





ABOUTREHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUST a non-government organization, is the first grant-making institution in Patna working for the upliftment of poor and needy people. The Foundation supports individuals, community-based organizations, and networks that work to secure social change and protect the rights of people. REHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUSTprovides small grants and fellowships towards erasing the demarcation that has been caused in the society as a result of caste base policies of the government and nurturing future leaders for the movement. The aim is to build the capacity of our partners in order to execute effective grassroots level interventions. We are also committed towards building a strong line of leadership for the Movement. Hence, through two of our programmes, viz the Young Professionals Programme and the Professionals Programme, we engage with the youth and the professionals from diverse fields.REHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUST was born out of an imperative need for institutional support for activities and organizations involved in communities, struggle for equality. This is the Society mission.






314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]

We envision a world in which diffuse education positively contributes to each person’s ability to reach her or his potential in acting for society’s good.



314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]







MISSIONOur mission is to serve the poor and deprived sections of the society by providing them the basic amenities like education, healthcare, food and shelter that equip individuals to become an equal partner in the progress of the nation and by helping the sufferers of natural calamities to move towards a world free from hunger, ignorance, deprivation and exploitation.






314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]





314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]






A. Educational ActivitYB. Vocational TrainingC. Women empowermentD. Child Labour awarenessE. Girls EducationF. Dispute ResolutionG. Make people self reliable H. Training of SHGI. Health & Family welfareJ. PlantationK. Population ControlL. Pulse Polio ProgrammeM. Drug-de-addiction


To land the ideology of president of REHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUST as a visionary, renowned socio-political leader, senior educationist and a distinguished leader and familiar with the mass loving personality in the community welfare and development of humanity and to create world class of healthcare facilities.








314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]




314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]






A. To Cope with the community and aware them. B. To co-operate society for their overall development. C. To work for Cleaning garbage & Waste Products D. Make this world a better place to live in. E. Disposal of unclaimed dead bodies. F. Respect and care for the community of Life. G. Establish social security.H. Computer Literacy I. Strengthen the Deprived J. Treat all human beings in equality.


VALUESThe society always aims at Social-service to the needy people. Every non-governmental organization in civil society has a mission for which it mobilizes support, influences governments, international organizations and corporations, raises funds, educates the public, dedicates resources, and represents its members, its beneficiaries, its donors or its stakeholders in a wider sense. In doing so a private we seeks to achieve public goods or contributes to social capital, promoting a wider cause than its own continuity. Our fundamental responsibility is to conduct its affairs in ways that do not adversely affect the peoples, communities, and natural resources it touches.






314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]



314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]





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1. Based on the believe of EQUITY, JUSTICE & CO-OPERATION to formulate, organized and operate the all projects/programmed Master plan etc. For the Speedy integrated sustainable RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, for TOTAL rehabilitation, welfare and development of farmers/labors rural citizen and establish, to be counted among the most pioneering innovative farmer focused and self supporting organization and make INDIA as GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE.

2. Introduce the latest tested technologies [LAB & LAND] into farm and farm product development Infrastructure for complete break-through and adaption of technologies in Agriculture.

3. To undertake, organize and carry out all the development activities regarding Agriculture regarding water, soil, climate and environment changes, watershed development, special programmed for farmers in distress, farmer and farm laborer welfare, HRD in farm sector, technology dissemination and management market and marketing, National and international trade matters, farm mechanization ‘income assurance and crop insurance, Agriculture Credit, rural deposit mobilization, Utilities crop

husbandry, livestock development, animal nutrition, mechanization in animal husbandry livestock development, animal nutrition, mechanization in animal husbandry quality improvements in animal food production, poultry development,

4. Seeds and planting material development, Fertilizers and plant nutrients, pesticides management, value addition and processing, inland fisheries development, energy smart agriculture promotion high tech farming management, Farm information and communication system development, conduct agricultural researches in bio-technologies and Genetically Modified[GM] crops, optimum utilizes of Farm/land, Database of land and utilities, utilities of alternative energies in agriculture sector as well as rural population.

5. To shape-up the innovative ideas formulated and undertake the project of Human Resource Development, Health and Family Welfare, Rural Engineering and Development, MSME Projects, Food processing, Housing And Development, Housing and Urban developement, Women and child Development Poverty Alleviation Projects, Sustainable Development Projects, Labour & Employment Generation programmes, New and Renewal Energy Research and utilities programs, Minority Affairs and Forest Development Programmes, Information Technologies Research and Utilities Programmes, Water Resource Management Programmes, Economic Development programme, Youth Affairs and Development programme, Tribals Rehabilitation, Welfare AND Development programmes,

09 @rehanamfoundation





314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]



Human Right issues, Conservation And Protection, Legal Right Generation Programmes, Disaster Management Programmes, Sports and Cultural Development programmes, Stop Terrorism and National /International peace Programmers and all other events, as would be arise in future.

The organization will be based upon

the principles of Indian Constitution

and Law of land and in status as an

autonomous legislative body.

314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]






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also the team leader of the program executives.3. PROGRAM EXECUTIVE: Program Executives are responsible for smooth functioning of field programs, timely service delivery, and program coordination and management. Besides to reach the target beneficiary, reaching reach outs with definite outcome.








314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]


1. GENERAL BODY: Apex body to amend, change, alters the mission, vision. General body sits once in a year. This body approves the annual expenditure and programs, appoints auditors, consultants and other matters relating to policy and strategy of the organization.2. CHIEF EXECUTIVE: In concurrence with the organization by-laws and MoU, President holds the position of chief executive on behalf of the office bearers of the organization. President is



314-B, Ashoka Palace, Exhibition Road, PatnaBIHAR [800001]







REHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUST proposes to promote Executive Cadre Development professionals, bare foot technicians to carry forward contextual development information and support translation into action for insulating complementary development attitude for right-based approach. REHANAM EDUCATIONAL & WELFARE TRUST & also feels to demystify the development.