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The University of Manchester Research

Phonon-assisted resonant tunneling of electrons ingraphene-boron nitride transistorsDOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.186603

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Citation for published version (APA):Vdovin, E. E., Mishchenko, A., Greenaway, M. T., Zhu, M. J., Ghazaryan, D., Misra, A., Cao, Y., Morozov, S. V.,Makarovsky, O., Patanè, A., Slotman, G. J., Katsnelson, M. I., Geim, A. K., Novoselov, K. S., Eaves, L., &Fromhold, T. M. (2016). Phonon-assisted resonant tunneling of electrons in graphene-boron nitride transistors.Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 1-5. [186603]. in:Phys. Rev. Lett.

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Phonon-assisted resonant tunneling of electrons in graphene-boron nitride transistors

E.E. Vdovin1,5,6, A. Mishchenko2, M.T. Greenaway1, M.J. Zhu2, D. Ghazaryan2,

A. Misra3, Y. Cao4, S. V. Morozov5,6, O. Makarovsky1, A. Patane1, G.J.

Slotman7, M.I. Katsnelson7, A.K. Geim2,4, K.S. Novoselov2,3, L. Eaves11School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham NG7 2RD UK

2School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK3National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

4Centre for Mesoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Manchester, M13 9PL, UK5Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, RAS, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia

6National University of Science and Technology ”MISiS”, 119049, Leninsky pr. 4, Moscow, Russia7Radboud University, Institute for Molecules and Materials,Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands

(Dated: December 10, 2015)

We observe a series of sharp resonant features in the differential conductance of graphene-hexagonal boron nitride-graphene tunnel transistors over a wide range of bias voltages between10 and 200 mV. We attribute them to electron tunneling assisted by the emission of phonons ofwell-defined energy. The bias voltages at which they occur are insensitive to the applied gate voltageand hence independent of the carrier densities in the graphene electrodes, so plasmonic effects canbe ruled out. The phonon energies corresponding to the resonances are compared with the latticedispersion curves of graphene-boron nitride heterostructures and are close to peaks in the singlephonon density of states.

The discovery of the remarkable electronic propertiesof graphene [1, 2] has been followed by an upsurge ofinterest in other layered materials such as hexagonalboron nitride (hBN), the transition metal dichalcogenidesand the III-VI family of layered semiconductors. Theseanisotropic layered materials have strong in-plane bondsof covalent character, whereas the inter-layer bondingarises from weaker van der Waals-like forces, so that crys-talline flakes, one or a few atomic layers thick, can beexfoliated mechanically from bulk crystals. These devel-opments have led to the realisation of a new class of ma-terials, van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures, in whichnanoflakes of different materials are stacked together inan ordered way [3–5]. These heterostructures possessunique properties which can be exploited for novel deviceapplications. An example is a tunnel transistor in whicha barrier is sandwiched between two graphene layers andmounted on the oxidised surface layer of a doped Si sub-strate [6, 7]. The tunnel current flowing between the twographene layers can be controlled by applying a gate volt-age to the doped Si layer and arises predominantly fromresonant processes in which the energy, in-plane momen-tum and chirality of the tunneling electron are conserved[8–10].

Previous investigations of electron tunneling in a widevariety of metal-insulator diodes [11] and conventionalsemiconductor heterostructures [12] have demonstratedthat electrons can tunnel inelastically, with the emissionof one or multiple phonons. Atomically-resolved scanningtunneling spectroscopy measurements on mechanically-cleaved graphene flakes with a tuneable back gate haverevealed the presence of phonon-assisted tunneling [13–16]. The multi-component nature of our vdW het-erostructure gives rise to a more complex set of lattice dis-persion curves than for graphene [17–21] and to phonon-

assisted tunneling, as shown recently for a graphite-hBN-graphene transistor [22]. An impetus to the study ofelectron-phonon interactions is the recent discovery of su-perconductivity in graphene-based vdW heterostructures[23–26].

Here we investigate tunnel transistors in which a∼1 nm layer of hBN is sandwiched between monolayergraphene electrodes. We observe a series of sharp res-onant peaks in the electrical conductance over a widerange of bias voltage, gate voltage and temperature. Thisspectrum can be understood in terms of inelastic transi-tions whereby electrons tunneling through the hBN bar-rier emit phonons of different and well-defined energiesbetween ∼ 12 and 200 meV, covering the range of lat-tice phonon energies in these heterostructures. The res-onances correspond closely to van Hove-like peaks in thesingle phonon density of states of the heterostructure,with the strongest peaks arising from the emission of lowand high energy optical mode phonons.

