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vaC# - I


1) Which of the following is not a class?

a. A Ford Ikon car with the registration number XXXX

b. Fruit

c. Mammal

d. Fish

2) Which method displays the message “”Hello People” on the screen?

a. Console.WriteLine(“Hello People”);

b. System.WriteLine(“Hello People”);

c. Console(“Hello People”);

d. Console.writeline(“Hello People”);

3) Console is a ______.

a. Namespace

b. Class

c. Function

d. Escape sequence character

4) In a C# program, which is the first function to be executed?

a. Main()

b. main()

c. Console.WriteLine()

d. Void Accept_bike_Details()

5) Which of the following is used to denote a newline character?

a. \b

b. \n

c. \v

d. /n


6) In the statement, using System, System is a ____.

a. Namespace

b. Class

c. Object

d. Keyword

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7) Which of the following is not an example of value type?

a. char

b. int

c. float

d. string

8) The _____ compiler is used for c#.

a. cc

b. csc

c. c++

d. cs

9) The statement //Hello world in a c# program:

a. Displays the text Hello world on the screen

b. Is not executed by the compiler and will be treated as a comment

c. Declares a variable Hello world

d. Causes all code lines following it to be treated as comments

10) In which of the following datatype does the Console.Readline() function accept a value?

a. int

b. float

c. bool

d. string


11) Consider the following code:

static void Main(string[] args)


char character;

Console.WriteLine("Enter a character: ");

character = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());

if (character == 'X')

Console.WriteLine("The characters is X");


Console.WriteLine("The character is not X");


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Note: The Convert.ToChar() converts a value to the char datatype.

What will be the output if the input of the preceding code is x?

a. The character is x

b. The character is not x

c. Error message

d. x

12) To which category of operators do the ++ belong?

a. Arithmetic operators

b. Arithmetic assignment operators

c. Unary operators

d. Comparison operators

13) Which of the following operators can be used to evaluate an expression to true only if both the conditions are true?

a. &&

b. ||

c. >=

d. !=

14) State whether the following statement is true or false:

The continue statement if used in the while and do…while loop causes the program control to pass to the top of the loop avoiding the other statements in the loop. true

15) State whether the following statement is true or false:

A termination expression is evaluated at each iteration of the for loop. true


16) State whether the given statement is true or false:

Encapsulation means preventing access to nonessential details. true

17) Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Static variables retain their values even after the function to which they belong has been executed.

Statement B: static functions can access static as well as non-static variables.

Which of the given statements are true?

a. A and B both are true

b. A is true and B is false

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c. A is false and B is true

d. A and B both are false

18) Which of the following statement about access specifiers is true?

a. An access specifier determines which feature of a class can be used by other classes.

b. Protected variables are not accessible to the subclasses of the class in which they are declared.

c. A method declared as public in a superclass cannot be accessed by the subclasses of that superclass.

d. A variable declared inside a method can have access specifiers.

19) State whether the following statement is true or false:

In a public access specifier, all the public members of the base class become protected. false

20) State whether the given statement is true or false:

Abstraction represents the essential characteristics of an object or classes that differentiate it from other objects or classes. True


21) If an array is declared as, int[] arr = new int [5], the total number of elements in the array is ____.

a. 5

b. 2

c. 1

d. 0

22) Consider the following code:

int Number1 = 0;

int Number2 = 0;

int[] Array1 = new int[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 };

foreach (int Ctr in Array1)


if (Ctr % 2 == 1)

{ Number1++;






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What is the output of the code?

a. 3,5,7,9,11

b. 2,4,6,8,10

c. Ctr

d. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

23) If an array is declared as string[] arr = new string[5], the base type of the array is ____.

a. string

b. int

c. long

d. byte

24) Consider the following code:

class ArrayClass


static void Main()


string[] String_Array = new string[4];

String_Array[0] = "str1";

String_Array[1] = "str2";

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


Console.WriteLine("arr[{0}] = {1}", i,String_Array[i]);




View the problem statement and answer the following question. What is the output of the program?

a. str1

b. str2

c. error message is displayed

d. arr[0] = str1

arr[1] = str2

25) The subscript number of an array starts from ___.

e. 0

f. -1

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g. 1

h. 2


26) Which of the following statement is true about garbage collection?

a. In garbage collection the objects are not destroyed.

b. In garbage collection the objects are destroyed every time.

c. In garbage collection only unreferenced objects are destroyed.

27) A destructor has the same name as its class but is prefixed with _____. ~28) _____process identified the unused objects and releases them in c#.

Garbage Collection

29) Consider the following code and identify which line will generate an error on compilation:

//Life Cycle of an Object

namespace Objects


class Draw


public void Shape()


Console.WriteLine("In shape method");


public Draw() //line 1


Console.WriteLine("This is a constructor");


public static void Main(string[] arg)


Draw obj = new Draw();//line 2

obj.Draw(); // line 3

obj.Shape(); // line4




Consider the preceding code and answer the following question. Which line in the code will generate an reeor on compilation?

a. line 1

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b. line 2

c. line 3

d. line 4

30) The Idisposable interface contains the _____ method. Dispose


31) Which of the following options about implementing polymorphism is NOT true?

a. You can implement polymorphism by implementing an interface.

b. You can also achieve polymorphism by inheritance.

c. You can implement polymorphism by encapsulation.

d. You can implement polymorphism by using abstract classes

32) Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In dynamic polymorphism, appropriate methods of a program can be invoked. depending on the context.

Statement B: In early binding, function calls are bound at run time.

Which of the following option is true about these statements?

a. Statement A is true, and statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false, and statement B is true.

c. Both statements are true.

d. Both statements are false.

33) Which of the following is an example of function overloading?

a. void example();

char example();

b. void example1();

void example2();

c. void example1(int, int);

void example1(char,char);

d. void example(int, int);

int example1(char,char);

34) Consider following statements:

Statement A: Overloading a binary operator is similar to overloading a unary operator except that a binary operator requires an additional parameter.

Statement B: Binary operators include arithmetic assignment operators.

Which of following option is true about the preceding statements?

a. Statement A is true, and statement B is false.

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b. Statement A is false. And statement B is true.

c. Both statements A and B are true.

d. Both statements A and B are false.

35) which of the following statements is true about operator overloading?

a. The + operator cannot be overloaded. false

b. Binary operators are operators that work with two operands. True

C# - II


36) Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Inheritance reduces the redundancy in code. Statement B: Inheritance enables easy maintenance of code.

Which of the following is true about the given statements?

a. Statement A is true, and statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false, and statement B is true.

c. Both statements A and B are true.

d. Both statements A and B are false.

37) Consider the following code:

public interface Interface1


void a();

void b();


public interface Interface2 : Interface1


void c();

void d();


View the preceding code, and determine which of the following options comprises the members of the Interface2 interfacce?

a. void c() and void d()

b. void a() and void b()

c. void a(), void b(), void c() and void d()

d. void a(), void c(), anf void d()

38) which of the following is true about abstract classes?

a. An abstrct class defines properties common to the classes derived from it.

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b. An abstract class can be declared as final.

c. Abstract classes connot be extended.

d. Classes declared using the abstract keyword can be instantiated.

