Download - Recycling for 3rd Graders

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This is TRASH.

Where do you put trash?

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You can find find trashcans everywhere!

But not everything you use belongs in a trashcan.

Where else can you do with the things you've used?

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What isrecycling?

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You can't put recyclables in trashcans.So where do you put them?

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Recycling bins are used to dispose ofthings you can't just throw away.

What kinds of things go in recycling bins?

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These recycle bins all have different holes. Why do you thinkthat is? What do you think goes in each colored bin?

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Our classroom has nowhere to put recycling.

What should we do?

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Maybe we can create a Recycling Area.

Let's work together.

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Some things to think about:

What do you throw away?

Do you throw away alot of that thing?

Can that thing be recycled?

Do we need a recycling bin for that thing?

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What you will do:

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*split into groups

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*choose from the following resources:

*books from the libraryLitter Monster

Sam Helps Recycle

*approved recycling websites

*Youtube channelsReading Rainbow


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*research the following categories of recycling

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*use your resources to answer the following questions:

What is each category of recycling called?

What recyclables are included in these categories?

What can these recyclables be reused as?

Why are these things recycled?

Any other relevant information

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*develop a plan for a recycling area in the classroom,addressing the following questions:

Where will the recycling area be located?

What will the recyclables be stored in?

How will the recycling be separated?

How will the recycling area impact the classroom?

When will the recycling be picked up?

Who will be in charge of managing the area?

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*present your findings and describeyour plan for the recycling area

you can present your information and plan howeveryou like, as long as it answers all of the questions

for example, you could make a series of drawings,or put on a short skit about recycling

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Work together,

Use yourimagination,

And have fun!

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Activity 2: Project­Based Learning

Unit 4: Digital Skills for Instruction, Part I

Module 3: The Learner and Learning in a Digital Age

Subject and age group: ESL, elementary school students (3rd grade)


How to properly dispose of garbage and recycling in school. Our school has no recycling center and all of our recycling is either thrown in

the trash or disposed of by the teacher. We need to create a recycling area by identifying what can be recycled and what cannot be

recycled. We need to make a list of items we need to create the recycling area.

Real­world Connection

Students create garbage and recycling every day at school and home, and should learn how to properly dispose of it. Giving them the

agency to determine disposal methods encourages them to think more carefully about how their actions affect their environment and


Goals and Deeper Learning


With the teacher, students discuss what recycling is and determine what can be recycled and what is trash. Students identify the different

types of recycling, like cans and glass. This will help them understand the scope and goals of the project before it begins.

Critical Thinking

Students think about why recycling is necessary and who recycling affects. They will take these things into account when working on their

project in small groups.


Students are split into small groups. Each group is given time to make lists and designs for their part of the recycling area. Weaker

students can work with the help of stronger students, and share ideas about how they would like to design their ideal recycling area.


Students share their ideas with their classmates through division of recycling materials. Students teach what can be recycled and how, and

what is done with it afterward. Through presentations, each group shares information obtained through various resources to expand their

classmates' knowledge.