29

    from () and (), we have

    m(r′i,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+r′it–r′i

    ∥∥φ(t)∥∥ρ(t)∇t ≥ δ( – ε) ∑ij=–i+ ν(tj)ρ(tj)


    ∥∥φ(tj)∥∥ρ(tj), ()

    noting that i → ∞ implies i → ∞, since φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), it follows from the inequality() that φ(ti) ∈ PAA(Z,ρ). Hence, h(ti) is weighted pseudo almost automorphic.Now, we show that Ii(φ(ti)) is weighted pseudo almost automorphic. Let

    I(t,x) = In(x) + (t – t – nr)[In+(x) – In(x)

    ], t + nr ≤ t < t + (n + )r,n ∈ Z, r ∈ ,

    �(t) = h(tn) + (t – t – nr)[h(tn+) – h(tn)

    ], t + nr ≤ t < t + (n + )r,n ∈ Z, r ∈ .

    Since In, h(tn) both are pseudo almost automorphic, by Lemma . and Theorem ., weknow that I ∈WPAA(T× ,ρ), � ∈WPAA(T,ρ). For every t ∈ T, there exists a numbern ∈ Z such that |t – t – nr| ≤ r,

    ∥∥I(t,x)∥∥ ≤ ∥∥In(x)∥∥ + |t – t – nr|[∥∥In+(x)∥∥ + ∥∥In(x)∥∥]≤ ( + r)∥∥In(x)∥∥ + r∥∥In+(x)∥∥.

    Since {In(x) : n ∈ Z,x ∈ K} is bounded for every bounded set K ⊆ , {I(t,x) : t ∈ T,x ∈ K}is bounded for every bounded set K ⊆ . For every x,x ∈ , we have

    ∥∥I(t,x) – I(t,x)∥∥ ≤ ∥∥In(x) – In(x)∥∥ + |t – t – nr|[∥∥In+(x) – In+(x)∥∥+

    ∥∥In(x) – In(x)∥∥]≤ ( + r)∥∥In(x) – In(x)∥∥ + r∥∥In+(x) – In+(x)∥∥.

    Noting that Ii(x) is uniformly continuous in x ∈ uniformly in i ∈ Z, we then find thatI(t,x) is uniformly in x ∈ uniformly in t ∈ T. Then by Theorem ., I(·,�(·)) ∈WPAA(T,X). Again, using Lemma . and Theorem ., we find that I(i,�(i)) is aweighted pseudo almost automorphic sequence, that is, Ii(h(ti)) is weighted pseudo al-most automorphic. This completes the proof. �

    From Theorem ., one can easily get the following corollary.

    Corollary . Assume the sequence of vector-valued functions {Ii}i∈Z is weighted pseudoalmost automorphic, ρ ∈UB, if there is a number L > such that

    ∥∥Ii(x) – Ii(y)∥∥ ≤ L‖x – y‖for all x, y ∈ , i ∈ Z, if h ∈WPAA(T,ρ)∩UPC(T,ρ) such that h(T)⊂ , then Ii(h(ti)) is aweighted pseudo almost automorphic sequence.

    4 Weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to abstractimpulsive ∇-dynamic equations

    In this section, we investigate the existence and exponential stability of a weighted piece-wise pseudo almost automorphicmild solution to Eq. (). Before starting our investigation,we will show a lemma which will be used in our proofs.

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 16 of 29

    Lemma . Let νω ∈R+ν , for all t ∈ T, α ∈ , there exist constants β,β > such that

    βν(t)≤ ν(t + α)≤ βν(t). ()

    Then there exist positive constants K∗ and ω∗ such that

    êνω(t + α, s + α)≤ K∗êνω∗ (t, s), t ≥ s.

