Download - Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Page 1: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Rapa Nui





Un lugar para soñarA place to dreamTAHAI

Page 2: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly
Page 3: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Isla de origen volcánico que se eleva a 3.000 metros sobre el fondo oceánico. Su superficie basal tiene forma de trapecio y es 50 veces su área emergida. En cada vértice, producto de erupciones volcánicas, se localiza un volcán principal: el Poike al este (3 millones de años), el Rano Kau en el sur (2 millones de años) y el Maunga Terevaka en el norte (200.000 años). Además existen cerca de 104 centros eruptivos en forma de cráteres, conos y domos.

An island of volcanic origin, which rises 3.000 meters above the floor of the sea. Its base is in the form of a trapezoid and covers an area 50 times as large as the area above the surface of the water. In each corner, as a result of volcanic eruptions, there is a major volcano, Poike to the north-east (3 million years old), Rano Kau in the south (2 million years old), and Terevaka in the north-west (200.000 years old). There are also another 104 erup-

tive centers in the form of craters, cones and domes.



Santiago de Chile, Fono / Phone Santiago: 56-2-2078442 Fono / Phone Rapa Nui: 56-32-2551836 - email.: [email protected] - Rapa Nui 2008


Ubicación / Location: 27º 09’ Lat. - 109º 26’ W Long.Distancia / Distance: - Chile: 3.700 kms.Distancia / Distance: - Tahiti: 4.000 kms.

Dimensión / Dimensions: 24 kms. x 16 kms. x 12 kms.Superficie / Area: 166 kms2.

Altura / Height maximun: 550 ms. above sea levelHabitantes / Inhabitants: 3.800 to 4.000

Clima / Climate: SubtropicalTemperatura / Temperature: Summer: 15ºC - 28ºC / Winter: 14ºC - 22ºC

Meses frios / Coolest month: July and August

Meses cálidos / Warmest month: January and FebruaryMes lluvioso / Wettest: MayIdioma / Language: Rapa Nui, SpanishMoneda / Currency: Chilean peso, dolar and euroTurist information: Sernatur, Tu’u Maheke street, M-F 8:30 am - 1:00 pmBanco / Bank: Banco Estado, Tu’u Maheke street, M-F 8:00 am - 1:00 pmCorreo / Post office: Te pito o te henua street, M-F 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pmHospital / Hospital: Simon Paoa s/n, Phone 2100215Policia / Police (emergencies): Phone 133


Page 4: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Esta pequeña parte del cuerpo humano, el ombligo (Te Pito) tiene un significado importan-te para los rapa nui al igual que para todos los maori. Aquí, sólo aquí, se ubica el centro de cada ser humano. Al cortarse el cor-dón umbilical, al soltarse definiti-vamente de la placenta, permane-ce en cada ser humano el recuerdo de su gestación. Mucho antes del desarrollo de los demás órganos, tiene que existir el ombligo, la co-nexión entre el dar y recibir vida; el ombligo es el recuerdo que queda del propio surgimiento, de la unión, de la dependencia de y con la madre, de la propia encarnación. Por ello - el Pito - es el centro, la parte más importante del cuerpo humano, y no el corazón. Cuando hace unos 1.500 años atrás, Hotu Matu’a del pueblo de los maori llegó a la isla y creó el primer reino, colocó la primera piedra de esta cultura única. A este pequeño trozo de tierra de ape-nas 165 metros cuadrados le dio el nombre de Te Pito o te Henua. Te Pito – el ombligo y te Henua – la tierra. Henua se llama la matriz y significa “que nutre”. Nutre y une a la vez dos generaciones, muchas ge-neraciones entre sí. Así, cada perso-na está unida con sus antepasados, sus ancestros, sus Tupunas.

