Download - Renmark Primary School Newsletter


No 4/2020 Term 1, Week 8 Thursday, 19 March 2020

News from the PrincipalCOVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of our

lives, to varying degrees. We must be careful, keep an eye on ourselves, our children and each other, especially the most vulnerable in our community. In testing times, the strength and connectivity of our community is so important.

The most up to date information has been sent home, and posted on our Face Book page.

Our priority is maintaining a safe and healthy environment and being very careful out in the community.

- frequent and thorough hand washing before eating and after the toilet

- using hand sanitiser - exercising social distance wherever possible - being mindful of activities and environments in which

they teach and learn to minimise crowding and close contact.

A rigorous cleaning routine each night ensures tables, surfaces and door handles are disinfected, along with normal cleaning.

We ask you to keep your child home if they are unwell and collect your child if they are unwell at school; 24 hours at home to rest and then to the doctor if you’re still concerned. This advice is for anyone who hasn’t been exposed to COVID-19. If anyone has been exposed to COVID-19, they must report to the doctor immediately.

There is a lot being said about COVID-19 in the community and on social media which can create fear and panic; trust only credible sources ie for the latest advice, information and resources.

The staff and I greatly appreciate our school and community’s sense of calm and support; it’s very important that we enact the directives given and trust the decision making at all levels.

I want to reassure you that as soon as possible, we will resume assemblies and special events. Meanwhile, teachers and students are focusing on fantastic learning in their classroom and learning areas.

Go to Renmark Primary School-Official Face Book

page for the latest COVID-19 information.


Monday 23rd March. All year 3, 5 and 7 students will practice one test.

Students will not be assessed; the practice is to make sure the technology works and that all students have the opportunity to practice in test conditions before NAPLaN testing, May 12 – 22.

More information out before the end of term 1 about this.


Thank you to teachers for making themselves availble for these discussions, and to parents/caregivers and students for their participation and attendance.

These first formal discussions about learning, goal setting, and how to be a successful learner, are so important.

For parents/caregivers unable to attend, I encourage you to make time to talk to your child’s teacher before the end of term 1 via phone interview. This ensures term 2 starts strongly with teachers, parents/caregivers and students understanding learning goals and strategies to achieve them. Every child’s success is because of a strong team effort!


Thank you to Governing Council members for attending our most recent GC meeting. Our discussions are very valuable and open, with members providing great insight into all things education! A high quality education in a safe, supportive, challenging and well maintained environment is crucial, and we welcome ideas to grow and improve.

The discussions and reports give a comprehensive view of RPS, current priorities and work being done across all areas to achieve the School Improvement Plan goals and targets.

- COVID-19 management and information - Nature Play area – construction starting early May

� Respect � Excellence � Self Belief � Trust

Renmark Primary School

Newsletter 58 Murtho Street, Renmark, SA, 5341 Website:

Phone: (08) 8586 5737 Email:[email protected] Fax: (08) 8586 4020 Principal: Ms Lyn Bretag


- Year 7-8 high school, 2021 - NAPLaN arrangements - Term 1 reports provided by the Principal, Deputy

Principal, Student Wellbeing Leader, Aboriginal Education Teacher, Teaching and Learning coordinator, Aboriginal Community Education Officer, Pastoral Support Worker, Grounds and OSHC.

The school operating budget was approved and various aspects of expenditure and incoming revenue were explained.

GC welcomes all ideas so please contact members for further information or to talk about their support of RPS.


Every child and young person has a right to an education that develops their talent and ability to reach their fullest potential.

Education is the pathway for children and young people to begin their contribution to civic life. It is the means by which we develop people who are able to participate successfully in our community. We all have a role to ensure that children and young people get the best education available, and this starts with ensuring that children attend school all day, every school day. (John Gardner- Minister for Education)

Currently our average daily attendance rate is 92%. Increased attendance provides better learning outcomes and assists in connecting and engaging with

children and young people and their families.

Attendance in relation to


At this stage, our school remains open with all students encouraged to wash their hands frequently and observe appropriate cough/sneeze etiquette. All students and staff who are unwell with fever and/or respiratory infection should remain at home until symptoms resolve.

