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 Lesson Extensions 

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 Background Information  Pioneers of science fiction    Hard sci­fi versus soft sci­fi  The power of words  Additional Activities  Crossword puzzles on sci­fi pioneers and teen sci‐fi books and authors See following pages. 

Sci-Fi Pioneers

Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.

1 2 3


5 6


8 9


11 12




Across4. ______ Gods, Gaiman (2001) book about the battle between ancient and modern dieties5. The ____ Franz Kafka 1925 book about Josef K8. Brave ____ World (1932) by Aldous Huxley9. Weaveworld (1987) author, first and last name11. The Scar (2002), author, China _____13. de Sainte-Exupery's 1943 book, The Little _____14. Clarke's Jonathan _____ and Mr. Norrell15. Isaac Asimov's book one in trilogy about "future history"

Down1. Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of _____ and Clay (2000)2. A Clockwork Orange (1960) and 1970 film, author Anthony _____3. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968), 1982 film title, two words6. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) author7. A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court (1889), author Mark ____10. Niffenegger's The ____ Traveler's Wife (2003), and 2009 movie12. Dune (1965), author Frank _____

See The Guardian's list of 1000 Novels Everyone Should Read Science Fiction and Fantasy, allthree parts:

Created with Discovery Channel School's PuzzleMaker.

Teen Sci-Fi - New & Old

Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.

1 2






8 9





Across4. Why werewolves & humans can't date, Annette Curtis Klaus' 1997 book, Blood and _____7. He's 12, a genius & a thief; Eoin Colfer's 2001 book, char name, two words8. The ____ of Magic, Terry Pratchett 1983 Discworld book10. Hunger Games (2008) author, Suzanne ____11. Candy Quackenbush of Chickentown, MN, Clive Barker 2002 book12. Tech revolution brought to you by Xbox, Doctorow's (2008), Little ____13. 1962 Ray Bradbury book, Something Wicked _______ Comes, two words

Down1. A clone who believes he's a real boy until he finds out different, Nancy Farmer's House of the ____ (2002)2. Before everyone became "Pretties", 2004 Scott Westerfeld book3. The moon invades Earth's space, Life As We Knew It (2006), author, Susan _______, two names5. ____ Wiggin, he fights a war by playing a game, Orson Scott Card (1985), char name6. Anna to the _____ Power (1986) Mildred Ames book7. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, & Mrs. Which are in this 1962 Madeleine L'Engle book, _____ in Time, two words9. We know the "Unconsecrated" as this, The Forest of Hands and Teeth (2009)

char = character

Created with Discovery Channel School's PuzzleMaker.

Further Reading and Discussion Questions  Sci­fi is incredibly diverse • Create a picture, using any medium, based on one or more of the genres or subgenres listed.    Race and science fiction • Name two or more minority science fiction writers. How do they use science fiction to address racial issues in the real world? Do you think science fiction writers have a responsibility to comment on real world issues? Why or why not?  Eras of the future • Name the eras of science fiction. What genres emerged during the different eras? Who are some well‐known authors in their time period? What “age” or “era” are sci‐fi writers in now, and can you discern a pattern for the age to come?  Recommended science fiction titles—a list of lists  1000 Novels Everyone must read: Science Fiction & Fantasy:­novels­science­fiction­fantasy­part­one   Best dystopias­novels­fiction­fantasy­dystopias   The Best Sci‐Fi Books for Young Adults teen­science­   Suite101 articles on teen science fiction teen­science­   10 Sci‐Fi Books That Even Non‐Geeks Would Love­sci­fi­books­that­even­non­geeks­would­love/   NOTE: Crossword puzzle answers appear on the following pages. Do not view them until the blank crosswords have been completed! 

Sci-Fi Pioneers

Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.




