Download - Randomized Primitives for Linear Algebra and Applications · Abstract RANDOMIZED PRIMITIVES FOR LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS Anastasios Zouzias Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department




Anastasios Zouzias

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirementsfor the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Toronto

c© Copyright 2013 by Anastasios Zouzias



Anastasios Zouzias

Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto


The present thesis focuses on the design and analysis of randomized algorithms for accelerating several

linear algebraic tasks. In particular, we develop simple, efficient, randomized algorithms for a plethora

of fundamental linear algebraic tasks and we also demonstrate their usefulness and applicability to

matrix computations and graph theoretic problems. The thesis can be divided into three parts. The

first part concentrates on the development of randomized linear algebraic primitives, the second part

demonstrates the application of such primitives to matrix computations, and the last part discusses the

application of such primitives to graph problems.

First, we present randomized approximation algorithms for the problems of matrix multiplication,

orthogonal projection, vector orthonormalization and principal angles computation (a.k.a. canonical

correlation analysis).

Second, utilizing the tools developed in the first part, we present randomized and provable accurate

approximation algorithms for the problems of linear regression and element-wise matrix sparsification.

Moreover, we present an efficient deterministic algorithm for selecting a small subset of vectors that are

in isotropic position.

Finally, we exploit well-known interactions between linear algebra and spectral graph theory to

develop and analyze graph algorithms. In particular, we present a near-optimal time deterministic

construction of expanding Cayley graphs, an efficient deterministic algorithm for graph sparsification

and a randomized distributed Laplacian solver that operates under the gossip model of computation.



Dedicated to the memory of Avner Magen



The completion of this manuscript was made possible through the invaluable contributions of a number

of people. First, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors Mark Braverman and Avner

Magen. They both provided me with a deep perspective of theoretical computer science and guidance

on many technical aspects of this thesis. Their inspiration has been truly invaluable to me. Moreover, I

would like to thank Allan Borodin, Steve Cook, Ken Jackson, Mike Molloy and Toni Pitassi for agreeing

to serve as members of my final examination committee. Moreover, I would like to sincerely thank Joel

A. Tropp for his careful assessment of my work and for providing useful suggestions for improvements.

During my time in graduate school, I had the great pleasure to collaborate with many researchers.

I would like to thank all my co-authors: Haim Avron, Christos Boutsidis, Petros Drineas, Jeff Ed-

monds, Nick Freris, Piotr Indyk, Pascal Koiran, Avner Magen, Mike Mahoney, Tassos Sidiropoulos,

Sivan Toledo and Michail Vlachos. I truly enjoyed collaborating with them and I have learned a lot

from each one of them.

The department of computer science at the university of Toronto (UofT) is a great academic environ-

ment with many great scholars. In particular, I would like to thank all the members of the theory group.

I have also learned a lot from fellow graduate students and postdocs especially Aki, Arkadev, Bren-

dan, Costis, Dai, Eden, George, Jeremy, Joel, Kaveh, Lila, Natan, Per, Periklis, Siavosh, Tassos, Wesley,

Yevgeniy, Yu and Yuval.

Many thanks go to IBM Research Zurich for hosting me as a research intern during the summer and

fall of 2011. The initial discussions about the randomized gossip algorithms of Chapter 4 were initiated

there. In addition, I would like to thank the department of computer science at Princeton University for

hosting me as a visiting student during the winter of 2012 (especially Mark for setting up everything).

I would like to thank all Greek graduate students at UofT (a.k.a. Greek mafia or “grspamites”) for

all the moments of joy and fun that we shared together. Last but not least, I would like to thank Maria

for her support, encouragement, and for making my journey through graduate school, pleasant and

full of beautiful moments.

Finally, my heartfelt thanks go out to my family and friends in Greece for their constant support

and encouragement.



1 Introduction 1

1.1 Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Randomized Approximate Linear Algebraic Primitives 18

2.1 Approximate Matrix Multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.2 Approximate Orthogonal Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.3 Approximate Orthonormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.4 Approximate Principal Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3 Matrix Algorithms 44

3.1 Randomized Approximate Least Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.2 Fast Isotropic Sparsification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

3.3 Element-wise Matrix Sparsification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4 Graph Algorithms 77

4.1 Alon-Roichman Expanding Cayley Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

4.2 Deterministic Graph Sparsification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

4.3 Randomized Gossip Algorithms for Solving Laplacian Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5 Conclusions 93

Bibliography 97


Chapter 1Introduction

Randomness has served as an important resource and indispensable idea in the theory of computa-

tion. There is a plethora of successful paradigms of the use of randomness in theoretical computer

science including complexity theory (interactive proofs, PCP), distributed computation, and random-

ized approximation algorithms in combinatorial optimization (randomized rounding), computational

geometry (coresets) and machine learning theory (VC-dimension), to name a few. Randomness has

also been the driving force in discrete mathematics towards a better understanding of combinatorial

structures via the probabilistic method.

The present thesis focuses on the following fundamental question:

How can we utilize randomness to accelerate linear algebraic computations?

The design and analysis of deterministic “exact” algorithms for linear algebraic tasks including

multiplying matrices, solving a system of linear equations, computing the rank, the singular values or

any other interesting quantities associated with matrices has a very rich literature both in the pure and

the applied mathematics literature [Dem97, GL96].

On the other hand, the first appearance of a randomized algorithm for approximating matrix com-

putations via dimensionality reduction appeared in the papers of Papadimitriou et al. [PRTV98] and

Frieze et al. [FKV98]. The authors of [PRTV98], motivated by an application to term-document indexing

(latent semantic indexing), proposed a randomized algorithm for efficient low rank matrix approxima-

tion using random projections. The paper of [FKV98] analyzed a randomized dimensionality reduction

approach utilizing non-uniform row/column sampling for the low rank matrix approximation prob-

lem. In the sequel, the idea of utilizing randomness to approximate matrices inspired researchers to de-

sign and analyze randomized algorithms for approximating matrix multiplication [DKM06a], low rank



matrix approximation [FKV04, DKM06b, LWM+07, HMT11] and matrix decomposition [DKM06c] to

name a few. Most of this work was motivated by the need of processing very large data-sets which

are usually modeled by a matrix representation. In particular, a large body of work on the the design

of randomized algorithms for large matrix problems has been recently developed. The current state

of the rapidly growing literature in this research area has been partially summarized in the following

surveys [Mah11, KV09, HMT11].

The scope of this thesis is to contribute to the aforementioned line of research by designing and

analyzing simple, efficient, randomized approximation algorithms for several fundamental linear alge-

braic tasks and, in addition, demonstrate their usefulness and applicability to matrix computations and

graph theoretic problems.

1.1 Organization of the Thesis

Below, we outline the structure of this thesis and highlight the contributions of the individual chapters.

The thesis can be divided into three parts. The first part, consisting mainly of Chapter 2, concentrates on

the design and analysis of several randomized linear algebraic primitives. The second part (Chapter 3)

demonstrates the application of such linear algebraic tools to several matrix computations. Finally, the

third part (Chapter 4) discusses the application of such primitives to graph theoretic problems.

Chapter 2: Randomized Approximate Linear Algebraic Primitives

Chapter 2 discusses randomized linear algebraic primitives such as approximate matrix multiplication,

approximate orthogonal projection, approximate vector orthonormalization and approximate compu-

tation of a particular notion of distance between two linear subspaces. Below we briefly outline the

main contributions of this chapter.

The research of [FKV04] focuses on using non-uniform row sampling to speed-up the running time

of several matrix computations. The subsequent developments of [DKM06a, DKM06b, DKM06c] also

study the performance of Monte-Carlo algorithms on primitive matrix algorithms including the matrix

multiplication problem with respect to the Frobenius norm, see also [RV07]. Sarlos [Sar06] extended

(and improved) this line of research using random projections. Here, following the above line of re-

search, we improve the analysis of the above randomized algorithms for approximating matrix multi-

plication with respect to the operator norm.

In addition, a randomized iterative algorithm for approximately computing orthogonal projections


is presented. That is, given any vector and linear subspace represented as the column span of a matrix

A, the proposed algorithm converges exponentially to the orthogonal projection of the given vector

onto the column span of A. The convergence rate of the algorithm depends, roughly speaking, on the

condition number of A.

Based on the aforementioned approximate orthogonal projection algorithm, we present a random-

ized iterative, amenable to parallel implementation, algorithm for orthonormalizing a set of high di-

mensional vectors. The algorithm might be effective compared to the classical Gram Schmidt orthonor-

malization for the case of sparse and sufficiently well-conditioned set of vectors.

Finally, an efficient randomized algorithm for approximating the principal angles and principal

vectors between two subspaces is presented. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed algorithm is

the first provable accurate approximation algorithm that is more efficient than the state-of-the-art exact

algorithms [GZ95] for the case of very high-dimensional subspaces. This chapter is based on joint work

with Freris [ZF12] and on joint work with Avron, Boutsidis and Toledo [ABTZ12]

Chapter 3: Matrix Algorithms

In Chapter 3, we present randomized and provable accurate approximate algorithms for the problems

of linear regression and element-wise matrix sparsification. Moreover, we analyze an efficient deter-

ministic algorithm for selecting a small subset of vectors that are in isotropic position. Below, we briefly

outline the main contributions of this chapter.

We present a randomized iterative algorithm that, given any system of linear equations, exponen-

tially converges in expectation to the minimum Euclidean norm least squares solution. The expected

number of arithmetic operations required to obtain an estimate of given accuracy is proportional to

the square condition number of the system multiplied by the number of non-zeros entries of the input

matrix. The proposed algorithm which we call randomized extended Kaczmarz is an extension of the ran-

domized Kaczmarz method that was analyzed by Strohmer and Vershynin and resolves a question left

open in [SV06, SV09].

Given a set of vectors in isotropic position, we present an efficient deterministic algorithm for select-

ing a subset of thes vectors that are approximately close to isotropic position. The proposed algorithm

builds on important and strong results from numerical linear algebra including the Fast Multipole

Method [CGR88] (FMM) and eigenvalue solvers of matrices after rank-one updates [GE94].

Element-wise matrix sparsification was pioneered by Achlioptas and McSherry [AM01, AM07].

Achlioptas and McSherry described sampling-based algorithms that select a small number of entries


from an input matrix A to construct a sparse sketch A, which is close to A in the operator norm.

We present a simple matrix sparsification algorithm that achieves the best known upper bounds for

element-wise matrix sparsification and its analysis is based on matrix concentration inequalities. More-

over, using the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm (Section 1.2.6), we present the first deterministic

algorithm and strong sparsification bounds for symmetric matrices that have an approximate diago-

nally dominant property. This chapter is based on joint work with Magen [MZ11], on joint work with

Drineas [DZ11] and on joint work with Freris [ZF12].

Chapter 4: Graph Algorithms

It is well-known that linear algebra serves as an extremely useful tool for analyzing and understand-

ing several properties of graphs, most notably graph expansion. In this chapter, we exploit such con-

nections to design and analyze graph algorithms such as near-optimal deterministic constructions of

expanding Cayley graphs, efficient deterministic algorithms for graph sparsification and Laplacian

solvers under the gossip (a.k.a. epidemic) model of distributed computation.

First, the Alon-Roichman theorem asserts that Cayley graphs obtained by choosing a logarithmic

number of group elements independently and uniformly at random are expanders [AR94]. Wigderson

and Xiao’s derandomization of the matrix Chernoff bound implies a deterministic O(n4 log n) time al-

gorithm for constructing Alon-Roichman graphs [WX08]. Independently, Arora and Kale generalized

the multiplicative weights update (MWU) method to the matrix-valued setting and, among other in-

teresting implications, they improved the running time to O(n3 polylog (n)) [Kal07]. Here we further

improve the running time to O(n2 log3 n) utilizing the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm and exploit-

ing the group structure of the problem.

Second, the spectral graph sparsification problem poses the question whether any dense graph can

be approximated by a sparse graph while preserving all eigenvalues of the difference of their Laplacian

matrices to an arbitrarily small relative error [Spi10]; the resulting graphs are usually called spectral spar-

sifiers. An efficient randomized algorithm to construct an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier with O(n log n/ε2)

edges was given in [SS08]. Furthermore, an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier with O(n/ε2) edges can be com-

puted in O(mn3/ε2) deterministic time [BSS09]. Here we present an efficient deterministic algorithm

for spectrally sparsifying dense graphs. The main contribution here is the following: given a weighted

dense graph H = (V, E) on n vertices with positive weights and 0 < ε < 1, there is a deterministic algo-

rithm that returns an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier with O(n/ε2) edges in O(n4 log n/ε2 maxlog2 n, 1/ε2)



Third, we present a randomized distributed algorithm for solving Laplacian linear systems with

exponential convergence in expectation under the gossip model of computation. Gossip algorithms

for distributed computation are based on a gossip or rumor-spreading type of asynchronous message

exchange protocol. The analysis of the proposed algorithm relies on the advances in randomized itera-

tive least squares solvers including the randomized extended Kaczmarz method discussed in Chapter 3.

This chapter is based on joint work with Freris [FZ12] and on the work of [Zou12].

1.2 Preliminaries

We now introduce the mathematical notation that will be used throughout the thesis and we also

present several basic results from linear algebra and probability theory. In addition, we state known

facts about uniform sampling rows from matrices with orthonormal columns and we present the ma-

trix Bernstein inequality and Minsker’s version of the matrix Bernstein inequality [Min11]. Finally, we

present a matrix generalization of Spencer’s hyperbolic cosine algorithm [Spe77]

Basic Notation For an integer m, let [m] := 1, . . . , m. We denote by R, Z and N the reals, integers and

natural numbers, respectively. For any positive number x, the base-2 logarithm and natural logarithm

of x is denoted by log(x) and ln(x), respectively. Occasionally, we might prefer to hide log log(·) factors

under the big-Oh notation, we make this explicit by using O(·). All matrices contain real entries. We use

capital letters A, B, . . . to denote matrices and bold lower-case letters x,y, . . . to denote column vectors.

We denote by 0, the all-zeroes matrix, J for the all-ones matrix and I for the identity matrix and by

e1, e2, . . . , en the standard basis vectors of Rn. Occasionally, we explicitly specify the dimensions of

these matrices by adding a subscript, e.g., In is the n × n identity matrix. Sn×n denotes the set of

symmetric matrices of size n. We denote the rows and columns of any m× n matrix A by A(1), . . . , A(m)

and A(1), . . . , A(n), respectively. R(A) denotes the range (or column span) of A, i.e., R(A) := Ax | x ∈

Rn and R(A)⊥ denotes the orthogonal complement of R(A). Let x ∈ R

n, we denote by diag (x) the

diagonal matrix containing x1, x2, . . . , xn. For a square matrix M, we also write diag (M) to denote the

diagonal matrix that contains the diagonal entries of M. Let x ∈ Rn and y ∈ R

n viewed as row or

column vectors, then x⊗ y is the n× n matrix such that (x⊗ y)i,j = xiyj . We denote the inner product

between two vectors x and y of the same dimensions by 〈x, y〉 :=∑

i xiyi. We denote by [A; B] the

matrix obtained by concatenating the columns of B next to the columns of A. Moreover, we denote by

nnz (·) the number of non-zero entries of its argument matrix.


1.2.1 Linear Algebra

The following discussion reviews several definitions and facts from linear algebra; for more details,

see [Bha96, GL96, HJ90]. Let A be an m×n matrix of rank r. We denote ‖A‖2 = max‖Ax‖2 | ‖x‖2 = 1,

‖A‖∞ = maxi∈[m]

∑j∈[n] |aij | and by ‖A‖F =

√∑i,j a2

ij the Frobenius norm of A. Also rank (A) and

sr (A) := ‖A‖2F / ‖A‖22 is the rank and stable rank of A. Observe that sr (A) ≤ rank (A). The trace of a

square matrix B, i.e., the sum of its diagonal elements, is denoted as tr (B). A matrix P of size n is called

projector if it is idempotent, i.e., P2 = P.

A symmetric matrix A is positive semi-definite (PSD), denoted by 0 A, if x⊤Ax ≥ 0 for every

vector x. For two symmetric matrices X, Y, we say that Y X if and only if Y − X is a positive semi-

definite (PSD) matrix. Moreover, a symmetric matrix A of size n is called diagonally dominant if |Aii| ≥

∑j 6=i |Aij | for every i ∈ [n]. Given any matrix A, its dilation is defined as D (A) =

0 A

A⊤ 0

. It is easy

to verify that λmax(D (A)) = ‖A‖2.

Let A = UΣV⊤ be the truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of A where U ∈ Rm×r with

U⊤U = Ir, Σ is the diagonal matrix of size r containing the non-zero singular values σ1(A), σ2(A), . . . , σr(A)

of A in non-increasing order, and V ∈ Rn×r with V⊤V = Ir. The singular value decomposition can be

computed using O(mn min(m, n)) arithmetic operations. Whenever the matrix A is clear from the con-

text, we will refer to σ1(A) and σrank(A)(A) as σmax and σmin, respectively. The Moore-Pensore pseudo-

inverse of A is denoted by A† := VΣ−1U⊤. Recall that∥∥A†∥∥

2= 1/σmin. For any non-zero real matrix A,

we define

κ2F (A) := ‖A‖2F


2. (1.1)

Related to this is the scaled square condition number introduced by Demmel in [Dem88], see also [SV09].

It is easy to check that the above parameter κ2F (A) is related with the condition number of A, cond (A) :=

σmax/σmin, via the inequalities: cond (A)2 ≤ κ2

F(A) ≤ rank (A) · cond


. We denote by nnz (·) the num-

ber of non-zero entries of its argument matrix. We define the average row sparsity and average column

sparsity of A by Ravg and Cavg, respectively, as follows:

Ravg :=



qi nnz



and Cavg :=



pj nnz(A(j)


where pj :=∥∥A(j)


2/ ‖A‖2F for every i ∈ [n] and qi :=


2/ ‖A‖2F for every i ∈ [m]. The following

fact will be used in Chapter 3.

Fact 1.1. Let A be any non-zero real m× n matrix and b ∈ Rm. Denote by xLS := A†b. Then xLS = A†bR(A).


Finally, we frequently use the inequality 1− t ≤ exp(−t) for every t ≤ 1.

Functions of Matrices. Here we review some basic facts about matrix functions including the ma-

trix exponential and the matrix hyperbolic cosine function, for more details see [Hig08]. The matrix

exponential of a symmetric matrix A is defined as exp [A] = I +∑∞



k! . Let A = QΛQ⊤ be the eigen-

decomposition of A. It is easy to see that exp [A] = Q exp [Λ] Q⊤. For any square matrices A and B of the

same size that commute, i.e., AB = BA, we have that exp [A + B] = exp [A] exp [B]. In general, when A

and B do not commute, the following estimate is known for symmetric matrices.

Lemma 1.2. [Gol65, Tho65] For any symmetric matrices A and B, tr (exp [A + B]) ≤ tr (exp [A] exp [B]).

The following fact about matrix exponential for rank one matrices will be also useful.

Lemma 1.3. Let x be a non-zero vector in Rn. Then exp [x⊗ x] = In + e‖x‖2



x⊗x. Similarly, exp [−x⊗ x] =

In − 1−e−‖x‖22


x⊗ x.

Proof. The proof is immediate by the definition of the matrix exponential. Notice that (x ⊗ x)k =

‖x‖2(k−1)2 x⊗ x for k ≥ 1, hence

exp [x⊗ x] = I +



(x⊗ x)k

k!= I +



‖x‖2(k−1)2 x⊗ x

k!= I +

e‖x‖22 − 1

‖x‖22x⊗ x.

Similar considerations give that exp [−x⊗ x] = I− 1−e−‖x‖22


x⊗ x.

Let us define the matrix hyperbolic cosine function of a symmetric matrix A as cosh [A] := (exp [A] +

exp [−A])/2. Next, we state a few properties of the matrix hyperbolic cosine.

Lemma 1.4. Let A be a symmetric matrix of size n. Then tr (exp [D (A)]) = 2 tr (cosh [A]).

Proof. Set B := D (A) =

0 A

A⊤ 0

. Notice that for any integer k ≥ 1, B2k =

A2k 0

0 A2k

and B2k+1 =

0 A2k+1

A2k+1 0

. Since the odd powers of B are trace-less, it follows that

tr (exp [B]) = tr

(I2n +








(2k + 1)!

)= tr

(I2n +






= 2 tr

(In +





)= tr (exp [A] + exp [−A]) = 2 tr (cosh [A]) .


Lemma 1.5. Let A be a symmetric matrix and P be a projector matrix that commutes with A, i.e., PA = AP.

Then cosh [PA] = P cosh [A] + I− P.

Proof. By the definition of cosh [·], it suffices to show that exp [PA] = P exp [A] + I− P,

exp [PA] = I +




k!= I + P




k!= P exp [A] + I− P.

Lemma 1.6. For any positive semi-definite symmetric matrix A of size n and any two symmetric matrices B, C

of size n, B C implies tr (AB) ≤ tr (AC).

Proof. Conjugating by A1/2 the PSD inequality B C (Lemma 1.10), it follows that A1/2BA1/2

A1/2CA1/2. Taking the trace operator over both sides implies that tr(A1/2BA1/2

)≤ tr



To conclude use the cyclic property of the trace on both sides, i.e., tr(A1/2BA1/2

)= tr



tr (AB).

Matrix Perturbation. The next discussion reviews a few results from matrix perturbation theory; for

more details, see [SS90, GL96, Bha96]. The next lemma states that if a symmetric positive semi-definite

matrix C approximates the Rayleigh quotient of a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix C, then the

eigenvalues of C also approximate the eigenvalues of C.

Lemma 1.7. Let 0 < ε < 1. Assume C, C are n × n symmetric positive semi-definite matrices, such that the

following inequality holds (1 − ε)x⊤Cx ≤ x⊤Cx ≤ (1 + ε)x⊤Cx for every x ∈ Rn. Then, for i = 1, . . . , n the

eigenvalues of C and C are the same up-to an error factor ε, i.e.,

(1− ε)λi(C) ≤ λi(C) ≤ (1 + ε)λi(C).

Proof. The proof is an immediate consequence of the Courant-Fischer’s characterization of the eigenval-

ues. First notice that by hypothesis, C and C have the same null space. Hence we can assume without

loss of generality, that λi(C), λi(C) > 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n. Let λi(C) and λi(C) be the eigenvalues (in

non-decreasing order) of C and C, respectively. The Courant-Fischer min-max theorem [GL96, p. 394]

expresses the eigenvalues as

λi(C) = minSi



x⊤x, (1.2)

where the minimum is over all i-dimensional subspaces Si. Let the subspaces Si0 and Si

1 where the


minimum is achieved for the eigenvalues of C and C, respectively. Then, it follows that

λi(C) = minSi



x⊤x≤ max





x⊤x≤ (1 + ε)λi(C).

and similarly,

λi(C) = minSi



x⊤x≤ max





x⊤x≤ λi(C)

1− ε.

Therefore, it follows that for i = 1, . . . , n: (1− ε)λi(C) ≤ λi(C) ≤ (1 + ε)λi(C).

We now state two known matrix perturbation results and a simple but useful property of the psd


Lemma 1.8 (Theorem 3.3 in [EI95]). Let Ψ ∈ Rp×q and Φ = DLΨDR with DL ∈ R

p×p and DR ∈ Rq×q

being non-singular matrices. Let γ = max∥∥DLD⊤

L − Ip


RDR − Iq

∥∥2. Then, for all i = 1, . . . , rank (Ψ):

|σi (Φ)− σi (Ψ) | ≤ γ · σi (Ψ) .

Lemma 1.9 (Weyl’s inequality for singular values; Corollary 7.3.8 in [HJ90]). Let Φ, Ψ ∈ Rm×n. Then, for

all i = 1, . . . , min(m, n) : |σi (Φ)− σi (Ψ) | ≤ ‖Φ−Ψ‖2.

Lemma 1.10 (Conjugating the PSD ordering; Observation 7.7.2 in [HJ90]). Let Φ, Ψ ∈ Rn×n are symmetric

matrices with Φ Ψ. Then, for every n×m matrix Z : Z⊤ΦZ Z⊤ΨZ.

1.2.2 Probabilistic Tools

We abbreviate the terms “independently and identically distributed” and “almost surely” with i.i.d.

and a.s., respectively.

The first tool is the so-called subspace Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma. Such a result was obtained

in [Sar06] (see also [Cla08, Theorem 1.3]) although it appears implicitly in results extending the origi-

nal Johnson Lindenstrauss lemma [JL84] (see [Mag07]). The techniques for proving such a result with

possible worse bound are not new and can be traced back even to Milman’s proof of Dvoretsky theo-

rem [Mil71].

Lemma 1.11. (Subspace JL lemma [Sar06]) LetW ⊆ Rd be a linear subspace of dimension k and ε ∈ (0, 1/3).

Let R be a t× d random sign matrix rescaled by 1/√

t, namely Rij = ±1/√

t with equal probability. Then


((1− ε) ‖w‖22 ≤ ‖Rw‖22 ≤ (1 + ε) ‖w‖22 , ∀ w ∈ W

)≥ 1− ck

2 · exp(−c1ε2t), (1.3)

where c1 = 116·36 , c2 = 18.


Proof. The statement in our lemma has been proved in Corollary 11 of [Sar06], see also [Cla08, Theo-

rem 1.3] for a restatement. More precisely, repeat the proof of Corollary 11 of [Sar06] paying attention

to the constants. That is, set C = W⊤R⊤RW− Ik where the column span of W equals toW and ε0 = 1/2

in Lemma 10 of [Sar06]. Then, apply the JL transform [Ach03] with (rescaled) accuracy ε/4 on each

vector of the set T ′ := W⊤x | x ∈ T where T is from Lemma 10 of [Sar06], hence |T ′| ≤ ek ln(18). So,

P((∀i = 1, . . . , k : 1− ε ≤ σi(W

⊤R⊤RW) ≤ 1 + ε))≥ 1− ek ln(18)e−ε2r/(36·16). (1.4)

Therefore, whenever the event of Ineq. (1.4) holds, it implies that ‖C‖2 =∥∥W⊤R⊤RW − Ik

∥∥2≤ ε, which

is equivalent to the statement of Ineq. (1.3).

Next we present a standard lemma that bounds the spectral norm of any matrix A when it’s mul-

tiplied by a random sign matrix that is rescaled by 1/√

t presented to us by Mark Rudelson (personal

communication, 2010). If random Gaussian matrices are used in the following lemma, then it is a di-

rect consequence of Gaussian measure concentration for Lipschitz functions. The use of random sign

matrices makes the argument a bit more involved, but such arguments are standard in the literature.

Lemma 1.12. Let A be an m × n real matrix and fix t ≥ 1. Let R be a t × n random sign matrix rescaled by


t. For every τ > 0


(∥∥AR⊤∥∥2≥ 2 ‖A‖F /

√t + 2 ‖A‖2 + ‖A‖2 τ/

√t)≤ e−τ2/8. (1.5)

Proof. Let G be a t× n matrix whose entries are independent Gaussian random variables. Then by the

Gordon-Chevet inequality1


2≤ ‖It‖2 ‖A‖F + ‖It‖F ‖A‖2 = ‖A‖F + ‖A‖2


Let ⊙ denote the entrywise product2 (also known as Hadamard product) between two matrices of

the same size. Write G as E⊙ |G|where Eij = sign (Gij) and the (i, j) entry of |G| equals |Gij |. Note that

E and |G| are independent and E is a random sign matrix. It follows that

E[E⊙ |G| | E] =



since E |g| =√

2/π for a Gaussian random variable g. Multiply the above from the right with A⊤ and

1For example, set S = It,T = A in [HMT11, Proposition 10.1, p. 54].2For any two matrices B and C of the same size (B ⊙ C)ij = BijCij


take norms on both sides∥∥E[(E⊙ |G|)A⊤ | E








By Jensen’s inequality, it follows that∥∥∥√

2π EA⊤

∥∥∥2≤ E

[∥∥(E⊙ |G|)A⊤∥∥2| E]. Taking expectation with

respect to E, it follows that √2


2≤ E


Since E is a random sign matrix, it follows that





⊤∥∥2≤ 2(‖A‖F /

√t + ‖A‖2).