If your child is unwell please keep them at home and call the school to advise of their absence.

SRC/ Little Leaders

This term our SRC and Little Leaders have been learning about how to build positive friendships with others. Room 11 students discussed the qualities they look for in a friend and if friends are more important to you now than they were in kindergarten. Students said that the qualities they look for in a friend include: friends have your back, they have a good personality, they share common interests, they are friendly, understanding, caring, honest, trust-worthy, kind, they share, have a sense of humour, and friends are empathetic. Room 11 students said friends are more important now than in kindergarten as they didn’t have things to be super sad or depressed about, but now some of them do and we need friendships to help us through the bad times. We are now in a stage in our life that we don’t just want to run around or play with play-doh; we need someone who is like us to talk to. We have different people to turn to for different things in our lives now.

Room 18 discussed ways they can be a good friend to others.


Room 2 News

InitiaLit 2 programme - Room 2 students have been working on nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in our new InitiaLit Storybook lessons.

We have completed activities on the books 'Willy the Wimp' and 'The Snail and the Whale'.

We can also understand the narrative structure and can summarise main events in a story.

Sharing information about ourselves helps us to get to know our new classmates.

What is special and unique about me?



Last month our school received a box of 36 instructional levelled books for students and teachers to use as part of our reading program. These books were provided free of charge as one element of the launch of RSPCA’s new educational programme, AWARE (Animal Wellbeing: Awareness, Responsibility and Education).

We would like to thank the RSPCA for their kind donation.

Dear families, Due to the latest advice from the department that recommends schools postpone non-essential events and gatherings, we have regrettably postponed our playgroup until further notice. We hope to see you all back at playgroup when we are back, up and running.

Assembly certificate

recipients As you are aware, assemblies have been postponed for the remainder of the term, however we will still be posting on our Facebook page the recipients of our school certificates. So keep an eye out for this.

Swimming Lessons Room 1

Room 1 had swimming lessons in week 4. We learnt lots of new skills, including getting things from under water, learning to float, and what to do if someone needs help in the water. Some of us really surprised ourselves with our new skills, but the funniest part was learning that one of the instructors had the same name as one of our class members!



Don’t forget to check out

our School website @



Dear Parents,

Dates to remember Term 1 2020

Please note: Non-essential events highlighted

in red have been cancelled or postponed.

Week 8

March 19 Assembly 12.25pm March 19 Playgroup 9-10.30am March 20 National Day against BULLYING March 21 Harmony Day

Week 9

March 26 Assembly 12.25pm March 26 Community COLOUR RUN March 26 Playgroup 9-10.30am

Week 10 and 11

April 2 SAPSASA Athletics April 2+9 Playgroup 9-10.30am April 9 2.30pm Dismissal/Casual Day APRIL 10 GOOD FRIDAY

School Uniform Donations

Do you have any school uniforms that your child has outgrown, that you would consider donating? In particular need are school T-shirts in sizes 12-16. Any school uniform donations are very welcome. Second hand uniforms can be purchased from the front office for a gold coin donation.

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: 28 January – 9 April (11 wks) Term 2: 27 April – 3 July (10 wks) Term 3: 20 July – 25 September (10 wks) Term 4: 12 October – 11 December (9 wks)

Community notices

Riverland Oral Health Centre (school aged dental) Address: 10 Maddern Street, Berri SA 5343. Open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.30pm Phone: 8580 2700.In an emergency or for after hour’s advice call: 1800 022 222. Dental care is free for most children-SA Dental bulk bill Medicare.

Renmark Out of School Hours Care OSHC opening hours: 6.30am-8.30am & 3.15pm-6.30pm, Pupil free days and School Holidays 6.30am-6.30pm. Please Call: 8586 4481 for bookings.

National Karate Academies Renmark For R-7 at the RPS Hall on Wednesdays (enter from 19th St. Renmark).

Phone Jeff on 0417 938 076.

Family Activities Program Follow the link below to access a fantastic ‘Family Activities Program’ put together by the Renmark Paringa Council. The Program includes activities suitable for all age groups.