Download - Rapid Sand Filtration_120227

  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    Rapid Sand Filtration


    Marco Bruni, seecon international gmbh

  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    Copy it, adapt it, use it but acknowledge the source!

    CopyrightIncluded in the SSWM Toolbox are materials from various oranisations and sources. Those materials are open source.Followin the open!

    source concept for capacit" buildin and non!profit use# cop"in and adaptin is allowed provided proper ac$nowledement of the source is

    made %see below&. The publication of these materials in the SSWM Toolbox does not alter an" existin cop"rihts. Material published in the

    SSWM Toolbox for the first time follows the same open!source concept# with all rihts remainin with the oriinal authors or producin


    To view an official cop" of the the 'reative 'ommons (ttribution Wor$s ).* +nported ,icense we build upon# visit

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    You are ree to Share! to cop"# distribute and transmit this document

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    "nder the ollowing conditions:

    Attribution: 0ou must alwa"s ive the oriinal authors or publishin aencies credit for the document or picture "ou are usin.


    The contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessaril" the official opinion of the fundin or

    supportin partner oranisations.

    ependin on the initial situations and respective local circumstances# there is no uarantee that sinle measures described in the toolbox

    will ma$e the local water and sanitation s"stem more sustainable. The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide

    ideas for improvin the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Results depend larel" on the respective situation and

    the implementation and combination of the measures described. (n in!depth anal"sis of respective advantaes and disadvantaes and the

    suitabilit" of the measure is necessar" in ever" sinle case. We do not assume an" responsibilit" for and ma$e no warrant" with respect to

    the results that ma" be obtained from the use of the information provided.

    Copyright & Disclaimer
  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.


    1. 'oncept

    2. 3ow Rapid Sand Filtration 'an 4ptimise SSWM

    ). esin 5rinciples

    6. Treatment 7fficienc" and 3ealth (spects

    8. 'onstruction and 4peration 9 Maintenance

    . (pplicabilit"

    ;. (dvantaes and isadvantaes

  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    $ater %uriication


    1. Concept




    centralised level

    3ousehold level


    Water suppl"

    s"stems indensel"

    populated urban

  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    $ater %uriication

    Rapid sand iltration is a purel" ph"sical drin$in water purificationmethod on a centralised %or semi!centralised& level


    1. Concept




    centralised level

    3ousehold level

    Rapid Sand Filtration
  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227


    Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    $ater %uriication through Rapid Sand Filtration

    $orking %rinciple

    (fter bein pre!treated %coaulation!flocculation freshwater flows

    throuh a sand! and ravel bed. 3ereb"# particles are removed

    throuh a ph"sicalfilter process. Final disinfection.

    1. Concept




    Rapid Sand




    Rapid sand iltration is an integral part o a particular water

    treatment procedure and cannot produce drinking&water

    without precedent and subse'uent treatment steps.
  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227

    7/20Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    $ater %uriication through Rapid Sand Filtration

    $orking %rinciple

    (fter bein pre!treated %coaulation!flocculation freshwater flows

    throuh a sand! and ravel bed. 3ereb"# particles are removed

    throuh a ph"sicalfilter process. Final disinfection.


    1. Concept




    Rapid Sand




    Rapid sand iltration is an integral part o a particular water

    treatment procedure and cannot produce drinking&water

    without precedent and subse'uent treatment steps.

    %rocesses are

  • 7/21/2019 Rapid Sand Filtration_120227

    8/20Rapid Sand Filtration

    F n t s presentat on an more on: www.ssswm. n o.

    2. How Rapid Sand Filtration Can Optimise SSWM

    Characteristics o "rbanised (reas