Download - Registered Charity No. 1000142 Saving Dorset’s Disappearing History Carola Campbell [email protected] Sam Johnston [email protected].


Registered Charity No. 1000142

Saving Dorset’s Disappearing History

Carola [email protected]

Sam Johnston [email protected]

Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT – successor body to Friends of Dorset’s ArchivesShift in political and financial landscapeKey objects of DAT are closely linked and complement DHC’s strategic priorities

Registered Charity No. 1000142

Our key object is to promote the preservation, accessibility and understanding of Dorset’s archival Heritage

Fundraising Collections Development Advocacy

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

About the DAT OrganisationThe Board is a new team

My backgroundThe rest of the Team

A small and doing communityEvery board member has a main focusFilling the skills gap is a work in progressThe power of the patron & the president

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT’s Strategy & ApproachAlign our activities to the History Centre’s plans, needs and

geographic reach

Fundraising projects must be compelling & fit a range of wallets Sponsor a Box for £10Emergency Purchase FundHistory Centre’s major & key projects

Event ProgrammeDesigned to reflect the History Centre’s Collections A fun evening/day out for our membership

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT role – hosting events and supporting volunteers

Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT’s Strategy & Approach (cont’d)Proactively apply for grants in support of DHC projects

Active communication with members via all channelsPost &TelephoneInternet & Social Media

Moving ForwardDevelop a focus on learning and outreachCloser ties with other organisations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Registered Charity No. 1000142

Cooper-Dean archive project – DAT contribution

Registered Charity No. 1000142

The HLF Catalyst Project and its goals:

Develop fundraising & membership growth strategies

Grow entrepreneurial and communication skills

Design and acquire communication & marketing material and tools, including updating our website

Analysis of the local and National funding landscape to help develop a more focused strategy.

Develop partnerships with other organisations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Plans for 2014-2015:

Attract more members & supporters

Raise significant funds for Bankes Project through grants & events

Try to reach the £10k target for the Emergency Fund

Launch the history competition in the local schools

Continue to implement the Catalyst recommendations

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Registered Charity No. 1000142

Bankes of Kingston Lacy – HLF funded project 2014-2018

Registered Charity No. 1000142

DAT role – raising the profile of the project

Registered Charity No. 1000142


Increasingly competitive funding environmentService capacity shrinking so charitable support ever more importantFundraise for specifics – people know where their money is spentTarget efforts to ensure maximum returnHybrid approach – service and Trust alignedNon-cash benefits - Political/public profile assisted by volunteer effort