    Proof Obviously, if ν = , T = R, the result holds. Assume that ν �≡ . Since νω ∈ R+ν ,one has

    eνω(t + α, s + α) = exp{–

    ∫ t+αs+α

    ν(τ )


    – ν(τ )ω∇τ


    = exp{–

    ∫ ts

    ν(τ + α)


    – ν(τ + α)ω∇τ


    Since T is an almost periodic time scale, μ is bounded. Hence, by the inequality (), wecan obtain

    êνω(t + α, s + α) ≤ exp{–

    ∫ ts

    βν(τ )


    – βν(τ )ω∇τ




    ∫ ts

    ln( – ν(τ )(νβω))ν(τ )

    }} β.

    Therefore, there exists a positive constant K∗ > such that

    êνω(t + α, s + α) =[êνβω(t, s)

    ] β ≤ K∗êνω∗ (t, s),

    where ω∗ = βω. This completes the proof. �

    Remark . It is easy to see that if T is almost periodic, then μ(t) is bounded, so thereexist a sufficiently small constant β > and a sufficiently large constant β > such that() is valid. Therefore, Lemma . holds when T is an almost periodic time scale.

    Let T be an almost periodic time scale, and consider the impulsive ∇-dynamic equation

    x∇ = A(t)x�, t ∈ T, ()

    where A : T → B(X) is a linear operator in the Banach space X. We denote by B(X,Y) theBanach space of all bounded linear operators from X to Y. This is simply denoted as B(X)when X =Y.

    Definition . T(t, s) : T×T→ B(X) is called the linear evolution operator associated to() if T(t, s) satisfies the following conditions:() T(s, s) = Id, where Id denotes the identity operator in X;() T(t, s)T(s, r) = T(t, r);() the mapping (t, s)→ T(t, s)x is continuous for any fixed x ∈X.

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    Definition. An evolution systemT(t, s) is called exponentially stable if there existK ≥ and ω > such that

    ∥∥T(t, s)∥∥B(X) ≤ Kêνω(t, s), t ≥ s.Definition . A function x : T → X is called a mild solution of Eq. () if, for any t ∈ T,t > c, c �= ti, i ∈ Z, one has

    x(t) = T(t, c)x(c) +∫ tcT(t, s)f


    )∇s + ∑c

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 18 of 29

    In the following, consider the abstract differential system () with the following assump-tions:

    (H) The family {A(t) : t ∈ T} of operators in X generates an exponentially stable evolutionsystem {T(t, s) : t ≥ s}, i.e., there exist K > and ω > such that

    ∥∥T(t, s)∥∥B(X) ≤ Keω(t, s), t ≥ s,and for any sequence {sn} ⊂ , there exists a subsequence {s′n} ⊂ {sn} such that


    (t + s′n, s + s

    ′n)= T∗(t, s) is well defined for each t, s ∈ T, t ≥ s.

    (H) f = g + φ ∈ WPAP(T,ρ), where ρ ∈ U∞ and f (t, ·) is uniformly continuous in eachbounded subset of uniformly in t ∈ T; Ii is a weighted pseudo almost periodic se-quence, Ii(x) is uniformly continuous in x ∈ uniformly in i ∈ Z, infi∈Z ti = θ > .

    To investigate the existence and uniqueness of a weighted piecewise pseudo almost au-tomorphic mild solution to Eq. (), we need the following lemma.

    Lemma . Let v ∈ AA(T,X), ν ∈ AA(T,R+), ω ∈ R+ν and (H)-(H) are satisfied. If u :T →X is defined by

    u(t) =∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)v(s)∇s +∑ti such that ω∗ = βω is

    ν-positive regressive. Further, noting that êνω∗ (t, s)( – ν(s)ω∗) = êνω∗ (t,�(s)), by (H)and Lemma ., we have

    ∥∥u(t + τn)∥∥ ≤∫ t–∞

    ∥∥T(t + τn, s + τn)vn(s)∥∥∇s

    ≤∫ t–∞

    Kêνω(t + τn, s + τn)∥∥vn(s)∥∥∇s

    ≤ KK∗∫ t–∞

    êνω∗ (t, s)∥∥vn(s)∥∥∇s

    ≤ – ν̄ω∗

    KK∗‖v‖∫ t–∞



  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 19 of 29


    ( – ν̄ω∗)ν ω∗[êνω∗ (t, –∞) – êνω∗ (t, t)


    ≤ KK∗( – νω∗)‖v‖

    ( – ν̄ω∗)ω∗,

    where ν̄ = supt∈T ν(t), ν = inft∈T ν .Therefore, by the condition (H), we have

    T(t + τn, s + τn) → T∗(t, s), n→ ∞.

