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Page 1: Questionnaire (evidence)


(EVIDENCE)By Vickram Singh

Page 2: Questionnaire (evidence)

This is the first question that I am going to ask the audience. This question is important

because it allows me to understand what age group they are as it gives me a rough idea of

which age group likes the supernatural/horror genre.

Page 3: Questionnaire (evidence)

This question allows me to understand that the poster and magazine front cover that I am going

to do should be based at what gender. This is really important as it will help me decide to choose

my target audience, males or females. It would also tell me who watches supernatural/horror

movies more.

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This question will give me more information on what people know about the supernatural/horror

genre. It also shows the knowledge and understanding the audience know about the genre. It

would also give me some ideas which would reinforce my choice on how I want to represent this

genre on a poster and a magazine front cover.

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This question is similar to the one before but this allows me know what the audience expect to

see in a supernatural/horror film. It would also give me some ideas on how the audience like to

see the genre being represented.

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In this question I will get to know whether the audience like genre or not and if they do like it why do

they like it. It would also give me information on what they like in supernatural/horror movies.

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This question gives me some understanding of how often do the audience watch the film. I have

left this as a open question as it allows people to write whatever the want e.g. a week ago, a

month ago. The can also write never which would also go into consideration whilst collecting


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This question is not related to the genre but it tells me how often people go to the cinema as in the

cinema before the film starts the show trailers, so I know that the more people go to the cinema the

more they are likely to know about new movies.

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This question is quite interesting as it is different from the mainstream questions. This question is a

closed question as it gives options from where the people taking part in this questionnaire can

choose from. This one does not allow them to give their own opinion.

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In this question I can get peoples opinions as whether whichever option they choose they have to

explain why they think is the most important view. This question allows me to know what my target

audience think is the most important whilst promoting a movie.

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This question allows me to get an overview of what type of supernatural/horror movie they like

as they would state which movie they have enjoyed the most. This last question is a good

ending question as it lets the audience write about something that they have enjoyed in the