Define the function f : [−1, 1]t×n → R by f(S) =∥∥∥ 1√


∥∥∥2. The calculation above shows that E f(S) ≤

2(‖A‖F /√

t+‖A‖2) where the expectation is over a uniformly at random element of ±1t×n. We bound

the Lipschitz constant of f . Let S1, S2 ∈ [−1, 1]t×n,

|f(S1)− f(S2)| ≤∥∥∥∥


1 − S⊤2 )


≤ 1√t‖A‖2 ‖S1 − S2‖F

where we used the triangle inequality and standard properties of matrix norms.

Since f is convex and (‖A‖2 /√

t)-Lipschitz as a function of the entries of S, Talagrand’s measure

concentration inequality for product measures [Led96, Equation 1.8] or [Led01, Theorem 5.9, p. 100]

yields that for every τ > 0


(∥∥AR⊤∥∥2≥ E

∥∥AR⊤∥∥2+‖A‖2 τ√


)≤ exp(−τ2/8).

It follows that for every τ > 0


(∥∥AR⊤∥∥2≥ 2(‖A‖F /

√t + ‖A‖2) + ‖A‖2 τ/

√t)≤ exp(−τ2/8).

1.2.3 Matrix Coherence and Sampling from an Orthonormal Matrix

Given a matrix A with m rows, the coherence of A is defined as µ(A) = maxi∈[m]

∥∥e⊤i UA

∥∥2, where ei is the

i-th standard basis (column) vector of Rm and UA is the set of the left singular vectors of the truncated

SVD of A. Coherence is an important quantity in the analysis of randomized matrix algorithms. Note


that the coherence of A is a property of the column space of A, and does not depend on the actual choice

of A. Therefore, if R(A) = R(B) then µ(A) = µ(B). Furthermore, it is easy to verify that ifR(A) ⊆ R(B)

then µ(A) ≤ µ(B). Finally, we mention that for every matrix A with m rows: rank (A) /m ≤ µ(A) ≤ 1.

In this thesis, we quite often focus on tall-and-thin matrices, i.e. matrices with (much) more rows

than columns. The following lemma formalizes that coherence affects the amount of rows needed to

be uniformly sampled from a matrix with orthonormal columns so that the resulting sampled matrix

remains close to orthonormal (i.e., its singular values are close to one). We need to setup the following

notation before stating the next lemma. Given a subset of indices T ⊆ [m], the corresponding sampling

matrix S is the |T | ×m matrix obtained by discarding from Im the rows whose index is not in T . Note

that SA is the matrix obtained by keeping only the rows in A whose index appears in T .

Lemma 1.13 (Sampling from Orthonormal Matrix, Corollary to Lemma 3.4 in [Tro11a]). Let Q ∈ Rm×d

have orthonormal columns. Let 0 < ε < 1 and 0 < δ < 1. Let r be an integer such that

6ε−2mµ(Q) log(3d/δ) ≤ r ≤ m .

Let T be a random subset of [m] of cardinality r, drawn from a uniform distribution over such subsets, and let S

be the |T | ×m sampling matrix corresponding to T rescaled by√

m/r. Then, with probability of at least 1 − δ,

for i ∈ [d]:√

1− ε ≤ σi(SQ) ≤√

1 + ε.

Proof. Apply Lemma 3.4 in [Tro11a] with the following choice of parameters: ℓ = αM log(k/δ), α =

6/ε2, and δtropp = η = ε. Here, ℓ, α, M , k, η are the parameters of Lemma 3.4 in [Tro11a]; also δtropp

plays the role of δ, an error parameter, of Lemma 3.4 in [Tro11a]. ε and δ are from our Lemma.

In the above lemma, T is obtained by sampling coordinates from [m] without replacement. Similar

results can be shown for sampling with replacement, or using Bernoulli variables [IW12].

1.2.4 Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform

Matrices with high coherence pose a problem for algorithms based on uniform row sampling. One way

to circumvent this problem is to use a coherence-reducing transformation. One popular coherence-

reducing transformation is the Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform (RHT) matrix introduced

in the paper of Ailon and Chazelle [AC06]. We start with the definition of the deterministic Walsh-

Hadamard Transform matrix. Fix an integer m = 2h, for h = 1, 2, 3, . . .. The (non-normalized) m ×m


matrix of the Walsh-Hadamard Transform (WHT) is defined recursively as,

Hm =

Hm/2 Hm/2

Hm/2 −Hm/2

, with H2 =

+1 +1

+1 −1


The m×m normalized matrix of the Walsh-Hadamard transform is H = m− 12 Hm. The recursive nature

of the WHT allows us to compute HX for an m × n matrix X in time O(mn log(m)). However, in our

case we are interested in SHX where S is a r-row sampling matrix. To compute SHX only O(mn log(r))

operations suffice (Theorem 2.1 in [AL09]).

Definition 1 (Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform (RHT)). Let m = 2h for some positive integer

h. A Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform (RHT) is an m × m matrix of the form Θ = HD where

D is a random diagonal matrix of size m whose entries are independent random signs, and H is a normalized

Walsh-Hadamard matrix of size m.

The following lemma demonstrate that the application of Θ reduces the coherence of any fixed


Lemma 1.14 (RHT bounds Coherence, Lemma 3.3 in [Tro11a]). Let A be an m × n (m ≥ n, m = 2h for

some positive integer h) matrix, and let Θ be an RHT. Then, with probability of at least 1− δ,

µ(ΘA) ≤ 1


(√n +

√8 log(m/δ)



1.2.5 Matrix Concentration Inequalities

In the present thesis, the analysis of several algorithms will rely on matrix probability inequalities

for the sum of independent and identically distributed random matrices. Many classical probability

inequalities (such as Chernoff-Hoeffding, Bernstein, Azuma, etc.) have been extended to the matrix

setting [AW02, Tro11b], see also [Tro12] for a detailed overview. Here, we will use the matrix Bernstein

inequality and Minsker’s extension of the matrix Bernstein inequality [Min11]. The following version

of the matrix Bernstein inequality ( [Rec11, Theorem 3.2]) slightly rephrased to better suit our notation

will suffice for the purposes of this thesis, see also [Tro11b] for improved bounds.

Theorem 1.15. Let M1, . . . , Mt be i.i.d. copies of a random symmetric matrix M of size n such that E M = 0n,

‖M‖2 ≤ γ a.s. and∥∥E M2

∥∥2≤ ρ2. Then, for any ε > 0,








> ε

)≤ 2nexp

(− tε2

2ρ2 + 2γε/3

). (1.6)


Minsker proved an extension of the matrix Bernstein inequality that depends on a dimension pa-

rameter that may be smaller than the dimensions of the matrix samples [Min11] improving upon the

work of [HKZ12], see also [Oli10] for a related bound. Here, we state the following version of Minsker’s

inequality which can be found in [Tro12].

Theorem 1.16. [Tro12, Theorem 7.3.1 combined with Equation 7.3.2] Let X1, X2, . . . , Xt be a sequence of random

symmetric matrices that satisfy

E Xk = 0 and λmax(Xk) ≤ γ

for every k ∈ [t]. Define Y =∑t

k=1 Xk. Define d = d(Y) = tr(E(Y2)



and σ2 = σ2(Y) =∥∥E(Y2)

∥∥2. Then, for τ > σ + γ/3,

P (λmax(Y) ≥ τ) ≤ 4d · exp

(− τ2/2

σ2 + γτ/3

). (1.7)

Moreover, suppose that E(Y2) V for some positive semi-definite matrix V. Then for all τ > ‖V‖1/22 + γ/3,

P (λmax(Y) ≥ τ) ≤ 4tr (V)

‖V‖2· exp

(− τ2/2

‖V‖2 + γτ/3

). (1.8)

As was noticed in [Tro12, p.78], the bound displayed in Inequality (1.7) may be not easy to apply be-

cause an estimate of the parameter d may not be available or possible to obtain. However, the moreover

part of the above theorem (Inequality (1.8)) allows more flexibility whenever Theorem 1.16 is applied.

1.2.6 Balancing Matrices: a matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm

In many settings, it is desirable to convert the above matrix concentration inequalities into efficient de-

terministic procedures; namely, to derandomize the proofs. Wigderson and Xiao presented an efficient

derandomization of the matrix Chernoff bound by generalizing Raghavan’s method of pessimistic esti-

mators to the matrix-valued setting [WX08].

In this section, we present a generalization of Spencer’s hyperbolic cosine algorithm to the matrix-

valued setting [Spe77] which corresponds to a derandomization of the matrix Bernstein inequality. In

an earlier preliminary manuscript [Zou11], the generalization of Spencer’s hyperbolic cosine algorithm

was also based on the method of pessimistic estimators as in [WX08]. However, here we present a

proof which is based on a simple averaging argument. We should highlight a few advantages of our

result compared to a recent derandomization of the matrix Chernoff inequality [WX08]. First, our

construction does not rely on composing two separate estimators (or potential functions) to achieve


operator norm bounds and second it does not require knowledge of the sampling probabilities of the

matrix samples as in [WX08]. In addition, the algorithm of [WX08] requires computations of matrix

expectations with matrix exponentials which are in many cases computationally expensive, see [WX08,

Footnote 6, p. 63]. Later in this thesis (Chapters 3 and 4), we demonstrate that overcoming these

limitations leads to faster and in some cases simpler algorithms.

We briefly describe Spencer’s balancing vectors game and then generalize it to the matrix-valued

setting [Spe94, Lecture 4]. Let a two-player perfect information game between Alice and Bob. The game

consists of n rounds. On the i-th round, Alice sends a vector vi with ‖vi‖∞ ≤ 1 to Bob, and Bob has to

decide on a sign si ∈ ±1 knowing only his previous choices of signs and vkk<i. At the end of the

game, Bob pays Alice ‖∑ni=1 sivi‖∞. We call the latter quantity, the value of the game.

It has been shown in [Spe86] that, in the above limited online variant, Spencer’s six standard devia-

tions bound [Spe85] does not hold and the best value that we can hope for is Ω(√

n lnn). Such a bound

is easy to obtain by picking the signs si uniformly at random. Indeed, a direct application of Azuma’s

inequality to each coordinate of the random vector∑n

i=1 sivi together with a union bound over all the

coordinates gives a bound of O(√

n lnn).

Now, we generalize the balancing vectors game to the matrix-valued setting. That is, Alice now

sends to Bob a sequence Mi of symmetric matrices of size n with3 ‖Mi‖2 ≤ 1, and Bob has to pick a

sequence of signs si so that, at the end of the game, the quantity ‖∑ni=1 siMi‖2 is as small as possible.

Notice that the balancing vectors game is a restriction of the balancing matrices game in which Alice is

allowed to send only diagonal matrices with entries bounded in absolute value by one. Similarly to the

balancing vectors game, using matrix-valued concentration inequalities, one can prove that Bob has a

randomized strategy that achieves at most O(√

n lnn) w.p. at least 1/n. Indeed,

Lemma 1.17. Let Mi ∈ Sn×n, ‖Mi‖2 ≤ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Pick s∗i ∈ ±1 uniformly at random for every i ∈ [n].

Then ‖∑ni=1 s∗i Mi‖2 = O(

√n lnn) w.p. at least 1/n.

Proof. We wish to apply matrix Azuma’s inequality, see [Tro11b, Theorem 7.1]. For every j ∈ [n], define

the matrix-valued difference sequence fj : [2] → Sn×n as fj(k) = (2(k − 1) − 1)Mj with ‖fj(·)‖2 ≤ 1.

Let X be a uniform random variable over the set 1, 2. Then EX fj(X) = 0n. Set ε =√

10 ln(2n2)/n.

Matrix-valued Azuma’s inequality tells us that w.p. at least 1/n, a random set of signs sjj∈[n] satisfies∥∥∥ 1


∑nj=1 sjMj

∥∥∥2≤ ε. Rescale the last inequality to conclude.

Now, let’s assume that Bob wants to achieve the above probabilistic guarantees using a deterministic

3A curious reader may ask him/her-self why the operator norm is the right choice. It turns out the the operator norm is thecorrect matrix-norm analog of the ℓ∞ vector-norm, viewed as the infinity Schatten norm on the space of matrices.


strategy. Is it possible? We answer this question in the affirmative by generalizing Spencer’s hyperbolic

cosine algorithm (and its proof) to the matrix-valued setting. We call the resulting algorithm matrix

hyperbolic cosine (Algorithm 1). It is clear that this simple greedy algorithm implies a deterministic

strategy for Bob that achieves the probabilistic guarantees of Lemma 1.17 (set fj ∼ sjMj , t = n and

ε = O(√

lnn/n) and notice that γ, ρ2 are at most one).

Algorithm 1 requires an extra assumption on its random matrices compared to Spencer’s original

algorithm. That is, we assume that our random matrices have uniformly bounded their “matrix vari-

ance”, denoted by ρ2. This requirement is motivated by the fact that in the applications that are studied

in this paper such an assumption translates bounds that depend quadratically on the matrix dimensions

to bounds that depend linearly on the dimensions.

We will need the following technical lemma for proving the main result of this section, which is a

Bernstein type argument generalized to the matrix-valued setting [Tro11b].

Lemma 1.18. Let f : [m]→ Sn×n with ‖f(i)‖2 ≤ γ for all i ∈ [m]. Let X be a random variable over [m] such

that E f(X) = 0 and∥∥E f(X)2

∥∥2≤ ρ2. Then, for any θ > 0, ‖E[exp [D (θf(X))]]‖2 ≤ exp

(ρ2(eθγ − 1− θγ)/γ2


In particular, for any 0 < ε < 1, setting θ = ε/γ implies that E[exp [D (εf(X)/γ)]] eε2ρ2/γ2


Now we are ready to prove the correctness of the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm.

Algorithm 1 Matrix Hyperbolic Cosine

1: procedure MATRIX-HYPERBOLIC(fj, ε, t) ⊲ fj : [m]→ Sn×n as in Theorem 1.19, 0 < ε < 1.2: Set θ = ε/γ3: for i = 1 to t do4: Compute x∗

i ∈ [m]: x∗i = arg mink∈[m] tr



j=1 fj(x∗j ) + θfi(k)


5: end for6: Output: t indices x∗

1, x∗2, . . . , x

∗t such that


∑tj=1 fj(x

∗j )∥∥∥

2≤ γ ln(2n)

tε + ερ2


7: end procedure

Theorem 1.19. Let fj : [m] → Sn×n with ‖fj(i)‖2 ≤ γ for all i ∈ [m] and j = 1, 2, . . .. Suppose that there

exists independent random variables X1, X2, . . . over [m] such that E fj(Xj) = 0 and∥∥E fj(Xj)


2≤ ρ2.

Algorithm 1 with input fj, ε, t outputs a set of indices x∗jj∈[t] over [m] such that


∑tj=1 fj(x

∗j )∥∥∥


γ ln(2n)tε + ερ2

γ .

Proof. Using the notation of Algorithm 1, for every i = 1, 2, . . . , t, define recursively W(i) := θ∑i

j=1 fj(x∗j )

and the potential function Φ(i) := 2 tr (cosh [W(i)]). For all steps i = 1, 2, . . . , t, we will prove that

Φ(i) ≤ Φ(i−1)exp(ε2ρ2/γ2

). (1.9)


Assume that the algorithm has fixed the first (i − 1) indices x∗1, . . . , x

∗(i−1). An averaging argument

applied on the expression of the argmin of Step 4 gives that

EXi2 tr (cosh [θW(i− 1) + θfi(Xi)]) = EXi

tr (exp [θD (W(i− 1)) + θD (fi(Xi))])

≤ tr (exp [D (θW(i− 1))] EXiexp [D (θfi(Xi))])

≤ tr (exp [D (θW(i− 1))] I2n) exp(ε2ρ2/γ2


= Φ(i−1)exp(ε2ρ2/γ2


where in the first inequality we used Lemma 1.4 and linearity of dilation, in the second inequality we

used the Golden-Thompson inequality (Lemma 1.2) and linearity of trace, in the third inequality we

used Lemma 1.6 together with Lemma 1.18 and in the last equality we used again Lemma 1.4. Since

the algorithm seeks the minimum of the expression in Step 4, it follows that

Φ(i) ≤ EXi2 tr (exp [θD (W(i− 1)) + θD (fi(Xi))])

which proves Ineq. (1.9). Apply t times Ineq. (1.9) to conclude that Φ(t) ≤ Φ(0)exp(t ε2ρ2


). Recall that

Φ(0) = 2 tr (cosh [0n]) = 2 tr (In) = 2n. On the other hand, we can lower bound Φ(t)

Φ(t) = 2 tr





fj(x∗j )

≥ exp




fj(x∗j )



The last inequality follows since 2 tr (cosh [C]) = 2∑n

i=1 cosh(λi(C)) ≥ 2 cosh (λmax(C))+2 cosh (λmin(C)) ≥

exp(‖C‖2) for any symmetric matrix C . Take logarithms on both sides and divide by θ, we conclude


j=1 fj(x∗j )∥∥∥

2≤ ln(2n)

θ + t ε2ρ2

θγ2 . Rescale by t the last inequality to conclude the proof.

We conclude with an open question4 related to Spencer’s six standard deviation bound [Spe85].

Does Spencer’s six standard deviation bound hold in the matrix setting? More formally, given any

sequence of n symmetric matrices Mi with ‖Mi‖2 ≤ 1, does there exist a set of signs si so that

‖∑ni=1 siMi‖2 = O(


4The author would like to thank Toni Pitassi for posing this question.

Chapter 2Randomized Approximate Linear

Algebraic Primitives

In the present chapter1 we design and analyze randomized approximation algorithms for the tasks

of approximately computing the product of two matrices, approximately computing orthogonal pro-

jections, approximately orthonormalizing a set of vectors and approximately computing the principal

angles between two linear subspaces.

2.1 Approximate Matrix Multiplication

Computing the product of two square matrices is one of the most basic operation in computational

mathematics. Until the 1970’s it was believed that matrix multiplication requires a cubic number

of operations using the naive algorithm. In his paper, Strassen presented the first sub-cubic algo-

rithm [Str69]. After Strassen’s surprising result, researchers believed that it might be possible to mul-

tiply two square matrices in near-linear time and hence they worked towards this direction [CW87,

CKSU05], see also [Wil12] for recent developments. Here we focus on approximately computing the

matrix product of two matrices under a particular matrix norm. The algorithms that will be analyzed

here originate from [CL97, DK01] and [Sar06].

The research of [FKV04] focuses on using non-uniform row sampling to speed-up the running time

of several matrix computations. The subsequent developments of [DKM06a, DKM06b, DKM06c] also

1A preliminary version of Section 2.1 appeared in [MZ11] (joint work with Avner Magen). The approximate orthogonal projec-tion algorithm appeared in [ZF12] (joint work with Nick Freris), whereas the section on approximate vector orthonormalizationis new. Section 2.4 appeared online in [ABTZ12] (joint work with Haim Avron, Christos Boutsidis and Sivan Toledo).



study the performance of Monte-Carlo algorithms on primitive matrix algorithms including the matrix

multiplication problem with respect to the Frobenius norm. Sarlos [Sar06] extended (and improved)

this line of research using random projections. Most of the bounds for approximating matrix multipli-

cation in the literature are mostly with respect to the Frobenius norm [DKM06a, Sar06, CW09a]. In some

cases, the techniques that are utilized for bounding the Frobenius norm also imply weak bounds for the

spectral norm, see [DKM06a, Theorem 4] or [Sar06, Corollary 11]. Here we prove the first non-trivial

bounds on matrix multiplication under the spectral norm.

In particular, we analyze approximation algorithms for matrix multiplication with respect to the

spectral norm. Let A ∈ Rm×n and B ∈ R

n×p be two matrices and ε > 0 an accuracy parameter. We

approximate the product AB using sketches A ∈ Rm×t and B ∈ R

t×p, where t≪ n, such that

∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2

holds with sufficiently high probability. We analyze two different sampling procedures for construct-

ing A and B; one of them is done by i.i.d. non-uniform sampling rows from A⊤ and B and the other

by taking random linear combinations of their rows. We prove bounds on t that depend only on the

intrinsic dimensionality of A and B, that is their rank and their stable rank. We should note that the

algorithms that will be analyzed here are not new. Namely, the non-uniform sampling row/column

approach traces back to the papers of [CL97, DK01, RV07], and the random sign matrix approach orig-

inates from [Sar06]. The approach of approximating matrix multiplication using element-wise matrix

sparsification will not be discussed here, see [DKM06a, Section 5].

For achieving bounds that depend on rank when taking random linear combinations we employ

standard tools from high-dimensional geometry such as the subspace Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma

(Lemma 1.11). For bounds that depend on the smaller parameter of stable rank this approach itself

seems weak. However, we show that2 in combination with a simple truncation argument it is amenable

to provide such bounds. To handle similar bounds for row sampling, we utilize3 matrix concentration

inequalities; more precisely we use Minsker’s version of the matrix Bernstein inequality, see Theo-

rem 1.16. Thanks to this inequality, we are able to give bounds that depend only on the stable rank of

the input matrices.

We highlight the usefulness of our approximate matrix multiplication bounds by supplying an ap-

plication in Chapter 3. In particular, we give an approximation algorithm for the ℓ2-regression problem

that returns an approximate solution by randomly projecting the initial problem to dimensions linear

2This argument was pointed out to us by Mark Rudelson.3We thank Joel Tropp for his suggestion of using Minsker’s version of the matrix Bernstein inequality.


on the rank of the constraint matrix (Sections 3.1).

We now state a theorem that gives bounds on the required number of samples for approximate

matrix multiplication using non-uniform row/column samples and random projections.

Theorem 2.1. Let 0 < ε < 1/2, 0 < δ < 1, and let A ∈ Rm×n, B ∈ R

n×p both having rank and stable rank at

most r and r, respectively. The following hold:

(i) Let R be a t× n random sign matrix rescaled by 1/√

t. Denote by A = AR⊤ and B = RB.

(a) If t = Ω( rε2 log(1/δ)) then

P(∀x ∈ Rm,y ∈ R

p, |x⊤(AB− AB)y| ≤ ε∥∥x⊤A

∥∥2‖By‖2) ≥ 1− δ.

(b) If t = Ω( erε4 log(1/δ)) then


(∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2

)≥ 1− δ.

(ii) Let pi =‖A(i)‖22+‖B(i)‖2


S be a probability distribution over [n], where S = ‖A‖2F + ‖B‖2F. Draw t i.i.d.

samples from pi and define the n× t sampling matrix S by:

Sij =


tpi if j-th trial equals to i

0 otherwise .

Set A = AS ∈ Rm×t and B = S⊤B ∈ R

t×p. If t ≥ 20r ln(16r/δ)/ε2, then


(∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2

)≥ 1− δ.

Part (i.b) follows from (i.a) via a truncation argument. This was pointed out to us by Mark Rudel-

son (personal communication). To understand the significance and the differences between the differ-

ent components of this theorem, we first note that the probabilistic event of part (i.a) is superior to the

probabilistic event of (i.b) and (ii). Indeed, when A = B⊤ the former implies that |x⊤(A⊤A− A⊤A)x| <

ε · x⊤A⊤Ax for every x, which is stronger than∥∥∥A⊤A− A⊤A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖22. Also notice that part (i) is

essential computationally inferior to (ii) as it gives the same bound while it is more expensive computa-

tionally to multiply the matrices by random sign matrices than just sampling their rows. However, the

advantage of part (i) is that the sampling process is oblivious, i.e., does not depend on the input matri-

ces. We also note that the special case of part (ii) where A = B⊤ is precisely [RV07, Theorem 3.1]. In its


present generality Theorem 2.1 (i) is tight as can be seen by the reduction of [CW09a, Theorem 2.8] 4. A

stronger bound of t = Ω(√

sr (A) sr (B) log(√

sr (A) sr (B)/δ)/ε2) compared to the bound in Theorem 2.1

(ii) has been obtained in [HKZ12]. The approach of [HKZ12] uses a similar extension of the matrix

Bernstein inequality as Minsker’s extension.

In a nutshell, the importance of deriving tights bounds for approximate matrix multiplication lies

on the fact that several linear algebraic problems can be reduced to primitive problems including matrix


Before proving Theorem 2.1, we give a sufficient property that a linear map must satisfy in order to

guarantee such spectral matrix multiplication bounds as in Theorem 2.1.

Definition 2. Given a fixed subspace W of Rn and any 0 < ε < 1, a linear transformation Π from R

n to Rt,

t < n, is called an ε-subspace embedding (with repsect toW) if

(1− ε) ‖w‖22 ≤ ‖Πw‖22 ≤ (1 + ε) ‖w‖22 , for all w ∈ W .

For example, Lemma 1.11 tells us that given any k-dimensional subspace of Rn, an t×n random sign

matrix rescaled by 1/√

t where t = Ω( kε2 log(1/δ)) is an ε-subspace embedding with probability at least

1− δ. Moreover, assuming the notation of Lemma 1.13 and Lemma 1.14, it follows that the randomized

subsampled Hadamard transform SΘ (assuming the notation of the two latter lemmas) is also an ε-

subspace embedding with probability at least 1 − δ provided that t = 12ε−2(k + log(n/δ)) log(k/δ).

The following lemma states the connection between subspace embeddings and approximate matrix


Lemma 2.2. Let A be any m×n matrix, B be any n×p matrix, and 0 < ε < 1. If Π is an ε-subspace embedding

ofR([A⊤ B]), then∥∥AΠ⊤ΠB− AB

∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2 .

Proof. Let UAΣAV⊤A and UBΣBV⊤

B be the singular value decompositions of A and B, respectively. More-

over, let U be an n× (rA + rB) matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis for R([A⊤ B]). By the

assumption of ε-subspace embedability, it follows that

(1− ε)I U⊤Π⊤ΠU (1 + ε)I,

4Although the reduction of [CW09a] deals with the Frobenius norm and it is also applicable here since ‖·‖2 ≤ ‖·‖F.


or equivalently,∥∥U⊤Π⊤ΠU− I

∥∥2≤ ε. Now, it follows that

∥∥AΠ⊤ΠB− AB∥∥




∥∥2≤ ‖UAΣA‖2

∥∥V⊤A Π⊤ΠUB − V⊤





= ‖A‖2∥∥V⊤



using the SVD of A and B, the sub-multiplicity and the unitarity invariance property of the spectral

norm. Now, since the columns of VA are spanned by the columns of U, it follows that there exists a

unitary matrix WA, so that VA = UWA with ‖WA‖22 =∥∥W⊤






= ‖VA‖22 = 1.

Similarly, there exists WB so that UB = UWB with ‖WB‖2 = 1. Using the same reasoning as above,

∥∥V⊤A Π⊤ΠUB − V




A (U⊤Π⊤ΠU− U⊤





∥∥U⊤Π⊤ΠU− I∥∥

2‖WB‖2 ≤ ε.

Now, we briefly discuss the translation of the above theoretical bounds to fully specified algorithmic

solutions for approximating matrix products. Recall that the input of an approximate randomized

matrix multiplication algorithm is A, B, ε and δ. The output of the algorithm is A and B that must

satisfy∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2 with probability at least 1 − δ. To translate any of the above bounds

to an actual algorithm, someone has to specify the sampling procedure (non-uniform row/column

sampling, random sign matrices) and the parameter t (number of samples/number of dimensions to

project). Since computing the rank of a matrix is not an easy task (compared to matrix multiplication),

the bounds that depend on the rank of the input matrices can be useful only under very restricted cases.

For example, whenever a priori bounds on the rank of the input matrices are known. On the other hand,

the bounds that depend on the stable rank can be of practical value since approximating the stable rank

of a given matrix corresponds to approximating the ratio between its Frobenius norm and its spectral

norm. Efficient (randomized) algorithms for the relative approximation of the spectral norm of a given

matrix have been obtained in [KW92]. Using the methods of [KW92], we can relatively overestimate

the stable rank of the input matrices with high probability and set t to this overestimate value. This

approach will incur an extra constant multiplicative factor on the bounds described in Theorem 2.1.