    Furthermore, it is easy to see that vn(s) → h(s) as n → ∞, ∀s ∈ T and for any t ≥ s, byLebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem, we get

    limn→∞u(t + τn) =

    ∫ t–∞

    T∗(t, s)h(s)∇s.

    Moreover, we consider

    u′(t + τn) =∑


  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 20 of 29

    Proof Fix ϑ ∈ WPAA(T,X), then we have f (·,ϑ(·)) = φ(·) + φ(·), where φ ∈ AA(T,X),φ ∈ PAA(T,X), so

    ∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)f(s,ϑ(s)

    )∇s =∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)φ(s)∇s +∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)φ(s)∇s := I(t) + I(t)



  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 21 of 29


    I =

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥∇s∫ t+rs

    Kêνω(t, s)∇t


    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥∇s∫ t+rs

    – ν(νω) êνω

    (�(t), s


    ≤ m(r,ρ, t)

    K( – νω)∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥∇s∫ t+rs




    m(r,ρ, t)K( – νω)


    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥φ(s)∥∥[êω(s, s) – êω(s, t + r)]∇s

    ≤ m(r,ρ, t)

    K( – νω)ω

    ∫ t+rt–r


    Since φ ∈ PAA(T,ρ), we have limr→∞ m(r,ρ,t)∫ t+rt–r

    ‖φ(s)‖∇s = . Hence, limr→∞ I = .It remains to show ϒ ∈ PAA(T,ρ). For any r > , there exist i(r), j(r) such that

    ti(r)– < t – r ≤ ti(r) < · · · < tj(r) ≤ t + r < tj(r)+.

    Since γi ∈ PAA(Z,ρ), Mγi = supi∈Z ‖γi‖ < ∞, and noting that, for a ∈ T, êνω(t,a) = ( –ν(t)ω)êω(a,�(t)), we have

    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r



    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r


  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 22 of 29

    Since γi ∈ PAA(Z,ρ), for r → ∞,m(r,ρ)→ ∞, we have


    m(r,ρ, t)


    ‖γk‖ = limr→∞∑j(r)

    k=i(r) ρ(tk)ν(tk)


    ‖γk‖ = .

    Clearly, as r → ∞, one has

    m(r,ρ, t)

    KMγi ( – νω)ω

    – êνω(θ , )

    → .



    m(r,ρ, t)

    ∫ t+rt–r

    ∥∥ϒ(t)∥∥∇t = .



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    This implies that x(t)≤ αêp (t,a). Further we have

    r(t) ≤ r(t+i )êp (t, ti) ≤ α( + βi)∏tk such


    ∥∥Ii(x) – Ii(y)∥∥ ≤ L‖x – y‖for all x, y ∈ , i ∈ Z.

    Assume that

    KL( – νω)ω


    – êνω(θ , )< ,

    then Eq. () has a unique weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solution.

    Proof Consider the nonlinear operator � given by

    �ϕ =∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)f(s,ϕ(s)

    )∇s +∑ti

  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 24 of 29

    It suffices now to show that the operator � has a fixed point inWPAA(T,ρ). For ϕ,ϕ ∈WPAA(T,ρ), one has the following:

    ∥∥�ϕ(t) – �ϕ(t)∥∥ =∥∥∥∥∫ t–∞

    T(t, s)[f(s,ϕ(s)

    )– f




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    ∥∥u(t) – v(t)∥∥ ≤ ∥∥T(t, s)[u(s) – v(s)]∥∥+

    ∥∥∥∥∫ tsT(t, s)


    )– f

    (s, v(s)




  • Wang and Agarwal Advances in Difference Equations 2014, 2014:153 Page 26 of 29

    where g ∈UPC(T,R) satisfies |g(t)| ≤ (t ∈ T) and ρ(t) = | sin t|+, βi = (sin i+ sin√i+

    g(i)) and ti = i + | sin i – sin√i|, i ∈ Z.

