Download - Random Free Writing #29

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Random Free Write #29

Roleplaying Kurome!

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A short idea I had one day that was originally going to be card.


A cool breeze ventured into the house this morning as Kurome walked down stair after stair, wondering what she could do today while her darling was still asleep. Relinquish had trained extremely hard with Akame yesterday, until midnight. Unfortunately for Relinquish, he had underestimated her. Akame was quick on her feet, the fastest fighter he had even seen. By the end of it Relinquish was physically exhausted. When he had laid down in the bed, and rested his head on the pillow, Kurome believed that he had drifted off to slumber in under thirty seconds.

“Darling...” Kurome shook her head with a light smile while she reached the last few steps, remembering how he was so tired that he didn't even wrap his hand around her waist and bring Kurome towards him—something extremely out of his character.

She had reached the final step, glancing towards the living room and kitchen. What could she possibly do to amuse her? There was no way in hell she would try reading one of Relinquish's books from the shelf. They were so complicated, cryptic, and long winded that it gave her a headache. “Symbolic”, he had called them—“If you say so...”, she would reply.

Perhaps laze on the couch with a few cookies to her side... Yet, how shefelt guilty and selfish for this line of though, but Kurome always enjoyed when Relinquish had made her sweets. In fact, not just sweets, nearly all forms of what he would call “sustenance.” Food didn't taste right anymore when she made it just for her. It longer satisfied her as much as it did before.

Running a hand through her hair and taking a few steps in front of her, she continued to devise someway, anyway to pass the time. Finally, she halted herself in place, and looked towards the right, leading to the doorto their house... And the coat rack.

It held Relinquish's coat.

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Kurome had always liked that coat. It suited her darling, Black Knight. In the past, even when she first laid her eyes on him wearing it, she hadto admit, though not out loud, it made him look... Somewhat attractive in her eyes. She adored the coats length, falling just slightly longer thanRelinquish's knees. The coats eight gray symmetrical buttons. How the near engulfing black complimented the red coat sleeves. As well as the small details that Relinquish customized himself, such as the insignia ofthe Jaegers sewn onto the right shoulder, but after defecting, has a red 'X' crossed over it, with the word "Fallen" written below in red. It was uncomfortable every now and then to look at the insignia, and be reminded of a few bad memories—but she liked the design overall. Then there was the letter 'R' written in white on the left shoulder. A bit dramatic, but at the very least Kurome thought of it as a message saying that he is beginning to value himself, his own name... Belief, however, is different from fact.

“... Why not.” Kurome shrugged before walking towards the coat rack. Afterwards she slowly leaned in closer, and inspected the garment. “Mhmm. It sure does smell like him...” Everyone had a certain scent of sorts in Kurome's eyes. She had once said Wave smelled like the ocean.Relinquish, however.... Smelled like a farm, or perhaps gunpowder. Shecould never exactly pin the aura down. Hell, sometimes she even thought he smelled of chocolate.

Finally, she had taken the coat off of its rack, once again noting how long it was... Kurome put one of her arms through a sleeve. It had a nice, comfortable feeling to it. She did the same to the other. But chose not to button up the coat, just as Relinquish usually didn't unless the cold weather demanded it.

“So this is it.” She said out loud. Kurome was now, officially, wearing Relinquish's coat. Though she was not the tallest, making the coats tail slightly hit the floor.

To her right there was a mirror next to her planted on the wall near the

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door. Kurome looked at herself. She thought of it as... Passable. This attire clearly was not suited to her. She lifted the coats tail, and continued to stare at herself in the reflective surface.

“I look like a vampire or something...” Kurome spun herself around in the mirror a few times, noticing how the coat moved in such an elegant manner. “Okay... This might be able to work.” She lightly chuckled, and began thinking of more ways to pass the time.

“Now if I was Relinquish what would I say....?” Clearing her throat in an effort to make her voice deeper, Kurome prepared to imitate one of Relinquish's many, many phrases.

Kurome placed one hand on her hip, and smiled in a manner she thought Relinquish did. “Hello, my lovely.” One of his most common phrases.

This was no chuckle, Kurome had now laughed, if ever so slightly. Picturing Relinquish saying just that to her, as always.

“How about another....” Recalling more and and more of what he said, Kurome had tried to access a library of her own memories to sort through more. “Got it!” She cleared her throat again.

“Let's rock, baby!” Kurome gave herself a thumbs up in the mirror, a common physical mannerism by Relinquish. Kurome now bursted into laughter. This was it, this was... Fun to her.

“Come on, another one!” She thought more and more. This time thinking of what Relinquish would say to Wave, simply to spite him.

“... Hey, Sailor!” She began, once again imitating his voice, and this time crossing his arms as he would do. “Just so you know, Kurome digsmy sword skills more... Oh yes, that means two things.”


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“Oh no, Sailor is gonna fight me with his deadly action figure armor—whatever shall I do?!”


“This is gonna be for taking the last piece of fish at dinner yesterday, dick!”

Kurome had laughed harder than all the other times before... Then blushed after realizing she had said a rather vulgar word she did not saytoo often. Now resorting to saying Relinquish most used, what she would describe as "catchphrases."

“... Time to party!”

“Let's rumble!”


“And, streak!”

“In the money!!”

“You want some!!”


“Now we're talking!!!”

“Don't blink!!!”


“And, jackpot!!!—”


Through all of her random, sporadic imitation of phrases, she did not hear footsteps heading down the stairs. Relinquish was standing just a few feet away from her, wearing a white T shirt and gray pajamas with

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a perplexed look on his face.

“So... Uh...” While he was speaking, a voice in the back of Kurome's head took note of how she sounded nothing like him, making her feel even more embarrassed. “What the hell are you doing?—”

Before he could even finish his sentence, Kurome had taken the coat off and threw it towards him, resulting in him being blinded for just a few moments. She had ran past him while using her hands to cover the blush on her face. By the time he moved the coat away he heard a door close loudly from upstairs. In just a few seconds, Kurome had ran up the stairs and reached their bedroom.

Relinquish had laughed, and threw the coat on the coach before attempting to communicate with her from the bottom of the steps.

“Kurome!” He said in a loud, yet playful tone. “Come on... What were you doing?”

“I don't want to talk about it!” She replied. While Relinquish could not see it, Kurome was on their bed, tangled in the blanket and covering herface with pillows—trying to hide her shame.



Relinquish: Ha! Were you trying to immitate me?! Oh my god, thatis the cutest thing ever! XD

Kurome: Ugh. >_>