A schematic energy band diagram of our device andcircuit is shown in the inset of Fig. 1(a). The bot-tom graphene layer is mounted on an atomically-flat hBNlayer, placed above the silicon oxide substrate, and theactive region of the device is capped with an hBN pro-tective top layer. The tunnel current, I, was measuredas a function of the bias voltage, Vb, applied between thetwo graphene electrodes and the gate voltage, Vg, appliedacross the bottom graphene electrode and the doped Sigate electrode.

Fig. 1(a) shows plots of differential tunnel conduc-tance, G(Vb) = dI/dVb, measured at a temperature ofT = 4 K. The form of the G(Vb) curves is strongly depen-dent on Vg. Close to Vb = 0, G ≈ 0 at all gate voltages.With increasing |Vb|, the conductance increases in a seriesof well-defined steps, indicated by vertical arrows. We at-











9 D

ec 2


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G (μS)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3-0.1-0.2-0.3-30






30 5





Vb (V)

V g (V



G (






Vg Vb



FIG. 1. Differential conductance of Device 1 at T = 4 K.(a) G(Vb) for Vg = −30 V (red) to 30 V (blue) and inter-vals, ∆Vg = 2 V. Inset: schematic band diagram of Device 1with bias, Vb and gate, Vg, voltages applied to the monolayergraphene electrodes which are separated by an hBN barrierof thickness d = 0.9 nm. µb,t are the chemical potentials ofthe bottom (b) and top (t) electrodes and F is the electricfield across the barrier. A phonon assisted tunnel process isshown schematically. (b) Color map of dI/dVb for a range ofVg and Vb.

tribute each step to inelastic phonon-assisted tunneling inwhich an electron emits a phonon and tunnels from closeto the Fermi energy in one electrode to an empty statenear the Fermi energy in the other electrode, with theemission of a phonon of well-defined energy, ~ωp. Fig.1(b) shows a color map of G(Vb, Vg) in which some ofthese step-like features are discernible as a series of faintvertical striped modulations in the color map. Also visi-ble is a dark blue, X-shaped region in which G is small.This corresponds to the passage of the chemical potentialthrough the Dirac point of the two monolayer grapheneelectrodes as Vb and Vg are varied; here the conductanceis suppressed due to the small density of electronic statesinto which electrons can tunnel. Using an electrostaticmodel [7], which includes a small amount of doping in thebottom electrode (p-type, 2.5 × 1011 cm−2) as a fittingparameter, we determine the condition for the intersec-













α dG/dV

b (μA V -2)

V g (V


0 0.1 0.2 0.3-0.1-0.2-0.3-30






30 30





Vb (V)

V g (V






α dG/dV

b (arb. units)

FIG. 2. (a) Measured plots αdG/dVb for Device 1 and (b)calculated grey scale map of αdG/dVb for T = 4 K, best fit todata in Fig. 2(a) using the model described in the text andin Table 1. Yellow dashed curves show when the chemicalpotential in a graphene layer intersects with the Dirac pointin that layer.

tion of the chemical potential with a Dirac point in eachof the two graphene electrodes. The calculated loci ofthese intersections are shown by the yellow dashed linein Fig. 1(b); they correspond closely with the measuredX-shaped low conductance region.

The vertical stripes in the G(Vb, Vg) map are faint be-cause the step-like modulation in G(Vb) is only a smallfraction of the total conductance. Most of the monotonicincrease of G(Vb) with Vb can be partly eliminated bytaking the second derivative, dG/dVb, which reveals theweak but sharp phonon-assisted resonances more clearly.Fig. 2(a) shows a grey scale contour map of αdG/dVb,where α = |Vb|/Vb = ±1. Here the phonon-assisted tun-neling features appear as easily discernible bright verticalstripes, indicated by arrows, at well-defined values of Vb,at which G(Vb) rapidly increases. These values are inde-pendent of gate voltage but their amplitudes at low Vbare significantly stronger at large positive and negativevalues of Vg. We can exclude the possibility that the fea-tures are plasmon-related as the sheet density, n, in bothgraphene electrodes is strongly dependent on Vg: n varies

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from ∼ 1012 cm−2 (holes) through zero to ∼ 1012 cm−2

(electrons) between Vg = −30 V and 30 V. Even thoughthe plasma frequency of carriers in graphene varies rela-tively weakly with n (∼ n1/4), [27] plasmon-related reso-nances would have a significant gate voltage dependencewhich is not observed.