    Define X = L[,π ]T, let Au = ∂

    ∇x u(t,x), u ∈ D(A) = H[,π ]T ∩ H[,π ]T. Clearly, itfollows from the same discussion as in Section . in [] that one can easily see that theevolution system {T(t, s) : t ≥ s} satisfies ‖T(t, s)‖ ≤ êν (t, s) (t ≥ s) with K = , ω = /.Furthermore, by Definition ., it is easy to check that {tji}, i, j ∈ Z, is an equipotentiallyalmost automorphic sequence and

    ti = ti+ – ti = +∣∣sin(i + ) – sin√(i + )∣∣ –

    | sin i – sin√i|

    ≥ – ∣∣sin(i + ) – sin i – [sin√(i + ) – sin√i]∣∣

    ≥ –

    ∣∣∣∣sin cosi +

    ∣∣∣∣ – ∣∣∣∣sin


    √(i + )

    ∣∣∣∣≥ –




    Hence, θ = infi∈Z(ti+ – ti) > > . Let f (t,u) = (sin t + sin

    √t + g(t)) cosu, Ii(u) = βiu.

    Clearly, both f and Ii satisfy the assumptions given in Theorem . and Theorem . withL = L = . Moreover,

    KL( – νω)ω


    – êνω(θ , )<+

    ( – e–/)

    ≈ . < ,

    and since ν < , one has – νω > , so

    (νω)⊕ν p = – ω – νω +KL – ν̄ω


    ( – νω)( – νω)≈ –. < .

    Therefore, Eq. () has a weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solutionwhich is exponentially stable.

    5 Conclusion and further discussionIn this paper, the concept of weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions ontime scales is introduced and discussed. It is well known that the �-dynamic equationsare more popular in the references, however, ∇-dynamic equations are also interestingin both theory and practice. Therefore, we choose to investigate the weighted piecewisepseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to Eq. (). All obtained results are essentiallynew.Moreover, Definition . gives the expression of mild solutions to Eq. (). It is worth

    emphasizing that the methods used in this paper can also be applied to study theweighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to other abstract impul-sive ∇-dynamic equations and �-dynamic equations. Now, similar to the discussion be-lowDefinition ., we can list the mild solutions to three representative classes of abstractimpulsive dynamic equations on time scales.

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    Type (i). Consider a ∇-dynamic equation as follows:⎧⎨⎩x∇ (t) = A(t)x(t) + f (t,x(t)), t ∈ T, t �= ti, i ∈ Z,�x(ti) = x(t+i ) – x(t–i ) = Ii(x(ti)), t = ti,


    where A ∈ PCld(T,X) is a linear operator in the Banach space X and f ∈ PCld(T × X,X).Then, for any t ∈ T, t > c, c �= ti, i ∈ Z, Eq. () has the following mild solution:

    x(t) = T(t, c)x(c) +∫ tcT



    )∇s + ∑c

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    Author details1Department of Mathematics, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan 650091, People’s Republic of China. 2Department ofMathematics, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 700 University Blvd., Kingsville, TX 78363-8202, USA. 3Department ofMathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia.

    AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the referees for suggesting some corrections that help makingthe content of the paper more accurate. This work is supported by the foundation of Yunnan University in China(No. 2013CG020).

    Received: 14 February 2014 Accepted: 12 May 2014 Published: 22 May 2014

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    Weighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions with applications to abstract impulsive nabla-dynamic equations on time scalesAbstractMSCKeywords

    IntroductionPreliminariesWeighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic functions on time scalesWeighted piecewise pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to abstract impulsive nabla-dynamic equationsConclusion and further discussionCompeting interestsAuthors' contributionsAuthor detailsAcknowledgementsReferences