Download - Rebecca Howlett's Kenyan Expedition



What we did…

Camel Trek


What we learned

Interpersonal skills:

-Team Work: team leader/team player/cooperation under pressure

-Basic survival skills: cooking on campfire/self care/awareness of danger

-Social skills:+ assertiveness respect and care for other members/overcoming language barrier

-organisation skills:+responsibility bags packed for early starts/not loosing personal belongings

--problem solving: risks/prevention

What challenges we faced and how we overcame them

challenges within the group:

Disobedience- selected leaders in group each 24 hours who set rules

Language barriers- learnt some Swahili/spoke slowly/ used gestures

Evenly spread work in camp- each member given roles per day between 3 teams

Coping with the weather:

Water and sweet stops every 30 minutes

Covering as much skin up as possible in the sun- stops dehydration

Set off at 5 in the morning to make sure we weren’t walking at mid day

Safety awareness

Listened for commands from leaders when trekking through the bush

Thank you!