39) Consider the following code:

interface a


void b();


class c


void a. b { }


Which of the following statement generates the compilation error in the preceding code?

a. interface a

b. void b()

c. void a. b() {}

d. class c

40) Consider the following statements:

Statement A: A class cannot have more than one derived class.

Statement B: Inheritance increases the functionality of a base class by adding additional features to its derived classes.

Which of the following statement is true?

a. Statement A is true, and statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false, and statement B is true.

c. Both statement are true.

d. Both statements are false.


41) Which method in the following code writes the input to the stream?

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.IO;

class Write


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public static void Main(String[] arg)


FileStream fs = new FileStream("MyFile.txt",FileMode.Append. FileAccess.Write);

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);

String str = Console.ReadLine();







a. String str = Console.ReadLine();

b. sw.Write(str);

c. sw.Flush();

d. fs.Close();

42) You need to access a file named MyFile.txt. If the file already exists on the system, you need to open it; else you need to ensure that a new file with the file name MyFile.txt is created. Which of the following statements would you write to do the preceding task?

a. FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt",FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

b. FileStream fs = newFileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt",FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);

c. FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt",FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write);

d. FileStream fs = new FileStream("c:\\MyFile.txt",FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

43) The method that is used to alter the positions from where a read or write operation can occur is ____. SeekOrigin

44) Match the following terms in column B to the description in Column A.


Attribute Gets or sets CreationTime of the current file

CreationTime Gests a Boolean value indicating whether the directory exist or not

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Exits Gets or sets attribute associated with the current file. This property is inherited from FileSystemInfo

45) John wants to perform a read/write operation on a file. He does not want the file to be overwritten when he is performing the write operation. Which FileMode should he use? Append


46) The base class of all exceptions is ___. System.Exception

47) The set of statements the need to be executed whether an exeption is thrown or not thrown is included in the ___ block. finally

48) Can a try block have more than one catch handler? Yes

49) State whether the following statement is true or false:

A try block ensures that an exception is handled. false

50) An attempt to divide by zero throws the ___ exception.System.DivideByZeroException


51) Which of the following is true about the ‘not runnable’ state of a thread?

a. A sleeping thread enters the ‘ not runnable’ state when the specified time has elapsed.

b. A thread is in a ‘ not runnable’ state if it is dead.

c. When the Start() method is invoked. the thread enters the ‘not runable’ state.

d. When a thread is blocked by another thread. it enters the ‘not runnable’ state.

52) You need to create a spreadsheet application with automatic recalculation facility.

Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to the required application?

A. The application should be multithreaded.

B. A thread object has to be created for performing automatic recalculation.

C. The thread taking care of automatic recalculation should have the highest

a. A only

b. A. B. C

c. B. C

d. A. B

53) Which class is used to construct and access individual threads in a multithreaded application?

a. System.Thread

b. System.Threading

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c. System.Thread. Threading

d. System.Threading.Thread

54) You are creating an application, using the concept of multithreading, in which you can play audio files and watch animated images at the same time. Which of the following methods should be invoked for a thread to enter the runnable state?

a. start()

b. sleep()

c. Run()

d. Resume()

55) You are developing a multithreaded application. Which of the following will you use to make a thread. animThread. enter the non-runnable state?

a. Thread animThread = new Thread(this);

b. animThread. Sleep(2000);

c. animThread. Resume();

d. animThread. Start();


56) Identify the correct statement about delegates.

a. Before you declare an event inside a class, you can optionally declare a delegate by using the delegate keyword.

b. The delegate type consists of the set of arguments that it receives from the method that handles the event.

c. Multiple events cannot share the same delegate.

d. By using a single-cast delegate, you can invoke only one method corresponding to different events.

57) Which of the following code is correct to assign more than one method address to a delegate?

a. Delegatevariable = new MyDelegate(Function1)

Delegatevariable += new MyDelegate(Function2)

b. Delegatevariable = MyDelegate(Function1);

Delegatevariable += MyDelegate(Function2);

c. Delegatevariable = new MyDelegate(Function1);

Delegatevariable += new MyDelegate(Function1 +Function2);

d. Delegatevariable = new MyDelegate(Function1);

Delegatevariable += new MyDelegate(Function2);

58) State whether the given statement is true or false.

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A publisher is an object that contains the definition of the event and the delegate. false

59) Match the following delegate concepts with there implementation

Delegate Implementation Syntax

Declaring Delegates TestDelegate Var = new TestDelegate(Func);

Instantiating Delegates Public delegate void TestDelegate(string arg);

Using Delegates TestDelegate(“Test”);

60) State whether the given is true or false.

Delegates used with the events should be declared void. true


61) State whether the following statement is true or false:

Reflection emit allows creation of new types at runtime. true

62) Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Named parameters are used to specify essential information of an attribute.

Statement B: Positional parameters are used to convey optional information in an attribute.

a. Statement A is false, statement B is true.

b. Statement B is true, statement B is false.

c. Both statements A and B are true.

d. Both statements A and B are false.

63) Which predefined attribute allows you to call an unmanaged code in programs developed outside the.NET environment?

a. Conditional

b. DLLImport

c. Obsolete

d. WebMethod

64) Attribute property ___ indicates that if an attribute is applied to base class and all its derived classes. Inherited

65) Which window displays the complete metadata information of an application containing the custom attributes? MetaInfo


66) What is Just-In-Time compilation?

The Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation translates the code in IL into machine language á and when required

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67) Which CLR feature ensures that data types are accessible across different applications? Type safety

68) What is project output?

An executable file (.exe) and dynamic link library (.dll) created when a project is built is called the project output

69) Which Visual C# template allows you to create a custom control that can be used in a GUI game?

a. Windows Control Library

b. Device Application

c. Class Library

d. Crystal Repots Application

70) You need to select the option from the Debug menu to execute a game developed in Visual Studio .NET. Start Debugging

71) State whether the given statement is true or false:

JIT compilation saves time and memory required to convert the complete IL into machine language. True



72) The ___ dialog box does not allow you to work on an application as long as the dialog box is not close. Modal

73) State whether the following statement is true or false.

A system modal dialog box allows you to switch to another area of the application, which has invoked the dialog box. False

74) What is the difference between the system modal and modeless dialog boxes?

When the system modal dialog box appears on the screen it does not allow a user to switch to or inter act with any other Windows application until the system modal dislog box disappears. However, a modeless dialog box allows a user to switch to another area of the application, which has invoked the dialog box or another Windows application, while the modeless dialog box is being displayed.

75) The .dll extension stands for ____. Dynamic link libraries

76) State whether the flowing statement is true or false.

In dynamic linking the program does not need recompilation if the library is update. True


77) What is the expanded from of JIT? Just-in-time

78) Which template in the Project types pane of the New Project dialog box is used to create a custom control that can be added to the user interface?

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Windows Control Library

79) You need to select the _____________ option from the Debug menu to execute an application developed in Visual Studio 2005. Start Debugging

80) Name the three navigational features provided by the Visual Studio .NET IDE?

The three navigational features provided by the Visual Studio.NET IDE are:

a. Docking

b. Tabbed navigation

c. Auto hide

81) State True or False.

