Download - REGIONAL OFFICE (GOA) EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE … · 2020. 9. 1. · (Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 1 (Sign and Seal of Bidder) REGIONAL OFFICE

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 1 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)



(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India)

Regional Office, Panchdeep Bhavan, EDC, Plot No. 23,

Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa - 403001

Phone: 0832-2438870/0832-2437977


e-mail id: [email protected]







Issued by:-

(Regional Director)

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 2 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)







Subject Annexure Page No.

1 Notice Inviting Tender A 03-04

2 Instructions to the Bidders for re-e-tendering B 05-07

3 Eligibility Criteria for bidders C 08

4 General terms and conditions D 09-12

5 Technical specification E 13-14

6 Technical Bid F 15-16

7 Area of premises G 17

8 Schedule of services H 18

9 Declaration form I 19

10 Certificate J 20

11 Financial Bid K 21

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 3 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)




(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India)

Regional Office, Panchdeep Bhavan, EDC, Plot No. 23,

Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa - 403001

Phone: 0832-2438870/0832-2437977


e-mail id: [email protected]

Notice Inviting Re-E-Tender

Name of work: Dis-infestation, rodent control and anti termite treatment at ESIC

Regional Office, Panaji, Branch office at Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco and Staff Quarters,

Taleigao, Goa.

a. Sealed Item Rate Tender under two envelopes system are invited from eligible

bidders for Dis-infestation, rodent control and anti termite treatment at ESIC

Regional Office, Panaji, Branch office at Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco and Staff

Quarters, Taleigao.

b. The contract will be for the one year and may further be extended on performance


c. The terms Dis-infestation, rodent control and Anti-Termite states as:

i. Dis-infestation: This service should be carried out for controlling all types of

crawling insects such as cockroaches, silverfish, red ants, black ants, spiders, lizards etc.

The services will be provided in the entire office area by gel application or by spray accoding to frequency mentioned in tender. Drainage chambers also to be treated with pesticide and

anti-bacterial compound.

ii. Rodent Control: This services will carried out for controlling rat problem inside as

well as outside the premises and safeguarding the important files, papers, Boxes,

carpets, electrical and Telephone wiring, wooden ceiling, paneling, cardboards, raw

materials etc. from rodents damage. This service will be provided in the entire. The

premise inside the building area including office cabins, rooms’ toilets corridors, false

ceilings etc. and outside the building premises. The treatment will be carried out by

mechanical trapping with glass cleaning chemicals/agents and cleaning of partitions,

paneling etc. Trap boxes or tunnels along with glue pads placed on each floor

including basement area and service provider will keep on changing their

location/position during his visit at the premises, using glue-boards and poison baiting

in outside area only. The bidder would provide Rodent control for control of Rats,

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 4 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)

Mice etc. in entire building including basement, Cable Trenches, Electrical Rooms,

Air Handling Rooms, Substation, All the shafts Rooms Etc. He shall visit daily for

changing and replacing the glue pads/bait-stickers & used glue pads should be

disposed off outside the building.

iii. Termite Control: Injecting termiticide into affected portions of the woodwork,

Woodwork in contact with machinery for example, door frames, cabinets, cupboards

etc. shall be treated by drilling and injecting termiticide at the points of contact.

Through drilling holes at the junctions of the walls and the floor and pumping

chemicals through these holes and as per CPWD manual/ IS code, wherever

necessary. The drilled holes are effectively sealed thereafter. The application of

blanket spray and dusting wherever necessary.

Sl. Item Detail

1 Name of work Dis-infestation, rodent control and anti termite treatment at

ESIC Regional Office, Panaji, Branch office at Mapusa, Ponda &

Vasco, and Staff Quarters, Taleigao.

2 Time for


12 Months

3 Earnest




The amount of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is Rs. 8000/-(Rupees

Eight Thousand Only) which shall be in the form of deposit at call

receipt of a Scheduled Bank / Fixed Deposit receipt of Scheduled

Bank / Demand Draft of scheduled Bank issued / drawn in favor of

‘ESI FUND ACCOUNT No.1’, payable at Goa.

4 Tender


The tender document may be downloaded from, and from

2nd September2020 11:00 AM to 24st September,2020 till 11:00


5 Pre Bid

meeting date

The pre-bid meeting will be held on 10th September, 2020 at 11:00

AM at ESIC Regional office, EDC plot , Patto Plaza, Panaji, Goa.

