Download - Question 3


QUESTION 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?


The first set of feedback that we received from our class was of the first pitch and focus group that we did. In this focus group we discussed our initial ideas taking into account logistics and feasibility, locations, props, etc. From this focus group, the feedback that we received was quite positive. We were told to stick to a simple idea and not over complicate the story. The feedback helped us to narrow down a few of our ideas and stick to one which we would go with. This is where the main ideas of guilt came from. The focus group also helped us to come up with reasons for guilt, varying from letting a team down, to losing a family member. All suggestions helped.


The next bit of feedback that we received was when we showed the rough cut of the film to the class. Our film was more or less finished at this point and just needed a few minor touches to finish up. The positive feedback that we received was that they liked the instrumental used in the background and said that the tone was right at all times, they also liked the different variety of shot types that we used including mid shots and close ups of just shoes. (When the actor is walking)

The feedback regarding improvement that we received was that one scene was slightly out of focus and also that the voice over in one scene needed to be louder as it was difficult to hear what was being said due to background noise. We were also told to lighten a few scenes. When it came to editing these and acting upon the feedback we received, we managed to successfully address these issues. We made the specific scenes lighter after a few difficulties with effects, but we managed to get it done in the end. We also fixed a few of the sound issues. The only problem we couldn’t fix was the scene where Nathans mum was out of focus. Personally, we didn’t feel that she was out of focus and couldn’t address the issue as we couldn’t refocus it or re film the scene.

FEEDBACK THREE The next feedback we received was of the print

products, moving on from the short film. The class liked the idea of a double page spread for the film review and they liked the still that we chose at the time. The class also agreed that we use dull colours as it shows the seriousness of the drama and the importance of drugs, as they are not a joke. There were also suggestions that we should use a full body shot of Nathan with the remaining actors faded into the background. After much discussion with my group after the pitch, we decided to work on these ideas. After we started to create them, many problems occurred and many of our initial ideas changed. In the end, we chose to create a single page review, and we took a mid-shot picture rather than a full body shot. We think that both products go well together.


Film Poster Film Review

The final feedback received on all 3 products was in the form of comments made on my blog from classmates and from friends.

These comments that I received above were all positive so there was no need to change anything.

In my opinion and my group, we feel that the image does not give away the storyline of the film therefore we chose to stick to it. It would also be too late to change the whole image. I like how the blurry effect has been picked up on so that is a definite positive point. For future reference, I would make sure that the fonts are a little bigger and also to make sure that the billing box can be seen clearly as these are the main points people picked up on.

I also messaged a few friends on the App, WhatsApp. By doing this I was ableTo gain more feedback which could help me.

This message was sent to four friends. The feedback received will be on the next Slide.

The feedback received for both products was generally good overall. With the review, nothing needs to be changed. With the poster, many people said that the writing needs to be clearer. This couldn’t be changed as the setting on Photoshop wouldn’t allow us to do this. But for future reference, this will be considered.

For the film, we received feedback.For one person it made her laugh in Certain parts but said that editingNeeds to be worked on. The same point that we were told was that the music needs to be lower. We tried to do this but the volume doesn't meet each other. This is a point that we definitely have to consider for future projects. Apart from that, all feedback was positive.