During JIT compilation, code is checker for type safety. True


82) Which namespace will you include to inherit a Form class?

a. System.Windowns

b. System.Text

c. System.Windows.Forms

d. System.Drawing

83) What is the third step of a typical drag-and-drop operation?

a. Handle the DragDrop event of destination control

b. Set the AllowDrop property of destination control

c. Handle drag event

d. Call the DoDragDrop menthod

84) What is the default maximum size of text that a user can enter in the TexBox control ?

a. 2K

b. 4K

c. 8K

d. 12K

85) The default value of the SelectionMode property of the ListBox is:

a. None

b. One

c. MultiSimple

d. MultiExtended

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86) Which property of the ListBox control is not available at design time ?

a. Sorted

b. Item

c. SlectionMode

d. SelectItem


87) Which of the following property is user to fill any remaining space on the statusStrip control with the StatusLabel control?

a. Text property

b. Spring property

c. Size property

d. Padding property

88) Name the property, which specifies the layout orientation of the StatusStrip control.The LayoutStyle property

89) Name the property of the ErrorProvider control, which indicates the rate in milliseconds at which the error icon blinks. The BlinkRate property

90) List the child controls that can be added to the StatusStrip control.

The child controls that can be added to the StatusStrip control are:

a. StatusLabel

b. ProgressBar

c. DropDownButton

d. SplitButton

91) Name the property, which is added to the property list of a form when an ErrorProvider control is added to the form.

The Error on <erorProviderControlName> property


92) Which of the following class cannot be instantiated directly?

a. ColorDialog class

b. FontDialog class

c. FileDialog class

d. OpenfileDialog class

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93) Which of the following method is overridden by the classes inherited from CommonDialog class?

a. Show()

b. ShowDialog()

c. RunDialog()

d. FilwDialog()

94) Whith of the following common dialog enables user to retrieve the path of a folder?

a. FileDialog()

b. FolderBrowserDialog()

c. OpenFileDialog()

d. SaveFileDialog()

95) To create a custom dialog box, you need to set the value of a form prpperty to FixedDialog. Which of the following properties should you use?

a. FormBorderStyle

b. RightToLeftLayout

c. AutoScaleMode

d. WindowState

96) Which of the following value is the default value of MergeAction property of ToolStripMenuITem control?

a. Append

b. Insert

c. Replace

d. Remove


97) Indentify the category under which the ReportSource property of the CrytalReport Viewer control appears in the property window.

a. Data

b. Layout

c. Design

d. Misc

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98) Name the object which is inserted in a Crystal Reports when the data is to be displayed in the form of compact rows, columns, and summary fields.

a. Charts

b. Cross-tab objects

c. ReportLabels

d. Da te and Time

99) Name the section of Crystal Reports that displays the actual values in the report.

a. Report Footer

b. Report Header

c. Page Header

d. Details

100) Indentify the property which can be user to get or set a value indicating how large the pages will appear.

a. AutoZoom

b. Document

c. Zoom

d. AntiAlias

101) Which event of the PrintDocument object is used to specify the text which is to be printed?

e. QueryPageSettings

f. EndPrint

g. BeginPrint

h. PrintPage


102) The___propety of a control specifies a name for the control by which the accessibility aids identify the control.?

a. Name

b. AccessibleName

c. AccessibleAidName

d. AccessibleIdentity

103) Which of the following option lists the culuture code for Chinese language, China region?

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a. en-CA

b. fr-FR

c. zh-CN

d. de-DE

104) Which of the following involves customizing an application for specific cultures?

a. Globalization

b. Localization

c. Culture-specific formatting

d. Deployment

105) Which property for a form needs to be set to implement right-to-left display?

a. RightToLeft

b. Direction

c. Display

d. TextAlign

106) Which method is used to convert an existing encoding to Unicode?

a. Encoding.GetEncoding

b. Encoding.ToUnicode

c. Encoding.Convert

d. Encoding.Translate


107) What are user-defined components?

The controls, which are created by the programmer as per the requirements, are called user defined controls

108) Name the categories of .NET components.

.NER components can be categorized into two types. The types are

a. In-process components

b. Out-of-process components

109) Name the accessors that are used to red and set the value of a private variable in a property. Get and Set

110) Which is the base class of user controls?

a. System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

b. System.Windows.Forms.Control

c. System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

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d. System.Windows.Forms.Button

111) 5.Name the types of user-defined controls

There are three types of user-defined controls. These are:

a. User control

b. Controls inherited from an existing control

c. Custom control


112) 1.What is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous programming?

In synchronous programming, each time a function is called program execution waits until that function is completed. before continuing with the next line of code. Asynchronous programming allows the user to perform other tasks while the computer is executing a function, which is taking a long time to complete.

113) Name the method. which requests the cancellation of a pending background .operation. The CancelAsync() method

114) What is a race condition?

It is a condition that occurs when the outcome of a program depends on which of the thread gets access to a particular block of code first.

115) Define a deadlock?

It is a situation that occurs when a thread tries to lock a resource that is already locked by another thread.

116) Identify the class that controls access to objects by granting a lock for an object to a single thread.

a. Monitor

b. Mutex

c. Threadpool

d. Semaphore


117) What is an assembly?

An assembly is the smallest deployable unit. An assembly file has an extension of .dll or .exe.

118) Identify the elements of an assembly.

The elements of an assembly are:

a. Manifest

b. MSIL Code

c. Required Resources

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119) Which strong naming utility is used to generate a public/private key pair?


120) Which is the option in the Security tab of the properties dialog box of an application that can be used to analyze code and determine the permissions required by the application/ Calculate Permissions

121) List the launch conditions.

There are five launch conditions. These are:

a. File launch condition

b. Registry launch condition

c. Windows Installer launch condition

d. .NET Framework launch condition

e. Internet Information services (IIS) launch condition


122) What is the extension of a configuration file?

a. .config

b. .exe

c. .mcs

d. .cs

123) Name the three types of configuration files.

The three types of configuration files are:

a. Application configuration files

b. Machine configuration files

c. Security configuration files

124) Which element is a child element of <dependentAssembly>?

a. <runtime>

b. <assemblyBinding>

c. <bindingRedirect>

d. <supportedRuntime>

125) Which element is used to specify the version of the CLR that an application support?

a. <runtime>

b. <supportedRuntime>

c. <codebase version=”000”>

d. <publisherpolicy>

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126) Name the types of Identity objects provided by.NET Framework

The .NET Framework provides the following types of Identity objects:

a. Windows Identity

b. Generic Identity

Knowledge Bank – GUI


127) Identify the correct steps in the process of compilation of the source code within the .NET Framework

a. 1. The compiler translates the code into Intermediate Language (IL).

2. The JIT compiler converts the IL into machine language during runtime.

b. 1. The compiler translates the code into machine language

2. The JIT compiler converts the machine language.

c. 1. The JIT compiler translates the code into Intermediate Language (IL).

2. The IL code is converted into the machine language during run time.

d. 1. The JIT compiler translates the code into Intermediate Language (IL).