4A m e r i c a n u l

v5T r i

6a l a

7T a g d d

8N e w

9C l i v e B a r k e r

a i s m R10T

11M i e v i l l e s s u i


n r n m e13P r i n c e r

e b14S t r a n g e

r15F o u n d a t i o n

Across4. ______ Gods, Gaiman (2001) book about the battle between ancient and modern dieties5. The ____ Franz Kafka 1925 book about Josef K8. Brave ____ World (1932) by Aldous Huxley9. Weaveworld (1987) author, first and last name11. The Scar (2002), author, China _____13. de Sainte-Exupery's 1943 book, The Little _____14. Clarke's Jonathan _____ and Mr. Norrell15. Isaac Asimov's book one in trilogy about "future history"

Down1. Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of _____ and Clay (2000)2. A Clockwork Orange (1960) and 1970 film, author Anthony _____3. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968), 1982 film title, two words6. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) author7. A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court (1889), author Mark ____10. Niffenegger's The ____ Traveler's Wife (2003), and 2009 movie12. Dune (1965), author Frank _____

See The Guardian's list of 1000 Novels Everyone Should Read Science Fiction and Fantasy, allthree parts:

Created with Discovery Channel School's PuzzleMaker.

TeenLit - Old and New

Complete the puzzle using the clues shown below.




n4C o W

d h m r5U

6C e o b i

7B g

8C o l o u r

9S c o r p i o n

e l l o e k10A r t e m i s F o w l

11T l s l

h e i h a e

P s12

I n f i n i t e

f s s e13B r o t h e r W

f14A b a r a t

f y



Across8. The ____ of Magic, Terry Pratchett 1983 Discworld book9. A clone who believes he's a real boy until he finds out different, Nancy Farmer's House of the ____ (2002)10. He's 12, a genius & a thief; Eoin Colfer's 2001 book, char name, two words12. Anna to the _____ Power (1986) Mildred Ames book13. Tech revolution brought to you by Xbox, Doctorow's (2008), Little ____14. Candy Quackenbush of Chickentown, MN, Clive Barker 2002 book

Down1. ____ Wiggin, he fights a war by playing a game, Orson Scott Card (1985), char name2. We know the "Unconsecreated" as this, The Forest of Hands and Teeth (2009)3. Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, & Mrs. Which are in this 1962 Madeleine L'Engle book, _____ in Time, two words4. Why werewolves & humans can't date, Annette Curtis Klaus' 1997 book, Blood and _____5. Before everyone became "Pretties", 2004 Scott Westerfeld book6. Hunger Games (2008) author, Suzanne ____7. The moon envades Earth's space, Life As We Knew It (2006), author, Susan _______, two names11. 1962 Ray Bradbury book, Something Wicked _______ Comes, two words

Created with Discovery Channel School's PuzzleMaker.

 Lesson Extensions 

Information also available at­read 

 Background Information  Top ten novels that predicted the future­novels­fiction­fantasy  Science fiction predictions­06­20­science­fiction­prediction_N.htm   Science fiction invention timeline   Additional Activities  Further Reading and Discussion Questions  Which predictions did golden age science fiction get right and wrong­meld­which­predictions­did­golden­age­science­fiction­get­right­wrong/   Read more about it! The Science in Science Fiction: 83 SF Predictions that Became Scientific Reality (Hardcover) by Robert Bly (2005)  Death rays and ray guns … … were popularized in the pulp stories and novels during the Golden Age of Science Fiction.  Such a weapon exists now.­11386_3­10201745­76.html 

Joint high power solid state laser (JHPSSL)   Northrup Grumman  That’s impossible: death rays and energy weapons • Debate the ethical and moral reasoning for the use of a 100 Kilowatt Weapon. • Is it ethical for one nation to use such a weapon, if other nations do not possess it? • Can you see any good coming out of the use of such a weapon? • How will such technology impact war and peace?  