The following generic algorithm (Algorithm 2) outlines the approach.

We devote the rest of the present section to prove Theorem 2.1.

Proof. (of Theorem 2.1)


Algorithm 2 Generic Framework for approximate matrix multiplication

1: procedure (A, B, ε, δ) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n, B ∈ R

n×p, 0 < ε < 1/2, 0 < δ < 12: Fix sampling procedure: non-uniform row/column sampling or using random sign matrices.3: Overestimate/approximate the corresponding parameter t

4: Compute A and B using Theorem 2.1

5: Output: A and B that satisfy with probability at least 1− δ:∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 ‖B‖2

6: end procedure

Part (i.a): We prove the following more general theorem from which Theorem 2.1 (i.a) follows by

plugging in t ≥ 2rc1ε2 ln(c2) ln(1/δ) where c1, c2 is as in Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 2.3. Let A ∈ Rm×n and B ∈ R

n×p. Assume that the ranks of A and B are at most r. Let R be a t× n

random sign matrix rescaled by 1/√

t. Denote by A = AR⊤ and B = RB. The following inequality holds


(∀x ∈ R

m,y ∈ Rp, |x⊤(AB− AB)y| ≤ ε



)≥ 1− cr


where c1 = 116·36 , c2 = 18.

Proof. Let A = UAΣAV⊤A , B = UBΣBV⊤

B be the singular value decomposition of A and B respectively.

Notice that UA ∈ Rn×rA , UB ∈ R

n×rB , where rA and rB is the rank of A and B, respectively.

Let x1 ∈ Rm,x2 ∈ R

p two arbitrary unit vectors. Let w1 = x⊤1 A and w2 = Bx2. Recall that


RB− AB∥∥

2= sup


|x⊤1 (AR

⊤RB− AB)x2|.

We will bound the last term for any arbitrary vector. Denote with V the subspace5 colspan(UA) ∪

colspan(UB) of Rn. Notice that the size of dim(V) ≤ rA + rB ≤ 2r. Applying Lemma 1.11 to V , we get

that with probability at least 1− cr2exp(−c1ε

2t) that

∀ v ∈ V : | ‖Rv‖22 − ‖v‖22 | ≤ ε ‖v‖22 . (2.1)

Therefore we get that for any unit vectors v1,v2 ∈ V :

〈Rv1, Rv2〉 =‖Rv1 + Rv2‖22 − ‖Rv1 − Rv2‖22

4≤ (1 + ε) ‖v1 + v2‖22 − (1 − ε) ‖v1 − v2‖22


=‖v1 + v2‖22 − ‖v1 − v2‖22

4+ ε‖v1 + v2‖22 + ‖v1 − v2‖22


= 〈v1, v2〉+ ε‖v1‖22 + ‖v2‖22

2= 〈v1, v2〉+ ε,

5We denote by colspan(A) the subspace generated by the columns of A.


where the first equality follows from the Parallelogram law, the first inequality follows from Equa-

tion (2.1), and the last inequality since v1,v2 are unit vectors. By similar considerations we get that

〈Rv1, Rv2〉 ≥ 〈v1, v2〉 − ε. By linearity of R, we get that

∀v1,v2 ∈ V : |(Rv1)⊤

Rv2 − v⊤1 v2| ≤ ε ‖v1‖2 ‖v2‖2 .

Notice that w1,w2 ∈ V , hence |w1R⊤Rw2 − 〈w1, w2〉 | ≤ ε ‖w1‖2 ‖w2‖2 = ε

∥∥x⊤1 A∥∥


Part (i.b): Recall Lemma 1.12. Using this lemma together with Theorem 2.1 (i.a) and a truncation

argument we can prove part (i.b).

Proof. (of Theorem 2.1 (i.b)) It suffices to prove that if t = Ω( erε4 log(1/δ)) then

∥∥∥ A‖A‖2

R⊤R B‖B‖2

− A‖A‖2



ε with probability at least 1 − δ. Therefore, by homogeneity assume that ‖A‖2 = ‖B‖2 = 1. Let Ak de-

note the best rank k approximation of A for any 1 ≤ k ≤ rank (A). Set θ = ⌊ 1600maxsr(A),sr(B)ε2 ⌋ and

fix t = 2θ ln(c2)c1ε2 ln(2/δ) + 8 ln(8/δ) where c1, c2 are the constants in Theorem 2.3. Define A = A − Aθ ,

B = B− Bθ . Since ‖A‖2F =∑rank(A)

j=1 σj(A)2,


2≤ ‖A‖F√

θ≤ ε

40, and


2≤ ‖B‖F√

θ≤ ε


By triangle inequality, it follows that

∥∥∥AB− AB


⊤RBθ − AθBθ


















∥∥∥2. (2.4)

The quantities displayed in Equation (2.4) are bounded as follows




∥∥∥2≤ ε2/1600 + ε/40 + ε/40 ≤ ε (2.5)

using standard properties of matrix norms.

The terms displayed in Equation (2.3) can be bounded using Lemma 1.12. Indeed, apply Lemma 1.12

with τ =√

t for each matrix A, B, Aθ, Bθ . Notice that 2∥∥∥A∥∥∥


t + 3∥∥∥A∥∥∥

2≤ 5ε/40 since t ≥ θ. Similarly,



t + 3∥∥∥B∥∥∥

2< 5ε/40. Also 2 ‖Aθ‖F /

√t + 3 ‖Aθ‖2 ≤ 4 and similarly 2 ‖Bθ‖F /

√t + 3 ‖Bθ‖2 < 4.


A union bound on the application of Lemma 1.12 to A, B, Aθ and Bθ implies that the following event


2≥ 5ε/40


⊤∥∥2≥ 4∪∥∥∥BR

∥∥∥2≥ 5ε/40

∪ ‖BθR‖2 ≥ 4 (2.6)

holds with probability at most 4exp(−t/8). The later probability is at most δ/2 (t ≥ 8 ln(8/δ)). Whenever

the event (2.6) does not hold, it follows







∥∥∥2≤ 4 · 5ε/40 + 4 · 5ε/40 + 25ε2/402 ≤ 2ε.

Finally the term on the right hand side of (2.2) can be bounded using Theorem 2.1 (i.a). Since t ≥2θ ln(c2)c1(ε/10)2 ln(2/δ),


⊤RBθ − AθBθ

∥∥2≥ ε)≤ δ/2. (2.7)

A union bound on (2.6) and (2.7) together with Inequality (2.5) implies that

∥∥∥AB− AB

∥∥∥2≤ ε + 2ε + ε = 4ε

with probability at least 1− δ. Rescale ε to conclude.

Part (ii): The proof is an application of Minsker’s extension the matrix Bernstein inequality 1.16. It

suffices to prove that if t ≥ 20r ln(16r/δ)/ε2 then∥∥∥ A

‖A‖2SS⊤ B

‖B‖2− A




∥∥∥2≤ ε with probability at

least 1− δ. Therefore, by homogeneity assume that ‖A‖2 = ‖B‖2 = 1. Now, S = ‖A‖2F + ‖B‖2F ≤ 2r.

Define6 Wi := 1piD(A(i) ⊗ B(i)

)−D (AB) for every i ∈ [n]. Define the random matrix M of size m+p

to be equal to Wi with probability pi. Clearly, E M = 0(m+p).

Let M1, M2, . . . , Mt be i.i.d. copies of M, then the random matrix 1t

∑ti=1 Mi can be alternatively

described using the sampling matrix S asD(ASS⊤B

)−D (AB). Indeed, fix any realization of S; namely,

assume that Sljj = 1√

tpj for some lj ∈ [n]. Then, it follows that


⊤B)−D (AB) =



D((AS(j)) ⊗ (S⊤

(j)B))−D (AB) =





Wlj .

by the linearity of D (·) and the definition of S. It follows that

λmax(M) ≤ ‖M‖2 = maxi∈[n]‖Wi‖2 ≤ 1 + S max










≤ 1 + S/2 ≤= 2r

6Recall that for any n dimensional (row or column) vector x and m dimensional (row or column) vector y, x⊗y is the n×mwhose (i, j) entry equals to xiyj .


where we used the arithmetic/geometric mean inequality in the numerator and the inequality S ≥ 1.

Now, we bound the second moment ρ2 =∥∥E M2

∥∥2. First, notice that for any i ∈ [n],

W2i =



D(A(i) ⊗ B


− 1

piD(A(i) ⊗ B

(i))D (AB)−D (AB)


piD(A(i) ⊗ B


+D (AB)2.

Therefore, E M2 =∑n

i=1 piW2i =


1piD(A(i) ⊗ B(i)

)2 −D (AB)2

by linearity. Next, we upper bound

E M2 in the psd ordering

E M2 n∑



piD(A(i) ⊗ B(i)











2A(i) ⊗ A(i) 0



2B(i) ⊗ B(i)

= S



A(i) ⊗ A(i) 0

0 B(i) ⊗ B(i)

= S

AA⊤ 0

0 B⊤B

where the first psd inequality follows by adding the psd matrixD (AB)2, and the second psd inequality

by adding the psd matrix







2A(i) ⊗ A(i) 0



2B(i) ⊗ B(i)


Hence E Y2 V, where

V :=S


AA⊤ 0

0 B⊤B


It follows that ‖V‖2 = S max(‖A‖22 , ‖B‖22)/t = S/t ≤ 2r/t. Also, tr(V)‖V‖2

= tr(AA⊤) + tr


)= ‖A‖2F +

‖B‖2F ≤ 2r.

Set Xi = 1t Mi for every i ∈ [t] in Theorem 1.16 and notice that Y =

∑ti=1 Xi. Moreover, E Xi = 0,

‖Xi‖2 ≤ 2r/t and E Y2 ≤ V. Given any 0 < ε < 1 and 0 < δ < 1, set t := 20r/ε2 ln(16r/δ). It holds that

‖V‖1/22 + γ/3 ≤

√2r/t + 2r/t = ε


20r ln(16r/δ)+


60r ln(16r/δ)≤ ε

using that ln(16r/δ) ≥ 1 for every 0 < δ < 1. Now, we are in position to apply Theorem 1.16 (Inequal-

ity 1.8) with τ = ε and t implies that (since ε > ‖V‖1/22 + γ/3 ≤

√2r/t + 2r/t)

P (λmax(Y) ≥ ε) ≤ 4tr (V)

‖V‖2· exp

(− ε2/2

‖V‖2 + γε/3

)≤ 8r · exp

(− tε2

4r + 4r/3

)≤ δ/2 (2.8)


where the second inequality follows by the upper bounds on ‖V‖2 and γ and the third inequality fol-

lows by the range of values on t. Apply the same argument as above to the random matrix−Y to bound

λmin(Y) as follows

P (λmin(Y) ≤ −ε) ≤ δ/2. (2.9)

Union bound both Inequalities (2.8) and (2.9) to conclude that for every 0 < ε < 1 and every 0 < δ < 1,

if t ≥ 20r ln(16r/δ)/ε2, then

P (‖Y‖2 ≥ ε) ≤ δ.

To conclude recall that

P (‖Y‖2 ≥ ε) = P(∥∥D


)∥∥2≥ ε)

= P(∥∥ASS⊤B− AB

∥∥2≥ ε).

2.2 Approximate Orthogonal Projection

In the present section, we present a randomized iterative algorithm (Algorithm 3) that, given any vector

b and a linear subspace represented as the column span of a matrix A, computes an approximation to

the orthogonal projection of b onto the column span of A (denoted by bR(A), bR(A) = AA†b). The exact

version of this problem is a fundamental geometric primitive.

The work of [CRT11] presents an efficient approximation algorithm for this problem. The main

idea behind this paper was to approximately solve the overdetermined linear system Ax = b as an

intermediate step, i.e., compute an approximate least squares solution xLS. Then, return AxLS as the

approximate solution since bR(A) = AA†b. The motivation behind their work was to accelerate interior

point methods for convex optimization, see [Wri97], since the core of interior point methods is based on

a particular orthogonal projection. Algorithm 3 is iterative. Initially, it starts with z(0) = b. At the k-th

Algorithm 3 Randomized Orthogonal Projection

1: procedure (A, b, T ) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n,b ∈ R

m, T ∈ N

2: Initialize z(0) = b

3: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , T − 1 do

4: Pick jk ∈ [n] with probability pj :=∥∥A(j)


2/ ‖A‖2F , j ∈ [n]

5: Set z(k+1) =

(Im −




6: end for7: Output z(T )

8: end procedure


iteration, the algorithm randomly selects a column A(j) of A for some j, and updates z(k) by projecting it

onto the orthogonal complement of the space of A(j). The claim is that randomly selecting the columns

of A with probability proportional to their square norms implies that the algorithm converges to bR(A)⊥

in expectation. After T iterations, the algorithm outputs z(T ) and by orthogonality b−z(T ) serves as an

approximation for bR(A). The next theorem bounds the expected rate of convergence for Algorithm 3.

Theorem 2.4. Let A ∈ Rm×n, b ∈ R

m and T > 1 be the input to Algorithm 3. Fix any integer T ≥ k > 0. In

exact arithmetic, after k iterations of Algorithm 3 it holds that


∥∥∥z(k) − bR(A)⊥



1− 1


)k ∥∥bR(A)



Moreover, each iteration of Algorithm 3 requires in expectation (over the random choices of the algorithm) at most

5Cavg(A) arithmetic operations.

Remark 1. A suggestion for a stopping criterion for Algorithm 3 is to regularly check:‖A⊤z(k)‖



≤ ε for some

given accuracy ε > 0. It is easy to see that whenever this criterion is satisfied, it holds that∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(k)



εκF(A), i.e., b− z(k) ≈ bR(A).

We devote the rest of this subsection to prove Theorem 2.4. Define P(j) := Im −A(j)A


‖A(j)‖22for every

j ∈ [n]. Observe that P(j)P(j) = P(j), i.e., P(j) is a projector matrix. Let X be a random variable over

1, 2, . . . , n that picks index j with probability∥∥A(j)


2/ ‖A‖2F. It is clear that E[P(X)] = Im−AA⊤/ ‖A‖2F.

Later we will make use of the following fact.

Fact 2.5. For every vector u in the column space of A, it holds∥∥∥(Im − AA



∥∥∥2≤(1− σ2




Define e(k) := z(k) − bR(A)⊥ for every k ≥ 0. A direct calculation implies that

e(k) = P(jk)e(k−1).

Indeed, e(k) = z(k) − bR(A)⊥ = P(jk)z(k−1) − bR(A)⊥ = P(jk)(e(k−1) + bR(A)⊥)− bR(A)⊥ = P(jk)e(k−1)

using the definitions of e(k), z(k), e(k−1) and the fact that P(jk)bR(A)⊥ = bR(A)⊥ for any jk ∈ [n].

Moreover, it is easy to see that for every k ≥ 0 e(k) is in the column space of A, since e(0) = b−bR(A)⊥ =

bR(A) ∈ R(A), e(k) = P(jk)e(k−1) and in addition P(jk) is a projector matrix for every jk ∈ [n].

Let X1, X2, . . . be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables distributed

as X . For ease of notation, we denote by Ek−1[·] = EXk[· |X1, X2, . . . , Xk−1], i.e., the conditional expec-


tation conditioned on the first (k − 1) iteration of the algorithm. It follows that




2= Ek−1



2= Ek−1

⟨P(Xk)e(k−1), P(Xk)e(k−1)

= Ek−1

⟨e(k−1), P(Xk)P(Xk)e(k−1)

⟩=⟨e(k−1), Ek−1[P(Xk)]e(k−1)




(Im −






1− σ2min





where we used linearity of expectation, the fact that P(·) is a projector matrix, Cauchy-Schwarz inequal-

ity and Fact 2.5. Repeating the same argument k − 1 times we get that





1− 1

κ2F (A)

)k ∥∥∥e(0)∥∥∥



Note that e(0) = b− bR(A)⊥ = bR(A) to conclude.

Step 5 can be rewritten as z(k+1) = z(k)−(⟨

A(jk), z(k)⟩/∥∥A(jk)



)A(jk). At every iteration, the inner

product and the update from z(k) to z(k+1) require at most 5 nnz(A(jk)

)operations for some jk ∈ [n];

hence in expectation each iteration requires at most∑n

j=1 pj5 nnz(A(j)

)= 5Cavg(A) operations.

2.3 Approximate Orthonormalization

Given a set of column vectors A(1), A(2), . . . , A(n) ⊂ Rm forming an m×n real matrix A, the problem of

computing an orthonormal basis for their span is a fundamental computational primitive in numerical

linear algebra. It is the main ingredient, in direct algorithms for solving least squares [Bjo96], in iterative

linear system solver such as GMRES [Saa03], and in eigenvalue algorithms such as the Arnoldi process

to name a few. Due to numerical issues and finite precision representation of real numbers, exact

orthonormalization is not feasible in general7. A natural relaxation of the exact orthonormalization

problem is to require approximate orthogonality. In this section, we study the problem of computing

an approximate orthonormal basis of a set of vectors, i.e., a set of basis vectors whose pair-wise inner

products is close to zero. We mainly focus on iterative algorithms.

There is a rich body of work on iterative algorithms for approximate orthonormalization. In 1970,

Kovarik proposed two iterative algorithms for approximate orthonormalization that have quadratic

convergence [Kov70]. The main drawback of Kovarik’s algorithms is that each iteration is compu-

tational expensive, i.e., Algorithm B of [Kov70] requires matrix inversion, see [PP05] and references

therein for several improvements. Although, the aforementioned algorithms are interesting from a the-

7A modified version of the classical Gram-Schmidt is known to be numerically stable [Bjo94].


oretical point of view, they are inferior compared to the classical solutions in terms of computational


It has been observed that Gram-Schmidt may produce a set of vectors which is far from being or-

thogonal under finite precision computations [Bjo67]. Such issues motivated researchers to study itera-

tive versions of the Gram-Schmidt process where each step of the process is iteratively applied until a

desired accuracy has been achieved. Iterative Gram-Schmidt algorithms with improved orthogonality

have been proposed in [DGKS76] and [Ruh83], see also [Hof89, GLRvdE05] and [Kub65].

Finally, to the best of our knowledge, Rokhlin and Tygert implicitly presented the first randomized

algorithm for approximately orthonormalizing a set of vectors [RT08]. Assume that m ≫ n, the algo-

rithm of [RT08] proceeds as follows: First, it randomly projects the columns of A using the subsampled

randomized Fourier transform8 toO(n2) dimensions. Then, the algorithm applies a QR decomposition

on the projected column vectors denoted by QR. The main argument of [RT08] is that the columns of

the product AR−1 are approximately orthonormal with constant probability.

In the following section we present a randomized, amenable to parallelization, iteratively-based

algorithm for the case of vectors whose corresponding m × n matrix A is sparse and sufficiently well-


2.3.1 A Randomized Parallel Orthonormalization Algorithm

In this section, we analyze a randomized algorithm for approximate vector orthonormalization. The

main feature of the algorithm is that it is amenable to a parallel implementation; a feature that is not

present on the classical Gram-Schmidt process. Due to the approximate nature of the algorithm, the

algorithm will not be able to distinguish between a set of vectors which is linearly dependent and a set

which is close to being linearly dependent. We define the above notion of “closeness” by saying that a

matrix A containing as columns a set of n vectors is γ-orthogonalizable, if the norm of the projection of

A(i+1) onto the complement of the span of A(1), . . . , A(i) is at least γ∥∥A(i+1)


for every i ∈ [n− 1].

More concisely, if∥∥∥(I− A[i](A[i])


∥∥∥2≥ γ



for every i ∈ [n− 1], where A[i] is the m × i

matrix containing the first i columns of A. To justify the definition above, we note that any matrix

A with linearly independent columns is a γ-orthogonalizable matrix for some γ > 0. However, the

discussion here involves approximate algorithms for distinguishing between linear dependence and

independence, therefore we need a more robust notion than the notion of linear independence. The

8The subsampled randomized Fourier transform shares similar properties with the subsampled randomized Walsh-Hadamard transform, see Definition 1. A similar bound holds by using the subsampled randomized Walsh-Hadamard trans-form.


above definition captures this requirement by enforcing that the projection of any column vector into

the span of all prior column vectors is not negligible.

Algorithm 4 Randomized Sparse GS (RSGS)

1: procedure RSGS(A, T ) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n, ε > 0

2: Sort the columns of A with respect to their sparsity, i.e., nnz(A(i)

)≤ nnz


)if i < j.

3: Let Q be the m× n zeroes matrix; initialize Q(1) = A(1)/∥∥A(1)


4: for i = 2, . . . , n do5: Apply Algorithm 3 with input (A(:, 1 : (i− 1))), A(i) and T . Output z(i)

6: Set Q(i) = z(i)/ ‖z(i)‖2.7: end for8: Output: the m× n matrix Q

9: end procedure

Theorem 2.6. Let 0 < ε < 1/2, 0 < δ < 1 and let A be an m × n matrix which is ε-orthogonalizable after

the reordering of Step 2. Algorithm 4 with input T ≥ κ2F(A) ln( n

δε4 ) outputs, with probability at least 1 − δ, an

m× n matrix Q with the following properties:

(a) The columns of Q spanR(A).

(b) The condition number of Q is bounded by 1 + 2ε. In other words, the columns of Q are nearly orthonormal,

i.e.,∥∥∥Q⊤Q− I

∥∥∥2≤ 2ε.

The expected running time of Algorithm 4 isO(Cavg(A)nκ2F(A) ln( n

δε4 )), which is at mostO(nnz (A) n cond (A)2ln( n

δε4 )).

Remark 2. In Step 5 of Algorithm 4, it is not clear how to specify the parameter T to be greater than κ2F (A) ln( n

δε4 )

without a priori knowledge of σmin(A). The stopping criterion discussed in Remark 1 can be used as an alternative

termination criterion in Step 5.

We devote the rest of this section to prove the above theorem. First, we claim that the average

column sparsity of A[i] for every i ∈ [n] is upper bounded by the average column sparsity of A after

Step 2.

Lemma 2.7. After Step 2 of Algorithm 4, it holds that Cavg(A[i−1]) ≤ Cavg(A[i]) for every 1 < i ≤ n.

Proof. It suffices to prove that 1






)≤ 1






). Re-

arranging terms, it is equivalent to


























)≤ nnz




Recall that the columns of A are sorted in ascending order in terms of their sparsity. Hence, the result

follows since the left hand side is the expected column sparsity of A[i], which is at most nnz(A(i)


Step 2.

Moreover, we claim that the ratio of the Frobenius norm over the smallest non-zero singular value

of all the sub-matrices of A is upper bound by the corresponding ratio of A.

Lemma 2.8. Fix 1 < i ≤ n. Let A be an m× n matrix. Then κ2F(A[i]) ≤ κ2


Proof. First, it is obvious that∥∥A[i]


F≤ ‖A‖2F. It suffices to lower bound σmin(A[i]).

σmin(A) = minx 6=0, Ax 6=0


≤ minxi+1=xi+2=...=xn=0, x 6=0, Ax 6=0


= miny 6=0, A[i]y 6=0



‖y‖2= σmin(A[i]).

The first inequality holds since

x ∈ Rn | x 6= 0, Ax 6= 0, xi+1 = xi+2 = . . . = xn = 0 ⊆ x ∈ R

n | x 6= 0, Ax 6= 0 .

By construction it holds that∥∥∥Q(i)


2= 1. It suffices to show that

∣∣∣⟨Q(i), Q(j)

⟩∣∣∣ ≤ 2ε for any

j < i. First notice that, for every 1 < i ≤ n, κ2F(A[i]) ≤ κ2

F(A) (Lemma 2.8). By the choice of T ,

apply Theorem 2.4 for every i = 2, . . . , n with δ′ = δ/n and take a union bound over all i to conclude

that with probability at least 1− δ:

∥∥∥z(i)− (Im − A[i−1]A[i−1]†)A(i)

∥∥∥2≤ ε2



for all 1 < i ≤ n. (2.10)

Condition on the event that Equation (2.10) holds from now on. Fix any 1 < i ≤ n and j < i. For

notation convenience, set P = (Im − A[i−1]A[i−1]†) and let W be an m × (i − 1) matrix whose columns


form a basis for colspan(A[i−1]). Condition (b) is satisfied since:

∣∣∣⟨Q(i), Q(j)

⟩∣∣∣ =∣∣∣⟨Q(i), Wu

⟩∣∣∣ where Q(j) = Wu for some u ∈ Ri−1

= |〈z(i), Wu〉| / ‖z(i)‖2

=∣∣⟨z(i)− PA(i) + PA(i), Wu

⟩∣∣ / ‖z(i)‖2

=∣∣∣⟨z(i)− PA(i), Q(j)

⟩∣∣∣ / ‖z(i)‖2 since PW = 0

≤∥∥z(i)− PA(i)



∥∥∥2/ ‖z(i)‖2 Cauchy-Schwarz Ineq.

≤ ε2



‖z(i)‖2Ineq. (2.10).

It follows that |⟨Q(i), Q(j)

⟩| ≤ 2ε, since ‖z(i)‖2 ≥


∥∥2−∥∥z(i)− PA(i)

∥∥2≥ ε







using the triangle inequality, the assumption that A is ε-orthogonalizable and Ineq. (2.10),

and the fact that ε < 1/2.

Now, we analyze the running time of the algorithm. Lemma 2.7 tells us that, for every 1 < i ≤ n,

the average column sparsity of the matrices A[i] are upper bounded by Cavg(A). Therefore, Step 5 of

Algorithm 4 requires in expectationO(Cavg(A)T ) operations.

Observe that Cavg(A)κ2F (A) =






min(A) ≤ nnz (A) cond (A)2, where the in-

equality follows since maxj∈[n]



2≤ σ2


2.4 Approximate Principal Angles

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), introduced by H. Hotelling in 1936 [Hot36], is an important

technique in statistics, data analysis, and data mining. CCA has been successfully applied in many

machine learning applications, e.g. clustering [CKLS09], learning of word embeddings [DFU11], senti-

ment classification [DRFU12], discriminant learning [SFGT12], object recognition [KKC07] and activity

recognition from video [LAM+11]. In many ways CCA is analogous to Principal Component Analysis

(PCA), but instead of analyzing a single data-set (in matrix form), the goal of CCA is to analyze the

relation between a pair of data-sets (each in matrix form). From a statistical point of view, PCA extracts

the maximum covariance directions between elements in a single matrix, whereas CCA finds the di-

rection of maximal correlation between a pair of matrices. From a linear algebraic point of view, CCA

measures the similarities between two subspaces (those spanned by the columns of each of the two

matrices analyzed). From a geometric point of view, CCA computes the cosine of the principal angles

between the two subspaces.


There are different ways to define the canonical correlations (a.k.a. principal angles) of a pair of

matrices, and all these methods are equivalent [GZ95]. The following linear algebraic formulation of

Golub and Zha [GZ95] serves our algorithmic point of view best.

Definition 3. Let A ∈ Rm×n and B ∈ R

m×ℓ , and assume that p = rank (A) ≥ rank (B) = q. The canonical

correlations σ1 (A, B) ≥ σ2 (A, B) ≥ · · · ≥ σq (A, B) of the matrix pair (A, B) are defined recursively by the

following formula:

σi (A, B) = maxx∈Ai,y∈Bi

σ (Ax, By) =: σ (Axi, Byi) , i = 1, . . . , q


• σ (u,v) = |u⊤v|/ (‖u‖2 ‖v‖2),

• Ai = x : Ax 6= 0, Ax ⊥ Ax1, . . . , Axi−1,

• Bi = y : By 6= 0, By ⊥ By1, . . . , Byi−1.

The unit vectors Ax1/ ‖Ax1‖2 , . . . , Axq/ ‖Axq‖2 , By1/ ‖By1‖2 , . . . , Byq/ ‖Byq‖2 are called the canonical or

principal vectors9.

In this section, we present a randomized algorithm that computes an additive-error approximation

to all the canonical correlations of a matrix pair asymptotically faster compared to the standard method

of Bjorck and Golub [BG73]. To the best of our knowledge this is the first sub-cubic time approximation

algorithm for CCA.