This small part of the human anatomy, the navel (Te Pito) is quite important to the Rapa Nui, just as it is to the Maori. It is the very center of the human be-ing. As the umbilical cord is cut, that very connection between the mother and the new being is severed, as the

placenta is then disgarded and gesta-tion is complete. The umbilicus is deve-loped in the fetus long before any of the major organs and is that which gives and received life in the growing organism. It is that which is always remembered in every human being as the origin- that

dependency and union with the mother, and its own incarnation. For that reason, el

Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not

the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly 1500 years ago, believed to be the first king, he laid the first stone in his king-dom of this very unique culture. To this very tiny piece of land, a mere 165 square meters, he gave the name Te Pito o te He-nua. Te Pito, the umbilicus, and te Henua, the earth.. Henua, the earth, is like the placenta and that which nurtures. Nurturan-ce and union at the same time, for generations and generations, in this way each person is united with one’s past, one’s ancestors,

one’s Tupuna.

El Ombligo

Te PitoThe Navel /

Page 5: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


“Song of Waitaha” es el documento de una desconocida cultura pre-maori en Nueva Zelanda entregada por los ancianos sobre-vivientes a sus hijos y nietos como herencia espiritual y cultural. En el capítulo IV “Can-to del Llanto de las Aguas “, nos habla de un viaje a Waitangi Ki Roto (Isla de Pascua) con piedras Puanomu (piedras de la paz) y el arribo a la isla después de haber sido asolada por un tsunami 4 generaciones atrás. Luego se relata el regreso a Nueva Zelanda con plantas de Kumara (hijas de la paz) y una estatua de piedra que fue colo-cada en la cima de un cerro para inscribir el nombre de esta tierra ancestral.

“The Song of Waitaha” is a docu-ment of a little known pre-Maori cul-ture in New Zealand, given by the old survivors to their children and grandchildren as a spiritual and cultural inheritance. In Chapter IV, “The Song of the Weeping Waters”, we are told of a trip to Waitangi Ki Roto (Easter Island) with Puanomu Stones (jade or greenstone; the sto-nes of peace) and the arrival on the Island after having been desolated by a tsunami four generations pre-viously. It then tells of the return to New Zealand with Kumara plants (the daughter of peace) and a stone statue which was placed on the top of a hill with the inscription of the name of this ancestral land.

The weeping waters

Waitangi KiRoto

El Llanto de las aguas

Page 6: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

“Waitangi Name given to Rapa Nui in the Song of Waitaha


Por siglos la tradición y sabiduría de los Waitaha fue sagrada y sólo transmitida oral-mente, pero una vieja profecía anticipaba que algún día este tesoro o Taonga se revelaría al mundo. Y así fue. En 1986 los ancianos, antes de morir, delegaron en Te Porohau Ruka y su mujer Makere la tarea de escribir las antiguas y sagradas historias, invitándoles durante dos años, en constelaciones estelares especia-les, a encuentros ceremoniales en los lugares importantes para la tradición Waitaha. Lo im-portante en esta historia es, que comienza en la Isla de Pascua, en la cuál se habrían en-contrado hace 67 generaciones tres pueblos de diferentes colores de piel y tradiciones que luego se mezclaron pacíficamente. Se habla de dos navegantes, Hotu Matua, una mujer del oeste perteneciente al pueblo Maoriori, de

For centuries the traditions and wisdom of the Waitaha was considered sacred and only transmitted orally. An old prophetess anticipated that some day this treasure, or Taonga, would be revealed to the world. And so it was. In 1986, the some of the old people before dying, delegated Te Porohau Ruka and his wife Makere to wri-te down the ancient, sacred stories. They invited them over a period of two yzears, through special stellar cons-tellations, to ceremonial encounters in places that are important to the Waitaha traditions. The importance of this story to us is that it begins in Easter Island, Waitangi Ki Roto (The Weeping Waters), on which there were, 67 generations ago, three peoples of different color of skin and different traditions who mixed peacefully. Legends tell of two navigators, Hotu Matua, a woman from the West of the Maoriori people, with dark skin, brown eyes and black hair; and Kiwa, from the East, belonging to the Uru Kehu, men of short stature, white skin, blue eyes

and red or blond hair. The third tribe was Kiri-tea, originally from the highest hills, men of the rocks, of short stature, light skin, green eyes and black hair. From their union and peaceful cooperation a new culture was born which im-pelled the emigration to Aotearoa (today’s New Zealand) in search of new lands to cultivate. This happened thousands of years before the immigration of the classical Maori, a traditio-nally warrior group. Arriving at New Zealand, this group of pioneers divided into two clans : the Rapuwai and the Waitaha. They found the lad already inhabited by men who worked the

