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  • No : MA/QU/20-12-2013/sgn/AF www.milleniartsign.comValidity : 2 weeks from date of issue Add : jl damar 15 Blok D 159

    Klien : PT METAPHORA SOLUSI GLOBAL Pekayon jaya,Bekasi Selatan 17148

    Addres : Jl. Pejaten Raya 31 A Mobile : 08128367801

    contact Person : Mr Feby PIC : Mr Edi Sugiono

    Phone : 085697787253 Email : [email protected]

    Email : [email protected] [email protected] Product

    1 Huruf timbul 200x200cm Plat Galvanis,finish duco 1 unit 13,500,000Rp 13,500,000Rp sudah termasuk jasaLogo KB back light lampu led white pasang ketinggian 8m

    power supply 12v wilayah jakarta timur


    Millenia art

    Price Per unit Price Total Information

    Paymend method Bekasi,20 Desember 2013



    No Item Size Material

    Bank Central Asia Bank MandiriNo : 5680782760 No 125-00-0439029-0attn : Edi Sugiono Attn : Edi Sugiono

    Terms & Conditions1. Payment Terms

    1.1 Down payment 50 %1.2 remaining payment after work is completed at

    the latest by the date is 7 days from the date ofinvoice issued repayment bill

    1.3 Price do not Include Tax 10%2.Processing Item

    2.1 14 working days for Processing all Item2.2 approval Design