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Page 1: Reported Speech Exercises


Exercise 1. Report people’s statements.

(1) “I haven't seen Diane recently”, Charlie told me.

(2) “I don't know why Fred was sacked yesterday”, My father explained to us.

(3) “I'm living in London with my parents next year”, Lorena said.

(4) “You look much older than me”, I told my brother.

(5) “You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London”, Luke told John.

(6) “I'll tell Anne I've seen you here”, my sister told her friend.

(7) “I want to go on holiday next summer, but I can't afford it”, Sandra said.

(8) “They must complete all exercises right now”, The teacher told the students.

Exercise 2. Report the following questions.

(1) “What is your name?” She asked him

(2) “When did you see that film?” Martin asked me

(3) “How much are the potatoes?” My father asked the shop assistant

(4) Where can we go now? He asked us

(5) “Are we meeting all your friends tomorrow?” I asked Laura

(6) Did you travel with your family last summer?” My friends asked me

Exercise 3. Report the following orders/commands.

(1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!", Andrew advised me

(2) Jessica: "Write a text message!", Jessica suggested me

(3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!", Nelly told me

(4) Fred: "Wash your hands!", Fred ordered me

(5) Anna: “Don’t Open the window!", Anna commanded us