piel oscura, ojos cafés y cabello negro y Kiwa, del este, perteneciente a los Uru Kehu, hombres de baja estatura, piel blanca, ojos azules y cabello rubio o colorín. El tercer pueblo era Kiritea, proveniente desde las colinas más altas, hombres de la piedra, de baja estatura, piel clara, ojos verdes y pelo negro. De su unión y cooperación pa-cífica nació una nueva cultura que impulsó la emigración a Nueva Zelanda, a nuevas tierras para cultivar. Esto habría sucedido mil años antes de la migración de los clásicos Maori, tradicionalmente guerreros. Una vez arri-bado a Nueva Zelanda, este grupo pionero se dividió en dos clanes: los Rapuwai y los Waitaha. Encontraron ha-bitado el lugar por hombres que trabajaban la piedra. En

Page 7: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

stone. Instead of facing off in destructive tribal wars, they mixed with the local people and sha-red the fruit of their labors and their traditions. While the Rapuwai people explored the Island, sailed the nearby waters, sought out the sources of fresh water and studied the stars, the Waitaha people specialized in fishing and farming. They were a peaceful people, with a matriarchal so-ciety, tolerant and with a strong cultural empha-sis on ecology through sustainable administra-tion of the land. They showed well developed knowledge of ecology and astronomy and of the secrets of the ocean. They promoted an educa-

Nombre dado a Rapa Nui en estos cantos de Waitaha

Ki Roto”vez de enfrentarse en destructivas guerras tribales, se mezclaron y compartieron el fruto de su trabajo y sus tradiciones. Mientras los Rapuwai se dedica-ron a explorar la isla, navegar por sus alrededores, buscar fuentes de agua y estudiar las estrellas, los Waitaha se especializaron en la pesca y la agricul-tura. Era un pueblo de paz, marcadamente matriar-cal, tolerante y con un fuerte compromiso con su impulso cultural de cuidar la naturaleza mediante una administración sustentable, demostrando de-sarrollados conocimientos ecológicos y astronómi-cos y de los secretos de los mares. Promovieron una educación con una profunda base espiritual


Page 8: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

entregada en los Whare Wananga o escuelas de iniciación. Aparte de entregarnos algunas posibles luces sobre Rapa Nui y su misterioso pasado, consideramos este documento un regalo que nos hacen los pueblos indígenas al revelarnos sus tradiciones y sabidurías. Cada historia es un Pu Rakau, una semilla que nos llena de esperanza. A la vista de los problemas de nuestros tiempos: guerras, racismo, contami-nación, dominio patriarcal, esta cultura de la paz, proveniente del Pacífico y quizás de la Isla de Pascua, parece una utopía. (Song of Waitaha, traducción alemana, Winfried Altman).

tion based on deep spiritual values in the “Whare Wananga”, or schools of initiation. Along with some possible visions of Rapa Nui and its mysterious past, this document is conside-red a gift from the native people of New Zealand in sharing their tradition and wisdom. Each story in the collection is a “Pu Rakau”, a seed which fills us with hope. In light of the problems of our times – wars, racism, contamination, patriar-chal domination – this peaceful culture, originating in the Pa-cific, perhaps from Easter Island, seems a utopia. (Song of Waitaha, German translation by Winfried Altman).

“Dejadnos abrir el cesto de la sabidu-

ría sagrada para que los ancestros hablen


Let us open the basket of wisdom so that the ances-

tros can speak again.


Page 9: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly



The most important ceremonial center on the Island.

El centro ceremonial más importante de la Isla.