Our algorithm is based on dimensionality reduction: given a pair of matrices (A, B), we transform the

pair to a new pair (A, B) that has much fewer rows, and then compute the canonical correlations of the

new pair exactly, e.g. using the Bjorck and Golub algorithm. We prove that with high probability the

canonical correlations of (A, B) are close to the canonical correlations of (A, B). The transformation of

(A, B) into (A, B) is done in two steps. First, we apply the Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform (RHT)

to both A and B. This is a unitary transformation, so the canonical correlations are preserved exactly. On

the other hand, we show that with high probability, the transformed matrices have their “information”

equally spread among all the input rows, so now the transformed matrices are amenable to uniform

sampling. In the second step, we uniformly sample (without replacement) a sufficiently large set of

rows and rescale them to form (A, B). The combination of RHT and uniform sampling is often called

Subsampled Randomized Walsh-Hadamard Transform (SRHT) in the literature [Tro11a]. Note that other

9Note that the canonical vectors are not uniquely defined.


variants of dimensionality reduction [Sar06] might be appropriate as well, but for concreteness we

focus on the SRHT.

Our dimensionality reduction scheme is particularly effective when the matrices are tall-and-thin,

that is they have many more rows than columns. Targeting such matrices is natural: in typical CCA

applications, columns typically correspond to features or labels and rows correspond to samples or

training data. By computing the CCA on as many instances as possible (as much training data as

possible), we get the most reliable estimates of application-relevant quantities. However in current

algorithms adding instances (rows) is expensive, e.g. in the Bjorck and Golub algorithm we payO(n2 +

ℓ2) for each row. Our algorithm allows practitioners to run CCA on huge data sets because we reduce

the cost of an extra row, making it not much more expensive than O(n + ℓ).

The Bjorck and Golub Algorithm There are quite a few algorithms to compute the canonical correla-

tions [GZ95]. One of the most popular methods is due to Bjorck and Golub [BG73]. It is based on the

following observation.

Theorem 2.9. Suppose Q ∈ Rm×p (m ≥ p) and W ∈ R

m×q (m ≥ q), both having orthonormal columns. The

canonical correlations of (Q, W) are the top minp, q singular values of Q⊤W.

The canonical correlations of the pair (A, B) is a property of the subspace spanned by A and B. So,

Theorem 2.9 implies that once we have a pair of matrices Q and W with orthonormal columns whose

column space spans the same column space of A and B, respectively, then all we need is to compute the

singular values of Q⊤W. Bjorck and Golub suggest the use of QR decompositions, but UA and UB will

serve as well. Both options requireO(m(n2 + ℓ2

))time; we use the latter approach here.

Corollary 2.10. Frame Definition 3. Then, for i ∈ [q]: σi(A, B) = σi(U⊤A UB) .

2.4.1 Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Products

This section states three technical lemmas which analyze the perturbation of the singular values of the

product of a pair of matrices after dimensionality reduction. These lemmas are essential for our analysis

in subsequent sections, but they might be of independent interest as well.

Lemma 2.11. Let A ∈ Rm×n (m ≥ n) and B ∈ R

m×ℓ (m ≥ ℓ). Define C := [A; B] ∈ Rm×(n+ℓ), and suppose C

has rank ω, so UC ∈ Rm×ω. Let S ∈ R

r×m be any matrix such that√

1− ε ≤ σω (SUC) ≤ σ1 (SUC) ≤√

1 + ε,

for some 0 < ε < 1 . Then, for i = 1, . . . , min(n, ℓ),



)− σi


)| ≤ ε · ‖A‖2 · ‖B‖2 .


Proof. Using Weyl’s inequality for the singular values of arbitrary matrices (Lemma 1.9) we obtain,



)− σi


)| ≤

∥∥A⊤S⊤SB− A⊤B∥∥










∥∥2· ‖A‖2 · ‖B‖2 .

Next, we argue that∥∥U⊤



C S⊤SUC − Iω

∥∥2. Indeed, we now have

∥∥U⊤A S⊤SUB − U⊤



= sup‖w‖2=1, ‖z‖2=1

|w⊤U⊤A S⊤SUBz−w⊤U⊤

A UBz|

= sup‖x‖2=‖y‖2=1, x∈R(UA), y∈R(UB)

|x⊤S⊤Sy − x⊤y|

≤ sup‖x‖2=‖y‖2=1, x∈R(UC), y∈R(UB)

|x⊤S⊤Sy − x⊤y|

≤ sup‖x‖2=‖y‖2=1, x∈R(UC), y∈R(UC)

|x⊤S⊤Sy − x⊤y|

= sup‖w‖2=1, ‖z‖2=1

|w⊤U⊤C S⊤SUCz−w⊤U⊤

C UCz|


C S⊤SUC − Iω


In the above, all the equalities follow by the definition of the spectral norm of a matrix while the two

inequalities follow becauseR(UA) ⊆ R(UC) and R(UB) ⊆ R(UC), respectively.

To conclude the proof, recall that we assumed that for i ∈ [ω]: 1− ε ≤ λi



)≤ 1 + ε.

Lemma 2.12. Let A ∈ Rm×n (m ≥ n) and B ∈ R

m×ℓ (m ≥ ℓ). Let S ∈ Rr×m be any matrix such that

rank (SA) = rank (A) and rank (SB) = rank (B), and all singular values of SUA and SUB are inside [√

1− ε,√

1 + ε]

for some 0 < ε < 1/2. Then, for i = 1, . . . , min(n, ℓ),




)− σi



)| ≤ 2ε (1 + ε) .

Proof. For every i = 1, . . . , q we have,




)− σi



)| = |σi




)− σi





≤ γ · σi




)= γ · σi




≤ γ ·∥∥U⊤

A S⊤∥∥2· σi (SUB) ≤ γ · (1 + ε)


with γ = max(∥∥Σ−1








∥∥2) .

In the above, the first inequality follows using10 Lemma 1.8, while the second follows because for

any two matrices X, Y : σi(XY) ≤ ‖X‖2 σi(Y). Finally, in the third inequality we used the fact that∥∥U⊤

A S⊤∥∥2≤√

1 + ε and σi (SUB) ≤√

1 + ε.

We now bound∥∥Σ−1




∥∥2. The second term in the max expression of γ can

be bounded in a similar fashion, so we omit the proof.




−1SA− Ip








A⊤A(SA)†USA − U⊤





((SA)†⊤A⊤A(SA)† − USAU⊤








where we used A⊤A = VAΣ2AV⊤



. Recall that, all the singular values of SUA are


1− ε and√

1 + ε : (1 − ε)Ip U⊤A S⊤SUA (1 + ε)Ip. Conjugating the PSD ordering with


†(see Lemma 1.10), it follows that

(1 − ε)(SA)†⊤


SA (1 + ε)(SA)†⊤


since A⊤A = VAΣ2AV⊤

A and SA(SA)†

= USAU⊤SA. Rearranging terms, it follows that


1 + εUSAU⊤

SA (SA)†⊤

A⊤A(SA)† 1

1− εUSAU⊤


Since 0 < ε < 1/2, it holds that 11−ε/3 ≤ 1 + 2ε and 1

1+ε ≥ 1− ε, hence




SA .

This implies that∥∥∥(SA)



∥∥∥2≤ 2ε



= 2ε. Indeed, let x+ be the unit eigen-

vector of the symmetric matrix (SA)†⊤

A⊤A(SA)† − USAU⊤

SA corresponding to its maximum eigenvalue.

The PSD ordering implies that





)≤ 2εx⊤

+USAU⊤SAx+ ≤ 2ε



= 2ε.

10Set Ψ = Σ−1A



, DL := Σ−1SA


VAΣA and DR := ΣBV⊤B


. DL and DR are non-singular, as a

product of non-singular matrices. Moreover, DLΨDR = Σ−1SA



, since A = AVAV⊤A

, B = BVBV⊤B



Similarly, λmin

((SA)†⊤A⊤A(SA)† − USAU⊤


)> −2ε, which shows the claim.

Lemma 2.13. Repeat the conditions of Lemma 2.11. Then, for all w ∈ Rn and y ∈ R

ℓ, we have

∣∣w⊤A⊤By −w⊤A⊤S⊤SBy∣∣ ≤ ε · ‖Aw‖2 · ‖By‖2 .

Proof. Let E = U⊤A S⊤SUB − U⊤

A UB. Now,

∣∣w⊤A⊤By −w⊤A⊤S⊤SBy∣∣ =

∣∣w⊤VAΣAEΣBV⊤B y∣∣ ≤



∥∥ΣBV⊤B y∥∥





∥∥UBΣBV⊤B y∥∥


2‖E‖2 ‖By‖2

= ‖E‖2 ‖Aw‖2 ‖By‖2

Now, Lemma 7 ensures that ‖E‖2 ≤ ε.

2.4.2 CCA of Row Sampled Pairs

Given A and B, one straightforward way to accelerate CCA is to sample rows uniformly from both

matrices, and to compute the CCA of the smaller matrices. In this section we show that if we sample

enough rows, then the canonical correlations of the sampled pair are close to the canonical correlations

of the original pair. Furthermore, the canonical weights of the sampled pair can be used to find approx-

imate canonical vectors. Not surprisingly, the sample size depends on the coherence. More specifically,

it depends on the coherence of [A; B].

Theorem 2.14. Suppose A ∈ Rm×n (m ≥ n) has rank p and B ∈ R

m×ℓ (m ≥ ℓ) has rank q ≤ p. Let 0 < ε <

1/2 be an accuracy parameter and 0 < δ < 1 be a failure probability parameter. Let ω = rank ([A; B]) ≤ p + q.

Let r be an integer such that

54ε−2mµ([A; B]) log(12ω/δ) ≤ r ≤ m .

Let T be a random subset of [m] of cardinality r, drawn from a uniform distribution over such subsets, and let

S ∈ Rr×m be the sampling matrix corresponding to T rescaled by

√m/r. Denote A = SA and B = SB.

Let σ1, . . . , σq be the exact canonical correlations of (A, B), and let

w1 = x1/∥∥∥Ax1

∥∥∥2, . . . ,wp = xq/



, and p1 = y1/∥∥∥By1

∥∥∥2, . . . ,pq = yq/



be the exact canonical weights of (A, B). With probability of at least 1− δ all the following hold simultaneously:


(a) (Approximation of Canonical Correlations) For every i = 1, 2, . . . , q: |σi (A, B) − σi (SA, SB) | ≤ ε +

2ε2/9 = O(ε) .

(b) (Approximate Orthonormal Bases) The vectors Awii∈[q] form an approximately orthonormal basis. That

is, for any c ∈ [q],


1 + ε/3≤ ‖Awc‖22 ≤


1− ε/3,

and for any i 6= j,

| 〈Awi, Awj〉 | ≤ε

3− ε.

Similarly, for the set of Bpii∈[q].

(c) (Approximate Correlation) For every i = 1, 2, . . . , q:

σi(A, B)

1 + ε/3− ε/3

1− ε/9≤ σ(Awi, Bpi) ≤

σi(A, B)

1 − ε/3+


(1− ε/3)2.

Proof. Let C := [UA; UB]. Lemma 1.13 implies that each of the following three assertions hold with

probability of at least 1− δ/3, hence all three hold simultaneously with probability of at least 1− δ:

• For every r ∈ [p]: 1− ε/3 ≤ σ2r(SUA) ≤ 1 + ε/3 .

• For every k ∈ [q]: 1− ε/3 ≤ σ2k(SUB) ≤ 1 + ε/3 .

• For every h ∈ [ω]: 1− ε/3 ≤ σ2h(SUC) ≤ 1 + ε/3 .

We now show that if indeed all three hold, then (a)-(c) hold as well.

Proof of (a). Corollary 2.10 implies that σi(A, B) = σi(U⊤A UB) and σi(SA, SB) = σi(U

⊤SAUSB). We now

use the triangle inequality to get,

|σi (A, B)− σi (SA, SB) | = |σi


)− σi



≤ |σi


)− σi

(U⊤A S


)|+ |σi

(U⊤A S


)− σi



To conclude the proof, use Lemma 2.11 and Lemma 2.12 to bound these two terms, respectively.

Proof of (b). For any c ∈ [q], ‖Awc‖2 = ‖Awc‖2 /∥∥∥Awc




= 1. Now use Lemma 2.13.

For any i 6= j

| 〈Awi, Awj〉 | ≤ |w⊤i A⊤Awj|+ |w⊤

i (A⊤A− A⊤A)wj | = |w⊤i (A⊤A− A⊤A)wj |

≤ ε

3‖Awi‖2 ‖Awj‖2 ≤


1− ε/3





3− ε.


In the above, we used the triangle inequality, the fact that the wi’s are the canonical weights of A, and

Lemma 2.13.

Proof of (c). We only prove the upper bound. The lower bound is similar, and we omit it.

σ (Awi, Bpi) =〈Awi, Bpi〉

‖Awi‖2 ‖Bpi‖2

≤ 1

1 − ε/3· 〈Awi, Bpi〉 =


1 − ε/3·


Awi, Bpi


+ w⊤i


B − A⊤




Axi, Byi

1 − ε/3+


1 − ε/3· ‖Awi‖2 · ‖Bpi‖2 ≤


Awi, Bpi

1 − ε/3+


(1 − ε/3)2

In the above, the first equality follows by the definition of σ(·, ·), the first inequality by using 1 =‚




(1 + ε) ‖Awi‖22 (same holds for Bpi), the second inequality from Lemma 2.13, the third inequality by using (1 −

ε) ‖Awi‖22 ≤



2= 1 (same holds for Bpi), and the last inequality by (a).

2.4.3 Fast Approximate CCA

First, we define what we mean by approximate CCA.

Definition 4 (Approximate CCA). For 0 ≤ η ≤ 1, an η-approximate CCA of (A, B), is a set of positive

numbers σ1, . . . , σq together with a set of vectors w1, . . . ,wq for A and a set of vectors p1, . . . ,pq for B, such


(a) For every i ∈ [q], |σi(A, B) − σi| ≤ η .

(b) For every i ∈ [q],

| ‖Awi‖22 − 1| ≤ η ,

and for i 6= j,

| 〈Awi, Awj〉 | ≤ η .

Similarly, for the set of Bpii∈[q].

(c) For every i ∈ [q], |σi(A, B) − σ(Awi, Bpi)| ≤ η .

We are now ready to present our fast algorithm for approximate CCA of a pair of tall-and-thin

matrices. Algorithm 5 gives the pseudo-code description of our algorithm.

The analysis in the previous section (Theorem 2.14) shows that if we sample enough rows, the

canonical correlations and weights of the sampled matrices are an O(ε)-approximate CCA of (A, B).

However, to turn this observation into a concrete algorithm we need an upper bound on the coherence

of [A; B]. It is conceivable that in certain scenarios such an upper bound might be known in advance, or


Algorithm 5 Fast Approximate CCA

1: Input: A ∈ Rm×n of rank p, B ∈ R

m×ℓ of rank q, 0 < ε < 1/2, and δ (n ≥ l, p ≥ q).

2: r ←− min(54ε−2[√

n + ℓ +√

8 log(12m/δ)]2

log(3(n + ℓ)/δ), m)

3: Let S be the sampling matrix of a random subset of [m] of cardinality r (uniform distribution).4: Draw a random diagonal matrix D of size m with ±1 on its diagonal with equal probability.

5: A←− SH · (DA) using fast subsampled WHT (see Section 1.2.4).

6: B←− SH · (DB) using fast subsampled WHT (see Section 1.2.4).

7: Compute and return the canonical correlations and the canonical weights of (A, B) (e.g. using Bjorckand Golub’s algorithm).

that it can be computed quickly [DMIMW12]. However, even if we know the coherence, it might be as

large as one, which will imply that sampling the entire matrix is needed.

To circumvent this problem, our algorithm uses the RHT to reduce the coherence of the matrix pair

before sampling rows from it. In particular, instead of sampling rows from (A, B) we sample rows from

(ΘA, ΘB), where Θ is a RHT matrix (Definition 1). This unitary transformation bounds the coherence

with high probability, so we can use Theorem 2.14 to compute the number of rows required for an O(ε)-

approximate CCA. We now sample the transformed pair (ΘA, ΘB) to obtain (A, B). Now the canonical

correlations and weights of (A, B) are computed and returned.

Theorem 2.15. With probability of at least 1 − δ, Algorithm 5 returns an O(ε)-approximate CCA of (A, B).

Assuming Bjorck and Golub’s algorithm is used in line 7, Algorithm 5 runs in time


(mn logm + ε−2

[√n +




Proof. Lemma 1.14 ensures that with probability of at least 1− δ/2,

µ([ΘA; ΘB]) ≤ 1


(√n + ℓ +

√8 log(3m/δ)



Assuming that the last inequality holds, Theorem 2.14 ensures that with probability of at least 1 − δ/2,

the canonical correlations and weights of (A, B) form an O(ε)-approximate CCA of (ΘA, ΘB). By the

union bound, both events hold together with probability of at least 1− δ. The RHT transforms applied

to A and B are unitary, so for every η, an η-approximate CCA of (ΘA, ΘB) is also an η-approximate CCA

of (A, B) (and vice versa).

Running time analysis. Step 2 takes O(1) operations. Step 3 requires O(r) operations. Step 4

requires O(m) operations. Step 5 involves the multiplication of A with SHD from the left. Computing

DA requires O(mn) time. Multiplying SH by DA using fast subsampled WHT requires O(mn log r) time,


as explained in Section 1.2.4. Similarly, step 6 requires O(mℓ log r) operations. Finally, step 7 takes

O(rnℓ + r(n2 + ℓ2)) time. Assuming that n ≥ ℓ, the total running time is O(rn2 + mn log(r)). Plugging

the value for r, and using the fact that r ≤ m, established our running time bound.

From a practical point of view, our algorithm is useful for measuring the size of the correlated

subspace, and obtaining the principal vectors of it. ε is 0.1, or perhaps 0.01. So for reasonably high

correlations, say above 0.2, we get some useful information. However, for lower correlations we get no

information at all. Furthermore, it is too expensive to compute all the principal vectors, but once we

know the size of the correlated subspace we can use the approximate weights to compute the vectors

for that subspace.

2.4.4 Relative vs. Additive Error

Now, we demonstrate that, unless r ≈ m, it is not possible to replace the additive error guarantees of

Theorem 2.15 with relative error guarantees.

Lemma 2.16. Assume that given any matrix pair (A, B) and any constant 0 < ε < 1, Algorithm 5 computes

a pair (A, B) by setting a sufficient large value for r in Step 2 so that the canonical correlations are relatively

preserved with constant probability, i.e., with constant probability:

(1− ε)σi(A, B) ≤ σi(A, B) ≤ (1 + ε)σi(A, B), i = 1, . . . , q.

Then, it follows that r = Ω(m/ log(m)).

Proof. The proof follows by a reduction to the set disjointness communication complexity problem. In

particular, assume that Alice gets an x ∈ 0, 1m as input and Bob gets y ∈ 0, 1m. Their goal is to

decide if there exists i ∈ [m] so that xi = yi = 1 by exchanging as less information as possible. It is

known that the randomized communication complexity of this problem is Ω(m), see [BYJKS04] for a

modern proof.

Set ε = 1/2 and let δ be a constant in Algorithm 5. Now, Alice and Bob can compute x =√


and y =√

mSHDy, respectively (using shared randomness). Then, Alice sends to Bob x. With constant

probabilty, it holds



〈x, y〉‖x‖2 ‖y‖2

≤ 1


〈x, y〉‖x‖2 ‖y‖2

≤ 3


〈x, y〉‖x‖2 ‖y‖2


Now, Bob can decide if there exists i, so that xi = yi = 1 by checking if 〈x, y〉 is zero or not. Hence, this


protocol decides the set disjointness problem. Now, since√

mSHD is an r×m matrix with entries from

−1, +1, it follows that ‖x‖∞ ≤ m. Therefore, we can encode x using at most r log(2m) bits. It follows

by the linear lower bound for set disjointness that r log(2m) ≥ Cm for some constant C > 0.

Chapter 3Matrix Algorithms

In this chapter1, we develop and analyze randomized approximation algorithms for two matrix com-

putational problems; the least squares problem (also known as linear regression) and the element-wise

matrix sparsification problem. Moreover, we present a deterministic algorithm for isotropic vector spar-

sification and, as a consequence, spectral sparsification.

3.1 Randomized Approximate Least Squares

Let A be an m×n non-zero real matrix and b be a real vector of size m. In the present section we analyze

randomized algorithms for the least squares problem. The least squares problem is formally defined as


Compute x ∈ Rn that is a minimizer of min

x∈Rn‖Ax− b‖22 . (3.1)

To ensure uniqueness on the above minimization problem, it suffices to impose the requirement of

returning a minimizing vector x of Eqn. (3.1) that additionally has the minimum Euclidean norm. In

this case, the minimum Euclidean norm vector that minimizes Eqn. (3.1) equals to xLS = A†b. Recall

that the standard direct methods for computing xLS require O(mn2) arithmetic operations. The main

objective here is to design faster algorithms that compute an approximation to xLS.

Here, two randomized algorithms are presented; each of which exploits randomness in a different

manner. The first algorithm is effective in the case of overdetermined linear systems2 and it is based on the

dimensionality reduction paradigm [DMM06a, Sar06, NDT09a, CW09a, NDT10, MZ11, DMMS11]. The

1Section 3.1 appeared in [MZ11] (joint work with Avner Magen) and in [ZF12] (joint work with Nick Freris). The section onthe element-wise matrix sparsification problem appeared in [DZ11] (joint work with Petros Drineas). The fast isotropic vectorsparsification algorithm appeared in [Zou12].

2By overdetermined linear systems, we mean linear systems that have many more constraints than variables.



first algorithm is due to [Sar06]; here our main contribution is that we obtain tighter analysis than the

analysis of [Sar06]. It is worth-mentioning that several surprising dimensionality reduction techniques

have been quite recently obtained in which the projection step can be performed in input sparsity time,

see [CW12, NN12, MP12]. The second algorithm which we call randomized extended Kaczmarz (REK) is

a randomized iterative algorithm that exponentially converges to xLS in expectation.

Least squares solvers

We give a brief discussion on least squares solvers including deterministic direct and iterative algo-

rithms together with recently proposed randomized algorithms. For a detailed discussion on determin-

istic methods, the reader is referred to [Bjo96]. In addition, we place our contributions in context with

prior work.

Deterministic algorithms In the literature, several methods have been proposed for solving least

squares problems of the form (3.1). Here we briefly describe a representative sample of such methods

including the use of QR factorization with pivoting, the use of the singular value decomposition (SVD)

and iterative methods such as Krylov subspace methods applied on the normal equations [Saa03]. LA-

PACK provides robust implementations of the first two methods; DGELSY uses QR factorization with

pivoting and DGELSD uses the singular value decomposition [ABD+90]. For the iterative methods,

LSQR is equivalent to applying the conjugate gradient method on the normal equations [PS82] and it

is a robust and numerically stable method.

Randomized algorithms To the best of our knowledge, most randomized algorithms proposed in the

theoretical computer science literature for approximately solving least squares are mainly based on the

following generic two step procedure: first randomly (and efficiently) project the linear system into

sufficiently many dimensions, and second return the solution of the down-sampled linear system as an

approximation to the original optimal solution [DMM06b, Sar06, CW09b, DMMS11], see also [CW12].

Concentration of measure arguments imply that the optimal solution of the down-sampled system is

close to the optimal solution of the original system. The accuracy of the approximate solution using this

approach depends on the sample size and to achieve relative accuracy ε, the sample size should depend

inverse polynomially on ε. This fact implies that these approaches are unsuitable for the high-precision

regime of error.

A different approach is the so called randomized preconditioning method, see [RT08, AMT10]. The

authors of [AMT10] implemented Blendenpik, a high-precision least squares solver. Blendenpik con-


sists of two steps. In the first step, the input matrix is randomly projected and an effective precondition-

ing matrix is extracted from the projected matrix. In the second step, an iterative least squares solver

such as the LSQR algorithm of Paige and Saunders [PS82] is applied on the preconditioned system.

Blendenpik is effective for overdetermined and underdetermined problems.

A parallel iterative least squares solver based on normal random projections called LSRN was re-

cently implemented by Meng, Saunders and Mahoney [MSM11]. LSRN consists of two phases. In

the first preconditioning phase, the original system is projected using random normal projection from

which a preconditioner is extracted. In the second step, an iterative method such as LSQR or the Cheby-

shev semi-iterative method [GV61] is applied on the preconditioned system. This approach is also ef-

fective for over-determined and under-determined least squares problems assuming the existence of a

parallel computational environment.

A detailed numerical evaluation of the randomized extended Kaczmarz method has been obtained

in [ZF12]. Here we highlight only its main points. In [ZF12], the randomized extended Kaczmarz

algorithm was compared against DGELSY, DGELSD, Blendenpik. LSRN [MSM11] did not perform well

under a setup in which no parallelization is allowed. The numerical evaluation of Section [ZF12, Section

5] indicates that the randomized extended Kaczmarz is effective on the case of sparse, well-conditioned

and strongly rectangular (both overdetermined and underdetermined) least squares problems. On the

other hand, a preconditioned version of the randomized extended Kaczmarz did not perform well

under the case of ill-conditioned matrices.

3.1.1 Dimensionality Reduction for Least Squares

We present an approximation algorithm for the least-squares regression problem; given an m× n, m≫

n, matrix A of rank r and a vector b ∈ Rm we want to compute xLS = A†b that minimizes ‖Ax− b‖2

over all x ∈ Rn and has the minimum Euclidean norm. In the paper [DMM06a], Drineas et al. show

that if we non-uniformly sample t = Ω(n2/ε2) rows from A and b, then with high probability the

optimum solution of the t×n sampled problem will be within (1+ε) close to the original problem. The

main drawback of their approach is that finding or even approximating the sampling probabilities is

computationally intractable, i.e., requiresO(mn2) operations. Sarlos [Sar06] improved the above bound

to t = Ω(n log n/ε2) and gave the first o(mn2) relative error approximation algorithm for this problem.

In the next theorem we eliminate the extra logarithmic multiplicative factor from Sarlos bounds

and replace the dimension (number of variables) n with the rank r of the constraints matrix A. We

should point out that independently, the same bound as our Theorem 3.1 was obtained by Clarkson


and Woodruff [CW09a] (see also [DMMS11] and [CW12] for more recent improvements). The proof of

Clarkson and Woodruff uses heavy machinery and a completely different approach. In a nutshell they

manage to improve the matrix multiplication bound with respect to the Frobenius norm. They achieve

this by bounding higher moments of the Frobenius norm of the approximation viewed as a random

variable instead of bounding the local differences for each coordinate of the product. To do so, they rely

on intricate moment calculations spanning over four pages, see [CW09a] for more. On the other hand,

the proof of the present ℓ2-regression bound uses only basic matrix analysis, elementary deviation

bounds and ε-net arguments. More precisely, we argue that Theorem 2.1 (i.a) immediately implies that

by randomly-projecting to dimensions linear in the intrinsic dimensionality of the constraints, i.e., the

rank of A, is sufficient as the following theorem indicates.

Theorem 3.1. Let A ∈ Rm×n be a matrix of rank r and b ∈ R

m. Let 0 < ε < 1/3, 0 < δ < 1, R be a t ×m

random sign matrix rescaled by 1/√

t and xLS = (RA)†Rb.

• If t = Ω( rε log(1/δ)), then with probability at least 1− δ,

‖b− AxLS‖2 ≤ (1 + ε) ‖b− AxLS‖2 . (3.2)

• If t = Ω( rε2 log(1/δ)), then with probability at least 1− δ,

∥∥xopt − xLS

∥∥2≤ ε

σmin(A)‖b− AxLS‖2 . (3.3)

Remark 3. The above result can be easily generalized to the case where b is an m× p matrix B of rank at most r

(see proof). This is known as the generalized ℓ2-regression problem in the literature, i.e., arg minX∈n×p ‖AX− B‖2where B is an m× p rank r matrix.

