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Reid & Sanders, Operations Management© Wiley 2002

Forecasting 8C H A P T E R

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Learning Objectives

• Identify the principles of forecasting• Explain the forecasting process• Describe forecasting methods:

– Time series and casual models – Incorporating trends, seasonality and cycles

• Describe casual modeling using linear regression• Compute forecast accuracy• Explain factors to consider when selecting a

forecasting method

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Principles of Forecasting

• Forecasts are rarely perfect

• Grouped forecasts are more accurate than individual items

• Forecast accuracy is higher for shorter time horizons

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• Decide what to forecast:– Level of detail, units of analysis & time horizon


• Evaluate & analyze appropriate data– Identify needed data & whether it’s available

• Select & test the forecasting model– Cost, ease of use & accuracy

• Generate the forecast• Monitor forecast accuracy over time

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Types of Forecasting Methods

• Qualitative methods:– Forecasts generated subjectively by the


• Quantitative methods:– Forecasts generated through mathematical


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Qualitative Methods

• Strengths:– Incorporates inside information– Particularly useful when the future is

expected to be very different than the past

• Weaknesses:– Forecaster bias can reduce the accuracy of

the forecast

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Types of Qualitative Models

Type Characteristics Strengths WeaknessesExecutive opinion

A group of managers meet & come up with a forecast

Good for strategic or new-product forecasting

One person's opinion can dominate the forecast

Market research

Uses surveys & interviews to identify customer preferences

Good determinant of customer preferences

It can be difficult to develop a good questionnaire

Delphi method

Seeks to develop a consensus among a group of experts

Excellent for forecasting long-term product demand, technological changes, and

Time consuming to develop

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Quantitative Methods

• Strengths:– Consistent and objective– Can consider a lot of data at once

• Weaknesses:– Necessary data isn’t always available– Forecast quality is dependent upon data


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Types of Quantitative Methods

• Time Series Models:– Assumes the future will follow same

patterns as the past

• Causal Models:– Explores cause-and-effect relationships– Uses leading indicators to predict the


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Patterns in Time Series Data

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Logic of Time Series Models

• Data = historic pattern + random variation

• Historic pattern may include: – Level (long-term average) – Trend – Seasonality – Cycle

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Time Series Models

• Naive:– The forecast is equal to the actual value observed

during the last period

• Simple Mean:– The average of all available data

• Moving Average:– The average value over a set time period (e.g.: the

last four weeks)– Each new forecast drops the oldest data point &

adds a new observation

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Weighted Moving Average

• All weights must add to 100% or 1.00

• Allows the forecaster to emphasize one period over others

• Differs from the simple moving average that weights all periods equally

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Exponential Smoothing

• Forecast quality is highly dependent on selection of alpha:– Low alpha values generate more stable forecasts– High alpha values generate forecasts that respond

quickly to recent data

• Issue is whether recent changes reflect random variation or real change in long-term demand

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Forecasting Trends

• Trend-adjusted exponential smoothing

• Three step process:– Smooth the level of the series:

– Smooth the trend:

– Calculate the forecast including trend:

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11 )1()( tttt TSST

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Adjusting for Seasonality

• Calculate the average demand per season– E.g.: average quarterly demand

• Calculate a seasonal index for each season of each year:– Divide the actual demand of each season by the

average demand per season for that year

• Average the indexes by season– E.g.: take the average of all Spring indexes, then

of all Summer indexes, ...

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Adjusting for Seasonality

• Forecast demand for the next year & divide by the number of seasons– Use regular forecasting method & divide by four

for average quarterly demand

• Multiply next year’s average seasonal demand by each average seasonal index– Result is a forecast of demand for each season of

next year

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Casual Models

• Often, leading indicators hint can help predict changes in demand

• Causal models build on these cause-and-effect relationships

• A common tool of causal modeling is linear regression:


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Linear Regression

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Forecast Accuracy

• Forecasts are rarely perfect• Need to know how much we should rely on

our chosen forecasting method• Measuring forecast error:

• Note that over-forecasts = negative errors and under-forecasts = positive errors

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Tracking Forecast ErrorOver Time

• Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD):– A good measure of the actual error

in a forecast

• Mean Square Error (MSE):– Penalizes extreme errors

• Tracking Signal– Exposes bias (positive or negative)


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TS forecast - actual



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Factors for Selecting a Forecasting Model

• The amount & type of available data

• Degree of accuracy required

• Length of forecast horizon

• Presence of data patterns

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The End

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