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Page 1: Reduction of team conflict

E. Sustaining Team Momentum

Reduction Team Conflict

• Team Bonding• Conflict resolution• Grey Areas• Resource allocation• Development

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Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Conflict can be negative. However, constructive, or functional, conflict benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests. Too little conflict can lead to indolence; too much conflict can lead to warfare.


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(1) competition for scarce resources,

(2) time pressure,

(3) inconsistent goals or reward systems,

(4) ambiguous jurisdictions,

(5) status differences,

(6) personality clashes, and

(7) communication failures.

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A group may evolve into a team through five stages.

(1) Forming is the process of getting oriented and getting acquainted.

(2) Storming is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group.

(3) In norming, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.

(4) In performing, members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task.

(5) In adjourning, members prepare for disbandment.

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E. Sustaining Team Momentum

Team Bonding

• Team Expectations


Do, More, Stop

• Team Bonding

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Hope for the Company future

Personal Level

a. Background

b. Achievements – Personal/Work

c. Strengths

Department Level

a. Achievement

b. Structure

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Corporate Level

a. Behaviours

b. Positive

c. Wish List

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1. Your three expectations

2. My Three expectations

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You commented on Yourself

You share your

Strength and Potentials

Your partner feedback on

Your strength and potentials

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TEAM FEEDBACK- GAMESThe Speed of Trust, you and your team should perform the “Continue/Stop/Start” inquiry.  To do so, plan a meeting in a meeting room equipped with a flip chart or white board to write down team comments as the meeting progresses.  Before you begin any meeting, start with a prayer for guidance and direction.  Then, ask these three questions, one at a time, and encourage input from all members of the team.

1.       What is the one thing we are doing that you think we should CONTINUE doing?

2.       What is the one thing we are now doing that you think we should STOP doing?

3.       What is the one thing we are not doing that you think we should START doing?

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RULES FOR THE MEETING1.       I may disagree, but I will not be disagreeable.

In conflict, when people become disagreeable the situation gets personal and the problem can’t be resolved.  Acknowledge the other person’s concerns, without agreeing with them.

2.       I will treat others as I want them to treat me.

Treat others as you would like to be treated and stay focused on the problem.  Speak to the other person, maintain eye contact and speak in a tone of acceptance and tolerance. 

3.       I will remain true to my convictions and beliefs.

You don’t have to change your fundamental beliefs to solve the problem.  Treat each other with respect and acceptance.

4.        I will actively listen to my fellow team members.

Active listening promotes better communication and has a calming effect in emotional situations.

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Create a team where members know it is safe to make mistakes.  Encourage others to take appropriate risks and to learn from failure so you create a team with high trust, high synergy and productivity.  Develop a system where team members feel safe to give feedback.

Separate the people from the problem.  If you focus on the person, they may feel guilty.  If you focus on the problem, the person can be objective about their own responsibility.

Attempt to understand the other person first before being understood.  It builds trust.

Elect the best idea to resolve the problem.  The solution must meet the goals of the team and the parish, school or agency.  Stay on track and focused on the goal.

Watch for patterns in communication.  Shouting, avoiding, changing the subject, rolling   eyes and giving ultimatums are disruptive and can pull the focus off of the goal of solving the conflict.

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E. Sustaining Team Momentum

Reduction Team Conflict

•Conflict resolution with AI Method

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Share with the team of the moments you have felt most engaged, most alive and most excited?

Share with the team of your three achievement s at work?

Team Planning

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Dream/Desirable future state

What is your desirable future for the team?

Team Planning

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Choose three of the dreams.

Develop the action plan for

each dream

Present your process of achieving the


Invite feedback from the audience

Team Planning

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Who do what by when

Set the date for review

Team Planning

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Employees Role Employees Role Grey Areas Potential Conflict


KS Chew Training Admin

Ros OperatorTraining

Staff recertification records

Date of submission to synchronize LMS system

Collect data a week early

Hand shake both software

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GREY AREASEmployees Role Employees Role Grey Areas Potential


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Conflicts over staplers, copier use, computer access, and room temperature seem minor, consider the implications.

Employee Department Current Resources Needs

Future Resources Needs (1-2 years)

Karimuddin OTG LMS

Multimedia Upgrade – 3 unit computers

LMS learning Module

LM Ho Technical Training Recruit 4 Technical Trainers

Cubicle for 3 technical trainers

2 Technical Center Set up RM 100K each

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Conflicts over staplers, copier use, computer access, and room temperature seem minor, consider the implications.

Employee Department Current Resources Needs

Future Resources Needs (1-2 years)

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Teach and encourage better communication

Employees learn to express their thoughts and feelings in ways that resolve conflicts rather than escalate them.

Job Rotation (6 months to 1 year) and Job Shadowing ( 2 weeks)

Change and vary team job assignments to increase understanding

Profiling to understand areas strengths and developmentMBTI, Personality Plus, DISC

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1. Be Fair

2. Share info to all parties

3. Spend time with your employees

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