 Lesson Extensions 

Information also available at­read  

Background Information  History of fantasy   Fantasy versus epic fantasy   Project MUSE   Definitions­is.htm and  Impact of vampires and  Additional Activities  Further Reading and Discussion Questions  Reading Lists—Horror  Horror Writers Association’s Horror Reading List  Jones and Newman’s 100 Best Horror Stories  

Suite101: Scary Stories for Teens: A List of Teen Horror Novels to Inspire the Halloween  Cynthia Leitich Smith: Gothic Fantasy and Suspense for Teens and 'Tweens   Reading Lists—Fantasy  Best Fantasy Books  Fantasy Book Review: Top 100 Fantasy Books  Fantasy vs. reality Jasper Fforde’s Nursery Crime novels and Bill Willingham’s Fables comic book series place well‐known nursery rhyme and fairytale characters in unconventional situations, where the unreal meets elements of the real world. • Pick a favorite fairytale character and place them in a real world situation. (Examples: Little Red Riding Hood attends your birthday party, or the local police department hires Robin Hood.) • What impact does the fantasy character have on the real world? How does the fantasy character react to the real world? • What kinds of literary plots could emerge from your scenario?  Do the monster mash­up! Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is one of the quirkier best sellers in recent years. Most of Jane Austen’s classic is preserved, but author Seth Grahame‐Smith adds Zombie mayhem to the mix.  • Recipe: Pick a favorite book set in the real world. Add monster or monsters of your choice. Stir. • What happens to the characters in the book when they meet the supernatural creature? How does this new element affect the relationships of the characters? • What happens to the plot of the book when you introduce monsters? Can the book deliver the same real‐world message, even when a monster is present in the mix?  

 Lesson Extensions 

Information also available at­read 

 Background Information  Quick links from the lesson  Additional Activities  Further Reading and Discussion Questions  Story starter: Fantasy 

1. It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling down the streets and thrashing the trees and the rain pounded on the roof trying to break through and drown everyone inside. I stared out the dark window, where I could see tree limbs and debris swirling and sliding, shining in the rain under the blinking lamplights. All the houses were locked down tight against the deluge and curtains were drawn against the storm. As I stared, my memories of the night before came back in a wave that enveloped me in fear and anger. Not knowing it, my right hand formed into a tight fist.  

 Story starters: Science Fiction  

1. There was this scientist guy who decided it would be a good idea to animate inanimate objects. (Actually, I know who it was; I’m just protecting the innocent. And, on further thought, he’s not that innocent seeing that he’s my dad and I know things about him.) So, it’s a bad day when FReD, our food‐rationing device, conferred with the loo and decided I needed more fiber in my diet. Groatmeal, again. The morning didn’t get any better when my favorite 

trainers, having had enough of the wear and tear I put them through playing k‐klod on the moon, went on strike. They held the closing mech shut in the sobox, so that I couldn’t open the door. I knew I should have removed the laces. 

 2. I had five minutes with mom. Just five minutes to catch up. Mom had been kept 

in suspended animation, pendani, for 40 years and her time had arrived to be reanimated. I had spent the last few years talking to a frozen woman who I can barely remember from childhood. I had reached the age of mandatory pendani, and our times overlapped by five minutes. What would or could I tell her? 

 Story starters: Horror  

1. It’s just a rat, I reassured myself. Or, I at least tried to. The small scrapping sounds continued behind me. I wanted to turn around and face my fear in the beady eyes of an animal just as scared as I was, and I was about to, but, then I heard the sounds again. It was louder, more urgent, and didn’t sound like the feet of a small rodent.  

 2. I decided to walk home from Miranda’s that night, instead of taking the ride 

home with Charly and her boyfriend. Third wheel, yuck. Even for a three minute drive, it’s amazing how much PDA they can cram into such a small amount of time, and with Jesse driving. Besides, it was a nice night and Miranda’s house had been crowded, stuffy and loud for her sixteenth birthday celebration. I needed the fresh air and quiet. I was halfway home before I realized my quiet was disturbed by footsteps. They were walking at the same pace I was so I couldn’t tell how long they had been behind me. Without wanting to, I remembered my mother reading in the paper about a recent spate of kidnappings. Up ahead, I could see my house, and I wondered if I could make it there in time. I began to search my pockets for my keys with the names of the taken kids running through my mind.