2. The JIT compiler then converts the IL into machine language during run time.

128) John has been assigned a task of developing a student registration system in the .NET Framework. To accomplish this task, he has developed various forms for different purposes. In addition, he has added different classes and images in his project. Which of the following windows would enable John to view the list of the items he has added in his project?

a. Properties window

b. Solution Expoler window

c. Dynamic Help window

d. Output window

129) Henry is developing a Windows-based application for a library system in .NET. While developing the application, he constantly needs to refer to the Solution Explorer window to add or remove items from the project. Therefore, he wants to place the Solution Exporer window fixed along the edge of the parent window. Which navigation feature should John use?

a. Floating

b. Hide

c. Dockable

d. Auto hide

130) Sam is developing a Windows-based application in C#. Currently, there are two forms in his application, Form1 and Form2. Form1 is set as the startup form. He

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needs Form2 to be displayed when he clicks the button, named Show, on Form1. What code should Sam write on the click event of the button control to accomplish his task?

a. Form1 obj= new Form1();


b. Form1 obj = new Form1();


c. Form2 obj = new Form1();


d. Form2 obj = new Form1();


131) John is developing a Windows=based application for library management system in .NET . He has added a new form, Form1, to the project. This form contains a listbox called listBooks, which would display a list of all the books in the library. However, he does not want the listbox to be displayed initially when the form loads.Which of the following code snippet would enable John to accomplish this task?

a. private void Form1_Load(EventArgs e, object sender)




b. private void Form1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)




c. private void Form1_Load( object sender)




e. private void Form1_Load(EventArgs e)





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132) Which of the following is the default value of the StartPosition property of a windows form?

a. Manual

b. CenterScreen

c. WindowsDefaultLocation

d. WindowsDefaultBounds

133) Which of the following is the correct syntax to add items to a ListBox control at runtime?

a. Listbox1.Items.Add(“Australia”);

b. Listbox1.Items.Add(Australia);

c. Listbox1. Add . Items (“Australia”);

d. Listbox1. Add . Items =“Australia”;

134) What of the following is the default value of the Selectionmode property of the ListBox control?

a. One

b. None

c. MultiSimple

d. MultiExtended

135) Which of the following controls is used to set a format for the user input?

a. NotifyIcon

b. PropertyGrid

c. CheckedListBox

d. MaksedTextBox

136) Which of the following syntax is correct for connecting the click event with code that specifies the event handler?

a. btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click);

b. btn_Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click);

c. btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn.Click);

d. btn.Click += new EventHandler();

137) The Form class is derived form the____class.

a. control

b. Forms

c. Container

d. Windows

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138) Which property is used to specify whether a form will be displayed as a normal, maximized. or minimized window on startup?

a. StartPosition

b. Position

c. WindowState

d. SizeGripStyle

139) Which of the following is NOT a method?

a. SetDesktopLocation

b. Show

c. Initialize

d. Activate

140) Identify the event of the form that can be used to initialize variables.

a. Load

b. Activate

c. Paint

d. Enter

141) Which property is used to set or retrieve the position of the currently selected item in the list box?

a. SelectedIndex

b. Index

c. SelectedItem

d. Items


142) Identify the class, which has the PrintPage event.

a. PrintDocument

b. PrintPreview

c. Printdialog

d. PageSetupDialog

143) Name the namespace that needs to be used for the PrintingPermission class.

a. System.Drawing

b. System.Drawing.Print

c. System.Drawing.Printing

d. System.Print

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144) Identify the property of the PrintPreviewControl, which is used to get or set page settings.

a. Document

b. DefaultPageSettings

c. StartPage

d. Zoom

145) The Show() method of the MessageBox class takes ___parameters.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

146) If you want to have a question mark icon in the message box, which of the following options would you choose.

a. MessageBoxIcon.Question

b. MessageBoxIcon.QuestionMark

c. MessageBoxIcon.Warning

d. MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation

147) Which of the following is NOT a child control of the StatusStrip control?

a. SplitLabel

b. ProgressBar

c. DropDownButton

d. SplitButton

148) Identify the property that specifies the amount to increment the current value of the control when the Perform Step() method is called

a. Step

b. Minimum

c. Maximum

d. Value

149) You need to arrange all the opened child forms of an MDI form in a vertically tiled maner.Identify the correct code for this

a. this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileVertical);

b. this.MdiLayout (LayoutMdi.TileVertical);

c. this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.Vertical);

d. this.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout. VerticallyTiled);

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150) Which of the following is NOT an MdiLayout value?

a. ArrangeIcons

b. CascadeIcons

c. TitleHorizontal

d. TitleVertical

151) The PageSettings class is included in the___namespace.

a. System.Drawing.Printing

b. System.Printing

c. System.Drawing

d. System.Printing.Drawing


152) Match the following components of the report designner with their respective descriptions.

Column A Column B

Report Header It contains field titles of the report. It is displayed at the top of each page of the report.

Page Header It is displayed at the end of each page of the report.

Report Footer It contains the report title. It appears at the start of the report.

Page Footer It is displayed at the end of the report.

153) Sam wants to develop an application in .NET Framework in which he wants to implement German language formatting for most of the elements.Identify the correct code snippet that would enable Sam to accomplish his task?

a. CultureInfo myCulture =new CultureInfo();

myCulture.CultureTypes = “de-DE”;

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = myCulture;

b. CultureInfo myCulture = new CultureInfo(“de-DE”);

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture= myCulture;

c. CultureInfo myCulture = new CultureInfo(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);

myCulture.CultureTypes = “de-DE”;

d. CultureInfo myCulture = new CultureInfo(de-DE);

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Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = myCulture;

154) John is developing a Windows-based application that generates the sales report using the .NET Framework. The application involves the use of crystal reports to generate reports in a presentable format. The details related to sales are stored in a database. John wants to display the number of each record of the table being displayed in the report. He also wants to display the page number in the report.Which field should John use in the Field Explorer window to accomplish his task?

a. Formula Fields

b. Group Name Fields

c. Special Fields

d. Running Total Fields

155) Which of the following holds TRUE for the Pull model?

a. The Pull model is used to access data from the data source is cached in a dataset.

b. The Pull model is used to access data from the data source without writing the code for creating a connection.

c. The Pull model is generally useful for connection sharing scenarios.

d. The Pull model is used to fill the dataset before executing the application to view the crystal report.

156) What happens when you select the As a Blank Report option in the crystal report gallery?

a. It opens the Crystal Reports Designer where you can add the fields to be displayed in the Crystal Reports.

b. It creates a new Crystal Reports with the same design as another report that you specify.

c. It guides you through the process of report creation and creates a report based on the choices that you make.

d. It opens the Crystal Reports Designer in which some default fields are already added.

157) What happens when you select the Using the Report Wizard option in the crystal report gallery?

a. It opens the Crystal Reports Designer where you can add the fields to be displayed in the Crystal Reports.

b. It creates a new Crystal Reports with the same design as another report that you specify

c. It guides you through the process of report creation and creates a report based on the choices that you make

d. It opens the Crystal Reports Designer in which some default fields are already added.

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158) Which section in the Report Designer displays the actual values in the report?

a. Report Header

b. Details

c. Report Footer

d. Page Header

159) Which section in the Report Designer should be used to display some information at the end of each page of the report?

a. Report Header

b. Details

c. Page Footer

d. Page Header

160) Which of the following holds TRUE for the flobalization phase of internationalization?

a. It involves testing an application, which has been globalized to ensure that its executable code is independent of the culuture and language specific data.

b. It involves writing the executable code for an application in such a way that makes it culture-neutral and language-neutral.

c. It involves testing how the application adapts itself to various locales.

d. It involves the customization of an application for a specific locale.

