Download - RAS Mains Geography Paper II 2008


RSM-08 Optional Paper

Geography- II ~-II

Total Pages : 32 Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 200

(Signature of the Invigilator)


Marks Obtained

PART-A PART- 8 PART- C Q. Marks Q. Marks Q. Marks No. Obtained No. Obtained No. Obtained

I 21 33 2 22 34 3 23 35 4 24 36 5 25 37 6 26 38 7 27 39 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 31 12 32 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20

Total Total Total

Marks Obtained :


Part- B:

Part- C: ~~­

Total ~-·------~-

(Marks in Words)

Answer Booklet No. 200645 Roll Nd. -·------·-------------"------

(In Figures)

Roll No.

(In words)

(Signature of the Candidate)


1. Write your Roll Number in the space provided

on the Top of this page.

2. Read the instructions given inside care.full~'·

3. Two pages are attached at the end of the Test

Booklet for rough work.

4. You should return the Test Booklet to the

Invigilator at the end of the examination and

should not carry any paper with you outside the

examination hall.

5. A candidate found creating disturbance at the

examination centre or misbehaving with

Invigilation Staff or cheating will render himself

liable to disqualification.

(Signature of Examiner) (Signature of Head Examiner)

15- II 1 P.T.O.


(3) <rW-~ t" 3RT if~ 'liT'! (Rough Work) "'i"f.l t" fuit <i\ ito! (Pages) fu:ir S\\ ~I

< 4 J 31T'l'!i\ <Rl'll t- <lll"'l 'lft Wl1fu 'R = ~r «~"' 1 'lft Hit'"'" ~ 'lft <'i\ZRT WIT *' <Rl'll 'fi'R

~ 'fiR "lRi <lll"'l om >IT "i'filT1'il am "Bl'l "'~liT <"~ "lRl WIT 1

(5) "'If<; om "'"~>if <R~llJT ~ 'R """'fR ~'WIT% 'lT oftl\IUI "0'0 t- "Bl'l ~'~'w 'WIT% 3l'l'll

<i~ol'{"\ 'Wl 'WIT% <it q;p<l'i \ft "l'<l"1ill t- fuit a~<<;l41 WIT 1

15- II 2

This question paper contains 32 pages]

Time : Three Hours



Paper- II


4!\i<I'{Of f.$r

Maximum Marks : 200


(a) The question paper has been divided into three parts-Part A, Band C. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in each part.

ll'R-'B! ""'"· "•" am ""B" <it'! 'WIT ii fil~ ~ 1 ~ 'IJTT ii -u m "~R ~ m '1ft -wn am ~ ai'l> 0'[1 'IJTT ii ~ m l]"il '& 1

(b) Attempt answers either in Hindi or English, not in both.

~ 3li)";;ft 'lT fRt '1ffi i( U f<l>m ""' i( ~ I <it-if i( "1\ff I (c) Answer to all the questions of each part should be written continuously in the script

and should not be mixed with those of other parts. In the event of candidate writing answers to a question in a part, different to the one to which the question belongs, the question shall not be assessed by the examiner.

~ ~f«<'lil i( ~ 'IJTT it m mit~~~ "'Tft;it <I'll""' 'IJTT i( ~ 'IJTT it~ "1\ff flRolR "'Tft;it I ""' 'lJlT i( ~ 'IJTT it Jl1R it ~ ftr@: ""!R 'R -Qj\ Jl1R '1ft fl "1\ff ~ I

(d) The candidates should not write the answers beyond the limit of words prescribed in part A, Band C failing which the marks can be deducted.

31"1f$il '1ft 'IJTT " "' , , " .. , am " , , ii 3!<f.'t ~ f.r'llfur ~ '1ft W=rr -u "'f'"" ii 'l<ff ~ "'Tft;it I W4iT d&i'!'l <liB 'R ai'l; -..8 "'T ~'&I

(e) In case candidate makes any identification mark i.e. Roll No./ Name/Telephone No./ Mobile No. or any other marking either outside or inside the answer book, it would be treated as using unfair means. The candidature of the candidate for the entire examinations shall be rejected by the Commission, if he is found doing so.