Proof. Similarly as the proof in [Sar06]. Let A = UΣV⊤ be the SVD of A. Let b = AxLS + w, where

w ∈ Rm and w⊥colspan( A). Also let A(xLS − xLS) = Uy, where y ∈ R

rank(A). Our goal is to bound this


‖b− AxLS‖22 = ‖b− A(xLS − xLS)− AxLS‖22 = ‖w − Uy‖22 = ‖w‖22 + ‖Uy‖22 , since w⊥colspan(U)

= ‖w‖22 + ‖y‖22 , sinceU⊤U = I. (3.4)

It suffices to bound the norm of y, i.e., ‖y‖2 ≤ 3ε ‖w‖2. Recall that given A,b the vector w is uniquely

defined. On the other hand, vector y depends on the random projection R. Next we show the connec-


tion between y and w through the “normal equations”.

RAxLS = Rb + w2 =⇒ RAxLS = R(AxLS + w) + w2 =⇒

RA(xLS − xLS) = Rw + w2 =⇒ U⊤R⊤RUy = U⊤R⊤Rw + U⊤R⊤w2 =⇒

U⊤R⊤RUy = U⊤R⊤Rw, (3.5)

where w2⊥colspan(R), and used this fact to derive Ineq. (3.5). A crucial observation is that the colspan(U)

is perpendicular to w. Set A = B = U in Theorem 2.1 (i.a), and set ε′ =√

ε, and t = Ω( rε′2 log(1/δ)). No-

tice that rank (A) + rank (B) ≤ 2r, hence with probability at least 1− δ/2 we know that 1− ε′ ≤ σi(RU) ≤

1 + ε′. It follows that∥∥U⊤R⊤RUy

∥∥2≥ (1− ε′)2 ‖y‖2 . (3.6)

A similar argument (set A = U and B = w in Theorem 2.1 (i.a)) guarantees that (since t ≥ Ω( rε′2 log(1/δ)))


2=∥∥U⊤R⊤Rw− U⊤w

∥∥2≤ ε′ ‖U‖2 ‖w‖2 = ε′ ‖w‖2 (3.7)

with probability at least 1 − δ/2. Recall that ‖U‖2 = 1, since U⊤U = In. Therefore, condition on both

the events (3.6) and (3.7) (which occur w.p. at least 1 − δ) and take Euclidean norms on both sides of

Equation (3.5) to conclude that

‖y‖2 ≤ε′

(1− ε′)2‖w‖2 ≤ 4ε′ ‖w‖2 .

Summing up, it follows from Equation (3.4) that, with probability at least 1 − δ, ‖b− AxLS‖22 ≤ (1 +

16ε′2) ‖w‖2 = (1 + 16ε) ‖b− AxLS‖22 . This proves Ineq. (3.2).

Ineq. (3.3) follows directly from the bound on the norm of y repeating the above proof for ε′ ← ε.

First recall that xLS is in the row span of A, since xLS = VΣ−1U⊤b and the columns of V span the

row space of A. Similarly for xLS since the row span of RA is contained in the row-span of A. Indeed,

ε ‖w‖2 ≥ ‖y‖2 = ‖Uy‖2 = ‖A(xLS − xLS)‖2 ≥ σmin(A) ‖xLS − xLS‖2.

3.1.2 Randomized Extended Kaczmarz

The Kaczmarz method is an iterative projection algorithm for solving linear systems of equations [Kac37].

Due to its simplicity, the Kaczmarz method has found numerous applications including image recon-

struction, distributed computation and signal processing to name a few [FCM+92, Her80, Nat01, FZ12],


see [Cen81] for more applications. The Kaczmarz method has also been rediscovered in the field of

image reconstruction and called ART (Algebraic Reconstruction Technique) [GBH70], see also [CZ97,

Her80] for additional references. It has been also applied to more general settings, see [Cen81, Table 1]

and [Tom55, McC75] for non-linear versions of the Kaczmarz method.

Throughout Section 3.1.2, all vectors are assumed to be column vectors. The Kaczmarz method op-

erates as follows: Initially, it starts with an arbitrary vector x(0) ∈ Rn. In each iteration, the Kaczmarz

method goes through the rows of A in a cyclic manner3 and for each selected row, say i-th row A(i),

it orthogonally projects the current estimate vector onto the affine hyperplane defined by the i-th con-

straint of Ax = b, i.e., x |⟨A(i), x

⟩= bi where 〈·, ·〉 is the Euclidean inner product. More precisely,

assuming that the ik-th row has been selected at k-th iteration, then the (k +1)-th estimate vector x(k+1)

is inductively defined by

x(k+1) := x(k) + λk

bik−⟨A(ik), x(k)





where λk ∈ R are the so-called relaxation parameters and ‖·‖2 denotes the Euclidean norm. The original

Kaczmarz method corresponds to λk = 1 for all k ≥ 0 and all other setting of λk’s are usually referred

as the relaxed Kaczmarz method in the literature [Cen81, Gal03].

Kaczmarz proved that this process converges to the unique solution for square non-singular ma-

trices [Kac37], but without any attempt to bound the rate of convergence. Bounds on the rate of con-

vergence of the Kaczmarz method are given in [McC75], [Ans84] and [Gal03, Theorem 4.4, p.120]. In

addition, an error analysis of the Kaczmarz method under the finite precision model of computation is

given in [Kni93, Kni96].

Nevertheless, the Kaczmarz method converges even if the linear system Ax = b is overdeter-

mined (m > n) and has no solution. In this case and provided that A has full column rank, the

Kaczmarz method converges to the least squares estimate. This was first observed by Whitney and

Meany [WM67] who proved that the relaxed Kaczmarz method converges provided that the relaxation

parameters are within [0, 2] and λk → 0, see also [CEG83, Theorem 1], [Tan71] and [HN90] for addi-

tional references.

In the literature there was empirical evidence that selecting the rows non-uniformly at random may

be more effective than selecting the rows via Kaczmarz’s cyclic manner [HM93, FCM+92]. Towards

explaining such an empirical evidence, Strohmer and Vershynin proposed a simple randomized variant

of the Kaczmarz method that has exponential convergence in expectation [SV09] assuming that the linear

system is solvable; see also [LL10] for extensions to linear constraints. A randomized iterative algorithm

3That is, selecting the indices of the rows from the sequence 1, 2, . . . , m, 1, 2, . . ..


that computes a sequence of random vectors x(0),x(1), . . . is said to converge in expectation to a vector x∗

if and only if E∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥2

2→ 0 as k →∞, where the expectation is taken over the random choices of

the algorithm. Soon after [SV09], Needell analyzed the behavior of the randomized Kaczmarz method

for the case of full column rank linear systems that do not have any solution [Nee10]. Namely, Needell

proved that the randomized Kaczmarz estimate vector is (in the limit) within a fixed distance from the

least squares solution and also that this distance is proportional to the distance of b from the column

space of A. In other words, Needell proved that the randomized Kaczmarz method is effective for least

squares problems whose least squares error is negligible.

We present a randomized iterative least squares solver (REK, Algorithm 7) that converges in expec-

tation to xLS. REK is based on [SV09, Nee10] and inspired by [Pop99]. More precisely the proposed

algorithm can be thought of as a randomized variant of Popa’s extended Kaczmarz method [Pop99],

therefore we named it as randomized extended Kaczmarz.

Roadmap First, we discuss the convergence properties of the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm for

solvable systems as in [SV09] (Theorem 3.2) and also recall its analysis for non-solvable systems (Theo-

rem 3.5). Second, we present and analyze the randomized extended Kaczmarz algorithm.

Randomized Kaczmarz

Strohmer and Vershynin proposed the following randomized variant of Kaczmarz algorithm (Algo-

rithm 6), see [SV09] for more details. The following theorem is a restatement of the main result of [SV09]

without imposing the full column rank assumption.

Theorem 3.2. Let A ∈ Rm×n, b ∈ R

m and T > 1 be the input to Algorithm 6. Assume that Ax = b has a

solution and denote xLS := A†b. In exact arithmetic, Algorithm 6 converges to xLS in expectation:


∥∥∥x(k) − xLS



1− 1

κ2F (A)

)k ∥∥∥x(0) − xLS


2∀ k > 0. (3.8)

Remark 4. The above theorem has been proved in [SV09] for the case of full column rank. Also, the rate

of expected convergence in [SV09] is 1 − 1/κ2(A) where κ2(A) := ‖A‖2F /σmin (m,n)(A⊤A). Notice that if

rank (A) < n, then κ2(A) is infinite whereas κ2F (A) is bounded.

We devote the rest of this subsection to prove Theorem 3.2 following [SV09]. The proof is based

on the following two elementary lemmas which both appeared in [SV09]. However, in our setting, the

second lemma is not identical to that in [SV09].


Algorithm 6 Randomized Kaczmarz [SV09]

1: procedure (A, b, T ) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n,b ∈ R


2: Set x(0) to be any vector in the row space of A

3: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , T − 1 do

4: Pick ik ∈ [m] with probability qi :=∥∥A(i)


2/ ‖A‖2F , i ∈ [m]

5: Set x(k+1) = x(k) +bik

−〈x(k), A(ik)〉



6: end for7: Output x(T )

8: end procedure

Lemma 3.3 (Orthogonality). Assume that Ax = b has a solution and use the notation of Algorithm 6, then

x(k+1) − xLS is perpendicular to x(k+1) − x(k) for any k ≥ 0. In particular, in exact arithmetic it holds that∥∥x(k+1) − xLS


2=∥∥x(k) − xLS


2−∥∥x(k+1) − x(k)



Proof. It suffices to show that⟨x(k+1) − xLS, x(k+1) − x(k)

⟩= 0. For notational convenience, let αi :=

bi−〈x(k), A(i)〉


for every i ∈ [m]. Assume that x(k+1) = x(k) + αikA(ik) for some arbitrary ik ∈ [m]. Then,

⟨x(k+1) − xLS, x(k+1) − x(k)

⟩=⟨x(k+1) − xLS, αik


= αik

(⟨x(k+1), A(ik)

⟩− bik


using the definition of x(k+1), and the fact that⟨xLS, A(ik)

⟩= bik

since xLS is a solution to Ax = b.

Now, by the definition of αik,⟨x(k+1), A(ik)

⟩=⟨x(k), A(ik)

⟩+ αik


2=⟨x(k), A(ik)

⟩+ bik

−⟨x(k), A(ik)

⟩= bik


The above lemma provides a formula for the error at each iteration. Ideally, we seek to minimize the

error at each iteration which is equivalent to maximizing∥∥x(k+1) − x(k)


over the choice of the row

projections of the algorithm. The next lemma suggests that by randomly picking the rows of A reduces

the error in expectation.

Lemma 3.4 (Expected Error Reduction). Assume that Ax = b has a solution. Let Z be a random variable

over [m] with distribution P (Z = i) =‖A(i)‖2



and assume that x(k) is a vector in the row space of A. If

x(k+1) := x(k) +bZ−〈x(k), A



A(Z) (in exact arithmetic), then


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS



1− 1


)∥∥∥x(k) − xLS


2. (3.9)

Proof. In light of Lemma 3.3, it suffices to show that EZ

∥∥x(k+1) − x(k)∥∥2

2≥ 1


∥∥x(k) − xLS


2. By the


definition of x(k+1), it follows


∥∥∥x(k+1) − x(k)∥∥∥


2= EZ


bZ −⟨x(k), A(Z)




)2 ∥∥∥A(Z)∥∥∥



= EZ

⟨xLS − x(k), A(Z)







⟨xLS − x(k), A(i)



∥∥A(xLS − x(k))∥∥2



By hypothesis, x(k) is in the row space of A for any k when x(0) is; in addition, the same is true for xLS

by the definition of pseudo-inverse [GL96]. Therefore,∥∥A(xLS − x(k))

∥∥2≥ σmin

∥∥xLS − x(k)∥∥


Theorem 3.2 follows by iterating Lemma 3.4, we get that


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS



1− 1


)k ∥∥∥x(0) − xLS



Randomized Kaczmarz Applied to Noisy Linear Systems

The analysis of Strohmer and Vershynin is based on the restrictive assumption that the linear system

has a solution. Needell made a step further and analyzed the more general setting in which the lin-

ear system does not have any solution and A has full column rank [Nee10]. In this setting, it turns

out that the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm computes an estimate vector that is within a fixed dis-

tance from the solution; the distance is proportional to the norm of the “noise vector” multiplied by

κ2F (A) [Nee10]. The following theorem is a restatement of the main result in [Nee10] with two modi-

fications: the full column rank assumption on the input matrix is dropped and the additive term γ of

Theorem 2.1 in [Nee10] is improved to ‖w‖22 / ‖A‖2F. The only technical difference here from [Nee10] is

that the full column rank assumption is not necessary.

Theorem 3.5. Assume that the system Ax = y has a solution for some y ∈ Rm. Denote by x∗ := A†y. Let

x(k) denote the k-th iterate of the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm applied to the linear system Ax = b with

b := y + w for any fixed w ∈ Rm, i.e., run Algorithm 6 with input (A,b). In exact arithmetic, it follows that


∥∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥∥



1− 1



∥∥∥x(k−1) − x∗∥∥∥



. (3.10)

In particular,


∥∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥∥



1− 1

κ2F (A)

)k ∥∥∥x(0) − x∗∥∥∥






Proof. As in [Nee10], for any i ∈ [m] define the affine hyper-planes:

Hi := x :⟨A(i), x

⟩= yi


i := x :⟨A(i), x

⟩= yi + wi

Assume for now that at the k-th iteration of the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm applied on (A,b), the

i-th row is selected. Note that x(k) is the projection of x(k−1) onHwi

i by the definition of the randomized

Kaczmarz algorithm on input (A,b). Let us denote the projection of x(k−1) on Hi by x(k). The two

affine hyper-planes Hi,Hwi

i are parallel with common normal A(i), so x(k) is the projection of x(k) on

Hi and the minimum distance between Hi and Hwi

i equals |wi|/∥∥A(i)

∥∥2. In addition, x∗ ∈ Hi since

⟨x∗, A(i)

⟩= yi, therefore by orthogonality we get that

∥∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥∥


2=∥∥∥x(k) − x∗


2+∥∥∥x(k) − x(k)


2. (3.11)

Since x(k) is the projection of x(k−1) ontoHi (that is to say, x(k) is a randomized Kaczmarz step applied

on input (A,y) where the i-th row is selected on the k-th iteration) and x(k−1) is in the row space of A,

Lemma 3.4 tells us that


∥∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥∥



1− 1


)∥∥∥x(k−1) − x∗∥∥∥


2. (3.12)

Note that for given selected row i we have∥∥x(k) − x(k)





; by the distribution of selecting the

rows of A we have that


∥∥∥x(k) − x(k)∥∥∥









. (3.13)

Inequality (3.10) follows by taking expectation on both sides of Equation (3.11) and bounding its result-

ing right hand side using Equations (3.12) and (3.13). Applying Inequality (3.10) inductively, it follows



∥∥∥x(k) − x∗∥∥∥



1− 1

κ2F (A)

)k ∥∥∥x(0) − x∗∥∥∥





(1− 1

κ2F (A)



where we used that x(0) is in the row space of A. The latter sum is bounded above by∑∞


(1− 1

κ2F (A)



‖A‖2F /σ2min.


Randomized Extended Kaczmarz

Given any least squares problem, Theorem 3.5 with w = bR(A)⊥ tells us that the randomized Kacz-

marz algorithm works well for least square problems whose least squares error is very close to zero,

i.e., ‖w‖2 ≈ 0. Roughly speaking, in this case the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm approaches the

minimum ℓ2-norm least squares solution up to an additive error that depends on the distance between

b and the column space of A.

Here, the main observation is that it is possible to efficiently reduce the norm of the “noisy” part

of b, bR(A)⊥ (using Algorithm 3) and then apply the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm on a new linear

system whose right hand side vector is now arbitrarily close to the column space of A, i.e., Ax ≈ bR(A).

This idea together with the observation that the least squares solution of the latter linear system is equal

(in the limit) to the least squares solution of the original system (see Fact 1.1) implies a randomized

algorithm for solving least squares.

Next we present the randomized extended Kaczmarz algorithm which is a specific combination of

the randomized orthogonal projection algorithm together with the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm.

Algorithm 7 Randomized Extended Kaczmarz (REK)

1: procedure (A, b, ε) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n,b ∈ R

m, ε > 02: Initialize x(0) = 0 and z(0) = b

3: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . do

4: Pick ik ∈ [m] with probability qi :=∥∥A(i)


2/ ‖A‖2F , i ∈ [m]

5: Pick jk ∈ [n] with probability pj :=∥∥A(j)


2/ ‖A‖2F , j ∈ [n]

6: Set z(k+1) = z(k) − 〈A(jk), z(k)〉‖A(jk)‖22


7: Set x(k+1) = x(k) +bik


−〈x(k), A(ik)〉



8: Check every 8 min(m, n) iterations and terminate if it holds:

∥∥Ax(k) − (b− z(k))∥∥





≤ ε and





≤ ε.

9: end for10: Output x(k)

11: end procedure

The algorithm The proposed algorithm consists of two components. The first component consisting

of Steps 5 and 6 is responsible to implicitly maintain an approximation to bR(A) formed by b − z(k).

The second component, consisting of Steps 4 and 7, applies the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm with

input A and the current approximation b− z(k) of bR(A), i.e., applies the randomized Kaczmarz on the

system Ax = b− z(k). Since b− z(k) converges to bR(A), x(k) will eventually converge to the minimum


Euclidean norm solution of Ax = bR(A) which equals to xLS = A†b (see Fact 1.1).

The stopping criterion of Step 8 is based on the following analysis. Assume that the termination

criteria are met for some k > 0. Let z(k) = bR(A)⊥ + w for some w ∈ R(A) (which holds by the

definition of z(k)). Then,


2=∥∥A⊤(bR(A)⊥ + w)



∥∥2≥ σmin(A)

∥∥∥z(k) − bR(A)⊥


By rearranging terms and using the second part of the termination criterion, it follows that∥∥z(k) − bR(A)⊥






2. Now,

∥∥∥A(x(k) − xLS)∥∥∥

2≤∥∥∥Ax(k) − (b− z(k))


+∥∥∥b− z(k) − AxLS


≤ ε ‖A‖F


2+∥∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(k)


≤ ε ‖A‖F


2+ ε‖A‖2Fσmin



where we used the triangle inequality, the first part of the termination rule together with bR(A) = AxLS

and the above discussion. Now, since x(k),xLS ∈ R(A⊤), it follows that

∥∥x(k) − xLS



≤ εκF(A)(1 + κF(A)). (3.14)

Equation (3.14) demonstrates that the forward error of REK after termination is bounded.

Rate of convergence The following theorem bounds the expected rate of convergence of Algorithm 7.

Theorem 3.6. After T > 1 iterations, in exact arithmetic, Algorithm 7 with input A (possibly rank-deficient)

and b computes a vector x(T ) such that


∥∥∥x(T ) − xLS



1− 1


)⌊T/2⌋ (1 + 2 cond (A)2

)‖xLS‖22 .

Proof. For the sake of notation, set α = 1 − 1/κ2F (A) and denote by Ek[·] := E[· | i0, j0, i1, j1, . . . , ik, jk],

i.e., the conditional expectation with respect to the first k iterations of Algorithm 7. Observe that Steps

5 and 6 are independent from Steps 4 and 7 of Algorithm 7, so Theorem 2.4 implies that for every l ≥ 0


∥∥∥z(l) − bR(A)⊥


2≤ αl





2. (3.15)

Fix a parameter k∗ := ⌊T/2⌋. After the k∗-th iteration of Algorithm 7, it follows from Theorem 3.5


(Inequality (3.10)) that


∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS


2≤ α

∥∥∥x(k∗−1) − xLS



∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(k∗−1)∥∥2



Indeed, the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm is executed with input (A,b − z(k∗−1)) and current es-

timate vector x(k∗−1). Set y = bR(A) and w = bR(A)⊥ − z(k∗−1) in Theorem 3.5 and recall that

xLS = A†b = A†bR(A) = A†y.

Now, averaging the above inequality over the random variables i1, j1, i2, j2, . . . , ik∗−1, jk∗−1 and

using linearity of expectation, it holds that


∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS


2≤ α E

∥∥∥x(k∗−1) − xLS



E∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(k∗−1)




≤ α E

∥∥∥x(k∗−1) − xLS






‖A‖2Fby Ineq. (3.15)

≤ . . . ≤ αk∗∥∥∥x(0) − xLS









‖A‖2F, (repeat the above k∗ − 1 times)

≤ ‖xLS‖22 +







‖A‖2F, since α < 1 and x(0) = 0.

Simplifying the right hand side using the fact that∑∞

l=0 αl = 11−α = κ2

F(A), it follows


∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS


2≤ ‖xLS‖22 +




min. (3.17)

Moreover, observe that for every l ≥ 0


∥∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(l+k∗)∥∥∥


2≤ αl+k∗ ∥∥bR(A)


2≤ αk∗ ∥∥bR(A)


2. (3.18)


Now for any k > 0, similar considerations as Ineq. (3.16) implies that


∥∥∥x(k+k∗) − xLS


2≤ α E

∥∥∥x(k+k∗−1) − xLS



E∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(k−1+k∗)




≤ . . . ≤ αkE

∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS





α(k−1)−lE∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(l+k∗)



‖A‖2F(by induction)

≤ αkE

∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS



αk∗ ∥∥bR(A)






αl (by Ineq. (3.18))

≤ αk(‖xLS‖22 +





)+ αk∗ ∥∥bR(A)



min (by Ineq. (3.17))

= αk ‖xLS‖22 + (αk + αk∗





≤ αk ‖xLS‖22 + (αk + αk∗

) cond (A)2 ‖xLS‖22 since


∥∥2≤ σmax ‖xLS‖2

≤ αk∗

(1 + 2 cond (A)2) ‖xLS‖22 .

To derive the last inequality, consider two cases. If T is even, set k = k∗, otherwise set k = k∗ + 1. In

both cases, (αk + αk∗

) ≤ 2αk∗


Theoretical bounds on time complexity In this section, we discuss the running time complexity of the

randomized extended Kaczmarz (Algorithm 7). Recall that REK is a Las-Vegas randomized algorithm,

i.e., the algorithm always outputs an “approximately correct” least squares estimate (satisfying (3.14))

but its runnning time is a random variable. Given any fixed accuracy parameter ε > 0 and any fixed

failure probability 0 < δ < 1 we bound the number of iterations required by the algorithm to terminate

with probability at least 1− δ.

Lemma 3.7. Fix an accuracy parameter 0 < ε < 2 and failure probability 0 < δ < 1. In exact arithmetic,

Algorithm 7 terminates after at most

T ∗ := 2κ2F(A) ln

(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




iterations with probability at least 1− δ.

Proof. Denote α := 1 − 1/κ2F(A) for notational convenience. It suffices to prove that with probability at

least 1− δ the conditions of Step 8 of Algorithm 7 are met. Instead of proving this, we will show that:

1. With probability at least 1− δ/2:∥∥(b− z(T∗))− bR(A)

∥∥2≤ ε



2. With probability at least 1− δ/2:∥∥x(T∗) − xLS

∥∥2≤ ε ‖xLS‖2 /4.


Later we prove that Items (1) and (2) imply the Lemma. First we prove Item (1). By the definition of

the algorithm,


(∥∥∥(b− z(T∗))− bR(A)

∥∥∥2≥ ε



= P

(∥∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(T∗)∥∥∥


2≥ ε2





≤16 E

∥∥z(T∗) − bR(A)⊥∥∥2





≤ 16αT∗

/ε2 ≤ δ/2

the first equality follows since b − bR(A) = bR(A)⊥ , the second inequality is Markov’s inequality, the

third inequality follows by Theorem 2.4, and the last inequality since T ∗ ≥ κ2F(A) ln( 32

δε2 ).

Now, we prove Item (2):


(∥∥∥x(T∗) − xLS

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖xLS‖2 /4


16 E∥∥x(T∗) − xLS



ε2 ‖xLS‖22≤ 16α⌊T∗/2⌋(1 + 2 cond (A)

2)/ε2 ≤ δ/2.

the first inequality is Markov’s inequality, the second inequality follows by Theorem 3.6, and the last

inequality follows provided that T ∗ ≥ 2κ2F(A) ln

(32(1+2 cond(A)2)



A union bound on the complement of the above two events (Item (1) and (2)) implies that both

events happen with probability at least 1 − δ. Now we show that conditioning on Items (1) and (2), it

follows that REK terminates after T ∗ iterations, i.e.,

∥∥∥Ax(T∗) − (b− z(T∗))∥∥∥

2≤ ε ‖A‖F







≤ ε.

We start with the first condition. First, using triangle inequality and Item 2, it follows that


2≥ ‖xLS‖2 −

∥∥∥xLS − x(T∗)∥∥∥

2≥ (1− ε/4) ‖xLS‖2 . (3.19)



∥∥∥Ax(T∗) − (b− z(T∗))∥∥∥

2≤∥∥∥Ax(T∗) − bR(A)


+∥∥∥(b− z(T∗))− bR(A)


≤∥∥∥A(x(T∗) − xLS)


+ ε∥∥bR(A)


≤ σmax

∥∥∥x(T∗) − xLS

∥∥∥2+ ε ‖AxLS‖2 /4

≤ εσmax ‖xLS‖2 /2

≤ ε/2

1− ε/4


2≤ ε



where the first inequality is triangle inequality, the second inequality follows by Item 1 and bR(A) =

AxLS, the third and forth inequality follows by Item 2 and the fifth inequality holds by Inequality (3.19)

and the last inequality follows since ε < 2. The second condition follows since


2=∥∥∥A⊤(bR(A)⊥ − z(T∗))

∥∥∥2≤ σmax

∥∥∥bR(A)⊥ − z(T∗)∥∥∥


≤ εσmax


∥∥2/4 ≤ εσ2

max ‖xLS‖2 /4

≤ ε/4

1− ε/4σ2



2≤ ε ‖A‖2F



the first equation follows by orthogonality, the second inequality assuming Item (2), the third inequality

follows since bR(A) = AxLS, the forth inequality follows by (3.19) and the final inequality since ε < 2.

Lemma 3.7 bounds the number of iterations with probability at least 1− δ, next we bound the total

number of arithmetic operations in worst case (Eqn. (3.20)) and in expectation (Eqn. (3.21)). Let’s cal-

culate the computational cost of REK in terms of floating-point operations (flops) per iteration. For the

sake of simplicity, we ignore the additional (negligible) computational overhead required to perform

the sampling operations (see Section [ZF12] for more details) and checking for convergence.

Each iteration of Algorithm 7 requires four level-1 BLAS operations (two DDOT operations of size

m and n, respectively, and two DAXPY operations of size n and m, respectively) and additional four

flops. In total, 4(m + n) + 2 flops per iteration.

Therefore by Lemma 3.7, with probability at least 1− δ, REK requires at most

5(m + n) · T ∗ ≤ 10(m + n) rank (A) cond (A)2 ln

(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




arithmetic operations (using that κ2F (A) ≤ rank (A) cond (A)


Next, we bound the expected running time of REK for achieving the above guarantees for any fixed ε


and δ. Obviously, the expected running time is at most the quantity in (3.20). However, as we will see

shortly the expected running time is proportional to nnz (A) instead of (m + n) rank (A).

Exploiting the (possible) sparsity of A, we first show that each iteration of Algorithm 7 requires at

most 5(Cavg + Ravg) operations in expectation. For simplicity of presentation, we assume that we have

stored A in compressed column sparse format and compressed row sparse format [BBC+87].

Indeed, fix any ik ∈ [m] and jk ∈ [n] at some iteration k of Algorithm 7. Since A is both stored in com-

pressed column and compressed sparse format, Steps 7 and Step 8 can be implemented in 5 nnz(A(jk)


and 5nnz(A(ik)

), respectively.