6 Last Date of


Technical bid and Financial bid must be submitted online at during period from 2nd

September, 2020 at 11:00 AM to 24st September, 2020 till 11:00

AM. Bid submitted through any other mode shall not be entertained.

6 Date of

opening of


The technical bids of tenders shall be opened in the presence of the

tenderers who desire to be present on 25nd September,2020 at

11:00 AM in conference hall at 3rd Floor, Regional Office Building,

Patto, Panaji, Goa. In case is declared a public holiday, tenders shall

be opened as per above schedule on next working day. The date for

opening of Financial Bid of those bids who found Technically

qualified shall be communicated separately.

Regional Director

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 5 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)


Instructions for Online Bid Submission

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using

valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in

registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting

their bids on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting

their bids online on the CPP Portal.

More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at :


1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-procurement module of the Central Public

Procurement Portal ( by clicking on the link “Online

bidder Enrollment” on the CPP Portal which is free of charge.

2) As a part of enrollment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username

and assign a password for their accounts.

3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as parts of

the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP


4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature

Certificate (Class III certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying

Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify/ nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.

5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that bidders are

responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to


6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID/

password and the password of the DSC/ e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search

active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,

Organization Name, Location, date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced

search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such

as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to search

for a tender published on the CPP Portal.

2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the

required documents/ tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective ‘My

Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS /

e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.

3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case

they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 6 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)


1) Bidders should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document

before submitting their bids.

2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to

understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the

number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of

documents- including the names and content of each of the document that need to be

submitted. Any deviation from these may lead to the rejection of the bid.

3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in

the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF /

JPG formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option

which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.

4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents

which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such

standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has

been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” or “Other Important

Documents” area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be

directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not to be

uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid

submission process.

Note: My documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the uploading

process. If Bidder has uploaded his Documents in My Documents space, this does

not automatically ensure these Documents beings part of Technical Bid.


1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can

upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be

responsible for any delay due to other issues.

2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as

indicated in the tender document.

3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as

indicated in the tender document.

4) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instruction specified in the tender document.

The original should be posted /couriered/given in person to the concerned official, latest

by the last date of bid submission or as specified in the tender documents. The details of

the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with the details

available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time.

Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.

5) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in

the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has given as a

standard BoQ format with tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be

filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and

complete the white coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes

and other details (Such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once

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the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online, without

changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will

be rejected.

6) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the

standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,

opening of bids etc. The bidders follow this time during bid submission.

7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI

encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be

viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the

bids is maintained using the secured socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data

storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the

server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.

Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener’s public

keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender

opening by the authorized bid openers.

8) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid

Submission” in the portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a

bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the

bid with all other relevant details.

9) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission

of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening



1) Any queries relating to tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein

should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact

person indicated in the tender.

2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP

Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.

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1. Dis-infestation, Rodent control

and Termite control

Registered and licensed pest control


Rest Eligibility conditions as given below.

1. The bidder should have minimum three years experience as on last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited in similar nature of works. (Similar nature of works

means that the applicant should have completed the Pest control services in Central Govt.

offices / State Govt. offices / attached offices / statutory bodies / PSU departments/Big


2. Average Annual Financial turnover during the immediate last 3 consecutive financial years

should be at least Rs 1,20,000/-(rupees one lakh and twenty thousand only)(copies of Balance Sheets signed by Chartered Accountant to be submitted online).

3. The Bidder should possess PAN Card. Photocopy has to be submitted.

4. The bidder must be registered under ESIC/PF/GST Acts. Necessary photocopies of

registration Certificates to be submitted.

5. The applicant should have also successfully completed similar works in Central Govt. offices

/ State Govt. offices / attached offices / statutory bodies / PSU departments during the period

of last seven years ending on Last day of the month previous to the one in which tender are invited either of the following:

a) Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs 1,60,000/- (rupees onle lakh sixty thousand only)


b) Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal Rs 2,40,000/- (rupees two lakhs fourty thousand only)

Or c) One similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs 3,20,000/-

(rupees three lakhs twenty thousand only)

(Their completion certificate along with cost of the work, period and nature of work in the prescribed Performa of the concerned department duly signed by the competent authority

should be furnished online)

6. The Tenderer must have to submit a Self-Certificate that they have not been indicted for any

criminal, fraudulent or anti-competition activity and have not been blacklisted by any Govt.

departments or otherwise.