161) Which of the following holds TRUE for the localization phase of internationalization?

a. It involves testing an application, which has been globalized to ensure that its executable code is independent of the culture and language specify data.

b. It involves writing the executable code for an application in such a way that makes it culture-neutral and language-neutral

c. It involves testing how the application adapts itself to various locales.

d. It involves the customization of an application for a specific locale.

162) Which namespace should be used to implement globalization and localization in your applications?

a. System.Net

b. System.Resources

c. System.Globalization

d. System.Collections

163) Which of the following class is used to access culture information?

a. Compareinfo

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b. CultureInfo

c. RegionInfo

d. NumberFormatInfo

164) Which of the following fields in the Field Explorer window is used to insert calculated fields?

a. Parameter Fields

b. Special Fields

c. Group Name Fields

d. Formula Fields


165) John is creating a .NET application using Visual C#. In a form, he has added a Button control, named button1, and a ToolTip control, named toolTip1. Now he wants to set the value of the tooltiptext property for the button1 control as “Save a record”. Which of the following code will correctly set the tooltiptext property?

a. button1.ToolTipText =”Save a record”

b. toolTip1.ToolTipText = “Save a Record”;

c. toolTip1.SetToolTip(button1, “Save a record”);

d. button1.SetToolTip(toolTip1, “Save a Record”)

166) John is creating a .NET application using Visual C#. He has added a ToolTip control in a windows form to display the tool tip for the controls present in the form. He wants to make sure that a tool tip displays for five seconds when the mouse pointer is stationary on a control. Which of the following property of the ToolTip control does he need to set to per form this activity?

a. AutomaticDelay

b. AutopopDelay

c. InitialDelay

d. ReshowDelay

167) Henry is creating a .NET component named Calculations. He wants that this component can be used inside the assembly only. What should be the access level of the constructor written for the Calculations component?

a. public

b. private

c. protected

d. internal

168) Henry is creating a .NET application using Visual C#. To implement the help system in the application, he has created a help file. He also added a HelpProvide control in the form. Now he wants to attach the help file with the application. Which

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of the following property of the HelpProvider control he needs to set to perform this activity?

a. HelpNamespace

b. HelpKeyword

c. Helnavigator

d. HelpString

169) Henry is creating a .NET application using Visual C#. In a Windows form he adds a Button control, named button1. Now he wants to provide the popup help forbutton1. Identify the correct steps to perform this activity.

a. 1. Set the MinimizeBox and MaximizeBox properties of the form to False.

2. Set the HelpButton property of the form to true.

3. Add a HelpProvider control named helpProvider1 to the form.

4. Set the HelpString on helpProvider1 property of the button1 control to specify the help text for the control.

b. 1. Set the MinimizeButton and MaximizeButton properties of the form to False.

2. Set the HelpButton property of the form to true.

3. Add a HelpProvider control named helpProvider1 to the form.

4. Set the HelpKeyword on helpProvider1 property of the button1 control to specify the help text for the control.

c. 1. Set the Minimize and Maximize properties of the form to False.

2. Set the HelpButton property of the form to true.

3. Add a HelpProvider control named helpProvider1 to the form.

4. Set the HelpString on helpProvider1 property of the button1 control to specify the help text for the control.

d. 1. Set the MinimizeButton and MaximizeButton properties of the form to False.

2. Set the HelpButton property of the form to true.

3. Add a HelpProvider control named helpProvider1 to the form.

4. Set the HelpKeyword on helpProvider1 property of the button1 control to specify the help text for the control.

170) Which of the following is NOT a type of constructor?

a. Internal Private constructors

b. Public constructors

c. Internal constructors

d. Private constructors

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171) Which of following does NOT come under the category of user-defined controls provided by the .NET Framework?

a. Activex Controls

b. Custom controls

c. Controls inherited from an existing control

d. User control

172) Which of the following controls are also called composite controls?

a. Activex Controls

b. Custom controls

c. Controls inherited from an existing control

d. User controls

173) Identify the correct path where the dll file is created when a user control is created and compiled?

a. <Application Folder>\bin\Debug

b. <Application Folder>\Debug

c. <Application Folder>\Debug\bin

d. C:\program files\bin\debug

174) Which of the following methods has to overridden to change the appearance of the control that is inherited from an existing control?

a. CreateControl()

b. BeginInvoke()

c. Paint()

d. OnPaint()

175) Identify the dialog box, which is used to add a user-defined component in any project.

a. Add Control

b. Add Component

c. Add Reference

d. Add Class

176) A property is created by using only the Get accessor. Which type of property it is?

a. Read Only

b. Write Only

c. ReadWrite

d. Execute only

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177) All user controls inherit the ___ class.

a. System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

b. System.Windows.UserControl

c. System.Forms.UserControl

d. System.Forms.Windows.UserControl

178) The Windows Control library Template is used for:

a. Creating a user control

b. Creating a user component

c. Creating a device application

d. Creating a setup project

179) Which of the following is not a type of user-defined control provided by .NET Framework?

a. User control

b. Control inherited from an existing control

c. Custom controls

d. Typed Controls


180) John has developed a Windows-based application in C# that involves the use of multiple threads. He wants to keep a check in his application so that the total number of threads that accesses resources concurrently is limited. Which class should John use to accomplish this task?

a. Monitor

b. Semaphore

c. Mutex

d. ReadWriteLock

181) Henrry is required to remove an assembly, Info.dll, from the global assembly cache.Which command should he type in the command prompt to accomplish this task?

A. gacutil Info.dll -u

B. gacutil -I Info.dll

C. gacutil -u Info.dll

D. gacutil Info.dll - I

182) Mary has modified an exiting assembly and saved the same with the final changes. The version number of the final assembly is She now builds the project, which increments the build number of the assembly by one. Identify the updated version number of the assembly.

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183) John wants to specify the version of the CLR that his application supports. Which of the following code snippet would enable John to accomplish his taks?

a. <configuration>


< gcConcurrent version =”v1.1.3522”/>



b. <configuration>


< supportedRuntime version =”v1.1.3522”/>



c. <configuration>


< codeBase version =”v1.1.3522”/>



d. <configuration>


< bindingRedirect version =”v1.1.3522”/>



184) Sam has developed a Windows-based application in C#. He wants to implement a restriction in his application so that the program will not be able to access the registry or security policy settings of the system. In addition, the program should not be able to access the local file system without user intervention. However, the program should be able to connect back to their site of origin, resolve domain names, and use all Windows resources except the registry or security policy settings. Which trust level should Sam implement to accomplish this task?

a. Full trust

b. Medium trust

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c. Low trust

d. No trust


185) Which special folder server as a repository that stores data and document for each user?

a. User’s Desktop

b. User’s Favorites Folder

c. User’s Personal Data Folder

d. User’s Programs Menu

186) Which special folder contains shared system fields?

a. Windows Folder

b. Common fiels Folder

c. Program Fiels Folder

d. System Folder

187) Which registry key stores configuration information?