By the linearity of expectation and the definitions of Cavg and Ravg, the expected running time after

T ∗ iterations is at most 5T ∗(Cavg + Ravg). It holds that (recall that pj =∥∥A(j)


2/ ‖A‖2F)

CavgT∗ =








) ‖A‖




(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




= 2








(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




≤ 2




) maxj∈[n]






(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




≤ 2 nnz (A) cond (A)2ln

(32(1 + 2 cond (A)




using the definition of Cavg and T ∗ in the first equality and the fact that maxj∈[n]



2≤ σ2

max and∑n

j=1 nnz(A(j)

)= nnz (A) in the first and second inequality. A similar argument shows that RavgT

∗ ≤

2 nnz (A) cond (A)2ln(

32(1+2 cond(A)2)δε2

)using the inequality maxi∈[m]


2≤ σ2


Hence by Lemma 3.7, with probability at least 1 − δ, the expected number of arithmetic operations

of REK is at most

20 nnz (A) cond (A)2ln

(32(1 + 2 cond (A)



). (3.21)

In other words, the expected running time analysis is much tighter than the worst case displayed in

Equation (3.20) and is proportional to nnz (A) times the square condition number of A.

3.2 Fast Isotropic Sparsification

A set of n-dimensional vectors x1,x2, . . . ,xm is in isotropic position if∑m

i=1 xi ⊗ xi equals to the identity

matrix. Let A be then m × n matrix with m ≫ n whose row set consists of x1,x2, . . . ,xm. Given

0 < ε < 1 and A, the isotropic sparsification problem is the problem of selecting a small subset of rows


of A that (after rescaling) their sum of outer products spectrally approximates the identity matrix within

ε in the operator norm.

The matrix Bernstein inequality (see [Tro11b]) tells us that there exists such a set with sizeO(n log n/ε2).

Indeed, set f(i) = A(i) ⊗ A(i)/pi − In where pi =∥∥A(i)


2/ ‖A‖2F. A calculation shows that γ and ρ2 are

O(n). Moreover, Algorithm 1 implies an O(mn4 log n/ε2) time algorithm for finding such a set. The

running time of Algorithm 1 for rank-one matrix samples can be improved to O(mn3 polylog (n) /ε2)

by exploiting their rank-one structure. More precisely, using fast algorithms for computing all the

eigenvalues of matrices after rank-one updates [GE94]. Next we show that we can further improve the

running time by a more careful analysis.

Algorithm 8 Fast Isotropic Sparsification

1: procedure ISOTROP(A, ε) ⊲ A ∈ Rm×n,

∑mk=1 A(k) ⊗ A(k) = In and 0 < ε < 1

2: Set θ = ε/n, t = O(n lnn/ε2), and A(k) ← A(k)/√

pk for every k ∈ [m], where pk =∥∥A(k)



3: Set Λ0 = 0n and Z =√

θ A

4: for i = 1 to t do5: x∗

i = arg mink∈[m] tr(

exp[Λi−1 + Z(k) ⊗ Z(k)

]e−θi + exp

[−Λi−1 − Z(k) ⊗ Z(k)


⊲Apply m times Lemma 5.2

6: [Λi, Ui] = eigs(Λi−1 + Z(x∗i) ⊗ Z(x∗

i)) ⊲ eigs computes eigensystem

7: Z = ZUi ⊲ Apply fast matrix-vector multiplication8: end for

9: Output: t indices x∗1, x

∗2, . . . , x

∗t , x∗

i ∈ [m] s.t.






− In


≤ ε

10: end procedure

We show how to improve the running time of Algorithm 1 to O(mn2

ε2 polylog(n, 1


)) utilizing re-

sults from numerical linear algebra including the Fast Multipole Method [CGR88] (FMM) and ideas

from [GE94]. The main idea behind the improvement is that the trace is invariant under any change of

basis. At each iteration, we perform a change of basis so that the matrix corresponding to the previous

choices of the algorithm is diagonal. Now, Step 4 of Algorithm 1 corresponds to computing all the

eigenvalues of m different eigensystems with special structure, i.e., diagonal plus a rank-one matrix.

Such eigensystem can be solved in O(n polylog (n)) time using the FMM as was observed in [GE94].

However, the problem now, is that at each iteration we have to represent all the vectors A(i) in the new

basis, which may cost O(mn2). The key observation is that the change of basis matrix at each iteration

is a Cauchy matrix (see Appendix). It is known that matrix-vector multiplication with Cauchy matrices

can be performed efficiently and numerically stable using FMM. Therefore, at each iteration, we can

perform the change of basis in O(mn polylog (n)) and m eigenvalue computations in O(mn polylog (n))

time. The next theorem states that the resulting algorithm (Algorithm 8) runs in O(mn2 polylog (n))

time. We need the following technical lemma, before stating the theorem.


Lemma 3.8. Assume that the first (i− 1) indices, i < t have been fixed by Algorithm 8. Let Φ(i)k be the value of

the potential function when the index k has been selected at the next iteration of the algorithm. Similarly, let Φ(i)k

be the (approximate) value of the potential function computed using Lemma 5.2 within an additive error δ > 0

for all eigenvalues. Then,

e−δΦ(i)k ≤ Φ

(i)k ≤ eδΦ


Proof. Let τ1, τ2, . . . , τn be the eigenvalues of Λi−1 + Z(k) ⊗ Z(k). Let τ1, τ2, . . . , τn be the approximate

eigenvalues of the latter matrix when computed via Lemma 5.2 within an additive error δ > 0, i.e,

|τj − τj | ≤ δ for all j ∈ [n].

First notice that, by Step 5 of Algorithm 8, Φ(i)k = 2

∑nj=1 cosh(τj−λi). Similarly, Φ

(i)k := 2

∑nj=1 cosh(τj−

λi). By the definition of the hyperbolic cosine, we get that



cosh(τj − λi) =



cosh(τj − λi + τj − τj)





[exp(τj − λi)exp(τj − τj) + exp(−τj + λi)exp(−τj + τj)] .

To derive the upper bound notice that∑n

j=1 cosh(τj − λi) ≤ ∑nj=1 cosh(τj − λi)maxj∈[n]exp(τj −

τj), exp(−τj + τj) and the maximum is upper bounded by exp(δ). Similarly, for the lower bound.

Theorem 3.9. Let A be an m×n matrix with A⊤A = In, m ≥ n and 0 < ε < 1. Algorithm 8 returns at most t =

O(n lnn/ε2) indices x∗1, x

∗2, . . . x

∗t over [m] with corresponding scalars s1, s2, . . . , st using O(mn2 log3 n/ε2)

operations such that ∥∥∥∥∥



siA(x∗i) ⊗ A(x∗

i) − In


≤ ε. (3.22)

Proof. The proof consists of three steps: (a) we show that Algorithm 8 is a reformulation of Algorithm 1;

(b) we prove that in Step 5 of Algorithm 8 it is enough to compute the values of the potential function

within a sufficiently small multiplicative error using Lemma 5.2, and (c) we give the advertised bound

on the running time of Algorithm 8.

Set pi =∥∥A(i)


2/ ‖A‖2F, f(i) = A(i) ⊗ A(i)/pi − In and si = 1/pi for every i ∈ [m]. Observe that

‖A‖2F = tr(A⊤A

)= tr (In) = n. Let X be a random variable distributed over [m] with probability pi.

Notice that E f(X) = 0n and γ = n, since ‖f(i)‖2 =∥∥∥nA(i) ⊗ A(i)/



2− In

∥∥∥2≤ n for every i ∈ [m].

Moreover, a direct calculation shows that E f(X)2 = E (A(X) ⊗ A(X)/pX)2 − In = n∑m

i=1 A(i) ⊗ A(i) −

In = (n − 1)In, hence ρ2 ≤ n. Algorithm 1 with t = O(n ln n/ε2) returns indices x∗1, x

∗2, . . . , x

∗t so that



∑tj=1 fj(x

∗j )∥∥∥

2≤ γ ln(2n)

tε + ερ2/γ ≤ 2ε. We next prove by induction that the same set of indices are

also returned by Algorithm 8.

For ease of presentation, rescale every row of the input matrix A, i.e., set A(k) = A(k)

√θ/pk for every

k ∈ [m] (see Steps 2 and 3 of Algorithm 8). For sake of the analysis, let us define the following sequence

of symmetric matrices of size n

T0 := 0n,

Ti := Ti−1 + A(x∗i) ⊗ A(x∗

i) for i ∈ [t]

with eigenvalue decompositions Ti = QiΛiQ⊤i, where Λi are diagonal matrices containing

the eigenvalues and the columns of Qi contain the corresponding eigenvectors. Set Q0 = I and

Λ0 = 0. Notice that for every k ∈ [m], by the eigenvalue decomposition of Ti−1, Ti−1 + A(k) ⊗

A(k) = Qi−1(Λi−1 + Q⊤

i−1A(k) ⊗ Q⊤i−1A(k)


i−1. Observe that the above matrix (left hand

side) and Λi−1 + Q⊤i−1A(k) ⊗ Q⊤

i−1A(k) have the same eigenvalues, since they are similar matrices.

Let Λi−1 + Q⊤i−1A(x∗

i) ⊗ Q⊤

i−1A(x∗i) = UiΛiU

⊤i be its eigenvalue decomposition4. Then

Ti−1 + A(x∗i) ⊗ A(x∗

i) = Qi−1

(Λi−1 + Q


i) ⊗ Q





= Qi−1UiΛiU⊤iQ


It follows that Qi = Qi−1Ui for every i ≥ 1, so Qi = U1U2 . . .Ui. The base case of the

induction is immediate. Now assume that Algorithm 8 has returned the same indices as Algorithm 1

up to the (i − 1)-th iteration. It suffices to prove that at the i-th iteration Algorithm 8 will return the

index x∗i .

We start with the expression in Step 4 of Algorithm 1 and prove that it’s equivalent (up to a fixed

multiplicative constant factor) with the expression in Step 5 of Algorithm 8. Indeed, for any k ∈ [m],

(let C := θ∑i−1

j=1 f(x∗j ))

2 tr (cosh [C + θf(k)]) = tr (exp [C + θf(k)] + exp [−C− θf(k)])

= tr(


[Ti−1 + A(k) ⊗ A(k) − θiI

]+ exp

[−Ti−1 − A(k) ⊗ A(k) + θiI


= tr(


[Ti−1 + A(k) ⊗ A(k)

]e−θi + exp

[−Ti−1 − A(k) ⊗ A(k)


where we used the definition of cosh [·], f(i) and Ti−1 and the fact that the matrices commute. In

4by its definition, Ti has the same eigenvalues with Λi−1 + Q⊤i−1

bA(x∗i) ⊗ Q⊤




light of Algorithm 8 and the induction hypothesis, observe that the m × n matrix Z at the start of

the i-th iteration of Algorithm 8 is equal to AU1U2 . . . Ui−1 = AQi−1. Now, multiply the latter

expression that appears inside the trace with Q⊤i−1 from the left and Qi−1 from the right, it follows

that (let C := θ∑i−1

j=1 f(x∗j ))

2 tr (cosh [C + θf(k)]) = tr(

exp[Λi−1 + Z(k) ⊗ Z(k)

]e−θi + exp

[−Λi−1 − Z(k) ⊗ Z(k)


using that Qi−1 are the eigenvectors of Ti−1 and the cyclic property of trace. This concludes part


Next we discuss how to deal with the technicality that arises from the approximate computation

of the arg min expression in Step 5 of Algorithm 8. First, let’s assume that we have approximately (by

invoking Lemma 5.2) minimized the potential function in Step 5 of Algorithm 8; denote this sequence

of potential function values by Φ(1), . . . , Φ(t). Next, we sufficiently bound the parameter b of Lemma 5.2

so that the above approximation will not incur a significant multiplicative error.

Recall that at every iteration, by Ineq. (1.9) there exists an index over [m] such that the current value

of the potential function increases by at most a multiplicative factor exp(ε2ρ2/γ2

). Lemma 3.8 tells us

that at every iteration of Algorithm 8 we increase the value of the potential function (by not selecting

the optimal index over [m]) by at most an extra multiplicative factor e2δ, where δ is the additive error

when computing the eigenvalues of the matrix in Step 5 via Lemma 5.2. Therefore, it follows that

Φ(t) ≤ exp(2δt)Φ(t).

Observe that, at the i-th iteration we apply Lemma5.2 on a matrix∑i

j=1 A(xj)⊗A(xj) for some indices

xj ∈ [m] and moreover∥∥∥∑i

j=1 A(xj) ⊗ A(xj)



j=1 A(xj) ⊗ A(xj)/pxj



j=1 f(xj)− θiI∥∥∥


Triangle inequality tells us that∥∥∥∑i

j=1 A(xj) ⊗ A(xj)


is at most 2γθt for every i ∈ [t]. It follows that δ

is at most 2−b+1θtγ where b is specified in Lemma 5.2. The above discussion suggests that by setting

b = O(log(θγt)) = O(log(n log n/ε3)) we can guarantee that the potential function Φ(t) ≤ 2nexp(3tε2


This concludes part (b).

Finally, we conclude the proof by analyzing the running time of Algorithm 8. Steps 2 and 3 can be

done in O(mn) time. Step 5 requires O(mn log2 n) operations by invoking m times Lemma 5.2. Steps 6

can be done inO(n2) time and Step 7 requires O(mn log2 n) operations by invoking Lemma 5.1. In total,

since the number of iterations isO(n log n/ε2), the algorithm requires O(mn2 log3 n/ε2) operations.


3.2.1 Spectral Sparsification

Here, we show that Algorithm 8 can be used as a bootstrapping procedure to improve the time com-

plexity of [Sri10, Theorem 3.1], see also [BSS09, Theorem 3.1]. Such an improvement implies faster

algorithms for constructing graph spectral sparsifiers,,as we will see in § 4.2, and element-wise sparsifi-

cation of matrices,as we will see in § 3.3.2.

Theorem 3.10. Suppose 0 < ε < 1 and A =∑m

i=1 vi⊗vi are given, with column vectors vi ∈ Rn and m ≥ n.

Then there are non-negative weights sii≤m, at most ⌈n/ε2⌉ of which are non-zero, such that

(1− ε)3A A (1 + ε)3A, (3.23)

where A =∑m

i=1 sivi ⊗vi. Moreover, there is an algorithm that computes the weights sii≤m in deterministic

O(mn2 log3 n/ε2 + n4 log n/ε4) time.

Proof. Assume without loss of generality that A has full rank. Define ui = A−1/2vi and notice that∑m

i=1 ui ⊗ ui = In. Run Algorithm 8 with input uii∈[m] and ε which returns τii≤m, at most t =

O(n log n/ε2) of which are non-zero such that




τiui ⊗ ui − In


≤ ε. (3.24)

Define A = A1/2 (∑m

i=1 τiui ⊗ ui)A1/2 =∑m

i=1 τivi ⊗ vi. Eqn. (3.24) is equivalent to (1 − ε)In ∑m

i=1 τiui⊗ui (1+ε)In. Conjugating the latter expression by A1/2 (Lemma 1.10), we get that (1−ε)A

A (1 + ε)A. Apply [Sri10, Theorem 3.1] on A which outputs a matrix A =∑m

i=1 sivi ⊗ vi with non-

negative weights sii∈[m] at most ⌈n/ε2⌉ of which are non-zero, such that (1 − ε)2A A (1 + ε)2A.

Using the positive semi-definite partial ordering, we conclude that (1 − ε)3A A (1 + ε)3A.

3.3 Element-wise Matrix Sparsification

Element-wise matrix sparsification was pioneered by Achlioptas and McSherry [AM01, AM07]. The

authors of [AM07] described sampling-based algorithms to select a small number of elements from

an input matrix A ∈ Rn×n in order to construct a sparse sketch A ∈ R

n×n, which is close to A in the

operator norm. Such sketches were used in approximate eigenvector computations [AM01, AHK06,

AM07], semi-definite programming solvers [AHK05, d’A11], and matrix completion problems [CR09,

CT10]. Motivated by their work, we present a simple matrix sparsification algorithm that achieves


the best known upper bounds for element-wise matrix sparsification. Moreover, we present the first

deterministic element-wise sparsification algorithm by derandomizing the result of Section 3.3.1 using

the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm. Last but not least, we derive strong sparsification bounds for

symmetric matrices that have an approximate diagonally dominant5 property. Diagonally dominant

matrices arise in many applications such as the solution of certain elliptic differential equations via

the finite element method [BHV08], several optimization problems in computer vision [KMT09] and

computer graphics [JMD+07], to name a few.

3.3.1 Sparsification via Matrix Concentration

The main algorithm (Algorithm 9) zeroes out “small” elements of A and randomly samples the remain-

ing elements of A with respect to a probability distribution that favors “larger” entries. Our sampling

Algorithm 9 Matrix Sparsification Algorithm

1: Input: A ∈ Rn×n, accuracy parameter ǫ > 0.

2: Let A = A and zero-out all entries of A that are smaller (in absolute value) than ǫ/2n.3: Set s as in Eqn. (3.25).

4: For t = 1 . . . s (i.i.d. trials with replacement) randomly sample indices (it, jt) (entries of A), with

P ((it, jt) = (i, j)) = pij , where pij := A2ij/∥∥∥A∥∥∥


Ffor all (i, j) ∈ [n]× [n].

5: Output:

A =1






eite⊤jt∈ R


procedure selects s entries from A (note that A from the description of Algorithm 9 is simply A, but with

elements less than or equal to ǫ/(2n) zeroed out) in s independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) trials

with replacement. In each trial, elements of A are retained with probability proportional to their squared

magnitude. Note that the same element of A could be selected multiple times and that A contains at

most s non-zero entries. Theorem 3.11 is our main quality-of-approximation result for Algorithm 9 and

achieves sparsity bounds proportional to ‖A‖2F.

Theorem 3.11. Let A ∈ Rn×n be any matrix, let ǫ > 0 be an accuracy parameter, and let A be the sparse sketch

of A constructed via Algorithm 9. If

s =28n ln


ǫ2‖A‖2F , (3.25)

5A symmetric matrix A of size n is called diagonally dominant if |aii| ≥P

j 6=i |aij | for every i ∈ [n].


then, with probability at least 1− n−1,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ǫ.

A has at most s non-zero entries and the construction of A can be implemented in one pass over the input matrix

A (see Section 3.3.1).

We conclude this section with Corollary 3.12, which is a re-statement of Theorem 3.11 involving

the stable rank of A, denoted by sr (A) (recall that the stable rank of any matrix A is defined as the ratio

sr (A) := ‖A‖2F / ‖A‖22, which is upper bounded by the rank of A). The corollary guarantees relative error

approximations for matrices of – say – constant stable rank, such as the ones that arise in [Rec11, CT10].

Corollary 3.12. Let A ∈ Rn×n be any matrix and let ε > 0 be an accuracy parameter. Let A be the sparse sketch

of A constructed via Algorithm 9 (with ǫ = ε ‖A‖2). If s = 28n sr (A) ln(√

2n)/ε2, then, with probability at

least 1− n−1,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 .

It is worth noting that the sampling algorithm implied by Corollary 3.12 can not be implemented in

one pass, since we would need a priori knowledge of the spectral norm of A in order to implement Step

2 of Algorithm 9.

Randomized Element-wise Matrix Sparsification

Sparsity of eA Failure Citation CommentsProbability

ε > 4√

n · b16n ‖A‖2

F /ε2 + 84n log4 n Expected e−19 log4 n [AM07] n ≥ 700 · 106

n ≥ 1

R · b · n ‖A‖2F /ε2 Expected e−Ω(R·n) [GT09] ε > c1

√n · R · b

c2 ≤ 452

c2n log2“


log2 n

log n ‖A‖2F /ε2 Expected 1/n [NDT09b] ε > 0, n ≥ 300,

ε > 0, n ≥ 300

c3n log3 n ‖A‖2F /ε2 Expected 1/n [NDT10] Extends to tensors



ij|Aij |/ε Exact e−Ω(n) [AHK06] ε > 0, n ≥ 1

14n ln (2n/δ) ‖A‖2F /ε2 Exact δ Thm 3.11 ε > 0, n ≥ 1

Table 3.1: Summary of prior results in element-wise matrix sparsification. The first column indicates the number

of non-zero entries in eA, whereas the second column indicates whether this number is exact or simply holds inexpectation. In terms of notation, we let b denote the maxi,j |Aij | and R denote maxij |Aij |/minAij 6=0 |Aij |. Finally,c1, c2, c3, c4 denote unspecified positive constants.


Related Work. In this section (as well as in Table 3.1), we present a head-to-head comparison of our

result ([DZ11]) with all existing (to the best of our knowledge) bounds on randomized matrix spar-

sification. In [AM01, AM07] the authors presented a sampling method that requires in expectation

16n ‖A‖2F /ε2 + 84n log4 n non-zero entries in A in order to achieve an accuracy guarantee ε with a fail-

ure probability of at most e−19 log4 n. Compared with our result, their bound holds only when ε >


n · maxi,j |Aij | and, in this range, our bounds are superior when ‖A‖2F /(maxi,j |Aij |)2 = o(n log3 n).

It is worth mentioning that the constant involved in [AM01, AM07] is two orders of magnitude larger

than ours and more importantly their results hold only when n ≥ 700 · 106.

In [GT09], the authors study the ‖·‖∞→2 and ‖·‖∞→1 norms in the matrix sparsification context and

they also present a sampling scheme analogous to ours. They achieve (in expectation) a sparsity bound

of Rn ‖A‖2F maxi,j |Aij | /ε2 when ε ≥√

nR maxi,j |Aij |; here R := maxij |Aij |/ minAij 6=0 |Aij |. Thus, our

results are superior (in the above range of ε) when R ·maxi,j |Aij | = ω(log n).

It is harder to compare our method to the work of [AHK06], which depends on the∑n

i,j=1 |Aij |. The

latter quantity is, in general, upper bounded only by n ‖A‖F, in which case the sampling complexity

of [AHK06] is much worse, namely O(n3/2 ‖A‖F /ε). Finally, the recent bounds on matrix sparsification

via the non-commutative Khintchine’s inequality in [NDT09b] are inferior compared to ours in terms

of sparsity guarantees by at least O(ln2(n/ ln2 n)). Nevertheless, we should mention that the bounds

of [NDT09b] can be extended to multi-dimensional matrices (tensors), whereas our result does not

generalize to this setting; see [NDT10] for details.


Implementing the Sampling in one Pass over the Input Matrix. We now discuss the implementation

of Algorithm 9 in one pass over the input matrix A. Towards that end, we will leverage (a slightly

modified version of) Algorithm SELECT (p. 137 of [DKM06a]). We note that Step 3 essentially operates

Algorithm 10 One-pass SELECT algorithm

1: Input: aij for all (i, j) ∈ [n]× [n], arbitrarily ordered and ǫ > 0.2: N = 0.3: For all (i, j) ∈ [n]× [n] such that a2

ij > ǫ2


• N = N + a2ij .

• Set (I, J) = (i, j) and S = aij with probabilitya2ij

N .

4: Output: Return (I, J), S and N .

on A. Clearly, in a single pass over the data we can run in parallel s copies of the SELECT Algorithm

(using a total of O(s) memory) to effectively return s independent samples from A. Lemma 1 (page 136


of [DKM06a], note that the sequence of the a2ij ’s is all-positive) guarantees that each of the s copies of

SELECT returns a sample satisfying:

P ((it, jt) = (i, j)) =A2


∑ni,j=1 Aij

2 =A2




, for all t = 1, . . . , s.

Finally, in the parlance of Step 5 of Algorithm 9, (it, jt) is set to (I, J) and pitjtis set to S2/N for all

t ∈ [s].

Proof of Theorem 3.11 The proof of Theorem 3.11 will combine Lemmas 3.13 and 3.17 in order to

bound∥∥∥A− A


as follows:

∥∥∥A− A


=∥∥∥A− A + A− A

∥∥∥2≤∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2+∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ǫ/2 + ǫ/2 = ǫ.

The failure probability of Theorem 3.11 emerges from Lemma 3.17, which fails with probability at most

n−1 for the choice of s in Eqn. (3.25). The proof of Lemma 3.17 will involve the matrix-valued Bernstein

bound, see Chapter 1.

Bounding∥∥∥A− A


Lemma 3.13. Using the notation of Algorithm 9,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ǫ/2.

Proof. Recall that the entries of A are either equal to the corresponding entries of A or they are set to

zero if the corresponding entry of A is (in absolute value) smaller than ǫ/(2n). Thus,

∥∥∥A− A


2≤∥∥∥A− A





(A− A






4n2≤ ǫ2


Bounding∥∥∥A− A


In order to prove our main result in this section (Lemma 3.17) we will leverage a powerful matrix-

valued Bernstein bound originally proven in [Rec11] (Theorem 3.2). We restate this theorem, slightly

rephrased to better suit our notation.

Theorem 3.14. [THEOREM 3.2 OF [REC11]] Let M1, M2, . . . , Ms be independent, zero-mean random matrices

in Rn×n. Suppose maxt∈[s]




t Mt


≤ ρ2 and ‖Mt‖2 ≤ γ for all t ∈ [s]. Then, for


any τ > 0, ∥∥∥∥∥1






≤ τ

holds, subject to a failure probability of at most


(− sτ2/2

ρ2 + γτ/3


In order to apply the above theorem, using the notation of Algorithm 9, we set Mt =bAitjt


eite⊤jt− A

for all t ∈ [s] to obtain





Mt =1






eite⊤jt− A

]= A− A. (3.26)

It is easy to argue that E (Mt) = 0n for all t ∈ [s]. Indeed, if we consider that∑n

i,j=1 pij = 1 and

A =∑n

i,j=1 Aijeie⊤j we obtain

E (Mt) =






⊤j − A




Aijeie⊤j −



pijA = 0n.

Our next lemma bounds ‖Mt‖2 for all t ∈ [s].

Lemma 3.15. Using our notation, ‖Mt‖2 ≤ 4nǫ−1∥∥∥A∥∥∥


Ffor all t ∈ [s].

Proof. First, using the definition of Mt and the fact that pitjt= A2




‖Mt‖2 =



eite⊤jt− A












The last inequality follows since all entries of A are at least ǫ/(2n) and the fact that∥∥∥A∥∥∥


F. We

can now assume that







to conclude the proof of the lemma. To justify our assumption in Eqn. (3.27), we note that if it is violated,

then it must be the case that∥∥∥A∥∥∥

F< ǫ/(2n). If that were true, then all entries of A would be equal to

zero. (Recall that all entries of A are either zero or, in absolute value, larger than ǫ/(2n).) Also, if A

were identically zero, then (i) A would also be identically zero and, (ii) all entries of A would be at most

ǫ/(2n). Thus,∥∥∥A− A


= ‖A‖2 ≤ ‖A‖F ≤√






Thus, if the assumption of Eqn. (3.27) is not satisfied, the resulting all-zeros A still satisfies Theorem 3.11.

Our next step towards applying Theorem 3.14 involves bounding the spectral norm of the expectation

of MtM⊤t . The spectral norm of the expectation of M⊤

t Mt admits a similar analysis and the same bound

and is omitted.

Lemma 3.16. Using our notation,∥∥E(MtM


)∥∥2≤ n



Ffor any t ∈ [s].

Proof. We start by evaluating E(MtM


); recall that pij = A2






)= E



eite⊤jt− A



ejte⊤it− A⊤








⊤j − A



⊤i − A







⊤i − Aij Aeje

⊤i − Aijeie

⊤j A⊤ + pijAA⊤







mi · eie⊤i −






Aije⊤i −











where mi is the number of non-zeroes of the i-th row of A. We now simplify the above result using a

few simple observations:∑n

i,j=1 pij = 1, Aej = A(j),∑n

i=1 Aijei = A(j), and∑n

j=1 A(j)(A(j)

)⊤= AA⊤.

Thus, we get








mi · eie⊤i −








)⊤+ AA⊤






mi · eie⊤i − AA⊤.

