Download - REGION XII AIRSHED STATUS REPORT - Act (R.A.) 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act and its Implementing


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011





Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Environmental Management Bureau Region XIIX

Koronadal CityI

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011



FOR : Atty. Juan Miguel T. Cuna

Director, Environmental Management Bureau

DENR Compound

Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

ATTENTION : Ms. Elenida del Rosario-Basug

Chief, Environmental Education and Information Division

FROM : The Regional Director



DATE : 18 April 2012

We are respectfully submitting three (3) hard copies of Region XII Air Quality

Status Report for the two (2) airsheds, namely the South Cotabato Airshed and North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed for Calendar Year 2011 and one (1) CD containing the publisher files of the said document.

For information and record.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources


Blk. II, Purok St. Gabriel, Brgy. Zone III, Koronadal


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011



Region XII has two (2) active airsheds and Governing Boards

(GBs) namely: the South Cotabato Airshed and the North Cotabato

Geothermal Airshed. These two (2) GBs have been very dedicated in

implementing different activities stipulated in their respective action


The South Cotabato Airshed is a common airshed covering the ten

(10) municipalities of South Cotabato and the cities of Koronadal and

General Santos, focusing on the major sources of air pollution,

especially mobile sources.

The North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed is a special airshed

covering a limited area of Brgy. Ilomavis, Kidapawan City, Province of

North Cotabato. The focus of the GB is the emission of the hydrogen

sulfide (H2S) which has debilitating effects on human life in higher


This report outlines the achievements of the two airsheds and

their stakeholders. It sums up the effort of the GBs in addressing

concerns within their respective airshed.


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


List of Appendices

Appendix A Highlights of the Minutes of the South Cotabato Airshed Governing Board and Executive Committee at Two Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz Bldg., Bonifacio St., City of

Koronadal on January 12, 2011.

Appendix B Highlights of the Minutes of the South Cotabato Airshed Technical Working Group 1 at Two Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz Bldg., Bonifacio St., City of Koronadal

on May 25, 2011.

Appendix C Highlights of the Minutes of the South Cotabato Airshed Governing Board Meeting held on June 8, 2011 at ELM Mansion and Resto, Brgy. Sta. Cruz,

Koronadal City.

Appendix D Highlights of the Minutes from the South Cotabato Airshed Technical Working Group (TWG) II on June 21, 2011 held at Two Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz Bldg.,

Bonifacio St., Korondal City.

Appendix E Highlights of the Minutes of the South Cotabato Airshed Technical Working Groups (TWG) I and II held at 2Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz Bldg., Blk. 1, Bonifacio

St., City of Koronadal on November 16, 2011.

Appendix F Highlights of the Minutes of the South Cotabato Airshed Technical Working Group (TWG) III held at 2Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz Bldg., Blk. 1, Bonifacio St.,

City of Koronadal on November 18, 2011.

Appendix G EDC Annual Air Quality Monitoring Report with compliance assessment with

Air Quality Standard and Status of Monitoring Equipment for 2011.

List of Tables

1 — Effects of H2S to Human Health

List of Figures

1 — Networking Scheme of an airshed.

2 — Map of South Cotabato.

3 — The actual conduct of roadside emission testing.

4 — Detailed Map of the North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed.

5 — Capacity building activity participated by both SCAand NCGA TWGs I, II, and III

6 — A meeting with the members of the North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed

Governing Board.

7 — Capacity building activity participated by both SCAand NCGA TWGs I, II, and



Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


Acronyms and Abbreviations

AQMS Air Quality Management Section

ASBU Anti-Smoke Belching Unit

CAA Clean Air Act

City ENRO City Environmental and Natural Resources Office

DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DILG Department of Interior and Local Government