188) Which of the following registry keys stores information about file extensions and their association with executable files?





189) Which of the following elements is used to specify the supported runtime versions in a configuration file?

a. <supportedRuntime>

b. <gcConcurrent>

c. <codebase>

d. <probing>

190) You need to search for a specific file on the target computer or a key in the registry Identify the editor to be used?

a. Launch Conditions Editor

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b. User Interface Editor

c. Custom Actions Editor

d. File TypesEditor

191) Which of the following elements specifies whether the CLR runs garbage collection on a separate thread?

a. <supportedRuntime>

b. <probing>

c. <codebase>

d. <gcConcurrent>

192) Identify the editor that allows you to add project output, such as.exe and. dll files and additional files, such as readme.txt to the deployment project

a. File System Editor

b. Registry Editor

c. File Types Editor

d. User Interface Editor

193) Which editor will you user if you have to set values for environment variables or specify the Control Panel settings for the target computer?

a. File system Editor

b. Registry Editor

c. File Types Editor

d. User interface Editor

194) Which registry key stores configuration information, such as the hardware components used by a computer?





Knowledge Bank – C#


195) Which of the following options is NOT true about object-oriented programing?

a. The object-oriented approach allows systems to evolve.

b. Object cannot respond diferently to same mesages

c. Object oriented programing facilitates

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d. The object-oriented approach sllows you to identify entities as objects having attributes and behavior.

196) Console class is part of which namespace?

a. Collections

b. Data

c. System

d. Security

197) Which of the following is the correct syntax to comment a line of code?

a. /

b. //

c. \

d. \\

198) Which of the following is a type of arthmetic operator?

a. %

b. +=

c. ++

d. >=

199) Which of the following is a type of arthmetic assignment operator?a. %b. +=c. ++d. >=

200) Which of the following operator should be used to evaluete an expression that returns TRUE when all the conditions are true?a. !b. &&c. =d. ==

201) Which of the following is a conditional construct?a. if-elseb. whilec. do-whiled. for

202) How many memory bytes are required to store a value of a double data type?a. 4b. 1c. 8

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d. 2203) Which keyword is used to include a namespace in a program?

a. classb. usingc. namespaced. enum

204) Which of the following is used to compile a program writen in C#?a. csc<filename>.csb. <filename>.csc. <filename>d. <filename>.csc


205) Which of the following option holds true for CLR?A. It provides only memory allocation service.B. It allows the execution of code across different platformsC. It translates the code into Intermediate Language.D. It consists of a set of common rules followed by all the languages of .NET

206) What happens during JIT compiletion?A. Management allocation and deallocation of memoryB. Conversion of intermedia language into machine language.C. Loading assemblies in the memory.D. Identification of namespace in the assemblies

207) What happens during garbage collection?A. Management of allocation and deallocation of memoryB. Conversion of intermedia language into machine language.C. Loading assemblies in the memory.D. Identification of namespace in the assemblies

208) Which of the following does NOT holds true for namespace?A. They are single deployable units that contain all the information about the

implementation of classes, structures, and interfaces.B. They are logical groups of related and interfaces.C. Thay avoid any naming conflict between alasses, which have the same names.D. They enable you to access the classes belonging to a namespace by simply

importing the namespace into the application.209) Which of the following iis NOT a feature of the .NET framework?

A. Consistent programing modelB. Multi language intergrationC. Manual resource amanegementD. Ease of deployment

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210) Which of the following access specifiers allows a class to hide its member variables and member functions from other class objects and function?A. privateB. protectedC. internalD. protected internal

211) Which of the following access specifiers allows a class to hide its member variables and member functions from other class objects and function, except the child class?A. privateB. protectedC. internalD. protected internal

212) Which of the following is the default access specifier for a class? A. privateB. protectedC. internalD. protected internal

213) Which of the following is NOT a parameter passing mechanism?A. valuesB. InputOutputC. ReferenceD. Output

214) Which of the following statement is NOT true ragarding the Output parameter?A. The variable that is supplied for the output parameter need to be assigned a valu

before the call is madeB. Output parameter is a reference to a storage location subplied by the callerC. Output parameters transfer data out of the methodD. Output paremeters can be used to return more than one value

215) Name of the feature of OOPs, which involves extracting only the relevant informationA. AbstractionB. EncapsulationC. InheritanceD. Polymorphism

216) Name the element of a method. which determines the extent to which a variable or method can be accessed from another class?A. Method nameB. Paremeter list

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C. Method bodyD. Access specifier

217) Name the element of a method. which needs to be unique and is case-sensitive?A. Method nameB. Paremeter listC. Method bodyD. Access specifier

218) Name the element of a method. which contains the set of instructions needed to complete the required activity?A. Method nameB. Paremeter listC. Method bodyD. Access specifier

219) Identify the correct syntax for defining a method?A. <Access specifier> <Return Type> <Method Name> (Parameter List)B. <Access specifier> <Method Name> <Return Type> (Parameter List)C. <Access specifier> (Parameter List) <Return Type> <Method Name> D. <Return Type> <Method Name> (Parameter List)


220) John has to write code in C# in which he needs to implement a search operation to search the details of a student on the basic of his/her roll number. Which of the following class of the System.Collection namespace would be the most appropriate to enable John to accomplish this task?A. HashtableB. ArrayListC. QueueD. Stack

221) Which of the following is a correct syntax to initialize an array in C#?A. int[ ] Score = new int[10];B. int[10] Score = new int[ ];C. int[10] Score = new int[10];D. int[10] Score = new int[ ];

222) Henry is assigned the responsibility of writing a program to handle the booking of tickets in a movie theatre. He needs to ensure that the request that came first for booking tickets should be processed first before the next request. Which of the following class of the System.Collection namespace would enable Henry to accomplish this task?A. HashtableB. ArrayList

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C. QueueD. Stack

223) Consider the following code snippet:

class Test


int a. b;

string str;





Test(int i)


a = i;


Test(int i, string s)


a = i;

str = s;


Test(string s)


str = s;




How will you initialize class, Test, if you just want to display “Hello” on the screen?A. Test obj = new Test();B. Test obj = new Test(17);C. Test obj = new Test(17,”Hello”);D. Test obj = new Test(“Hello”);

224) Which of the following holds true for the Finalize() method?A. CLR calls the Finalize() destructor using a system called reference-tracing

garbage collectionB. The Idisposable interface constains the Finalize() method

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C. The Finalize() destructor is called before the last reference to an object is released from memory

D. The .NET Framwork cannot automatically call the Finalize() destructor to destroy objects in memory


225) Which of the following statements is NOT true about constructor?A. A constructor is used to initilize members of the classB. A constructor is complementary to a destructorC. A constructor is invoked when a new instance of a class is createdD. A constructor needs to be called explicitly

226) Which of the following statements is true about static constructors?A. Static constructors are called whenever an instance of a class is created. B. Static constructors have implicit private accessC. Static constructors are used to initialize all the variable of a classD. The static keyword is optional while declaring a static constructor.

227) Which of the following statements is NOT true about destructors?A. Destructors are used to release the instance of a class from memoryB. A programmer has no control on when to call the destructorC. Destructors can be overloadedD. A destructor has the same name as its class, but is prefixed with a~.