Since 0 ≤ mi ≤ n and using Weyl’s inequality (Theorem 4.3.1 of [HJ90]), which states that by adding a

positive semi-definite matrix to a symmetric matrix all its eigenvalues will increase, we get that

−AA⊤ E(MtM


) n







= max



2, n∥∥∥A∥∥∥



= n




We can now apply Theorem 3.14 on Eqn. (3.26) with τ = ǫ/2, γ = 4nǫ−1∥∥∥A∥∥∥


F(Lemma 3.15), and

ρ2 = n∥∥∥A∥∥∥


F(Lemma 3.16) . Thus, we get that

∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ǫ/2 holds, subject to a failure probability of


at most


− ǫ2s/8

(1 + 4/6)n∥∥∥A∥∥∥




Bounding the failure probability by δ and solving for s, we get that s ≥ 14ǫ2 n





). Using



‖A‖F (by construction) concludes the proof of the following lemma, which is the main result of this


Lemma 3.17. Using the notation of Algorithm 9, if s ≥ 14nǫ−2 ‖A‖2F ln (2n/δ) , then, with probability at least

1− δ,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ǫ/2.

3.3.2 Deterministic Matrix Sparsification

To the best of our knowledge, all known algorithms for this problem are randomized (see Table 3.1).

In this section, we present the first deterministic algorithm. A deterministic algorithm for the element-

wise matrix sparsification problem can be obtained by derandomizing Algorithm 9.

Theorem 3.18. Let A be an n × n matrix and 0 < ε < 1. There is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm

that, given A and ε, outputs a matrix A ∈ Rn×n with at most 28n ln(

√2n) sr (A) /ε2 non-zero entries such that

∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 .

Proof. (of Theorem 3.18) By homogeneity, assume that ‖A‖2 = 1. Following the proof of Theorem 3.11,

we can assume that w.l.o.g. all non-zero entries of A have magnitude at least ε/(2n) in absolute value,

otherwise we can zero-out these entries and incur at most an error of ε/2.

Consider the bijection π between the sets [n2] and [n]×[n] defined by π(l) 7→ (⌈l/n⌉, (l−1) mod n+1)

for every l ∈ [n2]. Let Eij ∈ Rn×n be the all zeros matrix having one only in the (i, j) entry. Set

h(l) = D(


plEπ(l) − A

)where pl = A2

π(l)/ ‖A‖2F for every l ∈ [n2]. Observe that h(·) ∈ S2n×2n. Let

X be a random variable over [n2] with distribution pl, l ∈ [n2]. The same analysis as in Lemmas 3.15

and 3.16 of [DZ11] together with properties of the dilation map imply that ‖h(l)‖2 ≤ 4n sr (A) /ε for

every l ∈ [n2], E h(X) = 02n, and∥∥E h(X)2

∥∥2≤ n sr (A).

Run Algorithm 1 with h(·) as above. Algorithm 1 returns at most t = 28n ln(√

2n) sr (A) /ε2 indices

x∗1, x

∗2, . . . x

∗t over [n2] using O(n6 sr (A) log n/ε2) operations such that





h(x∗l )


≤ ε/2. (3.28)


Set A := 1t

∑tl=1 Aπ(x∗



l). Observe that A has at most t non-zero entries. Now, by the definition

of h(·) and properties of the dilation map, it follows that Ineq. (3.28) is equivalent to∥∥∥D(A− A


=∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε/2.

3.3.3 Sparsification for SDD Matrices

In this section, we give an elementary connection between element-wise matrix sparsification and spec-

tral sparsification of psd matrices. A direct application of this connection implies strong sparsification

bounds for symmetric matrices that are close to being diagonally dominant. More precisely, we give two

element-wise sparsification algorithms for symmetric and diagonally dominant-like matrices; in its

randomized and the other in its derandomized version (see Table 3.1). Both algorithms share a crucial

difference with all previously known sampling-based algorithms for this problem; that is, during the

sparsification process they arbitrarily densify the diagonal entries. As we will see later this twist turns

out to allow strong sparsification bounds. The next theorem presents stronger sparsification algorithms

for the special case of diagonally dominant matrices both randomized and deterministic.

Theorem 3.19. Let A be any symmetric and diagonally dominant matrix of size n and 0 < ε < 1. Assume for

normalization that ‖A‖2 = 1.

(a) There is a randomized linear time algorithm that outputs a matrix A ∈ Rn×n with at most O(n log n/ε2)

non-zero entries such that, with probability at least 1− 1/n,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε.

(b) There is a deterministic O(ε−2 nnz (A)n2 log n maxlog2 n, 1/ε2) time algorithm that outputs a matrix

A ∈ Rn×n with at most O(n/ε2) non-zero entries such that

∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε.

Recall that the results of [SS08, BSS09] imply an element-wise sparsification algorithm that works

only for Laplacian matrices. It is easy to verify that Laplacian matrices are also diagonally dominant.

Here we extend these results to a wider class of matrices (with a weaker notion of approximation). The

diagonally dominant assumption is too restrictive and we will show that our sparsification algorithms

work for a wider class of matrices. To accommodate this, we say that a matrix A is θ-symmetric diago-

nally dominant (abbreviate by θ-SDD) if A is symmetric and the inequality ‖A‖∞ ≤√

θ ‖A‖2 holds.

By definition, any diagonally dominant matrix is also a 4-SDD matrix. On the other extreme, every

symmetric matrix of size n is n-SDD since the inequality ‖A‖∞ ≤√

n ‖A‖2 is always valid. The fol-

lowing elementary lemma gives a connection between element-wise matrix sparsification and spectral

sparsification as defined in [Sri10].


Lemma 3.20. Let A be a symmetric matrix of size n and R = diag (r1, r2, . . . , rn) where ri =∑

j 6=i |Aij |. Then

there is a matrix C of size n×m with m ≤(n2

)such that

A = CC⊤ + diag (A)− R. (3.29)

Moreover, each column of C is indexed by the ordered pairs (i, j), i < j and equals to C(i,j) =√|Aij |ei +

sign (Aij)√|Aij |ej for every i < j, i, j ∈ [n].

Proof. The key identity is CC⊤ :=∑

l,k∈[n], l<k C(l,k) ⊗ C(l,k). Let l, k ∈ [n] with l < k, it follows that

C(l,k) ⊗ C(l,k) =(√|Alk|el + sign (Alk)


)(√|Alk|el + sign (Alk)



= |Alk|el ⊗ el + Alkek ⊗ ek + Alkek ⊗ el + |Alk|ek ⊗ ek.


CC⊤ =∑

l,k∈[n]: l<k

[|Alk|el ⊗ el + Alkek ⊗ ek + Alkek ⊗ el + |Alk|ek ⊗ ek] . (3.30)

Let’s first prove the equality for the off-diagonal entries of Eqn (3.29). Let l < k and l, k ∈ [n]. By

construction, the only term of the sum that contributes to the (i, j) and (j, i) entry of the right hand side

of Eqn. (3.30) is the term C(i,j)⊗C(i,j). Moreover, this term equals |Aij |ei⊗ ei +Aijei⊗ ej +Aijej ⊗ ei +

|Aij |ej ⊗ ej . Since Aij = Aji this proves that the off-diagonal entries are equal.

For the diagonal entries of Eqn. (3.29), it suffices to prove that (CC⊤)ii = ri. First observe that

the last two terms of the sum in the right hand side of (3.30) do not contribute to any diagonal entry.

Second, the first two terms contribute only when l = i or k = i. In the case where l = i, the contribution

of the sum equals to∑

i<k |Aik|. On the other case (k = i), the contribution of the sum is equal to∑

l<i |Ali|. However, A is symmetric so Ali = Ail for every l < i. It follows that the total contribution is∑

i<k |Aik|+∑

l<i |Ail| =∑

j 6=i |Aij | = ri.

Remark 5. In the special case where A is the Laplacian matrix of some graph, the above decomposition is precisely

the vertex-edge decomposition of the Laplacian matrix, since in this case diag (A) = R.

Using the above lemma, we give a randomized and a deterministic algorithm for sparsifying θ-SDD

matrices. First we present the randomized algorithm.

Theorem 3.21. Let A be a θ-SDD matrix of size n and 0 < ε < 1. There is a randomized linear time algorithm

that, given A, ‖A‖2 and ε, outputs a matrix A ∈ Rn×n with at most O(nθ log n/ε2) non-zero entries such that

w.p. at least 1− 1/n,∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2 .


Proof. In one pass over the input matrix A normalize the entries of A by ‖A‖2, so assume without loss

of generality that ‖A‖2 = 1. Let C be the n×m matrix guaranteed by Lemma 3.20, where m =(n2

), each

column of C is indexed by the ordered pairs (i, j), i < j and A = CC⊤ + diag (A) − R. By definition

of C and the hypothesis, we have that∥∥CC⊤∥∥

2= ‖A− diag (A) + R‖2 ≤ ‖A‖2 + ‖A‖∞ ≤ 2

√θ and

‖C‖2F = 2∑

i,j |Aij | ≤ 2n ‖A‖∞ ≤ 2n√


Consider the bijection between the sets [m] and (i, j) | i < j, i, j ∈ [n] defined by π(l) 7→ (⌈l/n⌉, (l−

1) mod n + 1). For each l ∈ [m], set pl =∥∥Cπ(l)


2/ ‖C‖2F and define f(l) := Cπ(l) ⊗ Cπ(l)/pl − CC⊤. Let

X be a real-valued random variable over [m] with distribution pl. It is easy to verify that E f(X) =

0n, ‖f(l)‖2 ≤ 2 ‖C‖2F for every l ∈ [m]. A direct calculation gives that∥∥E f(X)2

∥∥2≤ 2 ‖C‖2F


Matrix Bernstein inequality (see [Tro11b]) with f(·) as above (γ = 4n√

θ and ρ2 = 8nθ) tells us that if

we sample t = 38nθ ln(√

2n)/ε2 indices x∗1, x

∗2, . . . , x

∗t over [m] then with probability at least 1 − 1/n,


∑tj=1 f(x∗

j )∥∥∥

2≤ ε. Now, set C ∈ R

n×t where the j-th column of C(j) equals 1√tCπ(x∗

j ). It follows that∥∥∥1


∑tj=1 f(x∗

j )∥∥∥



∑tj=1 Cπ(x∗

j ) ⊗ Cπ(x∗j ) − CC⊤


=∥∥∥CC⊤ − CC⊤

∥∥∥2. Define A = CC⊤+diag (A)−R.

First notice that∥∥∥A− A


=∥∥∥CC⊤ − CC⊤

∥∥∥2≤ ε. It suffices to bound the number of non-zeros of A. To

do so, view the matrix-product CC⊤ as a sum of rank-one outer-products over all columns of C. By the

special structure of the entries of C, every outer-product term of the sum contributes to at most four

non-zero entries, two of which are off-diagonal. Since C has at most t columns, A has at most n + 2t

non-zero entries; n for the diagonal entries and 2t for the off-diagonal.

Next we state the derandomized algorithm of the above result.

Theorem 3.22. Let A be a θ-SDD matrix of size n and 0 < ε < 1/2. There is an algorithm that, given A and ε,

outputs a matrix A ∈ Rn×n with at most O(nθ/ε2) non-zero entries such that

∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2. Moreover,

the algorithm computes A in deterministic O(nnz (A)n2θ log3 n/ε2 + n4θ2 log n/ε4) time.

Remark 6. The results of [BSS09, Sri10] imply a deterministic O(nnz (A) θn3/ε2) time algorithm that outputs

a matrix A with at most ⌈19(1 +√

θ)2/ε2⌉n non-zero entries such that∥∥∥A− A

∥∥∥2≤ ε ‖A‖2.

Proof. Let C be the n × m matrix such that A = CC⊤ + diag (A) − R and m ≤ nnz (A) guaranteed by

Lemma 3.20. Apply Theorem 3.10 on the matrix CC⊤ and ε which outputs, in deterministic O(nnz (A) n2

θ log3 n/ε2 + n4θ2 log n/ε4) time, an n × ⌈n/ε2⌉ matrix C such that (1 − ε)3CC⊤ CC⊤ (1 + ε)3CC⊤.

By Weyl’s inequality [HJ90, Theorem 4.3.1] and the fact that ε < 1/2, it follows that∥∥∥CC⊤ − CC⊤



2. Define A := CC⊤ + diag (A) − R. First we argue that the number of non-zero entries of A

is at most n + ⌈2n/ε2⌉. Recall that every column of C is a rescaled column of C. Now, think the matrix-

product CC⊤ as a sum of rank-one outer-products over all columns of C. By the special structure of the


entries of C, every outer-product term of the sum contributes to at most four non-zero entries, two of

which are off-diagonal. Since C has at most ⌈n/ε2⌉ columns, A has at most n+ ⌈2n/ε2⌉ non-zero entries;

n for the diagonal entries and ⌈2n/ε2⌉ for the off-diagonal. Moreover, A is close to A in the operator

norm sense. Indeed,

∥∥∥A− A



⊤ − CC⊤∥∥∥

2≤ 5ε


2= 5ε ‖A− diag (A) + R‖2

≤ 5ε(‖A‖2 + ‖A‖∞) ≤ 10ε√

θ ‖A‖2

where we used the definition of A, Eqn. (3.29), triangle inequality, the assumption that A is θ-SDD and

the fact that θ ≥ 1. Repeating the proof with ε′ = ε10


and elementary manipulations conclude the


Chapter 4Graph Algorithms

In the present chapter1, we discuss applications of the tools analyzed in the previous chapters to graph

theoretic problems. More precisely, we discuss three problems: (i) the construction of expanding Cayley

graphs, (ii) an efficient deterministic algorithm for graph sparsification, and (iii) randomized gossip

algorithms for solving Laplacian systems.

4.1 Alon-Roichman Expanding Cayley Graphs

The Alon-Roichman theorem asserts that Cayley graphs obtained by choosing a logarithmic num-

ber of group elements independently and uniformly at random are expanders [AR94]. The origi-

nal proof of Alon and Roichman is based on Wigner’s trace method, whereas recent proofs rely on

matrix-valued deviation bounds [LR04]. Wigderson and Xiao’s derandomization of the matrix Cher-

noff bound implies a deterministic O(n4 log n) time algorithm for constructing Alon-Roichman graphs.

Independently, Arora and Kale generalized the multiplicative weights update (MWU) method to the

matrix-valued setting and, among other interesting implications, they improved the running time to

O(n3 polylog (n)) [Kal07]. Here we further improve the running time to O(n2 log3 n) by exploiting the

group structure of the problem. In addition, our algorithm is combinatorial in the sense that it only

requires counting the number of all closed (even) paths of size at most O(log n) in Cayley graphs. All

previous algorithms involve numerical matrix computations such as eigenvalue decompositions and

matrix exponentiation.

We start by describing expander graphs. Given a connected undirected d-regular graph H = (V, E)

1Both sections 4.1 and 4.2 appeared in [Zou12]. A preliminary version of Section 4.3 appeared in [FZ12] (joint work with NickFreris).



on n vertices, let A be its adjacency matrix, i.e., Aij = wij where wij is the number of edges between

vertices i and j. Moreover, let A := 1dA be its normalized adjacency matrix. We allow self-loops and

multiple edges. Let λ1(A), . . . , λn(A) be its eigenvalues in decreasing order. We have that λ1(A) = 1

with corresponding eigenvector 1/√

n, where 1 is the all-one vector. The graph H is called a spectral

expander if λ(A) := max2≤j|λj(A)| ≤ ε for some positive constant ε < 1.

Denote by mk = mk(H) := tr(Ak). By definition, mk is equal to the number of self-returning walks

of length k of the graph H . A graph-spectrum-based invariant, proposed by Estrada is defined as

EE(A) := tr (exp [A]) [ERV05], which also equals to∑∞

k=0 mk/k!. For θ > 0, we define the even θ-Estrada

index by EEeven(A, θ) :=∑∞

k=0 m2k(θA)/(2k)!.

Now let G be any finite group of order n with identity element id. Let S be a multi-set of elements

of G, we denote by S ⊔S−1 the symmetric closure of S, namely the number of occurrences of s and s−1

in S ⊔ S−1 equals the number of occurrences of s ∈ S. Let R be the right regular representation2, i.e.,

(R(g1)φ)(g2) = φ(g1g2) for every φ : G→ R and g1, g2 ∈ G. The Cayley graph Cay (G; S) on a group G

with respect to the mutli-set S ⊂ G is the graph whose vertex set is G, and where g1 and g2 are connected

by an edge if there exists s ∈ S such that g2 = g1s (allowing multiple edges for multiple elements in S).

In this section we prove the correctness of the following greedy algorithm for constructing expanding

Cayley graphs.

Theorem 4.1. Given the multiplication table of a finite group G of size n and 0 < ε < 1, Algorithm 11

outputs a (symmetric) multi-set S ⊂ G of size O(log n/ε2) such that λ(Cay (G; S)) ≤ ε in O(n2 log3 n/ε5)

time. Moreover, the algorithm performs only group algebra operations that correspond to counting closed paths

in Cayley graphs.

Remark 7. To the best of our knowledge, the above theorem improves the running time of all previously known

deterministic constructions of Alon-Roichman Cayley graphs [AK07, WX08, Kal07], see also [AMN12] for an

alternative polynomial time construction. Moreover, notice that the running time of the above algorithm is

optimal up-to poly-logarithmic factors since the size of the multiplication table of a finite group of size n isO(n2).

Let A be the normalized adjacency matrix of Cay(G; S ⊔ S−1

)for some S ⊂ G. It is not hard to

see that A = 12|S|

∑s∈S (R(s) + R(s−1)). We want to bound λ(A). Notice that λ(A) = ‖(I− J/n)A‖2.

Since we want to analyze the second-largest eigenvalue (in absolute value), we consider (I − J/n)A =


s∈S (R(s) + R(s−1))/2 − J/n. Based on the above calculation, we define our matrix-valued func-

tion as

f(g) := (R(g) + R(g−1))/2 − J/n (4.1)

2In other words, represent each group algebra element with a permutation matrix of size n that preserves the group structure.This is always possible due to Cayley’s theorem.


Algorithm 11 Expander Cayley Graph via even Estrada Index Minimization

1: procedure GREEDYESTRADAMIN(G, ε) ⊲ Multiplication table of G, 0 < ε < 12: Set S(0) = ∅ and t = O(log n/ε2)3: for i = 1, . . . t do4: Let g∗ ∈ G that (approximately) min. the even ε/2-Estrada index of Cay

(G; S(i−1) ∪ g ∪ g−1


over all g ∈ G ⊲ Use Lemma 4.35: Set S(i) = S(i−1) ∪ g∗ ∪ g−1

∗6: end for7: Output: A multi-set S := S(t) of size 2t such that λ(Cay (G; S)) ≤ ε8: end procedure

for every g ∈ G. The following lemma connects the potential function that is used in Theorem 1.19 and

the even Estrada index.

Lemma 4.2. Let S ⊂ G and A be the adjacency matrix of Cay(G; S ⊔ S−1

). For any θ > 0, tr



s∈S f(s)])


EEeven(A, θ/2) + 1− cosh(θ|S|).

Proof. For notational convenience, set P := In − Jn/n and B := θ2

∑s∈S(R(s) + R(s)−1). Since JR(g) =

R(g)J = J, we have that tr(


s∈S f(s)])

= tr (cosh [PB]). Now using Lemma 1.5, it follows

tr (cosh [PB]) = tr (P cosh [B] + I− P) = tr (cosh [B]) + tr(−J

n cosh [B] + I− P). Notice that J/n is a projec-

tor matrix, hence applying Lemmata 1.3 and 1.5 we get that



ncosh [B] + I− P

)= tr (− cosh [J/nB] + P + I− P) = 1− cosh(θ|S|).

The following lemma indicates that it is possible to efficiently compute the (even) Estrada index for

Cayley graphs with small generating set.

Lemma 4.3. Let S ⊂ G, θ, δ > 0, and A be the adjacency matrix of Cay (G; S). There is an algorithm that,

given S, computes an additive δ approximation to EE(θA) or EEeven(A, θ) in O(n|S|maxlog(n/δ), 2e2|S|θ)


Proof. We will prove the Lemma for EE(A, θ), the other case is similar. Let h := θ∑

s∈S s be a group

algebra element of G, i.e, h ∈ R[G]. Define exp [h] := id+∑∞


k! and Tl(h) := id+∑l


k! (where

h⋆k is the k-folded convolution/multiplication over R[G]) the exponential operator and its l truncated

Taylor series, respectively. Notice that θA = θ∑

s∈S R(s) = R(h), so EE(A, θ) = tr (exp [R(h)]) =

tr (R(exp [h])). We will show that the quantity tr (R(Tl(h))) is a δ approximation for EE(A, θ) when

l ≥ maxlog(n/δ), 2e2|S|θ.


Compute the sum of Tl(h) by summing each term one by one and keeping track of all the coef-

ficients of the group algebra elements. The main observation is that at each step there are at most

n such coefficients since we are working over R[G]. For k > 1, compute the k-th term of the sum by


s∈S css)k/k! = (

∑s∈S css)

k−1/(k−1)!·∑s∈S(cs/k)s. Assume that we have computed the first term of

the above product, which is some group algebra element denote it by∑

g∈G βgg for some βg ∈ R. Hence,

at the next iteration, we have to compute the product/convolution of∑

g∈G βgg with θ/k∑

s∈S s, which

can be done in O(n|S|) time. Since the sum has l terms, in total we require O(n|S|l) operations. Now,

we show that it is a δ approximation. We need the following fact (see [Hig08, Theorem 10.1, p. 234])

Fact 4.4. For any B ∈ Rn×n, let Tl(B) :=



k! . Then, ‖exp [B]− Tl(B)‖2 ≤‖B‖l+1


(l+1)! e‖B‖2 .

Notice that ‖θA‖2 =∥∥∑

s∈S θR(s)∥∥

2≤ θ|S| by triangle inequality and the fact that ‖R(g)‖2 = 1 for

any g ∈ G. Applying Fact 4.4 on θA we get that

‖exp [θA]− Tl(θA)‖2 ≤(θ|S|)l+1

(l + 1)!eθ|S| ≤

(eθ|S|l + 1





l + 1


≤ 1

2l+1≤ δ


where we used the inequality (l + 1)! ≥ ( l+1e )l+1 and the assumption that l ≥ maxlog(n/δ), 2e2θ|S|.

Proof. (of Theorem 4.1) By Lemma 4.2, minimizing the even ε/2-Estrada index in the i-th iteration is

equivalent to minimizing tr(


s∈S(i−1) f(s) + θf(g)])

over all g ∈ G with θ = ε. Notice that

f(g) ∈ Sn×n for g ∈ G, Eg∈RG f(g) = 0n since∑

g∈G R(g) = J. It is easy to see that ‖f(g)‖2 ≤ 2 and

moreover a calculation implies that∥∥Eg∈RG f(g)2

∥∥2≤ 2 as well. Theorem 1.19 implies that we get a

multi-set S of size t such that λ(Cay(G; S ⊔ S−1

)) =

∥∥∥ 1|S|∑

s∈S f(s)∥∥∥

2≤ ε. The moreover part follows

from Lemma 4.3 with δ = eε2

nc for a sufficient large constant c > 0. Indeed, in total we incur (following

the proof of Theorem 1.19) at most an additive ln(δneε2t)/ε error which is bounded by ε.

4.2 Deterministic Graph Sparsification

The second problem that we study is the graph sparsification problem. This problem poses the question

whether any dense graph can be approximated by a sparse graph under different notions of approxima-

tion. Given any undirected graph, the most well-studied notions of approximation by a sparse graph

include approximating, (i) all pairwise distances up to an additive error [PS89], (ii) every cut to an arbi-

trarily small multiplicative error [BK96] and (iii) every eigenvalue of the difference of their Laplacian


matrices to an arbitrarily small relative error [Spi10]; the resulting graphs are usually called graph span-

ners, cut sparsifiers and spectral sparsifiers, respectively. Given that the notion of spectral sparsification is

stronger than cut sparsification, we focus on spectral sparsifiers. An efficient randomized algorithm to

construct an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier with O(n log n/ε2) edges was given in [SS08]. Furthermore, an

(1+ε)-spectral sparsifier withO(n/ε2) edges can be computed inO(mn3/ε2) deterministic time [BSS09].

The latter result is a direct corollary of the spectral sparsification of positive semi-definite (psd) matri-

ces problem as defined in [Sri10]; see also [Nao11b] for more applications. For additional references,

see [FHHP11]. Here we present an efficient deterministic spectral graph sparsification algorithm for

the case of dense graphs.

Let us formalize the notion of cut and spectral sparsification. Let G = (V, E, we) be a connected

weighted undirected graph with n vertices, m edges and edge weights we ≥ 0. Spectral sparsification

was inspired by the notion of cut3 sparsification introduced by Benczur and Karger [BK96] to accelerate

cut algorithms whose running time depends on the number of edges. They designed algorithms that,

given G and a parameter ε > 0, output a weighted subgraph G = (V, E, we) with |E| = O(n log n/ε2)

such that

∀S ⊆ V, (1− ε)∑


we ≤∑

(S,S)∋e∈ eE

we ≤ (1 + ε)∑


we. (4.2)

We call such a graph G, an (1 + ε)-cut sparsifier of G. Let L and L be the Laplacian matrices of G and

G, respectively. Condition (4.2) can be expressed using the language of Laplacians as follows

(1− ε)x⊤Lx ≤ x⊤Lx ≤ (1 + ε)x⊤Lx, for all x ∈ 0, 1n. (4.3)

Spielman and Teng [ST11] devised stronger sparsifiers that extend (4.3) to all x ∈ Rn, but required

O(n logc n) edges for a large constant c. Quite recently, Spielman and Srivastava [SS08] constructed

sparsifiers with O(n log n/ε2) that satisfy

(1− ε)x⊤Lx ≤ x⊤Lx ≤ (1 + ε)x⊤Lx, for all x ∈ Rn. (4.4)

We say that G is an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier of G, if it satisfies Ineq. (4.4).

The latter result of Spielman and Srivastava [SS08] implicitly4 used the matrix Bernstein inequal-

ity (Theorem 1.15). In particular, they proved a stronger statement: they showed that there exists a

3Let S ⊆ V . A cut, denoted by (S, S), is a partition of the vertices of a graph into two disjoint subsets S and S. The cut-set ofthe cut is the set of edges whose end points are in different subsets of the partition. The weight of a cut equals to the sum of theweights of all distinct edges contained in the cut-set.

4To be precise, they used Vershynin and Rudelson’s matrix Chernoff bound [RV07], however the same bound follows via thematrix Bernstein bound as was noticed in [Zou11].


probability distribution over the edges of any graph G, so that sampling O(n log n/ε2) edges with re-

placement will result to a sub-graph of G that satisfies Ineq. (4.4) with high probability. They also gave a

nearly-linear time algorithm for constructing such spectral sparsifiers. Furthermore, an (1 + ε)-spectral

sparsifier with O(n/ε2) edges can be computed in O(mn3/ε2) deterministic time [BSS09]. In a recent

paper, the author obtained a faster deterministic algorithm than [BSS09] for the case of dense graphs

and constant ε. This was achieved by combining the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm (Algorithm 1)

together with tools from numerical linear algebra such as the Fast Multipole Method and fast solvers

for special type of eigensystems.

Theorem 4.5. Given a weighted graph G = (V, E) on n vertices, Ω(n2) edges with positive weights and

0 < ε < 1, there is a deterministic algorithm that returns an (1 + ε)-spectral sparsifier with O(n/ε2) edges in

O(n4 log n/ε2 maxlog2 n, 1/ε2) time.

The proof is a direct corollary of the fast deterministic isotropic sparsification algorithm, Algo-

rithm 8. The reduction from graph sparsification to sparsification of vectors in isotropic position was

first observed in [BSS09, Sri10].

Proof. Given the weighted Laplacian matrix L =∑

(i,j)∈E w(i,j)b(i,j) ⊗ b(i,j) where the i-th coordi-

nate of b(i,j) equals to 1, the j-th equals to −1, and zero otherwise. Theorem 3.10 with input the

vectors √webee∈E , outputs a set of positive weights see∈E (at most O(n/ε2) of them are positive)

in O(mn2 log3 n/ε2 + n4 log n/ε4) time so that

(1 − ε)L ∑


sewebe ⊗ be (1 + ε)L.