DOE-MFO Department of Energy-Mindanao Field Office

DOH Department of Health

DOST Department of Science and Technology

DOTC Department of Transportation and Communication

DTI Department of Trade and Industry

EDC Energy Development Corporation

EMB Environmental Management Bureau

Execom Executive Committee

GB Governing Board

IEC Information, Education and Communication

ILAI-MADADMA Idpossokaday no Linubbaran ni Apao Incorporated—

Manobo Apao Descendants Ancestral Domain of Mt. Apo

IPP Investment Priorities Plan

IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations

LGUs Local government units

LTO Land Transportation Office

m meter

M.C. Memorandum Circular


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011



Preface ............................................................................................... iii

List of Appendices .............................................................................. iv

List of Tables .................................................................................... iv

List of Figures ................................................................................... iv

Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................. v

Executive Summary ........................................................................... viii

I. Introduction

A. Overview of Airsheds ............................................................. 1

B. Organizational Set-up ............................................................ 2

1. Governing Board .............................................................. 2

2. Executive Committee ....................................................... 2

3. Technical Working Groups ............................................ 2

C. Role of DENR-EMB XII .......................................................... 3

D. Roles of Stakeholders ........................................................ 3

II. National Policies/Law on the Creation of Airsheds ...................... 4

III. The South Cotabato Airshed

A. General Descriptions ............................................................. 5

1. Location and Boundaries ........................................... 5

2. Land Area Coverage .................................................... 6

3. Physical Features ......................................................... 6

B. Composition ............................................................................ 6

1. Governing Board ......................................................... 7

2. Executive Committee ................................................. 8

3. Technical Working Groups ....................................... 8


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


C. Accomplishments .................................................................. 9

IV. The North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed

A. Description ............................................................................. 10

B. Energy Development Corporation as Project Operator ...... 11

C. Hydrogen Sulfide as Air Pollutant ..................................... 12

1. Definition and Characteristics ............................... 12

2. Sources ........................................................................ 12

3. Effects to Humans .................................................... 13

4. Monitoring System .................................................... 14

D. 2011 H2S Monitoring ........................................................... 14

E. Composition ......................................................................... 15

1. Governing Board ................................................... 15

2. Executive Committee ............................................... 15

3. Technical Working Groups .................................... 16

F. Accomplishments ............................................................... 16

V. Challenges ................................................................................ 18



Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


Executive Summary

The region has two (2) active airsheds and Governing Boards (GB)

namely: the South Cotabato Airshed, an administrative airshed and the

North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed, a special airshed. These airsheds have

been managed by its GB, comprising of government agencies, local govern-

ment units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), private sectors,

academe, civil society, and peoples’ organizations, that approves formu-

lated resolutions and policies; an Executive Committee (ExeCom) that pre-

pares policy recommendations and reviews and evaluates the output of the

TWGs; and three (3) Technical Working Groups (TWGs) that assists the

functions of GB and Execom.The South Cotabato Airshed and North Cota-

bato Geothermal Airshed, with their GBs, were created by virtue of DENR

Administrative Order (DAO) No. 13 dated May 18, 2004 and DAO No. 22

dated August 3, 2004, respectively. Both GBs have achieved notable ac-

complishments, including among others the preparation of Airshed Status

Report, formulation and implementation of Action Plans.

North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed. Since it is a special airshed,

wherein, the main pollutant comes from the geothermal plant, the Hy-

drogen sulfide (H2S) is being monitored regularly. The observed (H2S) re-

sults were within the DENR ambient standard set at 0.07 ppm, as re-


South Cotabato Airshed. In the region, there are three identified

major sources of air pollution namely: mobile sources, stationary sources

and area sources. Mobile sources include motor vehicles such as buses,

jeepneys, service vehicles, tricycle and the like. Stationary sources com-

prise industrial processing plants, power plants, factories and other similar

stationary sources whereas area sources include constructions of infra-

structure facilities, smoking and even burning of garbage. These sources of

pollution emit pollutants in the form of suspended particulate matter,

carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur and

others. Within the South Cotabato Airshed, EMB Region XII established

and maintained two (2) major ambient air monitoring stations, one in

the Municipality of Tupi and the other at the City of Koronadal. The aver-

age annual readings for 2011 of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) for

the two (2) stations were within 52.1-71.2 µg/NCM categorized as “Good”,


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011




Republic Act (R.A.) 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine Clean

Air Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations defines an “Airshed

as areas with common weather or meteorological conditions and sources

of air pollution which affect the interchange and diffusion of

pollution in the surrounding atmosphere.” Every airshed is managed by

a governing board who carefully assesses, identifies problem, plans,

implements, and evaluates action plan to maintain the quality of air.

