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Report of Discussion Meeting on Strategic Institutional Plans (SIDP) of Kabul university (KU), Kabul Medical University

(KMU), and Shaheed Rabbani Education University (SREU). Kabul, Afghanistan- December 27, 2016

Sarfaraz Nawabzada

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Introduction and Objectives:

According to the aid-memoire, Kabul Medical University (KM), Shaheed Rabbani Education University

(SREU), and Kabul University (KU) were supposed to prepare their Strategic Institutional Development

plans (SIDPs) for the year 2016-2020. The goal was that these universities prepare SIDPs that could

improve quality of the universities in different areas and that the SIDPs of the universities contribute to

the National Higher Education Strategic Plan two (NHESP-II).

In order to achieve the above objectives, a workshop on Feb 27-28, 2016 was conducted by the HEDP

Strategic Planning and Research Component for the KM, KEU, and KU. During the workshop a

comprehensive presentation was given on strategic planning in universities and the participants were

provided with draft NHESP-II, SIDP template, and APR template.

According to the SIDPs follow-up plan after the SIDP workshop, the universities were required to share

their final drafts of SIDPs with MoHE and HEDP for a discussion meeting in October 2016. However, they

were not able to submit their draft SIDPs for discussion till the November 2016. After their plans

submissions in November, on December 27, 2016, HEDP organized the SIDP discussion meeting chaired

by Deputy Ministry Prof. M. Osman Babury. In discussion meeting the KU, KMU, and SREU presented their

SIDPs and the participants discussed the areas of the SIDPs which they felt to be improved. In order for

universities to further develop their SIDPs, the discussion meeting was organized with the following



Discussion on the concreteness of the Kabul University (KU), Kabul Medical University (KMU), and Kabul

Education University (KEU) ‘s Strategic Institutional Development Plans (SIDPs) and how to further

improve their quality before finalizing and posting them on the Universities and MoHE Websites.

Location and Period:

The SIDPs Discussion Meeting was held in Conference Room 8 of the Ministry of Higher Education of

Afghanistan within the ministry compound. The conference room was well equipped with the facilities such

as microphones, loud speakers, projectors etc. and was big enough to accommodate all participants. The

Discussion Meeting was held on Tuesday Dec 27, 2016 from 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm.


The Discussion Meeting was attended by 49 participants, including Deputy Minister for Academic affairs,

Prof. Mohammad Osman Babury, MoHE Policy and Plan Director, HEDP team, chancellors, vice chancellors,

and deans of faculties, department heads, and Lecturers from KU, KMU, and KEU.

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Discussion Meeting Sessions:

Opening Remarks: The discussion meeting started with the distribution of the agenda and warm welcome by the HEDP team. Later on, Professor Mohammad Osman Babury, the deputy minister for Academic Affairs, MoHE, took the podium. His Excellency first extended his gratitude and warm welcome to the participants and thanked both HEDP and universities for their efforts in preparing the SIDPs. Later on, His Excellency talked about the NHESP-II and the importance of the SIDPs for universities in a very short way. His Excellency also reminded the participants, that during the SIDP workshop in February 2016 they were told that while making the universities strategic plan, they should make sure that the goals and objectives of the NHESP-II are reflected in their relevant SIDPs. Afterwards, His Excellency emphasized on the SIDP committees of KU, KMU, and SREU universities to fully take the ownership of the SIDP and make sure that it is implemented for the sake of achieving their university goals and objectives as said in their plans.

Figure 01: Deputy Minister, Prof. Mohammad Osman Babury, giving the opening remarks University Presentations on their SIDPs: After the opening remarks of Deputy Minister, Prof. Mohammad Osman Babury, the three universities were given a chance to each give a short presentation on their Plan. According to the discussion meeting agenda, Prof. Rihana Popalzai, Vice Chancellor Academic for KU, presented the Kabul University plan. Dr. Brishan Dawlati, publications directress for Kabul Medical University presented the KMU plan, and Prof.

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Mohammad Omar Solaiman presented the Shaheed Rabanni Education University’s plan. After the presentations, the participants had discussion over the SIDPs of the three universities. During the discussion, the universities SIDP teams were provided with some feedback and comments for further improvement of their university plans.

Figure 02: The participants are joint the presentation. Important Discussion points:

- All the three universities should make sure that their 5 year (2016-2020) Strategic Institutional

Development Plans are prepared in a way to help achieve the goals and objectives of the MoHE-


- Universities should take SIDPs seriously and should understand that this their ownership not an

external imposed work.

- The universities should revise and should further improve their Mission and Vision statements.

- The universities should think over the SWOT analysis and if possible, they should place SWOT at

the beginning of the plans.

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- The 3 Universities have broader area of SWOT. They should investigate and add more points of

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to their SWOT analysis part of the SIDPS.

- The universities should revise their goals and make them more realistic.

- If the universities divide their goals into Short term and Long term goals, it would make the goals

realistic and easy to achieve.