228) Which of the following statements is NOT true about function overloading?A. The number of arguments and their types could be the same, but the return type

should be diffrent?B. The number of arguments and their types could be the same, but thier sequenceC. The number of aguments or thier types must be differentD. The function must have the same name

229) Which of the following operators CANNOT be overloaded?A. =B. ++C. -D. +

230) Identify the correct syntax for creating an object?A. Calculator c1 = new Calculator();B. Calculator c1 = new Calculator;C. Calculator c1 = new calculator();D. calculator c1 = new Calculator();

231) Identify the correct syntax for creating a destructor for a class named CalculatorA. Calculator()B. ~Calculator()C. Calculator

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D. ~Calculator232) You need a function that converts distance in kilometers to miles, and kilometers

can either be an integer or a float. Which OOPs concept would you use?A. InhertanceB. PolymorphismC. EncapsulationD. Data Hiding

233) Identify the operator that takes two operandsA. ~B. ++C. --D. +

234) Identify the operator that can be overloadA. =B. ?:C. .D. ==


235) Consider a class, Student, which consists of different attributes and behaviors. What will be the relationship between a student, John, and the class, Student?

A. InstantiationB. Utilization relationshipC. Inheritance relationshipD. Composition relationship

236) Consider a class, Cat, Lions, Tigers, and Leopards belong to the cat family.Identify the relationship between Cat and Lion.A. InstantiationB. Utilization relationshipC. Inheritance relationshipD. Composition relationship

237) Consider two classes, CPU and motherboard. Identify the relationship between the two?A. InstantiationB. Utilization relationshipC. Inheritance relationshipD. Composition relationship

238) 4. Consider the following program:

class A


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public A()


Console.WriteLine("Inside A");



class B : A


public B()


Console.WriteLine("Inside B");



class C : B


public C()


Console.WriteLine("Inside C");


public static void Main()


C obj = new C();



Identify the output of the program:A. Inside A

Inside BInside C

B. Inside BInside A Inside C

C. Inside CInside BInside A

D. Inside C239) Consider the following program:

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class A


public A()




public A(string str1)




public A(string str2)




public static void Main()


A obj = new A("John");



Identify the output of the programA. Welcome

JohnB. John

WelcomeC. The code will give an errorD. John


240) Which namespace needs to be used for file handing?A. System.TextB. System.GenericC. System.IOD. System

241) Which member of the FileMode enumerator is used to open a file and then delete its contents?A. CreateB. CreateNew

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C. AppendD. Truncate

242) Which member of the FileMode enumerator is used to open a file and add the contents at the end?A. CreateB. CreateNewC. AppendD. Truncate

243) Which of the following is NOT a member of the FileAccess enumerator?A. readB. WriteC. ReadWriteD. WriteRead

244) Identify the class that is used to write binary data to a streamA. BinaryReaderB. BinaryWriterC. StreamReaaderD. StreamWriter

245) Which access specifier allows a class to expose its member variables and member function ro another function and objects?A. privateB. internalC. protected internalD. friend

246) Which of the following code snippet is syntactically correct according to the rules appliced for declaring the prefix and postfix notations for operator overloading?A. internal static over operator++ (over X) { }B. static static over operator++ (over X) { }C. private static over operator++ (over X) { }D. public static over operator++ (over X) { }

247) Constructor overloading is an approach to implement:A. InherianceB. AbstractionC. Static polymorphismD. Dynamic polymorphism

248) Which of the following is not true about abstract classes?A. cannot create an instance of an abstract classB. Cannot declared an abstract method outside an abstract classC. Cannot be declared sealedD. Cannot be declared public

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249) Identify the operator that cannot be overloadA. ?:B. ==C. !=D. %


250) John is using the StreamWriter class in a program. He needs to write any buffered data to the underlying stream. Which method of the StreamWriter class should John use?

a. Flush

b. Close

c. Write

d. WriteLine

251) Mary needs to write code in C# that displays the names of all the files within a specified directory. Identify the correct code snipper that would enable Mary to accomplish this task.

a. DirectoryInfo MydirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”c:\WINDOWS”);

FileInfo FilesInDir = MydirInfo.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo file in FilesInDir)


Console.WriteLine (“File Name: {0}”; file.Name);


b. DirectoryInfo MydirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”c:\WINDOWS”);

FileInfo[] FilesInDir = MydirInfo.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo file in FilesInDir)


Console.WriteLine (“File Name: {0}”; file.Name);


c. DirectoryInfo MydirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”c:\WINDOWS”);

FileInfo[] FilesInDir = MydirInfo.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo file in MydirInfo)


Console.WriteLine (“File Name: {0}”; file.Name);


d. DirectoryInfo MydirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”c:\WINDOWS”);

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FileInfo FilesInDir = DirectoryInfo.GetFiles();

foreach (FileInfo file in FilesInDir)


Console.WriteLine (“File Name: {0}”; file.Name);


252) Consider the following code snippet:

using System;

namespace ex


class exc_demo


int x = 0;

public void div(int a, int b)




x = a / b;


catch (DivideByZeroException e)


Console.WriteLine("exception {0}",e);



static void Main(string[] args)


exc_demo obj = new exc_demo();

obj.div(0, 10);





Identify the output of the preceding code snippet.

a. Will handle the exception occurred and display the result

b. Will not be able to handle the exception generated

c. Will display result = 0

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d. It will compile but will not display any result

253) With regard to the FileInfo class, match the following properties with their respective purpose

Column A Column B

Attributes Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the file exists or not.

Exists Gets or sets attributes associated with the current file. This property is inherited from FileSystemInfo.

Directory Gets a string containing the full path of the file. This property is inherited from FileSystemInfo.

FullNam Gets an instance of the directory, to which the file belongs


254) Which of the following class should be inherited to create a user-defined exception?

a. System.ApplicationException

b. SystemException

c. System.InvalidCasException

d. System.IO.IOException

255) Identify the type of error –“division by zero”?

a. Syntax error

b. Run-time error

c. Logical error

d. Compile-time error

256) Identify the method of the StreamReader class that allows the read/write position to be moved to any position within the file.

a. Seek

b. Peek

c. Read

d. ReadLine

257) Sam has created a program. It is running properly but is not giving the results accordingly. Which type of error could there be in the program?

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a. Compilation error

b. Run-time error

c. Logical error

d. Syntax error

258) Sam wants certain lines of code to be executed whether an error occurs or not. Which of the following block should he use to write the code?

a. try

b. catch

c. finally

d. both catch and finally

259) System.NullReferenceException exception class handles:

a. IO errors.

b. Errors generated when method refers to an array element.

c. Errors generated during the process of dereferencing a null object.

d. Memory allocation to the application errors.

