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  • 8/7/2019 Redempti Ego Sum



    Redempti ego sum

    I AM an imperfect being capable of removing the SHackles of my sElf-iMposed

    Nonsense (SIN), and emerging to embrace the open arms of The Most High God. Everyone can

    relate to this statement and may hit home to the very depths of your soul. An addiction consumes

    your life in ways unimaginable, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual; you risk your life to

    attain something that destroys you on every front and from every direction.

    This is my story of redemption. Wrestling with addictions and being soundly whipped by

    The Most High until I had no alternative but to submit to His will, or lose my soul for eternity to

    the dark forces of Eve-ill. I AM writing today because I chose the former and received cleansing

    through the shed blood of my SAVIOR. The Most High is love and if you have ever known His

    love, you will understand where I AM coming from and most importantly, where I AM going.

    I want to thank the wonderful brothers for their encouraging words of support over the

    course of my journey. Never ceasing to elucidate that magnificent organ called the brain, the

    three wise men I refer to as Orions Belt (B, D, and T) have imparted so much wisdom on me, I

    AM forever grateful to them. Mister D.S. from Missouri is another distinguished gentle man

    born just after the Great Depression I owe a great deal of gratitude for showing me the light and

    imparting truth about the world we live in. My Battle-Buddy, brother and spiritual mentor H.E.

    for being my sounding board and my steady Rock in sharing WISDOM from The Most High.

    Finally, my family whose humble beginnings began in the ante-bellum south and migrating to

    the Mid-West in search of a better life in which to raise a family in the traditional ecclesiastical

    manner dictated by the Holy Scriptures.

    An adage goes something like As a man thinks, that shall he get. This is an attempt to

    bring back into the light the lost and found I AM. This journey is a labor of love, for it would not

    have been possible without the support of my wife R.J. Thank you for believing and having faith

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    in me to do what I AM created to do: express myself through the written word. You judged me

    not, but loved me in spite of myself and for the first time; The Most High revealed His master

    plan and showed me how to love unconditionally.

    The foundation of Biblical principles showed me that in spite of our differences, we are

    still one blood, one race, created from one God. I am the culmination of two large Hebrew

    families brought up in European ethnocentric ideologies and mores, tinged with the remnants of

    a lost culture and history crying to be embraced once again. I once read that you cannot know

    where you are going, if you do not know where you have been. I AM a descendent of the lost

    tribe of ISRAEL.



    1. The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.2. Common sense; good judgment: Itis a characteristic of wisdom notto do desperate

    things (Henry David Thoreau).3.

    a. The sum of learning through the ages; knowledge: In those homely sayings wascouchedthe collective wisdom of generations (Maya Angelou).

    b. Wise teachings of the ancient sages.4. A wise outlook, plan, or course of action.5. Wisdom Bible. Wisdom of Solomon.


    Proverbs 3:12-14 (Latin vulgate tr.)

    XII Dominus corripit dilectis suis

    pater ut [a] in filio conplacet in.




    omo qui invenit sa



    qui affluit prudential Candor est

    XIV utilius argento

    redit cedit auro melior.

  • 8/7/2019 Redempti Ego Sum



    That I have learned knowledge is of no significance if Godly WISDOM was not the tool

    used to attain it. Much of what we have learned is merely knowledge; memorization of various

    facts and fallacies which constitute the sum of our existence. Most of what we think we know,

    we know not. Most of what we know not, we want not to know. For in truth, our minds have

    been in bondage for so long, we have no desire to taste freedom. The world in which we live is a

    place The Most High intended for us to live in harmony and in love with all our brothers and

    sisters. We have surrendered our souls to forces so far removed from His plan for us, that we can

    no longer hear the voice of the One who created us in His own image.

    I have lived the first forty-two years of his life self-imprisoned; although I must caveat

    that from birth to eighteen, my choices were quite limited. I love the family of my birth. For

    without them, I would not be what I am today. My mother instilled within me an insatiable thirst

    for seeking after that Holy Grail, that most precious of gifts from the Creator which surpasses

    all understanding. I sentenced myself to 34 years in psychological prison much to the chagrin of

    my parents and family. I am thankful and take every lesson for the value it played in teaching me

    what WISDOM really is, and only by trusting in The Most High can you attain this most

    precious gift.

    Within all of us is the potential to discern The Most Highs purpose for our lives. What

    hinders all of us in this seemingly arduous journey is that we have surrendered control of our

    minds, bodies and souls to forces counter to the One True Living God. The Most High is living

    within each of us, tHe Christ tried in vain to teach this to us, but like the original sinners, we

    fail to heed His voice.

    Pride is excessive beliefin one's own abilities that interferes with the individual'srecognition of the grace of The Most High. It has been called the sin from which allothers arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

    Envy is the desire forothers' traits, status,abilities, orsituation.

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    Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

    Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

    Angeris manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead forfury. It isalso known as Wrath.

    Greed is the desire formaterial wealth orgain,ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It

    is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

    Sloth is the avoidance of physical orspiritual work.

    Revelation 17:7

    "Cum vidisset me valde stupefactus. Tunc dixit mihi angelus: Cur stupens ego tibi

    dicam sacramentum mulieris et bestiae quae equo, quae habet capita septem et

    cornua decem.

    Ferrum ferro acuitur ut nos invicem acuet igne aqua venti et terram. Singulas singulis

    catena abscssis destruxit me ut consequi potentiam meam plenariam sicut puer altissimi ... ...

    Ego peccator redimi.


    Br. P. Parnell Woodard