- The financial and budget plans of the SIDPs seems weak and unrealistic. They should be revised

and developed according to the budget plan standards through the concerned departments of the


- Prof. Jamshid Haidary and his friends from Kabul University’s economic faculty volunteered

themselves to amend and further develop the financial plan, budget and other weak areas of the

KU SIDP and they are willing to help KMU and SREU as well as.

- All the 3 universities should revise the “Access to Higher Education” part of the SIDPs.

- Kabul University should add an action plan to their SIDP.

- The SIDPs of the 3 universities should reflect their willingness toward OBE/SCL and QAAU

- SREU University should revise and further improve their action plan and make sure that it is

realistic and suitable to be implemented.

- The universities should mentioned that how to be internationalized (the 3 universities must have a

plan for how to attract international faculties and students).

- The SIDPs of the 3 universities must indicate income generating sources with their campus and

activities and their eagerness and readiness for internal autonomy.

- The 3 universities will try to reflect academic and management discipline in their plans.

- All the 3 universities must make sure that their SIDPs are circulated and shared with all the

departments and everyone in their universities.

- The SIDPs must have reasonable budget and cost estimates for their activities.

- DM, Prof. M. Osman Babury will find and share the Dari Translation of the Dr. Fred’s book written

about preparing Strategic Institutional Development Plan.

- The universities should have internal meetings and SIDP presentations inside their universities

before finalizing and posting the plans.

- A discussion on SIDP template has done and it should be revised for the universities preparing

their SIDPs in future.


After the discussion DMAA, Prof. M. Osman Babury asked the 3 universities to consider the

suggestions and feedback important and amend their SIDPs accordingly. The universities should

develop all the weak areas of their SIDPs in coming 20 days; and must submit their final SIDP drafts to

MoHE and HEDP within the above mentioned period. After the final drafts are received from the

universities, on Jan 17, 2017, HEDP will organize a one day workshop where the Chancellors of the 3

universities will present their final SIDPs in front of MoHE Minister, DMs, University Chancellors, Vice

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Chancellors, SIDP teams, HEDP and media. During the mentioned 20 days, if the 3 universities need

any support, HEDP will be glad to assist them.


1.1 List of participants:

Participants list of SIDP-Discussion Meeting Dec 27, 2016


Name Position Organization Department/Faculty E-mail Cell Phone#

1 Prof. Mohammad Osman Babary

Deputy Minister Academic

MoHE Academic

2 Noor Ahmad Darwish Director HEDP Management

[email protected]


3 Sarfaraz Nawabzada Strategic & Research Manager

HEDP Academic

[email protected]


4 Prof. Rihana Popalzai Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs

Kabul University Academic Affairs

[email protected]


5 Mehdi Bahar Head of Plan and Policy

Kabul University -

[email protected]


6 Prof. Mohammad Musa Lecturer Kabul University Public Administration and Policy

[email protected]


7 Dr. Hassan Rashiq Lecturer Kabul University Agriculture

[email protected]

8 Dr. Sayad Nooroddin Alwi

Lecturer Kabul University Social Sciences

[email protected]


9 Prof. Jamsheed Haydari Lecturer Kabul University Economics

[email protected] 0700175286


Prof. Abdul Wahid Wahid Naiz

Lecturer Kabul University Law & Political Science

[email protected] 0700292655


Prof. Mohammad Jawad

Lecturer Kabul University Economics

[email protected]



Prof. Khalil ur Rahman Sarwari

Lecturer Kabul University Psychology

[email protected] 0700295071


Prof. Abdul Hameed Layan

Dean Kabul University Engineering

[email protected]



Prof. Sayad Mohammad Tengar

Dean Kabul University Economics

[email protected] 0700284901


Prof. Mohd Aslam Naseemi

Dean Kabul University Language & Literature

[email protected]



Prof. Sher Shah Sadat Lecturer Kabul University Veterinary

[email protected] 0700057935


Prof. Dr. Mir Azizullah Akhgar

Vice Chancellor Academic

Kabul Medical University

Curative Faculty [email protected]



Mr. Shamsulrahim Rahim

Vice Chancellor Administrative

Kabul Medical University

Allied Health Science [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hashim Tahiri

Vice Chancellor Students Affairs

Kabul Medical University

Dentistry Faculty [email protected]


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Prof. Dr. Ehsanullah Alemi

Dean-Allied Health Faculty

Kabul Medical University

Dentistry Faculty [email protected] 0799336491


Prof. Dr. Razya Rabizada

Dean of Dentistry Faculty

Kabul Medical University

Dentistry Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Ismail Zaman Dean of Medical Faculty

Kabul Medical University

Allied Health Science [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Hayatullah Jawad

Director of EDC Kabul Medical University

Nursing Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Abdullah Abid Dean of Public Health Faculty

Kabul Medical University

Public Health Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Ziba Mazari Dean of Nursing Faculty

Kabul Medical University

Nursing Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Ajmal Sabawoon

Lecturer of Epidemiology Dept

Kabul Medical University

Public Health Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Ahmad Khalid Lecturer of Epidemiology Dept