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Annexure- D General Terms and Conditions

1. ESIC R.O. Panaji shall be hiring the services of Dis-infestation, Rodent Control and

Anti-Termite Treatment agency for ESIC Regional Office, Panaji, Branch office at

Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco and Staff Quarters, Taleigao.

2. The Tender should remain valid up to one year from date of awarding the contract

which could be extended further by 1 Year with the consent of Competent Authority.

However, on failure to provide the desired service, this office has the right to

terminate the contract anytime in addition to forfeit the Security Deposit of the


3. The Tender should be free from Corrections & Erasures. Use of correction fluid in

tender is prohibited, in case if use of fluid of correction is noticed any where in

Tender the same will be rejected. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well

as in figures. Grand total amount quoted for General Pest Control & Anti Termite

Treatment together will be considered for the purpose of evaluation of Tender.

4. In case of breach of any conditions of the contract and for all types of losses caused

due to general pest control & anti termite treatment, the contractor shall fully

indemnify the office of the ESIC for such losses.

5. The bidders should have at least 3 years of experience in general pest control & anti

termite treatment in big Central Govt. offices / State Govt. offices / attached offices /

statutory bodies / PSU departments/Big organizations. Supporting documents of which is

to be submitted along with the tender.

6. The areas to be covered under the pest control will include the entire ESIC R.O.

building (including ESIC Branch Offices) as well as its surrounding including

drainage areas in order to control the habitats/breeding areas.

7. For items where required samples shall be prepared before starting the particular

items of work for prior approval of the competent authority of the office of the ESIC

shall be obtained on this account.

8. The Pest control has to be carried out weekly/fortnight preferably on Saturday.

9. The contractor shall be responsible to arrange at its on cost all necessary tools and

appliances required for execution of the work.

10. ESIC reserves his rights to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any

reason thereof.

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 10 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)

11. Payment will be made through ECS/NEFT only after satisfactory services rendered,

on quarterly basis.

12. The Tender received after stipulated time limit will not be accepted.

13. The firm should have Registration with statutory authority such as ESIC, EPF & Tax

authorities wherever applicable.

14. Where counter terms and conditions printed/written by the contractor, the same shall

not be deemed to have been accepted by us unless our written acceptance thereof is


15. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

a) Bidders shall submit the EMD in the form of a Demand Draft issued by any

nationalized bank in favor of ESIC payable at Panaji, Goa and should be valid for

90 days from the due date of the tender.

b) EMD of all unsuccessful bidders would be refunded by ESIC within 1 month or on

30th day of the bidder being notified as being unsuccessful. The EMD, for the

amount mentioned above, of successful bidder would be returned upon

submission of Performance Bank Guarantee.

c) The EMD amount is interest free and will be refundable to the unsuccessful bidders

without any accrued interest on it.

d) The bid/ proposal submitted without EMD, mentioned above, will be summarily


e) The EMD may be forfeited:

1. If the Bidder withdraws or amends it's tender or impairs or derogate from the

tender in any respect within the period of tender.

2. If the successful Bidder fails to furnish the required Bank Guarantee.

f) The EMD should be sealed in an envelope. The envelope should clearly show Name

of the company submitting the EMD and should be accompanied with the Bid


16. An agreement incorporating the terms & conditions will be executed between the

E.S.I. Corporation and the successful bidder on Rs. 100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper is

to be borne by the contractor.

17. Performance Security Deposit (10% of Sanctioned Tendered amount) is to be paid by

contractor as performance Guarantee and shall be refunded after six months the expiry

of the contract period (in case it is not extended/renewed further by 2 years) provided

the work done by party is of Standard Level and no objection is been raised against

the work done by the party.

18. In event of failure to execute the order as per terms and conditions and to the entire

satisfaction of his office work shall be entrusted to any other party at the risk & cost

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of the contractors and difference of rate if any will be recovered from contractor.

19. In case of dispute, the decision of ESIC will be deemed as final and binding.

20. Transfer of contract or sub contract is not permissible.

21. The entire work will be undertaken directly under the supervision of ESIC RO Panaji.

22. The agency will keep a record of the treatment done and the chemical used and

furnish the same to General branch R.O. Panaji on daily basis, during the treatment.

The contractor should keep a record of the work done by taking the signature of the in

charge of the flat / building.

23. The contractor will be responsible to dispose all insects/rodents and shall remove all

chemicals by cleaning/dusting the area after performing pest control services.