"'"'l2if ];m om :!fureil it """" "''l"!l <!W ~ fq;; 'l'll-m ""'ll:/'!f'l/"'"l{ii1 "fl'lR/lf<'l<hi'l """''lT 31"1 <'liTil fuiR ~ fu-& ""!R "''l"!l ~ fil;it ""!R ~ ~ "\'!1"!1

'liT >i'WT 'lRT ~ I 31T'iM IDU i(m Wl ""!R 'R "'"l2if '1ft ~ '!Ua:rr ii "'"'f>lill U\ <n1: <(( ~I

15- II 3 P.T.O.

PART- A 'lf'T- 3l

Marks- 40

*'"- 40 Note : ' Attempt all the twentlJ queStions. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer should

'ito: not exceed lS.words. Wffil20 ~ ·~ O<R ~ I ~ WR ~ 2 ajq; f.l'llfur %I O<R 15 'IToif if ~ 'lWf ffl~l

1. Mention characteristics of the Indian Monsoon.

!--------------------------------------------------------------~ 2. ~ention major drought prone areas of India .

. im<f ~ ~ WJI1l"fUU ey,jj 'liT ~ ~ I

3. Give areas of laterite soil in India.

4. Mention areas of high population growth in India.

"'ffii ii <r=r "''Hi&ll ~ ~ ey,jj 'liT ~ ~I

15- II 4

5. Identify areas of tribal concentration in India.

'lffil ii dlli<;<"llm ~~'liT~~ 1

6. Mention major population problems of India.

'lffil 'liJ >l11"f "1'1\i&ll WR"l]ai\ "'iT~~ I

7. Identify areas of sugarcane cultivation in India.

'lffil ij Tf>IT ~ ~ 'li] ~~I

8. Give reasons for promoting dry farming in India.

'lffil ij 'iJ"l' ~ "l ffi 10'1 tJ; o'li1 'liJ ~ I

15- II 5 P.T.O.

9. Give two merits and two demerits of green revolution in India.

10. Give list of forest based indush·ies in India.

11. Mention salient features of India's industrial policy.

'1ffil ott 3l~;;i)fil<'h "fifu ott "ll'pSI fqf.ill!dl3if <'liT~ ~I


12. What are the advantages of industTial decentralization in India?

'1ffil if i{[;;i)fl[<'!i fq<i;~<'!i(O[;:,; 'I'll <'!l'f ~?

15- II 6

13. Give list of major items of India's export.


14. Name new rail zones of India.


15. Name different types of planning.

f<'if'fil ;;r<!iR if; fi<il"1ff if; 'lT'l ~I

16. Give causes of regional disparities in India.

'II«! i'i OI~RI'h f<1"Y<II if;~ <;i\ ~I

15 ·II 7 P.T.O.

17. Mention advantages of village level planning.

111'! ~ f<J<ihH it <'ll'i\' 'fiT~~ I •.. - "

18. Give list of major irrigation projects of Rajasthan.

<m'!R 'lit J!1I& ~ ql{<il"''llaTI 'lit 'f'l\ ~I

19. Name main tribes of Rajasthan.

<m'!R 'lit J!1I& "''l"'lfct~t it 'fill~ I --------------~- -------------------------------------

20. Give prospects of animal husbandry development in Rajasthan.

<m'!R i( q'{lql<!l'l f<;rq;m 'lit >R'Il'/ITaTI 'lit~ I

15- II 8


PART-B 'lT'T- "if

Marks- 60 aia; - 60

Attempt all the twelve questions. Each question carries·s_marks. Answer· should not exceed 50 words. Wffil 12 Jw-if i\; OW <ftf;rit I ~ >PR i\; s· aia; f.l'llful% I OW 50~ if 3lf>l'l; 'ftff tAI<!lfuill

21. Describe physiographic characteristics of the Himalayan region of India.

'1m! lf f%111<:1'1 ~'fit 'i311\Pfct'li fq>il•<llaif 'l>T oruR ~I


22. Describe general characteristics of the agro-climatic region of Western Plateau.

qf<ij<ft 'lOR i\; 'jill! ''1<:1'113 ~'fit BJl!Pl fq>il.dlaif 'l>T foior:uT ~I

15- II 9 P.T.O.