Un lugar para soñar A place to dream

Page 10: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Es el centro ceremonial más importante de la Isla, está ubicado en la costa oeste, un kilómetro al Norte de Hanga Roa Otai, cubriendo un área de 20.000 metros cuadrados. Junto al Ahu Vinapu es uno de los más antiguos, construidos en plena fase de asentamiento hacia los años 700 y 800 d.C. Se-gún la tradición fue la propiedad de uno o más lina-jes del clan reinante Miru. Una de las razones para seleccionar este lugar fue sin duda el atracadero para embarcaciones de poco calado para la pes-ca de orilla, llamado Hanga Moana Verovero. Este complejo arqueológico, restaurado en los años se-senta bajo la dirección del arqueólogo norteame-ricano W. Mulloy, comprende tres plataformas: el Ahu Vai Uri con 5 Moai, Ahu Tahai con uno y Ahu Ko Te Riku con un solo Moai con Pukao y con sus ojos restaurados. Seguramente este Pukao o moño fue colocado en los momentos de máximo esplen-dor de esta cultura. Basta imaginarse a todo este altar al aire libre, restaurado con estos enormes

This is the most important ceremonial center on the Island, located on the west coast, just one kilometer north of Hanga Roa Otai, which co-vers an area of 20,000 square meters. Along with Ahu Vinapu, it is one of the oldest centers, built in the period of settlement around the years 700 and 800 A.D. According to tradi-tion, it belonged to one or more of the lines of the ruling Miru clan. One of the reasons that they selected this place was, without a doubt, the small entry for shallow boats and the place where they could fish from the shore, called Hanga Moana Verovero. This ar-chaeological center, restored in the 1960s un-der the direction of the American archaeolo-gist, William Mulloy, consists of three platforms: Ahu Vai Uri with 5 statues, Ahu Tahai with one and Ahu Ko Te Riku with just one statue with a topknot and with eyes that have been resto-red. Most probably this topknow was placed in


Tahai nos invita a sentir el Mana o fuerza sobrenatural

Page 11: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

ojos de coral blanco y pupila de toba roja u obsidiana negra, para sentir el Mana o fuer-za sobrenatural que exuda el lugar. Las pla-taformas se caracterizan por sus grandes muros de enormes bloques de lava, pulidos y ajustados con sorprendente precisión. La más antigua de las tres plataformas es la que subyace al actual Ahu Tahai.

the period of maximum splendor of the culture. One can imagine this open-air altar, estored with this enormous eyes of white coral and pupils of red scoria or black obsidian, to feel the “mana”, or supernatural power, that permeates the area. The platforms are characterized by the great walls of enormous blocks of lava which have been polished and adjusted with surprizing pre-cision. The oldest of the three platforms is one underlying the present Ahu Tahai.

Tahai invite us to feel the “mana”, or supernatural power

Page 12: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Tahai is the best spot on the Island to watch the lovely sunsets

Tahai es el sitio preciso para disfrutar las más bellas puestas de sol

Page 13: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Según cuenta la historia, los reyes y los sacerdotes construían sus vi-viendas en las proximidades de los Ahu mientras que el resto de la población vivía al interior en cavernas. Una de estas viviendas es la casa bote (Hare Paenga) supuestamente para los sacerdotes. Ella consta de una estructura de piedra en forma de casco de canoa con los extremos redondeados que pueden alcanzar hasta 90 metros de longitud, cubierta de un armazón con ramas y vegetales. Otras son los Hare Maea o casas de piedra para las familias reales. En la zona también se pueden ver los gallineros de piedra (Hare Moa), los Umu Pae u hornos polinésicos y pequeñas cavernas para pasar la noche, admirando un cielo estrellado.

According to the old stories, the chiefs and priests constructed their houses near the platforms, while the rest of the popu-lation lived inland in caves. One of these l=houses is the boat-shaped house (“Hare Paenga”) that is assumed to have been for the priests. This consists of a structure of stone in the form of the hull of a ca-noe with rounded ends which can reach up to 90 meters in length and then co-vered with a framework of branches and thatch. Other constructions in this cen-ter are chicken houses (“Hare Moa”), the Polynesian ovens (“Umu Pae”) and small caves for staying in overnight to be able to observe the starry sky.