24. All equipments (Eg. Trap box, Glue trap) and consumable (Eg. Pesticide spray)

required for the service will be provided by the bidder at no extra cost.

25. The spray of insecticides, pest control service will shall be as per order.

26. The area/premises or number of services might be increased or decreased by 25% by

competent authority except for anti-termite the amount will be payable as per the

actual site execution irrespective of range of variation.

27. The Agency is allowed to draw the amount of the bill only on quarterly basis.

28. The rate may be quoted as per built up area separately and different building as per

the bill of quantity attached. The rate quoted for General Pest Control Treatment will

be for a period of one year. The rate quoted shall be firm and fixed and are inclusive

of manpower, material, machinery, tools & plants etc. All taxes (GST), duties and

levies etc. No escalation of whatsoever nature shall be payable.

29. The Courts in Panaji, Goa alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of matters

arising out of this Agreement.

30. Contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage caused to the ESIC assets (both

movable & non movable) during the course of pest control treatment and the value of

such loss/damage shall be recovered either from contractor's bill or from Security


31. All security and safety regulations and guidelines as per the applicable law are to be



a) The ESIC may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by

written notice of default, sent to the contractor terminate this Contract in whole or

in part.

b) The Addl. Commissioner & Regional Director or supreme head of ESIC Goa

reserves right to terminate the maintenance contract at any time without assigning

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any reason. The contractor will not be entitled to claim any compensation against

such termination. However, while terminating the contract, if any payment is due

to the contractor for the maintenance services already performed in terms of the

contract, the same would be paid to it as per the terms of the contract.

33. The bidder are required to enclose following documents:-

a. Registration certificate

b. Copy of PAN

c. Copy of GST

d. Experience certificate (Minimum 3 years)

e. Proof of Professional Competence and Experience (copies of work orders

for three years experience)

f. Copy of License to stock and use of permissible pesticides/insecticides for

Commercial Pest Control Operation.

g. ESIC & PF (latest challan)

h. Income Tax Return copy of last 3 years.

i. Labour license.

j. Certificate That None Of His/Her Near Relative is Working in the ESIC

Either Directly Recruited or On Deputation (ANNEXURE J)

34. All the buildings are open for inspection during office hours before 4 pm with prior

permission of officer in-charge.

35. Engineer in-charge may order/ask the successful contractor to show the demonstration

of pest control systems before execution of the contract.

36. The bidder should give a certificate that none of his/her near relative is working in the

ESIC either directly recruited or on deputation (as per ANNEXURE format J). The

Bidder or its authorized signatory should furnish certificate saying that none of the

near relative is working in the ESIC. Due to any breach of these conditions by the

company or firm or any other person the tender will be cancelled and Bid Security

will be forfeited at any stage whenever it is noticed and ESIC will not pay any

damage to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the

person will also be debarred for further participation in ESIC.

37. Financial Bid: Financial bid must be submitted online only at The financial bid of the tenderers, whose technical bid is

found to be qualified, will be opened in the presence of the tenderers, who desire to attend the

opening of financial bid.

DATE: Sign of Contractor/bidder

(With Stamp)

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Technical Specification

1. Insecticides/Pesticides/Chemicals etc to be used for controlling of pest should

be of public health grade duly approved as such:

a) Safe for human beings.

b) Eco friendly.

c) Approved by World Health Organization/Govt. of India/other competent

Govt. Body/Organization in safety as well as effectiveness.

2. The agency has to undertake five year guarantee for Anti Termite Treatment.

3. Testing of samples of various materials required for testing purpose shall be

provided free of charges by the contractor. Testing charges, if may, shall be

borne by the contractor. All other expenditure required to be incurred for

taking/ dispatching the samples, conveyance, packing etc. shall be borne by

the contractor.

4. The contractor shall be responsible for control of pest which will be include all

types of Insects including termite, white ants, mosquito, seasonal insects,

beetles, rodent, serpents, weeds etc.

5. Dis-infestation: This service should be carried out for controlling all types of

crawling insects such as cockroaches, silverfish, red ants, black ants, spiders,

lizards etc. The services will be provided in the entire office area by gel application or by spray accoding to frequency mentioned in tender. Drainage chambers also to be

treated with pesticide and anti-bacterial compound.