Since the bias voltage values, |Vb|, of the weak reso-nant features are independent of gate voltage and are thesame in both negative and positive bias, we can displaythem more clearly by averaging over all sixty of the mea-sured αdG/dVb plots between -30 V < Vg < 30 V. Thisprocedure reduces significantly the level of backgroundnoise. The result of this averaging procedure for Device1 is shown in Fig. 3(a). It reveals the phonon-assistedresonances as a series of well defined peaks. The corre-sponding plot for another device, Device 2, is also shown.The overall forms of the two curves are qualitatively sim-ilar, with the exception of some notable differences e.g.the position of the strong peaks at high Vb > 0.12 V.

To understand the physical origin of the peaks in Fig.3(a), we compare them to the one-phonon densities ofstates of monolayer graphene (red curve) and a graphene-hBN bilayer (green); the lower three curves show the par-tial density of states associated with the predominantmotion of the carbon, boron and nitrogen atoms in thebilayer; the solid and dashed curves show contributionsby in- and out of-plane phonons respectively. The fullphonon dispersion curves of the graphene-hBN bilayer[17] are shown in Fig. 3(b).

The phonon density of states and the phonon disper-sion curves were determined by using the “phonopy”package [28] with the force constants obtained by thefinite displacement method [29, 30], using the Viennaab initio simulation package (VASP) [31, 32]. For thephonon density of states a tetrahedron smearing was ap-plied for higher accuracy. A detailed description of thecomputational methods can be found in ref. [17].

At high bias, the two peaks labeled (i) and (ii) are closeto the energies of the large densities of states associatedwith the weakly-dispersed, high energy optic phonons ofmonolayer graphene (Device 1) and a bilayer of grapheneand hBN (Device 2). Note that peak (iii) at 130 meV inDevice 2 is absent in Device 1. This energy correspondsclosely to the flat region of the dispersion curve of thegraphene-hBN bilayer near the K-point of the Brillouinzone, which arises predominantly from vibrations of thenitrogen atom. This difference, and the variation of theposition of peaks (i) and (ii), between the two devicesmay arise from small differences in the relative latticeorientation of the graphene and hBN layers in the device.

Both devices exhibit peaks around 110, 84 and 53 mV,labeled (iv), (v) and (vi), corresponding to prominentfeatures in the calculated density of states plots and theflat regions of the dispersion curves. An interesting fea-ture of the data for both devices is the strong peak (viii)at low bias, around 12 mV, which we attribute to theweakly dispersed low-energy phonons close to the Γ-pointof graphene-hBN. This low-energy “out-of-plane” mode




monolayer Gr

Device 1

Device 2

Vb (V)

Gr-hBN (total)







. uni


Phonon energy (eV)0 0.05 0.1 0.15 BN




dG /




0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20




















FIG. 3. (a) The three top curves (blue): dG/dVb averagedover all gate voltages for our model (dashed) and measureddata for Devices 1 and 2 (both solid). Lower curves: total den-sity of phonon states for monolayer graphene (red, monolayerGr) and a graphene-hBN heterostructure (green, Gr-hBN (to-tal)). Lower three curves: the partial density of states associ-ated with the carbon (red, C), boron (blue, B) and nitrogen(black, N) atoms of a graphene-hBN heterostructure. Solidand dashed curves show contributions by in- and out of-planephonons respectively. (b) phonon dispersion of a graphene-hBN heterostructure [17]. Vertical dotted curves are guidesto the eye highlighting the alignments.

was intensively studied in inelastic X-ray spectroscopymeasurement of bulk graphite and hBN [18]. Note thatthe resonant peak (vii) observed at 32 mV can be asso-ciated with a peak in the phonon density of states of thegraphene-hBN bilayer which arises predominantly fromthe motion of the nitrogen atoms and corresponds to theflat region of the lowest-energy acoustic mode at ∼ 30

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−0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20












/ dV

b| (

μA V


0 50 100 150 2000






peak: 1 2 3 4




de (


)T (K)

FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of |d2I/dV 2b | vs. Vb in De-

vice 2 measured from T = 2.3 K to T = 180 K (blue to red) forVg = 40 V. Inset: peak amplitude vs. T , curve colors matchpeaks marked by correspondingly colored arrows in the mainplot.

meV in the vicinity of the M- and K-points of the Bril-

louin zone.As shown in Fig. 4, the resonant peaks broaden and

their amplitudes decrease with increasing temperature,disappearing completely at temperatures T ≥ 150 K.This is consistent with the thermal broadening of theelectron distribution functions around the Fermi ener-gies of the two graphene electrodes. Pauli blocking ofelectron tunneling for eVb < ~ωp between the graphenelayers is diminished as more states become available withincreasing thermal smearing around the Fermi energies.

We fit the data in Fig. 2(a), using a model in whichan inelastic tunneling transition becomes allowed onlywhen the difference between the chemical potentials, µb

and µt, in the bottom (b) and top (t) graphene lay-ers respectively, exceeds ~ωi

p, which corresponds to thebias voltage of a particular phonon-assisted resonancepeak, i, in the conductance. At low temperatures (4K), eVb = µb − µt − eFd greatly exceeds the smearing,∼ 2kBT , of the Fermi seas of the two graphene electrodes.The emission of a phonon of energy, ~ωi

p, becomes possi-

ble when eVb exceeds ~ωip, thus opening up an inelastic

scattering channel and giving rise to a step-like rise in thecurrent and a resonant peak in dG/dVb when eVb = ~ωi

p.In our model the current is given by

I =∑i

T (i)



{Γ(Eb − Et − ~ωi

p)fb(Eb)[1− ft(Et)]− Γ(Et − Eb − ~ωip)ft(Et)[1− fb(Eb)]


where Eb,t is the electron energy in the b and t layer,Db,t(E) is the density of electronic states in the b and tgraphene layers (which are shifted energetically by eFbd),Γ(E) = exp(−E2/2γ2) with energy broadening γ = 5meV and fb,t is the Fermi function in the bottom andtop electrodes. T (i) is a relative weighting factor that de-pends on the electron-phonon coupling and phonon den-sity of states for each inelastic transition. We show thevalues of T (i) used in our model in Table I which pro-vides a qualitative indication of the relative strengths ofthe phonon-assisted processes.

TABLE I. Phonon energies, ~ωip, and weighting factors, T (i),

used in Eq. (1) to obtain the fit to the experimental datashown in Fig. 2(b)

i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

~ωip (meV) 12 32 53 84 110 143 174 201

T (i) 1.0 0.58 0.30 0.26 0.24 0.23 3.53 1.81

Using this model, and including phonon emission pro-cesses at threshold energies corresponding to the values

of Vb, we obtain the grey-scale plot in Figure 2(b), whichsimulates accurately with the measured data in Figure2(a). In particular, the relative intensities of the verticalstripes are in good agreement with the measured data.At high positive and negative Vg, the asymmetry in themeasured intensities of the resonances for positive andnegative Vb is replicated by the model. This confirmsthat the peaks arise from phonon-assisted tunneling ofcarriers from filled states near the chemical potential inone electrode into the empty states just above the chem-ical potential in the other.

In conclusion, our measurements reveal a rich spec-trum of inelastic phonon-assisted electron tunnelingprocesses in monolayer graphene - hBN - monolayergraphene tunnel transistors. They allow us to probeelectron-phonon interactions in this type of device andidentify spectroscopically the energies and nature of theemitted phonons. Our results suggest that slight misori-entations of the component crystalline lattices of thesevdW heterostructures may result in differences in theenergies and intensities of the measured phonon-assistedtunnel transitions.

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This work was supported by the EU FP7 GrapheneFlagship Project 604391, ERC Synergy Grant, Hetero2D,EPSRC (Towards Engineering Grand Challenges and Fel-lowship programs), the Royal Society, US Army ResearchOffice, US Navy Research Office and US Airforce Re-

search Office. M.T.G. acknowledges The LeverhulmeTrust for support of an Early Career Fellowship. S.V.M.and E.E.V. were supported by NUST MISiS (grant K1-2015-046) and RFBR (15-02-01221 and 14-02-00792).G.J.S. and M.I.K. acknowledges financial support fromthe ERC Advanced Grant No. 338957 FEMTO/NANO.We are grateful to Gilles de Wijs and Annalisa Fasolinofor useful discussions.

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