Hare Paenga

Umo Pae

Hare Maea

Hare Moa

Page 14: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Los meses de noviembre de cada año se realiza una celebración escolar de nues-tras tradiciones y cultura Rapa Nui para brindarle a las familias, a las autoridades, a los ancianos (Koros y Nuas) y también a nuestros visitantes, las distintas mani-festaciones tradicionales en lengua Rapa Nui. Se presentan cantos, danzas, el jue-go de cuerdas Kai Kai, dramatizaciones de relatos ( Kananga), oraciones y rogati-vas y mucho más. Además se presentan exposiciónes artísticas, de las artes plás-ticas y de la gastronomía, informando a los visitantes de su significado ancestral.

Mahana o te Re´O Rapa NuiEvery November there is a celebration involving all the school children in which the traditions and culture of Rapa Nui is exhalted for families, authorities, the elders and our visiting tourists. All the events that are demonstrated are given specifically in the traditional language of Rapa Nui. Presentations, singing, dances, the art of Kai Kai where ropes are twisted into ancient forms which tell stories, dramatic legends (Ka-nanga), orations and prayers to sacred beings are all included. There are art expositions from all the schools and foods prepared locally and at the site for visitors to try and get an ancestral feeling about the event.

Día de la Lengua Language Day


Page 15: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly



Cómodas y acogedoras cabañas con Kitchenette en el corazón

de Rapa Nui./Comfortable and cozy bungalows with kitchenette

in the heart of Rapa Nui.

c/ Ara Roa Rakei s/n Fono/Phone 56-32-2551169

email: [email protected] /


Amplias y tranquilas habitaciones con baño privado, desayuno

incluido. La mejor ubicación a 5 minutos del centro y del com-

plejo arqueológico de Tahai. / Comfortable rooms with private

bathroom, breakfast included. Close to downtown and the ar-

chaelogicaly ceremonial complex in Tahai.

PPetero Atamu s/n Fono/Phone: 56-32-2100283 email.: [email protected]



Page 16: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Sumérgete en la fascinante Rapa Nui. Buceo día y noche, snorkeling, cursos CMAS y apnea, tours a los motu y al moai sumergido llamado “PAEA” en memoria de mi abuelo.Dive in the fascinating sea of Rapa Nui, day and night, snorkeling, apneacourse, CMSA course and tour to the motu and to the sumerged moai called “PAEA” in memory of the owners grandfather.Fono / Phone: 2551055 - Celular / Cel: -


Bicicletas / bicycles, scooters, moto owad, moto cross, jeep Jimmy, Grand Vitara, Terios, Grand Nomade, Ga-looper y / and van. Se aceptan todas tarjetas de crédito, dólar USA, y euro.Accept all credit cards, dólar USA and euro.Reservas / reservations: 56 - 32 - 2100480 / 56 - 32 - 2100858 / 56 - 32 - 2551276 / [email protected]


Paseos por los motus, coral gigante y Anakena acompa-ñado de música y snack. Snorkeling y tour privado. Daytryps to the motus, giant coral and Anakena, music and snacks on board. Snorkeling and private tours.Hanga Piko, Fono / Phone: / [email protected]


Servicios turísticos en Isla de Pascua en español, alemán e inglés. / Wir bieten deutschsprachigen Tourservice auf der Osterinsel an. / We offer english speaking tour services on Easter Island.Fono / Phone: (0056-32)2100548Fono / Fax: (0056-32)2100165Celular: 0056-(09)-94976076 email: [email protected] /


Quiropráctica. Manipulación de cuerpo entero y masaje neuromuscular. Chiropractor. Full body manipulation and neuromuscular massage.A domicilio / Housecall - $ 25.000 or USD 50.-En consulta / Office visit - $ 20.000 or USD 40.-Celular / Cel: 93160048


Page 17: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Mercado Artesanalcraftsmanship market

c/Ara Roa Rakei s/n Tel. 2551346(a un costado de la iglesia)

Un fascinante recorrido por la historia de los ancestros rapanui a través del trabajo de sus


Experience a fascinating journey into the his-tory of the rapanui ancestors through the art

of its craftsmen...