It follows that the induced subgraph by the non-zero weights sewee∈E is an (1+ ε)-spectral sparsifier

of G having at most O(n/ε2) edges.

4.3 Randomized Gossip Algorithms for Solving Laplacian Systems

We present distributed algorithms for solving Laplacian systems under the gossip model of computa-

tion (a.k.a. asynchronous time model) [BGPS06], for earlier references on the gossip model see [TBA86,

BT89]. The proposed algorithms are based on the randomized Kaczmarz and the randomized extended

Kaczmarz algorithms that have been discussed in Section 3.1.2. To the best of our knowledge, the con-

nection between the gossip model of computation and Kaczmarz-like algorithms was first observed

in [FZ12] and will be discussed in Section 4.3.4. In Section 4.3.5, we present an improved gossip al-


gorithm by exploiting the special structure of Laplacian matrices for the case of solvable Laplacian


4.3.1 The Model of Computation: Gossip algorithms

The gossip model of computation is also known in the literature as asynchronous time model [TBA86,

BT89]. Gossip algorithms can be categorized as being randomized or deterministic. Here, we focus on

the randomized gossip model (from now on we will drop the adjective randomized). The gossip model

is, roughly speaking, defined as the classical asynchronous model of computation enriched with the

additional assumption that each node can activate itself randomly in a fixed (pre-decided) rate. The

model implicitly assumes that the computational power of all nodes is comparable with each other.

More formally, the gossip model is defined as follows: Each node i has a clock which ticks at the

times of a γi Poisson process5. The model implicitly assumes that the clocks over all nodes of the net-

work run with the same speed (no clock drift). The inter-tick times of each node are rate γi exponential

random variables, independent over all the nodes and over time. Equivalently, using properties of the

Poisson distribution6, this corresponds to a single (global) clock ticking with a rate∑

i∈V γi Poisson

time process at times Z0, Z1, Z2, . . ., where Zk −Zk−1 are i.i.d. exponentials of rate γIkassuming that

node Ik ∈ V is selected at the k-th tick. It is easy to see that Ik are i.i.d. random variables distributed

over V with probability mass γii∈V .

A Chernoff bound type of argument can be used to relate the number of clock ticks to absolute

time (time units) which allows us to discuss the results in terms of clock ticks instead of absolute time,

see [BGPS06] for the details. Therefore, the algorithmic design problem under the gossip model is to

analyze distributed algorithms that require the minimum possible number of clock ticks in expectation

given a particular problem.

4.3.2 Related Work

The earliest reference in gossip or epidemic algorithms is the work of Demers et al. [DGH+87] in which

they first coined the term “gossip”, see also [Pit87]. The authors in [DGH+87] proposed gossip algo-

rithms for maintaining up-to-date replicates over a network of databases.

One of the most studied problem in distributed computation is the average consensus problem,

i.e., initially each node receives a value and each node should compute the average over all the node

5See [Fel66] for a detailed discussion about Poisson processes.6Let W1, . . . , Wn be n independent exponential random variables with rates γ1, . . . , γn, respectively. Let Wmin be the mini-

mum of W1, . . . , Wn. Then Wmin is an exponential random variable of ratePn

i=1 γi.


values. The analysis of classical (synchronous and asynchronous) distributed algorithms for the aver-

aging problem can be traced back to [TBA86]. The work of Karp et al. [KSSV00] presented a general

lower bound for the averaging problem for any graph and any gossip algorithm in the synchronous

setting. Gossip-based algorithms for aggregating information where the underlying graph is the com-

plete graph was studied in [KDG03], see also [KDN+06] for improvements. The analysis of random-

ized gossip-based averaging algorithms for an arbitrarily network topology was studied in [BGPS04,

BGPS06]. Although the results of [BGPS06] are stated for computing the average function, their theo-

retical framework can be easily extended to the computation of other functions as well including the

maximum, the minimum or product functions of the node values.

Solving Laplacian systems in a distributed manner is also a fundamental computational primitive

since several problems can be formulated as the solution of a Laplacian system such as the clock

synchronization problem over a network [GK11, EKPS04, FZ12]. Laplacian solvers have been ana-

lyzed in both the synchronous and asynchronous model of distributed computation using for example

the synchronous and asynchronous Jacobi iteration [TBA86]. On the other hand, to the best of our

knowledge, the design of Laplacian solvers under the gossip model of computation has not been well-

studied. Nevertheless, the techniques of [BGPS06] have been extended to provide an algorithm that

converges to a solution of any given Laplacian system [BDFSV10, XBL05, XBL06], for additional ref-

erences see [DKM+10, § IV]. The underlying idea of [BDFSV10, XBL05, XBL06] is to use the average

consensus algorithms of [BGPS06] as the main building block to solve Laplacian systems. The follow-

ing theorem summarizes7 the outcome of these approaches (see the following section for notation).

Theorem 4.6. [BDFSV10, Theorem 5] Let G = (V, E) be a connected network of n nodes and assume that

each node i ∈ V gets as input a value bi. There is a consensus-based algorithm so that: every node i ∈ V

asymptotically computes the i-th entry of the vector xLS, where xLS is the minimum ℓ2-norm solution vector of the

Laplacian system L(G)x = b.

We are not aware of any algorithmic results in the literature similar to the above theorem that also

provide bounds on the rate of convergence. The main purpose of this section is to present a distributed

Laplacian solver under the gossip model of computation with exponential convergence in expectation,

see Corollary 4.8.

7We should mention that the approaches of [BDFSV10, XBL05, XBL06] operate under a more general setting of time-varyingnetwork topologies requiring only weak conditions of connectivity [XBL06].


4.3.3 Preliminaries and Problem Definition

The communication network is modeled by an undirected graph G = (V, E). We let n := |V | be

the number of nodes/agents and m := |E| be the number of communication links. For simplicity,

communication is taken symmetric and moreover we assume that there are no communication failures.

Two neighboring nodes i, j : (i, j) ∈ E, can exchange packets to share information.

Let us label the nodes as 1, . . . , n and write the undirected edge e = (i, j) with i < j. Consider any

unknown vector x ∈ Rn of node variables, where variable xi corresponds to node i. The edge-vertex

incidence matrix of the graph B ∈ Rm×n has entries:

Bek :=

−1, if k = i;

1, if k = j;

0, otherwise.


Let L be the unnormalized Laplacian matrix of G, i.e., L = D − A where A is the adjacency matrix of

G and D is the diagonal matrix whose (i, i)-th entries is the degree of node i. It is a well-known fact

that L = B⊤B. The goal of this section is to design distributed algorithms under the gossip model of

computation that solve

Lx = b.

We assume that every node i ∈ V has access only to the values bi and bj for all j that are adjacent to

i. Since L is singular Lx = b may have no solution, therefore the goal is to compute, in a distributed

manner, the entries of the minimum ℓ2-norm least squares solution, xLS := L†b. More precisely, each

node i ∈ V has to compute (actually sufficiently approximate) the i-th coefficient of xLS.

Basics from graph theory For each i ∈ V , we define its neighborhood, Ni := j ∈ V : (i, j) ∈

E or (j, i) ∈ E. The degree of the node is di := |Ni|, and we define dmax := maxi di. Let λ1 ≤

λ2 ≤ . . . ≤ λn be the eigenvalues of L. For a connected graph we have that λ1 = 0, and 0 < λi ≤ dmax,

for i = 2, . . . , n. The second smallest eigenvalue of L denoted by λ2(G), also called the Fiedler value or

algebraic connectivity of G, can be lower-bounded via Cheeger’s inequality [Chu97] as follows: define for

each non-empty S ⊆ V , the volume to be the sum of the degrees of the vertices in S: vol(S) :=∑

i∈S di;

furthermore, let E(S, S) be the set of edges with one vertex in S and the other one in V \ S; finally, let

hG(S) := |E(S,S)|minvol(S),vol(S) . The Cheeger constant of G is defined as hG := minS 6=∅ hG(S). Then:

λ2(G) ≥ h2G

2dmax. (4.6)


We will show that the expected rate of convergence of the proposed random gossip algorithms depends

on λ2(G). From now on we implicitly assume that that input graph is connected.

Let B = UΣV⊤ be the (truncated) singular value decomposition of B, i.e., U and V are m × (n − 1)

and n × (n − 1) matrices with orthonormal columns respectively, and Σ is a diagonal matrix of size

(n− 1) with positive elements. Since L = B⊤B, it holds that L = VΣ2V⊤.

Basics from Linear Algebra We summarize an observation regarding the structure of the minimum

ℓ2-norm least-squares solution of Laplacian systems.

Lemma 4.7. Let xLS be the minimum ℓ2-norm least squares solution of Lx = b. Let x′LS

be the returned vector

after the following two-step procedure:

(a) Compute the minimum ℓ2-norm least squares solution of B⊤y = b, i.e., yLS := (B⊤)†b

(b) Compute and return the minimum ℓ2-norm least squares solution of Bx = yLS, i.e., x′LS

:= B†yLS

Then, x′LS equals xLS.

Proof. Notice that x′LS

= B†yLS = B†(B⊤)†b = VΣ−1U⊤UΣ−1V⊤b = VΣ−2V⊤b = L†b where we used

that B = UΣV⊤, U⊤U = I(n−1) and VΣ−2V⊤ = L†.

4.3.4 Randomized Gossiping via Randomized Extended Kaczmarz

We propose a randomized gossip algorithm that exponentially converges to the least-squares solution

of the Laplacian system corresponding to the underlying communication graph. The proposed gos-

sip algorithm is based on the randomized extended Kaczmarz method (Algorithm 7) as explained in

detail next. Namely, we translate the randomized extended Kaczmarz algorithm (Algorithm 7) to a

distributed Laplacian solver under the gossip model of computation.

Consider a given column of L with index j ∈ [n]. L(j) has dj +1 non-zero entries whose off-diagonal

entries are equal to −1 and its diagonal entry equals to dj , so∥∥L(j)


2= d2

j + dj . Moreover for any

z ∈ Rn we have

⟨z, L(j)

⟩= djzj −


zl. Step 6 of Algorithm 7 is translated to

z(k+1) ← z(k) +z(k)j − 1




dj + 1L(j).

In particular, if j ∈ V is selected the only coordinates of z that are updated are (zl)l∈Nibeause of

the sparsity of L(j). This part of the algorithm is clearly distributed in the sense that only the one-

hop neighbors of i make updates of their local estimates based solely on exchanging their previous



Similarly, consider a given row of L, say i ∈ [n], then for any x ∈ Rn we have

⟨x, L(i)

⟩= dixi −


xl as before. Step 7 of Algorithm 7 is translated to

x(k+1) ← x(k) +(bi − z

(k)i )/di − x

(k)i − 1




di + 1L(i).

Again, the above step can be implemented in a distributed setting, see Step 10 to Step 12 of Algo-

rithm 12. Putting all the above observations together, we end up with Algorithm 12. This algorithm

has exponential convergence in expectation as it almost immediately follows from Theorem 3.6, and its

rate of convergence depends solely on the topology of the underlying communication network.

Algorithm 12 Randomized Gossip Laplacian Solver

1: procedure2: for all nodes i ∈ V do ⊲ Initialization step

3: Set x(0)i = 0 and detect neighbors Ni

4: Node i obtains bj for all j ∈ Ni (hypothesis)

5: Set z(0)i = bi

6: end for7: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (each clock tick) do8: Pick a node ik ∈ V with probability proportional d2

ik+ dik

9: Node ik collects x(k)j and z

(k)j from all its neighbors j ∈ Ni

10: Node ik broadcasts: θ := z(k)ik− 1



z(k)l and ξ := (bik



(k)ik− 1




11: Node ik sets: z(k+1)ik

← z(k)ik




and x(k+1)ik

← x(k)ik




12: Every node j ∈ Niksets: z

(k+1)j ← z

(k)j − θ


and x(k+1)j ← x

(k)j − ξ


13: end for14: end procedure

Corollary 4.8 (Convergence rate of Algorithm 12). The updates of estimates produced by Algorithm 12



∥∥∥x(k) − xLS



1− λ22(G)


i d2i + di

)⌊k/4⌋ (‖xLS‖22 + 2 ‖b‖22 /λ2



In particular, for any ε > 0, if k ≥ 8P


i +di






), then E

∥∥x(k) − xLS

∥∥2≤ ε.

Proof. The proof is based on the fact that the iterations of Algorithm 12 are similar to the iterations of

Algorithm 7 applied on L. First notice that L is symmetric, so Step 8 produces a sample that follows

the correct distribution for both the rows and columns from L. The only difference between the itera-

tions of Algorithm 12 and Algorithm 7 is that only one sample is generated in Algorithm 12 whereas

Algorithm 7 two different samples; one for row sampling and the other for column sampling. However,

L is symmetric and the proof of Theorem 3.6 works through unchanged for Algorithm 12 which uses

a simple sample for both row and column sampling because L is symmetric and by the linearity of


expectation. Moreover, notice that ‖L‖2F =∑

i∈V (d2i + di) and σ2

min(L) = λ22(G).

4.3.5 Improved Randomized Gossiping for Laplacian Systems

Algorithm 12 requires, roughly speaking, O(∑

i∈V d2i /λ2

2(G)) number of rounds for convergence to a

vector arbitrarily close to xLS in expectation. Here we improve the above bound to O(m/λ2(G)) itera-

tions provided that Lx = b has a solution. The main idea is based on the special decomposition of the

Laplacian matrix, i.e., L can be written as B⊤B. Namely, we apply the two steps described in Lemma 4.7

in parallel to solve the Laplacian system. Assuming the notation of Lemma 4.7, observe that yLS is in

the column span of B (as a linear combination of the columns of U), hence the linear system Bx = yLS

is consistent. The above lemma suggests that we can utilize the randomized Kaczmarz (RK) algorithm

(Algorithm 6) to compute an approximation to yLS by iteratively solving B⊤y = b, and in parallel invoke

the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm to solve the linear system Bx = y(k) of Step (b) of Lemma 4.7. The

improvement of this approach is based on the fact that we now solve two linear systems with coefficient

matrix B and B⊤ instead of L(= B⊤B), so the condition number is square-rooted.

The sparsity structure of B implies that the randomized Kaczmarz solver when applied to both

B and B⊤ is implementable under the gossip model of computation via a similar reasoning as in the

previous sub-section. Indeed, see the comments in Step 12 and 14 of Algorithm 13. The comment in

Step 12 is immediate, whereas the comment in Step 14 needs more justification. Namely, it suffices to

show that Step 9 of Algorithm 13 produces a uniformly at random edge over the edge set. This is the

case, since sampling a node with probability proportional to its degree and then uniformly sampling

one of its adjacent edges is equivalent8 to sampling an edge at random. The following theorem is the

main result of this section.

Theorem 4.9. Fix a connected network G, ε > 0 and assume that b ∈ R(L(G)). For every9 k = Ω(m/λ2(G)),

the updates of estimates produced by Algorithm 13 satisfy:


∥∥∥x(k) − xLS


2≤ ε2.

We devote the rest of this section to prove Theorem 4.9. The proof is based on Lemmas 4.10, 4.11

and 4.12. Lemma 4.10 indicates that the estimates y(l) of Algorithm 13 converge exponentially to yLS

in expectation, since Steps 8, 10 and 11 perform updates of the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm on

8Indeed, fix any edge e = i, j ∈ E. The probability that e is selected equals to di2m




= 1m

(the probability that i

is selected and then e is selected plus the probability that j is selected and then e is selected).9

eΩ(·) hides logarithmic factors. See Lemma 4.12 for the exact bound.


Algorithm 13 Improved Randomized Gossip Laplacian Solver

1: procedure2: for all nodes i ∈ V do ⊲ Initialization step

3: Set x(0)i = 0 and detect neighbors Ni

4: Node i obtains bj and sets y(0)(i,j) = 0

5: Each pair of adjacent nodes (i, j) maintains a value of y(k)(i,j)

6: end for7: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (each clock tick) do8: Pick a node sk ∈ [n] w.p. proportional to dsk

9: Pick an edge (ik, jk) uniformly from the edges adjacent to sk (ik or jk equals to sk)

10: Node sk collects y(k)(sk,j) for all j ∈ Nsk

& computes θ = (bsk−∑j∈Nsk



11: Node sk broadcasts θ and for every j ∈ Nskboth sk and j compute y

(k+1)(sk,j) = y

(k)(sk,j) + θ

12: Comment: Steps 8, 10 and 11 correspond to RK on B⊤y = b:

y(k+1) = y(k) +bsk−∑j∈Nsk




13: Node ik and jk: x(k+1)ik

= x(k)ik

+ (y(k)(ik,jk) + x

(k)ik− x


)/2 and x(k+1)jk

= x(k)jk− (y

(k)(ik,jk) + x



)/2, resp.

14: Comment: Steps 9 and 13 corresponds to applying RK on Bx = y(k)

x(k+1) = x(k) +y(k)(ik,jk) − (x

(k)ik− x





15: end for16: end procedure


the system B⊤y = b. Lemma 4.11 states that during the course of Algorithm 13, in expectation, the

estimate vector x(k) are within a ball of fixed radius centered at xLS.

The main difficulty on proving Theorem 4.9 is the fact that Steps 9 and 13 of Algorithm 13 are equiv-

alent to applying a single iteration of the randomized Kaczmarz on the linear systems Bx = y(k)k∈N

whose right hand side is updated after each iteration. However, for sufficiently large k, y(k) is arbi-

trarily close to yLS (Lemma 4.10) and in addition∥∥x(k) − xLS


is bounded in expectation (Lemma 4.11).

Hence, after sufficiently many iterations, Step 10 of Algorithm 13 is applied on linear systems that,

in expectation, are arbitrarily close to the linear system Bx = yLS, since Bx = y(k) + yLS − y(k) and∥∥y(k) − yLS


is arbitrarily small. Lemma 4.12 formalized this discussion.

Lemma 4.10. Assuming the notation of Algorithm 13, for every l > 0 it holds that


∥∥∥y(l) − yLS



1− 1

κ2F (B)


‖yLS‖22 . (4.7)

Proof. Observe that Steps 8, 10 and 11 correspond to the randomized Kaczmarz method applied on

B⊤y = b. Equation (4.7) follows directly by Theorem 3.2 applied on B⊤y = b and the fact that b ∈

R(B⊤) by assumption.

Lemma 4.11. Assuming the notation of Algorithm 13, for every k > 0, it holds that


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS



1− 1



‖xLS‖22 + ‖yLS‖22 /σ2min(B).

Proof. Set α = 1 − 1/κ2F (B). We will show a uniform bound over all k > 0 on E

∥∥x(k) − B†yLS

∥∥2. The

crucial point of the proof is to think of the evolution of the algorithm as an application of the random-

ized Kaczmarz algorithm applied on a noisy linear system. By definition of the algorithm (Step 9 and

Step 13), at the k-th iteration we update the estimate x(k) to x(k+1) by applying the randomized Kacz-

marz update rule on Bx = y(k). Now, apply the analysis of the noisy randomized Kaczmarz on the

linear system Bx = y(k) (set w in Theorem 3 to be w(k) := y(k) − yLS and recall that xLS = B†yLS is a

solution to Bx = yLS) we get that


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS


2≤ α

∥∥∥x(k) − xLS






where Ek is the expectation conditioned on the first k iterations of Algorithm 13. Now averaging over


the first k steps of the algorithm and using linearity of expectation we get


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS


2≤ α E

∥∥∥x(k) − xLS







Applying inductively the above reasoning on the first term of the right hand side, it follows that


∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS


2≤ αk+1 ‖xLS‖22 +






‖B‖2F. (4.9)

Since α < 1, Lemma 4.10 tells us that E∥∥w(l)


2= E

∥∥y(l) − yLS


2≤ ‖yLS‖22 for every l > 0. We conclude



∥∥∥x(k+1) − xLS


2≤ αk+1 ‖xLS‖22 +





To conclude, observe that∑∞

l=0 αl = ‖B‖2F /σ2min(B).

Lemma 4.12. Fix any accuracy parameter ε > 0. If

k ≥ κ2F (B)


(2 ‖xLS‖22


2 ‖yLS‖22ε2σ2


)+ 2 ln

(2 ‖yLS‖22



then the updates of estimates produced by Algorithm 13 satisfy E∥∥x(k) − xLS


2≤ ε2.

Proof. Set α = 1 − 1/κ2F (B). Let l∗ and k∗ be constant to be specified shortly. Repeat the proof of

Lemma 4.11 for l∗ iterations starting at the (l∗ + k∗)-th iteration (use Ineq. (4.9)), it follows that


∥∥∥x(l∗+k∗) − xLS


2≤ αl∗


∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS











∥∥∥x(l∗+k∗) − xLS


2≤ αl∗


∥∥∥x(k∗) − xLS









αl ≤ αl∗

(‖xLS‖22 +








the first inequality follows by the fact that E∥∥w(k∗+j)


2≤ E


2for every j > 0, the second by the

convergence of the summation, the definition of α and Lemma 4.11. Now, set k∗ = 2κ2F(B) ln(





in Lemma 4.10 it holds that




2= E

∥∥∥y(k) − yLS


2≤ ε2σ2


To conclude, set l∗ = κ2F (B) ln



ε2 +2‖yLS‖2



), which implies that E

∥∥x(k∗) − xLS


2≤ ε2/2 ≤ ε2.

The statement of Theorem 4.9 follows by Lemma 4.12 since κ2F (B) = ‖B‖2F /σ2

min(B) = 2m/λmin(B⊤B) =


Chapter 5Conclusions

In the present thesis, we proposed randomized approximation algorithms for several computational

problems that can be framed using the (highly descriptive) language of linear algebra. In almost all

scenarios presented here, the proposed algorithms are asymptotically more efficient than the state-of-

the-art exact deterministic procedures for constant approximation error. We believe that the proposed

algorithms might be practical for applications in which an approximate solution within a few digits of

precision away from the exact answer is sufficient.

However, many applications require highly accurate approximations to the exact solution, namely

in the regime of ten to fifteen digits of precision. Most of the randomized algorithms discussed here

seem not applicable in such high accuracy regimes mainly because their time complexity depends in-

verse polynomially on the approximation error, i.e., poly (1/ε). Such an inverse polynomial dependency

is a consequence of the sampling bounds that are required by probabilistic considerations. On the other

hand there are cases, such as the paradigm of randomized proconditioning [RT08, AMT10], where ran-

domness turned out to be extremely useful on the high accuracy regime and even produced algorithms

that outperformed well-developed software packages (LAPACK) [ABD+90]. We believe that there are

many other such successful paradigms to be discovered.

Nevertheless, we hope that the research presented in this thesis triggers a lot of interesting questions

to pursue. We briefly enumerate some of the them below.

As we mentioned in Chapter 1, Wigderson and Xiao generalized the conditional expectation method

to the matrix-valued setting [WX08]. Along the same lines, we proposed the matrix hyperbolic cosine al-

gorithm in Section 1.2.6. Both these generalizations can be viewed as a derandomization on the space of

matrices equipped with the operator norm. The usefulness of similar matrix concentration inequalities



under a different class of norms, i.e., Schatten norms was presented in [Nao11a]. The main motivation

in [Nao11a] was to construct small-set expanding graphs and we should highlight that this construction

inspired researchers to design algorithms towards refuting the unique games conjecture [ABS10]. We

believe that an interesting research direction is to “derandomize” such matrix concentration inequali-

ties under the Schatten norm.

An additional open question that can be raised in Chapter 1 is about the balancing matrix game (see

end of Section 1.2.6): Does Spencer’s six standard deviation bound hold in the matrix-valued setting1?

Moreover, a better understanding of the connection between the matrix hyperbolic cosine algorithm

and Arora-Kale’s matrix multiplicative weights update method [AK07, Kal07] is an interesting direction

of research.

In Chapter 2, we analyzed randomized approximation algorithms for fundamental linear algebraic

computations. The main drawback of most of these algorithms is that they are effective only in the case

of highly rectangular matrices, i.e., input matrices containing much more rows than columns or vice

versa. Can randomness help us in the scenarios of “almost” square matrices? For example, is there an

efficient randomized algorithm for approximating the eigenvalues/singular values of square matrices?

One of the problems that we studied in Chapter 3 was the design of approximation algorithms for

solving linear regression problems. We are unaware of any lower bounds for this problem. Is there

a near-linear time randomized approximate least-squares solver? There is some recent indication that

this might be the case, however, under a weak notion of approximation [CW12].

Last but not least, we would like to pose a question regarding the approximate matrix multiplication

problem discussed in the beginning of Chapter 2. Unfortunately, the main theorem about approximate

matrix multiplication (Theorem 2.1) is only effective in the case of highly rectangular matrices and the

case of low stable rank matrices. So, is it possible that randomness is able to help us devise algorithms

for the cases of high stable rank almost square matrices?

1The author would like to thank Toni Pitassi for bringing this question into his attention.


We briefly recall an efficient and numerically stable algorithm for computing all the eigenvalues of any

rank-one updated diagonal matrix of size n that was proposed in [GE94]. This algorithm is the main

ingredient behind the fast isotropic sparsification algorithm 8 presented in Chapter 3.

Fast Multiplication with Cauchy Matrices and Special Eigensystems

We start by defining the so-called Cauchy (generalized Hilbert) matrices. An m × n matrix C defined


Ci,j :=1

ti − sj, i ∈ [m], j ∈ [n],

where t = (t1, . . . , tm), t ∈ Rm and s = (s1, . . . , sn), s ∈ R

n and ti 6= sj for all i ∈ [m] and j ∈ [n] is

called Cauchy. Given a vector x ∈ Rn, the naive algorithm for computing the matrix-vector product Cx

requiresO(mn) operations. It is not clear if it is possible to perform this computation in less thanO(mn)

operations. Surprisingly enough, it is possible to compute this product withO((m+n) log2(m+n)) op-

erations. This computation can be done by two different approaches. The first one is based on fast poly-

nomial multiplication, polynomial interpolation and polynomial evaluation at distinct points [BP94,

Algorithm 1, p. 130]. The main drawback of this approach is its numerical instability. The second ap-

proach is based on the so-called Fast Multipole Method (FMM) introduced in [CGR88]. This method

returns an approximate solution to the matrix-vector product for any given error parameter2. Ignoring

numerical issues that are beyond the scope of this work, we summarize our discussion to the following

Lemma 5.1. [BP94, CGR88] Let x ∈ Rn and C be a Cauchy matrix defined as above with t ∈ R

m, s ∈ Rn. There

2That is, given an n×n Cauchy matrix, a vector x ∈ Rn and 0 < ε < 1, returns a vector y ∈ Rn so that ‖y − Cx‖∞ ≤ ε ‖x‖∞in time O(n log2(1/ε)). In an actual implementation, setting ε to be a small constant relative to the machine’s (numerical)precision suffices; see [GE94, § 3] for a more careful implementation and discussion on numerical issues.



is an algorithm that, given vectors s, t,x, computes the product Cx using O((m + n) log2(m + n)) operations.

Given a self-adjoint matrix B = Σ + ρu ⊗ u, where Σ = diag (σ1, . . . , σn), ρ > 0 and u ∈ Rn is

a unit vector, our goal is to efficiently compute all the eigenvalues of B. It is well-known that the

eigenvalues of B are the roots of a special function, known as secular function [Gol71] and are interlaced

with σii≤n. In addition, evaluating the secular function requires O(n) operations implying that a

standard (Newton) root-finding procedure requiresO(n) operations per each eigenvalue. Hence,O(n2)

operations are required for all eigenvalues. In their seminal paper [GE94], Gu and Eisenstat showed

that it is possible to encode the updates of the root-finding procedure for all eigenvalues as matrix-

vector multiplication with an n × n Cauchy matrix. Based on this observation, they showed how to

use the Fast Multipole Method for approximately computing all the eigenvalues of this special type of

eigenvalue problem.

Lemma 5.2. [GE94] Let b ∈ N, ρ > 0, Σ = diag (σ1, σ2, . . . , σn) and u ∈ Rn be a unit vector. There is an

algorithm that given Σ, ρ,u computes all the eigenvalues of B = Σ + ρu⊗ u within an additive error 2−b ‖B‖2in O(n log2 n log b) operations.


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