A. Overview of Airsheds

The region has two (2) existing and active airsheds namely the

South Cotabato Airshed, an administrative airshed and the North

Cotabato Geothermal Airshed, a special airshed. These airsheds have

been managed by its governing boards comprising of government

agencies, local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations

(NGOs), private sectors, academe, civil society, and peoples’

organizations. Each airshed has a Governing Board (GB) that approves

formulated resolutions policies,

action plans, and other

activities and programs;

Executive Committee (ExeCom)

t h a t p r e p a r e s p o l i c y

recommendations and reviews

and evaluates the output of the

TWGs; and three (3) Technical

Working Groups (TWGs) that








Figure 1. Networking Scheme of an airshed.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


assists the functions of GB and Execom. Figure 1. shows the

networking scheme of the composition of both airsheds.

B. Organizational Set-up

The GB shall prepare an action plan with identified activities to

strenthen the operationalization of the airshed. The tasks identified by

the GB will be delegated to the TWGs. The outputs of the TWGs will be

evaluated by the ExeCom. After thorough appraisal, the final output will

be presented to the GB for approval. There are three (3) functional

TWGs on both airsheds to address needed working force: TWG 1:

Control Strategy Evaluation & Rules/Standards Modification; TWG 2:

Public Awareness and Capacity Building and; TWG 3: Funding for

Governing Board Operations.

1. The Governing Board

Section 6 under Rule XV of R.A. 8749 stipulates the following

functions of the Governing Board (GB) such as formulation of policies

and standard-setting subject to laws of national application; preparation

of a common action plan; coordination of functions among its members;

and submission and publication of an annual Air Quality Status Report

for each airshed.

2. Executive Committee

Section 7 under Rule XV of R.A. 8749 states that an Executive

Committee will be formed for the purpose of carrying out the day-to-day

functions of GB consisting of nine (9) persons: the Chairperson, two (2)

Deputy Chairpersons, and six (6) members.

3. Technical Working Groups

Section 8 under Rule XV of R.A. 8749 says that TWGs will be

formed to ensure broad-based participation of the work of the GBs. To

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


address specific tasks identified by the GB, there shall be three (3)

TWGs namely: TWG1 as Control Strategy Evaluation and Rules/

Standards Modification, TWG2 as Public Awareness and Capacity

Building, and TWG3 as Funding for GB Operations.

C. Role of the DENR-EMB XII

The DENR through the EMB shall be the primary agency

responsible for the implementation of the Philippine Clean Air Act. They

shall head the Governing Boards established. They shall also design and

establish an ambient air monitoring network for the assessment of

ambient air quality, issue Permit to Operate and Authority to Construct

air pollution sources; monitor stationary sources; and collect permitting

fees, among others.

D. Role of Stakeholders

The Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)-

Land Transportation Office (LTO) shall conduct emission test prior to

renewal of registration of in-use vehicles, initial registration of second-

hand imported and rebuilt motor vehicles, and apprehended vehicles;

conduct roadside monitoring of vehicle emission standards; authorize

Private Emission Testing Centers (PETCs), collect fees, fines, penalties,

and other charges; and conduct special campaigns, monitoring, public

information, and education drive.

The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and and

local government units (LGUs) shall conduct roadside apprehension as

deputized agents; prepare and enforce ordinance on banning of

smoking; and act as members of the GBs.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)—Board of

Investments shall provide incentives under the Investment Priorities

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


Plan (IPP) for the industries complying with the emission standards. The

DTI– Bureau of Import Services shall formulate and implement

guidelines for the importation and release of used engines. The DTI–

Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection shall develop and

implement standards and procedures for certification of training

institutions, instructors and facilities, and for licensing of qualified

private testing/service centers and their technicians. The DTI– Bureau

of Product Standards shall develop standards for testing procedures/

testing vehicles emission, for odometer and tamper resistant fuel,

management systems, for determination of vehicle useful life, and for

conforming engines to comply with the use of unleaded fuel within five

(5) years after the effectivity of R.A. 8749. The DTI-Regional/Provincial

Offices shall implement the DTI Accreditation Scheme for MV PETCs.