6. Rodent Control: This services will carried out for controlling rat problem

inside as well as outside the premises and safeguarding the important files,

papers, Boxes, carpets, electrical and Telephone wiring, wooden ceiling,

paneling, cardboards, raw materials etc. from rodents damage. This service

will be provided in the entire. The premise inside the building area including

office cabins, rooms’ toilets corridors, false ceilings etc. and outside the

building premises. The treatment will be carried out by mechanical trapping

with glass cleaning chemicals/agents and cleaning of partitions, paneling etc.

Trap boxes or tunnels along with glue pads placed on each floor including

basement area and service provider will keep on changing their

location/position during his visit at the premises, using glue-boards and poison

baiting in outside area only. The bidder would provide Rodent control for

control of Rats, Mice etc. in entire building including basement, Cable

Trenches, Electrical Rooms, Air Handling Rooms, Substation, All the shafts

Rooms Etc. He shall visit daily for changing and replacing the glue pads/bait-

stickers & used glue pads should be disposed off outside the building.

7. Termite Control: Injecting termiticide into affected portions of the

woodwork, Woodwork in contact with machinery for example, door frames,

cabinets, cupboards etc. shall be treated by drilling and injecting termiticide at

the points of contact. Through drilling holes at the junctions of the walls and

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the floor and pumping chemicals through these holes and as per CPWD

manual/ IS code, wherever necessary. The drilled holes are effectively sealed

thereafter. The application of blanket spray and dusting wherever necessary.

8. The firm should have professional trained personnel to carry out the pesticide


9. The firm should preferably be a member of the Indian Pest Control Association

and should possess a valid license & registration for all chemical formulations

proposed to be used from CIB (Central Insecticide Board), documents to be


10. The fumes or any other product generated out of pest control treatment should

not cause any harm to the patients, visitors, any staff's or any animal other

than the intended pests.

11. No outdated chemicals should be used and all formulations/pesticides to be

used for pest control treatment shall be safe for human beings and shall not

have any detrimental effect on such materials and that should be non-staining.

12. The contractor shall take all safety precautions. In connection with pest control

works as per Standard Government guidelines with due regards to chemical

and fire hazard and they shall be held responsible and liable for any laxity in

this regard.

13. The agency shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage & safe

custody of materials damage due to sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc.

14. The firm should have appropriate Pest Control/Insecticide/Chemicals &

Poison for the purpose of pest control and the copy of license should be

produced along with the Tender.

15. The bidder should have a valid license to stock and use of permissible

pesticides/ insecticides for commercial pest control operation.

16. The contractor should strictly work according to the Schedule of Service

mentioned in Annexure-C.

17. The firm should follow the directives of Govt. health authorities/WHO for the

pest control treatments.

DATE: Sign of Contractor/bidder

(With Stamp)

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 15 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)



Name of Bidder:


Phone no.:

Mobile no.:

Email Id:

Check List of Documents


No. List of Documents

Whether self attested copy enclosed


1. Work License from competent authority for handling

Chemical Pesticides

2. Certificate of membership of any recognized pest

control organization

3. EMD Demand Draft for Rs.8000/-

4. Copy of GST Registration certificate

5. Copy of PAN

6. Proof of Professional Competence and Experience

(copies of work orders for three years experience)

7. Copy of License to stock and use of permissible

pesticides/insecticides for Commercial Pest Control


8. ESIC & PF (latest chalan)

9. Income Tax Return copy of last three years i.e (

2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19)

10. Valid Labour license issued from the competent authority (In the Name of Bidder Only)(If applicable

otherwise a self declaration)

11. Trade license for Pest Control activity.

12. Bank Details (Account No. and Name, Bank Name,

IFSC Code and MICR Code)

A. Name

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 16 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)

B. Bank Name

C. Account No.

D. IFSC Code

E. MICR Code

13. Submission of fully filled Annexure ( I,J & F)

14. If any other documents

DATE: Sign of Contractor/bidder

(With Stamp)

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 17 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)


Area of premises

S.No. Loaction Area (Approx.)

