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Question 4) how did you use media technologies in

the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?


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Construction and research-web technologies During the early stages of our production, we relied on web-

technologies to accumulate knowledge on our chosen genre. I found IMDB particularly helpful in its categorisation of films by genre, which allowed me to research the most popular social realism films, one of which was a chosen film to analyse “Rainman”.

YouTube was extremely helpful throughout our research and planning, we were able to analyse a variety of different films and also gain knowledge of techniques that were easily achieved on final cut. For example within our car crash scene we were able to access a tutorial which outlined the steps to achieve a convincing collision with no danger to actors through reverse action.

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We were able to use the Canon EOS100D DVSLR Camera to shoot our trailer and take still images for our magazine and poster. We were fortunate enough to gain access to two camera’s which enabled us to create flawless transitions between shots as the shot was filmed at the same time, the positioning of the actor is exact which creates fluidity within our production.

We were able to adapt the depth of field on manual focus to focalise certain objects within the production as well as draw focus to certain motifs, for example the high angled close up of rain falling into a puddle is used as a reflection of our protagonists internal thought process.

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Software- Final cut express

Final cut enabled us as a group to achieve visual aesthetics that were not possible on previous software we have worked on. The tools available to us enabled us to create high quality aesthetics.

We were able to use ducking to adjust the ins and outs of our soundtrack as well as adjusting the levels in which the actors speech can be heard throughout the clips. We used ducking to create poignant moments within the trailer, especially during the segue in which Noah experiences a sudden downfall.

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Using final cut

We were able to use ins and outs on final cut to achieve a precise edit.

Changing the opacity of two clips layered on top of each other achieved this effect.

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Software- Adobe elements photoshop

We used adobe elements photoshop for both the magazine and poster.

Poster: We were able to create a visually appealing poster from a simplistic picture, we used the white background as a canvas to add extra effects. We used the colour palette of greys, pinks and blue’s throughout the poster and magazine to create cohesive branding. We were able to use a mocha pink fade to soften the stark image. We were able to create overlapping layers which allowed us to layer the title onto the main image of our protagonist “Noah”.

We used similar tools to create our magazine, we used the layering on of the tagline and title which we stamped off of the original variety magazine.

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Bamboo tablet

We used the bamboo tablet whilst creating our poster. We wanted to make the poster edgy, adhering to what is typically seen on posters for films advertising social realism. We used the bamboo to sketch variant shades of blue onto our main protagonists shirt, as well as shades of grey on our lead females coat. We also experimented with shading of the protagonists hair.

The bamboo allowed us to achieve a far more artistic feel than would have been possible by using photoshop on its own. We were able to create detailed sketch patterns which overall we feel has achieved the aesthetics of the poster.

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Web-technology- survey monkeyand facebook We initially conducted a screening for 25 students in which we used a paper

survey to collect results. We then decided to collect quantative data through survey monkey which analyses the results of the questionnaire for us which allows us to come to certain asssumptions about the success of our products.

Survey monkey allows viewers to give feedback at their convenience, and we were able to gain far more audience feedback than possible within our own student body. We set up a facebook page to advertise our media production to friends and other facebook users, through this page we were able to give audiences a step by step account of the making of “The Spectrum” as well as advertise our survey for a greater number of audience members to take part in.

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