The Department of Health (DOH) shall undertake impact studies

to determine the link between exposure to air pollution mixtures/

individual compounds and the observed health effects.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), in

coordination with other agencies, private sectors, academe, non-

government organization (NGOs), and Peoples’ Organization (Pos), shall

establish the reserach and development program for the prevention and

control of air pollution.

II. National Policies/Laws on the Creation of Airsheds

National laws set the scope and limitations for the two (2)

airsheds. Each airshed was designated through DENR Administrative

Order (DAO) rooted from Republic Act 8749, otherwise known as the

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (CAA). The following national policies/

laws govern the airsheds in the region:

1. R.A 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act) - a comprehensive policy

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


and program for air quality management in the country which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos; sets standards for vehicle owners and manufacturing concerns to follow and imposes the appropriate punishments for violators of the law; and outlines the different programs to be imple-mented by the government in order to manage and maintain air quality

2. DAO 2000-81 (R.A. 8749 Implementing Rules and Regulations) provides guidelines on the operationalization of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999; lays down the powers and functions of the the DENR, DTI, DOTC, DOE, and all other concerned agen-cies, the rights and obligations of stakeholders and the rights and duties of the people with respect to the Air Quality Man-agement and Control program.

3. DAO No. 2004-13 dated May 18, 2004—North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed (Ranges: Latitude 60 59’9.3947 to 70

240.3374 Longitude: 1250 12’13.3856 to—1250 15’19.7223")

4. DAO No. 2004-22 dated August 3, 2004— South Cotabato Airshed(coverage: General Santos City, Koronadal City, Tupi, Polomolok, Tampakan, Tantangan, Banga, Surallah, Norala, Sto. Niño, T’boli, and Lake Sebu.)

5. DAO 2004-13—Establishment of Geothermal Areas as Airsheds (states the rationale, procedures, and coverage for establishment of geothermal areas as airshed.)

III. The South Cotabato Airshed

A. General Descriptions

1. Location and Boundaries

South Cotabato Province is

located at the southern part of the

island of Mindanao. It is bounded by

the Province of Sultan Kudarat in the

north and west, and Province of

Sarangani in the east and south.

Figure 2 shows the map of South Cotabato Province.

Figure 2. Map of South Cotabato.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


2. Land Area Coverage

The land area of the province is 370,589 hectares (3,706 km2)

with Koronadal City as its provincial capital. The airshed is composed of

the ten (10) municipalities of South Cotabato which include Tupi,

Banga, Tantangan, Polomolok, Tampakan, Surallah, Sto. Niño, Norala,

Lake Sebu, and T’boli; and the cities of Koronadal and General Santos.

3. Physical Features

The place is generally flat dotted with some hills and mountains.

South Cotabato belongs to the fourth type of climate, that is rainfall is

more or less evenly distributed throughout the year. The average

number of rainy days for the year 2004 is recorded between 122 to 180

days with the months of May, June, July, August and October having

the most occurrence.

Air humidity generally follows closely the rainfall pattern.

Humidity is highest during the period of June to October with 88%

being recorded at the Tupi seed farm. The months of February and April

have the lowest air humidity recorded at about 72%.

Maximum daytime temperature throughout the province is in the

range of 36-38 degrees Celsius, falling to 23-32 degrees Celsius during

the night depending on the elevation. The hottest period is January to

April while July to December being the coolest.

The total population of the province (excluding General Santos

City) as of August 1, 2007 was approximately 767,255.

B. Composition

The members of the South Cotabato Airshed is composed of

government agencies, LGUs, non-government organizations, private

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


sectors, peoples’ organizations, academe, and other concerned agencies.