At ESIC Regional office, Branch office and ESI Dispensaries

1 ESIC Regional Office, Panchdeep Bhavan, EDC

Plot No. 23, Patto, Panaji, Goa – 403001

2000 Sqm

2 Branch Mapusa, House No. 2/164 – Q, Alto Duler,

Mapusa, Bardez, Goa

152.00 Sqm

3 Branch Office Ponda, C-1, Jerry Apartment,

Ground Floor, Shantinagar, Ponda – 403401

111.60 Sqm

4 Branch Office Vasco, Ground Floor of Placiano

Building, Patrong, Baina, Opposite Government

Middle School, Vasco – da – Gama on plot

Surveyed under Chalta No. 52 & 53 of P.T. Sheet

No. 136

63.84 Sqm

Total Area (Sqm) 2327.44 Sqm

At ESIC Staff quarters at Taliegao

1. ESIC Staff Quarters, ‘O’ Building, Durgawadi,

Taleigao, Goa – 403002 581.25 Sqm

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 18 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)


Schedule of Service



Month Service Frequency

At ESIC Regional

office and Branch


At ESIC Staff quarters at


Rodent Control

1. First and Second


2 Service each month 2 service each month

2. Third month


1 service per month 2 service each month

Total services (For

rodent control)

14 Services 24 Services


1. First Month 2 Services in a month

2 Services in each month

2 Second Month

1 service in every 3

month. 3. Third month


1 service every two month

(Second month to 12th


4. Fourth Month

5. Fifth month


1 service in every 3

month. (5th month to

12th month)

Total services (For


6 Services 9 Services

Termite Control

First month 1 service (with five

year warranty)

1 service (with five year


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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 19 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)



1. I,…….………………..…….……Son/Daughter of Shri………….…..............……

Proprietor/Partner/Director/ Authorized Signatory is/am competent to sign this

declaration and execute this tender document.

2. I/we have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender

and hereby convey my/our acceptance of the same.

3. I/we, am/are hereby declare that the agency has not been declared as black listed

in any government department.

4. Compliance under statutory provisions is in order and not being violated.

5. The information/documents furnished along with the above application are true

and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I/we, am/are well aware of

the fact that furnishing of a false information/fabricated document would lead to

rejection of my tender.

Date: Signature of authorized person

Place: Name:

Company seal:

NB: The above declaration, duly signed and sealed by the authorized signatory of the

company, should be enclosed with technical bid.

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 20 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)




“I........................................................................................................... .....................................



…………………………… hereby certify that none of relative(s) as defined in the tender

document (Tender No. 32-W/25/12/1/2017/PMD ) is/ are employed in ESIC unit as per

details given in tender documents. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given

by me is fails/ incorrect, ESIC shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit,

without any prior intimation to me.”

Signature of authorized person

Date: Full Name:

Place: Company’s Seal:


The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:-

(a) Members of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF).

(b) Husband and Wife.

(c) The one is related to the other in the manner as Father, Mother, Son(s) & Son's

wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) and Daughter's husband (son-in-law), Brother(s)

and Brother's wife, Sister(s) and Sister's husband (brother-in-law).

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(Instruction read and Complied/Term and Conditions Accepted) Page 21 (Sign and Seal of Bidder)



(To be submitted in separate envelope)


. Scope of Pest Control Services





(in Sqm)


(per Sqm

and per


Total Amount

I. Rodent Control At ESIC Regional

Office, Panaji, Branch Office At

Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco. 14 2327.44 Sqm

II. Rodent Control At ESIC Staff

Quarters, Taleigao, Goa.

24 581.25 Sqm

V Dis-Infestation At ESIC Regional

Office, Panaji, Branch Office At

Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco. 6 2327.44 Sqm

VI Dis-Infestation At ESIC Staff

Quarters, Taleigao, Goa. 9 581.25 Sqm

III. Eradication Of White Ants And

Anti Termite (Post Anti-Termite

Treatment) At ESIC Regional

Office, Panaji, Branch Office At

Mapusa, Ponda & Vasco.

1 service (with five year

warranty) 2327.44 Sqm

IV. Eradication Of White Ants And

Anti Termite (Post Anti-Termite Treatment) At ESIC Staff

Quarters, Taleigao, Goa.

1 service (with five year warranty) 581.25 Sqm

VII Taxes, if applicable any

VIII Total

* Note - In case any complaint, in between special services should be attended free of


The total amount for Rodent Control, Dis-infestation & Anti Termite Treatment work will be

Rs._______________________/- (Rupees_________________________________________

only). We confirm that the rates quoted above shall remain valid for one year from date of

starting of contract. Note:

1. Rate quoted should be inclusive of material, equipments and labour.

2. Applicable taxes in percentage to be mentioned separately.

3. The rate will remain constant during the period of contract.

4. Applicable TDS will be deducted from the payment of the bill

5. For anti-termite the amount will be payable as per the actual site execution irrespective of

range of variation

Date of submission (Signature)