Clases con profesores locales, arriendo de tablas y equi-pos, excursiones por las mejores olas y playas de la isla. / Classes with local teachers, surfboards and equipment for renting, and of course, excursions through the best waves and beaches of the island.Lunes a Domingo: 10:00 am a 07:00 pm - Playa PeaMonday to Sunday: 10:00am to 07:00 pm - Pea Beach


MAHINATUR Tour Operator

Diseñamos el programa adecuado para tu estadía: Ex-cursiones guiadas alrededor de la isla, cabalgatas hacia lugares arqueológicos, tours aventura y trekking. Eventos gastronomicos de lujo.We design the perfect program for your stay: Guided excursions around the island, horseback rides, visiting archeológical sites, adventures and trekking. Luxurious gastronomic events.Atamu Tekena s/n - Fono/Phone: - [email protected]


Servicio de lavandería en el centro de Hanga Roa. Des-pacho a domicilio. / Laundry service, downtown Hanga Roa, delivery service.Lunes a Sábado / Monday to Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 20:00.Atamu Tekena s/n - Fono/Phone: 56-32-2100580

Grupo de baile pascuense conocido internacional-mente presenta danzas típicas Rapa Nui en un espectáculo inolvodable. / The international dance troupe present you the typical Rapa Nui dances in an unforgettable es-pectacle.Los lunes, martes, jueves y sábados a las 21:00 pm en Ma’ara Nui. / Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 21:00 hours. c/ Atamu Tekena s/n. Isla de Pascua


Servicio de Internet, call center, impresión digital, amplia-ciones fotográficas y servicio de cafetería. Internet, call center, digital printing, photoenlargements and coffee service.De lunes a viernes / Monay to Friday: 8:30 - 22:00 hours.c/ Te Pito O Te Henua s/n Phone-fax: email: [email protected]

OMOTOHI Cibercafé

Durante su estadía en Rapa Nui lo invitamos a practicar Karate con nosotros en el gimnasio municipal sin costo. Academia Miyazato Shorin Ryu. During your stay on Rapa Nui you are invited to practice Karate with us in the municipal gymnasium (no charge). Miyazato Shorin Ryu Academy. Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Sensei Luis Díaz Venegas, 5º Dan - [email protected]


TOKI Rent a Car y Souvenirs

Jeeps 4x4, por 8 y 24 horas. Souvenirs, música, libros, poleras, artesanía, etc. Jeeps 4x4, for 8 or 24 hours. Music, souvenirs, books, t-shirts, arts and crafts.c/ Atamu Tekena s/n - Fono / Phone 56-32- 2551157 email: [email protected]

Artesanía no tradicional con adaptaciones de leyendas de la tradición Rapa Nui. Se realizan murales bordadoscon temáticas a pedido. Embroidered wall hangings.Non-traditional craftwork with adaptions to the Rapa Nuitraditions. Embroidered wall hangings with specific themes can be ordered.Lizette Escobar Balocchi – Fono / Phone : 21000275 Cel: [email protected]


Page 18: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly


Kotaro, japanese and international . Bistro, Kotaro, restaurant

the only japanese restaurant in easter island. We prepare

most traditional japanese dishes: donmono, yakimono,

teishoku and bento box. Taste the new flavour in the middle

of the ocean. Free internet, open every day, 11:00 / 15:00,

17:00 / 23:30 .

C/ Hotu Matua S/N - C/ Hotu Matua S/N - Tel. Phone - 56/32/2552074





Page 19: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly

Kotaro, japanese and international . Bistro, Kotaro, restaurant

the only japanese restaurant in easter island. We prepare

most traditional japanese dishes: donmono, yakimono,

teishoku and bento box. Taste the new flavour in the middle

of the ocean. Free internet, open every day, 11:00 / 15:00,

17:00 / 23:30 .

C/ Hotu Matua S/N - C/ Hotu Matua S/N - Tel. Phone - 56/32/2552074




10h30 - 13h3017h00 - 21h00

Domingo cerrado-Closed on [email protected]

Tel +56 (32) 255 2061Fax +56 (32) 255 1395







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Ropa polinésica Tahiti & Hawaii. Local arriba



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Polynesian Soul. Located Top of Main Street.



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Page 20: Rapa Nui -€¦ · Pito is the center and the most impor-tant part of the human body- not the heart. When Hotu Matua came from the maori, arriving on the island nearly