The head of offices issued special orders for their permanent and

alternate members who will be actively involved in all the activities.

1. Governing Board

Chairperson : DENR XII, EMB XII


a. Provincial Governor of South Cotabato

b. LGUs of the following Municipalities:

• Municipality of Banga

• Municipality of Tupi

• Municipality of Tampakan

• Municipality of Lake Sebu

• Municipality of Polomolok

• Municipality of Sto. Niño

• Municipality of Tantangan

• Municipality of Tboli

• Municipality of Surallah

• Municipality of Norala

c. LGUs of the following Cities:

• City of General Santos City

• City of Koronadal






i. South Cotabato Foundation, Inc.

j. Justice and Peace

k.. Pollution Control Association of the Philippines

l. South Cotabato Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

2. Executive Committee

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


Chairperson : DENR/EMB XII

Co-Chairperson : Governor


Policy and Research : PCAPI XII


Public Awareness/Monitoring : LTO XII

: Justice and Peace

: South Cotabato Foundation Inc.

Budget and Finance : South Cotabato Chamber of Commerce

: LGU Gensan

: LGU Koronadal

3. Technical Working Groups

a. TWG 1 (Control Strategy Evaluation & Rules Standards Modification)

• PEMO, South Cotabato




b. TWG II ( Public Awareness and Capacity Building)



• South Cotabato Foundation Inc.


c. TWG III ( Funding for Governing Board Operations)


• South Cotabato Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

• LGU General Santos City

• LGU Koronadal City

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


C. Accomplishments

The South Cotabato Airshed and its GB accomplished the follow-

ing meetings and activities for CY 2011:

• On January 12, 2011, GB and Execom convened at 2Gals Pizza

Hauz, Mariz Bldg., Bonifacio St., Koronadal City. Members of the GB

and Execom discussed matters concerning the 2011 Work and Fi-

nancial Plan. The draft Resolution Requesting the DOTC-LTO XII to

submit 2011 Work and Financial Plan (WFP) on the Implementation

of R.A. 8749, otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of

1999, was also revised and approved by the Body. (See Appendix A

for the minutes of the meeting.)

• On May 25, 2011, members of the TWG I which include the Depart-

ment of Health (DOH) XII, Pollution Control Association of the Philip-

pines, Inc. (PCAPI) XII, Department of Interior and Local Government

(DILG) XII, and Provincial Government of South Cotabato, discussed

relevant matters on strengthening the operationalization of the air-

shed. Resolutions were also drafted for future plans and activities.

(See Appendix B for the minutes of the meeting.)

• The GB conducted a meeting on June 8, 2011 at ELM Mansion and

Resto, Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Koronadal City, to plan and schedule activi-

ties in support for the celebration of the Environment Month. Activi-

ties like tree planting, anti-smoke belching operation (see Figure 3),

and campaign against open burning were agreed to be implemented.

(See Appendix C for the minutes of the meeting.)

• The TWG II convened on June 21,

2011 at 2Gals Pizza Hauz, Mariz

Bldg., Bonifacio St., Koronadal

City for the basic orientation of

the Anti-Smoke Belching Cam-

paign as part of the Governing

Board’s action plan. The orienta-

tion was given by Engr. Benjamin

B. Estomata of LTO XII. (See Ap-

pendix D for the minutes of the

meeting.) Figure 3. The actual conduct of roadside

emission testing.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


• The TWG II, in collaboration with the LTO XII ASBU and enforcers,

organized an Anti-Smoke Belching Operation along Carpenter Hill,

Km. 8, General Santos Drive, Koronadal City on June 21, 2011. 31

diesel-using fuel vehicles were subjected for emission testing. Only

two (2) vehicles failed the test. Results of the operation will be pre-

sented to the GB to further plan strategies and actions on smoke


• On November 16, 2011, the TWGs I and II conducted a meeting at

2Gals Pizza Hauz, City of Koronadal, in support to the Clean Air

Month Celebration, wherein the body agreed to conduct an Anti-

Smoke Belching Campaign among the Regional Government Agen-

cies and Local Government Units within the vicinity of the City of

Koronadal. (See Appendix E for the minutes of the meeting.)