260) Which of the following is the method of the StreamWriter class?

a. Flush

b. Seek

c. Peek

d. Read

261) System.IndexOutOfRangeException comes under the category:

a. Systax error

b. Run-time error

c. Logical error

d. Compile-time error

262) The following code has an error:

FileStream fs = new FileStream(“c:\Myfile.txt”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

Identify the correct code.

a. FileStream fs = new FileStream(“c:\\Myfile.txt”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

b. FileStream fs = new FileStream(“c:\Myfile.txt”, FileMode.Read. FileAccess.Open);

c. FileStream fs = new FileStream(“c:\Myfile.txt”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write);

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d. FileStream fs = new FileStream(“c:\Myfile.txt”, FileMode.Write, FileAccess.Read);

263) Identify the correct statement regarding exception handling.

a. A try block must be followed by a catch block and a finally block.

b. A program can have only catch block and a finally block.

c. A program can have only a catch block.

d. A Try block must have at least one catch block


264) Choose the correct code to define the event named ehello that invokes a delegate named hello.

a. Pulic delegate hello(); private event delegate ehello();

b. Pulic delegate void hello(); private event delegate ehello();

c. Pulic delegate hello(); private event ehello hello;

d. Pulic delegate void hello(); private event hello ehello();

265) Which of the following code snippet will be used to initialize the delegate object where a delegate, PrintData, is defined in a class and WiteConsole and WriteFile are two methods defined to print a string to the console and print a string to the file respectively?

a. Public static void Main(){ PrintData p = new PrintData(WriteConsole);PrintData p1 = new PrintData(WriteFile);}

b. Public static void Main(){WriteConsole p = new WriteConsole(PrintData); WriteFile p1 = new WriteFile(PrintData);}

c. Public static void Main(){WriteConsole p = new WriteConsole(); WriteFile p1 = new WriteFile();}

d. Public static void Main(){PrintData WriteConsole = new PrintData(WriteConsole); PrintData WriteFile = new PrintData(WriteConsole); }

266) Identify the output of the following code:

using System;using System.IO;namespace dele{ public class dele_demo { public delegate void PData(String s); public static void WC(String str) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Console", str);

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} public static void DData(PData PMethod) { PMethod("This shoud go to the"); } public static void Main() { WC MlDelegate = new WC(PData); DData(MlDelegate); } }}

a. Will compile successfully bit generate a runtime error

b. Will display “This should go to the”

c. Will display “This should go to the console”

d. Will give compilation error

267) Match the states of a theread in column A with their corresponding explanation in column B.

Column A Column B

Ustarted Thread is sleepin, waiting, or blocked

RunnableStatements of the thread’s method are complete

Not RunnableStart() method of the Thread class is called

Dead Instance of the Thread class is creater

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268) Which method forces a thread into dead state?

a. Pulse()

b. Wait()

c. About()

d. Exit()

269) Which of the following code snippet sets the priority of a thread, Thread1, to the hightest priority?

a. Thread1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest

b. Priority = threadPriority.Higest(Thread1)

c. Thread1.Priority = Highest

d. Thread1.ThreadPriority = Priority.Highest

270) Which of the following is NOT true relating to the synchronization of threads?

a. Synchronization of thread ensures that a shared resource can be used by only one thread at a time.

b. Synchronization of threads can be achieved by using the synchronized keyword

c. You can invoke multiple synchronized methods for an object at any given time.

d. Synchronization is based on the concept of monitoring.

271) Which class enables you to serialize access to the blocks of code by means of locks and signals

a. AppDomailManager

b. Monitor

c. Thread

d. AppDonain

272) Which state does a thread enter when it is set to the sleeping mode?

a. Runnable

b. Not runnable

c. Unstarted

d. Deard

273) Which does a thread enter when the Start() method is invoked ?

a. Runnable

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b. Not runnable

c. Unstarted

d. Deard

274) Which of the following is the correct syntax for declaring a delegate?

a. Delegate <delegate-name><parameter list >

b. Delegate <return type><delegate-name>

c. Delegate <return type><delegate-name><parameter list >

d. <return type> Delegate <delegate-name><parameter list >

275) Which of the following is NOT true for a delegate?

a. A single-cast derives from the System.Delegate class.

b. Single-cast can call multiple methods at a time

c. A delegate is a refenrencectype type variable

d. Delegates are used for implementing events and the call-back methods

276) Which of the following is NOT true for a publisher?

a. Publisher contains the definition of the event.

b. Publisher does not contain the definition of the delegate

c. Publisher contains the association of the event with the delegate

d. Publisher fires the event. Which is notified to the other objects

277) _____ is the process in which a single event is executed at a time.

a. Polling

b. Mutual Exclusion

c. Covariance

d. Contravariance

(7.11)278) John wants to display the value of all the variables while debugging a code

written in C#. Which type of attribute should John use to accomplish his task?a. Obsoleteb. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Conditional

279) Henry has developed a Web application in C#.He wants to expose some business functions that he has developed, to other applications. Which type of attribute should Henry use to accomplish this task?a. Obsolete

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b. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Conditional

280) Mary has developed a code in C# to display a list of first n natural numbers.The total number of natural numbers to be displayed needs to be accepted from the user at run time.If the user enters a value other than a numerical value, a beep sound should be generated. However, to generate the beep sound, Mary needs to use the beep() function present in a library developed in C language.Which attribute should Mary use to this beep() function?a. Obsoleteb. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Conditional

281) Sam is assigned a task to develop code in C# to display the names of all the files of a particular directory.To accomplish this task, he has written a function, printData().However, he is asked to modify printData() so that the file names are displayed along with their respective extension.To do so, Sam writes a new function, printDataNew(), which will now be used in the program.However, he also wants to retain the printData() function.Which attribute should Sam user to retain the printData() function?a. Obsoleteb. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Conditional

(7.12)282) Which of the following does NOT hold true for an attribute?

a. The values of attributes describe an objectb. Attributes convey information to runtime about the behavior of programmatic

elements, such as class and structurec. The declarative tag of an attribute is depicted by curly braces({})d. Attributes are used for adding metadata

283) Which of the following is the correct syntax to specify an attribute?a. [attribute(positional_parameters, name_parameter=value,…)]elementb. [(positional_parameters, name_parameter=value,…)attribute]Elementc. {(positional_parameters, name_parameter=value,…)attribute}Elementd. { attributes (positional_parameters, name_parameter=value,…)}Element

284) How many arguments does AttributeUsage attribute allow?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4

285) Which of following is NOT true about reflection?a. Used to view metadatab. Used to perform type discoveryc. Used for static binding of methods and propertiesd. Used for Reflection emit

286) Which object is used to view metadata using reflection?

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a. MemberInfob. Attributec. typed. Member

287) What is the purpose of using the DllImport attribute?a. it is used for calling an unmanaged code in programs developed outside the .NET

environmentb. It is used expose method in a Web servicec. It is used for conditional compilation of method calls, depending on the specified

value.d. It is used to inform the compiler to discard a piece of target element such as a

method of a class.288) What is the purpose of Reflection emit?

a. It is used to view attribute information form the code at runtime.b. It is used to create new types at runtimec. It is used to call properties and methods on dynamically instantiated objectsd. It is used to examine various types in an assembly and instantiate those types

289) Which attribute enables you to discard a piece of target element such as a method of a class?a. Conditionalb. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Obsolete

290) Which attribute anebles you to configure the behavior of an exposed method in a Web service?a. Conditionalb. WebMethodc. DllImportd. Obsolete

291) Which of the following is NOT a member of the AttributeTargets enumerator?a. Enumb. WebMethodc. Eventd. Variable