Kabul Medical University

Public Health Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Yousaf Yadgari Teachers’ Director Kabul Medical University

Dentistry Faculty [email protected]



Prof. Dr. Brishna Dawlati

Publication Directress Kabul Medical University

Allied Health Science [email protected] 0775071330


Mr. Mohammad Akbar Safi

Human Resources’ Director

Kabul Medical University

HR [email protected] 0700251670


Mr. Khuja Mohammad Anwar

Financial & Accounting Director

Kabul Medical University

Finance [email protected]



Mr. Ghulam Dastagir Khawrin

Vice Chancellor Administration

Kabul Education University



Mr. Fazal Haq Fazal Vice Chancellor Students Affairs

Kabul Education University

Deputy Students Affairs

[email protected] 0744328252


Mr. Monawar Shah Malistani

Dean Kabul Education University

Social Sciences [email protected]



Mr. Jamsheed Rashidi Dean Kabul Education University

Literature [email protected]



Mr. Mohammad Ghaus Zulmi

Dean Kabul Education University

Social Sports [email protected]



Mohammad Alam Bayan

Dean Kabul Education University

Special Educations [email protected]



Ms. Karima Dariz Dean Kabul Education University

Training/Ethics Education

[email protected] 0799321844


Mr. Abdul Rashid Aziz Dean Kabul Education University

Natural Sciences [email protected]



Mr. Abdul Wahid Jaheed

Dean Kabul Education University

Islamic Studies [email protected] 0700226148


Mr. Sadiqullah Barmak Dean Kabul Education University

Computer Sciences [email protected] 0708889788


Ms. Zohra Walid Dean Kabul Education University

Psychology [email protected]



Mr. Mohammad Fahim Karimi

Deputy Finance Kabul Education University

Finance department - 0777994248


Mr. Omaid Afghan Lecturer Kabul Education University

Special Educations - 0700215468


Faiz Ahamd Sayar Acting Director of Plan MoHE

Policy and Plan


Mohammad Fazil Wasit IQA Manager Kabul University

IQAU/ Education Management

[email protected] 0799219019

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Brishna Dawlati I QA Manager Kabul Medical University

IQAU/ Allied Health Science

[email protected] 0775071330


Abdul Jalil Kahdistani IQA Manager Kabul Education University

IQAU [email protected] 0799202261


Omer Solaiman Lecturer Kabul Education University

[email protected]


1.2 Discussion Meeting Agenda

Discussion Meeting on Strategic Institutional Plans of


Objective: Discussion on the concreteness of the 3 SIDPs and how to further improve their quality before

posting them on the Universities and MoHE websites.

Date: Dec 27, 2016

Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Venue: Conference Room #8

Meeting Facilitator: HEDP

Chaired by: Deputy Minister Academic Affairs, Prof. Babury

Meeting Attendees: KU/ KMU/ SREU Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, IQA Managers of KU/ KMU/

KEU, MoHE Plan Director, SIDP teams, and HEDP.

2:00 pm – 2:05pm Welcome and Warm up


In this session, the participants will be welcomed and briefed

regarding the discussion’s agenda.

2:05 pm – 2:20 pm Opening Remarks

H.E. Professor Mohammad Osman Babury

Deputy Minister of Academic Affairs

In this session, the Deputy Minister will re-explain the vision,

mission, goals and objectives of the NHESP-II and will also explain

the importance of SIDP for universities. The DM will remind the

universities that how they were asked to align their SIDPs so that

the goals of the ministry are achieved.

2:20 pm – 2:30 pm KU plan presentation

KU Chancellor

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In this session, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, or an SIDP

representative of KU will educate the participants regarding the

process of their plan and will tell the attendees that how their plan is

align to achieve the goals of MoHE set in NHESP- II.

2:30 pm – 2:40 pm KMU plan presentation

KMU Chancellor

In this session, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, or an SIDP

representative of KMU will educate the participants regarding the

process of their plan and will tell the attendees that how their plan is

align to achieve the goals of MoHE set in NHESP- II.

2:40 pm – 2:50 pm

KEU plan presentation

KEU Chancellor

In this session, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, or an SIDP

representative of KEU will educate the participants regarding the

process of their plan and will tell the attendees that how their plan is

align to achieve the goals of MoHE set in NHESP- II.

2:50 pm – 3:00 pm Tea-Break

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Discussion

All the Participants

In this session, all the attendees will provide the universities with

comments, feedback and suggestions for correction, and further

improvement of the SIDPs. The University SIDP teams will discuss

the feedback and comments and will note the agreed on points

which they will later add to their plans.

4:00 pm – 4:05 pm Future Agenda

HEDP and SIDP teams of KU, KMU, KEU

In this session, the HEDP and SIDP teams will agree on a day in

next week for every university to finalize their SIDP. The SIDP

teams of the respected universities are kindly requested to consider

the discussion meetings’ comments and feedback important and

urgently amend their plans according to the agreed on points of
