Download - Raymond Sales


How to save the environment?There are many little steps that people can take at home to help save the environment. In making some small changes in the way that you do things at home, you are little by little making a difference, even as an individual.1.Turn off the lights. Always turn off the lights when you are not using them. Turn on lights when you are not using them is wasteful.2. Plant Trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and provide shade. Some provide you with a bountiful harvest.3. Recycle Material- Recycle all the things that can be used.4.Use Biodegradable & Non biodegradable-Separate the waste if it is biodegradable & non biodegradable.5.Trash can- Avoid littering all the times, use the trash can.

AssignmentInComputerPassed by : John Raymond Sales

Teacher: Teacher Grace V. Osita

AssignmentinComputerPrepared by: Zimri S. CruzPassed to: Maam Mary Grace V. Osita