23. Describe patterns of rural settlements in the Ganga Plain.

*rr ii> i'IGR if 1J1lftur an'l"!Rii ii> oRI¥clf 'liT "f'JR ~ 1

24. Write a brief note on the marine resources of India.

15- II 10

25. Analyse the role of chemical fertilizers in the development of Indian agriculture.

'lmiM ~iii f<rq;rn if <IBI'~R'h ~ <tt 'lfl!'h1 "'hi f••8""1 ~ 1


26. Highlight the importance of social forestry in India.

'IT«! if mBif"l'h ~ i\; ~ "1it ~~I

15- II 11 P.T.O.

27. Examine the dishibutional pattern of indush·ial complexes in India.

'lml if <>i'1<iln1"' ,;~""'iii io ~ 1ffiR;;;q "'liT 'lU&l"l ~ 1

28. Throw light on the recent t.Tends of the India's foreign t.Tade.

'lml io ~ "'T'W 'Iii m""" "~r~•1 'R 1l"'liPII ~ 1

15- II 12

29. Describe problems of hill area planning in India.

'1m! if ~ f$1 f.pj!;iH <tf mail "'1'1 "f'lR ~ I


30. Highlight major objectives of Eleventh Five Year Plan in India.

'1m! if '~l<<;<ff *r ~ ~ * "!lll@ ~ <tf ~~I

15- II 13 P.T.O.

31. Write a note on the drainage pattern of Rajasthan .

. <m'!R io - "JifcR<q 'R R:aruft fuft9:1l: I

32. Examine prospects of industrial development in Rajasthan.

<m'!R -i'j <>i'i<iifil'h ~ 'li\ ~aij 001 'lft&TUT ~ I


------ ----··-·-------·

15- II 14



"""- ~ Marks - 100

afu; - 100

Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer should not exceed 200 words.

~ 5 WFil il;-ow:~ 1 ~ 1rF1 io 20 31'<n B'llfur ~ 1 ow: 200 ~.i\ 31!''1'1> ~ ~~I

33. Divide India into major vcget21tion regions and discuss the problems of environmental degradation in any one of them.

'l1ml 'lit >111"' <m'1Fd ~ ii fc!'rm ~ o"ll <Ril i'r folim '<'" ii q>lf<nul 3N'!'R 'lit ww:rralf '!'~ f<1~~'11 ~I


·- ------·-··----···--·---- -- ------------~----

--·. ------------------·-·---------


------·----------- ----·--···-



15- II 15 P.T.O.


15- II 16

34. Give an account of the production and distribution of coal in India and discuss the environmental problems reiated to its mining.

"lR<[ ii ~ ip ~ ll;"i ~ 'liT ~ ~ <["'T ~ ""l'f U <i<if''l<l q~jq{Uft'<

WIB!Taif 'liT~~ I

------------------------- -------------





15- II 17 P.T.O.

15- II

' '


36. Identify industrially ba-ckward regions in India and propose strategy for their development.

'lffif if aihllfil<"l> -.,fu "it ~J$if ;;fit 'l\fi'!R ~ o'll ;ffi; f'l<!;rn ~ ~ ""<llfq<l ~ 1

15- II 21 P.T.O.

15- II 22

37. Discuss the development of road transport in India and examine its importance in modern economic deveicipmenl.

'IKff i'i"""" qfi:en;e t- fi!onrn 'lil f'l~""' ~ o"ll 3ll'jf¥o 3llf$1> fi!onrn i'i ~ ~ <nT

crU'ii"T ~ I


15- II 23 P.T.O.

15- II 24



15- II 26

38. Analyse the strategies and rationale of multi-level _planning in India. 'ilffi! i'i cil@<l~'1 f.i<iioH <tT (Oioilfu<ii. TJ.<i 'j!ffi'W '!>T f<1¥<!iqo1 ~~

-----------------------c __ __



15- II 25 P.T.O.

39. Examine the patterns and trends of agricultural development in Rajasthan. ~if~ foiq;m ~ "f8(<i<{j 1('i "'Jfu>lf '!>! '1"it&JUT ~I


15- II 27 P.T.O.

15- II 28

15 ·II


~ <nr<f if; ftoJil"'""


-.1 ·~ ,',


15- II


~<!IT'~ ii; fuit ~


I ,, I'

15- II 31

15- II 32