• In support also to the Clean Air Month Celebration, the TWG III held

a meeting on November 18, 2011 discussing the financial aspects

with regard to the repair of the Hartridge smokemeter to be used

during the Anti-Smoke Belching Campaign. Further, the body dis-

cussed to pursue a Capacity Building on Air Data Interpretation and

Analysis, Report and Communication Writing on December 13-14,

2011. (See Appendix F for the minutes of the meeting.)

• An Anti-Smoke Belching Campaign participated by the members of

TWGs I, II and III was conducted on November 29, 2011 in support

to the Clean Air Month Celebration. Vehicles of agencies such as


within City of Koronadal were subjected for emission testing using

Hartridge smokemeter.

IV. The North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed

A. Description

The North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed is a special airshed

which focuses on the emission of a particular air pollutant—hydrogen

sulfide (H2S).

The Mt. Apo Geothermal Project is an Environmetally Critical

Project within an Environmetally Critical Area, thus the implementation

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


environmental laws is imperative. This project is located at Brgy.

Ilomavis, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato resulting to the designation of

North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed and its Governing Board through

DENR Administrative Order 2004-13 dated May 18, 2004.

Figure 4 shows the detailed map of the geothermal airshed as identified

by a dispersion model. It entails that this airshed affects only areas located

near the geothermal project.

B. Energy Development Corporation as Project Operator

The Energy Development Corporation (EDC) is the project

operator of the Mt. Apo Geothermal Power Plant located in Brgy.

Ilomavis, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato Province. It is one of the

significant investments in Kidapawan City, generating a total of 104 MW

of electricity that powers industrial plants in Mindanao. Situated in the

southeast portion of the Mt. Apo National Park, the geothermal plant

itself is a landmark and educational tourism.

The geothermal project is classified as an area emission source,

Figure 4. Detailed Map of the North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed.

(Source: EDC, Kidapawan City)

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


thus needs to comply with the ambient standards as provided for in

R.A. 8749 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

As project operator, the EDC had conducted an air disperion

modeling studies that determined the bounderies of the airshed. To

strengthen and ensure the critical care of the environment,

management measures and air quality monitoring program are also

required by the DENR-EMB from time to time.

C. Hydrogen Sulfide as Air Pollutant

1. Definition and Characteristics

Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S.

It is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas with the characteristic

foul odor of rotten eggs at concentrations up to 100 parts per million. It

often results from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the

absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers. It also occurs in

volcanic gases, natural gas, and some well waters. The human body

produces small amounts of H2S and uses it as a signaling molecule.

2. Sources

H2S occurs naturally in coal pits, sulfur springs, gas wells, and as

a product of decaying sulfur-containing organic matter, particularly

under low oxygen conditions. It is commonly encountered in places

such as sewers, sewage treatment plants (H2S is often called sewer gas),

manure stockpiles, mines, hot springs, and the holds of fishing ships.

Industrial sources of hydrogen sulfide include petroleum and natural

gas extraction and refining, pulp and paper manufacturing, rayon

textile production, leather tanning, chemical manufacturing and waste


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


3. Effects to Humans

Exposure to lower concentrations can result in eye irritation, a

sore throat and cough, nausea, shortness of breath, and fluid in the

lungs. These effects are believed to be due to the fact that hydrogen

sulfide combines with alkali present in moist surface tissues to form

sodium sulfide, a caustic. These symptoms usually go away in a few

weeks. Long-term, low-level exposure may result in fatigue, loss of

appetite, headaches, irritability, poor memory, and dizziness. Table 1

summarizes the effects of H2S to human health.

Table 1. Effects of H2S to Human Health

0.00047 ppm

the recognition threshold, the concentration at which 50% of humans can detect the characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide, normally described as resembling "rotten egg"

Less than 10 ppm exposure limit of 8 hours per day

10–20 ppm

the borderline concentration for eye irritation

50–100 ppm

leads to eye damage

100–150 ppm

olfactory nerve is paralyzed after a few inhalations, and the sense of smell dis-appears, often together with awareness of danger

320–530 ppm

leads to pulmonary edema with the possibility of death

530–1000 ppm

causes strong stimulation of the central nervous system and rapid breathing, leading to loss of breathing

800 ppm

lethal concentration for 50% of humans for 5 minutes exposure

over 1000 ppm

cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing, even after inhalation of a sin-gle breath

H2S Effects to Human Health

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


4. Monitoring System

The EDC had installed two continuos H2S ambient monitors using

the Jerome 651 Monitoring System. The two (2) stations are located at

the Hilltop Area and Relocation Area.

The Jerome 651 H2S Monitoring System is designed to provide

long-term monitoring even in extreme weather conditions, it can be

stationed at any location that requires monitoring. Multiple units can

also be linked to form a perimeter monitoring system. Built-in software,

data logging and radio telemetry capabilities make downloading data

convenient and easy.

D. 2011 H2S Monitoring

One of the major essence of the North Cotabato Geothermal

Airshed Governing Board is to monitor whether or not, the project

operator is complying with the standards, protecting the communities

nearby from the hazardous effects of the H2S as an air pollutant.The

standard value of H2S according to ambient air quality is 0.07 Ppm.

The EDC monitoring system generates data every ten (10)

minutes, producing 144 readings in 24-hour time, making the recording

very critical. The EDC set the system to thirty (30) minutes interval,

weighing the average and reducing the generated data while

maintaining its accuracy.

Appendix G presents the air quality monitoring report, compliance

assessment with air quality standard and status of monitoring

equipment of EDC for 2011.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


E. Composition

1. Governing Board

Chairperson : DENR/EMB XII


a. LGU North Cotabato Province

b. LGU Kidapawan City






h. DOE Mindanao

i. Mt. Apo 10km-Radius Dwellers Federation, Inc.


k. Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PCAPI XII)

l. Rotary Club of Kidapawan

m. Metro Kidapawan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation,


n. University of Southern Mindanao

o. Energy Development Corporation

p. Kidapawan City Consumers’ Organization

2. Executive Committee

Chairperson : DENR/EMB XII

Policy and Research :USM


Public Awareness and Monitoring : DOST


: Peoples’ Organization

: LGU-Kidapawan City

Budget and Finance : EDC


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


3. Technical Working Groups

TWG 1: Control Strategy Evaluation & Rules/Standards Modification


• DOE Mindanao


• USM Kabacan


TWG 2: Public Awareness and Capacity Building


• Kidapawan City Mayor



TWG 3: Funding for Governing Board Operations



• CENRO, Kidapawan City

• North Cotabato Provincial Governor

• Mt. Apo 10-KRF


F. Accomplishments

This special airshed focuses only on

hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emission as its

main pollutant. The GB had formulated

an action plan (see Appendix G). Members

of this special airshed have accomplished

the following:

• On January 11, 2011, the GB

convened at AJ Hi-Time Hotel

and Restaurant, Kidapawan City

to discuss relevant matters in

connection with the 2011 Work

Figure 6. A meeting with the members

of the North Cotabato Geothermal

Airshed Governing Board.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


and Financial Plan. The board agreed to pursue the presenta-

tion pertaining the airshed to Honorable Governor Emmylou T.

Mendoza of North Cotabato Province. The GB also conformed

to the idea of making a resolution delineating the duties and

functions of Executive Committee and Technical Working

Groups to avoid overlapping of functions.

• The TWGs I, II, and III drafted resolution delineating the duties

of Execom and TWGs and prepared a powerpoint presentation

to Gov. Mendoza on February 16, 2011.

• Members of the NCGA Execom convened on April 15, 2011 to

appraise the output of the TWGs. They finalized the presenta-

tion for Gov. Mendoza and suggested other activities to accom-

plish within the year such as IEC production and distribution

at Lake Agco Integrated High School.

• The technical secretariat distributed IEC materials to two (2)

schools covered by the North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed

namely: Lake Agco Elementary School and Lake Agco Inte-

grated High School on August 25, 2011. IEC materials in-

cluded brochures and flyers on environmental protection par-

ticularly on air and water, solid waste management and ozone

layer preservation.

• On October 17, 2011, the GB conducted a brief presentation

highlighting the composition of the airshed, its roles and func-

tions as well as the H2S Emission and the monitoring EDC for

presentation to Gov. Emmylou T. Mendoza.

• As suggested by Gov. Mendoza, the GB conducted a meeting

on December 02, 2011 at the Cotabato Provincial Engineer’s

Conference Room discussing the approved agenda by the

members of the board. Furthermore, EDC gave a brief presen-

tation on Hydrogen Sulfide and its Fourth (4th) Quarter Report

and a joint Capacity Building on Air Data Interpretation and

Analysis, Report and Communication Writing on December 13-

14, 2011 of NCGA and SCA TWGs (I, II and III) members was


Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


B. Capacity Building


and III successfully conducted a Ca-

pacity Building on Air Data Interpre-

tation and Analysis, Report and Com-

munication Writing on December 13-

14, 2011 at EMR Center, City of

Koronadal. This two-day activity

highlighted the important strategies

with regards to technical writing es-

pecially enhancing data interpretation

and analysis of air quality. Experts on

different fields were invited, making the activity meaningful and vital to

the members of the TWGs.

C. Promotional Activities

The SCA and NCGA GBs always include promotional activities in

their action plans. Such activities include tree planting, IEC materials

production and distribution, regular conduct of roadside inspection,

quarterly monitoring of H2S emission, hanging of streamers, etc. These

activities not only promote the maintenance of good air quality but also

enhances public awareness in the preservation of the environment in


Each GB focuses on the primary source of air pollutants within

the airshed. The South Cotabato Airshed GB gives priority to mobile

sources while the North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed to hydrogen sul-

fide emission from the geothermal plants. It is also the role of the GB to

protect the general welfare of the public especially the health aspect

through implementing wide-range programs and activities.


Though the two (2) airsheds, with their respective GB, differ from

their monitored sources of air pollution, both have same primary

Figure 7. Capacity building activity

participated by both SCAand NCGA

TWGs I, II, and III.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011


concern of achieving the standards set by R.A. 8749, otherwise known

as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. More than the primary concern

of compliance to the law, is the general welfare of the public covered by

the airshed.

As long as air remains a basic need of life, the need of

maintaining its quality is imperative. This continues to be a challenge—

sustaining the ability of air to support life, not to poison it.

The South Cotabato Airshed and its Governing Board not only

focuses on the sources of air pollution, but also on advocacy and IEC

campaign to increase public awareness. Despite the limited monetary

sources, they have conducted meetings and activities that promoted the

accomplishment of the action plan. Though targets are not 100%

accomplished, the GB continues to remain active and striving to achive

more upto the years to come.

The North Cotabato Geothermal Airshed and its Governing Board

has a very limited task. The EDC had installed two (2) stations, provided

the monitoring system, and submitting quarterly monitoring report to

EMB XII Office. The main task of the GB, therefore, is to see to it that

the EDC is complying with the standards. However, validation process

has not yet materialized and this is the next step to make for the GB to

accomplish. Moreover, it also targets to include impacts on the

surrounding communities. In addition to monitoring of compliance and

validation process, the challenge, is to include the IEC as well as

advocacy not only on clean air but on the environment per se.

Region XII Airshed Status Report 2011



DENR-EMB XII. 2010 Air Quality Status Report.

DENR-EMB XII. 2010 Airshed Status Report.

Easton, T.A., 2007. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Environmental Issues. 12th Edition. McGraw Hill Companies. United States of America.

Easton, T.A., Goldfarb, T.D., 2004. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Environmental Issues. 10th Edition. McGraw Hill Companies. United States of America.

Hesketh, H.E. 1974. Understanding and Controlling Air Pollution. 2nd Edition. Ann Arbor Science Publishing, Inc. Michigan.